Teledesign Systems TS4000B Radio Modem with 3412 Transceiver User Manual

Teledesign Systems Inc Radio Modem with 3412 Transceiver Users Manual


Users Manual

TS4000Radio ModemUser’s ManualVersion 4.00GNovember 19982635 North First Street, Suite 205San Jose, CA  95134-2032(408) 232-0180(800) 663-3674(408) 232-0188
This document is copyrighted by Teledesign Systems Inc. with all rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior writtenconsent of Teledesign Systems Inc.Copyright  1995 - 1998 by Teledesign Systems Inc.  All rights reserved.This manual has been thoroughly reviewed for accuracy, and every effort hasbeen made to ensure that the information is accurate and complete.  However,different versions of this product have different features and capabilities, and thismanual reflects only one of those versions.  Therefore, Teledesign Systems Inc.assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or defects in this material, andshall not be liable for any damages resulting from their use.The information in this document is subject to change without notice.TELEDESIGN SYSTEMS INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITHRESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT AND SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.CopyrightDisclaimer
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Emissions iiiEmissionsThe TS4000 has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC rules (Code of Federal Regulations47CFR Part 15).  Operation is subject to the condition that this device does notcause harmful interference.The TS4000 has been type accepted for operation by the FCC in accordance withPart 90 of the FCC rules (47CFR Part 90).  See the label on the unit for thespecific FCC ID and any other certification designations.The TS4000 has been type accepted for operation by the FCC in accordance withPart 101 of the FCC rules (47CFR Part 101).  See the label on the unit for thespecific FCC ID and any other certification designations.This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.The TS4000 has been certified for operation by Industry Canada in accordancewith RSS-119 and RSS-210 of the Industry Canada rules.  See the label on theunit for the specific Industry Canada certification number and any othercertification designations.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Teledesign Systems Inc.could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Shielded cable must be used with this equipment in order to ensure that it meetsthe emissions limits for which it was designed.  It is the responsibility of the userto obtain and use good quality shielded cables with this device.  Shielded cablesare available from most retail and commercial suppliers of cables designed towork with radio equipment and personal computer peripherals.The frequency band from 406.0 to 406.1 MHz is reserved for use by distressbeacons. As such, the TS4000 should not be programmed to transmit on anyfrequency within this band.  Caution should be used when programmingfrequencies into the TS4000 to eliminate the possibility of TS4000 usersinterfering with rescue operations on this band.In order to ensure the safe operation of this radio equipment, the followingpractices should be observed.•  DO NOT operate radio equipment near electrical blasting caps or in anexplosive atmosphere.•  DO NOT operate any radio transmitter unless all RF connectors are secureand any open connectors are properly terminated.•  DO NOT allow the antenna to come close to, or touch, the eyes, face, or anyexposed body parts while the radio is transmitting.FCC Part 15Part 90Part 101Industry CanadaICES-003RSS-119Notice406.0 to 406.1 MHzOperationSafety Warning
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Table of Contents ivTable of ContentsEmissions...................................................................................................... iiiFCC ....................................................................................................iiiIndustry Canada .................................................................................iiiNotice...................................................................................................... iii406.0 to 406.1 MHz Operation............................................................... iiiSafety Warning....................................................................................... iiiTable of Contents......................................................................................... ivTS4000 Overview........................................................................................... 1Introduction............................................................................................. 1Features................................................................................................... 1Radio Modules ........................................................................................ 2Frequency Bands ............................................................................... 2Transmit Power .................................................................................. 2Channel Spacing and Bandwidth ....................................................... 3Enclosure................................................................................................. 3Standard............................................................................................. 3Watertight........................................................................................... 3Connections ............................................................................................ 3Serial Port........................................................................................... 3Antenna Connector............................................................................. 4Power Connection .............................................................................. 4Mounting.................................................................................................. 5Configuring the TS4000 ......................................................................... 5Testing the TS4000 ................................................................................. 5Upgrading the TS4000 Firmware........................................................... 5Status LEDs............................................................................................. 6Configuration Program................................................................................. 7Using Help ............................................................................................... 7System Requirements ............................................................................ 7Installation............................................................................................... 7TS4000 to PC Serial Port Connection ................................................... 7Programming and Retrieving Configurations...................................... 8Storing Configurations........................................................................... 8Diagnostics.............................................................................................. 8Serial Port..................................................................................................... 10RS-232 Serial Port Basics .................................................................... 10Connectors ....................................................................................... 10DCE vs. DTE .................................................................................... 10Asynchronous Data .......................................................................... 10Flow Control ..................................................................................... 10Serial Port Connector........................................................................... 11Signal Levels......................................................................................... 11Signal Options....................................................................................... 11Configuration Options.......................................................................... 12Radio Setup.................................................................................................. 16Configuration Options.......................................................................... 16Frequency Programming ..................................................................... 18Channel Switching................................................................................ 19
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Table of Contents vAirNet Packet Protocol................................................................................ 21Overview................................................................................................ 21Configuration Options.......................................................................... 22Packet General................................................................................. 22Packet for Port.................................................................................. 25Control and Status Strings .................................................................. 28Control Strings.................................................................................. 28Status Strings ................................................................................... 29Master-Slave System Setup................................................................. 29Setting Packet Timeout .................................................................... 29Data Packet Transmit Time.............................................................. 30CSMA System Setup............................................................................. 31Basic System - Setup Summary....................................................... 31System with Relays - Setup Summary ............................................. 32Setting Slot Time .............................................................................. 34Setting Min Idle Slots........................................................................ 34Setting Tx Index ............................................................................... 35Setting Packet Timeout .................................................................... 37Data Packet Delay............................................................................ 38Testing.......................................................................................................... 40AirTest.................................................................................................... 40Data Test................................................................................................ 40BER Test................................................................................................ 40Upgrading Firmware ................................................................................... 42Upgrading.............................................................................................. 42Licensing...................................................................................................... 43User’s License....................................................................................... 43Channel Spacing and Occupied Bandwidth ..................................... 43USA (FCC) ....................................................................................... 44International...................................................................................... 44Manufacturer’s License........................................................................ 44USA (FCC) ....................................................................................... 44Industry Canada ............................................................................... 44International...................................................................................... 44Service and Support ................................................................................... 46Contacting Teledesign ......................................................................... 46Returning Equipment ........................................................................... 46Warranty....................................................................................................... 47Appendix A - Serial Ports............................................................................ 48Standard Case....................................................................................... 48Serial Port 1 Pinout........................................................................... 48Serial Port 2 Pinout........................................................................... 48Watertight Case..................................................................................... 48Pinout ............................................................................................... 48Standard RS-232 Serial Port Pinout.................................................... 50Standard Usage of the RS-232 Control Signals................................. 50Signal Levels......................................................................................... 50Appendix B – ASCII Character Set............................................................. 52Appendix C - Specifications....................................................................... 53
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Table of Contents viAppendix D - Case Dimensions ................................................................. 54Appendix E - PCB Component Locations................................................. 55Appendix F - Internal Jumper Block.......................................................... 56
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 1TS4000 OverviewThe TS4000 Radio Modem is an integrated radio and modem designed for thewireless transmission of digital data.  The TS4000 can transfer data at ratesgreater than 19,200 bits per second.  The TS4000 includes a synthesized VHF,UHF or 900 MHz transceiver that can be programmed for up to 99 channels.This product is ideally suited to OEMs and system integrators who require aversatile radio modem in a single package.  The TS4000 is configured withwindows based PC configuration software.Main Features! High speed channel rates in excess of 19,200 bits per second.! Selectable operating modes for transparent and packet data operation.! High efficiency switching voltage regulator provides a wide input voltagerange and uses minimum power regardless of the input voltage.! Provides addressed communications for devices that are not directlyaddressable themselves.! Includes store-and-forward data repeating for wide area coverage.! Provides two individually configurable data ports.! Supports data activation (three wire) and RTS/CTS handshake protocols.! Includes powerful network diagnostics for non-intrusive monitoring of all radioand data network functions.! Built-in bit error rate (BER) monitoring.! Configurable RF output power levels.! Programmable receive sensitivity level (squelch) for use on noisy channels.! Watertight case option for outdoor use and marine installations.Flexible Data Interface! Two highly configurable user data serial ports.! Primary port supports connection to virtually any asynchronous user device.! Secondary port used as diagnostics port, synchronous port, or separatelyaddressable packet data port.! Full handshake and data activation modes supported on both ports.! Data activation mode requires only receive and transmit data lines for fullcommunication with user device.! Data rates from 300 to 38,400 baud.! RS-232, RS-485 or TTL signal levels.Integrated RF Transceiver! Synthesized transceivers cover VHF, UHF and 900 MHz bands.! Programmable RF output power levels.! Channel frequencies are stored in internal flash memory and are selectableon-the-fly using simple ASCII command strings.Selectable Channel Protocols! User selectable scrambling codes for private network communications.! Optional Forward Error Correction (FEC) using block coding and interleavingcorrects channel induced errors.! User selectable transparent or AirNet packet data transfer modes.IntroductionFeatures
