Tash SICARE310-1 Universal Remote Control for Disabled Persons User Manual Userma 1

Tash International Inc Universal Remote Control for Disabled Persons Userma 1

Users manual

Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 1evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE PilotClient InformationUser ManualMay 1998
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 2evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualTable of Contents1. Fields of Applications2. Hardware3. Overview of Functions4. Turning on your SICARE Pilot5. Operating your SICARE Pilot in the holder6. Operating your SICARE Pilot using power / while charging7. Operating the SICARE Pilot8. Configuring the SICARE Pilot9. Running the SICARE Pilot by voice or key10. Special commands11. SICARE Pilot display12. Special functions13. Retraining single commands14. Safety precautions15. FCC - User’s notice
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 3evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual1.  Fields of ApplicationThanks to modern technology, physically disabled persons are now able to cope on theirown with most everyday situations.The many different ways of operating modern devices, however, means that the disabledperson has not only frequently to rethink, but often has to change control units.SICARE Pilot is a mobile device for controlling and operating numerous appliances andequipment designed specifically for the disabled, as well as for household technology,communication and entertainment electronics.SICARE Pilot converts spoken commands into signals to control equipment designedspecially for this purpose.  The signals are outputed by:•  Infrared transmitter, e.g. for television, video recorder, hi-fi equipment, telephone, andlighting•  Radio transmitter, e.g. X-10 access•  Wired interfaces, e.g. for motorized adjustable bedsSICARE Pilot can be operated as an installed device from the mains (the power supply unitis also the battery charger) or as a portable device with batteries.okHausFig. 1: Fields of application
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 4evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual¶  OFF/ON switch               Pin 1           device bottom          Pin 29The slide switch has two positions:  1) Switch set upwards means that the device is in stand-by mode.Pressing one of both keys turns the device on.2) Switch set downwards means that the device is switched off.·Infrared transmitter¸LCD DisplayFour lines, with 20 characters each, green back-lighted LED¹KeysThe SICARE Pilot can be operated via speech or by using the keys.t = SCROLL key: The SCROLL key changes between commands in a command level.OK = OK key:        The OK key carries out the selected commandºSocket for external switchInterface (connection) for external features»Loudspeaker/microphone socketInterface (connection) for an external microphone, an external loudspeaker/headphone, or a headset¼Built-in microphoneThe built-in microphone is adjusted so that it responds at short distances only½Built-in loudspeaker¾Combination interfaceIn one socket, the combination interface unifies the serial and parallel interface, connections for an external loudspeaker and an external microphone, connections for external keys, as well as connectionsfor power.¿Rechargeable battery/regular battery switchSet the switch in the battery holder to A for rechargeable battery operation;OR set the switch to B for regular battery operationATTENTION !  This switch must always be set firmly in one or the other position, otherwise the unit could be damaged!!TelephoneNumb¶¶ Off/On switch· Infrared transmitter¸ LCD display¹ Keysº Socket for external keys» Loudspeaker/microphone socket¼ Built-in microphone½ Built-in loudspeaker¾Combination interface¿ Rechargeable batteries/battery holder withintegrated slide switch  (rear-side)Pin 2 Pin 30¿ ·¸¹º»¼½¾ 2.  Hardware
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 5evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual3.  Overview of FunctionsWith the SICARE Pilot, up to 64 different commands can be stored.  Simple commandssuch as “on”, “off”, “left”, “right”, etc. can be added to any other command and cantherefore be used more than once in combination.  The SICARE Pilot sends commands like“Turn on TV” automatically via the selected interface to the desired device.  Each commandcan initiate actions on various devices at the same time.  For example, as soon as the phonerings, the volume on the radio and TV are turned down.The range of the SICARE Pilot’s functions depends on the configuration of the device.  TheSICARE Pilot is configured using PC software supplied with it.Configuration consists of:•   Defining the menu structureChoosing the menu items, branches and actions• Setting the parameters for actionsTransmission type and value•   Training the voice patternHaving copied the configuration data into the pilot, the device can be operated entirelywithout the PC.  The commands are given by speaking, using the voice pattern recognition.If there are problems of recognition in operation, it is possible to retrain every commandword on the Pilot.  Other individuals can operate the SICARE Pilot with control keys.All menu items and actions are shown on the display.