Tecom Co CTS400 User Manual 15340

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7711051] ( Y) , LTD
F( '(' I[)..' D6Xf 78400
E UT .' Cordless Telephone system
Exhibit E User’s Manual
Jim %_IL
Di ital Cell Unit
Bmlher lnlemalional Corpomfiion has mad: every effnrl to ensure the
technical sccurlcy of Ihis manual. Fealures and technital dnu art
subject to change without notion
Copyright© 1995, Brother Intemnticna] Corporation. All Righ's
_l l
Bmther lntemational Corpumtion doesn‘t represent this unit to be waterpmoi‘.
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or damage to the unit, do not expose
this unit to win Dr moisture.
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always
be followed In reduce the risk or fire, elecnieal shack. and injury to persons
including the rolldwing;
I. Read and understand all insh'uclicns.
2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
3. Unplug this product fium the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid
cleaners or aerosol cleaners Use a dry cloth (or cleaning.
4, Do not use this product near water for example, near a sink hr in a wet area
5. Do not place this product on an unstable can. stand. or table. The
telephone may fall. causing serious damage to the unit
6. To protect the pmduct fmm nverheating, do not block or cover any slats or
openings in the unit. This pruducr should never he placed near or over a
radiator ur heat register. This product should not be placed in a built-in
installation unless pmper ventilation is provided.
7, This product should be operated only from the type of power source
indicated on the rnarldng lahel.
3. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this
product where the card will he damaged by persons walking on it.
9. Do nu! overload wall outlets and extension cords, as this can result in the
risk cf fire or electrical shock.
10. With the exception uf maneuvering the dips switches as instructed in this
manuaL never push objects of any kind inta this pruduct thmugh the Cell
uhiz Sluts, as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts
that could result in a risk uf fire or electric shock
1 ll To reduce the risk of electrie shock dc not disassemble this product.
Contact qualified service personnel when some service or repair work is
required. Opening or removing covers may expose you in dangerous
voltages or other risks. Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when
the appliance is subsequently used.
12. Unplug this product From the wall outlet and refer servicing lo qualified
service personnel under the fullnwing cundltluns:
a When fire power supply cord is damaged or flayed.
b if liquid has been spilled inlr: the product.
c. If the aroducl has been exflsed to m“ or writer.
d. If the product does not operate normally when following the
npernrlng instructions Adjust only those controls that are
covered by the Opel-dung instructions. Improper adjustment of
other controls may result in damage and Will nfien require
extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to
normal operation.
e. tr the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.
r if the product exlubls a distinct change ll’l performance
13 Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak
The exclamation point within an
equilateral triangle is intended to alert
the user to the presence of important
operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the manual
accompanying the equipment
Part 15 of FCC Rula:
Some telephone company equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy
that if not properly installed. may cause interference to radio and television
reception. The unit has been tested and found to meet the standards for a Class
B computing device as specified in suhpartl of Part 15 ofthe FCC rules
These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If your unit muses
interference to radio ur television reception when it is in use. try the following to
correct the problem:
I. lie-orient the receiver, television or radio antenna.
. Relocate the television, radio or other receiver.
3. Plug the unit into an outlet that is not on the same circuit as the one
used For your radio or television.
You may also refer to the FCC bookl “HOW to Identify and Resolve Radio-
Televisicn interference Problems" which can be ordered from us Government
Printlng Office, Washington DC 20402, Stock No. 004-000-003454.
5 l
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Plfl 68 of FCC Rules:
This product complies with Pan 68 of FCC Rules. Upon request by yeul'
telephone company, you must provide the FCC registration number and the
KEN. These numbers are both located on the bonum ofdie digital cell unit. The
unit must not be connected lo: 1) coin-operated systems. 2) party-line systems,
and 3) eleclmnic key telephone systems that do not have standard analog
telephone extension puns.
This product has been lesied and round ta comply with all applicable UL and
FCC standards. This pruduct’s design enables Il to be connecled to most
telephone lines. However, each device you connect (0 Lite telephone line draws
power. This power dmw is known as the Ringer Equivalence Number (KEN)
which is identified on the bottom of the digital cell uniL If you use more than
one device on the line. add up all the KENS. lithe total Ls more than 5.0, your
telephonefs) may not ring and your answering machine miglll not answerr If
devices do not ring, remnve one or more oftl'le devices from the line.
