Tecom Co 9421 900 MHz Cordless Telephone User Manual 8

Tecom Co Ltd 900 MHz Cordless Telephone 8


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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-06-04 00:00:00
Date Available2002-02-15 00:00:00
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Document Title8

'IF('UAI(‘(), I,'//)
If! '(‘ II) ' DGX9431
Ell 3L l’tIuIIi-lfandver ("ordlcsx Phone System
Exhibit E . .. User’s Manual
Smith Corona
9421 H/B/C
MutheI Swtc t. Inc. ducal I rcprcscnt this
unit to he nuterprool'. To reduce the risk of tire.
electrical shock. t\|’ damage to the unit. do not
upon: [his unit to ruin or moisture.
One Nickel Metal H_\dride hatter} is provided
with each handset. Thu batter} ma) not he t'ull)
charged \\ hen received. Charge the butter}
hetbre using the wireless hundc t, Ret'er to
"Chargi g the Handset Battery" in the
lnstallalion section ot'tl'tis manual. The charging
time is approximately one i l t hour.
When using your telephone equipment. basic
safe!) precautions should alums be followed to
reduce the risk ot'tire. electrical shock. and
injur} to personsl including the t'ollouing:
It Read and understand all instructions.
1 Follow all “amings and instructions
marked on the product. 7
3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet
before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners
or aerosol cleaners. Use it dr} cloth for
4. Do not use this product near water: tbr
emmple. near zt sink or in a net area.
Do not place this product on an unstable
cart stand. or table. The telephone mu)
thll. causing serious damage to the unit.
‘-6. To protect the product From overheating do
‘ not block or cover an} slots or openings in
the cell unit. This product Should never be
placed near or over it radiator or heztt
register. This product should not be placed
in u huilt-in installation unless proper
ventilation is provided.
This product should be operated on|_\ ("rum
the type oi'power source indicated on the
marking Iuhel.
Do not allow anything to rest on the pouer
curdi Do not locate this product n here the
cord will be damaged by persons walking
on it.
Do not overload wall outlets and extension
cords, as this can result in the risk of tire or
electrical shock.
Never push objects ot’any kind into this
product through the cell unit slots. as they
may touch dangerous voltage pomts or
short out parts that could result In a risk of
tire or electric shock,
To reduce the risk ot'electric shock. do not
disassemble this product, Contact qualified
service personnel when some service or
repair work is required Opening or
removing covers may expose you to
dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect
reassembly can cause electric shock when
the product is subsequently used.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet
and refer servicing to qualified service
personnel under the following conditions:
a. When the power supply cord is
damaged or frayed
b. lt'liquid has been spilled into the
ct ll" the product has been exposed
to rain or water
d. If'the product does not operate
normally when following the
operating instruCtions, Adjust
only those controls that are
covered by the operating
instructions. improper
adjustment ot‘other controls may
result in damage and will often
require extensive work by a
qualified technictun tn texture the
nruducl to normal npcrutinttl
It the product has been dropped
or the cabinet has been damaged.
1". ll'thc prnduct exhihut» a distinct
change in pert'nrtnztnce.
13 Du not use the telephone tn report a gas
leak in the vicinit} ut’thc Ieult
Tn reduce the risk tit" lire or tnjury to persons by
the hatter}. read and follow these inStructiom:
Use only the appropriate type and size
hatter) puck specified in this manual
Do not dispose ol'the batter} pack in a fire.
Refer to the Installation section concerning
proper battery disposal.
Do not open or mutilate the batter} pack
Released electrolyte is corrosive and may
cause damage to the e_\es (tr skin. [1 ma) be
tt).\ic it‘suallowed.
Exercise care in handling the battery in
order not to shun out the battery With
conducting materials such as rings.
bracelets. and keys The batter} or
conductor may uverheat and cause bums:
Charge the battery pack provided with or
identified For use with this pruduct only in
accordance with the instrucnons and
limitations specified in the instruction
manual provided for this product.
Observe primer polarity orientation
between the battery pack and batter}
' TECUM Prehmuuuy Fumrc Omlflhuu rm mu z-Lm} Cunllm mm:
scum Dcpanmnu um usmuox
mum by: Gene SUN, Faun: uN Rev-sum: 101
Appva By' Jae CHI Page 1/50
Version lml Amendment chonh
Vzninnil Description Data
0.0 The rinfi nrigmalzd bv Gene SUN, 02/24/1993
0.1 I, Add me r‘unczmn orAum-Anzndant. (ruqucstcd by markzlmg pcoyle) 01/27/1993
1 Add the fimction nl' Mjcmpllnne. (regucsmd by nulrkefing people)
0 z 1 Sam: typing Errors and mums. 03/03/1998
2. Same changes sugestgd by markctmg peogle __J
1,0 1. PrcLinunnry Opemuon Manual 05/22/1993
1.01 1. Add mm dam] infamman for the Operation & updalc some mr. 06/03/1998
2. Make a mark "4A" fur modificalivn
’ TECOM I’mllimnary Emma Opfllllen rm limit Z-Lirie Camila: thu
5050 anmmnl mums-01.1993
lsnedhy. Gm: SUN. Funk LlN Rewmm: 1.01
Wm] Ey' 1m: cm raga/50
1. Becoming Familiar with Your Wireless System
2. The Feature
I]. MICATIONS............
l. Indicator“) on the But unit
2.1mm on the Handset unit.
1. Summary of the Programming and Functinn Codes.
1.1 Programming Codes
1.2 Function Cudzs
1. Speed Dialing.
2.1Progmnn'u'ng me Speed Dial Memory
2.2 Stare the Last Number dialed mm the Speed Dial Memory
1.3 Erasing me Speed Dial Memory.
3. Programming the System Security Code on (he Hmdset
C. Hmdut ID Settin
5. co Line Ring pragnmmmg
6. Ringer Type Programming...
7. Progrimming the FLASH Time..
s. Tone/Pulse Mode pmgramming......,.....
9. Programming Hold Reminder Time ..
10. C0 Line Cnnntctinn Prngrzmming...“
11. Handset Reset programming..
1. Configurationm.
2. System Security Code ngrnmming..
I. Sllndby Made....
11 Handset Link With the “Idle" Base Uml. .. ...
1.2 Handset Link with the "Busy" Base Unit, Which Bum Paths are In-USC
1.3 Handset Can Not Link wim the Base Unit
1. Power Key...
2.1 Power-OEMOde..
2.2 Power-On Mode
1. Making Outside Line Call"
3.1 Making An‘Cfingomg Call by Manual Dialing .....
3.2 End An Om‘gomg Call
4. Answering Call ..
, TECOM Preliminary Fezlure Opmnon for fieuil Z-Luie Cordial Pile!“
sono D=pmmml Dule'OG-fll-liw
mm by: Gen: SUN. Frank LIN RMW. l.fll
AWN.“ By: hueCHl Pige'}/50
5. Lu! Number Rediul (mm.
5.1 Making An Outgning Call by LNR.
5.2 Making An Outgoing Call by LN'R with Pre~Dialing,. .
6. Placing an Outside Call on Hold
6.1 Placing an Oulside Call on Hold
6 2 Hold Remmden .
6.3 Hold Recall Ring...
7. Retrieve a Line on Held..
3. Making an Intercom Call ..
8.1 II [he Called Party is bile and Access-able
8.2 If [he Called Party is Busy and Access-3171
8.3 1! me Called Parry is in DND (Ringer Ofl) Mode and Access-able.
3.4 lime Called Party is UN-Accessxhle by Intercom Path Busy
8.5 1.f the Called Party is an Illegal Number...,
9. Answering an Incoming Intercom Call.
10. Voice Page the Base Unit.
11. Conference Call ..
11.1 Two C0 Lines Canferenoe Call...
112 One CO Line and Two Stalinns Canierenoe Call .
12. Transferring CO Call
[2.1 Transferring a Call
121 Transferring Recall : ......
11. Speed Dialing"
111 Using the Speed Dialin
15. PAUSE Function...
16. TONE Funetinn...
17. DND Function .
17.1Sening DND Mode...
17.2 Canceling the DND Mode
18. MUTE Punch
19. on or Range Warning
19.1Handsel Walks Back 10 the Base Um
19 2 Handset Keeps Walking On: me the Base Unit
ll). Battery Low Warning“
21. Complete with Headset.
11.1Tuman Headset
212 Tum nfl" Heads“
22. Ringer Volume ngrnmming
22.1 Handset m Standby Mode"
21.2 Handset inkinging on C0 Line .
23. Paging Handsets from the Base Unit
i recom Prrllmmm renun- Optimum I'ur Rem-111 2-L11re Curdlss Phone
50110 Deummznt antennas-1m
1nd by‘ Gem SUN. Frank LIN Reminn: 1 01
Appmvd By Jane cur Pege:4/50
14. Spanker Volume Adjustment on Base Unit... "34
1. Setting the Area Code for Caller ID
Ll Programming the Area Code
11 Erasing me Area Code . . .
z. Ringing Line Caller m rnneriun..-
2.1 View an Caller [D Information Between Ringing Calls. ......
3. Caller ID Data Base Function ..
3.1 Enter the CD Data Base Retrieve Mode
32 Deletc All Callers from the Caller Data Base
1.3 Scroll the Calls in the CD Data Base
3.4 View the Completed Caller lnfonrmtion
3 S Dial Back for the Caller on the Display,
3.6 Delete a Caller from the Caller Dara Base. . .. ..
3.7 Store a Caller Number into the Speed Dial Memory ,
3.3 Leave the CID Dalz Base Retrieve Mode.....
4. Caller ID Message Waiting ..
5. Caller ID on Call Waiting (Type 11 Call [D ).
1. Setting the unit to answer calls....
7. To check the greeting message....
3. To record a 11-er gmiing message...
4. Tu erase the recorded DATA!) greering message
s. Enabling/Disabling the base unit answering function..."
6. Listening to new messages only
7. Listening to all of the recorded messages“
8. Uslng [REPEATL
9. Using [SKIP]
10. Erasing messages ..
11, Monitoring inenrning min.
12. Using [MEMO] ..
13. Using [REC] (Z-way Recnrdlng)....
14. Remote operation
[4.1 Direct remote commands
15. The D-TAD programmin
15.1 Prugmnming the Ring Time
15.2 Programming the Caller‘s Recording Time...
15.3 Progmmrning D-TAD Remole Code
15.4 Programing D-TAD Time. ,. ,.
16. Tall Saver.
’ TECDM mummy mm: Oman-m fur Rmnl Z—Lin} Cordlsx mm:
SOHO Dcpmmml Dale cam-ms
hand by: On: SUN. Funk Lm Revision. m1
WM By' in. cm 5/50
I. To recur-i a Aulo—anendznt Greeting Message...
2. To eras: the recorded Auto-Attendmt greeting message"
J. Auto-mendant Action
4. AA (Auto-Amman!) Owl/ON Prugramming
sono Dcpmmml
{sued hr. Gm SUN, Funk LIN
Appmvzd By: 15“ cm
1. Becoming Flmililr wkh Your Wlmlen Syxum
I’ulxmmury leurc Opcmwn for Ram] z-Lm'e Gordie: mm
The syslem conslsu om: me umt and up n: sixty winks! mam. The base unit pmwdcs two voice (RF) clmmcls for Knurwm
m' nuxsidc calling by any winks: mum.
1. The Features
The gym-n provides many (mums such as:
2 CO (Inc CapncityA
11 ' 2 LCD WIIII Icon!
TundPnlsa mun;
Speed Dining (10 numbers).
bu Number Redi-I (um).
Intercom calling
Clll Trinsfer.
Do Nut Disturb (DN'D).
Ringer 01:10" comm].
mager hvel Contrvl.
Volume Lgvel Comm];
HEIflIEK Cumplfihility.
Caller ID.
D-TAD (nigh Telephnne Answering Device).
r TECDM thmmnry Faun"! Optimum for lel 2-me Cue-flee mm
sono Dcp-nm Dumas-034993
Issued by Gm: SUN, Funk uN Rmiun: 1m
Appmvcd By' 15: cm Pngtz7/50
l. Indie-10115)“ the Bug unit
- POWER: mdlcalfi the AC powzr and the Base umt sums.
Dark: Tn: AC pawn XusL
Solict Ease um! fimciilmsA
Slow. 1mm 155: all: reputedly
wiuun powcr (m 10 seconds. waitmg to receive the nzw s.s.c. pcnod.
Bus: um m s.s.c. humming mode.
Fm: 0.1253: mm o lZSsec nlf, repraudly
me 5.5.0 u empty in m; Base um
- Twu Luann“ LEDs:
Two Magma“ LED: indicals me number armw messagrs in the nun (Digiml Mam“: Anchdng Devin}
2. lean: on the Kindle! unit.
SOHO beam:
innned by' Gen: SUN, Frank LIN
Apprvved By: Jan: cm
1. Summary of me ngnmmiug Ind Function Code;
Ll Prognmming cm;
Prciimmnry hum OPmimn ref Rcull ‘Z-Line Camila: Phone
There are some nmgrnnimnig nnmneim an [in hundsnl, and her: are the nnmiion and the list.
, snnnny, lhe LCD displays:
New 1 "Ring" Ringer vulume nun my be Law, wit Hi m DND.
2. ‘ID‘: Idmfifimuon Number of the handset.
3. (icon?! Icon: for 1h: slam of C0 lines. D-TAD and battery.
. Press [MEM]
. Enmr the one digit for pmgxamming imms,
[ 1/2/3/4/5/6f7/3/WD 1
for Speed Dialing mzmcry programming
[ i 1 far Syswm Secunly cm nmpnmmig
[ ' 1 far Hnndsni pmmflzrs prognmming
ma in m r] nnnmz pun-mm progmmmmg mode. you my press in: l A m V 1 to select
the item you want in things
Handset [D humming
co Lin: Ring Programming
Handset Ring Type Programming.
FLASH Time Pmmmming.
Tum/Pulse Mud: Programming
Hula-maiden Time Programming.
co Line Ennni= humming,
D-TAD Ring Time Prognmming.
D-TAD Renaming Time ngramming
D—TAD Rainer: Code Mimi
D-TAD Time Pmyzmming,
AA(Aulo~Athndanl) Programming,
Calla ID Area Code Programming
Handset asst: humming,
1.2 Function Codes
Dm: mus-m
REViSmn. Lin
Them are some fimclion m nudes an the handsgL her: is the summary, For mm dam-ls, please ufzr In din pnmynphs
following. Each uni: yuu pm; In: [ FNC 1 wlll innn n human mm key by followed mnminn access cud: [ van/ow» 1,
I cm I' [ CLR in
. Puss (FNCI