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 6evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual4.  Turning on your SICARE PilotWhen the SICARE Pilot is turned on ¶, the device is in stand-by mode.  Pressing theSCROLL key or the OK key ¹ starts the device.  After briefly showing the softwareversion on the display, the first word of the main-menu level is shown in the first line ofthe display.ATTENTION !The SICARE Pilot is delivered with 2 empty rechargeable batteries.  These must becharged for at least 3 hours, before a configuration from the PC can be transferred intothe SICARE Pilot!Failing to pay attention to this can put your SICARE Pilot into an errant conditionwhich can only be corrected at the factory!5.  Operating your SICARE Pilot in the holderOperation in the holder is done for the following reasons:• To operate your SICARE Pilot using the mains• To charge the rechargeable batteries• For exchanging data between a PC and the SICARE Pilot• For teaching the speech samples for operation of the SICARE Pilot by voiceTo assemble the base of the holder to the foot base:1.   Place the square bolt into the horizontal slit on the back of the holder.2. Connect the foot base to the holder using an allen screw.Place the SICARE Pilot in the holder, until the plastic tip on the cover of the batteryholder snaps into the hold in the holder.For easier removal of the SICARE Pilot from the holder, press the sides of the holderlightly together and pull the SICARE Pilot out of the holder.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 7evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual6.  Operating your SICARE Pilot using power while charging therechargeable batteries:1.  Place the SICARE Pilot in the charger2.  Plug the telephone connector of the power cable into the holder, and plug the power cableinto the wall socket.Now your SICARE Pilot is being supplied with power from the mains, independent of whichbatteries are being used.Please be aware of the following:Battery              Battery switch        Actionholder contains                is set toRechargeable               Position A Rechargeable batteries are automaticallybatteries charged.  During charging, the half-emptybattery symbol is shownCharging stops automatically once the re-chargeables are fully charged.             Position B !      Operation is not permitted:  Danger of       damaging the device!!Regular              Position A !      Operation is not permitted:  Danger ofBatteries        damaging the device!!             Position B The batteries can be left in the holder eventhough external power is being used.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 8evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual7.  Operating the SICARE PilotOperation by Spoken Commands:SICARE Pilot is normally operated by means of spoken commands.  The user speaks thecommands of the menu tree one after the other to achieve the desired action.The menu tree might be:Level 1             Level 2  Level 3             Level 4house           door. . .           light 1. . .            . . . 2. . .           . . . 3. . .           . . . 4   on. . .    off   plus   minus   . . .Although the user needs four commands to dim the lamp, the menu structure allows manyactions using only a few command words.  The plus/minus pair of commands, for instance,can change the volume on hi-fi equipment or the angle of inclination of the back of a chair.With command words 0-9, telephone numbers can be composed, socket-outlets can benumbered, or television channels can be chosen.Operation by Command Keys:Because the SICARE Pilot is trained to recognize the individual voice pattern, operation bya third person is only possible by means of command keys.  Speaking a command is thesame as selecting a command with the scroll key and confirming it with the OK key on thePilot.By connecting a dual switch, or two single switches with a CA-1 connector, the Pilot canalso be operated.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 9evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual8.  Configuring the SICARE Pilot*  See Training Manual9.  Running the SICARE Pilot Using Voice or KeyOperation examples using voice or key:*menu items have already been trained.Example 1:Starting SituationDisplay t    HouseDesired Action  Turn on lamp 2SICARE Pilot          Direct Qualified voice  Key Operation     Key Operationoperation   voice input        input                dual switch            single switch       twice after theWhat to press or do “House” “do it”       scanning is completedVoice output House, Light House, Light  House, Light House, House LightDisplay       House       House       House      House t  Light  t  Light  t  Light t  LightWhat to press or do “Light” “do it”Voice output Light, one Light, one Light, one Light,OneDisplay       House       House       House      House      Light       Light       Light       Light t 1  t 1  t  1  t 1What to press or do “next”Voice output two two twoDisplay       House        House       House      Light        Light       Light t  2  t  2  t  2What to press or do “two” “do it”Voice output two, on two, on two, on two, onDisplay      House      House      House       House     Light      Light      Light       Light     2      2      2       2 t on  t on  t  on  t  onWhat to press or do “on”“do it”Voice output on on on onDisplay      House      House      House       House     Light      Light      Light       Light     2      2      2       2 t on  t on  t on  t  onAction Lamp two is turned on