If it is determined that this product is malfunctioning, the FCC requires that it
not be used Unplug the unit from the wall outlet until the problem is wrrecledr
Repairs can only be made by the manufacturer. is authorized agents, or by
nlllers authorized by the FCC.
Rights of the Telephone Cnmpnny:
if the unil is causing him to the telephone network, the Telephone Company
may temporarily disconnect your telephone service. if necessary, they will
notify you as soon as possible.
You will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and you will be
informed of your right in file a complaint with me FCC, if you feel the
Telephone Company acted improperly Your telephone company may make
changes in ils facilities, equipment. operations or procedures that could affect the
pruper fimcticrling ofyour unit if such changes me In be implemented, you will
be notified.
This sysem is Hearing Aid Compatible.
1. Becoming Familiar With Your Cordless Telephone
Th: c‘rs—wo syslcm consisvs cfonc (l) or two (2) Dell imiLs and up lo twelve
(12) cordless handsets Each cell pmvidcs two RF links (paths) for intercom and
ouside calling by any cordless handsetl
The cell unit and ii: jacks are illusualed below.
mm m zuuwsm
norm w, mum-u,
J|ml “I
2. The Features
Your CT S400 syslem provides many features such as:
Four (4) CO/PBX Linc Capacity
Tone/Pulse Dialing Modes
Speed Dialing
Last Number Redlal
lnlemom Calling
Paging to Executive Speakerphnnes
Call Transfer
Headset Compalibility
Ringer and Receive Volume Commls
Smart Charge Manila-s Emery Charge to Prevenl Overcharging
Optional Caller ID Integration
Hearing Al'd Cempaxible
What‘s Included With Your Cell Unit
Cell Unit Power Adapmr
Wall Mounlmg
Screws EL Anchors
\ L
4. Components ofthe CTS-400 System
4.l Cordless Handset
The following features are pmvidcd With the cardlcss telephone.
Fcur (4) co Line/PBX Capacity
Tana/Pulse Dialing Modes
Speed Dialing (IO Number)
125! Number Radial
lmzrcom Calling
Paging to Executive Speakfl'phun:
Call Tmsfcr
Headset Cnmpaxibility
Ringer and Receive Volumc Control
Smart Charge Monitors Battery Chage to
Pmenl Ovcrcllarging y
Optimal Callzr [D lnugmn‘on T
Hearing Aid Compatible
4.2 Cell Unit
The muliiaxll cordless system can be configured with one (1) or two (2) cell
unils. Each cell pmvldcs two RF Links (pains) for inzmnm and ouvside calling by
any cordless handset.
43 Line Col-d Manager
Thu Linc Cord Manager alluws you to easily connecl your cqulpmmi to in: wall
jack outlets and cummiz: the wiring according (0 your pmfmnccsi
4.4 Executive Sp-kerphone
The following fezmres are provided with lhe speakerphone:
Handsfree Speakerphone
Superrwisl z x [6 Der Man-1x Liquid Crystal
Four (4) co Lines whh Line Status indiednon
Intercom with Dlrecr Station Select Bumms
Lineeln-Use Detection of Other Connected
Telephones (fax. modem, ere)
Speed Dialing (18 Number)
Call Forward to Cordless HandseLs and
Auto Busy Redinl
Ringer Enable/Disable
s'elemhle Ring Tone
Ringer and Receive Volume Canwol
Privacy Release
Call Transfer
Delayed Ring
Optional Caller 11) (Requires Caller ID Server)
Heal-lug Aid Compatible
45 Caller 11) Server
The upriunal Caller ID Server provides the lelephcnes with Caller ID capability.
The server enables the telephones to identify both the name and number (if
provided lsy the Telephone Company) nfa caller Only one server is needed for
each syslemr The server will slate caller ID infon'nau'an for forty (40) calls
received on any or four (4) caller II) lines.
You musl subscribe to Caller ID service from your local telephone company.
«e “m
1. Site Planning
For optimum operation. effective site planning is neeessnry. Once the cell unit is
installed. no further maintenance is required. The cell unit should be positioned
in the center of the coverage area, where lmnsmission is unobstructed to ensure
better reception and range. The unit should not be installed in areas where
excessive heat or humidiry is pnsfllL Do not inmll the unit rim items that
generate electrical noise such as metals, fluorescent lights, etc, as they may ellect
the integrity of the system. When possible, avoid locating the cell unit directly
behind metal objem or walls that could obstruct clear “line of sight" operation
with the cordless handsets.