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 2Integrated AirNet Packet Data Protocol! Allows user directed transmissions to only selected destinations.! Provides addressed communications for devices that are not directlyaddressable themselves.! Can be optimized for point to point, point to multi-point, and full meshnetworks.! Supports group and all-call broadcast transmissions.! Built in CSMA/CA algorithm minimizes transmission collisions to maximizechannel efficiency and utilization.! Individual TS4000s can be configured as store-and-forward data repeaters toextend radio network coverage.PC Configurable! Windows based configuration software provides quick setup and testing.! Flash memory program storage allows for easy in field firmware upgrades.Rugged and Reliable! Optional watertight housing and connections designed to withstand abusefrom field and marine use.! External interfaces protected against voltage transients, reverse polarity,electrical shorts and high VSWR.! Two year no nonsense warranty.! Free technical support provided during all phases of installation and use.The TS4000 consists internally of two modules; a modem module and a radiomodule.  The radio module has a number of options depending on the frequencyof operation, transmit power, and channel spacing.  It is important that theTS4000 is ordered with the correct radio module based on the operatingrequirements.The radio module of the TS4000 comes in various frequency bands includingVHF, UHF and 900 MHz.  Within each of these bands, there are sub-bands thatdefine the specific frequency range over which a particular radio module willoperate (i.e. 450 to 470 MHz).For some of the frequency bands, there several options for the radio moduletransmit power.  The most common transmit power levels available are 2 wattsand 5 watts.  The transmit power can be reduced from the maximum power withthe transmit power level setting control (See Radio Setup).Transmit Duty CycleThe transmit power of the radio module effects the maximum transmit duty cyclethat the TS4000 can be operated with.  Transmit duty cycle is the percentage oftime that the modem is transmitting (i.e. 50 %).  If the TS4000 is operated withtoo high a transmit duty cycle, then the radio module may get too hot which canresult in damage.  The maximum safe transmit duty can be increased by eitherreducing the maximum environmental temperature, adding a heat sink to theback plate of the TS4000, or reducing the transmit power output with the powerlevel configuration control.Power AmplifiersIf more transmit power is desired than the internal TS4000 radio module canprovide then an external power amplifier can be used to boost the power.  Forconnection to the TS4000 it is important that the power amplifier have automaticpower sensing to switch between receive and transmit modes.  It is alsoimportant that the power amplifier has fast power switching so that the TS4000Radio ModulesFrequency BandsTransmit Power
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 3transmit attack time (amount of time to initiate a transmission) does not have toincreased excessively.For some frequency bands, there are multiple options for the radio modulechannel spacing and bandwidth.Channel SpacingThe channel spacing defines how close together the channels are within a band(i.e. 12.5 kHz).  To use channels with a certain channel spacing, the radiomodule’s frequency synthesizer must be programmable to multiples or sub-multiples of the channel spacing. The TS4000 radio module should be orderedbased on the channel spacing of the channels to be used.Channel BandwidthThe channel bandwidth is the amount of frequency spectrum that the radiotransmit signal is allowed to occupy (i.e. 16 kHz).  This bandwidth must becontrolled in order to minimize the interference between users on adjacentchannels.Transmit Channel BandwidthFor the TS4000, the data rate and the type of modulation control the transmittedchannel bandwidth.  Therefore, it is important that the TS4000 is setup so that itstransmitted bandwidth is less than that prescribed for the channels being used(See Radio Setup, Licensing).Receive Channel BandwidthThe receive filters of the TS4000 radio module are designed for a specificchannel bandwidth.  The radio module should be ordered with a receive filterbandwidth that matches the bandwidth of the channels used.Note that if multiple channel bandwidths are to be used, then the radio moduleshould be ordered for the channel with the highest channel bandwidth.  This mayresult in less than optimal performance on channels with narrower channelbandwidths.The TS4000 is available in either a standard or watertight enclosure (seeAppendix D - Case Dimensions).The standard enclosure has four external connectors; an antenna connector, apower connector and two serial port connectors.The watertight enclosure is environmentally sealed and is designed to withstanddust, rain and water splashes.Caution: The watertight enclosure should not be submerged in water.The watertight enclosure has two external connectors; an antenna connector andan interface connector that provides the serial port and power connections.  Theinterface connector is a 19 pin LEMO connector.  The mating connector for this isa LEMO FGG.2B.319 series connector.The TS4000 has two serial ports that provide a data connection between theTS4000 and the host equipment.  The serial ports are standard RS-232Channel Spacing andBandwidthEnclosureStandardWatertightConnectionsSerial Port
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 4asynchronous serial interfaces and are setup as DCEs.  The serial ports provideall the standard RS-232 handshake lines.  In addition, the TS4000 provides anumber of configuration options that allow the serial port line usage to becustomized for different host equipment (see Serial Port Configuration Options).Signal LevelsSerial port 1 can be configured for either RS-232 or TTL signal levels.  To changethe signal level setting, the modem must be opened and the four jumper plugsnext to the serial port connector moved to the desired position (See Appendix A -Serial Port, Appendix E - PCB Component Locations, Appendix F - InternalJumper Block).Standard CaseThe serial port connectors are standard 9 pin subminiature D with female pins.These ports can be mated to with standard PC serial cables.  To minimizeemissions and interference, the serial cables used should be good qualityshielded cable (See Appendix A - Serial Port).Watertight CaseThe watertight case provides the serial port connections through a single sealedinterface connector (See Appendix A - Serial Port).A variety of antennas can be used with the TS4000, but it is important that theantenna provides a 50 ohm load at the radio’s operational frequencies.  Inaddition, all cabling used with the antenna must be good quality coaxial cable witha 50 ohm characteristic impedance.Caution: The modem should never be allowed to transmit without anantenna or dummy load attached to the antenna connector.Standard CaseThe standard case comes with a 50 ohm female BNC antenna connector.Watertight CaseThe watertight case comes with a 50 ohm female TNC antenna connector.The TS4000 requires a DC supply voltage between 9 and 28 volts.  Note that theminimum supply voltage depends on the particular radio module in the TS4000.In addition, the power (watts) used by the TS4000 also depends on the particularradio module.Switching Voltage RegulatorInternally, the TS4000 has a high efficiency switching voltage regulator (asopposed to a linear voltage regulator).  The switching regulator minimizes theamount of power that the TS4000 requires.  Also, the power required (watts) isindependent of the input supply voltage.Power Supply CurrentThe power supply current required depends on the input voltage used.  This canbe calculated with the following formula.Max Power Supply Current (amps) = Max Power (watts) / Input VoltageAntenna ConnectorPower Connection
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 5Max Power = 10 watts (The actual value depends on the particular radio modulein the TS4000).Power Supply Voltage = 20 voltsMax Power Supply Current = 10 / 20 = 0.5 ampsStandard CaseWith the standard case power can be connected through either the powerconnector or one of the serial port connectors.  The power connector is a 2 pinMolex Micro-Fit 3.0 (Molex P/N 43045-0202) with pin 1 as ground and pin 2 aspower.  The mating plug for this connector is a Molex P/N 43025-0200.  See theSerial Port section for details on connecting power through the serial ports.Watertight CaseWith the watertight case power is connected through the sealed interfaceconnector.FusesThe TS4000 has an internal 4 amp fuse for each of the three possible powerconnections (See Appendix E - PCB Component Locations). The power sourceused with the TS4000 should also be fused with an in-line power fuse.The preferred method of mounting the TS4000 is to use the mounting bracketsupplied with the modem.  An alternative is to use the threaded mounting holes inthe bottom of the TS4000 (see Appendix D - Case Dimensions).The TS4000 is supplied with a windows based PC configuration program.Configuring the TS4000 consists of configuring the modem operating parametersand also configuring the frequency channels.  For details on how to load and startthe configuration program see Installation in the TS4000 Configuration Programsection.Making selections with the controls on the various configuration screens sets aconfiguration.  Once set, configurations can be programmed into the TS4000.  Inaddition, configurations can be retrieved from the TS4000.  Configurations canalso be stored and recalled as PC files.  Details about the configuration controlsare available later in this manual and in the on line help of the configurationprogram.Teledesign provides general-purpose wireless modem test software calledAirTest.  AirTest can send data and gather performance statistics, including BER(Bit Error Rate), about the link between two modems.  AirTest can be started withthe AirTest button on the main screen of the configuration program (See Testing).The TS4000 comes with flash program memory that allows the firmware to beeasily upgraded in the field. Firmware is upgraded with the upgrade programwhich is included as part of the TS4000 configuration program.  The upgradeprogram is started with the Upgrade Firmware button on the main screen of theconfiguration program (See Upgrading Firmware).Example: MountingConfiguring theTS4000Testing the TS4000Upgrading theTS4000 Firmware
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  TS4000 Overview 6The TS4000 has three LED indicators to provide operational status of transmit(TX), receive (RX) and power (PWR) functions.  Special combinations of theseindicators are used to indicate secondary operating modes and fault conditions.TS4000 State LEDs Indicator StateNormal Operation PWRRXTXOn when the TS4000 is powered.On when the TS4000 detects activity on theradio channel.On when the TS4000 is transmitting.Program Mode RX, TX Both on continuously.Reset RX, TX Flash together four times.Although the reset indication takes aboutfour seconds to complete, the TS4000 isfully operational when the flashingbegins.Transmit Test Mode TX Flashes for the duration of the test.Invalid FrequencyChannel Fault RX, TX Alternately flash.This fault occurs if the TS4000 is set fora channel that does not have a validfrequency programmed.Transmit BufferOverflow TX Flashes ten times for each occurrence.Receive BufferOverflow RX Flashes ten times for each occurrence.Diagnostics Fault PWR Flashes for the duration of the fault.In this mode the TS4000 has detected afault but continues to operate. Operationmay be unreliable due to the fault.The most common cause of this state is anout of range power source.  The source ofthe fault can be diagnosed with theconfiguration program (see TS4000Configuration Program, Diagnostics).Catastrophic Fault RX, TX Alternately flash until the fault is cleared andthe TS4000 is reset.In this mode the TS4000 has detected acatastrophic fault and is non-operationaluntil the fault is corrected.The source of the fault can be diagnosedwith the configuration program (see TS4000Configuration Program, Diagnostics).Status LEDs
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Configuration Program 7Configuration ProgramThe configuration program is used to configure the TS4000 for operation.Configuring the TS4000 consists of independently configuring both the modemoperation and the radio frequency channels.  The configuration program consistsof controls and menus.  The controls set the configuration and test options.  Themenus (line items at the top of the screen) execute program commands.In addition to configuring the TS4000, the configuration program provides accessto the AirTest wireless modem test software and the TS4000 firmware upgradeprogram (see Testing, Upgrading Firmware).The configuration program has on-line help that contains information on how touse the program and also detailed information on specific controls and menus.Help is accessed by selecting a command from the help menu, pressing thequestion button or pressing the F1 key.! Personal computer using a 486 or higher microprocessor (Pentiumrecommended).! Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later.! 4 MB of RAM (16 MB recommended).! 4 MB of available hard-disk space.! High-density (1.44 MB) 3.5” disk drive.1) Put the first installation disk into the PC.2) Run the installation program (Install.exe).3) Follow the installation program instructions.Serial CableTo transfer configurations between the TS4000 and a PC, their serial ports mustbe connected together.  The serial cable used should be a standard straightthrough (i.e. pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc) serial cable.  This is the same typeof cable used to connect a PC to a standard phone modem (See Serial Port).Software ConnectionBefore configurations can be retrieved from and programmed into the TS4000 theconfiguration program must connect to the TS4000.  To connect, select theConnect to Modem command from the Modemmenu or press the Connect to Modem button.Connecting to the TS4000 puts it into programmode.  When in program mode the TS4000's RXand TX LEDs remain on continuously.When connected to the TS4000 the configurationprogram may disable (lighter shade) some of thecontrols.  These disabled controls are optionsthat are not available with that particular TS4000's version of firmware.  Thesecontrols are re-enabled when the connection is broken (using the Disconnectcommand from the Modem menu or the Disconnect button).Using HelpSystemRequirementsInstallationTS4000 to PCSerial PortConnection
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Configuration Program 8The configuration of the TS4000 can be read out of the modem by selecting theRetrieve Configuration command from the Modem menu or by pressing theRetrieve Configuration button.To program a configuration into the TS4000, usethe Program Configuration command from theModem menu or the Program Configurationbutton.CAUTION: Programming a configuration into the TS4000 will write over(destroy) the configuration currently in the TS4000. To avoid losing theTS4000’s configuration information, save the configuration by retrieving it andthen saving it as a PC file.Configurations can be stored and recalled as PC files.This is done using the commands under the File menu orthe corresponding buttons.Command ActionNew-Default Create a new file with default values.Open Open a previously stored file.  The user is prompted with adirectory and file list.Close Close the active file.Save Save the active file under the current name.Save As Save the active file under a different name or in a differentdirectory.  The user is prompted with a directory and file list.Recent File List This shows the last ten open files.  A file can be recalled byselecting its name from the list.The configuration program can access diagnosticsinformation from the TS4000.  This is done usingcommands under the Modem menu or thecorresponding buttons.Programming andRetrievingConfigurationsStoringConfigurationsDiagnostics
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Configuration Program 9Command ActionDiagnostics Run, read and display diagnostic status of theTS4000. The diagnostics tests the majorcomponents of the modem and also monitors thepower supply voltages.Retrieve HardwareConfiguration Read and display the hardware configuration.  Thisincludes details on the firmware version andmemory configuration.Retrieve RadioConfiguration Read and display the radio configuration.  Thisincludes details about the radio’s frequency,channel spacing and transmit power.