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 10evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualExample 2:Starting SituationDisplay     House    Light                t     2Desired Action  Light 2 is on and you want to turn on light 1SICARE Pilot         Direct  Qualified voice     Key Operation Key Operationoperation voice input      input dual switch single switchWhat to press or do   “next”Voice output off off offDisplay        House       House         House       Light       Light         Light       2           2         2 t  off  t  off  t   offWhat to press or do “next”Voice output return return returnDisplay       House      House         House        Light       Light         Light      2       2         2 t  return  t return  t   returnWhat to press or do “return” “do it”Voice output return, one return, one  return, one return, oneDisplay       House        House       House         House      Light        Light       Light         Light t 1  t  1  t  1  t    1What to press or do “one” “do it”Voice output one, on one, on one, on one, onDisplay      House      House      House         House     Light      Light      Light         Light     1      1      1         1 t on  t on  t  on  t   onWhat to press or do “on” “do it”Voice output on on on onDisplay      House      House           House         House     Light      Light           Light         Light     1      1           1         1 t on  t on  t on  t   onAction Lamp 1 is turned on
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 11evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual10.  Special CommandsSnooze/wake-upBecause the SICARE Pilot reacts to voice commands, it constantly compares noises in itsenvironment with its recorded voice patterns.  If you want to reduce the chances that the deviceresponds accidentally, for example during a conversation, you can put the SICARE Pilot intostand-by mode with the command ‘snooze’.  It can be brought back into the active mode onlywith the command ‘wake-up’.To do this, configure into your menu the menu item “snooze” in the desired levels (1-3) of themenu and configure “wake-up” as the only menu item in its submenu.ReturnThe ‘return’ command takes you back up one level in your active menu.  The first command ofthis previous level is then automatically selected.Main MenuThe command ‘main menu’ takes you directly out of level 2, 3 or 4 and brings you back to level1, the so-called main menu.  Similar to the ‘return’ command, the first command that has beenconfigured for the main menu level will be selected automatically.The command deletes the complete display and the number memory, in which perhaps atelephone number might have been collected.  For more information, see the “training manual”for the telephone.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 12evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual11.   SICARE Pilot status displayWhile operating on rechargeable, or normal, batteries, if the voltage of both cells drops under2.25 Volts, the symbol of an empty battery will show on the right side of the first line in thedisplay.  This lets you know that it is time to change batteries.  If the batteries are notreplaced, and the device reaches the minimal, battery voltage level, it will turn itself off.If the SICARE Pilot is in the charger stand, connected to external power, the symbol of ahalf-full battery, displayed on the right-hand side of the first line, indicates that therechargeable batteries are being recharged.If no command has been trained, a ‘t’ will appear on the second line, on the right-hand side.To run your SICARE Pilot with voice commands, you must first train it with voice patterns.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 13evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual12.  The “Special Functions” menu of the SICARE PilotThis menu is integrated in the SICARE Pilot and cannot be changed by the user.  Thismenu is used for setting permanent device functions.  The special functions menu can beaccessed only via keys or by the commands “next” and “do it” (qualified voice input).The structure of the special functions menu is shown in the diagram on the following page.The functions available to you in the special functions menu are:• training• voice output• scan mode• low battery• display light• save• return• new startImportant:When using the special functions menu, changes in all settings (except training) are savedonly by doing a “save”.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 14evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualStructure of the special functions menu remarksSpecial Functions    Training       select word         word 1           to exit from the training menu pressword 2 “restart” orword 3 turn off the deviceword n (= abort)recordstoredelete word do it! Attention!All voice patterns of the selected word will be deletedreturndelete all do it! Attention!All voice patterns of all words willbe deletedreturnrestart                                       speech output  volume plusminusreturnmain menuscroll on Jumping to a menu item gives voiceoutput automaticallyoffreturnmain menumenu selection on Executing a menu item gives voiceoutput automaticallyoffreturnmain menureturnmain menuscan mode scan time +10 time period that SICARE Pilot takes+1 for scanning through one command-1 word-10 The units for this time period isreturn 100 ms, i.e.  +10 = +1sscan repeat +1 The number of times the SICARE -1 Pilot scans through the active levelreturn