You may install the cell unit on the wall or desk top near a mndard 120V AC
outlet and telephone line jack The cell unit requires 3 conductor (4 pair) twisted
telephone wiring.
Note: The maximum 100}: distance for telephone wiring connecting to all cell
units and Executive Speakerphones must not exceed 600 cable feet (using 24
AWG wiring).
2. Configuration
in: system mnsists of a cell uniL cordless handsets, and Speakerphones. Each
cell unit provides two (2) value channels for intercom and outside calls. You may
accommodate up to twelve (12) handsets with one (I) or two (2) cell units A
system may consist of two (2) cell units used together to expand the coverage
area or increase total numbct of simultaneously talking handsets.
3. Installing the Cell Unit
You may chmse from twu (Z) installatian options:
I locate the cell unit on a desk or tabletop, or
I mount the Dell unit on the wall.
You will need to position the cell unit within in (lo) feel of): standard IZOV AC
outlet and a telephone jack wired for two (2) RJ-I4 jacks (Ll/L2 and LJ/LA). If
your wall jacks aren't configured in this manna refer to Installing on Line Card
Manager. section 343.
3.1 Desk/Tablemp Mounting
1A Plug the AC power cord into the back side of the cell unit near m: ant-tuna
2. Plug one 21m telephone line card mm the cell unit jack labeled LIILZ and
the other end ofthis cord mm m: wall jack wired for outside 1m 1 and 2.
Plug one end ofthe second line card into the cell unitjack labeled L3/L4 and
the other end into the walljack wired for ouuide lines 3 and 4,
Caution: Ifthe line cords are reversed, the cell unit will not communicate with
the other cell unit or Speakerphones,
4]! us
3s Rnlalc [he anlcnnn ml the cell unit in a vertical position,
4. Plug me AC power cord adapm into a slandlsrd lZOVAC wall uulch
Monitor 1h: powcr lamp. It should be flashing fast during 1h: powcr up
Note. Use only the AC powcr adapter provided with the cell unilc A
5. Ensure that all cords m positioned to prevent n-lpplng and rubbing which
could treat: a potential electrical imam
Refer to swim 4 in program and send Lb: digital system security code (SSC).
Aficr mc firsl cell is npcmlng and has m: 55C programmed. ulc sccond cell will
be automatically updnlcd wnh me ssc by m: first ccu. Install the sccond cell
unii al this time (optional).
For your convening. an inslzllallon chzcklis! is providcd at file back cl! this
_ll— l
31 Wall Mounting - Directly on the Wall
You may mourn the cell directly an the wall, You will want to ensure the
The location where the cell will be mcunttd should be away from eleeirienl
cables, pipes, or other iwms which may be punctured when the cell is
attached m the wall.
Locale the cell unit within ten (m) feet ofa lZDVAC outlet.
Run 41m: twisted lelephone cabling to the cell site and mount the wztll jack
within seven (7) feet ofthe cell uniL
Using the template at the back oithis manual insert the two (2) screws and
anchoring devices inln the wall 3-5/l6 inches apart horizontally, allowing
approximately 1/5 inches between the wall and screw heads for mounting
the oelL Ensure that the screws are secure.
Plug the AC power cord into the back side of the cell unit near the antenna
Plug one telephone line eel-d into the jack labeled Ll/L2 and the other into
the jack labeled UM an the back side of the cell unit.
Ifthc AC outlet and/m wkphune jacks are locatcd below the cell mm refer to
Steps 4 and 5.
A‘ Rnule the power cord and lelephun: cords mmugh the channels on m:
bonorn of m: tall unit.
alz) A
54 Pusifion Lh: cal] unit on the two screws in the wall and slid: the cell
downward to scour: it lo In: Wall.
6 Raise the antenna on the cell uni!
__]l _l ‘
7. Plug the telephone line cords into the telephone wall Jacks. Observe Ll/L2
and L3/L4 polarity.
Caution: If the telephone line cords are reversed, the cell unit will not
communicate with the other cell unit or Speakerphones.
8. Plug the AC power cord adapter into a standard 120V AC wall outlet
Note: Use only the AC pOWer adapter provided with the cell unit. A
9. Ensuie that all cords are positioned to prevent tripping and mbhing which
could create a potential electrical hazard.
