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Document ID | 109510 |
Application ID | f/SaWfGN4TZBRxAME972mA== |
Document Description | User Manual |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Microsoft Word - pdf |
Filesize | 163.42kB (2042692 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2000-07-17 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2000-08-29 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2000-07-17 08:56:47 |
Producing Software | Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2000-07-17 08:56:49 |
Document Title | User Manual |
mu coolant
Mnmmnmmw-Auulnum Mpg“.-.
Loon-nonnlnmm- Wm»-
a... noon-m
..~.. [xiv/mama
a... magnum
u-n- "luv wl'
Dual-u...- -m-h—mml—mm—-mn
m-nnmflvfl‘vmhcm us
pawl-up w.“ mam”
on" ”luv-«mun «mm mm m “Mu-ol- u mm
Mala-nuns Mow-14
m: A! m. mm m-
Imhfl‘ mama- 1m»-
4 mam
- won—um
« a.
« Manama-n)
. a...»
- man-mu
mu». wahumwtmd
“Mu-uqumrw v...
as am. as Wu mm
mad», .y. u..." d m
l. a.“ a w. my .. m", “my mad-s... ». u... .m... um
Vm all h: downs-1 .. mm mend run ems “: w, mum u
m w, 4 fill-d m. m a“; w- u—m. unqm-e-g ly-
mmm ms “rams-l
MVMM-Owo‘ Hmmymmnnurmv-M mow
mad- wa-wmu—nw lfmmw-Isnnflh-Mdym
MM”(WVHMI¢W‘“W¢ (mummy-Ml
nw’ vaTMN-ungw
, s s \ f .
'*\Ahou?‘flu saflwcm’"
\ - A ~'\ . I /
Eden you can access my of me lmzmm downloadrbl: scrlpryon med m
raga-var, Mun sure mm you an gamma m m immer, chm click on
me mgis'mtlon bumn. After you hm oemplmd regstmfiuvl, you will b:
nblz m (macs; m; anllu mum to cxplmd 5mm Alu‘x cuynbllnlls 11! well
assend and reoelve smalls my arm 5mm Ala users ln we club
Dcwnlond mom scmprs me ms Imcrne' lo glw Smart Alu Mm mm lo
talk abaufl
Ywu mll rlzzd m be "29..le and mnmc'zd m m; "um-m Wm you can
Mnlond any new scripts. By senivg yuur immms in ms Raginminn
menu, ynu w. ll‘lp us vs mak: avnllable ms comm my u of where” m
In ms Club, you can emall uvhsr
Smar1 Alzx nglnzmd users To
almre you dc ml melve meswges
from unknwnm users,you "led to
glvc your frlmds your uglgcr-ed
name to en'er am Vhelr computers,
and yell mad la amen melr name:
me your compu'er
“an L4
¢ \ “if"wmfl
About Smurf Alax
5mm Allx cumin new to saw playing wivh you. am my, we mad I!) rah:
nfzw mum; m an 5mm Al-x up
rim: fnlhw mi: mp by mp guide caman and 5mm Alzx will u
mgmg, mum; mus and Jam ii. no rimcl
smnn Alu I! n we enhmeed my, meaning rim be med! c ya in brng h:
great femur“ m nu.
5mm Alu i: mniiusi him m m wimi mmzcfing your we in Smart
Altar. Yaur 5mm Altx miles with a has, simian which is mmzcm in
your PC. in base sfcmon "cumin £ng to and fmm 5mm Alex vmh
minim mm m rim af a cord mu phone.
. ‘ \ f: \ r .‘
fiullfihofl“ 4 Eisyéfijis
What you wHI ma:
1 5mm Alix Doll
1 4 "n'rumr Bnmnls
« Bag 5mm
« DC Adam.-
J 5mm Alix lineman. cu
« Pu-sannl Cmpnn (pa)
we Minimum minimum:
Winduw! 95, (winding: 95 mcommandEd]
lsé Pentium mm 32m; mm (23mm mi. 54 MB RAM recommended)
awsoo 24: ii color dismay
4mm; me hard 5pm
Szrml / com pan (9 pm)
Smudmd kyboard a mouse Pusnml cum-r (pa)
4 X "DV‘UM'V Inflnflmmn
“mm“ “our" Ban 5mm. cu
5-H” ‘_ ‘M-u W“ (V ‘aqt
K “M...”
