TOSHIBA TEC Singapore OH-0204 Dot Matrix Printer, M/N:T2240/9 User Manual
TOSHIBA TEC Singapore Pte Ltd Dot Matrix Printer, M/N:T2240/9
- 1. User Manual
- 2. Installation manual
- 3. ASF Manual
- 4. Tractor Manual
User Manual
Operator‘s Manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d’utilisation Istruzioni per I’uso Instrucciones de servicio Matrix Printer Matrixdrucker Imprimante matricielle Stampante a Matrice Impresora matricial lmpowlawll wwlwewmalleww lwwws equwpmvnl genewawes and lees ladle lwequeney enemy and ll not mswewwee awwa usefl Drapevlyw "ml ws wrl necmdance wwwwwwwwe manuwaclmm‘a men-lemons may cause mlenewem m radwo and leweywswewl recepwwaww ll has been wype leslee and wound I0 Gummy wwm me wwmwws Im elaes a eempuwwne aeywees m amoral-mas lywlwlwwwe specwllwwwonln suhpanJ ewpawl ls ol FCC rulesw whwch awe deswgned m plovwde weasewwaewe eweleewwan agamsw such wnwewwewenee m a lesldzrlwwuw lnsmllalloww Heweyew mewe s m) guavanlee lwwaw mlenewence wull no! new! wn a pavllai wnslawlalwofl ww wwwws equwpnlenl dues cause wnlwlmsnce we radwu e, Islsvwswm wecepwea. whwch can ee delermmsd by mmwrwg me equlpmem on and en, lwwe user ws ewweeuwagea [awry lemwweel llwe wwwwewwewenee by fine aw male ul lhewollnwmg measwwwes - Eweewwenl wlwe wecewvwng anlewwrwa - newecala lwwe penpnewal away lwem lwwe recswvev‘ - Meyewwwe Dewlpnewa! away wmm wwwe vecewuew I Plug ms pewwpwwewaw mm a awlwewem omlel, so lmw me pewwpnewaw and weeewyew awe an uwwlewenl eweneww alums ww necessary. lwwe usew should consul! llwe dealew ow an expenenced radle/talevwswun lecnmewaww wew adflwwlonal suwssuons The use. may wwrwd lwwe wellewmg buoklel pwepaweww by me Feeewaw Cummlmwcalwnrws cem mwsslonw nalpllwl “How to Idenmy and nesewye RadwowTV Imedersrwce Pwaewems Wis newlaw ls avawwabwelmm wwwe U s Geyemmenw Prwnlwrwg Oche. Wash— lrwgmrw DC 20on Sleek Na 094 000 00345 A WARNwNG Tn mmply wwth Fcc regulnlwcrws en alsnlmmagnehn wmer wewenee war a ewass B compulwng aeywce. wwwe pwwmew eaewe musl ee shwawdad To assuwe tampwwance wlm FCC leguwabons we. a wmpulwng aeywce. use a smewaen wnledace cabwe mm a melaw shew] cannecmw. me use uwcabwes ml pwepewwy shrelded may wesuwl wrw ywawawwwwg FCC weeuwalens ms mgwlal aDnarams dues new exceed me cwass a lwmwls wew ladwa newse emwss-ewws Irum dwgwwal appawalus as sew mu m wwwe radwn wnwewwewewwee wegwwwalwans aw lwwe Csnadwan depsrlmem o! communwcaflons Thws unww cnmpwwns wllh DOC swamlam Cl08 a M 1933 ATTENTION Le pweeenw nppawml numewweue n‘emewwl pas wwe Dmlls radwoéweclwwuues ae’spassanw wes lwmwles applwcables aux apyarewls numenques ue wa cwasse s prescwwwes aawws we weglamenw sul we hweuwlwege lzdm— eleelwwque édluwe paw we mwwlswewe ues mmmumeawwnwws an Canada nwe papew used ws made el mw malelwals lweawed mm a clwlwwwwe-wwee eweaemwwq prmess Das yewwewwaewe Fapwer wsl ewws chwmrlew gebwewcmew- Renswewwen newlweslewww w we Dame! ulwwwse esl lam-qua a pom ae mawwewes pvsmléves ewawwewwws sans awwwowe w l.a calla unwwuzla e prodnna con wwwalewwaww sbwancalw senza elem El papew ulllwwdu m swdn lahllczdu een un plum ae clanquee Ilbwe de elem my“ MHz me Sumpaan elancawcz sq ‘ 0 EMS by erst/mg www C 6 ea May a was? was 336 sec, wewawwW eecwmmwnewemm lwy mm Wye aaew seam we ‘sra w73/2GwEECw rewmlrwg we low—vowmge ewacwwwcal equipment Cc'wwwmlly wwlh me above menlwened waeewwye ls lndwcnwed :y we cE symbew ewlaewea m we aeywca Mole, Conw‘c'mwly may he awwemeu ey I uswrwg lwlle—waee eaewaws new compwylrwq wwlh me specwwlce'wnns - nen aeseewame aw wrlwpmmrwl wnswmcllons m me Opera‘n s manuaw - wnslawwwne campenenls nolappmved (or me eaywee e, me manulacluvsl l-wirmews: me Knnlarmwla! kann beelmwum wewnen durcn - Benmzung mn mam spezwwwzwewwen Schnwnslewlenkebeln - chhlbeacmlmg wmhngev Hwnwelse new Eedwemmgfiarvwcdmwg - Elsewzewl yen aauwewlen ale nwcht yewwl newslelwew wuw e cses eewal "emegemn ween | Ewwlgwwlwe uw rch Unbelu w eel appawewl mmplll aux engenoes des mrrw'wes europeerwrwes ew- respecwsnl L1 dwlec‘llve all Cor-sen! all 3 maw C € was mass/CE) em a la mmmwwa aaammwewawe e a awaaya aw elem, wen 