Takex America MW50L100AL 24GHz Microwave Security Sensors User Manual

Takex America, Inc. 24GHz Microwave Security Sensors

User Manual

Download: Takex America MW50L100AL 24GHz Microwave Security Sensors User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Takex America MW50L100AL 24GHz Microwave Security Sensors User Manual
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Filesize273.15kB (3414358 bits)
Date Submitted2017-10-18 00:00:00
Date Available2017-12-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-09 17:45:27
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Instruction Manual
We appreelate your purchase orthe TAKEX mlcmwave sensor Thls sensor wlll provlde lung and dependable servlte when properly
mstnlled. Please read th5 instructmn manual carefully for correct and effective use.
Please mate Thls sensor ls deslened to detect lntrnslon and to nntlate an alarm, ll: ls nor a burglary or a crlme preventmg devlee
TAKEX ls not responslhle for damage, nnury or loss eaused hy aeoldent, theft, Acts erGod (includmg induetlvo
by llghtnln surges), abuse, mlsuse, abnormal usage faulty lllstallntlon ur llrlpruper mallltenance
ThlS Product Conslsts of a llansmlllev whlch sends 24GHZ band cl microwave and a rebelvev which receives the beam II wlll Inlllale an alarm
slgnal when the recelver detects a drop in the beam recepllorl level due to lnlerruplion ol oblecls interrupt between the transmitter and receiver
Compared to a photoelectric beam the wavelength at mlcrcwaves ls extremely long, which prevent the sensor lrom belng allected by weather such
as turrentlal ralnlall. snowtall, log or trust especially during cold wlnlers Stable detection penerrnance is pesslhle
Two types at lvequencles, MW-sc (H) and MW-50 (L) are avallaule
/ \s
Venlcal angle
ylunltur lack
ew firldel
ecetver only)
Transmlsslan LED’
Alarm LED
se tlme aulustment l
/ Tamper swllch
ver only
Adluslmem mode 1
(Recall/er only) 1
oBraeket 2
OTEmeg screw
( a 4 x 30mm) 5
OCnumersunk screw
(M4 x 20mm) 4
Knuckuut /
0 Do not install the urnt at places
where lt may he blocked by
ohltaeles such as trees
- no not lnstall the ulllt a street slde
or ln parklng 1:le where, runny oars
may pass by lnstallatlon rnust he
at SR (1 am) away from the
nummoblles traffic
- Don‘t lastall thls nnlt ln loeollon
where lt ls exposed to dlrett
runhghl or halogen hght it may
become a cause at nlaltnnttlun
% "st-3a, fag/la”
\ e l , ll
a Don‘t lnstall other than
torrett dlrochn
(at slant, at upslde down)
QDq not lastnll the nnlt un
unsteady surtaees
- when lnstalhne the nnlt alone
the suit of u bulldlng or lease,
lnstallatlon must he at least
3 ztt (l Om) aw vfium said
- Dml‘t face the mumr umt m the
sun dnettly dullng lnstalllne or
rcpluung ll. may lat-cum" it
cause of mallunetlon
. gg
ls hurled ln snow . Fl eezmg
2) Height of installa n
Install the “mt at a height of 3 3' (1m),
ground to center or rnlerownve sensor,
to detect lnnnnn belllg walklng or
running through the beam
3 3‘ la 6 s
(l m 2m)
3.3 to |65 lrnle sum
A core detectlon area ls approxlrnately a 2“ (0 film) as lntlleated
above as A, when the allgnrneut ls corruttly adjusted lt ls
suggested to make at least 3 3‘ (1m) open spate on elther slde of
detectlon area to prevent false alarm
at Please check the detettlon area by walkmg test
0 Do not stack the sensors vertleally.
3) Check me environment of (he installa n sile
The rulerowaves are attested by elettne waves retleeted from
huildlngs, fences, and or the ground
The healu rteeptlou level oithe rultrewaves depends on how the
unit is installed ln the area, especmlly by the llelgltl. ofnrstallatlon
Fmd the pusitlon
(htlghtl ol the sensor
for transrnrtter and
receiver respenetlvely
where tht ununulurn
slgnal reeeptlun level
can he uhtalned
bulbrc the linnl
Note lnstall the sensor at a proper height and posltlon otherwlse
dttettlon area could he wldtntd over a 6' (2m)
This could cause the sensor to detest movements oftnrs or
vegetatlzms near the area and lend to frequent false alarrns
4) Installation example
When two or more sets are used, two frequenctes (L and H types) should be used in order
to avmd cross talk or interference Refer to the following example
OLtnear protection
ll type should be used for TR? and RE} when fin and 11131 are L type.
