TESONIC HYVBT Virtual Reality Headset User Manual
TESONIC INTERNATIONAL (HK) LTD. Virtual Reality Headset Users Manual
Users Manual
91s almdmm l—tYl-z" l-FX Virtual Reality Headset Operation Manual HV-VBT FCC ID: 2AEW6HYVBT Bl ID: 0029673 MADE IN cHlNA VOICE qurl lne VR neadset yvlll nonty you dumg "Pmort," "PM otl." and "Faring SuccessM" Mlhthesmmd elo oeeo MINING v: Mum! all/on Pawevorl: Fred and note ttie mitunclien outten ler 5 secm untll tne red and we LED lain alternottve. Fawevofl: Press and told lne ntultlluncttan outton lcr 3 seconds untll tnered e alue iEDstnpd llosning. nlliilla mi l.rx v- «mam LBlm tne neadrer ls turned on. tne neadret test oetore oa‘lng. 2. Press and nald tne rnultlluncton tor 5 seconds Will tie rod and one |ED nasn ottenortve. in: will lndcaie your neodiet ‘5 new in oalrlng rnode. a. place tne neadsei and tne eoetootn device to Mich you would Ire to oa‘ritwltnln lne operatng distance. We recommend keeping ltie Mo devices no turttie tan a leer apart, 4. Emle aluetaoln l5 doubted on your device. Relel to to manuloclulet‘x mmcm’ortx tor now to anode aluetooln on yourdevice 5. Once you nave ucr’valed aluetoolti on your device. select the headseq "HVVVHT" ltonr tne Isl or avdable alueteoln den/mes a, wreaked, enter tine PIN code 11m and conrrrn tne entry. Note: ll oo'nng 'e unsucceatui. turn all to neodset int one reed: lollatwlllg tno olorernemiened steps once you time pared lne neadret wlln a device. lne neooret wll remember the device and vii pal automaficdw wnen tne dern‘ce‘i Ell/elm lr activated and yr range you do not need to reod'rarry mavioosty corrected Get/ice: ti: not. oleose tomatl VIEWING mun moles e Vineos ltl no lo myour oersonol onatos ll. video: in 3D, you rnustlm downloadovltvlwrgnaommmylzvlewe. load your otioto/tndeo into lne VR viewe App wng ttie tratructtoni odrm LlaundtmsVRVtewsAppandtapmegaggslmn ‘\ lnank you lor ourdrasing tne mi de lzeaety Headset, Please read an ismctl’arle caeiuly belore why and reta‘n lnls moiuai lor iuture use and reterence. IACKAGi column . v2 nemt . lioer Mama . moo usa Chaos cooie . weglt ow onus kg m minim - nutter Melee mm with lrmierstva sound. - rrts dances lrorn 4,7" to u“ n dagarlal was" size . lnierocttve amtlnd button. - nutter volume control and on orewer bumm. ~ Adluitoole loco pom and lens astance. - Adimmle nead mm mmlimllllcllou: Keapmeuriiuwcymmmwces,dmctwm mywoleraidmyotnerlduds, Dana'apaatemumtainmbsmemamm "mm or any otner some to prevent ogo'ret electric mkmw/Mimioymlwm to lne unlt. Donotlootnouilllltruoeonaoooedordanagod’n anyway. Repel: to electrical WI shook: only be pedorrried by d dudltlieo electrtdon. lwopcm motocettieleerolseriorerm Dcmlplmlllaahmvlmeexlmmacealm oroaxtnonywoy. Kong the unit lteo llom ml, Int. etc Do riot use me urllt lot anylnlrig otner lndn lts intended useorwmnmsomaydomagettwdevice Mumllsmlaloy.lerietdsocseetttieunwreoeltievrrioyemlodeer amt -l>enelewcsettreurr'iteoenrociwrrnstiaaeoiecrsar itewlcairsesoolmerenddanage. -Derieiieirt.emltatmrnri‘viplocer.udengsemey omageltie‘nlernddmliy. -Darotatterroitodmerrestetneml. minimum noaeyceoenoleswrmoatlsdmepccm, kalamlmmcm:(ll nodevicerrisyrotcaeetunrtui‘nterteence.aridyzl rte device niusl aoceat erry 'nleteence receved, notimg ‘nierleeice lndi rney mm iride‘eed aoeation. FCClWFOQACMSBuGHMDEVICEW mini Note'mnmlmbeenlatedafllmlo cmwflhmehl‘lsluaamlfiglflflewce. Miamlooarlsotlnerccmrnaeirr‘oae deazieotooromdereaionooie oriileclionogmn mmmeleencenaisdeirlo mm inc thflla lesaidcat rooalereoo treoiiericyenegyarid,trlorreraledoridloedn oceordmcevnlnlteronmenioyceuremrnm malaenceloradowmlmmvenlhued noomteemntaleencewlnolocwno mum it newdoescme narrnnrrerteeeioelomaoortelevoonreoeom memoedetem-iedeymrmgnieooiomenioll