1  TABLE OF CONTENT GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................... 7 Battery care.......................................................................... 7 Access codes ....................................................................... 8 Care and maintenance ......................................................... 10 Important safety information ................................................. 12 DMP330................................................................................. 21 Product Package .................................................................. 21 Phone Layout ....................................................................... 22 Keypad Description .............................................................. 24 Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen ........................... 27 GETTING STARTED ............................................................. 31 Installing the SIM card and the battery.................................. 31 Charging the battery............................................................. 32 Switching the phone on and off............................................. 35 Function without plug-in SIM card......................................... 35 CALL FUNCTION.................................................................. 36
 2  Making a call from the Contact ............................................. 36 Making an international call .................................................. 37 Answering an incoming call .................................................. 37 Rejecting the incoming call ................................................... 37 Call waiting........................................................................... 37 Making a conference call ...................................................... 38 Tips for call options............................................................... 39 Text editing using input method ............................................ 39 MESSAGES ................................................................ 43 SMS ..................................................................................... 43 Multimedia Message Service (MMS) .................................... 50 Chat ..................................................................................... 61 E-mail................................................................................... 63 Voice Mail Server.................................................................. 63 Broadcast Message.............................................................. 64 CALL HISTORY .......................................................... 65 Missed calls.......................................................................... 66 Dialed Calls .......................................................................... 66
 3  Received Calls ..................................................................... 67 Delete Call Log..................................................................... 68 Call Time .............................................................................. 68 Call Cost............................................................................... 69 SMS Counter........................................................................ 69 GRPS Counter ..................................................................... 70 CONTACT .................................................................. 70 Quick Search........................................................................ 71 Search Entry......................................................................... 71 Add New Entry ..................................................................... 73 Copy All ................................................................................ 73 Delete................................................................................... 74 Caller Group......................................................................... 74 Search By Caller Group........................................................ 75 Extra Number ....................................................................... 76 Settings ................................................................................ 76 VOIP ........................................................................... 77 Preferred Mode .................................................................... 78
 4  Enable WLAN and search for network .................................. 78 SIP Setting ........................................................................... 80 Make a New VoIP Call .......................................................... 82 SERVICES .................................................................. 84 WAP ..................................................................................... 84 Data Account........................................................................ 90 FILE MANAGER ......................................................... 92 CAMERA .................................................................... 93 Camera ................................................................................ 93 Image Viewer ....................................................................... 97 Video Recorder..................................................................... 98 Video Player ......................................................................... 103 Photo Editor.......................................................................... 104
 5  ENTERTAINMENT ...................................................... 106 Java ..................................................................................... 106 Java Setting.......................................................................... 106 Games.................................................................................. 106 Themes ................................................................................ 107 Sound Recorder ................................................................... 107 Melody Compose.................................................................. 109 AUDIO PLAYER ......................................................... 113 Play the music...................................................................... 114 ORGANIZER .............................................................. 117 Calendar............................................................................... 117 To do list............................................................................... 118 Alarm.................................................................................... 119 E-book Reader ..................................................................... 120
 6  APPLICATION ............................................................ 123 Bluetooth .............................................................................. 123 World Clock .......................................................................... 126 Calculator ............................................................................. 127 Unit converter ....................................................................... 128 Currency converter............................................................... 128 Health................................................................................... 129 Stopwatch............................................................................. 130 SETTINGS ...................................................................... 132 User profiles ......................................................................... 132 Display Characteristic........................................................... 135 Phone setup ......................................................................... 136 Call setup ............................................................................. 141 Network Setup...................................................................... 145 Security Setup ...................................................................... 150 Restore Factory Settings ...................................................... 152 Sound Effect......................................................................... 152 Shortcuts .............................................................................. 153 EMERGENCY CALLS ........................................................... 153
 7  General information Battery care   DMP330 is powered by a rechargeable battery.  The battery can  be  charged and discharged  hundreds of  times  but  it  will  eventually  wear  out.  When  the operating  time  (talking  time  and  standby  time)  is noticeably shorter than normal, user should buy a new battery at this time.  Unplug  the  charger  when  not  in  use.  Don’t  leave  the battery connected to a charger for longer than a week, since overcharging may shorten its lifetime.    Overcharging may shorten its lifetime, and if left unused a fully charged battery may discharge itself over time.  If the phone is not in use and charged for a long time, over-discharge may happen.  Over-discharge  may  cause  DMP330  to  be  charged abnormally  and  the  indication  of  battery  in  charge cannot be seen immediately once the battery is charged. The  indication  of  battery  in  charge  may  only  be  seen after 20 minutes.
 8   Temperature  extremes  can  affect  the  ability  of  your battery to charge.  Do not  use  any charger  or  battery  that  is  damaged  in any way.  Use the battery only for its intended purpose.  Extreme temperatures will affect the charging capacity of your battery.    Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a car in summer or winter condition.  Do  not  short-circuit  the  battery.  Short-circuiting  the terminals  may  damage  the  battery  or  the  connecting object.  Dispose  of  batteries  according  to  local  regulations. Always recycle. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. Access codes PIN code The  PIN  (Personal  Identification  Number)  code  protects  your SIM card against unauthorized. Your SIM card usually supplies the PIN code.
 9    Note:  User  may  need  to  obtain  the  password  from  your  service provider.   Note: If user key in an incorrect PIN code three times in succession, user may need to key in PUK code. PIN2 code The  PIN2  code  may  be  supplied  with  the  SIM  card.  Some functions will require PIN2 support.   Note:  Your  may  need  to  obtain  the  password  from  your  service provider. PUK code The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change a  blocked  PIN  code.  The  PUK  code  is  required  to  change  a blocked PIN2 code.   Note:  User  may  need  to  obtain  the  password  from  your  service provider.   Note:  If  user  keys  in  an  incorrect  PIN2  code  three  times  in succession, user may need to key in PUK2 code.   Note: If user key in an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession,
 10  the SIM card cannot be used anymore. Contact your service provider for a new card. Phone code   Phone code protects  the phone  against unauthorized use. It is not  activated  in  default.  User  can  activate  this  function  and change the default phone code (1122) to any four to eight-digit personal codes. Care and maintenance Read this information before using your mobile phone. Your  mobile  phone  is  a  highly  sophisticated  electronic  device. When use DMP330,  battery,  charger  or  any  accessory,  please read this first. Product care  Keep your mobile phone and all its parts out of  young children’s reach.  Keep your mobile phone dry.  Avoid  exposing  your  mobile  phone  to  extreme  hot  or cold temperatures.
 11   Avoid placing your mobile phone close to lit cigarettes, naked flames or any heat source.  Do not  attempt to disassemble it. Non-expert handling of the device may damage it.  Do  not  drop,  knock  or  shake  it.  Rough  handling  can break internal circuit boards.  Do  not  paint  your  mobile  phone  as  the  paint  could obstruct  the  earphone,  microphone  or  any  moveable parts and prevent normal use.  Treat  your  mobile  phone  with  care, keep  it  in  a  clean and dust free place.  Do  not  touch  the  antenna  unnecessarily  when  the phone is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects call  quality and may  cause  the  phone to  operate at  a higher  power  level  that  needed  and  shorten  talk  and standby times.  Hold the phone as user speaks to any other telephone. While speaking directly into the microphone, angle the antenna in a direction up and over your shoulder. If the antenna  is  extendable/retractable,  it  should  be extended during the call.
 12  Important safety information FCC Regulations This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.    Operation is  subject to  the  following two conditions:  (1)  This  device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for  a  Class  B  digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential installation.    This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures:
 13   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase  the  separation  between  the  equipment  and receiver.  Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult  the  dealer  or  an  experienced  radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications  not  expressly  approved by  the party responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user‘s  authority  to operate the equipment. RF Exposure Information (SAR)   This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.   This device is designed and manufactured not to  exceed  the  emission  limits  for  exposure  to  radio  frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.     The  exposure  standard  for  wireless  devices  employs  a  unit  of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.   The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.    *Tests for SAR are conducted  using  standard operating positions  accepted by  the
 14  FCC  with the  device  transmitting  at  its  highest  certified  power level  in  all  tested  frequency  bands.   Although  the  SAR  is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level  of  the  device  while  operating  can  be  well  below  the maximum  value.    This  is  because  the  device  is  designed  to operate  at  multiple  power  levels  so  as  to  use  only  the  poser required to reach the network.    In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output. The highest  SAR  value  for the  device as  reported to the  FCC when tested for use at the ear is 0.564 W/kg for PCS Head SAR and 0.2 W/kg for WLAN Head SAR and when worn on the body, as  described  in  this  user  guide,  is  0.864  W/kg  for  PCS  Body SAR  and  0.434  W/kg  for  WLAN  Body  SAR.  (Body-worn measurements  differ  among  device  models,  depending  upon available enhancements and FCC requirements.) While  there  may  be  differences  between  the  SAR  levels  of various  devices  and  at  various  positions,  they  all  meet  the government requirement. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines.    SAR information on this device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant
 15  section of http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on FCC ID: D6XDMP330.     For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and the positions the handset a minimum of 1.5  cm  from  the  body.    Use  of  other  enhancements  may  not ensure  compliance  with  FCC  RF  exposure  guidelines.    If  you do  no  t  use  a  body-worn  accessory  and  are  not  holding  the device at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from your body when the device is switched on. Radio frequency energy Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. When the phone  is  turned  on,  it  receives  and  transmits  radio  frequency (RF)  energy.  Depending  on  the  type  of  mobile  phone  user posses, it operates on different frequency ranges and employs commonly  used  modulation  techniques.  The  system  that handles your call when user is using phone controls the power level at which DMP330 transmits.
 16  Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information. DMP330  has  been  designed  to  comply  with  applicable  safety requirement for exposure to radio waves.    This requirement is based on scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. These guidelines include safety margins designed to assure this safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.  The  radio  wave  exposure  guidelines  employ  a  unit  of measurement  known  as  the  Specific  Absorption  Rate, or  SAR.  Tests  for  SAR  are  conducted  using standardized method with the phone transmitting at this highest  certified  power  level  in  all  used  frequency bands.  The  SAR  limit  recommended  by  the  international Commission  on  Non-Ionizing  Radiation  Protection (ICNIRP), which is 2W/kg averaged over then (10) gram of tissue.  This highest SAR value for this model phone tested by ADT for use at the ear is 0.49W/kg (10g).  SAR data information for residents in countries/regions that have adopted the  SAR limit recommended by the
 17  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one (1) gram of tissue. Electronic devices Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF energy. However,  certain  electronic  equipment  may  not  be  shielded against the RF signals from your wireless phone, therefore:  Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without requesting permission. Pacemaker Mobile  phones  may  affect  the  operation  of  some  implanted cardiac pacemakers and other medically  implanted equipment. Pacemaker  manufacturers  recommend  that  a  minimum separation  of  20  cm  (6  inches)  be  maintained  between  a hand-held  wireless  phone and  a  pacemaker to  avoid potential interference  with the  pacemaker.  These  recommendations  are consistent  with  the  independent  research  by  and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research. Persons with pacemakers:  Should  always  keep  the  phone  more  than  20  cm  (6
 18  inches)  from  their  pacemaker  when  the  phone  is switched on;  Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;  Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference.  If  user  has  any  reason  to  suspect  that  interference  is taking place, switch off DMP330 immediately. Hearing aids Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones. In the event  of  such  disturbance,  user  may  want  to  consult  your service  provider,  or  call  the  customer  services  line  to  discuss alternatives. Aircraft  Turn off your mobile phone before boarding any aircraft.  Do not use it on the ground without crew permission To prevent interference with communication systems, user must not use your mobile phone while the plane is in the air.