OPertmeter protectlon
Do not lrtstaii the transmitter and
the receiver at a same Currier
Microwave sensor with tilt: samt‘
frequency can he used for this case
e, 165‘ (surnt f e, 1135 (50m) 7 — —
eu—fl, flue—C mi) >(, as
it WDEH‘ (cam) i “F3 155't50m) TBZ l'H typel
" t’t lynci " ”Named
1' (o is 5‘ mm
to film to 5m)
- no not use different frequencies (H nnd L) in a detection hne RED- f m
Use a pair Dfsame frequency TR(H) and REtH) DR TR(L) and RE(L) ' r (p ‘a
- Do not stack the sensors vertically. Q RE W J
w ing
1) Basic connection 2) When two or more sets are connected to
the same line.
4?! {DCt 2V);
Alarm ;
stgnal t
c /’\
Q \,/
Fitz RE?
4) Wiring distance
iner voltage
Size of Wire used 12V DC
Up to Geolt. (200m)
Up to warm. (300m)
Up to 1,35Uft (400m)
Up t01,800ft (550m)
Up tn moon (700m)
24V DC
Upto moon (1,600m)
Upto moon (2.400m)
llpto amen (2,300m)
Upto 12mm (3,800m)
Up to 16,500fl l5,100m)
AWG 20 (Dre. 0 Boom)
AWG 18 (Bin. 1 0mm)
AWG 1707111 1mm)
AWG 16 (Dis 1 25mm)
AWG 15 (Bra 1 4mm)
The equipment must be powered from an LPS in accordance with EN60950-1
: 2001
a) When two or more sets are connected
to separate lines.
iAialm stgnaii
t (NC) :
Note v 1) Max Wiring distance when two or
more sets art: connected or the above
value divided by the number ot‘scte
2) The Signal ltne can be wtred to a
distance ofup to 6,000ft (2,000m)
With AWG 20 tdtan 8mm) telephone
AWG 14 (Dia 1 6mm) Up to 2,950lt (900m) Up to 21,000tt (6,400m) W“
Terminal arrangement
[Transmitter] [Receiver]
Power t2 to soy DC 5?» @ Power t2 to 30V DC ”iffi“) Q)
(non-poiariry) \ Q5) @ (nan-polallw) n {i’r‘ @
coM 04 ®
Alarm output \ /
Dry contact relay Form c r ~ 53
30V(ACIDC)025A “Oi NC ®
cc ®
Tamper output ,, m @ Tamper output / vi (6)
Dry contact relay output N.C. i 17 Dry contact relay cutput N C. ~ t 0‘ @
30V (AC/DC) 0.1A H?) \L 30V (AC/DC) OJA
Mounting (Ex. 1) (Ex. 2) (Ex. 3)
1) Detach the sensor cover with a
screw driver.
2) Detach the mounting plate to
loosen 2 screws that fix sensor
body to the mounting plate
3) Wall mount
LLVIake holes In the wall
oi>laee the mounting plate the wall as a template for drilling
and mark the serow holes (Allow a space or 1“ (25mm)
above and below the plate
This will pmVidc easy cletaehment of the cover after
installation )
i" (25mm) or move\\\
Use plug etc
. Pre-olrill in wall.
Concrete wall : Refer to speeilications of the securing plug used.
Wooden wall 0.12” (mm oliameter
(Zlnstall the sensor.
lInsert tapping screws to 0 59” (15mm) under the screw liearl
olnstall the mounting plate on the wall after pulling the wire
through it
oCennect terminals
-Attach sensor eover
* The grommet is compatible with a Wire of a: 0.12” to 3mm)
to o 0.24” (a) 6mm) outer oliameter.
When a Wire or morc than
o o 24" (a: 6mm) outer riia ,/ N
is uscnl, cut off the tlotteol . f' \‘
linc portion as illustrated t ‘QW \ s
using pliers or the like. (goat (lgb J H %
Then use caulking to K]?
prevent insects from
entering into iuiit.
(7 x
4) Pole mount
(DMake a Wiring hole in the pole Pull
the Wire through Wire
/ —
f /
éllnstall sensor on the pole. ’
oAttacli the U brackets to pole and fur the mounting plate
with screws
oFir the sensor the body to the mounting plate.
oConneet the terminals
oAttacli the sensor and pole covers.
