Tactical Technologies RX400 Personal Protection Belt Worn Receiver User Manual Manual

Tactical Technologies Inc Personal Protection Belt Worn Receiver Manual


MINDA PERSONAL PROTECTION SYSTEMRX-400MINDA Portable ReceiverOperating InstructionRev 1.0 June 2000Tactical Technologies Inc.1701 Second AveFolsom, PA  19033610-522-0106www.tacticaltechnologies.com
RECEIVER RX-400 - Quick guideEach 'MINDA' TX-400 receiver can display two status indications from up to four differenttransmitter units, coded 1-4 and all operating with the same group code. Pressing the RED buttonon a 'key-fob' style transmitter should light the Red LED on the receiver, whilst the BLACK onelights the Green LED.'BEEP' mode is selected by moving the On/Off switch in the direction away from the eight LED's,and 'SILENT' mode is selected by moving the On/Off switch towards the eight LED's.Briefly pressing the 'Reset' button will cancel any audible alert, initiate a 'lamp-test' and extinguishany LED's that may have been illuminated prior to resetting.Additional alerts provided1.  A Transmitter Low-Battery alert causes the appropriate LED indicator on the receiver to 'blink'out briefly about once per second.2.  A Receiver jamming alert will cause a series of audible 'beeps' to be generated. If this occursyou should move to an interference-free location and as soon as the interference clears the'beeps' will cease.TRANSMISSION RANGE.When using the 'MINDA' system over a line-of-sight path you are likely to obtain a workingdistance in excess of 100 yards, whereas in a busy street, hotel or station the range will benoticeably less.It is recommended that, before using a 'MINDA' system in a 'live' operational situation, you carryout a few tests in the location(s) of interest to confirm consistent and reliable operation.'MINDA' SYSTEM - FULL USER'S GUIDEGENERAL.A system, comprising transmitter(s) and receiver, will have been supplied programmed with aspecific 'Group Identity' out of the 255 possible codes available. This is set during production to'94' (hex.) unless an alternative group code identity has been requested by a particular customer.Individual transmitters will also have been programmed with a Unit Identity (1,2,3 or 4), which willbe shown on the label on the back of the case. The micro-processor controlled receiver will onlyrespond to signals from those transmitters sending the same 'group-code' identity that it has beenpre-programmed to accept. This capability minimizes the risk of interference between similarsystems that happen to be operating within radio range of one another.'MINDA' transmitter and receiver units can be reprogrammed to different codes if required, butthis operation requires the use of workshop facilities including a PC, software and a specialinterface unit. Contact your supplier for more details.
THE 'MINDA' RECEIVER RX-400.Each 'MINDA' receiver can display two status indications from up to four different transmitterunits, coded 1-4 and all operating with the same group code. Pressing the RED button on a 'key-fob' style transmitter should light the Red LED on the receiver, whilst the BLACK one lights theGreen LED.OperationThe receiver is very easy to use, and has two modes of operation, 'SILENT' and 'BEEP'. If the'BEEP' mode is selected by moving the On/Off switch in the direction away from the eight LED's,when a 'wanted' signal is received the appropriate status LED will light and an audible pulsedtone alarm will be heard. The tempo of this pulsed tone is faster for a 'Red' alarm than for a'Green' alarm, thereby facilitating the aural identification of 'Urgent' and 'Non-Urgent'transmissions.When 'SILENT' mode is selected by moving the On/Off switch towards the eight LED's, theappropriate LED will still light but all audible tone signals are inhibited. Silent signaling will beprovided by means of a built-in vibrator.Whenever the receiver is initially switched on, all of the eight large LED's will be brieflyilluminated, in pairs, to provide a 'lamp-test' and give visual confirmation that the microprocessoris operating correctly. The small red LED adjacent to the On/Off switch will then flash regularly aslong as the receiver is operating but not receiving any signals.  As soon as the receiver detects asignal the red LED will light continuously.  BE AWARE that any signal received will cause this tohappen, whether it is local electrical interference, a transmission with a different group code, or a'wanted' signal from a transmitter on your own group code.Briefly pressing the 'Reset' button will cancel any audible alert, initiate a 'lamp-test' (see above)and extinguish any LED's that may have been illuminated prior to resetting.Additional alerts provided1.  Transmitter Low-Battery alert.A valid transmission received from a transmitter with a weak, but not completely flat, battery willcause the appropriate LED indicator on the receiver to 'blink' out briefly about once per second.This will indicate to the operator that that particular transmitter should have its battery replaced atthe earliest opportunity.2.  Receiver jamming alertAny signal received on the frequency will cause the receiver to lock-on, whether it is localelectrical interference, a transmission with a different group code, or a 'wanted' signal from atransmitter on your own group code. However, if the 'MINDA' receiver is 'jammed' by a continuousunrecognized signal, then after a short period of time (set during manufacture to 5 seconds, butre-programmable) it produces a series of audible 'beeps' to alert the user and enable him to moveto an interference-free location. As soon as the interference clears the 'beeps' will cease.More about the Battery EconomizerThe battery economizer operates by switching the receiver on for a very brief period, looking for asignal, and if nothing is found switching it off again. If a signal is found, the receiver 'locks-on' forlong enough to process and display any alarm signal that may have been received. The small redLED adjacent to the On/Off switch displays the status of the battery economizer circuit. While thereceiver is in the pulsing 'standby' mode it is, in fact, switched on for less than two percent of the
