TTE Technology 40FS3800 LCD TV User Manual 55 525970 0UJ9AG
TTE Technology, Inc. LCD TV 55 525970 0UJ9AG
User Manual
The Creative Llfe Important Product Information Guide HDI'I'II rnrs poorer neuron... uorn technology. MDMI. rne HDMI logo. and High-Definition Mulrrmed l lnrerrooe are rrodemsrks or reorsrered rnderrrarks ol HDMI Licensing LLC. Erwlwmmnui Prnuctlnn Agnncy IEPAI. ENERGvsuRinro romgronorrnms sno summer. n o.., .nd moo u. "org, om: ..r proauar ml were“ rnrs produel gualrnos lor ENERGY sun in m- "reelory doreulr" urrrngr or up ror nom- nu" op on rn rrr l ulup wiurd or Eeo lav opl n ror 'Plclun mod- .n cpl no menur and "ll; re rlro .. ng ln wlrnen pow-r .aorngs ruiil lo. sol. vld changing rn- laelory deraull preruro unrngs or lnabiing orlrdr loaluros may rneroau pow-r eonxurnprion lrrar could as d m- cs non-nary lo our ry ror EMERGV snR raring r" ENERGY STAR II a "I M Pawn-“Vina unId-il n iiiflid by (In US DOLBY DIGITALPLUS “Bulky" and me duuhie-D symool Ir: regrsrered rrodernurrrs ol Dolby rooorororreo. Mlnullchnld undor Iilxnu rron. Dnihy Lahnumrlls FCC Information rnrs egurprnenr rras been lesred and round ro comply wrrrr rrre lrrnrrs ror a class a drorral devicer Pursuant ro Pan la or rne FCC Ruies. rnese lrrnrrs are desrgned ro proyrde reasonaple proreorron aoarnsr narrnrul rnrerrerenee rn a resrdenrral rnsrallarron rnrs eourprnenr generates uses. and can radrare radro negueney energy and rr nor rnsralled and used rn aoaordanoe wrrn rne lns’tmdlonsr may cause nannrul rnrerrerenoe ro radro communications However rnere rs no ouaranree rrrar rnrerrerenoe wlii nor ooeur rn a Dznlcuiar rnslallarron lrrnrs egurprnenr does cause narrnrul rnrerrerenee ro Edit) or releyrsron reception wnron can be derennrned by rurnrno rne edurprnenr olr and our rne user rs encouraged ro lry ro ooneor rne rnrerrerenoe by one or rnore or rne rollowrng rneasures - Reenonr or raloearo rrre rooeryrno anrenna. - rnsroase rno sopararron oerwaon rno eourpnrenr and reeeruor - Conneel lno eourpnrenr rnro an ourler on a srrsurr drlrerenrrronn rnar re wnren rne resolver rs sonnesred ~ Consulr rne dealer oran experienced radrorrv resnnrsren ror nelo rnrs class B drgrrel appererus oornplres wrrn Canadren iCES-Du3 rnrs deuree oornplres wrrn pan r5 dl rne FCC Ruies operarrdn rs sublefi rd rne rollowrng rwd ddndrrrpns rr l rnrs deyroe may nor cause narrnrul rnrerrerenoe and r2l rnrs devroe nrusr aooepr any rnrerrerenoe receivedr rnoludrng rnrerrerenoe rrrar rnay cause undesrred operarron Warning: cnanges or rnodrneorrdns rd rlrrs unrr nor expressly appmved oy rne parry responsrole ror eornplranee rould yord rne user‘s aulnorw ro operare rne eourprrrenr Keep rne epparerus er leusr 2am «or away rrprn rrre nunren opdy lnpur Slgrla/ c rnporrorluy onrsnnameoro nor, aoop, 71flp‘ roan. (Nrsc‘ user and our human) r:: ComposrreVrdeo «or r:: HDMi u .ABflwr YZUp/ion. IDIDiISUer roonplsnlrs l:l Important Information rnrs synoor lnfllcates malrrrrs El produer rnserporaros deuore rnsurarron helweerl hazardnus non mirage and user ooeessrore pans wnon servicing, use oniy roonresr replaeenenr pens caurron rd redone rne nsx or eleerne Shackr dd ndr remdre odrer rdr back). no user sennoeaole pans rnsrde nererserorornd ro duurrned seNlD: personnel rnrs syrnoor rndrrares -dangerous rnrs syrnoor rndroaros rrnoorranr ydlraoe- rnsrde rne product rnar presenrs