TYT ELECTRONICS DMR1 DMR Digital Transceiver User Manual II



user manual II

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Document ID3599132
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Document Descriptionuser manual II
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize229.92kB (2873975 bits)
Date Submitted2017-10-11 00:00:00
Date Available2017-10-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-09 16:04:13
Document Lastmod2017-10-09 16:04:16
Document Titleuser manual II

Basic operations
Functions Instructio s
Basic operations
Power OnIOff
Turn the power switch knob clockwise to turn on radio power; to turn it off, turn the power
switch knob counterclockwise.
Note: No beeper indication when power on if unable the radio tone/beeper indication
If you cannot turn on the radio. please check the battery pack, make sure charging the battery
and oorrectly install battery.
If you can not turn on the radio. please contact the dealer .
Volume Control
Turn the volume switch knob clockwise to increase volume; to decrease the volume, rotate
the Volume switch knob counterclockwise. You can check the Volume level by pressing the
programmed key 0! monitor
Channel Selection
Turn the channel switch to desired channel number (32 Channels)
Note: There are two zones, is channels for each zone for inis radio. Functions Instructions
Zohe1 and Zone 2 are swflchable (Details reler to Zone Selection) LED Indicator
TX The LED indicalor i5 lo Show the radio working status.
Press PTT and face to microphone talking. Red light: radio is transmitting signal
Please make the distance between your lip and microphone at 3-4 cm, and talk as usual to Green light: '5le '5 Powellng 0" 0' receivmg "Wrencrymed calling 0' messagei 0' “9190“"9
gei lhe besl voice quality airing activity
RX Beeper
Release PTT to receive information and adiust desired volume level to get good voice quality. Beeper lunctioh is for checking radio working status or signal receiving.
Continuous tone. simple, radio sounds until user over it.
Period lone programmed desired setting time as a period. Automatically turn on/Stop/Repeat
Repeal lone Simple and repeal by itself, until user over ii.
You can set each channel to be digital channel.
1.Wheh calling. PTT button can enable radio to transmit information to the another calling
ui lli
radios Press PTT to Communicale, release to receive II will active the microphone when
pressing PTT
2 When no calling on the radio, PTT button is used to new calling (reter to make a radio
3 When calling and radio enable the "Free Channel lndication“ function. then you release the
Pi'r, will get a short beeper tcne That means lhls IS a free channel and wait ior your answer.
4 When calling stop (eg, receiving the emergency alarm). you will hear the tree channel beeper
You can disable all using radios beeper tone and indication to turn off the tree channel ind-
ication (Tone/Beeper ON/OFF)
5 SWltch rotatur to change digital channel.
Receiving and Making A Call
Zone Selection
The Zone is a channel group. This radio only support 2 Zones and 16 channels for each Zone.
1 Press programmed Zone key
2 Vou will hear "Yes“ tone to switch radio trom Zone 1 to 2.
Or ”No" tone to swilch radio lrom Zone 2 to 1.
After choosing the channel, user D or Desired calling Contact ID rotating the channel swi-
tch to corresponding channel, user ID or contact lD.
Receiving And Answering a Calling
After setting the channel number, user ID or contact lD, directly to receive information or ans-
wer the calling.
Red light. Transmitting.
Green light: Receiving.
Receiving And Answering Group Calling
Program the radio as a group member to receive any intormation from this group calling.
1. LED green lights.
2. Keep the radio 1-2 feet (2 5-5.00m) away from mouth.
If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication". release PTT to get a short tune. that
means it IS free channel and wait for your answer
3 Press PTTlo answer, LED light red
4. Talk to microphone alter active the tone of allowing calling tone.
5. Release PTT to receive information.
6 Automalically over the calling it lhere is no operalion with permitled period.
Receiving and Answering a Private calling
A private calling is from single radio lo anolher single radio. There are two lypes
First, detecling radio oeiore calling; Second, ready lo make a call
The LED light green lor the chosen radio You only can program the using radio with one type
Private Call
Receiving a private calling:
1 LED light green
2 Keep the radio 1-2 feet (2 5-5 0cm) away lrom mouth
lithe radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone, that
means it is free channel and wail lor your answer.
