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Document ID | 1834853 |
Application ID | gY6yCwZJCI43dyQ8O+wR4w== |
Document Description | User Manual |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 50.01kB (625182 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2012-11-12 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2012-11-12 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2017-10-29 11:51:32 |
Producing Software | GPL Ghostscript 9.18 |
Document Lastmod | 2017-10-29 11:51:32 |
Document Title | User Manual |
Document Creator | Canon SC1011 |
7”? CenturyLink‘" your klt lncludes:
' l__
Guide m-
pnene Mars (2)
A yallnw Elllelnet cable
Before you start, check the date and time '
on the letter that came with thls kit
A. which phone outlets need filters? E. add a filter to, or disconnect.
every device you identified in 1D
plume filters phone utters l .
phom curlers WNW;
all phone: lnfl nmer newt-s
a. Filters are important. Why? Afilter strips oil (or fillers out) the Internet F. Plug a filter tntp a phone outlet
slgnal on your phone llne. Fllters are essential In:
, AVOld Internet connemlon problems ctr Plug the telephone cord into the tllter and test the telephone
- Prevent static on your phone line. (or devioel to ensure lt‘s workmg
c. Filters are NOT needed lor: it Repeat steps F and G for every device sharlng the same line as
eThe pnone ouuet you select let your modem. Instructions are in step 3, your High-Speed lnternet. Double check step 1D
- Devlces on a dlllerent phone line then your Internet sennee
l. Not onough liners?
D. Filters ARE needed for all otltor phonn outlet in your home the! have -l> connect any device that does not have a tllter until you gel
3 deyrce plugged into it. Instrucllorls tor phone outlets that need lilters more filtersv
are tn 1E. -0rdor more filters by calllng CenturyLlnk.
_ 1.300 244.1111 (Hestdemlal)
Dale-s you me on the am: line (sam- phone number) cmld include: IV800.603.6000 (Busmessl V
>Telephones - Caller lD box -Autornailc water meter
-Wa|lmounted telephone - Satelllte TV recelyer ~ Fax machine, ll same line
- Answenng machlne , We box
plug in the power cord
(E (— I —) Power
(E black power cord
powe r oml at
A. Plug the power cord into an outlet near your computer and
into the modem.
B. 0 Wait for the power light on the modem to turn solid green.
Then go to step 3. 11 should take about a minute to stop blinking.
Ignore any other lights lor now.
connect the modem to an outlet
D>Q —> Phonl
(— I—I —) DSL
modem ,
apnonai phone
shone auuei
A. Find a phone outlet close to your computer. E. Do you want to add 1 phone to the some outlet .5 the modern)
If no, go In step a.
B. Tampomrily unplug any phone Ind/or filter connected to this outlet.
If yes. plug it into the port labeled “Phone“ on the modem,
1:. Plug one end ol the green oonl into the phone outlet. Do nm altanh a phone filter, it's already built into the modem.
Plug the other end into the port label-d “DSL' on the modern.
This connects the modem to your High-Speed Internet line.
D. _, Wait for the DsL light on the modem to turn solid green.
Ignore any alherlights for now llme DSL llfihl isn’tsolid green alter a mum:
- vain service migm rm he active yer Check yum activation letter.
-Dmerwiso, try a dillereiil phone outleL
:I connect the modem to computer
Literynu can use wlrelass to connect lhls computer, Final Ethernet configuration:
hmlollaw steps J - 5 using a cable firsl7\
"ll <— 7 ; -—> '2
c: ..
mmpmr/ lnpmp modem
power amt
A. Plug era yellow Ethernet cable into any Ethernet port on m. madam
Ind yam computer.
This connects your computer m are modern by came,
ls, -y The Ethernet light on m madam wlll turn green and may flicker.
Ga tn step 5.
ll yourcorllullterllaesn’t have an Emsmetpun. call uslur help:
online installation
Access the online setup page and follow e online
instructions. When finished, return to these 'Instructions
to complete step 6.
Open a web browser (for example: Internet Explorer, Firefox.
Safari, etc.) on the computer you connected by Ethernet.
You should be taken to the CenturyLink setup page.
.7 What if‘you don't see the CenturyLink setup page?
Check the cable connections in steps 2 - 4 and refresh your browser.
Need help? 1.888.777.9569
additional information
Your email includes drag & drop to easily organize your
messages; SPAM fitters; virus scanning; and storage that grows with your needs.
To add additional email boxes, go to htth/ctlhelpcom
Email Address Password
My Account
To make updates to your CenturyLink account information or to pay a bill
online, go to http://centurylinkcom and click on "My Account"
Online chat go to httpj/cdhelpcom
Telephone: 13881719569 (available 24/7)
You will be asked for your phone number (also known as you account number),
which is easily forgotten ifyou do not also have CenturyLink phone service.