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 15evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manuallow battery on The acoustic warning sound can be off switched on or offreturndisplay light on The display light can be switched onoff or offreturnmain menustore do it! The changes in this menu are savedreturnreturn
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 16evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual13.   Retraining Single CommandsCommands are trained during the configuration of the SICARE Pilot togetherwith the PC.  However, the pilot itself offers the possibility to retrain singlecommands.  This might be necessary if you discover that the commands youspeak to the device are not being correctly recognized by it.To train single commands, please do the following:1. Select the commands with “select word”2. Speak and record your voice pattern with “record”3.  Save the recording in the SICARE Pilot memory with “store”4.  Restart the device with “start again”, thus transferring the voice pattern from the temporary memory into the long-term memory.Restarting the device is not necessary after recording each single voicepattern.  It is enough to do so after a complete training session:  choosecommands, record voice patterns, and store - then restart after ending the fullsession. Remember that turning off the device in the middle of the trainingaborts the session and nothing is saved.  Details can be found in the table thatfollows.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 17evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualRetraining Single Commands - cont.Using the special functions and training menus commentsDisplay t special functions This special functions menu items can beselected only by using the keys or by thecommands “next” and “do it!”.Voice Output special functions  In the special functions menu there is novoice output for the commandWhat to press or doDisplay       special functions t  trainingWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training SF (Special Functions)and training are t  Select word divided on the first line.What to press or doDisplay       SF/training The number on the right-hand margin of the       select word         t third line shows how many voice patterns are t  next                   04 associated with the command.Voice OutputWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training The selected word drops down to the fourth t  select word         t line.  All actions that follow are related tothis selected word.        NextVoice OutputWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training t  select word         t       NextWhat to press or do
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 18evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualRetraining Single Commands - cont.Using the special functions and training menus commentsVoice output Beep tone The beep means the device is ready to record.You have 1.2 seconds to speak.What to press or do “next” After the beep, speak the selected wordquickly and near the microphone.Voice output next The device immediately plays back yourrecording.  If you are not satisfied with thequality, you can redo the recording bypressing the OK key again.Display       SF/Training The arrow in the second row appears  t  record                  t immediately after the recording has been completed.         nextWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training For each word there are several voice  t  Select word          tpatterns.  With ‘save’, one memory positionis filled and the SICARE Pilot moves on to        next the next position. What to press or do  Display        SF/Training  Returning to the menu-item ‘select word’ is t  select word           t automatic.If you want to go on from this position to        next select another word, press the OK key.What to press or doDisplay        SF/Training If you at this point, you want to record a t   record                   t second voice pattern for ‘next’, press the OKkey.          nextWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training t  save                      t       nextWhat to press or do