 19  Potentially explosive atmospheres Switch off DMP330 when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere  and  obey  all  signs  and  instructions.  It  is  rare,  but DMP330  or  its  accessories  could  generate  sparks.  Sparks  in such areas could cause an explosion or fire  resulting in bodily injury  or  even  death.  Areas  with  a  potentially  explosive atmosphere  are  often,  but  not  always,  clearly  marked.  They include  fuelling  areas,  such  as  petrol  station,  below  deck  on boats, fuel  or  chemical  transfer  or storage facilities, and  areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders and any other area where user would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine. Driving Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the areas where user drive. If user is going to use DMP330 while driving, please:  Give full attention to driving  Use handsfree. Law in many countries requires vehicle handsfree.  Pull off the road and park before making or answering a
 20  call if driving conditions so require. RF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles such  as  car  stereo,  safety  equipment  etc.  in  addition;  some vehicle  manufacturers  do  not  allow  use  of  mobile  phones, unless  the  installation  is  supported  by  a  handsfree  kit  with  an external  antenna  in  their  vehicles.  Check  with  your  vehicle manufacturer’s representative to be sure that your mobile phone will not affect the electronic systems in your vehicle.
 21  DMP330 Product Package The package includes the following elements:             Battery Headset Charger Download cable  CD
 22  Phone Layout
 24  Keypad Description  Key Icon Key Name  Main Function Description  Power Key   Hold this key for at least two seconds to power on/off the phone.   Reject an incoming call.   End a call in progress.   Go back to the idle screen.  Dialing Key   Dial a phone call.   Confirm selection in menu operation.   Answer an incoming call.   Check the call history of dialed/missed/received calls in standby mode.  Up/Down/Left/Right Navigation Keys   Browse functions/options in menu operation.     Move the cursor in text editing.   Quick access to the following functions in idle screen: : Audio Player : Call Group of Friends : Messages : Tone Setup  Center Navigation Key  Confirm selection in menu operation.  Quick access to WLAN searching by holding two seconds at least  Left Soft Key (LSK)  Enter the main menu in standby mode.  While checking recently called numbers, store the numbers in the phone book.  Confirm the setting.
 25    Right Soft Key (RSK)  Enter contact list in standby mode.  Delete characters in text editing.  (Press and hold 2 sec. or up) Delete all characters in editing mode.  Number Keys  Key in alphabets of “A ~ Z” and “a ~ z”  Key in numbers of 1, 2, ~ 9, 0.  Hold key “1” for at least 2 seconds to enter voice mailbox.  Hold one of keys “2” ~ “9” for dialing a predefined speed-dialed number.  Long press key “0” in editing mode to generate a “Space” character  Long press key “0” in phone number dialing to generate an international call prefix “+” , or “P”, and “W” characters  Extra Function Key  Key in “*” character.  Key in symbol characters such as “, : ; ?” in text editing.    In idle screen, hold for at least 2 seconds, switch current user profile and silent profile alternatively  Pause Key  Key in “#” character  In text editing, change types of input methods.  In idle screen, hold for 2 seconds at least, activate key lock function.
 26   Volume Key  Adjust keypad tone volume in standby mode.  Adjust speech volume in talking mode  Adjust music volume in audio player  Camera Key  Hold on at least 2 seconds to enter camera function.  Take the picture when in camera function  Pause/Resume recording when in video recorder function
 27  Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen User  may  see  several  icons  showed  on  the  status  bar  on  the display,  the  following  table  describes  the  meanings  of  these icons.  Icon Description  Battery level             GSM signal strength
 28    WLAN signal strength  WLAN signal in status bar  WLAN off  WLAN connecting  WLAN disconnected  VoIP registered  Alarm /   Line 1/Line 2 / /   Call forwarding for L1/L2/L1 and L2
 29  /  GPRS registered/GPRS connected  Headset plugged in  New short message arrival /  MMS unread/busy  Mute  Sound recording  Alter type: ringing  Alter type: silent  Alter type: vibration  Alter type: vibration then ringing  Alter type: vibration and ringing / /  Voice mail L1/L2/L3  Roaming  Missed call
 30   Keypad Locked  Bluetooth on  Bluetooth connected  Bluetooth disconnected // Email L1/L2/L3  WAP mail  Stop watch /  Chatting room 1/2
 31  Getting Started Installing the SIM card and the battery User  needs  to  follow  up  the  following  steps  to  insert  the  SIM card and charge the battery before using the phone. 1.  Press  the  back  cover  release  button  and  take  the  cover away as shown in Figure 1   2.  Lift the battery away as shown in Figure 2.   3.  Insert  and  slide  the  SIM  card  and  battery  as  shown  in Figure 3.         Note: Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of children.   Note: Be careful to handle, insert or remove the SIM card since the SIM card and its contact can easily be damaged by scratched or bending.   Note:  Before  installing/removing  the  SIM  card,  always  make  sure
 32  that the phone is switched off. Charging the battery User must fully charge the battery before using DMP330 for the first time. 1.  Connect the lead from the travel adapter to the USB socket on the bottom of DMP330. 2.  Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet.  User can charge the battery through  Charger:  charge  battery  from  a  stand AC  power outlet  USB cable: charge battery from devices with USB host connector (e.g., desktop PC and laptop PC)
 33      Note:  When  you  first  use  the  phone,  the  battery  has  to  be  fully charged. It takes about 2.5 hours to finish charging an empty battery.  Charging through charger 1.  Plug  the  charger  connector  into  mini-USB  socket  at  the bottom of phone when phone is either switched on or off. 2.  User can hear a “beep” sound and see a message saying “Charger  Connected”,  and  then  charging  starts.  At  this moment, User can see the battery bar icon running on the main display screen. 3.  Once  the  charging  is  completed,  a  full  battery  bar  icon   appears. 4.  Remove the charger,  user will hear a “beep” sound again and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”  Charging through USB cable 1.  Connect  the  USB  cable  to  a  desktop  PC  or  a  laptop  PC which  is  switched  on.  Make  sure  the  PC  is  not  in  sleep
 34  mode. 2.  Plug the USB connector into mini-USB socket at the bottom of phone when phone is either switched on or off.   3.  User can hear a “beep” sound and see USB configuration menu  in  the  display  screen.  Press    key,  then charging starts. At  this  moment, user can  see  the  battery bar icon changing on the main display screen. 4.  Once  the  charging  is  completed,  a  full  battery  bar  icon   appears. 5.  Remove  USB  cable,  you  will  hear  a  “beep”  sound  again and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”    Note: When the battery level is low and indicated by “ ” on the display, user  will hear  a “beep” sound.  When the battery  level  becomes too  low  and  indicated  by  “ ”  on  the  display,  it  shall  be  switched  off automatically in a short time.     Note:  If  the  phone  is  not  in  use  and  charged  for  a  long  time, over-discharge may happen. If user cannot see charging screen upon the connection of the charger, wait for a period of time and then the charging will  be  activated.  In  case  that  the  charging  screen  cannot  be  shown always, contact service center.
 35  Switching the phone on and off 1.  Press and hold    key. 2.  If the phone asks PIN code, key in the PIN code, and press   Left Soft Key (LSK) to confirm.    Note:  If  the  phone  shows  “Insert  SIM”  when  SIM  card  is  properly inserted, contact your network operator or service provider.   Note:  Do  not  switch  the  phone  on  when  wireless  phone  use  is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.  Function without plug-in SIM card   DMP330 has some functions user can use without plug-in SIM card. Including:   E-mail   Call History   Contact     VoIP   Services   File Manager
 36    Camera   Entertainment   Audio Player   Organizer   Application   Setting(except Call Setup and Shortcuts)  Call Function This gives user information about the calling service that support in DMP330.   Making a call from the Contact 1.  In standby mode, dial number and press  . 2.  In  standby  mode,  press    Right  Soft  Key  (RSK)  to enter Name, select one name from Search and follow by pressing    key to dial. 3.  User could also press Menu and choose to enter Contact submenu to make a call.
 37  Making an international call   For  international  calls,  long  press  key    for  the international prefix (character “+”). Key in the country code, area code and the phone number. Press    to call.  Answering an incoming call Press    to answer the call.  Rejecting the incoming call Press    to reject the call.  Call waiting User can answer another incoming call while user has a call in progress.   During a  call, press    LSK to enter option  menu to  hold  a call.
 38  Making a conference call User  can  make  conference  call  while  user  has  multi  calls  in progress.   1.  Make a call to the first participant. 2.  Press    LSK and choose New Call to call the second participant as explained in Make a new call during a call. 3.  Press    LSK  and  select  Conference.  This  joins  the calls to the conference. 4.  Repeat  step  2  and  3  to  allow  new  participants  to  be connected to the conference call. 5.  Press Option and select End All to end the call or press . 6.  Any call (participant) can be disconnected by press Option key and select End Single.      Note: Please user make sure if the operation supports this service or need to subscribe this service before using this function.
 39  Tips for call options A call can be connected to any single caller by pressing Option. When user presses Option during an active call, user would see the following functions: 1.  Hold: put a call on 2.  End: end a call. 3.  New call: make a new call during an active call. 4.  Contact: shortcut to Contact menu. 5.  SMS: shortcut to Messages menu. 6.  Sound  recorder:  to  record  the  conversation  during  an active phone call. 7.  Mute: set On/Off to mute the call during the conversation. 8.  DTMF: set  On/Off for DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) tone dialing system. Text editing using input method User can key in text by using the traditional method or predictive smart  input.  DMP330  is  designed  to  support  six  languages: English,  Spanish,  French,  German,  Traditional  Chinese  and Simplified Chinese languages
 40  To select input method 1.  When key in text, press Option and select Input Method. 2.  User  can  also  change  input  method  by  short  press   key. To insert a space In T9abc, user could use    key to insert spaces.  Traditional English input DMP330 provides  Multitap function.  For example, press   key  twice  to  display  the  letter  “B”,  and  press  three  times  to display the letter “C”. The following table shows the mapping of keypads of “0” ~ “9” and the associated characters.
 41  English characters table
 42  Text entry with “T9” “T9” uses a built-in dictionary to recognize the most commonly used word for every sequence of key presses.   The  selected  input  method  will  be  shown  the  icon  in  the indication bar.  User can choose  to turn on or  off your T9  input method in option list.     Multitap ABC Multitap abc   Numeric Smart ABC Smart abc
 43   Messages   User can view, edit, and send the message via this menu.   SMS DMP330  also  allows  user  to  send  and  receive  text  message contain pictures or melodies.    To write a message 1.  In Messages menu, choose SMS, press Ok   2.  Choose Write Message, press Ok to write message. 3.  User  can  also  personalize  your  message  with  more different special  effects  by selecting following functions  in option list which are:  Use Templates: User might insert default template for quick writing.  Insert Object: User might insert picture, animation, melody and sound in your text message.