lnslmctlons aeeompanyrno no a nsx or ereerno snoox or personal rnrury produer op NDY open WARNING ro redupe rne nsx or nre or eresrno snoox do nor expose rnrs pmducttu rarn or rnorsrure rnrs produor snould nor oe exposed ro dnoprngorspresnrng Na ooreorsnrredwrrn rrourds, suen as Vasssr snourd es placed on rne appararus WARNING TneTv rs unsraore rr rr rs nor properly arraened ro rne pass or rnoonred ro rne waii Please lollow rne loose or waii rnounrrng rnsrruorrons oroyrded rn rne users Guide ro ensure your saraiy WARNING ms oerrones snarl nu: be exposed ro sxosssros hear suon as sumhlrlc‘ nro drrrrs Rerer ro rne rdenrrnosrronlrarrno laoel looarsd on rne oaex panel or your Dmduct ror no proper operarrno uorrege cxhl- w lnsrarlor rnrs rornrnder rs prourded rd oer your arrenrron lo onrore 52mm or rne Naumlai Eiemrlcai Cede (Semen 54 orrne canadran Eiectrlcai Coder Pan rrwnren proyrdes ourdelrnesror properoroundrno and rn psnroular speernes rnar rne odors oround snould oe oonnesred ra rne groundrng rysrern orrne ourrdrng as dross rorne pornr or oaore enrry es preerroar lnnporranr- rnrs reroursron re a raoro rnodor and rs dosrgnod ro err on a firm‘ rrar surraco non r Diane rne w on sdlr parperrnd or srnnlar surraee because rne venlliallon slors dn rne porrdrn or rne unrr wlii oe oroexed. resurrrno rn reduced rrrerrrne rrorn oyenrearrnd Tu assure adeousre oenuruuon ror rnrs pruducl‘ rnornrarn a spaorng on rnendsnorn rno rop and srdo orrne w roooruor and 2 rnenes rrorn rne rear drrne w eoeryer and drner sunases Aisa rnsrrs sure rne srand or loose you use rs oradeouars srze and srrenorrr ro preyenr rne rv rrorn oerng aeordenrerryrrpoed ouer pusned orr or pulled on rnrs oourd eause personal rnrury andrordarnage rorne w Rarer Io rrrs rrnporranr sarory rnsrrusrrons on rne nexr page rne Power ourrdn lrollowed by rne power syrnooll on rnrs W and your music odnrrdl purs rne ry rnro a very iUW'Dmrrer srsndoy rnode our wlii nor oornprerery rurn rne powerorr rn order rd oornprerery snur rne power orr you wlii need ro drrponneerrne power oord rrorn rne ourrer rne rnarns plug/applranee coupier rs used rd wmnieleiymrrr dlrrne deyroe lr you preror ro edmplerely mm orrne flevlce‘ you snourd rnsrsrr rne ry rn s rnsnner rrrsr aiti! you ro drseonneorrne pmr odd wnen desrred Prod ucl Registration Please redrsror your rcr . Roku rv purerrase crrrilrle atvmmciusa com ilwlii rnare rr easrer ro cnnlact you snould rr ever oe neeesssry Revrstraliml rs nor redurred lor warrsnry ooueraoe Product Inlarmation Keep yoursares receipi ro oorarn warranry pans and 5(9le and vor preoror purenase Arraen rr nere and reeord rne sensl and rnodel nurnoers rn ease you need rnern rnese nurnoers ore rooerod on rrre produor Model No. Serial No. Purchase Dare DealerIAddrersIPrrdne Important Safety Instructions Read rnese rnsrruerrdns Keep rnese rnsrruorrons Heed all warnrnos Faiimr all rnsrruerrdns Dd nor use rnrs sppararus near water craan only wrrrr dry elorn Do nor oloox any yenrrlarron ppenrngs lnsrall rn accordance wrrn rne manuladuver‘s rnsrrusrrons o Do nor rnsrall near any real souroes suon as rudrerdrs, neor registers stove; or orner oppororus (rnoludrng enrplrnersr rnar produoe near a Do nor doioar lrre salary purpose olrno palanmd or groundingrlyne prug A oorandod plug nas Mn orados wrrn one order lnan rns orner A oreundrng rype plug nas rwo orados and a rnrrd