Users Manual
Cynoc u lots virrual Peallry Hecdse1+ Remote Overcrlort Manual ATV-CYNO rnank you lor purcnasing rne Cynoculars Wrruul Peelrty Headset s Pemore. Please read all tnsrructrons corelully belore using and retain rnss manual ror rurure use and relerence. PACKAGE comm: - VP Headser - wreless Pemore- - User Manual - Wsiuhy‘ panorama 2 AAA Barrenes recessed (nor included) KEV FEA‘IIIE! - Hrs deylces up to fly" Mae x 5" Non - Adllmubie lens and local drsrance s Adlumble neodsrrpp - wreless remore ior panting and more sum INS'RIICHONS Keep me unit away rrom near sources. drecr arm, numrdry. warer and any other raulds, Do not use rne unit ll rr has been cropped ordamaaed in any way. Do not puncture or ham lne exrenor surrace or rne producr in anyway Keep rne unrr tree rrem dust. mt. etc. Do not use rnls unlr tor anyrnlna erner rnon its lnrerrded use or purpm Do‘lrrg so may damage rne device. rnls product ls nor a onr Keep our or reach or chlamnr rake rreouem bredlo wnlle uslna me unlr. li you emenence nausea. ascension. eye irralrs or dlsorlenrarron. lmmedlorery disconrrnue uslng rne unlr. no not use rnlr preducr wrrre arwlg. wadrvg. er arnerw'ee by being drsrracred rrem real world siruarcns rnor prevenr you rrom abound rralrlc or sarery lows. Do nor arve aroperare neavy mocn'nery inmedarely orter uslng this product rryou reel lmpa'sd or d'eorlenred. - tr you nave nod arcould be prone to seizues. carom a docrar belore using rne Cynoculars vrrual Pealrny Headser e Perrvare, - no not use ll you are pregnant. nave nlan blood pressure. or nave a rear or nelonrs orcrowds. - lr you reel dlzzy or slclr. slop uslng rne neodset ror a wtrile. "team DIAGRAM Naudmflp Fecal veer Knees Arrocrlr-lrnu l-m on“. (Pram secure bevlcs comere lanm Mammy reerr r-eeelne necesrco Arrnchmam HEAnlEI KPSCIHCAHONS Operating System: lay a Android- neld perew. 50° degrees obroerrve lens. res ln (42mm) Maenlflcotron Penae. clsx Min. lnrorpuprlory ealusrmenr: 2.32 ln (SBfimml Max. lnterpupllary adlusrmont. 21a: in (rl.Bmml comparlbrllry: Smmbrlorles up ro e“ orEPArlNG lerPucllom open tne App store on your devlce and searcn lor Apps usrna rhe keyword “VR”. rne search wrll snow Apps rnor are compatible wirrr vrrrual reollry Download and rrrsrall rhe VP Apps you would like to use wirn rne VP needser s remore 2 on yoursmanpnane‘s App store. download and open a vP compatible App, cnce open, it may give instructions belore you can use it wtrn rne neadser. Follow rnose lnstructlons, slide rne devrce canrldge our and away rrom lne neadser. Expand lne phone atip and center your smorrpnone os mucn as possible in the corrrldae slide rne de e corrrldae wirn your device beck lnro rtle headset Purine neodser on and odrusr rne neodsrrops untrl rne headset srrs comrorrably on your neod. More the VP neodser world besrwirn smonpnones sizes 4.25 ln. to B in ll your device is smaller rrran tne recommended size. rnsrall rno enclosed roam padding anro device FOAM rename rucmmr slide our and remove rne eevrce canndge rrom rne neaosest Ensure rne device corrridge is rignt side up. Pemove me roam padding rrem adnesrve paper and place undertne device gnp as indicored below: Place Foam Padding nere Porote rne device canrldge too- degrees Pemovo remornrna roem poddrna rrom edheslve paper and place on tne lnslde or the bortom edge or rne device corrndge. lnserr your smorrpnone rolrowing previous sreps Place Foam Poddlna nere smmc ozvrcz "or“! some Apps will request you scan a GP code to set the prollle or your neadset. Use rne code below. FF ' 3! Ablusrltro me new Berore you can mrlarrce VP Apps or mower, you ynll need to ensuretne rmageis locuasd. Each weae orrrr‘s neadser may need re adrusr lens and local pant dsronce to accommodare rne‘r eyesgnr. M‘lmmbm haul run Aeiuurrsrir to adjust rne lens dldance, srde rne laroo lens pisrance Knobs rorwerd and backward Mia you are using rne headset. conrrnue re adlust rne lens dlsranco unrr me lmage cemes rnre rocus. 5mm 5mm ro ao’iusr line local poinr, slide rne small Feed Peinr knobs lerr and rigitymle you one us’na rne neodser. continue to adrustlne Iced ponl unnl rne rndoe comes‘lnrorocus nmm lsrrrrr 55mm mam mm DIAGIAM Power runcrren revsnck Keys “D toggle lnacarar eurrrper as swrcn Burro-u serrerv camaenmenr wrnam “Mm! SMFICAMNS Operating system: ros- e Andreld- Bluereern, yon FCC la. wNzArvcyrro aarrery: AM aerreryx 2 inorrncluaeol Play time: Up ro lzo nours- Note: Ploy time may my dependlrtq on barre-y. PREPARING ml vllttmss REMME Open rne barrow compartment lld and place rwo (21 new AM barterles (not included) lnro battery compartment by morch‘ng ine correcr polamles. securely replace barrery compartment lld. Nore. ir you are net uslna the remote ror an extended period crrlme, remove rho battery to prevent corrosion ln rne event or battery leakage. When disposlna or banerles. please take into account rne prorecrlon or rne erwlronmenr and strictly iollow your local laws and reallorlons ror dlSDOscll or rnese borrerles cAlmoN - be nor dlspose or barrenes ln a fire, as dalng so may cause lnem re explode or look - Batteries musr not be exposed ra escearve near sucn as sunllgnr. rre. erorner s'mlla rnlngs . Plsk er esploslon ll rne barrery e replaced with an lncerrecr rype Use any on ldentrcal bonery or eourvalenr. ~ Dlflsmn' types or barrenes or new and used barrenes are not to be noted ~ 00 nor me olkollne. standard (carbon-Ibo). or rechargeable (ercKer-cudmlurrl) batteries, - Pemoye bananas rr rne product M be stored lor an extended peroa or rlme. HIRING nrz wrllzlzsx llzlrlarts l Move rne cs swrrcn ro your dsvlce's mspecrrve operarrno system, 2 nold rne power button lor 3 seconds. rrle remote wrll turn on and me LED wl rosn we. rnls wll lndrcore your remore's nowln palrna mode. 3. Ensure Brueroern ls enabled on yorrdevlce. 4. your devlce Mll sran searcnlna ror wireless devices. s. the remote wlll appear as “VR neodserl in rne llsr or available Brueroorn devlces. e. selecr "VP Headset” 7. Enter paword rm? rrr recurred] ro conrrm ponng. were lrpahwrsumuccessyulturn orrrneremere rrsrand repair rorlawlng me ararementioned steps. Once you nave pared rrle remote wrrn a device. rne remore vn'll remember ins device and MN palr auromorlcoly wnen inc device's Bureroorn socrrvored end in range. you do nor need to reps any previeudy connecred deylces. wuss: mum rIINC||ON mas » ANDlOID re enter runcflon made. nold rne lodge button and D burran rorct seconds. Belawore me myirprnswnen rrre rertrore ls ln tuncrlon mode: Joystlck Morse conrrol Power Ke enrorl rogge Key MA A Key selecr B Key Home/Back (2 Key lnaeose volume a Key peereose volume Upper Bumper Burror nomerBodr lower Bumper Burton snrer wrllasx IEMO|E mlslc Mons . Atlanta to enter music mode, neld me new burron and A burten tor 3 seconds. Below are rne Key rnpurs wtren rne wmzlm may! am Mon: - ANDIOID yo enter some made. nold rne reagle button and B burron ior 3 seconds Below we rne key rnpurs wnen inc minus film Music MODE . tos re enter muslc mode. nold lne roaale burton and A burton lore seconds. Below are me Key'npurs wnen rne writes; IEMME GAME MODE - lot lo enrer game mode. nord rne roggle burron and B burren rorB seconds Below are lne remote aome mode remote is in music made. remore is in game mode. remole ls ln music mode: key hplns ler lcede game apps: re rlck Previous song/Nest song loysrlck Up/acwnrlerr/Plgnr loyslick Previous song/wen song “mick AQ/Dc/xZ/WE Power Key on/olr Power Ke enroll “m “MM/RM” Power Key cN/cPr roggle Ke N/A lows Key N/A Power Key onrorr roggle Key MA A Key Play/Pause A Key Bock we Koy NrA A Key Ur B Key name a Key rrlgger A Key Play 5 Key pp <: Key lncrease volume c Key rrrgger B Ke Back/name c Key yr a Key Decrease vdume 0 Key Back/Home c Key Vm a Key JN Upper