(Break the knockouts on the cover and pole eover to ariapt
to polc's niamctcr anol configurationl
m 77‘ (oasnml
m 50‘ (ozsnml/
5) Pole mounting hack to back
- Attaeh the two U brackets to
the poles, one on top ofthe
other, facing opposite
(See illustration.)
1) Supply poWer with covers ofl‘.
2) Look through the view finder on the transmitter unit and move it ulitll
the receiver imit ls visible.
Repeat the procedure on the receiver unit.
3) Set the adjustment mode sWiteh on the receiver to ”adjustment mode".
Connect the digital volt meter to the monitor Jack and cheek the monitor
output voltage (beam reception level)
when the output voltage is loW, adjust the installation height of the
transmitter amt reeeiver so that the output voltage will reach the
highest level (Make sure that the angle otthe antenna does not change.)
Note install the sensor at a propcr height anul position otherwise rleteetion
area could be widened over 6 G' (2mm.
This could cause the sensor to detect movements of cars or vegetations
near the area and lead to frequent false alarms
4) After adjustment, make sure that the adjustment switch is set to
”Operation mode”
a is
Venicalange\ \/ gfi
Antenna aniosimem screw 7
N Voltage reading Sensitivity
5&1]; 2.1V or more Best
‘3‘7 1.8V to 2 1v Goool
Digital vollmeicl 1.8V or less Poor, re-adjust
®Mter adjustment, set the adjustment mode switch to ”Operation mode”.
After the installation and angle auyustment are
finished, test operation by performing a walking
test thmug walk testing the sensor
Two methods may be used
Note When eover is attaehcrl, the sensor is switched
to be in an operation mode automatically
I) Check by alarm LED only.
Control panel
. . M
1. Adjustment mode swtlch mil ‘ngfggimm
with“ijlfisfiujfllfieézyszfiik “the “Mm“ Prpteetlpu distance 3 3h (1m) (0 lssft (50111)
When ahgruttg the teem, turd the swltch |$ We Maxr amval dmam Approx 3m 
tu the "Adtuetmettl mode" 253?“ Microwave 24 new
(Factory set Operauon made) Mums We Detection system Mtemwrttre
_ _ autuetrnenlpelentlernetet Response tune a Désec to 0 35am (Variable uemg POT)
2- “59°“? "me "I“S'me’“ fr \ Dry cetttaet relay output m N 0 /N c COM
WW“ «4; ll Alarm signal Contact uttleh lhtemtptutu nmc output
(Faemry set. 0 0A) ppfik' 4”, V (zhntnat tapettty gov (AC/DC) 0 25A or less
ue, ‘ " Supply vnltage 12 tn sov uc
Respnnse llme a on see Response pm a a set paw“ swampy“ . Tmmmm, 50m
77 . Reeetuer 50m
' Dry contact output N c
,/ Tam?" “gm“ Cutttaet capaetty 30V (AC/DC) 0 1A
" ' Alarm LED (Reeetver) Red LED Ltghtmg at alarm
hun at lull eeeee ' Walk ytn eulthstevs 33:55:32“) LED Green LED Ltglttmg at signal trattsmtestup
heuettptte Muhttor output, Adtusttuettt mode ewttclt
TROUBLESHOOTING Weight Trauemttter 25 002 lBUDg] Rcccwcr 29 8014850g>
eelye peeehle preteens aeehulne re the tellowmg lane Appearance Res-n (Wmc mu
ll narmal cpevallons cunnpl be reslcred by the means,cnnlac1 eltner the dealev lrern
wnorn you taught the unlt ur TAKEX
Symploms Pusslbla causes Remedlas EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS
l. No power supply l Turn on the newer
2 Bad wtrlng epnneellen ur hrphen 2 Check wne
LED does not ltpht WM 5th
No powel supply
Turn on me power
V 2. Bad wtnnp eenneenpn 2 Check me
"5°" "LE" 3 Mlerpweyelsrelleeteu etlsnptner 3 Remavelhe ablecl
daesnnlllghlvmsn b l d "I t m In M v ll C“ n
“numbwm o lec an ee lne eteeelyet eaue g e e e e let
enangetne platelet ‘
lnslallallon l
t the ether supply to the tranenttr l run eh the ewe tn the l
Reoelvel LED 2 Angle aptustrnent ol llansmlller llansrwller l
cuminussloligm andvecelvevlsnolappmprlale 2 Reaaluslanple ‘ a "
ltne fines not step; a Obslacles hetueen trunenttter 3 Remave obslacles 4 as m l 5mm] 3 95 ll pl nrnt 2.03 (Sl .5lnml