473/23 cEw an manele all mawewlel a basse lenslcn [a ccnwurmwle aux dlrecllv menwwemees cl—dessus eaw vepewee pal wa mavque de wnlclmwlé ae we eemmunawwwe Eumpeenrwe lcew Marque: La eewwwewmwwe peul ewwe lntwuerwee par - l‘ulwllsalwan ae eaewes mnwewlaee non speewwwes - we nor-495925! ea mrslgwwes wmpanames all manuew u bllllsahon - we wamaweeemewlw ee eewwwpesawwws m» n‘anl pas ewe wmwelegues pour eel aspzrel! pi" we censlwueweuw - I'lmervemwcn de pewsemes non aulegsees Quesla appalaecme suddlsla we wwewwweele eewwe Mime emopee vwspenamm la nwrewlwya del cunswullu dew 3 Magglo less useless/cm lelabva anal cempalm-na elellwemagnelwce nonelwe la awwewwwya dsl |9 Fehbwawo w973 aawzachEw welalwya a mem aw prodllzwarwe ewewlwwew a hassa wenswowwe La mnwowmlwa alle mwellwye sopra male (6 e eomwassegwwala cen ll swmbnwn cE apphczlo swwlrappawecerwwe Mm: La camarmwvA puo eseewe wnwluemwa wmmwle - uwwwwzm a. can wnleflaccwa non speczwwcalw - lnessewyanza aw wmponanlw lnflwcaxrum eewle wslruzwcm new w‘uso - Sostwluz‘uvle dw cumuofleml eeww eualw non e slam daze ww beneslave uaw prom/Hove pewqueslo zppnrecchwa - lmewyewlww lwawwwwle pewsene noww glewwzzile Esle eewwwpo cmrespnnde a we exlgldo en was nowwwwas europeas a base dewcumpwwmwenm de la dwwecmz new Consewu eel 3 ee mayo de 1989 waswaaechEw en la que se welwewe a Lx cameawwlwwlweae eweammagne' ca asw coma wle www lenswenes Pawa s awwzav wa eenlowmwuae con las awwecz oes anles mencwowladas el equww eswa dolade de la mawca cE lmlaaclen La mnwamlwaaa weds eslzlw wrwfluwda eew. ll la uhwwzacwnn ue names dc wnlewwace no espeewwweaees - la wrwobservancwa de wndlcacwnnes wmpewlawwles wmenwdas en aw manual ee aewywcwe ll la slwslwwuewe'n pew campenenlas, Que no nan swdu nemawogaaas pew ew lab! came pawe ew equwpo ew- eueslwerw l lnlervancmlwes de pslwnas m auwewwzaeae Only wwawned and quawwlweu pewsennew may open eoyews or remove pans |hal are now explrcwlwy shown and descnbed wn me lwsew Guide as being acoesswbwe we deww rwuw dutch geschulles Fachpevsonaw vergenommen warden Ausgenummen hwervorw swrwd nuw so. am Abdeckurlgerl urwd Tewwe deven Enrwewnen bzw 0 rwen m dew Bedwenungsanwewwung ausflrucxhCh gekenrwzelchnew unfi beschwweberw 51nd WARNING wwwe epewalow WAHNUNG Dzs Enlwemerw Oder lenen yen Abdeckungen urwd Tell ATTENTION Saul uww personnel quané ew wowmé esl habwwwwe a démomer wes sous—ensembwes as we machwne quw ne sonl pas lolmswwemenw wndlqués dawls we Manuew d'uwwwwsawlon meme We saw acoesslbwes par w'npewaleur A1TENZ|0NE Solo pewsorwale quawwwwcawo puo‘aecedewe a pawll che non swam espwlcwlamenwe descrwwwe newwe Islwuzlonw pew w‘opewawowe come accesswbwwl awreperalowe. ADVEHTENCIA Las cuhlenas y plazas solo debflran $97 quiladas 0 ablenas par personal especw adu Se exnepman me esla regwa saw was cubenas y piezaa cuya welwwaua y apewwuwa aswen 1ndwcadas y descrwtas explasamsme en was Instrumwenes de uso Qu ck stamp Operator’s‘tlfian ail 7 QUICK START UP Table of contents Introduction Symbols used in this manual Important safety instructions Ueing the onllne documentation Troubleshooting The printer at a glance Installation Unpacking the primer Postponing your printer Connecting the printer Swrtchmg the printer on and oil Control panel Online mode Oitline rnode Setup mode Installing the ribbon cassette Loading paper Cut Sheet paper Printer in lanlold paper mode Changing the paper type Paper path quick selection Paper transport Using Movmg paper to the tear position Settings (I) Setting the tear position Setting the first printing line (TOP) Settings (II) Setting the print head gap Changing paper in Setup mode From tenfold paper to single sheet mode From single sheet to ianiold paper mode Selecting a tent Setting the charanter pitch Specifications Printer specrtications Paper specifications Accessories Introduction Quack stariup Introduction 'l|\|\ Qpemmix 31mm“, mam ii\ i qmvk uumiimmu inm “(viking mm Ihc pimlcrzmii i\ "W memihig .