Tactical Technologies CST703 Covert Surveillance Transmitter User Manual 703

Tactical Technologies Inc Covert Surveillance Transmitter 703

User Manual

CST-703/V COVERTVOICE TRANSMITTERDESCRIPTIONThe Tactical Technologies Inc. Model CST-703/V is a miniature onechannel synthesized VHF Voice Transmitter capable of standardoperation between 150 MHz and 174 MHz.  Output power is vari-able; dependent upon variable input voltage.  The 703 comesstandard with an external antenna, internal microphone, externalmicrophone connection, a programming cable, and various configu-rations of power connectors.  The 703 can be installed in a widevariety of disguises.OPERATION1.)  Select desired input voltage vs. power output from the followingchart:   INPUT VOLTAGE OUTPUT POWER 6.0 VDC approx. 1/4 watt 9.0 VDC approx. 1/2 wattWARNING:  Do not apply 12 VDC directly to this unit.  A specialregulator cable must be used.Any power supply (batteries, regulated supply, etc.) can be applied tothe CST-703 with voltages that range from 6 volts DC to 9 volts DC.2.)  Connect the external antenna to the CST-703 by inserting themale end of the SMC type antenna connector on the transmitter tothe female connector end on the bodywire antenna.  Twist theconnector clockwise to tighten (HAND TIGHT ONLY!).3.)  Determine which microphone configuration is best for yourapplication:  the internal microphone or the external microphone.a.)  If the external microphone is desired, insert the maleend of the locking mini-plug type connector on the microphone cableinto the female connector found on the transmitter.  Twist the cableend connector clockwise to tighten and lock down to the transmitter(HAND TIGHT ONLY).  Once the external microphone is connectedto the 703, the internal microphone is electronically disconnectedand will not operate - eliminating any chance of the internal micro-phone interfering with the desired external unit.b.)  If the internal microphone is desired, simply make surethe external microphone is disconnected from the 703.  The internalmicrophone automatically becomes operational when the externalmicrophone is disconnected.4.)  Connect the appropriate power lead to the transmitter.  Insert themale end of the 4 pin mini type connector attached to the powercable into the female end found on the unit.  Twist clockwise totighten (HAND TIGHTEN ONLY!).NOTE:  THE CST-703 IS REVERSE POLARITY PROTECTED,HOWEVER PLEASE BY SURE TO CONNECT THE + AND  -LEADS TO YOUR POWER SUPPLY CORRECTLY FOR PROPEROPERATION OF THE TRANSMITTER.  PAY PARTICULARATTENTION TO THE MARKINGS ON  SMALL BATTERIES.WHEN USING THE FLYING LEAD CONNECTORS.  THEBLACK LEAD IS NEGATIVE AND THE RED OR WHITE LEADIS THE POSITIVE.5.)  Once power is applied to the transmitter, the unit is on andoperating.  To turn the unit off, simply disconnect the power.INSTALLING  YOUR  SOFTWARE1.)  The  computer  program supplied to install the frequencies intoyour CST-703 transmitter is a module written for Microsoft's Hyper-
Terminal.  Hyper-Terminal is supplied with Windows 95 and 98.If Hyper-Terminal is installed, you can proceed.  If you have notinstalled this program onto your computer, please do so at this time.Installing Hyper-Terminal:a.) Select "START" from the Windows Task Barb.) Select "Settings" - "Control Panel" from the Start Menuc.) Select "Add/Remove Programs" from the Control Paneld.) Select the "Windows Setup" tab at the top of the windowe.) Double-click on "Communications" in the 'components' window.f.) Click the box next to "Hyper-Terminal".  This puts an X in thebox.g.) Click "OK" at the bottom of the window.h.) Click "OK" at the bottom of the new window.i.)  Follow the on - screen instructions about inserting you WindowsInstallation disks or CD.4.) Install the Hyper-Terminal TTI Transmitter ProgrammingModule:a.) Insert the supplied 3 1/2 inch floppy disk into you computer'sdisk drive.b.) Select "START" from the Windows Task Bar.c.) Select "RUN" from the Start Menud.) Type "a:\setup" in the white bare.) Select "OK"f.) Follow the on screen instruction.g.) Remove disk when finished.PROGRAMING YOUR FREQUENCIES1.)  Connect the CST-703 programming cable to the top of thetransmitter via the round four pin connector.  