Press PTT to answer. LED light red.
Talk to microphone after active the tone ol allowing calling tone
Release PTT to receive intormatioh
Automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period
Radio sound a short tone.
Receiving All Call
All call is transmitting inlorrnalion to all the radios Especially tor releasing special notice
When receiving:
1. Radio sound a tone and LED light green.
2. Radio automatically over the calling it there is no operation With permitted period.
If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication". release PTT to get a short tone. that
means it is free channel and wait for your answer
Note: When recelvlng all call, you Change to another channel, then wlll stop receivlng the all
calling And during receiving, you can not use any programmed Keys until calling is over.
Make Radio Call
Choose desired Channel number. user ID or Contact lD by the following: Channel rotator. pres
programmed key to make a calling.
Making Group Call
Program the radio as a group member to transmit any inlormation to this group.
1. Rotate channel switch to desired Contact lD or channel.
2. Keep lhe radio 12 feet (2 5751mm) away from mouth.
3 Press PTT to call and LED light red
4. Talk to microphone after active the tone 0' allowing calling tone.
5 Release PTT to receive iniormation and reply. LED iightgreen
6. Radio automatically over the calling it there is no operation with permitted period.
It the radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone, that
means it is free channel and wait tor your answer.
Automatically over the calling if there is no operation with permitted period.
Making Private Call
1. Rotate channel mom to desired channel from user ID.
2. Keep the radio 1-2 feet (2.5-5 0cm) away lrom mouth
If the radio program the “Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone, that
means ii is rree channel and waii ior your answer.
Press PTT to answer. LED light red
. Talk to microphone after active the tone oi allowing calling tone.
. Release PTT to receive information.
. Radio automatically over the calling it there is no operation with permitted period.
If the radio program the “Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone, that
means ii is tree channel and waii ior your answer. Automatically over the calling ii there is
no operation with permitted period
7 Radio sound a short tone
Making All Call
Program the radio with this tunctlon and transmit lntnrrnatlon to all users.
1 Rotate channel switch to desired channel from Contact ID
2. Keep the radio 1-2 feet (2 5-5.0om) away from mouth.
lfthe radio program the "Free Channel Indication". release PTT to get a short tone. that
means it is iree channel and wait for your answer
3. Press PW to answer, LED light red.
4. Talk to microphone after active the tone at allowing Calling tone. All the users on this Chane
nel can not answer the calling
Programmed Key to Make Group [Private Call
This function enable users easily to make a private or group call to defined lD or contact by
snort or long pressing to active. You can aiiooaie one ID or coniact to one programmed key
to call There are several keys to be programmed
1. Press the programmed key to private/group call from defined ID or Contact list.
2. Keep the radio 172 feet (2.575 0cm) away lrcm mouth .
If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT l0 gel a short lone, that
means it is free cnannel and wait lor your answer.
. Press PTT to call, LED llgnt red.
. Talk to microphone after active the tone ol allowing calling tune.
. Release PTT In receive lnlurmallon.
. Radio automatically over the calling it there IS no operation with permitted period.
If the radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT l0 gel a short lone, that
means it is free cnannel and wait lor your answer. Automatically over the calling it there is
no operation with permuted period.
7. Radio sound a snorttone.
Send Pre-set Message
You can at most pre-set 50 pieces message
1. Cnoose desired contact to send a pre-set message.
2. LED light red
3. Two lanes of "DlDI" means sending message successfully. A lower tone means no message
This function is only available for digital channel.
You can at mosl preset is list encryption, encrypted code (4 byte) enable/disable this function.
Emergency Alarm
Press tms programmed key to active emergency alarm.
Lone Work
Programming radio this lunction is to protect radio users safely with lonely work
When enable this function and set the period, radio will alarm the user belore run or time.