\i\u iincxpcngmgi mus to im. iiiu iiicilCHLC puma“) ll Lic\ci'ihc<\iik‘ mmi impurlum iuncnmu oi mu |wimlu uni] “mum ihL‘ uwnlizil inimnmlmn I'm 3mm L‘VCI)Liiiy wmk mih the Pi mm \ mm: dL‘llfllCii dcmvwmn ui'ih; rumor. it» vhdiiiiici'ixlix imimo and inn-11m inhuma— iic munugii uv‘. mp nulmc ("71 RON “lush iw incimiuii All lhc husk mm ix wnrinnui m who 11 ii“ Uflhh uninucii > Symbols used in this Impmmn mi’mmiumn u h iigincil in mm numml m mu Nymimix manual < . , v @ (Ali 1 1m. i . ii inimnmiiun Much nnm m- omma m mm. m pimcni nuw’icx m [he met and (Llfliiigc m 1h; punici @ gunmal or midiimnui mimmmnn uiwui u mccific mm» > imperiani safety Road (he miimxmg mxiiuuiwnx L'uiclull} hcl'nn- pinning l|\C minim mm Upcmiion in nrdcr m inslructions pmlcci)ivlir\c|i"ii’i\i1iinjiir} Am] dHHd AldiiLigC in [he prmim. - chp lhn omnmn mum Am,“ man} mmmic Piuu rhc puniti on .i win ‘ mime m [but u Cuiimil i'dii dim n m liii: gmund A\u|d ciqmsing [in piiiiiul m high lcmrciuiurc m‘ihicci mniigin. Keep A” mum mu} rmm m; plnucr Do nm cxpmu liic priiilm (ii§17(3(}\.i1“[‘dil()l \ iiuuumn. I New m ugh on (he pi mm \\ hen n \\ iml xvi in [he umcci mimgc New in m um} milmumh umwum/ mum- mil; i’niiz'wlf' ”I‘m i will“ (lilii/l/[L’i/s ”w m-lmu um Who/xumnu/illfu/iuuimmz[Imp/"1mm /m/71i/immiim/mnm Hip/HY. “mimm i lliu [Hui/H pm lmm My “Uzi YO”H1”[imlilt/illltil/iiil Wm l/l/m/rlu/Jwii in wmm mm m m Imi, $69 > Using the online rim “Nan me Ammo Armlml Rcudui' mi ymr hind duk mum Iim pmgmn1\.M1.c.uiy1wcn documentation msmllcd lu mxiuii u Iivllmx ihr “cps \1L‘~(i’ihlll in m; READMF his in tho Ri“ '\|)|1R dummy l'u mm (ht Uivllm: dnuunx‘mmmn cull [he VIN Mu I 1\ imimw 1 I) Ui l: plorcr (Wm Liows ‘15/\\mdim~ ‘JN’Windmn N1 immlctmnx and mcnm on *‘ 1, irmu (mum minim m- agnum m mmug piuw rmmxii iim (Icaiisi ‘ilic nniinc Linuuummlmn ix dim 2I\ZHLL[‘5U lix (l primcd ”1.1mm! Hm” ii xnmi] im') uml vm ihc um! iiuuixlc click mi the S l'r\|{i I’Dl‘ iiic. l'hcn folio“ tho c m inmnox Minimum Imldmnc i’zquuvmcmx I’( /\ I JV». 4 \ (‘I)7I<<)M. ifi” mumiui HHHHC > Troubleshooting The imimu iiucumunuunu flipplicii nn ih 1 ‘iHWM umuins dcuvlcii mimumnn nu lnmlxlr— xiinnim‘l. Quick start—up The punter at a glance The printer at a The fullmur “gum >hUnpacking the printer Plume iipun ihu piimci piiukeigc and died ilizii 1\|| iiis i'niinwnig iiciiix 1m: Hiifilldx'il minim/is Ope'ators Mam/m Ii 1m} IiL‘IHHIHiNflHfJUI ALkliillg‘CiiJ’i‘ ‘Ll\.‘L'l)HliiC1llit‘fllilx‘“NC“: mg pimliicl wax piiuiwud RL‘ilh’Hx‘ iiic l|.I|\\pi»:l pmiccnuii sleiiicnh in i|C~CHhEL1 i-i ihc mummy imiimimm H]: mm mni [hr picking indium “iii hp ”cu-Mi) for mini mg. m‘ ininxpmtm; ilic pm‘ilcl. Plcuw xiiii'c mom ii! i xii]: plziw I Ink-ribbon ) Positioning your Plucc lhc piiziici «in .i \ld|7|u. “Al mil Illiiiflhp Hii'iJCC in xLICh i M) ihui it (limim full dmin rinier Li’hiilc can “ii-cw in iiic minim! uiicl Jill] lhi‘ m icr iL‘ch‘h mid lame MI ”in ~Li£c in; she . P l l i pup“ jrciuii if im uuni i‘mwuui And mum iced nmicnicnu “ill he mini». win minim pfl\iliiiii [hr pimlai iii med mm Iziiii'iild pzipoi Viluflililcd in ”w figure ii'imwiiuwng a xiiimhiu p|.icu mrymn pnnmwu minim Alxi) iihu‘l‘u' llii,‘ Iiilinwing @ Nm-i mm m minim-nu“ “was n/‘(wv/i‘ WV //u/riillti/i/L'gi1\ m z’Vilmi'i'i’ iii/mm m liv iniiiiur iii iiiruci mnligiii I! you Liiniiifl I Auiiii cx|inxn «HON! placing iiic Linll iik‘ill‘ zi iimdn“. pIOlCL’i it fun“ ~iiiiiigiii iiiih zi uiiiziiii I Pmiiiini lliv Pi’HHUI' fli‘i‘ii ihc cimiiiiiisi Iii iihii'ii ii “I“ h- (UHHCClL‘L‘ Th: dhliiiltc liilixi mil exceed 2 iii l I‘lixiiIL‘ siii'iiciciii dhlillikK‘ Ii'iini i'ddhilfli‘x. I I HWH'C 11m lln‘ Piiiih'l n niii cxpumi 11! quil‘Vlii' minimum in Kclnpl‘iillufi‘ in mi liiiiiiiiiiiy Mimi C\]1U\\Hi:1ii iiuxi, lnsiaflanon Ouwck start-Lg) > Connecting the printer 1 Marks «nu vhnr 11m nnn n w! In lhc cum-cl mll u c 2m \’ Type Flats , for hump: 120 v my the USA) 1mm to (he 1pr- pmc hL-nnc |hc pom-r inlL-l on lhc runr aide mm m lulu”. It nnx m nnl n m CAN, unnuLl mnr LlLurlL-u 1\< \ u nun/1 my 1m mm!” n M 71 [I H mm w / In r/n “w” ”mm wm' l/m mm “m uulr' (m, mm C bk; m the pnnmx pmwl inlci an shown n| um ngm-u, Councul [he pmwr (uhlc plug 1n n an]! outlet. ® Muh' mn‘ llmr l/u' [n-nm /‘ um! [he rmnpn/m- u/‘u mm [ml