groundrng prong Trio wrde orado or lne lrrrrd prono are provrdod ror yeur sarory llrno provided plug does nor rrr rnlo your autistr oonsurr an erosrrreran lor roprasornenl er rns oosorere ourrer ‘iD Protectme power cord lronr oerno waiked on or prnorred panroulany ar plugs oonyenrenoe reoepraoles and rrre pornr wrrere rrrey exrr rrdrn rne appararus rr Oniy use arraennrenwedoessones speorned oy rne rnanulsdrurer r2 Use only wrrrr rrre cam srand, rnped. oraekor. or raole speernod by rne rnanulaeruren or sold wrln rne appararus wnon a can is uscdr use oaurion wnen nrourng rlre sardappararus eornornarron ro avord rnrury rrorn Klpruvcr l3.unpluo rnrs appararus during lrgnrnrng srorrns or wnen unused ror long perrods or rrrne rA Reler oll seNlClng ro dualrned sen/lee personnel Serororng rs redurred when rne opparorus nos oeen domeged rn any way suon as pdwersupply cord or plug rs domeged, lrdurd nas oeen sprlled pr doreors noue rollen rnro rne appararus, rne opparorus nos oeen exposed rd rarn or morsrure does nor dperare ndnnolly, or nas been dropped r5 ll an ourside onrenna or oeole system rs cannened ro rne produer oe sure rne enrenna or cable sysrern rs grounded so as no proyrde some proreclron egernsr ydlrage surges and ourlrup srarre charges Sectlun arr: or lne Nerronel Eleerneal Coder ANsi/NFPA No ruezurr rSenren 54 or cenedran Eleolneel Code Part r) proyrdes rnlonnerron wrrn respeor rd proper grpundrng orrne nresr and suppumng srroerure, groundrng orrrre ieadr rn wrre rp an antennardlwharge unrr, srze olgroundino Wndumomr locarrdn or antennas drscneroe unrr sonnenron ro grounding eiemmdesr and redurrernenrs rorrne groundrng elesrrode See rollowrng exernple openoyroa Giuuun clAw N ANYENnADlscr—ARGE uNlr r s sEc’loN oo 2m enouwryo cowueroxs rurc SLCllmulanii CROWD ewes srscrnre seer/res sagrpow POWER sEchE snouNDlNG srseroops sverM (NEC oer z5n FARM} Important Product Information Guide TTE Technology, Inc. (”TTE”) Limited Warranty Aii LCD/LED Modeis What your w-rrlnly covets Detects in materiais or worhmanship to the originai owner ot this Tct. Rnku Tv product when purchased as new rrom an Authorized neaier or TCL orand products in the united States and nackaqed with thiswarranty statement New LCD/LED Tale in (Non-commercial Use) For how long arm your purcha - ane ii) year Irom date or purchase tor pans and iaeortor noncommercial use New LcDILED TeIeyi ans (Commercial Use) For how Ioho aIter your purchase: six Isi months hom date or purchase tor parts and taporroroommerciai use - Commerciai use inciudes. out is not iimitedt the use or this product in a tommerciai or ousiness anvimnmznl the use orthis product in an institution or tor instituuonai purposes. or other commerciai purposes inciudino rentai purposes What an anti do. - AtTTE s discretion. Ii) Pay an Authorized Tct Service Centerior eoth iahor charges and parts to repairyourteieuision. or at repiaee your teieuision with a new or rehiroishedr remanuractured eouiyaient yaiue product The decision to repair or repiaoe wiii he made soieiy py i-TE see ‘Hmt to get seryiee How to pat urv c oaii IaaTrznuaEaaT tror mainiand op states) or irE‘UrBUDriZE! (tor AK rti and Puenu RiooI - Riease haye your originai purchase receipt or prooIoI purchase (oiii oIsaie or receipted inuoicet. the units date orpurchase. piace or purchase and modoiiseriai number ready The modeiiseriai