User snculd press this key to answer in "safety" stale, llr not. radio will goes into emergency
Scan List
Creat the scan list and allocate to single channel/ contact list.
Through cycle scanning the listed channel/contact list to search the any communication channel
lt Support at most 250 list and 16 members lor each llst
LED light red when scanning.
Two methods or scanning:
1) Main Channels (by manual):
Scan all channels/contact group from all scanning lists.
When scanning, your radio automatically start lrom the last scanned channel/contact list or
starting scanning channel.
2) Automatically manual
Scanning start from the channel which he active automatically scanning.
Start And Stop Scan
1 ) Choose automatically scanning channel by press programmed key or rotate channel switch.
2 ) When scanning active, LED light red and sound a confirm tone. or stop scanning, LED
goes on and sound a negative tone
Double Priority Channel
When radio enable this lunction, scan the priority channel and normal channel at the every
scanning with recycle scanning.
During Scanning, Answer Calling:
Stop at the detected active channel/contact list.
Radio keeps at this stop channel, that is so called "Free Time" programmed period
2. Keep the radio 172 feet (2 575.00m) away from mouth .
lt the radio program the "Free Channel Indication", release PTT to get a short tone. that
means it is tree channel and wait for your answer
3 Wlthln the permitted period, Press PTT to call, LED llght red
4. Talk to microphone alter active the tone of allowing calling tone.
5. Release PTT to receive information.
a. Radio automatically over the calling ii there is no operation Wlth permitted period
You can adlust the SQL to niter lower signal Calling or channels with background noise is hlgr
her than normal value
Normal delault value.
High. filter no use calling or background noise. but may also filter the calling from long distance.
1 ) Program the SQL key.
2 l A positive tone means nigh SOL: A negative tone means normal SOL
High/Low Power
High power enable communication With long distance radio. Low power enable communication
with shon distance radio.
1 ) Program High/Low Power key.
2 ) A positive tone means radio transmit at the low power: A negative tone means raoio tranr
smit at the high power
This function enable your radio to make a call with a programmed channel. No matter when
the accessories wlth VOX Vuncllorl detect the Signal. radio wlll transmll the Informatlnn withln
programmed period
Press PTT to disable VOX function.
Operate follow step to re-start the VOX.
Turn oft the radio and power on again. Or rotate channel switch to another one. Or operate
the below.
Note: Enable or dlsable thls functlon to those active radios.
1 )Program the key with VOX functlori and can turn Uri/0W
2 )Talk to microphone alter active the tone of allowmg tone.
Tone/Beeper ONIOFF
Enable/disable the radlo wlth tone/beeper If necessary
1 iProgram the key with Tone ON/OFF function
2 )A positive tone means turn on beeper/tone tuhction; A negative tone means turn on beeper
Itone function.
Check Battery
LED light yellow: charging
LED light green: luliy charged
Press programmed key to check me battery capacity by he beeper.
1) Very low power: "Diiing, Diiing" Tone
2) High: Three tones al "Diling Diling“
3) Middle: Two tones or 'Diling Diling"
4) Low: One (one of "Diiing Diiin '
Speci cations
Trouble shooting guide
Warra ty card
General Specifications
Frequency range
UHF' 400-480MHZ
Channel 32 Channels
Channel Spacing 12 5KHz
Operating Voltage 7 Av
Battery Type LHDN
Operating Temperature -30'c +60'C
Store Temperature ~40‘c +85'C
Antenna lmpedence 500
Audio Output Power <1DOOmW@lGQ
Battery capacity
2000mAh standard Li-ion battery
Dimension (H‘W‘D)
Digital Data rate
Output power
High. <5W(Hl) Low. <1W(Low)
Frequency Stability
Adjacent Channel Power
< 760115
Free Time Slot Power
TDMA: < 57dBrri
Hum and Noise
Spurious Radiation
Antenna: SKHZrl GHZ < rSSdEm
FM Modulation Mode
12 5KHZ‘11KOF3E
AFSK Digital Mode
12.5KHz(data only):‘ ‘KUFXD
12.5KHZ(data tvoice). IIKDFXW
Modulation Maximum Deviation Z.5KHZ@l2.5KHZ
Nonactive Slot Power -57dBm
Digital Protocol ETSl TS 102 361-1 -2 -3
Vocoder Type AMBE+2TM
Audio Response +1dB~73dE
Modulation BERlBIt Error Rate) < 5%
Analog sensibility
u 35uV/-116dBrn(20dB SINDA)
Digital senSibility
0.3uV/-117 AdBm (BER 5%)
0.22uv/7110dBm (BER 1%)
Cerchannel Rejection
Adjacent Channel Selectivity
Spurious Response
Rated audio power 1w
Audio response =idB~73dB
Rated audio distortion 3%(Type)
Spurious Radiation
Antenna: SKHz-tGHz < -57dBrn
1GHZV12 7SGHZ < r47dBm
Note: Specifications will be revised without notice due to technical improvement Thank yen.