UN. CunnL-cl ll‘c plinlL'l—Cfld comm-nu of Inc dam mncu uk- Imm- Luhlu m 11m {unrulc nncrlan L-nnnL-umr zlml xccun: n unn lhu spring ulnp». Cnnncct nm Umcl end nl lhc anlvlc In [In cnmpnm > Switching the printer on and off The plmm‘ min-1L “men 3 mod fur nvuchmg Ihc minim UN and nfl, |\ Inumcd :n the ngln «LIL nfrhc prnnL-r PG, 53! SWIG/7 Ouwck start-up Comm pane; Control panel le mu m n ”1 pnnm (xpcuuun wing my comm! mm m1 Hm kg“ 0 '//u'/H\l/rrw Wm Mm m/m/m muu/mu/ ulu'l/rw m mm,“ m m (mlim-m m 01mm- mm/mlm/mvml Iln'jvu/W/ pm uh1N’t/1'I'rucl m Singlc/ ) Online mode \\$1cv\~\\|1fmngtm Hmpuma,Muulnmznlic‘nll) wh'clxOxlhm‘mmlc 11 van mrum-dm I‘m”. [ha mnpum mm. m um mmlu meo L Sch Ihu p! mm to 01mm» mmhn 2 Sch mu mm ‘m Sump mmk‘ 5 ' /\(\I\Ll\cs llm [ml I‘uncuon “hen lunmhl pups; M 10111ch has 134 "c 15) ”Load .~ dupluy‘d .1|’m\¢:!h|\ m. nn mph-r |~ lnutlcd in mm- mium. pic“ [he kc; In 1’ch 17.1)ch in me pxinlvng pmmun. (2) mp mam um mm and rm.” mm m m pcrfmmml \ m lhu mnlm! panel mfly m um mud; m: page My om <1» 5m mo punlcr m 0 Mm lnmlc, gefl‘fl ? S‘clx mu prmm m Sump mudc 53m, ‘3 II" no pupa u Mum; Loud Lu) (wt “mm ”pum’r 1\ hnulnl. ’ J Shml kc plcw .mc 1m] (Ll?! ", Lung mph-w; I‘mm {cud (1 J / A Shml kgpfcfi Mlcl‘Urslcp mum (2) Lung kunm‘xs. (‘nmlzml mm mm mm H 5, 81mm “we“, Mm-mxcp 1m \\ m Lung kv'vpruw' (‘mhmm Mm (bu! mmmu ~Gr (‘ludlx 1h: pupa pzuh “uh pups! lnzulud and «lunulm pups! |ml|1qluck wk uni! we [Mgr Hr (PH-"E V Sch llvc prvnlcr m Setup mudc In Xhh mum m: Mlmving wlungx mu f m ) mudxflc smug f? Sch xhc fun! and (hr nmntwr m rhzuxwlcrxpvr1mh((‘|mrmcnu) ) «3‘ l’upur mm ll'flprnm) mum) ‘T, 4, '|Luu‘pn\1lmn and MN mum lim', ( mum mm) Ullm mum \\‘1I\r\g~(\lm|¥l} \( ( Ms M; NH ul/rvl mm!” w/mum yu/nn/Jlm///\’1Iu'um/m,1mlu/w' Im’ m/w‘rmrunn m1 l'mu Iu um/‘Iw m u n In llu'w u/v/mux m n pl] m ulmu/ My (”mum m m/uh/z‘ 11h r m flu wu’uu' Jn: 11 lm ”ml/nu HM Ilu' ( “430“ u’luplw/ I (Um/111m” (Nu/m A Hm mum umm’w} Mstang the mbbm 3 Cu ck sianrup Installing the Rum» \- an,» mpm mm ”no ‘hc prmm. ribbon cassette @ I ”Martyr/Mm” L ”MM” mum wu'lr'm.’ f/u']?!'[/l/L’/‘l\ xui/rlm/ufi. ScllhcPnpu'IhmknmxAdjusunum[,c\'x|14)(]1c“h' pmnion Paper Thsckness Ad/usrmenz Lever Pull ihc Much Lcwrx nmrlhcnghl md 1011 cmlx (m lhc /\L’L’C\~ Lalch Lever (wax to me (mm. and detach (th cnm'c Aucexs C0\CL Latch Lever in/mad Mmc (h: I’um hcud m Llpplnxnmlh‘l) xhc Lunlu ® Ilu' I’m” lit/m/m/wmv hmv Sw/Jh'uw m ( my“! mu m mm n m ”mm/purr n/ l/w I‘rirr/ 1mm Ouwck stamp lnsfiaH mg he nabcm cassette Ribbon Feed Knob PM "A (Jefr Me) Ribbon Feed Knob r\1|gn m: p \"unz]w1unxulcu! NV 41an f" m lhc um hunks m [he prvmcr. pnxh mu ‘ nrlgu m Ilvc way mm! m clicksv h more n mymngs, pmh n “mlc xmmng (he Ribbon 1 cm] Krmh [Much lhc Ribbon Guulc lmm Huc Ink-“him" Cmnulgc. o I)” mu (101ml! lluhx/xh/A/l/MI hm hm “Um lmlm my [ab/mu Gum».- u n rm mun WNW/mm“171m” I’nl ‘hn Ribbon (hlidu he!“ can ihc I’lim Hut! Aml th‘ Pldlcn and pmh n m the my mm! \[ Aim 0 um, unm mm m lab/mu (Fun/fl, hr (“r-mm mu m mm m1» rib/um Alva/1m mmz/mn m m due/Mm t/m/”Mum/m11mmmw/uuuwu/ Tum ‘hc thhun l‘eml Knuh m [he (Hrsmnn imllcmcd by the zmnw m [cmmc any um in the nhbun Loadmg paper Gum start-up \\ hm: (he lukflhhuu (Hmmlgc wuing i» mmplcu. mach xhc Mus“ ("mm in [he Pupcr Ihickncxx mgmmam | awl m‘ We micknrw nrmu pupal m ha mm mm m pugc ix (San/w ‘cmdmcc u ilh m ,» ml mm M?) Loading paper 0 0m WWW ,. m h n mun/fiv/m um prime/z I-m'mmy m/m‘mtl/itrn. mm m rIu'nu/r'w L/uu/r'xt’wlu/uuz My My (”Ix/m)! ,»\/»lu>mlr\' (‘ WWI/n u/mn). > Cm Sheet paper (‘m Sham I'upcr I\ m h» vmcmd hum [ho hum nhlm pximu: The pm! prun mpcrcm be ted out I'mm 1h: mu' w the from Mum- INN’ m the Unlinc «lucumunutim nu fllc CD—R()1\].Clv.