Tele Radio i Lysekil 8516RX840 Industrial Remote Control Receiver User Manual User s Manual
Tele Radio AB Industrial Remote Control Receiver User s Manual
MOW (()Ne§i 33. Elf. RADIO AB Installationsmanuul System 840.5850 sun. Vikllgt luaurlnlum l |pr>l.|r|:',\nliingnmg m, findxmn Luddnmg n raindan: J‘mllmg .1\ inch L‘lh $510 motwgarcns nhh lynhmkkuhmplum och timgllnp‘pmynnnal $400 mmupn as "him lysdwdemmkopnlurt och vhrucglungi||mgmnmul Inflillniny, at u .|l'unI-lwntml Kuhn"; frlxikmng (mien-"brawn rum‘fimkilunandn lnslallalion manual System 840.5850 Page Impoflunl Inamlllfion Smmng‘khnmmg an“ n (In: uunmum (‘hurpmp the rmmmulrl (In. em; ll|= lrequcnu Inu- menrr ) \. mom LLD mdmtmns uwiklnrwml unlerkvckmu pmgmm MIN n'umcr ) “mun; LLD mdlannm swilclxn .un| inltrkka" mtogram Ila-In) Tum-nun wjuflmcm (' “ding TnmNeshmflmg Unknn I‘m-111mm! Appum xk -~1|-|.|;y||~.' mm m2: :s-:5 25.3“ x. v.“ 28 IMPORTANT! Real 1mm thn infatuation him you lam“ the equipment. If udk' opennim is In “Auction mlilbly for: has pcfiotl ultimo, il 5- mos! inwrllnl llul Illa mfiu recewrr and ulna-n ls pct-pal) inmllul. Cmmly imtlllal equipment not only puma» I Met nun-Minimum me but alum kwwlil‘m. ll ml! pay you loam-d a law mum Mm firmly)- than human“ lnsullallon ll‘lhcmlio ova-dim in» (man nil ion longtlme. It inmost lupnmm m m: mcimmd nan-um plwedconncdy. 11m: in: three dim (wot 07mm m cm from. L? u-uwlenglh ant-mm. S-“B-mneluglh alum an! I l-‘l wlwlmgfl «hull m Not: “fallow-lg pol-u wk: installing, the Julio aMpnwnl: - Flare ll! umnu high flow lhn gmumL - Keep ll- wunl u» fur l>pos>lbl¢ I‘b‘l} hum oflm met-I ohms. 0.3" awn. ‘ electric ables and other mm“. o hum lie roan-cf u fir ls maime- fmn wild and weather; The I-‘2 wm lnltllll i, a good choice when it i> not pomblc to muum I In: atom; A big ids-ulnar i- also film the mm is nonhuman m aground plane. [lull-i: menu when il ll vim [cmu'hle m rnuunl Ill nut-nu an I lin voul‘ovou I mfoh vehicle. ll'llu- femur is nmnled m a wall. the antenna would be mglzd 710mm wall [see fig]. n: Silt-“w ma in 1 mm: m In; cumin! rdflt Thu malt-s i! pomblt to place llle antenna lively nd well above ground. For optimum we perm-name. the man tho-Mb: mmedmy from mwfimqm a lin mol', Fat-wall Mullins. It: mun“ Mid he helm! wordy In a «all unarlmml WM! I llu‘ Dtpolc mum has 5 than: mm long owl-l able Ilia mallet il "mill: In plate the mm may and well alum: gnu-d Fat nplim-m rungs purl‘mvu. lb- alum slmulnl he mutual any from ulcer meld died». ‘I he liplol man: has l own mad plane ml in midtd m’lh "I" madman ,\ 914” than -.-C- hum- um, yuan- ' “nun-u- _ - v ‘nIuwrn-H'V um: Ion-n. 05 'l'mnsmitter Ibc mud-M Inns-line: In» 8 IR‘U-fltp palm-n. I «up lulun and l kcy met-«witch 09. mm with: ngmn mm- M: ( «emu Kn" Nflfll Claw mum fl‘m lulu; Starting-up the transmitter 1. Key power with in lthN pnnlwu. 