Tait TEL0015 User Manual 79730

Tait Limited 79730



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Document ID79730
Application ID5obKu4XO7P0NH0ZfFoCVMg==
Document Description8a
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize32.2kB (402526 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-05 00:00:00
Date Available1998-10-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-03 03:34:20
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-03 03:34:31
Document Title79730.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Tan Hezlmnks ud
Software LKente
By openmg (his
product paU.5 h tutu u! ulllm
Antenna connector SMA
Fur full delalls nflhl- lechniml specificaliflm 01 the radio
refer la the 3mm Mumm/ (Jr (0 your neamt lalt dl’dlelfl
Tait Electronics Ltd
Software Licence Agreement
Tiiis iegat ddcuinent is an Agreement between yeu ttrie “Licencee”;
and Tait Elemmntcs tinitied ("Tall") By opening riiis modud package
and/or usingtne product you agree to be edund py tne terms at ttiis
Agreement if yYJu do not agree u) the terms ai tnis Agesment, dn net
cpen trie pmduct paciaee and immediateiy return the unapened prod
uct package mTail tiynu open tne pmductpactagei tnatwni be deemed
ta be acceptance at ttie terms ei ttiis iicence agreement.
in consideration at the payment at tne ticence Feet wincn terms partat
tne price ypu paid for pmduns yuu acquired irdrn Tait or its subsidiary
or agent [ttie “products"i ann pur wriiingiiess to be humid by tne terms
pttiiis agreements Tart grants LB yart} as Licentee trre nerrexciusive rigttt
to use the copy at a Tan sdrtware prdgram inciuded in the prattucts ttne
in particuian ttne LiCEncEe may use the pmgram an a singie mathine
and irtrie settwdre is suppiied an a diskette, tne iicensee may
tar Copy nie pragrarn into any macnine readatrte or printed term tor
backup purposes in suppcirt at your use at tne pmgram dii ttie
singe mactiine tcertarn umgiams. tiaweyer may inciude mecria
iiisnistd tirrit dr innieitcdpying tiieyare married ‘EDW pttttectedw
pvovided ine mpyrignt nutice must be rearaduoeit and inciuded
en any sucti copy at the Software
(b) Merge it intn aiiatner prdgram tar your use on tne singie maciiine
(My paniaii tit this pmgmm merged into another pragram win
cantinue to be subiect “3 me terms arid conditions attriis Ayee
Tire Licennee may not dupiuatei medity, reveise Lompiie or reierse
assemtiie trie smtware in wtiaie or part
Title to software
inis agreement dues net mnstiluie a contract at sate in reiation to tire
Samara suppiied ta tne Ltcericee Nm wrtnstanding ttie Licencee may
own tne magiettc drainer ptiysicai media uri which trie Software was
urienaiiy suppiieti m tias subsequentty been recerded er iixea n is a
tundarnentai term ci tiiis Agreement tnat at all times titte and Mel
snip cttne Schwaiey unetrier tin the drigiiiai media di ntherwises snaii
remain vested in Tall or third pames wrio naue granted iieences to Tan
2.983 tdlta) l of 2 (USER)
firm and terminatian
This Licence shall be efiective unttl terminated in accordance ytim ttie
promsrqns nttttis Agreement Ttie Licencee may terminate ihis Licence
at any time by destroying aii cup-es ot the mate and associated
written materiais Triis Ltcence Wiii be terminated automaticaiiy and
without nutice irnm Tait in the event that the Licences iaits tn cumuiy
wttn any term er Condition of ttiis Agreement The Licencee agrees to
destroy all copies of the Sqttware and associated written materiais in
the ever“ at suctt termination
Limited warranty
ine Sartware is suppiied byTait arid atoepled ey tne ticericee "as is“
WKMM warranty at any itind Eithei Expressed dr implied, including but
net ueing iimited in any impued warranties as te merchantability or
iitness for any particuiar nurpose iiie entire risk as to the duaiity and
pencrmance at me Soliwate vesls in me Licencee snauid me Sofia
ware pnwe ta be detecirue, the Licencee tand ndi Licenser dr any Sub
sidiary er agent 07 trie Licenseri snaii assume trie entire cast at aii
necessary servicing repair or correction rait dues not wanam tnat tne
tunctidris contained in trie Schware wiii meet ttie Licencee's venture—
merits pr tnat ttie Dpevallori pi trie Wye Wiii be uninterrupted or
errartree Heweyeriait warrants mattne diskettes it any on wnicn tne
Schwave is suppiied tn tne Licencee snaii be tree tram detects in mate
riai and wmkmanship under nermai use and serytce tor a petirxi ei
ninety (90) days from ttie date or deirvery to tire tnencee
Exclusion of liability
Tatt‘s entire iiabtllly and tie ticencee's eitciusiie remedy snaii be
1 The replacement at any diskette ncrt meeting iait "iimited warc
rarity" and whlch is returned to Tait at an autnprised agnt nr
subSifllary oi Tait yiitri a cdpydttrie Ltceticee‘s purchase VBCEiDL er
2. it a dlsketm is suppiied and ii Tait is unatrie to deiiyer a repiace-
ment diskette mat is free irpm detects in matenai nr workmanship
trie Linenoee may terminate triis Agreement try returning tie sdtt
ware to Ted
3 in nc circumstances snaii Tait be under any iiauiiitytc tne Licencee‘
0! any Ollie! DEN)" whatsoevet‘ in! any dived Bl cunsequznhai
damage arising out cit dr iii cannectian witn any use nr inatriiity at
using the Sertware
A Tait warrants tne nperatrtin ertne Software cniyyyitii tiie operating
system tot whicn it was designed Use pi tne Scttware min an
operating system enter tiian tnat tdr wnicn it was designed may
net be supported by Tait uriiess dtnerWise expvessiy ageed try
2.983 (d)(8) l of 2
General My custom settings
The chencee confirms m a she" crummy wrth the prnvrsrnns of raw m
relaneh m we Soflware Function key settings
. . . . Slmnpw“ 1 , , r r
Llw andlurlsdwunn ‘ “5 |m \«
n; —
ths Agreement shaH be subrecnn and cunsuued rn accordance wnh
NawZeararrd law and drsputes muse“ the parhes cancevmngme nu)
vrsrorrs hereur shah be dmermined by the New Zearand Cams at Law.
anded however Tart may at rls erecnoh bung proceedmgs rm breach
m the terms harm or hr the enrwcerhem at any judgemem «r remruh S-lcall “mus
m a breach or the ierrhs hereof rrr any rurrsdmrurr Tan cunsrders m hr Yom Smlcal] in
me purpose or ensurrng Cumnllance wrlh the terms harem or obtalmng '
rerrgr [or breach or the terms harem cummonly used channels/group:
, l‘mnuur Senm
No dealings g”
The cheflcee may nut subhczrrse, assrgn m Ivansrer (he hcence or the
prugam erupt as expressly prwdea |n (hrs Agreemem Any anemm
umerwrse 10 subhnense, assrgx or flansrer any DI me nghts. duties or
Obhgaliuns hereunder IS vmd
Na other terms
The cherroee achrrowrsdges mar rr has read mus agreement unner—
stand «and agree 10 be bflufld by rmerrhs and wndmons The homes
iur‘her agrees that lhls rs Ihe summers and excruswe summer“ or the
agreement between rt and Tan rh rerahun to the Software whrch super?
mes any prupasar or phor agreement oral or wlrmn and any mher
cummumcavms between the uoencee and Tan rerahhgm fire Software

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Create Date                     : 2001:05:03 03:34:20
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 79730.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:03 03:34:31-04:00
Page Count                      : 15
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FCC ID Filing: CASTEL0015

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