\plct l. ”mu dam-”mun WW ‘I mm the Power Smmh ohhc pxinlul ON H") wins! lhc Pupcfl hicknuw Luci uccmdmg m th‘ typo 011mm 1 d us he, “ml Ram in pugc 1K (Sm/mg [hr 17/ ml haul gap) 9 we! S w, rm Smud the Pupur Tm} 11pm “mun-mum nuhmml I»; mu m Hm wnm- holding me Paper my, pm! up mu Papa hwmnu TN“ 10 Ouwck Stan-up Loadmg paper Sm (hc Paperl‘nwc Soh‘flinn Lew. [0 (‘ul Show I’upcl mum- Make flue {hul lhc prmm ix m Singlu sheet mnda, I‘m mm m sclccl simm- Shm mode mm m p: L 14 (Pl/WWW”; quu'A u‘lu llml] Cut Sheet Insert ' } Gu/‘de Paper Type Se/ec n Lever Den-”mus the lcfl umgin by mmuw lim LL‘H PAW-r GUM: lcfl ‘ m xighl, (‘1'm- "M" mzuk indwuwa thc standard prim mm x ‘ ,» ——-—‘ pmuinn ) Hate 21 mm Ufpdpu‘l'; igncd mm» m1 mm (mulu, uml mum Paper gu/dfis , ‘ (he Rnghl mm (mm m \hc ngm edge “l the paper ' x f _ \ lnxcn the, pupal bcluucn (ho Lon um] Right l’upcr (imdm, '1 In- ’ ' ‘ paper is «lulomzlllmlly m1 m the plinl sum pmilinn and mm- ‘ » , , prmm ix muly 101mm \ Cutsheerpaper : f Thu [Ml/w jm/m/ (Ar/m1 m h u/mul m xhz'uv m r‘ 1 0 zuw Wm pu/u'r mm”) H mm! mu] m Mun-m; M1] 3 pupa u \U[ [n fwd mu m Um mu m/l‘. Who/s J/M I7U\/'1'HVIIU[1U/71'7 h m m fuw! on] In /Iur Nam. H“, " Mm mm! W H'mun 11 mm in» mm 1‘1 Loadmg paper Quwck slam—up > Printer in lanlold paper mode Sullhc I’upw Thmknuw Adjumncm Lawn zuccmdmgm the up: or paper u» N mud. Rcl'cu m pay: 18 (Sc/mm 1m pnm head 17). 1 the 1mm 'I)[‘c Sclmmn [.c\cr m (‘mmnmm I mm Fccd ant Cc » er l’upm mods Openlhc1'mm('nwrmilxupnghlpmmonunlililsvmpxin Thu pxchnKs unfxpuulud chmng m” the mwr ‘ Paper Type , Se/ecfion Lever , , ‘ , \ Sum] llm Lon m1 Rxgm 'l‘rucmr Fning Lawn up (In mu din-din" unhcmcd by [he mum). uml uclsuse xhc Ink-1x» 0pm lhc Flaps of lhu Lcl'l uml R lg!“ ‘l‘mcmu. Mulch Ihcldl um! Right Tmcmn m lhc pdpcl “inllh, ‘ Locale llw, mm Pm |n lhc comm bulw‘enllvel,x‘1’rz\nd my“ Tractor, Paper P/aJo' , ‘ 7 factor ‘ 12 Ouick stamp Loadrng paper gy‘N Paper Ho/es ove/ ‘ Tractor Pms FIX/71g [9 var Wuh mc pnnung side of Ihc paper hung up. m [he IL ding 110ch ml Ihc lcfl ctlgc ni'lhc pupa mm the Lull Tmuorpim and clmc llu‘, Paper Fldp. Fumefecdinghnlcxunrherlghlc gsnnhcpnpm wrnhumgm Tmclm pim um] aw Ihc Pupu‘ Flap. 0 Tu mwullm/vur'jurrr.y mzsum Ilru/ Mu wlm' [0/1 W I rig/ll flwliug mm W mm (HM/[flux “1 MW mu - mr pm.‘ at I/u' mmz' luvd, Aflcr thv, pAper h x; adjust [he left mulgln by mom L [hp Truth ”5 [an or fight. Th: M" mark us (he stundml prim mm posiliun Pugh (1mm ”1c Lon Tmctm‘ Fixmg Lcwl m lock the [Ll-1 mam- Mow Ilm Right '|| push mmn lhcl , war to rmmnu any pupcl duck and mun ng Love; w lock il m pldcc. 1/ m [Ml/7m mm A art/mt he “4”an nmruw my Rip/u Tm< 1m ulmm, mZ/m/ IIW lmwmm 44 My / imz’mrn Bu (“ANN/14,7117] m wry/(h I/u' pupm \n mud; New 11 [Hm \ Switch up (he pnmcu. The ucliw tucdcx (I 4 I) ix displayed mpcr Ix mlmnmtmflly rm uhcn llw plmtcr is in (mm mm and wrcnm duh! 1mm [he L'mnpulcx. Prcw mk- Loud key In loud Dupcr 1mm pnmmg, 13 Ouvck slaw—up Changwng the paper ty Changing the You urn dmngt‘lhc 1chr!)pcllhc pdpcl path) when mung 11m pups: pumqmck wlccnnn I' paper type at \ m m Sump mums ) Paper path quick k ml 011 [ha (mt—mu pnmnn m uContinuum15mmlefdl‘upvv‘m (1m pumnngd Iinc To An ‘hxx selection nmccud .<~ I’nnum, .\Inkc my: 11m the pnmor h in (MHm: \l:\lU\. mew lhc (Jnlinc kc}. n m‘rrxxm‘) Mm lhc I’urk kc). It (unfold pnpcru m thc prmlcr. h n n'nnnmnud m (ht (cm pmiunn "1m; pnpcr nfl‘ uppcuhon lhe dlxplzly 1am an) Mg». II n x‘mglc sheet is loaded in [ho prmlu. il n gem-(I Svlcc! nu» dcxirml paper pull] by pmwng (mu 09 [ha I key» m mu example Smglu 0 | 1/30“ zlu rm/ mukw H mm mm nimm s’ vmnun l/Ju/v/mlz'r (NM Alw mum. Thu plmlcr rcuuns m Offlmc mndc ‘I he duplu) l lc~ bclwecn and Set lhc Pupcx 1pr Sclecunnlcm to Cut Shem l’um-mnmlu (ch pngc 1| [flux/my [ya/w). w bemoan .. The dxsph) m and Smnd {he Inner Tm) up m m- dxmlinn ind llm P: chm) , pull up um l‘npur [Aluminn Tum Dcwrmmc (he left m‘ Mn mm mg 1|\c1,cfi l’npm (imdu Null 0! uiyhl Plum A sheet 01' paper (‘nmlc [n [he nghl edge 0! [he nnpcr [um-1 1va WP” immwn [he Lg‘ll and R‘gm mm (mm 'H1c Mm inmmnmllmll} hulmlhcmml mnl pmnmmxrup H 1,1’uvlrr1g1uzpuri ulctl by xhc umm. Whllc huhhng lnml m the LC“ l’upm Guido. “nu mm m; mgn mm- 14 Quick slam—up Papa trafisoort om; Pix-“H‘s (mm m m nmh‘ m r” m um: p mum” sen-p Paper transport 1mmumx»mmrnmzupuw \ cxhwmmu m» umxpmmi H». x puma m Amman “by 0mm \I m mm mm t1|c mmlul H m (m‘mu xmux pg“ 1h: (lulinv kc). If i , nu ~\.x|} 1, Wm kvnm'xv 1.111: um (I r w ”mum! k~ Lung kmpvcw. I‘mm New I mellm‘mi / 7: S'mn RUPHw 1mm Mummm-d dmwvm \ «p m we,» 4 Shut! mm“ mm |\11Am\§m|lm| Hptnmh Cgp h) firp ww “Mums“: (‘unlumnm u‘mqmrr (1mm Lung RCHHL‘w. L'unlmwnh umnpnn up Using > Moving papeHoihe lunlnm mm can ha wvhpnrml m m m. mum m pu‘xxn' m; Icm m tear p05 on Ouh'm Mulw my: Hm [IN pumm .