Users Manual
Die Lines (DO NOT PRINT) 2 C Double Sided Print Accordion Fold Créasre LlnEE (DO NOT PRINT) EEA'LILBES 1. Micro USE Port 2 Auxiliary Port 3 0n / Off SWitch 4. Bluetooth indicator SPEAKER CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS - AH funcllnfls and controls are done through you media device < o passe soy soieettrecks one eohtro yount you we? do so iron your riot er; AUXILIARY- N FUNCTION i, with the speaker powered on. connect the included Auxriiary cable into lhe speakers auxiliary port and plug the other end into your phones auxiliary port 2. The speaker will swilch to 'Aux lN“ rriode automatrcaily rrorn pluetooth mode you can now play your media as desired 3. Disconnect the Au liary caple when finished (Vat: irt—ers is i stv'lc NIllIeaux: arycaoieis LOVVEUm. to uluezomn datiee ensure aii otiiei .ruetootr as. ioas are nor naiteo and .aoesr son are it rho nrotaiena persists reaiose ask isrti Ernie) LED D EARBUD STATUS sluetooth Pairing T R DE LIGHTINDICATOR Flashes Elue volred Flashes Elue slowly Auxiliary Mode Flashes Eiue twrce every 2 seconds Talk Made Continuously flashes alue charging Solid Red light CHARGING THE aLUETooTH DEVICE i, Connect the speaker's Micro use socket with the power sauvoe‘s use Pan with the provr ed charging cable The Eluetooth indicator will show red to indicate lhe speaker is charging t Nittit Ihc Mlun use port is located on tho ba( k oi the snookor) 2 The Power indicator will show red while the oatteiy is charging When a full charge has been achieved the LED wrll turn off rNote A full charge Will take 23 hours) 3 Disconnect charging cable when finished Do not leave charging cable inserted into the devices when not in use. PAIRING I RECDNNECTING THE DEVICE 1 Slide the sWitch on the bottom orthe speaker into the' speaker will enter Seavchlng / pairing / reconnect mode, 2 Now, turn on the piuetooth runetion oi your device 3 Search Ior‘ LCUEE" and select it to oooin piootooth pairing rr or «irst tine pd rira or ooirng s new ndoiie dense) 4. The speaker Will reconnect autornatrcally it your mobile phone has been paired preyiously were nonandino or. the devisesrtieeann who notion naniiai nasonn reoureeeeh» er on rnny as 5 it pairing is successrul. speaker wrli rnake a tone to contirrn 5 Slide the Power switch to the "of!" position to turn the unit oh. there it you can or searsr ror I113 soeater trii nears tia asr oeiiice it Tezormeclv‘cl o y chimeras-sot» rosooskerrop tour aieroorr nioniiand ’ry’n ooir With the Spuzkrlunln? CARE AND MAINTENANCE - To clean the unit gently wlpE with a sort. damp cloth ~ Keen this unrtowoy horn wel or damp surroundings Ekposure to such environments can damage the speaker and its abiiily to iunctibn properly ~ no not tamperor open the deytce. doing so may result in damage and personal herrn SPECIFICATIONS: - ModelN PsponlNicuoE - DriverUnitsiz rum LS" - or: Power Input. 5v lloomAH - Eluetooth AZDPviZ - output power RMS 3w - Frequency: BSHz-ZDKHI - Working distance: 30h tpistanoa may vary) . Rechargeable aallery. 3m) rnAh. l 5-2 hrs playback . Power supply Lithium battery/ use chaiee TROUBLE SHOOTING No Buwel . Recharge your speaker using the micro use cable. if the problem Pevslsls try using another micro use eaole No Rowan-a From the unit ~ Ensure your bluetoolh pewce has an AZDP prelile ~ check ilboth devices are paired and connected. - Restart the dedice and try to reconnect pin-tooth dwlcn wl not "norm-ct with the Speaker - From your Devices bluetobth menu select the "spouse" speaker and choose "Forget" Now repeat the steps to pair the speaker Cannot find the de es name on the pluetoeth mlnu 4 Ensure the aluetooth function is activated on your device. - Ensure you have paired the unit With your Eluetboth device Aw-rnlnp: piease read these sarety warninos ano sautions eoreraiiy to ensure your aersanai sarety and ateyent aroaerty oainaos FIT: and siatttia shaek has-rd - no not droooisassensieooen srush.taend.oereirrri. ounstura. shred rnisrowave incinerata. raaint.arinsart roioianooioats .hta thosdaakar suoii actionsoduid rosuit siectricshosk -oa hat ekoosayoor saaakerto .ktrsrneiyhioh or iow tsrnaaraturas it can cause rrairunatioh. - no hot ieavo your speaker in dirast svniioht rar extended periods or tirnit . no not ieave yoor speaker neat open Hamex such as soakins aurners. candies. or rireoiacas. . oo nataiaekany ventiiationooeninos ssiihssard - pa not aiaca the speaker or. hiah surraces sush as shaivas ourino rnosis oisyttsek the speaker may move which souiu cause the tanker to shiit and raii oii oi the eerie Warnlnv: to induce the risk or aiaatiis shook. do not rdnovo