THALES DIS AlS Deutschland XT56 Transmitter module for fixed / mobile applications User Manual XT55 56

Gemalto M2M GmbH Transmitter module for fixed / mobile applications XT55 56

Exhibit 8 User Manual

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Hardware Interface Descri
Siemens Cellular Engine
Version: 02.06a
DocID: XT55/56_hd_v02.06a
XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description
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Document Name: XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description
Version: 02.06a
Date: December 17, 2004
DocId: XT55/56_hd_v02.06a
Status: Confidential / Released
General Notes
Product is deemed accepted by recipient and is provided without interface to recipient’s products. The
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kind, express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Siemens further
disclaims all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability,
completeness, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third-party rights. The entire
risk arising out of the use or performance of the product and documentation remains with recipient.
This product is not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction
of the product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Applications incorporating the
described product must be designed to be in accordance with the technical specifications provided in
these guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the required procedures can result in malfunctions or
serious discrepancies in results. Furthermore, all safety instructions regarding the use of mobile
technical systems, including GSM products, which also apply to cellular phones must be followed.
Siemens or its suppliers shall, regardless of any legal theory upon which the claim is based, not be
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The foregoing limitations of liability shall not apply in case of mandatory liability, e.g. under the
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Copyright © Siemens AG 2004
Trademark notices
MS Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
SiRFDemo Software and SiRFstar are registered trademarks of SiRF Technology Inc., San Jose,
Section 4.2, 4.3.1, 4.8 and 9 used with the permission of SiRF Technology, Inc., San Jose, California
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0 Document history..........................................................................................................8
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................11
1.1 Related documents..............................................................................................11
1.2 Terms and abbreviations .....................................................................................12
1.3 Type approval ......................................................................................................16
1.4 Safety precautions ...............................................................................................18
2 Product concept..........................................................................................................20
2.1 XT55/56 key features at a glance ........................................................................21
2.2 Circuit concept .....................................................................................................24
3 GSM application interface ..........................................................................................26
3.1 GSM/GPRS operating modes..............................................................................26
3.2 Power supply .......................................................................................................28
3.2.1 Power supply pins on the board-to-board connector .............................28
3.2.2 Minimizing power losses........................................................................29
3.2.3 Monitoring power supply........................................................................29
3.3 Power up / down scenarios..................................................................................30
3.3.1 Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56..........................................................30 Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56 using the ignition line
GSM_IGT (Power on) ............................................................31 Timing of the ignition process................................................32 Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56 using the
GSM_POWER signal.............................................................33 Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56 using the
RTC (Alarm mode).................................................................33
3.3.2 Turn off the GSM part of XT55/56..........................................................35 Turn off GSM part of the XT55/56 module using
AT command .........................................................................35 Emergency shutdown using GSM_EMERGOFF pin .............36
3.3.3 Automatic shutdown...............................................................................37 Temperature dependent shutdown........................................37 Temperature control during emergency call ..........................38 Undervoltage shutdown if battery NTC is present .................38 Undervoltage shutdown if no battery NTC is present ............39 Overvoltage shutdown ...........................................................39
3.4 Automatic GPRS Multislot Class change.............................................................40
3.5 Charging control of the GSM part ........................................................................41
3.5.1 Battery pack characteristics...................................................................43
3.5.2 Recommended battery pack specification .............................................44
3.5.3 Implemented charging technique...........................................................45
3.5.4 Operating modes during charging..........................................................46
3.5.5 Charger requirements ............................................................................47
3.6 Power saving .......................................................................................................48
3.6.1 No power saving (AT+CFUN=1) ............................................................48
3.6.2 NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=0)..........................................48
3.6.3 CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=5, 6, 7, 8) .......................................48
3.6.4 CYCLIC SLEEP mode AT+CFUN=9 .....................................................49
3.6.5 Timing of the GSM_CTS signal in CYCLIC SLEEP modes ...................49
3.6.6 Wake up XT55/56 from SLEEP mode ...................................................51
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3.7 Summary of state transitions (except SLEEP mode)...........................................53
3.8 RTC backup for GSM part of XT55/56.................................................................54
3.9 Serial interfaces of the XT55/56 GSM part ..........................................................55
3.9.1 Features supported on the first serial interface of GSM part (ASC0) ....55
3.9.2 Features supported on the second serial interface of
GSM part (ASC1)...................................................................................56
3.9.3 ASC0 and ASC1 configuration...............................................................56
3.10 Audio interfaces ...................................................................................................57
3.10.1 Microphone circuit..................................................................................58
3.10.2 Speech processing ................................................................................59
3.10.3 DAI timing ..............................................................................................59
3.11 SIM interface........................................................................................................61
3.11.1 Requirements for using the GSM_CCIN pin ..........................................62
3.11.2 Design considerations for SIM card holder............................................63
3.12 Control signals .....................................................................................................64
3.12.1 Inputs .....................................................................................................64
3.12.2 Outputs ..................................................................................................65 Synchronization signal...........................................................65 Using the GSM_SYNC pin to control a status LED ...............66
3.12.3 Behavior of the GSM_RING0 line (ASC0 interface only).......................68
4 GPS application interface...........................................................................................70
4.1 Theory of operation..............................................................................................70
4.2 Technical data .....................................................................................................71
4.3 GPS operating modes .........................................................................................72
4.3.1 Trickle Power mode ...............................................................................73
4.3.2 Comparison of Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode ............................74
4.4 Power supply of the XT55/56 GPS part...............................................................75
4.5 General purpose input/output ..............................................................................75
4.6 Serial interfaces of the XT55/56 GPS part...........................................................76
4.7 GPS control signals .............................................................................................76
4.8 Receiver architecture...........................................................................................77
4.9 Operation procedure............................................................................................78
4.10 Start-up procedures .............................................................................................79
4.10.1 Coldstart.................................................................................................79
4.10.2 Warmstart ..............................................................................................79
4.10.3 Hotstart ..................................................................................................79
5 GSM and GPS antenna interfaces .............................................................................80
5.1 GSM antenna installation.....................................................................................80
5.1.1 GSM antenna connector ........................................................................80
5.1.2 GSM antenna pad..................................................................................82
5.2 Installing the GPS antenna ..................................................................................82
5.3 Hirose antenna connector....................................................................................83
6 Electrical, reliability and radio characteristics.........................................................87
6.1 Absolute maximum ratings ..................................................................................87
6.2 Operating temperatures.......................................................................................87
6.3 Pin description .....................................................................................................89
6.4 Power supply ratings ...........................................................................................95
6.4.1 Current consumption during GSM transmit burst...................................97
6.5 Electrical characteristics of the voiceband part..................................................102
6.5.1 Setting audio parameters by AT commands........................................102
6.5.2 Audio programming model...................................................................103
6.5.3 Characteristics of audio modes............................................................104
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6.5.4 Voiceband receive path .......................................................................105
6.5.5 Voiceband transmit path ......................................................................106
6.6 Air interface of the XT55/56 GSM part...............................................................107
6.7 Electrostatic discharge.......................................................................................108
6.8 Reliability characteristics ...................................................................................109
7 Mechanics..................................................................................................................110
7.1 Mechanical dimensions of XT55/56...................................................................110
7.2 Mounting XT55/56 onto the application platform ...............................................112
7.3 Board-to-board connector..................................................................................114
8 Reference approval...................................................................................................116
8.1 Reference equipment for type approval.............................................................116
8.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations (XT55 only) ...............................117
8.3 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations (XT56 only) ...............................118
9 Example applications ...............................................................................................119
10 List of parts and accessories...................................................................................123
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Figure 1: Block diagram of serial interface concept ...............................................................25
Figure 2: Power supply limits during transmit burst................................................................ 29
Figure 3: Power-on by ignition signal ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 4: Timing of power-on process if GSM_VDDLP is not used .......................................32
Figure 5: Timing of power-on process if GSM_VDDLP is fed from external source ..............32
Figure 6: Deactivating GSM engine by GSM_EMERGOFF signal.........................................36
Figure 7: Schematic of approved charging transistor, trickle charging and ESD protection .. 41
Figure 8: Battery pack circuit diagram....................................................................................43
Figure 9: Charging process ....................................................................................................45
Figure 10: Timing of CTS signal (example for a 2.12 s paging cycle).................................... 50
Figure 11: Beginning of power saving if CFUN=5 or 7........................................................... 50
Figure 12: RTC supply from capacitor.................................................................................... 54
Figure 13: RTC supply from rechargeable battery ................................................................. 54
Figure 14: RTC supply from non-chargeable battery ............................................................. 54
Figure 15: Audio block diagram.............................................................................................. 57
Figure 16: Schematic of microphone inputs ........................................................................... 58
Figure 17: DAI timing on transmit path................................................................................... 60
Figure 18: DAI timing on receive path .................................................................................... 60
Figure 19: SIM card holder of DSB45 Support Box................................................................63
Figure 20: Pin numbers of Molex SIM card holder on DSB45 Support Box........................... 63
Figure 21: GSM_SYNC signal during transmit burst.............................................................. 65
Figure 22: LED Circuit (Example)...........................................................................................67
Figure 23: Incoming voice call................................................................................................68
Figure 24: Incoming data call .................................................................................................68
Figure 25: URC transmission ................................................................................................. 68
Figure 26: Theory of operation ............................................................................................... 70
Figure 27: Example for current in Trickle Power mode ..........................................................73
Figure 28: Comparing typical current in Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode ......................74
Figure 29: Example of LED circuit.......................................................................................... 77
Figure 30: Receiver architecture of the GPS receiver............................................................ 77
Figure 31: U.FL-R-SMT connector ......................................................................................... 80
Figure 32: Antenna pad and GND plane ................................................................................ 80
Figure 33: Never use antenna connector and antenna pad at the same time ....................... 81
Figure 34: Restricted area around antenna pad..................................................................... 81
Figure 35: GPS antenna connector (U.FL-R-SMT connector) ...............................................82
Figure 36: Mechanical dimensions of U.FL-R-SMT connector...............................................83
Figure 37: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-040 plug ....................................................84
Figure 38: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-066 plug ....................................................84
Figure 39: Specifications of U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) plug .......................................................... 85
Figure 40: Pin assignment (top view on XT55/56) ................................................................. 89
Figure 41: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in EGSM 900 network......................97
Figure 42: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in GSM 1800 network ......................98
Figure 43: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in GSM 1900 network ......................98
Figure 44: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in EGSM 900 network...............99
Figure 45: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in GSM 1800 network ...............99
Figure 46: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in GSM 1900 network .............100
Figure 47: Typical current consumption vs. return loss........................................................ 101
Figure 48: AT audio programming model............................................................................. 103
Figure 49: XT55/56 – top view ............................................................................................. 110
Figure 50: XT55/56 bottom view .......................................................................................... 110
Figure 51: Mechanical dimensions of XT55/56 .................................................................... 111
Figure 52: Mounting holes on XT55/56 ................................................................................ 112
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Figure 53: Recommended dowel ......................................................................................... 113
Figure 54: Mechanical dimensions of Hirose DF12 connector............................................. 115
Figure 55: Reference equipment for approval...................................................................... 116
Figure 56: Block diagram of XT55/56 for SiRF Demo application........................................ 119
Figure 57: Block diagram of XT55/56 with AVL application (optional) ................................. 120
Figure 58: XT55/56 tracking phone with external µC (example application) ........................121
Table 1: XT55/56 key features ............................................................................................... 21
Table 2: GSM coding schemes and maximum net data rates over air interface.................... 23
Table 3: Overview of GSM/GPRS operating modes .............................................................. 26
Table 4: Power supply pins of board-to-board connector....................................................... 28
Table 5: AT commands available in Alarm mode................................................................... 33
Table 6: Temperature dependent behavior ............................................................................ 38
Table 7: Bill of material for external charging circuit............................................................... 42
Table 8: Specifications of recommended battery pack........................................................... 44
Table 9: Comparison Charge-only and Charge mode............................................................46
Table 10: AT commands available in Charge-only mode.......................................................47
Table 11: Wake-up events in NON-CYCLIC and CYCLIC SLEEP modes.............................51
Table 12: State transitions of XT55/56 (except SLEEP mode) .............................................. 53
Table 13: DCE-DTE wiring of 1st serial interface (GSM part) ................................................56
Table 14: DCE-DTE wiring of 2nd serial interface (GSM part)............................................... 56
Table 15: Signals of the SIM interface (board-to-board connector) ....................................... 61
Table 16: Pin assignment of Molex SIM card holder on DSB45 Support Box........................ 63
Table 17: Input control signals of the GSM part of the XT55/56 module................................ 64
Table 18: Coding of the status LED ....................................................................................... 66
Table 19: ASC0 ring signal.....................................................................................................69
Table 20: Return loss .............................................................................................................80
Table 21: Product specifications of U.FL-R-SMT connector .................................................. 83
Table 22: Material and finish of U.FL-R-SMT connector and recommended plugs ...............84
Table 23: Ordering information for Hirose U.FL Series .......................................................... 86
Table 24: Absolute maximum ratings (GSM part) .................................................................. 87
Table 25: Absolute maximum rating (GPS part)..................................................................... 87
Table 26: Operating temperatures ......................................................................................... 87
Table 27: Electrical description of application interface ......................................................... 90
Table 28: Power supply ratings (GSM part) ........................................................................... 95
Table 29: Power supply ratings (GPS part)............................................................................ 96
Table 30: Audio parameters adjustable by AT command .................................................... 102
Table 31: Voiceband characteristics (typical).......................................................................104
Table 32: Voiceband receive path........................................................................................105
Table 33: Voiceband transmit path....................................................................................... 106
Table 34: Air Interface ..........................................................................................................107
Table 35: Measured electrostatic values..............................................................................108
Table 36: Summary of reliability test conditions ................................................................... 109
Table 37: Ordering information DF12 series ........................................................................ 114
Table 38: Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Hirose DF12C connector ..........114
Table 39: List of parts and accessories................................................................................ 123
Table 40: Molex sales contacts (subject to change) ............................................................125
Table 41: Hirose sales contacts (subject to change)............................................................125
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0 Document history
Preceding document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 02.06
New document: "XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description" Version 02.06a
Chapter What is new
Throughout the
Added XT56.
4.4 Notes about power supply of RTC and SRAM of GPS part.
5.3 Table 23: Corrected Hirose part number U.FL-LP-068.
10 Added Siemens ordering number for module XT56.
Preceding document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.06
New document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 02.06
Chapter What is new
Throughout the
Deleted remarks regarding TCP/IP software which is currently not supported.
1.1 Updated list of related documents.
Preceding document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00b
New document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.06
Chapter What is new
1.3 Updated list of standards.
2.1, 4.2 SDn1, SDn2: both GPS interfaces support baud rates from 4800 … 115200 bps
3.6, 3.12.2 More detailed description of status LED patterns
3.11, 3.11.2 Use GSM_CCGND line to shield GSM_CCIO line from GSM_CCCLK line.
Connect a 47 pF capacitor from the GSM_CCIO to the GSM_CCGND line.
3.11.2 Improved Figure 19
4.2 GPS receiver sensitivity has been changed from –142 dBm to –138 dBm
4.7 GPS_RFPC0 and GPS_RFPC1 must be connected as shown in Figure 58 in order
to use the Trickle Power mode, deleted GPS_GPIO9 (T_MARK)
6.4 Added footnote regarding test conditions
6.5.3 Table 31: Sidetone gain at default settings for audio mode 5 and 6 set to - dB
7.2 Figure 53: Improved figure
8.2 Added IC: 267W-XT55/56
9 Figure 58:
Two pull-up resistors must be added in order to ensure the correct voltage level
during start-up and reset procedure of the GPS base-band processor
Added 47 pF capacitor
10 Added new Siemens ordering numbers
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Preceding document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00a
New document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00b
Chapter What is new
General Notes Added note about the use of extracts from SiRF documentation
Preceding document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00
New document: "XT55 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00a
Chapter What is new
General Notes Added trademark notice regarding SiRF Software
7.1 Figure 51: Mechanical dimensions of XT55/56 – added new drawing
Preceding document: "XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.02
New document: "XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.00
Chapter What is new
Throughout the
Renamed “GSM/GPRS part” to “GSM part”
2nd cover page New version of General Notes
1.1 Updated list of related documents
1.3 XT55/56 is now fully type approved and marked with the CE conformity label
2 Restructured the chapter, moved figures regarding SiRF Demo, AVL and TCP/IP
application to Chapter 9
3.5.3 Added remark that charging begins again when voltage drops below 4.0V.
6.2 Added footnote regarding heat sink.
7.2 Added further mounting advices
9 New chapter: Design example
---- Deleted chapter: Maximum number of turn-on / turn-off cycles
Preceding document: "XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.01
New document: "XT55/56 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.02
Chapter What is new
Throughout this
Maximum temperature has been changed from +65°C to +70°C.
Pins have been clearly divided into GPS and GSM pins.
1.1 Updated list of related documents
1.2 Added GPS terms abbreviations
2.1 Added new key features regarding GPS
2.2 Added Figure 56 and Figure 57
3.5.2 Deleted vendor XWODA, battery pack can be obtained from various dealers
4.1 New chapter: Theory of operation
4.3f Detailed description of GPS operating modes
4.4 Added information regarding the power supply pins of the GPS part
4.5 New chapter: General purpose input/output
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Chapter What is new
4.6 More information regarding the two serial interfaces of the GPS part
4.7 Added a complete list of GPS control signals
4.8 New chapter describing the functionality of the integrated GPS receiver
4.9 New chapter: Operation procedure
4.10 Detailed description of the GPS start-up procedure, coldstart, warmstart and
6.3 Renamed chapter and corrected pin assignment of B2B connector
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1 Introduction
This document describes the hardware interface of the Siemens XT55/56 module that
connects to the cellular device application and the air interface. As XT55/56 is intended to
integrate with a wide range of application platforms, all functional components are described
in great detail.
This guide therefore covers all information needed to design and set up cellular applications
incorporating the XT55/56 module. It aids rapid retrieval of interface specifications, electrical
and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for integration
of further components.
Please note that this document refers to the GPS software version 2.3 and XT55/56 module
software version 02.06.
1.1 Related documents
[1] XT55 AT Command, Version 02.06
XT56 AT Command, Version 02.06
[2] GPS Command Specification
[3] AVL Software User’s Guide
[4] GPS Startup User's Guide
[5] GSM/GPS Evaluation Board Description
[6] GPRS Startup User's Guide
[7] Remote-SAT User's Guide
[8] DSB45 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Siemens Cellular Engines
[9] Application Note 14: Audio and Battery Parameter Download
[10] Application Note 02: Audio Interface Design
[11] Application Note 22: Using TTY / CTM equipment
[12] Multiplexer User's Guide
[13] Multiplex Driver Developer’s Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP
[14] Multiplex Driver Installation Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP
[15] Application Note 24: Application Developer’s Guide
[16] Application Note 28: Customer SIM Lock
[17] Application Note 21: Implementing Customer IMEI
Prior to using the XT55/56 engines or upgrading to a new firmware release, be sure to
carefully read the latest product information.