numper intormation can tie round on the each or your unit . A repreismalive wiii trouoieshoot your propiem ouer the teispnone ir it is determined that yourunit reouires senice the service iocation wiii he at the soie discretion oITTE eased upon the I’IE Limited Warranty statement - At the sore discretion oiTTE. teieyision screen sizes 32" and smarter wiIi either be repaired at an Authorized Tct Seryiee center or directiy exchanged tor a new or reruroishedr Iemanulauuted unit Al the sore discretion oiTTE teieyision screen sizes as“ through 55- or iergerwiii either pe repaired at anAuthonzed Tct Seruice Centeror repaired inehome - it repaired at anAutherized rct Sewite Center. TTE is not responsioie tor transportation costs to theAuthonzed Tct seryiee Center however. i-TE wiii pay ror return shipping I’IE wiIi proyide instructionstor packaging and shipping the unit - Rrooror purchase in the torm oIa oi oi saie or receipted inuoice trom an huthonzed neaier which is evidence that the product is Within the warranty period must be presented to octain wananty service . PREAUTHDRIZATION MUST a: OBTAINED BEFORE (’i) smniusAuy PRUDUCTTD AN AuTrIoRion TCL SERVICE CENTER. 0R tzt OBTAINING ANV ihhortiE REPAIR] REFLACEMENY/RENTAL sERVicEs What your warranty does not cover: Customerinstruction (Vat/rewriers Mannaidescnees how to instaii adiust and operate yourunit hny additionai intomration shouid oe potained hem your Aulhanzcd neateri instaiiation and reiated adiustments. or damage resuiting irom instaiiation. namage resuiting trom nonapproued instaiiation methods Signal reception prooiems net caused oy your unn namage irom misuse aeuse neoieet normai wearana tear cosmeticdamaoe mishandiino tauieyinstaiiation or poweriine surges - Marnnas or imaoes on the teieyision's panei resuitine Iron. yiewine fixed imaaes Iineiuding out not iimited to oertain 4 3 images on wide screen tatensions ardata orimages in naed screen iocatiens Irem panhee. yideo games. or certain eroadcast networhsi - pattenes - Ateieyisien that has oeen modined orinoorporated into other products - Aunit purchased or serviced outside the usA - Auml said in ANY. Famary Rncnndilinnnd.‘cmlury Rnecnmflnfl' or Returoished condition or with tauits - Acls or nature or cod. such as out not iimited to :zflhuuake or iiohtnino damage - speciai. incidentai ortonseduentiat damages Product Registration Please register your Tct- Rohu Tv purchase cnriine atwww tciusa wm it wiii make it easier to contact you shouid it euer oe necessary Registettion is not recurred tarwananty ooueraoe TTE Technology, Inc. (“TTE”) Limited Warranty LIMITATION OF WARRANTY . ThE WARRANTV sTATEn ABOVE Is TtIE ONLY WARRANTV APPLICABLE To This vnonunr Rn VERSAL oR WRIWEN INFDRMAYION GIVEN tay rrE Tschhntocy. WC .ITs AsEMrs oR EMF'LOVEES shALt. cREATE A GUARANTV oR IN ANY WAv iNCREASE oR uiooirvrhs scope or This WARRANTV . REPAIR oR REPLACEMENYAS PROVIDED urtnERTIIis WARRANTV is THE EXCLUSIVE Rsrttsoy aF Ths cousuush rTs Tsnhrtnmcv. ittc SHALL her as LIABLE FOR spEcIAL. INCIDENTAL. on coNsEquMTIAL DAMAGES REsuLTiMc :an YHE usE US This taRnoucT on ARISING our 0F Atty aRsrtch orAuv EXPRESS oR IMPLIED WARRANT-v ON ThIs rhonucr. ThIs nIscLAIMER or WARRANYIES AND Ltutrso WARRANTY ARE GOVERNED av Ths mm or YHE sTATE or cALIroRuiA. EXCEPY To TtIE ExTErtT PROHIBIYED av APPLICABLE LAw. Atty IMPLIED WARRANTV or