\ m Unhnu mum ; lam 1m Tmr m Ihu mimcl mun-x the gum nnmflirullilcluniuld1mmi Sewn m llh‘ 4c.” cdyc QA/ liw dhpim mu m hmwrn “W" Alml l’n‘w m; inl km mm hm mg: mm uH mm Mn plmh‘] mmu‘ [fig mm: mm in m; hm wvmmp jhlw‘mm 15 Semngs (I; Quick startrup Settings (I) 't\l the pnmcr. you um ddjlhl it. > Setting the tear h Hm I; , pmhwn M 1&4“th h hut uhgnii nnh lht‘ chl‘Ulit position I’m“ ths Svtup LU} the ptmrn thtmgt In Setup t‘h'tic hm mt- ,mimt m. Pic“ the Tear kc} $45 Q» g: e; ‘ s, K ‘w Pru“ the < m > M) to mow rho pt- ' ‘nmtmn m the uppmpntttc ptmtmn (ftmfn m lhc fitting by pmsing the 50! kc). I he prmte: rcmrnx m m initial xlullh Sei_p My 4 «mm lmn rum/u m mmmr u u/ Al/7}YI1!\ 15 l'Nl l/‘lr'u lm/h tIt/ur 1mm) try/I ht» ll'lUIlIt‘r/ “rm-m mu [mutt/W > Setting the first You mm me tht: TOF Ilmcnnn In xcl thu pmitinn hi” the topmtm prmnng Imc individtmlly (or printing line (TOF) each paper mum- and end! menu 0 m, tn” tit/“11m”WNW/mum” (w “mt / [rt/till uxirw 1/72 10." mmm with ”nut: / . C mt \ \‘ Papemay.‘ tttmth, sttup h \, tht pmuu mm,” mstmpmt tit. ~ Char? 16 Quwck sla'l-up Senmgs 4 3331745” "ber'way gm» lnmnn- \d_iusl m " "| Char Min“ omne P: \‘\\l “v , ‘ Semp The hmmm mlymxl (h: mun-ml) wild tuxl mmlm; Mnc \ nl who M“ u uuxmpmxcd u» Hm (cur ml, c l: Hwtmlm'},xcllmylmllvvhmprinliugpmvlnm1x [1/72“ 03mm Ms“ 11m < m > k ‘m mmc 11m Hm pummg hm m m: uppmpmnu puxllwn a / YmuumxctwhimhanmJIU/7l‘ mmmm mum.1r(»111“m"’ run «my \ ’ , » ‘ Sew \h\»l\ 1 (w (junnrm lhc mung h) mcwmg 11m Sol Lu) ' Iln: [mum lClHIm m m “mm mum 1m u'l/l/Wrmh/r w/l//u'/r‘/mm'1/u/'vl pun/w,» w w/ /m ”mum/Mm [ry'fmrrmm n rpm m Wynn/Mn u’w ”mum/mu mv l/u (II M)” l/lH/ml w'M/m (mun”NAHUM/Hum ln uh mum H 17 Settings (1!) Ou‘ck startrup Settings (II) > Sening the print Tho prmlcn 1m hcun prmwdcd mm :\ Paper llncknem Adjnxlmcm 1 mo) mrudwxnng (he pnm head gap hum jmp "7 7'7” ' 1 W ' lmvhminnpnmumpnmquuhryjhcu\\NnvccnlhcMining“! and the Philcn nmh m h» mhlhhfl Pans! Th'zzkfless mm Mm in he mud Ad/uszmem Lover uudmg m the llm‘lxm‘w‘x ”11mI‘ullmungmlfic xlmwx (he MkljUflilhlL‘ range: Number 0! Copies/ 1 Ream (kg) 1 Lever Position Thiclfne5§ 01 Paper ‘ ‘ Orrgmal ovfly TMn 4555 Normm 55777 Thck 7774170 pvgmefl . 1 gngmx + 2 (mm ¢ 3 34n34,34/3A , wepmq 40:40 Orgma! < 4 , , 34134 swam ,,€°,,?°1’0 59“? Or‘gma‘ * 5 34'34’34/34’34 34 7 ft; 40 40 40am Posm Card rno 130 Heaerved 0 1 "NM/rt”mummu/[uum'find/144W, [min umw m new/n m m m1,0«J/m1.\,'wnmm mm \ [HUI mm 2 When [Ufa/mu 1m» mm“! m“ mm, (‘m sum I’u/Ier u] 45 Ag um/ l/m m m (um/mum Farm Fm! I'M/MU 17/50 M mull/MAW mm m um]. n u m m l’u/n‘r ”M’AW’H rid/”slink”! Im'm ,\ w hum/1mm “ppm/W‘mh: my mm” H u’l “ppm wum h\' and w m ml hm! um! I m/mn um n M] by x/mr mm! 18 Outck start up Setmgs (it) > Changing paper in Setup mode > From fanfold paper \\h;n mnmtt |n||vct hm m m- ..utt >UH tum m ettttngt- mm In mutt» «tut-t tntult‘. pttJu‘Cd M to single sheet mode tlcn‘t'tht‘tt Matt 0 I ) rH/(t/ttt‘ ~ tttmm“witty(mun/tum,“ , ("ullttt'lctl—ntltptnlttmtxtthcfummtmnxI'tttm1t‘t‘tll‘upt'tuttivspctltltJtd!Imc Tu tin thut pmcuctl m tht s. hm ths lup mv The ptmtut chttnucx m Sump mudc PIC~\ tht- l’nptnuly kc), ‘I hc puntu chungtw tn the [LlPt'V tmlh menu. Setup ewe I’m“ < tn‘ > In chunnc to Stnulc Must) flpt‘mlmfl math- fiy ’1'lmtttttcnfl) Mllld xt‘llmg( hmlor tt mmtkt-tt by u" Settp bnttno (‘tmttmt lhc xutvmg Ivy |7IC\\ng the Sci key (“11 the tnpm |~ ttctntm |t't1gcd h) an ttgttttmc wgnztl .mtt lhc txtnmttt mm m tunv Sgt,“ PUIlL‘d it) 11k“ tt-ur pmttttm. ("HI mt- ted—(mt pmtmn at (h: t ‘tmtmttum twm tmt \ Pupct ill the pcrtmutctl ltnt: In the (11\]fl.1) ttpptnux Onhne |’|C\\ 1m} kc) SelUU otttmt; l'hc puma Isltll'lh tn llw ”mutt ~lttltt~ and the “MUM mm 1\ lllmxpnllt‘t] m m- ‘ 3 [MIL pmnmn J e sum “lcdhpkn m . txttttmtn Qt, wt... 19 Settings