This  connector iskeyed for proper installation.  Be sure to lock down the connector bytwisting the screw ring clockwise until it snugs up to the panelconnector.  DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.2.)  Connect the D style 9 pin female connector to an open serial porton your IBM compatible computer.  If your computer's serial port is a25 pin connector, you will need to use a DB25 to DB9 serial adaptor(not included).3.)  Start the "TTI Transmitter Programming" software by clickingit's icon located on the Windows Desktop.4.)  You must know the number of the Serial (Com) Port you haveattached the transmitter to.  The software comes ready to work withCom 1.  If you are using Com 2, 3, or 4, you must perform thefollowing:   a.) Select "File" - "Properties" from the Hyper-Terminal Task Bar   b.) From the "Phone Number" tab, select your Com Port in the"Connect Using" pull down menu.  Select the "Direct to Com ___"line that correlates to your Com Port.    c.)  Select "OK" from the bottom of the window   d.) Your Com Port selection is automatically saved.5.) Turn ON your Transmitter by applying a 9 VDC battery to theconnector found on the programming cable6.)  Type the letter "v" (for "verify").   At this time, the transmitterwill report its serial number and the frequency programmed into itonto the Hyper-Terminal screen.CST-703/VS SNxxxxx .50WC 1546000Line 1:  Unit is a CST-703 voice transmitter (/V) equipped withaudio scrambling (S) and is serial number xxxxx.  If this 703 was notequipped with the scrambling option, the transmitter ID would beCST703/V.Line 2:  Unit is programmed in CLEAR, unscrambled transmission
mode (C) and will operate at 154.6000 MHz.  If this 703 wasprogrammed in SCRAMBLED AUDIO mode, the line would read :S 15460007.)  Entering your frequency is very easy.  Just remember to use alllower case letters, and follow the same letter/punctuation/and spacesequence that the transmitter reported to you on the screen.Start by entering      "f".  (You will NOT have to hit theENTER key)The transmitter will report the following to you on thecomputer screen: f=1Unit is now awaiting your input for a new frequency.  The number"1" is already programmed in for you.  Simply type in your newfrequency, beginning with the 'tens' digit.  For example, if youwanted to program your unit to operate at 162.4750 MHz, you wouldnow type the following:624750You must enter all 6 digits to finish the programming sequence.Upon entering the 6th digit:If the frequency you entered is valid, the cursor will returnto the next blank line.If the frequency you entered is invalid, the transmitter willreport "X" following the data you entered.  At this time, the originalfrequency is still programmed in the unit.  Type "f" again to restartthe programming sequence.If at any time you make a mistake, you must finish the six digits,then start the reprogramming sequence again.  You can not back-space over the incorrect entry.You do not have to type 'MHz'.  If you type anything other thaninstructed, the program will report an invalid status, and you canstart again.8.)  Once your frequency is programmed, you can set your CST-703to operate in CLEAR mode or SCRAMBLED mode (if your trans-mitter is equipped with the optional scrambling feature.After your frequency has been validated, type "cv" forCLEAR mode, or type "sv" for SCRAMBLED mode.At this point, the unit will validate your entry.9.)  After you have finished validating your entry, turn off yourtransmitter, disconnect the cables, and close the computer program.IMPORTANT:1.)  If computer interface is not COM 1, you must select the correctCom port as described in the instruction.2.)  The separation between the two transmit channels must be:Greater than or equal to 12.5 kHz3.)  Frequencies must be in 12.5 kHz steps.     Your frequency must end in any of the following configurations:xxx.0000xxx.0125xxx.0250xxx.0375xxx.0500xxx.0625xxx.0750xxx.0875xxx.10004.)  The transmitter must be ON in order to program it.5.)  Turn OFF the transmitter when finished programming.
Tactical Technologies Inc1701 Second AvePO Box 91Folsom, Pennsylvania   19033USATEL:  610-522-0106FAX:  610-522-9430

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