 44   Format Text: User might choose text size, style, alignment or start new paragraph.  Insert PHB Number: You can add number from phonebook  Insert PHB Name: You can add name from phonebook  Insert Bookmark: You can add bookmark from WAP  Input Method: User might choose input method as user wishes.   Note:  To  quick  access  Messages  function,  user  can  press left key of   in standby mode.     Note:  To  key  in  the  content,  please  refer  to  Subsection  of “Text editing using input method.”    To read message When  user  has  received  a  message,  the  indicator    will appear on the display. If your inbox is full, there will be a pop-up window  to  remind  user  to  delete  some  of  your  old  message.
 45  Otherwise, your message will be saved in the phone instead of SIM card.      1.  In Messages, choose Text Message (SMS), press OK and then select Inbox. 2.  Choose the message user  would like to read by  pressing OK to view the content.   Note:  The  message  user  has  received  will  be  saved  in  SIM  as default setting.  When  user  read  the  message,  DMP330  provides  following selections for your option.  Reply:  Allow  user  to  reply  by  sending  a  text message.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  message  in progress.  Edit: Allow user to edit the text message.  Forward: Allow user to forward a text message.  Copy  To  Phone/SIM:  Allow  user  to  copy  the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.
 46   Move  To  Phone/SIM:  Allow  user  to  move  the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.  Chat:  Allow  user  to  chat  with  the  one  sending message to DMP330.  Delete  All:  Allow  user  to  delete  all  message  at once.  Copy  All:  Allow  user  to  copy  all  message  to DMP330 at once.  Move  All:  Allow  user  to  move  all  message  to DMP330 at once.  Use  Number:  Allow  user  to  save  the  number  in your Contact.  Use URL: Allow user to use the URL in DMP330.  To send a message 1.  In  Messages,  choose  Text  Message  (SMS)  and  press OK. 2.  Choose  Write  Message;  press  OK  to  start  writing message.
 47  3.  After  finishing  the  writing,  select  Done  following  by pressing Option.   Note:  To  use  picture  message  function,  your  network  operator  or service  provider  support  is  necessary.  Only  phones  that  contain  this function can receive and display picture message.    DMP330 provides the following options:  Send  Only:  Allow  user  to  send  a  text  message immediately.  Save  And  Send:  Allow  user  to save  and  send a text message.  Save: Allow user to save the message and send it later.  Send to Many:  Allow user to  send many  contact at  once.  Successful  sent  message  will  not  be stored in Outbox.  Send By Group: Allow user to send a group user has grouped in the phone. Outbox Message After  sending  out  the  message,  the  message  is  saved  in  the
 48  outbox folder if user choose “Save And Send”. User is allowed to  read  message  user  has  chosen  to  save  with  the  following option: 1.  In Messages, choose SMS,   2.  Press Ok and then select Outbox.  You  are  allowed  to  read  messages  you  have  chosen  to  save with the following options:  Send: Allow user to send the message.  Edit: Allow user to edit the saved message.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  message  in progress.  Copy  To  Phone/SIM:  Allow  user  to  copy  the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.  Move  To  Phone/SIM:  Allow  user  to  move  the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.  Delete  All:  Allow  user  to  delete  all  message  in your outbox at once.  Copy  All:  Allow  user  to  copy  all  message  to DMP330 at once.  Move  All:  Allow  user  to  move  all  message  to DMP330 at once.
 49   Use  Number:  Allow  user  to  save  the  number  in your Contact.  Use URL: Allow user to save the URL in DMP330.  Template There  are  several  default  templates  in  DMP330  for  quick message writing. User can also edit these templates to preferred words or to erase template.  Message Settings DMP330  allows  user  to  set  up  default  settings  on  the  SMS feature. 1.  In Messages, choose SMS, press Ok 2.  Choose Message Settings, press Ok.    DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Profile Setting: If more than one message profile is  allowed by  your SIM,  user  may edit  the  profile
 50  separately.  Common  Setting:  User  can  enable  or  disable delivery report and reply path.  Memory Status: Allow user to check the memory status of the SMS in term of in SIM or in Phone  Preferred  Storage:  Allow  user  to  change  your preferred storage either SIM or phone.  Prefer  Bearer:  Allow  user  to  choose  your preferred bearer-GSM or GPRS.  Multimedia Message Service (MMS) The feature allows user to send the message that contains text, sound  and  a  picture.  Depending  on  the  network,  user  may receive a text message that includes an Internet address where user can view the multimedia message. DMP330 supports the following formats in MMS function. 1.  Picture: JPG, GIF and BMP. 2.  Sound:  Scalable  Polyphonic  MIDI  (SP-MIDI)  and i-Meldoy.    Note: User is not able to receive multimedia message during a call, a
 51  game, or any active WAP connection over GPRS data.   To write a MMS For  availability  to  the  multimedia  messages  service,  please contact your network operator or service provider. 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and then press OK 2.  Choose Write Message followed by pressing OK. 3.  Add number or e-mail to To, Cc, and Bcc user wishes to send to. Then edit the subject and content by press Edit. 4.  In  content,  user  is  able  to  add  text,  image,  audio  and attachment in to the slide.    Note: To key in the content, user can refer to “Input method “.   Note:  To  use  picture  message  function,  your  network  operator  or service provider support is necessary.    DMP330 provides the following selections for your option when editing the slides:  Done: Allow user to  exit the editing page and  go back to Edit content page.  Input  Method:  Allow  to  user  change  the  input method.
 52   Add  Image:  Allow  user  to  add  a  picture  in  your message.  Add Audio: Allow user to add an audio file in your message.  Add  Video:  Allow  user  to  add  video  file  in  your message.  Add  Attachment:  Allow  user  to  attach  a  file  in your message.  Add Slider Before: Allow user to add text before slider.  Add  Slider  After:  Allow  user  to  add  text  after slider.  Add Bookmark Text: Allow user to add bookmark in your message.  Preview:  Allow  user  to  preview  the  slide(s)  user just wrote.  Slide Timing: Allow user to edit the sliding time. To send a MMS 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and then press OK. 2.  Choose Write Message followed by pressing OK. 3.  After  writing the  message following  by  the  below  steps,
 53  select Done to either Send Only, Save and Send, Save To Drafts, Send Option, or Exit the message. 4.  User can also choose the Send Option to edit the MMS otherwise the message will be sent as default setting.   Note: To key in the content, user can refer to “Input method “.   Note:  To  use  picture  message  function,  your  network  operator  or service provider support is necessary.    DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Send  Only:  Allow  user  to  send  a  text  message immediately.  Save  And  Send:  Allow  user  to save  a  message and send immediately.  Save  To  Drafts:  Allow  user  to  save  a  message and send it later.  Send  Option:  Allow  user  to  personalize  the sending  option  including  Validity  period,  Delivery report, Read report, and Priority.  Exit: Allow user to choose to save or not save the message user has written.
 54  Keypad information   Key Character  Shift the cursor in text edit mode.  Insert symbol.  Change input method.      Inbox DMP330 saves the multimedia message that has been received in the Inbox folder of the Multimedia message menu.
 55  To read received multimedia message 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and then press Ok 2.  Select Inbox followed by pressing Ok. 3.  Choose a message, press Option to view the message.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View:  Allow  user  view  a  multimedia  message immediately.  Reply: Allow user to reply the sender.  Reply BY SMS: Allow user to reply by SMS  Reply All: Allow user to reply the group.  Forward: Allow user to forward the message.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  selected message.  Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.  Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list.  Use Details: Allow user to either dial or save the phone number
 56  Outbox MMS that have not been sent will save in Outbox folder of the Multimedia message menu. The multimedia message that have been  sent  are  saved  in  the  Out  box  folder  of  the  Multimedia message menu. To read outbox multimedia message 1.  In Messages, choose MMS, press Ok, choose Outbox, press Ok 2.  Choose a message, press Select to view.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View:  Allow  user  to  view  a  multimedia  message immediately.  Forward:  Allow  user  to  send  the  message  to others.  Edit: Allow user to edit.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  selected message.  Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.  Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list    Use Details: Allow user to either dial or save the
 57  phone number. Draft DMP330 saves the multimedia message that has not been sent in the Draft folder of the Multimedia message menu.     To read unsent multimedia message 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and press OK. 2.  Select Drafts followed by pressing OK. 3.  Choose a message, press Option to view the message.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View:  Allow  user  view  a  multimedia  message immediately.  Send: Allow user to send the message  Edit: Allow user to edit the message.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  selected message.  Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.  Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list    Use  Detail:  Allow  user  to  either  dial  or  save  the phone number.
 58  Templates This phone allows user to have a quick entry for your multimedia message. 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and press OK. 2.  Select  Templates,  press  OK,  select  a  template,  press Option. 3.  Choose  Write  Message  to  send  the  multimedia message.   4.  Select Done to either send or save the message.  User can view the content of template by View option to read the slide and Properties to read the message content and size. Message settings   Before user sends the MMS message, user needs to finish MMS setting 1.  In Messages, choose MMS and press OK. 2.  Select Message Settings and press OK.    DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Compose:  User  can  set  your  compose  format
 59  from the following option   Creation Mode: Free/Restricted   Image  Resizing:  160x120  /  320x240  / 640x480 / Off     Auto Signature: On/Off     Send:     Validity period: This is the duration that your message is stored at the Message Center. The option of length of time includes: Max/ 1 hour/ 12 hours/ 1 day/ 1 week   Delivery report: User can turn On or Off this function  if  user  wants  to  receive  delivery report from service provider or not   Read  report:  User  can  turn  On  or Off  this function if user wants to receive report from service provider.   Priority: User can choose message priority; the option includes Normal, High, and Low.   Slide  timing:  User  can  set  slide  timing  by own preference.   Delivery Time: The option of length of time
 60  includes Immediate/ In one hour/ 12 hours/ In 24 hours  Retrieve:    Home network: The option of home network includes Immediate/ Delayed/ Rejected   Roaming:  the  option  of  roaming  network includes As Home/Delayed/Rejected   Read  report:  The  option  of  read  report includes On request/Send/Never send   Delivery report: User can turn On or Off this function  to  request  the  network  to  send delivery reports of the past message.  Filter:     Anonymous:  The  option  of  anonymous includes Allow/Reject   Advertisement: The option of advertisement setting includes Allow /Reject  Server Profile:     User  may  receive  and  send  multimedia message through certain network or service provider.  To  activate  or  edit  Profile  detail setting, press OK.
 61   Memory Status   User can check memory status.      Note: To finish the correct and valid MMS setting, user may contact the network service operator.  Chat User can chat with friends using this function. There are 2 chat rooms. Before chatting, user needs go to Chat Room Info to   1.  Create a nickname by pressing Edit. 2.  Then, input the mobile number or searching from contact. To start chatting 1.  After chat room setting, press Start New. 2.  Create a nickname by pressing Edit. 3.  Then, user is allowed to write a message to the one user wishes to chat. 4.  After finishing the writing, press Send to start chatting.  DMP330  provides  the  following  selections  when  user  starts  to
 62  chat  Send:  Allow user to  send  the  message user  has written.  Use Template: Allow user to insert the template in your SMS template option.  Insert  PHB  Number:  Allow  user  to  insert  phone number from your contact.  Insert PHB Name: Allow user to insert name from your contact.  Input  Method:  Allow  user  to  change  your  input method.  DMP330 provides the following selections during chatting,  Reply:  Allow  user  to  reply  the  message  sent  by the one user chats with.  Use  Number:  Allow  user  to  save  the  number  of chatter or number sent by chatter.  Clear Chat: Allow user to clear your conversation.  Temp Leave: Allow user to leave the chat room for temporality.  Quit: Allow user to quit this chart room  Chat Room Info: Allow user to read the chat room
 63  information user has set.   Note: If user happens to leave the chat room temporarily, user can choose to Resume or End of chatting.  E-mail DMP330 allows user to send and receive e-mail from GPRS or WLAN. If user is the first time to use this function, please setup E-mail profile first.   Email Profile In Email Profile, choose one of them and press LSK to edit and press  OK.  User  has  to  setup  Profile  setting,  Outgoing  server, Incoming Server and Signature.   Note: Detail settings; please check your service provider.  Voice Mail Server DMP330 allows user to access your voice mailbox with a quick way  if  your  operator  supports  this  function.  Your  voice  mail number will be provided by your service provider and showed in
 64  the phone. In the Voice Mail submenu, user can choose line 1 or 2 and option list including: 1.  Edit: Allow user to edit name & number of voice mail line 1. 2.  Connect to voice: Allow user to connect your voice mail box.   Note: To use this function, user may need to enter the voice server number obtained from your service provider.  Broadcast Message DMP330 allows user to receive commercial message. User can either enable or disable the receiving mode and set some other settings based on your personal preference. DMP330 provides the following selections:  Receive  Mode:  User  can  choose  to  receive  or  not receive  the  last  broadcast  message  user  has received.  Read Message: User can read message by pressing “OK” or exit by pressing “Back”    Languages:  User  can  set  up  the  languages  of broadcast message user wants to receive.
 65   Channel Setting:  User can add new channel where user  wants  the  message  to  be  received  to  the  list. Then, select channel(s) from the select list.    User is allowed to add, edit and delete it.           Call History   DMP330 can save information for missed, received and dialed
 66  calls, and the talking time as well as cost of your calls.      Note:  Once  the  call  list  exceeds  the  memory  limitation,  the  oldest one  is  deleted.    User  can  save  at  least  20  calls  in  Missed,  Dialed  & Received calls per each list...  Note:  for  Missed,  Dialed  & Received  calls,  user  can  press talk key   to have  a  quick  review.  DMP330 provides several  options if  user selects a certain phone number. Missed calls   DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 missed calls. To view missed calls In Call History menu, choose Missed Calls; press OK to view the records.  Dialed Calls DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 outgoing calls. To view dialed calls In  Call  History  menu,  choose  Dialed  Calls  and  press  OK  to
 67  view the records. Received Calls DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 received calls. To view received calls In  Call  History  menu,  choose  Received  Calls;  press  OK  to view the records.  When  you  choose  the  number,  and  press  LSK,  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View:  Allow  user  to  see  the  detail  information  of received calls, missed calls and dialed calls  Delete: Allow user  to  erase the number from  the list.  Save  To  Phonebook:  Allow  user  to  save  the number in SIM/phone.  Call Via VoIP: Allow user to call the number that show in the screen through WLAN.  Call Via GSM: Allow user to call the number that show in the screen through GSM.  Edit: Allow user to edit the number
 68   Send SMS: Allow user to send a text message the number showed in the screen.  Send  MMS:  Allow  user  to  send  a  multimedia message the number showed in the screen Delete Call Log DMP330 provides the following call deletion functions to delete all call histories:  Missed Calls  Dialed Calls  Received Calls  Delete All  Call Time DMP330  allows  user  to  view  the  timers  for  calls  made  and received.   1.  In Call History menu, choose Call Time, press OK,   2.  Choose an item, press OK to view the content.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Last Call Time: List out the last call time of your
 69  conversation  Total Sent: Sum of total time user has called out.  Total  Received:  Sum  of  total  call  time  user  has received.  Reset All Time: Reset the time counter to zero.  Call Cost This function allows user to check the cost while making phone call. DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Last Call Cost: Last call user made  Total Cost: Sum of costs user made so far  Reset Cost: To reset the counter  Max Cost: To set the max cost allowed  Price Per Unit: To set the unit cost of the call  SMS Counter This function allows user to check the numbers of message. It is a counter. User may press reset to restart the counter.  Sent: The message number user sent
 70   Received: The message number user received  GRPS Counter This function allows user to check the data size of GPRS packet user used.    Last Sent: The message size user last time sent  Last Received: The message size last time user received  All Sent: The total message size user has sent  All  Received:  The  total  message  size  user  has received  Reset Counter: To reset the counter     Contact   Your  contact  is  saved  either  in  the  SIM  card’s  memory  or Phone’s  memory.  User  can  also  choose  to  save  in  both
 71  memories.  Quick Search Allow user to search by character.   Search Entry Allow user to search names and numbers saved in the Contact. To search a number and a name 1.  In  Search  Entry  submenu,  key  in  full  name  or  first character of contact person’s name. The contact list  will automatically  jump  to  the  contact  list  with  the  character user has entered or the matched contact will be shown.     2.  Select  the  one  user  wishes to  call  by  pressing    to start making a call. User can also press Option to change input method or edit the selected phone number. DMP330 provides the following selections for Entry Option:  Call Via VoIP: Make a call through WLAN network.  Call Via GSM: Make a call through GSM network.
 72   Send SMS: Allow user to send a short message.  Send  MMS:  Allow  user  to  send  a  Multimedia message.  View:  Allow  user  to  read  the  contact  person’s information.  Edit: Allow user to edit name & phone number of the contact person.  Delete: Allow user  to delete the  selected  contact person’s information.  Copy:  Allow  user  to  copy  the  contact  person’s information  to  phone  or  SIM.  (depend  on  where user has saved the phone number)  Move:  Allow  user  to  move  the  select  contacted person’s information to phone or SIM.    Duplicate:  Allow  user  to  duplicate  the  selected contact person’s information to the same memory storage.  Send  vCard:  Allow  user  to  send  vCard  to  the selected contact person.
 73  Add New Entry Allow user add new name and number in the SIM or phone. To add a phone number and a name in Contact 1.  In Contact menu, choose Add New Entry, press OK.     2.  Choose the storage user wishes to save by selecting To SIM or To Phone and pressing OK. 3.  Key in the name, press OK, use navigation key to number column, key in the number.   4.  User  may  also  edit  the  name,  home  number,  company name, email address, office number, fax number, birthday, caller group for individual contact when choose to phone and user can use left and right navi key to add or change picture, video, sound and caller group.   Note: DMP330 allows user to save 1000 entries of phone numbers. Copy All User can copy and transfer DMP330 data from SIM to DMP330 (or from phone to SIM).   1.  In Contact menu, select Copy. 2.  Choose From SIM or From Phone and press OK to copy
 74  all the data to Phone or SIM.  Delete DMP330 allows user to delete all numbers and names stored in the contact.   1.  In Contact menu, select Delete. 2.  Choose  All  From  Phone,  All  From  SIM  or  One  By  One and press OK to delete.  Caller Group   There are eight Caller groups in the  phone, including Friends, Family,  VIP,  Business,  Colleague,  Group  1,  Group  2  and Group 3.    To add a name in a Group 1.  In Contact menu, choose Caller Group, press OK. 2.  Choose a Group, press OK. 3.  Choose Member List, press OK.
 75  4.  Press  Add,  then  user may  choose  from the  name from Phone Book List to add it in the Group.   Note: User needs  to store contact information  into the  phone  book first and then add the contact name into Caller group.    In each Caller Group, you  will have the following selections for each group:  Group  Name:  Groups  includes  Friends,  Family, VIP, Business and Others  Ring  Tone:  Allow  user  to  set  the  profile  of  ring tone for this particular call group  Pictures: Allow user to set a picture for the group.    Video: Allow user to set a video clip for the group.  Member List: Allow user to add a member in the specified group. Search By Caller Group You only can choose either GSM or VoIP to operate before enter search  mode.    User  can  select  an  entry  in  caller  group  and press  send  key  to  make  a  call  via  GSM  or  VoIP  according  to current selected mode set in network setup.
 76  Extra Number Allow user to edit owner number, service dial number and SOS number for your personal preference.  Note:  Your  service  provider  may  program  some  special  phone numbers  into  your  SIM.    It  is  not  possible  to  modify  the  Service  dial numbers if doesn’t support.  Settings   DMP330  provides  user  various  setting  option  to  personalize DMP330, including,     1.  Memory  Status:  User  can  check  the  phone’s  internal memory is unoccupied and how many name and number entries  can  still  be  stored  in  SIM  card’s  and  Phone’s memory. 2.  Preferred  Storage:  User  can  choose  your  preferred storage in phone, SIM. 3.  Fields: User may customize the contact information user wants to show on your display. 4.  My vCard: Allow user edit your personal vCard saved in the handset
 77   Edit My vCard: Enter the submenu, and user may input your vCard information  Send  My  vCard:  Allow  user  to  send  your  vCard via  SMS,  MMS,  Send  by  Bluetooth  and  Save  to File.         VoIP   DMP330 supports VoIP function through WLAN. It means user can  make  VoIP  call  through  WLAN,  not  through  GSM.  In standby  mode,  when  user  inputs  numbers  and  press  option,
 78  user  can  choose  to  make  a  call  through  either  VoIP  or  GSM, according to your presetting mode selection. If this is the first time for user to use the VoIP function,  please follow the steps: Preferred Mode DMP330 allows user to set to only one of the following modes for the use of GSM or WLAN network. In standby mode, press LSK, choose Settings and choose Network Setup. In Preferred mode, user can choose: 1.  GSM Only: Turn off WLAN/SIP function. If user wants to make VoIP/WLAN calls, should not choose this mode. 2.  WLAN Only: Turn off GSM/GPRS function. 3.  GSM  Preferred:  When  user  makes  a  new  call  by pressing  ,  GSM  network  will  be  the  first  priority network to connect. 4.  WLAN  Preferred:  When  user  makes  a  new  call  by pressing  , WLAN will be the first priority network to connect. Enable WLAN and search for network To use the VoIP function through WLAN, user needs to turn on
 79  WLAN first and choose one WLAN network to connect to. At the current  time  the  GSM  transmit  signal  will  mute.    In  standby mode, press  LSK  and choose VoIP. Press Wireless LAN  and choose Enable WLAN,  DMP330  will  turn  on WLAN.  And  then choose Search  For  Networks, DMP330 will search and show WLAN network in the screen, user can press LSK to: 1.  Connect  the  WLAN  networks  they  want  to.  User  may need to  enter the  password  if  the  AP  is  proprietary and press Option to edit. 2.  Define  Access  point  to  save  the  connected  AP  in  the profile. Except Enable/Disable WLAN and Search for network, user can: 1.  Access  Point  Settings  :  To  review  the  AP  profile  for connection,  Edit,  define  new  AP,  Delete  and  change priority.   2.  Current Status: Show the information of WLAN.  In standby mode, user can long press central navi-key to search and connect  the  Access  point  (enable  the  WLAN  and  search  out  the  AP around)  if  no  access  point  is  defined  in  the  Access  Point  Setting. Otherwise  DMP330  will  connect  the  AP  automatically  according  to  the priority order of AP profile defined in the Access Point Settings .  For detailed settings, please check your operator.
 80   User can  see  the status  (strength) of  WLAN  signals in the  standby mode.  SIP Setting Sip is VoIP protocol and is used for setting up communications sessions  such  as  conferencing,  telephony  and  instant messaging on  the Internet. You cannot  use  VoIP  function until this function is well set up and you have to enter your user name and password for authentication before using this function. You can  contact  your  network  administrator  or  ISP  for  more information. In  standby  mode,  press  LSK  and  choose  VoIP.  Press  SIP Setting  and  choose  Profile  Setting.  DMP330  can  store  10 profiles.  User  can  choose  one  of  profile  and  press  LSK  to Activate  or  Edit.  If  user  is the  first  time  to  use VoIP function. Please choose Edit to setup:   1.  Common  Setting:  Allow  user  to  setup  Profile  Name, Data  Account  (Wireless  LAN  or  GPRS),  Auto Login: Allow  user  to  choose  turn  on  /off  auto  login  and  Voice Mail Server: Allow user to setup voice mail server. 2.  Account  Setting:  Allow  user  to  input  SIP  Server,  SIP
 81  Port,  Display  Name,  Username  and  Password  and Auth Name. 3.  Outbound Server: Allow user to input Status, Outbound Server, Outbound Port, Auth Name and Password. 4.  Register  Server:  Allow  user  to  input  Status,  Register Server, Register port, Auth Name and Password. 5.  NAT  Setting:  Allow  user  to  input  or  show  Status,  NAT firewall IP, STUN Server, STUN Port. 6.  Port setting: Allow user  to  input  any  RTP  port number and Local port to avoid collision with others.  Detail settings; please check your service providers or operators .  DMP330  provides  Call  Setting  function  to  let  user  to  set  the desired call setting for the VoIP call function. In standby mode, press  LSK  and  choose  VoIP.  Press  SIP  Setting  and  choose Call Setting. 1.  Auto  Answer:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  turn  on/off  auto answer. 2.  Auto  Reject:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  turn  on/off  auto reject. 3.  Auto  Redial:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  turn  on/off  auto redial.
 82  4.  Hide  Caller  ID:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  turn  on/off  hide caller ID. 5.  DTMF:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  Inband/Outband/Off DTMF. 6.  Comfort  Noise:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  on/off  comfort Noise. 7. Set Codec Order: Allow user to set the priority of Codec.  Note:  When  user  makes  a  VoIP  call,  user  must  login  SIP  server (register VoIP service). DMP330 has 2 way to login SIP server: 1.  Traditional  way:  When  user  enables  WLAN  and  chooses Access point, Press Login to login SIP server. 2. Auto login: In SIP Setting/Profile Setting and choose Option to Common Setting and choose Auto Login.        Make a New VoIP Call When user finish setup by steps, user can make a VoIP call from DMP330. User may make a VoIP call through: 1.  In  standby  mode,  press  LSK  and  choose  VoIP.  Press Login.  When  registering  VoIP  service  for  the  activated SIP  profile  succeeds,  then  press  new  call  and  type  in VoIP  number/address  user  wants  to  call.  After  finishing
 83  typing  and  press  ,  DMP330  will  dial  to  the  caller through WLAN. 2.  In standby mode,  enter  VoIP  number  and  press  LSK  to choose Call Via VoIP. Note: There are some special functions in DMP330:  Auto  login:  In  profiles  settings,  user  can  turn  on auto  login.  When  DMP330  turn  on  the  WLAN profile, it will login SIP automatically.  Call  transfer:  When  user  gets  a  VoIP  call,  press LSK  and  choose  transfer  and  then  dial  VoIP number, the VoIP call will transfer to the other VoIP phone.  Concall: When user A talk to B with VoIP call, user B can press LSK to choose new call and then dial VoIP call to user C, When C  get the  phone, A, B and C can make concall.
 84   Services   Services describe in the following are supported by your service provider.  If  user  can  not connect either  one  of those  services, user  might  contact  with  your  service  provider  for  further information. WAP DMP330s  support  Web  Browser.  User  can  obtain  various services  such  as  up-to  date  news,  weather,  sport,  and  other information  as  well  as  use  e-mail  and  other  Internet  services. These  services  are  designed  and  maintained  by  WAP  service providers.  The  WAP  service  use  Wireless  Markup  Language  (WML)  on their WAP pages. User may not view the Internet web pages on DMP330.     Note:  To  activate  WAP  service,  user  may  need  to  contact  your service provider.   Note:  Do  not  switch  the  phone  on  when  wireless  phone  use  is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
 85  Homepage To  access  the  browser from  the  standby mode,  go  to  WAP in Service and press Homepage. Once connected, the homepage is displayed. The content depends on the service provider.  To exit the browser, press option/Exit key. Bookmarks User can use this menu to save URL addresses to quick access a website.   DMP330 also provides user for the following selections for your option.  Goto: Allow user to link the website.  Edit: Allow user to edit URL address.  Send: Allow user to send Bookmark.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  the  selected bookmark.  Delete  all:  Allow  user  to delete all  bookmarks  at once.
 86   Add Bookmark: Allow user to add URL address.   Recent pages User can view the recent pages user has visited. Press Goto to connect the selected page. Enter Address User  can  key  in  the  URL  address  and  enter  the  address  followed  by selecting  Done. DMP330  will connect  the  URL  user  just keyed in. After the address is entered, user may select the URL and press OK to connect next time. Service Inbox DMP330 is able to receive service message sent by your service provider.  Service  message  are  notifications  of  headlines  or content, and they may contain address of a WAP service. User can get updated  news or  new WAP settings from your service provider.  The received WAP  push message will be stored in  the service inbox.    User can press Option to either Read, Delete or Delete
 87  All the push message(s). Settings GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology that use for  sending  and  receiving  data  over  the  mobile  network.  The applications that use GPRS are WAP services, MMS and SMS messages and GPRS dial-up (such as Internet and e-mail). User can set the phone to automatically register to a GPRS network when user switches the phone on.  WAP Setting  If the settings have made by the service provider, user may begin immediately without setting.  If  access  profiles  have  assigned  by  your  service provider, select a profile and activate it.  Otherwise  user  may  key  in  setting  manually.  For appropriate  settings,  contact  your  network operator or service provider.
 88  Key in the service settings manually 1.  In  WAP  menu,  choose  Edit  Profile  in  Settings,  and  then press OK   2. Choose a profile, press OK, choose Edit Profile, press OK to start setting.  User  needs  to  key  in  the  information  in  Homepage,  Data account,  User  name,  Password,  IP  address  and  Connection type  in  DMP330.  To  get  the  information,  user  may  need  to contact your operator.    Note: In  most  cases,  user  only  needs  to  use  one  of  the  default profiles to access the Internet. The settings are different from operator to operator. Please consult your operator or service provider for the correct settings and proceed with care. Wrong settings will cause the connection to fail.  Activate WAP settings After  user  complete  all  WAP  settings  (see  WAP  settings function), in WAP Profile mode, please choose Activate Profile, and then press OK.
 89  Browser option User can set the timeout value for the browser. The purpose is to stop the browser connecting the website if the website does not respond within the timeout.    Also, user can choose either On or Off the image while browsing.  Service Message Settings User  can  choose  either  receive  or  not  receive  the  service message  which  would  be  saved  in  the  service  inbox  sent  by your service provider.  Clear Cache The information or date user has accessed are all stored in the cache of the phone. A cache is a file buffer used to store date only  temporarily.  User  can  clear  the  history  by  selecting  this option.  Clear Cookies Under the consideration of privacy and security issue, we would
 90  suggest  user  to  clear  cookies  which  may  contain  sensitive information just in case DMP330 is misplaced, lost or stolen.  Trusted Certificates This function is to indicate your trusted certificate when browsing and also adding the trust list into the browser if needed.  Data Account Default data accounts based on major operators at the time this phone is manufactured are provide. User can access WAP via GSM or GPRS.    To  get  the  analogue  number  or  ISDN  number information,  user  may  need  to  contact  your operator for the service.  To get the access point of GPRS, user may need to contact your operator for the service. GSM Data Press  Edit  to  change  the  data  account  settings,  including: Account  name,  Number,  User  name,  Password,  Line  type, Speed and DNS.
 91  GPRS Press  Edit  to  change  the  data  account  settings,  including: Account Name, APN, User name, Password and Auth. Type.
 92   File Manager  In this menu, user can manage images, photos, recordings and tones  user  had.  There  will  be  three  storages  showed:  Phone, DRM Rights and memory card if user plug-in memory card.  To start view/organizing the File manager 1.  When user enters this menu, user may see Phone. User  will  also  see  one  more  drive  named  Memory Card if user inserts the MicroSD card in.     2.  Scroll to the desired folder and press Option select option: Open, Create Folder and Format. 3.  DMP330  provides  the  following  selections  for  your option  when  user  select  the  one  of  those  folders Received,  Audio,  Ebook,  Photos,  My  Music, Images, Video) 4.  User can   Open: Allow user to open the folder. Create Folder: Allow user to create new folder. Rename: Allow user to rename the file. Delete: Allow user to delete the selected file. Sort: Allow user to sort the files by name, type, time and size.
 93   Camera   Camera User  can  use  this  phone  in  taking  photos  with  the  phone’s built-in  camera  and  adjust  its  settings.  DMP330  supports horizontal  OSD  (On  screen  display)  type  operation  style  and only supports vertical type in 176x220 image size. The camera lens is on the back of the phone, and the display  of the phone works as a viewfinder. If there’s not enough memory for camera, user  needs  to  delete  old  photos  to  free  some  spaces  for  new photos or user can choose to save photos in memory card. The status of your video camera setting will be displayed on the top of preview mode.  Note: Do not use this feature when it violates local laws. To start using Camera 1. User can activate camera function by:   In Camera menu, select Camera and press OK.   Press right side key.  2. User can take the picture by pressing central navi-key.
 94  3. Press Option to personalize your camera setting. 4.  Press  Up  and  down  Navi-key  to  zoom  in/out.  In  176*220 mode, other modes are left/right Navi-key. 5. Only 176*220 mode supports frame function.     Note:  The  photo  will  be  saved  in  the  folder  called  Photo  of  File Manager menu. User can also view the picture from by selecting Album from option list and user will jump to Image Viewer. To setup the Camera 1.  On the preview mode, user can press “Option”. All option will  be  displayed  in  the  bottom  of  screen,  and  user  can adjust the setting through the preview mode directly and your setting will be displayed on the top of screen. 2.  Using  Navigation  key  up  and  down  to  select  different camera settings and right & left to select your preference. The option list including:
 95    Video  recorder mode User can jump to video recorder mode by pressing OK  Image viewer User can review pictures user has taken by pressing OK  Shutter sound Sound off / Sound 1/ Sound 2/ Sound 3  EV EV-4 / EV-3 / EV-2 / EV-1 / EV 0 / EV+1 / EV+2 / EV+3 / EV+4  Banding  50 / 60 Hz  Delay timer  Timer Off / 5, 10, 15 sec.  Continue Shot Off/ 1 Shot / 5 shot/ 9 shot  Image Size  176x220/ 320x240/ 640x480/ 800x600/ 1280x1024  Image Quality Low / Normal / High  White Balance Auto / Daylight/ Tungsten/ Fluorescent/ Cloud/Incandescence  Scene Mode  Auto / Night
 96   Effect Setting Normal/ Grayscale/ Sepia/ Sepia Green/ Sepia Blue/ Color Invert/ Gray Invert/ Blackboard/ Whiteboard/ Copper Carving/ Blue Carving/ Embossment/ Contrast/ Sketch  Add Frame Off / Frame 1 / Frame 2 / Frame 3 / Frame 4 / Frame 5 / Frame 6 / Frame 7 / Frame 8 / Frame 9/ Frame 10(only support in vertical mode)  Storage  Phone / Memory Card  Restore default User can restore the factory setting by selecting this option.
 97  Image Viewer All images from MMS, WAP and camera could be reviewed from here  and  storage  is  located  in  either  phone  or  memory  card. User may choose to view your images in List or Matrix Style. DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View: Allow user to view the pictures saved in the File Manager.  Image Info: Allow user to check the image detailed information.  Browse Style: Allow user to select the style when user browse pictures.  Forward:  Allow  user  to  forward  your  pictures  as wallpaper,  screen  saver,  power  on/off  display, contact ID or send to others via MMS, Bluetooth or E-mail.  Rename: Allow user to rename the file name.  Delete: Allow user to delete the pictures in the File Manager.  Delete All Files: Allow user to delete all pictures in once.  Sort: Allow user to sort your photos by name, type, time, size and none.
 98   Storage:  Allow  user  to  choose  to  store  your pictures either in phone or memory card.  Note:  Sending  picture  via  MMS,  the  default  size  cannot  be  larger than  300KB.    However,  the  maximum size of  sending  picture via MMS will be determined by your service provider.   Video Recorder User  can  record  the  video  clip  through  build-in  camera.  The status of your video camera setting will be display on the top of preview mode. To start using video recorder 1.  In Camera, select Video Recorder and press OK, then press central key to start recording.   2.  User  can  press  Option  to  personalized  your  camera setting  otherwise  user  might  take  the  picture  by Navigation  Central  Key  or    Slide  Key Camera 3.  To zoom screen in /out, please press Navigation left /right key. 4.  To  change  the  brightness  of  background,  press Navigation up /down key.
 99  5.  User  can  also  press  Navigation  Central  Key  or camera quick key to record/Pause. When user may press    RSK to stop recording, then the clip will be  saved  in  the  video  folder  of  File  Manager automatically.  After  recording,  the  clip  will  be  saved  as your setting. 6.  User may review your video clips from video player.   Note: User can also quick access the camera function though quick key from right down side key.  Note: The video clip will be saved in Video Player menu and Video folder in File Manager. User can also view the picture from Album from option list.   Note: Volume  Side key  (right  up  2  side keys)  will  be functioned as zoom screen in/ and out.
 100  Key definition  Back / Stop (Right soft key)  Option (Left soft key)   Record / Pause  To setup the Video recorder 1.  On  the  preview  mode,  user  can  press  “Option”.  All options  will  be  displayed  in  the  bottom  of  screen,  and user  can  adjust  the  setting  through  the  preview  mode directly  and  your  setting  will  be  displayed  on  the  top  of screen. 2.  Using  Navigation  key  up  and  down  select  different camera settings and right & left to select your preference. The option list including:
 101   To player  To video player   White balance   EV   Night mode  Camcorder setting   Banding   Video size   Video quality   File size limit   Rec Time limit   Record Audio  Video Setting   Encode Format
 102   Effect Setting Normal / Grayscale / Sepia / Sepia Green / Sepia Blue / Color Invert / Gray Invert / Blackboard / Whiteboard / Copper Carving / Blue Carving / Embossment / Contrast / Sketch  Storage  Phone / Card  Restore Default User can restore the factory setting by selecting this option.
 103  Video Player This  folder  saves  videos  that  saved  from  phone  or  download from  PC.  This  phone  supports  .3GP  and  .MP4  form  with 176x144 video size.   To play the video   1.  In  Camera  menu,  choose  Video  Player,  select  the  file user wishes to play.   2.  After  selecting  a  certain  video  clip,  press  Option  and Play.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Play:  Allow  user  to  play  and  view  the  video content.  Forward:  Allow  user  to  forward  the  video  to screen  saver,  power  on  display  or  power  off display.    User  can  also  forward  the  video  clip  to contact  as  the  caller  ID  or  share  with  friend  via MMS, Bluetooth or E-mail.  Rename: Allow user to rename the video’s name.  Delete: Allow user to delete the melody  saved in the File manager.
 104   Delete All Files: Allow user to delete all video files saved in video File Manager.  Sort:  Allow user to sort the  video  clips  by name, type, time, size and none.  Bluetooth Settings:  Allow  user  to  listen  through stereo BT (Bluetooth) device.  Storage: Allow user to check the video’s memory and  format  and  play  the  video  clip  either  from phone or memory card. Photo Editor This function allow user to edit/show photo. Photo Artist This  function  allow  user  to  add  text  or  special  effect  on  your photo  Select a photo from phone.  User can choose Auto Resize or Main LCD Clip to show on the screen  Use can press option to choose:
 105  Option  Description Save as  Put the file name to be saved Add effect  Grayscale/Sepia/Sepia green/Sepia blue/Color invert/Gray invert/Water color/Blur/Strong blur/More Sharpen/Median/Dilation/Erosion Add frame  10 frames user can choose   Add icon  18 icons user can choose to add Add text  User can add/edit text Adjustment  Adjust image/color Flip  Right/left/Upside/ downside Help  Help information Image Tile This function allow user to show 2/4/9 photos in screen. Slide Show This  function  allow  user  to  show  photos  in  the  same  folder automatically.
 106   Entertainment   Under  this  menu, there  are  a  couple of  applications for  user’s Multimedia purpose. Java DMP330  is  designed  to  support  Java  application.  User  is allowed  to  download  and  install  more  Java  games  or applications from either WAP or local (save in File manager). Java Setting  Java Audio: Off/ 1 to 6 level to be selected.  Java Vibration: off/ on  Java Network: Default / Profile 1 to Profile 10 can be set up.  Heap size: Memory size for Java   Games DMP330 builds in creative games for this product. User may use navigation key to select the games user would like to play. Then
 107  press OK to select the game. After entering the game, user may use the option menu to start game from the menu option. User can  also  adjust the  game  setting at  very  beginning when user enters the game menu. Themes DMP330 build in 3 set themes, user may choose to change.  Sound Recorder Sound  recorder  is  a  simple  sound  recording  tool  provided functionalities for user to manage voice files.  To start recording 1.  In  Entertainment  menu,  choose  Sound  Recorder,  press OK. 2.  Press Option and select Record and choose OK to start it. 3.  A  file  name  to  show  the  time  will  be  assigned
 108  automatically. You can either save as it is or change the different name to save the file.  Note: During recording, user may pause or stop the voice recording anytime by pressing soft keys.  Note: After recording, the file is saved as AMR/WAV format.  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Record:  Allow  user  to  record  the  sound  during DMP330 call or other situation.  Play: Allow user to play the sound record.  Append: Allow user to record in the same file.  Rename: Allow user to rename a file name.  Delete:  Allow user  to  delete the  file  saved  in  the sound recorder.  Delete All: Allow user to delete all content saved in this folder.  Settings: Allow user  to  choose  your storage and file format.  Forward:  Allow  user  to  forward  the  file  to  user profile  or  share  to  friends  via  MMS,  Bluetooth  or
 109  E-mail. Melody Compose This function allows user to compose a ring signal or melody. To start composing 1. In  Entertainment  menu,  choose  Melody  Composer, press OK to enter.   2. Press Option and select Add to start composing your ring tone. 3. After finishing composing, press LSK to choose Save, the melody will be saved as IMY format.      Key definition Key Function
 110   Do  Re  Mi  Fa  Sol  La  Si  Vibration note  Backlight
 111   Rest  Switch current musical note to sharp, normal or flat stats  Change the beat length of current musical note    Navigation key down to flat one octave of musical note. Also, user can disable vibration and backlight.      User might change instrument through volume keys.  4. During  composing  melody,  user  may  personalize  the melody. DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  Play:  Allow  user  to  listen  the  melody  user  has made.  Play  Speed:  Allow  user  to  adjust  the  three different play speeds.  Select Instrument: Allow user to select your favor instrument.
 112   Save: Allow user to save the melody  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option when user choice the saved melody.    Play:  Allow  user  to  listen  the  melody  user  has created.  Edit: Allow user to edit the selected melody.  Add:  Allow  user  to  add  more  ring  tone  in  the selected melody.  Rename: Allow user to rename a file name.  Delete:  Allow  user  to  delete  selected  melody  in this folder. .  Delete  All  Files: Allow  user  to  delete all content saved in this folder.  Forward: Allow user to forward the melody to user profile  as  ring  tone  or  to  share  with  friends  by multimedia  message,  text message,  Bluetooth  or E-mail.
 113   Audio Player   User  may  enter  the  audio  player  via  main  menu  or  use  the navigation key to enter Audio player. User  also  may  download  the  music  content  via  USB  or  other connection. Music  tracks must  to  be saved in  the  My  Music’s folder in the File Manager in order to be automatically detected and added into default play list. User may listen to the music by headset or loudspeaker. The easy user interface can be for user to control, play, pause, and stop the audio player as user wishes.  Note: User can make or answer a call while using the audio player. During a call, the playback is paused.
 114  Play the music Four Ways Navigation Key  Audio Play Function  Pause music  Stop  Skip to next tracks  Skip to previous tracks Central  ►Play   Note: User can adjust this volume +/- through side keys.     Note:  Your  audio  player  will  automatically  detect  and  added  into default play list.
 115  List     In the audio player menu, user may press Option and select List to access the following setting.  Select one song and press Option  In the option list, user will find   Play: allow user to play the song immediately.   Detail: show the channel, quality, size and time of selected song.   Add to Rings: allow user to add the selected song as ring tone.   Refresh List: allow user to refresh the list if user has changed the name of song. When any of new songs are downloaded in the audio profile, you have to press “Refresh list” to update your list for playing.
 116  Settings Allow user to select your play list from phone or card, to turn on the auto gen., to change the skin, equalizer, Bluetooth…etc. Settings  Item  Description and Choice Player Settings  Pre. Play list  From Phone or Memory card   List Auto Gen  On/Off   Repeat  Off/One/All   Shuffle  On/Off   Background Play  On/Off Display Settings  Skin  Skin1/Skin2   Spectrum display  Off/Style1/Style2 Sound Effects  Equalizer  Normal/Bass/Dance/Classical/Treble/Party/Pop/Rock Bluetooth Settings BT stereo output  Off/On   BT stereo headset  The BT device you select
 117   Organizer   Calendar This  feature  allows  user  to  keep  track  of  your  schedule  and tasks that saved in calendar. User can also switch alarm with the task for reminding. To make a new note and reminder in Calendar first time 1.  In Organizer menu, choose Calendar and press OK   2.  Choose  a  date  and  press  Option.  Choose  View  Tasks and press OK. 3.  Press Add to put the date, time, note.   4.  Choose Alarm to turn On or Off and "Repeat" to select of the schedule of alarm. Then press Done to either save or not to save the task.
 118  DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:  View: To view the task that stored in specified day.  Add: To add new task in specified day.  Edit Task: To edit the task in specified day.  Delete Task: To delete the specific task.  Delete All: To delete all tasks  Send vCalendar: To send the task by SMS/MMS/Bluetooth, or save to file To quick jump to the wish date, user may:    In  Organizer  menu,  choose  Calendar  and  press OK    Press Option, select Jump to Date and press OK Key  in  year,  month  and  day  your  wish  to  jump  to  follow  by pressing OK. To do list This feature list out all your tasks user has added from calendar option.  User  can  also  view,  edit  or  delete  the  tasks  from  the option under this feature. For first time use, user will need to do
 119  the following steps: 1.  Press Add to in the Task List 2.  Edit your to do list by entering time, data, note. 3.  User can choose to turn the alarm on as the reminder and schedule of alarm. 4.  Finally, select “Yes” to save your to-do list. Your to-do list will then be shown in this sub-menu and will be highlighted in your Calendar. DMP330 provides the same option as Calendar described in the above.  Alarm This  function  allows  user  to  set  the  alarm  to  ring  at  the  time specified.  The  alarm  clock  works  even  when  the  phone  is switched off. 1.  In Organizer menu, choose Alarm and press OK. 2.  User may input at most  5 sets  of alarm time  and select one time to edit.   3.  Choose  Once/Everyday/Days  for  your  alarm  schedule followed by pressing OK. 4.  User can also customize the ring  type  from ring tone or MP3 songs saved in DMP330 or memory card.
 120  Memo This  function  allows  user  to  write  and  protect  your  personal memo by setting the password. 1St time using memo 1.  Pressing Add  to  add memo. User is  allowed to edit  the content and insert date and time from the option list. 2.  After finish the content, you can choose to Save Only or Save and Activate password. Reading memo 1.  Go  to  Memo  and  selecting  one  of  all  notes  created  by you. 2.  If the memo is saved without setting the password, then you can read it directly by selecting View in the option list   3.  If the memo is saved with the password, then you have to enter the password in order to read the memo content.  The options in the memo including:  Add: Allow user to add more notes by press Add.  View: Allow user to read the selected memo.  Edit: Allow user to edit the selected memo. If the selected memo is protected with a password, then you have to enter the password before editing.  Send Note: Allow user to send a note to someone
 121  by  SMS.  If  the  selected  note  is  protected  by  a password,  then  you  have  to  enter  the  password before sending.  Setup Password: Allow user to setup password.    Delete: Allow user to delete the selected note.  Delete all notes: Allow user to delete all notes. E-book Reader DMP330  supports  user  to  read  articles  or  document  saved in .nfo, .txt and .pdb format under E-book folder of Gallery.  For the 1st using, user will need to follow the steps described in the below.  Save  the  articles  or  document  in  E-Book  folder under  File  Manager.  Then,  the  articles  will  be generated into the E-Book Reader’s bookshelf.  Goto E-Book Reader and select one article  from bookshelf. Pressing OK to start reading.  Note: User can also make the bookmark for next time reading.
 122  To setup the E-Book Reader User is allowed to setup the articles through Global Settings in the option list with following settings •  Font  Style:  Your  e-book  reader  supports  Normal, Italic and Bold. •  Font  Size:  User  can  choose  Small,  Medium  or Large font size for better viewing. •  Scroll  By:  User  can  scroll  the  article  by  Page  or Line. •  Auto Scroll: User can turn auto scroll on or off. •  Scroll  Speed:  If  user  decides  to  turn  on  the  auto scroll, then user can choose the speed. •  Full  Screen:  For  better  viewing,  user  can  also choose to have full screen. •  Encoding:  DMP330  supports  5  different  types encoding which are ASCII, UCS2, UTF8, Big 5 and G82312.
 123     Application   Bluetooth DMP330 is compliant with Bluetooth technology v1.2. Bluetooth technology  enables  wireless  connection  between  electronic devices. The Bluetooth connection can be used to send images, video, texts and vCard.    Note: Support Bluetooth profiles include HSP, HFP, SPP, DUN, A2DP, AVRCP, FTP and OPP.  To start User  will  need  to  set  up  the  Bluetooth  connectivity  with  the device when first time using. After setting, user will be allowed to use Bluetooth by connecting w/ certain device. Whenever your Bluetooth connectivity is power on, the status bar will show .
 124  Blue  icon  represents  connected  w/  device;  transparent  icon represents invisible when someone tries to detect BT device. To set up & pair w/ BT headset 1.  In Application menu, select Bluetooth and press Ok. 2.  User  has  to  power  on  the  Bluetooth  connectivity  of DMP330 and the device user wishes to connect first. 3.  After  turning  on,  press  Inquiry  Audio  Device.  DMP330 will  automatically  search  the  Bluetooth  device  around. Choice  the  Bluetooth  device  you  would  like  to  connect and  press  Bond  to  pair  the  Bluetooth  device.  Both DMP330  and  the  Bluetooth  device  you  would  like  to connect  will  ask  for  entering  the  "password".    Either entering the Bluetooth device pre-set password if there is, or  just  entering  the  same  numbers  in  both  device  and phone. 4.  In My Device, choose the Bluetooth device user wants to use, and then press Option to:  Connect  Disconnect  Rename  Delete
 125   Delete all  Service list: Allow user to choose what profile user wants to use.  Inquiry new device  Note: Before using  the  BT headset,  please  make sure  your device has been fully charged.   Note: The connected BT headsets will be saved in My Device list. In the future, if  user  wishes to connect user  mobile phone with  certain BT headset, user can select from My Device list for connection.   Note:  If  user  wants  to  use stereo  headset for audio  player,  please activate A2DP/AVRCP profile.    To use your mobile phone as modem DMP330  can  be  used  as  modem  for  dialing  up  network.  This function  can  only  be  used  by  PC  supported  Bluetooth technology.  User will  need  to check  with  your  service  provider for setting. To send data using Bluetooth connectivity 1.  Select the object that your wish to send
 126  2.  Press Option and select Forward 3.  Choose  To  Bluetooth and select “Inquiry BT Device”  to search  new  device  or  select  the  BT  devices  that  have been in “My Device”.     4.  Select  the  device  user  would  like  to  share  following  by sending action. To receive data using Bluetooth connectivity   When user receives data through Bluetooth, notify message will be pop-up for asking if user is willing to accept.    If user decided to receive the message, press Ok and the data will be saved in Received folder of Gallery.  World Clock User  can  pick  up  the  city  simply  using  left  and  right  key  of Navigator. When the cross point out certain city, it will show the local date and time. Also, user may press Option to turn on/off Daylight saving time for foreign or to Set Home city via Set Home City.   Note: Home city in Time & Date sub menu of Settings will be also
 127  changed according to your setting in this function. Calculator The  calculator  applies  simple  calculator  function  such  as addition, subtraction, multiplications and division. To use the calculator  In  Application  menu,  choose  Calculator  and press OK     DMP330  provides  the  following  compose  mappings  for  your option:  Four way key Up: + (Addition)  Four way key Down: - (Subtraction)  Four way key Left: * (Multiplication)  Four way Right:    (Division)  Numeric # key: . (Point)  Press OK to get the result.
 128   Note:  This  calculator  has  a  limited  accuracy  rounding  errors may occur, especially in long divisions Unit Converter Unit converter This feature helps user to either convert the weight or length in different unit. Within  Weight  converter,  users  can  converter  Kg  units expressed in Pound or Ounce units.     Within Length converter, user can have the following options:  Km units expressed in Mile units  M(Meter) units expressed in Yard or Foot units.  Cm units expressed in Inch units. After enter the  amount to be converted, press “OK” to find out the result. Currency converter This feature helps user to convert the currency in different rate user  has  entered.    Within  Currency  converter,  user  can  input the exchange rate  and press  “OK” to convert Local to Foreign currency.
 129  Health There  are  two  features  in  healthy  option,  which  are  BMI  and Menstrual BMI (Body Mass Index) This function helps to calculate your body fat in relation to your height and weight. To calculate the BMI value process, user will need 1.  Select your gender by using navigation key. 2.  Enter your height in centimeters and weight  in kilos by using the numeric keys and press “OK”. 3.  Finally, your BMI ratio value will be calculated and display the result. Menstrual This  feature  helps  to  calculate  lady’s  menstrual  cycle  and provide the information including:  Probability  of  becoming  pregnant  on  the  current date  Period  during  which  it  is  possible  to  become
 130  pregnant date of next period. To check the menstrual cycle, user will need 1.  Enter the starting date of the last period 2.  Enter  the  average  length  of  the  menstrual  cycle follow by pressing “OK” key. 3. To  get  detail  information,  select  one  of  highlight date and press OK to display pregnant probability.  Note: The result may not fit to your physical condition.    This is only reference!  Stopwatch This function is designed to store the timepiece which is to start or stop for exact timing. To use stopwatch 1.  In Organizers menu, choose Stopwatch, press OK. 2.  User can select Typical or nWay stopwatch. Typical Stopwatch DMP330 supports 2 different typical stopwatches: Split Timing and Lap Timing.
 131   Split  Timing:  When  user  press  Split,  the timepiece  will  be  saved  and  continue  to  count when  user  press  resume.    The  2nd  timepiece  is recorded based on the continuously timing.    User can save 20 split timepieces.  Lap  Timing:  When  user  presses  Lap,  the timepiece  will  be  saved  and  start  the  new  timing when user presses resume.    The 2nd timepiece is recorded in new timing. User can also save 20 lap timepieces.  View  Record:  User  can  view  those  timepieces user has recorded or delete it.  nWay Stopwatch DMP330  supports  4  times  counting  though  navigation  key (up/down/left/right)  To start time counting, press one way of navigation key.    Pressing  center  key  to  stop  or  resume  the counting.    The total timing will be summed on the top.
 132   The  timing  will  be  memorized  and  saved  in  the phone automatically.     To clear the memory, long press center key “OK”  Settings   User profiles     User  can  set  following  different  profiles  to  adapt  to  different environment  conditions.  DMP330  provides  7  different  profiles, including: General Standard profile as phone defaults setting. Meeting Ring volume is set to be low and key tone is switched off Outdoor Ring and key tone volume is set to be loud.
 133  Indoor Ring and key tone volume is set to be smaller. Headset Profile for headset plug-in. Silent: Ring volume quiet and vibration only Bluetooth Except  default  setting,  when  user  can  press  LSK  to  choose Custome to change default setting. Including:   Tone Setup   Volume   Alert Type   Ring Type   Extra Tone   Answer mode
 134    Profile for activate Bluetooth. To activate the Profiles 1.  In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by pressing OK.   2.  Choose Activate and press OK.    To edit the Profiles User  can  customize  the  General  profile  setting  to  meet  your preference. 1. In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by pressing OK. 2. Choose Customize and press OK.    DMP330 provides the  following selections for your personalize option:  Tone setup: Allow user to set ring tone depend on your favor  Volume:  Allow  user  to  adjust  the  volume  of  ring tone and key tone.  Alert type: Allow user to select different alert type including Ring, Vibration Only, Vibration And Ring, Vibration Then Ring.  Ring  Type:  Allow  user  to,  single,  repeat  or
 135  ascending when incoming calls.  Extra Tone: Allow user to either on or off 5 other tones,  Warning,  Error,  Camp  on,  Connect  and WLAN Alert.  Answer mode: Allow user to choose “Any key” to answer the phone. Display Characteristic This feature  allows  user to  personalize your display setting  by following option: Wallpaper: To allow user  to change wallpaper showed  on  idle screen. 1.  In Settings menu, choose Display, press OK. 2.  Choose Wallpaper, press OK.   3.  Choose System or User Defines, press OK. 4.  Choose wallpaper, press View, press OK to select as wallpaper. Screen saver: To allow user to play different screen saver.     1.  User customize the screen saver’s setting with the option of turning on or off the screen saver and waiting time from 5 sec to 1 min. when active the screen saver.     2.  After  setting,  user  may  select  the  screen  saver  either
 136  from System or User Defines. The operation press is the same as Wallpaper display setting. Power  On/Off  Display:  This  phone  allows  user  to  set  the power-on/off  animation  from  system,  phone/card  memory  or disable animation. The support format will be MP4/ 3GP. Main Menu Special Effect: Allow user to choose either turn on or off the main menu special main menu. Show Date  And Time: Allow user to show or not to show the date and time in the idle screen. Show  Owner  Number:  Allow  user  to  enable/disable  DMP330 number showed in the idle screen. Show Operator Name: Allow user to choose either show or not to show your operator’s name in the idle screen. Show WLAN/SIP Status: Allow user to choose either show or not to show WLAN/SIP status in the idle screen.  Phone setup   Time & Date   This function allows user to set your home city, view and change the time and date set in DMP330. User can also choose to auto
 137  update the date and time.  Set home city DMP330 provides user over 50 major cities in the worlds. 1.  In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK. 2.  Select “Set home city”, press OK.   3.  All  major  cities  are  listed  in  the  phone.  User  may  user navigation keys  to scroll up/down for your selection. Or, pressing first  character of home city user wishes  to find by numeric key for quick search. 4.  After  finding  your  home  city,  press  OK  to  back  Time  & Date submenu.  Set time & date 1.  In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK. 2.  Set  time  &  date  by  using  navigation  and  numeric  keys followed by press OK. 3.  User can choose turn on/off daylight saving. 4.  After finish, press OK to back Time & Date submenu.
 138  Set time format 1.  In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK. 2.  Choose Set Format, press OK. 3.  User  could  set  Time  and  Date  Format  as  user  wishes. After finish, press OK. Schedule power On/Off:    Allow user to turn on/off schedule Language This phone allows user to set a language for the display in this phone. 1.  In Phone Setup Menu, choose Language, press OK,   2.  Choose a language, press OK. Preferred Input Method: Allow user to choose preferred input method Greeting Text This  function  indicates  message  when  user  power  on  in  main display. User may edit any message for your welcome note.
 139  Speed Dial: Allow user to turn on/off and set speed dial function. Dedicated Key This function allows user to define your Navi-key since it is one of your dedicated keys. Auto Update Date And Time This function is to set the phone for updating the time and date automatically according to the current time zone. 1.  In  Phone  setup  sub  menu  in  Settings,  choose  Auto Update, press OK. 2.  Select On or Off to have the auto update function. 3.  Finally, choose Yes to confirm the request.   Note: Auto update of date and time does not change the time user has  set  for  the  alarm  clock,  calendar  or  the  alarm  notes.    They  are  in local time.    Updating may cause some alarms user has set to expire.
 140  Flight mode DMP330 will switch off RF (GSM) functions and allows user to play the audio player during flight if user switches the mode to Flight Mode instead of Normal Mode. User will be able to listen to the music only.  Normal  Mode:  GSM/GPRS  network  still  works and user is allowed to make a call.  Flight  Mode:  GSM/GPRS  will  be  disable  for security reason but you can listen to music on the airplane  Query  When  Power  On:  In  the  mode,  you  will need  to  select  either  Normal  or  Flight  mode whenever powering on DMP330. Misc. Setting Allow  user  to  adjust  LCD  back  light  including  brightness  and time. LCD Backlight: You can set up the brightness and time of the backlight.
 141  Call setup Caller ID This function  allows user to either send or hide  your ID  during calling or sending out the message. DMP330 is defaulted in Set By Network which means your ID is determined by your service provider.  Call waiting This  network  service  enables  user  to  be  informed  when someone is trying to reach user during another call. 1.  In Settings menu, choose Call Setup, press OK. 2.  You can choose either Activate or Deactivate, and press OK. 3.  Select  Query  Status  will  allow  user  to  check  if  this function is activated or deactivated. Call divert User  can  set  the  call  condition  by  which  calls  are  diverted  to
 142  another numbers. To Set call divert 1.  In Settings menu, choose Call Setup, press OK. 2.  Choose  Call  Divert,  press  OK,  choose  the  divert selections, press OK. 3.  Choose Activate, press OK. Enter the number user want to be diverted, press OK.  DMP330 provides the following divert selections for your option:  Divert All Voice Calls: All voice calls are diverted.  Divert  If  Unreachable:  Calls  are  diverted  when user  not  in  a  location  covered  by  your  service provider.  Divert If No Answer: Calls are diverted when the call is not answered.  Divert If Busy: Calls are diverted when  DMP330 is engaged on other calls.  Divert All Data Calls: All data calls are diverted.  Cancel All Diverts: Cancel the above settings.
 143  Call barring   This network service allows  user to  restrict incoming calls  and outgoing calls from DMP330. A barring password is required for using the function  Outgoing  Calls:  To  bar  All  Calls/International Calls/ International Call Except Home  Incoming Calls: To bar All Calls/When Roaming  Cancel All: To cancel all the bar call setting (user will need to enter the barring password).  Change  Barring  Password:  To  set  barring  call, user is asked to input user barring call password. This  menu  enables  user  to  change  your  barring call  password.  To  know  the  default  password setting, please contact your service operator..
 144  Line Switching This  is  a  network  service  to  select  phone  line  1  or  2  that  is subscriber  number  for  making  calls  within  ALS(  auto  line switching) setup submenu.     Notice: If user select Line 2 but not subscribe this networks service, user will not be able to make a call.    However, calls on both lines can be answered regardless of the selected line.  Call time reminder This function allows user to set a time reminder during a call. 1.  Choose Call Reminder, press OK. 2.  Choose an item, press OK. DMP330  provides  the  following  time  alert  selections  for  your option:  Off  Single  Periodic   Notice:    The minimum time of Periodic is 30 seconds at least.
 145  Call Time Display This function allows user to enable/disable the call time shown on display Auto Redial This  function  allows  user  to  set  auto  redial.  Select  On  and DMP330 will  make a  maximum  of ten  attempts to  connect  the call after an unsuccessful call attempt.  Closed user group This function allows user to set the limited call group. Only  the person  in  the  specific  group  is  allowed  to  make  call  to  and receive call from.  Network Setup Network Selection DMP330  provides  user  3  selections  for  your  network
 146  connectivity. New Search: User can always refresh your network connectivity before using network. Select Network: DMP330 will list down the network list for your selection if user select Manual mode. Selection Mode: The function enables user to make operator selection by manual or automatically.  Select  Automatic mode, the phone automatically selects  one  of  the  cellular  networks  available  in your area and then press OK.  In  Manual  mode,  the  phone  will  show  a  list  of available networks and user can select the desired network if  this  network has  a  roaming agreement with your home network operator,
 147  Preferred mode Standby mode  Description GSM only             Only GSM Icon and GSM signal is displayed  WLAN only  If login in SIP Server and VoIP available,    “W” for VoIP icon and WLAN signal is displayed If no SIP Server available, only WLAN signal is displayed GSM preferred
 148  GSM ready  If GSM Service is available, both GSM Icon and signal is displayed.   GSM not ready  If GSM Service is not available. WLAN preferred
 149  SIP login  If Login in SIP Server and VoIP available, “W” for VoIP icon and WLAN signal display.      SIP not login   If No SIP Service, only WLAN signal display if AP is connected
 150  GPRS Connection The handset can change GPRS connection status, “When Need / Always”, by press OK to switch.  Security Setup SIM Lock This function allows user to lock the phone with a specific SIM card. The feature is designed to prevent the use of DMP330 by means of another person’s SIM cards if DMP330 becomes lost. User can switch on or off to activate the PIN lock function.     Phone Lock User can switch on or off to activate the phone lock function to protect  DMP330.  If  user  switches  Phone  Lock  on,  user  needs enter  the  password  to  set  the  request  on.    The  default password is “1122”.
 151  Auto Keypad Lock This  allows  user  to  lock  the  phone’s  keypad  to  prevent accidental key pressed. In submenu, select the time that after the last key press will be disabled, then press OK.  Fixed Dial This function dials only the numbers in the fixed dialing number (FDN).  To  save  and  edit  numbers  on  the  list,  user  needs  the PIN2 code.  Barred Dial User  can  switch  mode  on  and  off  to  have  a  restricted  call.    However, user needs to check if your SIM support this function or not.
 152  Chang Password  PIN: This allows user to change the PIN number.    PIN2:  This  allows  user  to  change  the  PIN2 number.  Phone  lock:  This  allows  user  to  change  the password.  Restore Factory Settings This function allows user to reset the entire phone setting to the original setting when it is produced. The security code is needed to access. Default code is 1122.  Sound Effect  Equalizer: Allow user to choose EQ (Normal/Classical/Pop/Bass/Party/Treble/Rock/Dance)  Call Background Sound: DMP330 provides several background effects for users including:
 153  Motorcycle, Sidewalk, MRT, Restaurant, Pub, Chord, Alarm, Dou, white noise. User also can use the voice user record.   Shortcuts Allow user to choose what functions user wants to add or move into your shortcuts.    Emergency Calls Important: This  phone,  like  any  wireless  phone,  operates  using  radio signals,  wireless  and  landline  networks  as  well  as  user programmed  functions.  Because  of  this,  connections  in  all conditions cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, user should never rely  solely  upon  any  wireless  phone  for  essential communications (e.g. medical emergencies) Emergency  calls  may  not  be  possible  on  all  wireless  phone networks  or  when  certain  network  services  and/or  phone features are in use. Check with local service provider.

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