TPL Communications 3-1FE RF Power Amplifier User Manual copy for print PA3 1FE H U H8 pmd

TPL Communications Inc RF Power Amplifier copy for print PA3 1FE H U H8 pmd


GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSVHF High Band High Power MobileRF AmplifierFREQUENCY RANGE:  150 - 174 MHzBANDWIDTH: 24 MHzOUTPUT MODE: FMOPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -30° to +60° CelsiusOPERATING VOLTAGE: Minimum 11VDC, Maximum 15VDCas measured at the DC Input connector. Rated voltage is13.8VDC and all specifications are given at 13.8VDC. ReducedDC voltage will result in a decrease in power output.NOMINAL CURRENT DRAIN: 14 AMPS. Standby current is lessthan 3 mA.EIA DUTY CYCLE: 70 - 140 W OUTPUT 40%NOTE: Using this amplifier at above the recommendedduty cycle, or in repeater service, may causedamage and will void the warranty.Page  1
General Specifications(cont.)RECEIVER PATH INSERTION LOSS: 1dB maximum (150-174 MHz)HARMONIC AND SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ATTENUATION:Models meet or exceed FCC requirements.CONNECTORS: S0-239 (UHF) on input and output. Cinch 4 pin(male) DC input.**FUSING: If an external fuse is required, refer to the table underGeneral Specifications.NOTEThis amplifier has been tuned to the frequency specified at the timeof order. Broader coverage is available, if specified at the time oforder.CAUTION!Check the amplifier upon receipt for visible damage. if any is no-ticed, please call TPL at (800) HI-POWER for an RMA number (Re-turned Material Authorization): If purchased through a dealer, or dis-tributor ask them to follow this procedure for best results.EXPENSIVE COMPONENTS MAY BE DESTROYED IF THEAMPLIFIER IS TURNED ON IN A DAMAGED CONDITION.TYPE ACCEPTANCETPL Communications commercial amplifiers are FCC TypeAccepted for use in the Land and Marine mobile/fixed services. Thetechnician installing this amplifier must hold a General Radio Telephonepermit and be familiar with the pertinent FCC rules and regulations.Harmonic and other, spurious, signals from this amplifier are attenu-ated beyond FCC requiements. The amplifiers will stay within specifi-cations even if de-tuning is necessary to reduce power to station im-posed limitis .For further details consult the appropriate publications.Page 2
                                        FIGURE 1                   AMPLIFIER INSTALLATION                                                           Page 3
INSTALLATIONAmplifier installation is illustrated in Figure 1. Mount the amplifier asclose to the antenna as practical. Keep coaxial cable runs short,avoiding sharp bends and pinching. The antenna should be matchedto an SWR better than 1.5:1 for best results. Higher SWR will de-grade the performance of the amplifier.Mount the amplifier away from sources of heat, and where air canfreely circulate around it. In mobile applications, avoid mounting theamplifier in the engine compartment or near the exhaust pipe sys-tem.In any mobile installation it is important to securely fasten the unit.An improperly mounted piece of equipment is subject to damage asit moves about and can cause serious injuries in an accident. Usebolts through the holes in the amplifier flange to fasten the unit to asecure mounting surface.Wire the DC power connector (Cinch 4 pin female), for the amplifier,directly to the battery if possible. Do not use the present vehiclewiring. Use #12 AWG if possible and certainly no lighter than #14AWG. To avoid a possible fire, or other possible damage, make surea fuse or circuit breaker is installed at the battery end of the wire.Use the same size as the internal fuse listed in the specifications.Connect the radio transceiver to the “RF INPUT” terminal and theantenna to the “RF OUTPUT” terminal on the amplifier, with 50 Ohmcoaxial cable and UHF connectors. Terminating information for theDC connector is given on the following pages.This amplifier produces sufficient power to cause significant heatingof low quality, or incorrectly selected coaxial cable and fittings. Usehigh quality cables and fittings to reduce heating and power losses.                                                          Page 4
FIGURE 2DC CONNECTOR WIRINGAttach DC input wiresin accordance with thisdiagram. If the wiresare too large for theholes, solder them to thesides of the blade.OPERATING PRECAUTIONSCAUTION: This amplifier produces RF voltages that can cause pain-ful and dangerous RF burns. Use caution! Connect and disconnectall RF Connections iwth the DC power and drive power off.DRIVE POWER: RF power transistors, although quite rugged in mostrespects, are easily damaged by overdrive. Be careful not to over-drive this amplifier, even momentarily. Higher than rated power drivemay destroy transistors and VOID THE WARRANTY.SUPPLY VOLTAGE: The maximum operating voltage is 15 VoltsDC. When using an AC power supply, make sure that its outputvoltage is  not adjusted above 15 Volts DC. If it is possible for thevoltage to go above 15 Volts DC for any reason, including failure ofthe power supply, install a “Crowbar” unit. This will prevent damageto the amplifier in the event of excess voltage.CASE TEMPERATURE: High power can mean high temperatures.Mount the amplifier where air can freely circulate over it and whereclothing, blankets, etc, will not accidently be placed over it. Keepduty cycle below limits.TERMINATIONS: The Amplifier parameters will degrade if it is oper-ated into anything but a 50 Ohm load. That may mean any, or all ofthe following: lower power output, increased current drain, higheroperating  temperature, lower efficiency and reduced lifetime.Page 5
WARRANTYTPL Communications has tested and found  this unit to func-tion properly and to operate within the parameters of its statedspecifications.TPL Communications warrants that this product is free fromdefects in material and workmanship. If found defective withinfive (5) years from the date of purchase, the factory, at its dis-cretion, will either repair or replace the unit at no cost providedthat the unit is delivered by the owner to the factory intact.Warranty does not apply to any product which has been sub-jected to misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation, orused in violation of instructions furnished by TPL, nor does itextend to units which have been repaired or altered outside ofour service department, nor where the serial number has beenremoved, defaced or changed.SERVICEFor Service on this amplifier, contact:TPL COMMUNICATIONSCustomer Service Department(323) 256-3000(800) HI-POWERFAX (323) 254-3210Email: sales@tplcom.comFor  information on other TPL products,visit our website at:www.tplcom.comPage 6

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