To visit the Siemens Website you can use the following link:
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1.2 Terms and abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AD Analog / Digital
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARP Antenna Reference Point
ASC0 / ASC1 Asynchronous Controller. Abbreviations used for first and second serial interface of
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
B Thermistor Constant
B2B Board-to-board connector
BER Bit Error Rate
BTS Base Transceiver Station
CB or CBM Cell Broadcast Message
CE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CPU Central Processing Unit
CS Coding Scheme
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CTS Clear to Send
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAI Digital Audio Interface
dBW Decibel per Watt
dBm0 Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-law
DCE Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. Siemens GSM engine)
DCS 1800 Digital Cellular System, also referred to as PCN
DGPS Differential GPS
DOP Dilution of Precision
DRX Discontinuous Reception
DSB Development Support Box
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, terminal, printer or, for example, GSM
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Abbreviation Description
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EGSM Enhanced GSM
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
FCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FR Full Rate
GGA GPS Fixed Data
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global Standard for Mobile Communications
HiZ High Impedance
HR Half Rate
I/O Input/Output
IC Integrated Circuit
IF Intermediate Frequency
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU International Telecommunications Union
kbps kbits per second
LED Light Emitting Diode
Li-Ion Lithium-Ion
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
Mbps Mbits per second
MMI Man Machine Interface
MO Mobile Originated
MS Mobile Station (GSM engine), also referred to as TE
MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN number
MSK Minimum Shift Key
MT Mobile Terminated
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
NMEA National Maritime Electronics Association
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
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Abbreviation Description
PA Power Amplifier
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCL Power Control Level
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCN Personal Communications Network, also referred to as DCS 1800
PCS Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PPP Point-to-point protocol
PRN Pseudo-Random Noise Number – The identity of GPS satellites
PSU Power Supply Unit
R&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RMS Root Mean Square (value)
ROM Read-only Memory
RP Receive Protocol
RTC Real Time Clock
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
Rx Receive Direction
SA Selective Availability
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMS Short Message Service
SPI Service Provider Interface
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
TA Terminal adapter (e.g. GSM engine)
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TE Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTE
Tx Transmit Direction
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
URC Unsolicited Result Code
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
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Abbreviation Description
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
Phonebook abbreviations
FD SIM fixdialing phonebook
LD SIM last dialing phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialed)
MC Mobile Equipment list of unanswered MT calls (missed calls)
ME Mobile Equipment phonebook
ON Own numbers (MSISDNs) stored on SIM or ME
RC Mobile Equipment list of received calls
SM SIM phonebook
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1.3 Type approval
XT55/56 has been approved to comply with the directives and standards listed below and is
labeled with the CE conformity mark.
European directives
99/05/EC “Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March
1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment
and the mutual recognition of their conformity”, in short referred to as
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
89/336/EC Directive on electromagnetic compatibility
73/23/EC Directive on electrical equipment designed for use within certain
voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive)
Standards of North American Type Approval
CFR Title 47 “Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Part 22 and Part 24
(Telecommunications, PCS)”; US Equipment Authorization FCC
NAPRD.03 “Overview of PCS Type certification review board
Mobile Equipment Type Certification and IMEI control”
PCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB)
Standards of European Type Approval
3GPP TS 51.010-1 “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Mobile Station
(MS) conformance specification”.
ETSI EN 301 511 “V7.0.1 (2000-12) Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Tele-
communications series) Global System for Mobile communications
(GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and
DCS 1800 bands covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of
the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) (GSM 13.11 version 7.0.1 Release
GCF-CC “Global Certification Forum - Certification Criteria” V3.15.0
ETSI EN 301 489-1 “V1.2.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Tele-
communications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio
spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) stan-
dard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common Technical
ETSI EN 301 489-07 “V1.1.1 Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and
portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio tele-
communications systems (GSM and DCS)”
EN 60 950 Safety of information technology equipment (2000)
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Requirements of quality
IEC 60068 Environmental testing
DIN EN 60529 IP codes
Compliance with international rules and regulations
Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating XT55/56 modules are advised to have
their completed product tested and approved for compliance with all applicable national and
international regulations. As a tri-band GSM/GPRS engine designed for use on any GSM
network in the world, XT55/56 is required to pass all approvals relevant to operation on the
European and North American markets. For the North American market this includes the
Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and PTCRB, for
the European market the R&TTE Directives and GCF Certification Criteria must be fully
The FCC Equipment Authorization granted to the XT55/56 Siemens reference application is
valid only for the equipment described in Chapter 8.
SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles
Mobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM
module must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency
energy. This requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable XT55/56 based
applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international
Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are
advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For European and
US markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the
manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations
or directives are in force outside these areas.
Products intended for sale on US markets
ES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to Electromagnetic
Fields (EMFs) from Mobile Telecommunication Equipment (MTE) in
the frequency range 30MHz-6GHz
Products intended for sale on European markets
EN 50360 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones
with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to
electromagnetic fields (300 MHz - 3 GHz)
Note: Usage of XT55/56 in a fixed, mobile or portable application is not allowed
without a new FCC certification.
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1.4 Safety precautions
The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage,
service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating XT55/56. Manufacturers of
the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and
operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the
product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design,
manufacture and intended use of the product. Siemens AG assumes no liability for customer
failure to comply with these precautions.
When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the
use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so
by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be
sensitive to RF energy.
The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment
and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or
mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact
the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is
properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held
mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on.
Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make
sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless
appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with
communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to
the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or
Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable
gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol
stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in
progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive
atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.
Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency
energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used
close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment.
Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or
mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause
interference or danger.
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Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile
when driving a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for handsfree
operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the
Handsfree devices must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation
or operation can constitute a safety hazard.
Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular
networks. Because of this connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under
all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless
device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.
Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile
must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal
Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or
phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may
need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.
Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the
cellular terminal or mobile.
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2 Product concept
Designed for use on any GSM network in the world, Siemens XT55 is a tri-band GSM/GPRS
engine that works on the three frequencies GSM 900 MHz, GSM 1800 MHz and GSM
1900 MHz and supports also GPS technology for satellite navigation. XT56 is a tri-band
GSM/GPRS engine that works on the three frequencies GSM 850MHz, GSM 1800 MHz and
GSM 1900 MHz and supports also GPS technology for satellite navigation. XT55/56 features
GPRS multislot class 10 and supports the GPRS coding schemes CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and
The compact design of the XT55/56 module makes it easy to integrate GSM / GPRS and
GPS as an all-in-one solution. It saves significantly both time and cost for integration of
additional hardware components.
The integrated GPS module provides instant location information using satellite signals to
enable users to ascertain where they are anywhere in the world. It consists of a fully
integrated RF receiver and a 12 channel baseband.
The tiny XT55/56 module incorporates all you need to create high-performance GSM/GPRS
solutions: baseband processor, power supply ASIC, complete radio frequency circuit
including a power amplifier and antenna interface. The power amplifier is directly fed from the
supply voltage GSM_BATT+. A compact “stacked FLASH / SRAM” device stores the
XT55/56 software in the flash memory section, and static RAM section provides the
additional storage capacity required by GPRS connectivity.
The physical interface to the cellular application is made through a board-to-board connector.
It consists of 80 pins, required for controlling the unit, receiving GPS location data,
transferring data and audio signals and providing power supply lines.
XT55/56 comprises two serial GSM interfaces (ASC0 and ASC1) and two serial GPS
interfaces (Serial data 1 and Serial data 2) giving you maximum flexibility for easy integration
with the Man-Machine Interface (MMI).
An extremely versatile audio concept offers various audio interfaces, each available on the
board-to-board connector: a digital audio interface (DAI) and two analog audio interfaces.
Using AT commands you can easily switch back and forth and select different audio modes.
The external dual-band or triple-band GSM antenna can be connected optionally to a
connector on the top side or to a pad on the bottom side. A separate GPS antenna must be
connected to the GPS part of the module in order to properly receive satellite data.
For battery powered applications, XT55/56 features a charging control which can be used to
charge a Li-Ion battery. The charging circuit must be implemented outside the module on the
application platform.
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2.1 XT55/56 key features at a glance
Table 1: XT55/56 key features
Feature Implementation
Power supply Supply voltage 3.3V – 4.8V for the GSM / GPRS module
Separate power supply source: 3.3V ± 5% for the GPS device
Power saving (GSM) Minimizes power consumption in SLEEP mode
Power saving (GPS) Trickle Power™ / Push-to-Fix mode
Charging Supports charging control for Li-Ion battery for the GSM part of the module
Frequency bands XT55 Tri-band: EGSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900
XT56 Tri-band: GSM 850, GSM 1800, GSM 1900
Compliant to GSM Phase 2/2+
GSM class Small MS
Transmit power Class 4 (2W) at EGSM 900 and GSM 850
Class 1 (1W) at GSM 1800 and GSM 1900
GPRS connectivity GPRS multi-slot class 10
GPRS mobile station class B
GPS features GPS receiver with SiRFstar Ile/LP chip set
Processor type ARM7/TDMI
Sirf GSW2, version 2.3
Temperature range
Temperature control
and auto switch-off
Normal operation: -20°C to +55°C
Restricted operation: -25°C to -20°C and +55°C to +70°C
Constant temperature control prevents damage to XT55/56 when the
specified temperature is exceeded. When an emergency call is in
progress the automatic temperature shutdown functionality is
GPRS data downlink transfer: max. 85.6 kbps (see Table 2)
GPRS data uplink transfer: max. 42.8 kbps (see Table 2
Coding scheme: CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4
XT55/56 supports the two protocols PAP (Password Authentication
Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
commonly used for PPP connections.
Support of Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel (PBCCH) allows
you to benefit from enhanced GPRS performance when offered by the
network operators.
CSD transmission rates: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4 kbps, non-transparent, V.110
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) support
WAP compliant
SMS MT, MO, CB, Text and PDU mode
SMS storage: SIM card plus 25 SMS locations in the mobile equipment
Transmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS. Preferred mode
can be user-defined.
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Feature Implementation
MMS MMS compliant
FAX Group 3: Class 1, Class 2
SIM interface Supported SIM card: 3V
External SIM card reader has to be connected via interface connector (note
that card reader is not part of XT55/56)
External antenna
Connected via 50 Ohm antenna connector or antenna pad.
Separate GPS antenna connector. See Figure 49 for details.
Audio interfaces Two analog audio interfaces, one digital audio interface (DAI)
Audio features Speech codec modes:
Half Rate (ETS 06.20)
Full Rate (ETS 06.10)
Enhanced Full Rate (ETS 06.50 / 06.60 / 06.80)
Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR)
Handsfree operation
Echo cancellation
Noise reduction
Two serial GSM
2.65V level, bi-directional bus for AT commands and data
ASC0 – full-featured 8-wire serial interface. Supports RTS0/CTS0
hardware handshake and software XON/XOFF flow control. Multiplex
ability according to GSM 07.10 Multiplexer Protocol.
ASC1 - 4-wire serial interface. Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware
handshake and software XON/XOFF flow control.
Baud rate: 300bps ... 230kbps on ASC0 and ASC1
Autobauding (on ASC0 only) detects 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 bps
Two serial GPS
interfaces: SDn1, SDn2
Baud rate: 4800 … 115200 bps on SD1 and SD2 (default setting on both
interfaces: 9600 bps)
Supported phonebook types: SM, FD, LD, MC, RC, ON, ME
SIM Application Toolkit Supports SAT class 3, GSM 11.14 Release 98, support of letter class “c”
Ringing tones Offers a choice of 7 different ringing tones / melodies, easily selectable with
AT command
Real time clock Implemented
Timer function Programmable via AT command
Support of TTY/CTM To benefit from TTY communication via GSM, CTM equipment can be
connected to one of the three audio interfaces.
Physical characteristics Size: 35.0 ± 0.15mm x 53.0 ± 0.15mm x 5.1 ± 0.15mm
Weight: 11g
Firmware upgrade XT55/56 firmware upgradable over serial interface
Evaluation kit The DSB45 Support Box is an evaluation kit designed to test and type
approve the GSM part of Siemens cellular engines and provide a sample
configuration for application engineering. See Chapter 10 for ordering
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Table 2: GSM coding schemes and maximum net data rates over air interface
Coding scheme 1 Timeslot 2 Timeslots 4 Timeslots
CS-1: 9.05 kbps 18.1 kbps 36.2 kbps
CS-2: 13.4 kbps 26.8 kbps 53.6 kbps
CS-3: 15.6 kbps 31.2 kbps 62.4 kbps
CS-4: 21.4 kbps 42.8 kbps 85.6 kbps
Please note that the values stated above are maximum ratings which, in practice, are influenced by a
great variety of factors, primarily, for example, traffic variations and network coverage.
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2.2 Circuit concept
The XT55/56 module comprises the following major functional components:
GSM / GPRS baseband block:
Baseband controller operating at 26MHz
Power supply ASIC
Stacked Flash / SRAM
Application interface (board-to-board connector)
GSM RF block:
Skyworks RF transceiver
Skyworks RF power amplifier / FEM
RF front end (antenna connector)
GPS block:
Processor type: ARM7/TDMI
Processor speed: 25 MHz
GPS RF block:
GPS receiver with SiRFstar Ile/LP chip set
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Customer application
80 pin B2B
Serial 0
Serial 1
80 pin B2B
Active GPS antenna
GSM antenna
Serial data 2 Serial data 1
6 Modem
Status lines
GSM module GPS module
Serial 1
Serial 2
Figure 1: Block diagram of serial interface concept
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3 GSM application interface
The GSM part of the XT55/56 module incorporates several sub-interfaces described in the
following chapters:
Power supply and charging control (see Chapters 3.2 and 3.3)
Dual serial GSM interface (see Chapter 3.9)
Two analog audio interfaces and a digital audio interface (see Chapter 3.10)
SIM interface (see Chapter 3.11)
Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the board-to-board connector are specified in
Chapter 7.3. Ordering information for mating connectors and cables are included.
3.1 GSM/GPRS operating modes
The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the following
chapters. All information regarding GPS/GPRS operating modes are available in Chapter
Table 3: Overview of GSM/GPRS operating modes
Mode Function
GSM / GPRS SLEEP Various powersave modes set with AT+CFUN
Software is active to minimum extent. If the module was
registered to the GSM network in IDLE mode, it is
registered and paging with the BTS in SLEEP mode,
too. Power saving can be chosen at different levels:
disables the AT interface. The CYCLIC SLEEP modes
AT+CFUN=5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 alternatively activate and
deactivate the AT interfaces to allow permanent access
to all AT commands.
GSM IDLE Software is active. Once registered to the GSM
network, paging with BTS is carried out. The module is
ready to send and receive.
GSM TALK Connection between two subscribers is in progress.
Power consumption depends on network coverage
individual settings, such as DTX off/on, FR/EFR/HR,
hopping sequences, antenna.
GPRS IDLE Module is ready for GPRS data transfer, but no data is
currently sent or received. Power consumption depends
on network settings and GPRS configuration (e.g.
multislot settings).
Normal operation
GPRS DATA GPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption
depends on network settings (e.g. power control level),
uplink / downlink data rates and GPRS configuration
(e.g. used multislot settings).
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Mode Function
POWER DOWN Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command.
The Power Supply ASIC (PSU-ASIC) disconnects the supply voltage from the
baseband part of the circuit. Only a voltage regulator in the PSU-ASIC is active
for powering the RTC. Software is not active. The serial interfaces are not
Operating voltage (connected to GSM_BATT+) remains applied.
Alarm mode Restricted operation launched by RTC alert function while the module is in
POWER DOWN mode. Module will not be registered to GSM network. Limited
number of AT commands is accessible.
Charge-only mode Limited operation for battery powered applications. Enables charging while
module is detached from GSM network. Limited number of AT commands is
accessible. There are several ways to launch Charge-only mode:
From POWER DOWN mode: Connect charger to the charger input pin of the
external charging circuit and the module’s GSM_POWER pin when XT55/56
was powered down by AT^SMSO.
From Normal mode: Connect charger to the charger input pin of the external
charging circuit and the module’s GSM_POWER pin, then enter AT^SMSO.
Charge mode
during normal
Normal operation (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS IDLE, GPRS DATA) and
charging running in parallel. Charge mode changes to Charge-only mode when
the module is powered down before charging has been completed.
See Table 11 and Table 12 for the various options of waking up the GSM part of the XT55/56 module
and proceeding from one mode to another.
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3.2 Power supply
The power supply for the GSM part of the XT55/56 module has to be a single voltage source
of VGSM_BATT+= 3.3V...4.8V. It must be able to provide sufficient current in a transmit burst
which typically rises to 1.6A.
All the key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by an ASIC power supply.
The ASIC provides the following features:
Stabilizes the supply voltages for the GSM baseband using low drop linear voltage
Controls the module's power up and power down procedures.
A watchdog logic implemented in the baseband processor periodically sends signals to
the ASIC, allowing it to maintain the supply voltage for all digital XT55/56 components.
Whenever the watchdog pulses fail to arrive constantly, the module is turned off.
Delivers, across the GSM_VDD pin, a regulated voltage of 2.9V. The output voltage
GSM_VDD may be used to supply, for example, an external LED or a level shifter.
However, the external circuitry must not cause any spikes or glitches on voltage
GSM_VDD. This voltage is not available in POWER DOWN mode. Therefore, the
GSM_VDD pin can be used to indicate whether or not GSM part of the XT55/56 module
is in POWER DOWN mode.
Provides power to the SIM interface.
The RF power amplifier is driven directly from GSM_BATT+.
3.2.1 Power supply pins on the board-to-board connector
Five GSM_BATT+ pins of the board-to-board connector are dedicated to connect the supply
voltage, five GND pins are recommended for grounding. The values stated below must be
measured directly at the reference points on the XT55/56 board (TP GSM_BATT+ and TP
GND illustrated in Figure 50).
The GSM_POWER and GSM_CHARGE pins serve as control signals for charging a Li-Ion
battery. GSM_VDDLP can be used to back up the RTC.
Table 4: Power supply pins of board-to-board connector
Signal name I/O Description Parameter
GSM_BATT+ I/O Positive operating voltage
Reference points are the
test points
3.3 V...4.8 V, Ityp 1.6 A during transmit burst
The minimum operating voltage must not fall
below 3.3 V, not even in case of voltage
GND - Ground 0 V
GSM_POWER I This line signals to the
processor that the
charger is connected.
GSM_CHARGE O Control signal for external
charging transistor
GSM_VDDLP I/O Can be used to back up
the RTC when VGSM_BATT+
is not applied.
See Chapter 3.8
UIN = 2.0 V...5.5 V
Ri = 1k
Iin,max = 30µA
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3.2.2 Minimizing power losses
When designing the power supply for your application please pay specific attention to power
losses. Ensure that the input voltage VGSM_BATT+ never drops below 3.3V on the GSM part of
the XT55/56 board, not even in a transmit burst where current consumption can rise to
typical peaks of 1.6A. It should be noted that the GSM part of the XT55/56 module switches
off when exceeding these limits. Any voltage drops that may occur in a transmit burst should
not exceed 400mV. For further details see Chapter 6.4.
The best approach to reducing voltage drops is to use a board-to-board connection as
recommended, and a low impedance power source. The resistance of the power supply lines
on the host board and of a battery pack should also be considered.
Note: If the application design requires an adapter cable between both board-to-board
connectors, use a cable as short as possible in order to minimize power losses.
Example: If the length of the cable reaches the maximum length of 200mm, this connection
may cause, for example, a resistance of 50m in the GSM_BATT+ line and
50m in the GND line. As a result, a 1.6A transmit burst would add up to a total
voltage drop of 160mV. Plus, if a battery pack is involved, further losses may
occur due to the resistance across the battery lines and the internal resistance of
the battery including its protective circuit.
burst 1.6A
burst 1.6A
min. 3.3V
Figure 2: Power supply limits during transmit burst
The input voltage VGSM_BATT+ must be measured directly at the test points on the XT55/56
board (TP GSM_BATT+ and TP GND illustrated in Figure 50).
