Tecom Co IBM4900 User Manual 50221

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Date Submitted1999-07-28 00:00:00
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Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Exhibit E User’s Manual
Model : IBM-4900
Installation and
Operation Guide
Home rad this manud areiufly prior to instzflng your tebphone.
Table of Contents
Equipment Nous.--.~....‘.
Impomm Safety Inn-um .
Sangria:an “Mm..."
Geuing Sax-lad
Ccrdasl-hrM-FinaiSQip .....
Frognmmiig Line Carnegie" Gui/OFF
Programming Rivuer ON/OFF ~
mm Volume Lads
Ana Code Programming
Equipment Notes
Year is a mrdls ‘sysnm phone‘. Gained m wark with ether 8d! Equipment
Somephons noprdee advancnd miephonesystgm lemme.
Important Safety Instructions
Bameries: CAUTION
FormhaeofhidephoumeouyAA—siuhflm". Mahdi»:
Furflcecovdlfihandsctuseofly 16me NiddCa-imium (Ni-Cd) combs
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation .
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: H
Date: 09-04-1998 Page: 2/22
I INDICATIONS ..................
1.Indicator(s) on the Base unit
1.4 Intercom Tone Plant.
2. Indicator(s) on the Handset unit
A.’ Handset Unit .........
Programming Headset On/Off...
. Programming the Security Code
. Resetting the Headset ..................
Changing the Security Code
. Base Unit .......... ' ..................
. Tone/ Pulse mode programming
. Programming Station ID Number ..............
Programming Ringer On / Off for CO Lines .
. Programming Line Connection On/ Off .......
Set the Clock and Calendar..
Area code programming .......
61 Setting the Area. Code for CallerID
6,2 Erasing the Area Code ...................
7. Programming the Speed Dial .............
7. 1 Store Phone Numbers into Speed Dial Memory.
7.2 Store the Last Number Dialed into Speed Dial Memory
_7.3 Erasing the Speed Dial Memory.....
8. Back to Default value
1. Making an Outgoing Call...
2. Answering an Incoming Call.
3. Last Number Radial
4. Auto Radial ..
5‘ Speed Dialing.
6. Hold Function...
6.1 Placing an outside call on hold
6.2 Releasing Hold
7. Privacy Function .,
7.1 Outside Call Privacy Release
7.2 Outside Call Privacy Release Recover...
8. Transferring a Call ..
9. Intercom Operation.
9.1 Making an Intercom Call
9.2 Answering an Intercom Ca
9.3 Paging a Speafic Station... 12
9.4 Answering a Single Page Cal 12
9.5 Dial Intercom Call and Single Page Call Interchanging .................... 12
YECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung _ Revision: 1.1
Dale: 09-04-1998 Page: 3/22
9.6 Voice Page All Station....
9. 7 Meet Me Answer to All Page .
10. Conference Call ..................
10.1 Two CO Lines Conference Cal
10.2 One CO Line and Two Stations Conference Call ..
11. PAUSE Function ..
12. FLASH Function
13. MUTE Function.
14. TONE Function .
15. DND Function...
16. Trace the Length of Phone Calls ..
17. Adjusting the Speaker Volume
18. Adjust the Ringer Volume of CO Line.
19. Adjusting the Handset Volume
20, Adjusting the Headset Volume.
2 1. Battery Low Display ......
22. Liquid Crystal Display (L ).
23. Base and Handset Interchangmg.
24. Searching the Handset ................... 16
l. Incoming Caller ID Display.
2. Working with Caller’s list
2.1 Retrieving the list ......
2.2 Erasing a record on the
2. 3 Return a Call on the Caller’s [AS
2. 4 Saving a Number fi'om Callers List to a Speed Dial Key.
3. Message Waiting
3.1 Accessing the Message Central Office
3.2 Deleting the Message Waiting Indicate ..
TECOM SOHO Depodment Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung
Date: 09-044 998
Revision: H
Page: 4/22
1.1 Lamps
dark: in first(lower) mode.
lit: in second(upper) mode.
dark: intercom link idle.
fast: you're receiving an intercom call.
lit: intercom link busy.
