Telefield 2-5211AD 1.9GHz Cordless Headset User Manual users manual

Telefield Ltd. 1.9GHz Cordless Headset users manual

users manual

Model TC25111DECT 6.0 Cordless Handset TelephoneWith DECT 6.0 Cordless HeadsetUser’s Guide
23Equipment Approval InformationYour telephone equipment is approved for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network and is in compliance with parts 15 and 68, FCC Rules and Regulations and the Technical Requirements for Telephone Terminal Equipment published by ACTA.     Notication to the Local Telephone Company  On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating, among other information, the US number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.  The REN is useful in determining the number of devices you may connect to your tele-phone line and still have all of these devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most (but not all) areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed 5. To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company.  A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this prod-uct. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.Notes  • Thisequipmentmaynotbeusedoncoinserviceprovidedbythetelephonecompany.• Partylinesaresubjecttostatetaris,andtherefore,youmaynotbeabletouseyourown telephone equipment if you are on a party line. Check with your local telephone company.• Noticemustbegiventothetelephonecompanyuponpermanentdisconnectionofyourtelephone from your line.• Ifyourhomehasspeciallywiredalarmequipmentconnectedtothetelephoneline,en-sure the installation of this product does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualied installer.US Number is located on the cabinet bottom REN number is located on the cabinet bottom         Rights of the Telephone Company   Should your equipment cause trouble on your line which may harm the telephone network, the telephone company shall, where practicable, notify you that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. Where prior notice is not practicable and the circumstances warrant such action, the telephone company may temporarily discon-tinue service immediately. In case of such temporary discontinuance, the telephone companymust:(1)promptlynotifyyouofsuchtemporarydiscontinuance;(2)aordyou the opportunity to correct the situation; and (3) inform you of your right to bring a
233complaint to the Commission pursuant to procedures set forth in Subpart E of Part 68, FCC Rules and Regulations.  The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment, operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation of its business and not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If these changes are expected to aecttheuseorperformanceofyourtelephoneequipment,thetelephonecompanymust give you adequate notice, in writing, to allow you to maintain uninterrupted service.Interference InformationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this phone.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-able protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna(thatis,theantennaforradioortelevisionthat is “receiving” the interference).• Reorientorrelocateandincreasetheseparationbetweenthetelecommunicationsequipment and Receiver.• Connectthetelecommunicationsequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdierentfromthat to which the receiving antenna is connected.If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an experi-enced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communica-tions Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Oce, Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.Warning: The changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
45FCC RF Radiation Exposure StatementThis equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”For body worn operation, this handset has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines. Use of accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.LicensingLicensed under US Patent 6,427,009.Hearing Aid CompatibilityThis telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.posure
455Table of ContentsEquipment Approval Information ................2Inter ference Information ..............................3FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement ......4Licensing .............................................................4Hearing Aid Compatibility .............................4Introduction .......................................................7Parts Checklist ...................................................7Telephone Jack Requirements ......................8INSTALLATION.....................................................8    Digital Security System .............................8    Important Installation Guidelines ..........8    Handset Layout ............................................9    Headset Layout ..........................................10    Base Layout ................................................10INSTALLING THE PHONE ...............................11INSTALLING THE HEADSET BATTERY .........11HEADSET SET UP ............................................12EAR HOOK ATTACHMENT .............................13TO SWITCH FROM EAR TO EAR ..................13IN EAR ATTACHMENT ...................................13Base Station ....................................................14PROGRAMMING THE TELEPHONE .............14    Standby Screen ..........................................14    Programming Functions ..........................14    Phone Setting ............................................15    Date/Time ....................................................15    Set Date/Time ............................................15    Set Format ..................................................15    Time Format ...............................................15    Date Format ...............................................16    Dial Mode ....................................................16    Area Code ....................................................16          Auto Answer ...............................................16          Handset Name (Only applicable for        handset) ..................................................17    Display Setting ..........................................17    Language .....................................................17    Display Contrast ........................................17    Sound Settings ..........................................18    Ring Tones ...................................................18    Ring Volume ...............................................18    Key Touch Tone ..........................................18    Voice Mail ...................................................18    Call VM.........................................................19    Settings .......................................................19    Priority Settings ........................................19    Priority Mode .............................................19    Restore Setting ..........................................19Telephone Operation .....................................20    Making Calls with the handset .............20    Making Calls with the Speakerphone .20    Making a Call with the cordless Headset         ..................................................................20    Making Calls with a wired Headset .....20    Pre-dialing ..................................................20    Answering a Call .......................................21    Switch Between the Speakerphone,         Handset, and Headset .......................21    Mute .............................................................21    Flash .............................................................21    Inserting a Pause in the Dialing          Sequence ...............................................21    Redial ............................................................21    Reviewing the Redial Numbers .............22    Storing a Redial Record in PhoneBook          .................................................................22RingerOn/O.............................................22    Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset         Volume ...................................................22    Hold ..............................................................23    Page ..............................................................23    Auto Standby .............................................23    Ring Indicator on Headset .....................23    Visual Indicators on Headset .................23