3.2.3 Monitoring power supply
To help you monitor the supply voltage you can use the AT^SBV command which returns the
voltage measured at TP GSM_BATT+ and GND.
The voltage is continuously measured at intervals depending on the operating mode on the
RF interface. The duration of measuring ranges from 0.5s in TALK/DATA mode up to 50s
when the GSM part of the XT55/56 is in IDLE mode or Limited Service (deregistered). The
displayed voltage (in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT^SBV
command was executed.
For details please refer to [1].
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3.3 Power up / down scenarios
In general, be sure not to turn on GSM part of the XT55/56 module while it is out of the
operating range of voltage and temperature stated in Chapters 6.2 and 6.3. The GSM part of
the XT55/56 would immediately switch off after having started and detected these
inappropriate conditions.
3.3.1 Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56
The GSM part of the XT55/56 can be activated in a variety of ways, which are described in
the following chapters:
via ignition line GSM_IGT: starts normal operating state (see Chapters and
via GSM_POWER line: starts charging algorithm (see Chapters 3.5.4 and
via RTC interrupt: starts Alarm mode (see Chapter
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(Power on)
To switch on the XT55/56 GSM part the GSM_IGT (Ignition) signal needs to be driven to
ground level for at least 100ms and not earlier than 10ms after the last falling edge of
GSM_VDD. This can be accomplished using an open drain/collector driver in order to avoid
current flowing into this pin.
ca. 300ms ca. 900ms
Serial interfaces
ASC0 and ASC1 Undefined Inactive Active
ca. 60ms
min. 10ms
100ms HiZ
Figure 3: Power-on by ignition signal
If configured to a fix baud rate, the GSM part of the XT55/56 will send the result code
^SYSSTART to indicate that it is ready to operate. This result code does not appear when
autobauding is active. See Chapter AT+IPR in [1].
In a battery operated XT55/56 application, the duration of the GSM_IGT signal must be 1s
minimum when the charger is connected and you may want to go from Charge only mode to
Normal mode.
For details
lease see Cha
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XT55/56_hd_v02.06a Page 32 of 125 17.12.2004 Timing of the ignition process
When designing your application platform take into account that powering up the GSM part of
the XT55/56 module requires the following steps.
The ignition line cannot be operated until VGSM_BATT+ passes the level of 3.0V.
The ignition line shall not be operated earlier than 10ms after the last falling edge of
10ms after VGSM_BATT+ has reached 3.0V the ignition line can be switched low. The
duration of the falling edge must not exceed 1ms.
Another 100ms are required to power up the module.
Ensure that VGSM_BATT+ does not fall below 3.0V while the ignition line is driven. Otherwise
the module cannot be activated.
If the GSM_VDDLP line is fed from an external power supply as explained in Chapter 3.8,
the GSM_IGT line is HiZ before the rising edge of GSM_BATT+.
Figure 4: Timing of power-on process if GSM_VDDLP is not used
Figure 5: Timing of power-on process if GSM_VDDLP is fed from external source
min. 100ms
max. 1ms
min. 100ms
max. 1ms
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As detailed in Chapter 3.5.4, the charging adapter can be connected regardless of the
module’s operating mode (except for Alarm mode).
If the charger is connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit and the
module’s GSM_POWER pin while XT55/56 is off, processor controlled fast charging starts
(see Chapter 3.5.3). The GSM part of XT55/56 enters a restricted mode, referred to as
Charge-only mode where only the charging algorithm will be launched.
During the Charge-only mode XT55/56 is neither logged on to the GSM network nor are the
serial interfaces fully accessible. To switch to normal operation and log on to the GSM
network, the GSM_IGT line needs to be activated. Turn on the GSM part of XT55/56 using the RTC (Alarm mode)
Another power-on approach is to use the RTC, which is constantly supplied with power from
a separate voltage regulator in the power supply ASIC. The RTC provides an alert function,
which allows the GSM part of the XT55/56 to wake up whilst the internal voltage regulators
are off. To prevent the engine from unintentionally logging into the GSM network, this
procedure only enables restricted operation, referred to as Alarm mode. It must not be
confused with a wake-up or alarm call that can be activated by using the same AT command,
but without switching off power.
Use the AT+CALA command to set the alarm time. The RTC retains the alarm time if the
GSM part of XT55/56 was powered down by AT^SMSO. Once the alarm is timed out and
executed, XT55/56 enters the Alarm mode. This is indicated by an Unsolicited Result Code
(URC) which reads:
Note that this URC is the only indication of the Alarm mode and will not appear when
autobauding was activated (due to the missing synchronization between DTE and DCE upon
start-up). Therefore, it is recommended to select a fixed baudrate before using the Alarm
mode. In Alarm mode only a limited number of AT commands is available. For further
instructions refer to the AT Command Set.
Table 5: AT commands available in Alarm mode
AT command Function
AT+CALA Set alarm time
AT+CCLK Set date and time of RTC
AT^SBC In Alarm mode, you can only query the present current consumption and check
whether or not a charger is connected. The battery capacity is returned as 0,
regardless of the actual voltage (since the values measured directly on the cell are
not delivered to the module).
AT^SCTM Query temperature range, enable/disable URCs to report critical temperature
AT^SMSO Power down GSM engine
For the GSM engine to change from the Alarm mode to full operation (normal operating
mode) it is necessary to drive the ignition line to ground. This must be implemented in your
host application as described in Chapter
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If the charger is connected to the GSM_POWER line when GSM part of the XT55/56 is in
ALARM mode charging will start, while XT55/56 stays in ALARM mode. See also Chapter 3.7
which summarizes the various options of changing the mode of operation.
If your host application uses the GSM_SYNC pin to control a status LED as described in
Chapter, please note that the LED is off while the GSM engine is in Alarm mode.
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3.3.2 Turn off the GSM part of XT55/56
To switch the module off the following procedures may be used:
Normal shutdown procedure: Software controlled by sending the AT^SMSO command
over the serial application interface. See Chapter
Emergency shutdown: Hardware driven by switching the GSM_EMERGOFF line of the
board-to-board-connector to ground = immediate shutdown of supply voltages, only
applicable if the software controlled procedure fails! See Chapter
Automatic shutdown: See Chapter 3.3.3
a) Takes effect if undervoltage is detected.
b) Takes effect if XT55/56 board temperature exceeds critical limit. Turn off GSM part of the XT55/56 module using AT command
The best and safest approach to powering down the XT55/56 GSM part is to issue the
AT^SMSO command. This procedure lets the GSM engine log off from the network and
allows the software to enter into a secure state and safe data before disconnecting the power
supply. The mode is referred to as POWER DOWN mode. In this mode, only the RTC stays
Before switching off the device sends the following response:
After sending AT^SMSO do not enter any other AT commands. There are two ways to verify
when the module turns off:
Wait for the URC “^SHUTDOWN”. It indicates that data have been stored non-volatile
and the module turns off in less than 1 second.
Also, you can monitor the GSM_VDD pin. The low state of GSM_VDD definitely indicates
that the module is switched off.
Be sure not to disconnect the operating voltage VGSM_BATT+ before the URC “^SHUTDOWN”
has been issued and the GSM_VDD signal has gone low. Otherwise you run the risk of
losing data.
While the GSM engine is in POWER DOWN mode the application interface is switched off
and must not be fed from any other source. Therefore, your application must be designed to
avoid any current flow into any digital pins of the application interface.
Note: In POWER DOWN mode, the GSM_EMERGOFF pin, the output pins of the ASC0
interface GSM_RXD0, GSM_CTS0, GSM_DCD0, GSM_DSR0, GSM_RING0 and the
output pins of the ASC1 interface GSM_RXD1 and GSM_CTS1 are switched to high
impedance state.
If this causes the associated input pins of your application to float, you are advised to
integrate an additional resistor (100 k – 1 M) at each line. In the case of the
GSM_EMERGOFF pin use a pull-down resistor tied to GND. In the case of the serial
interface pins you can either connect pull-up resistors to the GSM_VDD line, or pull-
down resistors to GND.
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Caution: Use the GSM_EMERGOFF pin only when, due to serious problems, the
software is not responding for more than 5 seconds. Pulling the
GSM_EMERGOFF pin causes the loss of all information stored in the volatile
memory since power is cut off immediately. Therefore, this procedure is
intended only for use in case of emergency, e.g. if XT55/56 fails to shut down
The GSM_EMERGOFF signal is available on the board-to-board connector. To control the
GSM_EMERGOFF line it is recommended to use an open drain / collector driver. To turn the
GSM engine off, the GSM_EMERGOFF line has to be driven to ground for 3.2s.
Figure 6: Deactivating GSM engine by GSM_EMERGOFF signal
Internal reset
Controlled by external
max. 3.2s
How does it work:
Voltage VGSM_BATT+ is
permanently applied to the
The module is active while
the internal reset signal is
kept at high level.
During operation of XT55
the baseband controller
generates watchdog pulses
at regular intervals.
pin is grounded these
watchdog pulses are cut off
from the power supply ASIC.
The power supply ASIC
shuts down the internal
supply voltages of XT55
after max. 3.2s and the
module turns off.
Consequently, the output
voltage at GSM_VDD is
switched off.
Controlled by
XT55 software
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3.3.3 Automatic shutdown
Automatic shutdown takes effect if
the XT55/56 board is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature
the battery is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature
undervoltage is detected
The automatic shutdown procedure is equivalent to the power-down initiated with the
AT^SMSO command, i.e. XT55/56 logs off from the network and the software enters a
secure state avoiding loss of data. NOTE: This does not apply if overvoltage conditions or
unrecoverable hardware or software errors occur (see below for details).
Alert messages transmitted before the device switches off are implemented as Unsolicited
Result Codes (URCs). The presentation of these URCs can be enabled or disabled with the
two AT commands AT^SBC and AT^SCTM. The URC presentation mode varies with the
condition, please see Chapters to for details. For further instructions on AT
commands refer to [1]. Temperature dependent shutdown
The board temperature is constantly monitored by an internal NTC resistor located on the
PCB. The NTC that detects the battery temperature must be part of the battery pack circuit
as described in Chapter 3.5. The values detected by either NTC resistor are measured
directly on the board or the battery and therefore, are not fully identical with the ambient
Each time the board or battery temperature goes out of range or back to normal, XT55/56
instantly displays an alert (if enabled).
URCs indicating the level "1" or "-1" allow the user to take appropriate precautions, such
as protecting the module from exposure to extreme conditions. The presentation of the
URCs depends on the settings selected with the AT^SCTM write command:
AT^SCTM=1: Presentation of URCs is always enabled.
AT^SCTM=0 (default): Presentation of URCs is enabled for 15 seconds time after
start-up of XT55/56. After 15 seconds operation, the presentation will be disabled, i.e.
no alert messages can be generated.
URCs indicating the level "2" or "-2" are instantly followed by an orderly shutdown. The
presentation of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the
factory setting AT^SCTM=0 was never changed.
The maximum temperature ratings are stated in Table 26. Refer to Table 6 for the associated
URCs. All statements are based on test conditions according to IEC 60068-2-2 (still air).
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Table 6: Temperature dependent behavior
Sending temperature alert (15 s after start-up, otherwise only if URC presentation enabled)
^SCTM_A: 1 Caution: Tamb of battery close to over temperature limit.
^SCTM_B: 1 Caution: Tamb of board close to over temperature limit.
^SCTM_A: -1 Caution: Tamb of battery close to under temperature limit.
^SCTM_B: -1 Caution: Tamb of board close to under temperature limit.
^SCTM_A: 0 Battery back to uncritical temperature range.
^SCTM_B: 0 Board back to uncritical temperature range.
Automatic shutdown (URC appears no matter whether or not presentation was enabled)
^SCTM_A: 2 Alert: Tamb of battery equal or beyond over temperature limit. XT55/56 switches off.
^SCTM_B: 2 Alert: Tamb of board equal or beyond over temperature limit. XT55/56 switches off.
^SCTM_A: -2 Alert: Tamb of battery equal or below under temperature limit. XT55/56 switches off.
^SCTM_B: -2 Alert: Tamb of board equal or below under temperature limit. XT55/56 switches off. Temperature control during emergency call
If the temperature limit is exceeded while an emergency call is in progress the engine
continues to measure the temperature, but deactivates the shutdown functionality. If the
temperature is still out of range when the call ends, the module switches off immediately
(without another alert message). Undervoltage shutdown if battery NTC is present
In applications where the module’s charging technique is used and an NTC is connected to
the GSM_BATT_TEMP terminal, the software constantly monitors the applied voltage. If the
measured battery voltage is no more sufficient to set up a call the following URC will be
^SBC: Undervoltage.
The message will be reported, for example, when you attempt to make a call while the
voltage is close to the critical limit and further power loss is caused during the transmit burst.
To remind you that the battery needs to be charged soon, the URC appears several times
before the module switches off.
To enable or disable the URC use the AT^SBC command. The URC will be enabled when
you enter the write command and specify the power consumption of your GSM application.
Step by step instructions are provided in [1].
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XT55/56_hd_v02.06a Page 39 of 125 17.12.2004 Undervoltage shutdown if no battery NTC is present
The undervoltage protection is also effective in applications, where no NTC connects to the
GSM_BATT_TEMP terminal. Thus, you can take advantage of this feature even though the
application handles the charging process or XT55/56 is fed by a fixed supply voltage. All you
need to do is executing the write command AT^SBC=<current> which automatically enables
the presentation of URCs. You do not need to specify <current>.
Whenever the supply voltage falls below the specified value (see Table 28) the URC
^SBC: Undervoltage
appears several times before the module switches off. Overvoltage shutdown
For overvoltage conditions, no software controlled shutdown is implemented. If the supply
voltage exceeds the maximum value specified in Table 28, loss of data and even
unrecoverable hardware damage can occur.
Keep in mind that several XT55/56 components are directly linked to GSM_BATT+ and,
therefore, the supply voltage remains applied at major parts of XT55/56. Especially the
power amplifier is very sensitive to high voltage and might even be destroyed.
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3.4 Automatic GPRS Multislot Class change
Temperature control is also effective for operation in GPRS Multislot Class 10. If the board
temperature increases to the limit specified for restricted operation1) while data are
transmitted over GPRS, the module automatically reverts from GPRS Multislot Class 10 (2
Tx) to Class 8 (1Tx). This reduces the power consumption and, consequently, causes the
board’s temperature to decrease. Once the temperature drops to a value of 5 degrees below
the limit of restricted operation, XT55/56 returns to the higher Multislot Class. If the
temperature stays at the critical level or even continues to rise, XT55/56 will not switch back
to the higher class.
After a transition from Multislot Class 10 to Multislot 8 a possible switchback to Multislot
Class 10 is blocked for one minute.
Please note that there is not one single cause of switching over to a lower GPRS Multislot
Class. Rather it is the result of an interaction of several factors, such as the board
temperature that depends largely on the ambient temperature, the operating mode and the
transmit power. Furthermore, take into account that there is a delay until the network
proceeds to a lower or, accordingly, higher Multislot Class. The delay time is network
dependent. In extreme cases, if it takes too much time for the network and the temperature
cannot drop due to this delay, the module may even switch off as described in Chapter
1) See Table 26 for temperature limits known as restricted operation.
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3.5 Charging control of the GSM part
The GSM part of the XT55/56 module integrates a charging management for Li-Ion batteries.
You can skip this chapter if charging is not your concern, or if you are not using the
implemented charging algorithm.
XT55/56 has no on-board charging circuit. To benefit from the implemented charging
management you are required to install a charging circuit within your application. In this case,
XT55/56 needs to be powered from a Li-Ion battery pack, e.g. as specified in Table 8.
Note: The charging control described in this chapter is integrated in the GSM part of the
XT55/56 and has been optimized for it only. When using the charging control
function for the entire XT55/56 module, please consider the current consumption of
the GPS part and your application. The value can be set with the AT^SBC
command. This command should be used to specify the power consumption if the
GSM part, the GPS part and your application are powered from the same battery.
For further details refer to [1].
For using the trickle charging functionality you should design the 470R (illustrated in
Figure 7) according to the current consumption of your application.
The module only delivers, via its GSM_POWER line and GSM_CHARGE line, the control
signals needed to start and stop the charging process. The charging circuit should include a
transistor and should be designed as illustrated in Figure 7. A list of parts recommended for
the external circuit is given in Table 7.
Input from
(5.5V - 8V)
under load
470R 1SS355
100nF 10k
1/ 5
1/ 5
PCB spark
Figure 7: Schematic of approved charging transistor, trickle charging and ESD protection
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Table 7: Bill of material for external charging circuit
Part Description First supplier Second supplier
SI3441DV p-chan 2.5V (G-S) MOSFET
1SS355 100mA Si-diode (UMD2) ROHM: 1SS355TE-18 Toshiba: 1SS352TPH3
CRS04 1A Schottky diode Toshiba: CRS04 -
4V3 250mW; 200mA;
4.3V Z-Diode (SOD323) Philips: PDZ4.3B ROHM: UDZS4.3B
ESDA6V1-5W6 ESD protection TRANSIL™
array STM: ESDA6V1-5W6 -
470R, 3k3, 10k Resistor, e.g. 0805 or 0603 - -
100nF Ceramic capacitor 50V - -
PCB spark gap 0.2mm spark gap on PCB - -
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3.5.1 Battery pack characteristics
The charging algorithm has been optimized for a Li-Ion battery pack that meets the
characteristics listed below. It is recommended that the battery pack you want to integrate
into your XT55/56 application is compliant with these specifications. This ensures reliable
operation, proper charging and, particularly, allows you to monitor the battery capacity using
the AT^SBC command (see [1] for details). Failure to comply with these specifications might
cause AT^SBC to deliver incorrect battery capacity values. A battery pack especially
designed to operate with XT55/56 modules is specified in Chapter 3.5.2.
Li-Ion battery pack specified for a maximum charging voltage of 4.2 V and a capacity of
800 mAh. Battery packs with a capacity down to 600 mAh or more than 800 mAh are
allowed, too.
Since charging and discharging largely depend on the battery temperature, the battery
pack should include an NTC resistor. If the NTC is not inside the battery it must be in
thermal contact with the battery. The NTC resistor must be connected between
GSM_BATT_TEMP and GND. Required NTC characteristics are: 10 k +
5% @ 25°C,
B25/85 = 3435K +3% (alternatively acceptable: 10 k +2% @ 25°C, B25/50 = 3370K +3%).
Please note that the NTC is indispensable for proper charging, i.e. the charging process
will not start if no NTC is present.
Ensure that the pack incorporates a protection circuit capable of detecting overvoltage
(protection against overcharging), undervoltage (protection against deep discharging)
and overcurrent. The circuit must be insensitive to pulsed current.
On the XT55/56 module, a built-in measuring circuit constantly monitors the supply
voltage. In the event of undervoltage, it causes XT55/56 to power down. Undervoltage
thresholds are specific to the battery pack and must be evaluated for the intended model.
When you evaluate undervoltage thresholds, consider both the current consumption of
XT55/56 and of the application circuit.
The internal resistance of the battery and the protection should be as low as possible. It
is recommended not to exceed 150m, even in extreme conditions at low temperature.
