TENDA TECHNOLOGY A301V3 N300 Mini WiFi Repeater User Manual
User manual
“lenda _ED Descriptions Solid on The repeater has ataned PWR LED Blinking The repeater it ttertthg on The repeater it not powered on on A wvs connection ha: been ettabl ithed Quick Installation Guide N300 MiniWiFi Repeater wps LED Eliniting AWPS connection it being establithed. on TheWPS function i: ditabled Solid blue The repeater ha: connected to your eatitting wiFi router/mboem, and Its position is proper sign-l LED Solid red The repeater it too rarawayrrorn the router/modem Relocate the repeater closer to the router/modern, or! Model: A301 The repeater doe: not connect to youlWlFl router/ modem Method 1: Extending Your WiFi Network Using Web UI o Extend YourWiFi Network ‘I (onncctyouTWiFi device to the mpeatcv‘: wiFi network Tendejxr. Enture that the Mobile Data (irony) runttion olyouvllifiFi deyite it dttabied 0 Power on the Repeater Plug the repeater into a power outlet near the router in the same room % WLAN Tendagtxr 2 Start a web browser, ehter re.tenda.m or 192.163.015‘Inlhe addrets barto log in re tenaa en (3 3 Create a iogtn pattword for later login itecorrirnehdl. vatmra in? enaoeteein. Waituntil the PWR tEDturntmlid blue. cartrirrn ll riot Now 4 select awin network (SSlD) you want to exteno teieet a wiri networtrou want to extend Menaineniri a 5 Enlelthe pattworo orthe network you want to enendr set your repealer‘s 5le (optional), and elicit Extend, Swlldt Mode roiir film"? w ti netwart eminent...“.i-nrnanwiiv <9 "he extended vnn networt ttirr ratreereerrneeoenretnerwarta wait a moment, the Extended suaestlullyl page appear: lick e Relocate the Repeater For better oenorrrrante, «allow the onettreen tip: or the ttept below to relocate your repeater 1 Plug the repeater into art outlet halfway between the router/modern and (heWIFI dead zone The location you choote mutt be Within the range mm of your exttttng WiFi network 2 Wait until the Slgnal temurnt blue it not, relocate the repeater eioter to the router/modern Axnl tit.e (vat! mnneettan nee taaanneetian Connect to the nternet Connect youVWlFl deyicet to the repeater uting the SSH): tet byypurteir. oryour Touter‘x/modem‘: SSlD With the turhx ,Exr, and uslng thewiri password same at your axlstlnngFl network. Method 2: Extending Your WiFi Network Using WPS You can MSL‘ Method 2 li‘youl router/modern hat aWP5 button, which rnay be indicated by [1], l3 , or‘: Otherwue, use Methool 0 Power on the Repeater Plug the repeater into a power outlet near the router in the on the repeater Same roorn Wait until the PWR LED tum: XOlld blue. o Extend YourWiFi Network ‘l Prett the WP5 button on the router and Within 1 rntnutet prett KhEWPS button 2 Wattuntilthesignaitenontherepeaterturnttoito blueorreo itnpt,tryulethodl i>rett o Relocate the Repeater 1 Fol better periormance, plug the repeater lnto an outlet halfway between the router/modem and thew t dead zone The Iocatlon you choose must be withln the range olyour L‘XIS ing WlF'l network 2 Walt untllthe signal tmturnssolld blueltnot, relocate the repeater closer to the router/modem Antenna“ tom ma mitt ta oe arm “M Mnrautolnaaen the catacannteran nea “carnelian 0 Connect to the Internet (armed youTW'lFl deulces to the extended network using the sslns otyourWiFi Toutcl‘s/modnm‘s 5le Wlth the mfflx gen, and WIFI password same as your existlng win network :mwnil FAQ m: Icannot Iogln to the web ul olthe repeater.what should Ida? Try the rollowlnp solutlons . lfa wlrl devlce is used, ensure that yourwlrl devlce has connected to the repeaters wlrl network Tendagzxr, and the Molar Data lilany) lunctlon lsdlsabled, - lfa computer is used, ensure that your computer has connected to the Iepealel‘s wlrl network Tendajxt, and your computer has set to obtain an IP address automatically and obtain nus server address automatically 0r unplug the Ethemet cable - Reset the repeater. and try agaln 122: How to reset the repeater! when the PWR LED otthe repeater ls solld on, press the RESET button on the repeater using a paper cllp, and release Aftev the PWR LED turns solid on, the repeater ls restored to the fadon settings, as: The repeater cannot lind the wiri network ot my router/modern, What should I do) . ErlxulemanheWFl neMorkoryourrouter/modem ls enabled and can be detected by VOLIYWIFI device - changethechanneloryourrouter/modem,andtryagain ~ (hange the encryptlon type otthe router/modem IoWPAcPSK