tttsRchArtTAtatLtry oR FIYNESS For: A PARYICULAR PURPOSE 0N 1His pRooucT Is LIMITED r0 TIIE APPLICABLE WARRANTV Ann WARRANTV pthan ssr FOKYH Aaays This wARraAtmr is suatscr To CHANGE thIIouT hoTIcE PLEASE VISIT W To VIEW THE Most CURRENT VERSION How state Law relates to this warranty- some states do not aiiow the exclusion or Iimitation or incidentai or consequentiai damages or timrtationa on new iong an impiied warraney iass to the aooue iimitations or :xciusmns may not avpiy to you . This warranty giues you specitie icgai none and you aiso may hay: other ngnts that yary trom state to state It you purchased your unit outside the united Suki er seeh w-rrlnly cover-a: outside the un ed states Thiswananty does not appiy Contactyourdoaierrorwanenty inrormation service can: which do not ihitoiito detaches materiata erwerhmanship are not covered by this wlrr-nly. coats ersuen saryica caita are the seia responsihiiity ct tha pureha . Telev onSpec catons us system NTsoM ATsc standard tavsni. am Emadmsling system Reeeiyirig channeis vttrzets UHF’iAeSB CATV two tAHW) use (Amerww) 6N5 (MAHZZZ) peat (assimissess (AeSHAA r touetas ttaortiaa) oi Icrii Tuner type meericy synthesoed Overnlmq Temperature 5'c to 35'C [M'F to 95'F) Operating Humidity 20% to SDVomunrmndsnsIng Storage Temperature 45's to we is'F to HS'F] storage humidity we to err/enoncondensing Legal Disclaimer Please note your aooess and use or streaming content and channeis yia the Tct - Ruku Tv are soyerned by the Roku End user Agreement rorthe ayoidance or doqut. the content disciaimer set torth herein shaii rererto aii content and channeis aceessihie and avaiiabin on the TCL- Rohu W inciudino those auaiiaoie uia the Roku® streaming piatIomi as weii as broadcasl cahie Due to the yarious capahiIities or the TCLd Rohu TV. as well as iimitations in the ayaiiaoie content auaiiaoie therein. certain teatures appiications. and seryiees may not tie ayaiiaoie on aii Tct- Rohu TVs. or in aii territories Some reatures on the TCL . Rohu Tv may aiso require additionai peripherai deuices or mempership tees that are aoid scparateiy Ficaxc uiaitthe rot or Rnku. inc weesites tor more intermation on the ICLA Rohu TV and oontentauaiiahiiity The services and auaiiaoiiity or content on the TCL- Rnku rv are sub‘ncl to change trom time to time Without prior notice Ali ponteht and services accessipie through the TCL . Rohu Tv eeioria to third panies and are protected py copyright. patent trademaht andror other inteiiectuai property iaws such content and services are provided soier Ior yoiir persohai noncommerciai use. you may not use any content or seryiees in a manner that has not oeen authonaed oytne content owner or seruice proyider without iimitino the ioregoing you may not modin. copy repuoiish upioad post transmit. transiato. seii. create derivilive woms. etpioit. ordistnpute in any manner or medium any content or senipes dispiayed through the Tct- Rohu TV You expressiy achnowiedoe and agree that your use or the TcL- Rohu Tv is at your soie rich and that the entire nsh as to satistactory ouaiity perronnance and accuracy is with you The Tct ‘Ruku TV and aii third pany content and senices are proyided as is‘ without wananty oi any hind. either express or impiied Tu and Roku eypressiy disciaims aii warranties and conditions with respect to the TcL- Rohu TV content and senices. either