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 19evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualRetraining Single Commands - cont.Using the special functions and training menus commentsDisplay      SF/Trainingt  repeat                 t     nextWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training If you want to erase the voice pattern for t  delete word  ‘next’, press the OK key      nextWhat to press or doDisplay       SF/training If you want to delete the voice patterns for allt  delete all              t words, press the OK key        next  What to press or doDisplay       SF/training The training menu can only be exited by t   restart                t doing a restart.  The saved data will beaccepted, and the new voice patterns will be        next used from now on.  By turning off the device,training can be aborted (quit without saving).What to press or doDisplay Please wait... Save and restart take about 30 seconds.Single Switch ModeThe single switch mode or scanning mode can be switched on or off.  Furthermore theparameters time period for scanning each menu point (Scan Time) and the number of scansmade in each active level (Scan repeat) can be edited.Low BatteryThe acoustical warning for low batteries can be switched on or off.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 20evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User ManualRetraining Single Commands - cont.Voice OutputThe SICARE Pilot is equipped with a voice playback function.  All selected commands ofthe word list are stored in the device.  A built-in loudspeaker outputs playbacks duringscrolling (moving through menu levels) and when menu items are selected (by changingmenu levels or doing actions.)Voice Output can be turned on or off independently in both cases.The speaker volume is controlled under an additional menu item.Display LightThe back lighting of the device’s display can be turned on or off.SavingAll changes made to the voice-output or display-light settings must be saved if they are tobe kept in the basic settings of the device.  Otherwise, these changes have no effect whenthe device is turned off.   While saving, which takes about 30 seconds, no other functioncan be done.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 21evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual14.  Safety Precautions and MaintenanceDo not use your SICARE Pilot to control security or safety sensitive functions (for examplespeed of brakes of a wheelchair), since noises from the environment can interfere with thedevice.Safety precautions when using rechargeable batteries and regular batteries.A rechargeable cell should never be opened for any reason.  The cells contain caustic potashelectrolytes that are corrosive.  If the electrolyte should come into contact with the skin oreyes, immediately rinse the affected area thoroughly with clear water and call a doctor.Batteries and rechargeable batteries should not be burnt in a fire or oven - they can explode.Regular batteries should not be recharged since this can cause an explosion.  Please payattention to the switch setting on the battery holder:  to operate the device using batteries, theswitch must be set to “BATT”!Regular batteries and rechargeable batteries will have different kinds of cells and capacitiesand should not be combined together.  Wrong combinations can damage them and the device.Regular batteries and rechargeable batteries should not be shorted - they might explode.Please pay attention to battery polarities to prevent damage.When storing the SICARE Pilot, the on/off switch must be set to OFF, otherwise anaccidental key press would turn the device on and cause the rechargeable batteries to be fullydischarged.Batteries discharge even if they are not being used.  At room temperature, a rechargeableloses about one quarter of its charge in a month.  During longer storage, there is an additionalloss of capacity of about 5% per year.  They regain full storage capacity after about threecharge-discharge cycles.The SICARE Pilot’s charger and charger control electronics are made for NiCd rechargeablebatteries with 600 Imax. 750) mAh.  High capacity NiMh rechargeable batteries with 1100mAh can be used in the device, BUT these must be charged in another charger. Used rechargeable batteries and regular batteries should be discardedin the appropriate recycling container or be brought to a location setup for taking used batteries.Care and MaintenanceUse a dry cloth to clean the device.  If you need to clean it more thoroughly, use a damp clothwith a little dishwashing soap - wring out the cloth.  Do not use abrasives or solvents. Underno circumstances let any liquid get into the device.
Version 4.1 User Manual / Page 22evo@soft5International Inc.SICARE Pilot - User Manual15.  FCC Class B Digital Device or Peripheral - User’s NoticeNOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the userIs encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver •   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpWARNING:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Evosoft Sotftwaretrieb GmbH couldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.                This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference and(2) this device must accept any interference received,     including interference that may cause undesired operation.Industry Canada ICES-003 Label RequirementsThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A/B limits for radio noise emissions fromdigital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “DigitalApparatus”, ICES-003 of Industry Canada.Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables auxappareils numeriques de Classe A/B prescrites dans la norme sur le material bouilleur:“Appareils Numeriques”, NMB-003 edictee par le ministre Industrie Canada.

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