Tactical Technologies TX400 Personal Protection Transmitter User Manual

Tactical Technologies Inc Personal Protection Transmitter Users Manual

Users Manual

MINDA PERSONAL PROTECTION SYSTEMTX-400 KEY-FOB TRANSMITTEROperating InstructionRev 1.0 June 2000Tactical Technologies Inc.1701 Second AveFolsom, PA  19033610-522-0106www.tacticaltechnologies.com
OVERVIEWThank you for purchasing a MINDA TX-400 Transmitter, which uses a low-power microprocessorfor ‘house-keeping’ and offers the following factory programmable options:• A Unit Identity Code (TX ID number 1,2,3,or 4) which will allow a single receiver to identify up tofour different transmitters.• A very secure Family Identity Code, enabling secure use of multiple groups of transmitters andreceivers together in the same location - without receiving alarms in ALL receivers.• Full compatibility with other MINDA equipment• Transmitter ‘Low Battery’ alert sent to receiver• Very low power consumptionKeep this instruction manual in a safe place - it contains important information and helpful tipswhich will assist you to obtain the best possible performance from your new MINDA system.OPERATING FREQUENCYAll MINDA systems for use in the United States operate on a frequency of 418MHz in the UHFband. The operating radio frequency cannot be changed to suit a specific customer’s needs.BATTERY INSTALLATIONThe MINDA TX-400 transmitter requires an internal 12 volt 33mA/hour battery type GP 23A(Duracell type MN-21).To install a new battery into a key-fob style transmitter, the two-piece case must be pried open byinserting and carefully twisting a flat-bladed screwdriver into the groove formed by the two casehalves. The old battery can then be removed and replaced by a new one, taking care to ensurethat it is orientated in accordance with the polarity markings on the inside of the case. The casetop should then be carefully aligned with the LED and gently but firmly snapped closed just usingfinger pressure.OPERATIONThe TX-400 will only communicate with an appropriate MINDA receiver, such as the RX-400pocket receiver, or the RX-500 portable/mobile/tabletop receiver.The TX-400 is operational immediately upon inserting the battery.The TX-400 has two buttons: RED and BLACK.  The RED button sends a RED ALARM to aMINDA receiver.  The BLACK button sends a GREEN alarm to a MINDA receiver.  Press andhold either button for at least 1 second to transmit your alarm.The TX-500 has one RED LED.  The red LED illuminates during transmissions. In use, if the redLED on the transmitter fails to light, or is lit dimly, the transmitter battery probably needs to bereplaced.WHAT IS ACTUALLY TRANSMITTEDWhenever a ‘MINDA’ transmitter operates, the actual digital data message transmitted containsall of the following pieces of information, repeated a number of times:< I am a ‘MINDA’ transmitter >and < My Family Identity is ‘xxx’ >and < I am Unit I.D. ‘y’>and < My alarm status is ‘red/green’ >and < My battery status is ‘OK/low’ >
If the first two pieces of data in the above message exactly match the information programmedinto the ‘MINDA’ receiver, then the rest of the information will be decoded and displayed on thereceiver's LEDs. If they do not match, the entire message is ignored.UNIT IDENTITYA MINDA TX-400 Keyfob Transmitter can have one of four possible Unit Identities (1, 2, 3 or 4)pre-programmed by the factory. The user can not alter the pre-programmed Unit Identity Code (shown on the label on the back ofthe case) whenever required.Note: Check that you know the Unit Identity (1,2,3,or 4) of the transmitter that you intend to useby sending a test signal to a ‘MINDA’ receiver and noting which of its LEDs illuminates.ANTENNAThe transmitter's antenna is the external small black cord.  Never attempt to shorten, fold up ormodify the transmitter antenna since such action will seriously degrade the range of the MINDAsystem. When using the key-fob transmitter, hold the case so that the short cord antenna pointsaway from you, and then press the appropriate button for at least one second. The small red LEDshould illuminate.FAMILY IDENTITY CODEEach MINDA system, when supplied to a customer, will have already been programmed at timeof manufacture with a common default ‘Family Identity Code’ (hexadecimal 94) enabling it to beused with any other of the standard MINDA products. The Family Identity Code for a particularfamily of MINDA units can easily be re-programmed by returning all of the equipment to TacticalTechnologies Inc.  The TX-400 transmitter can by programmed with any one of a possible 255Family Identity Codes.For a MINDA system to operate with, and recognize up to four independent transmitters, theFamily Identity Code of the receiver and transmitter(s) all have to match AND each of thetransmitters must have a different Unit Identity (1,2,3 or 4).A microprocessor controlled MINDA receiver will only respond to signals from those transmitterssending the same Family Identity Code that it has been pre-programmed to accept. Thiscapability minimizes the risk of interference between similar systems that happen to be operatingwithin radio range of one another. It is absolutely vital therefore, to ensure that all transmitterand receiver units that have to operate together are programmed with the same Family IdentityCode. Signals received from any ‘alien’ transmitter operating within range will not be decodedand, instead, treated by the receiver as radio interference on the channel.LOW BATTERY WARNINGWhen the battery voltage of a MINDA TX-400 transmitter drops to a level where batteryreplacement is desirable, each subsequent transmission made will be ‘tagged’ to indicate this factto the receiving end. When a MINDA receiver recognizes a ‘tagged’ signal from a MINDAtransmitter, the LED indicator appropriate to that transmitter’s Unit Identity will start to ‘blink out’briefly about once per second.BATTERY LIFEThe TX-400, when equipped with a fresh battery, should operate for more than 5000 activationsof the transmitter.