m Quwck start—up Sc! [ha Paper'l‘ypc Soimmn Lcwr In (‘ul Shccl Pxper nmdc m thc display uppcm, Stand Ihc Pupcr'l up uml pull up [he mm li\[cn~i<>n Tray (we pugs my I’Lxcc 3 mm 0! paper anng m m Len Paper Gum. mm mm Ihc kvghl mm (hndu n» [he ngm edge mum pupcr Inxcn me paper holwcun lhu Lcfl m Rig)" Paper Guides. The pupur is auto— minimll), fed no [he pnm mm pmmon (we pugs 1 I) Prcxx (he Onlinc key m make the pnmcr read) fur upcrutiun. > From single sheet In When smglc shoe!» “ere m we and you mm to Chungc oven 10 ilmfold pupa nwde, proceed in tenfold paper mode described below. Mnkc sure Ihat fantold paper 15 loaded. Raw (0 page 12 (Linn/m: I'mlfirlJl’uwr) for tlcluilx Pull dawn the Paper Emmmn Tm} ~ and mm mg Paper In), do“ u. Prm mu Setup key. The prinlurchzmgcs m Sclup mode. Prcxs [he l’apcrway ke). The primer chungo m m |71|pm‘ mlh menu chu < m > m Llumge m Tmc I ulmmld puper) (Hulk. The cnncnlly HUN xcmng (Single) h nmrkcd h} u "“.* 20 Ouwck stanrup Setflngs ‘ 11 ohm L'nnzmnxhcuv um 1ML‘~\H\3111\C51‘1KL‘} myMM““gym“mimmgmm (60) mgm sewn b ‘ We.“ ‘ 0mm Hy: ANAL” m, ,m hum NJ 3 faine Traé.1 1 y i Eggs 1 ,# wa ‘ k; Semi) ‘ 1 k)», m1 ohne 511m [he Papal bpu Schumn l mu m [ho puxmrvn medal é“; Tm» [mum h mu mu) m [mum]; mmld Mm ' lumlm-(ynnnc m mnmkmhc; mm ma) lwrupcmlnm. Ynn um “W m l-«ml kc) in six! hmh m vmp mmlc. 9 ‘ , MN m- N‘lnp m a erway 9 P1 m (hm (”hm m I fiber \ ‘ C C 0mm |‘|u\\ Lhc lfnm M} I’m“ [M < w: > km N xclcd lhc (Jk'fl‘k'll Inm (‘unmm 3m” dcunnn bx }‘IC\\i\|§ Um Sci kc) CC (mm- PM» [Kw xmnp m Hm 1mm: mmm m m ”mm «Hum \‘H' mm Mm nu »\ my Unlinu kcv Hm mmm durum Alm‘cfl) m (mlmc mods. 21 Setbrgs h Qumk start-up @ rm \( n ‘ mm ”MA \\r‘l/UHF/7dltfu'ltnlufl'i'![Hf/1h";[Untmwrfi m ”mm-mum: 1m [mu in nu [mm 7/ mm-mmwm. r'c/c/ [MHz/17WMm(”Mum/mum!flu (DRUM, (flu/Her ”Menu (It'su nn whim ) Sening the Ynu mu mo lhc CPI My 10 \Cl (hc Ammum pmh m Sump "an6 character pitch Pm“ me Solup kc). PIC~~ [he Char kc} Pm“ (he Cl’l Loy Prcsx the < or > kc) to select the desired pitch. Cnnhlm yuur wicuion by prcxxmg Ilk: Set key quxx lhc Setup kc} The prmm murm m ilx mmul slulnm Yun can alxo pm» the Unline kc}. The pvmler chungx directly in Onlmc mudc. Q The um [um Hun/v u w rml m» r’dlmnz'qu/lw' mum pan-w.“ : m inhu‘um/lun «m how ya w/m u {mil/n rum/mum, rum lawn/hm dmmxmmrmn rm Mw CD-le, A imp/m- I (Menu duff/pin”: lulllw 22 Quick start—up Specifications > Printer specifications Priniing method Prlm wioin Prinl speed ipidireciionaii Characier densities Graphics prim densriy I Ribbon iiie Acouslic noise Ievell Dimensions ‘ Weighl Power supply ‘ Power consumpiion Operaling environmenx Frinl head speciiicaiions inieriace buffer Regulalions > Paper specifications Cut sheets Fanioio paper simpie iorms Sets 01 farms serial pm’iw‘g h 97pm marrix prim iiead so charociers at 10 cpi ias characters 9110 Cpi riairow primer wide primer l—S Drait’Dra‘i Copy 300 cps ai in cpi Draii 270 cps ai is Cpi NLO io 65 cps at in coi 5 615,216 iO. 12, 15‘ 171,20cpi hOHZOmal 240 am ,‘ veriicai M4 dpi 4 iniiiion char ca 5.5 as (m narmw primer 485 x 206 x 245 mm (W x H x D) wlde Winter 525 x ZOE x 245 mm [WX H X D) narrow primPi 9 kg / Wide piinter i i kg USA’Canada AC izo v mm 60 Hz lav/i, Euicpe AC 230V110%’5OHZ >3% or 100% iiirougiipui < so VA in me Rerrpy shite < 10 VA Tempiziaiure mic io 40 c 20% 10 505: Nuirber oi pir's 9 Pin diameiers 043 mm Number oi copies 1 prioiiioi + 5 copies max 40 kB UL 19504 VDE—GSi CE, FCC Class B, ULiULc Humioiiy Paper weigiii so 7 |20 giro? widiii narrow prmier 76 7 920 mm Lengih 7s 7 559 rririi Papsr weigii pm 7120 g/Hiz wioiii Lengih ro 7 550 mm Pnpnr weigiii Wid’iii’tflflgli‘ See siiiipie iorins Form ihickfless NLmiDL‘l of itopias max 05 mm migirini 45 7 55 9 iii? i copy 45 7 56 groi’ i E! i seiia‘ c’ g with 24 mix prim h marrow :r if mraciersa cpi Wide pr 13 ci‘avaciers al‘ cpi IHSDrszoraACooy 3“ c Sa’iOcpi Draii cm at iocpi iNLo LC 73 cpsai iocpi 156.7586 1041215 i7i.20cpi inorizorza‘ 360 dpi i vefiicai iso dpi 14 mliiioi‘i char ice 55 ca iAi narrow primer iwide prime! 