67Table of Contents    CALLER ID (CID) .........................................23    Receiving and Storing CID Records .....24    Reviewing CID Records ...........................24    Saving a CID Record to Phone Book         Memory .................................................24    Deleting a CID Record .............................24    Deleting All Call Records ........................24    Dialing Back ...............................................25    If You Programmed Your Local Area         Code .......................................................25    If you Did Not Program Your Local          Area Code .............................................25    Call Waiting Caller ID .............................25    Phone Book (Directory) Memory ..........26    Adding Phone Book Entries ...................26    Reviewing Phone Book Records ...........26    Editing a Phone Book Record ...............26    Deleting a Phone Book Record..............27    Deleting all Phone Book Record ..........27    Dialing a Phone Book Record ...............27    Dial a phone book record while         reviewing it ..........................................27    Speed dial function ..................................28    Speed dial out ............................................28    Speed dial number Store ........................28    Changing The Battery .............................28          Display Messages .....................................29    Handset Sound Signals ...........................30Troubleshooting Guide .................................30    Telephone Solutions ................................30    No dial tone ...............................................30    Dial tone is ok, but can’t dial out ........30    Handset does not ring .............................30    You experience static, noise, or          fading in and out ................................30    Memory dialing doesn’t work ................30        Unit locks up and no communication             between the base and cordless             handset ............................................30         Date/Time setting is restored to             default setting ................................31Caller ID Solutions .........................................31       No Display ...............................................31       No Caller ID ............................................31Battery ..............................................................31General Product Care ....................................31Causes of Poor Reception ...........................32Service ..............................................................32Warranty ..........................................................33
677Introduction CAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety      instructions that should always be followed. Refer to the IMPORTANT      SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided with this product and save them for      future reference.IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn’t cordless, in case the power in your home goes out.Parts ChecklistMake sure your package includes the following items:
89Telephone Jack RequirementsTo use this phone, you need an RJ11C type modulartelephone jack, which might look like the one pictured here, installed in your home. If youdon’t have a modular jack, call your local phone company to nd out how to get one installed.INSTALLATIONDigital Security SystemYour cordless phone uses a digital security system to protect against false ringing, unau-thorized access, and charges to your phone line.INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause or re-ceive interference with nearby TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther away from these appliances.Certain other communications devices may also use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication, and, if not properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoid interference. Typi-cal devices that may use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems.Important Installation Guidelines•Avoidsourcesofnoiseandheat,suchasmotors,uorescentlighting,microwaveovens,heating appliances and direct sunlight.•Avoidareasofexcessivedust,moistureandlowtemperature.•Avoidothercordlesstelephonesorpersonalcomputers.•Neverinstalltelephonewiringduringalightningstorm.•Neverinstalltelephonejacksinwetlocationsunlessthejackisspecicallydesignedforwet locations.•Nevertouchnon-insulatedtelephonewiresorterminals,unlessthetelephonelinehasbeen disconnected at the network interface.•Usecautionwheninstallingormodifyingtelephonelines.
899Handset Layout Visual IndicatorCall Waiting Caller ID3 Soft KeysHeadset, Speakerphone& Handset ButtonsRedial, Mute/DeleteButtonsHold Memory/Exit
1011Headset Layout Base Layout Page Button
101111INSTALLING THE HEADSET BATTERYNOTE: You must connect the headset battery before use.  CAUTION: To reduce the risk of re or      personal injury, use only the Teleeld NA    Inc. approved Li-Polymer battery Model     T-T101 (A.E., 3.7V, 240mAh), which is      compatible with this unit.Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an Incorrect type. Dispose of used batteriesaccording to the instructions.INSTALLING THE PHONE Installing the Handset BatteryNOTE: You must connect the handset battery before use. CAUTION: To reduce the risk of re or personal injury, use only the     Nickel-metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery model T-T104 (GP, 2.4V, 550mAh), which      is compatible with this unit.Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an Incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.1. Locate battery which is packaged inside a plastic bag and is separate from the       handset.2. Locate the battery compartment on the back of the handset.3. Plug the battery pack cord into the jack inside the compartment.NOTE: To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is keyed and can be inserted only one way.4. Insert the battery pack.5. Close the battery compartment by placing the handset back cover slightly higher than the handset and then sliding the cover down into position.
12131. If the battery door is attached, press on both sides of the battery compartment cover andliftthecoverupando.2. Insert the battery into the battery compartment with the warning label facing Up.3. Push the battery plug into the connector inside the compartment according to the color-coded label and place the wires neatly inside the compartment.4. Insert the tab on the bottom of the battery cover into the battery compartment. Press down gently on the battery cover until it snaps into place.5. Place cordless headset in charger. Plug the power supply cord into the power jack on the bottom of the charger and the other end into an electrical outlet. Place headset in the charger. Within a few seconds, the charge indicator should illuminate, verifying the battery is charging.6. Allow the unit to charge for 14 hours prior to rst use. If you don’t properly charge the unit, battery performance may be compromised.NOTE: Remove the ear hook from the headset before battery replacement.HEADSET SET UPHeadband AttachmentAttaching the headset to the headband: 1. Remove ear hook if currently attached to the headset.2. Insert the earpiece into the headband ring.3. Push the earpiece towards the headband ring until it clicks into place.4. Adjust the headband to t your head comfortably. Adjust and rotate the angle of the headset until the microphone is pointing toward your mouth.NOTE:To wear on the other ear, rotate the headset within the headband ring.Firmly grip the padded earpiece with one hand, adjusting the headset microphone up or down . To remove the headset from the headband, hold the headset with one hand and the headband ring with the other hand. Twist and pull the headset gently until it separates from the ring of the headband.NOTES:When you use the headband, you can use the highest in ear tip to keep the volume state.
121313EAR HOOK ATTACHMENTTo attach the ear hook to the headset.1. Remove the headband if currently attached to the headset.2. Insert the earpiece into the ear hook.3. Press the ear hook onto the earpiece until it clicks into place4. Hook the headset onto the desired earand adjust the angle of the headset until the microphone is pointing towards your mouth.Note: Insert ear hook into either side of ear hook ring, matching with the L or R marked on ear clip ring to either your left or right ear. Note: Adjust the ear hook to your ear shape comfortably.TO SWITCH FROM EAR TO EARUnplug the ear hook from ear hook ring.Insert the ear hook to ear hook ring with L mark for Left ear.Insert the ear hook to R mark for Right ear.Rotate microphone boom to reposition nearer to mouth.Note: Ear hook is made out of a exible material that can be reshaped to t your ear. Gently manipulate into the desired shape for maximum comfort.IN EAR ATTACHMENTIf the Earplug is bigger or smaller than your ear, you can change the In-Ear tip for maximum comfort.
1415Base Station1. Choose an area near an electrical outlet and a telephone wall jack (RJ11C), and place your cordless telephone on a level surface, such as a desktop or tabletop.  If you choose to, you may also mount it on the wall.2. Plug the power supply cord into the power jack on the back of the base and the other end into an electrical outlet.Plug the included telephone cord into the jack on the back of the telephone.  Plug the other end of the cord in to the telephone wall jack,Place the handset and headset in the base cradle. The charge/in use indicator will turn on, verifying the battery is charging.3. Allow the phone to charge for 14 hours prior to rst use. If you don’t properly charge the phone, battery performance may be compromised.  CAUTION: Use only the T-T007 power adaptor that came with this unit. Using      other power adaptors may damage the unit.    Use only Class (Classe) 2 Power Source 7.5V DC 500mA.PROGRAMMING THE TELEPHONE Standby ScreenThe handset displays the handset name, date, time, battery status, the quantity of new calls and the soft keys status.NOTE: The  soft key will change depending on the status of the phone or what menu you are in.Programming FunctionsThe system uses a menu structure to give you access to all of the built-in features. You may program the following items in main menu: Phone Setting, Display Setting, Sound Settings, Voice Mail, Priority Settings and Restore Setting.NOTE: If the handset is out of range, Setup BS and Date/Time are not programmable, and Unavailable displays as you try to enter these two menus.NOTE: During programming, you may press the back soft key at any time to return to the pre-vious menu, and press and hold back soft key for about 2 seconds to exit the the idle mode.NOTE: If no key is pressed for 30 seconds, the handset will automatically the menu and return to the standby screen.
141515Phone Setting1. Make sure your phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the Menu soft key on the handset to go to the main menu.3. Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Phone Setting.4. Press Select soft key to conrm and you may program the following items: Date/Time, Dial mode, Area Code, Auto Answer, 2nd Call Alert and Handset Name.Date/TimeFrom the Phone Setting Menu1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Date/Time sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to conrm and you may program the following items: Set Date/Time, Set Format.Set Date/TimeFrom the Date/Time sub-menu1. Use VOL (- or +) button to select Set Date/Time.2. Press  OK soft key to conrm3. LCD will display last set time (or, if the device is new or has been reset to default, the LCD will display 12:00AM 01/01/10)4. Use the dial-pad to enter digits for the current time and date.Note: Use ‘*’ button or press AM/PM soft key to set the time AM or PM.NOTE: Enter the Year as a 2-digit number. For instance, enter 10 for 2010, 11 for 2011, etc.5. Press SAVE soft key to conrm the setting, a conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Set FormatFrom the Date/Time Menu:1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Set Format.2. Press OK soft key to conrm and you may program the following items: Time Format and Date FormatTime FormatFrom the Date/Time Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Time Format.2. Press the OK soft key.3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select either 12 Hours or 24 Hours.4. Press the OK soft key to select.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.
1617Date FormatFrom the Date/Time Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Date Format.2. Press the OK soft key.3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select either DD/MM or MM/DD format.4. Press the OK Soft key.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Dial ModeFrom the Phone Settings Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Dial Mode.2. Press the Select soft key.3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select either Tone or Pulse.4. Press the OK Soft key.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Note: the default setting is Tone.Area CodeFrom the Phone Settings Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Area Code.2. Press the Select soft key.3. Use the dial-pad to enter your area code.4. Press the OK soft key to conrm your entry.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your entry has been saved.Note: The area code default setting is empty.Auto Answer This option allows you to pick up the handset from base to answer an incoming call without pressing the Handset/SPKR button.From the Phone Setting Menu:1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Auto Answer sub-menu.2.  Press the Select soft key.3.UsetheVOL(-or+)buttontoscrolltoselecteitherOnorO.4.  Press the SELECT soft key to select.5.  A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.NOTE: The default setting is O.
161717Handset Name (only applicable for handset)From the Phone Setting Menu:1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Handset Name sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to enter the menu. The default name is Handset.3. Use the touch-tone pad to enter a name (up to 11 characters). More than one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Bill Smith, press the 2 key twice for the letter B. Press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I. Press the 5 key 3 times for the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times for the second letter L, and press the 1 key to insert a space be-tween the rst and last name. Press the 7 key 4 times for the letter S; press the 6 key once for the letter M; press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I; press the 8 key once for the letter T; press the 4 key twice for the letter H.NOTE: If you make a mistake, press VOL (- or +) button to move the cursor forward or back-ward, and then use Clear soft key to backspace and delete one character at a time.NOTE: To avoid confusion, ABC/abc is a soft key to switch/toggle between the upper case & low case of characters during text edit.4. Press the Save soft key to save your name. You will hear a conrmation tone.Display Setting1. Make sure your phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the Menu soft key on the handset to go to the main menu.3. Press VOL(- or +) button to scroll to Display Setting.4. Press Select soft key to conrm and you may program the following items: Languages, Display contrast.LanguageFrom the Display Setting Menu:1. Press the VOL(- or +) button to scroll to the Language sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to enter the menu. 3. Use the VOL(- or +) button to select English, Francais or Espanol. The default setting is English.4. Press the OK soft key to save your selection.NOTE: The default setting is English.Display contrastFrom the Display Setting Menu1. Press the VOL(- or +) button to scroll to the Display contrast sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to enter the menu. The MIN and MAX contrast scale shows on the display.3. Use the VOL(- or +) button to adjust the contrast. The display instantly adjusts with each press of the VOL(- or +) button.4. Press the Select soft key to save the desired contrast level.Note: The default setting is level 3.
1819Sound Settings1. Make sure your phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the Menu soft key on the handset to go to the main menu.3. Press VOL(- or +) button to scroll to Sound Setting.4. Press Select soft key to conrm and you may program the following items: Ring Tone, Ring Volume and Key Touch Tone.Ring TonesFrom the Sound Settings Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Ring Tones.2. Press the Select soft key.3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select any of eight unique ring tones.4. Press the Select Soft key to select.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Note: The default ring tone is ring tone 1.Ring VolumeThereare6volumelevelsforyourselection.TheyareVolume1to5andRingerO.From the Sound Settings Menu:1. Press the VOL(- or +) button to scroll to the Ring Volume sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to enter the menu. 3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select the volume level. The default setting is VOL 3.4. Press the Select soft key to save your selection.Key Touch ToneFrom the Sound Settings Menu:1. Press the VOL(- or +) button to scroll to the Key Touch Tone sub-menu.2. Press Select soft key to enter the menu. 3.UsetheVOL(-or+)buttontoselectOnorO.4. Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and Saved shows in the display.Note: The default setting is On.Voice MailThis feature is used to conveniently access your voicemail  provided by your telephone service provider.NOTE: You must subscribe to telephone service provider-oered voicemail in order for this feature to operate.1. Make sure your phone is in standby mode. (not in talk mode)2. Press the Menu soft key (middle) to go to the main menu.3. Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Voice Mail.4. Press OK soft key (right) to conrm and you may program the following items: Call VM and Settings.
181919Call VMFrom the Voice Mail Menu:1. Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Call VM.2. Press OK soft key3. The phone will dial your voicemail access number. You may proceed to access your voice-mail per your service provider’s instructions.Note: The default setting is empty.SettingsFrom the Voice Mail Menu:1. Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Settings.2. Press OK soft key3. Use the dial pad to enter the call-in access number for your voicemail. Press Clear soft key to backspace and delete characters, if necessary.4. Press OK soft key.5. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Priority Settings1. Make sure your phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the Menu soft key on the handset to go to the main menu.3. Press VOL(- or +) button to scroll to Priority Settings.4. Press the Select soft key.5. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to select Handset, Headset or Speaker.6. Press the SELECT soft key to select.7. A conrmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Note: The default setting is Handset.Restore SettingFrom the Phone Settings Menu:1. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Restore Setting.2. Press the Select soft key.3. Display shows Restore?Note:The default setting is Handset.Warning: Pressing YES will return phone to its default state. This will erase redial list records date/time and all menu selections.4. Press the Yes soft key to conrm.5. The LCD will display Please Wait… followed by Initialization…6. A conrmation tone will indicate that your phone has been restored to its default state.
2021Telephone OperationMaking Calls with the Handset1.PresstheHANDSETbutton,thelinewillgoohook.2. Wait for a dial tone then dial a phone number.3. Press the End soft key when nished.Making Calls with the Speakerphone1.PresstheSPEAKERbutton,thelinewillgoohook.2. Wait for a dial tone then dial a phone number.3. Press the END soft key when nished.NOTE: If the line goes o-hook, the call timer counts time until the line goes on hook. Making a Call with the cordless Headset1. Adjust the cordless headset to rest comfortably on top of your head and over your ear.2. Move the microphone to approximately 2 to 3 inches from your mouth.3.PresstheTalkon/ObuttonontheheadsetORtheheadsetbuttononthehandsettoget a dial tone.4.Whennished,presstheTalkon/ObuttonontheheadsetORtheEND soft key on the handset to hang up.Making Calls with a wired Headset1. Connect the headset plug to the headset jack on the side of the Handset.2. Adjust the headset to rest comfortably on top of your head and over your ear.3. Move the microphone to approximately 2 to 3 inches from your mouth.4. Press the HEADSET button and the phone automatically opens the line.5. Wait for a dial tone, then dial a phone number using the handset dial pad.6. Press End soft key on handset when nished.CAUTION: For servicing or replacement, you can purchase a suitable headset through service center or retailer shop. NOTE: Headset performance may vary depending on the quality of the headset.Pre-dialing1. With the phone idle, manually enter the telephone number. The telephone number shows in the display.2. Press the Dial soft key, SPEAKER button, HANDSET or HEADSET button to open a line, and the telephone number is automatically dialed.
202121Answering a Call1. Press the HANDSET button to answer the call in handset mode, OR2. Press the SPEAKER button to answer the call in speakerphone mode, OR3.PresstheHEADSETbuttonorTalkon/obuttononheadsettoanswerthecallinheadsetmode.4. When nished, press the End soft key.NOTE: If you have turned the Auto Talk function on, you can pick up the handset from the base to answer the incoming call directly, without pressing any buttons.NOTE: Adjust the handset volume by pressing the VOL (- or +) button during a call.Switching Between the Speakerphone, Handset, and HeadsetTo switch to the speakerphone, press SPEAKER button on handset.Toswitchtotheheadset,presstheHEADSETbuttonorTalkOn/Obuttononheadsettoenable the headset, and the headset indicator turns on.To switch to the cordless handset receiver, press the HANDSET button to enable the handset receiver. NOTE: If a wired headset is plugged into the jack on the base, the wireless headset will be temporarily disabled.MuteTohaveaprivate,o-lineconversation,usetheMUTEfeature.Thepartyontheotherendof the line cannot hear you, but you can still hear them.1. Press MUTE button to activate the mute feature. The mute indicator turns on.2.PressMUTEbuttonagaintoturnito.FlashIf you subscribe to Call Waiting service from your telephone service provider and you re-ceive an incoming call on while a call is currently active on the same line, you will hear an audible tone to indicate another call is waiting.Also, Caller ID information (if available) for the waiting call will be displayed.1. To connect to the waiting call, press the FLASH soft key on your phone. This will place the original call on hold and connect you to the new incoming call.2. To switch between the two calls, press the FLASH soft key.Inserting a Pause in the Dialing SequencePress the #/Pause button twice to insert a delay in dialing sequence when a pause is needed to wait for a dial tone (for example, after you dial 9 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tone.) Each pause counts as one digit in the dialing sequence, and is shown as P in the display.Redial1.PresstheSPEAKERbutton,HANDSETbuttonorHEADSETbutton,thelinewillgoohook.
22232.  Press the REDIAL button. The redial number list is shown in the display.3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select the number, press the dial soft key to dial the desired number.NOTE: If the number is longer than 32 digits, only the rst 32 digits will be saved in the redial list.Reviewing the Redial NumbersYour phone records up to three previously dialed phone numbers.1. When the phone is idle, press the REDIAL button.2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to view the last three previously dialed numbers.3. While the preferred number is displayed, press the HEADSET, SPEAKER, HANDSET or Dial soft key to dial the phone number.Storing a Redial Record in Phone Book1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the REDIAL button, then use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired redial number.3. Press the Option soft key, then use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Store, press Select soft key to enter edit mode.4. Enter name shows in the display. Input a name. Please refer to section “Handset Name” for name editing method.NOTE: A name must be input otherwise the record cannot be stored.5. Press the Save soft key , Enter number shows in the display. 6. Edit the numbers with the dial pad. 7. Press the Save soft key to enter VIP Tone Melody selection.8. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired melody.9. Press Select soft key and a tone will conrm your selection.. Repeat steps 2 through 7 to save other records.Ringer On/O1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to enter. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection. The default setting is VOL 3.3. Press the Select soft key to save your selection and the new volume setting shows in the display.NOTE: If you choose the ringer OFF, RINGER OFF shows in the display.Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset VolumeWhile the phone is in use, during the desired mode, press the VOLUME up or down buttons until you reach a comfortable listening level. The phone stores the setting after the last button press.
222323HoldIn Talk mode, press the HOLD button on handset to hold the line. LINE ON HOLD shows in theLCDdisplay,andthelineiconwillash.When the line is on hold, the hold alert tone willremind both the person on hold andthe user that the call is still on hold.Press the HOLD button to release the hold and pick up the call again.PageThe page feature helps you locate a misplaced handset. 1. Press the PAGE button on the base. The handset beeps and Page from Base shows in the handset display.2. To cancel the page, press the PAGE button on the base, or press any key on the handset. Otherwise the paging will last for 2 minutes.Auto StandbyIfyouplacethehandsetinthecradlewhilethehandsetisothehook(duringacall),thecall is automatically disconnected.Ring Indicator on HeadsetTheredLEDwillashwhenthereisanincomingcallorthebaseispagingthewirelessheadset.Visual Indicators on HeadsetCharge Indicator on the Headset While charging, the LED on the headset will glow blue.CALLER ID (CID) IMPORTANT: In order to use this unit’s Caller ID features, you must subscribe to either the standard Name/Number Caller ID Service or Call Waiting Caller ID Service. To know who is calling while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service.The summary screen shows the current time, current date, number of new CID records to be reviewed or total number of records saved to CID memory. It is displayed until any button is pressed.
2425Receiving and Storing CID RecordsThis unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local phone company. This information can include the phone number, date and time; or the name, phone number, date and time. The unit can store up to 99 calls for later review. When the memory is full, a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. NEW appears in the display for calls received that have not been reviewed. The line number for the call received is also displayed.Reviewing CID Records•PresstheMEMbuttonandthenpresstheCIDsoftkeytoentertheCalllogreviewmode.•UseVOL(-or+)buttontoscrollthroughthecallrecords.Note: Press the MEM/Exit button to exit the memory during reviewing.Saving a CID Record to Phone Book Memory1. While viewing a CID record, press the Option soft key. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Store, press Select soft key to enter edit mode.3. Enter Name shows in the display. Input a name. Please refer to section “Handset Name” for name editing method.NOTE: A name must be input otherwise the record cannot be stored.4. Press the Save soft key, Enter Number shows in the display. 5. Edit the numbers with the dial pad. 6. Press the Save soft key to enter VIP Tone Melody selection.7. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired melody.8. Press Select soft key and you will hear a conrmation tone. Repeat steps 2 through 7 to save other records.Deleting a CID Record1. While viewing a CID record, press the Option soft key. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Delete, press Select soft key to enter Delete mode.3. Delete? Will show in the display, press OK soft key to conrm, and you will hear a conr-mation tone.Deleting All Call RecordsThis feature allows you to clear all CID records at once.1. While viewing a CID record, press the OPTION  soft key. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Delete All, press Select soft key to enter Delete all mode.3. Delete all? Will show in the display, press OK soft key to conrm.4. You will hear a conrmation toneand  Empty will show in the display for about 3 sec-onds.
242525Dialing BackWhen reviewing CID records, you can dial back the numbers showing on the display by pressing the HEADSET button, the HANDSET button, or the SPEAKER button.If You Programmed Your Local Area Code1. When reviewing CID records, use the VOL (- or +) button to display the number you want to dial.2. If you see a number with 7 digits (i.e.555-1234), then the call was received from within your area code. However, this does not guarantee the call is a local call. If you see a number with 11 digits (i.e.1-234-555-1234), then the call received was not from your area code.3. To adjust the phone number format, press Option soft key and then use the VOL (- or +) button to enter Format mode, press Format soft key to change the format. For instance, a 7-digit local number sometimes cannot be dialed because it requires a 10-digit or 11-digit format. Use the Format soft key to scroll through 7, 10 and 11-digit numbers.Number of digits      Explanation                  Example                   7-digits:   7-digit telephone number         (i.e.555-5555)    10-digits: 3-digit area code       (i.e.425-555-5555)    +7-digit telephone number    11-digits: long distance code 1                 (i.e. 1-425-555-5555)    +3-digit area code     +7-digit telephone number 4. To dial the displayed number, select a line or press HANDSET, SPEAKER, or HEADSET but-ton.If You Did Not Program Your Local Area Code1. Use the CID button to display the number you want to dial. You will only see 10-digit numbers (i.e.234-555-1234).2. Press HANDSET, SPEAKER, or HEADSET button to dial back. You may adjust the number format by entering the Format mode before dialing.Call Waiting Caller IDThis feature allows you to see who is calling when you hear the call waiting beep. The caller identication information appears in the display after you hear the tone.•PresstheFLASHsoft key to put the person to whom you’re talking on hold and answer the incoming call.IMPORTANT: To use all the features of this unit, you must subscribe to either the standard Name/Number Caller ID Service or Caller ID with Call Waiting Service. To know who is calling while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Caller ID with Call Waiting Service.
2627Phone Book (Directory) MemoryYou may store data in the Phone Book Directory. The Phone Book stores up to 16 characters and 32 digits.The records are stored by alphabetically ascending order.Adding Phone Book Entries1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the MEM button and then press the DIR soft key to enter Phone book review mode.3. Press the Option soft key, use VOL (- or +) to select NEW ENTRY.4. Press the Select soft key, Enter name shows in the display. 5. Input a name. Please refer to section “Handset Name” for name editing method.NOTE: A name must be input otherwise the record cannot be stored.6. Press the Save soft key, Enter number shows in the display. 7. Edit the numbers with the dial pad. 8. Press the Save soft key  to enter VIP Tone Melody selection.9. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired melody.10. Press Select soft key, and you will hear a conrmation tone.Reviewing Phone Book Records1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the MEM button and then press the DIR soft key to enter Phone book review mode.3. Use VOL (- or +) button to scroll through the call records. -OR- Press the number keys to go to the name of the records started with the corresponding character.Note: Press the MEM/Exit button to exit the memory during reviewing.Editing a Phone Book Record1. When reviewing the phone book records, use the VOL (- or +) button or the number keys to scroll to the desired record.2. Press the Option soft key, use VOL (- or +) to select EDIT ENTRY, then press the Select soft key to enter edit mode. 3. Enter name shows in the display. You may now change the name, if desired. Please refer to section “Handset Name” for name editing method.4. Press the Save soft key, Enter number shows in the display. 5. Edit the numbers with the dial pad. 6. Press the Save soft key to enter VIP Tone Melody selection.7. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired melody.8. Press Select soft key, and you will hear a conrmation tone.NOTE: Press the Back soft key to keep the previous setting (making no changes) and return to the standby mode.
262727Deleting a Phone Book Record1. While viewing a Phone book record, press the Option soft key. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Delete, press Select soft key to enter Delete mode.3. Delete? Will show in the display, press OK soft key to conrm and you will hear a conr-mation tone.Deleting all Phone Book RecordThis feature allows you to clear all Phone Book records at once.1. While viewing a Phone Book record, press the Option soft key. 2. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Delete All, press Select soft key to enter Delete all mode.3. Delete all? Will show in the display, press OK soft key to conrm.4. You will hear a conrmation tone and Empty will show in the display for about 3 sec-onds.Dialing a Phone Book RecordDial a phone book record while in talk mode:1. Make sure the phone is in use (in talk mode) by pressing the HANDSET, SPEAKER button, or HEADSET button.2. Press the MEM button and then press the DIR soft key to enter Phone book review mode.3. Use VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired record.4. Press the Dial soft key to dial the number.-OR-Dial a phone book record while reviewing it:1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the MEM button  and then press DIR soft key to enter Phone book review mode.3. Use VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the desired record.4. Press the HANDSET, SPEAKER button EADSET button or DIAL soft key.  The number dials automatically.
2829Speed dial functionThis function allows user to dial out the numbers which stores in the 0~9 location quickly. Speed dial out1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the MEM button and then press the SPEED soft key, the display will show “Select button Location”.3. Press the digit button (0~9) to select the Speed dial location.If the location is not empty, the unit will seize the line automatically and then dial out the numbers which stored in the location. Note: if the location is empty, the unit will emit an error tone and enter Speed dial store mode.Speed dial numbers Store1. Make sure the phone is in standby mode (not in talk mode).2. Press the MEM button and then press the SPEED soft key, the display will show”Select button Location”.3. press the “Edit” soft key and then press the digit button (0~9) to select the Speed dial location.4. Enter name shows in the display. Input a name. Please refer to section “Handset Name” for name editing method.5. Press the Save soft key , Enter number shows in the display. 6. Edit the numbers with the dial pad. 7. press the SAVE soft key to conrm, the location will store the number and can be dial out follow the speed dial steps.Changing The Battery   Handset battery    CAUTION: To reduce the risk of re or personal injury, use only the Teleeld NA     Inc. approved Nickel-metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery model T-T104 (GP, 2.4V,     550mAh), which is compatible with this unit.Headset battery                                          CAUTION: To reduce the risk of re or personal injury, use only the Teleeld NA Inc. approved Li-Polymer battery Model T-T101 (A.E., 3.7V, 240mAh), which is compatible with this unit.
2829291. Make sure the telephone is in standby mode (not in TALK mode) before you replace bat-tery.2. Remove the battery compartment door.3. Disconnect the cord attached to the battery pack and remove the battery pack from the handset.4. Insert the new battery pack and connect the cord to the jack inside the battery compart-ment.5. Put the battery compartment door back on.6. Place handset in the base or handset charge cradle to charge. Allow the handset battery to properly charge (for 14 hours) prior to rst use or when you install a new battery pack. If you do not properly charge the phone, battery performance may be compromised.Display MessagesThe following messages show the status of the phone, provides Caller ID information, or helps you set up and use your phone.BLOCKED   Indicates the person is calling from a number which is blocked from        transmission.DELETE ALL?  Prompt asking if you want to erase all records.DELETE?    Prompt asking if you want to erase the current record. ENTER NAME  Prompt telling you to enter a name.ENTER NUMBER  Prompt telling you to enter a telephone number.NEW CALLS  Indicates call or calls which have not been reviewed.HANDSET NAME  Prompt telling you to enter a user name for the handset.UNAVAILABLE  The handset is not yet registered or is out of range.NO LINE    Indicates that the telephone line is not connected.EMPTY    Indicates there are no CID records in memory.PAGE FROM BASE  Someone pressed the PAGE button on the base.UNKNOWN  Indicates incoming call is from an area not serviced by CID or the CID        information was not sent.
3031Handset Sound SignalsSignal                                                                      MeaningA long warbling tone (with ringer on)                Signals an incoming call Three short beeps (several times)                       Page signalOne beep every 14 seconds                                Low battery warningTroubleshooting GuideTelephone SolutionsNo dial tone•Checkorrepeatinstallationsteps:Make sure the base power cord is connected to a working electrical outlet. Make sure the telephone line cord is connected to the base and the wall jack.•Connectanotherphonetothesamejack.Ifitdoesn’twork,theproblemmightbeyourwiring or local service.•Thehandsetmaybeoutofrangeofthebase.Moveclosertothebase.•Makesurethebatteryisproperlycharged(for14hours).Dial tone is ok, but can’t dial out•MakesurethetypeofphoneserviceyouaresubscribedtoisTONEorPULSE.Handset does not ring•Makesurethehandsetringerissettoon.•Thehandsetmaybeoutofrangeofthebase.Moveclosertothebase.•Youmayhavetoomanyextensionphonesonyourline.Tryunpluggingsomeextensions.•Checkforadialtone.Ifnodialtoneisheard,see“Nodialtone”.You experience static, noise, or fading in and out•Thehandsetmaybeoutofrangeofthebase.Moveclosertobase.•Makesurebaseisnotpluggedintoanelectricaloutletwithanotherhouseholdappli-ance. If necessary, relocate the base.•Chargethebattery(for14hours).Memory dialing doesn’t work•Didyoufollowproperdialingsequence?Unit locks up and no communication between the base and cordless handset•Unplugthepoweradaptorfromtheelectricaloutletandthebottomofthebase.Removethe handset battery. Wait for 30 seconds and plug the power adaptor back into the base and electrical outlet. Reconnect the battery and charge for 14 hours.
303131Date/Time setting is restored to default setting•Maybecausedbypowerfailure.SetDate/Timeagain.Caller ID SolutionsNo Display•Chargethebattery(for14hours).Orreplacethebattery.•Makesuretheunitisconnectedtoanon-switchedelectricaloutlet.Disconnectthepower adaptor from the base and reconnect it.No Caller ID•YoumustbesubscribedtothestandardName/NumberCallerIDservicefromyourlocaltelephone company to receive CID information.BatteryIf you experience any of the following problems, even after recharging the battery, you may need to replace the battery pack:•Shorttalktime•Poorsoundquality•LimitedrangeGeneral Product CareTo keep your unit working and looking good, follow these guidelines:•Avoiddroppingthehandset,aswellasotherroughtreatmenttothephone.•Cleanthephonewithasoftcloth.•Neverusestrongcleaningagents,paintthinner,abrasivepowder,alcohol,orotherchemi-cal products to clean the unit. Doing so will damage the nish.•Retaintheoriginalpackagingincaseyouneedtoshipthephoneatalaterdate.•Periodicallycleanthechargecontactsonthehandsetandbasewithacleanpencileraser
3233Causes of Poor Reception•Aluminumsiding.•Foilbackingoninsulation.•Heatingductsandothermetalconstructionthatcanshieldradiosignals.•You’retooclosetoappliancessuchasmicrowaves,stoves,computers,etc.•Atmosphericconditions,suchasstrongstorms.•Baseisinstalledinthebasementorloweroorofthehouse.•BaseispluggedintoACoutletwithotherelectronicdevices.•Babymonitorisusingthesamefrequency.•Handsetbatteryislow.•You’reoutofrangeofthebase.ServiceIf trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact customer service at 1-800-511-3180.  If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.This product may be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents.  Changes or modications not expressly approved by Teleeld NA Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this product.  For instructions on how to obtain service, refer to the warranty included in this guide or call customer service at 1-800-511-3180.Or refer inquires to:Teleeld NA Inc.Manager, Consumer Relations4915 SW Grith Dr. #205Beaverton, Or 97005Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference or jot down the date this product was purchased or received as a gift.  This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period.Purchase date ________________________________________________   Name of store ________________________________________________
323333WarrantyLimited WarrantyWhat your warranty covers:•DefectsinmaterialsorworkmanshipFor how long after your purchase:•Twoyears,fromdateofpurchaseWhat we will do:•Provideyouwithareplacementunit.Theexchangeunitisunderwarrantyfortheremainder ofthe original product’s warranty period.How you get service:•Locateyourproofofpurchaseintheformofabillofsaleorreceiptedinvoicewhichisevidencethat the product is within the warranty period. Proof of warranty eligibility is required and must be presented to obtain warranty service.•ContactRCACustomerCareat(800)511-3180.Ourrepresentativeswillhelpyoutroubleshoot and diagnose the problem. As you may be asked to disconnect your RCA telephone from it’s power source, you must call from another telephone. If the issue cannot be resolved by our Customer Care Team, you will be issued an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and be given instructions on how to submit your proof-of-purchase paperwork and where to send your defective merchandise.•Youwillberesponsibleforshippingthedefectiveunitbacktoourwarrantyfulllmentcenter at your own expense. You are responsible for damage or loss during shipment so insuring the product during return shipping is highly recommended.•Wewillshipareplacementtoyoufreightpre-paid.What your warranty does not cover:•Customerinstruction.(YourInstructionBookprovidesinformationregardingoperatinginstructionsandusercontrols.Additionally,ourCustomerCareCenterisstaed24x7withproduct experts that can assist you with any questions that may arise during setup and use of your RCA telephone.•Installationandsetupserviceadjustments•Batteries•Damagefrommisuseorneglect•ProductsthathavebeenmodiedofservicedoutsidetheUSA•Productspurchasedfromnon-authorizedretailers,dealersorresellers
34•ProductspurchasedorservicedoutsidetheUSA•Actsofnature,suchas,butnotlimitedtolightningdamageProduct Registration:•PleasecompleteandmailtheProductRegistrationCardpackedwithyourunit. It will make it easier to contact you should it ever be neccessary.  The return of the card is not required for warranty coverage.Limitation of Warranty:• THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE  TO THIS PRODUCT.  ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED     (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.  NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY TELEFIELD NA INC., ITS AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY.•REPAIR OF REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER.  TELEFIELD NA INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT.  THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTY ARE GOVERENED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON.  EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE.How state law relates to this warranty:•Somestatesdonotallowtheexclusionnorlimitationofincidentalorconsequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.•Thiswarrantygivesyouspeciclegalrights,andyoualsomayhaveotherrightsthat vary from state to state.If you purchased your product outside the USA, Mexico or Canada:This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.
34Visit the RCA web site at www.rca4business.comPlease do not send any products to the Oregon address listed in this manual or on the carton.  This will only add delays in service for your product.Teleeld NA Inc.4915 SW Grith Dr. #205Beaverton, Or 97005RCA is a trademark of RCA Trademark Management S.A.,Used under license.© 2011.  All rights reserved.Model: TC25111T0000133 (Rev. 1 E) 11-11Printed in China

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