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 10Serial PortThe serial port provides an asynchronous data connection between the TS4000and the host equipment.  The TS4000 serial port is a standard RS-232 serial portwith a number of options to allow connection to a wide variety of serial hostequipment.The EIA (Electronic Industries Association) RS-232C standard is a standard forshort distance (less than 50 feet) serial communications.  The standard definesthe electrical signal levels, interface characteristics and the operation of thecontrol signals (handshake lines).  Although the standard defines the operation ofthe handshake lines, there is significant variation in the way these signals areused by different equipment.The RS-232 standard does not require the use of a specific connector.  However,most asynchronous RS-232 serial ports use either a 9 pin or 25 pin subminiatureD connector.  The same signals are provided with both connectors, but of coursethe pinouts are different (see Appendix A - Serial Port).RS-232 serial ports come in two varieties; DCE (Data CommunicationEquipment) and DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).  This defines the direction ofthe serial port’s lines (driven or received).  It also typically defines the polarity ofthe connector.  DCEs typically use female pin connectors and DTEs typically usemale pin connectors.Connecting a DCE port to a DTE is the most common setup and requires astandard straight through cable (i.e. pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc.). Whenconnecting two DCEs or two DTEs together a null modem cable is required.  Thepurpose of a null modem cable is to cross connect the appropriate signals.However, null modem cables are not all the same and therefore it is important toverify that a specific cable is appropriate for a specific application.The TS4000 is designed to work with asynchronous serial ports.  Asynchronousports do not use clocks or timing signals to synchronize data transfers.  Insteaddata is framed into asynchronous characters which the ports synchronize to.An asynchronous character consists of a start bit, data bits and stop bits.  Thestart bit indicates the beginning of a character.  The number of data bits varies,but is typically between 7 and 9 bits.  The data bits sometimes include a parity bitthat provides error check information with each character.  The number of stopbits also varies but is typically 1 or 2 bits.Flow control is the method for controlling the flow of data between the DCE andDTE.  Flow control is used to prevent the DTE and DCE data receive buffers fromoverflowing.  There are several different methods used for flow control and aswith everything related to RS-232 there is no one standard.  The two mainvariations of flow control are hardware flow control that utilizes the RS-232handshake lines and software flow control that utilizes characters sent along withthe normal data.Hardware Flow ControlHardware flow control typically uses two control lines, one for each direction ofdata.  When a port activates its flow control signal it is indicating its readiness toreceive data.  Deactivating the flow control signal indicates that the port can nolonger receive data because its buffer is full or close to full.RS-232 Serial PortBasicsConnectorsDCE vs. DTEAsynchronous DataFlow Control
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 11The most common form of hardware flow control, and the one used by most fullduplex wired (as opposed to wireless) modems, is RTS/CTS.  With RTS/CTSflow control, RTS provides flow control for the DTE and CTS provides flow controlfor the DCE.  One problem with RTS/CTS flow control is that for many half duplexmodems (most wireless modems) the RTS signal is used to frame transmit datagoing from the DTE to the DCE.  This use of RTS conflicts with using RTS forflow control of data to the DTE.An alternative form of hardware flow control is DTR/DSR.  With DTR/DSR flowcontrol, DTR provides the flow control for the DTE and DSR provides the flowcontrol for the DCE.Software Flow ControlSoftware flow control uses characters sent over the data lines to control data flow.These characters are sent along with the normal flow of data between the DTEand DCE.  There is typically one character that is used to stop the flow of dataand a different character to restart data flow.  Software flow control can use anycharacters to start and stop flow.  However the most common characters usedare the ASCII XON (starts flow) and XOFF (stops flow) characters.  Becausethese are the most common characters used, software flow control is oftenreferred to as XON/XOFF flow control.  The ASCII XON character is the decimalcharacter 17 (0x11 hex) and is also known as DC1 or Ctrl-Q.  The ASCII XOFFcharacter is the decimal character 19 (0x13 hex) and is also known as DC3 orCtrl-S (See Appendix B - ASCII Character Set).A problem with software flow control is that the normal data passed over thecommunications link cannot include the flow control characters.  If it does, theflow of data will be incorrectly stopped or started.  This limits the characters thatcan be used by the host application and also prevents the sending of binary (allcharacter numbers) data.The TS4000 serial ports are setup as DCEs (Data Communication Equipment).The TS4000 with the standard case uses two 9 pin subminiature D connectorswith female pins for the serial ports.  The TS4000 with the watertight case uses a19 pin environmentally sealed LEMO connector (see Appendix A - Serial Port).Serial port 1 can be configured for either RS-232 or TTL signal levels.  To changethe signal levels, the modem must be opened and the four jumper plugs next tothe serial port connector set to the desired position (see Appendix A - Serial Port,Appendix F - Internal Jumper Block).Serial port 2 is always set for RS-232 signal levels.The serial ports can be setup to provide different internal electrical connections tothe DTR, DSR and RI pins.  To change the pin connections, the modem must beopened and the jumper plugs next to the serial port connector set to the desiredposition (see Appendix F - Internal Jumper Block).The RI (Ring Indicator) pin is pin 9 of a standard 9 pin subminiature D connectorand is an output for DCEs (the TS4000).  The TS4000 has no internal RI signaland therefore the RI pin is normally left unconnected.Alternate Connection: RI for Modem PowerAs an alternative, the DTR pin can be connected as a power pin into the TS4000.This is non-standard use of this pin and therefore care should be taken whenSerial PortConnectorSignal LevelsSignal OptionsRI Pin Signal Options
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 12connecting the TS4000 to other serial devices.  For most serial devices this is nota problem because RI is a modem (DCE) output and the TS4000 power supplymostly falls within the allowed voltage range for RS-232 signals.  Therefore thepower voltage on this pin is interpreted as an active RI signal.  For systems thatuse the RI signal differently, or cannot operate with power on this pin, this pinshould be disconnected between the TS4000 and the host equipment.Alternate Connection: RI Connected to DSRAs an alternative, the RI pin can be connected to the internal DSR output signal.The DSR (Data Set Ready) pin is pin 6 of a standard 9 pin subminiature Dconnector and is an output for DCEs (the TS4000).  For the TS4000, the DSR pinis normally connected to the internal DSR output signal.Alternate Connection: DSR Always HighAs an alternative, the DSR pin can be set to always be in the active high state.  Inthis case it is internally connected to +5 volts through a 1 K ohm resistor.The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) pin is pin 4 of a standard 9 pin subminiature Dconnector and is an input for DCEs (the TS4000).  For the TS4000, the DTR pinis normally connected to the internal DTR input signal.Alternate Connection: DTR for Modem PowerAs an alternative, the DTR pin can be connected as a power pin into the TS4000.Caution: The use of the DTR pin for power is non-standard.  Therefore theTS4000 serial port must not be connected to a standard serial device thatdrives the DTR pin (i.e. a PC).  This results in the power supply voltage of theTS4000 being shorted to the DTR output of the host serial port, which coulddamage to the host device.  Therefore, when connecting the TS4000 to a PC forconfiguration, make sure that the cable does not have a DTR (pin 4) connection.The serial port provides a number of configuration options that allows it to beconnected to virtually any asynchronous host equipment.  These configurationoptions are set using the Serial Port tab of the Modem Configuration.DSR Pin Signal OptionsDTR Pin Signal OptionsConfigurationOptions
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 13The baud rate list provides selection of the serial port asynchronous baud rate.The available selections are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 baud.These options set the number of data bits in each asynchronous character.These options set the parity of the asynchronous characters.Selection DescriptionHardware Handshake In this mode the RTS handshake line is used toframe transmit data into bursts. The TS4000 beginstransmission when RTS is activated and at leastone character (non-control string) is received.Transmission ends when RTS goes inactive andthe burst has been completely transmitted.Data Activation This mode uses a character timer to frame thetransmit data into bursts.  The TS4000 beginstransmission when one character (non-controlstring) is received.  The transmit burst is completedwhen the transmit data line is idle (no data) for thenumber of character periods defined by the dataactivation timeout control.Data Activation Timeout(Timeout Time) This control sets the number of character periods ofidle required on the serial port's transmit data line todeclare the end of a transmit burst.Char Period = Char Length / Baud RateWhere: Char Length = Data Bits + Parity + 2Data Bits is the value selected from the Data Bitscontrol.  Parity is 0 if none is selected from theParity control and 1 if even or odd is selected. The2 added to the accounts for the start and stop bitsof an asynchronous character.  Baud Rate is thevalue selected from the baud rate list.Baud Rate ListData BitsParityProtocol Options
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 14This option only has effect if packet operation is not enabled.Selection DescriptionDisabled The modem begins transmitting as soon as itreceives the first non-control character of a transmitburst.Enabled The modem waits for a complete transmit burstbefore it begins transmitting.Selection DescriptionIdle Time Between Bursts This sets the minimum amount of time (in characterperiods) that the receive data (RXD) line will be idle(inactive) between received bursts of data.  If thisvalue is set to zero, the receive data line mayremain active continuously when multiple bursts ofreceive data are transferred to the host.If the DCD line option is set for the Active whenSending Receive Data to the User then the DCDline will also be inactive during the receive data lineidle times.DTR Enabled for ReceiveData Flow Control When enabled, DTR acts as flow control for receivedata coming from the TS4000 to the host.  WhenDTR is inactive, data received by the TS4000 isstored in an internal buffer and inhibited from beingsent to the host equipment.  The flow of receivedata out of the serial port resumes when DTR isactivated.Selection DescriptionActive when SendingReceive Data to the User DCD is active when receive data is sent out of theTS4000 via the serial port.Active when Receiving DCD is active when the TS4000 detects a signal onthe radio channel.  This mode can be used toremote the receive LED.Both DCD is active when either receive data is beingsent out the serial port or when a signal is detectedon the radio channel.  Note that for most conditionsand configurations these states overlap.Wait For Complete BurstBefore BeginningTransmissionReceive Data ProtocolDCD Line Control
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Serial Port 15Selection DescriptionAlways Active The CTS line is active.Active when Transmitter isSending Data CTS is normally inactive and is activated when theTS4000 is transmitting and the radio channel isready for the transmission of data.Active when Transmitting CTS is normally inactive and is activated when theTS4000 is transmitting. Note that the modembegins transmitting only after it has received atleast one character (non-control string) of data.This selection can be used to remote the transmitLED.Delayed RTS CTS is normally inactive and is activated a fixedtime after RTS becomes active.  The time iscontrolled with the RTS to CTS delay value.Deactivate when TransmitBuffer is Full When this is enabled, CTS is deactivated when thetransmit buffer is full.  This setting effects all of theabove options.Selection DescriptionActive when Operational DSR is active when the TS4000 is powered andhas passed self test.Active when Transmitting DSR is active when the TS4000 is transmitting.This selection can be used to remote the transmitLED.Active when Receiving DSR is active when the TS4000 detects a signal onthe radio channel.  This mode can be used toremote the receive LED.CTS Line ControlDSR Line Control
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Radio Setup 16Radio SetupThe radio setup requires setting the modem configuration options and also settingthe radio frequencies.  The modem configuration options are accessed on theRadio tab of the Modem Configuration.  The frequency programming is accessedwith the Frequency Configuration button on the main screen of the configurationprogram.The radio configuration options set the operation of the radio.  Theseconfiguration options are set using the Radio tab of the Modem Configurationportion of the configuration program.Selection DescriptionOccupiedBandwidth The occupied bandwidth sets the amount of frequencybandwidth that the transmitted signal will use.  A higher valuecorresponds to more bandwidth and therefore provides betterBER (Bit Error Rate) performance.The occupied bandwidth should be set to equal to or lowerthan the occupied bandwidth that is allowed for the channelsin use.Example: The FCC licenses many channels with a 12.5 kHzchannel spacing for an 11K2 (11.2 kHz) emission designator.Therefore the occupied bandwidth must be set for 11.2 kHz orlower.The maximum value that occupied bandwidth can be set for isdependent on the specific radio module ordered with the unit.This is set at the factory when the unit is manufactured.  Thismaximum value will be shown in the range label when theconfiguration program is connected to the modem.4 Level FSK Four level FSK modulation.This is the most spectrally efficient modulation.  Therefore,this modulation allows the highest data rate for a givenoccupied bandwidth.  However, it also requires the highestreceive signal level to achieve a given BER (Bit Error Rate).ConfigurationOptionsModulation