express or ihipiied ineiudinp out not iimited to. warranties or merchantaoiiity. or satisractory duaiity. ntnessror a pamwiar purpose otaccuracy ot ouietenioyment and nonrinlringamenl or third party none TEL and Rohu do not guarantee the accuracy. uaiidity. timeiiness. iegaiity. or compieteness ot any content or seroice made ayaiiapie through the TCLA Rnku Tv and does notwanant that the TCLA Rohu Tv. content or services will meet your reouirements. or that operation or the TCLd Roku TV will pe uninterrupted or :rmrJre: underno circumstances. inciudino negiigence ahaii Tct or Raku be iiaeie. whether in contract orton. ior any direct. indirect. incidentai. speciai or consequentiai damages. attprneyrees. cxpnnscl. or any other damages arising out or. or in connection with. any iniormation contained in. or as a resuit oi the use or the deuice or any content or service accessed try you or any third pany. euen it adinsed or the possioiiity or such damages Third partyseruices may he changed. suspended. remoued. terminated or intenupted. oracceas may he disaoied at any time. without notice. and TCLand Rohu mahes no representation or warranty that any content or sdryice wiii remain auaiiapie tor any period or time content and services are lmnsmmed by third parties try means oinetwerns and transmission Iaciiities ouer which Tu and Row haue no eontroi Without iimiting the oeneraiity or this disciaimer. TEL and hohu expressiy disciaims any responsioiiity or hate ty Ior any change. intemiption disaoiing remouai or or suspension or any content or sewice made ayaiiaoie through the mt. Rnku TV ICL. Ruku the content prouiders orthe SENIEE prouiders may impose iimits on the use otdr access to certain seryioes orcontent. in any case and wllhoul notice or iiaoiiity Any questions or requests tor service reiating to the content or services made ayaiiapie on the TCLA Rohu rv shouid he suhmitted to the respectiye cahie content or service provider or as descriped in the TCL- Rphu TV usereuide in the eyent ot a pennict oetween the Rohu End osrerAgreement and the terms set Iprth in this Lsgai nisciaimer. the Ruku End user Agreement shaii preuaii and controi in aii circumstances Battery Caution & Disposal Information For pest resuits use aihaiine type pattenes z instaii oniy new pattenes or the same type in your product J raiiure to insert pattenes in the correct poiarity. as indicated in the cattery compartment. may shonen the iire ot the pattenes or cause pattenes to tear a no not mitt aid and now pattenes 5. no not use Rechargeapie rNichei Cadmiumi or thicheI Metai Hydride) batteries 5 no not meAiKEiIne standard [CamoanInE] or hecnaroeaoie (Nichei Cadmium) or (Nickei Metal hydride) oatteries T no not dispose otpattenesintire a aatteries shouid oe recycied ordiapoaed or as per state and iocai ouideiines
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : XMP Core 5.4.0 Modify Date : 2014:12:30 15:48:16+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW X5 Create Date : 2014:12:17 09:41:57Z Metadata Date : 2014:12:30 15:48:16+08:00 Producer : Mac OS X 10.10.1 Quartz PDFContext Creator : 胡治刚 Format : application/pdf Title : 55-525970-0UJ9AG Document ID : uuid:6c1dfb30-47d9-4d37-a8a3-529fb0ae68a5 Instance ID : uuid:385754d4-4245-4c1d-9c27-e7fc68cc925a Has XFA : No Page Count : 2 PDF Version : 1.4 Author : 胡治刚EXIF Metadata provided by