Tele Radio i Lysekil 460TX404A User Manual 8
Tele Radio AB 8
Installation Manual System 460 IMPORTANT ! Reed lhrwgll this inluimuu'm my; you inmll lhe equipmenh Tu ennue ma lhe lemme odml systml has a long listing lime Ind ielinhle Fumlilm. it is vuy lmpoflnll that Elm meim and the nmnm m munhed cunecllyl Correctly imuIlled equipment will Wide belle: my Ind longfl lifelime. It will he wnnhwhile spending i rewmmm lending "mg?! lheee inumctiom. General Information The woman openfing frequency is 433.92 MHz (mi MHz). lnhn‘nawe rnnn oil-u eleehiul equipmlml's lux less eflecm lllix fieqlmlcy m. u 40 MHz (27 may The Synem 460 wet-mm flequenny inndumion (FM). mnnjmndy-mgedrueingmnmemunmemmeennnmn AM, lamplilude William) is "ill FM is much lem wmcpn‘blem inledeienee fmm ml)“ sources. indie control systems using AM leehnology m ieelly only suitable for munining ehen mien impuhe hmeliene. All ldvimllpofllsinpflii MHz(4lB MHz) Illlmthe lmemmcmbe made shontnhm decnieepmhanl-lzlzl MHz) inlennen The 450 system is designed ld opemle lhe output lalxys in lhe mnivel cuminllwllsly, which is m pnclical fol winmlee m- home em, ode mjm ldvnllxge dill-em eyelem is lhn h ii uvlillble with up w eigh- oulpulx, enabling four or eight finding 00 he ennuelled simnlulwvusl'y inequhed The redeivei can be configured to provide interlocking afourpulx, in pieuenl einmlunedue opemion, ordppdeed filllcficnx ml. as Up/ann m iii/om. One major Advmhge of'lue Robust mnxmiflfl. is l‘hsl it is lvlilnble will) 2-day plush bum-s, allowing einglehund ennunl for Z-qleed imam-m Opium»: Rechargeable helium emergmy mp ma exlemal mm. for longer range, (Robust) lo Installation of the receiver To elm-re lhul lhe lei-idle enunnl has lung laxling lime and reliuble nmlion, if; my impomlll, lhul lhe ieeeiyemd amen-u ale emeelly mounled. The peeilinning unhe waiver is damnimdby lhe type nfunlennu to he Nady 11m mdm autumn to choose fi‘lml - a shoflfi Ill Wivelzng'h and 1/2 wavelength or a longer 5m wwelenglh. To dbl-hi maximum rung: we reed-unwind» Iotlga 5/3 w-velenyh mm, This Menu. is supplied with 3 in (lo m) «flow lees will cable lo Allow mlxilmnn fiex'lhlllty in positioning and ennhle ll lobe memued is high as possiblz. The advantage dnhe m und 1/2 wuvelenglh ”Minus is dullhey have slumcr dimeneiime 11h. lllnws im he mnunled directly on lhe ieeeivei, wllnl lhe mileble ipuee is mnriclcd. nienilemnhn-BNCeonneemhnedmemhlediudixeelmneefim Check Iin for unlenn. imlnllmidn . lnmll lhe unlenn. .e high as possible. - lrponeible lhe anlennu shmlld be mmumd elem ofmy other emennis arm! objecls mdmeyhnmniyeuhlemnyinghighemienle, . mmnunllheleceiyeiwhereim wdfiumwindmdweama. The mullzr m weve in l/z-w-ve immune ammonium d where lhe 5/3 is unsuitable, The 1/4 weve and l/z-wuve enlemm in film 1 good choice il'lmximnm mg: Is not Muilfli. uni it luvs Ilsa lhe ldvmhge ofnot being gin-ind