Winkl: you’re using the intercom.
-- SDI“!
dark: you‘re idle or in handset mode.
lit: you’re in handsfree mode.
-- C0! , 2, 3, 4
dark: CO line idle.
slow: C0 incoming call ring.
fast: CO line held by you.
wink]: you‘re using the CO line.
wink2: CO line held by other station.
wink3: CO line transferred to you by other station.
dark: you aren’t muted.
lit: you‘re muted.
-- DND
dark: you're turn ofithe DN'D.
lir: you're turn on the DND.
—- “EDIAI.
fast: you’re using auto redial,
slow: you‘re in auto redial mode wait cycle.
dark: you don't use auto redial.
dark: you don‘t have any new call.
lit: you have the new calls.
fast: some one has left message for you.
C0 line using by other station.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: 1.1
Dale: 09-04-1993 Page: 5/22
1.2 Lamp Cadence
Lit: solid lit.
SW: 1 set: on, 1 see off. repeatedly.
fast: 0.125 see on, 0.125 sec off, repeatedly.
Win/{L 1.875 sec on, 0.125 see off, repeatedly.
WMZ: 0.375 sec on, 0.125 see off, repeatedly,
W3: 0.125 see on, 0.875 see off. repeatedly.
1.3 Buzzer Cadence
fleep: 0.25 see on.
mist: 5:47: 0.25 sec on, 0.25 sec OR, 0.25 m on, 0.25 set: off.
I CM my: 0.25 sec 011, 0.25 sec off, 0.25 sec on, 1.25 see off, repeatedly.
Tramfer 713g: 1 see on, lsec off, repeatedly.
ID-efl‘or ring: 0.25 see on, 0.25 sec ofl', repeatedly.
1.4Intercom Tone Plant
Draftorie: continuous tone.
Quay time: 0.25 sec on, 0.25 sec nit repeatedly.
M17 tune: 0.5 sec on, 0.5 see off, repeatedly.
fifty Eucfittme: 1 sec on. lsec ofl', repeatedly.
2. Indicatofls) on the Handset unit
jync. ‘Envr: 0.125 see on, 0.375 sec ofl', repeatedly. (Priority I.) %
flattery bw: 0.125 set: on, 0.875 see off, repeatedly. (Priorily 2.) %
Miser On: 0.125 see on, 1.875 sec off, repeatedly. (Priority 3.) %
Note: if the headset is in smndby mode, the indicator will be dark.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: LI
Dale: 09—044998 Page: 6/22
A. Handset Um:
1. Programming Headset On/Qfl'
0 In idle.
o Press [HOLD].
0 Press [0] for disable headset, or [1] for enable headset.
- A beep will be heard to signal a suecessfiil programming.
Note: The default value is disable.
2. Programming the Security Code
. ln idle.
- Press [HOLD].
- Press [3], [it].
0 Enter 6 digits for new security code.
- Press [HOLD].
0 A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
Nate: The default value is empty.
3. Resetting the Headset
- In idle.
. Press mow], m, mom].
Note: The default parameter list:
1. Security Code: empty.
4. Changing the Security Code
. Power-up the base unit, and be sure the SC has been programmed in the handset.
- Press [HOLD].
0 Press [fl].
- Press and hold ["].
- Keep holding ["] until a confirmation beep is heard.
Note: I, Afier the about 15 seconds, if you still do not get the continuation, then it means that
the changing fail.
2. The base unit can not do this operation.
B. Base Unit
1 . Tone/Pulse mode programming
- Press [STORE]
o Press [0], [0]
a Press [0], [0] for Pulse mode, or [0], [l] for Tone mode.
- Press [MUTE].