Bumper Burton N/A upper Bumper Burton NrA a Key Vorume upper aumper Burton 06 lower Bunaser Burton Home/Bock lower Bumper Button N/A upper Bumper Burron Mute lower Bumper Burton lV lower Bumper Burrerr Play/Pause was; Pmri lepo MODE - Arialiora ro enrer v‘ldec mode. nerd rne rogge burrorr and c burrorr tor: seconds. Berowererne keyinpurs wnen lne remote is n video mode- stfllx Volume r/Volume . Past rorwerd/Pevnnd Power Kay Ofl/Ofl roogle Key N/A A Key Ploy/Pause B Key Back/name c Key Play/Pause a Key Volume - Upper Bumper Butron Bock/name lower Bumper Butron Play/Pause Note: Game made key inpurs very rorevery game app. WIRELESS more articlloti Mop: - was re enter runcriorr mode. nerd rne roggle bunerr and p button lerzlseconds Below we rne Koylnpursvrtren me remere l: in runcrion mode: soysth Prevlous song/Next song rest rorwaarrzewrld Power Key enrorr toggle Key er A Key Pay/rouse B Kev Buck/Homa/SM c Key Votumer 0 Key Volume UpperBumperBurrerr Velrme lowerBurnperBurren Voumer vamwmmvlvnsempl - los ro enrer an VP video mode. nold rne roaale burron and c burron la 3 seconds. Below are rrre key horns wnen me remote ls in an VP vldeo mode: Joystick Brrgnrness filingt'nex . Post rorward/Pew'rd Power Key On/orrr roaale Key MA A Key NC B Key Ploy/Pause c Key map a Key End UpwaumperBurron NC lowerBumperBurrort NC lu/ Nore: Game mode hey lnpurs my lot every creme opp. 5mm VP Am BoloweamalwgaesredVPgameapasraeqoywrrn rrre use or tne Vlrmcl Pearrry Heme? r Pemore: Airfield ~ nardcode VP - spacelerror VP - Bombsouad VP - ruscorry Dive - snedowgunVP - HalloireaVPeDemo - Perualo so space starlon - stellar Drive Boerence yP . Aron Apartment VP . A Poems - rne nergnr - Angry Bars sBs - Lam - sdaxy VP los 10mm walare - lnrveslen strike - lsrrlker 2 llre ~ Akene lilo Nore: ereless remote "s not comparlble wirn ol VP Apps. ml; is! a sublecr ro cnpnge wlrnout notlce upon lne release or new apps and lecnnploarcal updares. ll VIENING Vol]! rrlororuvtasos luau rovowyourpersondpnoras Byrdeos‘ln 3Drylw must for dowrlood a VP vowng App sucn as VP Viewer. load your pnoterwdeo lnro rne VP Wower App usna rne lnsrrucrlons below: l leuncn rne VP Wowar App and rap rne oeggle icon ortrne botrem nanr or rne screen. 2 top the “Swan” burrort end poiyw cynoculors VP neodset using rne provided QP codeln rn'e munud. o Perum ro rne VP viewerApp nome screen and rop rne rolder icon on line top or rne screen llre vnll brrlg up a source menu wnere you can select rne locoron or your pnotos/vrdeos. 4. Belecr "Photo and video Gallery/l re cnoose e pnotorvideo rrom yourcamero roll 5. rap on rne prioro ervldeo met you would llre re view in 3D and rep rne "Shame” burron. your selecred pnoto/videe wll rrrerr be loaded inra rne opp. war unrl upload ‘s cerrplere. 5. rep rrre goggle icon. Ih‘ls w] aeare your pnotoyvrdec in a split pcreen rermar. 7. may rne dev‘vse carnage oedr into me VP neadser end you can now view yeurprloros/videos in ml were: For vioees. you musr rep me saeen ro play your ndeo belore ploc’ura rne devl’ce cartridge back lnro rne VP needser. Pnoros and Vldeas snould be in landscape rormat belore using rnls App. ®® usiuc EAIPNONB rne VP neodser nos converlienr sparing on born srdes or rne dance cannd e so you can plug rn eapncnes wnle rne neadser ls in use. lr us'ng lrre openings on rne opposite side orwnere rne corrridge comes out. insert rrre oppropriare cable otre your deuce carnage is insened into rne headset. l2r Usluc you: DEVICES CAMflA rne trorrt or rne VP neodser nos a siding door rnar Dmvldss accessroyourdevlcelscameramrris eusarsrrer Apps rnar urrlpe rrra camera wllh v'rruar reellry. Emma mat your devlce s lnsened lnro rne smorrpnone corrrloge wltn rne dsvlcu'x comero dg'lsd lo lne lrrn epenlna. WArcrilrlG w vlnios Vldeos mlm be ln split screen rormat to be comporlble wlrn tne VP neadser. Selecrend launcn a VP App wan sdllr screen vldeo