485 x 20" 245 min (w x H x D) 625 x 206 x 245 mm (V! x H x D) iiicatiaris ‘narrow pi mar 9 kg ii-rios p: ' ii Kg iUSA Cacaoa AC izo v 14047 60 Hz twu iEprppe ACZ vuoaiisoiiz rm iai 100” , ‘iroughpui 4 50 VA {iri ihe dy siaie < ic VA liemp a icCio4nc ‘ Humidity 2013 to 80/70 Number ci pins 24 Pin dian‘elers o 2 mm Number or copies i crgiflai + 3 copies max 45 <3 UL 1950 VDE—GS. CE. FCC Ciass B. UL ULC y. me primer 75 7 420 mm narrow printer 767254 mm w de prints! 76 7 423 mm page 45765rri 145 {9 Wire)i I L? (24 Wire} 23 Accessories Quwck star-Imp Accessories 24 0 I Fm mum i/s/m’uulmm nu punm Wu 11mm”; ant/paper vu’rlfitufimm l‘t’fz/l‘lt) my milizw (Im (um um “N m CD-ROM Ribbon mssenes Vain)“ puma. Purl N0 (H4 839 Wulc puma Pun \'0 04-1 810 “All ngna lessrved Translailons mannnng ar onpylng by any means al mas manual camplsls a. m pan a: m any amamnl [04m vaquuas cut expllcn awuval Wa reserve me “am ln make anangss la lns manual win-7m nauaa All cans has been taken la ensure aocuvacy al lmo'manun contained in ms manual Humever. ws canrml annapl responslblmy lanany elmvs udamages vesumng horn snms m lnaumrauss m mhxmaAlon llama..- Alla mus velbehaflafl Ubevssuungan, Naa‘ldmck um sanallna Vamallalllgungan ulsaasuanalwcns sum manan una glsie‘lgumg lnwelcner Faun, naaunen Unsalev ausdrficklldlen schnmwhen Evlaubms "Emma Andsmmen meses Hakim/as lasnansn nu uns anna Ankflnfllgung VDY. ulesss Mammal» wunla mll Smglall ersieHl‘ wlr kmnen lanasn Mr swans rsnlsr und Mangal asses Halldbuchs sowse nn flauus sic" algabsmxs ralassanaaan kelrle Hammg ubemehmen' 1m! amns risen/As Tome vepvuduchun uu nauuauan as as manual, qu‘ele sen wmpl'sle pamelle uu sans uns lmms anaranla asl lnlsmls sans mus 5mm la-msl Nous naus rssawons Ye man as mod an as manual sans pléaws Tomes lss pféraullons Dru ala ansas alln dassurev l‘exacllllne ass lnlu'malicns wnlenues flans as manual Caper-dam. mus dcdmons mule msoansaalllls paw lss [antes an dégals wanam a snsuls au mnsxaalllunss qm semen! asslsss aans as manusl' , mm i dlnm 50m: naemll ham-m "slam a man a; mnlerllm H’I pane. lmalmanla o m nusls-asl leerenle lanna llullede la noslm espltllz appmvazme Nm U sl rlselvlam llmmlo ul vensve quaslo manuals ssnxa pleawlso Tune ls weuauzlonl who slala wese pel asslaulale la mealsluns aala mmazmni wnlanuls in nuasla manuals emmnqus ml nan posslamn accsnals leuomsblila yer anan a dalri wry/ml: da ermn a lnssanszzs aamsnul. nal manuals ~ ‘fndos msaereams lssswanas Peta llaaum‘anss, la lslmprsslan yotvssvepmduuionesoe eslu manual lndusc pamlalss yen cualqu-a- lama, save nscssana nueslla ammzac llsxplasaycl sscma Nos lesewamos al aslacm as momma: al mmemfla as sans manual 5“ pram zvlsu isle manual lua e'abcrado can mmdo, pew na poflamos rEsponsablllzamos pm svsnlualss almlss s lmpeflewmgs flel pteseue manuall m per aanos canslgmemes qus resuhen as sllas “ TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “CENTHONICS' ls a Vademzlrk al esnlnamcs nala Compulsr Cworalmn ‘EPsow IS a nademavk al Epsan Amsnca Imulpmaled “law Is a "ademak av lnlsmallanal Business Machines comm-an “MSDDS‘ sa trademark ul Mlcmsuhculpnmnan ‘Wlndaws”,“WlMows 95: ‘Wndows QB‘aM ‘Wlmnws m“an Vademarks a! 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Tally Represcntallvc Park Place Moscow ofllce D206 Lenlnsky Prospekl nan 117198 MOSCOW RuSSla Phone +7 502 256 56 40 Inslde C.I.S :095 956 56 40 Fax +7 502 256 56 41 lnsldc 01.9:095 956 56 41 han/www Tally com U.S.A. Tally Corp. POBDX 9701 B 8301 Soulh, 180m Slreet Kent, WA 98032 U SA Phone +1425 2515 00 Fax' +1425 25155 20 hnpfl/wwaallyoom UNITED KINGDOM Tally lelted Molly Millars Lane Woklngham, Berkshire FIG41 ZQT England Phone. +4411B 978 8711 Fax: +44118 0791491 htlpzlwwaallyco uk CANADA Tally Corp. 125 Traders Boulevard, 9 Mlssisauga, Onlarlo LAZ 2E5 Canada Phone“ +1 905 8904546 Fax: +1 905 8904567 l'ltlp/l’wwaallyrom © August1999 Tally Computerdrucker GmbH FRANCE Tally S.A. Les Champs Phllllppe 678 Avenue de Verdun F-92257 La Garonncholombcs Codex France Tél: +33141301100 Fax.+33141301110 hfipJ/VWVW Tally fr AUSTRIA Tally Ges.m.b.H. 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