The battery cell must be insensitive to rupture, fire and gassing under extreme conditions
of temperature and charging (voltage, current).
The battery pack must be protected from reverse pole connection. For example, the
casing should be designed to prevent the user from mounting the battery in reverse
The battery pack must be approved to satisfy the requirements of CE conformity.
Figure 8 shows the circuit diagram of a
typical battery pack design that includes
the protection elements described
Figure 8: Battery pack circuit diagram
Protection Circuit
Battery cell
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3.5.2 Recommended battery pack specification
Table 8: Specifications of recommended battery pack
Battery type Li-Ion
Nominal voltage 3.6V
Capacity 800mAh
NTC 10k ± 5% @ 25°C, B (25/85)=3435K ± 3%
Overcharge detection voltage 4.325 ± 0.025V
Overcharge release voltage 4.075 ± 0.025V
Overdischarge detection voltage 2.5 ± 0.05V
Overdischarge release voltage 2.9 ± 0.5V
Overcurrent detection 3 ± 0.5A
Nominal working current <5µA
Current of low voltage detection 0.5µA
Overcurrent detection delay time 8~16ms
Short detection delay time 50µs
Overdischarge detection delay time 31~125ms
Overcharge detection delay time 1s
Internal resistance <130m
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3.5.3 Implemented charging technique
If the external charging circuit follows the recommendation of Figure 7, the charging process
consists of trickle charging and processor controlled fast charging. For this solution, the fast
charging current provided by the charger or any other external source must be limited to
Trickle charging
Trickle charging starts when the charger is connected to the charger input of the external
charging circuit and the module’s GSM_POWER pin. The charging current depends on
the voltage difference between the charger input of the external charging circuit and
GSM_BATT+ of the module.
Trickle charging stops when the battery voltage reaches 3.6V.
Fast charging
After trickle charging has raised the battery voltage to 3.2V within 60 minutes +10% from
connecting the charger, the power ASIC turns on and wakes up the baseband processor.
Now, processor controlled fast charging begins.
If the battery voltage was already above 3.2V, processor controlled fast charging starts
just after the charger was connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit
and the module’s GSM_POWER pin. If the GSM part of the XT55/56 was in POWER
DOWN mode, it turns on and enters the Charge-only mode along with fast charging (see
also Chapter
Fast charging delivers a constant current until the battery voltage reaches 4.2V and then
proceeds with varying charge pulses. As shown in Figure 5, the pulse duty cycle is
reduced to adjust the charging procedure and prevent the voltage from overshooting
beyond 4.2V. Once the pulse width reaches the minimum of 100ms and the duty cycle
does not change for 2 minutes, fast charging is completed.
After the end of charging the battery voltage falls due to discharging. Once the voltage
falls below 4.0V (approximately), the charging process begins again.
Fast charging can only be accomplished in a temperature range from 0°C to +45°C.
Constant current tOFF = 100 ms tON = 100 ms Time
100ms 2 ... 0.1s 100ms 0.1 ... 2s
End of
Figure 9: Charging process
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Note: Do not connect the charger to the GSM_BATT+ lines. Only the charger input of the
external charging circuit is intended as input for charging current! The
GSM_POWER pin of XT55/56 is the input only for indicating a connected charger!
The battery manufacturer must guarantee that the battery complies with the
described charging technique.
What to do if software controlled charging does not start up?
If trickle charging fails to raise the battery voltage to 3.2V within 60 minutes +10%, processor
controlled charging does not begin. To start fast charging you can do one of the following:
Once the voltage has risen above its minimum of 3V, you can try to start software
controlled charging by pulling the GSM_IGT line to ground.
If the voltage is still below 3V, driving the GSM_IGT line to ground switches the timer off.
Without the timer running, the GSM part of the XT55/56 module will not proceed to
software controlled charging. To restart the timer you are required to shortly disconnect
and reconnect the charger.
3.5.4 Operating modes during charging
Of course, the battery can be charged regardless of the engine's operating mode. When the
GSM engine is in Normal mode (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS IDLE or GPRS DATA mode), it
remains operational while charging is in progress (provided that sufficient voltage is applied).
The charging process during the Normal mode is referred to as Charge mode.
If the charger is connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit and the
module’s GSM_POWER pin while GSM part of XT55/56 is in POWER DOWN mode, the
GSM part of the XT55/56 goes into Charge-only mode.
Table 9: Comparison Charge-only and Charge mode
How to activate mode Features
Charge mode
Connect charger to charger input of
external charging circuit and module’s
GSM_POWER pin while the GSM part of
the XT55/56 is
operating, e.g. in IDLE or TALK mode
in SLEEP mode
Battery can be charged while GSM engine
remains operational and registered to the
GSM network.
In IDLE and TALK mode, the serial interfaces
are accessible. AT command set can be used
to full extent.
In the NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode, the serial
interfaces are not accessible at all. During the
CYCLIC SLEEP mode they can be used as
described in Chapter 3.6.3.
Charge-only mode
Connect charger to charger input of
external charging circuit and module’s
GSM_POWER pin while the GSM part of
the XT55/56 is
in POWER DOWN mode
in Normal mode: Connect charger to
the GSM_POWER pin, then enter
IMPORTANT: While trickle charging is in
progress, be sure that the application is
switched off. If the application is fed from
the trickle charge current the module
might be prevented from proceeding to
software controlled charging since the
current would not be sufficient.
Battery can be charged while GSM engine is
deregistered from GSM network.
Charging runs smoothly due to constant
current consumption.
The AT interface is accessible and allows to
use the commands listed below.
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Features of Charge-only mode
Once the GSM engine enters the Charge-only mode, the AT command interface presents an
Unsolicited Result Code (URC) which reads:
Note that this URC will not appear when autobauding was activated (due to the missing
synchronization between DTE and DCE upon start-up). Therefore, it is recommended to
select a fixed baudrate before using the Charge-only mode.
While the Charge-only mode is in progress, you can only use the AT commands listed in
Table 10. For further instructions refer to the AT Command Set supplied with your GSM
Table 10: AT commands available in Charge-only mode
AT command Function
AT+CALA Set alarm time
AT+CCLK Set date and time of RTC
AT^SBC Monitor charging process
Note: While charging is in progress, no battery capacity value is available. To query
the battery capacity disconnect the charger.
If the charger connects externally to the host device no charging parameters are
transferred to the module. In this case, the command cannot be used.
AT^SCTM Query temperature range, enable/disable URCs to report critical temperature
AT^SMSO Power down GSM engine
To proceed from Charge-only mode to normal operation, it is necessary to drive the ignition
line to ground. This must be implemented in your host application as described in Chapter See also Chapter 3.7 which summarizes the various options of changing the mode of
If your host application uses the GSM_SYNC pin to control a status LED as described in
Chapter, please note that the LED is off while the GSM engine is in Charge-only
3.5.5 Charger requirements
If you are using the implemented charging technique and the charging circuit recommended
in Figure 7, the charger must be designed to meet the following requirements:
a) Simple transformer power plug
- Output voltage: 5.5V...8V (under load)
- The charge current must be limited to 500mA
- Voltage spikes that may occur while you connect or disconnect the charger must be
- There must not be any capacitor on the secondary side of the power plug (avoidance of
current spikes at the beginning of charging)
b) Supplementary requirements for a) to ensure a regulated power supply
- When current is switched off a voltage peak of 10V is allowed for a maximum 1ms
- When current is switched on a spike of 1.6A for 1ms is allowed
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3.6 Power saving
SLEEP mode reduces the functionality of the GSM part of the XT55/56 module to a minimum
and, thus, minimizes the current consumption to the lowest level. Settings can be made
using the AT+CFUN command. For details see below and [1]. SLEEP mode falls into two
CYCLIC SLEEP modes, selectable with AT+CFUN=5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.
IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that power saving works properly only when PIN
authentication has been done. If you attempt to activate power saving while the SIM card is
not inserted or the PIN not correctly entered (Limited Service), the selected <fun> level will
be set, though power saving does not take effect. For the same reason, power saving cannot
be used if the GSM part of the XT55/56 operates in Alarm mode.
To check whether power saving is on, you can query the status of AT+CFUN if you have
chosen CYCLIC SLEEP mode. If available, you can take advantage of the status LED
controlled by the GSM_SYNC pin (see Chapter The LED is off in all SLEEP modes
when no activity occurs, but resumes flashing to indicate temporary wake-up states during
CYLCIC SLEEP modes. The LED patterns are shown in Table 18.
The wake-up procedures are quite different depending on the selected SLEEP mode. Table
11 compares the wake-up events that can occur in NON-CYCLIC and CYCLIC SLEEP
3.6.1 No power saving (AT+CFUN=1)
The functionality level <fun>=1 is where power saving is switched off. This is the default after
If level 0 has been selected (AT+CFUN=0), the serial interface is blocked. The module
shortly deactivates power saving to listen to a paging message sent from the base station
and then immediately resumes power saving. Level 0 is called NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode,
since the serial interface is not alternatingly made accessible as in CYCLIC SLEEP mode.
The first wake-up event fully activates the module, enables the serial interface and
terminates the power saving mode. In short, it takes the GSM part of the XT55/56 back to the
highest level of functionality <fun>=1. GSM_RTS0 or GSM_RTS1 are not used for flow
control, but to wake up the module.
3.6.3 CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=5, 6, 7, 8)
The major benefit over the NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode is that the serial interface is not
permanently blocked and that packet switched calls may go on without terminating the
selected CYCLIC SLEEP mode. This allows the GSM part of the XT55/56 to become active,
for example to perform a GPRS data transfer, and to resume power saving after the GPRS
data transfer is completed.
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The CYCLIC SLEEP modes give you greater flexibility regarding the wake-up procedures:
For example, in all CYCLIC SLEEP modes, you can enter AT+CFUN=1 to permanently wake
up the module. In modes CFUN=7 and 8, the GSM part of the XT55/56 automatically
resumes power saving, after you have sent or received a short message or made a call.
CFUN=5 and 6 do not offer this feature, and therefore, are only supported for compatibility
with earlier releases. Please refer to Table 11 for a summary of all modes.
The CYCLIC SLEEP mode is a dynamic process which alternatingly enables and disables
the serial interface. By setting/resetting the GSM_CTS signal, the module indicates to the
application whether or not the UART is active. The timing of GSM_CTS is described below.
Both the application and the module must be configured to use hardware flow control
(RTS/CTS handshake). The default setting of the GSM part of the XT55/56 is AT\Q0 (no flow
control) which must be altered to AT\Q3. See [1] for details.
Note: If both serial interfaces ASC0 and ASC1 are connected, both are synchronized. This
means that SLEEP mode takes effect on both, no matter on which interface the AT
command was issued. Although not explicitly stated, all explanations given in this
chapter refer equally to ASC0 and ASC1, and accordingly to GSM_CTS0 and
Mode AT+CFUN=9 is similar to AT+CFUN=7 or 8, but provides two additional features:
GSM_RTS0 and GSM_RTS1 are not intended for flow control (as in modes
AT+CFUN=5, 6, 7 or 8), but can be used to temporarily wake up the module. This way,
the module can quickly wake up and resume power saving, regardless of the GSM_CTS
timing controlled by the paging cycle.
The time the module stays active after GSM_RTS was asserted or after the last character
was sent or received, can be configured individually using the command AT^SCFG.
Default setting is 2 seconds like in AT+CFUN=7. The entire range is from 0.5 seconds to
1 hour, selectable in tenths of seconds. For details see [1].
3.6.5 Timing of the GSM_CTS signal in CYCLIC SLEEP modes
The GSM_CTS signal is enabled in synchrony with the module’s paging cycle. It goes active
low each time when the module starts listening to a paging message block from the base
station. The timing of the paging cycle varies with the base station. The duration of a paging
interval can be calculated from the following formula:
4.615 ms (TDMA frame duration) * 51 (number of frames) * DRX value.
DRX (Discontinuous Reception) is a value from 2 to 9, resulting in paging intervals from 0.47
to 2.12 seconds. The DRX value of the base station is assigned by the network operator.
Each listening period causes the GSM_CTS signal to go active low: If DRX is 2, the
GSM_CTS signal is activated every 0.47 seconds, if DRX is 3, the GSM_CTS signal is
activated every 0.71 seconds and if DRX is 9, the GSM_CTS signal is activated every 2.1
The GSM_CTS signal is active low for 4.6 ms. This is followed by another 4.6 ms UART
activity. If the start bit of a received character is detected within these 9.2 ms, GSM_CTS will
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be activated and the proper reception of the character will be guaranteed.
GSM_CTS will also be activated if any character is to be sent.
After the last character was sent or received the interface will remain active for
another 2 seconds, if AT+CFUN=5 or 7,
another 10 minutes, if AT+CFUN=6 or 8,
or for an individual time defined with AT^SCFG, if AT+CFUN=9. Assertion of GSM_RTS
has the same effect.
In the pauses between listening to paging messages, while GSM_CTS is high, the module
resumes power saving and the AT interface is not accessible. See Figure 10 and Figure 11.
2.12 s
4.6 ms 4.6 ms 4.6 ms 4.6 ms
2.12 s 2.12 s
AT interface disabled AT interface enabled
Paging message Paging message Paging message Paging message
ms 4.6
ms 4.6
ms 4.6
Figure 10: Timing of CTS signal (example for a 2.12 s paging cycle)
Figure 11 illustrates the CFUN=5 and CFUN=7 modes, which reset the GSM_CTS signal 2
seconds after the last character was sent or received.
2.12 s
4.6 ms
2 s 4.6 ms 4.6 ms
2.12 s 2.12 s
AT interface disabled AT interface enabled
1 character
Last character
Beginning of power saving
Paging message Paging message Paging message Paging message
ms 4.6
Figure 11: Beginning of power saving if CFUN=5 or 7
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3.6.6 Wake up XT55/56 from SLEEP mode
A wake-up event is any event that causes the module to draw current. Depending on the
selected mode the wake-up event either switches SLEEP mode off and takes XT55/56 back
to AT+CFUN=1, or activates XT55/56 temporarily without leaving the current SLEEP mode.
Definitions of the state transitions described in Table 11:
Quit = XT55/56 exits SLEEP mode and returns to AT+CFUN=1.
Temporary = XT55/56 becomes active temporarily for the duration of the event and the
mode-specific follow-up time after the last character was sent or received
on the serial interface.
No effect: = Event is not relevant in the selected SLEEP mode. XT55/56 does not
wake up.
Table 11: Wake-up events in NON-CYCLIC and CYCLIC SLEEP modes
Event Selected mode
Selected mode
AT+CFUN=5 or 6
Selected mode
AT+CFUN=7, 8, 9
Ignition line No effect No effect No effect
(falling edge)
Quit No effect (GSM_RTS
is only used for flow
Mode 7 and 8: No
effect (GSM_RTS is
only used for flow
Mode 9: Temporary
Unsolicited Result Code
Quit Quit Temporary
Incoming voice or data call Quit Quit Temporary
Any AT command
(incl. outgoing voice or data
call, outgoing SMS)
Not possible
(UART disabled)
Temporary Temporary
Incoming SMS depending on
mode selected by AT+CNMI:
AT+CNMI=0,0 (= default, no
indication of received SMS)
AT+CNMI=1,1 (= displays
URC upon receipt of SMS)
No effect
No effect
No effect
GPRS data transfer Not possible
(UART disabled)
Temporary Temporary
RTC alarm Quit2) Quit Temporary
AT+CFUN=1 Not possible
(UART disabled)
Quit Quit
1) During the CYCLIC SLEEP modes 5, 6, 7, and 8, GSM_RTS0 and GSM_RTS1 are
conventionally used for flow control: The assertion of GSM_RTS0 or GSM_RTS1
signals that the application is ready to receive data - without waking up the module. If
the module is in CFUN=0 mode the assertion of GSM_RTS0 and GSM_RTS1 serves
as a wake-up event, giving the application the possibility to intentionally terminate
power saving. If the module is in CFUN=9 mode, the assertion of GSM_RTS0 or
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GSM_RTS1 can be used to temporarily wake up XT55/56 for the time specified with
the AT^SCFG command (default = 2s).
2) Recommendation: In NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode, you can set an RTC alarm to wake
up XT55/56 and return to full functionality. This is a useful approach because, in this
mode, the AT interface is not accessible.
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3.7 Summary of state transitions (except SLEEP mode)
Table 12: State transitions of XT55/56 (except SLEEP mode)
The table shows how to proceed from one GSM mode to another (grey column = present mode, white columns = intended modes)
Further mode ÎÎÎ
Present mode
POWER DOWN Normal mode**) Charge-only mode*) Charging in normal mode*)**) Alarm mode
without charger
--- GSM_IGT >100 ms at
low level
Connect charger to input
of ext. charging circuit and
GSM_POWER pin (high
level at GSM_POWER)
No direct transition, but via
“Charge-only mode” or
“Normal mode”
Wake-up from POWER
DOWN mode (if activated
with AT+CALA)
with charger (high level
at GSM_POWER pin of
--- GSM_IGT >1 s at low
level, if battery is fully
100ms < GSM_IGT <
500ms at low level
GSM_IGT >1 s at low level Wake-up from POWER
DOWN mode (if activated
with AT+CALA)
Normal mode**) AT^SMSO
or exceptionally
GSM_EMERGOFF pin > 3.2s
at low level
--- No automatic transition,
but via “POWER DOWN”
Connect charger to
GSM_POWER pin at
XT55/56 (high level at
AT+CALA followed by
AT^SMSO. XT55/56 enters
Alarm mode when specified
time is reached.
Charge-only mode *) Disconnect charger (XT55/56
GSM_POWER pin at low
or exceptionally
GSM_EMERGOFF pin >3.2s
at low level
No automatic transition,
but via “Charge in Normal
--- GSM_IGT >1s at low level AT+CALA followed by
AT^SMSO. XT55/56 enters
Alarm mode when specified
time is reached and
Charging in normal
mode*) **)
AT^SMSO Î “Charge-only
mode”, again AT^SMSO
or exceptionally
GSM_EMERGOFF pin >3.2s
at low level
Disconnect charger from
input of ext. charging
circuit and module’s
AT^SMSO --- No direct transition
Alarm mode AT^SMSO or exceptionally
GSM_EMERGOFF pin >3.2s
at low level
GSM_IGT >100ms at low
AT^SMSO if charger is
GSM_IGT >100ms at low
*) See Chapter 3.5.4 for details on the charging mode **) Normal mode covers TALK, DATA, GPRS, IDLE and SLEEP modes
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3.8 RTC backup for GSM part of XT55/56
The internal Real Time Clock of the XT55/56 GSM part is supplied from a separate voltage
regulator in the power supply ASIC which is also active when the GSM part of the XT55/56 is
in POWER DOWN status. An alarm function is provided that allows to wake up XT55/56
without logging on to the GSM network.
In addition, you can use the GSM_VDDLP pin on the board-to-board connector to backup the
RTC from an external capacitor or a battery (rechargeable or non-chargeable). The capacitor
is charged by the GSM_BATT+ line of XT55/56. If the voltage supply at GSM_BATT+ is
disconnected the RTC can be powered by the capacitor. The size of the capacitor
determines the duration of buffering when no voltage is applied to the GSM part of the
XT55/56, i.e. the greater capacitor the longer the GSM part of the XT55/56 will save the date
and time.
The following figures show various sample configurations. The voltage applied at
GSM_VDDLP can be in the range from 2 to 5.5V. Please refer to Table 27 for the
parameters required.