time, thereby dramatically extending 'MINDA''s operating endurance before a change of battery isrequired.The slight penalty for this feature is that an incoming alarm transmission must last long enough tocatch the receiver during one of its 'on' periods to ensure that it is recognized and decoded. Inpractice this should not cause any problems provided that the transmitter button is held down forat least one second. This short imposed delay also reduces the chances of accidental false-alarms when the transmitter is carried loose in a pocket.BatteryThe 'MINDA' RX-400 receiver uses a 9 volt Alkaline battery (Duracell MN 1604 or equivalent)which should be capable of providing power for more than 1000 hours. The actual battery lifeobtained will depend very much on the number of alerts received whilst it is being used.To replace the receiver battery, slide open the battery-box cover, lift out the battery and carefullyremove the connector. Inspect the connector and, if necessary, adjust the position of the spring-leaves to ensure good contact, and fit it on to the new battery. Dress the leads to one side of thenew battery and slide the battery-box cover on until it clicks into place.TRANSMISSION RANGE.When using the 'MINDA' system over a line-of-sight path, a range of greater than 100 yards islikely, whereas in a busy street, hotel or station the range will be noticeably less.It is recommended that, before using a 'MINDA' system in a 'live' operational situation, a few testsare carried out in the location(s) of interest to confirm consistent and reliable operation.GETTING THE BEST RESULTS FROM 'MINDA'.To maximize the effectiveness and communications range of a 'MINDA' alarm system there aresome simple 'tricks' that really do work and which, on all occasions when it is practical andconvenient to use them, can be used to enhance its performance.  These are....When carrying and using the 'MINDA' receiver, try to allow the antenna wire to hang freely fromthe receiver case and also remember that audible warnings from the built-in 'beeper' may besomewhat muted if the small hole on the label side of the unit is significantly obstructed.Remember that the human body is largely comprised of water. When using a transmitter, face inthe direction of the receiving location so that your own body does not obstruct the emitted radiosignal. If possible, hold the transmitter away from your body so that there is free space around itsantenna. NEVER shorten or wrap up the transmitter antenna wire.When using a 'MINDA' transmitter or receiver inside a vehicle, try to ensure that its antenna iskept above the window line to ensure that signal levels are maximized.If you are in the street and communications get difficult, try holding the unit just above the roof ofa parked car with the antenna wire pointing upwards. By doing this the metal roof of the vehiclewill act as a counterpoise earth and so enhance the signals.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FCC COMPLIANCE:
THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.  OPERATION IS SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:1.  THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND2. THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.U.K RADIO AUTHORITY'S COMPLIANCE:The unit is fully compliant with the U.K. Radio Authority’s Specification MPT1340 for short-rangeradio alarm systems.‘MINDA’ operates in the 418MHz radio frequency band, which in the U.K. has been allocated forgeneral short-range operation by low-power security systems and car alarms.LICENSING All ‘MINDA’ products are license-exempt when used in the USA and the U.K.WHAT IS ACTUALLY TRANSMITTEDWhenever a ‘MINDA’ transmitter operates, the actual digital data message transmitted containsall of the following pieces of information, repeated a number of times:< I am a ‘MINDA’ transmitter >and < My Family Identity Code is ‘xxx’ >and < I am Unit No. ‘y’ >and < My alarm status is ‘Red/Green’ >and < My battery status is ‘OK/Low’ >If the first two pieces of data in the above message exactly match the information programmedinto a ‘MINDA’ receiver, then the rest of the information will be decoded and displayed on theLEDs. If they do not match, the entire message is ignored.GUARANTEETactical Technologies Inc. guarantees to make good any faults due to defective materials orworkmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase.  Where the fault is the result ofmisuse, negligence or inexpert repair, Tactical Technologies Inc. reserve the right to make acharge to cover the extra costs involved.RE-PROGRAMMING OF OPTIONSThe configuration of an RX-400 ‘MINDA’ receiver, and any of the ‘MINDA’ range of intelligenttransmitters, can be changed by re-programming them using a PC and a ‘MINDA’ custom-designed interface. This work requires some specialist technical knowledge as well as access toa PC and peripherals and, for this reason, most customers will probably find it more convenient toreturn the equipment to Tactical Technologies Inc. for re-programming.Those customers who do have in-house technical expertise and sufficient ‘MINDA’ units to makean investment in programming software cost-effective, may wish to consider purchasing thespecial ‘MINDA’ programming kit which comprises hardware interface cables and connectors,custom software on disk, and full instructions.  Further details and prices on this kit can beobtained from Tactical Technologies Inc.

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