33 Installing the Line Cord Managers
You can customize the installation of the cell unit and other equipment
(speakerphone, facsimile. etc.) using the Line Cord Manager“). The Line Cord
Managers are typically used in the following wiring scenarios:
- Two Lines using Two RJll Wall lacks
- Four Lines using Four R111 Wall Jaclfi
- Two Lines using 011: R114 Wall Jack
- Four Lines using Two RJ [4 Wall lads
Two Lines usln Two RJll Wall Jacks
d n.
Four Ling} using Fuur R111 Wall Jacks
u~z wu-(z
m< yum A w
Two incsus' 0c ”Wank:
unzwuuu new
UN: con» mm 1
Four Lines ug'ug Twu RJ 14 Wall jack;
m4: 1 (M 1
un: mm 4 an
uuz cam) MANAGER l
UNE mm mm 2
4. Setting the System Security Code
The system security code pyevenu interference or unauthonzed use fmm
other systems A unique symm security code is important to protect your
The security code is first ymgmmmed an the handset and is then transmitted
to the cell uniL All cordless handsets must be pmgmmmcd for the same
security code. Only an: handset needs to transmit the cad: [0 me cell via the
"Air Link” procedure in section 42.
4,1 Ccrdless Handset
1. pus@.
3. Dial Q . The display will show the current programmed cod; (this
area wan be blank its code has not yet been programmed).
4. Dial a Sdigit security code. the code may consist 050-9, -, #, flash and
5. Press @.
_J| III-Ila lll
41 AirLink
The syslem security code (sscl shauld almndy be pmgmmmed for me wrdlcss
handset, Once 1h: fusl cell unit is plugged in. you have appmximalsly 10
seconds in perform um following steps.
1. Powerrup the (us: all unit (ED 1) and move the cordless handset close to it.
2 msczj.
3. Dial Q . The display will show:
4, Press and hold @ until you hear a ccnfimlalion tons. The display will
Sr Once you hear a confirmation tone. ynu may release the key. The display
will show;
Memnrs DK
Note: If you have a second ccll unil insmlled. aficr one (I) minut: the second
cell unit wfll operate by the same syslem secunty code. To change the
End: in the future, repeal the above slcps.
1. Resetting the Cordless Handset
Resetting the handset wul mum all progmmmed settings In defaull valucsn
1. Press @ ‘
4. Press (“E") A The display shows:
Notcr Ifthe Symm Security Code has been pmgmmmcd. th: handset will
nm be able to link wilh 1h: cell and MI] display ccl] uni! 0 (“13510 or No Svc").
A gig,
a; r)
The Bmmer City-400 Digiul Cordless Telephone System can be inmlled behind
any PBX, or as a stand alone SOHO (small omee home office) application wim
Brumer Exeeunve Speakerphcnes.
System Capacity:
2 Digital Cell Units (DCU)
Up In 12 Cardless Handseis'
Up to 12 Executive Speakerphones‘
l Inter-Cell lmcrcem Link
4 CO/PBX/Centrex Lines
DCU Capacity:
2 RF Talk Links
4 CO/PBX/Cemzex Lines
2 [mm-Cell lnlercum Llnks
12 Cordless Handsets
Secun‘zy Codes; 3-7 million
‘0nly Iwelve (12) telephones (cordless or speakerphone) total per system.
CT OODigitalCellUn' {DCUQ
Physical: Modular. Desk/Wall mounted, Diagnostic LED, High Gain
Power: Class 2 Transformer
lnpui: 120VAC, sol-u. 8.5W
Outyur: lZVDC,400mA
10 n. Card
Electrical: 4 (10me Lines, 2 Wire, Loop Sum
600 Ohms, 24/4KVDC
Ringersquivalenee 0,35
Mechanical: 2 each KJ-HC Jack
Dip Switch 10 smug
Puwer Jack IZVDC
RF: 902-928 MHz
Digital TDMA
Dimensicns: 217 mm long
152 mm wide
39 mm high
Weight: 17.3 ml
Specificatianx, features, and availability of apziunal accessories are all subject to
change wit/mm prior nuuce
I. Unpack the first cell unit.
2. Power up the cell unit and verify ma: the wkphon: line cords are plugged in
3. ls the power lamp flashing fast? (Ccll powering up, no Syslem Security
Code (5843) pmgflmmcd).