Figure 12: RTC supply from capacitor
Figure 13: RTC supply from rechargeable battery
Figure 14: RTC supply from non-chargeable battery
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3.9 Serial interfaces of the XT55/56 GSM part
The GSM part of the XT55/56 module offers two unbalanced, asynchronous serial interfaces
conforming to ITU-T V.24 protocol DCE signaling. The electrical characteristics do not
comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or ON condition) and
2.65V (for high data bit or OFF condition). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table
38. Figure 1 shows the serial interfaces of the XT55/56 module.
The GSM engine is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE
connections it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals:
Port TXD @ application sends data to the module’s GSM_TXD0 signal line
Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s GSM_RXD0 signal line
Port TXD @ application sends data to module’s GSM_TXD1 signal line
Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s GSM_RXD1 signal line
3.9.1 Features supported on the first serial interface of GSM part
8-wire serial interface
Includes the data lines GSM_TXD0 and GSM_RXD0, the status lines GSM_RTS0 and
GSM_CTS0 and, in addition, the modem control lines GSM_DTR0, GSM_DSR0,
It is primarily designed for voice calls, CSD calls, fax calls and GPRS services and for
controlling the GSM engine with AT commands. Full Multiplex capability allows the
interface to be partitioned into three virtual channels, yet with CSD and fax services only
available on the first logical channel. Please note that when the ASC0 interface runs in
Multiplex mode, ASC1 cannot be used. For more detailed characteristics see [12].
The GSM_DTR0 signal will only be polled once per second from the internal firmware of
The GSM_RING0 signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs
(Unsolicited Result Code). It can also be used to send pulses to the host application, for
example to wake up the application from power saving state. For further details see
Chapter 3.12.3.
Autobauding is only selectable on ASC0 and supports the following bit rates: 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 bps.
Autobauding is not compatible with multiplex mode, see [12].
ASC0 interface is intended for firmware upgrade of the GSM part
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3.9.2 Features supported on the second serial interface of GSM
part (ASC1)
4-wire serial interface
Includes only the data lines GSM_TXD1 and GSM_RXD1 plus GSM_RTS1 and
GSM_CTS1 for hardware handshake. This interface is intended for voice calls, GPRS
services and for controlling the GSM engine with AT commands. It is not suited for CSD
calls, fax calls and Multiplex mode.
On ASC1 no GSM_RING line is available. The indication of URCs on the second
interface depends on the settings made with the AT^SCFG command. For details refer to
3.9.3 ASC0 and ASC1 configuration
Both interfaces are configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit, and can be
operated at bit rates from 300bps to 230400 bps.
XON/XOFF software flow control can be used on both interfaces (except if power saving
is active).
Table 13: DCE-DTE wiring of 1st serial interface (GSM part)
DCE (XT55/56) DTE (application) V.24
circuit Pin function Signal direction Pin function Signal direction
103 GSM_TXD0 Input /TXD Output
104 GSM_RXD0 Output /RXD Input
105 GSM_RTS0 Input /RTS Output
106 GSM_CTS0 Output /CTS Input
108/2 GSM_DTR0 Input /DTR Output
107 GSM_DSR0 Output /DSR Input
109 GSM_DCD0 Output /DCD Input
125 GSM_RING0 Output /RING Input
Table 14: DCE-DTE wiring of 2nd serial interface (GSM part)
DCE (XT55/56) DTE (application) V.24
circuit Pin function Signal direction Pin function Signal direction
103 GSM_TXD1 Input /TXD Output
104 GSM_RXD1 Output /RXD Input
105 GSM_RTS1 Input /RTS Output
106 GSM_CTS1 Output /CTS Input
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3.10 Audio interfaces
XT55/56 comprises three audio interfaces available on the board-to-board connector:
Two analog audio interfaces, each with a balanced analog microphone input and a
balanced analog earpiece output. The second analog interface provides a supply circuit
to feed an active microphone.
Serial digital audio interface (DAI) using PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) to encode analog
voice signals into digital bit streams.
This means you can connect up to three audio devices in any combination, although analog
and digital audio cannot be operated at the same time. Using the AT^SAIC command you
can easily switch back and forth.
Figure 15: Audio block diagram
XT55/56 offers six audio modes which can be selected with the AT^SNFS command, no
matter which of the three interfaces is currently active. The electrical characteristics of the
voiceband part vary with the audio mode. For example, sending and receiving amplification,
sidetone paths, noise suppression etc. depend on the selected mode and can be altered with
AT commands (except for mode 1).
On each audio interface you can use all audio AT commands specified in [1] to alter
parameters. The only exception are the DAC and ADC gain amplifier attenuation
<outBbcGain> and <inBbcGain> which cannot be modified when the digital audio interface is
used, since in this case the DAC and ADC are switched off.
Please refer to Chapter 3.10 for specifications of the audio interface and an overview of the
audio parameters. Detailed instructions on using AT commands are presented in [1]. Table
31 on page 104 summarizes the characteristics of the various audio modes and shows what
parameters are supported in each mode.
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When shipped from factory, all audio parameters of XT55/56 are set to interface 1 and audio
mode 1. This is the default configuration optimized for the Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0
handset and used for type approving the Siemens reference configuration. Audio mode 1 has
fix parameters which cannot be modified. To adjust the settings of the Votronic handset
simply change to another audio mode.
In transmit direction, all audio modes contain internal scaling factors (digital amplification)
that are not accessible by the user. To avoid saturation with a full scale digital input signal on
the DAI, and to obtain a one-to-one digital access to the speech coder in audio mode 5
and 6, it is recommended to set the parameter <inCalibrate> of the selected audio mode as
Audio mode 1 and 4: 23196
Audio mode 2: 17396
Audio mode 3: 21901
Audio mode 5 and 6: 21402
3.10.1 Microphone circuit
Interface 1
This interface has no microphone supply circuit and therefore, has an impedance of 50k.
When connecting a microphone or another signal source to interface 1 you are required to
add two 100 nF capacitors, one to each line.
Interface 2
This interface comes with a microphone supply circuit and can be used to feed an active
microphone. It has an impedance of 2k. If you do not use it or if you want to connect
another type of signal source, for example, an op amp or a dynamic microphone, it needs to
be decoupled with capacitors. The power supply can be switched off and on by using the
command AT^SNFM. For details see [1].
Figure 16 shows the microphone inputs at both analog interfaces of XT55/56.
2.65 V
to ADC
Power down
1 k 1 k
1 k 1
Figure 16: Schematic of microphone inputs
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3.10.2 Speech processing
The speech samples from the ADC or DAI are handled by the DSP of the baseband
controller to calculate e.g. amplifications, sidetone, echo cancellation or noise suppression
depending on the configuration of the active audio mode. These processed samples are
passed to the speech encoder. Received samples from the speech decoder are passed to
the DAC or DAI after post processing (frequency response correction, adding sidetone etc.).
Full rate, half rate, enhanced full rate, adaptive multi rate (AMR), speech and channel
encoding including voice activity detection (VAD) and discontinuous transmission (DTX) and
digital GMSK modulation are also performed on the GSM baseband processor.
Customer specific audio parameters can be evaluated and supplied by Siemens on request.
These parameters can be downloaded to XT55/56 using an AT command. For further
information refer to [9] or contact your Siemens distributor.
3.10.3 DAI timing
To support the DAI function, XT55/56 integrates a simple five-line serial interface with one
input data clock line (GSM_SCLK) and input / output data and frame lines (GSM_TXDDAI,
The serial interface is always active if the external input data clock GSM_SLCK is present,
i.e. the serial interface is not clocked by the DSP of the XT55/56 baseband processor.
GSM_SLCK must be supplied from the application and can be in a frequency range between
0.2 and 10 MHz. Serial transfer of 16-bit words is done in both directions.
Data transfer to the application is initiated by the module via a short pulse of GSM_TFSDAI.
The duration of the GSM_TFSDAI pulse is one GSM_SCLK period, starting at the rising
edge of SLCK. During the following 16 SLCK cycles, the 16-bit sample will be transferred on
the GSM_TXDDAI line. The next outgoing sample will be transferred after the next
GSM_TFSDAI pulse which occurs every 125 µs.
The GSM_TFSDAI pulse is the master clock of the sample transfer. From the rising edge of
the GSM_TFSDAI pulse, the application has 100 µs to transfer the 16-bit input sample on the
GSM_RXDDAI line. The rising edge of the GSM_RFSDAI pulse (supplied by the application)
may coincide with the falling edge of GSM_TFSDAI or occur slightly later - it is only
significant that, in any case, the transfer of the LSB input sample will be completed within the
specified duration of 100 µs.
Audio samples are transferred from the module to the application in an average of 125µs.
This is determined by the 8kHz sampling rate, which is derived from and synchronized to the
GSM network. As SLCK is independent of the GSM network, the distance between two
succeeding sample transfers may vary about + 1 SLCK period.
The application is required to adapt its sampling rate to the GSM_TFSDAI rate. Failure to
synchronize the timing between the module and the application may cause audible pops and
clicks in a conversation. The timing characteristics of both data transfer directions are shown
in Figure 17 and Figure 18.
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Note: Before starting the data transfer the clock GSM_SCLK should be available for at
least three cycles.
After the transfer of the LSB0 the clock GSM_SCLK should be still available for at
least three cycles.
T = 100ns to 5,000 ns
minimum possible distance = 25 bit periods
= T
= T = T
automatic reset after
reading to DAIRD
interrupt on INTO
after 3 DSP cycles
< 1.5 SCLK
< 1 DSP cycle
Figure 17: DAI timing on transmit path
T = 100ns to 5,000 ns
minimum possible distance = 25 bit periods
= T
= T = T
interrupt on INTO
after 3 DSP cycles
<1 DSP
<2 DSP
automatic reset after
writing to DAITD
Figure 18: DAI timing on receive path
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3.11 SIM interface
The baseband processor has an integrated SIM interface compatible with the ISO 7816 IC
Card standard. This is wired to the host interface (board-to-board connector) in order to be
connected to an external SIM card holder. Six pins on the board-to-board connector are
reserved for the SIM interface.
The GSM_CCIN pin serves to detect whether a tray (with SIM card) is present in the card
holder. Using the GSM_CCIN pin is mandatory for compliance with the GSM 11.11
recommendation if the mechanical design of the host application allows the user to remove
the SIM card during operation. See Chapter 3.11.1 for details.
Table 15: Signals of the SIM interface (board-to-board connector)
Signal Description
GSM_CCGND Separate ground connection for SIM card to improve EMC.
GSM_CCCLK Chipcard clock, various clock rates can be set in the baseband processor.
GSM_CCVCC SIM supply voltage from PSU-ASIC
GSM_CCIO Serial data line, input and output.
GSM_CCRST Chipcard reset, provided by baseband processor.
GSM_CCIN Input on the baseband processor for detecting a SIM card tray in the holder.
The GSM_CCIN pin is mandatory for applications that allow the user to remove the
SIM card during operation.
The GSM_CCIN pin is solely intended for use with a SIM card. It must not be used
for any other purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the
type approval of XT55/56.
It is recommended that the total cable length between the board-to-board connector pins on
XT55/56 and the pins of the SIM card holder does not exceed 200 mm in order to meet the
specifications of 3GPP TS 51.010-1 and to satisfy the requirements of EMC compliance.
To avoid possible cross-talk from the GSM_CCCLK signal to the GSM_CCIO signal be
careful that both lines are not placed closely next to each other. A useful approach is using
the GSM_CCGND line to shield the GSM_CCIO line from the GSM_CCCLK line.
Furthermore connect a 47 pF capacitor from the GSM_CCIO to the GSM_CCGND line.
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3.11.1 Requirements for using the GSM_CCIN pin
According to ISO/IEC 7816-3 the SIM interface must be immediately shut down once the SIM
card is removed during operation. Therefore, the signal at the GSM_CCIN pin must go low
before the SIM card contacts are mechanically detached from the SIM interface contacts.
This shut-down procedure is particularly required to protect the SIM card as well as the SIM
interface of XT55/56 from damage.
An appropriate SIM card detect switch is required on the card holder. For example, this is
true for the model supplied by Molex, which has been tested to operate with XT55/56 and is
part of the Siemens reference equipment submitted for type approval. Molex ordering
number is 91228-0001, see also Chapter 10.
The module’s startup procedure involves a SIM card initialization performed within 1 second
after getting started. An important issue is whether the initialization procedure ends up with a
high or low level of the GSM_CCIN signal:
a) If, during startup of XT55/56, the GSM_CCIN signal on the SIM interface is high, then
the status of the SIM card holder can be recognized each time the card is inserted or
A low level of GSM_CCIN indicates that no SIM card tray is inserted into the holder. In
this case, the module keeps searching, at regular intervals, for the SIM card. Once the
SIM card tray with a SIM card is inserted, GSM_CCIN is taken high again.
b) If, during startup of XT55/56, the GSM_CCIN signal is low, the module will also attempt
to initialize the SIM card. In this case, the initialization will only be successful when the
card is present.
If the SIM card initialization has been done, but the card is no more operational or
removed, then the module will never search again for a SIM card and only emergency
calls can be made.
Removing and inserting the SIM card during operation requires the software to be
reinitialized. Therefore, after reinserting the SIM card it is necessary to restart XT55/56.
It is strongly recommended to connect the contacts of the SIM card detect switch to the
GSM_CCIN input and to the GSM_CCVCC output of the module as illustrated in the sample
diagram in Figure 19.
Note: No guarantee can be given, nor any liability accepted, if loss of data is encountered
after removing the SIM card during operation.
Also, no guarantee can be given for properly initializing any SIM card that the user
inserts after having removed a SIM card during operation. In this case, the application
must restart XT55/56.
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3.11.2 Design considerations for SIM card holder
The schematic below is a sample configuration that illustrates the Molex SIM card holder
located on the DSB45 Support Box (evaluation kit used for type approval of the Siemens
XT55/56 reference setup, see [8]). X503 is the designation used for the SIM card holder in
Molex card holder GSM module
Figure 19: SIM card holder of DSB45 Support Box
Table 16: Pin assignment of Molex SIM card holder on DSB45 Support Box
Pin no. Signal name I/O Function
1 CCVCC I Supply voltage for SIM card, generated by the GSM engine
2 CCRST I Chip card reset, prompted by the GSM engine
3 CCCLK I Chip card clock
4 CCGND - Individual ground line for the SIM card to improve EMC
5 CCVPP - Not connected
6 CCIO I/O Serial data line, bi-directional
7 CCDET1 - Connect to GSM_CCVCC
8 CCDET2 Connects to the GSM_CCIN input of the GSM engine. Serves to
recognize whether a SIM card is in the holder.
Pins 1 through 8 (except for 5) are the minimum
requirement according to the GSM Recommendations,
where pins 7 and 8 are needed for SIM card tray
detection through the GSM_CCIN pin.
Figure 20: Pin numbers of Molex SIM card holder on DSB45
Support Box
Place the capacitors C1205 and C1206 (or instead one capacitor of 200nF) as close as
possible to the pins 1 (CCVCC) and 4 (GND) of the card holder. Connect the capacitors to
the pins via low resistance tracks.
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3.12 Control signals
3.12.1 Inputs
Table 17: Input control signals of the GSM part of the XT55/56 module
Signal Pin Pin status Function Remarks
Falling edge Power up XT55/56
Ignition GSM_IGT
Left open or HiZ No operation
Active low 100ms (Open
drain/collector driver to GND
required in cellular device
Note: If a charger and a
battery is connected to the
customer application the
GSM_IGT signal must be 1s
Low Power down
Left open or HiZ No operation
Active low 3.2s (Open
drain/collector driver
required in cellular device
application). At the
the watchdog signal of the
GSM engine can be traced
(see description in Table
(HiZ = high impedance)
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3.12.2 Outputs Synchronization signal
The synchronization signal serves to indicate growing power consumption during the transmit
burst. The signal is generated by the GSM_SYNC pin. Please note that this pin can adopt
two different operating modes which you can select by using the AT^SSYNC command
(mode 0 and 1). For details refer to the following chapter and to [1].
To generate the synchronization signal the pin needs to be configured to mode 0 (= default).
This setting is recommended if you want your application to use the synchronization signal
for better power supply control. Your platform design must be such that the incoming signal
accommodates sufficient power supply to the XT55/56 module if required. This can be
achieved by lowering the current drawn from other components installed in your application.
The timing of the synchronization signal is shown below. High level of the GSM_SYNC pin
indicates increased power consumption during transmission.
Figure 21: GSM_SYNC signal during transmit burst
*) The duration of the GSM_SYNC signal is always equal, no matter whether the traffic or
the access burst are active.
Transmit burst
1 Tx 577 µs every 4.616 ms
2 Tx 1154 µs every 4.616 ms
300 µs
GSM_SYNC signal
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XT55/56_hd_v02.06a Page 66 of 125 17.12.2004 Using the GSM_SYNC pin to control a status LED
As an alternative to generating the synchronization signal, the SYNC pin can be used to
control a status LED on your application platform.
Especially in the development and test phase of an application, system integrators are
advised to use the LED mode of the SYNC pin in order to evaluate their product design and
identify the source of errors.
To avail of this feature you need to set the SYNC pin to mode 1 by using the AT^SSYNC
command. For details see [1].
When controlled from the SYNC pin the LED can display the functions listed in Table 18.
Except for the LED state "off", all LED patterns apply no matter whether XT55/56 works at full
functionality level AT+CFUN=1 or has entered a "temporary wake-up state" during one of the
CYCLIC SLEEP modes. See Chapter 3.6 for details on the various SLEEP modes.
Table 18: Coding of the status LED
LED mode Operating status of XT55/56
Permanently off XT55/56 is in one of the following modes: POWER DOWN mode,
ALARM mode, CHARGE-ONLY mode, SLEEP mode with no wake-up
event in progress.
600 ms on / 600 ms off Limited Network Service: No SIM card inserted or no PIN entered, or
network search in progress, or ongoing user authentication, or network
login in progress.
75 ms on / 3 s off IDLE mode: The mobile is logged to the network (monitoring control
channels and user interactions). No call in progress.
75 ms on / 75 ms off /
75 ms on / 3 s off
One or more GPRS contexts activated.
0.5 s on / off depending on
transmission activity
Packet switched data transfer in progress. LED goes on within
1 second after data packets were exchanged. Flash duration is
approximately 0.5 s.
Permanently on Depending on type of call:
Voice call: Connected to remote party.
CSD call: Connected to remote party or exchange of parameters while
setting up or disconnecting a call.
LED Off = SYNC pin low. LED On = SYNC pin high (if LED is connected as illustrated in Figure 22)
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To operate the LED a buffer, e.g. a transistor or gate,
must be included in your application. A sample
configuration can be gathered from Figure 22. Power
consumption in the LED mode is the same as for the
synchronization signal mode. For details see Table
27, GSM_SYNC pin.
Figure 22: LED Circuit (Example)
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3.12.3 Behavior of the GSM_RING0 line (ASC0 interface only)
The GSM_RING0 line is available on the first serial interface (ASC0). The signal serves to
indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result Code).
Although not mandatory for use in a host application, it is strongly suggested that you
connect the GSM_RING0 line to an interrupt line of your application. In this case, the
application can be designed to receive an interrupt when a falling edge on GSM_RING0
occurs. This solution is most effective, particularly, for waking up an application from power
saving. Note that if the GSM_RING0 line is not wired, the application would be required to
permanently poll the data and status lines of the serial interface at the expense of a higher
current consumption. Therefore, utilizing the GSM_RING0 line provides an option to
significantly reduce the overall current consumption of your application.