ondonltieieaocncoimgedloiiyiocoriectttie mmmumdmmm' ~Reorieniorreloodtcttierece~iramiomd rlicredielneseoodtorioetweentteeouomenl ondrecerver ocannecilneeaunenintomoinietonoa'u-l meentnornlnallomotnieiecerrereoomeoted - Comm ttie degaoneweriericed ram/W tectnoontorheta vummvmllol lnecmolltowmmlymdwrepomflte ll mun-Vaulmmxlw ”.mm Wham WWW Aunt-wraith Mammwm ranted-non remind-no mes-«w Mania-unl— hamm- mum-ye...” IWMMW mam-er EDMM|W err-hurrlqleen mnfiwwuwueulflaus: Wswurmlyorierilrmdermte Andrtewormly kmedteltreeriy’uwctiasererey. ~roumoeaueteoreveirredaieoteigruouonese etineurrlynrneddredreoebt. ~lnewurmtyorotowscaateirteoremcrruoeer m lo ptrviicd aoree. iriiruver mm, nudlioaionorreouovmimoediredm, ~lterepemmmposesamcumoemedm lnereoa‘erieoldcerriemetlneoroductrelsiote auction ~5oeoricaeyexermttrornorrywararryaeeviiedete coremmoxriecttommand tea sum as eetreiec deoorarore and ems 06m ‘Anvphwlnmmmymlmeldnafl lneurr‘inasreuttedtrornacodeii.mee.rrme.army www.mam ‘Modficmandlepaolmeullmklbem mmmmmmcwba retiniedloitiemocneer uremiariygvesyouioediciegdngtoaidyou maymmveumafigflsmvambcdm nelmgooidimeonoreelnereaieerrenoond soooeotorirwuratrycormoreanddonotalloclour legaandconrraermmryooigdlbro Weoflaamwwwwumnocwdawewtm lhebhm‘gcms' lyrtypempromctsaecdveedbyolzmm warmryWevarsavedamgesordeleclsonnyoe" oroduclslreeototngeynlmnniormotlnewotiose dole uriderttie W‘g wuronry coriatiom Farmy dariogeordetecldelerrr-iedhterttut l2niontro analrepucvioseddleooololdnmloctu-iglaw Mbedmnnedlarepamm'i alliemrurlydosnolcoveroottaiesmdoniepatx. when we oomdered commutator, pals ltiot erect mmmflumummmm wea end lea need no many ooiganon n the wmmmcwwedmmelagel Wewmmmmedlreemveo l2 macaroni: BIL/21mm Vasian' 2| Operating System or e Maaia‘ field cl View‘ I21“ 69995 Obpdlve liens- i As in [421m] Mn. lnterouoiav admmem- 22m (58m) Max lnteooolory adjuslirienr 2m in tesmrnl Comoamm 5mm otiones up to 52‘- H onnlllrc iuxmlclloru ooen tne Ann flue on your device and search tor Apnts usrng tne keyword “Vie". me Search Will snow Apnts tnat are comoanele min virtual reality Download and lns'al tne VR Apps you would flke to use with use VR neadsel. On your srnan phone‘s App store, download and open a VR compatible App Once open. it may give inswcflons oelore you can use it with me headset Follow lliose instructions, Pres the device cmiidge auiton once open, insert your device into me com-age uo against me lens notes and dlug ltre Aux coole tnlo yew neodonone lack close ttie device cartridge until it securely cscro shut Put the headset on and odusl me neadstrooys until lne neodsel sits cwloflably on your head. NolE- "to V! heacsel Wm best with sman onones m: «7 Jo 5.2 iri. mum nsvlc: "om some Apps wll request you icon e all code to set me mfia ol your headset Use tlie code on the nexl 9390. BE _ E: 63% strillm _ llil neglgueetleclenltieproduct-stltneelormemrne event at lac-ridge canned oy demo or mumrmmamm aonerrnaloenorere :lniewormiywioeoerlomredlnaicnawayrnorwe “decidemelnetereoarmedetecnvepersetc reproceitierrwiltiwertoigmtreeelomoe Hype" rererv-itrerigtritoeiromgemeoreducttere reotecerrerrtorodocietmmtlneoreductsent 'nomretbereoaredmeremeoet'meeraia WMJWlemmwmm becarieaarnoneleyanslndinaveoeenreolaoeaer enlargedoecorneauroreoerty, Almemranrydo‘rndoesnetaootynreoarsorolner wakiscmiedwlbymmlxdmaflw aromas are eqreoed wirn oddtiond' pat: or oceeoerieritrataenolaaorovedlorworoducr. §)Wmmfammbeenacm eddanoIonM lriewuranryoeiodtooeodenoednordolncytiigger onevywarmryoeiedlnewonanryoeriodtormy reotocerrentoaeinsraedendsyn‘lnrneworanty Wivflleemmpmduc) olwomermiecorro’ enameledwtnose lorreolocernemduelodmiogecmedtoltreoutnde www.mmenmwflsfllww Mwemmucceplmhbiwhuwnen’ ra moaorotnercoroeouermdomogeotdrrymd. moodstoooguestncmoaielooondlooot