l. SPD 1 : Speed Dial Memory location.
2. (empty) ' Memory empty wompl
3. 0357751“ : Prognmmed memory content
.Prcss [LNR], and the LCD displays:
l SPD 1 : Memory location
2. 7793I9: The last dinlad numbzr Conlmt,
. Press [MEM) again to store 1h: number into memory. and a confirmation becp will be heard. The LCD will display:
SP 0K!
3 l 9
i :
I. SPD l 0K' : Memory location B; prognmming OK.
2. 779319 : The last dinled numbzr content.
2.3 Busing the Speed Dial Memory
. Standby
. Press mam
. Enter the memory location number humus/ammo 1, or use the [Al/[V] to scroll the memory location.
The LCD will display:
I, S?!) l : Sven! Dial Manory location.
2. 035775141 : Th: previous programmed memory coma“.
. Press [FNC] md then press [DEL] (some as [l]) to erase the memory. The LCD will display:
— "Delete ’.’": The prompt to ask confirmation.
.Pr¢ss [MEM] again to erase the memory, and t confimmmn beep will he heard. The LCD will display:
l SPD 1 ON : Memory location A programming 0K.
2. (empty) : The indiwion for the erased Memory location.
1 TECOM thmmary Faun: Onanlwn rrrr mm 1-1...“ Carmen Mme
soNo Dep-nrnem macaw-19911
[Laud by: Gm: suN. Funk LKN Rev‘ui : 1m
Amvcd By: 1m C111 Pagele/SO
2.2 Store 1h. Ln! Number dixled inlu the Speed Dinl Memnry
. Standby
. Press [MEMl
. Entzr the memory locafim number [1m3/4/5/6/71s/9m 1, 11: use me 1 A 111 v 1 m scroll 1h: memory 1mm.
The LCD wru dlsplzy
1. SP1) 1 : Speed Du! Memory locannn,
1 (mm) Memory empty prompt
3. 035775141 » ng-zmmcd memory content.
v Pm (LNRI. and the LCD displays.
s P D
7 7 9 3
< i
1 SP1) 1: Mmarylocauun.
1 771319: Th: 1m dialcdnumbcrconlml
. Pm: [MEM] mm 10 Elm the number into memory, and a confmnatinn hucp w111 bu hunt The LCD w111d1sp1ny:
1, SP1) 1 OK: : Memmy 19min“ 1 programing 014
2. 779319: m 1.5: dialed numbq'ccntznl.
1: liming 11.- Speed nm Memory
1 Sundby
. Press {MEM}
. Enrer the mummy lucativn number 1 1/2/3/4/5I6I7/3/9/0 11 at use [he [Al/[V] to scroll the mummy 11mm.
me LCD wru dismay
s P D 1
a J 5 1 7 s 1 a 1
< ' C 11 II >
1. SPD 1 : Speed m1 Maumy lemu‘un,
2. 035775141 Th: prenuue promimmed mummy content.
% .Press[FNC] and (hen pm“ [DEL] (Wuflpwmsethc memoryrhewn will display:
‘.'D€1=le 7": The pmmpl to uk cunflnmnon. _ _
Prss MEivq agnm m eme me memury‘ m . crmflnmlinn beep will be heard The LCD wru display:
' TECQM Preliminary Fcnlurc Dpzmlnm lur Rmn z-Lim Camus: Pm":
scum Dcpamncm
Xswed hy' Gm: SUN, Funk LIN
Appmved By: Jessa cm
um 0641-1998
Rev/man l m
S K!
1 >
1 SPD 1 010 - Memory 1mm“ & pmganumng OK
I. (mpty) The indmzlion for (he cmscd Memory localion.
3. ngnmmlng the Spam Security cm on the Hanan:
,Px=ss [v], [w] Mice for s.s.c. programming mad: code, The LCD will display
5 s c o u e
( = m p t y 1
< E 0 n I )
s . s . c n a ,
x x x x x x
< i r: u n , >
LMEM: ngnmmingstxnpmmpl
z,s.s<:od=: SSCodApmgamnungmod/epmmpl
J (empty): 55cm“ nolprcgfimmsd
4. XXJOQCX: The 8.5 C cod: already exists.
. Euler [ 1/2/3/4/5/6/‘7/8/9/0/‘N/PAUSE/F1A5H ] 6 digits far new 5.5 Coda, say 775141. The LED will dxsplay:
. C
l 4
i r:
d e
. Press

.Afi=r the 7.3 seconds‘ the display will back m Standby mod:
R i n
l D :
: M i d
c o n s >
4. and,“ m Sening
H a n d I 1 t I D
1 l
< i c o n ; >
Handset XD
: >
1 Handset 11) Programming handhetd 1D mode
2‘ D‘ll. Th: defaull humisgl 11) number
3 03:15‘ Thzongimlhandselanumbn‘
in, a continuation signal la indicate Lhc succasfixl programming. The LCD will display "OKJ‘ as below-0
' TECOM Pmllmmary Feature Dpemhnn for Real! min} Corals: Plum:
SOHO Dcplnmml Dzwflfifll—lwx
Luna! by. Gan sw, Frank LIN Revival: 1.01
waved Sly: Jae CHI Pagan/50
. Enmr[ 11 - 70 ] 2 digi's inlcrtem slaliun number. Dcfaull‘l V
For example; we cnler In: new[ l 1! z | llnnnm ID number
Hand-e: [D

l Puss [MEM] again and a mnfln—natiun signal in indlcalc the successfill [slamming The LCD will display:

5. co Llne Ring ngnmminu
Ycu may pmgxam each the co line incoming call wlll mg or nut an your handset Dcfault all m: 2 co Kings will ring
, Standby
.Pn:ss [MEM],
.Prfs.s ['] in mm me handsct purumus prowl-ling.
.P(5l [Al/[V] to select m: i‘cm lo select the hm you want (a pmglm. say COl
l. C0l Ring: You are mammhlg co linen nng On/OIT.
2.0n/01r: The current semng IS Oil/OH
. Prs any on: ufum digits [ llfl}!4/Sl617/819/0/'/l4 1 m toggle {ha co line ringing On/On'stam m LCD will display:
C01 king
C01 Ring

l c0l Ring" Ynll an: pmgnmming co limit] nng omen,
z. omen: Dlmlyl-ziulale c0l mg.
Pms [MI-2M] agam, n confimlafion signal to indicate me successful prroyummmg. The LCD wlll dis-play:
6. Ringlr Type ngnmming
You may wlm an: of the four types nnga scum on your handset. Default is file type l,
. sunny
1 TECOM mummy Funlun: Openmen 11" Rmil mane Endless Phone
501410 Den-11mm Dale:06-0]-l9vs
[mud w Gene sun, ank LIN 11mm: 1111
“pt-wed By“ Ian cm Page [3/50
. Press 114151141
. Press1'11u enter me handset pamnerm progrnmmmg.
. Press[ A 111 v 1 10 select the rmger typc pmgmnumng mod: The LCD will mspley-
Ring Type

1 RjugType Ringerlype
z 1 1 The old pmyammed type
. Press one of me dlgits 11/1/1141 lo selec1 omer new ringer Iyp: yuu prefer. Each time you change, more 15 a new ringer type
sounds (or your reference. For Example, 1rwe enter 121, the LCD will d1splfly:
Ring Type

1 ngType nger rype,
z. z: Typel
. Press [MBA] again, and . continuation signal to mdieue me successful prognxmlung. me LCD will display:
1 MEM om Frogs-4mm; end A o1< pmmpl
z. x; New selecled 1ype z
7. ngnmmlng the FLASH Time
You my pmgmm me FLASH tim: dumliun as yuur smicc meat from moms up [a zsec.
Dernnu is 0.5 seconds
. Standby
Pru: [mm and the LCD displays:
press1-1 m truer lhg mm: mm pmgnmmmg.
. Pm; [AI/[V] w se1ec: (h: FIASH Time pmgnmmmg mode, The LCD w111 display“
s h T i m e
S e c
' 1:
: >
1. Huh Tinw : Fluh lime prop-mum; mod:
1 11 a See Programmed FLASH 11m
. Entzr 1115111 lll/Jldls/Gl‘l/s/Q/fll'm 1 far new FLASH ume se1ecnen» 111 fora 1see, 121 farOlsec, 101 for mm. 1-1 1m
LSScc‘ 1111 for 2.05151, Forexemme irwe mm 11], me LCD will display:
F 1 e s r 1 m a
o . 1
< l
Pxess [MJEM] agnm, and n cnnfinnatiun 315ml 11: indi-la 1h: sneeessm programming. The LCD will disph)’.
M E M 0 K 1
a 1 1 s e c
< 1 c n n 1 >
1.14214 010 : Progmmnmg end a 0K pmmpl.
2 015m nemwpmgmmmingsmsfimne.
I TECOM Pralimlmry Gum: Openllon fur Rel-ill 2~Llrw Camila: plum
SOHO qulnmml Dawns-o;- I9“
lsmed by. Gm: SUN. Funk LIN Revilmnl LDl
Apprvved By: Jan cm 7 Pzzv; N/So
Nola When any handset changes iE Flush Time, lhe other handsets are nummlically changed to tin: same: universal FIE)“
ll. Tone/Pulse Mada ngnmming
You may program your phone to be a Tun: or Pulse dlxlmg phone.
4 Press [MEM] and the LCD displays:
. Press [1m mm the halldscl parameters pruynmmmgl
. Press [AMY] to select the Tone/Pulse pmgmmmhlg mode,
T fPulle
l, Tune/Pulse: Yul! arc prom-mung Town-lac,
3, Tone m Pulse. m current setting is Tnndhxls:
. Press any one arm dlglu [ lm/fl/S/Sfl/S/WO/‘lfl ] to tags]: bethm [hc Tlmc and. Pulse mndgsl The LCD will disphy:
To IPuIsz
i an!)
1. TondPuIse J Yuu m plvgnnunlng Tune/Pulse mod:
3. Pulse or Tone: Changed Io PulsdTone ModA
. Pm [mm m . confirm-(inn sigma] m indium m: “mm mm; The LCD will displAy:
9. ngnmming Hold Reminder Tim
Default 10 mum.
. Standby
Pm; [MI-2M], and the LCD displays:
. Press ['1 lo mm m: handset pan-mum programming;
Press [Al/[V] to select the Hold Reminder Time programming modz. The LCD wlll display:
Ha d Rcmlnd
3 Sec ‘.,

l. Ham Rmund: Hold Mulder Tim: pregammulg made
' TECDM Pulmunary Fumm own.“ ror Rem] 1.1...“ Camus phm
souo Dcpuunmt causal-1993
[sued by: Gm SUN. Frank Lm Revmm 1.01
Awm'lefl By: I“ CHI Page.15/50
3. 30 Sec, v Prognmmed Reminder Time,
_ Enlzr an: digit [Ulla/SIM] for Hold Ram'ndel’ Tim: selling.
0 for Off. 1 for l5 sewnds, 2 (hr 30 Stands, 3 for 45 seconds, 4 for 60 xecands.
For example, In disable the fimclinn effiold Rzmmdar, you can pres [CI]. Th: LCD will dlspluy'
lMEMOKi. mmmaoxpmpn
1. mt; The funcu'rm ofHuld Remmdn' 1s disablni
10. co Lin: Cnnnecllon Prognmrm’ng
You may pmgam end-1 the CO line comedian or not an your system Default all the 2 C0 Lines will be eenmscuon.
Press [MI-1M],
1Pms ['] to enter 1h: handset pammetm programming,
has [Al/(Tl 19 mm: the 1mm m select the 131» yen want to pmgmm. say an
C01 Cunnetl

CD! Connect
1. 1:01 Cunnzct : You are prusfimming co 1mm Connect 0.401:
2, wow: Th: cun'cnl gain; is won.
. Pru: my mu ohm digits 1 l/z/SMIS/mls/g/OI'M 1 m luggle m: co line connecncn 011/011 sums. The LCD will mum
C 0
0 l
C01 Connect

1. cm Connect. You are pmg'muning co linen con-met 011/011.
2 01170“. DiuhldEnnhle cm cmumclium,
. Pm: [MEM] mm, a canfirmuucn signal 1; indicale ma sutwssl'ul pmgmmming. Th: LCD mu display:

011. _.

< TECOM Preliminary merc Opzrahon for Raul] l—Lin= emails mum
souo Deplnmau muses-(973
Luna-i by: Gan SUN. Funk LlN Revixippz 1m
Ann-Ned By: Jane cm Pnge' 16/50
u. Hxndm Raul pmgnmming
You mly RESET [he handset and clear all flu pmgrammzd dam, all the pummewrx w|ll back In the default values.
- syn Mzmory: Empty
- s.s.cm: Empty
- Ringer Val-(me: Middle ma
- Baum: H): u
- co Ring Anlgn: 13am 1 line! will ring
- Rin¢ Type: Type 1
- Hula-Reminder Time: so xenon-1.1
v Sundhy
Puss [MEM].
. Pm: H m enlcl' the handset parm'MKflS myuluning.
Pm: the [Al/[V] to select me RESET prammming made. In LCD will display'
— "Rmfl': Handset asst—tr mmpL
. Press [MI-1M? again. and ; nonfumadon gym to indium: m: successful pmppupmmg. m LCD will display:
L MEM om : Programing end L ox pmmpL
2. Run- stet pmgmmmng mode pmmpL
, AM 74 secands. the mum will back In sundby mode nulurmtjully, and me displny shows:
r TEch thmuury Fume OPfl'lllfln fur Rm" l-me Cmdlsl mm
sono Depmmevu Bums-03.1993
[mind by: Gen SUN. Funk LrN Revision. LO]
Ammv-u By: Jane cm Page [7/50
1. Cnnfigurlfiou
The sysum cunsisu oh base “mt ma wireless imam,
The hm uni! prov/ids 2 wine (RF) channel: [or lnnercom ar emslde calls.
7. Symm Security Cade ngnmming
The s.s.c. (Symm Security cm) pave-m yum wrdjess system from being used by mm cordlcss miephuu users.
poi-map vhe base ML and be sure the s,s.ch his been pmmmmcd in un handset
. Slandby, Ind move Lllc lumber close m the has: unit
I. MEM » Pmsmuuning sun pmmpi
z. ssc : sscm ping-mining mode pmmpi
3.ToBase: Airlinkpmgzmmingprompl
.K=ep handing m unul u wnrmxihn beep is mm m indicated the s s.c. is accepted. chi-may in base unit.
The LCD will display :
l. MEMOKlz PrognmmingendmeKpmmpl
z ssc : s.s.cm presuming mod: pmmpl
3 Tu Em: Air link promimng prompt
. Afim’ me lbw! to seconds, it yin. niu do not get fit: confimwlxon, men in means um Lh: pmsmnmung mm When yml
mluse the [q key, m handset will show em on LCD. You my uy m pmgam again. Th: LCD will display:
M E M E R R '
S S C T o B a 1 e
< i c 0 n 1 >
i. MEM ERR! . ngramming and nnd rail prompl
z, ssc : s‘scm promming mode prompt!
3. To Base: Airlink magnum-mix prompt
Once you min to mange me secun'ly cm, run um above all mp; agmn.
' TECOM Prelmnmry Fenlum Oprvzlim for Rani! 2~Lif|= Camus m»,
SOHO Dev-mun“ Dne.064)3499x
(sun! by: Gm: SUN, Funk LIN Revlsmn' ml
Appmvbd By‘, Jan CHI Fuse: 18/50
1A Snndhy Mod:
m mm M]! automalically be m um balmy saver modz, Wm m mam m smdby mode.
1.1 Hindu! Link with (M "Idle” Bue Unll
s n g : 1. u w
D : l 2
< i z o n l >
1.1mm": Ringer vulumq um may be Low, Mid, H. or DN'D.
2.11)". Idmlififau'un Number om: mum.
3.1 Icon: for the sums ol'CO um. mm) and bunny.
L2 Hlndwt Link with the "Billy" Bm Uni; Which Bath Pall“ n! In-Uxe
R i n g . l. o w
x n 1 1 2 u x y
< i c u n 1 >
l,"Ring" ngef volum: um my be Low, mt Hi or DND
mn' : lemmas“ Number ofum mm
3, Buy Two min: channals arm Else Unit are bad; buy.
l "Ring" Ringer volume that may be Law, mm, H; or DND.
22m” : Identification Numbcr of m: handm
3. Busy. Two voice channel: cflbe Base Unit are boul busy.
4. . loans fur the sums vf co lines. D-TAD and namely.
3.1 Mlldng An Outgoing Clll by Mann-I Dlnllng
Press an availahl: [ Lx 1. where x = 112, For example. press [1.2]. The LCD dlsplays
L2 mmzxs

The co lme numbet you are using,
l. mums . Talk Lime, count luy second
1.  - [cans for m sums of co lind, mm: and bamry.
. Elmer die telephone number, for example: “035775141, [PAUSE] "
2 m m z a
3 7 1 s l 4 l P l
' n n 1 >
1. 035775 IMP. : Dllled man. I 4 eursur (or am m5“
2, L2- The so line mnnbfl yeuarelu'mg.
3. mm : Talk um. mun: by second
4,  : {cans for m: slums orco lmu, 1).er and battery.
Then, enter WW and some lmmg diglls W1" be skilled away. The LCD displays:
_ m symbol ~-" means um some lmdlng anus are smm away.
1.1 End An Outgnlng Clll
. On line. and the conversallnn ls uvcr, Lhe LCD will display (outgoing fall)
TECOM thmlnafy Fem-lie email-m [of mull z-Li'ne (30!de Plum:
50m) Depuuweni mu 064134993
Lsued by: Gene SUN. Funk uN RHVIIIM‘ ml
Wed By: Jan CHI Pagan/SO
% . Pius (cm to relax (he ml], or put me hnndset tn the charger to talc-13: Ilia enll automatically
l,"R\.ng”: Ringer volume that may be Low. Mid, Hi or DND.
zflny . Idcmlflcauon Number nrthe handset
J  chns fur the sums ofCO lines‘ D-TAD and bauzry.
4. Answering Cnll
if. You my press nny one of the digit keys (1/713/4/5/5/7/819/01'011 or mite the handset from the charger to pick up the nngjng
vi. call, m1 the answzr yr‘iurily is Ringing Inmm cine Transfer Calls, led Recall Calls. Ringing co Line Calls.
y. But you may overridz the priority, by puss the [Lx] or [1ch directly
% . Handset in the stnnilhy mode. when the handsel rings,
v. . Pm: [ any cue of the digit 1 key. at lake the handset [min the merger, or you may mm the ringing [ Lx l
% in pick up the co ringing line. me LCD will display (rnr example, if yuu yick up Line 2)
5.1.1“ NumberRedl-l (mm)
5.1 Mllu‘nu An cutgblng Cull by LNR
Standby :
Jimmiyniliblelul whztex= la.
for example, if ytni press [u]. the LCD will dieplny:
L1 mmzl:

, Press [LNRX to redial the last dialed number. The LCD will display
L2 zss
02! I
S 7 7 5 l 4
< i c a II 1
l 035775“! Llsldiflled digiu,l-=urwr For next digit
2, L2 : The C0 line number you at! using
3. mar“ ; Talk um, mum by mud
4.  : [Dolls (or the slams ch0 lines, D-TAD and hungry
5.2 Mlldng An Outgoing Clll by um with Prt-D ling
. Pres mm and the LCD displays:
Prtlimmary Fawn: Opcnllun fur Raul] min: Cordle- Plume
SOHO anmmau
mm hm Gave SUN. Funk LIN Rcvmm 1m
Appmv‘d By: Jae cm Pugfi'z 1/50
< i c a n l >
1. LN‘R ' LNR review mud: pmmpl
1035775141 > Lasl Number Radial dlgiu.
1 (wow: loans for me sums orco lines, D-TAD and balleryl
Afier Last dlalmg number rcvizwud, and you want to dial the number
. Pm; an available 1 Lx 1, when x , 1/2‘ handxel wlll nulnmaucally pick up an ml: co 1m and dial cu! Lhc number A; display
on Lh: LCD .
L l m m : x s
o s 7 7 5 l 4 1
< I 0 l >
1. L1 : The CO line number you are using
1. mrmss.’ Talk lime, mum by secand
103577514! Last Number Radial dlgits.
4.  (2 3§ C"
(incoming call) -
1. L1: MCDHM numberynumusmg,
24 mu 1 Talk mm, countby second
34035775"! : Dialed digits. I - cursor l'm' wt £91
4. (iouns>. [sons for the slums efCO lims, D-TAD and bunny.
. Pm [HLD]. and me LCD will display:
I D : 1 2
< i < n u s >
1. TRNF Tu . Tmnsfcr can prompt
1. (blank) » Waiting mg smitm numbel'
J.'ID' 1 Identification Number of (h: handset,
4,  (can: far 111: sums al‘CO limes, D—TAD and bmcry.
After the 10 amends ume-ouL the dirplay Will mm In the final idle display ifmlhmg is dilled.
ngcr volume that may b: Law, Mni, H! or DN'D.
[dcnnficalmn Number of the handset. _, 7
[firms for me mm: ulCO films, D-TAD and. bakery.
' TECOM Prelimmxry anmm Opcfluon For Rflail Z-Lint cindlgi mine
some Devmmenl nun.oc4:3.im
[sued by' Gen- SUN, Frank LIN Rev-ximu Ln!
”puma By: Isl: cm meal/50
6.1 Hold Remind"
. Ifdie Hold Reminder Time is no! disabled, whai ynn Iizld a co line over a prugnnunzd pen-ind of lime, a trip]: baep wiii be
heard to remind ynu that the line is siiii hcid, The relanzd icans will be changmt
6.3 Huh! [hull Ring
. If [he held co line is nni picked up for J indium, all handset umu Will sun to ring (La. Recall Ring)
in remind all fifth! 115er The rzlzicd imns will be changed
. Press 1 my an: arm: digit 1 kzy. or ycu may pass in: ringing 1 Lx 1 m pmk up the co hold recall n'namg line
1. Retrien 1 Line on Held
. A co line being heid
Prss die 1 Lx 1 held HM key, whzrc x = in, ih= LCD will display
1. z in in : - I _
< i c u n i >
1.1.2: “niecounc numbzryvuueiuimg.
2. mm: nix Lime. count by second
3. t Icons in: m sums at co lines,D-‘1‘AD and battery.
3. Mnking an [Merwin Czll
. Siandby
.Pm me 1 (CM 1 key, in LCD wiii display
[CM To
z [mus For the gums ofCO Lima, D—TAD and bunny.
. Dill dam-ed inurcom number. my nation 12 calls suuon 15, the LCD W111 display
[CM Ta 15
l D 1 1 2 '
< l c s >
11 ICM T0 15: (“mom cull simian 15
1. ”1D" : [figurine-lien Number of din handset.
3. (how: [cans for the mm; qu0 lines. D-TAD and bunny
8.1 Iflha Cllled Plrty i; Idle Ind Access-1M:
New. Away-able mm th miied party is linkcd wim me base unit, in th: called party is busy by using me of Lines: pain.
in calling party sminn 12 win disghy ,
icm re. 15 _.
ID‘:12 Rlng
1. [CM Tn IS‘ Intercom all] nation 15
' TECOM Prelimmzry Fulun: Quantum for Rail Z-Limv Cuflfl— Plum
SOHO Deplnmmt flat: 06-03-1998
Lqued by' Gale SUN, Funk LKN Revuim LO]
Awrovhd Ely: 1m cm Puezlfi/SO
1 “ID“ , Idlemlficauon Number oflhe handset.
1 Ring lnlcrcum nngmg prompl
4. <|cons>r loans for me status orco (mu, D-TAD and hallzry
m called party sum ls wlll get an lnlemom nng and dlsplny ,
l C M B y l 2
I D : l 5 R i n g
< I c s >
1. [CM 811 12: Imercum call [mm station 12
2."ID" . Idenuflcaunn Number uflhc handset.
3. Ring [merccm nnglng prompt
4. z Icons fur the status nfCO lmzs, D-TAD and battery.
SJ “the Cllled Party I: Buy and Access—lb]:
The calling party station 12 Will display
I. [CM To KS: Ynlerwm ull station 15
2.113" » ldmlificaulm Number aflhe handset.
3 Busy » Called puny husy prompl
4. «my Iclms for the slum olco lines, mum and battery.
Nat: m called party station ls wfll mnlu'n UN-dmngai. and wom' hut u call wnlllng mp1: beep for intcrmm rail
5.3 1: the enuna Plrty i: in mm (Ringer om Mada ml Atceu-lble
The uulng puny station lz will display —
1, [CM T1715: lnrcrmm mil slalion [5
1 "1D' . ldcnufimion Number ofth: handset.
3. DN‘D . Called puny DND lump:
4. (mm: (cans fur me mm: of co 1m D-TAD and battery
The called party station 15 will muin (IN-changed.
9.4 Ilthl Cllled Plrty is UN-Acbenlble by [marten P-lh Busy
flu culling party sullen 12 wall duplly:
l. ICM To (5: Intercom cal] Stellar] 15.
mn- Identification Number oflhr: handgun
3 Busy : Called party busy pmmpL
4. 400119: [Bulls fur llle sums of co lhla. D-TAD m bnncry. — —
m culled puny sullen ls wlll lull-in UNchanged.
4 TECOM firlimimry mane Dpcfiblwn (w Ram 2»an Camila. tha
sane Deplflmm! Duncan-mi
[stud by: Own SUN, ka Lm Reviuicn: 1.01
Ammwd By' Jane cm meat/50
8.5 If the Cllled Plfl’y il III meg-l Number
Nora: Illegal means the called puny u non-exisling or loses the 15m: wan Ll'us system.
The calling pnny mm 11 will display .
1 (CM To 15. 111mm call station 15.
2 ‘D" ’ Identification Nmnbfl at the handseL
3. Nand: UN~machxhle called party pmpl
4. <|cuns>r loans for file sums nfco 1m. D—TAD and many.
9. Answering In Incoming lnxemun c."
. HAndset is ringmg
I C M B y l 2
l n : 1 s R i n g
( i c 0 II I )
1 [CM By 12: lnlmzom call fivm nation 12
2."lD" : [dznlifiutiun Number of the handsel.
3.16115: hum-1m ringing plump!
4 <|wl|s>' Icons far the mm of co lines. D-TAD and battery.
has ( any one oflhe dxgxl 1 key, or ynu may pm the [ [CM J to pick up the ringing inmorn mu, the LCD will display:
l. ICMBy 12: lumen all fmm nation 12
2 "ID" » umtxncaunn Numbcr om: handset.
3. nu: , Intawm wk moda prompt
4. «my. rpm for me slams ol'CO um, mm: and battery.
.And mullmg party Mon 12 shows
1 [CMTu 15 bunccm calledputle-IS
2.11)" Idznfifiuu'on Number ofthc handsel
3. Talk : Lineman] elk mode pmmpl
4. <|c0ns> Imus for m sum: of co lins. D-TAD mi tummy.
Whmcunverslu'an is over
.Prcsx [CLR] [0 Ill“! HE call
L”R.i.ng': nga volume um may be Law, Mid, Hi or DND.
23113" ' Identification Number uflhe hand-set. ~_ «
lifinno' Imus for in: mm nl'CO [in-1, D-TAD and bun-cry.
. TECOM Prelimnmry peerure Opcmlmn h" Rexen z-Lme delm 11m,
501-10 Dtplmnml Dale fie—03.199;
bunt by. Gene SUN, Funk LlN Ri‘Vlllm’i: 1 01
Approved By: law CHI P:ge:25/50
l0. Voiee Pig: me Blue Unix
.Prcss [ICML urux [he LCD displays.
1. ICM To mrercom mil prompt. and wen for user to enlcr the called party 11: number
Z."lD" : Idcnhfionllon Number of the hand-m
3, <1cons>z 1m; for are sum: orco lines, D-TAD and oauery.
.1>remm].1me uuercom pllh is uue, your vo1cc can be heurd [mm me spmkeron the base uml.
Tne LCD on me handset w111 display
1. PagaBusci Voice me thebucuniL
2.”lD' : Identification Number ome handscL
3. Talk: Intzrmm talk mode prompt
4. i loans for me mun orco 11m. mm: and hungry
inhe mreroom pen. 1s busy, me handset LCD will aim-y
1 Page Ease: Voice Page the bus: uniL
1-11)~ » ldallifiuuoll Number om: handseL
3. Busy : rmeroum path busy prompt
4. i [cam for me sums of co fines, D-TAD and buttery,
1L Cnnfcrence Clll
You my make u dim-way conference call.
11.1 Two C0 Line: Cnnrznnu Cull
11 035775141. : Dialed digiu, I - cursor l'ur next digit
2, L1: The C0 lime number you are nsmg.
3. mums v Talk lime,m1ml by scwnd
4. <1mns> ' Icons (of the sum: qu0 linzs, D-TAD and battery.
P155 [EH—D] Ind make the second CO ling call
1. 035765432. ' Dialed digiu, I - cursor for nexl digit
1.1.1: AnnLhCrCOline numbcryouureusmg
, TECOM mummy)» Ftalwt Opsmmn for Rclail Zerc Cum:- m";
scmo Demnmenx Dllt'fls-OLIWH
Lwaedby:5ene$UN.Fm|kl-IN Rsv‘ on, L0!
Approved By: Ian cr—u mas/50
1 ms: . Talk tunes cnunl by second
4.  [sons for (he smxus of co (mu, D Imus for dw status ofCO lines, D—TAD Ind battery.
. has [me]
Lu The co line number you are using
Zsmmss. Talk limescaumbysuwml
J. <|cnn9 Icons for me slams ch0 lines. D-TAD and bunny
ll. Tnmferrin: C0 Cull
17.1 Trllufcrring . csu
v TECOM Preliminary Fume Dpcmllw fur Email LLme Emails. Plume
souo Devlflm-nl Dawns-omwx
lmeri by“ Gene SUN. Fruit LIN R=Vitinnl l.al
Ann-lad By: Jun Cl-il ngezz7/50
(incoming call)
LLL T1|=C01in2numberyuuar=lmng
2 mm 55 . Talk nine, mm by mud
1035775 lal ~ Dialed digiis, - . cumr for nexr dlgll.
4. . Icon: for ilie slams ul‘CO lines, 13.er and battery.
l Pm: [HLDL and llie LCD will display:
I n : l 2
< i c u n l >
l. TRNF To ; Transfer call pmmpl
2. (blank). Wailing inc smion number
3.“lD" ‘ Idznllflunon Number or me lamina
I Li The co line number you are lasing.
Z. mmzss: Talk lime, mum by second
3. z leans fur the slams of CO lmes, D—TAD and butlery.
13. Speed Dllllng
You my pmgrun 10 phone numbers in me spccd dial memory eaeli up to 31 dlglvs ( including digiu, PAUSE. FLASH.
TONE ) long.
ul Using ilie Speed‘filnllng
.Pl=k up n line by pmsing an available ( Lx L where x : 1/1. The LCD will display
i 113ch Preliminary rennin onennun for Rmil Lune Camila plume
sono Depu‘mml Dnlemdm-mx
laced by: firm SUN. Frank ”N Revilinn: l,ul
Appnm-d By. 1,1 cm PIgflZS/SO
I Ll The co line nurnberyon in: using.
1. mm.ss: Talk lime, count by second
3. <1cons>: loan! for die sums of co lines. D-TAD nnd battery.
. Press fMEM]. Th: LCD will display
Speed dialing laces! pmmpr
TuLk lime, count by second
[cans for me slams prco lines, D-TAD and bauery,
. Enla- dlc memory [outiun number [ l/z/swszsn/s/wo L The LCD will display
1 LI: The co line numbtryuu are using.
2. 035775141. : Dialed digits. l - cumr fm‘ rim digit
3. rnnm: Talk rime, count by secumi
4. z Icons for in: status drco lines. D-TAD and battery.
[31 Review the Speed Dl-liug
. minim standby mode
. PM: [MB/[L
Enter the memory loeunm number [1/2/3/4/51617/819/0}. of use me I A y[ v 1 to scroll me mm lumiun.
me LCD will dieplny,
l SPD 1 1 Memory locnlion
z. (empty) Memory empty pmmpl
3, 01577514 1: Pmyxmmcd memory mutant
4. (lconp' [cons fur lhe sums ofCD 1mm, D-TAD lnd nanny.
. Ana speed dialing number is reviewed, and ypu want to dial me number, Press lm pvmlnble [ Lx I (when: x ' V2)
1 L1; TlleCOlmenumbzryouamusing.
2 0357751411. Dialeddigiu.lecumrfornext dign
3 innrss Talklime,counlbysc¢and
4. (lam)? [cans fur the status nl‘CO linzs. D-TAD and baltcry. _
i TECDM Fuhmmmy ngmr't Openllurl («r Rcuil z-Linc senile-a Plume
sono Dcpmmcm museum
1mm by: Crime sU'Na Frank LIN Rwixivlm l M
Appmvui By: ls: cm Pagczzwo
14. FLASH Function
irau may press inc FLASH function key mm afprrasing me hook swiicii lo ecnvace services sucl. as call wailing, l-wny
l. l m m z 1 s
o 1 s 7 7 s l. 1 l l
< ' c i >
1. L1: TheCO 1m: number ynumuslng
2. 03577514Il: Dialed dlglls, I . cluscr for am dign
J. mm:ss . Talk time, cmml by second
4.<1C0n5>3 [com [or ilic mm orco lines, D-TAD and hlnzryr
. Pres! [RS] 10 make a hook watch m we line. The LCD will display
L l m in : 1 1
< i c o n 1 >
1.le Thcco linemunbcryouueusing.
2 (Bllmk) : Blank me digit field. wait the new digits
3 mmss . Talk time, Donn! by second
4 ' Icons for the sums ofCO lines, D-TAD am! bnuzry,
. Enizr new plianc number, or sem’ce code
L l m in , e 1
0 J 7 a z I
< i c s >
I.Ll: m co Linc nurnbcryauaaeusmg
2 0357654321: Dialed diglu,I-curwfu ncxi digit
amass Tulktjme,cmmll7yscco||d
r TECOM Pr=I|minary Fczlule thliwrl fix Rsun 2~L||k mans; Hum:
souo Depamnau Dumas-4734998
Issued by: Gm: SUN. Funk LIN Revuiun; Lox
Appnwui By: la- cm Page 30/50
1. LI The CO lm: numbcr youarcusing
Z. 775141PI: Dialed dlglts, - culsor (or next dlgll
J. ”P" : Pause kcy
4. mm:s.| : Talk time, count by second
5 (loans) Icons (or H1: 5mm ofCO linfi. D-TAD and battery
Em the rest diglls. The LCD Wlll display:
11.1 ms co [me number youmusing,
2. 775141Pl25- Dialed digis, l - cusol' for next mix
3. 11" : Pause key
4. mmzss : Talk tune, count by mud
5. ‘ [cans for m: sums of CO lines. D—TAD and battery.
16. TONE Functlun
lfyou have pulse service md wish in access a unmpuier evr issuing service um use (0115.
On Line, und dialed digs in pulse. The LCD will display '
1 m m : s x
1 s 1 4 1 I
< i u s >
l, Ll: The C0lln: number you axe using.
2. 775141. Dulad digits, I -cumr for mxt digit
3. mmtss Talk tune, count by second
4. <|cons> [cans for in: smnu urco Lines, D—TAD and balmy
. Puss rroms] (same as [-1) to change in: dmling mods w TONE mode. And men emu me test dsgus which mu be dialed is
TONE nan]
L l m m : l 1
7 7 s 1 4 1 z 5 l
< | c u n s >
1 1.1: mconmuumberywne usmg.
z. 775 m '25I Dialed dip“, I - sumo! (or am digit
3. mm: Talk mm, count by mud
4. . [sons for me mm: orcc lines. D-TAD and ham-1.
. When you mime me lute, me am mod: win change in uin pulse mod: ngnin automatically
17. DND Funclinn
The Do N01 Disturb tea-um is mail [a temporarily prevent inmmpuons during meetings or lelqlhnnc wnvflsau'uns.
When yell activate {he DND future. you will no! hm mmmmg call rings
17.1 Setting DND Mode
. Standby
. Puss [FNC].
Ptm [DN'D] (same as (41) to ecru/at: mm
. TECOM Pvchmmavy Failure Ownian For Retail l-Lim amass Phnm
sono Dcplnnuml
[mud by: One SUN, Funk LrN 1mm..- 1.111
11mm: By: JauCHl ma] 1/50
l “King" Ringer volume the! may be Low, Mid. Hi ur DND.
2."ID' : [dflnlificalien Number uf Lhc handset
3. (icons? [cons For (11: sums qu0 lines, DTAD and battery
17.1 Clnceling the DND Mode.
J’m mm and mm prss [131ml 1 same “141mm 11: disable DND made.
Ringer volum: um my be Low.M1d. 1—1i ai- mm
Idenuflcallon Number of (he hindsfl.
Icon: for 1h: status of CO lmcs, D-TAD and buncry.
15. MUTE Function
The Mute future turns name mimphmie so flu person at flu 0M phune cannot hear yuu
The Mum (mum zummau'ully my; when you hang up, change “11:3.
1. 1 In In : i s
1 5 1 4 1 - z s I
< 1 c a n 1 >
1.1.1. mac lime numberwu amusing.
2.775141-25I: Dluleddigiu -cursa1fofn=x!dig1l
3. mmzs: Talk umc. cuunt by second
4 <|cc||s>. Imus for the sum: oi’CO lines. D-TAD and battery
Pm and 110m 111: [MUTE] key for pnvlcy, 111: LCD wiu display
M u z e m In ; s s
7 7 s 1 4 1 - z s l
< 1 c n i. 1 >
1. Mute 1 Mun: fimcljnn mime
1mm I: Dialoddigiu,I-culwrfornmdig1l
3. <1cuns>z Icons for 111: mm; urco lines. D-TAD and battery.
, To mum: your nanversaliun, reins: me {MUTE} key
1. 1 m m : s s
1 1 s 1 4 1 ~ 2 5 l
< i 1: o 1. 1 >
1.1.1: The Coline number youmusing.
2,775141-151. Dialed digits, I » clusar [or 11m digit
3.mm:ss: Talklune,wunlbysecond
a, z 1am far 111: sums ofCO lines. D—TAD and battery.
19. 0.1: or Ring: Wlming
An audible alert will occureach 1 seconds whcn me handset IS too far [mm 111: base uml,
1111. 11m (move closer 111 ch: has: 1111.1 for slur cunversaliun.
1 TECOM Prflvmmar/ mm" Opvrallcn rm Rem] Z~Lln= Cmdlsz non:
souo Dtp-nmlm Dunosrolmsx
[med try 051: SUN‘ Frank 1.111 Kev/man: 1.01
Mum/ed By' Jae cm Pnge 32/50
1 L1 nu.- co 11m number yau m using.
zv 77514195. [mud 4151's, I - cursor For next mgn
x, mm:ss: Talk lime, count by second
4 ' Icflns for the status qu0 fines. D~TAD and battery
. Walkmg out. from base um! sen/we ma
o u t r a n n g e
7 7 s 1 4 1 - z s
< 1 n s >
~ 1, 0m OfRang= _ om OfRange warmng prvmpl
19.1 Bandit! Willa Buck In the But UniK
lflhe use: walks bark m the base um! afler the lie/she mauve the Out Of Range warning,
me handset will “up the 0.0.11. warning
1 m m ; 5 1
7 s 1 4 1 - z 5 I
V C II n I >
11.1: 111: cc Iin: numherycm m nsmg.
1,775141-251: D1:lcddigm,l-cumrforn=xtdip‘t
3. ms: : Talk time, count by second
4. «can» Icons for me sums orco 11n=s,D-TAD and bunny
1912 mum Km; wuung o." me the flue um
If the uscr keeps walking away [mm Um bust: uni( sums: man once 111: system 1052 me signal fur a period ormne, say 10
mu um um base will hold dw can,
.EiLhethehands¢llixflz loans for the sums nfCO 11m, mum and battery
vOthe handset luses fin: link with me sysleln.
“mng-z anger volume 11m my be Low, Mid, 1-11 or DND.
2. "ID" : [denufiunnn Number of me handset
3, NoSvc‘ Handset fiils m link with any base unit
4. <1cons> [cm for me sums nf C0 ling, D-TAD and hnlxcry.
m nnmry hm Wmhn.
TECOM Pretnnlnnry Feet-"e upereltun l‘or hourl 2.le Corntene Phone
50th Dcvmmctll Detettom-lsgt
Ismnd by: Gene sw. Funk LIN newton: Lu!
Appmvui By: In: cm P15e133/SU
The wammg tndicalor appm when the battery or the handset become: weak. If you are on a call when buttery low, and the
oomersalimt as sou“ us posstble. outcrwise, you they lose the cull The icon wtll tell you about the battery
21. Complete with Hudm
The Headset frees your hntnts so you can keep working. Plug the headset into the hendset pink.
The helmet mic wtu be disable when m on the henhet
21.1 Turn on Henna
. Press [FNCI amt hen press muss-r] (same as [up to aetttnte Headset The LCD wtll display.
l "Haber On'" For HEADSET mm on
2.'1D' : Identification Number uf 1h: handset.
3. <1:nns>: Iwns [ur the mats nfCO lines, D—TAD and balm—y.
21.2 Turn a" Hztdlet
.Pm [me] and then wees [HEADSEfl ( sum: as pt] no disabl: the Heal/he! funetton. The LCD will display:
l m”: Ringer tnlurne that my be Law, Md, at or DND
Z."1D : Idenuflcauml Number of the handset. .
3. z [emu for the stems ot‘Co lines, D-TAD and buttery.
27. Ringer Volume Prwgrlmmlng
You they adjust the n‘nger level nrme handset to one or the three 1m]; (LawlMid/Hi). each time ylm change it you wtll heur
the ringer level setting for your relerenee Default is the level Middle.
22.1 Bundul in Sllndhy Made
, Handset in standby mode, LCD thaws
1."Ring:Law': Rtnger volume u set to ”Low",
zfilD- . ltlenu'rtcutton Number or the handset.
3. qcortp: Icons for the sums of co lines. D-TAD and bonny.
. he“ [Al/[V] ku select the level yuu prefer Each time you chunge the volume, there Is a ringer nnunl gmmtcd.
For exemple. you ms; [A] and the LCD become.
l "RingiMid’" Ringer vellum: is set to "Mid".
. TECOM thmumry Feature Open-mun m Rem! z-Lme Cums; thg
sono Dev-mm Dunes-034993
1mm: By: on SUN. Frank LIN Rtvulon: ml
Appnmd By‘ use CHI Pagan/50
LTD : Idenuficalian Number arm: handset,
J . Icons for the sums ulCO Rina. D-TAD and battery
21.1 imam In Ringing on co Una
. Handset wuh [CM/C0 ringing.
. Pres [Al/[V] in select lhe level you pmfer and mg rinpng level wm be changed accordingly
23. Plging Hxnduu fro- the But Unit
Using nus (5mm you cm loam handsets ir Wayland
. Press [PAGE] on the bus: unit The handsets found wm gcnmlc 12 beeps,
u Spelkzr Vulume Adjunmgm an Bne mm
. Press [UP] ur {DOWN} to adjust the speaker volum
TECOM Pulimmu’y Falun: Operuuun ror Rcuxl 2-er Cenfluu Phom:
sun-10 Dcpanmm Batman-w“
men by: 0m sun. Frank LIN Revunm: LDI
Appmved Eyt lac cm ' hp=,JS/50
1. Setting um Arel Curie for Clller ID
The CD area code m be up In three digits, and ma default is empty You ran set drfl‘erem urea eodgs up to 5 gmups
xt'a call Cmm are same cu) area cod; bhcn um um code will be deleted Auwmalically, and won't be stored in the cm:
database. So Lb: call can be dial back m m future as a local cull wilhuut the leading area coda
1.1 programming the Am Cnde
. Standby
,Pr=ss [MEM].
Press ['1 in mm Lb: handset pmmezers pmgamming,
Prm [Al/[V] m select the am to selecnhe Am cm Group yum mm m pmmm, uy Groupxz
1 Am Coda“ You an programming Am Code Group 12.
z. (empty) ‘ The current selling is "empty".
3,015. mcmtulfingiSTSS",
4. ' Icons 57! m: status of CO Lines. D-TAD and battery
. Envzfl l/lflld/Sléfl/S/DIO [ 3 drgu for new Area Code, say 011m: LCD will display
1. Am cmxz- Yaum prom-mung Are-Cod: Gmup NZ.
3. 027: The NEW sexing is "027".
4. z Icon; for m: mm: mm lines, D-TAD and battery,
_ Press [ MEM 1 again, and acunfinnalim signal to indicate me successlul pmgmmmmg. The LCD will display:
x. MEM ow- ngmpjngmaaox prompL
z. 027 ‘ The new sgtling is "027".
3. flew: Icons for m: sum qu0 lines‘ D-TAD and “(my
. Afler 7-8 mnds, the handscl will buck In standby mode automatically
1.2 Enlinz (he Are! Code
. sundby ’—
. Press [MEML
Press (“I to cnlcr the handset paranoia! pmyxnunjng.
‘ Press [Al/[V] to select the item to select the Area Cnde Crmup ynu wan! to mm, say GmupliZ
i TECOM Pmirmmnry Fenmre Oprrnrinr. for Read 1-er Cerium Phon:
SOHO Dcplnmem Dumas-ms
lsnmihy‘CvmeSl/ManKLIN Ravi Lnl
App-wed By' lea: cm PangG/SO
A r e n C n a 5 ii 1
o z 7
< i c n n i >
1 Ana endeaz You are pmgmmnung Area Code Group in.
1. 027: Th: current seriirrg is "027“.
% Prue [we] and men press [DELH same as [u ) lo mas: the CD Arcn coder The LCD win dispiny-
A r e n c n n e ll 2
D e I e 7
< i c n n r >
I Area Codefiz : You are pmgmmmmg Axes Code Group dz,
2. Delete 7 r Prompt it: ask Confirmation
. Press [MI—2M] ngnin, and n Wnfln'naliun signal (0 indie-ire (h: rnenessfni prngmmnring, The LCD win dlspluy:

1, MEM 0K! : Pmmmming end ice ox pmmpL
1. Am: Code”. : You are programming Aren Code Grnup u.
3 (empty) : Aren Code is erased.
z. Ringing une Clller 11) Function
[f are cnier in service is evniiebie trnm you: reiepirnne enrnpnny, nnn your rrnve requesrnn min rerun, are LCD will aim the
nelephone mm: and number urine illcuming calls, and me dale and time the call is received.
By pm (cm, ynn cnn range are View between Number nnn Name displays nr change in nine nlhzr co line inner up.
When you receive a call. me mum Name is displayed as (This ix the l" Ping: for the caller‘s 1D)

No Nlme

Lu: ThccalldleisfirrLian.
Z TOWY SMITH TECOM: Incoming rallzr's numb.
3, ‘Nn Name' : The Nam: in nnr scnl Earn your utennnne campany.
4. ‘anale" ; incnming caller’s Nnrne anntz indimlcr.
5. 'OuK OfAma" . Incoming callzr's Name CHECK—Alta indicator,
Press [cum in see in: pan oleme Number. (This is m: 2nd me (of the callers to.)

TECOM Pulimmury Penm- oPmuun fur Rmn Zere Cmdlm mm
sous Den-mm: Duncan-mg
Issued by: Gen. SUN. Funk LIN Kevin 1 101
Agpmvea By. law cm Puge:37l50
N 0 N n In [7 e r
L l
< u o n >
P r | V l K e
L l
< | c a n 1 >
0 u l O f A r e a
L l
< x t o n s >
l, L! ' The: Callers [D is fur Line“.
2. 015775141 : Inmmmg euner-s pnune number,
3. ”No Number" . rue Number is not sent Erom your telephnne wmpany.
4. "analc' : Incoming caller's Number anxtz imlicator.
1.1 Vlew zue caller ID lnformnion semen Ringing Calls
Lfyou gex mm than on: [me ringmg at me same ume. you can check me caller from mese different um: to decide whiz-111m;
should be unswered wuh miner prionly.
Handset m standby mode.
. Line 1 and line 1 n'npng, the LCD shows ling 1 caller infonmlinn
T 0 M M Y S M I T H
T E C 0 M L 1
< i c n n x >
l.Ll: TheCallcfleis forLincM.
2. TOMMY SMITH TECOM 1 Inmnung callcr's mule.
. Puss [CID| m see 1h: pun of Phonz Number. (flu; is the 2nd Pug: for ma Lin: 1 caller‘s ID.)
. Pm: [cum mm to mm me Line 1 caller mromnu‘un

1. L2 The Callefs 11) IS fm' Linclll.
Z. SHERRY CHEN SOHO : humming nller's nlme.
.Prm[CD]mmmepmafPhaneNm|-lbcr. (111isisfl1e2ndPngcfnrlheLmzzullestD.)
0 J S 7 7 9 J I 9
L z

13'Rjng': Ringer volum: um mly he Low, Mid. Hi ur mm
“D- [dcnlxficadon Number of the handset
, TECOM Prclxmumry Fenurc Optmlion xix Mail Z~Lme Cmdksl mm
SOHO Deplluwevll DzleJKVDJ-IQ‘J!
lslued by' Gene SUN. Funk LIN Rev/Glen LU]
AmvedBy: use cm Pnp:38/59
1 <\cuns> Icons fur the sums ofCO (mes. D—TAD and battery
. mess [cum again, back 10 the Inn: 1 caller infunnzuon And so an .v
l Ll The Callers ID is for Lmefll.
Z. TOMMY SMITH TECOM : anun'u'ng caller’s name
3. Clller I!) Dell Due Function
Up to 30 callefs informalinn can be snared m we Donahue ofthe base unit on a numbemi list. This list ran be renewed at
my time Kmure than 30 calls are received, the alias! received numbet: are deleted (o minmin a total of 30 calls.
Because uflhe system limjmtinn, only one afthe handsets can opeme the Daubase .: a time.
1.1 Euler the CD) Den Hue Relrleve Mnde
Yuu may enter the CID Dnmbm which floral the latest 30 calls and you may use some very useful features during the View a!
the data base. Because of the synem lnmmion, only one urme handsets um npemle the Database at a time
. Standby.
, me LCD display
. From [me] m then m [cm] to enter cm database remeve mode, we LCD wm dis-play
l “All CID‘XX". The All CD numberXX
2. “New ClD'YY'" The new CID number YYA
Nate: In the CED caller ten-Rev: mode. ifyou keep my on one of the caller lisl and do naming. filler about 10 secnnds. the
handset will leave me CID Retrieve and remm lo the infinity mode, and display Will shnws:
3.1 Delete All Cullen frnm (be Clller Dull Bile
°/. You my mm All caller mlmnmon easily from me filler database alter yuu hm returned the call
‘Va or you have reviewed the caller lst
54, . LCD shows me all caller infnmmtion. and you want no delete 1! [mm the caller 1st
A l I C I D : X X
N e w c x D : Y v
< i c a II >
“A 1 “All cm-xx 1 The 31ch numberXX
96 1 “New CEDY'Y". The MC") numbcf W.
Va . Pru: [ENC] and (hen prcu (DEM (same as [1 1) m delete the all caller am. The LCD display;
| I c 1 n n n
e w c 1 D e o u
< i c a n x >
"A. 15111 cmzoo" The all cm are ueLeuxL __ ‘
54: 2. “New CD ’ The new cm are deleted
‘ TECUM Prrllmmzry Fennne Opel-“inn 1'ar Relml z-Lme Cordlm Plume
sono annm-m Dams—03.1993
Issued by: Gene SUN. Frank ”N Rtvlswn: lvfll
waved By: Jen cm Pag='39/50
3.) Scroll “IE CI"! in the C11) Data Bu:
. In ClD database remeve mode, currenlcnllu Index number is I 1
0 H 0 ll 1 l
< i c o n s >
1 K1 1 ' The newest CID list Index number.
2 TOMMY SMITH TECOM Incoming uller's name.
. Press [Al/[V] m scroll me cu) data base between calls, Fur example,
— prressing [A] (maul/mm you wm 5g me anneal: ;
S O H 0 I! l 2
< I c o u s >
1.412. TheCDlislm-iexnumber.
21 SHERRY CHEN SOHO : Incoming caller's llama.
- Or ifpmssmg m (BACKWARD) mm, you wm see the callenl m
X Y Z k l I)
< | c o n 1 >
1.1410: mcmlisliminxnumber,
2, SANDERS LEE XYZ: lumming caller's name.
14 View the Cnmplmd Caller Inform-Rina
Since me mllcr infurmatjm include me name number, an: and um. So there are two page; fur and; caller usz, me 13: pnge
wun calm 1m index number and name nfmllcr, Ill: 2nd page inelmles me mllcr plume number, nun ran-inert dale and Lime
T 0 M M Y S M I 1‘ PI
T E C 0 M I‘ l l
< i c n x >
1 Ill] ' TthlD list indgxnumbzr.
2. TOMJVPI SMITH TECOM: Incoming callcr‘! name.
. Pass [MUTE] m ennnge me LCD to shew: the callcr 2nd page for Ike phone number, an: and am inrennnu'en.
5 l
1. 035775141. The Caller ID phone number
I AUGZ'I 20.10 Dale and Time 2111 reviewed
. Pres [mum] agam. and you can ennnge the cm page: back and fanh far we completed caller information.
1“ o M M v s M 1 1- H
t§_coM llll _,

lvfill' Thcchlislindcxnumbcr
' “COM Pr
I fill: The ClDIistindex number
2. TOMMY SMITH TECOM : [ncommg caller's namc,
3 S 7 7 5 1 4 1
A U G 2 7 2 0 ' 1 n
< | c o n s >
11 0357751“ ' The Caller ID plume number
2. AUGZ7 20: ll) : Dam and Time «all received
.Prss an avmlnble I L): 1 (when: x = 1/2) m pick up me so um
v Pm; [me] and mm prss [cm] to dial |l|e tallernumbzr aulomzlully
1. Ll : The co line number yen m using
2. 035775141.: Billed dlglls. I - cursor in: next digit
1. mass. Talk ume. count by second
4. <|eqns>z Icnns l'nr m: suns ofCO lines. D-TAD and. battery.
3.5.2 Dill Buck the Phone Number with Manlul hurl dlgiu
You my wank lo mm a - 1 ~ ur other 415m "wry l'nr long distance mall or specxal 5m fimclions, in Imnt 0mm stored
caller number
. LCD show: Ill: caller Wlmrmion, and you want (0 rcmm the call
T E C 0 M t! I l
< i c a II 1 >
Lil]: ‘l‘thlDlin mdcxnumbcrv
Z, TOMIJIY SMITH TECOM . Incoming mIIer’s mung.
1 0357751“ Th: Caller 11) phone number
2. AUGZ7 2010 Dale and Tim: call recanted.
INS an mllahle I Lx 1 (where x = la) la 17le up the co mm, and mm ml max 1 1 (or long distance call.
Lr‘ mmzll "‘

l TECOM l‘rehmmlu'y femur: Optmliun {111 Ram! 1.er qudlm Phone
SOHO Depmmem Dule 06-03-1993
[med by. Gen- SUN. Fm Lm Reviriu 1.01
Approved By: 1m cm PugeAUSD
l, L] . The COlme number yonmusing
2. l. Dialed dips, I - minor for ncxl digll
3 mmtss » Talk lim=, count by second
4. <\cons>' [sons for the sums of C0 lines, D~TAD and battery
, Press fFNC] and 111m press [cm (0 dial Lhe caller numbcr eurmucully.
l m m : s i
1 ll 3 5 7 7 5 l l I -
' o n s >
1.1.1 . The co [me number you are usulg,
2. 1035775141. ' Dialed diglls, I cursor [or next digll
3. mmzss: Talk ume. mum by Secund
4. «can»: Icons for lhe slams nECO lines, D-TAD and battery.
3.6 Delale I Caller Mm the Clller Dlll Saw
You my delere u caller nlformnen aslly from me cnllzr durulrnee aflcr ynu have remmed the Call or yen lure reviewed the
uller list.
LCD xhows the calla mfonmllcn, and you Wm! to (hit!!! it [mm the caller list.
1. HI" TheCIDlislmdexnumbcr.
2. TOMMY SMITH TECOM : Incoming caller's name.
1 035715141 : The chllerlD phone number
1. AUG27 20:10 . Dam and Time all recmvzd
% , Press (ENC) and men press [DEL] (Sam: as [ID no delete Lhc culler data. The LCD displays:
D e I z t a 1]

1 $11 : Th: CID list index number.
2 (empty) The pmmpt fur mnt'umalinn.
3.1 Slate l Cnller Number lull) the Spted Dlll Memnry
Yau my sun-e a caller phone number from the culler llsr, Lula ynur speed dial mcmery.
. The LCD shows the caller mfcr‘mntiun, and ynu want (u slur: iT
T E c o M n l l
< i
l. 111 l : The cm 115: index number.
2. TOMMY SMITH TECOM'. lneemlng uller's me.
Or ._ _
l! J s 7 7 s l d l
A t] c z 7 z n x l 0
< I c u s >
l TECOM Pullmuwy mum Opcmllm l‘ur Rcull 1.le Cums; len:
sumo annmall mu cam-ms
lssuedby:0eneSU'N. Funk LIN Rel/man IOI
Wm By: 1m cm man/50
l, 035775141 : The Callcr ED plume number
2 AUGZ7 Zfl'lfl' Dale and Time G5" received
. Press [MEM].
Enter the memury locakmn number [l/mm/S/snm/wul, o( use [AI/[V] lo scroll the memory lowicn. The LCD Wlll display
S F D 1
( = m P K y )
< l c u n s >
5 P D 1
I Z 3
< i l: u n s >
1. SPD 1 ~ Speed Dial Memory locallm
Z. (empty) : Memory empty prompt
3. 123: Pmmmmedmlemory column
.Pr& [we] and mm press [cm], m LCD will display
s P D l
J s 7 5 l 4 l
< t 0 >
1. 5m l Memory (Dalian.
2. 035775l4l' The CD caller ID number.
. Press [MEM] Again m stare the number into memory, a canfimullon beep wlll be nm The LCD wlll display
5? 0K
3 14
l l
7 'I 5 l
i c u >
1, 5le 010 . Memory location A: pmgmmming OK
2. 035mm: 111: cu: caller ID number
1.8 lglve the cm Dita But Retrieve Made
You my leave the CD3 dam base whenever you Me in my CD data base 10cm features, and back to die standby mode.
4 The LCD Shaw: me caller Mom-lion, and you want to leave

1 till: flwcmlistimiexnumbcr
14 TOMNIY SMITH TECOM ‘ Incoming caller's name.
3 5 7 7 5 l J
A U G 2 7 1 o : l 0
< I c O n 1 >
1.035775141 : TheCallerlehvne number
2. AUGZ7 20:10 Dale and Time call melvad
. Press [CLR] to leave “1: caller dam base and the LCD go: batik tn Lhe nurmal standby mode.
A. Clller m Mange—w.
Your lelephone company my send a "Massage Wallmg" signal {0 you You all men remove the messages through your
‘ TECOM Pulllmnaly mm: Opemllon for lmnl Z—me Cmdlm Phwm
SOHO Devin-mall Duncan-loos
lsmd by: om- SUN. Frank LIN Revlslfln: l_ol
Appmved By: Jan cm Fig: 43/50
lclzphane cnninnny The LCD will display
liu Mngml": Sal-new lell messages lo you through me Central Office on ngl orlrmd 1.
2m)" ldenllfiulian Number ofthe handset
3. 0lB>i (can: fur 1h: sums of C0 llnzs, D-TAD and balmry
. To dzlele me dlsplay or me Message Walling, press (m: J and man press [DEL] (same asl l l) The LCD wlll display:
a i n g L n w
l n - l 2
< I c n n r >
l.'ijl5“: Ringer Volume um may be Low, Mld. Hi or DND
2."ID" ldznfiflralion Number ol'dm mam
3.  lcnns for me sums nr co lines, D-TAD and battery.
5. c.ll-r 11) Am c-ll Wailing ( Type u Call m)
This is a telephone service Much idenllfies a waiting caller without interrupting your cumnl call. This fennn-e givs Wu the
infomed choice ufwnelhcr or no! lo mks the incoming call. The upmlion ls the same as “1: normal opemuon. Plea-s: m
mmple below".
, Suppose um you an mixing on Linrul. The LCD dlsplnys:
1. LI mco line numbcryouare using,
2. 775141]. Billed dlgils, l -cursor for MK! mg;
3. mm 55“ Du: Lune, count by second
Pnss [cml min In mm the nn'ginnl lincfll hlkmg mod:
Ll mm:xi
17-5141. ““
' H >
» <
1, LI The CO lint number ynu are using.
l‘reliumulry Fcnmu Upurllwn to: mm 2-Lin= Cutd'lm Phone
SOHO Dam-mm!
Isms! by Gen SUN, Frank LIN REV/“ion; I.U|
Woved By: ks: out Page 44150
1 775m- D|alcd digits, l-curwr Mummy
Talk time, mum by srcund
3 mm.ss.
icons (or Um status qu0 lines, D-TAD and battery
4. .
Press [cm] ngum. back m m: 1m: 1 an“ information And so on. .
l. TOMLMY SMITH TECOM : bltmmng caller”: name.
2. L1 : Th: Callefs ID is for Line/ll
i TECOM Prchmllun/ realm Operation for Retail 24.2": delm Flinn.
soul) Depamnenl Dawns-034mm
learned by: Gm SUN. Fruik LIN Reyixi : 1.01
weed By. lsxeCHl Page.45/50
1. Selling the unit to zluwer enlls
. Pressmg (D-TAD| can rnnlre a handsel enier U1: D-TAD min The innn bcluw ihe LCD will nuiieaie the slalns.
The defininnns cfwmc keys are then changed,
(11 is far (STOP). [3] is for (mm. id] is for [GREETING]. [51 is for [OFF],
(sl is for (om. [x] is for [REPEAT] [91 is ion ism]. m is for [MEMO].
z, Tn eheek lhe greeting mange
. Make sure lhni nhe handser is in ihe 11m: mode.
. Press [enamel and [0] m sheek ihe previous reeprded greeiing message.
a. To record - D-TAD greeslng mung:-
. Make sur: Hm Lhc handset is in [he D-TAD mndc.
. Plus [GREETING] and men press [01 wilhin 3 saennds [a spin 1h: gearing reenrding mndz,
You can also cheek me prawn“: recorded greeting using lhis way,
mum is serpnds, pme lame] again (0 repnrd ylmr greeung
, Aner we peep, wk clearly fnr your greeting mssage.
. When finished, press [STOP],
4. Tn ernie in. nmrded D-TAD greeting mess-gs
Press [GREETNG], and ihen press [01 mm 3 seenndn.
. While lhe message is playd‘ press [FNC1and men piss [DEL] (same ns (11).
5. Enlblinwillbling the hue unit answering function
. For the but wul:
- Piss [ANSWER ONIOFFI w logs]: the D—TAD on/ofl'.
, For handsets:
Make sure that m: lundset is “I the D-TAD mode.
- Press [ml in enable the base iirni D-TAD limipn.
- Press [om to disable ihe base unit D-TAD funclilm.
6. Lislening to new messages only
. For the lam unit:
s Press [PLAY/STOP], The voice is played
4 To smp playing press [PLAY/STOP] again.
F or handseLs'.
Make sure that die handset is in me D-TAD mode,
— Press mum.
— Tn slop playing, press [STOP].
7. “tuning w Ill nf‘ie mcurdzll meixlges
. For Lb: base will.
_ press [HAY/STOP] and Lhcn press [UP].
_ Tn mp playing, was [PLAY/STOP] ngnin,
For handsfls‘
Make sure dial die handset is in lire D~TAD mode.
91. - Press [PLAY] zwree during 3 seconds.
- Tn slap plnyrng, press [mm
a. Using [REPEAT] _
. Press lupmfl lo repeal lhe messnge during playback.
l TECOM Prelrmlmuy Fealure Opemlran lbr Reml lLlne Carma mm
sol-lo Deplnmavl Dams-4134993
Lea-led by Gale SUN. Funk LlN Revixnm- |.0\
App-“d By“ 1m Cm Page.46/50
9. Uxing [SKIP]
. Press [SKIP] to skip me message durmg playback The next message is played
lu. Erasing men-gal
v Erasing a specific rats-“Age
. For the base ML
4 Prss {ERASE} while the mmage you wan: to erase l: being played mmugh
me speaker. A bcep W|ll sound and the base null wnlmues m play the
nexr mange,
. For handsets:
We sure mm the hundsel ls in the D-TAD mod:
— Press (FNC1 and than plus [DELK same as [ l |) whll: me unsung: ynn want to erase is
belng played. A beep wlll sound and the base unil cam-rues la play me nexr
Irving all arme message:
v. - Pres [ERASE] And then preu [UP], Abecp will sound.
J'ur halldsels:
v. —Prcss [FNC] md malprae (“DEL ALL] (uareesfcmllAbeepwulmmd
ll. Moalmrlng laeumlag culls
v While a all is being recorded, you ran mumwr it mmugh me speaker To answer me null.jus!
yick up the co line. The D-TAD Slap! reaming.
. Yul! can see me total number araewly reearded messages on me 7-aegmem LEDs
17. Using [MEMO]
Mum sure um youare m we D-TAD mode,
, Pm“ [MEMOL
“ma n hep smmds, the D-TAD slam in Rmrd your damage.
lyre-e [STOP] m end are aperazlaa.
ll Uslng [REC] a-way Recording)
Talking an a co lme
, Puss [REC] ( [FNC] + [an and me D-TAD will sum to record ydur cnnvcrsulim‘l.
. The upmtian will grep aner ydu release the CO lme up or pus: [STOPL
144 Rflnuu aper-lldu
You can aperau: me DeTAD free. any much wee phm.
- Call your plwde l'rum some (ouch lone plume
- Enlzr your mum seclmly cod: during the green“ menus: playback
_ Erller me dlreal remote commands. (sec Mxl per-graph)
.. To and me more upemllon. lung up.
I“ Dlrecl remote cumin-mi:
Pms [l]: (During playback)
Case]. Then press m wind" 2 sewnds, and me cum-cm mange is msed.
A wnfmnalion beep will be heard
‘* Casel: rm press lfll Mann 2 ”caudal and all orme recnrdcd messages
~ are emed. A cnnfimlalmn beep will be hunt
Pm; [1]: Smp me current opel'ullon (eg. (wording. playback)
’ TECOM wreltminu-y Fumn: Opersttnn for Rclall ZvLm: Cordlm Phone
50110 Depnnmewl D-IeM-m‘lsen
[stud by: Gm: sw, Funk LIN Remit)" tol
Appmved By: Jesse CHI mew/50
Pres [J]: easel. Than press [5] wtuuh 2 seconds, and all sfthe messages are played back.
CaseZ: Only new messages ate played back.
Press [4]: easel: sun (0 pl. the Gteetth messl e.
y ll s .
Casez, Press [0] wtthln 2 sccmlds m slarl m teem lhe new Gtulmg message.
Press [2] to slap moot-ding
Press [5]: Tum emhe D~TAD.
P155 [3]: (Dunng playback) Tn: cunt“! mcssag: is repealed.
Pm; [9]: (Dunn; playback) The cunlel message is skxppcd. The next message ls played
Tum on the D-TAD: Cull ynut umt and wait fur about 55 seen-ms,
1sl rh- D—TAD pmgnmming
15.1 Prugrimlning tha Ring rim
Aficr CO urTmnsfzr ringing you my select flu Lime befom (he D—TAD was a call. The
time can be at from 10 mantis w 60 seconds.
Default: 15 seconds.
t Pm: [MEM]
Press ['1 to enter the handsel paflmcbcl‘! pmgnmnun;
pm: [Al/[V] la select (h: m Time pmgmumng mode. The LED will dlspluy:
Ring Tlme
xx See

1. Rm; Time: Ring Tim pmgmmming mode.
2. xx; 2 dlgits is needed for King Time prnmmlng mode,
. £11er digit for the Ring Time
For emple, In set 10 seconds, we used to enter 20
r i m .
c nx>
1 Press [MEM] min, ma . cmtrunutmn signal (a indicate the successful prognmmhlg.
The LCD will display:
1. MEM 010 . mm; end 14 ox pmmpl.
z. 10 : The new pruyammzd vain: is 20 mums.
15.1 Pm‘rlmming the Cntlen Recnrtflng Tlm
You may selzcl the ulln‘s rmrding tune as either "unnamed", "l minulc“ or "gtectiug only“,
Default: “unlimited".
1 Slandby
, Press [mm
. Press 1-1 (0mm the ham-net pmmetm pmy-mming. _ e
, Pm: [Al/m (a select the Recurding Time programming mode The LCD will dlspl-y:
Preliminary rssiiirs Operllmn for mail Z—Line Cardin. pm,
SOHO WIN-m nmmum
hand by: Gen: SUN. Frank LlN Mum: m
Wind By' lu- cm Emu/50
a s s r d 1- i m G
U n l i m i r e in
< i v: p n i >
1. Record Time: Recording Time pmymnnfing made
2, Unlumlcd v Uiilimiiod this recording lime (original value).
sEnlcr l digir (ml/n] for the Recording Tm. _ lrypii press [ll], Use LCD W111 display:
R a : ii 1 d 1' i iii a
11 ii I i iii i z e d
< i c a n i >
l Rspdrd rime » Recnrding Time pmgriiriirriirig made
2. Unlimited. "l'lis cumin clinic: for rmrdirig lime is "milimllod"
.- lfyiiii pm; [I], die LCD will display:
Ronnrd TIME
I M|nule

l, Ram-mi rim Rmrdirig Til-id pmgrnmming mode
2. l Minnie: Th: cumin choice irir recording Lime is ‘l mmuls',
— u‘yuii pus (01. Lb; LCD will display:
d a
o ly
on >
1. Record Time : Recording Time mgmmmiu mode
2. Greek Only: In: cun'mt chniu (rir lemming firm is “greeting prim
. has [MEM] again, ind a criririrriiaridii Signal to indium uis siismrriil pmmmmmg The LCD Will display
G r e e 1 O n l y
< i ii i >
L MI-LM OK! : Programming end a 0K prompt
1, Greek Only: The Emmi choice for recording time is "greeting drily'.
15.3 Prognmmlng D—TAD Remote Code
The remote code prevents uruuzliori'zsd psi-solid from accessing your unit and listening to your massagcs
Choose any z-digii number (00-99; Defnult is ll
. Standby, and pm [MEM]
, vim 1-1 ro min «is li-ridm pummem prognmmxing.
v Preps [Al/[v1 (0 select ills Rzmme Cod: programming mode. The LCD will displayi
1. Remote Code » Remote cm pmgrdmming mod:
2. xx' 1 digits isiidcdedlor PmmmnzdkawzCodz
. Enter digifi [ 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0 ] for new Ram“: Code selections For example, ifwc en!“ 99, the LCD wlll dis-play
Remake Cnde

' TECOM minim", rnnnm omuinn Fur Rtllll ulna Cwllm lnnnn
souo D-pmmenl Dimfls—flJ-IWX
lam ny Ow“: sw. Frnnlr uN Reunion. c;
Aymvd By: Ian: cm l~ rise 50/50
i. To mmrd - Ania-stundzm curring Mung:
Mm sure mum mil“: is in inn um) nmdn
. Puss [GREETING] and Linen press [l| wulnn 3 seconds (a mrr me lulo-Iflcndzm ginnung recording mode.
You ran also chrclr inn prcvmus mammdml remind giggling using this wly.
Wirliin 5 seconds, press lemmas] ngnin m recnrd your minimum greeting,
. Anni Lb: beep. speak daily for yeur anm—nnrruiani greening message.
. When rniinnen. prass [STOP]
Slmpll nr lulo-lltzndnnl greeting meulge
"H:lln,1‘kusls TECONL plans: dinl extclmun number. Thanks"
7. in it‘ll: rlu nmrded Auro-Arrrnrlnni grueling nnnmgn
.Press[GREE'[1NG],md then nrrsn [l] within I swam
While the nussagc is playrd. mess [FNC1md'bznprw [DEL] (um-ens ill),
3. Aniovllleudlnt Action
is lfynn enable inn function quulNunldanK in inn base unit. a menu; me: the co line sun to nng, the base run: will pick up
an ringing co lilw aulmwwally and men pllyflmAAgl-eedng mange m din taller. Anzrilumllzrcnm In mansion
number. Ihc mun-mm: will Innsfcr llw all m inn destination plwue. Edi: nail is umbl: tn be yinked up within suing
pcrind nrrirnr (progmnuuable, please see D-TAD Ring rim: Programing). axe D-TAD will mswnr the all.
4. AA (Auto-Alumina) Orr/cm Pragnmmlnz
You my turn Wofl'uu: nulwnmdam fumlian nf lhe has: uniL Default Off
farm w no “if rnn unit-a pun-rem pmmning.
Puss [Al/[v1 in ideal me AA programming mndn
I. Aim Afl=l|di : You are pmmmmmg Auto-Amt Our/OE.
2. on: The originnl vnlun
. Pm: any digit llmsz/Sfl/m/o] m mggle between Ike OEand oil modes. The LCD will diqlhx
l. Ania Attend. You are programming Allin-Atlanta“! Oil/CIT.
I On. You: current chlaice.
. Press [mm again. in cunrirmniimi signal in innirnu inn simmsiul progrnmmhlg. The LCD will display.
| m OK‘ ngnmming end 0. 0K pivmpl
2. Oll/Ofl': Ynnr rnrrnnr seflillg
_____ E D -____
' TECOM mum, Full": Our-mm rm Raul Z-Lme emu-g Phone
SOHO Dvplflmnm causal-1993
, hand by: Gml SUN. Funk UN Rem-m Lo]
Ammavui By: ]:- CHI r-ge:49/50
A Press [MEM] again, em a canfimnlinn siywl w indium me Mcssful pmgmmmmg. The LCD wm display

LMEMOKI: mmmazoxmmpa.
1. 99: The new programming Ran-ml: Code.
15.4 Pmlrmnmin' D-TAD “rm-e
Dunng playhnck ; mum-ind voice wuu mum the week and mm when end. was mm
Der-um 010001 (01:00AM, Sunday)
. Standby
“ A Pru: (MEMl
Jun ['1 (0 enter the handselpmmelm prognnuning.
. Pm [Al/[V] m select the D-TAD Time pmyunming mode, The LCD will dispI-y:
Tl Week
1. Time a Week : D-TAD Time prugnmming mode
1mm: Gdigiu imededram-TAD rime mommgmde.
‘ . Enter 6 digits [1/213/4/5/6/71319/0] for D-TAD Tm setting.
1‘mdz“digiu: the Hour (0142; ram“: digim meMinmemu-ss)
s“ dim OzAM, 1PM.
6“ digit [1 Sunday, 7; Monday, 3: Tusday, 4; Wednesday.
5: Handy. 5: Friday, 7: Sunday.
memplz, n; ut"1l:45andnf’, weneed meme-114516"
Tl Wnek
LMEMDKI: meuningmdkOKpmmpL
Z, “4516: The new mega-tum DJAD Time. was PM. Fndny'.
16. Tall Saver
Whm yvucallmilfi'cmlwur-h mne telephmm:
mm unitmmunmesmammummmenewme.
Ifthflunitmswusnnlheringtinw(mmymunimfim‘ l0-60 sewndi),dmemnon=wnmges.
Hangupwhmyoulmtuvchsecunds mmuseveyomemudmgermmewu.

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