2. Slop bmm pulled mu. 1 quu huh stay humus (7 and In a the mm film: fur ll qul I second. 4. Reba the safety hum 5. m: Ira-mine: k in fum‘iiun mun when (be green | FF) comes on. "a: transmmrr ha a hilt-m ul‘ely function um mvcms mother funetkmt Tum invulnnlm-y cullingqn when the trimming: mm. The lummillcr will no! nan If! bum- ix duel in Hue adivmmfl tuition Thu 1": imicuodby me ltd I FD coming on Shutting-down the transmitter to shut-down the trlrlmttrcr. push in the stop lama. Automatic switch-off The lmamtttar hm ltt mlnmulic Jun rkvvm function inordcr to were the battery mfly l‘hiy manu- that the nuns-hitter Mu (tom-n utter a pvt-rd tin: film when the fatal cummnrl hll been gtwa. The non-tie dull-down incl-ton tr pmgnrrmcd u folk-mt: Rtnkcr I in pm. UN - Tmnunirul sir-tr Gulf-town an“ 2 min Bunker 2 in pm. 0K - Tum-miner slat; itglt‘dwn more mm Bra-Item 1.2 it 1105.0.‘4 - Tun-rime: that: inclfden 3M 12min. mm“ L: in meFF— Tum-miner doc; m that icolt'drwm until the rtup baton tnsbeen pnhut It. ()p. u the switches 1h: Iran-miller i: deliwml with the awumlfic that—down functron oll'. that is. NFlltlt I 1nd 2 in positron O! t“. KR? The tram-inn can alum be shut do“ by pushing in the slog-button. Charging the transrmttcr The trammrttn in detiwrt-d with u built-in ctr-rem chngclbtc hartritc lad an MW fol charging. (“tart-Mtg: 9;qu is radiated by the LID light in the u trummhtcr. red - bntcnu need charging: great - karmic: fully charged During the churning of thc hummer hmuicx um um light: red until the tannin m f-ny charged. I which time the light changes to green (1 H The tnmmittcr hitches cannot he overcharged. o o tt like. that IJ hours to I'ulty chums the batteries: __ the traumatic: cu runcoltirtmfly fathom 12 how's. (tn-rpm The ltFD light charges from me- tn m1 when then: is. that It't‘m'. prmev It“ in that bacteria (I hour t'tntimum «prmtio' nmtmt. and then H is line to rr flung: nmc ; Q Changingthe frequency Wilt System lfiywmcbmbmmkmuuulmm "we; 1!- ]: 6mm fwd“ enable ymwcoulmi, cg" 32 Miami Manama) inns-mid» mimimbumiulyiMMofmwm.anim incrfuiuo- luflneadumcofieuyuam I.M|hm|h8lhclummilnhwitchedofl. Z‘Opmuemniuamdlbe waiver. lawful)! Iifl uptheveceim’sndiomhhfimtkdnuhm 4. mummmdmmumm “alarm-mink: flawmmm‘nmuwum Mfwthpfilkfi. S.M~rlemywlmhe-lolkdahedfi«pmcy. Vllmfiequuymmbzlhe magi-bottom 6.50n-upthosysem 1.(1wcklhnh daysckm-wllmdlenwvim‘rh‘m Jq-r I I J 0 than?“ km or- uu on on- utr 1 00mm 0» m an on Off 2 ”new rm’m'n“ "pa on m on m J mun-m u— ou us an m 4 Amman, 0—- m on (m on s «mum on on err m- m - duo-w a... on- m on on : mum C” M "h (IN “T I "twill: u.- m‘ on- m «m c cumm- fiu- U“ M ("V 0“ lo than (M “f 03. m "N |‘ ll‘lfiflh u” (m flu l“ U! u will!“ u C'P [IT 0" U" |‘ “an“ on. us -:-rr on on u momma 0..