4, Install the batmry in m: CTSAOO cordless handselp Chcck to see if me cell
1D appears in the handset display
5. ng‘am 1h: 6-digil SSC in Lh: handset. (MEM. it #. code, MEM
pmgnmming sequence).
6 Program a new extension number (hmdsct 1D 11-12) (MEM, ‘, exmnsion
number, MEM pmgnmming sequence).
7. Send the ssc ID the cell (MEM, a, press and hold ' pmgfimming
sequence), wilhin 10 sccands afier power up.
8. Pmss Ll'nc 1-4 buttons and verify dial (on: an all C0 Hats 3! the cell
Repeat above Smps 143 for m: sccnnd optional cell nniL
Unpack other CTS-400 cordless handsets.
3-5/16 inches
Jim! +_:IZZ_E[L
Cordless Handset
Emher Imemaxional Corpomlion has made every efion to ensure the technical
accuracy of lhis manual Fcamrts and technical data are subject (0 change without
Copyrigh|© 1998‘ Brewer lnlemdtional Corporation All Righvs Rcscrvcd.
Brother Intzmalinnal Cnrporation doesn't uptmm thix unit m be Mlerpmflfl To reduce the risk
orhre. clecmul shock. or damage In the unit do not expose lhis unit In rain or molsmrs.
One Nickel Metal Hydride hanery is provided with each handset. This battery may
not be fully charged when reeeived. Charge the battery berore using the cordless
handset. Refer to “Charging the Handset Battery“ in the installation section of this
The exclamaxinn point within an
equilnteml triangle is intended to
alert me user to the presence or
impomml operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions
in the manual flcwmpanying the
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety pmcaudons should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, elem-ital shock, and injury to persons including
the following:
1. Read and understand all instructions.
2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid
eleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a dry cloth for cleaning.
4. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a sink or in a wet area
5. Do not place this product on an unstable can. stand, or table. The product
may (all. causing serious damage to the unit,
6. To protect the product from overheating. do not block or cover any slots or
openings in the unit. This product should never be placed near or over a
radiator or heat register. This pmducl should not be placed in a built-in
installation unless pmpel' “ventilation is provided.
. his).
7. This product should be opemted only from the type of power source indicated
on the marking label.
8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product
where the cord will be damaged by persons walking on it.
9. DO not overload wall outlets and exlension cords. as this can result in the risk
of fire or electrical shock
to, Never push ohjecLS ofany kind into this product as they may touch dangerous
voltage points or short out pans that could result in a risk or fire or electric
11. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product. Contact
qualified service personnel when some service or repair work is required.
Opening or removing wvers may expose you to dangerous volmes or other
risks Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when the product 5
subsequently used.
12. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing m qualified
service personnel under the following conditions:
a. When the power supply cord is damaged or frayed.
h It liquid has been spilled into the product,
e. lfrhe product has been exposed to rain or wow.
d If the product does not operate normally when following the
operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that ate covered
by the operating instructions. improper adjustment of other controls
may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a
qualified technician to restore the product to normal operation.
e. lfthe product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.
f. Ifthe product exhibits a distinct change' in performance.
13. Do not use the product to repon a gas leak in the vicinily ofthe leak
To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons by the battery, read and follow these
1. Use only the appropriate type and size battery pack specified in this manual.
2. Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fire. Refer to the installation section
mnceming prnper battery disposal.
3. Do not open or mutilate the battery pack Released electrolyte is corrosive and
may cause damage to the eyes or skin. it may be toxic if swallowed.
(il l»
l l—
A "i a
4‘ Exercise care in handling the battery in order not to shon out the battery with
conducting materials such as rings bracelets, and keys. The battery or
conductor may overheat and cause bums.
5. Charge the battery pack provided with or identified for use with this product
only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in the
instruction manual provided for this product.
6 Observe proper polanry orientation between the battery pack and battery
charger. ,
Pm 15 of FCC Rules:
Some telephone company equipment genemtes and uses radio Frequency energy
that, if not properly installed. may cause interference to radio and television
reception. The unit has been tested and found to meet the standards for a Class B
computing device as specified in subparl J of Part 15 oi'the FCC rules
These specifimtions are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference in u residential infiallaiiuni However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation, if your unit muses
interference to radio or television reception when it is in use, try the following to
correct the problem
1, Re~orient the receiver, television or radio antenna
2. Relocate the television, radio or other receiver.
3. Plug the unit into an outlet that is not on the same circuit as the one used
for your mdio or television
You may also refer to the FCC booklet: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-
TeIevision Interference Problems" which can be ordered from US. Government
Printing Ofi'icc, Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 004000003454.
run 68 of FCC Rules:
This product complies with Part as otrcc Rules. Upon request by your telephone
company, you must provide the FCC registration number and the REN. These
numbers are both located on the bottom oflhe digital cell unit. The unit must not
be connected to: l) comopemted systems, 2) potty-line systems, and 3) electronic
_H m l at» “II l|_
key telephone systems that do not have standard analog telephone extension porLs.
This product has been tested and found to comply with xll applicable UL and FCC
standards, This product's design enables it to be connected to most telephone
lines. However. each device you connect (a the telephone line draws power. This
power dmw is known as the Ringer Equivalence Number (KEN) which is identified
on the bottom ofthe digital cell unit Ifyou use more than one device on file line,
add up all lhe RENs, if the mlal is more than 5.0. your telephones) may not ring
and your answering machine might not answer, If devices do not ring, remove one
or more of the devices firem the line.
[fit is determined that this product is malfunctioning, the FCC requires that it not
be used. Unplug the unil from the wall outlet until the problem is corrected.
Repairs can only be made by the mmufiemmr, its authorized agens, or by others
authorized by Ihe rcc.
Rights or the Telephone Company:
I! the tmit is causing harm to the telephone network the Telephone Company may
temporarily disconnect your releplrone service. if neusary. they will notify you as
soon as possible.
You will be given the opponuniry to correct the problem and you will be informed
of your right In file a complaint with the FCC. ifyou feel the Telephone Company
wed improperly. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities.
equipment operations or procedures that could afl'ect the proper functioning of your
unit. lfsuch changes are to be implemented, you will be notified
This system is Hearing Aid Compatible.
Becoming Familiar Wiih Your Handsei. ..
The Dispia,
The Features.
What's Included With Your Handsci
Cnmponenvs oflfle crs4uo System is
1. Site Planning
2. Configuration
3. Installing the Handset Emery Chaiger
4 Installing/Changing lhe Handset Battery 12
5. changing the Handset Battery 13
6, Standby Mode 15
7 Power Down/Power On Mode .. 15
8. Setting me Identification, 15
9. Semng me Ringer and Receive Volume. 17
101 Assigning co Line Ringing . 18
ii. Adjusting the Ringer Tone Semng . 19
12. Installing die Bell Clip.
1. Flash.
2. Speed Dia
Making an Outside Call...
Answering 1m Outside Call
Making an Intercom Call .
Answering an Inlerwm Call
Placing a Call on Hold __
Retrieving a Call on Hold
Last Number Redinl
Muling a Ca]
Do Not Disturb
. Transferring a Call 1
. Receiving a Transfened Cail
.. Receiving a Transfer Reca
131 Conferencing , ,
._°< , . . . . . .,
14. Using me Flash Bunon.
15. Using me Pause chure.
us. Speed Dialing. .35
i7. Tone Dialing <36
18. Banery an Warning ,37
19, On: ofRange Signal 37
20. Using a Headset, 33
Setting the Area Code
Receiving a Ca
Reviewing a Call
Dialing 3 Telephone Number
Erasing a Call"
Smring a Can in Speed Dial.
|. Paging
1. Becoming Familiar With Your Handset
Th: CTS-iOO hands“ provides you with the most advanced (zchnclogy and features
such as conference. speed dialing, intercom and paging Each handset has a display
and various bunnns as shown below.
Farm: Buflnnse
MEM - [or pmgflmming
CONF - for confermcing
[CM 7 mlmom bunen
H'LD - hald bumm
cm — forcalier 1D miew
REL — lesi number redial
END — in end a all
FNC — function humm
FNC + 1 - backspac:
FNC + z - pause
FNC + 3 ~ do-noldismd: (DND)
FNC + t: - headset mode
There are feature buncns on both sides of the handset:
2. The Display
The display provides valuable infen—maiiun cunceming (h: slams of the lines, smion
identification. ringer volume, 2ch
- x—Vnmw
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:07:10 02:21:55
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 15340.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:07:10 02:22:31-04:00
Page Count                      : 87
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FCC ID Filing: D6XCTS400

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