Find it on the letter that came in your modem kit and record it here.
check before you're done.
do you have
D a security alarm system that automatically contacts your
security company?
if yes, contact them and tell them that you installed High-Speed Internet IDSL).
They may need to testthe alarm system to ensure it is still working properly.
Cl phones or other devices identified in step 1 that are not filtered?
If yes, make sure they are disconnected.
Order more regular filters or a special wall-mountfiiter by calling CenturyLink:
1.800.244.1111 (Residential)
1.800.603.6000 (Business)
Cl more computers to connect?
- If using a cable, repeat step 4, then go to
- If using wireless, repeat step 7, then go to
wireless connection (optional)
Carefully follow step 7 to connect each wireless computer and
enable your home Vlfi-FI network. The wireless setup process
for each computer and its software varies by manufacturer.
>>> (“Cl
modern laptop/computer
A. Write down your wireless network name and security key.
You may have printed or saved these during the online setup installation.
0r look on the back of your modem for the name and key,
Wireless Network Name (SSID):
Wireless Network Security Key (Password): this is case sensitive
When uuno rhra prodoer, elways fol/on dre bask se/erypreeeurrons ro reduee rhe rrsl our. r
eleerrrs shoslr and III/my ro persona, mcladmg rhe faI/meg‘
. AIways rnsrell rhe produsr asdescvlbed ln rhe doeurnenrarron rhar n rnsluded wlth your
. iyord usmg rhrs produsrdurrno err eleerrreel srorrn There nray be a rernore risk olelerrne
shock Ironl Ilqhmlng
. Do nor use rhrs produer ro reporr e oes Isak rn rhe yrerrrrry orrhe leak
The FCC reourres rhe user ro be norrlred rher any ehenoes or rnodrheerrons made ro rhrsdeyree rher
ere nor expfessly approued by Terhnreolon rney vold rhe user's eurhorrry ro operere rhe edurprnerrr
Safely lnsrruehorrs
CIImnlc rondrrrons
Thrs eroduer
. ls rnrended lor rnhouse srerronery desktop use rhe menrnurn arnbrenr rernperarure nray nor exeeed
Im'F (Ao'C)
. Musr nor be mounred rn a leearron exposed ro dwecl or eeeessrye solar end/or hear radrerron
. Musr nor be exposed ro heer rra rond ons end nrrrsr nor be suorerred ro warer or eondenserron
. Musr be rnsralled rn a pollurron [gegree 2 eflwlonment(Envlronmen| where rhere rs no pollurrorr or
only dny, nonerrnduerrye pollurron)
Unplug rhrs pluducl from rhe well seeker and (ompuler before eleenrne Do nor use lrourd eleaners or
aerosol cleaners use e dernp elorh fol sleanrno
werererrd moisture
Do nor use rhrs produer neer weren Tor exemple nearo barhrub washbewl lrrehen srr ,leundry rub .rre
wer basemenr or near a swrrnrnrno pool Transrrron ol rhe produrr Ilom a sold enyrronrnenr ro e her one
maydeouse eondensarron on some olrrs rnrernel parrs Allow rr ro dry by rrsellbelore re-srarrrrro rhe
pro uer
EIennzaI powenno
Thrs produrr rs rnrended ro be supplred bya Lrsred Drresr PIugrln or Dexldop power Unrr marked
Class 2 end rered es lndlcaled on rhe label on ur produrr
The use olorher rypes olsupples rs prohrbrred lyou are nor sure olrhe lwe oleower supply needed
eonsulr rhe produer's user deeurnenrarron or sonrasr your looal produer deeler
The deoree rs ro be ronneered ro arr rdenrrlred use porreonrplyrne wrrh rhe reourrernenrs ole lelted
Power Sourre
Coexrel Cable
ll ap lroable. rhe eoenel eeble sereen sheld needs ro be eonneered ro rhe Earrh ar rhe burldrno enrrerree
per XNSI/NFPA 70 rhe Narronal Eleerneel Code (NEC) rn pan-(ular seeruon szo 9s.'Groundrng of
ourer Conduerrue Shleld ol e Coax-al Cable", or ln assordenee wrrh Iocel requlerron
Telephone sable
To reduee rhe nsk oi hre. use only No ze AWG wrre me or larger releeornrnurrreerron lrne eord
The Drreer Plugun power supply or rhe pluo on rhe power supply cold serves es drseonneer deyree Be
sure rher rhe power soeler ourler you plug rhe power suDPIY rnro rs eesrly eeeessrble and locared as
elose ro rhe eourpnrehr es possrble
Do nor overload marns supply seeker ourlers and exxenslon cards as rhrs rnereases rhe rrslr olhre m
eleerrre shork
To reduee rhe risk oleleerrre shoeh do nor drsassenrble rhrs eroduer None oI-Is InIemaI pens are usen
repleeeable. rherelorer rhore rs no reason ro eeeess rhe rnrerror opean or vemovln eouers rney
expose you ro dangerous yolreoes lnrorreor reassembly could eeuse eleerrre shock r rhe applranse rs
subsequenrly used
llseryree or reparr worl rs reourred, Lake rr ro e ouelrlred seryroe deeler
Damage requmng seryree
Unplug rhrs produor honr rhe wall ourler and refer seryrerno ro oualrhed seruee personnel under rhe
foIIow-nq eondrrrons
. When rhe power supply or rrs plug are derneoed
. When rhe arrashed eords ere denreeed or Irayed
. ll lrourd has been sprlled rnro rhe produer
. llrhe produor has been expwsed ro rern or uerer
rhe produer does nor operere norrrrally
Trhe produer hes been drop ed or damaged In any way
. There are noeeeeble srons e oyerheerrng
. llrhe eroduer exhlblts e dlsrrnor change rn perlormenee
lnrmedrarely drseonneer rhe produer rlyorr norree rr Mng ()sz smell ol burnrne or smoke Under no
erreumsreoees nrusr you open rhe eourpnrenr yours f you run rhe llsk ol eleerroeurrorr
Regulatory lnlornrarrorr
You musr rnsrall end use rhrs deoree rn srrrer eerordanee wrrh rhe rnanulaerurer's rnsrruerrons as
dessrrbed rn rhe user doeurnenrerron rhar rs rneluded wlth your produrr
Belore you 5! r rnsrellerron or use olrhrs produer eerelully read rheronrenrs ol rhrs doeunrenr lor
deyroe spec-Inc eonsrrarnrs or rules rhar rney e ply rn rhe Coumry where you wenr ro use rhrs produsr
ln some srruarrons or environment; rhe use onrreless deyrees rnay be resrnered by rhe proprreror of
rhe burldrng or responsrble represenrerryes olrhe oroenrzarron
If you are uncenaln of rhe pollcy rher epplres on rhe use olwrreless eeurprnenr rn a speerhe oroenreerron
or enyrronmehmed errporrs),you are encouraged ro aslr loreurhorrzerlorr m use rhrs devlce pnor ro
rurnrne on rhe eoulprnenr
Teehrrroolor rs nor responsrble To. any redlo or releyrsron rrrrerlererree eeused by unaurhonzed
rrrodrheerron ol rhe deyroe, or rhe suosrrrurron or erreehrnenr ol eonneerrno cables end equlpmenl orher
rherr speorlred by Technlculcv The conecuon or rnrerferense eeused by sueh uneurhorrred
rrrodrhsanorr, subsrrrurron or duadlmenl wrll be rheresponsrbrlrry olrhe user
Teehrrreolor end rrs aurhorrred resellers m drsrrrburors are nor lrable her any damage or yrolerron ol
ooyernrnenr regulerrorrs rher rney errse lrorn larlrno ro sorrrply wnh rheee gmdellnes
Federal Communications Commlsaon (FCC) Radio Flequency lmevference Stzremenl
in; equipment has been tested and round to comply wrrn |lte llml|s lar a Class E digital deuee
pursuant to Pan I5 ollhe FCC Rulee These llmrls are des-gned to pronde reasonable proreeuan
agams! hannlul lntevleleme .n a res-dermal lnsrallallon Tnu equlpmerlt generates, ueea and an radlate
ram neauency energy and, rl not lnxtalled and used rn aeeardanee with the instinct-ens, may (ause
harmful lntequlente la radio communications Howeven mere ls no guarantee that interlerenee will na.
occuv .n a pamculal lnstallallon
ll |hl§ equlpmem dues (ause ha rnnll .nxerlerenee to radio ol leleyrnan lecepllonr Much call be
detelmlned by tumlng the equipment all and an the user r5 eneauraged lo uy m eorreez une
uuerrerenee by ane a. more ol me follow-"g measmes
- Reorlenl or lelocate lne reeemnu antenna
. lnzleaxe lhe sepiahon between the equipment and letelvev
. Connedzhe equipment into an outlet on a clvculxdlllerent lram mat to wnreln lne .eeeryer ls
. Consult llne dealer or an expeneneed rado/Tv lecl’m-clan lar help
Tnn denee wmplles nun Pan ‘5 a; me FCC Rules Operauon e sllb‘eu lo the Following
|wo conditions
1 ins dewce rnay not (ause narrnlul rnlerlerenee, and
2 ms devlce mun aeeepr any Inlerlerence recenvedr
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