- on m m ou vs momma MN u... m m w m n "ml-um no “a“ that an ur on a» If 04qu h cw «m m- m- m u 04mm. M an on our on n- tum-m; (1nd m m on aw 3- Aumuu. wmflwmwn' cu on on- m on n uwwu. mWthJ-w. fl‘ I” (W m m I] "416ml: (m M U" “V (M 7' ‘wbl‘lll (M (I. m (N (H ll lH’flm (w on on on’ ma as numuu «w on m an on n mmuu nu un' ox on on n cwxvm l“ I'm 0" (FF M [Q ‘umfl'! (but on on m on a mum» M on on m m w- wmum cm n» at on on n umnnu n-d us m (m cm a: our-um Receiver 85 I 6 various LED indications - Yellow LED lid“; when mine: m amen feed vohgc. 0 Gwellwligilswbm nether-occa- Modguk. 0 Mrebyhlndlfinmlmmmm-ydoul ( ' J’wm Kw” lew thVAC LIISVAC /, H' , 3 NWAC YWM" "WAC Inna I-dn'c MIN) l c I5 lo I: Tlnmmimisdclhcmdunndudwilh liwhymZofwlninhm-ued forth: flop mum lnlcrlocking Imu'hnchng is mat-mod in the rccnivuofl imtloek with“. lmerloclms u ubh‘utcmmy l’ur npplialinm 11m have upfdwn nr mam Mm. On deliver): the Marketing irdiwm‘led. Illa in. all limit in: ll mica OH} See mt pop: IV Interlocking "‘"“"“"""’““ 03mm. l. 1 o , 5 r l‘ Funk-Nmpivnlymwhlfliml lflhlprimiyml ml-UtMMI-Ofl‘ thn'ihlukwymfinnim I. Ink-Wynn!“ fuminm IdkO-IDu-Mtdwknm-ddtkmdmz MI‘OW.In-hr! -()\ l‘nminnl lkwlumbtuckd whmdewndnmeumviu. lmbrl-ON. Bull-gr! -U)\ lmllmummomimHn-‘MM l‘ lws-omma u)" rum llmmwmlmt llh-phflymdlll muhlI-lfnhbrhdtmmxnIlhmm lMerJIOFFJni-rl -0\ FumnHAH-llmflxu-mkpnnlnlhmku lnahvlsfl‘, haul-Oh Mani—Wham fwm.‘.|4iawmiywefl MfirS-O\.mt -0FI mllbmhhmmi. Idhspiuiymbnd mwoautlanwmw-mmm lnduvhm’l'Jn-qu 4m mulelluuflumelmmfim Winn“, Irv-MG 4)” mm ”lap-why mu ins-mun 7. lulu-many ova 8. Mlhr'V'flN, In“! -nn= rah-Unprmlyum MM T. Wham-hymn and fusion 7-DAIQI6nbMdM-lw-lfitnlnm. m7=0fl.MI -0N I'm-s 7—0 LlSdfimhherM-Wdthmum; M750! . habit-f“ final-NW tarantula-1mm!Juvlolwuuwmxvmnrfieumfln Bruin- ! wznmumnmmm. wflmmMM-ghMlui-IMmhn‘mmf. whogram selection for receiver 85 I6 humanitmh-d-wumummuktu. “mall mm‘tb luaaeflfil howl NIW I' who. u-nN. with E-OFF (7 Wuhan-n an we load «In-than. hum minim 2. mm 1—0”. with l-ON (70? imp! finch-u). Program selection I for receiver 8516 lhclanun'nu mumm-flwflmahy! ml lawn-Mnuhmk-n. Thaw-wumbypmingminb I “Manama-20" «unpaid-ml. [sky “in Ilududby mn Mn munganmu FD“ mmmmmhcl. When n.- fm‘au- n icINtrd. me other plum. (push bum ll l: datum-cud x- the "lumber Th mews! all be in W nun-mtiully Wncn lllt "mum: mldxvcml “that I and 2 min lht nrr minim, Whmpuhb‘lm "dun-ml Foul hams WINm-iulwll bile": Sm nfmmhu t'uw M hut-- w PM” M Mio- it: PM rind! H!!!"- H. tn M . W]! LEM 2333 0" 0X 0\ UN ll Program selecnon 2 for rcccwcr 85 I 6 Ihhmmmkmqummfl! mthulhemdtpinlbepfihmnhdmmml Within“Ibyulwwlmun7Iilhmmu1h7ldfinflm.fiflhmu I!» was i: ink-n! by I'm ligh uniting flinfic nrmm lb uni-man. 1h; mum h-uuwwmuy. muuumumnaumammumzmmmmrm. Wham-hum ll. in man! 1a a la- u.s swath am» l‘illhrnfollnwv 54a“ gm] mu- um hum— Smultumtmuu ON Mull-7- MN"! rummmlo OFF 0\ mn-umws Mun-thun- I6 (N U" m I-- = Ida! l-'.