Technisonic T1086 UHF RF MODULE User Manual users manual 2

Technisonic Industries Limited UHF RF MODULE users manual 2


users manual 2

ASTRO®   XTS™ 5000      VHF     UHF Range 1     700 — 800 MHzDigital Portable RadiosDetailed Service Manual
Title Page ASTRO® XTS™ 5000VHF/UHF Range 1/700–800 MHzDigital Portable RadiosDetailed Service ManualMotorola, Inc.8000 West Sunrise BoulevardFort Lauderdale, Florida 33322 6881094C31-C
ForewordThe information contained in this manual relates to all ASTRO® XTS™ 5000 digital portable radios, unless otherwise specified. This manual provides sufficient information to enable qualified service shop technicians to troubleshoot and repair an ASTRO XTS 5000 digital portable radio to the component level.For details on the operation of the radio or level 1 or 2 maintenance procedures, refer to the applicable manuals, which are available separately. A list of related publications is provided in the section, “Related Publications,” on page xii.Product Safety and RF Exposure ComplianceATTENTION!This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements. Before using this product, read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number 6881095C98) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits.For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following web site which lists approved accessories: <>Manual RevisionsChanges which occur after this manual is printed are described in FMRs (Florida Manual Revisions). These FMRs provide complete replacement pages for all added, changed, and deleted items, including pertinent parts list data, schematics, and component layout diagrams. To obtain FMRs, contact the Customer Care and Services Division (refer to “Appendix A Replacement Parts Ordering”).Computer Software CopyrightsThe Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this manual may not be copied, reproduced, modified, reverse-engineered, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.Document CopyrightsNo duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the express written permission of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola.DisclaimerThe information in this document is carefully examined, and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve readability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does it cover any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.TrademarksMOTOROLA, the Stylized M logo, and ASTRO are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Motorola, Inc. 2003.Before using this product, read the operating instructions for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio.!C a u t i o n
Table of ContentsForeword.........................................................................................................iiProduct Safety and RF Exposure Compliance............................................................................................iiManual Revisions ........................................................................................................................................iiComputer Software Copyrights ...................................................................................................................iiDocument Copyrights..................................................................................................................................iiDisclaimer....................................................................................................................................................iiTrademarks .................................................................................................................................................iiList of Figures ..............................................................................................viiList of Tables .................................................................................................xiCommercial Warranty .................................................................................xiiiLimited Warranty ...................................................................................................................................... xiiiMOTOROLA COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS.............................................................................. xiiiI. What This Warranty Covers And For How Long ................................................................... xiiiII. General Provisions............................................................................................................... xiiiIII. State Law Rights .................................................................................................................xivIV. How To Get Warranty Service ............................................................................................xivV. What This Warranty Does Not Cover...................................................................................xivVI. Patent And Software Provisions ..........................................................................................xvVII. Governing Law....................................................................................................................xvModel Numbering, Charts, and Specifications........................................xviiPortable Radio Model Numbering System .............................................................................................. xviiASTRO XTS 5000 VHF Model Chart ..................................................................................................... xviiiASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) VHF Model Chart .............................................................................xixASTRO XTS 5000 UHF Range 1 Model Chart..........................................................................................xxASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) UHF Range 1 Model Chart ..............................................................xxiASTRO XTS 5000 700–800 MHz Model Chart ....................................................................................... xxiiASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) 700–800 MHz Model Chart............................................................ xxiiiSpecifications for VHF Radios................................................................................................................ xxivSpecifications for UHF Range 1 Radios..................................................................................................xxvSpecifications for 700–800 MHz Radios................................................................................................. xxviChapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................... 1-11.1 General.......................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 Notations Used in This Manual...................................................................................................... 1-2Chapter 2 Radio Power ........................................................................ 2-1
iv Table of ContentsOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-C2.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................2-12.2 DC Power Routing—Transceiver Board ........................................................................................2-32.3 DC Power Routing—VOCON Board..............................................................................................2-3Chapter 3 Theory of Operation............................................................ 3-13.1 Transceiver Board..........................................................................................................................3-23.1.1 Interconnections................................................................................................................3- Battery Connector J3 ...............................................................................................3- VOCON Connector P1.............................................................................................3- Antenna Port J2 .......................................................................................................3- Serial EEPROM .......................................................................................................3- Power Conditioning Components ............................................................................3-53.1.2 Receiver............................................................................................................................3- Receiver Front End.................................................................................................. 3- Receiver Back End ..................................................................................................3-73.1.3 Transmitter........................................................................................................................3- Power Distribution....................................................................................................3- Driver Amplifier ........................................................................................................3- Power Amplifier Transistor Q107........................................................................... 3- Directional Coupler ................................................................................................3- Antenna Switch......................................................................................................3- Harmonic Filter.......................................................................................................3- RF Detectors D101 and D102................................................................................3- Summing Amplifier U106 .......................................................................................3- Power-Control IC (PCIC) U104..............................................................................3-113.1.4 Frequency Generation Unit (FGU)..................................................................................3- Reference Oscillator Y200 .....................................................................................3- Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer (FracN) IC U202 ..........................................3- Loop Filter ..............................................................................................................3- VCO Buffer IC (VCOBIC).......................................................................................3-153.2 VOCON Board .............................................................................................................................3-163.2.1 Interconnections..............................................................................................................3- Universal Connector J101......................................................................................3- Encryption Connector J701....................................................................................3- Keypad Module Connector P107 ...........................................................................3- RF Interface Connector P201 ................................................................................3- Display Module Connector P301 ...........................................................................3-173.2.2 Controller and Memory ...................................................................................................3- Patriot IC U401 ......................................................................................................3- Static RAM (SRAM) U403......................................................................................3- FLASH Memory U402............................................................................................3-213.2.3 Audio and Power.............................................................................................................3- GCAP II IC U501....................................................................................................3- 5 V Regulator U505 ............................................................................................... 3- 1.55 V Regulator....................................................................................................3- Audio Pre-Amplifier U502 ......................................................................................3- Audio Power Amplifier U503..................................................................................3- EEPOT U509 .........................................................................................................3-243.2.4 Interface Support ............................................................................................................3- Flipper IC U301......................................................................................................3- ESD Protection Circuitry ........................................................................................3- Universal Connector Interface Circuitry .................................................................3-28
Table of Contents v6881094C31-C October 14, 20033.2.4.4 Display Module ...................................................................................................... 3- Keypad Module...................................................................................................... 3-303.2.4.6 Controls and Control Top Flex............................................................................... 3-303.2.4.7 System Clocks....................................................................................................... 3-313.2.5 VOCON Audio Paths ...................................................................................................... 3-323.2.5.1 Transmit Audio Path .............................................................................................. 3-323.2.5.2 Receive Audio Path ............................................................................................... 3-333.2.6 Radio Power-Up/Power-Down Sequence....................................................................... 3-333.3 Encryption Module ....................................................................................................................... 3-34Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Procedures............................................. 4-14.1 Handling Precautions..................................................................................................................... 4-14.2 Recommended Service Tools........................................................................................................ 4-24.3 Voltage Measurement and Signal Tracing..................................................................................... 4-34.4 Standard Bias Table ...................................................................................................................... 4-44.5 Power-Up Self-Check Errors ......................................................................................................... 4-54.6 Power-Up Self-Check Diagnostics and Repair (Not for Field Use)................................................ 4-6Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Charts ..................................................... 5-15.1 List of Troubleshooting Charts....................................................................................................... 5-15.2 Main Troubleshooting Flowchart.................................................................................................... 5-25.3 Power-Up Failure........................................................................................................................... 5-35.4 DC Supply Failure.......................................................................................................................... 5-55.5 Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits) ......................................... 5-85.6 Display Failure (NTN9564) .......................................................................................................... 5-115.7 Volume Set Error ......................................................................................................................... 5-145.8 Channel/Zone Select Error .......................................................................................................... 5-155.9 Button Test .................................................................................................................................. 5-165.10 Top/Side Button Test ................................................................................................................... 5-175.11 VCO TX/RX Unlock ..................................................................................................................... 5-185.12 VOCON TX Audio........................................................................................................................ 5-195.13 VOCON RX Audio ....................................................................................................................... 5-215.14 RX RF .......................................................................................................................................... 5-235.15 TX RF (VHF)................................................................................................................................ 5-285.16 TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz) ...................................................................................................5-315.17 Keyload Failure............................................................................................................................ 5-345.18 Secure Hardware Failure............................................................................................................. 5-35Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Waveforms ............................................. 6-16.1 List of Waveforms .......................................................................................................................... 6-16.2 13 MHz Clock ................................................................................................................................ 6-26.3 16.8 MHz Buffer Input and Output................................................................................................. 6-36.4 32.768 kHz Clock Outputs............................................................................................................. 6-46.5 SPI B Data..................................................................................................................................... 6-56.6 Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP) ................................................................................................... 6-66.7 Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP) ................................................................................. 6-76.8 Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP)................................................................................. 6-8
vi Table of ContentsOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-CChapter 7 Troubleshooting Tables ..................................................... 7-17.1 List of Board and IC Signals .......................................................................................................... 7-1Chapter 8 Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists.................. 8-18.1 List of Transceiver Schematics and Board Overlays .....................................................................8-18.2 List of VOCON Schematics and Board Overlays...........................................................................8-18.3 Transceiver (RF) Boards................................................................................................................8-38.4 VOCON Boards ........................................................................................................................... 8-79Appendix A Replacement Parts Ordering..............................................A-1A.1 Basic Ordering Information ............................................................................................................A-1A.2 Transceiver Board and VOCON Board Ordering Information........................................................A-1A.3 Motorola Online..............................................................................................................................A-1A.4 Mail Orders ....................................................................................................................................A-1A.5 Telephone Orders..........................................................................................................................A-2A.6 Fax Orders.....................................................................................................................................A-2A.7 Parts Identification .........................................................................................................................A-2A.8 Product Customer Service.............................................................................................................A-2Glossary.........................................................................................Glossary-1Index.....................................................................................................Index-1
List of Figures vii6881094C31-C October 14, 2003List of FiguresFigure 2-1. DC Power Distribution—UHF Range 1 and 700–800 MHz Radios ...................................... 2-2Figure 2-2. DC Power Distribution—VHF Radios.................................................................................... 2-2Figure 3-1. XTS 5000 Overall Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 3-1Figure 3-2. Transceiver (VHF) Block Diagram (Power and Control Omitted) ......................................... 3-2Figure 3-3. Transceiver (UHF Range 1 and 700–800 MHz) Block Diagram (Power and Control Omitted) ................................................................................................ 3-3Figure 3-4. Receiver Block Diagram ....................................................................................................... 3-5Figure 3-5. Abacus III (AD9874) Functional Block Diagram (from data sheet) ....................................... 3-7Figure 3-6. Transmitter Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 3-9Figure 3-7. VOCON Board Interconnections.........................................................................................3-16Figure 3-8. Patriot EIM and Memory Block Diagram............................................................................. 3-21Figure 3-9. Universal (Side) Connector................................................................................................. 3-28Figure 3-10. VOCON Board Connector—J101 ....................................................................................... 3-28Figure 3-11. Control Top Flex.................................................................................................................. 3-31Figure 3-12. VOCON Transmit Audio Path ............................................................................................. 3-32Figure 3-13. VOCON Receive Audio Path .............................................................................................. 3-33Figure 6-1. 13 MHz Clock Waveform ...................................................................................................... 6-2Figure 6-2. 16.8 MHz Buffer Input and Output Waveforms ..................................................................... 6-3Figure 6-3. 32.768 kHz Clock Outputs Waveforms ................................................................................. 6-4Figure 6-4. SPI B Data Waveforms ......................................................................................................... 6-5Figure 6-5. Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP) Waveforms ....................................................................... 6-6Figure 6-6. Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP) Waveforms ..................................................... 6-7Figure 6-7. Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP) Waveforms ..................................................... 6-8Figure 8-1. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic ....................... 8-3Figure 8-2. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits................................ 8-4Figure 8-3. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Receiver Front End Circuit............................................................ 8-5Figure 8-4. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Receiver Back End Circuit ............................................................ 8-6Figure 8-5. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Transmitter and Automatic Level Control Circuits......................... 8-7Figure 8-6. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Frequency Generation Unit (Synthesizer) Circuit—1 of 2............. 8-8Figure 8-7. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Frequency Generation Unit (VCO) Circuit—2 of 2........................ 8-9Figure 8-8. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 1..................................... 8-10Figure 8-9. NUF3577 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 2..................................... 8-11Figure 8-10. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic................... 8-17Figure 8-11. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits ........................... 8-18Figure 8-12. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Receiver Front End Circuit ....................................................... 8-19Figure 8-13. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Receiver Back End Circuit........................................................ 8-20Figure 8-14. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Transmitter and Automatic Level Control Circuits .................... 8-21Figure 8-15. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Frequency Generation Unit (Synthesizer) Circuit..................... 8-22Figure 8-16. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Frequency Generation Unit (VCO) Circuit................................ 8-23Figure 8-17. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 1 .................................. 8-24Figure 8-18. NUF3577C 700–800 MHz Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 2 .................................. 8-25Figure 8-19. NLD8910B VHF Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic .................................. 8-31Figure 8-20. NLD8910B VHF DC Power Circuits.................................................................................... 8-32Figure 8-21. NLD8910B VHF Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits........................................... 8-33Figure 8-22. NLD8910B VHF Receiver Front End Circuit....................................................................... 8-34Figure 8-23. NLD8910B VHF Receiver Amplifier and Filter Circuit......................................................... 8-35Figure 8-24. NLD8910B VHF Mixer and IF Filter Circuits ....................................................................... 8-36Figure 8-25. NLD8910B VHF Receiver Back End Circuit ....................................................................... 8-37
viii List of FiguresOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-CFigure 8-26. NLD8910B VHF Transmitter and Automatic Level Control Circuits ...................................8-38Figure 8-27. NLD8910B VHF Frequency Generation Unit (Synthesizer) Circuit.....................................8-39Figure 8-28. NLD8910B VHF Frequency Generation Unit (VCO) Circuit................................................8-40Figure 8-29. NLD8910B VHF Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 1 ..................................................8-41Figure 8-30. NLD8910B VHF Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 2 ..................................................8-42Figure 8-31. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic....................8-48Figure 8-32. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits ............................8-49Figure 8-33. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Receiver Front End (RX_FE) Circuit..........................................8-50Figure 8-34. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Receiver Back End (RX_BE) Circuit..........................................8-51Figure 8-35. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Transmitter Power Amplifier and  Automatic Level Control (TX_ALC) Circuit..................................................................................................................................8-52Figure 8-36. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Frequency Generation Unit (Synthesizer) Circuit ......................8-53Figure 8-37. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Frequency Generation Unit  (VCO) Circuit ................................8-54Figure 8-38. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 1....................................8-55Figure 8-39. NLE4272A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 2....................................8-56Figure 8-40. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Overall Circuit Schematic....................8-64Figure 8-41. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Antenna Switch and Harmonic Filter Circuits ............................8-65Figure 8-42. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Receiver Front End Circuit.........................................................8-66Figure 8-43. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Receiver Back End Circuit......................................................... 8-67Figure 8-44. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Transmitter Power Amplifier and Automatic Level ControlCircuit..................................................................................................................................8-68Figure 8-45. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Frequency Unit (Synthesizer) Circuit.........................................8-69Figure 8-46. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Frequency Generation Unit (VCO) Circuit .................................8-70Figure 8-47. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 1....................................8-71Figure 8-48. NLE4278A UHF Range 1 Transceiver (RF) Board Layout—Side 2....................................8-72Figure 8-49. NTN9564B VOCON Board Overall Schematic—1 of 2.......................................................8-79Figure 8-50. NTN9564B VOCON Board Overall Schematic—2 of 2.......................................................8-80Figure 8-51. NTN9564B VOCON Universal Connector Circuit ...............................................................8-81Figure 8-52. NTN9564B VOCON Flipper Circuit.....................................................................................8-82Figure 8-53. NTN9564B VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—1 of 2.............................................8-83Figure 8-54. NTN9564B VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—2 of 2.............................................8-84Figure 8-55. NTN9564B VOCON Audio and DC Circuits........................................................................8-85Figure 8-56. NTN9564B VOCON Board Layout—Side 1........................................................................8-86Figure 8-57. NTN9564B VOCON Board Layout—Side 2........................................................................8-87Figure 8-58. NTN9564C VOCON Board Overall Schematic—1 of 2.......................................................8-93Figure 8-59. NTN9564C VOCON Board Overall Schematic—2 of 2.......................................................8-94Figure 8-60. NTN9564C VOCON Universal Connector Circuit ...............................................................8-95Figure 8-61. NTN9564C VOCON Flipper Circuit.....................................................................................8-96Figure 8-62. NTN9564C VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—1 of 2.............................................8-97Figure 8-63. NTN9564C VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—2 of 2.............................................8-98Figure 8-64. NTN9564C VOCON Audio and DC Circuits........................................................................8-99Figure 8-65. NTN9564C VOCON Board Layout—Side 1......................................................................8-100Figure 8-66. NTN9564C VOCON Board Layout—Side 2......................................................................8-101Figure 8-67. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Board Overall Schematic—1 of 2...............................................8-107Figure 8-68. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Board Overall Schematic—2 of 2...............................................8-108Figure 8-69. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Universal Connector Circuit .......................................................8-109Figure 8-70. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Flipper Circuit.............................................................................8-110Figure 8-71. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—1 of 2.....................................8-111Figure 8-72. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—2 of 2.....................................8-112Figure 8-73. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Audio and DC Circuits................................................................8-113Figure 8-74. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Board Layout—Side 1................................................................8-114Figure 8-75. NNTN4563A/B VOCON Board Layout—Side 2................................................................8-115Figure 8-76. NNTN4819A VOCON Board Overall Schematic—Sheet 1 of 2........................................8-122Figure 8-77. NNTN4819A VOCON Board Overall Schematic—Sheet 2 of 2........................................8-123
List of Figures ix6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Figure 8-78. NNTN4819A VOCON Universal Connector and ESD Circuits ......................................... 8-124Figure 8-79. NNTN4819A VOCON Flipper Circuit ................................................................................ 8-125Figure 8-80. NNTN4819A VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—Sheet 1 of 2.............................. 8-126Figure 8-81. NNTN4819A VOCON Controller and Memory Circuits—Sheet 2 of 2.............................. 8-127Figure 8-82. NNTN4819A VOCON Audio/DC Circuits.......................................................................... 8-128Figure 8-83. NNTN4819A VOCON Board Layout—Side 1 ................................................................... 8-129Figure 8-84. NNTN4819A VOCON Board Layout—Side 2 ................................................................... 8-130Figure 8-85. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Overall Schematic—Sheet 1 of 2 ....................................... 8-136Figure 8-86. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Overall Schematic—Sheet 2 of 2 ....................................... 8-137Figure 8-87. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Universal Connector Circuit Schematic.............................. 8-138Figure 8-88. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Flipper Circuit ..................................................................... 8-139Figure 8-89. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Controller and Memory Circuits—Sheet 1 of 2................... 8-140Figure 8-90. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Controller and Memory Circuits—Sheet 2 of 2................... 8-141Figure 8-91. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Audio/DC Circuits ............................................................... 8-142Figure 8-92. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Layout—Side 1................................................................... 8-143Figure 8-93. NNTN4717D VOCON Board Layout—Side 2................................................................... 8-144
xList of FiguresOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-C
List of Tables xi6881094C31-C October 14, 2003List of TablesTable 2-1. Conventional Batteries.......................................................................................................... 2-1Table 2-2. Smart Batteries ..................................................................................................................... 2-1Table 2-3. Transceiver Voltage Regulators............................................................................................ 2-3Table 2-4. VOCON Board DC Power Distribution.................................................................................. 2-4Table 3-1. Battery Connector J3 ............................................................................................................ 3-3Table 3-2. VOCON Connector P1.......................................................................................................... 3-4Table 3-3. Power Control IC (U104) Pin Descriptions.......................................................................... 3-11Table 3-4. Audio PA Status .................................................................................................................. 3-24Table 3-5. Option-Select Functions ..................................................................................................... 3-29Table 3-6. Encryption Module Software Kits and Algorithms ............................................................... 3-34Table 4-1. Recommended Service Tools ............................................................................................... 4-2Table 4-2. Standard Operating Bias....................................................................................................... 4-4Table 4-3. Power-Up Self-Check Error Codes.......................................................................................4-5Table 4-4. Power-Up Self-Check Diagnostic Actions............................................................................. 4-6Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Charts List .................................................................................................. 5-1Table 6-1. List of Waveforms ................................................................................................................. 6-1Table 7-1. List of Tables of Board and IC Signals.................................................................................. 7-1Table 7-2. J101 VOCON Board to Controls Flex Assembly................................................................... 7-1Table 7-3. J107 VOCON Board to Keypad Module ............................................................................... 7-3Table 7-4. J701 VOCON Board to Encryption Module........................................................................... 7-3Table 7-5. U402 FLASH Pinouts............................................................................................................ 7-5Table 7-6. U403 SRAM Pinouts............................................................................................................. 7-7Table 7-7. U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts.......................................................................................7-9Table 7-8. U301 Flipper IC Pinouts...................................................................................................... 7-18Table 7-9. U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts.................................................................................................... 7-20Table 8-1. List of Transceiver Schematics and Board Overlays ............................................................ 8-1Table 8-2. List of VOCON Schematics and Board Overlays.................................................................. 8-1
xii List of TablesOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-CRelated PublicationsASTRO XTS 5000 Digital Portable Radio Model I User Guide ................................................. 6881094C25ASTRO XTS 5000 Digital Portable Radio Model II User Guide ................................................ 6881094C26ASTRO XTS 5000 Digital Portable Radio Model III User Guide ............................................... 6881094C27ASTRO XTS 5000 VHF/UHF Range 1/700–800 MHz Digital Portable Radios Basic Service Manual ......................................................................................................... 6881094C28Factory Mutual Approval XTS 5000 Product Listing Manual Supplement................................. 6881094C78
Commercial WarrantyLimited WarrantyMOTOROLA COMMUNICATION PRODUCTSI. What This Warranty Covers And For How LongMOTOROLA INC. (“MOTOROLA”) warrants the MOTOROLA manufactured Communication Products listed below (“Product”) against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of time from the date of purchase as scheduled below:Motorola, at its option, will at no charge either repair the Product (with new or reconditioned parts), replace it (with a new or reconditioned Product), or refund the purchase price of the Product during the warranty period provided it is returned in accordance with the terms of this warranty. Replaced parts or boards are warranted for the balance of the original applicable warranty period. All replaced parts of Product shall become the property of MOTOROLA.This express limited warranty is extended by MOTOROLA to the original end user purchaser only and is not assignable or transferable to any other party. This is the complete warranty for the Product manufactured by MOTOROLA. MOTOROLA assumes no obligations or liability for additions or modifications to this warranty unless made in writing and signed by an officer of MOTOROLA. Unless made in a separate agreement between MOTOROLA and the original end user purchaser, MOTOROLA does not warrant the installation, maintenance or service of the Product.MOTOROLA cannot be responsible in any way for any ancillary equipment not furnished by MOTOROLA which is attached to or used in connection with the Product, or for operation of the Product with any ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from this warranty. Because each system which may use the Product is unique, MOTOROLA disclaims liability for range, coverage, or operation of the system as a whole under this warranty.II. General ProvisionsThis warranty sets forth the full extent of MOTOROLA’s responsibilities regarding the Product. Repair, replacement or refund of the purchase price, at MOTOROLA’s option, is the exclusive remedy. THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.ASTRO XTS 5000 Digital Portable Units One (1) YearProduct Accessories One (1) Year
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxiv Commercial Warranty III. State Law RightsSOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LIMITATION ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY.This warranty gives specific legal rights, and there may be other rights which may vary from state to state.IV. How To Get Warranty ServiceYou must provide proof of purchase (bearing the date of purchase and Product item serial number) in order to receive warranty service and, also, deliver or send the Product item, transportation and insurance prepaid, to an authorized warranty service location. Warranty service will be provided by Motorola through one of its authorized warranty service locations. If you first contact the company which sold you the Product, it can facilitate your obtaining warranty service. You can also call Motorola at 1-888-567-7347 US/Canada.V. What This Warranty Does Not CoverA. Defects or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner.B. Defects or damage from misuse, accident, water, or neglect.C. Defects or damage from improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, alteration, modification, or adjustment.D. Breakage or damage to antennas unless caused directly by defects in material workmanship.E. A Product subjected to unauthorized Product modifications, disassemblies or repairs (including, without limitation, the addition to the Product of non-Motorola supplied equipment) which adversely affect performance of the Product or interfere with Motorola’s normal warranty inspection and testing of the Product to verify any warranty claim.F. Product which has had the serial number removed or made illegible.G. Rechargeable batteries if:• any of the seals on the battery enclosure of cells are broken or show evidence of tampering.• the damage or defect is caused by charging or using the battery in equipment or service other than the Product for which it is specified.H. Freight costs to the repair depot.I. A Product which, due to illegal or unauthorized alteration of the software/firmware in the Product, does not function in accordance with MOTOROLA’s published specifications or the FCC type acceptance labeling in effect for the Product at the time the Product was initially distributed from MOTOROLA.J. Scratches or other cosmetic damage to Product surfaces that does not affect the operation of the Product.K. Normal and customary wear and tear.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Commercial Warranty xvVI. Patent And Software ProvisionsMOTOROLA will defend, at its own expense, any suit brought against the end user purchaser to the extent that it is based on a claim that the Product or parts infringe a United States patent, and MOTOROLA will pay those costs and damages finally awarded against the end user purchaser in any such suit which are attributable to any such claim, but such defense and payments are conditioned on the following:A. that MOTOROLA will be notified promptly in writing by such purchaser of any notice of such claim;B. that MOTOROLA will have sole control of the defense of such suit and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise; andC. should the Product or parts become, or in MOTOROLA’s opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of a United States patent, that such purchaser will permit MOTOROLA, at its option and expense, either to procure for such purchaser the right to continue using the Product or parts or to replace or modify the same so that it becomes noninfringing or to grant such purchaser a credit for the Product or parts as depreciated and accept its return. The depreciation will be an equal amount per year over the lifetime of the Product or parts as established by MOTOROLA.MOTOROLA will have no liability with respect to any claim of patent infringement which is based upon the combination of the Product or parts furnished hereunder with software, apparatus or devices not furnished by MOTOROLA, nor will MOTOROLA have any liability for the use of ancillary equipment or software not furnished by MOTOROLA which is attached to or used in connection with the Product. The foregoing states the entire liability of MOTOROLA with respect to infringement of patents by the Product or any parts thereof.Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for MOTOROLA certain exclusive rights for copyrighted MOTOROLA software such as the exclusive rights to reproduce in copies and distribute copies of such Motorola software. MOTOROLA software may be used in only the Product in which the software was originally embodied and such software in such Product may not be replaced, copied, distributed, modified in any way, or used to produce any derivative thereof. No other use including, without limitation, alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, or reverse engineering of such MOTOROLA software or exercise of rights in such MOTOROLA software is permitted. No license is granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under MOTOROLA patent rights or copyrights.VII. Governing LawThis Warranty is governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, USA.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxvi Commercial Warranty Notes
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Portable Radio Model Numbering System xviiModel Numbering, Charts, and SpecificationsPortable Radio Model Numbering SystemPosition 1 - Type of UnitH = Hand-Held PortablePositions 2 & 3 - Model SeriesPosition 4 - Frequency BandLess than 29.7MHz29.7 to 35.99MHz36 to 41.99MHz42 to 50MHz66 to 80MHz74 to 90MHzProduct Specific136 to 162MHz146 to 178MHz174 to 210MHz190 to 235MHz336 to 410MHz380 to 470MHz438 to 482MHz470 to 520MHzProduct Specific764 to 870MHz825 to 870MHz896 to 941MHz1.0 to 1.6GHz1.5 to 2.0GHzValues given represent range only; they arenot absolute.Position 5 - Power Level0 to 0.7 Watts0.7 to 0.9 Watts1.0 to 3.9 Watts4.0 to 5.0 Watts5.1 to 6.0 Watts6.1 to 10 WattsPosition 6 - Physical PackagesRF Modem OperationReceiver OnlyStandard Control; No DisplayStandard Control; With DisplayLimited Keypad; No DisplayLimited Keypad; With DisplayFull Keypad; No DisplayFull Keypad; With DisplayLimited Controls; No DisplayLimited Controls; Basic DisplayLimited Controls; Limited DisplayRotary Controls; Standard DisplayEnhanced Controls; Enhanced DisplayLow Profile; No DisplayLow Profile; Basic DisplayLow Profile; Basic Display, Full KeypadPosition 7 - Channel Spacing1 = 5kHz2 = 6.25kHz3 = 10kHz4 = 12.5kHz5 = 15kHz6 = 20/25kHz7 = 30kHz9 = Variable/ProgrammableTypical Model Number:Position:Position 8 - Primary OperationConventional/SimplexConventional/DuplexTrunked Twin TypeDual Mode TrunkedDual Mode Trunked/DuplexTrunked Type ITrunked Type IIFDMA* Digital Dual ModeTDMA** Digital Dual ModeSingle SidebandGlobal Positioning Satellite CapableAmplitude Companded Sideband (ACSB)Programmable* FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access** TDMA = Time Division Multiple AccessPosition 9 - Primary System TypeConventionalPrivacy PlusClear SMARTNETAdvanced Conventional Stat-AlertEnhanced Privacy PlusNauganet 888 SeriesJapan Specialized Mobile Radio (JSMR)Multi-Channel Access (MCA)CoveragePLUSMPT1327* - PublicMPT1327* - PrivateRadiocomTone SignallingBinary SignallingPhonenetProgrammableSecure ConventionalSecure SMARTNET* MPT = Ministry of Posts and TelecommunicationsPosition 10 - Feature Level1 = Basic2 = Limited Package3 = Limited Plus4 = Intermediate5 = Standard Package6 = Standard Plus7 = Expanded Package8 = Expanded Plus9 = Full Feature/      ProgrammablePosition 11 - VersionVersion Letter (Alpha) - Major ChangePosition 12 - Unique Model VariationsC = CenelecN = Standard PackagePositions 13 - 16SP Model Suffix123 4 56 7 8 910111213141516H18 U CF 9 P W 7 A N S P 0 118 = XTS 5000ABCDFGHJKLM===========PQRSTUVWYZ==========A BCDEF====== A BCDEFGHJKLMNPQR================A BCDEFGHJKLMP=============A BCDEFGHJKLMNPQWXY==================MAEPF-27620-O
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxviii Portable Radio Model Numbering SystemASTRO XTS 5000 VHF Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18KEC9PW5AN VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18KEF9PW6AN VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18KEH9PW7AN VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXX NLD8910_ Board, Transceiver (VHF)XXX NNTN4563_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON*XXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)XNTN9682_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IXNTN9681_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIXNTN9680_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIIXXX —Antenna, VHF (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory Connector X2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IX2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIX2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXX 2785219D01 Assembly, CastingXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+XXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX 7285726C02 Module, LCD DisplayXX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXX 7585936D02 Pad, RFXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderX7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIX7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Portable Radio Model Numbering System xixASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) VHF Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18KEC9PW5AN w/Q155FE Opt Ruggedized VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18KEF9PW6AN w/Q155FF Opt Ruggedized VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18KEH9PW7AN w/Q155FG Opt Ruggedized VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIH18KEC9PW5AN w/Q155FS Opt Ruggedized Yellow VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18KEF9PW6AN w/Q155FT Opt Ruggedized Yellow VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18KEH9PW7AN w/Q155FU Opt Ruggedized Yellow VHF 1-6 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXXXXX NLD8910_ Board, Transceiver (VHF)XXXXXX NNTN4563_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON*XXXXXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)XNNTN4059_ Kit, Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedXNNTN4060_ Kit, Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedXNNTN4061_ Kit, Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXNTN9685_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedXNTN9684_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedXNTN9683_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXXXXXX —Antenna, VHF (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXXXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory ConnectorX X 2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IXX2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIX X 2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXXXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXXXXX 2785219D04 Assembly, Ruggedized CastingXXXXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXXXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXXXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXXXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+ XXXXXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXXXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX XX 7285726C02 Module, LCD DisplayXX XX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXXXXX 7585936D02 Pad, RFXXXXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderXXXXXX 3285688D01 Plug, Vacuum test portXX7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIX X 7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxx Portable Radio Model Numbering SystemASTRO XTS 5000 UHF Range 1 Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18QDC9PW5AN UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18QDF9PW6AN UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18QDH9PW7AN UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIH18QCC9PW5AN  UHF Range 1, Low Power, 20 mW - 2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18QCF9PW6AN  UHF Range 1, Low Power, 20 mW - 2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18QCH9PW7AN  UHF Range 1, Low Power, 20 mW - 2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXX NLE4272_ Board, Transceiver (UHF)XXX NLE4278_ Board, Transceiver (UHF) Low PowerXXXXXX NNTN4819_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON*XXXXXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)X X NTN9682_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IX X NTN9681_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIX X NTN9680_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIIXXXXXX —Antenna, UHF (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXXXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory Connector X X 2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IX X 2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIX X 2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXXXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXXXXX 2785219D01 Assembly, CastingXXXXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXXXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXXXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXXXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+XXXXXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXXXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX XX 7285726C03 Module, LCD DisplayXX XX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXXXXX 7585936D04 Pad, RFXXXXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderX X 7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIX X 7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Portable Radio Model Numbering System xxiASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) UHF Range 1 Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18QDC9PW5AN w/Q155FE Opt Ruggedized UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18QDF9PW6AN w/Q155FF Opt Ruggedized UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18QDH9PW7AN w/Q155FG Opt Ruggedized UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIH18QDC9PW5AN w/Q155FS Opt Ruggedized Yellow UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18QDF9PW6AN w/Q155FT Opt Ruggedized Yellow UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18QDH9PW7AN w/Q155FU Opt Ruggedized Yellow UHF Range 1, 1-5 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIH18QCC9PW5AN wQ155HW Opt Ruggedized UHF R1, Low Pwr, 20 mW-2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18QCF9PW6AN wQ155HX Opt Ruggedized UHF R1, Low Pwr, 20 mW-2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18QCH9PW7AN wQ155HY Opt Ruggedized UHF R1, Low Pwr, 20 mW-2 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXXXXXXXX NLE4272_ Board, Transceiver (UHF)XXXXXXXXX NLE4278_ Board, Transceiver (UHF) Low PowerXXXXXXXXX NNTN4819_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON*XXXXXXXXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXXXXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)X X NNTN4059_ Kit, Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedX X NNTN4060_ Kit, Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedX X NNTN4061_ Kit, Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXNTN9685_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedXNTN9684_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedXNTN9683_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXXXXXXXXX —Antenna, UHF (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXXXXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXXXXXXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory ConnectorXXX 2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IXXX2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIXXX2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXXXXXXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXXXXXXXX 2785219D04 Assembly, Ruggedized CastingXXXXXXXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXXXXXXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXXXXXXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXXXXXXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+ XXXXXXXXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXXXXXXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX XX XX 7285726C03 Module, LCD DisplayXX XX XX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXXXXXXXX 7585936D04 Pad, RFXXXXXXXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderXXXXXXXXX 3285688D01 Plug, Vacuum test portXXX7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIXXX7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxxii Portable Radio Model Numbering SystemASTRO XTS 5000 700–800 MHz Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18UCC9PW5AN 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18UCF9PW6AN 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18UCH9PW7AN 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXX NUF3577_ Board, Transceiver (700/800 MHz)XXX NTN9564_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON* XXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)XNTN9682_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IXNTN9681_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIXNTN9680_ Kit, Front Cover, Model IIIXXX —Antenna, 700/800 MHz (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory Connector X2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IX2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIX2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXX 2785219D01 Assembly, CastingXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+XXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX 7285726C01 or,7285726C02Module, LCD Display (for use only with the NTN9564_VOCON board)Module, LCD Display (for use only with the NNTN4717_VOCON board)XX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXX 7585936D04 Pad, RFXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderX7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIX7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Portable Radio Model Numbering System xxiiiASTRO XTS 5000 R (Ruggedized) 700–800 MHz Model ChartMODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTIONH18UCC9PW5AN w/Q155FP Opt Ruggedized 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18UCF9PW6AN w/Q155FQ Opt Ruggedized 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18UCH9PW7AN w/Q155FR Opt Ruggedized 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIH18UCC9PW5AN w/Q155GB Opt Ruggedized Yellow 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IH18UCF9PW6AN w/Q155GC Opt Ruggedized Yellow 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIH18UCH9PW7AN w/Q155GD Opt Ruggedized Yellow 700/800 MHz 1-3 Watts ASTRO XTS 5000 Model IIIITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTIONXXXXXX NUF3577_ Board, Transceiver (700/800 MHz)XXXXXX NTN9564_ or,NNTN4717_Board, VOCON*Board, VOCON*XXXXXX —Belt Clip Kit (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX —Battery (Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 2-1)XNNTN4059_ Kit, Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedXNNTN4060_ Kit, Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedXNNTN4061_ Kit, Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXNTN9685_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model I, RuggedizedXNTN9684_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model II, RuggedizedXNTN9683_ Kit, Yellow Front Cover, Model III, RuggedizedXXXXXX —Antenna, 700/800 MHz (Refer to the Basic Service Manual accessories appendix)XXXXXX 0985973B02 Assembly, B+ ConnectorXXXXXX 1505579Z01 Cover, Accessory ConnectorX X 2685567D01 Assembly, VOCON Shield, Model IXX2685567D02 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIX X 2685567D03 Assembly, VOCON Shield-Keypad, Model IIIXXXXXX 2685220D08 Shield, RF (Transceiver) BoardXXXXXX 2785219D04 Assembly, Ruggedized CastingXXXXXX 2885866A01 Connector, Compression, 26-PinXXXXXX 3285900E01 Gasket, Antenna O-RingXXXXXX 3205349Z03 Seal, MainXXXXXX 3205351Z02 Seal, B+ XXXXXX 3285877B02 Seal, PortXXXXXX 3385873B01 Label, PortXX XX 7285726C01 or,7285726C02Module, LCD Display (for use only with the NTN9564_VOCON board)Module, LCD Display (for use only with the NNTN4717_VOCON board)XX XX 7585189D01 Pad, Display LocatorXXXXXX 7585936D04 Pad, RFXXXXXX 7585139E01 Pad, Battery holderXXXXXX 3285688D01 Plug, Vacuum test portXX7585104D02 Keypad, Model IIX X 7585104D01 Keypad, Model IIINotes:X=Item Included*=The radio’s model number, FLASHcode, Host code, and DSP code are required when placing an order for the VOCON Board.•The model number and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found on the FCC label on the back of the radio.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and (sometimes) the FLASHcode can be found by putting a Model II or III radio into the Test Mode.•The model number, Host code, DSP code, and FLASHcode can be found by using the Programming Cable (RKN4105_ or RKN4106_) and the CPS to read a Model I, II, or III radio.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxxiv Portable Radio Model Numbering SystemSpecifications for VHF RadiosAll specifications are per Telecommunications Industries Association TIA-603 unless otherwise noted.GENERAL RECEIVER TRANSMITTERFCC Designation: AZ489FT3804Temperature Range:Operating: –30°C to +60°CStorage: –40°C to +85°CPower Supply:  Nickel-Cadmium Battery (NiCd)or Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery (NiMH)or Lithium-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)Battery Voltage:Nominal: 7.5 VdcRange: 6 to 9 VdcTransmit Current Drain (Typical): 2100 mAReceive Current Drain (Rated Audio): 240 mAStandby Current Drain: 80 mARecommended Battery: Smart NiMH: NNTN4435_or Ultra-HIgh-Capacity NiCd: NTN8294_or Extended-Capacity NiMH:  NTN8293_or Li-Ion: NTN8610_or Ultra–High-Capacity NiCd FM: NTN8295_*or Ultra–High-Capacity NiMH FM: NTN8299_*Optional FM (Factory Mutual) Battery:*  FM Intrinsically Safe: Class I, II, III, Division 1,Groups C, D,E, F, and G. FM Non-incendive:Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D.Dimensions (H x W x D):Note: 2.44" = width at PTT; 2.34" = width at bottom; 1.83" = depth at speaker; 0.97" = depth at keypadWithout Battery (Radio Only):6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 0.97"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 24.56 mm)With Battery:6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 1.65"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 41.97 mm)Weight: (w/ Antenna):Less Battery: 14.10 oz (383 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiCd: 25.19 oz (693 gm)With Li-Ion: 20.41 oz (583 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiMH:23.45 oz (644 gm)With Extended- Cap. NiMH:24.04 oz (682 gm)Frequency Range: 136-174 MHzBandwidth: 38 MHzUsable Sensitivity (typical)(12 dB SINAD): 0.20 µV Intermodulation (typical): –75 dB Selectivity (typical):(25/30 kHz Channel): –75 dB (12.5 kHz Channel): –63 dB Spurious Rejection (typical): –75 dB Frequency Stability(–30+60°C; 25°C reference): ±0.0002%Rated Audio: 500 mWFM Hum and Noise (typical):25 kHz   –55 dB12.5 kHz   –49 dBDistortion (typical): 1.5%Channel Spacing: 12.5/25 kHzFrequency Range: 136-174 MHzRF Power: 136-174 MHz: 1-6 WattsFrequency Stability (typical)(–30 to +60°C; 25°C ref.): ±0.0002%Emission (typical conducted): –75 dBcFM Hum and Noise (typical)(Companion Receiver): 25 kHz   –48 dB12.5 kHz   –42 dBDistortion (typical): 1.0% (typical)Modulation Limiting: 25 kHz chnls ±5.0 kHz12.5 kHz chnls ±2.5 kHzACPR (typical): 25 kHz –73 dBc12.5 kHz –63 dBcEmissions Designators:20K0F1E, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1D, and 8K10F1ESpecifications subject to change without notice.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Portable Radio Model Numbering System xxvSpecifications for UHF Range 1 RadiosAll specifications are per Telecommunications Industries Association TIA-603 unless otherwise noted.GENERAL RECEIVER TRANSMITTERFCC Designation: AZ489FT4855Temperature Range:Operating: –30°C to +60°CStorage: –40°C to +85°CPower Supply:  Nickel-Cadmium Battery (NiCd)or Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery (NiMH)or Lithium-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)Battery Voltage:Nominal: 7.5 VdcRange: 6 to 9 VdcTransmit Current Drain (Typical): 2100 mAReceive Current Drain (Rated Audio): 240 mAStandby Current Drain: 80 mARecommended Battery: Smart NiMH: NNTN4435or Ultra-HIgh-Capacity NiCd: NTN8294or Extended-Capacity NiMH:  NTN8293or Li-Ion: NTN8610or Ultra–High-Capacity NiCd FM: NTN8295*or Ultra–High-Capacity NiMH FM: NTN8299*Optional FM (Factory Mutual) Battery:* FM Intrinsically Safe.Dimensions (H x W x D):Note: 2.44" = width at PTT; 2.34" = width at bottom; 1.83" = depth at speaker; 0.97" = depth at keypadWithout Battery (Radio Only):6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 0.97"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 24.56 mm)With Battery:6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 1.65"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 41.97 mm)Weight: (w/ Antenna):Less Battery: 14.10 oz (383 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiCd: 25.19 oz (693 gm)With Li-Ion: 20.41 oz (583 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiMH:23.45 oz (644 gm)With Extended- Cap. NiMH:24.04 oz (682 gm)Frequency Range: 380-470 MHzBandwidth: 90 MHzUsable Sensitivity (typical)(12 dB SINAD): 0.25 µV Intermodulation (typical): –75 dB Selectivity (typical):(25/30 kHz Channel): –78 dB (12.5 kHz Channel): –60 dB Spurious Rejection (typical): –80 dB Frequency Stability(–30+60°C; 25°C reference): ±0.0002%Rated Audio: 500 mWFM Hum and Noise (typical):25 kHz   –54 dB12.5 kHz   –45 dBDistortion (typical): 1.0%Channel Spacing: 12.5/25 kHzFrequency Range: 380-470 MHzRF Power: 380-470 MHz: 1-5 WattsFrequency Stability (typical)(–30 to +60°C; 25°C ref.): ±0.0002%Emission (typical conducted): –70 dBcFM Hum and Noise (typical)(Companion Receiver): 25 kHz   –45 dB12.5 kHz   –40 dBDistortion (typical): 1.5% (typical)Modulation Limiting: 25 kHz chnls ±5.0 kHz12.5 kHz chnls ±2.5 kHzACPR (typical): 25 kHz –77 dBc12.5 kHz –62 dBcEmissions Designators:20K0F1E, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1D, and 8K10F1ESpecifications subject to change without notice.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-Cxxvi Portable Radio Model Numbering SystemSpecifications for 700–800 MHz RadiosAll specifications are per Telecommunications Industries Association TIA-603 unless otherwise noted.GENERAL RECEIVER TRANSMITTERFCC Designation: AZ489FT5806Temperature Range:Operating: –30°C to +60°CStorage: –40°C to +85°CPower Supply:  Nickel-Cadmium Battery (NiCd)or Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery (NiMH)or Lithium-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)Battery Voltage:Nominal: 7.5 VdcRange: 6 to 9 VdcTransmit Current Drain (Typical): 1400 mAReceive Current Drain (Rated Audio): 240 mAStandby Current Drain: 80 mARecommended Battery: Ultra-HIgh-Capacity Smart NiCd: HNN9031_or Ultra-HIgh-Capacity NiCd: NTN8294_or Extended-Capacity NiMH:  NTN8293_or Li-Ion: NTN8610_or Ultra–High-Capacity NiCd FM: NTN8295_*or Ultra–High-Capacity NiMH FM: NTN8299_*Optional FM (Factory Mutual) Battery:*  FM Intrinsically Safe: Class I, II, III, Division 1,Groups C, D,E, F, and G. FM Non-incendive:Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D.Dimensions (H x W x D):Note: 2.44" = width at PTT; 2.34" = width at bottom; 1.83" = depth at speaker; 0.97" = depth at keypadWithout Battery (Radio Only):6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 0.97"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 24.56 mm)With Battery:6.58" x 2.44" x 1.83"/6.58" x 2.34" x 1.65"(167.13 mm x 61.90 mm x 46.42 mm/167.13 mm x 59.49 mm x 41.97 mm)Weight: (w/ Antenna):Less Battery: 14.10 oz (383 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiCd: 25.19 oz (693 gm)With Li-Ion: 20.41 oz (583 gm)With Ultra-High Cap. NiMH:23.45 oz (644 gm)With Extended- Cap. NiMH:24.04 oz (682 gm)Frequency Range:700 MHz: 764 to 767; 773 to 776 MHz800 MHz: 851 to 870 MHzBandwidth: 106 MHzUsable Sensitivity (typical)(12 dB SINAD): 0.20 µV Intermodulation (typical): –75 dB Selectivity (typical):(25/30 kHz Channel): –72 dB (12.5 kHz Channel): –63 dB Spurious Rejection (typical): –75 dB Frequency Stability(–30+60°C; 25°C reference): ±0.00015%Rated Audio: 500 mWFM Hum and Noise (typical):25 kHz   –48 dB12.5 kHz   –40 dBDistortion (typical): 1.5%Channel Spacing: 12.5/25 kHzFrequency Range:700 MHz: 764 to 767; 773 to 776; 794 to 797;803 to 806 MHz800 MHz: 806 to 824; 851 to 870 MHzRF Power: 764-806 MHz: 2.5 Watts806-870 MHz: 3 WattsFrequency Stability (typical)(–30 to +60°C; 25°C ref.): ±0.00015%Emission (typical conducted): –75 dBcFM Hum and Noise (typical)(Companion Receiver): 25 kHz   –45 dB12.5 kHz   –40 dBDistortion (typical): 1.5% (typical)Modulation Limiting: 25 kHz chnls ±5.0 kHz12.5 kHz chnls ±2.5 kHzEmissions Designators:20K0F1E, 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1D, and 8K10F1ESpecifications subject to change without notice.
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 GeneralThis manual includes all the information needed to maintain peak product performance and maximum working time for the ASTRO XTS 5000 radio. This detailed level of service (component level) is typical of the service performed by some service centers, self-maintained customers, and distributors.Use this manual in conjunction with the ASTRO XTS 5000 VHF/UHF Range 1/700–800 MHz Digital Portable Radios Basic Service Manual (Motorola part number 6881094C28), which can help in troubleshooting a problem to a particular printed circuit (PC) board.Conduct the basic performance checks outlined in the basic service manual first to verify the need to analyze the radio and to help pinpoint the functional problem area. In addition, you will become familiar with the radio test mode of operation, which is a helpful tool. If any basic receive or transmit parameters fail to be met, the radio should be aligned according to the radio alignment procedure.Included in other areas of this manual are functional block diagrams, detailed theory of operation, troubleshooting charts and waveforms, schematics, and parts lists. You should become familiar with these sections to aid in determining circuit problems. Also included are component location diagrams to aid in locating individual circuit components and some IC diagrams, which identify some convenient probe points.“Chapter 3, Theory of Operation,” on page 3-1, contains detailed descriptions of the operations of many circuits. Once you locate the problem area, review the troubleshooting flowchart for that circuit to fix the problem.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C1-2 Introduction: Notations Used in This Manual1.2 Notations Used in This ManualThroughout the text in this publication, you will notice the use of warnings, cautions, and notes. These notations are used to emphasize that safety hazards exist, and care must be taken and observed.NOTE: An operational procedure, practice, or condition that is essential to emphasize.CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, might result in equipment damage.WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or injury.DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or injury.!C a u t i o n!W A R N I N G!D A N G E R!
Chapter 2 Radio PowerThis chapter provides a detailed circuit description of the power distribution of an ASTRO XTS 5000 radio.2.1 GeneralIn the ASTRO XTS 5000 radio, power (B+) is distributed to two boards: the transceiver (RF) board and the VOCON board (see Figure 2-1 on page 2-2 for UHF Range 1 (R1) and 700–800 MHz, and Figure 2-2 on page 2-2 for VHF). In the case of a secure model radio, B+ is also supplied to the encryption module.Power for the radio is provided through a battery supplying a nominal 7.5 Vdc directly to the transceiver. The following battery types and capacities are available:Table 2-1.  Conventional BatteriesPart Number DescriptionNTN8294 1525 NiCd, Ultra-High CapacityNTN8295 1525 NiCd High-Capacity Factory Mutual (FM) Intrinsically SafeNTN8297 1525 NiCd High-Capacity Factory Mutual (FM) Intrinsically Safe, RuggedNTN8299 1750 NiMH Ultra-Capacity FMNTN8610 1650 Lithium IonNTN8923 1800 NiMH Ultra-CapacityNTN9177 Battery Holder, Clamshell, BlackNTN9183 Battery Holder, Clamshell, OrangeRNN4006 3000 NiMHRNN4007 3000 NiMH FMTable 2-2.  Smart BatteriesPart Number DescriptionHNN9031 1525 NiCd SmartHNN9032 1525 NiCd Smart FMNNTN4435_R 1800 mAh, NiMH SmartNNTN4436 1750 NiMH Smart FM (VHF use only)
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C2-2 Radio Power: GeneralFigure 2-1.  DC Power Distribution—UHF Range 1 and 700–800 MHz RadiosFigure 2-2.  DC Power Distribution—VHF RadiosB+ from the battery is electrically switched to most of the radio, rather than routed through the On/Off/volume control knob, S1. The electrical switching of B+ supports a keep-alive mode. Under software control, even when the On/Off/volume control knob has been turned to the Off position, power remains on until the MCU completes its power-down, at which time the radio is physically powered down.Battery7.5 Volts(Nominal)RF BoardJ1 BATT FuseRAW B+ V5A5 VoltsSW_B+(control signal)3VA 1.55V3 VoltsAnalog Circuits 3 VoltsDigital CircuitsFB+ P1 UNSW_B+ VCC5 5 VoltsFETGCAP IISW_B+3.8 V (VSW1)1.55 Volts(VSW_1.55)1.875 Volts(VSW2)3 Volts(VREF)3 Volts(V2)VOCON BoardP201MAEPF-27419-ABattery7.5 Volts(Nominal)RF BoardJ1 BATT FuseRAW B+V3A3 VoltsAnalog Circuits5 VoltsSW_B+(control signal)V3B V3D3 VoltsMisc. Supply 3 VoltsDigital CircuitsV5AFB+ P1 UNSW_B+ VCC5 5 VoltsVOCON BoardP201MAEPF-27520-A1.55VFETGCAP IISW_B+3.8 V (VSW1)1.55 Volts(VSW_1.55)1.875 Volts(VSW2)3 Volts(VREF)3 Volts(V2)
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Radio Power: DC Power Routing—Transceiver Board 2-32.2 DC Power Routing—Transceiver BoardNOTE: Refer to Table 8-1, “List of Transceiver Schematics and Board Overlays,” on page 8-1 for a listing of schematics showing the transceiver board DC power routing components.Connector J1, the B-plus assembly, connects the battery to the transceiver board. Capacitors C1, C2, and C3 provide protection against momentary breaks at the B-plus connector due to contact bounce when the radio is dropped.UHF R1 and 700–800 MHz: Components C5, E4, C7, and E1 form a power-line filter for signal RAWB+, which supplies battery voltage to the transmitter PA.VHF: Component E1 forms a power-line filter for signal RAWB+, which supplies battery voltage to the transmitter PA.Transistor Q1, controlled by signal SWB+ (SB+ for VHF) from the VOCON board, turns on XB+, which supplies to the 5-V linear regulator and TX_ALC block.Fuse F901 and filter C11, L1, C10 (C14, L1, C13 for VHF) supply fused B-plus to the VOCON board. In turn, the VOCON board supplies VSW1, regulated 3.8 Vdc, from the Global Control Audio and Power (GCAP) switching regulator to the XCVR. Switch Q99 (Q503 for VHF), controlled by SWB+, turns on V38 to the XCVR 3-V linear regulators. The XCVR regulated power supplies are summarized in Table 2-3.2.3 DC Power Routing—VOCON BoardNOTE: Refer to Table 8-2, “List of VOCON Schematics and Board Overlays,” on page 8-1 for a listing of schematics showing the VOCON board DC power routing components.Raw B+, or unswitched B+, (UNSW_B+) is routed to connector P1 on the transceiver board, and then on to P201 on the VOCON board. Here the UNSW B+ is forwarded to the radio’s control topOn/Off/volume knob through connector J101 and a flex circuit, as well as to regulator U505 (VCC5).The On/Off/volume knob controls B+SENSE to Q502, which in turn controls Q501. Transistor Q501 is a solid-state power switch that provides SW B+ to the VOCON board, the audio PA, the GCAP II IC (via GCAP_B+), and back to the transceiver board.In the case of a secure radio model, SW B+ and UNSW B+ are also supplied to the encryption module through connector J701.Table 2-3.  Transceiver Voltage RegulatorsRef.Desig. ICName Output Signal Name DescriptionU1 LP2989 V5A Regulated 5.0 VdcU2 LP3985 V3D Regulated 3.0 Vdc digitalU3 LP3985 V3A UHF R1 and 700–800 MHz: Regulated 3.0 Vdc analog for the RX FEVHF: Regulated 3.0 Vdc analog for synthesizerU5 LP3985 V3B VHF only: Regulated 3.0 Vdc miscellaneous supply
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C2-4 Radio Power: DC Power Routing—VOCON BoardTransistor Q501 is also under the control of the microcontroller unit (MCU) via Vref from U501. This allows the MCU to follow an orderly power-down sequence when it senses that B+SENSE is off. This sense is provided through MECH_SW_BAR (inverted B+SENSE, see Q508).The digital circuits in the VOCON board are powered from regulators located in the GCAP II IC (U501), an external 5 Vdc regulator (VCC5, U505), and an external 1.55 Vdc regulator (VSW_1.55V, on NNTN4717 VOCON kit only). The GCAP II IC provides three supplies: VSW1, VSW2, and V2. These regulators are software programmable. Table 2-4 lists the supply voltages and the circuits that use these voltages.Table 2-4.  VOCON Board DC Power DistributionSupply Name Output Voltage Supply Type Unprogrammed Output Voltage Circuits SuppliedUNSW_B+ 9 to 6 Vdc7.5 Vdc nominalBattery N/A VCC5 inputMechanical switchPower switch (FET)Secure moduleReal-time clock batterySW_B+ 9 to 6 Vdc7.5 Vdc nominalBattery N/A VSW1 input (GCAP)Audio power amplifierSide connectorSW_B+ to transceiver boardGCAP ICSecure moduleUSB circuitryVCC5 5Vdc Linear Regulator N/A Smart battery circuitryInt. / ext. microphone biasAudio preamplifierFlipper ICKeypad / Display LEDsVSW1 3.8 Vdc Switching regulator software progammable3.2 Vdc 3-V regulators (RF)VSW2 inputV2 inputVSW2 1.8 Vdc Switching regulator software progammable2.2 Vdc Patriot coreFLASH ICSRAMDisplay (only on NTN9564 VOCON board)V2 3 Vdc*2.9 Vdc** Linear regulator software progammable2.775 Vdc Patriot I/O ringFlipper ICEEPOTDisplay16.8 MHz bufferVSW_1_55V 1.55 Vdc Linear regulator N/A Patriot core (only on NNTN4717 VOCON board)* = NTN9564,NNTN4563 & NNTN4819 VOCON kits** = NNTN4717 VOCON kit
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting ProceduresThe purpose of this chapter is to aid in troubleshooting problems with the ASTRO XTS 5000 radio. It is intended to be detailed enough to localize the malfunctioning circuit and isolate the defective component. It also contains a listing of service tools recommended for PC board repair at the component level.4.1 Handling PrecautionsComplementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices, and other high-technology devices, are used in this family of radios. While the attributes of these devices are many, their characteristics make them susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD) or high-voltage charges. Damage can be latent, resulting in failures occurring weeks or months later. Therefore, special precautions must be taken to prevent device damage during disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair. Handling precautions are mandatory for this radio, and are especially important in low-humidity conditions. DO NOT attempt to disassemble the radio without observing the following handling precautions.1. Eliminate static generators (plastics, Styrofoam, etc.) in the work area.2. Remove nylon or double-knit polyester jackets, roll up long sleeves, and remove or tie back loose-hanging neckties.3. Store and transport all static-sensitive devices in ESD-protective containers.4. Disconnect all power from the unit before ESD-sensitive components are removed or inserted unless otherwise noted.5. Use a static-safeguarded workstation, which can be accomplished through the use of an anti-static kit (Motorola part number 01-80386A82). This kit includes a wrist strap, two ground cords, a static-control table mat and a static-control floor mat.Most of the ICs are static sensitive devices. Do not attempt to disassemble the radio or troubleshoot a board without first referring to the following Handling Precautions section.!C a u t i o n
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C4-2 Troubleshooting Procedures: Recommended Service Tools4.2 Recommended Service ToolsTable 4-1 lists recommended service tools that can be used for PC board repairs at the component level. For listings of additonal service tools, service aids, and test equipment that are recommended for all levels of service, refer to the XTS 5000 basic service manual (see “ Related Publications” on page xii).Table 4-1.  Recommended Service ToolsMotorolaPart Number Description ApplicationR1453 Digital-readout solder station Digitally controlled soldering ironRLN4062 Hot-air workstation, 120V Tool for hot-air soldering/desoldering of surface-mounted integrated circuits0180386A78 Illuminated magnifying glass with lens attachment Illumination and magnification of components0180302E51 Master lens system0180386A82 Anti-static grounding kit Used during all radio assembly and disassembly procedures6684253C72 Straight prober6680384A98 Brush1010041A86 Solder (RMA type), 63/67, 0.5 mm diameter, 1 lb. spool0180303E45 SMD tool kit (included with R1319A)R1319 ChipMaster (110V) Surface-mount removal and assembly of surface-mounted integrated circuits and/or rework station shields. Includes 5 nozzles.R1321 ChipMaster (220V)R1364 Digital heated tweezer system Chip component removalR1427 Board preheater Reduces heatsink on multi-level boards6680309B53 Rework equipment catalog Contains application notes, procedures, and technical references used to rework equipmentChipMaster Options:6680370B54 0.710” x 0.710” Heat-focus heads for R1319 workstation6680370B57 0.245” x 0.245”6680370B58 0.340” x 0.340”6680371B15 0.460” x 0.560”
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Procedures: Voltage Measurement and Signal Tracing 4-34.3 Voltage Measurement and Signal TracingIt is always a good idea to check the battery voltage under load. This can be done by checking the OPT_B+_VPP pin at the side connector (pin 4). The battery voltage should remain at or above 7.0 Vdc. If the battery voltage is less than 7.0 Vdc, then it should be recharged or replaced as necessary prior to analyzing the radio.In most instances, the problem circuit may be identified using a multimeter, an RF millivoltmeter, oscilloscope (preferably with 100 MHz bandwidth or more), and a spectrum analyzer.ChipMaster Nozzles:6680333E28 PA nozzle Soldering and unsoldering ICs6680332E83 PLCC-28* nozzle6680332E93 PLCC-32 nozzle6680332E82 PLCC-44* nozzle6680332E94 PLCC-52 nozzle6680332E95 PLCC-68* nozzle6680332E96 PLCC-84 nozzle6680332E89 QFP-80 nozzle6680332E90 QFP-100* nozzle6680332E91 QFP-132* nozzle6680334E67 QFP-160 nozzle6680332E86 SOIC-14/SOL-16J nozzle6680333E46 SOL-18 nozzle6680332E84 SOIC-20 nozzle6680332E87 SOL-20J nozzle6680333E45 SOL-24 nozzle6680332E88 SOL-28J nozzle6680333E54 TSOP-32 nozzle6680333E55 TSOP-64 nozzle* Included with ChipMaster packagesWhen checking a transistor or module, either in or out of circuit, do not use an ohmmeter having more than 1.5 Vdc appearing across test leads or use an ohms scale of less than x100.Table 4-1.  Recommended Service Tools (Continued)MotorolaPart Number Description Application!C a u t i o n
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C4-4 Troubleshooting Procedures: Standard Bias Table4.4 Standard Bias TableTable 4-2 outlines some standard supply voltages and system clocks which should be present under normal operation. These should be checked as a first step to any troubleshooting procedure.Table 4-2.  Standard Operating BiasSignal Name Nominal Value Tolerance VOCON Board Source13 MHz 13 MHz ±1000 ppm C303 (NTN9564)C339 (NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717)FLIP_32K 32.768 kHz ±400 ppm U302, pin2(under shield SH102on NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717)SINE32K 32.768 kHz ±400 ppm C313 (NTN9564)C306 (NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717)CKIH 16.8 MHz R452(under shield SH101 on NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717 or test fixture pin 7 on theboard-to-board connector)16_8MHz 16.8 MHz C452(under shield SH101on NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717)POR 3.0 Vdc ±5% POR test pointRESET_OUT 3.0 Vdc ±5% RESET_OUT test point (NTN9564)D401, pin 3 (NNTN4563, NNTN4819 & NNTN4717)VSW1 3.85 Vdc ±5% R502VSW2 1.85 Vdc ±5% R501FILT_B+ 7.5 Vdc 6.0-9.0 Vdc C523V2 3.0 Vdc*2.9 Vdc** ±5% R560GCAP_B+ 7.5 Vdc 6.0-9.0 Vdc R581UNSW_B+ 7.5 Vdc 6.0-9.0 Vdc B104SW_B+ 7.5 Vdc 6.0-9.0 Vdc R587VCC5 5.0 Vdc ±5% R503VSW_1_55 V 1.55 Vdc ±5% R407 (NNTN4717 VOCON kit only)* = NTN9564, NNTN4563, & NNTN4819 VOCON kits** = NNTN4717 VOCON kit
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Procedures: Power-Up Self-Check Errors 4-54.5 Power-Up Self-Check ErrorsEach time the radio is turned on, the MCU and DSP perform a series of internal diagnostics. These diagnostics consist of checking such programmable devices as the FLASH ROMs, the EEPROM, and SRAM devices.Problems detected during the power-up self-check routines are presented as error codes on the radio’s display. For non-display radios, the problem is presented at power up by a single, low-frequency tone. Table 4-3 lists possible error codes, a description of each error code, and a recommended corrective action.Table 4-3.  Power-Up Self-Check Error CodesError Code Description Corrective Action01/02 FLASH ROM codeplug Checksum Non-Fatal Error Reprogram the codeplug01/12 Security Partition Checksum Non-Fatal Error Send radio to depot01/20 ABACUS Tune Failure Non-Fatal Error Turn radio off, then on01/22 Tuning Codeplug Checksum Non-Fatal Error Send radio to depot01/81 Host ROM Checksum Fatal Error Send radio to depot01/82 FLASH ROM Codeplug Checksum Fatal Error Reprogram the codeplug01/88 External RAM Fatal Error — Note: Not a checksum error Send radio to depot01/90 General Hardware Failure Fatal Error Turn radio off, then on01/92 Security Partition Checksum Fatal Error Send radio to depot01/93 FLASHport Authentication Code Failure Send radio to depot01/98 Internal RAM Fail Fatal Error Send radio to depot01/A2 Tuning Codeplug Checksum Fatal Error Send radio to depot02/81 DSP ROM Checksum Fatal Error Send radio to depot02/88 DSP RAM Fatal Error — Note: Not a checksum error Turn radio off, then on02/90 General DSP Hardware Failure (DSP startup message not received correctly) Turn radio off, then on09/10 Secure Hardware Failure Turn radio off, then on09/90 Secure Hardware Fatal Error Turn radio off, then on
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C4-6 Troubleshooting Procedures: Power-Up Self-Check Diagnostics and Repair (Not for Field Use)4.6 Power-Up Self-Check Diagnostics and Repair (Not for Field Use)Table 4-4 lists additional action items that can be used for the diagnosis and resolution of the error codes listed in Table 4-3 on page 4-5.Table 4-4.  Power-Up Self-Check Diagnostic ActionsError Code Diagnostic Actions01/02 This non-fatal error will likely recover if the radio’s power is cycled. In the event that this does not resolve the issue, the radio should be reflashed. As a last resort, the FLASH ROM U402 should be replaced.01/12 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the security codeplug.01/20 Cycling radio power should resolve this issue. 01/22 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflash of the tuning codeplug followed by retuning of the radio.01/81 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the host code.01/82 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the radio codeplug.01/88 Reflashing of the radio should first be performed. If this fails to resolve the issue, then replacement of the SRAM U403 is necessary.01/90 Cycle power to radio. Continued failure indicates a likely IC failure (GCAP, PCIC, FLIPPER, ABACUS). In this event, radio should be sent to the depot for isolation and repair of the problem IC.01/92 The radio should be sent to the depot for reprogramming of the security codeplug.01/93 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the host code.01/98 Send radio to the depot for replacement of the SRAM U403.01/A2 The radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the tuning codeplug followed by re-tuning of the radio.02/81 The radio should be sent to the depot for examination and/or replacement of either the FLASH U402, or the PATRIOT MCU/DSP U401.02/88 Cycle power to the radio. If this does not fix the problem, then the radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the DSP code. Continued failure requires examination and/or replacement of the SRAM U403.02/90 Cycle power to the radio. If this fails to fix the problem, then the radio should be sent to the depot for reflashing of the DSP code. Continued failure may require replacement of U401, the PATRIOT MCU/DSP.09/10 Cycle power to the radio. If this fails then follow instructions in the secure hardware failure troubleshooting flowchart.09/90 Cycle power to the radio. If this fails then follow instructions in the secure hardware failure troubleshooting flowchart.
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting ChartsThis section contains detailed troubleshooting flowcharts. These charts should be used as a guide in determining the problem areas. They are not a substitute for knowledge of circuit operation and astute troubleshooting techniques. It is advisable to refer to the related detailed circuit descriptions in the theory of operation sections prior to troubleshooting a radio.5.1 List of Troubleshooting ChartsMost troubleshooting charts (see Table 5-1) end up by pointing to an IC to replace. It is not always noted, but it is good practice to verify supplies and grounds to the affected IC and to trace continuity to the malfunctioning signal and related circuitry before replacing any IC. For instance, if a clock signal is not available at a destination, continuity from the source IC should be checked before replacing the source IC.Table 5-1.  Troubleshooting Charts ListChart Title Page NumberMain Troubleshooting Flowchart 5-2Power-Up Failure 5-3DC Supply Failure 5-5Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits) 5-8Display Failure (NTN9564) 5-11Volume Set Error 5-14Channel/Zone Select Error 5-15Button Test 5-16Top/Side Button Test 5-17VCO TX/RX Unlock 5-18VOCON TX Audio 5-19VOCON RX Audio 5-21RX RF 5-23TX RF (VHF) 5-28TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz) 5-31Keyload Failure 5-34Secure Hardware Failure 5-35
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-2 Troubleshooting Charts: Main Troubleshooting Flowchart5.2 Main Troubleshooting FlowchartMAEPF-27403-AStartIs TXDeviationOK?Go toTX RFflowchartGo to VOCONRX AudioflowchartReceive Audio?GoodSINAD?ButtonsFunctional?EndGo to eitherDisplay Failure orPower-Up FailureflowchartSee ButtonTest flowchartErrorMessages onRSS?Yes Ye sYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoGoodpower-upSelf-Test?ErrorMessage? DisplayModel?See Table 5-2:Power-up Self-Check ErrorCodesIs thereTX Power?Go toTX RFflowchartUse RSS todisplay ErrorMessages
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Power-Up Failure 5-35.3 Power-Up Failure—Page 1MAEPF-27389-CRadioPower-UpFailureRemoveR528 (VOCON)Replace U301(Flipper) andplace R528 back on boardFixed?Place R528back on boardProbe32.768 kHzClock at R316SignalPresent?IsVOCON BoardNNTN4563, NNTN4819,or NNTN4717kit?Signal may appearfor a very short periodof time (50 ms). Usean oscilloscope withtrigger to capture signal. Verify integrityof C308 andC309RemoveShieldSH101Verify StandardBias inTable 5-1StandardBias OK?Isolate andRepair ProblemSee DC SupplyFailure flowchartNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYes12
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-4 Troubleshooting Charts: Power-Up FailurePower-Up Failure—Page 2MAEPF-27390-AInvestigateClock BufferComponents andIsolate ProblemThis signal maycontain harmonicsand, therefore, maynot appear as a perfect sinewave.Signal mayappear for a veryshort period oftime (50ms). Usean oscilloscopewith trigger tocapture signal.Refer Board toService Depot forReflash, Patriot,SRAM, andFLASH AnalysisInvestigate16.8 MHzReferenceOscillatorProbe16.8 MHzSignal at R452Signalgreater than600mV?Signalgreater than600mV?Check 16.8 MHzSignal atC452ReplaceU301ReplaceProblemComponentComponentsOK?Fixed?EndFixed?ReplaceY301NoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYes12Note:  All components noted on this          chart are VOCON components.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: DC Supply Failure 5-55.4 DC Supply Failure—Page 1NOTE: Since the failure of a critical voltage supply might cause the radio to automatically power down, supply voltages should first be probed with a multimeter. If all the board voltages are absent, then the voltage test point should be retested using a rising-edge-triggered oscilloscope. If the voltage is still absent, then another voltage should be tested using the oscilloscope. If that voltage is present, then the original voltage supply in question is defective and requires investigation of associated circuitry.MAEPF-27391-ACheck Voltageat pin 3 ofQ502ReplaceQ501Check Voltageat pin 2 ofQ502Voltage= 0V?ReplaceQ502CheckContinuity ofFuse F901on transceiverVoltage= B+?Voltage= B+? Voltage= B+?Replace FuseReplace FrontCover HousingAssemblyFixed? EndFuse OK?Check Voltageat pin 1 ofQ501Check BatteryConnections forGood ContactProblem withDC DistributionNetworkCheck Voltageat pin 5 ofQ501 (VOCON)NoNoNo NoNoNoYesYes YesYesYes1Yes
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-6 Troubleshooting Charts: DC Supply FailureDC Supply Failure—Page 2MAEPF-27392-BCheck R763,L703, C717, and CR700Check Voltageat R560ReplaceProblemComponentVoltage= V2?*ReplaceU501(GCAP II)Check R502,C506, L502,and D503Voltage= 3.77V+/-5%?Voltage= 1.85V+/-5%? ComponentsOK?ReFLASHHOST CCodeFixed? EndComponentsOK?Check Voltageat R501ReplaceProblemComponentCheck Voltageat B502(VOCON)NoYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNo1232No* per Standard Bias Table
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: DC Supply Failure 5-7DC Supply Failure—Page 3MAEPF-27393-CVoltage= 5.0V+/-5%?Check Voltageat pin 5 ofU505 (VOCON)No NoNoNoNo NoNoNoYesYesYesYes Ye sYesYesYesYes3Check700-800: E6, C15,C16, C17, and D2VHF: E6, C6,C8, and D2Voltage= V2?* ComponentsOK?Check R503,D501, C509,C510, and C508ReplaceProblemComponentReplace700-800: U505VHF: U1ReplaceProblemComponentComponentsOK?Check Voltageat TP7Check Voltageat TP6ReplaceU2Check Voltageat TP5Check700-800: D1, E5,C12, C13, and C14VHF: E5, C3, C4,C5, and D1Check Voltageat TP3ReplaceU3End ReplaceU1Voltage= 5.0V+/-5%?ReplaceProblemComponentVoltage= V2?*No Is unitVHF?ComponentsOK?ReplaceProblemComponentCheck700-800: D3, R704,C19, and C20VHF: E7, C9, C10,C11, and D3ComponentsOK?No NoYes Ye sReplaceU5Voltage= V2?*ReplaceProblemComponentCheckE8, C18, C19,C20, and D4ComponentsOK?* per Standard Bias Table* per Standard Bias Table* per Standard Bias Table
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-8 Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits)5.5 Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits)Page 1NOTE: The NNTN4563 VOCON board is compatible only with the 7285726C02 display module, and the NNTN4819 VOCON board is compatible only with the 7285726C03 display module.MAEPF-27505-BEndReplaceLCD DisplayCheck integrityof B1012.775 V<V<3.1 V?No DisplayProblemResolved?NoNoYesYesReplaceB101Verify V2usingDC Supply FailureflowchartB101 OK? NoYesCheck DCon J301,pins 17 and 181
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits) 5-9Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits)Page 2MAEPF-27506-AV = 0 V?Check P_S*at J301, pin 4No YesYesNoNo YesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYes1ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?CheckREG_SELat J301, pin 7Check RESETat J301, pin 6Verify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctCheck CS atJ301, pin 53V = V2?*V = V2?* EndEndEndEndV = V2?** per Standard Bias Table* per Standard Bias Table* per Standard Bias Table
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-10 Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits)Display Failure (NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON Kits)Page 3MAEPF-27507-ALow-Level PulsesPresent?Check ActiveLow Status onboth RESETand CSUse an oscilloscope to check fora low-level (0V) pulse occurrenceduring power-on initialization period.Use an oscilloscope to check foreither a low-level (0V) pulse or high-level (0-V2) occurrence duringpower-on initialization period.NoYesNoYes3Signalpresentat appropriatelevel?ReplaceDisplayCheck J301, pins15 and 16 forappropriate voltagelevels (0-V2)Return radio toservice depot forfurther analysis
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NTN9564) 5-115.6 Display Failure (NTN9564)—Page 1NOTE: The NTN9564 VOCON board is compatible only with the 7285726C01 display module.MAEPF-27404-OEndReplaceLCD DisplayCheck integrityof B1021.8<V<1.95V?No DisplayProblemResolved?NoNoYesYesReplaceB102Verify VSW2(1.85V) usingDC Supply FailureflowchartB102 OK? NoYesCheck DC onJ301, pin 171
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-12 Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NTN9564)Display Failure (NTN9564)—Page 2MAEPF-27405-OV = 1.85V?Check P_S*at J301, pin 4No YesYesNoNo YesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYes1V = 1.85V?ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?ProblemResolved?CheckREG_SELat J301, pin 7Check RESETat J301, pin 6Verify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctVerify SignalPath Integrityand correctCheck CS atJ301, pin 53V = 1.85V?V = 1.85V? EndEndEndEnd
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Display Failure (NTN9564) 5-13Display Failure (NTN9564)—Page 3MAEPF-27406-OLow-Level PulsesPresent?Check ActiveLow Status onboth RESETand CSUse an oscilloscope to check fora low-level (0V) pulse occurrenceduring power-on initialization period.Use an oscilloscope to check foreither a low-level (0V) pulse or high-level (1.85V) occurrence duringpower-on initialization period.NoYesNoYes3Signalpresentat appropriatelevel?ReplaceDisplayCheck D0-D7for appropriatevoltage levelsReturn radio toservice depot forfurther analysis
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-14 Troubleshooting Charts: Volume Set Error5.7 Volume Set ErrorMAEPF-27401-ANoNoNoYesYesYesVolumeSet ErrorUsing a voltmeter,measure voltage atU507 pin 1, when volumeknob is all the way on.The value should be V2*VoltageFunctional? ReplaceU501Verify connectionsand control top/PTTflex connectionsVolumecheck OK?Refer to VOCON RX Audio flowchartVerify operationof volume knobusing Button TestflowchartReplaceU507Volumepot OK?Replace FrontCover HousingAssemblyThis chart relates to a failure in the volumeset knob. Basic failure modes are as follows:1) Failure in control top/PTT flex circuit2) Bad connection3) Defective volume control potentiometer4) Defective A/D port in GCAP II5) Problem in receive audio circuitSynopsisMeasure voltage fromR526 to GND whilemoving volume knobfrom min to max. Maxvolume is 2.50V* per Standard Bias Table
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Channel/Zone Select Error 5-155.8 Channel/Zone Select ErrorMAEPF-27402-OReplace FrontCover HousingAssemblyRepair flex orconnections as neededU1checksgood?Verify operationof zone knobusing Button TestflowchartSignalscheck good at U1on the controlsflex assy.?Verify codeplugprogramming withRSS. If codeplugchecks OK, thenreplace U1.By studying theadjacent table againstthe channel numbersthat have errors, onesignal may be determinedto be in error.  Verifylogic levels at R235,R236, R239, and R241for each channel.ChannelSelect ErrorNoNoYesYesVerify similaroperation directlyat U1 on controlsflex assemblyRTA3(R241) RTA2(R239)RTA1(R236) RTA0(R235)ChannelProbe Point111111110000000011110000111100001100110011001100101010101010101012345678910111213141516
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-16 Troubleshooting Charts: Button Test5.9 Button TestMAEPF-27399-OEnd Keyscorrect?Check signalpath integrity ofbutton in questionButton TestPlace radio in Test Mode.Press Top Side Button(Monitor) so display readsCH TEST. This places theradio in button test mode.Then, press the orange(Emergency) Top Buttonto verify codes displayedas shown in the ButtonTable at rightNoYesThis chart relates to a failure in the button functionsBasic Failure modes are as follows:1) Failure in control top/PTT or keypad flex assembly2) Bad Connection3) Defective Switches or pads4) Defective A/D port in GCAP IISynopsisButton TableButtonPTTTop Button (Emergency)Side Button 1 (Monitor)Side Button 2Side Button 3Channel Select (Frequency)Volume Control KnobZone SelectCode1/ 0-13/ 0-196/ 0-197/ 0-198/ 0-14/ 0-150/ 0-24465/ 0-2128/1 130/1135/1136/1Home Alpha129/1 134/1132/1131/1 133/153/15JKL52/14GHI54/16MNO50/12ABC49/1151/13DEF48/1058/1*59/1#56/18TUV55/17PRS57/19XYZ             NavigationButton
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Top/Side Button Test 5-175.10 Top/Side Button TestMAEPF-27400-OUse RSSto enablebuttonReplaceU504Replace FrontCover HousingAssemblyVerify connectionsand control top/PTTflex circuit andrepair as necessaryUsing RSS,verify problembutton is enabledfor functionLevelscorrect?Verify physicaloperation ofbuttonsButtonsOK?Buttoncheck OK?ButtonsEnabled?Using a voltmeter, measure the voltage atU504 pin 3 while depressing the followingbuttons:  Emergency, Side Button 1, SideButton 2, and Side Button 3. The probe points are as follows:ButtonEmergencyTop SideMiddle SideBottom SideNone PressedVoltage0.18V1.40V1.70V2.00V2.50VTop/SideButton TestSynopsisThis chart relates to a failure inreading the buttons: Emergency,Side Button 1, Side Button 2, orSide Button 3.Basic failure modes are as follows:1) Failure in controls flex circuit2) Bad connection3) Defective Switch4) Defective A/D port in GCAP IIVerify operationof zone knobusing Button TestflowchartNoNoYesYesNoReplaceU501Problemfixed? EndNo Yes NoYesYes
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-18 Troubleshooting Charts: VCO TX/RX Unlock5.11 VCO TX/RX UnlockMAEPF-27398-AVCO TX/RXunlock<0.6Vdc>11.0Vdc ordrifting?3V at TP5?YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNo NoNoYesYes Ye sFrequencydetected?VCO locked?NoYesNo5V at TP3?CheckVOCON boardCheck parts around BJT. IfOK, replace BJTCheck controlvoltage atTP243Check partsaround U1. IfOK, replace U2Aux.line 1 (2,4)is high?Aux. line3 high for TXor low for RX(VHF)?Is  unitVHF?NoNoFETdrain voltage0V?Check partsaround FET. IfOK, replace FETNoBJTemitter voltage>1.2V?Check partsaround U300. IfOK, replace U300YesCheck parts around U302.If OK, replaceQ302NoIs pin19 of VCOBIClow for RX and4.5 for TX?RemoveVCO buffershield (SH302)Check partsaround Q301. IfOK, replace Q301 Check partsaround U2. IfOK, replace U2RemoveVCO shieldCheck partsaround U202. IfOK, replace U202"Sniff"frequency nearVCO shieldCheck if VCOis locked usingspectrum analyzerSniff: Using an inductive field probe  as an antenna to measure   frequency. Place the probe     approximately 1/2 inch away          from components to be sniffed.Q302   VC01Q306   VC02Q309   VC03Field Effect Transistor (FET)Q301   VC01Q303   VC02Q308   VC03Bi-polar Transistor (BJT)
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: VOCON TX Audio 5-195.12 VOCON TX Audio—Page 1MAEPF-27396-OInject a 200 mVrms 1.0 kHz toneto the test boxAudio In portRepair connectionsand/or replace flexand microphoneConnectionsOK?Problemwith Mic pathcomponents?No Problemfound.EndReplaceappropriatecomponentIs FMdeviation approx.3.0 kHz?Connect anRLN4460A audiotest box (or equivalent)to the radio sideconnectorRadio has noTransmitter Deviation(VOCON Evaluation)InspectMicrophone andFlex ConnectorYesNoYesYesNo12NoProbe Voltageat U509, pin 5Verify Integrityof Mic path up to U509Is1 kHz Signalpresent at approx.14 mV rms?NoYes
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-20 Troubleshooting Charts: VOCON TX AudioVOCON TX Audio—Page 2MAEPF-27397-AReplace U501(GCAP II)ReplaceU509(EEPOT)Go toTX RFflowchartReplace U301*     (Flipper ASIC)Clockand Frame Syncpresent?Datapresent at TXtest point?Use an oscilloscope to check theSSI audio signals from the GCAP(U703). The following test pointsare used for data collection:DCLK: 520 kHz Square Wave Clock*           TX: Audio Data WordsSYNC: 8 kHz Frame Sync PulseNoYesYesEndProblemResolved?Yes121NoNoEndReplaceU501(GCAP II)Is1 kHz signalpresent at about14 mVrms?ProblemSolved?NoYesNoYes256 kHz Square Wave Clock** * on NTN9564, NNTN4563 & NNTN4819 VOCON boards** on  NNTN4717 VOCON board  * on NTN9564, NNTN4563 & NNTN4819 VOCON boards** on  NNTN4717 VOCON board  Replace U401**
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: VOCON RX Audio 5-215.13 VOCON RX Audio—Page 1MAEPF-27394-A* on NTN9564, NNTN4563 & NNTN4819 VOCON boards** on NNTN4717 VOCON boardProbe R406 forFrame Sync Signal,Compare withRX SAP waveform,Trace 1FrameSyncPresent?Replace U301*(FLIPPER)Probe R403 forData, Comparewith RX SAPwaveform, Trace 2SignalPresent?THD <3%?ClockPresent?Probe R405for Clock Signal,Compare withRX SAPwaveform, Trace 3Go toRX RFflowchartDataPresent?Check Distortion ofSignal at C533Replace U501(GCAP II)Check PreampInput Signal atC533  NoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYes1YesBad SINADBad 20db QuietingNo Recovered AudioInject StandardInput into AntennaConnectorA standard input is anRF signal with a 1 kHztone modulated with 3 kHzdeviation in a 25 kHz channel.Replace U401**
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-22 Troubleshooting Charts: VOCON RX AudioVOCON RX Audio—Page 2MAEPF-27395-OMake sure that you look atall solder contacts. Checkresistors and capacitorsassociated with this check. Ifall look fine, then replace U502.Make sure that you look atall solder contacts. Checkresistors and capacitorsassociated with this check. Ifall look fine, then replace U503.SignalPresent?Check PreampOutput Signalat C530NoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYes1Preamp Gain= 2.8 V/V?PA Gain= 11.2 V/V?Distortion >3%?Check PreampU502 and itsassociatedcomponentsCheck FlexConnectorDistortion>3%?Check Audio PAU503 and itsComponents
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: RX RF 5-235.14 RX RF—Page 1Frequency OK?VHF: 44.85 MHzUHF: 73.35 MHz700-800: 109.65 MHzInject a standard FM test signalinto the antenna port. Use CPS toensure that attenuator feature isdisabled. Use a spectrum analyzerand high-impedance RF probe tomeasure the IF signal at TP12(700-800) or TP15 (VHF) on side 2NoNoYesYesPoor RXsensitivity orno RX audioCheckRXLOReplacebad partRemove cableassembly, measureinsertion lossVisualinspectionOK?NoYesBad antenna connector.Replace chassis(connector is notserviceable)Loss< 0.2 db? Replacecable assemblyNoYesInspect coaxialantenna connectorand cable assemblyMeasure RFinput levelat TP02Measure RF levels at TP02and TP13 (UHF & 700-800)or TP401 (VHF),compute SW_FL lossRF levelabout-47 dBm?NoYesSW_FLloss < 2 dB? CheckSW_FLYesNoIFlevel about-38 dBm? 123 kHz FM deviation,1 kHz rate, -47 dBmMAEPF-27470-B
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-24 Troubleshooting Charts: RX RFRX RF—Page 2Q501-c= 5.0 Vdc? NoNoNoYesYesYesRepairDefectsVisualexamination OK?Check VoltageRegulator U1Q501-e= 3.7 Vdc?NoYesReplaceQ501ReplaceQ502Remove SH501(UHF & 700-800) or SH502 (VHF), inspect2nd LO VCOSignalPresent?Measure 2nd LO atTP501 (UHF & 700-800) or TP18 (VHF)on PCB side 2 NoNoYesYesLO Freq.OK?VHF: 42.6 MHzUHF: 71.1 MHz700-800:107.4 MHzMeasureRXCK, P1-5RXFS, P1-6RXDO, P1-12Observe0 to 3 Vdcdigital signalsMeasurebit clock rate(Fbit) at RXCKLevelsOK?135NoYesRXFS = 20 kHzsync pulseFbit =1.2 MHz? 4NoYesNoYesRXFSOK?RXDO = 24-bit I,24-bit Q, 8-bitAGC. AGC varieswith RF levelGo toVOCON RXAUDIO flowchartRXDOOK?552nd LO, 700-800: 107.4 MHz, VHF: 42.6 MHz, about 356 mVpp2nd LO DC biasMAEPF-27471-B
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: RX RF 5-25RX RF—Page 3TP502= 0 Vdc?NoNoYesYesRepairdefectsMeasure RF levels at first preselectorfilter and compute filter loss.VHF: TP401, TP9UHF: TP13, U401-3700-800: TP13, D401-3NoYesLoss < 3 db?Measure RF levels at LNAand compute LNA gain.VHF: TP9, TP12UHF: U401-1, TP402700-800: D401-3, TP402Measure RF levels at second preselectorfilter and compute filter loss.VHF: TP12, TP451UHF: TP402, TP403700-800: TP402, TP403Gainabout+12 dB?26NoYesMeasure RF and IF level at mixerand compute mixer conversion gain.VHF: TP451, TP15UHF: TP403, TP404700-800: TP403, TP404Loss< 3 dB? 8NoYesMeasurecontrol voltageat TP502NoYesFvcotoo low?VHF: < 42.6 MHzUHF: < 71.1 MHz700-800:< 107.4 MHzRemove Abacus shield andinspect second LO VCO.VHF: SH502UHF: SH501700-800: SH501TP502= 5 Vdc?355NoYesReplaceVaractor D550CheckLNACheckmixerVisualexaminationOK?NoYesMeasure IF level at XTAL filterand compute XTAL filter loss.VHF: TP15, TP455UHF: TP404, TP12700-800: TP404, TP12Mixergain about4 dB? NoYesNo problemfoundLoss< 3 dB? 7MAEPF-27472-BTP502(Vdc) TP501(MHz)Fvco1.73.7 71.175.6UHF R1TP502(Vdc) TP18(MHz)Fvco1.403.20 42.647.1TP502(Vdc) TP501(MHz)Fvco0.001.854.305.00101.0107.4111.9113.0700-800 MHzVHF
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-26 Troubleshooting Charts: RX RFRX RF—Page 4YesFbit< 1.2 MHz?Measuretuning voltage(Vt) at R512NoNoNoYesYesVt= 3 Vdc?RepairdefectsReplaceVaractor D501ReplaceAbacusU500RepairdefectsVisualexaminationOK?4VisualexaminationOK?Remove SH501,inspectcomponentsNoYes55NoYesRemove SH501,inspect clockoscillator circuit atU500-19, 20Vt = 0 Vdc? 5ClocksynthesizerMAEPF-27473-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: RX RF 5-27RX RF—Page 5dac1 = dac2?Measure prselector filtertuning voltage dac1 and dac2.VHF: None, TP29UHF: TP401, TP405700-800: TP401, TP405NoYesIsunitVHF?NoYesReplace IF filter.VHF: FL451UHF: FL490700-800: FL403Repairdefects68VisualinspectionOK?Remove IF filter shield. Check IFfilter and LC matching networks.VHF: SH451UHF: SH403700-800: SH403NoYesVHF/UHF: Check discretepreselector filters.700-800: Replace FL401or FL402.ReplacePCICDacvoltagesOK?Tune the radio across severalchannels. Measure dac2,proportional to frequency.NoYes7ReplacePCICMAEPF-27474-BVHF                          UHF                             700-800                   1361743804707708691.        F (MHz)   dac2 (Vdc)
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-28 Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (VHF)5.15 TX RF (VHF)—Page 1TXpower OK?Place XCVR and VOCONinto the analysis fixture.Key up. Measure RFpower at antenna portYesNoYesNoNo or lowTX powerCheckFGUFrequencyOK?NoYesCheckFGULevelabout-3 dBm?Check coaxialconnector andcable assemblyMeasure RF levelat Q107 pin 2Use a spectrum analyzerand high-impedance RFprobe. Measure TXRFat C016Level about+15 dBm? NoNoYesYesLevel about0 dBm?NoMeasuredrain ofQ104Measure RFlevelat C147YesRemove SH701and check forparts off padCheck bias of Q101,Q103, and Q106.Replace badtransistorsIs voltage5 V?12MAEPF-27635-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (VHF) 5-29TX RF (VHF)—Page 2MAEPF-27420-BRAWB+about7.2 Vdc?MeasureRAWB+at Q107-drainNoNoNoYesYesYesCheckcontinuityV.gateabout 2 to3 Vdc?CheckcontinuityDC bias is OK,control is OK,RFIN is OK,PA has low gainReplaceQ107NoYes Measure RFlevel atpin 6 of Q107IsunitVHF?No Yes Remove SH101and check forparts off padLevelabout+35 dBm?Replace U102.For VHF, check underSH101. if all parts soldered,replace U102.Measuregate biasat L108RAWB+about7.2 Vdc?MeasureRAWB+at U102-6NoNoYesYesTX7Vabout7.2 Vdc?CheckcontinuityMeasureVgate at TP111,normally 4 to5.5 VdcMeasureTX7V atU102-14DC bias is OK,control is OK,RFIN is OK, driverhas low gainVgate> 4 Vdc?2134
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-30 Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (VHF)TX RF (VHF)—Page 3INT > 5 Vdc?Vgate at TP111is low (< 4 Vdc)Measure INT at TP104YesNoNoYesYesNoReplaceQ108INT is low.Measure VLIMat TP119PCIC isprogrammed.Measure TEMPat R130Bad PCICReplace U104VLIMabout 2 to3 Vdc?NoYesMeasureRFIN atTP101TEMP< 1.0 Vdc at25C?RFIN is low, INTis low, bad PCIC,replace U104TP101< 0.5 Vdc?Low output power,RFIN is high, checkRF detectors andop amp U106.Repair defectsRepair temperaturesensor circuit(U103, Q109,R130)44TXINH< 1 Vdc?TX7V is low.Measure TXINHat P1-19, Q101-bNoNoYesYesRXH< 1 Vdc?NoYesBad PCICReplace U104RXH> 5 Vdc?Bad controlsignal fromVOCONTrace dc levelsthrough switchingtransistors Q101,Q102, Q103, and Q106Replace badtransistorsMeasure RXHat U104-23and Q103-b3MAEPF-27476-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz) 5-315.16 TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz)—Page 1TXpower OK?Place XCVR and VOCONinto the analysis fixture.Key up. Measure RFpower at antenna portYesNoNoYesYesNoNo or lowTX powerCheckFGUFrequencyOK?NoYesCheckFGULevelabout-3 dBm?Check coaxialconnector andcable assemblyMeasure RF levelat driver ampoutlet, C107.Use a spectrum analyzerand high-impedance RFprobe. Measure TXRFat TP11RF level OK?Approx. +26 dBm NoNoYesYesLevel about+36 dBm?CheckswitchMeasure RF levelsat C103 and D701-cathode. Calculateswitch lossMeasure RF levelat PA output,C103.Measure RF levelsat D701-cathode andTP02. Calculateharmonic filter lossLoss < 1 db?NoYesGo toVOCON TXAUDIO flowchartLoss < 2 db?RemoveSH700,repair defects12MAEPF-27475-B
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-32 Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz)TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz)—Page 2MAEPF-27420-BRAWB+about7.2 Vdc?MeasureRAWB+at Q107-drainNoNoNoYesYesYesCheckcontinuityV.gateabout 2 to3 Vdc?CheckcontinuityDC bias is OK,control is OK,RFIN is OK,PA has low gainReplaceQ107NoYes Measure RFlevel atpin 6 of Q107IsunitVHF?No Yes Remove SH101and check forparts off padLevelabout+35 dBm?Replace U102.For VHF, check underSH101. if all parts soldered,replace U102.Measuregate biasat L108RAWB+about7.2 Vdc?MeasureRAWB+at U102-6NoNoYesYesTX7Vabout7.2 Vdc?CheckcontinuityMeasureVgate at TP111,normally 4 to5.5 VdcMeasureTX7V atU102-14DC bias is OK,control is OK,RFIN is OK, driverhas low gainVgate> 4 Vdc?2134
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz) 5-33TX RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz)—Page 3INT > 5 Vdc?Vgate at TP111is low (< 4 Vdc)Measure INT at TP104YesNoNoYesYesNoReplaceQ108INT is low.Measure VLIMat TP119PCIC isprogrammed.Measure TEMPat R130Bad PCICReplace U104VLIMabout 2 to3 Vdc?NoYesMeasureRFIN atTP101TEMP< 1.0 Vdc at25C?RFIN is low, INTis low, bad PCIC,replace U104TP101< 0.5 Vdc?Low output power,RFIN is high, checkRF detectors andop amp U106.Repair defectsRepair temperaturesensor circuit(U103, Q109,R130)44TXINH< 1 Vdc?TX7V is low.Measure TXINHat P1-19, Q101-bNoNoYesYesRXH< 1 Vdc?NoYesBad PCICReplace U104RXH> 5 Vdc?Bad controlsignal fromVOCONTrace dc levelsthrough switchingtransistors Q101,Q102, Q103, and Q106Replace badtransistorsMeasure RXHat U104-23and Q103-b3MAEPF-27476-O
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-34 Troubleshooting Charts: Keyload Failure5.17 Keyload FailureMAEPF-27388-BNoNoYesYesNoKeyload Failure "KEYLOAD"messagedisplayed?With KVL attached to radioand radio on, initiate akeyload by pressing PTT onthe keyloader and look foractivity on J701-1Yes Verifyconnectionacross J701RepairconnectionCorrectequipment?Obtain correctKVL andcableNoVerify and repairconnection of UC_CTS,UC_RS232DIN_USB-,and UC_OPT_SEL2 signalsfrom KVL to universalconnector to J101Verify the use of the correct secure kit and key loader:With KVL attached toradio and radio on,verify displaymessage "KEYLOAD"Activity?Verify connection of KEYFAILfrom the universalconnector pin 13 toJ101-2 and D301YesNo Goodconnection?RepairconnectionReplacesecuremoduleYesGoodconnection?Verify operation ofvoltage translatorcircuit by seeingactivity on R315No ReplacetranslatorcircuitYesTranslatorcircuit OK?ReplaceVOCONboardThis failure relates only to secure-equipped radios and indicates afailure to load key with the KVLindicated by the message"KEYFAIL" and key-fail tone.Typical failure modes would be:1) Open between universalconnector uC which places radioin Keyload mode.2) Use of wrong KVL or KVL cablefor XTS 5000 radio.3) Failure of secure module.SynopsisXTS 5000 UCM Kits: Software Kits:  NNTN4006A - DES, DES-XL, DES-OFB  NTN9837A - DES, DES-XL, DES-OFB with DVP-XL  NTN9838A - DVI-XL  NTN9839A - DVP-XL  NNTN4197 - AES  NNTN4198 - AES with DES, DES-XL, DES-OFBHardware Kits:  NTN9738C  NNTN5032AUse KVL - 3000 or later model Keyloader.  Use withcable TDN9390.
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Charts: Secure Hardware Failure 5-355.18 Secure Hardware FailureMAEPF-27387-OYesNoYesNoNoNoFail09/10 or 09/90Secure HardwareFailureConnectionsgood?RepairconnectionsYes ReplacesecuremoduleVerify electrical activityat the following signalsat power up:Connectionsgood?RepairopensNoYesIsknown goodmoduleavailable?Replace modulewith known goodone and retestVerify connectionsto secure modulethrough J701Signalsgood?YesReplacesecuremoduleRadiofunctions withknown goodmodule?Replacerespectivesource IC orVOCON boardThis failure relates only to secure-equippedradios and indicates a power-up self-test failurefor the secure module. More specifically thisfailure indicates a failure in communicationsbetween the DSP and secure module. Thesecure module is not considered field repairableso troubleshooting is limited to verifying aproblem with the module and replacing.Typical failure modes would be:1) Open between secure module and VOCONboard at J701.2) Failure of the SSI bus that the DSP uses tocommunicate with the secure module.3) Failure to get proper supplies and grounds to J701.SynopsisUse ohmmeter to electricallyverify the following signalconnections to source IC:Signal @ J701         SourceENC_SSI_DI             R403ENC_SSI_DO           R402ENC_SSI_CLK         R405RESET_ENC            R418Verify bias of following signals:Signal @ J701        Nominal BiasUNSW_B+      7.5VDC+/-1.0VDCSW_B+           7.5VDC+/-1.0VDCGND                                     GND Signal @ J701   SourceENC_SSI_DI        R403ENC_SSI_CLK     R405
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C5-36 Troubleshooting Charts: Secure Hardware FailureNotes
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting WaveformsThis chapter contains images of waveforms that might be useful in verifying operation of certain parts of the circuitry. These waveforms are for reference only; the actual data depicted will vary depending on operating conditions.6.1 List of WaveformsTable 6-1 lists each waveform and the page on which the waveform can be found.Table 6-1.  List of WaveformsWaveform Page No.13 MHz Clock 6-216.8 MHz Buffer Input and Output 6-332.768 kHz Clock Outputs 6-4SPI B Data 6-5Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP) 6-6Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP) 6-7Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP) 6-8
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C6-2 Troubleshooting Waveforms: 13 MHz Clock6.2 13 MHz Clock13 MHz clock from U301 to U501.Trace 1: Trace recorded at C303 on the NTN9564 board.Similar waveform is visible on C339 on the NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON boards.Figure 6-1.  13 MHz Clock WaveformMAEPF-27490-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Waveforms: 16.8 MHz Buffer Input and Output 6-36.3 16.8 MHz Buffer Input and OutputTrace 1: Buffer input at R452.Trace 2: Buffer output at C452.Note: These components are under shield SH101 on the NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON boards.Figure 6-2.  16.8 MHz Buffer Input and Output WaveformsMAEPF-27491-O
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C6-4 Troubleshooting Waveforms: 32.768 kHz Clock Outputs6.4 32.768 kHz Clock OutputsTrace 1: Output at C313 (to real-time clock of GCAP II IC).Trace 2: Output at U302, pin 2 (to Patriot IC CKIL input).Note: These components are under shield SH102 on the NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 VOCON boards.Figure 6-3.  32.768 kHz Clock Outputs WaveformsMAEPF-27492-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Waveforms: SPI B Data 6-56.5 SPI B DataTrace 1: GCAP II IC chip enable at R539 (Note active high).Trace 2: SPI data clock at Test Point SCKB.Trace 3: SPI data to GCAP II IC at Test Point MOSIB.Figure 6-4.  SPI B Data WaveformsMAEPF-27493-O
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C6-6 Troubleshooting Waveforms: Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP)6.6 Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP)Trace 1: 8 kHz frame sync at R406 (each word is 13 bits after failing edge of FSYNC).Trace 2: SAP data at R403 (audio data from GCAP II IC CODEC to Patriot IC DSP).Note: Transmit is identical, except data acquired at R402.Trace 3: 520 kHz bit clock at R405 on the NTN9564, NNTN4563 & NNTN4819 VOCON boards. 256 kHz bit clock at R405 on the NNTN4717 VOCON board.Figure 6-5.  Receive Serial Audio Port (SAP) WaveformsMAEPF-27494-O
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Waveforms: Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP) 6-76.7 Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP)Trace 1: BBP RX frame sync signal at R123.Trace 2: BBP RX clock signal at R124.Trace 3: BBP RX data signal at R121.Figure 6-6.  Receive Baseband Interface Port (RX BBP) Waveforms
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C6-8 Troubleshooting Waveforms: Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP)6.8 Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP)Trace 1: BBP TX frame sync signal at R119.Trace 2: BBP TX clock signal at R125.Trace 3: BBP TX data signal at R127.Figure 6-7.  Transmit Baseband Interface Port (TX BBP) Waveforms
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Tables7.1 List of Board and IC SignalsDue to the nature of the schematic-generating program, signal names might be different when they are not directly connected to the same point. The tables in this chapter provide a cross reference to the various pinouts for these signals. Table 7-1 lists and provides links to each of the tables in this chapter.Table 7-1.  List of Tables of Board and IC SignalsTable No. Table Name Page No.7-2 J101 VOCON Board to Controls Flex Assembly 7-17-3 J107 VOCON Board to Keypad Module 7-37-4 J701 VOCON Board to Encryption Module 7-37-5 U402 FLASH Pinouts 7-57-6 U403 SRAM Pinouts 7-77-7 U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts 7-97-8 U301 Flipper IC Pinouts 7-187-9 U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts 7-20Table 7-2.  J101 VOCON Board to Controls Flex AssemblyJ101Pin No. Description To/From SideConnectorNumber1 UC_CTS TP208 102 UC_LHDATA_KEYFAIL TP206 133 DGND03 TP202 84 UC_RS232DIN_USB- R253 125 UC_EXT_SPKR_NEG- TP213 66 UC_RS232DOUT_USB+ R252 117 UC_OPT_SEL2 R218 58 UC_SB9600_BUSY TP207 99 UC_EXT_SKPR TP212 210 UC_RTS TP209 7
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-2 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals11 UC_OPT_SEL1 R217 112 UC_OPTB+_VPP R255 413 UC_EXT_MIC TP214 314 UC_EMERG R23315 DGND15 TP20216 DGND16 TP20217 UC_MONITOR R24418 DGND18 TP20219 DGND19 TP20220 UC_BL_FREQ R20621 UC_RED_LED R20322 UC_GREEN_LED R20423 UC_TG2 R23424 UC_RTA1 R23625 UC_RTA3 R24126 UC_RTA2 R23927 UC_RTA0 R23528 DGND28 TP20229 DGND29 TP20230 DGND30 TP20231 UC_VOLUME R23232 BSENS_1 L20233 UNSWB+1 L20134 UC_TG1 R23135 V2A L20336 UC_INT_MICU L20837 C_INT_SPKR_NEG TP21338 UC_INT_PTT R21639 AGND39 L20440 UC_INT_SPKR L205Table 7-2.  J101 VOCON Board to Controls Flex Assembly (Continued)J101Pin No. Description To/From SideConnectorNumber
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-3Table 7-3.  J107 VOCON Board to Keypad ModuleJ107Pin No. Description To/From Accessible onVOCON?1 KP_COLUMN0 C134 Yes2 KP_COLUMN1 C133 Yes3 KP_COLUMN2 C132 Yes4 KP_GND GROUND Yes5 KP_GND GROUND Yes6 KP_BL_EN C124 Yes7 KP_5V1 C104 Yes8 KP_5V2 C104 Yes9 KP_GND GROUND Yes10 KP_GND GROUND Yes11 KP_GND GROUND Yes12 KP_GND GROUND Yes13 KP_ROW0 C131 Yes14 KP_ROW1 C130 Yes15 KP_ROW2 C129 Yes16 KP_ROW3 C128 Yes17 KP_ROW4 C127 Yes18 KP_ROW5 C126 Yes19 KP_ROW6 C125 Yes20 KP_GND GROUND Yes21 KP_GND GROUND Yes22 KP_GND GROUND YesTable 7-4.  J701 VOCON Board to Encryption ModuleJ701Pin No. Description To/From Accessible on VOCON?1 KEYFAIL_LH_BDMDATA Q303 Pin 2 Yes2 RS232_DIN_ENC R308 Yes3 RS232_DIN_UP R308 Yes4 RTSIN_ENC U301 Pin H7 No
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-4 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals5 RS232_DOUT_UP R317 Yes6 RS232_DOUT_ENC R317 Yes7 SW_B+_ENC C101 Yes8 Regulated V_ENC No Connect N/A9 RS232_DTR_IN_ENC No Connect N/A10 RS232_RI_OUT_EN No Connect N/A11 USB_MINUS Monitor No Connect N/A12 CONT_3VDC_OUT_ENC No Connect N/A13 RS232_DCD_ENC No Connect N/A14 USB_PLUS Monitor No Connect N/A15 BOOT_ENC R417 Yes16 TAMPER GROUND Yes17 SSI_DO_CODEC_ENC R403 Yes18 SSI_DI_CODEC_ENC R402 Yes19 RTA0_ENC R246 Yes20 RTA1_ENC R247 Yes21 RTA3_ENC R251 Yes22 RTA2_ENC R250 Yes23 TG2_ENC R234 Yes24 LHDATA_BDMDATA_KEYFAIL D308 Pin 3 Yes25 GREEN_LED_ENC R204 Yes26 WAKEUP U401 Pin E1 No27 TX_INHIBIT R109 Yes28 UCM_SS U301 Pin G4 No29 RED_LED_ENC R203 Yes30 RESET_ENC R418 Yes31 MONITOR R244 Yes32 SPARE1_ENC R415 Yes33 GROUND_ENC GROUND Yes34 SPARE2_ENC R416 Yes35 EMERG_ENC R241 YesTable 7-4.  J701 VOCON Board to Encryption Module (Continued)J701Pin No. Description To/From Accessible on VOCON?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-536 UNSW_B+_ENC C102 Yes37 ENC_SSI_CLK R404 Yes38 ENC_SSI_FS R406 Yes39 ENC_SSI_DI R403 Yes40 ENC_SSI_DOUT R402 Yes* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717Table 7-5.  U402 FLASH PinoutsU402Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?B4 B_CLK B_CLK** YesE7 CS0 CS0 Active Low YesF8 EN_OE NoC5 EN_WE NoD6 WRITE PROTECT NoC4 ADV ADV** YesB5 RESET D401, pin 2 1.875 V YesE8 ADDRESS 1 NoD8 ADDRESS 2 NoC8 ADDRESS 3 NoB8 ADDRESS 4 NoA8 ADDRESS 5 NoB7 ADDRESS 6 NoA7 ADDRESS 7 NoC7 ADDRESS 8 NoA2 ADDRESS 9 NoB2 ADDRESS 10 NoC2 ADDRESS 11 NoA1 ADDRESS 12 NoB1 ADDRESS 13 NoC1 ADDRESS 14 NoTable 7-4.  J701 VOCON Board to Encryption Module (Continued)J701Pin No. Description To/From Accessible on VOCON?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-6 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsD2 ADDRESS 15 NoD1 ADDRESS 16 NoD4 ADDRESS 17 NoB6 ADDRESS 18 NoA6 ADDRESS 19 NoC6 ADDRESS 20 NoB3 ADDRESS 21 NoC3 ADDRESS 22 NoD7 ADDRESS 23 R427* YesA3 GROUND NoF1 GROUND NoG2 GROUND NoG8 GROUND NoE2 DATA 15 NoF2 DATA 14 NoF3 DATA 13 NoD5 DATA 12 NoF4 DATA 11 NoF5 DATA 10 NoF6 DATA 9 NoG7 DATA 8 NoG1 DATA 7 R435** YesE3 DATA 6 R434** YesG3 DATA 5 R433** YesE4 DATA 4 R432** YesG5 DATA 3 R431** YesE5 DATA 2 R430** YesE6 DATA 1 R429** YesF7 DATA 0 R428** YesA5 VPP D402, pin 3 1.875 V YesG6 VSW2 C409* 1.875 V YesTable 7-5.  U402 FLASH Pinouts (Continued)U402Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-7E1 VSW2 C409* 1.875 V YesG4 VSW2 C409* 1.875 V YesA4 VSW2 C409* 1.875 V Yes* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717** = No test point/component on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 - signal not accessibleTable 7-6.  U403 SRAM PinoutsU403Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?A2 EN_OE NoG5 R_W R_W W = 0 V YesA1 LB NoB2 UB NoB5 CS1 CS2 (TP) Active Low YesA6 CS2 C411* Active Low YesA3 ADDRESS 1 YesA4 ADDRESS 2 YesA5 ADDRESS 3 YesB3 ADDRESS 4 YesB4 ADDRESS 5 YesC3 ADDRESS 6 YesC4 ADDRESS 7 YesD4 ADDRESS 8 NoH2 ADDRESS 9 NoH3 ADDRESS 10 NoH4 ADDRESS 11 NoH5 ADDRESS 12 NoG3 ADDRESS 13 NoG4 ADDRESS 14 NoF3 ADDRESS 15 NoF4 ADDRESS 16 NoTable 7-5.  U402 FLASH Pinouts (Continued)U402Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-8 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsE4 ADDRESS 17 NoD3 ADDRESS 18 NoH1 ADDRESS 19 NoD1 GROUND NoE6 GROUND NoE3 GROUND NoH6 NOT USED NoG2 NOT USED NoG1 DATA 15 NoF1 DATA 14 NoF2 DATA 13 NoE2 DATA 12 NoD2 DATA 11 NoC2 DATA 10 NoC1 DATA 9 NoB1 DATA 8 NoG6 DATA 7 R435** NoF6 DATA 6 R434** NoF5 DATA 5 R433** NoE5 DATA 4 R432** NoD5 DATA 3 R431** NoC6 DATA 2 R430** NoC5 DATA 1 R429** NoB6 DATA 0 R428** NoD6 VSW2 C411* 1.875 V YesE1 VSW2 C411* 1.875 V Yes* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717** = No test point/component on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 - signal not accessibleTable 7-6.  U403 SRAM Pinouts (Continued)U403Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-9Table 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC PinoutsU401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?H10 EEPOT_INC* C537 Active Low YesJ14 EXT_SPKR_SEL Q505, pin 5 YesC14 AUDIO_PA_EN R575 YesB14 HOST_WAKE NoF6 BATTERY_ID C556 YesE5 MECH_SW_BAR Q508, pin 3 Active Low YesJ6 INT_PTT R216 Active Low YesJ5 GCAP_INT R538 YesJ4 OPT_SEL1_IN U201 pin 1 YesJ3 UART_INT* NoC16 8KHZ_INT R406 8 kHz Pulse YesG11 OPT_SEL2_IN U202 pin 1 YesF1 KP_ROW0 C131 YesH4 KP_ROW1 C130 YesH6 KP_ROW2 C129 YesG2 KP_ROW3 C128 YesG11 KP_ROW4 C127 YesG7 KP_ROW5 C126 YesH7 KP_ROW6 C125 YesH1 SPARE1_ENC J701, pin 32 YesD1 KP_COL0 C134 YesG5 KP_COL1 C133 YesF3 KP_COL2 C132 YesG4 ENC_RESET J701, pin 30 YesF2 BOOT* J701, pin 15 YesE1 WAKEUP J701, pin 26 YesH6 SPARE2_ENC J701, pin 34 YesG3 NOT USED NoE7 NOT USED NoA8 NOT USED NoF8 MISOA_SEL U406, pin 2 Yes
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-10 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsE8 NOT USED NoG8 NOT USED NoC3 NOT USED NoD4 LOCK_DET C123 Active Low YesA2 TG2 R234 YesB2 RTA3 R241 YesA3 RTA2 R239 YesB3 RTA1 R236 YesB4 RTA0 R235 YesA7 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesP3 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesP6 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesT9 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesN10 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesR16 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesH9 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesG9 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesE15 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesA16 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesK10 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesC12 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesD8 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesB7 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesA4 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesA16 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesH2 V2 E402* 3.0 V YesK3 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesR8 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesG15 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesC10 VSW2 E401* 1.875 V YesK12 URXD1_USB_VMI NoTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-11L16 URTS1_XRXD NoF13 ADTRIG NoB16 URXD2 U303, pin 4 YesD14 BSY_IN_RTS NoB12 RX_SSI_DATA R123 Data From Abacus to DSPYesC11 TX_SSI_CLK R125 1.536 MHz YesB10 RED_LED Q201, pin 3 Active High YesD10 GREEN_LED Q201, pin 5 Active High YesB11 TX_SSI_FSYNC R119 48 kHz YesJ10 CODEC_TX R402 GCAP to DSP Tx Audio Data YesJ15 CODEC_DCLK R405 520 kHz(NTN9564NNTN4563NNTN4819)256 kHz(NNTN4717)YesK16 CODEC_FSYNC R406 8 kHz Pulse YesD7 SPI_MISOA MISOA SPI A Data In YesD3 SPI_MISOB MISOB SPI B Data In YesE6 NOT USED NoF7 NOT USED NoD6 EEPROM_SEL* R132 Active Low YesC5 AD_CS* R133 Active Low YesA9 NOT USED NoB8 NOT USED NoB9 NOT USED NoA10 NOT USED NoG6 BT_DISABLE NoD13 NOT USED NoS15 BT_WAKE NoF11 RX_SSI_CLK R124 YesTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-12 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsB15 OPT_SEL2_OUT R256 YesJ13 AUDIO_MODE_SEL R257 YesJ16 EEPOT_CS_EXT* U509, pin 1 YesJ12 EEPOT_U_D* U509, pin 2 YesH11 EEPOT_CS* U509, pin 10 YesA5 GROUND GROUND YesN6 GROUND GROUND YesP8 GROUND GROUND YesP11 GROUND GROUND YesM11 GROUND GROUND YesL15 GROUND GROUND YesH16 GROUND GROUND YesF14 GROUND GROUND YesG14 GROUND GROUND YesE13 GROUND GROUND YesB13 GROUND GROUND YesK15 GROUND GROUND YesD9 GROUND GROUND YesC8 GROUND GROUND YesB5 GROUND GROUND YesC2 GROUND GROUND YesC1 GROUND GROUND YesH3 GROUND GROUND YesK15 GROUND GROUND YesT8 GROUND GROUND YesH15 GROUND GROUND YesC9 GROUND GROUND YesB6 ABACUS_CS* R126 Active Low YesE2 UNI_SEL* R131 Active Low YesD2 FLPR_CS* Active Low NoE3 GCAP_CE R539 Active High YesTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-13E4 SCKB SCKB SPI B Clock YesB1 NOT USED NoF4 NOT USED NoF5 SPI_MOSIB MOSIB SPI Data Out YesC7 SCKA SCKA SPI A Clock YesC6 MOSIA MOSIA SPI Data Out YesG10 NOT USED NoG16 OPT_SEL1_OUT U201, pin 3 YesJ11 CODEC_RX R403 DSP to GCAP Rx Audio Data YesA12 RX_SSI_FSYNC R123 20 kHz pulse YesA11 RX_SSI_CLK R124 1.2 MHz YesE9 TX_SSI_DATA R127 Data From DSP to A/D YesC15 BSY_OUT_CTS* NoF12 UTXD2 U303, pin 1* YesD15 USB_SUSP NoE14 DISPLAY_R_W* D403, pin 3 W = 0 V YesD16 NOT USED NoG12 UCTS1_USB_SPEED* NoK11 UTXD1_USB_VPO NoK14 USB_VMO NoK13 USB_TX_EN NoD5 8 KHZ_INT R406 8 kHz Pulse YesH14 BL_EN C124 YesK4 LV_DETECT POR 3.0 V YesF9 NOT USED NoJ2 NOT USED NoA6 16_8_MHZ C452* 16.8 MHz YesTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-14 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsJ7 FLIP_32K 32 kHZ (NTN9564)U302, pin 2*(NNTN4563NNTN4819NNTN4717)32.768 kHz YesG13 NOT USED NoJ11 MOD MOD Bootstrap mode > 2.7 V YesA13 NOT USED NoM6 NOT USED NoR1 NOT USED NoN3 NOT USED NoM5 NOT USED NoP2 NOT USED NoP1 NOT USED NoN1 NOT USED NoM4 NOT USED NoM3 NOT USED NoM2 NOT USED NoM1 NOT USED NoL4 NOT USED NoL3 NOT USED NoL1 NOT USED NoL2 NOT USED NoK2 NOT USED NoT1 NOT USED NoR2 NOT USED NoT2 NOT USED NoK7 NOT USED NoN2 NOT USED NoL5 NOT USED NoL6 NOT USED NoC4 NOT USED NoTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-15L13 NOT USED NoD11 ONE_WIRE_EN* Active Low NoE16 KVL_USB_DET* Active Low NoF15 NOT USED NoK5 BAT_BUS_EN* Q507, pin 2 Active Low YesH8 NOT USED NoF16 RESET RESET_OUT (NTN9564)D401, Pin 3 (NNTN4563NNTN4819,NNTN4717)Reset = 0 V YesK6 USB_VPI NoH12 BL_FREQ Q202, pin 5 Active High YesH13 NOT USED NoE10 DSP_DE DSP_DE ONCE/JTAG YesF10 MCU_DE MCU_DE ONCE/JTAG YesD12 TCK TCK ONCE/JTAG YesC13 TMS TMS ONCE/JTAG YesE11 TRST TRST ONCE/JTAG YesA14 TDO TDO ONCE/JTAG YesE12 TDI TDI ONCE/JTAG YesM16 NOT USED NoL14 NOT USED NoP15 NOT USED NoL11 NOT USED NoM14 NOT USED NoN16 NOT USED NoL12 NOT USED NoM12 CKO CKO Disabled YesN15 NOT USED NoM15 NOT USED NoTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-16 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsR12 ADDRESS 0 J101, pin 7 Not accessible on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717YesT13 ADDRESS 1 NoM10 ADDRESS 2 NoT12 ADDRESS 3 NoP13 ADDRESS 4 NoM9 ADDRESS 5 NoP10 ADDRESS 6 NoP12 ADDRESS 7 NoN9 ADDRESS 8 NoR10 ADDRESS 9 NoP9 ADDRESS 10 NoL10 ADDRESS 11 NoT10 ADDRESS 12 NoR9 ADDRESS 13 NoL9 ADDRESS 14 NoK9 ADDRESS 15 NoJ9 ADDRESS 16 NoL8 ADDRESS 17 NoM8 ADDRESS 18 NoN8 ADDRESS 19 NoK8 ADDRESS 20 NoL7 ADDRESS 21 NoT7 ADDRESS 22 NoR7 ADDRESS 23 R427* YesR3 DATA 15 NoT3 DATA 14 NoN4 DATA 13 NoP4 DATA 12 NoR4 DATA 11 NoTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-17J8 DATA 10 NoT4 DATA 9 NoN5 DATA 8 NoP5 DATA 7 R435** YesR5 DATA 6 R434** YesT5 DATA 5 R433** YesR6 DATA 4 R432** YesT6 DATA 3 R431** YesM7 DATA 2 R430** YesN7 DATA 1 R429** YesP7 DATA 0 R428** YesN11 R_W R_W YesT11 NOT USED NoR14 NOT USED NoN12 CS3* R106** Active Low YesT14 CS2 CS2 Active Low YesR11 NOT USED NoR15 CS0 CS0 Active Low YesP16 OE_EN NoM13 EB1_N NoR13 EBO_N NoN14 NOT USED NoT16 WAIT WAIT** YesP14 NOT USED NoN13 ADV ADV** YesT15 B_CLK B_CLK** Yes* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717** = No test point/component on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 - signal not accessibleTable 7-7.  U401 Patriot MCU/DSP IC Pinouts (Continued)U401Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-18 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsTable 7-8.  U301 Flipper IC PinoutsU301Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?E7 RXDIN_ENC_3V R308 YesD5 TXDO_BDI_5V R329* 5 V RS232 Data Out YesC7 RXDIN_5V R328* 5 V RS232 Data In YesA8 RTS D303 pin 3 Request to Send (RS232) YesD7 CTS R303 Clear to Send (RS232) YesH8 CTS_FILLREQ_3V R306** YesH3 16.8 MHz C307* 16.8 MHz Clock YesH6 13 MHz R302R331* 13 MHz Clock (OUT) YesH5 PLL_LFT C302* PLL LoopFilter YesF4 CODEC_DCLK R405 520 kHz YesE5 CODEC_FSYNC R406 8 kHz Pulse YesG4 UCM_SS J701 pin 28 YesG2 V2 C304* 3.0 V YesF1 V2 C317* 3.0 V YesF3 VSS3_DC GROUND YesF2 VSS3_AC GROUND YesD8 VCC5 C305* 5.0 V YesC8 VSS5 GROUND YesA7 LI_CELL C312* 3.0-3.3 V YesC6 VSS3_XTL GROUND YesA4 UART_TX NC NoC4 UART_RX NC NoG3 ONE_WIRE_UP NoG7 KVL_USB_DET NoG1 ONE_WIRE_EN* NoB5 BSY_IN_RTS NoC5 BSY_OUT_CTS NoE4 UCTS1_USB_SPEED* NoC1 USB_TXENAB No
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-19D1 UTXD1_USP_VPO NoB1 USB_VMO NoC3 URTS1_XRXD NoC2 USB_VPI NoD2 URXD1_USB_VMI NoE3 USB_SUSP NoB2 SCKB SCKB SPI B Clock YesB3 SPI_MOSIB MOSIB SPI Data Write to Flipper IC YesA2 SPI_MISOB MISOA SPI Data Read from Flipper IC YesA1 FLPR_CS* NoA3 UART_INT* NoF5 GCAP_RESET_X C310* YesH4 TEST_MODE1 GROUND YesH1 TES_MODE2 GROUND YesG6 OUT_DIS GROUND YesG5 SCAN_EN GROUND YesA6 XTAL32_IN YesB6 XTAL32_OUT YesA5 REF32_OUT R316 32.768 kHz Square Wave YesB7 BYPASS_32 GROUND YesB4 BP_SEN_X R510 0 V YesD4 WD_OUT R528 Watchdog Int to GCAP II YesH2 ONE_WIRE_OPT D306 pin 3 YesD6 SB96D_BDO_KF_5V NC NoB8 LH_BUSY D307 pin 3 YesD3 USB_DIS R310* YesE2 USB_DPLUS Q301 pin 1* USB Data Plus YesE1 USB_DMINUS Q301 pin 4* USB Data Minus YesE8 SB96D_BDO_KF_3V NC NoF6 SB96D_BDO_3V D308 pin 3 YesTable 7-8.  U301 Flipper IC Pinouts (Continued)U301Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-20 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsH7 RTS_FILLSEN_3V NC NoG8 CTS_FILLREQ_3V R309* YesF8 TXDO_BDI_ENC_3V R317 YesF7 TXDO_BDI_UP_3V R317 YesE6 RXDIN_ENC_3V R308 Yes* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717** = No test point/component on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717 - signal not accessibleTable 7-9.  U501 GCAP II IC PinoutsU501Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?A2 AD4_BD_ID R525 YesB2 AD3_BDTYPE R524 YesB3 AD2_BAT_STAT R568 YesA3 AD_TG1 R523 YesD4 AD0_EMERG R522 YesC4 LV_DETECT R511 Active Low YesB4 AD_TRIG NoA4 CONV_BYP C516 YesB5 V3 C550 Unused Voltage RegulatorYesA5 VIN3 C515 3.77 V YesD5 VSEN1 GROUND 0 V YesC5 VSIN C515 3.77 V YesC6 VSIM1 C551 Unused Voltage RegulatorYesA6 V1 C552 Unused Voltage RegulatorYesB6 VIN1 B503 7.5V YesD6 LI_CELL C553 3.0-3.3V YesD7 CHARGE NC NoTable 7-8.  U301 Flipper IC Pinouts (Continued)U301Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-21A7 XTAL1 G_32K 32.768 kHz Square Wave YesB7 XTAL2 NoA8 PRSC2 C514 3.77V YesB8 LX2 D502 262.144 kHz Square Wave YesA9 PGND1 GROUND YesB9 FB2 R501 1.85V YesC8 ON R579 YesA10 FB1 R502 3.77V YesB10 LX1 D503 262.144 kHz Square Wave YesC9 PWRON C529 At BatteryVoltage Level YesD8 INT_EXT GROUND YesC10 PSRC1 C531 At BatteryVoltage Level YesE7 WDI R576 3.0V YesD10 MOSPORTB C529 At BatteryVoltage Level YesD9 ISENSE NC NoE8 CHRGC NC NoE9 SQ_OUT NC NoE10 BPOS C529 At BatteryVoltage Level YesF7 BATTERY NC NoF8 AUX_BAT NC NoF9 AUX_FET NC NoF10 MAIN_FET NC NoE6 PGM2 C529 At BatteryVoltage Level YesG8 PGM1 C529 At BatteryVoltage Level YesG10 AGND1 GROUND YesG9 REF C528 3.0V YesTable 7-9.  U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts (Continued)U501Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-22 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsH9 PA_DRV NC NoH10 PA_SENSE NC NoG7 PGM0 GROUND YesH8 LS3_RX NC NoJ10 DGND GROUND YesK10 LS3TX_PABPOS GROUND YesK1  MIC_OUT U509 pin 6 AC Mic Signal YesG4 STANDBY R557 3.0V YesK2 AUX_OUT U509 pin 6 AC Mic Signal YesH3 AUX_MIC_NEG C538 Virtual Ground YesJ3 MB_CAP C535 YesH4 EXT_MIC NC NoK3 MIC_BIAS C535 YesJ4 CD_CAP C543 YesK4 VAG C544 YesJ5 V2 R560 3.0V YesK5 VIN2 R502 3.77V YesG5 ON2 NC NoH5 EXTOUT C533 AC RX Audio Signal YesK6 SPKR_OUT NC NoJ6 SPKR_IN NC NoH6 SPKR_NEG NC NoH7 SPKR_POS NC NoK7 LS1IN_TG1A GROUND YesJ7 LS1OUT_TG1 NC NoG6 LS2IN_TG2A GROUND YesF6 LS2OUT_TG2 NoK8 ALRT_GND NoK9 ALRT_OUT NC NoJ9 ALRT_VCC NC NoTable 7-9.  U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts (Continued)U501Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC Signals 7-23J8 SIMI_O NC NoA1 AD5_VOLUME R526 0-2.5V YesB1 AGND3 GROUND YesC3 DWN_OUT NC NoC2 DWN_IN GROUND YesC1 CMP_OUT NC NoD3 DSC_INN GROUND YesD2 DSC_INP GROUND YesD1 SPI_CLK SCKB SPI Data Clock YesE4 SPI_DR MISOB SPI Data Read From GCAP YesE3 SPI_DW MOSIB SPI Data Write To GCAP YesE2 SR_VCCIN NC NoE1 SR_VCCOUT NC NoF3 SR_IN NC NoF2 SR_OUT NC NoF1 INTERRUPT R538 GCAPInterrupt  YesF4 CE R539 Active High GCAP Chip ENYesF5 CLK_IN R302R331* 13 MHz YesE5 CODEC_DCLK R405 520 kHz(NTN9564NNTN4563NNTN4819)256 kHz(NNTN4717)YesG1  CODEC_TX R402 TX Audio Data To DSP YesG2 CODEC_RX R403 RX Audio Data From DSP YesG3 CODEC_FSYNC R406 8 kHz Frame Sync  YesTable 7-9.  U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts (Continued)U501Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C7-24 Troubleshooting Tables: List of Board and IC SignalsH1 AGND4 GROUND YesJ1 AGND2 GROUND YesH2 MICIN_POS C534 YesJ2 MICIN_NEG Virtual Ground No* = Component located under a shield on NNTN4563, NNTN4819, & NNTN4717Table 7-9.  U501 GCAP II IC Pinouts (Continued)U501Pin No. Description To/From Comment  Accessible on Vocon?
8-150 Schematics, Board Overlays, and Parts Lists: VOCON BoardsOctober 14, 2003 6881094C31-CNotes
Appendix A Replacement Parts OrderingA.1 Basic Ordering InformationWhen ordering replacement parts or equipment information, the complete identification number should be included. This applies to all components, kits, and chassis. If the component part number is not known, the order should include the number of the chassis or kit of which it is a part, and sufficient description of the desired component to identify it.Crystal orders should specify the crystal type number, crystal and carrier frequency, and the model number in which the part is used.A.2 Transceiver Board and VOCON Board Ordering InformationWhen ordering a replacement Transceiver Board or VOCON Board, refer to the applicable Model Chart in the front of this manual, read the Transceiver Board or VOCON Board note, and include the proper information with your order.A.3 Motorola OnlineMotorola Online users can access our online catalog at register for online access, please call 800-814-0601 (for U.S. and Canada Service Centers only). International customers can obtain assistance at Mail OrdersSend written orders to the following addresses:* The Radio Products Services Division (RPSD) was formerly known as the Customer Care and Services Division (CCSD) and/or the Accessories and Aftermarket Division (AAD).Replacement Parts/Test Equipment/Manuals/Crystal Service Items(United States and Canada):Motorola Inc.Radio Products Services Division*Attention: Order Processing1307 E. Algonquin RoadSchaumburg, IL 60196U.S.A.Federal Government Orders:Motorola Inc.U.S. Federal Government Markets DivisionAttention: Order Processing7230 Parkway DriveLandover, MD 21076U.S.A.International Orders:Motorola Inc.Radio Products Services Division*(United States and Canada)Attention: Order Processing1307 E. Algonquin RoadSchaumburg, IL 60196U.S.A.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CA-2 Replacement Parts Ordering: Telephone OrdersA.5 Telephone OrdersRadio Products Services Division*(United States and Canada)7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (Central Standard Time)Monday through Friday (Chicago, U.S.A.)1-800-422-4210(International Orders)1-847-538-8023U.S. Federal Government Markets Division (USFGMD)1-800-826-1913 Federal Government Parts - Credit Cards Only8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time)A.6 Fax OrdersRadio Products Services Division*(United States and Canada)1-800-622-6210(International)1-847-576-3023USFGMD(Federal Government Orders)1-800-526-8641 (For Parts and Equipment Purchase Orders)A.7 Parts IdentificationRadio Products Services Division*(United States and Canada)1-800-422-4210, menu 3A.8 Product Customer ServiceCustomer Response Center(Non-technical Issues)1-800-247-2346FAX:1-800-247-2347* The Radio Products Services Division (RPSD) was formerly known as the Customer Care and Services Division (CCSD) and/or the Accessories and Aftermarket Division (AAD).
Glossary GlossaryThis glossary contains an alphabetical listing of terms and their definitions that are applicable to ASTRO portable and mobile subscriber radio products. All terms do not necessarily apply to all radios, and some terms are merely generic in nature.Term DefinitionA/D See analog-to-digital conversion.Abacus IC A custom integrated circuit providing a digital receiver intermediate frequency (IF) backend.ADC See analog-to-digital converter.ADDAG See Analog-to-Digital, Digital-to-Analog and Glue.ALC See automatic level control.analog Refers to a continuously variable signal or a circuit or device designed to handle such signals. See also digital.Analog-to-Digital, Digital-to-Analog and GlueAn integrated circuit designed to be an interface between the radio’s DSP, which is digital, and the analog transmitter and receiver ICs.analog-to-digital conversion Conversion of an instantaneous dc voltage level to a corresponding digital value. See also D/A.analog-to-digital converter A device that converts analog signals into digital data. See also DAC.automatic level control A circuit in the transmit RF path that controls RF power amplifier output, provides leveling over frequency and voltage, and protects against high Frequencies allowed for a specific purpose.BBP See baseband interface port.baseband interface port Synchronous serial interface to the transceiver board used to transfer transmit and receive audio data.BGA See ball grid array.ball grid array A type of IC package characterized by solder balls arranged in a grid that are located on the underside of the package.CODEC See coder/decoder.
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CGlossary-2codeplug Firmware that contains the unique personality for a system or device. A codeplug is programmable and allows changes to system and unit parameters. See also firmware.coder/decoder A device that encodes or decodes a signal.CPS See Customer Programming Software.Customer Programming SoftwareSoftware with a graphical user interface containing the feature set of an ASTRO radio. See also RSS.D/A See digital-to-analog conversion.DAC See digital-to-analog converter.Data communication equipment Definition for device (such as radio) data communications using the RS232 protocol. The correct data communication wiring requires the device’s TX pins (output) to connect to the RX pins (input) and the RTS pins (output) to connect to the CTS pins (input). It is incorrect to attach device pins having the same name to to each other.Data terminal equipment Data terminal equipment; for example, a computer.DCE See Data communication equipment.default A pre-defined set of Refers to data that is stored or transmitted as a sequence of discrete symbols from a finite set; most commonly this means binary data represented using electronic or electromagnetic signals. See also conversion Conversion of a digital signal to a voltage that is proportional to the input value. See also A/ converter A device that converts digital data into analog signals. See also ADC.Digital Private-Line A type of digital communication that utilizes privacy call, as well as memory channel and busy channel lock-out to enhance communication signal processor A microcontroller specifically designed for performing the mathematics involved in manipulating analog information, such as sound, that has been converted into a digital form. DSP also implies the use of a data compression signal processor code Object code executed by the Digital Signal Processor in an ASTRO subscriber radio. The DSP is responsible for computation-intensive tasks, such as decoding ASTRO signaling.Term Definition
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Glossary-3DPL See Digital Private-Line. See also PL.DSP See digital signal processor.DSP code See digital signal processor code.DTE See Data terminal equipment.DTMF See dual tone multi-frequency.dual tone multi-frequency The system used by touch-tone telephones. DTMF assigns a specific frequency, or tone, to each key so that it can easily be identified by a microprocessor.EEPOT Electrically Programmable Digital Potentiometer.EEPROM See Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only MemoryA special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to an electrical charge. An EEPROM retains its contents even when the power is turned off.FCC Federal Communications Commission.firmware Code executed by an embedded processor such as the Host or DSP in a subscriber radio. This type of code is typically resident in non-volatile memory and as such is more difficult to change than code executed from RAM.FGU See frequency generation unit.flash A non-volatile memory device similar to an EEPROM. Flash memory can be erased and reprogrammed in blocks instead of one byte at a time.FLASHcode A 13-digit code which uniquely identifies the System Software Package and Software Revenue Options that are enabled in a particular subscriber radio. FLASHcodes are only applicable for radios which are upgradeable through the FLASHport process.FLASHport A Motorola term that describes the ability of a radio to change memory. Every FLASHport radio contains a FLASHport EEPROM memory chip that can be software written and rewritten to, again and again.FMR See Florida Manual Revision.Florida Manual Revision A document that provides interim updates to a publication until the entire publication can be updated and reissued.frequency Number of times a complete electromagnetic-wave cycle occurs in a fixed unit of time (usually one second).Term Definition
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CGlossary-4frequency generation unit This unit generates ultra-stable, low-phase noise master clock and other derived synchronization clocks that are distributed throughout the communication network.General-Purpose Input/Output Pins whose function is programmable.GPIO See General-Purpose Input/ code Object code executed by the host processor in an ASTRO subscriber radio. The host is responsible for control-oriented tasks such as decoding and responding to user inputs.IC See integrated circuit.IF Intermediate Frequency.IMBE A sub-band, voice-encoding algorithm used in ASTRO digital voice.inbound signaling word Data transmitted on the control channel from a subscriber unit to the central control unit.integrated circuit An assembly of interconnected components on a small semiconductor chip, usually made of silicon. One chip can contain millions of microscopic components and perform many functions.ISW See inbound signaling word.keep-alive mode A software-controlled operational mode in which power for the radio remains on after the On/Off/volume control knob is turned off to allow the microcontroller unit to complete its power-down sequence. Then, the radio completely powers off.key-variable loader A device used to load encryption keys into a radio.kHz See kilohertz.kilohertz One thousand cycles per second. Used especially as a radio-frequency unit.KVL See key-variable loader.LCD See liquid-crystal display.LED See light emitting diode.light emitting diode An electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.liquid-crystal display An LCD uses two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid-crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through them.LO Local oscillator.Term Definition
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Glossary-5low-speed handshake 150-baud digital data sent to the radio during trunked operation while receiving audio.LSH See low-speed handshake.Master In Slave Out SPI data line from a peripheral to the MCU.Master Out Slave In SPI data line from the MCU to a peripheral.MCU See microcontroller unit.MDC Motorola Digital Communications.MDI MCU/DSP Interface internal to the Patriot IC.MHz See Megahertz.Megahertz One million cycles per second. Used especially as a radio-frequency unit. microcontroller unit Also written as µC. A microprocessor that contains RAM and ROM components, as well as communications and programming components and peripherals.MISO See Master In Slave Out.MOSI See Master Out Slave In.multiplexer An electronic device that combines several signals for transmission on some shared medium (e.g., a telephone wire).MUX See multiplexer.NiCd Nickel-cadmium.NiMH Nickel-metal-hydride.OMPAC See over-molded pad-array architecture A controller configuration that utilizes a microprocessor with extended ROM, RAM, and EEPROM.oscillator An electronic device that produces alternating electric current and commonly employs tuned circuits and amplifying components.OSW See outbound signaling word.OTAR See over-the-air rekeying.outbound signaling word Data transmitted on the control channel from the central controller to the subscriber unit.over-molded pad-array carrier A Motorola custom IC package, distinguished by the presence of solder balls on the bottom pads.Term Definition
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CGlossary-6over-the-air rekeying Allows the dispatcher to remotely reprogram the encryption keys in the radio.PA Power amplifier.paging One-way communication that alerts the receiver to retrieve a message.Patriot IC A dual-core processor that contains an MCU and a DSP in one IC package.PC Board Printed Circuit Board. Also referred to as a PCB.phase-locked loop A circuit in which an oscillator is kept in phase with a reference, usually after passing through a frequency divider.PL See private-line tone squelch.PLL See phase-locked loop.private-line tone squelch A continuous sub-audible tone that is transmitted along with the carrier. See also DPL.Programmable Read-Only Memory A memory chip on which data can be written only once. Once data has been written onto a PROM, it remains there forever.PROM See Programmable Read-Only Memory.PTT See Push-to-Talk.Push-to-Talk The switch or button usually located on the left side of the radio which, when pressed, causes the radio to transmit. When the PTT is released, the unit returns to receive frequency The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between audio sound and infrared light (approximately 10 kHz to 10 GHz).radio frequency power amplifier Amplifier having one or more active devices to amplify radio signals.Radio Interface Box A service aid used to enable communications between a radio and the programming software.Radio Service Software DOS-based software containing the feature set of an ASTRO radio. See also CPS.RAM See random access memory.random access memory A type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding memory A type of computer memory on which data has been prerecorded. Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read.Term Definition
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Glossary-7real-time clock A module that keeps track of elapsed time even when a computer is turned off.receiver Electronic device that amplifies RF signals. A receiver separates the audio signal from the RF carrier, amplifies it, and converts it back to the original sound waves.registers Short-term data-storage circuits within the microcontroller unit or programmable logic IC.repeater Remote transmit/receive facility that re-transmits received signals in order to improve communications range and coverage (conventional operation).repeater/talkaround A conventional radio feature that permits communication through a receive/transmit facility, which re-transmits received signals in order to improve communication range and coverage.RESET Reset line: an input to the microcontroller that restarts execution.RF See radio frequency.RF PA See radio frequency power amplifier.RIB See Radio Interface Box.ROM See read-only memory.RPCIC Regulator/power control IC.RSS See Radio Service Software.RTC See real-time clock.RX Receive.RX DATA Recovered digital data line.SAP See Serial Audio CODEC Port.SCI IN See Serial Communication Interface Input Line.Serial Audio CODEC Port SSI to and from the GCAP II IC CODEC used to transfer transmit and receive audio data.Serial Communication Interface Input LineA full-duplex (receiver/transmitter) asynchronous serial interface.Serial Input/Output IC An integrated circuit that provides SB9600 serial and power-control functions.Serial Peripheral Interface How the microcontroller communicates to modules and ICs through the CLOCK and DATA lines.Term Definition
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CGlossary-8signal An electrically transmitted electromagnetic wave.Signal Qualifier mode An operating mode in which the radio is muted, but still continues to analyze receive data to determine RX signal type.SIO IC See Serial Input/Output IC.Smart Radio Interface Box A service aid containing microcontroller buffered RAM that enhances the speed and capability of programming a radio with programming software.softpot See software Computer programs, procedures, rules, documentation, and data pertaining to the operation of a potentiometer A computer-adjustable electronic attenuator.spectrum Frequency range within which radiation has specific characteristics.SPI See Serial Peripheral Interface.squelch Muting of audio circuits when received signal levels fall below a pre-determined value. With carrier squelch, all channel activity that exceeds the radio’s preset squelch level can be heard.SRAM See static RAM.SRIB See Smart Radio Interface Box.SSI See Synchronous Serial Interface.Standby mode An operating mode in which the radio is muted but still continues to monitor data.static RAM A type of memory used for volatile, program/data memory that does not need to be refreshed.Synchronous Serial Interface DSP interface to peripherals that consists of a clock signal line, a frame synchronization signal line, and a data line.system central controllers Main control unit of the trunked dispatch system; handles ISW and OSW messages to and from subscriber units (See ISW and OSW).system select The act of selecting the desired operating system with the system-select switch (also, the name given to this switch).talkaround A conventional radio feature that lets you bypass the repeater and connect directly to another radio. The transmit and receive frequencies are the same.thin small-outline package A type of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) package that is commonly used in memory applications.Term Definition
6881094C31-C October 14, 2003Glossary-9time-out timer A timer that limits the length of a transmission.TOT See time-out timer.transceiver Transmitter-receiver. A device that both transmits and receives analog or digital signals. Also abbreviated as XCVR.transmitter Electronic equipment that generates and amplifies an RF carrier signal, modulates the signal, and then radiates it into space.TSOP See thin small-outline package.TX Transmit.UART See also Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.UHF Ultra-High Frequency.Universal Asynchronous Receiver TransmitterA microchip with programming that controls a computer’s interface to its attached serial devices.Universal Serial Bus An external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps.USB See Universal Serial Bus.VCO See voltage-controlled oscillator.vector sum excited linear predictive codingA voice-encoding technique used in ASTRO digital voice.VHF Very-High Frequency.VIP Vehicle Interface Port.VOCON See vocoder/controller.vocoder An electronic device for synthesizing speech by implementing a compression algorithm particular to voice. See also voice encoder.vocoder/controller A PC board that contains an ASTRO radio’s microcontroller, DSP, memory, audio and power functions, and interface support circuitry.voice encoder The DSP-based system for digitally processing analog signals, and includes the capabilities of performing voice compression algorithms or voice encoding. See also vocoder.voltage-controlled oscillator An oscillator in which the frequency of oscillation can be varied by changing a control voltage.VSELP See vector sum excited linear predictive coding.Term Definition
October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CGlossary-10Notes
Index IndexNumerics13 MHz reference generation, flipper IC 3-2732 kHz oscillator, flipper IC 3-265-volt regulator U505, VOCON 3-23700-800 MHzmodel chartnon-ruggedized xxiiruggedized xxiiiradio specifications xxviAAbacus III IC U500 3-7algorithms, encryption module 3-34amplifieraudio power U503 3-24audio pre-amplifier U502 3-24driver U102 3-9power transistor 3-10summing U106 3-11antenna port J2 3-5antenna switch, transmitter 3-10audiocircuitry, GCAP II IC U501 3-23components, VOCON board 3-22power amplifier U503 3-24pre-amplifier U502 3-24audio pathreceive 3-33transmit 3-32automatic level control (ALC), PCIC 3-12Bbaseband interface port (BBP) 3-19batteryconnector J3 3-3types and capacities 2-1block diagramAbacus III IC U500 3-7overall 3-1power distribution700-800 MHz 2-2UHF 2-2VHF 2-2receiver 3-5transceiver 3-2, 3-3board overlaystransceiver (RF) board700-800 MHz 8-10UHF 8-55VHF 8-41transceiver list 8-1VOCON boardNTN9564B 8-86NTN9564C 8-100VOCON list 8-1boot data path control, flipper IC 3-25Ccaution symbol meaning 1-2charts, troubleshootingbutton test 5-16channel/zone select error 5-15DC supply failure 5-5display failure800 MHz 5-11VHF 5-8keyload failure 5-34list 5-1main 5-2power-up failure 5-3secure hardware failure 5-35top/side button test 5-17VCO Tx/Rx unlock 5-18VOCONRx audio 5-21Rx RF 5-23Tx audio 5-19Tx RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHz) 5-31Tx RF (VHF) 5-28volume set error 5-14CMOS support, flipper IC 3-26componentsblock diagram 3-1controller (VOCON) 3-17encryption module 3-34keypad module 3-30universal flex assembly 3-30connectordisplay module P301 3-17encryption J701 3-17keypad module P107 3-17RF interface P201 3-17universal J101 3-17controller components, VOCON board 3-17controls and control top flex, VOCON board 3-30copyrightscomputer software iidocument iiDD/A outputs, PCIC 3-13danger symbol meaning 1-2detailed theorytransceiver (RF) board 3-2VOCON board 3-16digital signal processor (DSP)baseband interface port (BBP) 3-19detailed theory 3-19serial audio CODEC port (SAP) 3-20timer module 3-19universal serial bus (USB) 3-20directional coupler U101, transmitter 3-10disclaimer, documentation iidisplay moduleconnector P301 3-17VOCON board 3-29driver amplifier U102 3-9
Index-2October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CEEEPOT potentiometer U509 3-24encryptionconnector J701 3-17module 3-34module algorithms 3-34errors, power-up self-check 4-5ESD protection circuitry, VOCON board 3-27external interface module (EIM) 3-18FFlash memory IC U402 3-21flipper IC U30113 MHz reference generation 3-2732 kHz oscillator 3-26boot data path control 3-25CMOS support 3-26detailed theory 3-25logic level translation 3-25one-wire support 3-26side interface connector 3-25SSI clock and frame sync generator 3-27USB transceiver 3-25watchdog timer 3-26FracN IC U202 3-14frequency generator unit (FGU)FracN IC U202 3-14loop filter 3-15reference oscillator Y200 3-13VCO buffer IC (VCOBIC) U200 3-15GGCAP II IC U501audio circuitry 3-23detailed theory 3-22MCU interface 3-23power routing 2-3voltage regulation 3-22global control audio and power II IC 501 See GCAP II IC U501glossary Glossary-1Hhandling precautions, troubleshooting 4-1harmonic filter, transmitter 3-10IICAbacus III U500 3-7directional coupler U101 3-10driver amplifier U102 3-9Flash memory U402 3-21flipper U301 3-25FracN U202 3-14GCAP II U501 3-22Patriot U401 3-18power-control (PCIC) U104 3-11static RAM (SRAM) U403 3-20summing amplifier U106 3-11IF filter, receiver front end 3-6interconnectionstransceiver 3-3VOCON board 3-16interface support components, VOCON board 3-24Kkeep-alive mode 2-2key variable loader (KVL) 3-34keypad moduleconnector P107 3-17description 3-30VOCON board 3-30KVL (key variable loader) 3-34LLNA, receiver front end 3-6logic level translation, flipper IC 3-25loop filter, FGU 3-15Mmanualnotations 1-2revisions iiMCU interface, GCAP II IC U501 3-23memory components, VOCON board 3-17microcontroller unit (MCU)description 3-18external interface module (EIM) 3-18multiple queue serial peripheral interface (MQSPI) 3-19one-way interface 3-19universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) 3-19mixer, receiver front end 3-6mode, keep-alive 2-2model chart700-800 MHznon-ruggedized xxiiruggedized xxiiinumbering system xviiUHF Range 1non-ruggedized xxruggedized xxiVHFnon-ruggedized xviiiruggedized xixmodel numbering system, radio xviimoduleencryption 3-34keypad 3-30multiple queue serial peripheral interface (MQSPI) 3-19Nnotations in manual 1-2
Index-36881094C31-C October 14, 2003Oone-way interface 3-19one-wire support, flipper IC 3-26option selects, universal connector 3-29ordering replacement parts A-1oscillator32 kHz 3-26reference Y200, FGU 3-13sampling clock 3-8second local 3-8voltage-controlled (VCO) 3-8overviewkeypad module 3-30universal flex assembly 3-30VOCON board 3-16Pparts listtransceiver (RF) board700-800 MHz 8-12, 8-26UHF 8-57, 8-73VHF 8-43VOCON boardNNTN4563A/B 8-116NNTN4717D 8-145NNTN4819A 8-131NTN9564B 8-88NTN9564C 8-102parts, ordering replacement A-1Patriot IC U401description 3-18digital signal processor (DSP) 3-19microcontroller unit (MCU) 3-18PCIC (power-control IC) U104automatic level control (ALC) 3-12D/A outputs 3-13detailed theory 3-11purpose 3-8temperature cut back 3-13voltage multiplier 3-12voltage regulator 3-12poweramplifier transistor 3-10components, VOCON board 3-22conditioning components, transceiver 3-5power control IC U104 See PCIC (power control IC) U104power distributionblock diagram700-800 MHz 2-2UHF 2-2VHF 2-2keep-alive mode 2-2radio 2-1transceiver board 2-3transmitter 3-9VOCON board 2-3power-up self-checkdiagnostics and repair 4-6errors 4-5power-up/power-down sequence 3-33preselector filters, receiver front end 3-6product safety information iipublications, related xiiRradiokeep-alive mode 2-2model numbering system xviipower distribution 2-1power-up/power-down sequence 3-33receive audio path, VOCON board 3-33receiverback endAbacus III IC U500 3-7detailed theory 3-7sampling clock oscillator 3-8second LO 3-8block diagram 3-5front enddetailed theory 3-6IF filter 3-6low-noise amplifier (LNA) 3-6mixer 3-6preselector filters 3-6reference oscillator Y200, FGU 3-13related publications xiireplacement parts, ordering A-1RFdetectors, transmitter 3-11exposure compliance information iiinterface connector P201 3-17Ssampling clock oscillator 3-8schematicstransceiver (RF) board 8-3transceiver board list 8-1VOCON board 8-79VOCON board list 8-1second LO (local oscillator) 3-8serial audio CODEC port (SAP) 3-20serial EEPROM 3-5service tools, recommended 4-2side interface connector, flipper IC 3-25signal tracing, troubleshooting 4-3specifications700-800 MHz radios xxviUHF Range 1 radios xxvVHF radios xxivSSI clock and frame sync generator, flipper IC 3-27standard supply voltages 4-4static RAM (SRAM) IC U403 3-20summing amplifier U106, transmitter 3-11symbolscaution 1-2danger 1-2warning 1-2system clockstroubleshooting 4-4VOCON board 3-31
Index-4October 14, 2003 6881094C31-CTtemperature cut back, PCIC 3-13terms and definitions Glossary-1timer module, DSP 3-19tools, recommended service 4-2trademark information iitransceiverantenna port J2 3-5battery connector J3 3-3block diagram 3-2, 3-3board overlays700-800 MHz 8-10UHF 8-55VHF 8-41detailed theory 3-2interconnections 3-3parts list700-800 MHz 8-12, 8-26UHF 8-57, 8-73VHF 8-43power conditioning 3-5power distribution diagram 2-3schematics 8-3serial EEPROM 3-5VOCON connector P1 3-3voltage regulators 2-3transmit audio path, VOCON board 3-32transmitterantenna switch 3-10directional coupler U101 3-10driver amplifier U102 3-9harmonic filter 3-10introduction 3-8PCIC (power-control IC) U104 3-11power amplifier transistor 3-10power distribution 3-9power-control IC (PCIC) 3-8RF detectors 3-11summing amplifier U106 3-11troubleshootingbutton test 5-16channel/zone select error 5-15charts listing 5-1DC supply failure 5-5display failure800 MHz 5-11VHF 5-8handling precautions 4-1keyload failure 5-34main chart 5-2power-up failure 5-3power-up self-checkdiagnostics and repair 4-6errors 4-5secure hardware failure 5-35service tools 4-2signal tracing 4-3standard supply voltages 4-4system clocks 4-4top/side button test 5-17VCO Tx/Rx unlock 5-18VOCONRx audio 5-21Rx RF 5-23Tx audio 5-19Tx RF (UHF R1/700-800 MHZ) 5-31Tx RF (VHF) 5-28voltage measurement 4-3volume set error 5-14troubleshooting waveforms13 MHz clock 6-216.8 MHz buffer input and output 6-332.768 kHz clock outputs 6-4list 6-1receive baseband interface port (BBP) 6-7RX serial audio port (SAP) 6-6SPI B data 6-5transmit baseband interface port (BBP) 6-8UUHF Range 1model chartnon-ruggedized xxruggedized xxiradio specifications xxvuniversal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) 3-19universal connectorinterface circuitry, VOCON board 3-28J101 3-17location 3-28option selects 3-29universal flex assembly 3-30universal serial bus (USB) 3-20USB transceiver, flipper IC 3-25VVCO (voltage-controlled oscillator) 3-8VCO buffer IC (VCOBIC) U200, FGU 3-15VHFmodel chartnon-ruggedized xviiiruggedized xixradio specifications xxivVOCON board5-volt regulator U505 3-23audiocomponents 3-22power amplifier U503 3-24pre-amplifier U502 3-24board overlaysNTN9564B 8-86NTN9564C 8-100connector J101 pin-outs 3-28controller components 3-17controls and control top flex 3-30displaymodule 3-29module connector P301 3-17EEPOT potentiometer U509 3-24encryption connector J701 3-17ESD protection circuitry 3-27Flash memory IC U402 3-21flipper IC U301 3-25GCAP II IC U501 3-22
Index-56881094C31-C October 14, 2003interconnections 3-16interface support components 3-24keypadmodule 3-30module connector P107 3-17memory components 3-17overview 3-16parts listNNTN4563A/B 8-116NNTN4717D 8-145NNTN4819A 8-131NTN9564B 8-88NTN9564C 8-102Patriot IC U401 3-18power components 3-22power distribution 2-3receive audio path 3-33RF interface connector P201 3-17schematics 8-79static RAM (SRAM) IC U403 3-20system clocks 3-31transmit audio path 3-32universal connector interface circuitry 3-28universal connector J101 3-17VOCON connector P1 3-3voltagemeasurement, troubleshooting 4-3multiplier, PCIC 3-12regulation, GCAP II IC U501 3-22regulator, PCIC 3-12regulators, transceiver 2-3voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) 3-8voltages, standard supply 4-4Wwarning symbol meaning 1-2warranty information xiiiwatchdog timer, flipper IC 3-26waveforms, troubleshooting13 MHz clock 6-216.8 MHz buffer input and output 6-332.768 kHz clock outputs 6-4list 6-1receive baseband interface port (BBP) 6-7RX serial audio port (SAP) 6-6SPI B data 6-5transmit baseband interface port (BBP) 6-8
Index-6October 14, 2003 6881094C31-C
6881094C31-C*6881094C31*MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, ASTRO, FLASHport, and CommPortare registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other productor service names are the property of their respective owners.© Motorola, Inc. 2003All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.Motorola, Inc.8000 West Sunrise BoulevardFt. Lauderdale, FL 33322

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