Tangram Factory SR1000 SMART ROPE User Manual Smart Rope Manual

Tangram Factory Inc. SMART ROPE Smart Rope Manual

User Manual

LED 로프전원부충전�단자제품�구성작동�방법블루투스�연결�방법(전원부�상세도)보호캡1. 전원 ON 2. 스마트폰�블루투스 ON 3. SMART GYM 어플�실행 초기화�버튼전원 ON / OFF1초�누름( 5분간�미사용�시�전원이�자동으로�꺼집니다. )흰색 파란색 빨간색천천히�깜빡임연결�중 연결�완료깜빡임위� 이미지와� 같이  SMART  ROPE  로고가� 표기된� 손잡이를� 반드시  왼손에� 쥔� 후,  버튼의  전원마크� 방향을 확인합니다. ( 전원마크�방향에�따라 LED 프로젝션�위치를�선택하여�사용하실�수�있습니다. )✓ 사용�전�유의�사항 ( LED 프로젝션�위치�설정�방법 )손잡이 LED 상태�표시충전�방법블루투스연결�안됨블루투스연결�완료배터리�잔량20% 미만1.           표기된�손잡이�하단부의�캡을�오픈합니다.                ( 충전�케이블은 micro USB를�사용함 )약 2시간�완전�충전�시  최대 36시간�사용가능.( 개인의�줄넘기�사용�방법에�따라�사용�시간은�차이가�발생할�수�있습니다. )2. 충전�케이블을�방향에�맞춰�꽂습니다.( 충전�중 : 빨간색 LED / 충전�완료 : 초록색 LED )2대�이상의�새로운�기기가�전원 ON일�경우�스마트폰과�가장�가까운�기기에�자동�연결�됩니다.연결�오류가�지속되거나�주위의�다른�스마트�로프와�접속된�경우에는�어플�내부의�디바이스�설정�화면에서�기존 접속된�연결을�해지한�후�재연결�할�수�있습니다.LED RopePower ButtonProduct DetailTurning Smart Rope on and offPairing Smart Rope with your smartphone( Inside Power Button )1. Turn on Smart Rope2. Activate Bluetooth on3. Open Smart Gym appPower ON / OFFPress 1 second (After 5 min of inactivity, Smart Rope powers off automatically)Slowly blinkSearching ConnectedBlinkIf multiple Bluetooth-enabled smartphones are nearby, Smart Rope will pair with the closest device. To connect to a different device, disable Bluetooth on the paired smartphone. Then pair the desired device using the Smart Gym app.White Blue RedThe angle at which you grip the handle of Smart Rope will determine your viewing angle of the LED display. It's important that you hold the handle with the Smart Rope logo (the handle with the Power Button) in your LEFT hand. Holding the handle in your hand, ensure the Power Button is facing upwards. If the LEDs display too high or too low from your field of vision, simply adjust the angle of your grip.√ IMPORTANT NOTICE - Before you jump with Smart RopeLED status light Charging Smart RopeBluetoothLost connectionBluetoothConnectedBattery lower than 20%1. Open the Protective Cap with       markSmart Rope will by fully charged in 2 hours, and a full charge lasts 36 hours (results may vary)2. Plug in your micro USB power cable (a typical smartphone charger should work) and connect to your power source. (wall socket, powered USB port on your computer, etc.)(Recharging : Red LED / Complete : Green LED)006-000338R품질�보증�정보탱그램�팩토리의�본�제품을�구입해�주셔서�감사합니다.본�제품은�탱그램�팩토리의�엄격한�품질�관리�및�검사�기준을�거쳐�생산된�제품입니다.본�제품의�품질�보증기간은�구입일로부터 60 일이며, 제품의�불량으로�인한�품질�문제의�경우�무상�보증(교환, 환불�및 AS) 이�가능합니다. 소비자�부주의로�인한�제품�품질�문제의�경우, 품질�보증�기간에�상관없이�유상으로 수리� 및  AS를� 받으실� 수� 있습니다. 품질� 보증기간이� 지난� 제품� 품질� 문제의� 경우, 유상으로� 수리� 및  AS가 진행됩니다.제품�설명제품명 : SMART ROPE _ 특정소출력�무선기기 (무선데이터통신시스템용�무선기기)모델명 : SR1000 상호명 : (주)탱그램팩토리제조자 / 제조국가 : (주)탱그램팩토리 / 대한민국제조년월일 : 별도표기KC 식별부호 : MSIP-CRM-TFD-SR1000이�기기는�가정용(B급) 전자파�적합�기기로서�주로�가정에서�사용하는�것을�목적으로�하며, 모든�지역에서�사용 할�수�있습니다.해당�무선�설비는�전파�혼신의�가능성이�있으므로�인명�안전과�관련된�서비스는�할�수�없습니다.동작�스펙동작�최고 / 최저�전압 :   4.07 V  ~  3.33 V기본�동작�전압 :   3.7 V  (Typical)동작�최고 / 최저�온도 :   - 20  ~  55°C애플리케이션�내려받기Smart  Gym  애플리케이션은  iOS와  Android  OS를� 지원합니다.  iOS  8,  Android  Jelly  Bean  4.1  이상의 버전에서�사용�가능하며 App Store, Google play 에서�무료로�내려받을�수�있습니다.중요한�안전�정보〮 젖은�손으로�충전�중인�스마트�로프의  전원�플러그를�만지지�마십시오. 감전될�수�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프를� 충전중에�전원� 코드/플러그를�무리하게�구부리거나�당기지�마십시오. 화재�또는�감전에�인한   상해의�위험이�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프를�충전시�손상된�코드/플러그/헐거운�콘센트를�사용하지�마십시오. 단자의�접속이�불안정할�경우 화재�또는�부상이나�제품의�변형�위험이�있습니다.〮 스피커/대형모터/강한�자기성�물질/고압선/전파탑�등�강한�전파가�나오는�근처에서�스마트�로프를�사용하면 전자파에�의해�고장이�날�수�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프가�파손된�경우�그대로�사용하지�마십시오. 제품�표면이�손상된�경우�신체에�상해를�입힐�수�있으므로 반드시�고객센터를�통해 A/S 받은�후�사용하십시오.〮 스마트�로프에서�이상한�냄새/소음/연기�등의�이상현상이�발생하면�즉시�스마트�로프의�사용을�중지하고�고객 센터에�문의하십시오.중요한�취급�정보〮 물과�습기�등�액체�성분은�스마트�로프의�부품과�회로에�손상을�줄�수�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프를� 자성이�있는�곳이나�자성의�영향이� 있는�곳에�두면�제품�오작동/배터리�방전에�영향을�줄�수 있습니다.〮 스마트�로프�충전시�또는�사용중�발열이�심할�경우�코드를�뽑고�사용을�잠시�중단하십시오.〮 스마트�로프를�무리하게�휘거나�비틀�경우�외관/내부의�부품들이�고장�날�수�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프를�너무�낮거나�너무�높은�온도에서�사용�또는�보관하지�마십시오.〮 사용자�임의로�스마트�로프를�개조하거나�분리/수리�하면�무상�수리를�받을�수�없습니다.〮 스마트�로프를�원래�용도�이외�다른�용도로�사용�시�고장�날�수�있습니다.〮 스마트�로프�외부를�청소할�때�독한�화학�물질이나�강한�세제�등을�사용하면�제품의�외관이�변색하거나�부식될 수�있습니다.〮 사용자�임의로�운영�체제를�수정하면�스마트�로프가�제대로�작동하지�않을�수�있습니다.〮 사용자가�임의로�레지스트리�설정이나�운영�체제�소프트웨어를�수정하여�기능�및�호환성에�문제가�발생한�경우 보증�서비스가�적용되지�않습니다.〮 탱그램�팩토리가�제공한�스마트�로프의�소프트웨어가�아닌�비공식적인�경로로�입수한�소프트웨어를�제품에 내려받을�경우�오류�및�고장이�날�수�있으며, 오류가�발생할�경우�보증�서비스가�적용되지�않습니다.U.S.A [ FCC ID : 2AFDASR1000 ] FCC Part 15.19This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Part 15.21Any changes or modifications (including the antennas) to this device that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC RF Radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Part 15.105 (B)Note : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications, However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void your authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.Industry Canada [ IC ID : 20399-SR1000 ] "This device complies with Industry Canada licence‐exempt RSS standard(s)."Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas provoquer de brouillage, et (2) l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Limited Warranty ( Proof of purchase from an authorized retailer is required.)Thank you for purchasing a Tangram Factory product.This product was manufactured under strict quality assurance and inspection standards by Tangram Factory.This warranty is effective for 60 days from the date of purchase. For any issues arising from product defects under normal usage conditions, you may exchange or return the product, or have it repaired free of charge. For any issues under normal usage conditions arising past the warranty period, all repairs and maintenance are provided for a fee. Product InformationProduct : SMART ROPEModel : SR1000 Company : Tangram Factory Inc.Manufacturer : Tangram Factory Inc. / South KoreaKC no. : MSIP-CRM-TFD-SR1000This is a Class B electromagnetic device, intended primarily for home use. It can be used in all regions." and "Due to the possibility of radio interference, this device cannot be used in occasions related to personal safety.Operating SpecificationsMaximum/ Minimum Voltage : 4.07 V  ~  3.33 VBasic Voltage : 3.7 V  (Typical)Maximum / Minimum Temperature : - 20  ~  55°CDownloading the Smart Gym appSmart Gym app supports both iOS and Android OS. It is compatible with iOS 7 and higher, Android Jelly Bean 4.1 and higher, and can be downloaded free of charge from App Store and Google Play.Important Safety Warnings〮 Do not touch Smart Rope or the power plug with wet hands. You may be electrocuted. 