‘ in”. .I Receive: 8409 various LED indicalions - Yellow LU.) lights aka Ninth» coma feed min: ' UmLtDlighswbenma-mmfinslguh 0 Hacknhybu nMIEDMIi-Im‘dmllnrdtyclau. ,wmwm I w.“ Interlocking Imammdhnwmdmm Wuhan. Willi- lubkr’netmry flu Menin- tlul I'nve up‘down or rialvlcfl Radio- Tk Wetting n ma!- by lhc interlozkhgwnch (a: “gun move), On Mm, the tau-lacking is distal-card. in is. all brakes m in petition OH. See next page. 1! Twin I'unclim syn“ 840 Two wmnmmbMM-flflmmmims withmmmmina Nucleationofloeclvm h mutabprhhmon lfi rural lean 0.5 rem-b Which "minty“ nice! in indiclled by Wu lid“ aiitliudiodeullihwn the laminar. NB! The code-“kn m (M m rewim mun he an: «me, I‘roplmscloctor Immature: system 340 hug-Mm!“- “Wm-{uh Tun-mm m3." lumvu m In“ Univ 1. H»? 2-0» 2-on' 3-0"- o-orr L 1-4»? 1-0» Hm l-OFF o-orr 1 Hum locum! merH-ow ins-h- x z-orr s-ov Hm 4 1-001 z-orr km 1 3-014 3:0" 4=0FP u- : Hm v-m a-orr s. an-ov Ind-cl ant-mm: team 1 WT H» H»? interlocking 8409 M—M-LJMSHMFMMI (Me-lljnbhdmlbhndqmmdlrhunm m1-Uhdl'nhl1-(M. T-dc-nJatMtdwkv-Mmmi-MHM mJ-Ohdl'uml-(M. Own-wwmmflnu-xmm. “S'othmfi'm. l'mtinwknkpn-wdlm-mm‘ Mad-(N, Bimini-ON. Imfl -{- naming} rumin- Tmhnainn lehnt. V) “loll-c W In! in: iulm-ma LAI'.‘ hl M. Visit-1h“ I. 2. Id 41244 he. in mamLLIv: 4:2” in. “Ska-gin! I," It! tflhlc mmlu‘! lll ht; Y“ lm‘hule "Mlfllllmumwfili‘flwfl limb-5 hark-Ky our funk- L Flamem’uhy owl (m 2. lr-hrl-Olml-Ofl', ND? Carlin-d Ian M, “mfhpfimiymrnfinu lm‘hMMumu-z. Fun-film LlhibmmwhWau-wmm lot-Inn l-Ofl'.“ur1=0.\. rmuuwmwum-nflm fimmM-ewmkm-mmnm Inadnahqn'hrh Mm?whityosulmniml »»—‘- . rmsminmymrrfimma. iHJEHHHO] ma=ommumn —‘ ' ‘4-‘44 ' Flmttim?hMovwfi-tdmllmtmlmakymfimuml. M33 AFJmNfldwh-thmlh. mlth.Mr4-0N. I’ll-clonilmilocwmlqnacdmhmm Fmtlmlhdd'vhdqmdllkmriu. MS-thl-ON. mnm.mmsmu-mmuMmhp-uuom Relay functions Wilh System 350. you an mm the u- «lays fully indivithllly. Ext mhy works in m durum mt l. The relay “ck-seam“! mlyulongusmcmnwfimhnmiuhwmw. "is in the stud-rd idling, 2.mrehy';puidoullasmhfilm lb: mmnillethmnisdvmmd. but hold: ”Wmemh-Mim likilhlcfingmhy fmfiou. hitting icky fmcdonmh'ouc when opening. e.g,. I pun-yon lamp. On Ilse receive: Ibm iupmp-n Ideas swiuitm fig. men-cl] Balkan! is used liar pmp-umrning tit landing relay auction, I. Sui-w lie system. 1. Se! halter no Ion the man: idem-v twitch!» pmiuon ON. Thu tho-dd umdl nfl'nll Ik relays and 1rd LFD'» m the rut-rivet. J. Openliu; «he ”will“: dcpum those bum-a with latching function. Thisllhnkllwithm Ik- Mlmhwsfudwmpmiw Maya 4. Sal blunt no. I la patina OFT. 5. Lamb; function u m and an m be and N8? (Tu-filial In! mg. L! lryuuchademmuehyuhmldhew hflmdndruwdommitnhlchhgf-mlu 1.9:m-qnhuym. 2, Subunit-rum! on them ulcmmiccluw mfiouON. LS-lhv-korno. l lopositionOFFwimu ma’wmybukuwlhcmm. 4. 