and vecelvev 4 Os‘ll 04mm) 3 85‘(58mml
l. Bad wnlng connecllon l cneck agaln l
2 shangeeleupplyueltage 2 stahllueeupply vullagc ‘
3 sneelnghpleetepetweentne 3 Hemaveoblecllhe A l
trarenltler and vscslvsv causing the shade ; l
lttterrntuent elarm 4 A large eleetne nelee scuffle euen 4 Change the plate at p l
as power machlne e localed near lnetallathn 3 l e
the (vansmlller and retelyer y l E
5. lnetelletlennelentnetallethnate 5 Headlusl g l 3
er arte auuetnen. e treheenate e l e
l 2
DAILY mspscnous 4;
7 (z. i
we clean the uetlee. use a set, yet eletn and then ulpe en any walel mops g
lt tne net/me ls panleularly elny dlp the sol! eletn tn waler that lncludes a weak neulval delelgenl o l 51
Wm the dense gently Wltn the clam then Wlpa all any uetergenttnat rernalns > r \ WWW We
nuanetuee suh5lancessuchaslhlrlrlermberlzene 7 , ,
llne DlasllcDansmaydeloml,dlwololorchangelhellnmnenles) wl 50 he pl 1/‘ ”U 5 l“ “W”
iPevludlcaHy (apprettrnutely weekly) epnnrn uperetlun luasnnn lo pus nml MOUNT HOLE
{llF‘FC rugultturh etutenuht Thu heutpnteht hAS huh terled and [mum] to httmph wth the hrhtle rnr u mm B dtgttul derue purrurnt u, purt ts huh. m- Ruin The" llmlLs are dammed to prune.
reatuuahle pmwnwn eratrut harmful tnterltrnuet th a mmlcnllal lnsmflfllmn'fhll equtptatht generates uuu and tau ralllaw rduttmteueue, enclly and uhut lnsmflcd aud uttu tn aeeerdantt wtuttht
tretrutheh.‘ mayetueehatmnd thunertner tl ruttr enmmuhumehr newt" thtrr tr nh gttartnree that thtertrrene. tent net ettur tn ; partteular tnrttltatteh uthte entuprhrnt don eaurr harmful
tnterltrt-rut» m rAdm urtttmuhn rerpnuuh whlth huh ht» deumtntu by tut-rung the cuutpment 0n tmd uh Lhc um re thutureut-u u, try t0 urrrtrt the tnlerttrt-rue hymn: or hurt uttht- hduruutr
measure: chnrlcllK or relocate the Yawn/mg antenna Incrcaxcthe-wpammn hethetntheceutpmentdatlreettter —Canncrtlhfl¢qummonlmln anomletrm aetteuttdttterenrtreru tltdrtuhhteh
thr rrrrtrer tr rnnnhrted anneutt [hr tit-ahlr nr tn hunrtteherd radthnv trehntmh re, lrmlp
wuxmu changee urruuuuuuuuru nututtrurrlyatlprw llytht- HAIL) rnrpuhrdutturwmphaheethulurutu the urerltuuthhuytuuhtruleth nutthuttt
l2)RF Expteutt lvarnthe Starethehr Thu eeutpmehr tpmplttt wtth m tadterturt ehttuture lthttte tel tarth tat ah unmntrnllcd thttrehtneht End utprr rdutr ttllun tht thettpe opetaun; tnttruetttnt for
tuttrhthr RF taptreurt rtr..ph.hre Thls truhrrrutlat rhurt be ut lrttst Zfl rr.. trnrh the deer and rnuetrutt he rltllnllgd ernptruuhr th rehtuhrhnh utth thy tthtr lnknnl hr tranrrhttter
Tht tuttrruaunh utthu guuh my rudder wtuteuthuuet Tht mauulatturnr dtrutatr up rcxtuuetudttr [or any trrure that my arptar thtlux guule
lelled Warranty :
mmx pmdmts are warranwd tu he tree trhtr. detertt tn maternal and uhrhntanehtp lhr tz thhntht trhtn hrtgtdal flaw htthtpthtnt our warranty dhet tun Ntu‘r damage nr latlurt raured h,
natural dlszslsrrfi thute mutt. zhnmmd uetge faulty tnetellatthd uttprnptr tatttttedante hr any repatrt hthtr than that prhyultd hy TAKEX All tthphed wtrrtttttte etth retpeht th
mmx lm‘ludmg tmplted warranttet for nterhhantehtltty end thtplteu trarranttee It»! ntttete no lthuted td duratthn u» 12 rnntttht trhtn nrtgtnel date htthtpntedt nurtttg the warranty
Fermd,T/\KEX tutu repatrnr replare, tt ttt hole hpttutt tree Mel/largely thy dpfemw pan: returned prepatd Mme prnutde the rnrultl nurnher httht prddurte hrtgtnal 4h!» htthtpttttnt tud
nature hrdtmrulty ltttn, tapertented There utll he rharget reddertd rhr prhduet repatrt thadt “Mir hur Warrmlty Pound htx Mplrsd
ln Japan ln the u 5 ln Ausllslla ln tne u K
lakenaka Englneering cu, Ltd. Takex America Inc Takex America Inc. Takex Europe Lttl.