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Radio Setup 17Selection DescriptionGMSK (BT=0.3) Gaussian Minimum Shifted Keyed modulation with a BT = 0.3.This is the less spectrally efficient than 4 Level FSKmodulation and more spectrally efficient than GSMK (BT=0.5)modulation.GMSK (BT=0.5) Gaussian Minimum Shifted Keyed modulation with a BT = 0.5.This is the least spectrally efficient modulation.  However, itprovides the best BER for a given receive signal level.Rate The over the air modulation bit rate.All TS4000s that communicate together must use the samesetting.  Lower settings result in better signal demodulationwhich results in a better (lower) BER (Bit Error Rate) for agiven receive signal level.The maximum rate that can be set depends on the settings ofoccupied bandwidth and modulation typeSelection DescriptionActive Channelat Power Down The channel activated at power up is the channel that wasactive when the modem was last powered down.Fixed Channel The channel activated at power up is the channel set in thecorresponding control.This sets the receive signal level at which the receiver is activated.  This is similarto the squelch control on mobile radios.  Normally this level is set slightly lowerthan the level at which the TS4000 can correctly demodulate the incoming data.When using the TS4000 in a high noise environment, this level can be raised sothat the TS4000 is more selective about the signals that it attempts todemodulate.  This is important for configurations that do not allow the TS4000 totransmit while it is receiving.  These include configurations with packet operationenabled or with the Force Transmit over Receive control disabled.This control has effect only if packet operation is disabled.Selection DescriptionDisabled The modem will not transmit while receiving.  Transmit data isbuffered and then transmitted when the TS4000 stopsreceiving.Enabled The modem transmits as soon as data is ready without regardto the receive state.When enabled, the timeout timer stops the TS4000 from transmitting after thespecified period of continuous transmission.  This is used to avoid locking up theradio channel due to a continuous transmission caused by an equipment fault.This sets the transmit power level. The maximum transmit power that can be setdepends on the specific radio module in the TS4000. Therefore the maximumvalue that can be set is listed only when the configuration program is connectedto the TS4000.This is additional attack time added to the radio transmission process.  This isused in setups where the TS4000 is used with a power amplifier or repeatersystem that creates an extra delay in establishing the radio channel.Frequency Channel atPower UpReceive Carrier DetectLevelForce Transmit OverReceiveTransmit Timeout TimerTransmit PowerAdditional Transmit AttackTime
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Radio Setup 18Attack time is the amount of time necessary to establish the radio channel.  Thisincludes the power up time for the transmitter and the time for the receiver tosense and demodulate the transmit signal.  The TS4000 is preset for theappropriate attack time of the installed radio module.  Therefore, this controlshould normally be set to zero.Selection DescriptionDisabled This minimizes the amount of overhead required to send data.Enabled Transmit data is block coded (12,8 Hamming) and interleaved(16 bits).  This provides error correction for strings of errorsup to 16 bits long.  Coding requires an extra 50 % overheadon top of formatted data.  This type of coding is ideal forcombating errors induced from multi-path fading common inmobile environments.The scramble code determines the pseudo-random sequence used to scramblethe transmitted data.  This provides data privacy and also randomizes the data foroptimum signal detection.  All TS4000s operating in the same network must usethe same scrambling code.The TS4000 comes in various frequency bands (i.e. 450 to 470 MHz) and can beprogrammed for any valid channel within a given frequency band.  The TS4000can be set for up to 99 frequency pairs.  A frequency pair is a receive frequencyand a transmit frequency which can be set to the same or different frequencies.Frequency channels are programmed into the TS4000 using the configurationprogram.  To access the frequency program screen press the FrequencyConfiguration button on the main screen of the configuration program.  Frequencychannel configuration settings are programmed into and retrieved from theTS4000 the same as the modem configuration settings.The FCC rules state that only authorized service/maintenance personnel shouldbe allowed to change the frequencies programmed into radio devices.  Becauseof this, a software enable code is required to enable the frequency programmingcapability of the TS4000 configuration program.  Note that this enable code is notrequired to retrieve and display the channel frequencies programmed in theTS4000.Please contact Teledesign Systems for information on finding the nearestauthorized service center.Enable CodingData Scramble CodeFrequencyProgramming
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Radio Setup 19The minimum and maximum frequencies and the channel spacing depend on thespecific radio module in the TS4000.  The configuration program does not knowthis information unless it is connected to the TS4000.  Therefore, these fields inthe Radio Settings frame only show up when the configuration program isconnected to the TS4000.  When the user creates a new frequency configurationfile these values can be set in the channel frequencies frame.  This allows theuser to create, modify and store frequency files without being connected to aTS4000.  When a file is used to program frequency channels into the TS4000,the configuration program compares the radio values with the file values anddetermines if they are compatible.  If they are compatible then the programmingcontinues.  If they are not compatible then the user is prompted to make thenecessary changes in these values so that only valid frequency channels areprogrammed into the TS4000.During normal operation, the frequency channel can be switched on the fly.  Thechannel is switched by transferring the following ASCII character string to theTS4000’s serial port.+TSCxx Where: xx = Channel number from 01 to 99Note: The letter characters must be upper case.The channel change control string is sent to the modem the same as standardtransmit data.  For the control string to be recognized it must be the firstcharacters of a burst of transmit data.  If the control string is sent alone (no datafollowing), then the TS4000 will switch to the receive frequency of the newchannel pair and wait in receive mode.  If the control string is sent with a transmitdata burst following it, then the TS4000 will switch to the transmit frequency of thenew channel pair and transmit the burst.The active channel can be determined with the channel query string. This is donewith the following ASCII character string.Radio vs. File SettingsChannel SwitchingDetermining the ActiveChannel
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Radio Setup 20+TSC?  Note: The letter characters must be upper case.The response string is sent out the serial port and is as follows.+TSCxx Where: xx = Channel number from 01 to 99If a frequency channel is selected that has not been programmed with validfrequencies, the modem will not receive or transmit and the RX and TX LEDs willalternately flash.The channel that the TS4000 activates at power up depends on the setting of theFrequency Channel at Power Up control.Invalid Channel SelectionChannel at Power Up
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 21AirNet Packet ProtocolAirNet is an embedded packet protocol available in some Teledesign Systemsmodems.  AirNet provides a complete protocol that manages the end to end datatransfers of wireless networks.  The AirNet protocol is flexible and configurable sothat it can be used with any host (user) system or network architecture.The basic purpose of the AirNet packet protocol is to ensure that data is reliablytransferred between nodes in the network.  This means preventing data frombeing lost, repeated or corrupted at the receiving nodes.  This is accomplished bycombining transmit data into packets which contain user data and controlinformation.  The control information includes addressing, sequencing and errordetection.  Addressing information allows receiving nodes to determine if a packetis intended for them and also who the source of the packet was.  Sequenceinformation is used so that the data can be reconstructed in the correct order, andso that repeated packets of the same data are not given to the user.  Errordetection is provided by adding a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) onto thepacket so that any corruption of the packet can be detected.The key feature of any packet data protocol is its ability to identify and coordinatedata transfers between individual nodes in a network.  In order to move databetween nodes, each node is assigned a unique address.  With the AirNetprotocol each node is assigned a unique individual and group address.  Groupaddresses allow the nodes in a network to be partitioned into classes of service orsegmented into regions.  The AirNet protocol allows a data packet to betransferred to an individual node, to all nodes in a group (group broadcast), or toall nodes in all groups (network broadcast).The AirNet protocol also includes multicast reception.  Multicast reception is theability of a node to receive group broadcasts for groups other than its own.  Thisallows a node to be a member of a number of different groups at the same time.Individual node to node data transfers can be sent with or without positiveacknowledgment from the destination node.  Positive acknowledgment is theprocess where a destination node which receives an error free packet sends areturn packet (without user data) to tell the source node that the packet wasreceived correctly.  This allows the source node to be sure that the data has beentransferred.  If the sending node does not receive an acknowledgment (ACK)packet within a preset period of time then it automatically re-sends (or retries) thedata packet.Note that broadcast packets are never acknowledged and therefore the sourcenode cannot be sure that they have been received correctly by all the destinationnodes.For most wireless data networks, there is the possibility that more than one nodewill attempt to transmit simultaneously.  This is termed a collision and typicallyresults in the data from both nodes being lost.  To minimize collisions, the nodesmust have an orderly means of accessing the shared channel.  The AirNetprotocol uses a CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with CollisionAvoidance) protocol to coordinate channel access (see CSMA System fordetails).In many networks some nodes are unable to directly communicate with all othernodes in the system due to insufficient RF coverage.  To combat this manysystems use frequency translating repeaters that are located at advantaged(mountaintop) locations.  In some situations, the use of a repeater may beOverviewPacket BasicsAddressabilityAcknowledgment andRetriesChannel AccessStore and Forward Relay
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 22logistically difficult and may not completely solve all propagation problems.  TheAirNet protocol provides an option where nodes can be set up as store andforward relays.  The relay nodes store packets that they receive and repeat(forward) the packets when the channel is idle.  The relay nodes can be set torelay all packets or only packets with certain source or destination addresses.Complete Packet Capability! Nodes automatically re-send packets which are not received correctly.! Robust 32 bit CRC ensures that packets are received correctly.! Adjustable maximum number of retries.! Adjustable maximum packet size - Large packets can be automaticallybroken up into smaller packets for reliable transmission.Easy to Use Host Control and Status! The host (user equipment) controls operation of the packet protocol withsimple ASCII command strings.! No special formatting of user data is required.! Status strings can be enabled to provide information on the success or failureof packet transmissions.Addressing! Individual addresses from 1 to 999.! Group addresses from 1 to 60.! Various transfer types! Individual (point to point with acknowledge) - The acknowledgmentprovides for guaranteed delivery of the data packets.! Individual without acknowledgment.! Group broadcast - Unacknowledged transfer to all members of a group.! Network broadcast - Unacknowledged transfer to all modems.! Multicast receptions - Allows a modem to receive group broadcasts to groupsother than its own.  This can be used to create sub-groups or super-groups ofmodems.Channel Access! CSMA/CA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance.! Adjustable Transmission Index (transmit probability) - Allows a network to beoptimized for maximum efficiency.! Adjustable Slot Time - Allows the modem to be optimized for different radiosand repeater systems.Store and Forward Data Repeater! Any unit can be configured as a relay node.  Allows for easy expansion of thenetwork.! Relay filter allows for relaying of only packets to or from select nodes.  Thisminimizes the amount of relay traffic created.These configuration options are set using the Packet General tab of the ModemConfiguration.FeaturesConfigurationOptionsPacket General
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 23Selection DescriptionEnable PacketOperation This activates packet operation for all user data.The type of Medium Access Control (MAC) determines how a modem decideswhen to transmit packets.  This effects the transmission of both data andacknowledgment packets.Selection DescriptionMaster-Slave The modem will transmit data as soon as the channelbecomes idle.  This mode should only be used for master-slave systems where two modems will never attempt totransmit at the same time.  This also implies that store andforward relays are not used in the system.CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access.  This mode should beselected for systems where multiple modems may attemptto transmit simultaneously.  With this setting, the modemwaits until the channel becomes idle and then transmits ineach following idle slot based on a random probability oftransmission (see CSMA MAC Options - TransmissionIndex).  This minimizes the potential for collisions in multi-access systems.Packet ActivateMedium (Channel) AccessControl (MAC)