1h- rchyindoufllfiinfindoflyabngulbetmuwhmudqflsud mum-mm- (uc flow: on len i'uuuwuu C odins All Immflwwum willomumiwmmding mflnfisjibathfinuiomwfihbknsmmudmm Immioubdow. Note lhul u lmflumdrweiverfiu k included In function Malia-mun have (study themeodesainm: black code wild“. lnotbu wakummimrhulerm Iln ON pmifien- I mimrhuknin mum petition, [MahmlhcwuwherhlwhchMMr 10pm mcmnkltvmdihe «when 3. Saynm own code via Ihurmnm‘lbluk ending with: tide“; theta-endevllmm'nhlnludln'nkbu(mubtbw). ifiafl-wlhelmmlm. fiMlhllhrnhysdelhemmhfllmMmdqmn-i 7. mwmmumm mam. Hm Then-minnw» Munch-jam mathwmfimdwn Mam-Minding it“ Whammmtc mimmkhkuwa W. / Coding mild-a Ream-er MS". or M09 Troubleshooting system 840i’850 lithe equipment 5; not humming as it sin-kl. plum check the follwwina minis: Retain-n writ-n LLU imitations o Ycllov. l FDIigl-l: when receivu hm cnnncl feed xullup. 0 (item LEI) liglm when mxivcr "com radio “sub - Muhyhulmdllndm Iigm wlwmk relay clnscq. ltm-u'a WM LED luau-rm wrong, flaw vow. (M1 at (by: “in”, Ma 1. l-gh. in: failure in mrvu. (nu-p fine ’ Ran-mu I men LtD (‘au 61. eman M! II: am: Is w W Mu! code» u: hum ham win ya: mmnb mum. rurur nd it urn-im- bu ulna U nu! elm... Incl-cf» pwn LED Ina-lens) I- "wanna nu the ml: as St! Hum lbw-ma in Jun m it?! when ‘ a mum. armcminrr nut! in mum. wu ll-mML Kramer“ M I F!) . (his yun human. huh 11: law wfim vw a: nu! ya.“ fmnrgn Main! an mm. Inn-mining human-r inn not My name: iv-ltfi b in (”T pun-tin. Uni-xi Ls) luv-a with MM m wen you 6mm mmflxnm Stankmounsnhmlh. mummumum fim m kw I mm" . . and alum mm "um. Pas hm“ ("I-1c the firm-miner In! I FD Inch; »— Tram-mk- bull-m ink) tun-m1 gun— dale. lung: i: he that Aalcua. uranium-la Mud on neck mm. um mm ”mm ins-1M ' I’ux SI 0.5.-\ cm (I'varwu uh ml whats: 4! VA!" | 15 \~'A(' 1M 25!) MA“. ru- Q} V A 1T) ll ,vuu hm gnu flu-mum has: mun-mum nl mil ham-g nmlkknu Mil. m.- min amen. plau- cmtm yum dun-In. l fimim- “31'th (M) mm will A I1: I- I: ham-n ngnm n; rm (mtg-mime- Mtw‘l. hala- Marv-dini- uhptu “mm hundm-Jhkhth-OMILKD! WAN-l F»: in“ “awn-n JINAMS lmhmbefimiu- m szm,fl\'AL-ul cath' HEM}! l-nuhwvn _, "Vii" “if! glllVlf mm mmnm- m N.“ uni-u: {a new , wwi, 51-3!“ m'flnct mm” T)\'l\f.:l\'M-"X' lupin-Cm “M 310521 MVMOMH JI\'M inn-(chunk ‘ mm A7 7 lv-Nwlw-‘mrm WM) Human-an Mimi-anafluzum unann- Nu...- lmllfilmi-dwh’ Ammlflll'fifl) r“ human-um. if“ yummy-um Ilfivu. C ml her ' ' (. Swot!“ UoOSl’IIOO 4314304": IO l6 Vonny MMWSRkIMR 4334MM'I1. 16" I0 Dawn-Ill Al R966? 431-4304": lo' I!) (kill-my 0750 6250 433-43“!!! lb—Ih UK [2402 45W": I I UK 13953 433-4304": Ib-Ih Holland NL‘WJIZTJ 03-43-04": Ib‘ I6 Swimrhnd BAKOMMADIMKP asz-mum 16 I6 Andria CEPT LPDA “HM": 1646 Finland hal‘lml‘s 4334306!!! Ib—lh Mud “0:00 43343454": lo lb
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 15 Creator : Microsoft Word - User's Manual.doc Create Date : 2001:07:11 14:07:55 Title : User's Manual Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.05 for WindowsEXIF Metadata provided by