83—1 aeteahluhan ngxshlnu‘ lsl. San zenp wAv ans Hnwlays Ready Nettlng Hlll‘ Avlary Calm, Wade Rnad‘
Vamashlna—Ku Kyalc saw—else depart Sunnyuele cu mewsu VlC ales Basmgsmke Hampsnlre R624 ape UK
Tel 51—75—501 reesl Tel 408—747—0100 Tel tel lea) 954472477 Tel (my 01255475555
Fax 81—75—593—3815 Fax 408—7344 lno Fax A51 (03) 95434342 Fat at 01255465265
nttp //www lakexsng ep.lpl Mlp l/www lakex com nttp l/www.lakex.com
We appreciate your purchase of the TAKEX microwave sensor This sensor will provide long and dependable service when properly
installed please read this instruction manual carefully for correct and effective use
please note This sensor is designed to detcct intrusion and to initiate an alarm, it is not a burglary or a crimt: preventing dtzvicc
TAKEX is not responsible for damage, injury or loss caused by accident theft) Acts of God 
Tlansmmel Transmission LED\ 3
Hecelver Aiarm LED
/ ’
Respnnse lune aoiusimeni
{Hccclvcl oniy)
Tamper sWitoh
Adlustmem mode
oBracKel 2
‘Tapplng screw
(me x 30mm) 5
OCauniersunK screw
(M4 x 20mm) 4
To and bollom
. no not install the unit at placrs
where it may he blocked hy
olistacles such as trccs.
- no not install the unit a street side
or in parking lots where many cars
may pa. liy installation must he
at an l 5m) away from the
aiitornnliilrr traffic
won‘t install this unit in location
where it is exposed to direct
sunlight or halogen light it may
bccomc a cause ofmaliuncticn
nnnn‘t install other than
correct direction
(at ilunt, at upiidc down)
unon‘t operate less than 3 3‘ (im) detection
distance between transmitter and receiver
even for operation checking
"was ,
- h is iriiried in snow
. no not install the unit on
unsteady surfaces
3 mm
ownen installing the unit along
the side ofa building or fencer
installation must. be Lil. lnasi
3 aft tini) away from said
QDou‘t face the mirror iirnt to the
sun directly during installing or
replacing it may become a cause
of malfunction
/ s §€
2) Height of installation
install the unit at a height on 33 tlml,
ground to center of microwave sensor,
to detect human heing walking or
running through the beam
canoror I
aetoee‘ ”roam
ii to ziril \ ”W“ i > I
to s‘ to 330‘i5mi0100m
A eore detection area is approximately oz‘ [0 Gm) as indicated
ahove as A, when the alignment is correctly cdrusted it is
suggested to make at least 3 3‘ <1m> open space on either side of
detection area to prevent raise alarm.
at Please check the detection area by walinng test
- Do not stack the sensors vertically
3) Check the environmem of the inslallation site
The microwaves are affected by electric waves collected from
buildings, fences, and or the ground
The beam reception level of the microwaves depends on how the
iiiut is installed in the area. especially hy the height orinstallation.
Find the position (height) of the sensor for transmitter and
respcnttively whore
the mainmurn signal
reception level can
he obtained before
the final
Note install the sensor at a proper height and position otherwise
detection area could be widened over oxa- (2m).
