Telemotive Controls E13653-M-T R/C Crane Transmitter User Manual 54283
Telemotive Industrial Controls R/C Crane Transmitter 54283
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FCC ID: GXZE13653»M-T EXHIBIT D INSTRUCTION MANUAL A. USER’S MANUAL The user‘s manual for this product has been included as Exhibit D. Section 1 contains statements that warns users against unimproved modifications. Di!) MANUAL TELEMOTIVE fiRPES 1 6K1%} m ”a Telemotive Pan TC10K12R-0 937 telemotive® Industrial annual; luulm 888—687-4400 FCC |D: GXZE13653—M—T TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............. Section 1 - Service Information. 1-1. Service Information. 1-2. FCC Information. Section 2 » Radio Controlled Crane Safety 2-1. introduction. ................ 2-2. 2-3. Persons Authorized Tu Operate Radio Controlled Crane. 2-4. Training Checklist For Crane Operators, 2-5 . Operating Area. 2-6r Transmitter Unit 2-7. Operating The Crane. 2—8. Boarding The Crane 2~9. Crane Repair ...... 2-10. Using The Crane As a Work Platform 2-11. Condition Oleie Radio Controlled Crane Section 3 - General System Information and Theory Of Operation S—L General System Information. 3—2. Transmitter Unit ............ 3—3. Receiver Unit. 3-4, System Specifications. 3-5. Membrane Transmitter Unit Specifications 3—6. Receiver Unit Specification ' 3-7. Theory of Operation, 3-8. Transmitter Circuit Description 3-9. Transmitter Unit CPU Module. Figure 3-1. Transmitter Unit. Block Diagram . Figure 3-2. Receiver Unit. Block Diagram 3-10. Receiver Uniii 3-11. UHF Receiver Module. 3—12. Master Microcomputer Receiver Control Module. 3-13. Output Module ....................................... 3-14. RF Receiver Description. . 3.15. Receiver Unit Signal Patli. 3-16. Access Code. 3-17. Time Multiplex Shared (TMS) System Software Section 4 - Installation information. 4-1. Pre-lnstallalion Considerations. 4-2. Receiver Unit Mounting Location Considerations . 12 4-3. Antenna Mounting Considerations. 4-4. Line Input Considerations. 4-5. ReceiVer/Equipment Interface Consideration 4-6. Receiver Unit Cabinet Mounting. Section 5 - Operating instructions S-l. Output Module Switchesi 5-2. Output Module Indicators. ................... 5-3, Master Micro Computer Control Module lndiimtors 5-4. Function Puslibuttons. .......................... 5-5i Transmitter Unit lndicator..,. 5-7. Receiver Unit Operating Instruction 5-8. Setting Access Code. Section 6 - Troubleshooting ..... 6-1. UHF Receiver Module Diapiostic and Status Indicators 6-2. Master iiC Module Diagnostic and Status Indicator 6-3. Output Module Diagiosiic and Status indicators. .. cccqliliqqmbdaohnasbbNNuNNN-Ar—Hm .]0 .1O .10 .10 .11 .11 .13 20 ii 64. Ou|pm Module Tesling 6-5. Traubleshocling Section 7 - Mainlenlncc 7»l. Oulpul Comm] Module Swilches. 7-2. Carmel Switches Configumion 7 . DIP Swilch Configumions ...... . Configuring Jumpers on Onlplll Module. - . Maintenance. ................. Remiver Fuses Replacemenli . Omput Rehy Replacemem. , Masler Relay Replacemenl. . Transmiuer Battery Replaumen 7-10, Transmiuer Unil Disassembiy and Renssembly 7~lI. Receiver Unit Disasscmbly ind Reasscmbiy, 7-12. Receiver Unit Spare Parts .............. 7-13. Membune Transmitter Unil Spare Pans FIGURE 7-1, LOCATION OF SWITCHES AND JIIMPERS Appendix A - SERIES 10K12R Diagxlms .......... STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE . STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE WITH MAGNET LIFT/DROP ........... STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE W/FULL LATCH (USES 1 CHANNEL STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE WITH CRANE SELECT .................. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE .................................... STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH MAGNET LIFT/DROP STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH TANDEM ............. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE W/FULL LATCH (USES 1 CHANNEL) STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH CRANE SELECT . STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH FOUR AUX. . STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE NUMERIC PANEL INTERCONNECT DRAWING. Appendix B.... IOKIZ PENDENT TRANSMITTERS . SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW ................................. SECTION 1.1 THE SINGLE SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 112 THE TWO-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.2.1 TRANSMITTER MODE ONE DESCRIPTION, SECTION 1.2.2 TRANSMITTER MODE TWO DESCRIPTION SECTION 2 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER ............ SECTION 2.1 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER FOR MODE 1 . SECTION 2.2 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER FOR MODE 2 SECTION 3.0 OPERATING THE TRANSMITTER SECTION 3.1 ON/OFF CONTROL BUTTON . SECTION 3.2 EMS CONTROL BUTTON SECTION 3.3.1 SINGLE SPEED TX PUSHBU'ITON SWITCHES SECTION 3.3.2 SINGLE SPEED TX TOGGLE SWITCHES ...... SECTION 3 .4.1 TWO SPEED TX PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES SECTION 3.42 TWO SPEED TX TOCGLE SWITCHES... SECTION 3.4.3 TWO SPEED TX ROTARY SELECTOR SWITCH SECTION 3.5 THE DIAGNOSTIC DISPLAYI SECTION 4.0 MAINTENANCE .............. SECTION 4.1 TX UNIT BATTERY REPLACEMENT. SECTION 4.2 PUSHBUTTON INSERT REPLACEMENT TABLE 1(a) ........ Crane Conlwl Type Selection 10K12-29pd TYPE 0 . TABLE 101) .. Crane Conlml Type Scleumn 10K12-Zspd TYPE 1 . TABLE 1(c) ........................... iii FCC TD: GXZE]3653-M-T Crane Comm] Type Selection: IOKIZ-Zspd TYPE 2 TABLE 101) .......................... Crane Comm] Type Seleclio TABLE 1(e) .. Crane Comm] Type ScIecllo TABLE l(f) ........................... Cnne Comm] Type Seleclin TABLE I(g) .......................... Crane Comm] Type Seleclio Appendix C ....................... Extended Cunt Comm Opuons or TABLE 2m ........................... Crane Comm] Type Seleclio TABLE 203) .......................... Crane Comm] Type Seleclm TABLE 2(c) ........................... Crane Control Type Selection: lOKlZ-Zspd TYPE 2 TABLE 2(d) .......................... Crane Comm] Type Selecliu TABLE 2(e) Crane Comm] Type Seleclw TABLE 2(1') ................... ...................... Crane Comm] Type Selectiu . 10K12—25pd TYPE 5 . Appendix D .............................................. MULTIBOX EXTENSION TO THE 10K12 SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW ...... SECTION 2 SWTTCH SETTINGS .............. SECTION 2,1 SWITCH SWIG CONTROL DESCRIPTION SECTION 2.11 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRANSMI'I'I'ERS Appendix E ............................................................... 10102 Z-SPEED PENDENT TRANSMITTER MODE 3 SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW ...................... SECTION 2,1 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER FOR MODE 3 Appendix F ....................... 10102 7 MOTOR 2-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION Ll] OVERVIEW. SECTION 2.0 SWITCH SETTING SECTION 241 OUTPUT MODULE SECTION 242 TRANSMITTER MODULE. Appendix G ............................ 10K12 Z-BOX MONORAIL SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW. Appendix H ............................................................... 10K12 SLTX 3/4/5 MOTOR Z-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW ....................... SECTION 1.1 OPERATING FEATURES . SECTION 2.0 SWITCH SETTINGS ...... SECTION 2.1 MODE 3 ENHANCEMENT SECTION 2.2 TIME-OUT SETTINGS SECTION 3.1 Ballery Replacement... SECTION 441 Small Lever Trmsmixler Uni! Spare Pans. 10K12—25pd TYPE 3 lflKlz-Zspd TYPE 4 iii ("w FCC ID: GXZE13653—M—T SECTION 1 PAGE 1 Section 1 - Service Information 1-1. Service Information. For questions regarding service or technical infon‘nalion, contacl the Telemoiive Field Service Depanment. For ordering replacement parts contact the Telemotive Order Entry Department. Telephone: (773) 859—9035 TELEX: 210017/DYNCO UR FAX: (773) 794-9470 Maxtec Intsmational Corporation Telemotive Inducstrial Controls Division 6470 W. Cortland Street Chicago. IL 507074098 1 -2. FCC Information NOTE: Any modifications or changes not expressly approved by Mnxtec Intomntional Corp. could void the users authority lo operate this dew/ice. SECTION 2 PAGE 2 Section 2 - Ra o Controlled Crane Safeg 2-1. Introduction. The salety rules in this section are not intended to replace any rules or regulations or any applicable local. state. or federal governing organizations. The lollowing lnforrnation is intended to be used in conjunction with other rules or regulations already in existence. It is lmportant to read all of the safety information contained in this section before operating the Radio Control System 2-2. General. Radio controlled overhead cranes and other material handling equipment operates in several directions. They are large, bulky pieces of equipment that handle heavy loads efficiently at high speeds. Quite frequently, the equipment is operated in areas where people are working on the floor below. Extreme caution must be exercised by the crane operator at all times. Workers must constamly be alert to avoid accidents, The following rules have been included to indicate how your careful and thoughtful actions may prevent injuries. damage to equipment. or even save a life. It radio controlled material handling equipment is operated from the cab, special care must be taken to secure the transmitter, Refer to paragraph titled "Boarding The crane" for specific safety rules. 2-3. Persons Authorized To Operate Radio Controlled Cranes. Only properly trained persons designated by management should be permitted to operate radio controlled cranes. Radio controlled cranes should not be operated by any person who cannot read or understand signs, notices and operating instructions that pertain to the crane. Radio controlled cranes should not be operated by any person with insufficient eyesight or hearing or by any person who may be suffering from a disorder or illness or is taking any medication that may cause loss of crane control. 2-4. Training Checklist For Crane Operators. Anyone being trained to operate a radio controlled crane should possess the following knowledge and skills before operating the crane: Knowledge of hazards peculiar to crane operation. Knowledge of safety mles for radio controlled cranes. Ability lojudge distance or moving objects. Knowledge of the radio transmitter. Limit switch test procedure. Where authorized. instmctions for pluggingmotions. Observing crane signal lights. Avoid striking any obstructions. Proper clearance of lifts or hooks before moving bridge or trolley. Proper storage space for radio control box when not in use. Transfen'ing radio control box to another person. Reporting unsafe or unusual operating conditions. Caution in approaching bridge or trolley bumpers. Equipment capacity. Making lifts below floor level. Making side pulls. Keeping body clear of lifts and avoiding “pinch" points. Cable and hook inspection Procedures tor testing hoist, trolley, and bridge brakes. 2-5. Operating Area. Aisles between equipment, stock, etc, should be free of obstructions so the crane operator can move freely, These aisles should be a minimum of 3 feet wide, or meet local regulations. Crane operators should always position themselves for the best view of the crane they are controlling. The crane should never be operated blindly. The operator should stay as close to the crane load as possible. Operators should never position themselves ln a "pinch" point. 2-6. Transmitter Unit. Transmitter switches should never be mechanically blocked ON or OFF for any crane motion. When not in use turn the transmitter OFF. A secure storage space should be provided for the transmitter unit and the transmitter unit should always be placed there when not in use. This precaution will prevent unauthorlzed people from operating the crane. FCC lD: GXZE13653—M—T SECTION 2 PAGE 3 2-7. Operating The Crane. The crane limit switches should be checked at the beginning of each shift or when a new operator lakes control of the crane. When checking limit switches the hoist should be centered over an area free of personnel and equipment. The limit switches should never be used as a regular stopping device. They are intended to be protective devices. The bridge and trolley brakes should be tested at the beginning of each shift or when a new operator takes control of the crane. On transmitter units equipped with two speeds, use the "low” speed when testing braking devices. When lifting maximum loads, the crane operator should test the hoist brakes by raising the load a few inches from the floor. if the brakes do not hold, the load should immediately be lowered to the floor and a report made to the supervisor. Do not make lifts in excess of the equipment rated capacity. The bridge and trolley should be centered directly over the load when the load is raised to prevent swinging when making lifts. Side pulls should be made by a crane designed for this purpose and only with supervisor permission. When a lift is being made, the crane operator should not be positioned in the line of travel. The crane or hoist should be operated from a position either to the side or opposite from the direction of travel. When raising or lowering a load, proceed slowly and make certain the load is under control. Tag lines should be used for handling unusual lengths or bulky loads. Remove slack from chains or slings gradually. Make certain all personnel are clear before making a lift. The crane operator should keep all body pans away from the lift and should never be positioned under the lift. Do not make a lift or move a load it anyone is in a location where they could be stmck by the crane or the load. it the crane operator is being helped. the crane should not be moved until the helper signals they are clear of the crane and its load When a load is hanging from the crane hook and the crane is being moved, the crane operator should sound all warning devices frequently. Loads should not be carried over workers heads. If a worker is in the path of crane travel. the crane operator should stop the crane and clear the area before proceeding. Runway stops or other cranes should never be bumped into. When movmg the crane, the crane operator should be sure that the hook block and attachments or cables will not catch on nearby equipment Slings, chains, or cables should never be dragged along the floor. Unless required for operator safety, gloves should not be worn when operating the transmitter unit. All loose materials or parts should be removed from the load before starting the lift. The crane operator should always hoist lifts high enough to clear all equipment and workers. The crane operator should never perrriit anyone to ride on the load or hook except when authorized by the supervisor. When another crane on the same runway is stationary with a load hanging, the crane operator should maintain a safe distance between the stationary crane and the one under their control. If power to the crane is removed, the crane operator should turn the transmitter unit OFF and keep it OFF until power is restored. If the crane fails to respond property, the crane operator should stop operation, turn the transmitter unil OFF and immediately report the condition to their supervrsor. Outdoor cranes which are subject to movement by wind should be securely anchored when left unattended. If the crane is equipped with bridge brakes, the parking brake should be set immediately. SECTION 2 PAGE 4 2-8. Boarding The Crane. The crane should not be boarded without permission of the supervisor. The crane operator should tum off the transmitter and take it with them when boarding the crane If more than one person is boarding the crane, one person should be made responsible for ensuring all personnel are off the crane before the system is returned to operation. 2-9. Crane Repair. Minor repairs include routine maintenance and repairs such as greasing, cleaning and control troubleshooting. All other repairs should be considered major If the repair crew consists oi more than one person, one person should be designated as the repair crew leader with the following responsibilities. It the repair crew consists of only one person, that person has the lollowrng responsibilities: Warning Signs should be placed on the floor beneath the crane or suspended from the crane. For major repairs, the floor area below the crane should be roped off. When major repairs are to take place, all persons operating other cranes on the same or adjacent runways. if any, must be notified prior to starting repairs. Notification should include the nature of the repair, safeguards provided, and movement limitations while repairs are in progress. When practical, radio controlled cranes which cannot be moved during repairs must be protected against being bumped by other cranes on the runway. Bumpers should be installed on the exposed side or sides of the crane under repair. They should be placed as tar away as possible. The location of these bumpers should be indicated by red lights placed so that they are clearly vtsible to other crane operators traveling on the same runway. When it is not possible to use bumpers, red lights must be placed so they are clearly visible to other crane operators traveling on the same runway to indicate the restricted travel zone. All crane operators on the same runway must be informed of the repair effort and thoroughly instructed to what their operations are limited to and inlorrned they will be notified when repairs are completed. If any hazard involving the repainnen exrsts when there is a runway adjacent to the crane under repair, the adjacent runway should be blocked off as described above. When it is necessary to continue crane operation on the adjacent runways warning lights must be installed and be visible to operators of cranes on those runways, All cranes should come to a complete stop prior to entering the restricted area and should proceed through this area only after receiving permission from a signal person designated for this purpose. Access of persons to and from the crane being repaired should be under control of the repair crew leader. When boarding the crane, the transmitter should be turned OFF and the transmitter should remain with the repair crew leader The leader should board the crane first, open and lock out the main switch, and then signal the other members of the crew it rs safe to board the crane. If work on the crane is to be done in areas not protected by standard handrails, approved safety belts should be worn by the repair crew. All tools and equipment should be moved onto the crane by the use 01 hand lines. The tools and equrpment should be adequately secured to the hand lines If it is necessary to have the crane control circuits energized. all power circuits for crane movement must be opened prior to energizing the control circuits All personnel and tools should be moved to a safe spot before moving the crane during repairs Head room is at a minimum in some crane cabs and on some crane walkways. Caution should be exercised when boarding or working on cranes. Hard hats should be worn whenever possible. When repairs are finished. all personnel. tools and repair equipment should be removed before energizing the crane circuits, 2-1 0. Using The Crane As a Work Platform. When the crane is to be used as a stationary work platform. follow all rules provided in "Crane Repairs" section. When it is necessary for the crane to be moved from time to time. the crane operator should board the crane with the transmitter unit. The crane operator should ensure all personnel working on the crane are in a secure posilion before moving the crane to the next work station. It should also be the crane operators responsibility to ensure the main switch is FCC ID: GXZE13653»M»T SECTION 2 PAGE 5 open and locked down before work is resumed. WARNING THE CRANE OPERATOR SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ANY OF THE REPAIRS STATED BELOW. THE CRANE CONDITION SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE SUPERVISOR. 2-11. Condition Of The Radio Controlled Crane. ll the crane fails to respond property, the crane operator should notify their supervisor. When serious conditions are noticed (conditions that make the crane unsafe to operate). lhe crane should be shut down immediately and the supervisor notified. The Iollowrng is a list of what should be included in lhe report: Condition of hoisting cable and hook block (broken strands, clipped sheave wheels, etc ). Condition oi brakes (hoist, trolley, and bridge). Alignment of bridge (screeching or squealing wheels indicate bridge is out of line), Broken, cracked, or chipped rails on trolley or runway. Condition DI limit switches. Condition of electrical and mechanical control (electrical or mechanical defects which cause faulty operation such as uncommanded stopping or starting of any crane motion. warning devices, lights, or auxiliary functions), Condition of gears (grinding or squealing may indicate foreign materials in gear leeth or a lack of lubrication. Frequent relay tripping of power circuits, Mechanical parts loosened by vibration (loose rivets, covers, bolts, etc). Uneven riding (worn wheels). Condition of collector shoes or bars. Condition of warning or signal lights (bnmed out or broken), SECTION 3 PAGE 6 Sec 'on 3 - General System Informa on and Theory Of Operation 3-1. General System Information. The Series 10K12 Radio Control System (system) provides remote control of overhead cranes using radio signals. The system consists of a hand held portable battery operated transmitter unit and a fixed station receiver unit. The system is capable of controlling up to 12 separate outputs Each system has its own access code which permits a receiver unit to respond only to a transmitter unit with the same access code. Up to tour transmitters may be used with the same frequency. Each transmitter operating on the same frequency may be operated in close proximity (not less than six feet) to each other The transmitter and reCeiver units use computer controlled circuitry. The system operates on one of twenty available UHF frequencies from 436.0 MHz to 439.8 MHz. 3-2. Transmitter Unit. The transmitter unit is light weight, portable, and hand held. Located within the transmitter unit case is the battery compartment, membrane pushbutton snatches, a transmitter RF Module and a Micro Computer Control Module. Four configurations (modes) of the membrane pushbutton switches are available. Twelve independent outputs may be selected by the user to run at one or two speeds plus AUX. in addition, there is an Emergency Stop (EMS) key on all transmitter configurations. This trey is used to immediately disable all relay outputs, putting the receiver system into a standby state. The receiving system will have to be restarted after the EMS command is transmitted The transmitter unit is frequency modulated. low power and is certified under part 15 of FCC mles and regulations. A license is not required for the transmitter or operator. The transmitter unit uses crystal controlled oscillators to set the operating frequency The transmitter unit antenna is intemal and integral. A power down feature turns the transmitter unit OFF if no keys are pressed for an extended (approximately 15 minutes) period of time. The transmitter unit must again be tumed ON. A configuration of the transmitter unit is available without automatic time—out. Battery voltage and data transmission status is provided by an LED mounted on the front panel. 3-3. Receiver Unit. The fixed station receiver unit is housed in an all metal enclosure. Located within the receiver unit are three separate modules which accept the transmitted signal. detect and perfonn checks on the signal and provide a contact closure corresponding to the command selected on the transmitter unit. A power down feature turns the receiver unit OFF if no commands are received for an extended (approximately 15 minutes) period of time. A configuration of the receiver unit is available without automatic time out. 3-4. System Specifications. Channel Designations: AK1-439.B MHZ AK6-438.8 MHZ AK2-439.6 MHZ AK7-438.6 MHz AK3-439.4 MHZ AKB-438.4 MHZ AK4-4392 MHz AK9—4382 MHZ AK5—439.0 MHz AK10-4381) MHZ AK11-437.8 MHz AME-438.8 MHZ MHZ-437.6 MHz AK17-436.6 MHZ AK18~436A MHZ AK14-437.2 MHz AIMS-436.2 MHz AK15-437.D MHZ AK20-436.0 MHZ Operating Frequency Tolerance - 0.001%. AK1 3437.4 MHZ Twenty available channels, expandable to fifty, Channel Spacing - 200 kHz Modulation - Wideband FM (WBFM) Ambient Opemting Conditions - -22°F to +isa°F (- 30°C to +70°C) Humidity - up to 95% (non-condensing) Typical Operating Range - 200 feet Up to four transmitter units may operate on the same frequency while in close proximity (not less than six feet) to each other. FCC lD: GXZE13653-M-T SECTION 3 PAGE 7 3-5. Membrane Transmitter Unit Specifications: Battery Life - 120 Hours (approximate) Battery - Five 1.5 vdc AA disposable alkaline batteries Source Voltage - 7.5 vdc @50mA Weight - 1 pound Dimensions - 2”H X 2.75"W X 6"L Complies with FCC Part 15 requirements 3-6. Receiver Unit Specifications: Line Requirements - 120/240 vac Antenna - 1/4 wave stainless-steel whip; mounted and connected to receiver unit using BNC connector. Sensitlvity ~ Less than 1.0 microvolt (12 dB SINAD) Dynamic Range - 80 decibels Data Rate - 9600 baud Response Time » 60 milliseconds (typical) Weight - 12 pounds (approximate) Dimensions - 12"H X 1D"W X 4.5"D 3-7. Theory of Operation. The system consists of a transmitter unit and receiver unit. The transmitter circuitry and CPU unit are described below. A block diagram of the transmitter unit is presemed in figure 3-1, A block diagram of the receiver unit is presented in figure 3- 2. 3-8. Transmitter Circuit Description. The ON switch sends a signal to the microcomputer to transmit the ON command. In the active mode. the microcomputer executes all of its normal operating functions. Additionally, gating controlled by the microcomputer supplies power to the transmitter RF section. At this time. the microcomputer sends a start command sequence, begins scanning the membrane switches and accepts switch closures as they occur. When a transmitter unit key is pressed, the micro computer identifies the switch closure and activates a predetermined bit location in one of two 5 bit command words. A serial data output from the micro computer provides a serial digital signal which serves as modulation information. The serial data output is fed to an oscillator/modulator which produces an FM FSK modulated signal in the 16.145 MHz to 16.289 MHz frequency range. Frequency modulation is accomplished using a varactor diode in the oscillator tank circuit. The modulated signal is amplified and is then frequency multiplied 27 times through three triplers to produce a signal in the 436.0 MHz to 439 5 MHz range. 3-9. Transmitter Unit CPU Module. The transmitter unit CPU module is a micro computer controlled circuit board which reads the keyboard, access code switches and the configuration switches. This information is then convened into a frame of serial data that will be transmitted by the RF module at 9600 bits per second. In addition it also provides control signals that turn the RF module ON and OFF for asyncronous time multiplex shared (TMS) operation A frame of serial data consists of a sequence of ONIOFF bits proceeded by a sync pulse. then organized according to the standard data word format with one start bit followed by a data bits. 1 parity bit and a stop bit, SECTION 3 PAGE 8 T NS I'l'I'ER MEMBRANE ME MODULE TRANSMHTEB CPU MODULE MODE ACCESS CODE SELECT SWITCHES SW'TCHES BATTERIES AND POWER IN BATTERY HOLDER CONTROL LINES SERIAL DATA OUT POWER OUT “’\ TRANSMI'lTEfl MM RF MODUIE POWER IN SERIAL RJATA ANTENNA CONTROL LINES Figure 3-1. Transmitter Unit Block Diagram FCC ID: GXZE‘I 3653—M-T SECTION 3 PAGE 9 Ni} Egg CONVERTELQ POWER fl“ IEMER MODULE 3??? ANTENNA OUT RECIEVER M SERIAL DATA IN ACCESS CODE SWITCHES POWER IN fl— DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM LEDS SERIAL DATA BUSS (12m RECEIVER MM SYSTE M SERIAL DATA BUSS (IZCI POWER DISTRIBUTION OUTPUTS AC POWER INPUT EMR OUTPUTS EMR INPUTS MFI CONTROL 1—4— 120/240 VAC RMS . 12 NORMALLY OPEN CONTACTS MR Aux MR RELAY —> OUTPUT Figure 3-2. Receiver Unit Block Diagram SECTION 3 PAGE 10 3-10. Receiver Unit. The receiver unit consists of an RF receiver module. master microcomputer receiver control module and an output control module. A block diagram of the receiver unit is presented in figure 3-2. A description of these modules follows: 3-11. UHF Receiver Module. The receiver module is a dual conversron receiver operating in the 436.0 MHz to 439.8 MHz band. The receiver module is a wide band digital receiver working at 9600 baud and is specifically designed for TMS transmissions. The receiver has an on board regulator with an output of 8 volts to all circuits. 3-12. Master Microcomputer Receiver Control Module. The primary task of the CPU module is to receive the recovered data from the receiver module, and test it for errors before sending decoded output information to the output module. Tests on the data include proper frame format, parity, CRC 8 and access code, If any of these tests indicate that the received data has been corrupted the frame will be discarded To maintain continuity at the output the last good frame of data is held and sent to the output module for a fixed period of time. If no good data has been received from the UHF receiver module for approximately .5 second. the output data sent to the output relay module will be cleared The system access code switches for the receiver are located on this module. They must match the access code of the transmitter to correctly receive data. This module communicates with the output control module via an inter-Integrated circuit bus (IZC). The IZC is a two line synchronous serial data system which allows two way communication between the master micro computer module and the output module. Data format consists of 5 eight bit words. The first word sent is the board/device address and read/write control. The first seven bits of this word are address bits which must match to allow the data to be accepted by the output module (like the access code in the RF link). The last bit of the first word determines the direction of subsequent data flow between modules. The next word is a control word followed by two words of data. These two words contain the control/command information. The last word is a check sum error detection word which will be tested by the output module. 10 In addition to the eight data bits there is a ninth acknowledge bit. When a sender (called a master) transmits an eight bit data word it must receive an acknowledge bit (ACK) from the receiving slave unit. Each word must be acknowledged if successful data communication is to be accomplished. 3-13. Output Module. The output module has an on board slave micro computer that receives command and control data from the CPU Module via the l2C serial data link and checks the address code, performs the checksum error detection and if the board has been enabled by a transmitted ON command and no EMS condition is in effect will output the control data to the EMR outputs. Two security relays are used to disable the outputs if the slave micro computer detects a problem or fails. These are the Security Relay (K13) and the Master Control Relay (K14). Each relay is enabled by a separate ac signal generated by the slave microcomputer. The ac signal sources are capacitively isolated from the slave computer to help prevent the MR and Security Relay from being lflched ON if the slave micro computer fails. If the slave microcomputer fails to generate these signals, the security relay (K13) will open and remove power from the MR relay K14. This will remove 12 vdc from the coils of the EMR relays so they cannot turn ON. Each output is individually fused. and supressed with an MOV. The module can provide 12 outputs of ON/OFF control. The module can be configured to provide and Auto Alarm function that will automatically turn ON the Alarm (function in) for approximately 5 seconds when the system is turned ON. Two additional functions (#2 and $3) may be configured as latched outputs which may be toggled ON and OFF by the pressing of their asociated keys on the transmitter. 3-14. RF Receiver Description. The received signal is dual superheterodyne converted to the 10.7 MHz intermediate frequency range, The IF signal is then detected and fed to digital signal processing circuits. 3-15. Receiver Unit Signal Path. The signal from the antenna goes through a preselector and then to an RF amplifier. Output from the RF amplifier then feeds the first mixer, which FCC lD: zeetaess—MT SECTION 3 PAGE 11 produces an output signal between 40.3 Mn: and 41 Mhz. This signal then goes through the first IF liner and amplifier to the second mixer In this mixer the signal is mixed down to 10.7 Mhz, amplified, and then passed through a tour pole 107 Mhz filter to another IF amplifier and quadrature detector. The detector output is then passed through Signal processing circuits to produce a digital output, which duplicates the signal used to modulate the transmitter. 3-16. Access Code. The system access code consists of two bytes transmitted at the beginning at each trame. The access code identifies the transmitted signal to the receiver as valid. Any received signal which does not match the receiver access code IS considered invalid. Invalid signals rejected for lacking an access code include random noise, adjacent channel transmissions, or a transmitter unit set to an access code that doesn't match the receiver unit access code. 11 3-17. Time Multiplex Shared (TMS) System Software. The system software is structured to minimize "on the all“ transmission time at any transmitter. This allows for multiple transmitters to share a common frequency. The TMS system is designed so that a transmitter will send a signal tor a predetermined ON time, and then will turn OFF. The length of transmitter ON time is referred to as data burst or packet. The packet length is a function of the quantity of data to be sent. and the data rate (baud) Once the packet is sent, the transmitter will turn OFF This allows for other transmitters to time share the same frequency when a transmitter has turned OFF. The OFF period and repetition rate of the ON period are determined by the TMS system software. This allows up to 4 transmitters to share and have equal access to the same frequency, and also allows for reduced battery consumption and extended battery life. SECTION 4 PAGE 12 Section 4 - Installation Information 4-1. Pre-lnstallation Considerations. To ensure reliable and sale operation of the system, the following items must be considered before installing the receiver unit. It the receiver unit is installed outdoors or in a corrosive environment, the receiver unit Cabinet must be housed in a protective enclosure CAUTION THE RECEIVER UNIT OR RELAYS ARE NOT RATED AS EXPLOSION PROOF. THE RECEIVER UNIT MUST NOT BE INSTALLED IN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENTS UNLESS APPROPRIATE SECONDARY ENCLOSURE MEASURES ARE TAKEN. The receiver unit should not be subjected to moisture. 4-2. Receiver Unit Mounting Location Considerations. The receiver unit requires a mounting area or approximately 12" wide by 17" long. A depth of at least 16" must be provided to allow the cabinet door to open. Ensure the mounting location is as tar as possible from exposed trolley wtres and sources of electromagnetic or radiated noise. The mounting surface must be smooth and continuous, Mounting the cabinet on uneven surfaces could cause warpage or stress internal components The receiver unit may be mounted in any position. Greatest radio control range is obtained when the receiver unit is mounted with the antenna pointed straight up. If possible, avoid installing receiver unit to a surface where high vibration or shock is present. If this can not be avmded, use appropriate shock mounts. CAUTION IF PERIOD IC VIBRATION AND SHOCK MOUNTING IS ENCOUNTERED, MUST BE USED, 12 CONSIDER THE MASS OF THE RECEIVER UNIT AND FREQUENCY OF THE VIBRATION TO AVOID RESONANCE. 4-3. Antenna Mounting Considerations. The antenna is mounted by placing it in the antenna socket If mounting the antenna directly in the antenna socket is not possible' the antenna may be mounted remotely using an optional cable, antenna and antenna mounting bracket. Contact Telemotive for optional antenna information. In either type of installation. the iollowing must be considered: An unobstructed line oi sight path should be provided between the receiver unit and the area where the transmitter unit is normally used. The antenna must be 6 feet (19 in) minimum from equipment power lines The antenna must not come in contact with equipment chassis. power lines, or structural components during operation. 4-4. Line Input Considerations. WARNING SWITCH SW4MUST BE SET TO THE CORRECT VOLTAGE, FAILURE TO DO SO MAY DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. SET TO 115 FOR iNPUT VOLTAGE OF 120 VAC; SET TO 230 FOR INPUT VOLTAGE OF 240 VAC, The receiver unit has direct connec1 provisions for operation from 110 or 220 vac (nominal), 50-60 Hz power. For applications where line voltage deviation exceeds 20% of nominal values or if 440 v power is used, a step up or step down transformer must be used. NOTE The receiver unit should not be connected to lines containing excessive power up transients or continuous commutator noise. A line conditioner may be necessary in some installations. FCC ID: GXZE13653—M-T SECTION 4 PAGE 13 4-5. Receiver/Equipment Interface Considerations. All output relay contacts are rated at 10 amp 250 vac, however the system rating [or the contacts is 5A. Connection to equipment or contactors with higher voltage or current requirements will require Intermediate relays. All relay outputs are normally open, momentary contact. Since a relay closure is only active while the transmitter unit key is pressed and held, devices such as lights or lifting magnet must use a mechanical auxiliary latching relay. Two functions may be set for electronic latch which should M be used with lifting magnets or other srmilar applications. Refer to Section 5, DIP Switch SW 3 for instructions. NOTE Contact Telemotive for inlonnation on interfacing systems with high impedance inputs. 13 4-8. Receiver Unit Cabinet Mounting. Prepare a template or scribe marks directly on surface to which it will be mounted. Dn'Il four 9/32" holes. Recommended mounting hardware is four - 1/4—20 hex machine screws of appropriate length, four 1/4- 20 x 7/16 "keps" or elastic stop nuts. Flat washers should be used in front of nuts when receiver unit is mounted to a non structural surface Mount receiver unit cabinet securely to mounting surtace. SECTION 5 PAGE 14 Sec ' n 5 Operat ng Instruc ons 5-1. Output Module Switches. A brief description of the output module switches is provided below. The location and information on configuring all switches on the output module is presented in Section 7. SW 1 - Master Relay. Removes power from the master relay (K14). This allows the digital control section of the system to be tested without activating any external controls. DIP Switch 2 Also see Section 7-3 SW 2-1 Not Used SW 2-2 Not Used SW 2-3 Auto Alarm Select Allows function 1 to generate a 5 second (approximate) ALARM command when the transmitter unit ON switch is pressed. DIP Switch 3 SW 3-1 Function 2 Latch Select, Allows function 2 to be toggled and latched ON or OFF or allows function 2 to operate as a momentary ON and OFF command. SW 3-2 Function 3 Latch Select. Allows function 3 to be toggled and latched ON or OFF or to operate as a standard momentary ON and OFF command. SW 4 - 115/230. Switches transformer input primary power windings. This snitch must be set to the correct input power voltage. SW 5 » POWER. Controls Ac power to the receiver unit. 5-2. Output Module Indicators. To lactlitate system monitoring and diagnostics, LEDs are provided to help determine the status and condition of module operation. The location, description and function of the LEDs is provided in Section 6. 5-3. Master Micro Computer Control Module Indicators. To facilitate system monitoring and diagnostics, 14 LEDs are provuded to help determine the status and condition of module operation. The location. description and function of the LEDs is provided in Section 5. 5-4. Function Pushbuttons. Four configurations of the keyboard are available. Functions are configured to have various lockvouls between motion directions. This prevents two opposing motions from being active at the same time. Figure 51 shows the functions of each configuration as well as the switch settings required. Emergency Stop (EMS) Key. On all configurations of the keypad, there is a key marked EMS. When pressed, all equipment movement immediately stops. After the EMS pushbutton is pressed. only the ALARM function can be transmitted if JU 15 is set accordingly. Reset the system for normal operation by turning the transmitter OFF then ON using the key switch. A description of the functional operation of the various modes is provided below. Two 8 ed 3 Motion With 3 Auxilia Switches Mode 0 . SW3 ‘I 2 OFF on: MODE 0 The 2-speed 3 motion transmitter is similar to the single speed 4 motion transmitter (modes 1 or 2) except the keyboard is arranged to provide integral access to the second speed. FCC iD: GXZE13653-M-T SECTION 5 PAGE 15 Motion functions are: HST UPIZSP/HST DOWN - Selects hoist movement in the up or down direction, BRIDGE FWD/ZSP/BRIDGE REV - Selects bridge in the forward or reverse direction TROLL FWD/ZSP/TROLL REV - Selects trolley in the forward or reverse direction To operate the second speed, the directional must first be pressed, The finger or thumb may then slide up or down or rocked to engage the second speed. The first direction is maintained while the second speed key is held. There are three auxiliary functions: AUX 1 (K3) AUX 2 (K2) ALARM (K1) The AUX 1 and AUX 2 keys may be configured using switches SW 3-1 and 3-2 on the output control module. Depending on the switch setting. the AUX functions may be set for latched or momentary ON and OFF operation. Refer to Section 7 for switch settings, ALARM pushbutton, warning device. it needed will activate the WARNING SOME WARNING DEVICES MAY PULL EXCESS CURRENT. BE SURE TO CHECK REQUIREMENTS BEFORE WIRING IN DEVICE NOTE The ALARM command has a special jumper provision located on the output module to allow the ALARM command to be enabled or disabled during an EMS shutdown. 15 Singupeed 4 Motion With 4 Auxiliag functions (M The motion functions are: UP/DN - Selects hoist movement in the UP or DOWN direction, ENiI - Selects east or west direction of the bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or trolley moves in east - west direction. SIN - Selects south or north direction of the bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or trolley moves in north - south direction. AUX UP/AUX DN - Selects an auxiliary hoist movement in the up or down direction There are four auxiliary functions: P1 P2 ALARM LIGHT SECTION 5 PAGE 16 Si le S ed 4 Mai n With 4 Auxili (Mode 2). Functions E - Selects EAST direction of bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or the trolley moves in an east-west direction W - Selects WEST direction of bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or the trolley moves in an east-west direction. N - Selects NORTH direction of bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or the trolley moves in a north—south direction. 3 - selects SOUTH direction of bridge or trolley. Bridge or trolley is selected depending on whether the bridge or the trolley moves in a north-south direction. HST UP ~ Selects main hoist up, HST DOWN - Selects main hoist down, AUX HST UP - Selects auxiliary hoist up. AUX HST DOWN - Selects auxiliary hoist down. In addition there are four blank keys on the keypad which may be used to provide selected motions or single functions for a specific application. Blgnk Keyfid (Mgde 3). This configuration allows for 12 independent ON/OFF functions. Each key function may be set for a single motion. 2 keys may be set to latch ON and OFF for a particular application. Refer to Section 7 for information, 5-5. Transmitter Unit indicator. Battery voltage is monitored by an LED mounted on the transmitter unit front panel. Transmitter state determines the LED flash rate. A slow flash rate indicates an idle state with no transmission. It the transmitter is tumed OFF or total battery voltage is less than 5.5 volts, the indicator will not illuminate. The LED also provides data transmission status. When the transmitter circuitry is transmitting data the LED flashes at a faster rate. 5-6. Transmitter Unit Instructions. Operating ON/OFF key switch. Turn transmitter ON by pressing the key attached to the wrist strap into the ON hole. Turn transmitter OFF by pressing the key into the OFF hole, DO NOT USE A SHARP OBJECT IN PLACE OF THE KEY. Always remove key from hole after turning transmitter ON or OFF, FCC lD: GXZE13653-M-T SECTION 5 PAGE 17 Function pushbuttons. To activate transmitter functions press and hold pushbutton which corresponds to the desired motion. To activate the 28? function associated with the TROLL, HST and BRIDGE movements, press the motion control switch desired and slide finger or thumb to ZSF’. Initial speed resumes when thumb or finger slides back to initial motion control. Motion is discontinued when thumb or finger is removed from either switch. 5-7. Receiver Unit Operating Instructions. Power. Power is applied to the receiver unit by moving power switch SW5 to 1. 5-8. Setting Access Code. The access code is set at the fectoly and should not be changed unless absolutely necessary. It is recommended that the system access code not be changed eXcept when used with a designated spare transmitter unit. If a spare transmitter unit is used, the receiver unit access code is changed to match the access code of the transmitter unit. Also. note that SW 7 and SW 8 on the micro computer control module correspond to SW 1 and SW 2 on the transmitter control module. SW 7 (SW 1 on the transmit control module), station 1 corresponds to the least significant bit. and SW 8 (SW 2 on the transmit control module), station 5 corresponds to the most significant bit of the access code. The following general guidelines are presented: Both the transmitter unit and master micro computer module in the receiver unit contain two 5 position DIP switches with stations labeled “1" through "a". These switch stations set the system access code Figure 5-2 shows the location of the DIP switches. 17 Open cover and turn power OFF before setting access code switches. After setting access code turn power ON before closing cover. NOTE Set switch stations using a ballpoint pen or similar tool. Do not use a pencil. The access code as listed on the serial number label is in standard decimal form. The access code as used on the transmitter and receiver is in binary code (ones and zeros or on and off). The label on the top of the transmitter is a direct (or one to one) represemation of the access code switch position settings. Note the switch marked "A" on the label is SW 1 in the transmitter or SW 7 in the receiver. and the switch marked "B" on the label is SW 2 in the transmitter and SW 8 in the receiver. When setting the access code in the receiver, use figure 5-2 to position the individual switches either ON or OFF. SECTION 5 PAGE 18 51015342 , “wk ;7 , ‘ T fa 1 \ ‘ , _J ‘ * ¥ ,, y, _ ;, QT A i 7 \ ‘ M CLCM V‘. 4‘; u ‘ m 7 mu ‘4 A w W ‘ \ L'CBGC’JDI L s m h" Um “Wfi fl i waUUSU‘gLU [mm W r—Eg z‘ r W was * TRANSMI! IER UNIT Figure 5-2. Loulion of Access Code DIP SMIches on Transmiller and Maslcr Micru Computer Modules 18 FCC ID: GXZE‘l3653—M—T SECTION 6 PAGE 19 Sect'on 6 - Troubleshoot'ng 6-1. UHF Receiver Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. The UHF Receiver module has an indicator to aid in troubleshooting. Figure 6-1 provides the location or the indicator. Indicator number, color and indicator function is presented below, 08 1 {Green} - Monitors +8 vctc regulated voltage (normally ON). It the LED is not illuminated, ¢8 vdc is not present. Check connedors. 08 vdc regulator, or for a short on the board. 6-2. Master “C Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. The master micro computer module has indicators to aid in troubleshooting. Figure 6-2 provides the location of the indicators. Indicator number, color and indicators function is presented below. D§ 1 (Greeni - Monitors +5 vdc regulated voltage (normally ON). it the LED is not illuminated. +5 van is not present, Check connectors, +5 vdc regulator, or tor a short on the board. 08 2 (Red) - Monitors watchdog timer (normally OFF) The LED will illuminate momentarily when power is applied to or removed from the system. If the LED is flashing continuously the computer is not working properly. If LED is illuminated constantly, +5 vdc is probably too low. This could be caused by a short on the board or by a defective voltage regulator. It the LED flashes at a constant rate the micro computer chip or EPROM may be defective. DS 3 (Red)- Monitors received data errors (normally OFF). _ A flashing LED during data transmission may indicate data is being interfered with. If LED is illuminated continuously when data Is transmitted and the system will not respond. the access codes at the receiver and transmitter units may not match. It LED is illuminated when data is not transmitted. another transmitter unit may be present on the same frequency with a differem access code. The presence at activity on this LED does not necessarily indicate a problem. It should be used with other indicators in analyzing system status. PART NUMBER E10151-X " if 7 77777 i ‘ RX M r MODULE ,,,, a; 1 2 J “it” ,,,£1 ' i 5 W, H: 3 i; u 1 “xi“ 3 “w. a. i ' W , , 7 , W , 7 J thin—n ' ’ 7 7 gummy; Figure (rt. Location of Receiver Module Indicators. I9 SECTION 6 PAGE 20 . PART NUMBER 510153712 [L so arm in to mu: arm on u c aus) 1 Figure 6-2. Location of Master Micro Computer Module Indicators. DS4tielow1-Monitnrs data synchronization (normally OFF when no formatted signal is present). LED will flash rapidly when data is transmitted. The LED can be used in conjunction with Ds 3 to analyze incoming data. If DS 3 is illuminated or flashing when DS 4 also is flashing another transmitter unit on the same frequency may be present. This is normal. As more transmitter units are operated on the same frequency, LED will flash brighter and more often. us 5 (Mellow) - Monitors |2c serial data line, LED monitors communications between the CPU module and the output moonle. Under normal conditions it will flash rapidly when the two modules are communicating property. If LED is OFF the link between the two modules possibly is broken. 6-3. Output Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. 20 The output module has indicators to aid in troubleshooting. Figure 6-3 provides the location of the indicators. Indicator number, color and indicators tunction is presented below. DS 1 through DS 12 (Red! - Monitors EMR driver cimuits for relays K1 through K12 (normally OFF). LEDs will be illuminated when a control funCtian is called. DS 13 (is ow1- Monitors driver signal to the security relay. The LED should be illuminated when the system has been enabled with an ON command The LED should not be illuminated when an OFF or EMS command is present or has been transmitted. DS 15 (Red/Green) - Monitors master control relay output (normally OFF). LED will illuminate when the MCR has been enabled FCC ID: GXZE13653»M—T SECTION 6 PAGE 21 by an ON command received from the transmitter unit. LED will extingursh when an OFF command has been transmitted, an EMS condition is present, or MCR switch is set to 0. DS 27 (Xellow) - Monitors ac bias pump line for the master control relay enable line, LED will flash only when the output module has been enabled by an ON command. The master control relay is enabled by an ac signal generated by the slave computer. The ac signal is capacrtively isolated from the slave computer to help prevent the MCR from being latched ON if the slave computer fails The LED will not be illuminated when an OFF command has been sent or an EMS condition is present. DS 28 (Zellow) - Monitors the ac bias pump line for the security relay. LED will flash only when the output module has been enabled by on ON command. The security relay is enabled by an ac signal generated by the slave computer. The ac signal is capacitively isolated from the slave computer to help prevent the Security Relay from being latched ON if the slave computer fails. LED will not be illuminated when an OFF command has been sent or an EMS condition is present. 08 29 (Red) - Monitors watchdog timer (normally OFF), LED will flash momentarily when power is applied to or removed from the systemt if LED is flashing, the computer is not working propeny. if the LED is illuminated continuously the +5 vdc may be too low. DS 30 (Red) - Monitors ON or EMS condition (normally OFF), LED will flash when an ON command is transmitted. LED may be lighted continuously when an EMS state is in effect indicating an incoming data error has occurred. DS 31 (Red) - Monitors OFF or EMS condition (normally OFF), LED will flash when an OFF command is transmitted and will remain illuminated when an EMS state is in effect. When LED is illuminated a contact monitoring error is indicated. DS 32 (Bed) - Monitors EMS condition (normally OFF) LED will flash when an EMS command is transmitted and illuminated continuously when the 21 EMS condition is in effect. An EMS condition may be created when an EMS command is transmitted or when a failure mode is detected by the slave micro computer. If both DS 32 and DS 31 are illuminated a contact monitoring error has been detected If both DS 32 and DS 30 are illuminated the incoming data on the I2C bus has been corrupted. DS 34 (Green) - Monitors +5 vdc regulated power (ON whenever +5 volts is present). If LED is not illuminated check power connections, power switch, and transformer connection. 0533 (Green) - Monitors unregulated power (ON whenever unregulated DC power is present). If either LED is not illuminated check position of power switch and transformer connections. DS 36 (Green) - Monitors +12 vdc regulated power (ON whenever +12 volts is present). If LED is not illuminated check power connections, position of power switch, and transformer connections, DS 14 ellow - Monitors switched +12 vdc to EMR relay coils. LED should be illuminated when the system has been enabled by an ON command. LED should not be illuminated when an OFF or EMS condition is present or an EMS command has been transmitted. DS 35 (Gregg) - Monitors input power (ON when ac power is present). If LED is not illuminated check power connections. 6-4. Output Module Testing. The output module may be tested with a transmitter without activating crane controls by setting SW 1 to 0. This allows the system to be tested and analyzed without causing movement of the crane by removing power to the master control relay (K14) and master power relay (K15), 6-5. Troubleshooting. The troubleshooting chart is intended to be general in nature It is recommended only qualified technicians attempt to troubleshoot and repair the system. The system rs diagnosed primarily using indicators on the output module and the applicable documentation and drawings. Additional pieces of electronic test equipment may be required to fully diagnose certain malfunctions SECTION 6 PAGE 22 L111” 1311111 WEN ' r~ 1 1 m . 33. 1m 101 3:1: - a» g. 74 u m . 11 A “313131 1 u ,_ «R1 m3 ' 3. ' UR) Ill 1m 1“ D 13 0 an W -11 1-01 w A mic-rum “WW. mm m m 10°“ , 1 1 K12 m 4!— _ ‘ 14 SWlTCHED 1 ~ 1 Muck oumn ‘ 17 , MGR AC BIAS I 7 ' ’ 7 ‘ssc LAV WE 1 2! WD RESET RED ‘ 3° ,¥ m 31 ,,_ , , councvofi ERROR T— 1 a A __ m' 7 "*’ figugjfig |2 ETA 3 use" 3 , Ac m Figure 6—3. Output Module Indicators. 22 THROUGHOUT THE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE, TESTING IS PERFORMED ON THE RECEIVER UNIT WITH POWER APPLIED. USE CAUTION WHEN PERFORMING SECTION 6 PAGE 23 WARNING TROUBLESHOOTING WITHIN THE RECEIVER UNIT. FCC 1D: GXZE13653-M-T Troubleshooting Table (Sheet 1 or 7) Malfunction All indicators in receiver not illuminated, except for 0838, indicating that AC power is present, Power indicators are illuminated, but relays K13 and K14 or K15 are not energizing Indicator DS4 on receive control module is flashing (receiving data) when ON command is transmitted and indicator D35 is flashing continuously, Probable Cause Power switch SW5. Line fuse. Incorrect line voltage Master control relay switch SW1 . Relay circuit (K13, K14 on, K15 off). Indicators 0313 and DS14 are illuminated. Corrective Action Ensure power switch is placed to ON. Check line fuse. Replace open fuse with fuse of same rating (0.5 amp, slow blow) Check line voltage. Voltage must be between 95 — 130 vac for 115 volt operation or 190 -260 vac for 230 volt operation. If line voltage is correct, but receiver unit still does not operate, contact Telemctive. Ensure master control relay switch SW1 is set to 1 and indicator D332 is not illuminated If relay K15 is powered from the receiver unit, ensure the return line is connected to neutral side of the receiver power supply at J1. If relay K15 is powered from the user equipment ensure the respective ground is connected to the user AC power neutral Also, check that line voltage to relay K15 is sufficient, 23 SECTION 6 PAGE 24 Troubleshooting Table SSheet 2 of 7 r_ Malfunction Power indicators are illuminated, but relays ll K13 and K14 or K15 are not energizing. indicator 084 on receive control module IS flashing (receiving data) when ON command is transmitted and indicator D35 is flashing continuously. Probable Cause System Latched in EMS Mode (indicator 0832 is illuminated, indicators D313 and 0814 are extingutshed) Incorrect access code (indicator 033 on receive Corrective Action Ensure system is not 1 latched in EMS mode by checking indicator 0832 . on output module. if the EMS key was pressed, the system must be cleared before any outputs can be activated. An EMS mode may also be activated by an output function being activated at the same time an ON command is transmitted. To clear EMS, turn transmitter OFF then ON. lf system still does not start and the transmitter indicator continues flashing rapidly after 3 | seconds a transmitter key is stuck in the ON position causing an EMS condition. Ensure access code of receiver matches control module illuminated transmitter. | orflashing). I | I H h. _ _ _ _ .- .. __ d SECTION 6 PAGE 25 Malfunction Power indicators illuminated but relays K13 and K14 or K15 are not energizing. indicator D84 on receive control module not flashing or flashing intermittently when ON command is transmitted. Indicator D55 is flashing continuously. FCC ID: GXZE13653—M—T Troubleshoofln=g Table (Sheet 3 of 7 Probable Cause Corrective Action Defective relay K13 or K14 Transmitter batteries Incorrect transmitter is being used. Transmitter and receiver units using different frequencies. Radio frequency jamming or multipath interference. Antenna cabling and connectors 25 Remove relay K14 and place in socket of relay K13. Place relay K13 in socket of relay K14. If the relay which was originally K13 does not energize, replace the relay. Ensure transmitter battery condition is good. Ensure correct transmitter is in use. Ensure transmitter and receiver units are using the same frequency. Move transmitter unit close to receiver unit. it transmission is possible one of the following conditions may exist: Jamming from a source at the same frequency as the transmitter. The transmission path is not compatible with the environment. A line of sight transmission path offers best system performance. Check antenna, coaxial cable and connectors for damage such as pinching, SECTION 6 PAGE 26 Troubleshootin Table Sheet 4 of 7 E Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective Action Power indicators illuminated but relays K‘l3 and K14 or K15 are not energizing. indicator DS4 on receive control module not flashing or flashing intermittently when ON command is transmitted. indicator D85 is flashing continuously. Output module indicators illuminate when the appropriate transmitter unit key is pressed, but material handling equipment does not respond with any motion. Indicator 085 on receive control module not flashing continuously. Defective transmitter unit. Control panel relay circuit. Output fuses. 26 Communications between receive control module (J3) and output module (J? or Js) on IZC bus interrupted. Check integrity of connectors and wiring. To determine whether the transmitter unit or receiver unit is defective, use a spare transmitter unit. Ensure access code of the receiver unit matches the access code of the spare transmitter. Refer to setting access code paragraph in Section 5. If a spare transmitter unit is not available or problem is not corrected, contact Telemotive. Check for main control voltage at the material handling equipment master relay. Ensure the relay is closing when voltage is applied. Check output fuses (F 1 through F12). Replace any open fuse with fuse of same rating (10 amp slow blow). If fuse should blow again, “as“; SECTION 6 PAGE 27 Trgtgesmoting Table (Sheet 5 of 72 FCC lD: GXZE13653-M-T Malfunction I Output module indicators illuminate when the appropriate transmitter unit key is pressed, but material handling equipment does not respond with . any motion. 1_ Probable Cause Shorted or open output control line. Corrective Action Activate each of the motion commands on the transmitter unit one at a time while verifying the associated output indicator is illuminated. If each output indicator turns ON and OFF with the corresponding output command, connect one lead of a voltmeter to the ground or neutral line of the user equipment , Set voltmeter to read 120/240 vac. Connect other lead to the output on the terminal block A side that corresponds to the malfunctioning control line and press the corresponding key on the transmitter unit If full voltage is present the fault is in the material handling equipment or the wiring leading to the equipment. ln addition. check for an open circuit I SECTION 6 PAGE 28 Troubleshootin Table Sheet60f7 Malfunction Probable Cause Corrective Action Output module indicators illuminate when the appropriate transmitter unit key is pressed, but material handling equipment does not respond with any motion. Dropouts (Random loss of radio control). Radio frequency jamming or multipath interference. Check output lines from the receiver unit to the user control panel for damage such as pinching, corrosion, stretching, loose connections or broken wires. I if intermittent operation occurs and indicator D33 on the Receive Control Module starts flashing I irregularly, use a spare transmitter with matching I frequency and access code to ensure the transmitter unit is not defective. if a spare transmitter unit is not available or the problem still exists, one of the following conditions may exist: Defective transmitter. Jamming from a source at the same frequency as the transmitter. I The transmission path is not compatible with the environment. A line of sight transmission path l offers best system performance 28 SECTION 6 PAGE 29 Troubleshootin Table Sheet7ol7 FCC |D: GXZE13653-M-T automatically Malfunction Probable Cause Correcive Action System latches into Line Noise Using an oscilloscope, EMS mode check the power input line 29 for excessive noise Excessive switching transients as well as continuous "hash" (such as commutator noise) on the power input or control line output wrll cause system to enter EMS mode and shut down. The line should be screened for transients by manually activating loads which could cause such conditions, particularly inductive loads. The receiver should be powered from direct lines and not routed via reactive or noisy loads. l'\ SECTION 7 PAGE 30 Section 7 - Maintenance 7-1. Output Control Module Switches. There are several control and DIP switches located on the output control module. Figure 7-1 shows the location of all switches. Configuration options for these switches is provided below. 7-2. Control Switches Configurations. SW 5 POWER. Controls AC power to the receiver unit. Set to 1 (ON) to apply power to the receiver unit Set to 0 (OFF) to remove power from the receiver unit. SW 4 120/240. Switches input transformer primary winding to match input voltage. WARNING Switch must be set to the correct voltage. FAlLURE TO DO 50 MAY DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. Set to 115 for input voltage of 120 vac. Set to 230 for input voltage 01240 vac. SW 1 MR Enable, Removes power to the master control relay. Setting the switch to 0 allows the digital control section of the system to be tested without activating any extemal controls. 7-3. DIP Switch Configurations. Configuring switches SW 2 and SW 3. Switches SW 2 and SW 3 on the output module can be configured to disable contact monitoring, to provide an auto alarm (function 1) men the ON key is pressed, or to configure two additional functions (functions 2 or 3) as latched outputs. These outputs may be toggled ON and OFF by pressing the appropriate transmitter unit keys. DIP Switch SW 2. SW 2-1 Not Used. SW 22 Not Used 30 SW 2-3 Auto Alarm Select. Allows function 1 to generate a 5 second (approximate) ALARM command when power is applied to the system. Set to 1 to enable auto ALARM. Set to 0 to disable auto ALARM. SW 3-1 Function 2 Latch Select. Allows function 2 to be toggled and latched ON and OFF or allows function 2 to operate as a momentary ON and OFF command. Set to 1 for latched operation, Set to 0 for momentary ON and OFF operation. SW 3-2 Function 3 Latch Select. Allows function 3 to be toggled and latched ON and OFF or allows function 3 to operate as a momentary ON and OFF command. Set to 1 for latched operation. Set to 0 for momentary 0N and OFF operation. 7-4. Configuring Jumpers on Output Module. There are several jumpers located on the output module. Figure 7»1 shows the location of all jumpers. Configuration options for these jumpers is provided below. JU 15 - Alarm Function Select. Controls whether the alarm (function 1) command will be disabled by EMS or allows the alarm to operate when an EMS condition is in effect. If function 1 is used as an alarm it is preferable to allow this function to operate during EMS shutdown. If function 1 is used as a control function then it should be disabled during EMS shutdown, For function 1 to be disabled by an EMS shutdown. set JU-15 shunt to position 1-2. For function 1 to remain enabled during EMS shutdown, set JU-15 shunt to position 2-3. FCC ID: GX2E13653—M—T SECTION 7 PAGE 31 Note Power to function 1 normally is wired directly to ac power. if function 1 is used as a control function it should be wired to switched ac power. WARNING REMOVE POWER FROM SYSTEM BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REWIRE TERMINAL BLOCK 7-5. Maintenance. NOTE Do not attempt to desolder or solder any piece parts mounted on any module within the system, Defective assemblies or parts which are removable without soldering should be returned to Telemotive for replacement or repair. 7-6. Receiver Fuses Replacement. Fuses F1 - F12 are located next to their corresponding output relays. Replace these fuses only with 10A. 250 volt slow olow type. The receiver unit is protected by fuses F13 and FM. lf either fuse rs open, it is possible a malfunction exists either in the receiver unit or the material handling equipment if either fuse opens it is recommended troubleshooting procedures be performed to determine the cause of the open fuse. Replace fuses F13 and F14 with .5A. 250 volt slow blowtype. 7-7. Output Relay Replacement. Relays K1 through KM may be removed from the output module as required. Relays should be replaced with normally open SPST 10 amp. 250 vac with a coil rating of 12 vdc (Telemotive pan number K2110-0). 7-8. Master Relay Replacement. Relay K15 may be removed from the receiver unit as required. Replace relay with a normally open SPST. 110 vac, 30 amp (Telemotive part number K2111-0). 31 7-9. Transmitter Battery Replacement. Transmitters are powered by five 1.5 volt AA size dry cell batteries, Alkaline type batteries are recommended, Replace discharged batteries as follows: Open battery compartment door by rotating door latch clockwise or counter clockwrse to "open" positron. Remove door. Install five new batteries noting correct polarity. Ensure all batteries are completely positioned in their holders. Replace door. While firmly holding door closed. rotate the door latch clockwise or counterclockwise to the "lock" position. 7-10. Transmitter Unit Disassembly and Reassembly. There are no serviceable parts in the transmitter. Disassembly instructions are provided for replacement of the keyboard inserts. Remove six phillips screws. Carefully remove bezel. Place ON and OFF plugs an bezel facing down. To reassemble, place ON and OFF plugs in their holes on the bezel. While holding the bezel and bohom portion of the case together tightly. replace slx phillips head screws. 7-11. Receiver Unit Disassembly and Reassembly. Remove all connectors. If the receiver module is being removed, remove BNC connector from antenna bottom. it removing the output module. tag or otherwise identify leads to facilitate reassembly. If removing receiver or master micro computer module, remove 4 nuts securing module. If removing output module, remove 6 nuts securing module. Assemble in reverse order of removal. SECTION 7 PAGE 32 7-12. Receiver Unit Spare Parts. Part Number Description 10K12RSPK Consnsting of Receiver Module, Micro Computer Module, and Output Module E10151-X UHF Convener/receiver Module E10153-12 Receiver CPU Module E1016240 Receiver Output Module K2111‘0 Master Relay‘ K15 - Normally open SF'ST‘ 110 vac, 30 amp. K211040 Output Relays K1 through Kt4 - Normally open SPST 10 amp, 250 vac. Coil rating 0112VDC, Remote Antenna Kit - Contact Telemotive for inlormatlon. 7-13. Membrane Transmitter Unit Spare Parts. Part Number Description A9654-0 Strap Assembly E9654-u Battery Holder Assembly A10662-1 Transmitter Case Assembly A10663-1 Bezel Assembly (Single Speed Transmitter) A10663-2 Bezel Assembly (T we Speed Transmitter) A10664-1 Battery Door Assembly 5313-1 Membrane Switch (Single Speed Transmitter) 5314-1 Membrane Switch (Two Speed Transmitter) MP9653-t Grey Plastic Key A9657-1 Insert Package (Single Speed Transmitter) A9659—1 Insert Package (Two Speed Transmitter) MP9656»0 Vinyl Pouch A9665-O Rubber Boot Assembly l JUMPERS osmL y—k uu OPERATING Mom 7 writ)! MODE 5mm W . O a A 7 , ‘ 3:12 B ”H 3:5”; "r 2 . . r a 1 5° fit .1=£ - J "“ u- 1; Dr, E33 hp ‘_. t; J H AC “ : "I 7, 30 “ ‘JZEV, J H 7, I 1» [jun 30 (u jg. E 2: SO 47 y , 2 ,.’ , —M Wt Bat :‘ a; WWW—mo"; nn‘ 5 M J? 3 7 OUTPUT Swt JMRE 1 7 l —_ ' ' MODULE awe-1 mm x in -3:(r - m m WWTAX— ‘ r: it 1 l me Ammia‘m) n T u 13?! L“ 11 ‘ fl , v. v. ; ‘JFC’ 21 C JFD 1 mz/wrms ‘ r E10162-0 ‘lSTDFUNCTIO ion t L FIGURE 7-1. LOCATION OF SWITCHES AND JUMPERS 32 FCC lD: GXZE13653—M-T APPENDIX A PAGE 33 A endix A - SERIES 10K12R Dia rams. DETAILS OF MODE 0 115 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC 7 , , , , , , i" " 7 7 SEENOTEI , “1 sw4 . .-. C—. ,, ‘ DH" zsovl 115V FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMUTIVE RECEIVER PANEL 1A MAIN LINE INDICATES TERMINAL BLOCK JlA " Aux. 2 IN RADIO + HST Up RECEIVER INDICATES TERMINAL —@-0— BLOCK JIB HST 25? IN RADIO INDICATES RECEWER HST DN CUSTOMER CONTACTOR KII BRIDGE FWD magma _"_ SUPPRESSOR INDICATES BRIDGE 231’ IN PARALLEL Cgfifl-{r m RADlO RECEIVER PA NIL BRIDGE REV TROLL FWD TROLL ZSP TROLL REV QQQGQQQQQQQGQ AUX» 1 NOTE 1: SW4 MUST BE SETTO US FOR “5 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE 33 APPENDIX A PAGE 34 DETAILS OF MODE 0 MM 230 VAC r—'—| w; SWS POW ER ‘H’ SEE NOTE I SW4 -- .——> 71501 F“ m v 115 v FOIL JUNIPER HOT FOIL JUNIPER TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANE L In KI IA an v- K3 3A K2 2A {MACNF PR HST UP K7 7A O! INDICATES TERMINAL BLOCK J] A IN RADIO RECE IVER BRIDGE FWD @+ BRIDGE ZSP INDICATES CUSTOMER K8 HA HST 25? K9 9A HST DN COIL WllH TROLL FWD ARC 6(MR TROLL REV MAIN LINE GQQOQOQQQGQQQ' 7L NOTE I: SW4 MUST BE SETTO I15 FOR 115 VAC INPUT ‘i OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT \ ¢fiw‘» PANEL INSERT INDICATES TERMINAL BI/OCK J 1 B [N RADIO RECEIVER K4! _"_ INDICATES RELAY CONTACT IN RADIO BRmGEREV CONTACTOR ucnwm PANEL SUPPRESSOR TROLL ZSP IN PARALLEL I'T‘MMWI IL? MAW? UF! OFF “ STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE W|TH MAGNET LIFT/DROP 34 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX A PAGE 35 DETAILS OF MODE 0 115 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC |—'—1 it}, . .-. £01 ‘, M 115 v FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT SEE NOTE I SW4 TELEMOTIV E RECEIVER PANEL 15 K1 LA INDICATES TERMINAL Aux. 2 BLOCK JIA I; IN RADIO + (LATCH) RECEIVER HST UP INDICATES TERMINAL HST 25? ® 0 IILocx JIB INDICATES gawk CUSTOMER “ST ”N coNTACTOR K, BRIDGE mnmfl‘gm“ —u— SUPPRESSOR INDICATES BRIDGE 25? IN PARALLEL RELAY CONTACT [N BRIDGE REV RADIO RECEIVER TROLL REV PANEL TROLL ZSP TROLL FWD AUX. l WWW T, LAM 1 MM LC NOTE I: SW-i MUST BE SET T0115 FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. 35 APPENDIX A PAGE 36 DETAILS OF MODE 0 115 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC SWS POWER SEE NOTE 1 ' ' RET. SW" WW 4 .-. .._.. HOT ‘_ “4 mv usv FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT ‘m: , 4h 4; TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANEL mm 7 "in m In K] ' ALARM (CRANE SEL. 0m CRANE SEL ”I INDICATOR AUX. “CRANE SEL fll ON) ” CRANE SEL 442 INDICATOR + AUX. 2(CRANE SEL ”2 ON) INDICATES HST Up ~ TERMINAL ' BLOCK m; [N RADIO INDICATES RECEIVER TERMINAL “ST ”N BLOCK JIA q'fi IN RADIO BRIDGE FWD RECEIVER INDICATES RELAY smug 251) _@+ CONTACT IN RADIO INDICATES RECEIVER BRIDGE REV CUSTOMER CONTACI'OR PANEL TROLL FWD COIL wrm ARC TROLL zsP SUPPRESSOR IN PARALLEL HST ZSP TROLL REV MANLNU :\ Ye (M 1" NOTE 1:5W4 MUST BE SET TO IIS FOR 115 VAC [N'Plfl' OR TO 230 FOR 21") VAC INPUT. STANDARD TWO SPEED INTERFACE WITH CRANE SELECT 36 FCC ID: cxzmsesa-MT APPENDIX A PAGE 37 DETAILS OF MODE l 115 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC 1—4-7 SWS SEE NOTE 1 POWER SW4 pm, A C—’ "91 ‘, 0 DP“ 230V I usv FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMO’I'IVE RECEIVER PANEL 113 K] IA ‘. ALARM ” INDICATES INDICATES MAIN LINE TERMINAL TERMINAL BLOCKJIA BIJOCKJIB m RADIO IN RADIO EAST (E) RECEIVER RECEIVER . . 104 WEST (W) ® —4!— INDICATES MEN-E5 scum (S) CUSTOMER RELAY CDNTACTOR con. WITH Cm’}? IN NORTH (N) ARC SUPPRESSOR “$52?“ UP (UP) IN PARALLEL DOWN mm LIGHT P1 P2 099999®®®®®®© NOTE I: SW4 MUST BE SET T0115 FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE 37 \A, /)( Z, APPENDIX A PAGE 38 DETAILS OF MODE 1 I I5 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC I'_'fi SWS SEE NOTE 1 POWER SW“: HOT ‘_ ”4 230V 115V FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANEL [B K1 [A if ~ IN INDICATE S INDICATES MA LINE TERMINAL TERMINAL LIGHT BLOCKJIA BLOCK JIB IN RADIO IN RADIO EAST (E) RECEIVER RECEIVER -@+ "“ WEST (W) —II— INDICATES INDICATES um custom-m 5° (5) com-ACTOR cgfifigfim com wrm mo NORTH (N) ARC RESEIVER SUPPRESSOR P m1, UP (U?) [N PARALLEL 12A 7A 3A DOWN (DN) 4A Pl (Miguel Li") 10,2 P2 (Mlgllel Dmp) AUX. UP (AUX. UP) AUX. DOWN (Aux DN) 3A 6A 5A 96999©®e®®@®@} NOTE I: SW4 MUST BE SET T0115 FOR [15 VAC INPUT F i. LQMMON OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT, (1 I If Q— »—«~ F'l 7‘ ‘_JA__._> STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH MAGNET LIFT/DROP 38 FCC ID: GXZE13653'M»T APPENDIX A PAGE 39 DETAILS OF MODE 1 I15 VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC 1—H , A POWER SEE NOTE 1 RE?” SW4 ' ’ " ' mum , Fl-t ’—-‘ W flol . 230 v 115 v FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER AW HOT TELEMOTIVE 8 RECEIVER PANEL mg, m Kl [A 6m -, MAW um; INDICATES INDICATES TERMINAL TERMINAL “Gm nwcx JlA nuocxmz lN RADIO [N RADIO EAST (E) RECEIVER RECEIVER @ I KN WESTON) —|I— INDICATES INDICATES CUSTOMER SOUTH (S) CONTACTOR CgIET‘tgfl‘IN COIL wrrII mm NORTH (N) ARC SUPPRESSOR UP (UP) IN PARALLEL RECEIVER PANEL DOWN (DN) 121 {mm CE‘ P2 (IND sum AUX. UP (AUX, u?) AUX. DOWN (AUX. DN) NOTE 1: SW4 MUST BE SET TO 115 FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH TANDEM 39 mm} APPENDIX A PAGE 40 DETAILS OF monm M PANEL INSERT 230 VAC , , , , , , , , , ‘ r+1 ‘ EH SW5 SEE NOTEI m m , . her. own sw‘ W W , . ... h , , £01 ‘ F“ zsov 115V ., WE mu. JUNIPER FOIL JUMPER HUI TELEMO’I'IVE RECEIVER PANEL [8 KI 1A : ALARM fl ; L INDICATES INDICATES MAIN [NE TERMINAL TERMINAL | LIGHT BLOCK JIA BLOCK JIB ' IN RADIO IN RADIO : EAST (E) RECEIVER RECEIVER @ 0 lat WEST (W) —H— INDICATES “DICATES 98996989‘ . CUSTOMER - ”W” common cam-m , com wrm mm ' NORTH (N) ARC RECEIVER supmsson PANEL : UP (UP) IN PARALLEL @’ : DOWN (DN) 9 = n Q 5 P2 (LATCH) g . AUX UP ' (AUX. UP) a . AUX DOWN ' (AUX. DN) ,i,,¥.* [WM NOTE I: SW-l MUST BE SET TOIIS FOR II5 VAC INPUT OR TO 130 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. 40 FCC 1D: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX A PAGE 41 DETAILS OF MODE I I IS VAC PANEL INSERT 230 VAC SEE NOTE 1 SW4 .-. O—h 230 V “5 V FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANEL 13 K1 IA ALARM ~ INDICATES INDICATES MAIN LINE TERMINAL TERMINAL LIGHT BLOCK JIA BLOCK 111! IN RADIO IN RADIO EAST (E) RECEIVER RECEIVER 1“ WEST (W) @ ! —"— leans INDICATES U-m CUSTOMER 5° (5) CONTACI'OR $3;ng N0RTH(N) COAHi‘CwnH RECEIIgER SUPPRESSOR PANEL mam?) [NPARALLEL : v.- D0WN(DN) 3 mm EL 41 M w ‘ vat-fl... m, fit“? ‘ Ana-6- w mains...- ' 9 In- W" a - AUX DOWN ' (AUX. DN) QOGQQQQGQ ‘0 mm M um mp wmfloi w i' NOTE I: SW4 MUST BE SET TO US FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC INPUT. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH CRANE SELECT 41 Mai) APPENDIX A PAGE 42 DETAILS OF MODE 2 115 VAC 230 VAC SWS SEE NOTE I , A kit POWER SW~I . .. —. A ”“91 ‘. F“ zsav usv FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANEL In K] 1A INDICATES + MAW LINE TERMINAL INDICATES AUX 4 BLOCK JlA TERMINAL IN RADIO BLOCK JIB RECEIVER IN RADIO AUX HOIST UP RECEIVER AUX HOIST "@+ Kg DOWN INDICATES “I |— CUSTOMER “5x 2 CONTACTOR “3:33an Aux l COIL WITH com-ACT IN ARC R u“ SUPPRESSOR “cue“ UP (UP) IN PARALLEL “Nu DOWN (DN) 6999993966889: NOTE 1:5W4 MUST BE SET T0115 FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 230 VAC lNPlTl'. STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE WITH FOUR AUX. 42 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M»T APPENDIX A PAGE 43 DETAILS OF MODE 3 115 VAC PANEL INSERT 234! VAC 7 , 7 , , , , , , , sws POWER sm: NOTE 1 RET. SW4 77, I ‘- 0—- Hml -. F“ 230V nsv FOIL JUMPER FOIL JUMPER HOT TELEMOTIVE RECEIVER PANEL 1]! K1 [A INDICATES TERMINAL INDICATES BLOCK J] A TERMINAL IN RADIO BLOCK J 15 RECEIVER IN RADIO RECEIVER —@+ xx INDICATE?! —Il— CUSTOM]! comma-reg “355555 C0“ WW" CONTACT m ARC RADIO SUPPRESSOR RECEIVER [N PARALLEL PANEL 69998®®®®®®®© NOTE I: SW4 MUST BE SET T0 115 FOR 115 VAC INPUT OR TO 230 FOR 23!) VAC INPUT STANDARD SINGLE SPEED INTERFACE NUMERIC PANEL 43 m A J mm mm 1 l iAPENDIX A PAGE 44 AflfiAAAAAA¢AA \ 3 “H W ” 1 7 AI w’w ‘ 7 A“: 1-1 In T" m Hr; E.