compatlblllty. cue AND MMN'ENANCE ~ be nor expose the unit to exceswe near or nurrlldrry ro avold damaae te rne product‘shyemul orcultry. - Do ner use obrdave cleanlna sorvenrs to clean rne unir - be not expose the unrt to extremely high or low lemperarures as rnls wlll snonen rne ire or rne elecrrenrc dsvlce, destroy rne barreryr and/or disten cars-in plasrc 91113. - Denotdgsoseorrneunlrlnrreosrneymoyerplodeor cembusi. - Do not elapse lne unn ro cenrocrwim strap obierjs 05 ms vnll cause scrotcnes and damage - po norler rne urrilroll rrem nrgn places, as dong so may damage me rnrernal c'rcuirry. - Do nor alrempr re dmmbls rrre unir rcc summary rnlsdanee aempasswrrrpanlsarlrercc mules operarlori ls sublecfio rne lolovnng two conditions ll ) rm devlce may nor eausa nonrrul lnrerrorenoe. and (2) rnls devlce must accear orly lnterrerenoe received. tram hterrererroelnor may cause uldesrrea operation. this equipment asmpleswrrn rcc rodarlen espouse rrrrrrsserrorrn to an moorstrelled envrenmerrr, rrris rroremltrer musrnor be oolooorred or operorlna ln oory‘uncrion wtrn onyorner cnrerrnc orrroremrtrer Nero rnls eoulpmenr nas been lasred and round to comply wrn rne rmlrs let a class B drartal device. pleasant to part I5 or the FCC Pules. rilese rmlrs are desloned ro provide reasonable prorecrron oodnsr normrul lnrerrerence “n a residenrlal lnsrollarron. me la eaupment generates. uses and can radiate radlo rteduency energy and. r not installed and used n accordance wirn rile tnstruetons. may cause narmlul rnterlemnce re radio communications, However. lnere ls no woanree rnar lnlonwme wl not occur n a pmlcular installarlon ll rnls equlpment dees cause narmrul hierrerence to radio or relevls'on recoprron. which can be derermlned by rurrl'na rne eoulpmenr orr ond on. rne user ls encouraged to rry ro correcr rne intenerence by one ormore or rne rolowlng measures: - Peorenr orrelocgre rne recemng antenna. - lncreoserrle separation between rne eariprnertt andrecerver - Connecr rrre eoulpmenr inle an curler on a circuit drlerenr irom mat to micn rne receiver lr connected - Consult rne dealer or m esrpenenaed radio/N tecnn‘rcianrorndp. WAllAN“ INFOIMAIION rne condiren or me warranty and our resporrs‘rbrlrries underm‘owaronty are osrellows. Supplefxwarrumy ls nenrronsrerabve And rniswerranry is rmirea to me erginol purcruxevonly. ~you must beable to prove rrle dareorerigrnal prsdlssse or me unnvnrn a dared receipr ‘Iha warronry ls nor applicable r rne preducr has been subject to pnyslcal eoee. imoeer lnsrallar‘on, modrceton or repair by unaulnorrzed rnlrd pony. rrlre responsibly ol wealer‘s preducrs snoll be limired ro lne repay or wplecembn' or lne product as lrs sole ascrellon. ‘ spocrrlcolry errempr rrem any wanonry are llnrredare consumable cornborlenrs supiecr ro normal wear and rear sucn as barrenes. decoron'ons and arner ocoessorres. . A supplier vnll nor robe ony responsbrllrr lr rne rorlure or line unrr nos resrred rrom accident, abuse, misuse, ororry unournorrzed repair, modrricorcn erdrsassernby. ° Modrricariors and repa'r or rne unrr snould be done by aulrrorized and ouelmed service personnel, Center or rerurned ra lrre rrsonuracturer. — rris warranry gives you spea'ric legal ripnrs, and you may also nave ornerngnrs wnrcn vary under local laws Mr) me rollowino cont-micro comprise the reou‘temerrts and scope or eurwarranry cond’nlons and do not alrecr our legal and contractual warranty obligations We error a warrarlrr on our producrs n accordance wrln lne lollowrrla condlrl ll DGI." producrs are coyomd bye rzmenrn warraw. We wl resowe damages or derecrs on alslvrr products tree or cnorae vnmin lz mourns or me purcnose dare under me rollowlng warranty condlrions. For any damage or detect dererrnrned lorer rrron n monrns orrer rne prschose dare. proor or a manurocrurrrg roulr musr be submrrred yorrspd underwonanry 21 rne warranry does