. “mwmnu—lePMWflW-m
. mamyrmmrifianmmammnnux
. Sawfly-"cm: mevxbh'ficofipfl
' l-suvat—uuncmm'fmn:
”mu-mi- y—r'hbclU-l
mum pam- a.» At dQ-r Vn'qnulfld. sin-fun:
won-4m umb-
thM-van-uml’C-Cmnl w x Advo-
Amnnuptgd ni'hpmflflblhb—mm
lap-m moi-gnaw" flamfl’ilnhvhunlhhfl
s s s , u
'\Trotlbl_l\s ting“
If fill Ensn Starla" is rl “1“an”
check mm ihe blue is p uggcd iuiu m com pan of your PC ind Ma? ihe
adapter is menu! N fins bus and flu mains.
IF ihe Toy cumin he (and.
make sun ihe doll It swirched an and click ism lays channel and number“
then select 'Flnd New Tay". uiiee fine My is fauna, c|lck update. If the my
sflll euiiiiei be few, ins'nll nzw hn'veria unis iry again
..ihs my may b: m lei- away fmii uh. um smiun,
if "is wluml of flu volu/umds/musl: is no law".
.u¢jusi me volume iii me “Tuy cheew or ius'ell nzw hnflzrlu.
If vhm is a mmus bufllng seam aha ihs uiiiv dam-v seem...
. smell new bnfierln.
1; vhs um begins Valkmg uv a wry hlgh or low pm at spud.“
. lusiell new ismenes.
If m um mammcfions uus V0 maria-l fast N'Gnsllm”.
“71,ch ilie uiiiv by ieiiieuiiig and replueuig vhe bav'er'
If nie unil hiu 'uiis due lo rndl'n in my final-furnish“
71520 0h; uiiil y mum/in] and mulueiug l bu'tzr‘izs,
If flit um momma-nus due to electrosmic discharge ..
“mszV ‘hz uiiii by nmoving and uplueiug me bunnies
if pmblm mmime, .
hose call our susiomr suppon line or chick uur wzbslve m
figmcgmeonuzs em aid eliek on iris shim Alcx ieuii.
CAkE INsTwmaNs
Du Doh‘r
”sz ihe WHY elem by wlpmg wth ..clem 5mm Alps wmi chemical
asllghfiy dime uriii-y sefi elm su|v=lws
.xpi|| unyvhiiig uma 5mm Ala:
Human tha burler‘lcs if not using um, 5mm Al"
shim Algx for lung periudsof NM you 5mm A," can"
use reshiugeehle humerus
plus 5mm Alzx ui diuev smllght
or mar AdINCY source of heat.
. s s \
.\\ \
’ /
Standplene Phy,
shim Alex cm in played uilh zvsrl when he is my fulfil your PC, Tu play
Wll'h 5mm Alzx away from your PC, you need in male sum mm.
1 Van PC is iumed on
2. The Ben 5mm" is propel‘ly suiiiismu Md hm powzr.
1m; 5M!" Allxsofmm is mum,
When playing wuh 5mm Alzx ui flit, svuiiueliui. mode, 5mm Ahx WI“
swims walk numerically
when 5mm Alcx is m talking or lisveiiiiig yuu EM squem his hand and
fm sznsvrs iii emse e song, siiuy, game in" mm.
If you du iiiii play wlvh 5mm Alex for in few mlrluus, he wlll fall oslup
Have Fun!!!
we in: pom l: m min. VMV m
VH“ um In. a swim
”us-4.41mi. w. msm- s...»
”hunt-“m im- flung! Mm
that-q . mm u... m hr!
Ala . mu“ m in". in.- "1an
(o- n M m- mp
sac-ab ‘vhn A "qr
vh- Slum-Maw- ». ..i
sun 11. manta!“ mass.-
a-“o'vn "an it w 4mm r
n- miei ‘nnhtl mini-s
su- All: w mm: M .- sis-um
eyum, n. nnvnvqnm um
m m us- think an Ala
m," m a» nun-qr van in.
' Vlasi‘ufihs Ema“!