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
Nara: The default value is Tone mode.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
issued By: Ben Hung Revision: Ll
Date: 09—04-1998 Page: 7/22
2. Programming Station ID Number
When yuu use 2 or more telephones. each must be named a different station number. The
same station number can‘t be repealed. lflwo of them are set to the same station number,
continuous warning will occur, and it is necessary to program another station number for the
ringing telephone.
e Press [STORE].
- Press [I], [0].
- Enter 2 digits XX. Where XX: [1 — 22.
- Press [MUTE].
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
Male: The default value is 11.
Programming Ringer On/Ofl' for C0 Lines
0 Press [STORE].
- Press [2].
- Press a digit X, where X; CO Line number.
' Press [0], [0] for Ofi or [0], [1] for On,
- Press [MUTE].
- A beep will be heard to signal a successfiil programming.
Nine: The default value is On.
Programming Line Connection On/Off
~ Press [STORE].
- Press [5].
- Press a digit X, where X: CO Line number.
- Press (01, [0] for OfiI or [O], [l] for On.
- Press [MUTE].
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming
Nate: The default value is On.
Set the Clock and Calendar
The time and date appear on the display screen when the phone is not in use.
~ Press [SHIFT].
- Press [SET].
- Enter 2 digits for MONTH, 01 - 12.
- Enter 2 digits for DAY, DI — ll.
- Enter day ofweek, I — 7. I for SUN, 2 for MON, etc.
- Enter 2 digits for HOUR (71— 12.
l Enter 2 digits for MINUTE, 00 — 59.
0 Enter [’] for/1M, or [it] for PM
- A beep will he heard to signal a successful programming.
Nate: The default value is Jan 0! FR! 12:00 AM
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: 1.1
Date: 094344998 Page: 8/22
6. Area code programming
The CID area code can be up to 5 digits, and the default is empty. lfa call from the same CID
area code, then the area code will be deleted automatically, and won't be stored in the CID
data base. So the call can be dial back as a local call without the leading area code.
6.1 Setting the Area Code for Caller ID
a Press [STORE].
- Press [7], [l].
- Key in l to 5 digits as the area code.
- Press [MUTE]
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming
6.2 Erasing the Area Code
- Press [STORE].
0 Press [7], [l].
- Press ["].
- Press [MUTE].
- A beep will be heard to signal a successfiil programming.
7. Programming the Speed Dial
There are 24 memory locations (2 groups) to store speed dial numbers. Each memory location
can store up to 24 digits, include PAUSE, TONE and FLASH.
7.1 Store Phone Numbers into Speed Dial Memory
- Press [STORE].
. Enter the digits to be stored.
- Ifyou want to store second group speed dial numbers, you must press [SHIFT] now.
- Press Speed Dial Key.
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
7.2 Store the Last Number Dialed into Speed Dial Memory
. Press [STORE],
~ Press [REDIAL].
- if you want to store second group speed dial numbers, you must press [SHIFT] now.
0 Press Speed Dial Key.
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
7.3 Erasing the Speed Dial Memory
- Press [STORE].
0 Press ['].
0 If you want to erase the second group speed dial numbers, you must press [SHIFT] now.
. Press Speed Dial Key.
0 A beep will be heard to signal a successful programming.
8. Back to Default value
You may clear all the pmgrammed data, all parameters will back to the default value.
- Press [STORE].
- Press [']. [fit], [‘]. [fl].
- Press [MUTE]
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operclion
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: H
Date: 09-04-1998 Page: 9/22
- A beep will be heard to signal a successful pmgrarnming.
Nate: The all default item and value as follows:
1. Tone/Pulse mode: Tone mode.
2. Headset mode (programmed by handset): disable.
3. Station ID number: I]
4. CO lines Ringer: On.
5, Line Connectiun: On.
6. Speaker Volume: 4’” large level.
7, Handset volume: minimum level.
8. Headset volume: middle level.
9. Ringer volume: middle level,
10. SPD: amply
l 1. Area Code: emply.