Trouble shooting guide
Nu Electrical Source
- The battery has been exhausted
Replace or recharge the battery
. The battery is installed incorrectly
Remove it and install again.
The operating time becomes short. even
the battery is fully charged.
0 Replace the battery.
Not able to communicate with the
transceivers oi the same group.
I Confirm the QT/DQT is the same
I The distance is outside of range
The voice of another group can be heard.
I Change all QT/DQT ol the group.
Other radius can not receive the TX
signals or receive signals in a iow
0 Switch the volume knob to the highest
I The microphone may be damaged.
send it to the local dealer for check
Noise is always heard.
- The distance is outside ol range
Turn on the radio in nearer range and
try again
Ms warranty card ls only
appllcable to lwoaway radio
ol the aboyeeltslea model
and sertal number
Tne warran|y card is an
imporlanl document tor lne
endauser lo enyoy walranly
servlce, please keep rt well
Tne warran|y card shall be
nlleo and chopped by lne
dealer, or ll ls Invalid
Warranty card
Customer‘s name
,Aedd and postal code'
gustorner‘s Tel
Serlal number
Purchaslng dale
Invoice No.‘
Contact Tel'
Hanoltng people
(T—nank you my buylng rY'r Mcrway mdlosr
we le do our best to prcvlde you mm a stable,
clear and elllelent ereless communlcallon
services In order tor you to away a bener
qualtty warranty servlce, please locus on the
lollewrng lnfnrmamrl J
rne Dmducls wmvamy oanoa negrna rrorn tna purenasrng date .
l! oraouat rarlure unoer norrnal use wrtnrn warranoy perlad
occurs ammmq to me can‘ems or tnrs warranty ltne rzdln
rs guavameed ror 12 rnontna. aeeaaaanes s rnanlnsl please
carry me warranty tam angrnals and purenase lrwnlce anten
uesrgnaleo autnonzea warranly revalr slatren tor warranly
rne rollawrng srlualrons accurdmlng warranty oenau M“ be
rrnolernenteo tn para seryrae
(ll rarlure to produce tne warranty Lard
<2» lne card nas shared traces ar rneansrstenlwttn lne pruduc‘
<3) Detect er oarnage caused by annonnal or nunrnumal use
<4) Detector oarnaee eanseu try rntsuse. accldem water or
<5) Detect or damage caused by lmvmver leslrng ooeranon
malnlenance rnstallalron arsassenbly or adlnswem
<6» Detector oanage caused by nnaumorlzed reparr m
<7) Detect or damage paused by terse rnateure
(5) Wear and tear under normal use
wnen yau are m neeo or levalv. oleaae seno tna radla warranty
card ano ourenaaa lnvulce lugelner oy oust or lake orreatly
to "ma flelenated amhorlled aeryree s|a|luns shlpvlw culls
snoulu be borne bylne user
Malntenance record
Carryrln date
staff numbers
personnel No
rnrswarranty card to be kept by me usen no replenlshmem rt

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