or wme PSK, and tryagaln (E (E MarkWarn g Thls ls a class a product, In a domestlc envlronment. thls product may cause radlo intertercncc, ln which casethc user may be requlred to take adequate measures Thls eq pment should be lnstalled and operated wlth mlnlmum dlstance 20cm between the radlator & your body 4dr PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the mnkctroullnt shall be lnstallcd neorthe equlpment and shall be easily accestlble Notz: (lnhe manulacturer ls not responslblelor any radlo orw lnterterence caused by unauthorlted modllicatlons to thls equlpment [2) To avold unnecessary radiatlon lnterrerence, li ls recommended to use a shlelded R145 cable, neclmtion ot contorinity Hereby, SHENZHEN TENDATECHNOLOGY co, LTD declares thatthe radlo equlpment type Axel is ln compliance Wlth Dlrectiue ZOI4/53/EU The full text ufthe EU declar n orconlorrrilty ls ayallable at thetollowmg internet address httpj/wwwterldam (am/en/servl(e/dnwnlnadrmmrlDl ntml operate Frequenzy: 2 4G EU/24DD'24835MHZ [(leCHl 3) [INF Power [Max 2 4GH1‘195dBm FC rcc Statement Thls equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limlts fol a class B dlgltal device, pursuantto Pan ls otthe FCC Rules These llmlts are designed to provide reasonable protectlon against harmful interference ln a residential lnstallation.This equlpment generates, uses and can radiate radlo rrequency energy and, ltnot installed and used ln accordance wuh the instructlons, may cause harmful Interfeveme to radlo communlcations however, there ls no guarantee that interTerence Wlll not occur in a pamcular lnstallatlon Itthis eoulpment does cause harmrul Intevfeleme to radlo or televlsion reception, whlch can be determlned by turnlng the edulpment attend on, the user ls encouraged to tryto correct the Interfeveme by one or more orthe Iollowlng measuves' - Reorlent or relocate the recelvlng antenna . lncrease the separation between the equipment and recelver - Connettthe eoulprrient lnto an outlet on a clrtult dlllerent irom that to whlch the recelver ls connected - Consult the dealer or an experlenced radlo/TVtechnlclan tor help Thls device complles wrth Van I5 afthe FCC Rules, Operatlon is sublect to the rollolulng two tondltions Ill this devlce may not cause halmfltl lnterterence. and (27 thls devlce mustaccept any lnterrerence recelved, includlng lnterterence that may cause undesired operation Ra at n Exposure Statement Thls device complles with FCC radiatlon ekposure limlts set torth Ioran uncontrolled envlronment and lt also complies Wlth Part I; olthe FCC RF Rulcx Thls equipment should be lnstalled and operated wrth mlnimum distance 20cm between the radlator a your body Operate Frequency: 2 4s us/24ooez4assMhz (Clethl ll SolmareVertiens\/ls,l3 03 lo caution: Any changes or modillcatlons not expresslyapproved by the party responslble fol compllance could uold the user‘s authorlty to operate thls equlpment Thls transmltter must not be nucleated or operating ln conlunctlon vylth any other antenna orsransmister, not . >The manulacturer ls not responslbleloranyradlo orTvlnterterence caused by unauthorized modlhcations to this eoulpment lleo avoid unnecessary radiatlon interrerence, lt ls recommended to use a shlelded rm; cable ltEcchlNa Thls product bears the selective sortlng symbol torWacte electrical and electron lc equlpment (WEEE) Thls means that thls product must be handled pursuant to Eulopean dlrectlve 1m z/lQ/EU ln order to be recycled or dlsmantled to minlmize ltc impact on the envlronment Use! has the cholce to give hls product to a competent recycllng organizatlon orto the retallerwhen he buys a newelectrlcal or electronlc equlpment Opemtlng temperature 0‘(<40‘( aperahng humldlty llaaenlah RH, nuncmndensmg [HI technical Support snenzhentendarechnology Co. Ltd 678 Flooercwel E3, NOJDD’I, Zhongxhanyuan Road, Nanxhan Dlxllld, Shenzhen, (hlrla SIBDSZ Unlted Slate; Hotlme ‘7800757075392 canada Hotllne. leasaeagaewoo HangKung Hotllne 0085178l93l998 skype Tendasz Webslte http// wwwtendacn com email supportetendacom en (opyright o ml 7 shenzhenTenda Technology (a. ttd. All rights reserved Tenda is a reglstered trademark legally held byshenzhen Tenda Technology co, Ltd Other brand and product names mentloned hereln are trademarks or registered trademarks olthelr respectlve holders Speclrlcations are sublect to change wlthout notice
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