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 24Control DescriptionSlot Time This sets the transmit slot time (see Setting Slot Time).Min Idle Slots This sets the minimum number of idle slots before amodem attempts transmission (see Setting Min Idle Slots).If the minimum number of idle slots is set to zero themodem randomizes its transmission attempts with the firstslot after the channel becomes idle.  For values greaterthan zero, the modem waits that many slots beforerandomizing its transmission attempts.Tx Index The transmission index (TI) is the inverse of the probabilityof transmitting in an idle slot.  An index of 4 corresponds toa 1/4 or 25% chance of transmitting in an idle slot.  The goalof setting TI is to maximize efficiency on the channel.  If TIis set too low then transmissions collide too often.  If TI isset too high then there is excessive unused channel time inthe system (see Setting Transmission Index).Min Idle Slots and Tx Index can be set differently for different types of packets.The following table describes the different packet types.Type DescriptionData Packets These are any packets that carry user data.  These includedata packets for all the different types of transfers (i.e.Individual, Individual w/o ACK, Broadcast). These valuesare set on the Packet for Port tab.ACK Packets These are the acknowledgment packets for the individuallyaddressed data packets.  These values are set on thePacket for Port tab.Relay Packets These are any packets that are relayed with the store andforward relay option.  Both data packets and ACK packetscan be relayed.Selection DescriptionDisabled No network broadcast packets are relayed.Enabled All network broadcast packets are relayed.Selection DescriptionNone No broadcast packets are relayed.Some The broadcast packets that are relayed is determined bythe broadcast relay addresses control.All All broadcast packets are relayed.This control consists of a list of broadcast addresses.  Each address in the list isa group address for which broadcast packets are relayed.  The user can use asfew or as many (up to the list size) addresses as desired.CSMA MAC SetupNetwork BroadcastPackets - Relay AllGroup Broadcast Packets -Relay ActivateBroadcast RelayAddresses
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 25Selection DescriptionNone No individually addressed packets are relayed.Some The individual packets that are relayed is determined by theindividual relay addresses control.All All individually addressed packets are relayed.  Theexception is packets whose final destination is the relaynode.This control consists of a list of address ranges.  Each item in the list representsa range of addresses that are relayed.  A packet is relayed if the packet’s sourceor destination address matches an address range in the list.  The addressesconsist of a group address and a minimum and maximum individual address.The user can use as few or as many (up to the list size) address ranges asdesired.These configuration options are set using the Packet for Port tab of the ModemConfiguration.Control DescriptionIndividual Address The individual address of this modem.Group Address The group address of this modem.  The group address isused to isolate different sets of individual addresses.  It isalso used to filter group broadcast transfers.Multicast groups allow a modem to receive group broadcasts to groups other thanits own.  This allows modems to be combined in subsets and supersets of theirbasic groups.Individual Packets - RelayActivateIndividual Relay AddressesPacket for PortModem AddressMulticast Group Reception
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 26Control DescriptionEnable MulticastReception This control enables the multicast capability of the modemand also enables the entry of multicast groups.Multicast Groups This control is a list of multicast addresses.  Theseaddresses have the same range as the group addresses.The user can use as few or as many (up to the list size)multicast groups as desired.By default, a modem accepts two kinds of broadcasts.! Network broadcasts are received by all modems.! Group broadcasts are received by modems with the same group address asthe transmitting modem.Control DescriptionMax Retries This control sets the maximum number of transmit retries.A retry is attempted if a packet is sent and an acknowledgeis not received within the time defined by the packet timeoutcontrol.  After the maximum number of retries have beenattempted the packet is cleared from the transmit buffer.Retries do not apply to any kind of broadcast transfers orindividual transfers without acknowledgment.Max Packet Size This control defines the maximum packet size in bytes.  Anyburst that is larger than this number of bytes will be brokenup into multiple packets with this maximum packet size.Note that there is a difference between bytes andasynchronous characters.  A byte is always eight bits ofdata.  The number of bits in an asynchronous character isdependent on the setting of the asynchronous charactercontrol fields.Packet Timeout The packet timeout is the amount of time the modem waitsfor an acknowledgment before re-sending a packet (seeNetwork Setup - Setting Packet Timeout).This field selects the type of transfer that the modem defaults to at power up.This will remain as the transfer type until it is switched using the appropriatecontrol string.Selection DescriptionIndividual Transfer This is a standard point to point data transfer withacknowledgments.Individual Transferw/o Acknowledge This is a point to point data transfer but without anyacknowledgments.  This implies that there are no transmitretries if the packet is received with errors.Group Broadcast This is a broadcast to a group of modems.  Receivingmodems will accept two types of group broadcasts.! Group broadcasts - Broadcasts where the destinationgroup matches the receiving modem's group.! Multicast broadcasts - Broadcasts where thedestination group matches a group from the receivemodem's multicast group list.  For these broadcasts tobe received, the receiving modem must have multicastreception enabled.Network Broadcast This is a broadcast to all modems.Packet OperationDefault Transfer
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 27These fields select the default destination address that the modem defaults to atpower up.  This address will remain as the default until it is switched using theappropriate control strings.Type DescriptionIndividual Address The default destination individual address.Group Address The default destination group address.Control DescriptionProvide Address atReceiver When this control is activated, the source address of eachreceived packet is sent as a prefix status string to the data(see Control and Status Strings).Provide PositiveTransmit ACKs When this control is activated, a status string is sent to theuser when an acknowledgment is received for a packet.The corresponding packet number of the packet will beprovided as part of the status string (see Control and StatusStrings). This does not apply to any type of broadcasttransfer or individual transfers without acknowledgment.Provide NegativeTransmit ACKs When this control is activated, a status string is sent to theuser when the transfer of a packet is unsuccessful (allretries have been sent and no acknowledgment has beenreceived).  The corresponding packet number of the packetwill be provided as part of the status string (see Control andStatus Strings). This does not apply to any type ofbroadcast transfer or individual transfers withoutacknowledgment.Control DescriptionMin Idle Slots This sets the minimum number of idle slots before amodem attempts transmission (see Setting Min Idle Slots).If the minimum number of idle slots is set to zero themodem randomizes its transmission attempts with the firstslot after the channel becomes idle.  For values greaterthan zero, the modem waits that many slots beforerandomizing its transmission attempts.Tx Index The transmission index (TI) is the inverse of the probabilityof transmitting in an idle slot.  An index of 4 corresponds toa 1/4 or 25% chance of transmitting in an idle slot.  The goalof setting TI is to maximize efficiency on the channel.  If TIis set too low then transmissions collide too often.  If TI isset too high then there is excessive unused channel time inthe system (see Setting Transmission Index).Min Idle Slots and Tx Index can be set differently for different types of packets.The following table describes the different packet types.Default DestinationAddressPacket Status DataCSMA MAC Setup
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 28Type DescriptionData Packets These are any packets that carry user data.  These includedata packets for all the different types of transfers (i.e.Individual, Individual w/o ACK, Broadcast).ACK Packets These are the acknowledgment packets for the individuallyaddressed data packets.Relay Packets These are any packets that are relayed with the store andforward relay option.  Both data packets and ACK packetscan be relayed. These values are set on the PacketGeneral tab.Control strings are used to control the operation of the modem.  Status strings areused to provide status information from the modem.  Status strings from themodem can be disabled if they are not needed for a given application.  All controland status strings begin with the ASCII string “+TS”, followed by specific ASCIIletters and numbers corresponding to the particular control field or status valueprovided (See Appendix B - ASCII Character Set).All numbers are formatted as ASCII digits and sent most significant digit first.iii - Represents a three digit individual - Represents a two digit group address.nn - Represents a two digit packet number.Control String Description+TSI Set for individual transfer.+TSIAiii Set for individual transfer with address change. The threeaddress characters change the individual destinationaddress.+TSICggiii Set for individual transfer with complete address change.The first two characters are for the group address and theremaining three are for the individual destination address.+TSN Set for individual without acknowledgment transfer.+TSNAiii Set for individual without acknowledgment transfer withaddress change.  The three address characters change theindividual destination address.+TSNCggiii Set for individual without acknowledgment transfer withcomplete address change. The first two characters are forthe group address and the remaining three are for theindividual destination address.+TSG Set for group broadcast transfer.+TSGAgg Set for group broadcast transfer with address change.  Thetwo address characters change the group destinationaddress.+TSB Set for a network broadcast transfer (to all modems).+TSFAggiii Change the modem destination address.  The first twoaddress characters are for the group address and theremaining three are for the individual address.  The type oftransfer remains unchanged.+TSSnn Set the packet number of the next packet transmitted.Packet numbers are used in status strings to indicate thesuccess or failure of the transmission of a particularControl and StatusStringsControl Strings
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 29Control String Descriptiontransmit packet.The packet number is set to 0 when the modem is reset.Status String Description+TSIAggiii Received an individual packet from this address.  The firsttwo address characters represent the group address andthe next three the individual address.+TSNAggiii Received an individual without acknowledgment packetfrom this address.  The first two address charactersrepresent the group address and the next three theindividual address.+TSGAggiii Received a group broadcast packet from this address.  Thefirst two address characters represent the group addressand the next three the individual address.+TSBAggiii Received a network broadcast packet from this address.The first two address characters represent the groupaddress and the next three the individual address.+TSSFnn Indicates that the transfer of this packet number was notsuccessful.  This status string is returned after the last retryof this packet has timed out.  This does not apply to anytype of broadcast packet or individual withoutacknowledgment packets.+TSSPnn Indicates that the transfer of this packet number wassuccessful.  This does not apply to any type of broadcastpacket or individual without acknowledgment packets.A master-slave system is one where the host application is designed so that onlyone node will ever attempt to transmit at a given time.  An example of this type ofsystem is a polled system with a base station that sequentially poles a number ofremote nodes.  In this case the base always initiates a pole and the remotesrespond with the desired data.To set up AirNet for this type of system, select the Master-Slave selection in thePacket General tab of the modem configuration.  With this selection, the modemtransmits waiting packets as soon as it detects an idle channel.  The master-slave setting should not be used with systems that use store and forwardrepeaters.The packet timeout timer is used for only for individually addressed packets thatexpect an acknowledgment (ACK).  The packet timeout timer is started after adata packet is sent.  If an ACK is not received before the timer expires, then aretry transmission of the data packet is sent.  This timer should be set longer thanthe worst case time it takes to receive an ACK packet.For a master-slave system, an ACK packet is sent as soon as the data packet isreceived and the channel is idle.  This can start as soon as the decay time of theoriginating modem is finished.Packet Timeout Time = Decay Time + Attack Time + ACK Packet Transmit TimeStatus StringsMaster-SlaveSystem SetupSetting PacketTimeout
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 30Where:Decay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeTx Decay Time and Tx Attack Time are fixed values that are presetfor the radio in the TS4000.  These values can be read out of theTS4000 using the retrieve radio configuration menu or button.  TheAdditional Transmit Attack Time is the value set on the radio tab ofthe modem configuration.ACK Packet Transmit Time = ACK Packet Length / Modulation RateAn ACK packet fits in one data frame (16 bytes) of data.  If coding isused then 50% coding overhead is added to this.ACK Packet Length -Uncoded = 16 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 128 bits-Coded = 128 bits x 1.5 = 192 bitsTx Attack Time = 20 msTx Decay Time = 12 msAdditional Transmit Attack Time = 0 msOver air channel rate = 9600 bpsCoding = EnabledACK Packet Transmit Time = 192 / 9600 = 20 msPacket Timeout Time = 12ms + 20 ms + 20 ms = 52 msFor a master-slave system, the data packet transmit time is constant for a givenpacket size.  As long as the channel is not busy, a data packet will be sentimmediately upon becoming available for transmission.Calculating the delay is very similar to the calculation for the packet timeout timeabove.Total Packet Delay Time = Attack Time + Packet Transmit TimeWhere:Attack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeNote that the packet delay time does not include the transmit decay time.  This isbecause the packet is available at the receiving modem as soon as all the data istransmitted.Packet Transmit Time = Packet Length / Channel Rate Packet Length  = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)        x Framing Overhead x Coding OverheadOverhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5Packet Length = (Data Bits + 112) x 1.1 { x 1.5 }Example:Data Packet TransmitTime