The behavior of the GSM_RING0 line varies with the type of event:
When a voice call comes in the GSM_RING0 line goes low for 1s and high for another
4s. Every 5 seconds the ring string is generated and sent over the GSM_RXD0 line.
If there is a call in progress and call waiting is activated for a connected handset or
handsfree device, the GSM_RING0 line switches to ground in order to generate acoustic
signals that indicate the waiting call.
Figure 23: Incoming voice call
Likewise, when a Fax or data call is received, GSM_RING0 goes low. However, in
contrast to voice calls, the line remains low. Every 5 seconds the ring string is generated
and sent over the GSM_RXD0 line.
Figure 24: Incoming data call
All types of Unsolicited Result Codes (URCs) also cause the
GSM_RING0 line to go low, however for 1 second only.
For example, XT55/56 may be configured to output a URC
upon the receipt of an SMS. As a result, if this URC type
was activated with AT+CNMI=1,1, each incoming SMS
causes the GSM_RING0 line to go low. See [1] for detailed
information on URCs.
Figure 25: URC transmission
1s 1s 1s
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Table 19: ASC0 ring signal
Function Pin Status Description
0 Indicates an incoming call or URC. If in NON-CYCLIC
CFUN=5 or 6, the module is caused to wake up to full
functionality. If CFUN=7 or 8, power saving is resumed
after URC transmission or end of call.
Ring indication GSM_RING0
1 No operation
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4 GPS application interface
The XT55/56 module integrates a GPS receiver which offers the full performance of GPS
technology. The GPS receiver continuously tracks all satellites in view, thus providing
accurate satellite position data.
The GPS block can be used even if the XT55/56 module is deregistered from the GSM
4.1 Theory of operation
Figure 26: Theory of operation
The XT55/56 GPS part is designed to use L1 Frequency (C/A Code) GPS receiver and
performs the entire GPS signal processing, from antenna input to serial position data output.
The processing steps involved are:
RF section
In the RF section the GPS signal detected by the antenna is amplified, filtered and
converted to an intermediate frequency (IF). An A/D converter transforms the analogue
intermediate frequency into a digital IF signal.
GPS channels
The received digital IF signal bit stream is passed to the baseband section, where it is fed
into the correlators. The function of the correlators is to acquire and track the satellite
signals. There are 12 channels used in parallel, with each correlator looking for a
characteristic PRN code sequence in the bit stream. Once the correlator has found a
valid signal, pseudo range, carrier phase and orbit information can be extracted from the
GPS signal.
The on-board processor is running an algorithm that calculates the position, velocity and
time. This calculation is called navigation solution. Once the navigation solution is
calculated, it can be transformed into the desired coordinate system, e.g. Latitude/
Longitude/ Altitude. For further details refer to [3].
The data of the navigation solution are available at the serial RS-232 interface.
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4.2 Technical data
Industry leading GPS performance
12 channel GPS receiver
Signal acquisition using 1920 time / frequency search channels
Multipath-mitigation hardware
Cold start < 45 sec
Low power
Typ. 220mW without active antenna (continuous mode)
TricklePower™ mode reduces power to < 60mW
Adaptive TricklePower™ switches between full and TricklePower™
Push-to-Fix reduces power by as much as 98%
Additional software options (can be obtained separately)
AVL (for further information refer to [3])
SiRFXtrac (high sensitivity stand alone software)
SiRFDrive (high sensitivity dead reckoning software)
SDI1 / SDO1: NMEA 9600 baud, Msg.: GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
SDI2 / SDO2: RTCM, 9600 baud
Position accuracy
Autonomous: < 10m
Beacon DGPS: < 2.5m
Tracking: L1, CA code
Channels: 12
Max. update rate: 10 Hz
Sensitivity: -138 ± 2 dBm 1)
Max. altitude: <60.000 ft
Max. velocity: <1.000 knots
Protocol support: NMEA, SiRF binary
Acquisition rate
SnapStart: < 3 sec
Hotstart: < 8 sec
Warmstart: < 38 sec
Coldstart: < 45 sec
1) The specified GPS receiver sensitivity of the XT55/56 (GPS software version 2.3) in
tracking mode is related to the ARP (antenna reference point). However, the applied
antenna, the antenna amplifier, the customer application and / or the applied reference
setup might cause variations of the stated receiver sensitivity value.
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4.3 GPS operating modes
Mode Function
Normal operation The receiver is continuously running in Normal mode, as long as the operating
voltage Vcc is supplied. Position fixes are generated at the maximum update
rate. This enables the receiver a warm- and hotstart. However, the cold- and
warmstart times of the receiver do not differ significantly under good visibility
Trickle Power
Vcc is continuously supplied to the receiver in Trickle Power mode. By using a
especially configurable software, the user can force the receiver to acquire a
position fix periodically. Between two fixes, the receiver will be in a low power
The power-on scenario in Trickle Power mode on the XT55/56 GPS part differs
from one in continuous mode. If the receiver fails to acquire satellites within a
given period of time (approx. 150 sec), the receiver enters an extended sleep
phase. The duration of this sleep phase is approx. 30 sec. After that, the
receiver wakes up, starts a reset and tries to acquire satellites. This procedure
will be repeated until the GPS receiver can detect satellites. For further details
refer to [1].
Push-to-Fix mode In this mode the receiver will turn on every 30 minutes to perform a system
update consisting of a GPS RTC calibration and satellite ephemeris data
collection if required (i.e. a new satellite has become visible) as well as all
software tasks to support SnapSart in the event of an NMI. Ephemeris
collection time in general takes 18 to 30 seconds. If ephemeris data is not
required the system will recalibrate and shut down. In either case, the amount
of time the receiver remains off will be in proportion to how long it stayed on:
Off period = On Period*(1-Duty Cycle)
Duty Cycle
The off period has a possible range between 10 and 7200 seconds. The default
is 1800 seconds.
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4.3.1 Trickle Power mode
The default mode of XT55/56 GPS part is continuous mode, but the user can set the
XT55/56 GPS part into the Trickle Power mode using the input command message. The
XT55/56 GPS part enters the Trickle Power mode corresponding to Figure 27 (800ms OFF
time and 200ms ON time) as soon as valid GPS data are available. As a result the average
power consumption is reduced by approximately 80 % (approximately 150mW). The settings
for the Trickle Power mode can be modified by using the SiRFstar demo software. For
example if the XT55/56 GPS part is configured to enter the OnTime mode each 10s for a
duration of 200ms the average power consumption can be reduced up to approx. 95%
(approx. 15mW, ca. 4.8mA at Vcc=3.3V). For more details refer to [1].
Figure 27: Example for current in Trickle Power mode
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4.3.2 Comparison of Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode
A comparison of the Trickle Power mode and Push-to-Fix mode is shown in Figure 28. This
diagram shows that for position update intervals less than approximately 600 seconds (i.e.
rates faster than one fix per 10 minutes), the Trickle Power mode at an update interval of 10
seconds offers a lower power solution. The user would then be required to filter the output
position data to use only the data points corresponding to the desired update interval. For
example, if the desired position output is at 60 second intervals, then the user would only
need one out of every six position outputs at a 10 second Trickle Power update interval.
Alternatively, the user could perform smoothing or averaging of the position data and provide
an output at the desired rate.
Please note that neither Trickle Power mode nor Push-to-Fix mode are supported if running
XT55/56 AVL software. For further details regarding power supply ratings see [3].
Figure 28: Comparing typical current in Trickle Power and Push-to-Fix mode
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4.4 Power supply of the XT55/56 GPS part
The power supply for the GPS part of the XT55/56 module has to be a single voltage source
of VCC=3.3V ± 5%. It must be able to provide sufficient current of >100mA.
Two GPS_VCC pins of the board-to-board connector are dedicated to connect the power
supply voltage, five GND pins shared with the GSM part of the XT55/56 module are
recommended for grounding; see Figure 40 for details.
If no GPS_VCC is connected to XT55/56, the RTC and SRAM of the GPS part of XT55/56
can be fed by GSM_BATT+ of XT55/56.
This pin is used for an external DC power supply of an active antenna.
The GPS_VANT input voltage should be chosen according to the connected antenna.
In order to use a 5V active GPS antenna, the GPS_VANT has to be connected to 5V
external power supply.
When using a 3V antenna it is possible to connect the GPS_VCC_RF output (which provides
3.0V) to GPS_VANT.
This pin is an output which provides +3.0V DC and can be connected to the GPS_VANT in
order to supply the GPS antenna.
In Trickle Power mode and Push-to-Fix mode, GPS_VCC_RF is switched off during the
sleep phase.
If no GPS_VCC is connected to XT55/56, the RTC and SRAM of the GPS part of XT55/56 is
fed by GSM_BATT+ of XT55/56.
4.5 General purpose input/output
connected to the hardware interface connector of the XT55/56 GPS receiver. They are
reserved for customer specific applications.
NOTE: Not all of these pins are supported by the current GPS firmware.
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4.6 Serial interfaces of the XT55/56 GPS part
The GPS part of the XT55/56 module offers two serial interfaces:
2-wire serial interface
Includes the SDI1 (receive) and SDO1 (transmit) lines
Supported baud rate: 9600…115200 bps. See also [1] for details on the used GPS
2-wire serial interface
Includes the SDI2 (receive) and SDO2 (transmit) lines. It is intended for communication
with the GSM/ GPRS part of the XT55/56 module. See Figure 1 for details.
Supported baud rate: 9600…115200 bps. See also [1] for details on the used GPS
SD1 and SD2
Both interfaces are configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit
For more detailed characteristics see [1]
4.7 GPS control signals
This pin provides an active-low reset input to the board. It causes the board
to reset and start searching for satellites. Reset is an optional input and, if
not utilized, it may be left open.
Set this pin to high for reprogramming the flash of the XT55/56 GPS part (for
instance updating to a new XT55/56 GPS firmware).
GPS_RFPC0, GPS_RFPC1 (including pull-up resistors):
These pins are input pins for Trickle-Power mode control. To use the Trickle-
Power mode function connect the RFPC0 and RFPC1 as shown in Figure
58. The pull-up resistors ensure the correct voltage level during start-up and
reset procedure of the GPS base band processor.
These pins are control outputs for the Trickle-Power mode. GPS_GPIO8
must be connected to GPS_RFPC0 and GPS_GPIO4 to GPS_RFPC1.
GPS_GPIO8, GPS_GPIO4 can also be used to control a LED. A possible
circuit is shown in Figure 29. If the LED lights permanently the GPS receiver
is searching for satellites. If the GPS receiver is in Trickle-Power mode, the
LED flashes in rhythm, i.e. the GPS receiver receives valid position data.
Timing differs between GPS_GPIO4 and GPS_GPIO8.
Note: If Trickle power is switched off the LED lights permanently.
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Figure 29: Example of LED circuit
4.8 Receiver architecture
The XT55/56 GPS receiver is a product that features the SiRFstarII-Low Power chipset. It is
a complete 12 channel, WAAS-enabled GPS receiver which provides a vastly superior
position accuracy performance. The SiRFstarII architecture builds on the high-performance
SiRFstarI core, adding an acquisition accelerator, differential GPS processor, multipath
mitigation hardware and satellite-tracking engine. The XT55/56 GPS receiver delivers major
advancements in GPS performance, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility.
Antenna input
Data Bus
Address Bus
Reset IC
(+3.3 V DC)
Figure 30: Receiver architecture of the GPS receiver
Vcc = 3.3 V DC
47 k
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Figure 30 above shows the block diagram of the XT55/56 GPS receiver architecture. The
GPS module can be separated into four major parts: RF frequency down-converter, digital
baseband demodulation, embedded ARM microprocessor and internal GPS software stored
on-board (1 MByte) Flash-Memory. The RF frequency conversion and the baseband
demodulation are executed by hardware while the embedded ARM processor computes the
GPS position, velocity and time solution employing the internal GPS software.
The purpose of the RF circuitry is to reinforce the very weak (-130dBm nominal) GPS signal,
to filter it and to down-convert it to an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of 9.45MHz for digital
processing. The SiRFstarII architecture relies on the high level of integration in the GRF2i to
significantly reduce part count and circuit complexity. A IF filter is built-in as well.
The digital baseband demodulator takes the quantified GPS signal and detects the
individual satellites serial data bit stream, along with the associated pseudo range. This
action consists of removing spread spectrum and Doppler frequency components of the
signal to obtain the serial data messages.
The embedded ARM processor monitors channel allocation, extracts the raw satellite
tracking data, computes the position and time solution and sends it on a serial port for
high level applications to use or processes it locally. Support functions for the
microprocessor include real time clock and reset pulse generator circuits. The internal
GPS software monitors and allocates channels, computers the position, velocity and time
using the pseudo-range of the satellites and reformats the data to be output or used
locally. The internal GPS software is a tasking based architecture driven by the 100ms
interrupt generated by GPS2e internal hardware.
4.9 Operation procedure
When the receiver is powered up, it steps trough a sequence of states until it can initially
determine position, velocity and time. Afterwards, the satellite signals are tracked
continuously and the position is calculated periodically.
In order to perform a navigation solution (3D solution), the receiver needs.
Pseudo-ranges for at least 3 satellites
Ephemeris data for the satellites it will use in the navigation solution.
Note: If almanac navigation is enabled, the receiver can calculate a position without
downloading ephemeris data (with a significant position error compared to an
ephemeris based solution).
The initial position calculation is made, using a Least-Squares Algorithm. Successive position
calculations are performed with a Kalman Filter. To generate a position (3D solution)
calculation the receiver needs at least 4 measurements to different satellites. In order to
calculate a position (Latitude/Longitude/Height), as a 2D solution with an estimated height
value, then 3 different satellites are required. Pseudo-range and carrier phase information
are available to the position determination algorithms if the receiver has found a SV
(acquisition) and can track the signal thereafter. Ephemeris data for a SV can be decoded
from orbit data once the GPS signal has been acquired. Each SV transmits its own
ephemeris data, the broadcast lasts for 18 seconds, repeating every 30 seconds.
The receiver stores ephemeris data in battery-backed memory. This data can be used in
future startup’s to improve the time to first fix (TTFF). The ephemeris can also be supplied to
the receiver via the serial port.
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4.10 Start-up procedures
The start-up strategy of the XT55/56 GPS part depends on the last position, current time and
ephemeris data, that the receiver has stored the external SRAM memory. There are three
different start-up procedures:
4.10.1 Coldstart
The coldstart takes place when the receiver has no knowledge of its last position or time. In
this case the GPS RTC has not been running and no valid ephemeris data or almanac data
is available (The receiver has never been navigating or no battery backup memory
4.10.2 Warmstart
This start-up procedure is performed whenever the receiver is able to use the valid almanac
data, and has not in an important manner moved since the last valid position calculation. This
procedure starts if the receiver has been shut off for more than 2 hours, but the last position,
time and almanac are still acknowledged. This procedure is able to announce the current
visible satellites in advance. However, since ephemeris data are not available or cannot
longer be used, the receiver has to wait for the ephemeris broadcast to complete.
4.10.3 Hotstart
Hotstart is performed whenever the receiver still has access to valid ephemeris data and
exact time. This procedure starts if the receiver has been shut off for less than 2 hours and
the GPS RTC has been running during that time. Furthermore, during the previous session,
the receiver must have been navigating (to allow it to decode and store ephemeris data).
In Hotstart, the receiver can announce in advance the currently visible satellites, and is
therefore able to quickly obtain and track the signal. Due to the fact that ephemeris is already
known, there is no need to wait for the ephemeris broadcast to complete.
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5 GSM and GPS antenna interfaces
5.1 GSM antenna installation
The RF interface has an impedance of 50. XT55/56 is capable of sustaining a total
mismatch at the antenna connector or pad without any damage, even when transmitting at
maximum RF power.
The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding
radiated power, DC-power consumption and harmonic suppression. Matching networks are
not included on the XT55/56 PCB and should be placed in the host application.
Regarding the return loss XT55/56 provides the following values:
Table 20: Return loss
State of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of application
Receive > 8dB > 12dB
Transmit not applicable > 12dB
Idle < 5dB not applicable
The connection of the antenna or other equipment must be decoupled from DC voltage.
5.1.1 GSM antenna connector
To suit the physical design of individual applications XT55/56 offers two alternative
approaches to connecting the GSM antenna:
Recommended approach: U.FL-R-SMT antenna connector from Hirose assembled on
the component side of the PCB (top view on XT55/56). See Chapter 5.3 for details.
Antenna pad and grounding plane placed on the bottom side. See Chapter 5.1.2.
Figure 31: U.FL-R-SMT connector Figure 32: Antenna pad and GND plane
Antenna pad
Antenna ground
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ntenna o
Module Antenna or
50Ohm 50Ohm
The U.FL-R-SMT connector has been chosen as antenna reference point (ARP) for the
Siemens reference equipment submitted to type approve XT55/56. All RF data specified
throughout this manual are related to the ARP. For compliance with the test results of the
Siemens type approval you are advised to give priority to the connector, rather than using the
antenna pad.
IMPORTANT: Both solutions can only be applied alternatively. This means, whenever an
antenna is plugged to the Hirose connector, the pad must not be used. Vice versa, if the
antenna is connected to the pad, then the Hirose connector must be left empty.
Antenna connected to Hirose connector:
Antenna connected to pad:
Figure 33: Never use antenna connector and antenna pad at the same time
No matter which option you choose, ensure that the antenna pad does not come into contact
with the holding device or any other components of the host application. It needs to be
surrounded by a restricted area filled with air, which must also be reserved 0.8 mm in height.
U.FL antenna connector
RF section
ntenna pad Restricted area
Figure 34: Restricted area around antenna pad
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5.1.2 GSM antenna pad
The antenna can be soldered to the pad, or attached via contact springs. To help you ground
the antenna, XT55/56 comes with a grounding plane located close to the antenna pad. The
positions of both pads can be seen from Figure 50.
When you decide to use the antenna pad take into account that the pad has not been
intended as antenna reference point (ARP) for the Siemens XT55/56 type approval. The
antenna pad is provided only as an alternative option which can be used, for example, if the
recommended Hirose connection does not fit into your antenna design.
Also, consider that according to the GSM recommendations TS 45.005 and TS 51.010-01 a
50 connector is mandatory for type approval measurements. This requires GSM devices
with an integral antenna to be temporarily equipped with a suitable connector or a low loss
RF cable with adapter.
To prevent damage to the module and to obtain long-term solder joint properties you are
advised to maintain the standards of good engineering practice for soldering.
XT55/56 material properties:
XT55/56 PCB: FR4
Antenna pad: Gold plated pad
Suitable cable types:
For direct solder attachment, we suggest to use the following cable types:
RG316/U 50 Ohm coaxial cable
1671A 50 Ohm coaxial cable
Suitable cables are offered, for example, by IMS Connector Systems. For further details and
other cable types please contact
5.2 Installing the GPS antenna
In order to receive satellite signals an additional GPS antenna must be connected to the
GPS part of the XT55/56 module. The position of the GPS antenna connector can be found
in Figure 35 and Figure 51. Recommended devices which can be mounted onto the Hirose
connector are available in Chapter 10.