This could cause the sensor to detect movements ofcars or
vegetations near the area and lead to frequent false alarms
Inslallation example
When two or more sets are used? two frequencies (L and H types) shoulol be used in order
to avoirl eross talk or interference. Refer to the following example.
CPerimeler protection
Do not install the transmrtter and
the receiver at a some corner,
_ Microwave sensor with the same
QLlnear prolecllon (long dlstance) frequency can be used for this case
H type should he used for TR3 and RES when TRl and RE! are L type fi
l l m RE ’—l
Tm REl m3 . RE3 V Y
,, 330‘11007“) —— — 330 (100ml ,—r T \ y ,
J—K >—H,. TR,,/ ARE
(L noel l‘ (u 3m) i “F2 330, mm, £52 (H iyoel
(TOP View) 7, (L type) "T Emma”
1' to is 5‘ “e
10 3m to 5m)
- Do not use different frequencws [11 and L) m a detection line RE '\< (1 TR
Use a pmr ofsfime frequency : mm nnd RElI—I) on TR(L) and mm
(Top view) A RE m t \
- Do not stack the sensors vertically
(Ex. 3)
(Ex. 1 ) (Ex 2)
* The grommet is compatible With a wire of oo 12" §<
‘ m 50“ (035mm)‘
5) Pole mounting hack to hnclr
. Attach the two [I hraekets to
the poles, one on top oftlie
other, lacing opposite
(See illusrratrou.>
Terminal arrangement
Power 12 to 28V DC
Aiarm output
Tamper output
Dry contact reiay output N c
30V (AC/DC) om
W ©
Power lz to zsv DC “ (D
(non-poiarlty) ( @
con/l @
Dry contact relay Form c
sov (AC/DC) 0 25A
Tamper output |
Dry contact reizy output N C L.
O oov (AC/DC) o.tA
1) Basic connection
2) When two or more sets are connected to
the same line.
The equipment must be powered Irom an LPS in accordance with EN60950-1 : 2001
3) When two or more sets are connected
to separate lines.
(‘X X X4) (01
4) wiring distance
U3 U i
Size of wire used
Power voltage
12V DC
24V DC
AWG 20 (Bra 0 8mm) up to
snort (200m)
Upto 5,300ft (1,600m)
AWG 18 (Bra 1 0mm)
Up to LDOOR (300m)
Up to moon (2,4oom)
AWG 17 (Die 1 1mm)
Up to 1,3solt (400m)
Up to escort (2.900m)
AWG 16 (Bin 1.25mm)
Up to moon (550m)
Up to 12,500“. (3.8mm)
AWG 15 (D13 1.4mm) Up to ‘
not: (700m)
Up to 17170011. (Edomnl
AWG 1A (ma 1 6mm)
Up to 2,9i>0ft (900m)
Up to 21,000ft (6,400m)
:i Email 1 p l P l
I IHDClzv); I T L “(Dear/ll 1 EL Ii ‘} (D833):
4” Alarm 1 53 (E ii Alarm 1 S , fig” 1]Alalmslgnal1
signal i i slgnal i ‘ l {N C.) 1
I (N c) 1 l (N_[; ) l iltlaimslgnall
{l {7 ‘f y 2 {NC} 1
{tax/usage (w; (Contlolpanel)
vii ilitrii
Note 1) Max. wiring distance, when two or
more sets are connected, is the above
value divided by the number oisets.
2) The signal line can be wired to a
distance of up to £1000“. (zoom)
ivith AWG 20 (the 0 8mm) telephone
ll Supply power wrth eovers off
2) Look through the view finder on the transmitter unit and move it
until the receiver unit is visible
Repeat the proeedure on the receiver unit
3) Set the adjustment mode switeh on the receiver to ”adjustment morle
Connect the dlgltal volt meter to the monitor Jack and eheek the
monitor output voltage (beam reeeption level),
When the output voltage is low, adiust the installation height. of the
transmitter and reeeiver so that the output voltage wrll reaeh the
highest level (Make sure that the angle ofthe antenna does not
change >
4) After adjustment, make sure that the adjustment swrteh it set to
"Operatmn mode"
Antenna vertical angle
aeiustment screw
Ao ustment ml 7
Voltage reading Sensitivity
2 IV or more Best.
1 av to 2.1V Good
D'Ql'a‘ “my 1 av or less Poor, readjust.
After adjustment, set the adjustment mode swltch to ”Operation mode".
Note» Install the sensor at a proper hclght and position otherwise
deteetion area could be wulened over 6.6‘ (2m).
This could eause the sensor to detect movements of cars or
vegetations near the area and lead to frequent false alarms.
Aficr the installation and angle adjustment are
finished, test operation by performmg a walking
test throng walk testing the sensor
Two methods may he used
Note When cover ls attached, the sensor 1s switched
to be in an operation mode automaticully
I) cheek by alarm LED only.
Control panel
1. Adiustrrrem mode switch TYPE Mic'flwm sens”
wnlr nus week, a speedy check enhe MMQ' MW" 00“-
beam reeeeuen level re peeerble Adrusvvrem Prerecrrerr disrarrce 15.541. 15mm 33m. (room)
When alrgrrmg the beam, mun rhe swneh lf ”we Max arr-var distance Approx sson (200m)
to the ”Admstmem made” gggg‘m" mem 24 12 em
(Factory set Operahun mode) Ruspnnsc mm Detemron system M‘cmwave
2. Response time adius‘mem “1mm”! W‘wmw Response unre 0.045ec. re 0 asee (Varreere usmg POT)
volume . Dry cenraer reray ourpur rc N.O /N 0. COM.
Ararrn srgnar Contact acrren rrrrerruprren irme output
(“MW 5“ U 0“ Contacl capacrry 30V (AC/Dc; 0 25A or ress
Suppry verrage r2 re zav DC
Responsilrmfi 0 04 590 Power consumption U Tlansr‘fl?§$A AONA
o Heeerver SOmA
Dry ounlact outpul N.C
Tam” s'gm‘ Contam capaerry sov (AC/DC) 0 IA
Ararrn LED (Receiver) Red LED Lrgmmg at ararnr
Run m NH speed Wakwm qu ck sung Transmlsslan LED
(Transmitter) Green LED Lrgnrrng ar srgnal Uansmrssron
Funclions Manner culpm. Adjustmem mode swrlch
TROUBLESHOOTING Weignr Tranemrrrer 35 301110509) Reserve! as $0111.100g)
serve eeserere preerenre eeeererng m rne rerrewrne raere Appearance Resrn (Wrne red)
rr nernrar nperalrens carrrrm be vesmved by me means. eenraer errner rne dearer rrern
wnem Wu eeugnnne unrr er TAKEX.
WW“ 722253233... Tm“ * EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS
rranernrrrer Tum en rne eewer
Len am "a. a Bad wrung eenneerren er bmken 2 Check wna
rrgnr wrre. snen
| No power supmy r. Tum en rne eewer
naeerverLEu 2 Bad wrrrng cunnccllon 2 Checkwrvc
duas not rrenr 3 Mrcmwave rs rerreeree err anerner 3 Remove rne oereer
when me beam eereer ane senr rma rne reeerrer causrng rna rerreerren. or
is broken enange rne eraee rer
r Nu Dwevsu r mrhelransmmev r rernenrneeewerenrne
“W‘VG'LED 2 Angpre aensrri‘enr nHvansmrflev transmrtlev
03mm "EM and new w appreenae 2 neeeree rmere “ 2m“ .
gmgmgf 3 Obsxacles eerweenrensnrrer 3. Remove obslacres 0,96 New (53‘me 23.6, mm
anereeerver ,, 4 ,
L , , r .