A . ‘ \ ' u 1
Iii S'oryland, you can click on she lzons to play ngam: or lism. m a slui-y,
nie sm—ylimd actlvme: war-k beg? if 5mm Alex is slfllng lsy the la se
than yeuii child can use file kAybam-d and muse 10 play iliie games In some
games, your child eiui squeeze 5mm Alu's hands and (as? m eomml flu
IF 5mm Aux is iiuvuumke orhy vhe PC, his voice mil Dome From vhe PC
ivself, su yuu wlll need spmkzrs and u miemplume canmc'ed ve OM PG if you
mm! in play Mg gflmzx iuiiheui shim Aux
Magic Lenus , develups uueehuluiy and spelling skilk
Number Whl: - helps veueh nddman and Juhmflnn
Anlmul Starch - mulch me animal w ivs fumprim
Faflwr Time . Iznrn 10 lell ihe liiii.
Easy Easel - meme calm-mg fun
Storylnnd 5mm - iiiverueiive illusimied siories
, \ s \u\ \ , I .
Pumufions Regard {lg "it PM!“ Suwa
\ . . « , . ,
xnmllmg 5mm Alu's Bun-ms
Tu mu" ms bn'lfl'lzs, uruu'cw and
npen the door of flu burury
compmmnr. Inch 4 'D"/UM-l
bunnies as shown m we dmgmm.
Scmw shut ms balm-y compdnmsnr
dnor md yuu'm ready lo pluyl Plans:
mm m impmam puln's mm uslng
bnflzrlzs MM Smurf AI“.
Do NOT us: rufiwlabla bum as.
no Nm' mix nld and my barurlzs
DO NOT mnx allusnm. flamers (anon—rune) or nmrgnhln baflmcs.
Incnruc' mag: nf “w bmvzriu may mulv in dawn-lg: ld 5mm Aux.
Plus: nut: flu fellcwlng pmmmns:
. Mall; sure mm th pusmus (s) and “gums (.) pslss of each bunny an
ponnomd comcvly m 7h€ um,
Du m mlx nlkalim, slmdmd (cnlhun»1lnc)nr mulmngsubls butlericsu
mm m old mm m banal-leg
N¢V=r flux dlffewfl Yypfl Of bdmrlss Oniy us L5V "D'VUMVI
mm Imw dmd lmlmss m m; lsdnsry sumpdrlmm,
Remove rm humus If you do no? plan 10 use Sula" Alex for an
cmmd perhd of mm,
Do no? "y m recharge nm-mehnrgznhl; bunnies,
be nor dlluw m supply Hymnal! W b: shanrclrwivsd
Do mrzxpasz banerigs to Allen heat.
Do ml‘ lur buflerles be slwmd.
. Do not mks bamrlu «pal-v.
1 x, ‘ x“ ‘ > ’ / .‘
Pncuuflons Rngardlllg the Pmr Supply
\ s . s . I 1
5mm Alex Base smrlan Pwu- supply
sou 5mm.
Be sum 10 use; usrdndw 9v DC zoom mm puslrlv: ~+ AE adaper
to pow ms base smm Always plug me ndapmr mo me bu slaw-
before plugglng if m rm mam: Always make sun rlm ms um ls off
befnre. summing d pawn supply m we univ.
m DC sdspm thuuld lss ugulmy mmlm-d fur pntflmal mum. such as
damage 10 m. mums mu, tos'lg, plug, m In W mm of such damage, du
NOT use me DC adupver with the 5mm Max bm nation will we damage
ls Mpfllm.
ms 5mm Alum dull is powered by hnmries only. I» m pow file 5mm
AlzxduH with an Dcudnpwr
Incumzv lug: sf Vh: mm, my mun m dew m m: sum Al-x
buss J'nflnn. Plans: m: llls fallowlng pucfluflms:
- slum Alulsnm far =hildunuld=r4y=nrsnfag=.
- Besun'odlsuorlnu'v'hs adapflrbsforecle g.
- mus sum elm you uss u svundurd qv Dc 300m LGtsr pusmw o—r-AC
. m adupm u m n my,
- Tuys IiubI- m be clswd mm liquid "lust b: dlscunnwsd from m
ddupm bufm clemlngl
in W ' 1 in?)
. u... Wm
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Create Date : 2000:07:17 08:56:47
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