Figure 35: GPS antenna connector (U.FL-R-SMT connector)
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5.3 Hirose antenna connector
XT55/56 uses two ultra-miniature SMT antenna connectors (GSM
and GPS antenna) supplied from Hirose Ltd. The product name is
The positions of both antenna connectors on the XT55/56 board
can be seen in Figure 49.
Figure 36: Mechanical dimensions of U.FL-R-SMT connector
Table 21: Product specifications of U.FL-R-SMT connector
Item Specification Conditions
Nominal impedance 50
Rated frequency DC to 6 GHz
Operating temp: -40°C to +90°C
Operating humidity: max. 90%
Mechanical characteristics
Female contact holding
0.15 N min Measured with a 0.475 pin
Repetitive operation Contact resistance:
Centre 25 m
Outside 15m
30 cycles of insertion and
Vibration No momentary disconnections of
1 µs;
No damage, cracks and looseness
of parts
Frequency of 10 to 100 Hz,
single amplitude of 1.5 mm,
acceleration of 59 m/s2, for 5
cycles in the direction of each of
the 3 axes
Shock No momentary disconnections of
1 µs.
No damage, cracks and looseness
of parts.
Acceleration of 735 m/s2, 11 ms
duration for 6 cycles in the
direction of each of the 3 axes
Environmental characteristics
Humidity resistance No damage, cracks and looseness
of parts.
Insulation resistance:
100 M min. at high humidity
500 M min when dry
Exposure to 40°C, humidity of
95% for a total of 96 hours
Temperature cycle No damage, cracks and looseness
of parts.
Contact resistance:
Centre 25 m
Outside 15m
Temperature: +40°C 5 to 35°C
+90°C 5 to 35°C
Time: 30 min. within 5 min.
30 min. within 5 min
Salt spray test No excessive corrosion 48 hours continuous exposure to
5% salt water
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Table 22: Material and finish of U.FL-R-SMT connector and recommended plugs
Part Material Finish
Shell Phosphor bronze Silver plating
Male centre contact Brass Gold plating
Female centre contact Phosphor bronze Gold plating
Insulator Plug: PBT
Receptacle: LCP
Mating plugs and cables can be chosen from the Hirose U.FL Series. Examples are shown
below and listed in Table 23. For latest product information please contact your Hirose dealer
or visit the Hirose home page, for example
Figure 37: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-040 plug
Figure 38: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-066 plug
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In addition to the connectors illustrated above, the U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) version is offered as
an extremely space saving solution. This plug is intended for use with extra fine cable (up to
0.81 mm) and minimizes the mating height to 2 mm. See Figure 39 which shows the
Hirose datasheet.
Figure 39: Specifications of U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) plug
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Table 23: Ordering information for Hirose U.FL Series
Item Part number HRS number
Connector on XT55/56 U.FL-R-SMT CL331-0471-0-10
Right-angle plug shell for
0.81 mm cable
U.FL-LP-040 CL331-0451-2
Right-angle plug for
0.81 mm cable
U.FL-LP(V)-040 (01) CL331-053-8-01
Right-angle plug for
1.13 mm cable
U.FL-LP-068 CL331-0452-5
Right-angle plug for
1.32 mm cable
U.FL-LP-066 CL331-0452-5
Extraction jig E.FL-LP-N CL331-0441-9
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6 Electrical, reliability and radio characteristics
6.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Absolute maximum ratings for supply voltage and voltages on digital and analog pins of
XT55/56 are listed in Table 24. Exceeding these values will cause permanent damage to
Table 24: Absolute maximum ratings (GSM part)
Parameter Min Max Unit
Voltage GSM_BATT+ -0.3 4.8 V
Voltage at digital pins -0.3 3.3 V
Voltage at analog pins -0.3 3.0 V
Voltage at digital / analog pins in POWER DOWN mode -0.25 +0.25 V
Voltage at GSM_POWER pin 15 V
Voltage at GSM_CHARGE pin 15 V
Differential load resistance between EPNx and EPPx 15
Table 25: Absolute maximum rating (GPS part)
Parameter Min Max Unit
Voltage at GPS_VCC -0.3 3.46 V
Current at GPS_VCC_RF 25 mA
6.2 Operating temperatures
Test conditions were specified in accordance with IEC 60068-2 (still air). The values stated
below are in compliance with GSM recommendation TS 51.010-01.
Table 26: Operating temperatures
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
Ambient temperature (according to GSM 11.10) -20 25 55 °C
Restricted operation *) -25 to -20 55 to 70*** °C
Automatic shutdown
XT55/56 board temperature
Battery temperature
Charging temperature (software controlled fast charging) 0 +45 °C
*) XT55/56 works, but deviations from the GSM specification may occur.
**) XT55/56 has the automatic shutdown set to 70°C at PCL 5 (GSM 900) GPRS class 8. This
prevents permanent damage to components on the board. Consider the ratio of output power,
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supply voltage and operating temperature: To achieve Tamb max = 70°C and, for example, GSM
900 PCL 5 the supply voltage must not be higher than 4.2V.
***) To achive Tamb max = 70°C at permanent GPRS class 8 operation (1 TX, 4 RX GSM 900 at
PCL 5 with a supply voltage 4.2V) it is recommended to integrate XT55/56 in such a way that a
minor heat exchange with the environment can take place. A solution might be the usage of a
small heat sink.
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6.3 Pin description
Please note that the reference voltages listed in Table 27 are the values measured directly
on the XT55/56 module. They do not apply to the accessories connected.
If an input pin is specified for VIHmax = 3.3V, be sure never to exceed the stated voltage. The
value 3.3V is an absolute maximum rating.
The Hirose DF12C board-to-board connector on XT55/56 is a 80-pin double-row receptacle.
The names and the positions of the pins can be seen from Figure 40 which shows the top
view of XT55/56.
NC 19 62 GSM_DTR0
Figure 40: Pin assignment (top view on XT55/56)
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Table 27: Electrical description of application interface
Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comments
GSM_BATT+ I VI = 3.3V to 4.8V
VInorm = 4.2V
Inorm 1.6A (during Tx burst)
Imax< 2A
GSM power
1 Tx, peak current 577µs every 4.616ms
2 Tx, peak current 1154µs every
Power supply input.
5 GSM_BATT+ pins to be
connected in parallel. 5 GND
pins to be connected in
The power supply must be
able to meet the
requirements of current
consumption in a Tx burst
(up to 3A).
Sending with two timeslots
doubles the duration of
current pulses to 1154µs
(every 4.616ms)!
VImin = 3.0V
VImax = 15V
This line signalizes to the
processor that the charger is
If unused keep pin open.
I Connect NTC with RNTC 10k @ 25°C
to ground.
Input to measure the battery
temperature over NTC
NTC should be installed
inside or near battery pack to
enable the charging
algorithm and deliver
temperature values.
If unused keep pin open.
IGSM_CHARGE = -300µA ... -600µA
This line is a current source
for the charge FET with a
10k resistance between
gate and source.
If unused keep pin open.
GSM_VDDmin = 2.84V,
GSM_VDDmax = 2.96V
Imax = -10mA
CLmax = 1µF
Supply voltage, e.g. for an
external LED or level shifter.
The external digital logic
must not cause any spikes or
glitches on voltage
Not available in POWER
DOWN mode.
GSM_VDD signalizes the
“ON” state of the module.
If unused GSM_VDD keep
pin open.
RI =1k
VOmax 4.0V (output)
VImin = 2.2V, VImax = 5.5V (input)
IItyp = 10µA at GSM_BATT+ = 0V
Mobile in POWER DOWN mode:
VImin = 1.2V
Supplies the RTC with power
via an external capacitor or
buffer battery if no VGSM_BATT+
is applied.
If unused keep pin open.
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Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comments
Ignition GSM_IGT I
RI 100k, CI 1nF
VILmax = 0.5V at Imax = -20µA
VOpenmax = 2.3V
ON ~~~|____|~~~ Active Low 100ms
Input to switch the mobile
The line must be driven low
by an Open Drain or Open
Collector driver.
VILmax = 0.5V at Imax = -100µA
VOpenmax = 2.73V
Signal ~~~|______|~~~ Active Low
VOLmax = 0.35V at I = 10µA
VOHmin= 2.25V at I = -10µA
fOmin = 0.16Hz
fOmax = 1.55Hz
This line must be driven by
an Open Drain or Open
Collector driver.
Emergency shutdown
deactivates the power supply
to the module.
The module can be reset if
GSM_IGT is activated after
emergency shutdown.
To switch the mobile off use
the AT^SMSO command.
To avoid floating if pin is high
impedance, use pull-down
resistor tied to GND. See
indicates the internal
watchdog function.
If unused keep pin open.
VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.35V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
Indicates increased current
consumption during uplink
transmission burst. Note that
timing is different during
Alternatively used to control
status LED (see Chapter
If unused keep pin open.
1 Tx, 877µs impulse each 4.616ms and
2 Tx, 1454µs impulse each 4.616ms,
with 300µs forward time.
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Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comments
RI 100k
VILmax = 0.5V
VIHmin = 2.15V at I = 20µA,
VIHmax=3.3V at I = 30µA
RO 47
VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.3V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
RI 10k
VILmax = 0.5V
VIHmin = 1.95V, VIHmax=3.3V
RO 220
VOLmax = 0.4V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.15V at I = -1mA
VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -20µA
VOHmax = 2.96V
RO 220
VOLmax = 0.4V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.15V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
ROmax = 5
GSM_CCVCCmin = 2.84V,
GSM_CCVCCmax = 2.96V
Imax = -20mA
SIM interface
GSM_CCIN = high, SIM
card holder closed (no card
Maximum cable length
200mm to SIM card holder.
All signals of SIM interface
are protected against ESD
with a special diode array.
Usage of GSM_CCGND is
VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.35V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
VILmax = 0.5V
VIHmin = 1.95V, VIHmax=3.3V
GSM_DTR0, GSM_RTS0: Imax = -90µA
at VIN = 0V
GSM_TXD0: Imax = -30µA at VIN = 0V
First serial interface for AT
commands or data stream.
To avoid floating if output
pins are high-impedance,
use pull-up resistors tied to
GSM_VDD or pull-down
resistors tied to GND. See
If unused keep pins open.
VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.35V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
VILmax = 0.5V
VIHmin = 1.95V, VIHmax=3.3V
IImax = -90µA at VIN = 0V
Second serial interface for
AT commands.
To avoid floating if output
pins are high-impedance,
use pull-up resistors tied to
GSM_VDD or pull-down
resistors tied to GND. See
If unused keep pins open.
Digital audio
VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 1mA
VOHmin = 2.35V at I = -1mA
VOHmax = 2.73V
VILmax = 0.5V
VIHmin = 1.95V, VIHmax=3.3V
IImax = 330µA at VIN = 3.3V
If unused keep pins open.
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Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comments
VOmax = 3.7Vpp
See also Table 32.
The audio output is
balanced and can directly
operate an earpiece.
If unused keep pins open.
VOmax = 3.7Vpp
See also Table 32.
Balanced audio output. Can
be used to directly operate
an earpiece.
If unused keep pins open.
RI 50k differential
VImax = 1.03Vpp
See also Table 33.
Balanced microphone input.
To be decoupled with 2
capacitors (CK = 100nF), if
connected to a microphone
or another device.
If unused keep pins open.
Analog audio
RI = 2k differential
VImax = 1.03Vpp
See also Table 33.
Balanced microphone input.
Can be used to directly feed
an active microphone.
If used for another signal
source, e.g. op amp, to be
decoupled with capacitors.
If unused keep pins open.
Max. 25 mA
Power supply for active
antenna; in case of 3V
antenna can be connected
GPS_VCC_RF O Typ.: 3.0V ±5% DC
Max: 25 mA
Regulates 3V output for
feeding a 3V active GPS
GPS power GPS_VCC I Typ.: 3.3V ±5% DC
Typ. 80 mA (without feeding
50 mV ripple
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO0 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO1 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO3 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO4 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level Output for Trickle Power
mode. Connect externally to
GPS_RFPC1. Usable as
LED control output, see
Chapter 4.7
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO5 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO6 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO7 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO8 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level Output for Trickle Power
mode. Connect externally to
GPS_RFPC0. Usable as
LED control output, see
Chapter 4.7
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO10 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO13 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Explanation of signal names:
P = positive, N = negative
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Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comments
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO14 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
Digital Input /
GPS_GPIO15 I/O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.5
GPS Reset GPS_M-RST I CMOS 3.3V DC level Active low reset input
Serial1 Rx GPS_SDI1 I CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.6
Serial1 Tx GPS_SDO1 O CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.6
Digital Input GPS_BOOTSEL I CMOS 3.3V DC level For re-programming the
Flash must be set to High
Digital Input GPS_RFPC1 I CMOS 3.3V DC level
Connect to GPS_GPIO4
including the pull-up
resistors as shown in Figure
Digital Input GPS_RFPC0 I CMOS 3.3V DC level
Connect to GPS_GPIO8
including the pull-up
resistors as shown in Figure
Serial2 Rx GPS_SDI2 I CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.6
Serial2 Tx GPS_SDO2 0 CMOS 3.3V DC level See Chapter 4.6
CMOS 3.3V level:
Input High = 2.0 – 3.3 V DC; I_leakage = 2µA
Input Low = 0 – 0.8 V DC, I_leakage = 2µA
Output High = min. 2.4 V DC, Ioh= 2mA
Output Low = max 0.4 V DC, Ioh= 2mA
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6.4 Power supply ratings
Table 28: Power supply ratings (GSM part)
Parameter Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage Reference points on XT55/56:
TP GSM_BATT+ and TP GND (see
Figure 50).
Voltage must stay within the
min/max values, including voltage
drop, ripple, spikes.
3.3 4.2 4.8 V
Voltage drop
during transmit
Normal condition, power control
level for Pout max
400 mV
Voltage ripple Normal condition, power control
level for Pout max
@ f<200kHz
@ f>200kHz
2 mV
POWER DOWN mode 50 100 µA
SLEEP mode @ DRX = 6 3 mA
IDLE mode GSM850
EGSM 900
GSM 1800/1900
TALK mode GSM8501) 4)
EGSM 9001) 4)
GSM 1800/19002) 4)
EGSM 900
GSM 1800/1900
(4 Rx, 1 Tx) GSM 8501) 4)
EGSM 9001) 4)
GSM 1800/19002) 4)
Average supply
(3 Rx, 2 Tx) GSM 8501) 4)
EGSM 9001) 4)
GSM 1800/19002) 4)
Peak supply
current (during
transmission slot
every 4.6ms)
Power control level 1) 1.6 A
1) Power control level PCL 5 2) Power control level PCL 0
3) All average supply current values @ IGSM_VDD = 0mA 4) Test conditions: 50
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Table 29: Power supply ratings (GPS part)
Parameter Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
GPS_VCC Supply voltage 3.14 3.3 3.46 V
IGPS_VCC Average supply
Continuous mode (without antenna
feeding on GPS_VCC_RF)
80 100 mA
Please note that the stated current values are depending on the used mode of the module
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6.4.1 Current consumption during GSM transmit burst
The diagrams provided in Figure 46 and Figure 47 illustrate the typical current consumption
of the application caused during a transmit burst. The typical peak current is shown vs. the
power control level for 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900 MHz and vs. the return loss of the
Test conditions: All measurements have been performed at Tamb= 25°C, VGSM_BATT+ nom = 4.1V.
Reference points for measuring the voltage are the GSM_BATT+ and GND test points on the
back side of the module. The curves are for one TX slot (for example a voice call, CSD call
or Class 8 GPRS). Curves for Class 10 GPRS activities (2 TX slots) are shown too.
Changing the conditions, e.g. in terms of temperature or voltage, will cause different results.
Average Current GSM900 (V
5 7 9 1113151719
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Average Current
2 TX - Average Current
Figure 41: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in EGSM 900 network
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Average Current DCS1800 (V
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Average Current
2 TX - Average Current
Figure 42: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in GSM 1800 network
Average Current PCS1900 (V
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Average Current
2 TX - Average Current
Figure 43: Typical current consumption vs. return loss in GSM 1900 network
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Burst Current GSM900 (VBATT+=4.1V)
5 7 9 1113151719
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Peak current
Figure 44: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in EGSM 900 network
Burst Current DCS1800 (V
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Peak current
Figure 45: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in GSM 1800 network
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Burst Current PCS1900 (V
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Power Control Level
Current (Amps)
1 TX - Peak current
Test conditions: Tamb= 25°C, VGSM_BATT+ nom = 4.1V
Figure 46: Peak current consumption during transmit burst in GSM 1900 network
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Burst (max) Burst (min) Average Current (Max) Average Current (Min)
Current (mA)
ch.124 PCL5
Service mode GSM900 ch.124
ariations in current with 0.4dB return
loss (all phases)
Burst (max) Burst (min) Average Current (Max) Average Current (Min)
Current (mA)
ch.661 PCL0
Service mode PCS1900 ch.661
ariations in current with 0.6dB return
loss (all phases)
Test conditions: Tamb= 25°C, VGSM_BATT+ nom = 4.1V measured at TP GSM_BATT+ and GND, 1 TX slot
Figure 47: Typical current consumption vs. return loss
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6.5 Electrical characteristics of the voiceband part
6.5.1 Setting audio parameters by AT commands
The audio modes 2 to 6 can be adjusted according to the parameters listed below. Each
audio mode is assigned a separate set of parameters.
Table 30: Audio parameters adjustable by AT command
Parameter Influence to Range Gain range Calculation
inBbcGain MICP/MICN analog amplifier gain of
baseband controller before ADC
0...7 0...42dB 6dB steps
inCalibrate digital attenuation of input signal
after ADC
0...32767 -...0dB 20 * log
outBbcGain EPP/EPN analog output gain of
baseband controller after DAC
0...3 0...-18dB 6dB steps
n = 0...4
digital attenuation of output signal
after speech decoder, before
summation of sidetone and DAC
present for each volume step[n]
0...32767 -...+6dB 20 * log (2 *
sideTone digital attenuation of sidetone
is corrected internally by
outBbcGain to obtain a constant
sidetone independent of output
0...32767 -...0dB 20 * log
Note: The parameters inCalibrate, outCalibrate and sideTone accept also values from 32768
to 65535. These values are internally truncated to 32767.
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6.5.2 Audio programming model
The audio programming model shows how the signal path can be influenced by varying the
AT command parameters. The model is the same for all three interfaces, except for the
parameters <outBbcGain> and <inBbcGain> which cannot be modified if the digital audio
interface is being used, since in this case the DAC is switched off.
The parameters inBbcGain and inCalibrate can be set with AT^SNFI. All the other
parameters are adjusted with AT^SNFO.
Speech coder
neg. gain (attenuation)
0dB; -6db, -12dB; -18dB
+0...42dB in 6dB steps
T parameters are given in brackets <…>
and marked red and italic.
n = 0...4
Speech decoder
Figure 48: AT audio programming model
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6.5.3 Characteristics of audio modes
The electrical characteristics of the voiceband part depend on the current audio mode set
with the AT^SNFS command.
Table 31: Voiceband characteristics (typical)
Audio mode no.