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 31Tx Attack Time = 20 msAdditional Transmit Attack Time = 0 msOver air channel rate = 9600 bpsNumber of async chars in packet = 50Number of data bits per async char = 8Coding = EnabledPacket Length = ((50 x 8) + 112) x 1.1 x 1.5 = 845 bitsPacket Transmit Time = 845 / 9600 = 88 msTotal Packet Delay Time = 20 + 88 = 108 msThe CSMA MAC (Medium Access Control) is used for systems in which multiplemodems will attempt to access the radio channel simultaneously (multi-accesssystems).  If two modems attempt to transmit simultaneously, a collision resultswhich prevents both transmissions from being successfully sent.  The AirNetprotocol uses CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)to provide multi-access capability.  The CSMA refers to monitoring the channel toensure that it is unused before transmitting a packet.Collision AvoidanceFor multi-access radio systems CSMA alone is typically not enough to preventexcessive collisions.  The problem occurs when one modem is transmitting andmultiple other modems receive data for their hosts and become ready to transmit.These other modems will wait until the first modem finishes its transmission andthen all attempt to transmit simultaneously, resulting in a collision.  This createsthe need for collision avoidance.  The AirNet protocol provides this by havingmodems randomize their transmissions once they detect an idle channel.  In eachslot after a modem detects an idle channel, it will decide with some probability(based on the Transmission Index) whether or not to transmit.  This does noteliminate collisions, but, if the probability is set correctly, minimizes the collisionsto allow for efficient multi-access use of the radio channel.Slot TimeThe AirNet protocol uses timing slots to determine when to attempttransmissions.  These slots are slightly different from the slots used inconventional multi-access slotted MACs.  The AirNet slots are the minimumchannel detection times or the minimum time from when one modem beginstransmission to when all other modems will detect that transmission.  This sizeslot guarantees that modems waiting to transmit in consecutive slots will notcollide and allows for very efficient use of the radio channel.The following is a summary of the suggested settings for a basic CSMA system.A basic system does not have any store and forward relays.  Note that moredetail on the parameters and equations can be found later in this section.Slot Time  = Attack Time + Maximum Carrier Detect Time Variation= 1.5 x Attack TimeWhere:Attack Time = Radio Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeTx Decay Time and Tx Attack Time are fixed values that are presetfor the radio in the TS4000.  These values can be read out of theTS4000 using the retrieve radio configuration menu or button.  TheAdditional Transmit Attack Time is the value set on the radio tab ofthe modem configuration.Example:CSMA SystemSetupBasic System - SetupSummarySlot Time
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 32Min Idle Slots - ACK Packets = 0Min Idle Slots - Data Packets  = 1Tx Index - ACK Packets = 1Tx Index - Data Packets = Estimated Backlogged Nodes / Attempt RateWhere:Attempt Rate Packet Detection Ratio=Packet Detection Ratio = Slot Time / Total Packet TimeTotal Packet Time = Attack Time + Packet Transmit Time + Decay TimePacket Transmit Time = Packet Length / Channel RatePacket Length = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)   x Framing Overhead x Coding Overhead= (Data Bits + 112) x 1.1 { x 1.5 }Overhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5Packet Timeout = Decay Time + Attack Time + ACK Packet Transmit TimeWhere:Decay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeACK Packet Transmit Time = ACK Packet Length / Channel RateACK Packet Length -Uncoded = 16 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 128 bits-Coded = 128 bits x 1.5 = 192 bitsThe following is a summary of the suggested settings for a system that has oneor more store and forward relays.  Note that more detail on the parameters andequations can be found later in this section.Slot Time  = Attack Time + Maximum Carrier Detect Time Variation= 1.5 x Attack TimeWhere:Attack Time = Radio Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeTx Decay Time and Tx Attack Time are fixed values that are presetfor the radio in the TS4000.  These values can be read out of theTS4000 using the retrieve radio configuration menu or button.  TheAdditional Transmit Attack Time is the value set on the radio tab ofthe modem configuration.Min Idle Slots - ACK Packets = 0Min Idle Slots - Relay Packets  (Relay #1) = 1Min Idle Slots - Relay Packets  (Relay #2) = 2......Min Idle Slots - Relay Packets  (Relay #Z) = ZMin Idle Slots - Data Packets = Highest Relay # + 1 = Z + 1Min Idle SlotsTx IndexPacket TimeoutSystem with Relays -Setup SummarySlot TimeMin Idle Slots
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 33Tx Index - ACK Packets = 1Tx Index - Relay Packets = 1Tx Index - Data Packets = Estimated Backlogged Nodes / Attempt RateWhere:Estimated Backlogged Nodes (number of nodes that simultaneously wantto transmit) = the greater ofA) Average Number of Backlogged Nodes orB) 1/4 Maximum Possible Number of Backlogged NodesAttempt Rate Packet Detection Ratio=Packet Detection Ratio = Slot Time / Total Packet TimeTotal Packet Time = Attack Time + Packet Transmit Time + Decay TimePacket Transmit Time = Packet Length / Channel RatePacket Length = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)   x Framing Overhead x Coding Overhead= (Data Bits + 112) x 1.1 { x 1.5 }Overhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5Packet Timeout =  Relay Delays for Data Packet+ Ack Packet Delay at Destination Node+ Relay Delays for ACK PacketWhere:Relay Delays for Data Packet  = Relay #1Data Packet Delay+ Relay #2 Data Packet Delay......+ Relay #Y Data Packet DelayRelay #Y Data Packet Delay =  Decay Time+ (Y x Slot Time)+ Attack Time+ Data Packet Transmit TimeData Packet Transmit Time = Data Packet Length / Channel RateData Packet Length = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)         x Framing Overhead x Coding OverheadOverhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5ACK Packet Delay at Destination Node = Decay Time+ Attack Time+ ACK Packet Transmit TimeRelay Delays for ACK Packet  = Relay #1ACK Packet Delay+ Relay #2 ACK Packet Delay......+ Relay #Y ACK Packet DelayTx IndexPacket Timeout
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 34  Relay #Y ACK Packet Delay =  Decay Time+ (Y x Slot Time)+ Attack Time+ ACK Packet Transmit TimeACK Packet Transmit Time = ACK Packet Length / Channel RateACK Packet Length -Uncoded = 16 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 128 bits-Coded = 128 bits x 1.5 = 192 bitsDecay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeThe slot time should be set to the attack time of the radio plus the maximumvariation (uncertainty) in the carrier detection circuit.  The variation in the carrierdetection circuit is the difference in the carrier detect time between the radio withthe fastest carrier detect time and the radio with the slowest carrier detect time.Note that the attack time is made up of the worst case transmitter power ramp uptime plus the worst case carrier detect time. Typically the maximum variation ofthe carrier detect circuit is less than half (50%) of the attack time.Slot Time  = Attack Time + Maximum Carrier Detect Time Variation= 1.5 x Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeTx Attack Time is a fixed value that is preset for the radio in theTS4000.  This value can be read out of the TS4000 using the retrieveradio configuration menu or button.  The Additional Transmit AttackTime is the value set on the radio tab of the modem configuration.The minimum idle slot setting defines the number of slots which a modem willleave vacant after the modem detects an idle channel and before the modemattempts to transmit.  A setting of 0 means that the modem will begin attemptingtransmission in the very first slot after the channel becomes available (idle).  Asetting of 1 means that the modem will wait 1 slot after the channel is availablebefore attempting to transmit.  The number of minimum idle slots can be setdifferently for each packet type (data, ACK or relay).The simplest and most efficient system setup is where ACK (acknowledgment)packets are sent immediately after a valid data packet is received.  With thissetup the ACK packets do not contend for the channel the way data packets do.Correspondingly, the data packets are set so that they will leave the first slot openfor the ACK packets.This type of setup has the advantage that the delay for receiving an ACK packetis consistent and predictable.  This makes it much easier to set an appropriatepacket timeout (see Setting Packet Timeout).Min Idle Slots - ACK Packets = 0Min Idle Slots - Data Packets  = 1Tx Index - ACK Packets = 1 (Always transmit in the first slot)Tx Index - Data Packets = Attempt Rate (see Setting Tx Index)Setting Slot TimeSetting Min Idle SlotsSystems without Relays
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 35For systems with one or more relay nodes, the simplest and most efficient systemsetup is where each relay is assigned a particular slot.  This way the relays do notcollide or contend for the channel the way data packets do.  The data packets areset so that they will leave the necessary number of slots open for the relays andACK packets.This type of setup has the advantage that the delay for sending data through therelay(s) is consistent and predictable.  This makes it much easier to set anappropriate packet timeout (see Setting Packet Timeout).Min Idle Slots - ACK Packets = 0Min Idle Slots - Relay #1  = 1Min Idle Slots - Relay #2  = 2......Min Idle Slots - Relay #N  = NMin Idle Slots - Data Packets  = Highest Relay # + 1 = N + 1Tx Index - Relays (All)  = 1 (Always transmit in their assigned slot)Tx Index - ACK Packets = 1 (Always transmit in the first slot)Tx Index - Data Packets = Attempt Rate (see Setting Tx Index)The transmission index (TI) is the inverse of the probability of transmitting in anidle slot.  A TI of 10 corresponds to a 1/10 = 10% chance of transmitting in an idleslot.  The goal of setting TI is to maximize efficiency on the channel.  If TI is settoo low then transmissions collide too often.  If TI is set too high then there are anexcessive number of unused slots.AirNet allows TI to be set differently for each packet type (data, ACK or relay).For most systems, TI is set to 1 for ACK and relay packets (see Setting Min IdleSlots).  The setting of 1 corresponds to always transmitting (100% probability) in aparticular slot.To set TI, the user must make some practical estimates and then do somecalculations based on these estimates.  First it is necessary to estimate theaverage data packet length.  To do this, estimate the average number of data bitsin a packet using the following formulas.Packet Length  = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)        x Framing Overhead x Coding OverheadOverhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5Packet Length = (Data Bits + 112) x 1.1 { x 1.5 }With this average packet length number, calculate the packet transmit time.  Notethat the formulas require the configuration values for transmit attack and decaytime.Packet Transmit Time = Packet Length / Channel RateTotal Packet Time = Attack Time + Packet Transmit Time + Decay TimeSystems with RelaysMin Idle SlotsTx IndexSetting Tx Index
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 36Decay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeTx Decay Time and Tx Attack Time are fixed values that are presetfor the radio in the TS4000.  These values can be read out of theTS4000 using the retrieve radio configuration menu or button.  TheAdditional Transmit Attack Time is the value set on the radio tab ofthe modem configuration.Calculate the packet detection ratio, which is the slot time normalized to the totalpacket time.  Then, using packet detection ratio, calculate the attempt rate as itssquare root.Packet Detection Ratio = Slot Time / Total Packet TimeAttempt Rate Packet Detection Ratio=To finally calculate the transmission index we need to estimate the number ofbacklogged nodes (the number of nodes that may want to transmit at the sametime).  The difficulty in estimating this value is that for most systems this numberis dynamic and can change dramatically depending on what is occurring in thesystem.For systems where the backlog can vary, estimate the average number ofbacklogged nodes for the most common scenario and also estimate themaximum number of backlogged nodes that will ever occur.  If the averagenumber of backlogged nodes is more than 1/4 of the maximum, then use theaverage as the backlog number.  Otherwise use 1/4 of the maximum as thebacklog number.  The reason for this is that the system must operate under theworst case conditions.  If the backlog is set too low then under worst caseconditions, there will be an excessive number of collisions and the system will bevery slow.In general it is a good idea to set the transmission index higher than expected asopposed to lower.  This allows the system to more gracefully handle peak traffic.However, this also causes average efficiency to drop and packet delay time toincrease.Transmission Index = Estimated Backlogged Nodes / Attempt RateEstimated Backlogged Nodes = the greater ofA) Average Number of Backlogged Nodes orB) 1/4 Maximum Possible Number of Backlogged NodesCalculation of the transmission index.Tx Attack Time = 20 msTx Decay Time = 12 msAdditional Transmit Attack Time = 0 msOver air channel rate = 9600 bpsCoding = DisabledAverage Packet Size = 400 bitsAverage Backlogged Nodes = 10Maximum Backlogged Nodes = 100Slot Time = 30 msPacket Length = (Data Bits + 112) x 1.1 = (400 + 112) x 1.1 = 564Packet Transmit Time = Packet Length / Channel Rate   = 564 / 9600 = 59 msExample:
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 37Total Packet Time = Attack Time + Packet Transmit Time + Decay Time    = 20 ms + 59 ms + 12 ms = 91 msPacket Detection Ratio = Slot Time / Total Packet Time     = 30 ms/ 91 ms = 0.33Attempt Rate = sqrt(Packet Detection Ratio) = sqrt(0.33) = 0.57      Since:  Max Backlogged Nodes / 4 > Average Backlogged NodesEstimated Backlogged Nodes  = Max Backlogged Nodes / 4= 100 / 4 = 25Transmission Index = Estimated Backlogged Nodes / Attempt Rate      = 25 / 0.57 = 44The packet timeout timer is used for individual packets that expect anacknowledgment (ACK).  This timer is started after a data packet is sent.  If anACK is not received before the timer expires then a retry transmission of the datapacket is sent.  This timer should be set longer than the worst case typicalamount of time it takes to receive an ACK packet.The following calculations are for systems that are setup so that ACK packets aresent immediately after the data packet transmission is completed withoutcontending for the channel (see Setting Min Idle Slots). For this type of CSMAsystem the packet timeout time is the same as for a Master/Slave system.  TheACK is sent as soon as the decay time of the sending modem is finished.Packet Timeout Time = Decay Time + Attack Time + ACK Packet Transmit TimeDecay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeACK Packet Transmit Time = ACK Packet Length / Channel RateAn ACK packet fits in one data frame (16 bytes) of data.  If coding isused, then 50 % coding overhead is added to this.ACK Packet Length -Uncoded = 16 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 128 bits-Coded = 128 bits x 1.5 = 192 bitsThe following calculations are for systems that are setup as described in theSetting Min Idle Slots section.  The packet timeout should be set to the amount oftime it takes to send the data packet and then the amount of time it takes to getback an acknowledgement.Packet Timeout = Relay Delays for Data Packet+ Ack Packet Delay at Destination Node+ Relay Delays for ACK PacketThe amount of time it takes to send a data packet is the sum of the amount oftime it takes each relay to send the data packet.Relay Delays for Data Packet  = Relay #1Data Packet Delay+ Relay #2 Data Packet Delay......+ Relay #Y Data Packet DelaySetting PacketTimeoutSystems without RelaysSystems with Relays
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 38The time it takes each relay to send the packet is basically the packet transmittime.  Added to this must be the number of idle slots between the lasttransmission and when the current relay decides to transmit.Relay #Y Data Packet Delay =  Decay Time+ (Y x Slot Time)+ Attack Time+ Data Packet Transmit TimeData Packet Transmit Time = Data Packet Length / Channel RateData Packet Length = (Data Bits + Overhead Bits)         x Framing Overhead x Coding OverheadOverhead Bits = 14 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 112 bitsFraming Overhead = 1.1Coding Overhead (optional) = 1.5The ACK packet delay at the destination node is the amount of time it takes forthe destination node to send the ACK packet.ACK Packet Delay at Destination Node = Decay Time+ Attack Time+ ACK Packet Transmit TimeAfter the ACK packet is transmitted by the destination node, it must be re-transmitted by the various relays in the system.  This is the sum of the time ittakes each relay to transmit the ACK packet.Relay Delays for ACK Packet  = Relay #1ACK Packet Delay+ Relay #2 ACK Packet Delay......+ Relay #Y ACK Packet DelayRelay #Y ACK Packet Delay =  Decay Time+ (Y x Slot Time)+ Attack Time+ ACK Packet Transmit TimeACK Packet Transmit Time = ACK Packet Length / Channel RateACK Packet Length -Uncoded = 16 bytes x 8 bits per byte = 128 bits-Coded = 128 bits x 1.5 = 192 bitsDecay Time = Tx Decay Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeAttack Time = Tx Attack Time + Additional Transmit Attack TimeThe average delay is the average amount of time from when a packet is ready fortransmission to when the packet is actually transmitted.  This number is for asingle attempt and does not include the time for any retries due to corruptedtransmissions. Note that the average delay varies based on the number ofbacklogged nodes in the system at a given time.  Also note that the average delayvaries substantially even with constant conditions due to the random nature ofevents.For ease of notation we shall rename some of the parameters.Data Packet DelayAverage Delay
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  AirNet Packet Protocol 39Tslot = Slot TimePDR = Packet Detection RatioTI = Transmission IndexN = Backlogged NodesPR = (TI - 1)/TIAverage Delay = Tslot x (1 + PDR - PRN)PDR x ln(1/PR)Where: ln symbolizes the natural log function.Using the values from the previous example, calculate the average delay forvarious backlogs.Tslot = Slot Time = 30 ms = 0.03 secPDR = Packet Detection Ratio = 0.33 (from previous example)TI = Transmission Index = 44 (from previous example)PR = (TI - 1)/TI = (44 - 1)/ 44 = 0.977Average Delay = Tslot x (1 + PDR - PRN) = 0.03(1 + 0.33 - 0.977N)PDR x ln(1/PR)        0.33 ln(1/0.977)     = 0.03(1.33 - 0.977N) = 3.91(1.33 - 0.977N)0.00768Backlogged Nodes (N) 10 25 50 75 100Average Delay (sec) 2.1 3.0 4.0 4.5 4.8The probable delay calculation allows the user to calculate the expected delaygiven some probability that the transmission actually occurs.  The probable delayvalue can be used for calculating a packet timeout value for a system where theACK packets do not use an immediate ACK and have a transmission index thesame as the data packets.  It can also be used to calculate timeouts for layers ofthe protocol stack above the modem on the host system.  Note that the probabledelay value does not include any transmission times due to relays andacknowledgement packets.The basis of the probable delay is the average delay calculated above.  As notedbefore, the average delay will vary based on the actual number of backloggednodes in a system.Probable Delay = Average Delay x ln(1/(1 - Probability of Sending))Where:The Probability of Sending is a fractionalized percentage (i.e. 50% =0.50, 95% = 0.95).Calculate the probable delay for various probabilities of sending in terms of theaverage delay.Probability of Sending (%) 25 50 75 90 95 99 99.9Probable Delay (Avg. Delays) 0.29 0.69 1.38 2.30 3.00 4.61 6.91Note that the 50% probability of sending value is not equal to the average delay.This is because the delay spread is a statistical distribution where the mean andmedian delays are not the same.Example:Probable DelayExample:
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Testing 40TestingThe TS4000 configuration program is provided with AirTest, Teledesign’s generalpurpose wireless modem test software.  AirTest can send data and gatherperformance statistics about the link between two modems.To start AirTest press the AirTest button on the main screen of the configurationprogram.  For details on using AirTest consult AirTest’s on line help.To test the operation of the TS4000, AirTest can be used to pass data betweentwo modems.1) Attach two TS4000s each to a PC serial port.2) Setup AirTest for the correct serial port baud rate, data bits and parity(matches the TS4000’s setting).3) Transmit data between the TS4000s by typing a message into the TxMessage box of the Comm Port window followed by the ENTER key.4)  Automated tests can be run that will send data and verify that it is receivedcorrectly.  To select a test, use the Test Setup command from the Setupmenu.  Use the on line help to obtain more information about each test.A BER (Bit Error Rate) test is used to determine how good a radio environment isfor transmitting data.  The BER result tells the percentage of bits that arecorrupted.  A BER of 3.0 x 10-4 means that 3 out of 10,000 (104) bits arecorrupted.AirTestData TestBER Test
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Testing 41The longer a BER test runs the more accurate the result.  To get an accurateresult a BER test should be run until at least 100 errors have been received.  Thisprovides a 90% confidence level in the BER value.  However, in a relatively errorfree environment this can take a very long time.  An alternative is to run the BERtest until at least 10 errors have been received which provides a 68% confidencelevel.AirTest can be setup to run a BER test.  To run a BER test, the TS4000s must beconfigured with packet operation disabled.  This is because when the TS4000 issetup for packet operation it discards corrupted packets and does not send themout the serial port.1) Attach two TS4000s each to a PC serial port.2) Setup AirTest for the correct serial port baud rate, data bits and parity(matches the TS4000’s setting).3)  Select and start one of the automated tests.  To select a test, use the TestSetup command from the Setup menu.  Use the on-line help for details aboutthe different tests.4)  Wait and observe the results.
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Upgrading Firmware 42Upgrading FirmwareThe TS4000 comes with flash program memory that allows the firmware to beeasily upgraded in the field. Firmware is upgraded with the upgrade programwhich is included as part of the TS4000 configuration program.1)  Attach the TS4000 to a PC serial port.2)  Start the upgrade program by pressing the Upgrade Firmware button on themain screen of the configuration program.3)  Select the firmware version to upgrade to.a)  If the desired firmware version does not show up, us the Find File button(or menu) to manually search for the necessary file.4)  Press the Connect to Modem button to connect the upgrade program to theTS4000.5)  Press the Upgrade button and wait for the upgrade to complete.Upgrading
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Licensing 43LicensingTo be operated legally, radio equipment requires two types of licensing; themanufacturer’s license that the manufacturer obtains and the user license thatthe user must obtain.For most radio equipment, the user is required to obtain an operating license.This is done so that the government can coordinate radio users in order tominimize interference.It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the necessary licenses prior totransmitting over the air with the TS4000.  The user is also responsible forproper setup, operation, and maintenance of the TS4000 so that it complies withthe limits specified by the license.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Teledesign SystemsInc. could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Shielded cable must be used with this equipment in order to ensure that it meetsthe emissions limits for which it was designed.  It is the responsibility of the userto obtain and use good quality shielded interface cables with this device.Shielded interface cables are available from most retail and commercial suppliersof interface cables designed to work with personal computer peripherals.Within the different frequency bands (i.e. VHF, UHF, 900 MHz etc.) channels arelicensed with a specific channel spacing (i.e. 25 kHz, 12.5kHz, etc.).  The channelspacing corresponds to difference between the center frequency of adjacentchannels.  The TS4000 can be ordered with various channel spacing options.For each frequency band and channel spacing, there is a correspondingmaximum occupied bandwidth.  The maximum occupied bandwidth is the amountof frequency bandwidth that the user on a channel is allowed to occupy.  This istypically (but not always) less than the channel spacing in order to minimizeinterference between users on adjacent channels.The occupied bandwidth of the TS4000 can be configured by the user (see RadioSetup).  The occupied bandwidth must be set to a value less than or equal to themaximum allowed occupied bandwidth of the channels that the user is operatingon.  Note that the setting of occupied bandwidth limits the maximum over the airdata rate that the TS4000 can operate at.  The maximum over the air data rate isalso dependent on the modulation type selected.For each TS4000 there is a maximum occupied bandwidth that cannot beexceeded and is dependent on the bandwidth of the specific radio module thatthe unit was ordered with.  This maximum occupied bandwidth is configuredwhen the unit is manufactured and cannot be changed by the end user.Within the US, the FCC indicates the maximum occupied bandwidth as part ofthe channel emission designator.  For example, an emission designator of16K0F1D corresponds to a 16.0 kHz occupied bandwidth.  The emissiondesignator of the licensed channel or channels shows up on the license form thatis received when the FCC (or other appropriate licensing agency) grants alicense.User’s LicenseChannel Spacing andOccupied Bandwidth
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Licensing 44The TS4000 is licensed under the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)Part 90 rules.  The FCC regulates the operation and licensing of radio equipmentin the US.  To obtain a license to operate radio equipment a user must fill out theappropriate FCC forms and pay an application fee.Many FCC licenses also require that the user obtain frequency coordination fromthe appropriate organization. The coordination organizations handle the up frontwork of qualifying applications and allocating channels.  The appropriatecoordination organization depends on the type of license (voice, data, paging,etc.), type of user (business, government, etc.) and the frequenciesTo help with the licensing process, there are companies who, for a fee, will fill outand file the paperwork necessary to obtain a license.Atlas License Company 800-252-0529LAO (Licensing Assistance Office) 717-337-9630FCC 888-225-5322PCIA  800-759-0300 (Coordination agency for most business licenses)Countries other than the USA have different rules for operating radio equipment.The user should work with the appropriate government agency to obtain thenecessary licenses and to make sure that the TS4000 meets the licensingrequirements.To sell most radio equipment, the manufacturer must obtain a license thatguarantees that their equipment meets the necessary regulations for operation.The regulations vary based on the country and frequency of operation.The TS4000 has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC rules (Code of Federal Regulations47CFR Part 15).  Operation is subject to the condition that this device does notcause harmful interference.The TS4000 has been type accepted for operation by the FCC in accordance withPart 90 of the FCC rules (47CFR Part 90).  See the label on the unit for thespecific FCC ID and any other certification designations.The TS4000 has been type accepted for operation by the FCC in accordance withPart 101 of the FCC rules (47CFR Part 101).  See the label on the unit for thespecific FCC ID and any other certification designations.This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.The TS4000 has been certified for operation by Industry Canada in accordancewith RSS-119 and RSS-210 of the Industry Canada rules.  See the label on theunit for the specific Industry Canada certification number and any othercertification designations.Many countries allow radio equipment that meets the FCC rules to be operated.However, some countries have their own rules which radio manufactures mustUSA (FCC)Licensing ServiceCompaniesPhone NumbersInternationalManufacturer’sLicenseUSA (FCC) Part 15Part 90Part 101Industry CanadaICES-003RSS-119International
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Licensing 45comply with.  It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the TS4000 meets therequired regulations.