〮 Do not bend or yank the power cord/plug from the electrical outlet. This may result in a fire or electric shock, causing personal injury. 〮 Do not use damaged cord/plug or loose outlet. Unstable inter-connection may result in a fire or electric shock.〮 Using Smart Rope where there are strong radio waves – near a speaker, large motor, strong magnetic material, high-tension wire, transmission tower, etc. – may cause Smart Rope to break down due to electromagnetic waves.  〮 If Smart Rope is damaged, do not continue use. Consult the service center for repairs before using the product again.〮 Upon seeing any abnormal conditions of Smart Rope – strange smell, noise, smoke, etc. – immediate-ly stop using Smart Rope and contact the service center.Important Safety Instructions〮 Use Smart Rope in a dry area. Any liquid component, including water and humidity, may damage the parts and circuitry of Smart Rope. 〮 Keeping Smart Rope in a magnetic area or a magnet-influenced space may result in the malfunction of Smart Rope and battery loss. 〮 If Smart Rope heats up excessively, unplug the power cord and stop using it.〮 Bending or twisting Smart Rope may break the external and/or internal parts of the product. 〮 Do not use or store Smart Rope in a place significantly lower or higher than room temperature. 〮 If Smart Rope is altered or disassembled by the user, the warranty is voided and no longer qualifies for free service/maintenance. 〮 Using Smart Rope for something other than its intended use may result in the breaking down of the product.〮 Using strong chemical agents or cleaner to clean Smart Rope may cause discoloring or corrosion of Smart Rope’s exterior.〮 User editing or tampering with the operating system may cause Smart Rope to malfunction. 〮 User editing or tampering with registry settings and/or the operating system of Smart Rope may cause it to malfunction or become incompatible, voiding the product warranty. 〮 User downloading and installing firmware from unauthorized provider may cause Smart Rope to malfunction or become incompatible, voiding the product warranty. Resetting Smart RopeOpen the Protective Cap and press the small hole below the Charging Port, with a small pin or a clip.자세한�추가�정보�및  AS문의는�홈페이지를�참고해주세요.고객센터 : 1600-8064http://tangramfactory.comDesigned by Tangram, Made in KoreaCopyright 2015 Tangram Factory, Inc. All rights Reserved.For more information, please visit our websitehttp://tangramfactory.comE-mail : Help@tangramfactory.comDesigned by Tangram, Made in KoreaCopyright 2015 Tangram Factory, Inc. All rights Reserved.CMIT ID: 2015DJ3707your smartphoneCharging PortProtective CapReset Button(micro USB)제품�초기화�설정스마트�로프�핸들의�보호캡을�오픈하여�핀으로�초기화�버튼을�누르면, 제품�초기화�상태가�됩니다.      스마트�로프는�기존�줄넘기에�새로운�기술을�적용시킨�전자제품입니다. 사용자�고의�또는�부주의로�인한 LED 로프에�과도한�압력, 반복적인�꺾임, 거칠고�단단한�바닥면에서의�장시간�사용은�제품의�표면과�내부에 충격을�주어�수명이�저하될�수�있습니다. 또한�스마트�로프와�스마트�폰의�블루투스�통신거리는�스마트�폰 기기의�성능이나�주변�환경에�의해�차이가�발생할�수�있습니다.!!    Smart Rope is an electronic device with high technology. Excess pressure / Repetition of bending / Overuse on rough, solid area may cause damage to the product’s surface or inner parts and shorten the product's life. Bluetooth range between Smart Rope and a smart phone can be vary according to the smart phone’s performance and environment.

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