12. Calendar: Jan 01 FR! 12:00 AM.
13. Caller ID Database: empty.
14. Security code: empty.
TECOM SOHO Depcrlmeni Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: 1.1
Date: 09044998 Page: 10/22
gage gym-nun”
1 . Making an Outgoing _Call
-- Handset Unit
- Press [TALK].
- An available line is automatically selected.
- Dial desired number,
-- Base Unit
- Press [SPKR].
- An available line is automatically selected.
a Dial desired number.
2. Answering an Incoming Call
-- Handset Unit
You may press any one of digit keys [l/ZB/4/5/6/7/8/9/0PM], or (TALK) key, or lifi %
the handset firm the Base unit to pick up the ringing call. %
-- Base Unit:
- Press the flashing C0 key to pick up the ringing call.
0 Press [SPKR] key to pick up the ringing call automatically.
3. Last Number Radial
The telephone set will automatically remember the last phone dialed. This allows you to
automatically redial last number dialed until mother call is placed.
-- Handset Unit
. Take an available outside line.
- Press [RENAL].
-~ Base Unit
- Press [REDIAL].
- The station will pick up an available CO, and dial the stored number automatically.
4. Auto Redial
The telephone set can automatically redial a busy number up to 10 times. (Only an the base
unit) ”A.
o Press an idle line key on Base unit.
- Press [REDIAL] on Base unit.
0 Once the called party answer or ring back tone is heard, when you lift the handset or press
[SPKR] to stop auto-redial fiJnction and start to talk to the called party. %
Note: 1. Any other operation ofthe phone wills stop/end the auto-redial function except
[SHIFT] and [" VOLUME ‘].
Z. The on-Iine waiting time is about 50 seconds. which is the time after the phone
number dialed and hangs up the timer
3. The off-line waiting time is about 30 seconds, which is the time between the hang up
and next trial.
4, The handset unit can't do this operation.
TECOM SOHO Department Feclure Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung
Revision: H
Date: 09-04-l998
Page: 11/22
5. Speed Dialing
. Press [SHIFI‘], lfyou want to dial second group’s SPD number.
- Press Speed Dial key, the station will pick up an available line,
and dial the stored number
Note: The handset unit can’t do this operation.
6. Hold Function
6.1 Placing an outside call on hold
- Press [HOLD].
6.2 Releasing Hold
0 Press the held CO key.
7. Privacy Function
System will always keep the line privacy, unless the line privacy had released by user.
7.1 Outside Call Privacy Release
- Press the used CO line key, a beep is heard to release line privacy
7.2 Outside Call Privacy Release Remover
- When you want to recover the line privacy, press the used CO line key again.
Note: The handset unit can't do this operation.
8. Transferring a Call
»- Handset Unit
0 On line.
- Press [HOLD] or Press [TRNSFR] (only Model C).
- Dial a desired transferred station number.
-- Base Unit
- On line.
0 Press [TRNSFR],
- Dial a desired transferred station number, or Press a DSS key.
- A signal beep will hear if the C0 call is transferred automatically.
New: 1. The transferred will hear the CO transfer ring. (Both the handset and base unit) %
2. All station can pick up the transferred C0 line.
3. The transfer mode will be cancelled afier about 10 seconds if nothing is dialed,
9. Intercom Operation
91 Making an Intercom Call
a Press [lCM].
. Dial desired intercom number, or DSS key (only Base unit)
Note: I. lfrhe called is idle, you will hear the ring back tone.
. If the called set DND, you will hear the DND lone.
. lfthe called is busy. you will hear the busy rang.
w to
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: H
Date: 09-04-1998 Page: l2/22
4. When you direct an intercom call to one station, any station in the system can
answer the call.
92 Answering an Intercom Call
-- Handset Unit
- Press [any one of the digit] key, or [TALK] key, or [ICM] key, or lifi the handset
fi'orn the Base unit to pick up intercom call automatically. %
-- Base Unit
0 Press [ICM] key to pick up intercom call.
a Press [SPKR] key to pick up intercom call automatically.
9‘3 Paging a Specific Station
- Press [PAGE].