eareigsor-ttemoriontoouoneo noerngowaraniyda‘rn- illonidreioeotlnewarmtyserveclornoowae MMMMK'NNVW‘WeCeMaW Walsuppmfidgusum zlrtyoetvyatryteaegnoeeondsolveywwuemlln oderenrnednrdtdwerroniydemoetmoumoe gyen an m nurnoe [Rem Mate-id Armormtrom aridvaoeioiaedioseridlneoroaucttdwve‘" IMPOEIANT: ”we" w: my accept pacels lndl nave mRMArIAmbeV I3 / \ mmvorllimlnnmmmlunsa mmmvfleaseblman.meenmwm ooentiouwineedtoodmtnedevicegostemyoir motionesntotysldeeoorgplenorrigniuntlyour motioneessecuretyntnen Ammo. Device Gtvl Close ttieericlasure once you have calmed the device w; to it ltre orictasue wl make a "sick" sound when M dosed mallow: val more you can ch vrz Aw: amovee. you WM naedloemslhelmqeslmdjochwmotm noodset may need to adlust lrie tocal pom and lend dstarice lo occorrirriodole ttier W1 Ian: wane. roca mi rm olirorie. AWN-"l Aflw‘w-nl Adlmlm-rtl Please eaienye ttre tollevving Mien sendiio ttie pradum I) send tne prbducl mm packaged with carriage and inermce add. no net enclose my occeoeries wtttt ltre producl (cooler, chargers, rnanuots. elcl urieo ttie D61 Service Center soecmes ettteiwire, nmmlwmunmamulmnudum lnorcncwaytnatttirvaoieonocleatyegote. alyeumlericlceeacooyolltiesoesildmoroelot oucnaie. llormwpemmrecewsdmwuducmlwlmt‘lls warranty migarore in ocoerdarce with me worranty oormoreandwlrerurnlnearodocttornesenderwnn collage and insurmce oaid. xawct cum: or wen-arm vae“ con reime my service claim made man is not covered oy tne waranty "Nypemogeesloprwne’ oiervtc‘eouts’delhe warmty. lrie cmmev wl oe 'nyotced lor all raped and hamper! coco Hype'“ wl not accept any packager maindvenottritoeenaootovedoynyoewoynreao otan EMA tlzerum Morena Anthem tionl, Del Gloup gwdntees me dudlty ol ttt‘u product Wflmamt pleaseteet heetucamoclm yo erna ar erooonddgma corn Anyurarrgesor madifiziims not Express” WWW: innv rams“: for unwise muld tm'd ilre user's authority to more equ'vmenL rcc Rad'ufiall Elaine-ire Stimulant: me ecumemmrnpies wifll rcc rafnfnll Wiring sellonin fix all uncontrolled Willis hummer must not be Wm opemfmg 'm mnrurrclrorr with mama! amennaor marmoc IA to adjust ttte lens dotance. summit/rotate lrie Lens notarice Know iorwad arid buckwcld we you ore vans ttte headset. conime to odlust lne Focal Point lintl the mode comes rnto locus. lo odlust tne tocd peril. rotate lite ml Food Poul Dial yet and mm Mlle you me using lite headset comma to out ltie local Wit! mm the image comes into locus. fl Sim Gallows ms l-rx VI llama lne Vi Headset comes ytttt a bolt-tn rechargeable battery. actors using it tor ltie list true we recommend you cnerwe ttie bdttoly tulty. only use ltie supplied usa cadetocnaroetne neodotiories connect ttie use ceole lo a computer usa pen and we Myao use ptua to ttre cnardlrig lack ol lne headset. line red La: lent inside tire headset wl ilurn'eiote y/nae ltie neadsel is clraglng. A lul charge oi the battery latres up to 2 liouri. wnen ltie battery is My cnoroed. trre red LED turn cit. D'marvlect the neodrel at two pointlne neadietwll tnen as ready lor use Mrenllrebolterv'eyew.lttela:ynlloslriredondenlit tnree tenet every 20 mm. wnen ilri'e scam. pieore recharge itie headset, wnen us'eig your neoaiet wttn on wnene. live too rignl corner wli 'ridcote you lieodret's battery llte.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No Create Date : 2017:05:10 14:55:07+08:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Modify Date : 2017:07:23 10:53:41-07:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2017:07:23 10:53:41-07:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:f2baa94e-1b3b-4412-ae8e-c25ed886d3fb Instance ID : uuid:5c0c419c-e181-49a1-94d7-8c88d0322e44 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools