TESONIC VAUMBH 2-in-1 Headset & 2.4A Car Charger User Manual

TESONIC INTERNATIONAL (HK) LTD. 2-in-1 Headset & 2.4A Car Charger Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: TESONIC VAUMBH 2-in-1 Headset & 2.4A Car Charger User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]TESONIC VAUMBH 2-in-1 Headset & 2.4A Car Charger User Manual
Document ID3433702
Application IDzfqQ5X7Vk4/UHkXPSEBxBw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize339.31kB (4241334 bits)
Date Submitted2017-06-21 00:00:00
Date Available2017-06-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-22 11:08:50
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-22 11:08:50
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

m Vibe”
Zine] Headset & 2AA Car Charger
Operation Manual VAU-MBH-BLK
eIuetoath yersron w I
Frequency, 20 Hz - 20 km
Impedance 32:}
SensItryIty. I02 dB
IdIIr nrrte. up to A hours
may IIme up to ‘76 hours
Powen asrnAh battery
InIs deyIce comples y/tttt pan I5 at the FCC mes
Opemfton Is armed to the toIon/Ing two condtIcns (I)
IhIs deyIce may not cause trdrquI Intenerenee. and
(Who deyIce rnustdcceptmy Interterence reoetyed,
IncIudng Intenerence that may cause undesIred
Heme note that charge or modtficuttom not
emressty approved by the pony responebIe tor
coranIance couId vdId tne use(sauthortty to operate
Note: InIs eoqurrtent has been tested and Iound to
corany wttn the urn»: tor a CIoos a dIgttot deuce,
Pursuantto part I5 otttte FCC mes Inese IIrrttts are
desIgned td pro/Ids reasonabIe protectIan ogaInst
hdrrrttuI Interterenee In a resIdentId r staIIatIdn InIs
eqqument generates, uses and can radIate radio
Itequency energy and, It not InstdIIed and used In
accordance y/tttt tne InstructIons. may cause ndrmtuI
Intenerence ta rddIo cornrnunchtIoro However, there
e no guarantee ttrdt Interterence wIII not occur In a
partIcuIa Iretolatton It the eaqurrrent does cause
hdrrrttuI Intenerence Io radIo or IeIeeron recemIcn,
man can be deterrnIned by tuthg the equbment
ottand on. the user k encourdged Io trytoeorrect the
Intenerence by one or more ot the mum/mg meowres,
- Recnent or reIocdtetne receIVIno antenna
. Increase the sebadtIon between the equbment
and recerer,
. Connect the eqqurnent Irtto an dutIet on d cIrcuIt
dnerent trcrn that to man the Iecetyer Is connected
K 5
Thank you tor ourchasIng the inn»! headset 5 Cor
charger I=Ieose read at InstructIons caretuIIy betare
usrng and retaIn thIs manuaI tar tuture use and
”cuss cOmENIS
. Mono Headset 5 Car Charger
. Operatron MonuaI
KEV mmzs
. campathIe wrtrI at Etuetootht'ertabted Get/Ices
. BuiHn Iechageable battery
. 2 MUSE ChargIng pan
aantedeectroan haooereaasrroydocetreuarat
Keeptneunneetrorndattnt etc
Ireorodtasnototay Keeoautotreaohotmden
Dohotesaoreodtteros bdrterypodcarodtterostomaed
r Consutt the deaIer or an expertenced radIo/Iv
technrcIon tor heIp
Connect the eaupment Into an outtet on a cIrcurt
drtterent tram that to thch the recerer Is connected
Comm the deateror evenenced radIo/Iv technIcIan
tor heIp
Ihe oonatron at the waranty and W reaoorabIImes
nnrted to the utigIrKl puchaser onty
WountustbeabtetpprmetheddteotongInaI purchase
ot the mm a dated recs-rat.
'Ihe wananty a not dupIIoaote ttthe produm has been
subIectto ptryscaI abuse, Imeoermtatdtm, modnca
tan or read by unauthonzed two party
We respormty ct suppIrer's products shoII be irrtted to
the reps-otreayaoernentattne aradtctasttssote
'saearttoaty WK)? tram my waranty are IIrnrtedtte
comm components subted to narrnoI wear and
teasuch osbatterresdeoordtesmdatheraoceaohes
'Asuppier yrII not tote any resaonsthItty rt the toIIure ct
theuntthasresutedtromacadent abscerr-‘suseatmy
uauttottzed repaIr, modttcatton at dsoseentote
'Moancatton and reoaIrotthe unnshouId be doneby
authottzed and ouaIrIted seryIce personneI, Center or
returned to the manutacturer
'IhIs warranty owes you soecnc Iegat nghts, ma you
may oIso have other rrghts whrch yary under IocaI Iaws
tne taIIowrng condrttons cumpnse the reauIrements
and scope at our wananty condItIans and do not
attect our teaoI and contractuaI waranty oaIIgdrtons
We otter a warrmty on our products In accordance
wrth the totowrng candrtrons
I) VIbe'M products are cayered by a I2 rnonth
waranty We wIt resotye damages or detects on W-
products tree at charge wrtnIn I2 months or the
purchase date under the totIawng warranty
WreIess *%
Mugruhrtcnan I
u n reason ,
cne In MIcIoshsns
cturrattra III: EAIIHDS
the earouds came wtttt a buIItfl rechargeabIe battery
aetore usng It tor the trst tIme, we Ieoommeod you
charge the battery tuIty the headset charges
automotchty when It Is stored Into the too or the car
CAMDN' Do not stan your carwrth the car ahagerand
headset qugged In Dong so may cause a surge In
yottoge that may damage your ynreIess headset
I start your car engIne
2 Ensure the headset Is stared correctIy Into your car
a Insen the car charger Into your cat‘s 24v chorgng port
4 the headset wl autorrattcoIIy turn on
Power On When the headset ts rruened Into the car
charger and enraged Into your oar part, they thI
Power ott Once you trnt ott your engIne, the car
charger wl rmmedater anerrot assumed yarn
candrtIons Fat any damage or detect determned
tater than I2 months otterthe purchase date, aroatot
a manutactunng tautt must be sumetted tor reparr
under warranty
2) the wananty does not coyet batteries and other
ports, thch are conudered coraumobIes, ports that
break eastty such as gIass or pIosttc or detects based
on normaI wear md tear. Ihere is no warranty
othgatron In the eyent at morgInat drterences
compared to the target appearance and workman
shp pronded these hoye a negIIgIbte ettect an the
products trtness tor use, In the event at damage
caused by chernIcoI or eIectrochemrcaI ettects, by
water or generoIry tram abnorrnot condrttons
a) the wananty wII be pertormed In such a way that
we shot decrde whether to roam the detectrye parts
or to repIace them wIth wortrrna parts tree at charge.
VIbew resenresthenohttoexchanoe the product taro
repIocement product at eauaI yatue rt the product
sent In cannot be repoIred wrthrn a reasonobte ttme or
at a reasonobte cost Reauests cannot be made tar
repaIrs to be earned out on stte Parts that haye been
repIoced or exchanged became our property
4) the warranty ctaIrrI does not wpIy IttepaIrs or other
work Is canted out by unautharrzed persons or It our
products are eou‘poed with addttIonaI parts or
acceeortes that are not approved tar our product
51Wananttas that have been actryated do not cause
the warranty pettad to be extended, nor do they
trtgaer a new wananty period Ine warranty pehod tar
any reptocernentparts InstotIed endswtththewarranty
pettoa tor the entre product
o1 Any other turther atoms are echuded, especIon
those tor repIocement due to damage caused to the
omode at the product, proyIded there Is no obtgotary
tegaI IrabItty We theretore accept no sobirty tar
accdentoInndrector other comeauentIaI damage at
any Innd, whrch Ieaas to usage restnctIons, data toss,
and toss at earnIngs or Interruptron ta busness
Assertno a warranty ctam‘
I) to mass use at the wananty sen/Ice tor hardware
Issues, you must contact the Inbe'M Sennce Center by
chat at supportanguso com
2) vIbew wIII try to dIagnose and sone your probIem It
It Is detetmned that a warranty cIaIm 63am you an be,
K 2
headset [tom your phone Met I5 nunutes or nactIyrty.
the headset thI turn art autornatcaIIy
to take your headset ynth you when you exrt the car.
may press the muItIrunctIon button once on the
headset to Keep your headset pared to your smart
I Ensure the earouds ae turned at It they are not.
otease tum on the earouds trst betare oanng
2 hers and haId the mutttuncton tor5secondsuntt the
red and bhe LED tash oIternatIye Ins wIII IndIcate your
earoudsae mt" oanng mode
a kae the earouds and the atetoath devtce to when
you woutd EA to para ynthIn the operatng dIstonce We
recommend Ireeorng the two dehces no tunher than 3
teet apart
4 Endute uuetaath rs enacted on your phone or musc
deyce Rater to the mamflumtet's Instructm tor how
to enaote quetooth on your devtce
5 Once you haye actyared IaIuetooth on your deone.
seem the earouds "VAUMEH" tram the In or ayaaaoye
IaIuetootn deyces
s trreoured enter the PIN code ‘DCIIT and contrm the
7 noose note, aoInng made an the earouds wt“ Iast tor
two rrIrnutes It no dehcer are pared otter two mrnutes.
the earouds anI autornatrcoIIy return to standby mode
a It oanng Is unsuccessrut, turn ort the earouds fist and
radar toIIowng the otorernentaned steps Once you
have cared the earoudswrth a deytce. the eorouar anI
remember thIs devtce and wl oar outomatrcotry when
the oer/Ices aIuetoath Is actuated and In range you do
not need to reaaIr arry oreonust connected deyces
Last number re-flallng
In standby mode, area the muItItunctIon button woe
qutckty, the Iast numberyou dated wtl be reacted
Answenng a can
Press the muttIuhctIon btmon auchy to answer the
IncomIng col
gryen an RMA number (Retum MateriaI Authorrzatron)
and wIII be asyed to send ttve product to vIbew
IMPOR’VANI‘ vIbem wiI onIy accept parcet: that hoye
an RMA number
Heose observe the toIIaynng when send-no the
I) Send the product surtabty packaged wIth carnage
and Insurance add no not encIose any accessortes
wrth the product (cabtes, chargers, manuaIs, etc)
unIess the V”"‘SstvIce Center spectnes atherynse.
2) Mark the RMA number on the outsIde at the
pacyage In such a way that rt Is nsIbte and cIeatty
a) you must enctroe a copy at the saIes stIp as praat at
4) Once ww- has recered the ptoauct, It wiI meet tts
warranty obigatipns In accordance wrth the wananty
condItIons and thI return the product to the sender
wrth camge md Insurance para.
seryIce outsIde at warranty
vIbew can retuse arty service cIaIm made that is not
covered by the wanantv
It vIbew agrees to areyIde a servce autude the
warranty, the asstorner wIII be Inonced tor a! repaIr
and transport costs. Vbe'M erI not accept any
packages that haye not Int been approved by ”Why
means at an RMA (Return Matettat Authortzatron)
Heose teeI tree to contact us wrth auestrons at:
supportaoqusa cont
FCC Radlaflon Exposure Statement:
The eourpntentcamolreswrtn Fcc redauan exposure
IrnIrts Set truth For an uncommlled ennnsnrnent
Tho transmrtter must not be corlocated or operatrng
In (onJuantI wrrh srryarher antenna or llansmlm
When the heactsetsstoredrn the corchorger. Iernovrrtg
tne hearuet trorn the car charger anI outcrnotIcaty
answer an Incomng coII
meet an Incarntng cul
Pres and had the rnuItIIuncton button tor2 seconds to
rerect the Incomng coII
Endlng a chI
Pres the muIttIunctbn button shonty to end a out
When we headset Is out ot the car charger, phone It
back Into the car charger anI autmtcaIIy end the
current coII
USING Itr: usI CAR cums:
me use portIseqquped ynthaoowertumA output IhIs
more your "table deyrce a charged at the tastest
speed poerIe. and the output Is strong enough to
charge a tabIet
SIM pIug you deyIce‘s use chorgng cobIe Into the
use can and ensure yourenaIne I: turned on to charge
your more deyrce or tobtet
- Do not expose the headset to Iqutd, manure, or
humIdIty to aond damage to the product‘s Internd
~ Do not use abrasrye cIeanIng sotyerrts to cIean me untt
~ Do not expose the headset to enremer hrgh or Idw
temperatures as Ms anI shorten the Ire or the eIectronIc
deuce, destroy the battery and/or dIstort cent-m pIastIc
~ Do not dIsoose or the earcuds n fire as they may
exptode or Combt rst
~ Do not expose me headset to contact wttn sharp
obtectsm the anI cause scratches and dmtage
. Do not let the eorouds toII tram hIah pIaces as done so
may damage the InternoI crantry
- Do not attempt to dIsaaerane me earbuds
In the eyent that the earbuds do not Iunctan prevent
return It to the store more It was purchased

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