- Dial desired intercom number, or MS key.
Note: The handset unit can't do this operation.
9.4 Answering a Single Page Call
A beep tone is heard to let you know a voice call is coming. The single paged set will
turn on MUTE lamp.
0 Press [MUTE] key.
Note: The handset unit can't do this operan'on.
9.5 Dial Intercom Call and Single Page Call Interchanging
-- Handset Unit
- Making an intercom call.
a Press [ICM] key again, change your intercom call to single paging call.
a Press [ICM] key again, change your single paging call to dial intercom call.
« Base Unit
- Press [PAGE] key to change your intercom call to single paging call.
- Press [ICM] key to change your single paging call to dial intercom call.
9.6 Voice Page All Station
-- Handset Unit
0 Press [PAGEALL]. (Only Model C)
0 Press [lCM].
- Press ['].
-- Base Unit
- Press [PAGE].
a Press ["].
0 Press [SHIFT].
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Opercfion
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- Press [PAGEALL] directlyl
Note: Your message can he announced to all idle telephone set.
9.7 Meet Me Answer to All Page
- Press [PAGE].
0 Press [SHIFT]
. Press [PAGEALL].
Note: The handset unit can't do this operation.
10. Conference Call
A telephone set already involved in a two-way conversation may invite a third party into the
same conversation.
10.1 Two CO Lines Conference Call
0 On lines
o Press [HOLD] and make the second CD line call.
- After third party answers, press the [CONE] key.
- Three party conferences established.
10.2 One CO Line and No Stations Conference Call
- On line
- Press [HOLD] and make the intercom call.
- Afier third party answers, press the [CONE] key.
- Three party conferences established.
Note: The handset unit can’t do this operation.
1 1 . PAUSE Function
You may use the PAUSE function to make a dialing delay between digits during a call, or
program the PAUSE in the speed dialing numbers for certain banking and long distance
service. Each time you press PAUSE key, about 5 seconds delay occurs in the dialing
sequence. You may press more one PAUSE to get a longer delay for you need.
- Press [PAUSE] key, to insert a timing delay between digits. (Only Model C)
Note: 1. In Model D, the [REDIAL] key will be used as a PAUSE fimction after telephone
numbems) dialed.
2. The handset unit can‘t do this operation.
12. FMSH Function
The FLASH key lets you access your local telephone company‘s custom calling features such
as call waiting or holding, and when you are netified of another call coming in. to press
[FLASH] key will let you access the other call.
Note: The flash duration is 600 ms.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
issued By: Ben Hung Revision: l.l
Date: 0904-1998 Page: 14/22
1 3. MUTE Function
The MUTE feature allows you to temporarily cut off the voice transmission to the other party,
so he can not hear your voice during conversation
- Press [MUTE] to light the MUTE lamp and your voice will not be hears by the other party.
- Press [MUTE] again to turn of!" the MUTE lamp and 2-way phone conversation will be
Nate: The handset unit can’t do this operation.
14. TONE Function
If you have PULSE telephone service, the [‘] key allows you to access some specialized
communication services that require DTMF signaling.
- Dial the telephone number(s) in PULSE mode.
0 Press ["], now dial in TONE signaling.
1 5. DND Function
No phone call will be ring in when this feature is activated. %
-- Setting DND
. Press [DND] and the DND indicator will light.
-- Canceling DND
- Press [DND] again, and the DND indicator will dark.
Note: The. handset unit can't do this operation.
1 6. Trace the Length ofPhone Calls
0 Establish an outside call.
- Press [SHIFT].
- Press [TIMER], the LCD display 00:00 starts to counting, and up to 59:59.
- After reaching 59:59, the LCD will start counting from 00:00 again.
. Press [SHIFT] key first, then press [TIMER] key again to stop counting orjust hang up.
(the display still holds for 6 seconds.)
Note: 1. The call duration will count automatically afier the phone number dialed.
2. The handset Ilnit can’t do this operation.
1 7. Adjusting the Speaker Volume
- Press [SPKR].