dapendanL This in be ennvnlienl when die-e is he will ld mounl lhe mm on (vdxiolz more, theet metal roofing we). lnheunledmimbew-ll mulledmul-e Mithmuledlwsyfimnlhevullmgz) The 3 m long mm cable cable m flexible poeilidning orlhe mum. liming inn he mmled in higher milieu To nbm'll maximum innge, lhe minim muel hemmed clurol‘nly meullie objects. lrlhie il not pdeeible, we lecommend thalone dllhe Tele Radio menne heldme in used, lhe VMl fdrmll mounted amemlu (fix 3) onhe Fl fix vehicle mulled alumni-s. SIB-433 hnlenn.—> ”2431 Alumni / 060 kennel—H Amend. hell W|Il —> MI) Rlclivlr—b m 2 Fig 3 Coding the Syslcm 460 To ptwmt lhe nmsminu rm opeming my other receivu, 1h: unil is coded in pain. All units in supplied with i mama code. In my imllhll you gm mow-i units an individual penomil wk, on pmml othuAGO munitions from opmiing your receiver. Thue Ir: 656] Mm: cudu lvailnblc. NOTE - Your mmim Ind receiver mini be set with the same code to mm. Tn m nu mullet - Open me hummer. - sin Ill: mmim nodi: by dinning m cm switch lav/m mew-maps i deonlherewiver. aluminum” mapalfingwhm Mnmimrbummpmned. m reassembleiheunim. Tmmimr cm WM Int-locking wild) EEEEEEEEE sic code Imiim'l. my with nknu mm me 13 mi 14. Tmnsnim Uncle mm. lmalockin‘ mu 1: ziiiiiii' ”HEEL“ mm (min: LED) as Robust miw Min-innit” (Ill) MHz F (new! LED) new-aimed U] D] I (ted LIED) Fig 5 0mm" for m... Code instructions Robust with selector swiwh. The sckctm’ switch ‘u used, in decide which receivenn muol, Sunnyowowncodeufliecodeswimhinmmmm. 53335 Code lwfieh irlmmlniu Set the first 4 code xwhchn (1-4) in the waiver idenfiully like the 4 code switches in» line "Inflnillen The selection nfmeiver I,2,3,4 etc is decided with lhe 4 list code: swimlwu (5-8) in fine mew. win. guidance from the table on mt page, il is possible to mun-n] 10 difl‘mnl when, in two difrnem wlys. The jumper memo-i is iii-iii iii the “minim see mi plge. Receiver udlng &kwwwmm Aqmu on Ills transmitter chh . tiééfiééii [sEéEEEEfiE 5 iflEEBEfiEfi §EEBBEEEE 6 zééfifiéfififi zBEEEEEEE 7 EEEEEEEEH [sEBEESEEE s sEEQQEEEE mmmmmmmm EEEEEBEEH 9 EEEEEEEEE mmmmmmmm EEEEEHEEE zBEEEQEEE NB [Position 10 it eqnl In both coding nun. Tmmnitterjlmm Relay Function Adjustment. The why; have two different nudes offlpemlinnv l. The telly is enetgiwd only when the mun-inn hulron ii pinned (mommy mien). 11.55 is the standml mg. 7. The rel-y ehmgei stile every lime the mmiuei button isymed (One push on - one push OFF. latched action). This e-n be used for hum ON/OFF. Above emy rel-y men is . link Ind uni LED. Bychanging llle pusilinn onhe link, you on m ihe telly lo hm eiihei mummy oi latched opertfian. Mumllry llmnipn Lnklud humo- m 8) LED rum m ® us» keluy Rel-y lumen-nil The mulling: Mammy mp and due receiver emergency mp will nnt with when lntnhed funclinn is used. Interlocking alternatives All omplln oldie 460 min in minimally