TableTop Media ZIOSK-C03 802.11b/g Payment/Advertisement Terminal User Manual Ziosk Product Manual

TableTop Media, LLC 802.11b/g Payment/Advertisement Terminal Ziosk Product Manual


PMBA54 Product ManualRev C. 01006-1208
Compliance StatementsLegal2©2009 TableTop Media, LLC All rights reserved.All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this documentation may be copied, distributed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form, or by any means: electronic; mechanical; magnetic; or otherwise without permission in writing from TableTop Media.Ziosk ™ is a registered trademark of TableTop Media, Inc.FCC Statementis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. ese limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. is equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the follow-ing measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from the circuit to which the •receiver is connected.        •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help                            Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by TableTop Media could void                the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the                FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not                cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received,                 including interference that may cause undesired operation.PCI StatementZiosk™ is fully compliant with all Payment Card Industry Payment Application Data Security Standards (PCI PA-DSS) 1.1 and Payment Application Best Practices (PABP) 1.4 requirements.
Table of ContentsLegal  2Compliance Statements  2Table of Contents  3Warnings  4Shock Hazards  4Health and Product Safety  4Ziosk™  5Maintenance  6Cleaning Ziosk  6Daily Maintenance  7Ziosk Inspecon  7Baery Maintenance   8Printer Maintenance  8Troubleshoong  10Addional Informaon  11Oponal Accessories  11Product Specicaons  11Third Party Applicaons and Trademark Informaon  11Table of Contents 3
Warnings4Proper UsageFor your protecon, we advise you to read all the safety instrucons before operang the device.Do not install Ziosk near a source of heat.• Do not place baery and charging staon near a source of heat.• Do not install Ziosk near a source of water.• Do not place baery charging staon near a source of water.• Do not disassemble Ziosk or baery.• Only use aachments specied by the manufacturer.• Only use replacement parts and supplies specied by the • manufacturer.Only use baeries and charger approved by the manufacturer.• Evidence of TamperingIt is recommended to periodically monitor Ziosk for any changes to the external housing.  This may indicate that the device has somehow been tampered with by an aacker and placed back in service.  See the Maintenance secon on Ziosk Inspecon for more details.WARNINGSIt is the user’s responsibility to use Ziosk in a manner in which it was intended. Read the following warnings before using Ziosk.Shock HazardsTo prevent re or shock hazard, do not do the following:Do not immerse unit or baery in water.• Do not disassemble unit or baery.• Do not use an AC adapter if it has damaged cords or wires.• Do not insert foreign objects into the slots, connectors, or ac-• cessories of the device.Health and Product SafetySeizuresAny device showing ashes or paerns of light, like movies or games, has the potenal to trigger seizures or blackouts in people, even if they have never had a seizure before. Stop using this device if any of the following symptoms occur:Altered vision• Eye twitching• Involuntary movements• Loss of awareness• Disorientaon• Repeve Moon and Eye StrainTo prevent injuries, avoid prolonged use and take frequent breaks. It is recommended that parents monitor  their children for appropriate play.
Ziosk™ 5ZIOSK™Ziosk, an interacve tabletop experience, provides next generaon pay-at-the-table funconality designed in a user-engaging, intuive touch-screen device.  With three disnct payment features: split check, touch p and e-mail or print receipt capabilies, the device places control in the guests’ hands to pay at their convenience.  En-gaging and entertaining, Ziosk enhances the overall dining experience with games, informaon, movie trailers, and cket purchasing.Ziosk features include:Payment On-DemandCredit, Gi Card, and Cash• Split check• E-mail or print receipt• Digital PromoonsMenus, specials, events• Nutrional informaon• Loyalty and gi programs• Order-EntryGet items to kitchen faster• Increase up selling• Enter repeat orders• Real-me SurveysIncrease response rates• Market research• Alert manager• InfotainmentEngaging informaon• Entertainment• Trivia and games•
Maintenance6MAINTENANCECleaning ZioskTo clean the touch panel you will need a so, lint-free cloth and a mild glass cleaner (such as Windex®.) A microber cloth works well. DO NOT USE any cleaning products containing ammonia. See Cleaning Guidelines for more ps. Steps to clean the touch panelSpray cleaner or water directly onto a so cloth. 1. Wipe the surface of the screen gently with dampened 2. cloth.Press gently on the screen in order to clean more dif-3. cult dirt or oil.Cleaning GuidelinesDo not use abrasive materials or utensils for cleaning.• Do not use ammonia, phosphates, Ethylene Glycol, or lubri-• cants. Never use acidic or alkaline cleaners. Use of incorrect cleaners • could damage the touch panel.NOTE: Most cleaning products may contain 1-3% Isopropyl Al-• cohol by volume, which is within acceptable limits for cleaning the touch panel.Do not spray any liquids directly onto Ziosk. The liquid could • enter into a very small opening and damage the device.When using a mild cleaner, avoid contact with the edges of the • screen. The liquid could enter into a very small opening and damage Ziosk.Cleaning the Card ReaderCleaning the magnec head of the card reader is not usually required since the head is essenally cleaned each me a card is swiped. How-ever, if the card reader seems to have trouble reading the cards, you can try cleaning it with a so, thin cloth and alcohol.Steps to clean the card readerTake a thin, so cloth and apply a small amount of 1. alcohol.Fold the cloth over a card.2. Swipe the card through the card reader.3.