TRANSMISSION RANGEWhen using the MINDA system over a line-of-sight path, a range of greater than 100 yards islikely, whereas in a busy street, hotel, or indoors the range will be less.GETTING THE BEST RESULTS WITH MINDATo maximize the effectiveness and communications range of a 'MINDA' alarm system there aresome simple 'tricks' that really do work and which, on all occasions when it is practical andconvenient to use them, can be used to enhance its performance.  These are....•  When carrying and using the 'MINDA' receiver, try to allow the antenna wire to hang freely fromthe receiver case and also remember that audible warnings from the built-in 'beeper' may besomewhat muted if the small hole on the label side of the unit is significantly obstructed.•  Remember that the human body is largely comprised of water. When using a transmitter, facein the direction of the receiving location so that your own body does not obstruct the emitted radiosignal. If possible, hold the transmitter away from your body so that there is free space around itsantenna. NEVER shorten or wrap up the transmitter antenna wire.•  When using a 'MINDA' transmitter or receiver inside a vehicle, try to ensure that its antenna iskept above the window line to ensure that signal levels are maximized.•  If you are in the street and communications get difficult, try holding the unit just above the roofof a parked car with the antenna wire pointing upwards. By doing this the metal roof of the vehiclewill act as a counterpoise earth and so enhance the signals.
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEIf signals from a TX-400 transmitter are not being received by a MINDA receiver the followingtests should be undertaken:1.) Check that the transmitter is not out of receiver range by temporarily reducing the distancebetween the units to 10 yards or less.  Begin to increase the distance again until signalstransmitted are not received reliably. This will give a good indication of the likely maximumworking range that can be achieved in the particular location used for these tests.2.) Observe the red LED on the transmitter. If it fails to light, or is lit dimly, when a button ispressed the battery probably needs to be replaced.3.) If the units still fail to communicate, check that the MINDA receiver is operating correctly bypressing and releasing its RESET button and confirming that the eight LEDs briefly illuminate. Ifthis does not happen, replace the battery in the receiver with a new one and try again.4.) Confirm that interference or another signal is not jamming the receiver. If necessary, move thereceiving location away from the source of the interference.5.) Check that other transmitters (in the same family) are being received OK.6.) Return the faulty transmitter for check-out and/or repair.MAINTENANCEThe MINDA transmitters require minimal maintenance. Problems with the internal electronics areunlikely unless the unit has been subjected to some physical damage. The most likely sources ofdifficulty will be associated with the transmitter battery or its contacts, the mechanical switches, orthe antenna. These items should be inspected regularly and corrective action taken, where foundto be necessary.
TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATIONUNITED STATES OF AMERICA FCC COMPLIANCE:THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.  OPERATION IS SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:1.  THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND2. THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.U.K RADIO AUTHORITY'S COMPLIANCE:The unit is fully compliant with the U.K. Radio Authority’s Specification MPT1340 for short-rangeradio alarm systems.Operating frequency: 418.00 MHz nominalOverall freq. accuracy:  ± 100 kHzOperating range:  50 to 150 metres (depends on the local environment)Transmitter E.R.P.:  0.5 milliwatt (-6dBm) typicalInternal power source:  12 volt alkaline battery (MN-21)Current drain:  < 20 mA while actually transmittingOperating temp. range: -10 to +55 degrees CelsiusBattery life:  Depends on number of transmissionsGUARANTEETactical Technologies Inc. guarantees these MINDA products from any faults due to defectivematerials or workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. Where the fault isthe result of misuse, negligence or inexpert repair, Tactical Technologies Inc. reserve the right tomake a charge to cover the extra costs involved.RE-PROGRAMMING OF OPTIONSRe-programming of any MINDA equipment requires specialist electronic knowledge, possibly aPC (not for TX-400) and peripheral equipment. For this reason, most customers will find it moreconvenient to return the equipment to Tactical Technologies Inc. for re-programming.

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