simian-em in opemion. Howeven in some lppliclfiuls lhh in not dull-bk. Fm inflame, ilyml win! in mnlml a winch with IN and OUT cnmnunds ,oonmlling the mom via a solenoid quilted swim damage could mull ilbmheonumnd hm: axe pmuul nth: mun‘me. To pmem mix the 460 iyuiein old- he wnfigllmd w givepiioriiy to one eel-y with leaped m ihe «the, This is pmible with inoeiloek mu‘ou mi inwllucking is unified by ldjluting the hlus4 or fl—pule ewioch. (Fig 45 and 6) Trlmmltler Receiver Interlocking lehil Swmfi|=0N - z (D6) “T.“"i “W” “T“ (:)(:) i, i: i Aan 3 -. 4-0" fi— Rllbllsl transmitter Roblm receive: mm! 1 hnspriorilynvu 2 l 10" a 4 z =0N TROUBLE SHOOTING SYSTEM 460 5 5 3 -ON 7 t l =0N welwmtmltyrllhveum'filuy und‘fllhlmfltfinlMlmll'flmlymnnfi s l 5=0N mmmmmmlmmllkm-Wmmwm 6 ‘"> 2 6 - ON 7 -"~ 3 7 “m . I0!!! for file waiver. l -'- S . 4 ’ °" . Yellow um Indlcau llm (he mew lus WI ynluge. Exp: llu mnchabwewhm fimclllm l (no need- privfily l W“ “" '“°"(°"T’>"’"“" ' “m“ ”" ”m“ “mm“ 0 Green LED- Indicate met the receivers receive radio sigmls xwlbcllfl all: left of): 0m nppliuiimlx wlwm inmlnckillgl‘s likely (0 ha mm In my other apposed Mm ml. 1: rip/dawn, all/raga etc. All unirx we awl-led withdw switches ow, Charging the transmitter with built-in charger. The Ram: mllnimrcm be equipped with lnlilbin chug“ ml recharge-bk binaries. Then'nllminer LED indium buttery powerbydmlging colour hm grew ml red light. Wlla-l cluglng me mnsmilrcr the LED indiuuredumil lhe mmiw is fully mmmilchmmmmwmmmay uwerguubehw llmonhehmly equally me green LED mm red. which mm mm luim: no charge the lnnsllliw. Chintz: lime umll fully charged: uppmxinuhely 3 hm. 0mm time: waximlwly l0 ham cum zleDC Wiringdiagram um am «not: 461m luv“: - . . l l 2 uvrlc LMVMLAWAC “um: M, i "Liv“: "1:th mmc new . “um” “LI I F «ax/m IME! «mm 4mm 1 «want: szvM: mm L||SVAC . , , , 3 um: um: mm mm . mane . . . mfi mm is l 1 s . s s y _|_ hilnallvwedhomixflidlflmv) 1nd Law(lZ-14V)volllg= betwwll n 4 P‘H" n. ,_ l mm,mywmm “l I6 0 Rd LED- Indicm iflrehy is active, ml: equipmenl dour ml llmlion properly plans go lluangh rhi chgckliu. Emu ramble nun-ls Mm mmdmdmw mmmilnmmmhd Mhflflflz Work when lamina“. ymperly, M lb: voltage. Nor mm yell-u, Chm‘tflm . Til fin: um WNW-“indie mmmfiuinmmmma Sammihnficdinfln lweivuixlld’fiuhm dmwmmhmemklmngm rwaivzrllldlh: run-miner. why i! m)! We. lh: Mm. ~> mun-m LEDinlhe mmuyllmlmy. magma. receiver do” m liflll The mind (I bmhm. Tm with I New mmmillfl. m mumbling. WWI-minim Omnndhlqlipmemilnwnming Onmmymdala. “mlmwlmm ndlemqullency Humming. mmmmumim muuylmw. claws-hay. dwxmflighlwhell Themiwishmken. Tanwirh Intwn-nlsmim unwilling m mg l. too short. The hnwy iulmm mply Cruse balmy, Check nlbvlnl. Anmlm-uhle Mum-liq, ' Fuse 5! sol-ml (nov receiver) NE 82 seam/l, "you “ill hm mum that mix anally yam mm your denim
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