TRANE Air Conditioner/heat Pump(outside Unit) Manual L0905060

User Manual: TRANE TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Manual TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Owner's Manual, TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) installation guides

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18=AC51D1:!l!ii iCondensing Units4TTR4ALL phases of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODESIMPORTANT -- This Document is customer property and is to remain with this unit. Please return to service informationpack upon completion of work.These instructions do not cover all vmniations in systemsnor provide for every possible contingency to be met inconnection with installation. All phases of this installa-tion must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCALCODES. Should further information be desired or shouldparticular problems arise which are not covered sufficientlyfor the purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred toyour installing dealer or local distributor.A. GENERALThis information is intended for use by individuals posses-sing adequate backgrounds of electrical and mechanicalexperience. Any attempt to repair a central air conditioningproduct may result in personal injury and or propertydamage. The manufacturer or seller cannot be responsiblefor the interpretation of this information, nor can it assumeany liability in connection with its use.NOTICE:Trane has always recommended installing Trane approvedmatched indoor and outdoor systems.The benefits of installing approved matched systems aremaximum efficiency, optimum performance and bestoverafl system reliability.These units use R-410A refrigerant which operates at 50 to70% higher pressures than R-22. Use only R-410A approvedservice equipment. Refrigerant cylinders are painted a"Rose" color to indicate the type of refrigerant and may con-tain a "dip" tube to allow for charging of liquid refrigerant intothe system. All R-410A systems use a POE oil that readilyabsorbs moisture from the atmosphere. To limit this "hygro-scopic" action, the system should remain sealed wheneverpossible. If a system has been open to the atmosphere formore than 4 hours, the compressor oil must be replaced.Never break a vacuum with air and always change the dri-ers when opening the system for component replacement.For specific handling concerns with R-410A and POE oil, ref-erence Retrofit Bulletin TRN-APGO2-EN.Check for transportation damage after unit is uncra_d.Report promptly, to the carrier, any damage found to the unit.To determine the electrical power requirements of the unit,refer to the nameplate of the unit. The electrical poweravailable must agree with that listed on the nameplate.UNiT CONTAINS R-410A REFRIGERANT!R-410A OPERATING PRESSURE EXCEEDS THELIMIT OF R-22. PROPER SERVICE EQUIPMENT ISREQUIRED. FAILURE TO USE PROPER SERVICETOOLS MAY RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE ORPERSONAL INJURY.SERVICEUSE ONLY R-410A REFRIGERANT ANDAPPROVED POE COMPRESSOR OIL.©5 FT. ABOVE UNiT = UNRESTRICTEDB. LOCATION AND PREPARATIONOF THE UNiT1. When removing unit from the pallet, notice the tabs onthe basepan. Remove tabs by cutting with a sharp tool asshown in Figure 2 (see page 2).2. The unit should be set on a level support pad at least aslarge as the unit base pan, such as a concrete slab. If thisis not the application used please refer to applicationbulletin "Trane APB2001-02".
|nsta||er's Guide@BASEPAN TAB REMOVAL[sE"°VE BS AS IOWN)Final refrigerant charge adjustment is necessary. Usethe Subcooling Charging procedure on page 6 or in the outdoorunit Service Facts.1. Determine the most practical way to run the lines.2. Consider types of bends to be made and space limitations.NOTE:Large diameter tubing will be very difficult to rebend once ithas been shaped.3.3. The support pad must NOT be in direct contact with anystructure. Unit must be positioned a minimum of 12" 4.from any wall or surrounding shrubbery to insureadequate airflow. Clearance must be provided in front of 5.control box (access panels) & any other side requiringservice access to meet National Electrical Code. Also, 6.the unit location must be far enough away from any 7.structure to prevent excess roof run-off water frompouring directly on the unit. Do not locate unit(s) close bedroom(s).4. The top discharge area must be unrestricted for at leastfive (5) feet above the unit.5. When the outdoor unit is mounted on a roof; be sure theroof will support the unit's weight. Properly selectedisolation is recommended to prevent sound or vibrationtransmission to the building structure.6. The maximum length of refrigerant lines from outdoor toindoor unit should NOT exceed sixty (60) feet.7. If outdoor unit is mounted above the air handler, maxi-mum lift should not exceed sixty (60) feet (suction line).If air handler is mounted above condensing unit, maxi-mum lift should not exceed sixty (60) feet (liquid line).NOTE:Refer to "Refrigerant Piping Software" Pub. No. 32-3312-0"(the position of the * denotes the latest revision number).8. Locate and install indoor coil or air handler in accor-dance with instruction included with that unit.Determine the best starting point for routing the refriger-ant tubing -- INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE STRUCTURE.Provide a pull-thru hole of sufficient size to allow bothliquid and gas lines.Be sure the tubing is of sufficient length.Uncoil the tubing -- do not link or dent.Route the tubing making all required bends and properlysecure the tubing before making connections.To prevent a noise within the building structure due tovibration transmission from the refrigerant lines, thefollowing precautions should be taken:a. When the refrigerant lines have to be fastened to floorjoists or other framing in a structure, use isolationtype hangers.b. Isolation hangers should also be used -when refriger-ant lines are run in stud spaces or enclosed ceilings.c. Where the refrigerant lines run through a wall or sill,they should be insulated and isolated.d. Isolate the lines from all ductwork.D. SERVICE VALVE OPERATIONBRASS LIQUID AND GAS LINE SERVICE VALVESThe Brass Liquid and Gas Line Service Valves are factoryshipped in the seated position to hold factory charge. Thepressure tap service port (when depressed) opens only to thefield brazing side of the valve when the valve is in the seatedposition. The liquid line valve is not a back seating valve(see WARNING below).C. iNSTALLiNG REFRIGERANT LINESIf using existing refrigerant lines make certain that all jointsare brazed, not soldered.Condensing units have provisions for braze connections.Pressure taps are provided on the service valves of outdoorunit for compressor suction and liquid pressures.The indoor end of the recommended refrigerant line sets maybe straight or with a 90 degree bend, depending upon situa-tion requirements. This should be thoroughly checked outbefore ordering refrigerant line sets.The gas line must always be insulated.In scroll compressor applications, dome temperatures maybe hot. Do not touch top of compressor, may cause minorto severe burning.The units are factory charged with the system charge requiredwhen using fifteen (15) feet of rated connecting line. Unitnameplate charge is with twenty-five (25) feet of line set.Extreme caution should be exercised when opening theLiquid Line Service Valve. Turn valve stem counterclock-wise only until the stem contacts the rolled edge. (SeeFigure 3.) No torque is required. Failure to follow thiswarning will result in abrupt release of system charge andmay result in personal injury and/or property damage.BRASS GAS LINE BALL SERVICE VALVEThe Brass Gas Line Ball Service Valve is shipped in theclosed position to hold the factory refrigerant charge. Thepressure tap service port (when depressed) opens only to thefield brazing side when the valve is in the closed position.The Gas Line Ball Service Valve is full open with a 1/4 turn.See Figure 4.BRAZING REFRIGERANT LINES1. Remove lower access cover to access service valves.2. Before brazing, remove plugs from external copper stubtubes. Clean internal and external surfaces of stubtubes prior to brazing.3. Cut and fit tubing, minimizing the use of sharp90 ° bends.4. Insulate the entire gas line and its fittings.© 2007 American Standard inc. All Rights Reserved 18-AC51 D1-4

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