cavar tor oacky ester servicinia to dudiihad service personnel aaluetoalh' < e rfl ’hehANE’ eaonstraaeinsrksr.nes.noiooessre iisdanaikts NLE’nndIkwl-‘LLL Y'eEdesaoII‘ wsiui aik one loss» areisonttieu .iaudiiattrokiieit tn iiitoiikirhmc ris aitdaiiy neat. ri .aikstyikmis .nner isense or one transnerks ti iaoistem tra , aiksaet , enertyattneres, .eoyrneis (luaiE iiveesi 2M. o rt rh ataauetitnamoy ACAUTION. - oanotusoaorasivasioahdrs taoioan your sooakar itsouio causatciotchasand darnaon - panotarinoyedrsoeakorintoeontactvhthanysharsooissis ttsouioaautdsaratahesandoarnaon . oo notinsortanythinointoyoursoeakerunietsotheruise soosiried in the uni instructionsrhis irray daniaoe the units intornaiaornaononts r be notatternottoraoair niodiry ordisastoniaieyoursoaakar yoursair. it does not contain any userssivaeihlp consonants . no not attenrot to reoiase yoursoeakeroaitery itisooiit..n ahoisnatshanoaaoia a useo thernanuiaeturersuaoiieoohsroettosharoeyou. speaksr othar eharoers niay iook sitntrar, out usins than souio resuitineiastrisshoskandsouidoaniaoeyoursoeakai . casetyeuisiohsano aisoiaysthatreouitemeiestnsai oeyioe ot RF radio oraoust to he toitsheo orr ih oesionateo areas a Yum nit your tanks. prior to among .n siroraii no not use the speaker insidean sirsratt uniess aiioweo by your airiihe . oitpos otthospeakaranditsoattaryrnaeeordahctwithiocai requistroiis no not ditaose or the asiisry wiih reouisr househoio waste rcc oisarairn. rhisoavicacdthoiiaswnheartisorthorcc huies pnaratioh is subiact to the 'nHuwlng {Wu sonditions Ir rhis device naynotcausaharnttui interrerenee.and 2. this device rnust accsot tny .htstiarahoo received, insiustina interrerenee that may ssusu undesired operation rho inanuraaturer is not responsieie rot any radio or Tv lnIErIevEncE caused by unauthorized rndditisatidnstd this aautaniant sush rnddincatidnsoauid de theuser authority to aaeratethsoduiornant rhis eouiornest has oeeh tested and round to eonipiy wit-i the iirnits ror o cioss a aioitai deyiee pursuant to part is or the rec auies rhese iintits are desioned to provide reasonaaie oreteetioh aoaihst harnrui interterenoe in a reason. a Dvutaztiuh so..nst hsrntroi intertorenee in a resioehiiu inttsii.iien this eauionant aeneratos uses. and ash radiate raaia risouenay energy and. irnot lmlaHid anddsad inacoordahs. with th. iroirustions, inaycauss harrniui int. .hs.toradioaoniniunisations howeae therershoouaranteethat into siisewiii not occur inaoarticuia nstaii. on irthiitdoianartdoas saussharrnrui ihttrrarshsstaradioort. vulahllcnphoniwhichienhe determinedbyiurninotheeouiprnentoirandantheuserisensouraaad to try to sortesi the interrerahse oy one or rnore or the toiioyyina rnoasutes sF—rovlcnl or reiacate the reaeivino antenna .ioetease the separation eetueen the equipment and reeeyer scannenme eauiornentinto anoutietoha CIKulldiVFemn! Worn that m whiehthereteiveriseohheeteo scohsuit rho doaiar or on atoenented radio/r v Itchmrlal‘ rar hero or assistance this device cornoiiaswith partis ortha Fcc koiot um) industry canada licenxfituxnmm oss stondsrdto ooeiatton is sohiacttotha roiioaiha two eondiiions. i7 this davioa inay not cause harrnrui interrerahcs. and ZrThls oevise niust asseot any interreranca raoeived. inoiudina interteranee that nay tause undasiroooaorotion rho tnanuracturar is not rasaonsioia rarany radio or rv intertatonce esused ay unauthorized tnodiiisotionsta this aduiornsnt such niooirieations eouid who the usel‘s authority to oaoratothoaduiornont undorinoustrycanadaraouiattons. this radio [Tans’nluermaycnwaperam usihaanantenhaara iyoeaho Waximum (or iastari osin eporovad tor the trsnsrnittat try industry mods to radusa ooterttsi rsdio interieronea to other users, thesntenha trot and its esinshouid oosa chasan that tho aouiyaient isotrooisaiiy radiated new te i.r ii i is not there than that necessary iai suoeastrui oornrnuhieation mt: hadotiantiirasure attenoir rhh eduipnientsarnoiieswrrh icrttt or radiation «padre iiniio serrorrh tar an unsontniisd enhionrnenr mxmnxmmumlmnmhem heatedornperanno in eonunttinn wan ahy othetantenh. artransrnrtier isircc exposition aut radiations ceioduioenent so toniartneareeisrtct ie iinne doom-hat. aut rayannenienis aerate poor at. onaoie cot eneiteui rte dait pas Ammbohié‘w iarkiianneren tanianniat. are are suite arrtenneou theneur My oohaet arniodihtettaht not soreeiyaapmed iaythe oarty ietaonsieie rot mpiimzumld mid the users adhshyoaperaiethe equipment. Hdflf‘ttf L‘PLHT MINI CUBE SPEAKER IMPORTANT PLEASE READ BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT
Source Exif Data:
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