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Service and Support 46Service and SupportWe at Teledesign Systems are committed to providing excellent service andsupport to our customers.  Our goal is to make using our products as easy andpainless as possible.  To accomplish this Teledesign provides free technicalsupport for all our products during all phases of sales, installation, and use.Service and technical support can be reached during our normal business hoursof 8 AM to 5 PM (Pacific Standard Time) Monday through Friday.  TeledesignSystems can be reached at the following phone numbers.(800) 663-3674 or (800) MODEMS-4 (USA & Canada)(408) 232-0180(408) 232-0188 (Fax)We can reached by email at:support@teledesignsystems.comcorpcomm@teledesignsystems.comsales@teledesignsystems.comWe can be reached by mail at:Teledesign Systems Inc.2635 North First Street, Suite 205San Jose, CA  95134-2032USAIn addition we have a web site which contains our latest product information anddownloads:www.teledesignsystems.comBefore returning equipment to Teledesign, please call for an RMA number andshipping information.  This allows us to plan for your shipment in order to providethe best possible service.  When returning equipment, please include a noteindicating the symptoms of the failure and any other pertinent information.ContactingTeledesignReturningEquipment
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Warranty 47WarrantyTeledesign Systems Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date ofshipment.  During the warranty period, Teledesign Systems Inc. will, at its option,either repair of replace products that prove to be defective.This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by misuse,abuse, improper application, alteration, accident, disaster, negligence, useoutside of the environmental specifications, improper or inadequate maintenance,or incorrect repair or servicing not performed or authorized by TeledesignSystems Inc.TELEDESIGN SYSTEMS INC. SHALL IN NO EVENT HAVE OBLIGATIONS ORLIABILITIES TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,LOSS OF USE OR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE),STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OR FORM OF ACTION, EVENIF TELEDESIGN SYSTEMS INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITYTHEREOF, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE,DELIVERY, USE, REPAIR, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT(INCLUDING EQUIPMENT, DOCUMENTATION AND SOFTWARE).  IN NOEVENT SHALL THE LIABILITY OF TELEDESIGN SYSTEMS INC. ARISING INCONNECTION WITH ANY PRODUCT EXCEED THE ACTUAL AMOUNT PAIDFOR SUCH PRODUCT.THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WRITTEN ORORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Two Year WarrantyExclusionsLimitations
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix A - Serial Ports 48Appendix A - Serial PortsConnectorThe standard case uses a DE-9 subminiature 9 pin D connector with female pinsfor each serial port.Pin Signal Direction Notes1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Output2 Receive Data (RD) Output3 Transmit Data (TD) Input4 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)   Alt) Modem PowerInputInput[1] [2]5 Signal Ground (SG) --6 Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Always in high stateOutputOutput[1] [3]7 Request to Send (RTS) Input8 Clear to Send (CTS) Output9 Not Connected   Alt) Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Modem Power--OutputInput[1] [4]Pin Signal Direction Notes1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Output2 Receive Data (RD) Output3 Transmit Data (TD) Input4 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Input5 Signal Ground (SG) --6 Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Always in high stateOutputOutput[1] [3]7 Request to Send (RTS) Input8 Clear to Send (CTS) Output9 Not Connected   Alt) Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Modem Power--OutputInput[1] [4]ConnectorThe watertight case uses a single 19 pin LEMO HCG.2B.319 connector withfemale pins.  The recommended mating plug for this connector is a LEMOFGG.2B.319 series cable mounted connector.Pin Port Signal Direction Wire Color [6] Notes1 2 Signal Ground (SG) --2 2 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Input3 2 Transmit Data (TD) Input4 2 Receive Data (RD) Output5 2 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Output6 1 Signal Ground (SG) --7 1 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Input [5]8 1 Transmit Data (TD) InputStandard CaseSerial Port 1 PinoutSerial Port 2 PinoutWatertight CasePinout
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix A - Serial Ports 49Pin Port Signal Direction Wire Color [6] Notes9 1 Receive Data (RD) Output10 1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Output11 -- Ground (Power) --12 -- Modem Power Input13 2 Clear To Send (CTS) Output14 2 Request To Send (RTS) Input15 2 Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Always in high stateOutputOutput[1] [3]16 1 Not Connected   Alt) Data Set Ready (DSR)--Output[1] [4][5]17 1 Request To Send (RTS) Input18 1 Data Set Ready (DSR)   Alt) Always in high stateOutputOutput[1] [3]19 1 Clear To Send (CTS) Output[1]  These pins have multiple internal signals that they can be connected to.  Theconnection options are selected with internal jumper plugs (see Appendix F -Internal Jumper Block).[2]  This pin is normally setup as the serial port Data Terminal Ready (DTR) line,which is an input for DCEs (input to the TS4000).  As an alternative, this pincan be setup to feed DC power into the TS4000.Caution: The use of the DTR pin for a DC power input connection isnon-standard.  Therefore the TS4000 serial port must not be connectedto a standard serial device that drives the DTR pin (i.e. a PC).  Thisresults in the power supply voltage of the TS4000 being shorted to the DTRoutput of the host serial port, which could damage to the host device.Therefore, when connecting the TS4000 to a PC for configuration, make surethat the cable does not have a DTR (pin 4) connection.[3]  This pin is normally setup as the serial port Data Set Ready (DSR) line, whichis an output for DCEs (output of the TS4000).  As an alternative, this pin canbe set to always be in the active high state.  In this case the pin is internallyconnected to +5 volts through a 1 KΩ resistor.[4]  For standard RS-232 ports this pin is the Ring Indicator (RI) line, which is anoutput for DCEs (the TS4000).  However, the TS4000 does not have an RIline internally.  Instead, this pin can be connected to the serial port Data SetReady (DSR) line which is an output for DCEs (output of the TS4000), or thispin can be setup to provide DC power into the TS4000.The use of this pin as a power pin is non-standard and therefore care shouldbe taken when connecting the TS4000 to standard serial devices.  For mostserial ports this is not a problem because RI is a modem (DCE) output andthe TS4000 power supply mostly falls within the allowed voltage range forRS-232 signals.  Therefore the power voltage on this pin is interpreted as anactive RI signal.  For systems that use the RI signal differently, or that cannotoperate with power on this pin, this pin should be disconnected between theTS4000 and the host equipment.[5]  For the watertight version of the TS4000, the alternate jumper block option tosupply power to the modem via this pin should not be used due to theNotes:
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix A - Serial Ports 50amperage limitation of the flex circuit connecting the LEMO connector to themodem board.[6]  These are the wire colors of the internal wires for the standard cable providedwith the watertight version of the TS4000.Signal Connector Pinout DirectionSignal Name Mnemonic 9 Pin 25 Pin DCE DTESignal Ground SG 5 1, 7 -- --Transmit Data TD 3 2 Input OutputReceive Data RD 2 3 Output InputRequest to Send RTS 7 4 Input OutputClear to Send CTS 8 5 Output InputData Carrier Detect DCD 1 8 Output InputRing Indicator RI 9 22 Output InputData Set Ready DSR 6 6 Output InputData Terminal Ready DTR 4 20 Input OutputSignal DescriptionRequest to Send (RTS) Request for transmission from the DTE.Clear to Send (CTS) Response (to the Request to Send) from the DCEindicating a readiness to transmit data.Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Status from the DCE indicating that it is receiving.Ring Indicator (RI) Status from the DCE indicating that it has detectedthe ring state.Data Set Ready (DSR) Status from the DCE indicating that it isoperational.Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Status from the DTE indicating that it isoperational.Serial port 1 can be configured for either RS-232 or TTL signal levels.  The signallevel selection is controlled with internal jumper plugs (see Appendix F - InternalJumper Block).The RS-232 standard defines minimum and maximum voltage levels for thedrivers and receivers.  However, in practice the drivers and receivers workcorrectly with signal levels that are different from the specification.    Level (volts DC)Type Low HighDrivers (into a 3k to 7k ohm load)RS-232 SpecificationActual TS4000 Drive Levels -15 to -5-9 to -6 +5 to +15+6 to +9Receivers (with 3k to 7k ohm load)RS-232 SpecificationActual TS4000 Receive Levels -25 to -3-25 to +0.8 +3 to +25+2.4 to +25Standard RS-232Serial Port PinoutStandard Usage ofthe RS-232 ControlSignalsSignal LevelsRS-232 Signal Levels
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix A - Serial Ports 51             Level (volts DC)Type Low HighOutput (Driver) 0.0 to +0.4(sinking up to 4 mA) +3.0 to +5.0(sourcing up to 4 mA)Input (Receiver) -25 to +0.8 +2.4 to +25(3k to 7k ohm load)The signal polarity is the same for both RS-232 and TTL operation.Level StateVoltage Low MarkControl signal inactiveStop bit state (end of async character)Logic one data bit state (within async character)Voltage High SpaceControl signal activeStart bit state (beginning of async character)Logic zero data bit state (within async character)TTL Signal LevelsSignal Polarity
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual Appendix B - ASCII Character Set 52Appendix B – ASCII Character SetControl ValueChar Char Dec HexCtrl-@NUL 0 00Ctrl-A SOH 1 01Ctrl-B STX 2 02Ctrl-C ETX 3 03Ctrl-D EOT 4 04Ctrl-E ENQ 5 05Ctrl-F ACK 6 06Ctrl-G BEL 7 07Ctrl-H BS 8 08Ctrl-I HT 9 09Ctrl-J LF 10 0ACtrl-K VT 11 0BCtrl-L FF 12 0CCtrl-M CR 13 0DCtrl-N SO 14 0ECtrl-O SI 15 0FCtrl-P DLE 16 10Ctrl-Q DC1 17 11Ctrl-R DC2 18 12Ctrl-S DC3 19 13Ctrl-T DC4 20 14Ctrl-U NAK 21 15Ctrl-V SYN 22 16Ctrl-W ETB 23 17Ctrl-X CAN 24 18Ctrl-Y EM 25 19Ctrl-Z SUB 26 1ACtrl-[ ESC 27 1BCtrl-\ FS 28 1CCtrl-] GS 29 1DCtrl-^ RS 30 1ECtrl-_US 31 1FValueChar Dec HexSP 32 20!3321“3422#3523$3624%3725&3826‘3927(4028)4129*422A+432B‘442C-452D.462E/472F04830149312503235133452345533565436755378563895739:583A;593B<603C=613D>623E?633FValueChar Dec Hex@64 40A6541B6642C6743D6844E6945F7046G7147H7248I7349J744AK754BL764CM774DN784EO794FP8050Q8151R8252S8353T8454U8555V8656W8757X8858Y8959Z905A[915B\925C]935D^945E_95 5FValueChar Dec Hex‘9660a9761b9862c9963d 100 64e 101 65f 102 66g 103 67h 104 68i 105 69j 106 6Ak 107 6Bl 108 6Cm 109 6Dn 110 6Eo 111 6Fp 112 70q 113 71r 114 72s 115 73t 116 74u 117 75v 118 76w 119 77x 120 78y 121 79z 122 7A{ 123 7B| 124 7C} 125 7D~ 126 7EDEL 127 7F
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual Appendix C - Specifications 53Appendix C - SpecificationsData Rates 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 baudData Format Asynchronous, 8 or 9 bit wordsSignal Levels RS-232, TTL (Port 1 only) or RS-485Handshake Protocols Full Handshake: Supports RTS, CTS, DCD, DSR, DTRData Activation (3 wire): Requires only TXD, RXD and SGData Only Time Out 1 to 500 character periodsData Connector 9 pin D, female, DCE (standard case)LEMO sealed connector (watertight case)Frequency Ranges 132-208, 380-520, 928-960 MHzNumber of Channels 99 receive/transmit pairs (in non-volatile memory)Channel Spacing 5, 6.25, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 25, 30 kHzChannel Rate 2,400 to 19,200 bpsModulation Filtered MSK, GMSK and 4 Level FSKRF Output Power 100 milliwatts to 5 watts,External amplifiers available for up to 100 wattsReceive Data Sensitivity -104 dBm for less than 1 x 10-6 BER (Bit Error Rate) (typical)Carrier Detect Threshold -110 to -60 dBm, programmableRF Connector BNC, female, 50 Ω (standard case)TNC, female, 50 Ω (watertight case)Data Protocol Transparent or PacketData Security 254 Selectable Scrambling CodesFEC (Coding) None or 12,8 Hamming code with 16 bit InterleavingChannel Access Master-Slave or Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) with    Programmable Attempt RateProtocol  Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ)Packet Size 1 to 5000 charactersRetries 0 to 50 per packetAddress Space  999 Individual Addresses per Group60 GroupsTransfers Individual with Acknowledgment (to any address)Individual without Acknowledgment (to any address)Group Broadcast (to all addresses in a single group)Network Broadcast (to all addresses in all groups)Multicast Reception (from up to 20 other groups)Relay Operation Store and Forward with Address FilteringSupply Voltage 9 to 28 VDCPower 0.5 watts - Standby (typical)0.75 watts - Receive (typical)7 to 22 watts - Transmit  (depends on transmit power)Power Connector 2 pin Molex or through serial portData Buffer 32 KByte SRAMProgram Storage 512 KByte Flash ROM (supports in field firmware upgrades)LED Indicators Transmit, Receive, PowerOperating Temperature -22 to +140 °F  (-30 to +60 °C)Dimensions 4.3" x 3.1" x 1.8"  (109 mm x 79 mm x 46 mm)Weight 12 ounces  (340 grams)Enclosure Options Standard and WatertightData InterfaceRadio - General (variesbased on specific model)Channel OptionsOptional Packet ProtocolGeneral
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual Appendix D - Case Dimensions 54Appendix D - Case Dimensions
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix E - PCB Component Locations 55Appendix E - PCB Component Locations
TS4000 Radio Modem User’s Manual  Appendix F - Internal Jumper Block 56Appendix F - Internal Jumper Block

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