- Press [' VOLUME ‘1 key to desired volume level.
Note: I. There are I6 levels, and the default level is the 4’" large level.
.i A warning beep will be heard when the level set at minimum or maximum level.
3. The handset unit can not adjust the speaker volume.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: 1.1
Date:09—04-1998 Page: 15/22
18. Adjust the Ringer Volume of CO Line
- Idle mode.
0 Press [v VOLUME ‘] key to desired volume level.
Note: I. There are 3 levels (low, middle, and high), and the default level is middle level.
2. The handset unit can not adjust the ringer volume.
19. Adjusting the Handset Volume
- Press [' VOLUME ‘1 key to desired volume level.
Note: I. There are 5 levels (law, middle, and high), and the default level is low level.
2. Afier reaching high level, the handset volume will retum to low level.
3. The base unit can not adjust the handset volume.
20. Adjusting the Headset Volume
0 In headset mode.
a Press [’ VOLUME ‘] key to desired volume level.
Note: 1. There are 3 levels (law, middle. and high), and the default level is middle level.
2. After reaching high level, the handset volume will relum to low level.
3. The base unit can not adjust the handset volume.
21 . Battery Low Display
- If battery low is detected in the base unit, the LCD on the base unit will show BA'l'l'. %
. The battery indicator on the handset unit will lac/lashing when the handset battery low is %
detected. %
22. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
If more than one message is te be displayed at the same time, the LCD displays according to
the following precedence:
- Dialed digits.
- lCM operations.
. Timer.
- Programming.
- Caller ID data.
- Normal LCD display. (BATT will be displayed ifit is active)
23. Base and Handset Interchanging
-- Change from Handset to Base
0 ln handset mode.
' Press [SPKR].
-- Change from Base to Handset
0 In Base mode.
- Put the handset back (a cradle. (if necessary) %
- Lifi the handser.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: H
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Note: Afier changing to bud/handset), you can't use the handsetflbase) until you change to
handsetUbase) from bad/handset). _ %
24. Searching the Handset %
When the handset is missed, you can found it by this feature. %
a Press [PAGE] on the base unit. %
. Press [#] on the base unit. "A.
. If the handset is found, it will generate beep about 3 seconds. %
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
issued By: Ben Hung Revision: 1.1
Do ie: 09-04-1998
Page: 17/22
"fire idea is to display the phone number of the calling party before a call is answered, Four
cases are handled differently follows:
-- 03.591. The Phone is idle
-- Case 2.
-- Case 3.
-- Case 4,
Approximately upon the second ring of an incoming call, the LCD will display
the caller’s information automatically.
1. The phone ring.
2. Display shows the name and phone number of the calling party.
3. This display will disappear and returns to datdtime of the day display underd
a. Rings abandoned — The caller drops the call before the call is answered.
b.Another set picks up the call.
c. The set that picked up the call drops the call.
d.Another feature requiring LCD be accessed, e.g. set time.
A feature requiring LCD is accessed when the phone ringed. e.g. programming
speed dial key, making an outgoing call, setting clock, etc. Note that you can
always review the current call(s) using the [CALL 110] function. [CALL ID] lets
the user walk through callers of all currently active calls.
1. The phone rings while the user is in the middle of programming a speed dial.
2. To view information of the caller. press [CALL 1D].
3, Press [CALL [D] again no return to date/time of the day display.
Simultaneous ringing on two or more lines
he caller ID feature can handle up to four calls that start ringing at exacrly the
same time. E. g.
1. The phone rings on two lines, line 1 and line 3.
2. Assume the phone is idle, the display shows the caller’s information of an
earlier ringing line. Suppose it is line 1.
3. Press [CALL ID] key, the display shows caller of the second ringing line, line
4. Press [CALL [D] key again, the display remm to date/time of the day,
5, Repeatedly pressing [CALL ID] key les you view caller’s information of all
active‘ lines, namely, litre 1. line 3, date/time,.. etc.