Maintenance 7Daily MaintenanceIt is important to properly maintain Ziosk daily using the following recommended procedures.StartupWipe Ziosk with a clean, so cloth.1. Insert fully charged baery.2. Verify Ziosk preparedness with printout.3. ShutdownWipe Ziosk with clean, so cloth.1. Remove baery from Ziosk.2. Place baery in charger.3. Ziosk InspeconPeriodically monitor Ziosk for any dierences in the user interface or external housing.  Changes to the device may be an indicaon that Ziosk has somehow been tampered with by an aacker and placed back in service. To reduce or prevent fraud, make it a part of the daily procedures to visually inspect the device for tampering.  Examples of things to look for during this inspecon include:Look for sckers on the device that were not there previously.  • Sckers are oen used to cover up drill holes.  Make sure that any labels on the device do not appear to have been removed and replaced. Periodically run your nger over the label to feel for holes.Make sure that there are no new connecons (leads, plugs, • antennas) added to the device.Look for any new display items that have been posioned near • the device on the table (for example, on or near the condiment holder).  These new items could be used to house pin-hole cameras to capture user input.Check under the table to make sure that no equipment (for • instance, new recording devices) have been aached without reason.
Maintenance8Baery Maintenance Good baery maintenance will ensure Ziosk provides a full day of infotainment. Inserng and Removing Baery from ZioskThe baery compartment is located on the side opposite the card reader. To insert the baery, just insert it into the baery compart-ment unl you hear a click. To remove the baery for charging, press on the baery to toggle. ChargingBaeries must be charged at least eight hours to obtain a maximum charge. Place the baery on the charger and wait for the red status light to indicate the baery is charging. The status light turns green when the baery is fully charged. A ashing red status light may indi-cate a baery fault. See Troubleshoong.StorageStore baeries in a cool, dry place.
Maintenance 9Printer MaintenanceBefore performing any maintenance on the printer, please ensure Ziosk is powered on. It will print the me and date to verify it is operaonal.Loading Printer PaperFrom the boom of Ziosk, press the buon near the 1. paper feed to open printer door.Remove empty roll.2. Insert new paper roll.3. Close the printer door. You will hear a click when the 4. door is closed.Device will print the me and date to verify the paper 5. roll is installed correctly.Paper Orientaon:Correcng a Paper JamFrom the boom of Ziosk, press the buon near the 1. paper feed to open printer door.Remove any jammed, torn, or crumpled paper.2. Close the printer door. You will hear a click when the 3. door is closed.Device will print the me and date to verify the paper 4. roll is installed correctly.
Troubleshooting10TROUBLESHOOTINGBefore troubleshoong Ziosk, please make sure you check the follow-ing items:Baeries are fully charged and inserted correctly. 9There is no visible damage to the exterior. 9Ziosk is powered on. 9If you are sll experiencing problems with Ziosk, connue trouble-shoong using the following guide. Should the problem persist, please consult our technical support :support@tabletopmedia.comBaery ChargerThe baery was in the charger overnight, but it didn’t seem to charge.Make sure the indicator light turns red when inserng a dis- 9charged baery into the charging base.The status light is ashing red.The baery has a fault. Try to remove the baery and replace in  9the charger again. If the status light connues to ash, contact technical support for further assistance.Card ReaderI swiped my card and nothing happened.Try swiping the card more straight at a smooth, medium pace.  9Check the card for damage to the magnec stripe. 9Make sure you swipe the card with the magnec stripe facing  9the correct way.The magnec read head could be dirty. Clean the magnec  9head. (See the Maintenance secon.)An error occurred aer I swiped my card.Make sure you swipe the card with the magnec stripe facing  9the correct way.The card sll cannot be read.The card reader is damaged, contact technical support. 9PowerZiosk connuously reboots.Try inserng a dierent baery. The connector may be dam- 9aged.PrinterThe receipt is not prinng.Check for paper jam. ( 9See Printer Maintenance for instrucons.)Out of paper. 9The receipt is blank.Check if the paper roll is loaded backwards. ( 9See Printer Mainte-nance for proper paper orientaon.)The printer began to print and then the screen went blank. Device seems to be reboong.Make sure the printer door is closed completely. 9The baery is low. Replace baery. 9
Additional Information 11ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOponal AccessoriesBaery Chargers• Baer• Stylus• Lanyard• Privacy Visor• Product SpecicaonsPhysicalBuilt-in peripherals• Thermal Printer »Magnec Stripe Reader - Bi-direconal, 3-track »Dimensions: 8” W x  5.8” H x 4.8” D• PerformanceWireless• 802.11b/g WiFi »SSL, 3DES, RSA, DUKPT, WPA/2 »Baery• 7.4v Lithium-ion [AC/DC] »EnvironmentOperang temperature:  5 to 40 ° C (40 to 105 ° F) • 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing) »Storage temperature: -20 to 60 ° C (-5 to 140 ° F)• 20 to 90% RH (non-condensing) »Mul-mediaJPG, PNG, BMP• Audio: WMA9, AAC• Video: MPEG-4, WMV9• Image• Third Party Applicaons and Trademark InformaonADOBE®is product contains Macromedia® [Flash®] [Flash Lite™] technology by Adobe Systems Incor-porated.Copyright © 1995-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.  Macromedia, Flash, Macromedia Flash, [and Macromedia Flash Lite] are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries.Adobe® is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Windows®Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other coun-tries. is product includes technology owned by Microsoft and cannot be used or distributed without a license from Microsoft.

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