1 (Default
settings, not
2 3 4 5 6
Name Default
Headset User
Codec 1
Codec 2
Purpose DSB with
Siemens Car
Kit Portable
DSB with
access to
access to
Gain setting via AT
command. Defaults:
4 (24dB)
1 (-6dB)
2 (12dB)
1 (-6dB)
5 (30dB)
2 (-12dB)
4 (24dB)
1 (-6dB)
0 (0dB)
0 (0dB)
0 (0dB)
0 (0dB)
Default audio
1 2 2 1 1 2 3)
Power supply ON (2.65V) ON (2.65V) ON (2.65V) ON (2.65V) OFF (GND) OFF (GND)
Sidetone ON --- Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable
Volume control OFF Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable
Limiter (receive) ON ON ON ON --- ---
--- OFF1) --- --- --- ---
AGC (send) --- --- ON --- --- ---
Echo control (send) Suppression Cancellation +
--- Suppres-
--- ---
Noise suppression2) --- up to 10dB 10dB --- --- ---
MIC input signal for
0dBm0 @ 1024 Hz
(default gain)
23mV 58mV 7.5mV @
-3dBm0 due
to AGC
23mV 315mV 315mV
EP output signal in
mV rms. @ 0dBm0,
1024 Hz, no load
(default gain);
@ 3.14 dBm0
284mV 120mV
default @
max volume
default @
max volume
default @
Sidetone gain at
default settings
22.8dB - dB Affected by
AGC, 13dB
@ 7.5mV
22.8dB - dB - dB
1) Adaptive, receive volume increases with higher ambient noise level. The compressor
can be activated by loading an application specific audio parameter set (see [9]).
2) In audio modes with noise reduction, the microphone input signal for 0dBm shall be
measured with a sine burst signal for a tone duration of 5 seconds and a pause of 2 sec.
The sine signal appears as noise and, after approx. 12 sec, is attenuated by the noise
reduction by up to 10dB.
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3) Audio mode 5 and 6 are identical. With AT^SAIC, you can easily switch mode 5 to the
second interface. Therefore, audio mode 6 is only kept for compatibility to earlier
Siemens GSM products.
Note: With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid
sending false AT commands that might increase amplification, e.g. for a high
sensitive earpiece. A protection circuit should be implemented in the cellular
6.5.4 Voiceband receive path
Test conditions:
The values specified below were tested to 1kHz and 0dB gain stage, unless otherwise
Parameter setup: gs = 0dB means audio mode = 5 for GSM_EPP1 to GSM_EPN1 and 6
for GSM_EPP2 to GSM_EPN2, inBbcGain= 0, inCalibrate = 32767, outBbcGain = 0,
OutCalibrate = 16384, sideTone = 0.
Table 32: Voiceband receive path
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test condition / remark
Differential output
voltage (peak to peak)
3.33 3.7 4.07 V from GSM_EPPx to GSM_EPNx
gs = 0dB @ 3.14 dBm0
no load
Differential output gain
settings (gs) at 6dB
stages (outBbcGain)
-18 0 dB Set with AT^SNFO
Fine scaling by DSP
- 0 dB Set with AT^SNFO
Output differential
DC offset
100 mV gs = 0dB, outBbcGain = 0 and -6dB
Differential output
2 from GSM_EPPx to GSM_EPNx
Differential load
1000 pF from GSM_EPPx to GSM_EPNx
Absolute gain accuracy 0.8 dB Variation due to change in
temperature and life time
Attenuation distortion
1 dB for 300...3900Hz,
(333Hz) /
60 dB for f > 4kHz with in-band test
signal@ 1kHz and 1kHz RBW
gs = gain setting
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6.5.5 Voiceband transmit path
Test conditions:
The values specified below were tested to 1kHz and 0dB gain stage, unless otherwise
Parameter setup: Audio mode = 5 for GSM_MICP1 to GSM_MICN1 and 6 for
GSM_MICP2 to GSM_MICN2, inBbcGain= 0, inCalibrate = 32767, outBbcGain = 0,
OutCalibrate = 16384, sideTone = 0
Table 33: Voiceband transmit path
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test condition/Remark
Input voltage (peak to peak)
1.03 V
Input amplifier gain in 6dB steps
0 42 dB Set with AT^SNFI
Fine scaling by DSP (inCalibrate) - 0 dB Set with AT^SNFI
Input impedance GSM_MIC1 50 k
Input impedance GSM_MIC2 2.0 k
Microphone supply voltage ON
Ri = 4k (GSM_MIC2 only)
no supply current
@ 100µA
@ 200µA
Microphone supply voltage OFF;
Ri = 4k (GSM_MIC2 only)
0 V
Microphone supply in POWER
DOWN mode
See Figure 16
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6.6 Air interface of the XT55/56 GSM part
Test conditions: All measurements have been performed at Tamb= 25°C, VGSM_BATT+ nom = 4.1V.
The reference points used on XT55/56 are the GSM_BATT+ and GND contacts (test points
are shown in Figure 50).
Table 34: Air Interface
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
GSM 850 3) 824 849 MHz
E-GSM 900 4) 880 915 MHz
GSM 1800 1710 1785 MHz
Frequency range
Uplink (MS BTS)
GSM 1900 1850 1910 MHz
GSM 850 3) 869 894 MHz
E-GSM 900 4) 925 960 MHz
GSM 1800 1805 1880 MHz
Frequency range
Downlink (BTS MS)
GSM 1900 1930 1990 MHz
GSM 850 3) 31 33 35 dBm
E-GSM 900 4) 1) 31 33 35 dBm
GSM 1800 2) 28 30 32 dBm
RF power @ ARP with 50 load
GSM 1900 28 30 32 dBm
GSM 850 3) 124
E-GSM 900 4) 174
GSM 1800 374
Number of carriers
GSM 1900 299
GSM 850 3) 45 MHz
E-GSM 900 4) 45 MHz
Duplex spacing
GSM 1800 95 MHz
GSM 1900 80 MHz
Carrier spacing 200 kHz
Multiplex, Duplex TDMA / FDMA, FDD
Time slots per TDMA frame 8
Frame duration 4.615 ms
Time slot duration 577 µs
Modulation GMSK
GSM 850 3) -102 -107 dBm
E-GSM 900 4) -102 -107 dBm
GSM 1800 -102 -106 dBm
Receiver input sensitivity @ ARP
BER Class II < 2.4%
GSM 1900 -102 -105.5 dBm
1) Power control level PCL 5 2) Power control level PCL 0 3) XT56 only 4) XT55 only
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6.7 Electrostatic discharge
The GSM engine is not protected against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) in general.
Consequently, it is subject to ESD handling precautions that typically apply to ESD sensitive
components. Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout
the processing, handling and operation of any application that incorporates a XT55/56
Special ESD protection provided on XT55/56:
Antenna interface: one spark discharge line (spark gap)
SIM interface: clamp diodes for protection against overvoltage.
The remaining ports of XT55/56 are not accessible to the user of the final product (since they
are installed within the device) and therefore, are only protected according to the “Human
Body Model” requirements.
XT55/56 has been tested according to the EN 61000-4-2 standard. The measured values
can be gathered from the following table.
Table 35: Measured electrostatic values
Specification / Requirements Contact discharge Air discharge
ETSI EN 301 489-7
ESD at SIM port (GSM) ± 4kV ± 8kV
ESD at GSM antenna port ± 4kV ± 8kV
Indirect ESD to GSM part ± 4kV -
Indirect ESD to GPS part ± 4kV -
Human Body Model (Test conditions: 1.5 k, 100 pF)
ESD at GPS antenna port ± 1kV
ESD at all other ports ± 1kV
Please note that the values may vary with the individual application design. For example, it matters
whether or not the application platform is grounded over external devices like a computer or other
equipment, such as the Siemens reference application described in Chapter 8.
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6.8 Reliability characteristics
The test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications.
Table 36: Summary of reliability test conditions
Type of test Conditions Standard
Vibration Frequency range: 10-20 Hz; acceleration: 3.1mm
Frequency range: 20-500 Hz; acceleration: 5g
Duration: 2h per axis = 10 cycles; 3 axes
DIN IEC 68-2-6
Shock half-sinus Acceleration: 500g
Shock duration: 1msec
1 shock per axis
6 positions (± x, y and z)
DIN IEC 68-2-27
Dry heat Temperature: +70 ±2°C
Test duration: 16 h
Humidity in the test chamber: < 50%
EN 60068-2-2 Bb
ETS 300019-2-7
change (shock)
Low temperature: -40°C ±2°C
High temperature: +85°C ±2°C
Changeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system)
Test duration: 1 h
Number of repetitions: 100
DIN IEC 68-2-14 Na
ETS 300019-2-7
Damp heat cyclic High temperature: +55°C ±2°C
Low temperature: +25°C ±2°C
Humidity: 93% ±3%
Number of repetitions: 6
Test duration: 12h + 12h
DIN IEC 68-2-30 Db
ETS 300019-2-5
Cold (constant
Temperature: -40 ±2°C
Test duration: 16 h
DIN IEC 68-2-1
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7 Mechanics
The following chapters describe the mechanical dimensions of XT55/56 and give
recommendations for integrating XT55/56 into the host application.
7.1 Mechanical dimensions of XT55/56
Figure 49 shows the top view of XT55/56. For further details see Figure 51.
Size: 35.0 ± 0.15mm x 53.0 ± 0.15mm x 5.1 ± 0.2mm
Weight: 11g
Figure 49: XT55/56 – top view
Figure 50 shows the bottom view of XT55/56 and marks the test points and pads for GSM
antenna connection.
Figure 50: XT55/56 bottom view
Antenna ground
Antenna pad
TP Ground
GSM antenna
GPS antenna
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All dimensions in millimeters
Figure 51: Mechanical dimensions of XT55/56
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7.2 Mounting XT55/56 onto the application platform
There are many ways to properly install XT55/56 in the host device. An efficient approach is
to mount the XT55/56 PCB to a frame, plate, rack or chassis.
When assembling the XT55/56 module plug the B2B connector to the mating header in your
application with applying carefully pressure to that side opposite to the B2B connector
(labeled with “XT_GPS”).
Fasteners can be M1.6 or M1.8 screws plus suitable washers, circuit board spacers, or
customized screws, clamps, or brackets. Screws must be inserted with the screw head on
the bottom of the XT55/56 PCB. In addition, the board-to-board connection can also be
utilized to achieve better support.
Particular attention must be paid to the holes marked with an arrow in Figure 50.
The two holes are close to other components of XT55/56 and care must be taken to avoid
contacting them. For example, you can insert plastic screws and plastic washers, or
fasteners small enough not to protrude beyond the mounting areas specified in Figure 51.
In case you wish to connect the host device using the mounting hole enclosed by the dashed
line it is strongly recommended to use a plastic dowel according to Figure 53. For ordering
instructions refer to Table 39.
Figure 52: Mounting holes on XT55/56
For proper grounding it is strongly recommended to use the ground plane on the back side in
addition to the five GND pins of the board-to-board connector. To avoid short circuits ensure
that the remaining sections of the XT55/56 PCB do not come into contact with the host
device since there are a number of test points. Figure 50 shows the positions of all test
To prevent mechanical damage, be careful not to force, bend or twist the module. Be sure it
is positioned flat against the host device.
All the information you need to install an antenna is summarized in Chapter 5. Note that the
antenna pad on the bottom of the XT55/56 PCB must not be influenced by any other PCBs,
components or by the housing of the host device. It needs to be surrounded by a restricted
space as described in Chapter 5.1.2.
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Figure 53: Recommended dowel
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7.3 Board-to-board connector
This chapter provides specifications for the 80-pin board-to-board connector which serves as
physical interface to the host application. The receptacle assembled on the XT55/56 PCB is
type Hirose DF12C. Mating headers from Hirose are available in different stacking heights.
Table 37: Ordering information DF12 series
Item Part number Stacking
height (mm)
HRS number
Receptacle on XT55/56 DF12C(3.0)-80DS-0.5V(81) 3.0 537-0733-9-81
Headers DF12 series DF12D(3.0)-80DP-0.5V(81)
Notes: The headers listed above are without boss and metal fitting. Please contact Hirose for details
on other types of mating headers. Asterixed HRS numbers denote different types of packaging.
Table 38: Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Hirose DF12C connector
Parameter Specification (80 pin board-to-board connector)
Number of contacts 80
Quantity delivered 2000 connectors per tape & reel
Voltage 50V
Rated current 0.3A max per contact
Resistance 0.05 Ohm per contact
Dielectric withstanding voltage 500V RMS min
Operating temperature -45°C...+125°C
Contact material phosphor bronze (surface: gold plated)
Insulator material PA , beige natural
Stacking height 3.0 mm
Insertion force 21.8N
Withdrawal force 1st 10N
Withdrawal force 50th 10N
Maximum connection cycles 50
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Figure 54: Mechanical dimensions of Hirose DF12 connector
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8 Reference approval
8.1 Reference equipment for type approval
The Siemens reference setup submitted to type approve XT55/56 consists of the following
Siemens XT55/56 cellular engine
Development Support Box (DSB45)
Flex cable (160 mm) from Hirose DF12C receptacle on XT55/56 to Hirose DF12
connector on DSB45. Please note that this cable is not included in the scope of delivery
of DSB45.
SIM card reader integrated on DSB45
Handset type Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0
GSM engine
Power supply
Flex cable
coustic tester
GPS engine
ntenna or 50
cable to system
DAI cable for
acoustic measuring
ctive GPS antenna
Figure 55: Reference equipment for approval
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8.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations (XT55 only)
The FCC Equipment Authorization Certification for the XT55 reference application described
in Chapter 8.1 is listed under the
FCC identifier QIPXT55
IC: 267W-XT55
granted to Siemens AG.
The XT55 reference application registered under the above identifier is certified to be in
accordance with the following Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC).
“This device contains GSM 900MHz and GSM 1800MHz functions that are not
operational in U.S. Territories.
This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed applications. The antenna(s) used
for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm
from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation
instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure com-
pliance. Antennas used for this OEM module must not exceed 7dBi gain for mobile and
fixed operating configurations. This device is approved as a module to be installed in
other devices. Each OEM must obtain their own Certification for each device containing
this module.”
IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating XT55 modules are
advised to
clarify any regulatory questions,
have their completed product tested,
have product approved for FCC compliance, and
include instructions according to above mentioned RF exposure statements in end
product user manual.
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8.3 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations (XT56 only)
The FCC Equipment Authorization Certification for the XT56 reference application described
in Chapter 8.1 is listed under the
FCC identifier QIPXT56
IC: 267W-XT56
granted to Siemens AG.
The XT56 reference application registered under the above identifier is certified to be in
accordance with the following Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC).
“This device contains GSM 1800MHz function that is not operational in U.S. Territories.
This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed applications. The antenna(s) used
for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm
from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation
instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure com-
pliance. Antennas used for this OEM module must not exceed 7dBi gain (GSM 1900)
and 2.2dBi (GSM 850) for mobile and fixed operating configurations. This device is
approved as a module to be installed in other devices.
IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating XT56 modules are
advised to
clarify any regulatory questions,
have their completed product tested,
have product approved for FCC compliance, and
include instructions according to above mentioned RF exposure statements in end
product user manual.
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9 Example applications
The XT55/56 module offers different options for integrating additional software, such as AVL
and SiRF Demo software. For further details refer to [1] and [3].
Figure 56: Block diagram of XT55/56 for SiRF Demo application
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Figure 57: Block diagram of XT55/56 with AVL application (optional)
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1nF 200nF
GPS antenna (3V) GSM antenna
33pF 33pF 2.2uF
battery pack
TXD1 Oscillator
*)ESD protection
e.g. 1/5 ESDA6V1-5W6
not mounted
HG 601
P = Test point
Figure 58: XT55/56 tracking phone with external µC (example application)
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Figure 58 shows a sample application that incorporates an XT55/56 module and an external
µC which controls the entire application.
This µC must provide two asynchronous serial interfaces for controlling the XT55/56. One
serial interface (TXD0, RXD0, CTS0, RTS0) controls the GSM part. The other serial interface
(TXD1, RXD1) controls the GPS part of the XT55/56 module. It is recommended to use an
interrupt input of the external µC for RING0 detection.
If the application uses IP-based data connections (internet access via GPRS or CSD), the
external µC is responsible for handling the IP protocol.
To update the GSM and GPS software the test points (TP) must be used.
No warranty, either stated or implied, is provided on the sample schematic diagram shown in
Figure 58 and the information detailed in this section. As functionality and compliance with
national regulations depend to a great amount on the used electronic components and the
individual application layout manufacturers are required to ensure adequate design and
operating safeguards for their products using XT55/56 modules.
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10 List of parts and accessories
Table 39: List of parts and accessories
Description Supplier Ordering information
Siemens Siemens ordering number:
Standard module: L36880-N8380-B100
Customer IMEI SIM Lock mode: L36880-N8381-A100
Standard module: L36880-N8385-A100
Siemens Car Kit Portable Siemens Siemens ordering number: L36880-N3015-A117
DSB45 Support Box Siemens Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8301-A100
BB35 Bootbox Siemens Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8102-A100-1
Votronic Handset VOTRONIC Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0
Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft für
elektronische Geräte mbH
Saarbrücker Str. 8
66386 St. Ingbert
Phone: +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-0
Fax: +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-88
SIM card holder incl. push
button ejector and slide-in
Molex Ordering numbers: 91228
Sales contacts are listed in Table 40.
DF12C board-to-board
Hirose See Chapter 7.3 for details on receptacle on XT55/56 and
mating headers.
Sales contacts are listed in Table 41.
U.FL-R-SMT antenna
Hirose See Chapter 5.3 for details on U.FL-R-SMT connector,
mating plugs and cables.
Sales contacts are listed in Table 41.
Mounting dowel Falcom Ordering number: 511287
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Description Supplier Ordering information
GPS antenna Falcom Ordering numbers:
To place orders or obtain more information please
Falcom Wireless Communications GmbH
Gewerbering 6
98704 Langewiesen
Phone: +49-(0)-3677 8042-0
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Table 40: Molex sales contacts (subject to change)
For further information
please click:
Molex Deutschland GmbH
Felix-Wankel-Str. 11
4078 Heilbronn-Biberach
Phone: +49-7066-9555 0
Fax: +49-7066-9555 29
American Headquarters
Lisle, Illinois 60532
Phone: +1-800-78MOLEX
Fax: +1-630-969-1352
Molex China Distributors
Room 1319, Tower B,
No. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei
Street, 100005
P.R. China
Phone: +86-10-6526-9628
Phone: +86-10-6526-9728
Phone: +86-10-6526-9731
Fax: +86-10-6526-9730
Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Jurong, Singapore
Phone: +65-268-6868
Fax: +65-265-6044
Molex Japan Co. Ltd.
Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan
Phone: +81-462-65-2324
Fax: +81-462-65-2366
Table 41: Hirose sales contacts (subject to change)
Hirose Ltd.
For further information
please click:
Hirose Electric (U.S.A.) Inc
2688 Westhills Court
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone: +1-805-522-7958
Fax: +1-805-522-3217
Hirose Electric GmbH
Zeppelinstrasse 42
73760 Ostfildern
Kemnat 4
Phone: +49-711-4560-021
Fax +49-711-4560-729
Hirose Electric UK, Ltd
Crownhill Business Centre
22 Vincent Avenue,
Milton Keynes, MK8 OAB
Great Britain
Phone: +44-1908-305400
Fax: +44-1908-305401
Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.
5-23, Osaki 5 Chome,
Tokyo 141
Phone: +81-03-3491-9741
Fax: +81-03-3493-2933
Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.
European Branch
First class Building 4F
Beechavenue 46
1119PV Schiphol-Rijk
Phone: +31-20-6557-460
Fax: +31-20-6557-469

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