" Arr active line is a fin in line or a line in use.
Simultaneous ringing and calls are picked up
i. The phone ring on two lines, line 1 and line3.
2. Phone A pick up line I and display caller of line l,
3, Other phones displays caller of line 3.
In any case, the [CALL ID] key can be used to view other callers.
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung Revision: ltl
Date109—044998 Page: 18/22
2. Working with Caller’s list
2.1 Retrieving the list
1. Press [‘ ] or [ ’ ]. The LCD displays total CID number and new call number.
2a. Press [ ’ ]. Display shows caller's information of the first call.
38. Press [ ' ]t Display shows caller’s information of the second call.
4a, Repeatedly press [ >] will guide the user through the list forward.
Or, to go backward:
2b. Press [ ' ]. Display shows information of the previous call.
3b. Repeatedly press [ i ] will guide the user through the list backward.
4b Press [‘ ] at the I" call leads you to top of list
5. This display mode is either terminated by pressing keys other than [ ‘ ], [ ’ ] or time
Note: «At any time during review [ i ] shows the preceding call while [ k ] shows the
succeeding call, until top of the list is reached, then the LCD display total CID
number and new call number.
--0rher possible display:
“Our ofArea": The call comes fiom some remote area.
“Private": Retrieving the caller's data is limited.
“Unknown": Retrieving the caller's data failed.
“(amply)": The caller‘s number or name of the call is empty.
2.2 Erasing a record on the List
1. Reviewing the caller's list and decided to delete a particular record.
2. Press [ERASE], the display indicates “Deleted”.
3. Press [ ’ ] to view the succeeding record or [ ‘ ] to view the preceding record.
Note: You can erase all CID data when you are reviewing top of the list and you press
the [mass].
2.3 Return a Call on the Caller’s List
1. When reviewing the caller’s list, the user decides to return the call.
2. Pick up a CO line and dial some leading digits for a long distant call, (if necessary)
3. Press [SHIFT] key first to light the SHIFT lamp.
4, Press [DIAL], and the number is automatically dialed
5. The display shows the number digit by digit as it is dialed.
6. Proceed as making a phone call.
24 Saving a Number from Caller’s List to a Speed Dial Key
1. When reviewing the caller's list, the user decides to save the number onto a SPD keyl
. Press {STORE} key.
l Press [ ‘ ] or [ ’ ] to indicate storing a record from caller's list,
. Press [SHlF‘l‘] key. (i/neceuary)
. Press a SPD key and a short continuation tone will be given,
Nate: You can manual insert some lending digits before you press the [ ‘ ] or[ ’ ],
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
issued By: Ben Hung
Revision: H
Dole: 09-04-1998 Page: l9/22
3. Message Waiting
lfynu subscribe to a voice mail service from your telephone company, the CALL/MSG led
will be flashing when someone has lefi message for you.
3.1 Accessing the Message Central Office
1. Pick up a C0 line.
2. Dial the number for your voice mail service.
3. Enter your password.
4. Operate the feature code as the procedure given by Telephone Company.
3.2 Deleting the Message Waiting Indicator
The Telephone Company will send data to remove the indicator when the entire
messages are accessed.
Or, you can remove the indicator by yourself all the message.
1. Press the [ERASE] to try to remove the indicator.
2. Press the [ERASE] again to confirm and delete the indicator.
----- END
TECOM SOHO Department Feature Operation
Issued By: Ben Hung
Date: 09-04-7998
1. Normal
2. Dialing
Ifyou dial 12545, then me LCD displays:
If you dial more then 15 digits, all the digits will be shified to lefi
For example:
3. Programming
Dial I 23456 789012345 6 7
Example: If you program the tone dial mode, the LCD display:
4. Caller ID
l. The phone is idle.
$ Call dropped.
L;_‘ 51:5”
II. You can review the current calls using the [CALL ID] keyl
‘ Press [CALL [D].
Press [CALL ID]
Revision: 1.1
Page: 20/22

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