nar cover berrenes end oinerporrs. wrricn ae considered consumables. pans rnal break easrysucnasglassorolosr‘c ordereds mad on normd wear and rea. rrlere ls no waranry obrvgarion in rne event or marginal dirraences cornde to rrre rarger appearance and wonmonsnrp provided irrese nave a negrgrsle errecr on the products rirnea rer use rne eyenr or damage caused by dierrscal or elecrrecnerrical errecrs. by worer or generelry lrorrr abnormal mndnons a) me warronw vn‘ll be pertermed in sucn a way marwe snall aeaoe wnerner ro reper rne derecrlve pans or re replace rnerrr wirn working oars tree or cnorae DGl'“ reserves rne ngnt to exchange rne product tor a malacement product or equal vabe rlne product senr n cannot be repaired vr’rnln a reasonable me or m a reasonable cost. Raquem cannor be made lor repalrs to be carried outors silo. Pars mar naro been replaced or eKcnanaod become our property, 41 rne wangnry olalm does not copy li repays or arner won “a corrled out by unaurnorrxed persons or ii our prbdscrs are eoulpped with oddtlondl pans or occessorles rngraenor approved loreurproducr. 51 Waranrres mar have been activated do not cause rrre worranry penod ra be exrendea. nardo lney rrrgger a new warranty penod. lne warranry pence ror ony replacement parts rnsrallea ends w‘rm rrre wenarry period rortrre errtre producr. ls a) Aryyotnerrmnerclalrru are excuded. especialry rnose rot nsplocernent due to damage caused to the orns‘rde a! rne product. provrded rnere ls no oblootory legal loony. We rrremlom accept no rlabllly ror accidental. Intact or other comeauenrlal darmoe or any kind. wtucn leads to wade mrrlcllans. data loss and loss or earrl'nas orlnrenuprlan to business, Asserrrrgewarronry cloi : l) ro make use or rne worronry servlce ror nordwoe esues, you must contact me D60" servce came by emol or supponadgersacom 2) aclw vnll try to apgnose and serve your problem lr‘r is delerrrined rrror e warranry claim esisls. you w! be given on PMA number (Peturn Malaria Aurnerrzationr and W] be asked ro send rne preduor re aelw. lMPorrlArrr. balwvnll onry ccmprpaoelx rnar nave an PMA number. Please observe rrre relavnng wnen senang rrre producr: l) send inc product suirobry padregea win carnage and insurance paid. no not endese anyoccessener wirn rne product (cables. cnargers. rrsorlrlals etc) unless rrle DGLSrerv‘lm Center species omerwl’se 21 Mark rne PMA number on lne ourside or the package in suds a way lnot ir is visible and dearly laprble. a) you must enclose a copy or rne sales sip as preol or purchase Al Once pal"r nos received rne preduor. rl Wlll meer lrs warronry ebllgcrlons in accordance vn'ln rne wmunW condlrions and wlll rerurn rne preduor ro rne senderwittl oorrlope and insurance po'o SERVICE climbs of mum" acrlm can reruse any servlce claim made rnar s not covered by rne warranty. it DGLW agrees to provide a servce aursrde rrre worranry. rne aeromervn‘ll be invoiced rarorrepri and rronepen cous. aclw will not accept any packagesrnar le nave notrlrsr been approved by belmpy meensoron PMA (Perurn Morerral Armlorlzarron). DGL Group guarmtees rrre eucdty or me producr rerouesrrens ercammenrs, please leer tree re Conrad us vla em or wppmfldglumrcufll. Artycnanaes or mcdrrloarlons notwesw approved by rne pony responsible ror pomplonoe pould vold rne users ournorwrc operate rne eoulpmenr. |7
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Encryption : Standard V4.4 (128-bit) User Access : Print, Extract, Print high-res Create Date : 2016:06:08 17:34:35+08:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Modify Date : 2016:06:13 21:43:26-07:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2016:06:13 21:43:26-07:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:36aef6b9-20b7-4744-9729-3b6aecdf0077 Instance ID : uuid:b8d63966-63c7-4f39-a192-577b810189f2 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools