Tait TEL0015 User Manual 8

Tait Limited 8



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Document ID79729
Application ID5obKu4XO7P0NH0ZfFoCVMg==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize104.77kB (1309683 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-05 00:00:00
Date Available1998-10-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-04 11:28:46
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Document Lastmod2001-05-04 11:28:47
Document Title8

2.983 (d)(8i 2nd of 2 (SERVICE)
2.983 (d) SCHEMATICS
Part A: Introduction
Strvidng Tait 0m handponzbles .....
What does :his manual contain7
Wm: IS include/1m me smm ut’
Important infurmnion
am szn‘mng puuu'mns
naming“ .
Cauilofl’ CMOS dei ms
Scr hump“ ,,,. .. ., .....
Caiihxanng ., , ,
Tesnmuue: , . ,
The Tait Om suiu ofhandportzhie mdios ._.:
Pmduci races
Optmnngmnmczinm ..
Fitting 3 non-Tait accexm '
Part B: Radio specifications and circuit descriptions
Radio spzuficauons .
Table 5-3 Reccwer permmnnte
mug-i Cenmupmfimons
T1171: 3-1, Transmitter performance
Cimmdmnynnm .
Tmmmnu .
7mm" my Judiu
3mm: W 8-7
Aennnmmaumu is?!
5mm,“ m1 v0.7 a-s
Pflherxuppiin . v . . , "as
Tm Elemmcs Ltd has made Every effort in ensure [he accuracy at me informatmn in ms manual.
wasz. Tm 51mm: Lm reserves the rigimn updanz this manual wmm mfice.
. “MN 40 4mm Cement! \
05“ NV . ..
~sx T‘< ..
«mm, (annular imen‘ace
impilcwcm arnaxmwband mun widebnnd IF fiilenng
Part C: Diagnostics and fault finding
Diagnostics andfaultfinding.
Ermr codes;
Tux commands
Caitulznng the pznmezers requued m as: command it); .
Fauit finding chm; -"
. v v. f
Fauix findmg- Radin (mum in: untrhedq X
huh-finding - Cannot change than .
7. x ~
FM]! findmgf Vogenaicomn‘nm' (rugs.
_ _ , x35,
Fauitnncing-Rcceimagifi‘ ’ v
i _ x
Fm findingftinnor (mm-i
Faultfinding-Vulmnxmflaudiu v . .v . .... . . .
Part D: Servicing the radio
Servicing (h: ridib
Rtmuvmg n“ l‘mm panel {mm m: chassis
Remavmgmechasslsfiemlheshmld . D-S
Ramonnglhtflflfl'umtheihasm , 9.7
zzpimng me pr." u} pad
Replacingrhe sptaker
upxmng ‘ht ammnz connenror mam! sgimm smkh and miume comml swuch mo
Rapiatmgme mumpnone . . ..
Repimng me inner: and speaker w“
the man mirth
e tkeauxman {in
Qemovmgrhe‘ezrpanti .
Keir panzi reassembly
Rememming (he ndm
Fizlmg the PCB mm: (ham)
1/93 max 110 ammw
11 Comm":
meg huhmdmlhnhnmx
Part E: Downloading radio software
Downloading radic software
Immung 'ha wmmrz
Druemdpnlhapuum , E—S
Installmgamouse , . , 5-3
Semngupaprngmmlmn\\\lncewsikyurshnntuHWmdtyWSQS) v 5-3
Cunnztrmg a mint .
mm; the <1hmgze>
om"): help
sum; up mu! wmm
Chanmng C1\Xpan mung; mu mud mu
("flinging x'nv: damn pub and chmzvm
Dnumoaamu 11110 wrrwar: . .
V'fl‘madm" ”him mmmrc .
mum; (he pmgwm
3mm gun
Baum Hr: v
Euewlng mum m
Pmer- mg mm m m
Ulipmmg mum nukt] cadmium ‘umem . .. F4
Dnnup m charger
(hargmg Khe ‘muw' mug (he IJ>K Aharger .
mmrger mmmmn
[unmnumug m hzmrvhuh h e in: danger m
rwnmnumwmlmng the bunny mm m m charger . F-6
Ram ‘ng 1h? (fithrgtr vs»;
3cas~emb|mg the Lhmgu ,. w
Demlnplmde “Mgr m
GMT-mm —T
[Harmnziteualtr'xAsmw'he ncdmnarzer . v .. F-s
F a
at)“: ns v -< mme chum»
us a h, A
Part G: Interfacing non-Tait accessories
Irma-fining non-Tm actssoriu...
TillOrcaacrtsxory cnnmcmr . .
«mason pwer
Antessory function lumen:
Connzmng an azcessory
Methamfll mzmblv mum":
CanneumgaheadsetusingmeTmOrmurzsmrycnnnetmr , , , M
Connzcnng a modem usmg me Tau Orca ztcusmy (unnecmr
Cnnnzrnngthzmudem output v v
smmg rhzngna] 1m ..
Cdnnkcnngmz modem mpul , v a;
ISmmzmusuryadapmr ;
Part H: Additionai information
Glossary .
Tan Elmniu Limited Sefi’mre Liam:
w Cantu"; was!” us 31mm
Semu'ng m: Om hmdpomhlu
Mm dues (ms manual Lomqm' . ..
Wm smcludedmlhzsznkthl‘
[mpomm information ,.
Ema mmng premuuum
CJumm (HOS as Ms
Sum hm: n‘pea
Tnfiut'imes . .. v
mm Orca smes ofhandpomblz radios v
Dpemtmg mnrutrmns
mm m accnsor)‘
hung J “0an umwry
Servicing Tait Orca handportables
The Tan cm series uihandpcnabie radius is I informirnn on finding and an‘icmg of
J range nfnign performance, micropmcrmn non-PCB»reIamd i‘auiis,
conimiiedradius manufactured usingRF- . f T, 0 h
shamed PCEmndhiEh-densinMD ‘" °'"‘3“°“““ 3" "3m?“
, - Accessorizs'
I informanon on interfacing messunzs in
The manufacturin ruccss does not zilinw
g P m Orca handpartabl
direct sminng atcess m PCB components.
mice repmrs umir Orca handpcriabies are - inslrucnims for uploading radio
limired In iey merhanica] and inciiiary firmwarei and
Anita; Jsseciaisd mm ihe mam PCB These
r l J girman‘ ofkev izrms.
inczude. -
. P” “Y?“ What is included in the service kit?
I speaker The Senire kn Comams:
I nrrrenm [unneflqy l uiibmian (es: unit (TON-sum»;
l Unannri seiecmr Switch A radio Eniibmtmn rabid for connecting the
l L l h Z radii) m the {filibranou ms: um! iom “v-
to um r -.
ewn m Svilt M2):
' “m?“l’“ xszszio modulmrphuneiackmblefor
I Spelmrr (enracts _ Conntclmfl th caiibraiiun Test unit in a
. PC ion». 13);
I batten forums
I DC irmre adapmr ropisxznoflz
l PTT iinlemziii
‘ l r H N-N‘ne RF iesi ind far conntmng
I iimimr- ‘ ‘< .‘
w the radii) , antenna (onnecmr iORX'
I RF nut assembly iV-Dnfiit
The service repair arpcwreinird mm is ("rig l T5 dmer bu and 5 mm socket iDPA—W
sine rtspansibliiw ai xii: Cuswmer 3mm 0111:
Duision u) Tn" Mnbiie Radia. Se; ioiiriirr I this "mm:
denier ioi mionmmm on returning iauiry
mum to ihe Cusmmer Sflvicts Diuiwn, I (in 5 Winiuill r/u‘mumn mm W Tim
07m Rrrurur i iP\' 43 00an
What does this manual contain? l a 3 5mm high Jam“, 1 u ms
Thu" manuai primaes 1m roiiuwng- talibmlion s) .ern insmii link if“?
‘ JnJ
I «mm inrnrrmuon 1nd ipci‘incuiions m
e Tm 0m serves ul ‘nindunrzmie l a s 541163th Jensm' L 44 MB “din
radms' Aiiunioau program illstail disk i'*':‘77“"")
l ‘MSKL‘ Circull Jestriptions miner rrems required i'or eniihrnriun but nui
inriiiufid .i> Dan «M the service ‘411 are:
. xix .m “m.“ innoduman A-J
I RF communications (EEK SEK (Lg, HPSQZO
Ml2945/55‘ CMSSZ):
l dtgilalcunenlmzlarcayzblc ofmeasur-
mg currem up to 3 \ accurate to two
declmal placa,
I DC puwersupplv, 7 3 v‘ 3A for
handponab]: radxos; and
l DC pawn supply, 13 s v, 7 A for mobile
The cunvzmmns shown in the table btlow are
used mmugnom m1; manual.
(mum the mfonmnvn m zhz Radio Mad-l
am kSn-mfiuflamxcnen) u (mm
Sqmm! scvun and menu names screen
[Mums m anputflr um
Bald um m1
To mu m (rhlngto type alumna! m. 005
mums Cnmmanus m musfiwe. xmvutel mmmnzs
andffles ,« pmmpl
my mum» P‘azenmnels ‘ar mmmamn you mun arm? 1“ c\\mum
m m muxfpm’vxd: lhtpllhmmt
fit h: he honor“ 0! KM mmlmv W1" mmaflv
m mm mazes
1:3»: Dmuh
The new: dlrztlnry magnum
new flnmes Ami muame s:u¢s%\
‘ ‘s.
we c ‘zan made mas-m names cw ‘
cumnulev mvzcmnes a min?
ALL cam/us
Inmucnnn m?! m us mm
Important information
Basic servicing precautions
Tun Orm handpnrrablt radms require
specmlhed szn rung rechniques and should
onlv be serum] 4: an apprmed Tm sen'me
centre equipped mm the ntressar) famhues
Standard antl-srauc procedures shnuld be
{allowed a tu-pmr xetup is shuun m Figure A,
Ifin doubh wnuct m rieczmmcs m or
your mm: Tau dealer.
Repam “tempted mm mmrrec: uqunpmenl
ur b\ unnamed personnel may mu]: m
pmmm damage
Caunnn CMDS dzvr'ces
Thrs equipment canmms mos demufix
mum m suswpnhle as damage fro rim 3
charges ummm handling zhesea mes'is
cssemml. For correct handling premiums.
me u manufmturers' a“ book; cm'ermg
C‘aXOS damn. such 15 thhpr Dum Humibnnk
Cermg (”OX Onmr nr Huron/[rt (MOS
a.“ Ham 3mm“ ; wHquz/JHIg szeaum'r.
grams new seruo
Screw head types
Puzidnv races; hm screws and Tan rectss
head screws requm [he Curran med dnuer re
mm bzsx perfnrmmce.
The screws lhal secure me from pant! m the
rhassu are HE'S mm me P021 straws. and
[m straw that huldx {ht PCB w the (hams 15
an M2 '5 mm Pan P01) screw. Use a Peril
dm’er ml to 2 inth pounds to remove and
replace them,
The screws ihat mm the spuker mounnng
brackrr to me msrde uf:he from panel an
1 3'5 mm anx head Scrzws L'Se aTorx TS
drn‘er m to : mch puunds “n remove and
Wage Ihem
ForAmfirmztlun on nmgrammmg Tm! Urea
handporuble radius, refer the L's”: Manual:
ergrammmg Sum, m m Om Cunvmu‘onal
rim/m (IP.\' 43951100“) or me Users
Hnnmu: ngmmmmg 5mm {277 Tm: Om
nmgsur‘ Kuhn: (IPX 4395x200“).
cur momma" on mnbraung Tau Orca
handpurmble radros, refer 'o the L'scrr
Mmmai Cabin/11m” firm/"w m 0101
a o cuzmmgeanh mar
Trams mm «B m
sues «35mm
induct-we m: a‘lAD
w \ Q
\ “
‘ l
1 1; o
introduction A - 5
Radius, The uhbranon system xs Supphed as
part ofthe semce kin
Test facilities
Standard mt {mums provxde a way ohesnng
[he ndm's funmons independently ofnormal
radin apentian. See pages 21 m 29 for a
description of the test fznlities amilahle for
Tait Orca handporuble ndms.
A - 6 hundumnn
“sum as gamma
The Tait Orca series of handportable radios
There are three Talr Orczl serles hanaponalale
radius available:
I the Orra Elan
A: the time 'l1|s manual was pubbshed, 0an
the Orra Elan was available. Therefore, rhls
manual unes nur lnelude lnrbrmauon specrlle
m Orea Excel and Orm Eclipse handpnnable
radius When there radios are released 2
revlslun ofihls manual ml! also be released
the Orca Excel", and
\he urea Ecrlpse,
lnfurmflrlon «7n1he Orca Elan that was nor
urarla'nle ar the ~rnre this manual went to prlnr
niil be me ueu mm inn manual as an msm
(IP\' 410—“000- .].
Product codes
The digits m me Tall Drra pruuuacode \
prm'lde lxlrorrnarlon abour zhe radua wadel
number anu muons nardhare up .
x,” a,"
accnrdlng ll) (he L‘omenrlon ourllned in Figure
A-7 The naming Eonvenlion is not lnrenueu
m implv mar any parrlcular cDmblnaunn of
radio fearures ls at preszm avmlablt or
planned (or larer release For more lnl’omlar
mm on whal femurs; are available eanrarr
rnur nearest Tau dealer
Operating instructions
A user's manual rs available for each radio.
These are available undzr (he following [F.Vs:
Cammtiaflnl handparmble
Orca Elan user 5 manual llPN JOQ—OOMDQX)
Orra Excel user 5 manual “PX 409 ”f’v‘f’fl‘)
Org; Eclipse- lser's manual (m: 409-m0x)
inferred handpnmle
Orca Elan user 5 manual (IPV 409- ”77.” -0x)
/ Orm Etiel user 3 manual (IPV 409 ”w- r)
Orcar eclipse user 3 manual l’lPN 409
zCrcz ar'upcranle «3mm; Ismeh'l: r
P wanccurlaule
M TlCClle
Channel SDacmg
1 20 25 «Hz
’ ”45 kHz
S 136W VlHZ
4 JCS-HF W4:
r 415" ‘Al—‘l
mammal g
Cusmm rmducr
O Derault
1 Sceclal
e 4h w My mum Inn'odum'nn
The followmg attessories are available for Tan
Orca hindponahlt [include IPN '
I Antennas (1px mmmw)
I Audm accessories
_ Lapel speak” microphones pecifimxmnx
mic as. Tmniimnu performznu
Cimmdesmytiuns .
Mti‘iver u .
RueweinHufliD ..
ixmhesner and a co
Pnnzr mpyiin
6X Dig
«svw .
«5 TN .. v
+4 wait
mmun uonnectar min-me
[mmmuomui’mrmwhandwrmswidebandiFfilrmng . .. .i 54;
Radio specifications
The perfmmatice figures outlined in Tables 1 Dennis chest methods Lind the conditions
to 3 are tjlpitziftgul‘tsl unless ciherwtse Ihnt apply for type approval testing in all
stated, for equipment uperaling at standard countries tan be obtained from Till Electron-
mum temperaturt. Whetz applicable. the test its mi
methods used to obtain the performancz
figures are those dzsttibed in the European
specifications ETS 300086 (theck this).
was lPN «9 imam» Eadie tpeufiizfinm and mzuit dmnpu'mu B - 3
Table 5-1 Serum sneclficaucns
5115 m m D undumng 52 mm x 1511 mm x 44 mm
51mm m1 mew
Wew‘t ancmumz sum-u 495 i
was binary and hen can)
S~nzmnzvand a 135174111111
6 17¢225M1~z
D 225271)sz
z 27431011111
5 szm-m
11 140-170 11111
1 453530sz
new”, ncvemenls a, 525 (Hz
nemwuand 9tz
mmmmuecam 20-111
‘iurvnev ;1 marinas
an 15
mm m
Ecfixpse >1co
cnanw spacmg
51mm maze
11-4 11mm lpeaLfiraliom m4 cirruizdacn'pnnns
Slandam 1:51 11mg; 75 v
aanerr sauacw
Stamina 1100 mAh
H1gn apacny 15130 mAh
mu 11350 mun
Banw 11a 12 flF amt Law 11 wam‘
sxanaam 10.5 mm 15/5/9111
7 mm (10/10/50)
mamanacny 1:1 M1115 1515190)
3511011511011 1551
WM 15 M1115 1515/9171
“zaMm'Unal 130111 mm mecmm Mammy mung named
sawy 11a 3 RF 9mm van 14 «ansv
Slandflrd 3mm 15151901
J; x 5 arms 1101101201
10 3 hcu515/51901
a s new; 11111135171
:3 "1111151451901
5 hams 11011313111
Ternevamre ‘unge .D’C re
:2 5 mam over ‘emceramre
3.1311“. “summon
Table 5-2: Racewer Derimmance
12 :5 5mm ”7 18m mm mum!
120 15m mama»
20 as mm 414 cam wmwmmum)
wmmum m 130
Qaled my 500 mw n «1 5m.
mam mm 15m
Gmumn upplv .; derivtd from the
av «n “mgr. 1r ls used u, swnch between
the 'ran5mu and recent vco; m ccnluncnon
mm me rrunsmn command line {mm the
procesrur It also provide: bias for me
rmegmor 1c m the synthesis”,
Accessory tonne-nor interface
The arcesaon‘ connector mren‘ace As desmhed
m Pm F lnteriacmg rum-Tan necessaries.
sweslvv uhmwwa
£5 E 92;
2.3» Emuai 5. F; 0.8 ryésozuca 592
Umfl 25.0
uremia/gm (yr;
Tin: Om Riinnir riir ‘ni’nrniniinn ori‘usirig iiie fir,
cummands in a ran
the parameters for
command 101 are automaticailv falcuiatcd.
Errar nudes
The errors you mzv recehe iiiiiie the main is
in test mode are
{C01} xn inmiid cummand aide has been
iCOZi A (valid) command code has been
recened but had invalid parametersr
my i (vaiid) command (Dd! has been
receiieii inii ir cannot be groussed rr this
icon in errnr occurred Juring me
imnn‘iisnriun often made.
WG-1) Front panel test failed indicnes
near i power—on nnnr pane rest his
. (a iied.
ix05i MCL‘ iniernii Configuration
nenrreri. indicates IhAK mgr lmErnzli
camigumliun is mlmrec! and ms radio is
in zne -.\rong nnernring made, The radio
must be 5m! ned nifnnii on mm in a
mode ziinr xiliiiis ii in be prngrimmeii
NOE) MCU intermi configuration nuw
programmzd inditates inar rne mirro-
prucesmr 5 inrernai mnflgurahun has
rini» been sei correctly bu! the radio musi
be smithed ui'hnd an Again for zhe
change to rakc enecr.
:.\'071.\icL' operaurig mode error
indium (ha! me micropmcessur has
poxiered up in i mode rmi Wands:
ineidtquflle eeenriry ior iir iiirernni
NOS} Test iiii'x error iniiiriirs iiiir 2! mini
pi. :n rne ioeon pniniiir nasbeen
rercii ed inrn ine resi ini‘r iriii cnnnecied.
Dugrmsnu minim finding c-a
l (X31) ESN checksum error, Indium that
the radios ESN Chtrksum is mcorreu.
I (X32) Dzmbnsz (hecksum error Indium
that (he radro's dambase Ehecksum rs
l lX35) Tamperzlure >T1 rhmshold:
rmpending turn down ul'rrrmsmir power.
. (X36) Temperature >TZ threshold?
rmpendjng rum afinfrransmirren
l (X37) Voltage ewa mes
s mmemasenasveamm
= flmccemra flsmng‘cz‘nlmwus]
1ch mm;
awame maumme 5.3mm;
am yum» sinadmi iecaaz sums
new; a - mat nut celededv
1 - aw calmed
Mm am; a; mm mm Non!
-:r:e >x mm mum Ncne
was 5? mm Hana
mug :s.= npuv Hana
, nucfl um 913mm “€ ’ None
uec m
"an sage!
Mama m 3mm.”
can grew mew
Rea»: ' mm:
e’ mm ,s:.
s zsnm’ 5:
mums amzss
mum; 310255
a 'c 255
Pen/ms a use
ismms 0 be 255
cams J :o 255
Wevums :
1 . m mcx
Dmgnasnu mdfiuklindmg c-s
Tame C-I Test commands Vccnnruea)
Rama mfa
Rm mm Sena] numbev
km 35? Sammy/9151011 numner
Rem rm: sanwam vemcn numaev
ma mam me
Ranms sapgxnumm
Raul"; A mm numnu 1m»
Rum/1; a my! numnu
Returns" «me-my am 1311
mime! 5910111111 my 21
mrmm aflmranmvn
Sylllh Lflafl flbwlul! Svnlh "901457151 10]
Last! synlh reverence mm, 102 s m 1635!
came mmme ED! 110 Q In 255
5&1 MANNY we has “I O 117 255
9mm mad 112 010255
SEN/EC mud 113 (Pu 255
Selflnnwevmel 114 0111255
Se! TCXO zcarse fi’enuent‘t 115 D (n 255
sa rcxo 1m mavens; 11s a m 255
SEIRXVmNEnd‘umnK 217 (”0255
5a mm mvssnnm 11a 11 m 55
31157053 mum-1 120 a In 32757
sa ccs mummy: 121 a v; 12757
3213“ mnuumnnn 2 01mm
St! Small muflubmn 23 G La 32767
Sew cw; mmmznnn ”i“ A a nu 32767
Sal mu maurinnn ‘. 125 O W 32767
rm ccs 31mm"; 1023» m None
rm £11255 341113141"; 195 $9127 Nun!
rm 321311513135; , z A " 229 None
m z seams \ Q.)
Farce anarsgna11mgiyény-rf 129 w 1 = start encamng.
a - mo encamng
Pena HHDIMM 417mm sum: 36 Returns, 0 10255
c- 5 Diagnostic: mun-1: finding
mum «vsmmw
Tame crz Cawcmaung re navametzvs mm: W zesx xm'vam 1m
Calm-fin; parametzrs for an enmmand
Enter me carameleys m was ‘mmant'm 7 WV! R
. m 'epvesems “he uansmxt ‘reauerw
See Examcwe 1
I T and R vecvasenr mannei spam;
0 5 KHZ
l = 6 25 kHz
- Wm veplesents me rezewe freuuancy
See Examme 2
l : ‘ndhcates whether ma (est ccmmanu
menggs me caumancn vames
0 = do rm change caubralea vames
L : recalcuwace camarea vames based an
new vecuencwes
Nate. mm and WW may be uu n a dwgts lung
~ u :'\ «4 mm»
Examr‘lg 1: Calculflingtflm In! an H band
ans-ml hequem 1mm
zhanml suacmg 15.1sz
5 451925 MHz
: 46I3251 “TH!
5251 AG‘ H1
- 73754
Example 2: calculating mm for an H band
vecewg «menu Mm , w my
’""' ’ manna] scacmg Mm
7 451.025Mm-4 AH:
‘ Nate wr aepenas an me (am: 5 smzmng sand
.4 J
x v» I J E. F G H arm \ camd'ad‘ns. theAF s $5.1
* algae. c and D hams vacms me F ‘s 21.4
I f:vJ Band vaavus. zne ‘F 570 1 MHz
Diagnosm: and mm mm; c 4 7
nguve c 1 Fault nnumg 4 Ream cannm he smlc'ted an
Race mm := stunted an I
_.NO fizuatz cam :MVEV‘1 «mum.
“egg-"W123“ NO mm un/wN/mwme
‘ P t "” cam/m swim
Funcfmn 564 am 1 n: 4 DK’
mm a mm mm
4 Cusnmev Senate ummm
Fxgme (272. Faun-findmg A cannot nth-snag;
it“) ‘3 ~::
\ cm
w“ 3 m"! m m
M " i" ‘—'1 maczflswur i
— ‘a Mac”, Qama
iemce zecamem ‘
0 s Dugnosucx and huh finding mum we mum
Pguve E-3 Faun findm; - “in sev aw mmmmwcznons
Nu m uf—mm ;
Are Te :nys k \
Mm sure mm
mum“ are mad
has: zv mm was t
“ wen, i no i
1 WE mmqmw \_.., Sun/msmmm \
i Tum ‘3h' 1 1
V8: ,
“in—w 4:1“ Dem—m ‘
~,sm.\' “31100040
w 0er Scupav‘ywnq ‘
m mcxgzan mica ‘
‘Anxt m m ‘s mam i
Dizgnnmu and mm finding c- 9
figure C4 Faun fincmg — Recem faults
{ Receive isms
\ a we now: n m cm. cruglammmz m
w .
vts ls me "Equency/ we
“inn-mun" cumc)’
\ [ummanc up Mum cmwmmefl mm’
«4 v0 m:
-,mcmwm N0 .. ‘ |
mm”, _.. ammm m1 n r—__
' r
3°,“gfi‘;§§ L emcmw
L . ‘ .
‘ v
‘ mwesnianuzarmtx no “mummy
WWW ——' W
‘ :m:n,a«.cww.m
1 am 2 in; 0'
; MW Muweam
‘3.5':m ewweaamem
nu ma
c 40 Dizgxonics and finkfinding
mum 119-3an
5:12 c . mm mm; , Carma! many—u:
\ C‘etncegramrv 3»:
mm s a»: ‘vccxnm ma YES
uv'zmca 3mgarrmea
vs: ___.._’____
Recmyam vacm
mm a: Jul 3 Sammy 1
7 w: ‘raflsrmt am:
‘eyme Sure com a
wry-w ——"1 m ‘ucm,
m Fca
arm 1 am 5
mm ‘ Dhgnmn'ts and fivltfinaing c , u
mum ussmmwu
on | Dagmar; andfiuhfinding
Servicing the radio
Strvidng the mfi
Remm’mg [he frum panel fiumrhzchzssxs
Remunng the chassis fmm m shield. .‘
Remmmg the pca mm m: thassls
Replacmg the 977 kequ ..
Rtplzang me mew
Rtphtmg (he amenm mnnmm, Lhznntl mum mum and
Lonume mum mun
Rephcmg the murntzhbne n
q The bzntr'
Repinc- nd weaker pins .
Rrphtmg (he DTT m: mum
Ranking the Juxman flex
Remm'mg: ear panel
Rear panel reusembh
Runemiflmg the mom
Fimng me ?cs m (he (hams
qumg mg mu m the cum;
1—7ngrhefionroanelrorhechassls m.
Servicing the radio
This chapter descnhgs me disassembiv and x 1m ofspzres fur your Tait 0m
reassembly afyour Tm cm handportzble hmdponable IS shawn in Table D-l. cogemn
radio and the serucmg ofsome key mechmm— with the dances lhey are “med far. These
cal and znmllzrv dmcas. These are: spires un be crdered (mm your local Tait
I PT!" keypad
antenna conneflor
channel Salem" swilth
voiumz mmrei swuch
speaker cunluzts
ballsrv comans
PTT (act SWiU‘h
auleiarji flex
RF out assembiv
w myx whammy» Suvicmgthtndin D43
Yam: 0 . Suaves fir Tau Cm; nannpomm: radms
IPN Numbfl‘ Met net-du-
ads-7550003 mum 5mm 5mm
ammo-15 Channu 52mm swnm
summalsco lemme mum khan
manna) Cnannzw wean! man
3033007100 Emery mm
30375005700 sen cw
3054105760 Am dummy (Ea! zmev
2400210055 5m mum.
zszawmss chmchcne
3031119400 Hamnmann cnasss
zlsnlzowu Mam HF smem
2324002029 =rr an swan
3564107400 61mm camel omne
Eazmoloiz cnannewcmme mum nu! we" 3-3 mm
35230005} 5m srmecar M! n, 4'7 9'3 mm
1330001042 mm m flasher 3 M51
'c 7 Wm
EEEOLCELN) EaKeN , rec: seal Q
name-30 chcnmmz grammar/seal ‘
3524105303 flea v ,
3523103950 Aumzw‘m 54m ‘
35251092120 Mam 523»
EEZ-SVCel—Zo mow seaw ' ,
25251001065 Snewzv 3 SW >EE Fasaw
3420523100 Sneavm mummg mam
3074|D2143D 5595er Hum
3690103900 Sneum 35mm! (mg
ex seal
CPFZJJ =mm carzl Complm- em exscsazaco bate)
31506632011 ”ea! new
31541553400 from Dane! wage New
3 ‘flsoasou ”finned
zzsésizum WT retalmni ulale
35003050470 m mrcmn Neyacmalm
5A5~t€nzwn an sc'ew ‘MZ'E mm m Pom
susccozom : m acrew’MZ'S mm Pan Pam
memo-an Sceakevzcrew u s~s mm ram
ZEZ-JHNJC Aux Nu jcnnecmi PCB
2136032960 arm asszmn'y
“mm ‘natnmafl : - mu win in De vemacea rme/v 1 gm" m
D , 4 Strvidng the radio
s \s warm
Jamme cuvmm swncn
Channel 59mm swish
Au mu m mm]
M (ml. m Wm
Emery flack
Hungry flack
Mmar/ Hex
mew cum-mm
w mmageu
w camaged
m :m 5mm
aanery Lay-tans
5mm 3mm! s'mlch
vomme comm! swam
Ame/ma canmzw
Anlennx ::rmzcnr
Channel Salaam mm
Mum mmml swam
Eaner/ camaus
chtpr‘c ne
mm, ”ex
mm“! m
AH’yct vrrkmam
AM Jan PT-emm
q damned
a" reyuau
PTT kapad
W 161030
Auxmary flex
at u assemm
man»: He ammo
F We D-Z hemahtn; the screws at me base of the
Removing the front panel from the
L'mcmi the interim and detaeh the bntters- 4.5 0 mm
path, Rembhe the knobs by inserting a side
cutter flat side down at the base bfeaeh knob 9 "°“‘°"‘“ .?
(Figure D—l) making sure rim to damage the i
kndb label and the SMIth shaft Squeeze
iightiyt the knobs should pop oi'T. Distatd the
FEM? D 1 Rembnhgihe mans 9
ii b
\_//‘< [55‘ i
, ii 13 Vote that the tin kei‘padshuuid be removed
B snte the imni panei has been (Emut‘ed From
the C1E)Si\if\'0u\‘t’l5hi0 ns-oid damaging the
Removing the chassis from the
J’s I‘L/fv shisid>
,-\“( ’ its remove the shield platethetndib onaflal
“ tiri'nee Wim the shield side facing u_ tatd
m1 Dress lightly dohn an the sh'ie d shave
fie sitst Clip detaii (Figure 0-4) which Will
an ntiy how the shield ziwav (ruin the chasxis.
‘thl nin pressure and insert a biaded
strendttver iapptbx. 4 mm) in the gap
between the shield and the thassis Twist the
o m m, sIKEHdIHEr ind ahe shield should rise up over
" e Cilp Repeal ihis on the other side Remuve
o mse'tma sreatseete
e microphone grommei and pin it m n safe
Using a Tart T6 driver remme the two screhs You can now see the bottom samba ufihe
a! ihe base ol'thc {JdlD i Figure D-ZJ. Then PtB. The basic iayoiii ofthe PCB iS shown in
teattach the battery and hold the base ofthe res is end hi iii-fer in these diagrams (or
radio in dire hand with tht other hand pull e piatcmenl ufpans
the thnssis item the Mom panel using the base
in the hzuerj. as leverage lFignre D73)
Ji minmethi
At this point you can replace.
l ihePTT‘x‘fl'pddlpJgEDrflnnd
I the athNtr ipage D-Si
e sates uh ith,nr Servidngihtrddia D-S
Figure D-Z' Remcvmg me shassns from me r’vunt paw usmg ‘he canary as 4everage
o nanny am e mwcrccnone grommet pmmamg hum mm
9 mm panel 6 w Emery we. gemy cu” away mm mm cam
9 013554: 0 mm raamaulznu away 7mm mm mew atmns 904m
figure 04 Remmvmg me smem «um me mass
0 meta
9 Wumm W
D-S ’ Servicmgthe ndin s/sslrx «54mm»
Removing the PCB from the
Remove the knob S51]
antenna cannectur thannei selector much
and vnlume control swnrn
ie‘r (cu-rs the
Use 3 P011 1 dm‘er to remoxt the screw
through me PA shreld. Remove me rhree nuts
for rhe amenna mnnector and lambs using an
3 mm long read: sucker dmer set :o 10 mch
pounds. men remove me three nbbtd luck
wasntrs. Gemly 1m the ma up in me angle
snDnn m Figure D-S, men pull u away frem
rhz chassxs
xr this pom! well run replace
me antenna tonnecmr (page D8);
(ht channel mew wnch (page Dear;
:ne volume mmrul swucn {page D-B)‘
:he mxcmphune Apage mu
. e Spenksrconuctsrpdgv D 87
he PTT mt: mum (page D- ex \
Once me required devices hme neen repmd,
rem a fne reassemuly msxrumons on pages
a mi Sime replacement or :he antenna
Conmcmr and/or (ht channel seiattor and
vaiumz mmral smlches requires thin the PCB
mus: be replaced on the chassxs 1ne insmm
nuns r‘nr reprmng these 15 |nc1uded as pan of
(he reassembr.
the butzcn' cumam page D s) “IQ,”
Replacing the PTT keypad
Follumng me drusszmbly mermman;
remuvc me (mm panel from rhe chassis.
To remove me Pfl‘keypad_ from the rnsrde of
the (ram pener genny push me five [arches
(ha! hold me keypad in prnee
Tu replace the WT keypad, fir me seal to the
keypad rfneeemr makmgsnre no! tospljl
or other use damage rt Place the firm latches
on the long edge or the keypad mm place,
then make sure the pins on the mncnon keys
and PTT key fit mm the holes on the fmm
panel Cllp me keypad Emu place,
Replacing the speaker
roiromng {he disassemblv mstmclinnsr
remove me from panel from me fhassls, The
xpeakers m m the mnunnng bmkemn the
Answer)! ‘he mm! panel (see Figure D s)
ste a Turx head \'o a” >creudrner to remove
the mo screws at lhn' Dase ofrhe mounnng
p- br’acm Lrn the speaker and mountmg
‘ backer our and discard
Insert: he neu speaker and mounting bracku
‘n [ht front panel mm we the [up edge of
the muummg bracket goes under (hel lip m the
from panei rFigure D 8! Regiace rhe two
(crews m >ccure rhc speaker in place.
, mew
a: mew
Serviaegme mfiu l D-7
mm 0.5- Bcnum suffice c! PCBY mum <5
D- a among the ndiu
visible men me shrem has been femoved from the crews
9 am mm
a manna mam Men
0 an/amww canmm
{5 urns}
,,-» a gamma” mm
; wa mus)
A game
crewman! (5 ms)
Q mrcmumne placement
@ mm mm M“
wan»: mammal
‘he =CE has been removed from he Chassis
F-gwe D-7 Yca sul'ace c: PCB man ‘5 sale amy,
‘ o
00 9 Wm
‘ ‘ p e mmmmmm
\ - ~° a: mm mm m
/ x
a wmmm
e 777 mm mm pm clacemenr re ams
9 EM mm
o m “we”
emmpnnne w! slacemem rz mus)
m a w. 44mm saving me ndin D - 9
Replacing the antenna connemor,
channel selector switch and
volume contrul switch
Follcwlnglhedisassembll lnslmmDnS,
disassemble lhe radiu to (he Pcs level.
Remme :he pcs from lhe chzssxs.
lionv uflno antenna mnntcmr. chme
selttlur swittn or volume control m
m be replaced remme lhem using u lacuumr
upemeo solderslanun Replace (hem
actcrding m [he lussemniy lnslruclluns on
pages as 10 Du
Replacing the microphone
FDilBng the disassembh lnslruruons,
disassemble lhe mdlo lo the PCB MEL
Remove the PCB (mm the cnassls.
Use a desoidenng 5:31an to lemme me
mirrcpnone. Discard the lnxrmphune
‘A hen rtplacing the microphone, make sure ll
IS aligned will live marks on (he PCB. since ll
5 polarised Ruer to Figures D~ri unol D? for
[hr placemenl ofrh: micropnane.
The mloropnone snould nur hang use! lhe
eagc ofme ma. Snider u in place uslng u
llglroup saldermg rrun leg, Weller “xxx up]
D~ w Smdngmendic
Frame M. Maurmng me speaker m the hunt panel
slls unflev ml: lla
Replacing the battery and speaker
poms? a the disassemblv rnsrruouons,
Xmssmile me radio [0 Elle PCB level
bggmovorhe ch norn mo thassis.
,> “’h§ri?eplacing one oflhebztteryurspeaker
.\ pins, leyluce lhe other Pin. even lfnniy onus
‘ laulrv. lruvurlablo use sold“ paste (0 replace
Rsmma lhe pin wun a soldmng mm and
doom (he pm. Raler m Figures 15 and 15 for
the placement afthe battery wnucls and
speaker pins.
Salder (he rtpizrzmenl pin rn place using a
henw-llpmldenng rrun log, Weller szccs
upl. Hold unro lhe pin with a yzlrufpliers
and apply large Jmounls ofsolder lo [ht PCB,
ralher ‘han 10 me pln lo amid damagmg the
Replacing the PTr tact switch
Follmving the disasszmbly instructions.
disassemble mo radio ru lhe pcs level
Remove the pca frnm rlro (hassls.
Remow the WT rm smith using a
desoidermg slmliun ur suldErwlck. .\'flle mar
mulw ugslwn
(new is u lol ufsolder an bnlh SldES ul'me
beard m be sure in remme ll all.
Refer (0 Fame; 15 and 15 for the plummet"
affine P’TT lad Sh‘xtth.
Place the new PTT on [he buard ‘md solder ll
in plnre using a Maw-up suldermg lrun leg
Weller ZPTCCS up).
Replacing the auxillary flex
should i'ou neeel to repluee me auxiliary ile.
ynu “I“ llrsr need to remove the PCB from lhe
chassis FnlIuwing rile disassembly lnsrrue-
TXOnSr disassemble the radio to the PCB level,
when remuie rile rear panel. as ueserlbeu
Removing the rear panel
Reier to Flgur! 9-5 for (he dexalls err‘ne rear
panel assembly,
To remove rile mar panel. limer-
l slide she epverfomnru b\ pusliine mile ‘
base with your thumbs: pr “3 7
, Sex;
I insert a small llarlsleuea seeeuumenusr
under me npreh in [he base in ~misl._ ‘
Remote the xuullan‘ iler seals 1 sing a
callbmred pm. lm pm the ngnliser lrnm tnz
zpuerlefinsndeurner nemprellie rigid er
and me seul from she r‘ assls: (hey mould
mme pur 15 e unir.
Riplafe the auxiliary i' x il'lr 13 l'auiu
Real panel reassembly
{men he end oflhe rIEIdISEr in lhe slot in me
xtnl and makz sure .r is propern lmed ua
lFieure D- ) Push me seal and rigiurser firmlv
mru rhe e'nassis Jilgnmg me nureli is ’ e ml
with me earning pm on rile e‘ assis The
rubber "11qu SH flush nuh he bxsk of Tie
chassis ur th< back panel mil nor nl prunern
end me barren, wrll nur lir nn. «in rne mm: ui
(he cnasslx use J pm zo make iure me {our
nulenesun ine segllflgur: U-‘Jl slr un “he
edge eline rnassis.
Klekesure the RF uur Assembll .
Fil me rlgldlstr m the chassis: mu should feel
lr snup mm nlnee.
neplnee L‘ie nu] in lurking the sun nerenes er
rile tap ufme seal under me lip on lhe :hzssis
lml piacmg u m'cl‘ rhe Xgldlser. Make sure rhe
seal is rlusn mm the enesns,
S‘lide rlre rear panel on r'rum me tup ofihe
radlo (Figure D79). Fprre ir into place by
pressing lhe top edge at lire cmEr Agamst lhe
edge ch (3 . Wake surc lhegap between me
emer and me c ms is es small as possible.
Reassembling the radio
This seenun deseribes me reassembh ur‘rhe
radio unee zne requlred units asse been
sen lced,
Fitting the pea m the chassis
Put me batten comic: seal on he berrery
spnégsrernerrnununmec ASSIS ll'mu pur
he union me Lhassls‘ 'he mnucts mil
sqllnsh me seal.
prp‘perll- isee Figure D 10)
l [mu ‘nme removed me antenna fannecmr pr
elrher «lime snlrehes, xir mem on lire PCB
lrel‘er to Figure) 15 and 16>burdo nol lee
solder risem In place Align rhem wuh the
holes in me (nassvs and as vuu lower zhe PCB
umu me Cnnsls, male sure me Attessm'y flex
prunudmg from che ennssrs ms mm i'le
suck“ on me PCB. Loner 'he PCB umo me
e, nssis, maxing sure it K firml'. sealed
r‘ rhepl Screwlaosc’lvln plaee xlignrne
witchex su me} first rererl, referring m
Futures LS and us [Dr placement Figure Dru
moi»; lhe reassemnll al'me antenna and
sirrrc'nes Replnee rlie ushers making sure
ihl- lone rates up gemsee me nurs making
\un: !. e, are liresueu correltl) beiure using
an 5 mm nine rum so e: dmcr sec :0 10
i u1puunm‘ Thezluls ‘srsineseumrelres
me n
Connemng 3 mm:
L'nng the (tlnngeb
Onlm: helu ,
Szmmup‘ounwtzm .
(hangingCoflponstilmgsandbaudmle v. H
Dmmloaumg mum mm
m dH-lult path and duwm ..
L'phmlmg {Jdm mm" v
Qmmuw m: mogmm
radio software
The  program can be used to
duwniuad rndru sufrwurr from your pc m 3
Tan: Dru SHIPS {Edith
The  reqmres:
I an IBM rompatible PC WKh an 80386
. icmpmcesmr (or bener .
.\(S~DOS version 5.0 or higher:
1 “B of RA.“
s um Colour graphics displa
a hard drsr drive wnh 1 ma {how
mu(h"’] free rum
a ungiea s mch floppy drsk dnre (1.44
vs rrpurruu, and
u Himsoft ar cumpzuble muusr uhu
ururr r u tou msh ro use the program
Nth J mouse] .,
Thr «rung o chhnur be used ru [ism ac;
software zu Tau T3000 urTEOOO series radws‘
installing the software
The (Swinger) cannor be run dirrcrh from the
drsrrrbunon disk, and so must be msrnlled un
your hard Auk.
Insert rhe supphud drsk :r. the nuppv drive
and Ill rhe DOS prumpr. [vpe mmu (rfrhe
disk rs m drive \) orb msullfifihe disk rs m
dm‘e Bl, Press Enter, The lnstzflancn
program null gulde you rhrough rhe mmnr
nun process, Read he my'ormhrion pressured
un me streen carcrullv hirer msrarhug rhe
sumxare, plau- the ungmfl urrrrrhuuun disk
in u sale grace
Drive and Dam vurr‘ons
Yuu mil be asked to enter vht rims and path
to uhlcn yen want "re somsm msrruru. rr
.uu m nor chunuu zhe ulcrluir Jrreuum {hen
T‘rr‘ files MEI be glued m the ORCA‘ X\
~ zsrax m srwuuh
Jireclur} an (he urge! drrve (r u hrghh
recummrndrd you use the defuuh directory
semng, espemllv rfmu have already msralled
or mrrnd ro msrzll omer Tan programmmg
and supporr sofmare packages.
Installing a mouse
To use um program with m mnuse your
mouse dmer Sofiware mun be [waded
tsualh a Lcmmand such as
c:\\mous¢ru= [an be added in
‘.our AUTOEYEC BAT file in load the mouse
ururr aummaucaily when ynur rumpuler
warts up See the msrmcnon manual For your
mouse software for man- dermis.
llamouse rs cuuurrrcd m 3 srrrn purr on your
Djflp‘ller, 3uu musr hme a second xerlal purl
\ mushrr ru ruurrerr ru rhr ruuru ;.uu hrsh ru
gr “mu urprogrum. You can select u ‘rnch semr
poms uxzd to commumcare mr'n (he radic m
«he Serup Communications umuuu rSeluD
Setting up a program Item (Windows 3st
or sharrcm (Windows 95}
ifruu rush in ser up 3 Windows 3.x program
rrcm Or “mule“; 95 xhomut for easler access
ro the  See pages 5 re 0 mm L's" :
Murmur C riimunn Sysrrmjor m 0m
Rndmr. w‘mrh is supplied as purr orrhe sen'rce
k .
Connecting a radio
The rem-r kn contains the leads necessary fur
mnnecirng rhe radio ru be prugmmmed ro
suur 7L. rhur ruuru shuuld hemmed urr
bemre mu connect u m the rumpurer
L" m'mrr rne radm aw [allows
Fur mubne radios. conneu the program
mlng sabre m the rzdro usrng the
rrrrprrurrrrsrvr plug uhu ru (he cmnpur
Dawmoadsug radio safiwart z- 3
[Er s serlzl pan using the small rorlnecmr.
m programmlng lead u nor required.
For handporlable radius, runner: rh:
pragramming cable m (ht prugrzmmlng
lead, lhru runnecr [he atcesmr}
(unneclm lo lhe radin and lhe serizi
cahnmur la the compurrr‘s serial purr
The serial runnrcror is zs-mu; ifyaur
Eompurer luu a 9~pm srrlal pan. you ulll “ml
an adaptor cable. This is avzllablt frum your
pc dealer
Once ccnnrcled. (he radio mus! b: mmrd on
Effort u can be prugrammerl The binary
should be Fully charged ur a DC servlce
adapmr used m ensurz mu: rhe rudlu does um
um llsalfoffdunng the programmlng
U g the 
The <1hlngee> can be run from DOS, from
M lndaws 3 w or from Windows 95.
To star: me  frum DOS than
the direc. orr me  was lnstalled m type mum
press Enter ‘
To srnrr lhr  from n‘lnduws 3 x‘ lrl
Program Manager [house Run from the File
"nenuu Tmr c:\\orcaxm, rum
press Enter [film hu‘ve sat up a program
lzem you can “an the  by doubler
rlrrkmg an the prugrzm rum,
In “lndnws 95. choose Start from the
taskbar Choose Run and [we
c:\\nrcm, rum press Enter lf
yuu nan sel up a shoncur you can sun lhe
<1hmgee> by dnuble-clickmg on m: snomur.
When you first sun the  a window
will appear shnwmg [he \erslon numberof
lht software in file middle of the screen and
(am menus along the lop. The menus are
I use Radio m Duwnluad nr Uplnad rad“)
l us! Setup to change program propeme -
I use Heip [a gel genital help; and
I use QHK m exit me program.
Selert 4“ kn“ ords by dickmg on them wllh
(humane. ur bv holdmg (he Alt kty and
>Eltfixln5lht underlimdImemforexample: F
,‘>\ ilm
3 xufihlcrlons (in be szlecred from [ht
nybuum «uh me keystrokes outlined m
" Table rr.
Whenever mu fimsh wurking in a wlndow
mu wlll rrrum [o rlus mam window, From me
mam wmdowl l-nu can exit the  and
return [0 rm DOS prempl or Windows.
l‘la‘rlgatlng mmugn rne hcwsal1:he limes associated
mm , our compuirr.
The Dlrecmries m shous all me direclones
lmmedlamiy audible on [he nelmd alive
when an“ seiecl n direcmry. me nu( level of
dlrzctones Appears The prelmus level of
dlrelzones ls mdlcmd by {he 5)mbol.
rhe Flles zlsl shows all tiles in (he urrent
dlrertcn' nun [he propemes shown m the
File Name m. You can senrrh rel files using
P gu'a _ ; Elawse Flle mam
me DOS Wlldtards w and Select the file
you wish m npen by clickmg on (he filename
displayed m the Files hsx‘ or use Tab tuselefl
the file name and then press Enter. Select 0K
to selec: the file and return u: the Download
Radio Sof'ware window.
ln am Download Radio Software nlndow
selm Downleeel m begin the dannload
pro/1&5: A nlndw wliI appear mslrucnngyuu
Kl) smile m we mdm ls lumen on and
m’nnemd to (he rumpuler u hen you are
‘ ”Smelhallhnlsso selechIan undrhe
,, “programmll begm stuffing software lnm me
\ [what message when fimshcd? does radio
needed re be remnwl
Uploading radio software
[In here now because l have m lln hell; For n l
a. s Downloadmgndia soithre
-, um lemma
Choose Uplnad from (he Radio menu and me
Upload Radm Sohware wmdow mu appear:
gm“: mm mm“!
Directury shows the default Jammy. You
can by seleczmg
Frelerences {mm the Setup menu.
ange the default dirzcm
Ifthe dirermrv mown in Directory ws the ant
w msh m 03va zhz radio 505mm m, ynu
can specify [he file name In xhe Filename box.
mm mfi'n m me me file in another
Jimmy stlecl Browse.
\\ m 3m 5m: Browse, the Browse File
mm Jppcars.
The Drives iisl Shams ail [he drhes assocmed
nn sour compuren
The Directories us: shows an (he dlrertoms
immedxawl) ”13an lheseiuted drnz
When w mrc: a direcmn', me 12“ m1 of
jirettones appears The prencus km) of
ilrecmneslsmdlmted hum .>\mbul .,,\:<
The Files ASK mm m tiles m the curmngm’y' ads/x5
dm- m m upénln shuwn'm‘hz ,
File Name box [er Ah: namt mup' h m «a
me zhe me under m m File Namebm thcr'x
sum 0k m return N zhe Uplnad Radlc
Software window
[n we Upload Radio Snftware wmdnw
wlec! Upluad m begm me upium' plains. a
wvndm» mu Appear mirrumngjou ro ensure
that the “die IS mmed on 4nd runnected to
the Cnmpmer When mu are sure mu r'nls ls
i0,\21<[!5lafl,lnd'hé pmgmm mu begm
sucking wrl'mre {mm m rzdno.
[w’mt message when 11m
Quitting the pvugram
The On“ menu Ado“; mu to em thz
programmmg mum \ Mndow m quezr
“km; whethzr 1 on Msh .n gull m on Yes
ar ': > Enter to m m m the 005 ummpi ar
mur upmnng swiem
~ mm 44‘ ”m. u Dawnlazdinsudinmfiwam 5-7
z -s annludjng radio mflwan 5m um “um
Battery packs and chargers
Bmuy packs and charger
3mm pm;
Batten Me
Fuendmg mm M!
Prmznmgbautrflifi .
Dixpmmgoruaadmtkt! '1dm1um batcems m
Demupmxmmgu , F4
(‘pemmn m
{lmrgmglhcDanervuslngzhefnrcharger .. .. . .. .. .; F—S
Fastnnu znuimrors
Lundmomng m: mm mm the (m mfg“ .
[andttlumngflmlysmg (he banery wuh (he in! (huge:
xepnmngmmsnmrgn. v. .,.. , F—u
ieasscvnlflmg 1‘s charger ; M
Deskwpmrxluhuger m
apmnun . F-'
Charging am bamry usmg the (mid! charger , fix
Repamng rhz IrztUe charger F a
wumhargu . M
F 10
Battery packs and chargers
Thrte batter} packs are a\'1\]3biefarantOrca
handpunzblex The beam packs are not
sen-rceabte rnremarrar. on their mnxtrumon
and expected life are provided below.
Three chargers are xvarlahle for Tan Orcz
l desktopfaslthargtr:
I Jeskmp trickle charger and
I mum—charger.
The tnckle tharger does not hme .\ discnarge
button. but is utherwlse Tdenncul in appear—
ancc to an» fast rnnrgerv The mum-charger IS
made up am Tau tharqers. and ehargme
mstructzons lur the mar charger also a
the mum-marge.—
xate mar the meme, arger should ear D;
used we mm batterv park; as tneLcni wins.
a; to 1; harm ;a marge fun; andthe‘mej-ar
afeume or me batter“ me he reducect mm
name packs mm he tharged using a rasr
Reparr 31 tnarger; 15 mm :a repxaiemtr‘: qr
lnnmg parts
Ta: F,S
ma was
res—J? r
«1a p\ durum»
5k! cc ALA
wares mama 51mm
jlvavEE' gmmre
m 5,, cg: are
.a "'ar:fll‘mr
v w -ar
l  H dutthCdbatterypackfliflfl
I ngh capaciw NTMH battery pack (1850
The hauery casing is made ofwrakroblend
m1 5 mtmwniiafly welded, The (45mg is
- m: arm
025mm 13
Zesmp vast cmrger
Deskvcp fies: any“!
, avzev
sea-me crane charge!
rrmwmng ‘abew
Emery pmksmd chi-(gm | 9-3
mmtrucltd wtth a planar, near field weld (<3
mm) using mterference weld.
Battery life
Battery 1le ls outlined ln Table F—2. These are
typlmi figures tmly, based an a UHF radio
usmg 1 standard \'iCd bznery pack with
medium economy cycllng enabled.
Extznding b: nary life
Battery life can be mended by arlivaling
economy mode, During economy model the
radio cy’clzs bzrween the normal recuve state
and a standby sun in whlch some oflhe
radm s tlrcuitrv is swlrthed ofinr pissed on
standby mode,
Table M Show ryplcal drain rates for
Emncmy mode Eranomy mode is gm-
grammed m the Puwer Save Features screen
at me Programmmg Symmfm' Tall Orm
Cumlmlmnfll Radio: or the Programming
slnmjrr Tau Om Tmnkm Radios
Preserving baflsry life
Tm Orra fast charger. \, J
I Avotd stanng (he balmy (or extended
pmnds wlthuut first r'ullv recharging n
For best mum Siol’c the battery
deuched from the radm
l Maid repeatedly rethargmg the battery
when n has only had a small amount of
I Tumtherad“)ofiwhenlltsummnded
for long perlodst
_ v v A >. r-\’,
Condmon ma Dauenj weekly tsmglhelr
I Use only a Tail-rerommended charger.
I Mimlain an ambient temperature of
between 5°C and 40°C during recharglng.
Opnmum lunery performance mu be
obtained betwetn 15”C and 25°C
I Do not allow the battery pack contacts to
becomt short-circuired.
Dispasing of usad nicktlcadmium
NiCd batteries mnzam a small amount nfthe
rnml tadmmm. whlth can prnduca poten-
tially mm waste if not disposed of pruperly,
Whm no lnngar m use, cuntzct your Tait
dealer [or recycling details,
Desktop fast charger
Exclting mtm bit Wriltln by Ed
Tame P2 rynlcal battery nle run a UHF mm mm medlum ecznumy cycllng enabled
,rw ll van]
my a «ansl
I’Jr'ZO an l» l! «am
10 l: in fllgn Jflansl
D - 4 Binary pack and rlurgm
not: nun Nth
Bamry lift (no-n)
lsocmmum lssommnm
erEIPV maroon—on
Tame r .Tycrcax mm was
‘W a UHF vacru
sunn'y vuhall M
5mm ma aumm
Etznnmv was mw aw we er
- "nm‘fy mas ’me:mm 1m cyc‘a‘
Emwmrcae mgncur , 3m
battery ls mo hot or me cold, rh: indium
will remam amber unnl the battery lempen-
ture is within the safe range for recharging
Charging the battery using rhe last 15 C 1" 4° Q
charger Charge times are:
Thefisrchargerwrrlchargemebarrmwnen . “Pm 11/1 hum ”hem (mm d
the radm 15 on. bur [ha bmerv mu charge
, . barterv:
{asm lfrhe radro ls (umtd m“. The banery
ran be rerhzrged machéd m the radio or as 4 I up to 2 hours for the her-fly du . iCd
separate umr. battnrv. and
Insert me batter}, radio mm the charger. Tm I up (0 2 1/2 hours fer the mm berm.
Indium MU flow amber for rhree semnds. . , v ..
C. . Om: (he banew IS rullv charged :he Indicator
[hen red, Ifme mdrcamr does 710! gruw red ,/ .\ 4 . v A
"11 r ange [rum red in green Lemmg he
make sure me batter-V'mdifl is sealed am en x r ,
/ , . P 7. battennLhcchamerancenLstudvtnarged
undrhecmrrerrsmoempluggedm 1mm x r > ~ , . '
~ » » ~ — fr ( dam damagerhroarrm
, “A \
r , r .
. Cm! mag/am n me ‘an arc: 625m; m age!
{if < w - 12 m we mm ‘95202
' ,, 'f ‘* munamzz vcc 3 n :r
_ , V , 7 , Dmuommnaze: 115 /
~ mam asrmm Banuypaduandthugen 9.5
Fast charger indicators
Fast charger lndltamrs are desenbed in Table
Those 10 Fast mvger ‘ndlcafms
steady ten flatter] Clary/ii
sready green balmy malged
sieody mm crumb susmmefl until harm
temperature .5 mm correct range
human red cattery not seem nmeew in the
. avgev ::Nafl§l1lfly orhartery
nothing green taltwy sew disehorged
“ashihgamner Janelycezawflntlrumcapaclw
Candrriflnmg rhe battery with ma fast
For best performance, the bat‘ery should be
CDndlanEd u‘aeldy using the inst tharger,
Conditioning the battery takes about eigh
nan, t"
To tonditlon the battery. tum otrthen IO ,‘
Insert thz battery/radio mm the fast charger
then press the dlsc'narge hutton ml the
lndlrator flashes green rhe lndlramr Will
flash green whrle the batterv IS belng
discharged. ottee the hhtery is discharged. it
hill charge normalIv.
Conditioning/analysing me battery with
Ms fast charger
Conditlnnmg/nnalvsmg the battery with the
fast ehorger wrll put the hotter—y rhrough a
number utmnduionlng cycles and wll] check
the botteru's capacity on the 1m Cvrle.
To {audition/amine the brute ' 'um affine
radio. Press and hl)|d the discharge button
while insertrh he batten/radio Connnue
[finding the iluehorge trutlotl. he maimlor
h'l Glow amber far lhree strands. and thew
tun flash green when lhe indicator flashes
green release the distharge bullon.
1: Va Emery yadu 2nd chargers
The rondtubn/hnhlyse cyrlt will take
approxrmatzly 16 hours.
ottee thargcd, the chargtr's indicatorwlll
glow green lrthe battery is in guod candiliun.
The lnditzlor wrll flash amber lrrhe battery 's
below its opllmum enpm mu]! imur Tau
Repairing the fast charger
The assembly ofthe fasr charger is shown in
Figure Fe.
Dtptess the rtlease tab in the bxse ufthc
charger using the end of: flathladed
screwdrlvzr. Holding the lever in, gemly pull
the body away from the base, taking can not
[0 break (ht notches that hold it]: frontofthe
base to the body ofthe chargtr. Lift nut the
repairéfault-finding info
{¢ X
x .~
3 ex, 4
hours depending on howmueh usei h «f kepnir’buttery Ccnlacts, that switch, DC iaek if
I spring mntacts;
l Skt Dderk. and
I charge/discharge latl switch.
Reassembllng the charger
Refer to Figure m.
Hold the body otthe charger upside down and
insert ih: charge/discharge burmn and the
light plpE: hoth pans self-Orient Place the
PCB so ll rests on the lactation pins. Attach rhe
has: 1! the from edge. nnd clip it in place.
Desktop trickle charger
The Tait Otto deShop trickle charger can
charge n standard or heavy duty NiCd battery
memwht. it is designed m prcvide approxi-
maten 1450 mAh oftharge in 316 hour
period. Thus buth nuo mAh ut 1500 mAh
.\icd botrerres can he charged. simple
mum lJB-Smflm
Fgue F 2 Assen‘my ar T‘s ceskch as: Targev
crrcun prurecnun
Figure r—x Showx ihc sehemalic diagram for
ahe trrcklr tharger. Figure r-a shows Lhe
;harger Lurrenl pmfilz.
en rhe hanery rnrrage 15 nbm‘e apprm
s \' rhe rharga curmnl n rmerse -.
pronornonar m rhe barren verrage Tnn
chnreecerram rs produred be mm mm and
quiz. The charge rurrenr ra derermmtd vy
i.r(- enrrenr through R104, n rc'n n ~horr
0 we age
9 "E
9 an an
nargermsrnar; zuncn me
to rhe haneryvnlrage Thn is atcompiishcd by
usrng (1103 to change the reference munge m
propornon re the banerv s nrrege. Thn
manges the current through R104, which
changes rhe charge current as desmd.
RLu m canrnnrnon with (1101. limits rhe
maxxmum volmge avarrabre from rhe trickle
charger m less rhan 105 v so mar rhe radio
can nor be damaged rfzhe hanery goes open
erreurr. rrrhe battery shnum go shun eneurr
ehen (110er here afiby Q103 and thus Qmo
re nrfand (here Is neghgrbre charge currear.
rJn srarlup the zharger rs m a stale rery
wrmu‘ar rn what happens when rhe (harger
nuzpur rs snerred. when power rs app‘ned, Vin
sum u) me and the emirrer vulrage ar'Q103
run Hrmeaer rhe has! at (1103 rs snll J! zero
arms su Qruz sums m mm on when Q1031s
cu 11 mil mainlain QIOZ off and hence Q100
mil also nsv ufl". Thus when Ym hes rxsen to
Baflerypacksmdchargm 9.7
Figure F—E Crrcur clagram cl me Tali Orta
rap Nickle
gay} o w, W $3 vm - i243 ma ‘vnm reazaxz
" }—hq‘y 9ng new zz ICC a l A)
7 7 . , ,., ummumhage : ii 5 7
its final value. rhe circuit is m an ofi'stri
giving negligible uutput mirage md‘tmgq ’
mm. xv;
in order (a urn-are the them, a minimum
vultnge afapprorimately 2.6 V (a battervi
musr be connected m rhc circuit to charge
cm and mm (1103 off rhus rurrung on ihe
The LED is on whenever there is sufficient
charge curreni. irs brightness is propumonal
to {he charge rurrent profile and its mm on
and turn ofithresholds are deiemiined bv
R105 Thus the LED is on under normal
rl’mrging. dims when the barrcrv Approaches
full (barge and is ofiunder fault/rm charge
Charging the battery using the trickle
The irickie chrrger is riot recommended for
mil-i barrcrv packs is they can take up to 4
hours to charge rullv and the overall lileume
1: ~ 5 Bins-y pazhznd {ha-gen
charger inslead.
A h meirarrccy mav he reduced. Use a rm
The bartery can be recharged attached in the
radio orzs a separzre unit Tu charge the
barren ruck using rhe trickle charger, make
sure ihe radio is turned off. his!” [he banerv/
radio min Ihe charger. Make sure the
indirater on the charger glows red. Ifihe
indicnmr does nul glow red. make sure the
bariery/radxo IS seated prnpzrly and the
charger is pruperly plugged in. The indicator
will remain red until (he radii: is removed
from the charger.
The battery will be fully charged in about 16
hours. Leave the battery in the rharger urml it
is rim needed however Itzblngihe batiery in
ihe rhargcr for longer ihan 24 hours is not
Repairing the melt/e charger
Fur msrrhcrmhr 4m repairing the :rickle
uhargen refer in these for rcpamg ihe
desluop lust charger.
maxiw ilQSHWO-lm
Emery «mug», ‘
hm m ‘arr Crta cesk‘cn mama zharger wear
733785 orcfile
The win burger rs made up hr 31x desktop
(an rnzrgers rhe pca has an Addumnai diode
/ )
me» figure Fri». and a rah hzx hem added (0
rhe release rhh hr rhe base ofz'nt (narfler
Shquid one orche charger mm M
\ X ~,
rag u i’
can reparr rt hccordmg ru rhe insmu‘fiansfi
. , ,. r \
the deskmp m: charger or replacflhflfauk“
uhrr wrch a {m charger mm m txluch/trhz
diodeL!N4001<>r~|mr]ar"‘")hzs been added.
To remme a faulty (Huger firum me mum—
I L'ndo the screws at the base at th: radio (x
10) usmg a Pozr 1 dnver,
I Do not pun rhe [op hfirhe charger usmg
che houamg ofthe mdwrdum [hargers
Instead mm rheflde ofrhe charger m
(hemp uprhagehu; old hack
l Rumor: the lab {rpm rhe reieasc cup of
the unity thurger
I Deprcss rhe rerme rah using rare end offl
flat—bladed acrchdrn'er
I Can ’
pull zhe bcdy M; :r7m"1r he
- Drsoidfr wires.“
« n P\ aezrwam
Repair rhe board or raplace u with 2 new
une m whirh the required diode Has been
Pass rhe wires thmugh rhe bermm siir of
rhe bass oithe charger.
Solder (he rtd mre m the pasime
terminal on the PCB and the black wire to
{ht negauve mrminal an (he PCB.
Place me mum—charger uni! on ks Side
and make sure the charge/discharge
hurrah rhe light prpe and rhe PC}! are
seared properly.
mach rhe hm ofrhe charger hr the from
edgc and dip u in pine.
Replace the my firmly bemeen the release
cup hhd rhe charger.
Close up rhc mum-charger, rcplarmg rhe
m screws uhhg h Pan 1 dmer
gua F-S Fracemenr zv «re mane '-.rr mut‘n—z—arger
Binary pack: and charger! | n - 9
The operation of (he multi~charger x5 the same
as 1113! of [he dzskmp (as! Charger.
"um “yrsmmu
11-10 | Emerypuknnddurgzn
Interfacing non-Tait accessories
Interfacing non~TaiI zcczssoriu
Tair Orca “mm, Connecmr
«mm; power , , B4
mam fumhun butter“
Conneczmgalnttuson‘ ., .
xmmmm Jsjemblv pmtrdurt“
Connectmg a 11mm using m Tm Oru accesmry connector
mexum ,
Cunnn'mg 4 modem usmg 'h= Tm 0m acceuurv cannecor
Connecting me nudem 0mm
sflxmgmmgmnml ,,
Cmnemng {he modem mpm .
75 mm Juenun Jdaumr s. .,
Interfacing non-Tait accessories
Thu types afzccessoq' connectors are
uumbie for Tan Orca handpurtnbles
l mum nu 0m acfessory connecmr:
I 75 mm “(Essen/adaptor
Tait Orca accessory connector
The Tan Oren handpartable has a versanle
amesmr} interface fur mnnecnng memul
ntcessanes such as speaker mxtmphonesu
nandsrts and modems. An actcssurv kn ‘JPN
OOH—SSP—“w ws uvauable for cunnemng
sum au sssnncs, and n camaim'
I accessory mnnecmr PCB (IPV 22001413-
. JammyconnectorlurkHPN303-100566
; x7
001. 3
mum—206 30),
x 1
sum connector housing HPNEUS.
l ‘nck remnmz
SUE“ “2’s mm Pan Pozl (IPN 3437
bush \[2 (JPN 35401044~00L
probe bau/ RF (IPV 356-0107U-DNTBD1):
grobe acrsssur) t 13 f[P\' 356-01072-00)‘
iamp (lP.\' 3 01049700)‘
5 mm 5,3 mm mu 4 4 mm grommeis
upw ssavozom-nm; and
le'mnr actesmrv hunneLtur hm] {IPY
Tame 54 shows the uguuu Amniabie u: the
humor: mnnecznr \ mmm Jaagram u! the
humor, cunnrtmr u shown m anure 6-1,
mu the u, uh are Jesmbed bEluw.
k a n ,.1. WW
I RX~DETAF: The RX~DET--\F [me rarries
unprocessed recene audm from zhe
output chm derecmr 1c.
used dunng calibration to set up me
muduxuuuu balance and by some
Accéssones >urh as modems.
(7,5 \, to uccessones.
.-\CC hm supplies
RXD: Ths RXD um tame; da(ar'10mthe
nicessary connector n) ma wmmller
during tasks such as radic programmmg
qua Cniihratmn.
TXD: The TXD Kine JS 3 dxgnal data lme
from me mlcmprocessor and times
synthmnaus am hum the mmroiler to
(he‘uccessory mnmam dunng tasks such
43 «udiu prugmmming 4nd mihmhuu
11mc< are used to detect accessoms.
ssxsan u used to mm oflthe radio's
mlemzl speaker To turn uffihe lmema]
xpeakcr [It SENSEO to GND. Tht
emmul speaker outputs an: always
SENSE-1 is used (0 pm zhe rudiv m \'OX
made when an external mumpmced
witch is used to comml EXT-PW (e g. m
a hands—free xemdz kit) To do this, tie
SENSE—14pm H) to GND. Ifihe rndm x5
bemg used In vox mode on a conven-
zmncu (hannzl 1hen EXT—PTT mu only be
sensed when it is not busy Ifihe Pmdio IS
being vixen on u mnkmg mm um
?\T~PT'T '»(]l o m , approprrare pings m the seal and far it
onto rhc ecs
I or the grommei and PCB/seal lnm (he
huuslng and Szlzure ltwilh rhe suppaeo
Connecting a modern using the
Tait Orca accessory connector
A dara modem can be cannecreo ioyourTzir
Orca handpumble to provide a Wireless dm
The MODAL'DIO and RX-DET-AF signais
provlde orrecr connecimn palms.
Connecting the modem output
The ourpur or the modem rs connecred to the
\iOD~—\L‘Di0 mpur. This connecrion musr he
"so suupied or the mdlu nlii not perform
T'ae modem s ouipui Signal must be wlihm
(he amelopa shown in r =are 0-3. lfrhe
, on» x49 smooo
figure 92 ‘
Assemmy \
magvam a? the
modem ompu: 15 mm mm suitable
‘ A.“
must pmvlde nkenng to ensure the nae?“ 1
mthm [ms emeicpe \
Setting the signal level
The 0 dB rettrence 1m 21 shown m Figure G»3
n de'ermined by semng the peak dexmed
modem ompm signal level so um vou get so
pertent mm mm umnnn The peak pomt
m the spectrum oilhc modem ourpur mus!
new at n frequmn‘ 1m than 3 kHz The
“004mm mpux slgnal can extend dawn to
Tn prewm zhe miemzl micmp'nune and Judm
path mrenenngmrh the modem: xransmn
signal the imzmal mwrophune mun be
dashed. To do (mi (12 EXT-“1C to ground
Na 3 10 kfl resiswr
Senumz data
When the modem is (0 find dale [he EVT-
WT 1m mus! be he a)“ w x ) in key up fine
zmnsmimr The tmmrmmr ers A“) m to
an“. us 3.1mm
A), _~
kg, {and so no am can be sexy! dunng mu
Configuring the modem input
The mmlcm mput 5 Connected m the main";
RX-DET-AF uutpuL The DC bias ofRX-DET—
\F can vary. and 50 xi: roupling is mum.
mended. The frequencv response nrmow
\F13 shown in Figure 5-4
Group delay
The rzdxo s gmup delay «15eran 15 iess [him
150 us for both the recen'e and transmnt
7.5 mm accessory adaptor
m can connect non-Tau accessories m:
requlre n 7.5 mm adaptor :n rm Tm 0ch
Emndpurmble using the 7 5 mm acttssbn'
3mm accessories use 5 5 mm md 2 5 mm
phone plugs mm 7 n: mm spacing bemen
them The speaker and mncrophone PTT |acks
inurfiungnon-Tax'ntuswfiu 0-7
for rhe 75 mm adaptor are shuwn m Figure G- When rhe accessory speaker 15 canneered. Lhe
5, base quI is pufltd mgh m R3 and R1,
_ e . . mmmg u on. Thxs pulls the SENSEeO-ACC lme
The n; mm accesson zdzpwx dxfiers from m which “us me mm [0 mm “We
the standard uttesmn‘ connecm m that (he
- ' mrernel Speaker, and only me accesmry
13 mm connector (he prr slgnzl 15 m serres spam is ”mm m C1, C22“ d cs film
th th mum h s n . slim rd , , .
E P °“° ‘5 " T“ d“ out me zudm Signal se Q1 mu ner mm ufi'
acctssun connector has Separate m“ and _
. due [a (huolmge swing cfrhe srgnal.
mrcrophorrr signals.
The mam funczinn mm 7,5 mm edepror rs,
thereforev to demumplex me aceessury'r MIC/
m Ime mto rm: separate lines for me Tm
Ores handponable, The adapter alsu dereers
the presence ofrhe areessory speaker and
rums efirne radw's speaker.
Figure 5-6 shows rhe scnemaflc dxagmm for
me 7.5 mm accessory adaptor
When me accessorv PTf swuch 15 presszdv n
connects the mltmphnnr m (h: adaptor
benveen gmund and the base on3 (see
Figure G-é‘r Thrs yulls Q31owmmmgxtnn
Q3 In turn puUs rhe has: 0sz high which {(
pulls the EXT~PTr1ine aw which enables me?»
rmsmruer xudiofremmeaeeessm 4’: 3,5
mlrrop'none passes through c; (0 «33m
sxnuc zine. \,J _ a
F'gme G»1 aescncnve me
(3 ss Inmrfaunguun—Tainctmnu w?! w «flnmun
figure 3.1 we grams. zne wmeuana, one nzvmwnand
figure as mugs by "he Tm amssmy zaaurcv
_ my 1m w: 3‘— MK
3 5 mm 2 5 m
SFK .,‘ GM:
w 93 w «y mm lmufan'ng non-Tail acmrm G- 9
figm 55 Cm: magam at me 7 5 mm access 'y adapter PCB ‘cr handwrtame lawns
uuwmaL WW;
_ w . ‘
mmmL ‘ m m ‘
unmmL w smswcn
~ 4-11 5m
\ um
DumasmL mam '
— MAD \
m 713me mm
— w
mmme 2 any"
— m)
mu m- u? 3mm
G » m mam; nun»1‘aiuzcuwfiu
Additional information
Tait Elmnics limited Sufiwue Licmce Agreement
The hh' (marred) sme oh “gm or
Analog m digrral mmmer. An elenmmc
device that uurpurs hmary dam dependant
upon (he magmmde afvolrage mpur.
A dip m chz supplv voltage summer“ to put
the tommi setlmn mm hardnzr! rnrr
The process Ofdttermmmg rhr calibration
datafom radio CAIibmuon 15 normail‘. hhh
mmtd um during product zmnumcture or
mayor serum
calibration data
The m or roemcrehrs (or rhrh 0) rhe a
, vfr ,
dulmmt mhmg mnables as a mnctrmqflt
frequmcv. which ahmrs (he radiorrfi‘c‘ah re'
(he configunnnn darn mr am' firequzgfy u A:
opemizs on. The cahbmmn data rs unique for
each radix)
A com_ 9 exchange ufmformauon between
mo ar morr pames. In trunked mode zhrs
mav occur an the cuntmlcharmel or an a
mflic channel;
compurrr runrronm rm mudt Tm
nptmnng mode uhhe mdm “harsh;
computer eqmpmzm um mmrul vunous
mdru ruhrrmhr hr sending commands dawn .\
wmi Imk to the radro
A recrnwrmmmu lrzquem'.’ pan
m delermmnuon and sémp ufmz configura-
u'rm darn rm 3 grven frequency mm the
~~~ m 4.” mm.)
pmgmmmed calibran'tm data (Le. eleczmmc
configuration data
The data set Lorrespnnding ro me value uhhe
(181mm:tuningVarL‘lhIes rm 3 gwen channel.
Thu 5 “human for each r‘rrquenw, from the
rahbndon data.
cflnlml channel
The chant] used by a mudung symm m
mmrm [he radie
conventiunal mode
The mode ufopemtmn wherzby (ht mdiu
hrhms as a conventional nvurwa‘v radiu (Le.
non-gunked hpemnon).
~Chasm serral number
Continuous tune cummlled subaudxbie
slgmilmg. Commons subaudnhle coding Dn
zhr Lhannci for rhe purpose ofsegrcgaung
user groups
Digital to analog commer. An elecrmmc
dEuQ that umpms a mhage dzpendmt upon
the arm urhmm dam Inpm.
The s?! «programmable dam palms that
311m»; the produtr m be cusromrsed for a
pzmtular appiitznun or made ofcpmrmn,
DIIL‘L! iurrmt
Digmnv voded squelch. Commuuus,
suhnudlbie [deg r lupeatmg digiml cude
werluencm on rhr thaxmel for the purpos! of
Sr; egatmg user groups
Addidnnal infnrmahun H - 3
h'ey aermn. The lnput ls not arndned and] tr
has been srahle for rhe durarlon pfrhe
debmmce rnterval,
dialled string
\ sequence of characters entered via the
keypad. Mav mmain mambus. labels "' or
5. L'sed U) lmtlale calls or lnvnke specla'l
The net ufenrering a number orlahel by
typing ln sucresslve rharacrers on the
Dual rune mulnple frequency Method of
enmdmg digits (0 m 9) and chararrm (A m
F), each as a part pletghr srandard ranes
economy made
when rhr radio is cycling between the reeelve
mode and sundby stale
External rall requesr.
Ernsahle programmable read anlv
zeremal press—[e-lalk.
The \1PT1343 defined electremc serial
number ufthe radio
rasr frequency shrh keylng. The slgnalling
rnerhod empleved ln rrunked radios Data ls
represented by l cyck pmoo Hz (lnglr 1) or
1.5 cvrles at‘lsno Hz (logic 0) and |s (ransmlb
reel at moo baud.
fixed lrnalaatars)
Do not nme uur oilhrrr dun accord
Generally lndleare madt ordperadpn or slate.
Thz male or' the radlo in [flanked mode when
n ls non engaged ln a tall or (all serup or m
Additional mfnrmxfion
nonvmdoml mode when (he radio is rml
lnrermedlare frequency.
inactive (indicamr)
The bfi" {unasserled} sure uh signal or
a plam language word (1 to a rharaerers lung)
thar ls defined ta represent avah’d dialled
string ar radio programming tlrne
leadless Ceramlc ehlp earner.
Liquld crystal display.
Light ernnrlng dlode.
L???) -
{nw paasl'llrer.
fizulcu ‘ 3
\ Wino control umr,
“etal electrode face bonded
Manual rest mode The apemrng mode where
tesr rammandr are requesled via rhe krypnd
orthe radio and results are rerurned m the
rranr panel dlsplzy. lthu was am) the 30405
The real»? audio gating elemenr. When
acme. men-e audio 15 passed to the speaker.
The declslan (u zttivaie/dezctivale (he zudlc
Slgnal path is based an an evaluanpn dr
slgmlling codes (CTCSS. DCS. Seltzll)
uomalntd in the audio mfnrmauon (canlmsr
wnh squelch)
a ample sm‘ngthar Corrzspands m an
urn-13.13 defined called party identifier.
' mu lw uS-Slmlln
Pawn amplifier.
Prlvare automatlr branch exdunge
Prlmed cirrui! board.
Phase lurked Icop.
Plume leaded thip carrier,
Pm‘m mohlle radio
pmgramming mode
The mode “operation nflhe radio lrl WhlEh
compuler equlpmenr can read from and wrlle
:u the min: database.
Quad flat puck,
Public btn'lrl‘ ielephone network. [lsz
righrr’m fix! {1 ‘
RAM \ l >
7 ,
Random acres; memory
receive made
Thls is the slate wnertm the radlo is prouurx
rug u valid busy output. irrespective in“
nherhernny uuriiu uurpur is produmd 1! am
speaker terminals. The ¢SV»ECOI\' Suppl} IS
on‘ ind sufficient time has elapsed (or «unuuu
crrrulr blofks to selllt,
Riuiu frequency.
Refereed ugnal Strength indiramr
Serial communitarian; lrlierface. This is ihc
SM’HI lml‘rl'are imm the radio h) ull external
deuce. qurma‘llv urlllsmg rmnsmll and receive
data iigmhnd groundlines.
n 4m ufi—rh‘wm
Selective calling Sequential lane burst codlng
on rhe channel fur zhe purpose ofselectmg in
lndlndual ur gmup mrh whlch m communi-
The art ofplckmg h labdfmm u iispluied llsl
using the arrow keys
Nun-mice coding on the channel (or 111!
purpose ofidenrifving parties and/or
segregarlng user groups e g Citss Dcs.
Surface mnunl deuce.
Small uurline inregrumi riruuir
§mnll aurllrle lransisrc r.
,' Jfie channel husv lineman cur-rum The
Aegisrur'i ru nurnaresueucurure rhu audio
slgnal path ii based on a ngnilnunmse
mtlhuleme‘ln un me received RF Mgnil (‘ihe
iquelth cirruury preccuex rile mule circulrrv).
standby sxare
This n essenually‘ when [he <5V—ECON line IS
ulf, Thur is, when the rualo IS drawing the
‘nmlmum currenti whlle nili being stvltthed
string (simple)
x wqul’nce uflhe rharaerers U :u 9‘ ', =. which
msmms the radio m lnitlait a call ur perform
\Dm:‘ other furlClron.
successful (can)
i call for whuh 3 mm: channel is assigned.
system restart
The actmn taken bv the radic le
n response
"' (hurucler rerened on the SQ) where
ll lmmedlatelv ceases currcnl operation lhen
henules as ihuugh n has Just beell rwnched
w) [lie
Addlnrmzl infm'manun H - S
Tampemture cempensatrd cryml mum
(vallagc conlmllelfl. m frequenc'.’ reference
far {he RF pm uflhe mdio.
last link (manual)
A ghmcm runneulon max mus! be linked on
lhe comm] PCB m nrder m pul zhe radlo inm
manual ten mode
test link (sticky)
x programmable Hem than when set causes
lhe mile to always pnwer on ln manual ml:
mud: (LL 2 ‘nrmzl' link),
test mode
The upemung mode ufthe radm wherebv
mmpuler lcompuler equipmtm can control
mnous radiu mncliuns bv sendmg controlled)
commands dnwn a serial llnk to the radian
test mode (manual)
The apemung made aft he radlo “hm zest
mmmanas are requesled Ha (ha kevpad ofthe
{3le and resulls art relumed to lhe from
pamldlsplay lc‘mck thls Nasal-105 nnlv
traffic channel
The cmnne! used bv the radw for (hag
durauon oia call.
transmit made
The radiu has validaied l request and
commenced hr compleled the sequence of
smlcnlngoumfncuvemode This dues nol
necessan nnph mu m ls hem; nenemred
(runked mode
The made Dfoperallarl ofthe radio whereby
me mdin obeys commands on [he cnnml
channel and generally nptmfls as prostribed
m .\lPT13J,3
trunking system
The inlrasnucmre Comprlslng repealels and
rndlos requned to support a number at”
control channels and tnfi: {hm-Andi.
mugs ,anlrulled usclllalor. The ascillamr
um memeszllherlheon~channelxlgmlw
dnv me zrammutcr, ur the 10ch oscxllawr m
Addin‘nna] infomlion
mlx incummg RF slgnzls m the D7 ofthe ndin.
The instantaneous fmquency uflhe VCO is
delzrmlntd by a wmbinanon oflhe
symheslser (PLL) and the modulation signals
Tao-MOD and VCO-MOD.
Value operated transmn.
mum “mama
Tait Electronics Limited
Software Licence Agreement
rm ega‘ dcmmeflr ‘s an weemm cam/EM scu rme fixed. a ‘s a mncan-entaw mm arms agreerrenmatat
mencee') am Tam E‘ecrmncs bflted ‘ Tax", Sy at {was we and cwnevsmp arme Snvtware «new
spew; {ms alcauc. swag: and/av Aug “72 pmo- an me mm medfi 2! amerwwse shall temam vexed
uc: yflu agree (a :e mm by ‘he news 30 m Agee— m TaKcrmm cames Mm havegran. a Memes m Tan
went 1! nu an m agree 5.) (he terms cf ‘Ms Aslee-
menr. :o not due» me mam manage and rrmm
new re? - we morer‘ec steam: : Aage : Tau w
m. men “he steam Jackage max m : wen re
De amectznce crre: vms arm use"? agreerrem
Term and termfnarion
m; u: "ce sr-au De eflecave mm termwated ‘n ac—
ccmam Mm “he mmms 30 m Agveemem We
gcewcee may ‘emmare mg us ca at y me :y
_ 155mm; an cames :i m Sort-vale am! assocama
("fence Ml‘en "tate'a‘s Ths chncs w :e mvmrated am
mamauy and awn-cm acme ‘mn Tavm Te urn-at
NW‘EY‘ “arms “an five :nce mu 3am ‘CY accuc‘s mu U'E LZEHCZE EMS "_‘ “7"va mm Hy mm of :andmcn
3mm fi:m' m u unswcwarywageflitre mav ofthsAgreemerl rm Lie/1c zgees zesrmy aw
ucs ) and m whrg‘ess 13 39 mm Te e'ms ar’ awesome Svaave 3m; assented was" mars/ms
fan grams :: ,Cu as Lcargee 1“; new 5» ham: ar 5m tevmmamn
. ‘! 'g~: 'c 155 "as y :¢ 3 'a mva'e 3m » fA ‘1
gram mm H ne “rauuus‘ e s. new \ Wired "WWW
T Gamma, fie £5 < m, use w magi“ é“, Tm; SMzre ‘s sunoned Cy raw arc accecrec ry rre
is mm“ m We Mme 5 5mm“ 3 , meme ‘as 5 mm: Marraniy Jr am 1m: Elmer
. , excressed :' mzued. ncxcmgcumcrwn; meats
were we car em , ,
w a“ mam “a w fl, N mm, a, an ”the: Narraflfles as ‘c mewamanmtv :r mess
‘cr mum jurcvse The e'mve nsk as m n
CV‘F'EG Th" “:v ramun :u[' is f' sun/t JV
12m Ag 3, «a flggzm an + 52 flac cuaw 3rd certvm m Sa' are .e s n re
fi w my”; “mm, way mm "m, Marin Smuz w Suriware :r e tc Je Jae-cave
~s~s -: my mum! 14:ng "m are «wag the ~c and - sense: 3! my mum av
my ”my, 2mm Te g: G"? “we 15m cm ,:ef ~ mu asiume zre arm m ar
“us: 3 {mum inc nc‘mc T q, aw, El” "acessary meg 'e:awr :r icr'ectcfl ‘am aces
33W y-ng 5571.”ng ”CI VEY'SV‘I 7a: me annzns «nzmeo "‘ fine 507!-
m were 1 "1c mums! crogram i! m 4Se tn the v6 5 5 rec remeflrs :' 7m fie
nave meme mm mm x m vam
"men mu arcre' 3!chan m “Mae ‘3 -
Sums: 3 I’ve xevms am: mums _ m5 Agree»
in ccrs‘cevanm 3 czyrrent 3T re ca ~
«ave mi fieer‘fie '.
zcevnzcr zrrre Sam/ave mu :e umrrevrurec :v ever
by 4cwe: , E: r' xs rat re rsxeres warty :n
wcr Te Sch/are s sumac ‘: re memes snau :e
my use m se". we we; zvmr . ;
w m-re we ':e e'ymre rces
TreL er" Tav wz: juchtaze ~::w mass ::m—
sne :' meme assemfle ‘“e Samara ‘r ah: e v :an
Exclusion afliabllrty
r'ue acw m:
1 e ’ema:er‘e": 3 any stterte vc: "sear; Ea
mte: mar Jr» 513 mu". 5' M‘e: ’: rawtt'
“ch guns“ Tat mm a
my :: w gaencee s swarm if r.
acusu rem
77m? m sulfa/ale
bane", S,
‘awg re ,Eer‘:2e “Way zm ”s ‘us‘reflt
WC. flare SF‘ . r‘ m Te 5:
mm humid :- "as unsecuefl'v
Mu ‘r: “4 WM, Mammal inhuman 1+ 7
w a mskere s sunahec and J m 5 meme to
newer a moracemm mane mac ws ‘Vee ‘mm
crwvvkmansmm me ucencea
maytermmam m Ageementbylemmrr‘gthe Soft»
we to Tau.
m no mumsrances shall Talk be my any haml-
b/ m me Name cr any mm uevscn Watso-
eve! w my amen or consequennsi damage ans
a; m :r a! m cannecncn mm any use :r nanmy
ci usmg me Software
Tam wananrs me znemunn uf ma Sam/are my
wvm me acmnng system for man n was de-
svgved. use aim Somme wxlh an uperanngsys—
(gm men man that mvwmcn y: mas Gama-ed may
FCKW sunnmfia Ely Tart un‘ESDmErWISE unresswy
ageea by Tam
The menses zznnrms that yl snaH Gummy wwm m cm-
Asmfls ‘waw .n manna nu ma sortwave
Law ant/jurisdiction
Tm: Agaemznx snaH be sumac! w and construed m
acmrcance Mm New Zealana WW znflmspules semen
me games mg me monsmns harem scan 39
zelelmmea zy re New Zealanu Cauns av urn-Ply???)
Adel: ”mt/eve" Tazt may at wls elecaon karma,
rvgs tr mess," :v the terms meow w 9
mm or any ,ucgemen( n ‘e‘ancn m a n
terms wear m any junsdecucn m Ennswdefs’ v'cr‘m
surpass 3, ensurmg camaumce mm the (ems new
sr 3mm; rate? at aream om mms nevecf
H- E Additional informafinn
Na dualings
The Licences may not subucense. assvm or transfer
me meme arme pmgam sum as anvessy Dmvmed
mm-s Agreemem Any zmmntcmerwwsem sumcznse,
assvm or nnsfev any Dime ngms, dunes or anhmons
hereundel 1s yum.
No other terms
The ucencse admomedges mam has reaa ems ayes
menL understand mm 3928 u: be Bound by ns terms
and condmuns. The been“: iumer agees ma! ms ws
me combine and Wusm momentum; amemem
between R and Tan m maven m me software mum
swarms any umpasal or arm agreement, may 57
wmlen and any mm commumcanons barman me
meme and Tayr relaungw me software (5539).
319: mm (3st

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