| Bad wrrrng comedian r. Check agarn I r r‘
a Change er eeeery vnhage z sraerrre eeeery uahage g r
Mummy“ 3 snaerng eerecrs belweerr me 3. Remove omen rne g r “
“m. rranemrrrerane weer mane rho eneee e M
4 A raree ereerne neree aeeree seen a Change rne eraee er L, g rz-oammr
as power nraenrne rs recaree near rnsrarrarren e
rne rrensnrrrrer and veceruer
5 rnsrarrarrennergnr rnsrarrarrensrre 5.Read|ust
er engre ad‘uslmenl rs rnaeeenare
rsrww m) \ermghore
QTD erean mo eevrec. use a snrr. wer erern and rnen wrpc err any walcr amps
rr rne devrce rs pamcurarry drny drp rne serr erern rn warer rnar rncrudes a weak neerrar de|evgem Lnr —r——‘ on 79. Mammy
erc rne dcvrcc gcnfly wrrn rne cIDm. rnen wree err any eerereenr rna. vemarns
one ner use subslances such as rnrnner er benzene LEI, ,
rrne praerre pane may earenn. ersmrerer enanga rnerr prepenresr er 50“ re er 77“ MOUNT HOLE
- Perradrcnrry raeererrrnarery weekly) eenrrrn eeerarren (mm re $45mm]
urre - nezerarm Swwmcnt Thu cqummcnthas bran WSLM emr found 141 «amply wrreree hm)“ rer e Cm; H mm.“ dcww Nursml w em 13 mm Mu Rules rem me are Alcngnm w pmer
lessonakflepvokbuon agnmnlnavmflfl mtwfelerwrm arerreennarrnuerranen Thlequvpmmtgenevnxes um units" ladnzeladlalrequencyemvgyund nrrerrnuerrenann undm arr/rrdancrwnhthe
rmrrernrree mly “ere hArquA rererrerenee n, rarer, ermmemunrrer newer Lhue r. en ramrnee thl merrereme w)“ nnL mar re r Dxrurulnr mllaflxlum mm. Equlvmznl rrrre. “are hxrmful
rererferrmmraererrrererrrreerecer-nerr wereereerrerrerermreeeer tummgthccqmpmcntofl‘andan the usensencouralcdtofl) to unnechhc mtx‘rfcmnw by em a! more 1)!th MIA/wing
memre, —Kfionrnl nr "Inuit: re. meme, meme. 4mm,e the xepnrerm eerwn (hp eqermenr and rem" meme the ererpmenr mm m eerrer er. . nwm! ernermr rrnm mar In whuh
(in: rem-rm r. Lunnflh‘d —Cunxull tkw dcnlcx er m fxvcrnznccd {Amum'luhmtun r..r hvht
wmme changes er madmcntwnx rrewxererrlr aypravmi by the rrarry lcxponnblc for wmylhcmcc rnuld vmd me uscl‘x earnerny w operatuhc muxpmcm
mm? Erperer. WlmmgSLlerent Thu eqerpmern men.r with rm rlduuon experere hmlu m [mm [M "r nnmnlmlhfl rnrrrnemmr End arm mun. («How um rpmrn openlm‘ mnruchnm Inr
mush‘mfl M" was“ commune Thu rrenreener merr ee er ram 20 m. rrem the erer and must not he co—lccaud er aycmung re conjuncuan vulh An) other eerreea M lmmmmex
re, rnrermrenr. r, rnr, we, my new wldwut "on", an, mnnufanmer warm ne relpwrslblhty fur anynmu that may appear m an. we»,
eriled Warranty:
TAKEX pmduux zrc warrnmr-d in he (rt-c frnm amen m matmzl and warkmnushlp m 12 months frare nngmfl datr- nfshqrmcut Our warrnuw Arms um. mvrr damage at (allure cznxcd bv
naturfl anaarerr almxc. xmsusc. enrrerrrrar mgr. faulty rrrararramn. Ampmpcr mamwnanw er any rrpmrs «finer than those prevrrrea by wan-1x nu Amphcd warranmr wnh rr-spcct w
Timex mdudmg lmplltd werrarrnee rrrr mnchamahxhty and nnplmd werrerrnea In! Mums. Am rrrrrrmr in duration in 12 mnnths [mm nngmzl «ran m‘slnpmtm Durmg Lhn Warranty
Prrmd. TAM-1x wrrr rcpmr nr replace. ar its mk «ptlnnefn-c afchzrgr. any delnuvc parts rctumcd prepaid mna pmvxdre m mndd uumlmrnltlm pmdnds. angmal dare afshmmcut and
flaunt Mdllficnlty hung cxpencnwd Thur mu ea chug“: rumored (M mam rrpmrs made an" ourWarranty Fnrmd has exprrrrr
rn Japan rn me u s rn Ausrrerra In rne u K
Takenaka Engineering Cm, Ltd. Takex Amerrca Inc. Takex Amerrca Inc. Takex Eurape Ltd.
834, Gum—salon". Hrgashmo, rsr. San Zena wev Mrs Hewreys nears, Numng HrH, Aurary Cmm. Wade Rand,
Yamasnrna—ku Kyole 607—3156 Japan Sunnwere CA was. usA vrc area Basrngsmke Hampsmve RGZA are U K
rer swsrsorrsssr rer 403—umroo rer »5r (03195444477 rer rmr 01256475555
Fax 31455934516 Fax ”roe—7344100 Far asr (uremia—2342 Fax m miss—455253
nnp r/www.rar
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