“ r a; 7 U ‘J 7 , yr| A 1 1 1; K5 «1 1: K; w m? 19 KS k“ (i ' w {M o 0000 ooooooow J‘O ”w ‘ (Di ‘ a'firf zwa ‘. vs ooooo “gulfifi at OS M." 93er [aim 11m m a ' \E10153-1Z m w n w rims:- ‘V PE" 15 WE‘M' E10151-X 1 1“, INTERCONNECT DRAWING 44 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APENDIX B PAGE 45 Aggendix B 10K12 PENDENT TRANSMITTERS (10K120M01P3) SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The 10K12 PENDENT TRANSMITTER is a new enhancement to the Telemotive 10K12 line 0! products. it adds to the lineup an industrial pendent style transmitter for increased durability in the Industrial Envrronmenl. A major improvement in control capabilities has been achieved with the addition of two-speed switches for motion control. These switches provide a tactile de-tent not available with a membrane keyboard. Two versions of the 1DK12 PENDENT TRANSMITTER are available. A SINGLE-SPEED TRANSMITTER (10K120M01P3) A TWO-SPEED TRANSMITTER (IOKI 20M02P3) taxi: pewnrm TRANSMHTERS tDK I 1 two svzso mnwm'riz i inxiionmm iiiim SINGLE SPEED TRANSMITYFR i IDKlZOMfllP3 tNDEPENDENT EIDIRH‘HONAL CONTROLS IZLKJTPLTS si-o ‘7 LSPEED gm “mm, CONTROLS wet-nit Sm cmz comets tiiiuae isprsm MO’l‘lDN comois MAIN noisi- AUX noisi- r-xomw 5mm ikmit Tor TABLE l TROLLEY ENDGE non—r TKULLEV mums N0 aux 3 any Chanl 45 (10K120M02P3) These new transmitters are compatible With the existing lOKlZ Systems An additional feature for two speed gtstems only is the ability to select between several popular crane control con-figuration without the need of addition external hardware. SECTION 1.1 THE SINGLE SPEED TRANSMITTER The 10K12 single speed transmitter comes with the rollowmg suntch hardware 1) Three 2-speed pushhutton switches (software configured to operate as single speed switches) 2) Three momentary. S-position ( center OFF) toggle switches Six independent bi-directional functions are available for a total of 12 output controls. No spemal crane control configurations are available for the single speed pendent transmitter. The transmitter is ready to use. SECTION 1.2 THE TWO-SPEED TRANSMITTER The 10K12 two-speed tiansmitter comes with the following swttch hardware 1) Three Z-speed pushhutton switches. 2) Two momentary, J-position ( center OFF ) toggle switches. 3) One 3-position rotary switch. The lOKtZ two-swat transmitter may be configured to operate in two distinct modes. selectable by an internal dip switch. {)( $1? ) APPENDIX B PAGE 46 SECTION 1.2.1 TRANSMITTER MODE ONE DESCRIPTION Configured in this mode the transmitter is able to conlrol THREE ZSPEED MOTION CONTROLS and 0-3 AUXILIARIES Available motion functions are Hoist Trolley Bridge AUX 1‘ AUX 2' AUX 3“ 'The number of auxiliaries available thI depend on the crane control configuration selected. TABLE 1 give all of the available special configurations. In the future more may be added. SECTION 1.2.2 TRANSMITTER MODE TWO DESCRIPTION Configured in this mode the transmitter is able to control FOUR Z-SPEED MOTION CONTROLS and NO AUXILIARIES Available motion functions are Main Hoist Aux Hoist Trolley Bridge The hoist pushburlon pub may be selected to operate the Main Hoist and/or the Aux Hoist by the use of the rotary selector switch The three possible Horst selections are I) H] (Hoist) 2) H2 (Aux Hoist) 3) B (Tandem Hoist & Aux Hoist) For applications that do not want Tandem Hoists, Tandem may be de-selected by a dip switch in the transmitter. The transmitter comes from thefactory configured as a MODE I system with std outputs configuration: THREE MOTION CONTROLS and 3 AUXILIARIES If this configuration supports you crane controls no further configuration steps are necessary If this configuration does not support you crane controls go to TABLE I to determine which of the available con-figurations best supports your crane controls. Then proceed to SECTION 1 to configure the transmitter, If none of the available configurations appear suitable. Contact the factory for further support. SECTION 2 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER To configure the transmitter the following steps shouldbefollowed DETERMINE THE DESIRED CONFIGURATION BEFORE BEGINNING TT'IE TRANSMITTER SETUP. l) Detemime whether Mode l or Mode 2 is to be implemented. 2) If a cmne crane control configuration other then the standard version is needed, then chose Mode l and determine which of the available crane control configurations is desired from TABLE 1. 3) Ifan aux hoist is needed then chose Mode 2 and determine if tandem is desired. THEN 4) Remove the 8 screws holding the two halves of the transmitter case together. 5) Remove the bottom halfof the case 6) The main digiuil board is now accessible. Three dip switches should be visible. (SWI,SW2,SW4) NOTE DO NOT CHANGE SW! OR SW2. THEY CONTROL THE TRANSMITTER ACCESS CODE AND ARE SET TO MATCH THE RECEIVER AT THE FACTORY AND SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED. FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX B PAGE 47 7) Locate SW-t. It is closest to the top leh edge of the main digital board. 8 7 6 5 I» 3 1 1 a £31“ 1 HHMIWI if OFF HEB H H H This is all that 15 required to setup MODE 2 ON 3) Replace bottom cover and screws CRANE I MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NUI‘ DEFINED CRANE CONTROL SECTION 2.1 CONFIGURING THE conncmu’noN TRANSMITTER FOR MODE 1 1) In Mode 1 leave mode select switches SECTION 3.0 OPERATING THE TRANSMI'ITER This follom'ng section describe the operation of the pushbutton and toggle controls on the transmitters and explains the diagnostic display SW4-l m SW4-4 OFF 2) Go to TABLE 1 3) Set crane control select switches SW4-5 lo SW4-8 according to the Configuration Type Switch Select section of TABLE 1 With reference to fig 1 (Single Swd Transmitter) or fig 2 (The Two Smd Transmitter ), determine which transnutter is used in your system 4) Replace cover and screws SECTION 11 ON/OFF CONTROL BUITON SECI'ION 2.2 CONFIGURING TI’IE The ON/OFF push-button is in the upper lefl hand TRANSMmER FOR MODE 2 corner of the transmitter, 1) ln MODE 1 onty sw4.2 and 5w4_3 are active The ON/OFF button toggles the transmitter ON or leave OFF. crane control select 5mm}. SWA-S to sw4.g OFF if the transmitter is initially OFF, then pressing the ON/OFF button will turn the transmitter ON l.t' the transmitter is ON then pressing the ON/OFF To set MODE 2: button will turn the transmitter OFF SET SW4'2 t” ON When the transmitter is turned ON or OFF the B 7 6 5 I. 3 2 1 tmnsmitter will transmit an ON or OFF command fmme 55 H H H U OFF to the receiver for approximately 5 see i ON SECTION 3.2 EMS CONTROL tins enables MODE 2 With Tandem Select enabled BUTTON An EMS push-button is at the top right hand comer 2)lt’ Tandem Select is to be disable then of the transmitter. The EMS (EMERGENCY STOP) used to shutdown the system quickly. When the EMS button is SET SW4-3 to ON pressed it will transmit an EMS command to the receiver The receiver will shutdown and an EMS diagnostic LED on the RECEIVER OUTPUT MODULE will turn ON indicating receiver is in 3 EMS SHUTDOWN MODE When the transmitter EMS button has been pressed all function keys on the transmitter are disabled except the m 25) 47 APPENDIX B PAGE 48 ALARM The receiver may be configured to output an ALARM command or to disable the ALARM command output during an EMS SHUTDOWN IN CONFIGURATIONS WHERE OUTPUT l (ALARM) IS BEING USED AS A CONTROL FUNCTION OTHER THEN ALARM, THE RECEIVER SHOULD BE CONFIGURED T0 DISABLE OUTPUT I DURING AN EMS SHUTDOWN CONDITION. To reset the transmitter and re-enable all the function svntches the transmitter must be turn 05 and then on again If a control switch is detected to be stuck ON when the transmitter is turned ON the transmitter will transmit an EMS command and enter the EMS mode PENDENT MEMBRANE (D GD 69 —- N |t.u k u1|0~ xrma: one 3";,‘ OU'PUT TERMINALS figl SECTION 3.3.1 SINGLE SPEED Tx PUSHBU’I'I‘ON SWITCHES With reference to Fig 1, each pushbutlon is correlated to an output in the receiver, Each pushbutton pair ts internally locked-out so that two incompatible commands can not be called simultaneously, Commands that can not be called simultaneously are Hoist (directional) 7-8 Trolley(directional) 940 Bridge (directional) 11-12 When pressmg a pushbutton switch two de-tents will be felt because two speed switches are used in both the single speed and two speed transmttters. In the smgle spwd trans-miner the software treats both positions as the same speed. SECTION 3.3.2 SINGLE SPEED TX TOGGLE SWITCHES With reference to Fig 1 each toggle switch is correlated to a pair of outputs These are AUX l/AUXZ 6/5 AUX3/AUX4 4/3 AUXS/AUXG 1/2 NOTE: AUX!) IS ALSO DESIGNATED AS THE ALARM FUNCTION PENDENT MEMBRANE Nmrmoxlcno _. OUTPUT TERMINALS fig 2 SECTION 3.4.1 TWO SPEEDTX PUSHBIJ'I'TON SWITCHES With reference to Fig 2. for the standard configuration each pushbutton pair is correlated to three output in the receiver. For special configurations this is not necessaril) the case. Consult Table 1 for the correct outputs Only second speed and auxiliaries are affected by this In all cases the directionals remain the same. Each pushbulton FCC ID: GXZEl 3653-M-T APPENDIX B PAGE 49 pair is internally locked~out so that two incompatible commands can not be called simultaneously. Commands that can not be called simultaneously arc Hoist(directiona|s) 7—9 Trolley(directionals) 4—6 Bridge(directionals) 10-12 Each switch has a de-terit for first and second speed SECTION 3.4.2 TWO SPEED TX TOGGLE SWITCHES NOTE: In MODE 1 the toggle switches are functional and the rotary switch is not functional With reference to Fig 2 (For 0 MODE 1 rrammrrlcr) each toggle switch is correlated to a pair of outputs. These BIC AUX 1 /AUX2 AUX3/AU'X4 3/2 ”not functional AUXl.AUX2 and AUX3 are available in the standard configuration For special configurations this is not necessarily the case. Consult Table 1 for the available outputs. NOTE: AUX3 IS ALSO DESIGNATED AS THE ALARM FUNCTION BUT IS ONLY AVAILABLE m THE STANDARD CONFIGURATION. SECTION 3.4.3 TWO SPEED TX ROTARY SELECTOR SWITCH NOTE: In MODE 2 the Rotary Selector Switch is functional and the aux switches are M functional In Mode 2 the 3 auxiliary outputs have been redefined as the AUX HOIST The HOIST pushbutton pair can control each hoist separater or simultaneously by the use of the selector switch. if the rotary selector switch is in the H1 position then the hoist pushbutton pair controls the MAIN HOIST. If the rotary selector switch is in the HI position then the hoist pushbutton pair controls the AUX HOIST. if the rotary selector switch is in the B position then the hoist pushbntton pair controls both the MAIN HOIST 49 and the AUX HOIST simultaneously, This is referred to as Tandem Operation. 1) HI (Main Hoist) 2) H2 (Aux Hoist) 3) B (Tandem Main Hoist & Aux Hoist) In MODE 2 no auxiliary functions are available. SECTION 3.5 THE DIAGNOSTIC DISPLAY A diagnostic led at the top center of the transmitter dis-plays the state of the transmitter. When transmitter is OFF the LED will be OFF. If the battery is near the end of its useful life the LED will not turn ON.When the transmitter in ambled. The transmitter will continue to operate in this condition for a while . possibly with reduced range. but the battery should be replaced as soon as possible. When the transmitter is ON the LED will flash ON/OFF at a steady rate. When the transmitter is transmitting a ONIOFF/EMS command or a CONTROL FUNCTION to the receiver the flash rate will increase, If the LED will not turn ON when the battery is known to be good or the LED will not switch to the fast rate when a key is pressed the transmitter is defective and should be replaced SECTION 4.0 MAINTENANCE The transmitter is very mgged and should not require any Significant maintenance other than an occasional iii- spection for case integrity and periodic replacement of the battery SECTION 4.1 TX UNIT BATTERY REPLACEMENT. The transmitter units are powered by a 7.5 VDC battery pack. Telemotive part number BTIOKP-O Alkaline type batteries are recommended. but recharge-able NiCad batteries are available. Replace discharged batteries as follows: 1) Open the battery compartment door b} rotating the door latch clockwise or counter clockwise to the "open" position Remove the door. 2) Remove the old battery pack. Note orientation pt 2 w”) APPENDIX B PAGE 50 3)Place new battery in the same orientation, Ensure battery pack is completely posruoned in its holder. and that the battery latch is locked forward over the battery pack 4)Replace battery door, and rotate the door latch to the closed position. SECTION 4.2 PUSHBUTTON INSERT REPLACEMENT The pendent transrmtter comes assembled with a com-plcment of standard inserts, In addition a package of insen decals containing additional nomenclature is supplied with the transmitter (telemotive part number N10671-0) If the standard nomenclature IS not suitable for your app-lication the insert nomenclature may changed with one of the supplied labels. To remove an insert 1) Press inwardly around and behind the plasticinsert Lifl back the relaimng rubber bezel around the insert to cause it to pop out 2) Peel all the old decal on the undersrde of the clear plastic insert and replace with the new decal 3) Re—insert the plastic insert into the rubber boot makemg sure the rubber retaining bezel of the boot has relonned around the insert. SECTION 5.1 TRANSMITTER UNIT SPARE PARTS 10K120M01P3, 10K120M02P3 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION A10667-3 REPLACEMENT BOTTOM CASE ASSEMBLY A10669-0 BATTERY DOOR ASSEMBLY BTIOKP-O BATTERY, ALKALINE (STANDARD) BTlDKP-l BATTERY, NiCld (OPTIONAL) [1106684 REPLACEMENT TOP CASE ASSEMBLY E1067l-0 DUAL NiCld BATTERY CHARGER (OPTIONAL) MP10666-0 KNOB, 1/2" DIA, BLK MP10670-0 BATTERY HOLDER ASSEMBLY MP1067I-1 BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "UP" MP10671-2 BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "DOWN" MP1067l-7 BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "NORTH” MP1067l—8 BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "SOUTH" MP10671»9 BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "EAST" MP1067l-IO BOOT, PENDENT SWITCH, "WEST" MP10678-0 SHOULDER STRAP ASSEMBLY N1067l-l] LABELS, SWITCH BOOT PKG, 51026—0 SWITCH, PUSHBUTTON SP, MOM. BLK 51026-2 SWITCH, PUSHBUTTON SP, MOM. RED 51039-2 SWITCH, PUSHBUTTON ZSPD, 5V OPTO-ELEC SING—0 SWITCH, ROTARY SP3T .2A 51041-0 SWITCH, TOGGLE SPDT CENTER OFF 50 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX B PAGE 51 TABLE 1(a) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-25pd TZKE 0 MZMW C’fl/V/Z’fl/H/WMJ AM ”(722045 /5/’/7g/€ M/SZ, [fa/A594 mega S/r/ mm’lgz 5’ azm/Mflés/ OUTPUTS DIRI DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ fiflémfififii HOIST lest ISTZNB TROLLEY zumsr 15mm BRIDGE zumsy 151an OUTPUTS 3 fi—II— AUX 1 2 ~—II—— AUX 2 1 —II—-— AUX 3 (ALARM) foflfigUfa/m/i 6506 5mm 59/85!" Switch settings SWI-S to SKI-8 are defined as follows MM flTTINGS: TYPE SWl—B SWl-7 SWI—G Stu—5 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF 87651-321 IIIIIIII CRANE MODE CONTOLI SELECT SELECT OFF on NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT 51 [m at) APPENDIX B PAGE 52 TABLE Hb) Crane Control Type Selection: 10Kl2-Zspd TYPE I £15725? Wfi/Q/é’éé’f/fl/MM mm; 1444 kflf/fl ’ OUTPUTS mm DIR2 OUTPUTS DIR1 0le OUTPUTS mm an2 9 6 12 e F— 5 11 7 P— A 10 1 2 3 HOIST 2ND1ST |ST2ND TROLLEY INNS? 15T2NIJ amuse zumsr |5T2ND (bfifig’uraI/bli fi/pe SW/Zcfi J's/ed“ Swltch settings Sill-5 to Sill-E are defined as follows SWIM SETTJJFGS: TYPE SUI-8 SHl—7 Sill-G SW1—5 1 OFF OFF OFF ON 8 7 6 5 l» 3 21 HHHHEBHEOH ON CRANE t MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT 52 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M—T APPENDIX B PAGE 53 TABLE 1(c) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-25pd TYPE 2 ZL/ZZ’M ll’M/Vfifi, All {20/7045 OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ 9 f 6 — 12 8 f 5 — 11 7 1. 10 H 1 2 3 l— Cbfl/lngfal/m 717,06 inf/7:75 527/954“ Switch settings SHI-5 to SUM—B are deflned as follows MTG! SETTINGS: TIP! SHl-B Sid-7 S'M-G sm-s 2 OFF OFF ON OFF 87655321 CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NOTDEFINED . mom: SELECT 53 APPENDIX B PAGE 54 TABLE 1(d) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-25pd 1 [PE 3 MJ'QW/Wéfi: M1 ”07/04? OUTPUTS mm DIR2 OUTPUTS D|R1 DIR2 OUTPUTS DIR1 0le 9 f 6 v— 12 a 5 l— 11 7 lo 10 1 | i 2 3 HOIST mum |ST2ND TROLLEY 2ND|ST |5T2ND BRIDGE INEHST 151m faflfigural/m fi/pe SWIM 521/651. watch settings SUN-5 to SIN-8 are defxned as follows mm ETTZNGS: TYPE SWI—G “4-7 sm-G SWI-S 3 OFF OFF ON ON 5 7 6 5 f. 3 2 1 HHWHHH OFF ON CRANE ‘ MODE comm. SELECT SELECT NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT S4 FCC ID: GXZE13653—M-T APPENDIX B PAGE 55 TABLE 1(e) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-2spd TYPE 4 12i77/%24€T‘é’tfl€62274? flZiZZ4Z7 AZZ57 AOM9 72112443? JiflZA%ZZZF OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 0le 1 BR|DEE znmsT |STZNI1 Hols! ZND |5T 151 mu TRDLLEV ZNI] 1$T |ST ZNIJ mnPENDENT OUTPUTS AUX 1 |_ Kay/lgwffil/bfl 711,06 LEW/ZN} Se/ecl' Switch settings sm-s to SWd—B are deflned as follows SWITCH ETTMS: TYPE SWl-B Sill-7 Sill-6 Sud—5 1 OFF ON OFF OFF 8 7 6 5 lo 3 2 1 BHHHIIH U I OFF ON CRANE MODE comml SELECT SELECT NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT 55 APPENDIX B PAGE 56 TABLE 1(f) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12~Zspd TYPE 5 fifljfi/QZ'LZ'JLA LMMLA’Q/flfl A722 fl/flé’J’A/Vfl £70141? OUTPUTS DDR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DDR2 OUTPUTS 1 mu 157 151 mu mamas NOIST mu m 151 2m: INDPENIJENT OUTPUTS AUX1 3 ——u—— 2 AUX 2 (bflfigUffiI/bfl 77/76 537/247) 55/501“ Switch settings SWI—S to slid-8 are defined as follows SWIM MEGS: TYPE Sud—8 SUM—7 SwI-S SEN—5 5 OFF ON OFF ON 87655321 MIME if CRANE MODE CONT 0L SELE CT SELECT NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT 56 1m 151‘ IST ZND FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX B PAGE 57 TABLE 1(g) Crane Control Type Selection:lOK12-2spd TYPE 6 flMflflf li’Wfl/A’fi fog 40157: 522 iflflé’izflfl M0445] OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIRI DIRZ 9 6 12 8 5 ~I 11 7 t. —4 10 1 TRDLLEY 2N015T TST ZND BRlDEE ZND1ST |ST ZND HU|ST 2ND1ST 1ST ZND INDPENUENI OUYPUTS AUX! a —n— 2 AUX 2 Q}; Cori/lgyml/bfl 7}pr fwfcfi Select: Switch settlngs SUI-5 to S‘M—S are defined as follows SWITCH “MEGS: TYPE SIM—B SUI—7 Sill-S SW4-5 5 OFF ON ON OFF 876510321 MIMI CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT OFF on NOTDEFINED . MODE SELECT 57 m 3:2) APPENDIX C PAGE 58 Appendix C Extended Crane Control Options for 10K12 Membrane Transmitter The 10K12 Membrane transmitter is now available with extended crane control configurations similar to those provided by the 10K12 Pendent Transmitters The new options are arranged into two new replacement CPU/PROMS for the transmitter microcomputer module. The first of these CPU/PROM #2 has four dip switch selectable configurations and the second CPU/PROM #3 has two dip switch selectable configurations Table 2 shows the available configurations and the CPU/PROM number designated to provide them. The standard 2 speed transmitter comes with CPU/PROM #1 installed and has no extended crane control configurations. Its output configuration is shown in TABLE 21: TYPE 0. For extended crane cnntrol configutations CPU/PROM#2 has four selections. See TABLE 2szYPE 1 thru TABLEZezTYPE 4. CPU/PROM#3 has two selections. See TABLE II“: TYPE 5 thru TABLE 2g: TYPE 6. If a configuration listed in tables 2b thru 2g is preferred over the standard configuration, contact the factory for a CPU/PROM replacement. TELEMOTIVE PART NUMBER system toms with time-out system roms without time-out CPU/PROM #l FW2785~0 FW2785-0N CPU/PROM #2 FW2785-IT FW2785-1N CPU/PROM #3 FW2785-2T FW2785-2N 58 FCC (D: GXZE13653»M—T APPENDIX C PAGE 59 TABLE 2(a) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-Zspd TYPE 0 M14 ”Al/7670547 £01k? ‘AMaWfi/VV fiS‘lf/g/fi my, //'(7//€/, fir/bgfa' SM ton/lg J aUX/fiar/ifis/ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIRT DIRZ éfifiéfififififi HOIST ZNU'ST 157m: TROLLEY mum 15T2ND BRIDGE mum 15T2ND OUTPUTS 3 ——H—— AUX1 2 ——H—— AUXZ 1 —fl— AUX 3 (ALARM) FM/‘ngw‘a/lb/J 0,05 5147261? 527/60!“ Swltch settings says-1 to SIS-2 are defined as follows SHITCH SIMDTGS: TYPE 5713—1 5913—2 0 OFF OFF ' 1 2 ON W OFF JEAN/TM ( F W-2 785-0 / F W2 785-0N ) 59 DL M) APPENDIX C PAGE 60 TABLE 2(b) Crane Control Type Selection: IDKIZ-Zspd TZEE l iiExfiZMfl/A’ifl/fi/m m/WMA- AAA MM? OUTPUTS mm mm OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ fififififi MOIST ZND 1ST |ST 2M] TROLLEY ZND IST 15T 2ND BRIDGE ZND1ST 1$T ZND fall/lgwml/bfl 77,08 fir/2m 519/501: Switch settings SHJ-l to SUB—2 are defined as follows SWIM “1111755: TYPE 8773-1 SW3-2 1 OFF OFF 1 2 ET" OFF m1 z ROM {12 (FW-2785-IT/FW2785-10N) 60 FCC ID: GXZE13653—M»T APPENDIX C PAGE 61 TABLE 2(c) Crane Control Type Selection: lOKlZ-Zspd TYPE 2 25mm 2 II’ 01/612 , All l/QZVL/KT OUTPUTS DIR1 DIR2 OUTPUTS DIR1 DIR2 OUTPUTS DIRT DIRZ 9 fi fi 6 it: 12 8 5 11 * 7 L T 10 1 2 L T l | 3 ¥ (bflfigfl/ral/b/i fjlpe ATV/2019 Se/ecl' Switch settlngs 5713-1 to 8513-2 are defxned as follows SWITCH SETTINGS: TYPE SWS—l SW3-2 2 ON OFF 12 Hill CP [RMZ (FW-2785-1T/FW2785-1N) 61 APPENDIX C PAGE 62 TABLE 2(d) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-23pd TYPE 3 [my fat/MST AM 10/70/14? OUTPUTS D|R1 DIR2 OUTPUTS DIR1 0le OUTPUTS DIR1 [1le 9 s 12 8 I— 5 11 7 l— A 10 1 2 3 MOIST IND 157 1ST zND TRULLEY IND 157 1ST 2M] BRIDGE 2m] 157 IST 2M!) Hafifigumllbfi 7206 fir/ZM $4651 Switch settings SHE-1 to SHS-Z are defined as follows SWIM EMINGS: TYPE SW3—1 SHE-2 3 OFF ON E3; Q’LflQMif—B ( F W-Z 785-1 T/ F W2 785-IN ) 62 FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX C PAGE 63 TABLE 2(e) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-2spd TYPE 4 J/L/ifii" 3157747? 2 III/M" b’fi/S'f/l/Vfl MM}; 57? RAW ' OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ zgéfifi fifi fiéfif HDIST ZND [ST ST zun TROLLEY 2ND 1ST IST IND INDPENDENT OUTPUTS AUX“! 3 —H—— (b/i/igyraf/m 71406 J’W/Zc/J Se/ml‘ Switch settlngs st—l to Sin-2 are deflned as follows SWITCH? SETTUGS: TYPE ENS-1 SHE-2 I ON ON 1 2 ON {Em CPUZROM £2, (FW2785-I T/ FW2785-1N) 63 APPENDIX C PAGE 64 TABLE 2m Crane Control Type Selection: 10K12-25pd TYPE 5 ffi/fifi ,‘ 2 577152? 2 ll’Z/VM' [yr $1.57“ fiflMZQM/fl 215704447 OUTPUTS DIR1 DIR2 OUTPUTS DIR1 DTRZ OUTPUTS DIRT 0le TROLLEY IND st 1 151 mu amuse mm 157 1ST 2m HDIST IND TST TST ZNU ImPENDENT UUTPUTS AUX1 3 —4»— 2—++—— K'ofl/lgmyl/m 77,05 Sir/2d; Jb/ecl’ Switch settlngs SWS-l to sws—z are defined as follows mm SETTINGS: up: sws-l sws-z g OFF OFF 1 2 ISL QMMJQ ( F W2 785-2T / F W2 785-2N ) FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX C PAGE 65 TABLE 2(g) Crane Control Type SelectionilOK12723pd [LY/27,5 fls—fllifl’ 2 SP/Z’fl 2 Mil/V617 for f/fl/57' 570 dzf/QMQ 722044sz OUTPUTS D|R1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DIR1 DIRZ OUTPUTS DlR1 DIR2 1 znutsr 15mm BRIDGE mm mm HDISY mmsr |srznu INDPENDENT OUTPUTS AUX1 3 ——u— 2 AUX Z —”— C’O/J/gZ/rfilz'o/J 7/7/96 Sir/2d} J’s/ed: Swltch settings 5713—1 to 913—2 are defined as follows SWIM sm’z’mss: TYPE SW3-1 SIB-2 5 ON OFF ' 1 2 IT; CELflQM, £3, ( F W2 785-2T / F W2 785-2N ) 65 APPENDIX D PAGE 66 Aggendix D MULTIBOX EXTENSION TO THE 10K12 SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The lOKlZ line of crane controls has been extended to include Multibox . With multibox up to 4 transmitters may access a Single receiver Only one transmitter may control a receiver at a given time, Access is on a first come first serve basis. Once a transmitter has gained centroli no other transmitter may access the receiver until the controlling transmitter relinquishes control by transmitting a OFF command to the receiver or the receiver times out due to transnutter inactivity. The first transrmttcr to send an ON command after the meiver has been released WlII then gain control of the receiver. The number of transmitters allowed to control a receiver (14) is dip swrtch selectable on the Receiver Master CPU Module, A new Receiver Master CPU Module and Software is necessary to implement multilmx. Addition-l dip switches have been added to the module to provide selectable option control for multibor as well as future enhancements. All transmitters access codes must be selected from a bank of 4 consecutive addresses. These addresses are assigned by the factory and should not be change. The RECEIVER ACCESS CODE SWITCHES must be set to the lowest member of this group of access code addresses. NOTE: When the receiver has reset itselfdue to automatic time-out the first transmitter with a valid access code will gain control of the transmitter. SWITCH SETTING ACCESS CODE 10-21/110-1 OFF OFF BASE ADDRESS OFF ON BASE ADDRESS +1 ON OFF BASE ADDRESS +2 MAX BOXES 66 SECTION 2 SWITCH SEI'I‘INGS Two switches on the Master Cpu Module. are involved in setting up the receiver for multibox. Switch SWlO is used to set multibox settings and vanous system options SECI‘ION 2.1 SWITCH SW10 CONTROL DESCRIPTION ON — OFF 8 I:- 7 E- S E- 5 a ‘3 g 2 l:- MAXIMUM BOXES 1 E- ENABLED 1 — 0 SWIO SECTION 2.1.2 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRANSMHTERS Switches l0-l/ 10-2 set the maximum number of transmitters that can access the receiver The switch settings is binary 00 to ll for l to 4 transmitters. ON ON BASE ADDRESS *'3 NOTE Selected transmitters must have consecutive addresses beginning from the base address FCC ID: GXZE13653~M-T APPENDIX E PAGE 67 Appendix E 10K12 2-SPEED PENDENT TRANSMITTER MODE 3 SECTION 140 OVERVIEW When the rotary switch is in the B, Output 2 & The IOKIZ Z-SPEED PENDENT TRANSMITTER Output 3 ( Auxl&Aux 2) will pull-m automatically has been enhanced to allow the control of up to 5 motors Wheflevef the Trolley 0" Hoist pushbutton SWHChES are using the rotary selector switch. This new mode (3) pressed. This allows Tandem operation of two hoists or reconfigures two of the 10KlZ auxiliary outputs ( Aux l trolleSv & Aux 2) to be external motor select functions. 1“ this mode (3) the Auxiliary toggle switch Aux 3 is still available and may be used as an Alarm or Auxl&Aux2 is disabled The output of Auxl and AuxZ Control Function . are now controlled by the rotary swrtch Mode l & Mode 2 are still available and may be set according to Appendix B INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION This new transmitter configuration is compatible with the existing lOKlZ Systems. PENDENT Mode 3 requires dip SW4-1&SW4-2 to be set ON to become enabled. (See Section 2.1 for the setting of these switches) SECTION 2.1 CONFIGURING THE TRANSMITTER FOR MODE 3 In Mode 3 only SW4-I & SW4»2 are acllve, 1) To set mode 3 set swrtches SW4-I & SWJ-E to ON SW4 m (AUX 1) HzlAUXZ) 87654321 1 OFF OUTPUT TERMlNALS “61 ON When the rotary switch is in the Ht, Output 3 (Aux I) will pull-in automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbuttons switches are pressed The Output 3 (Aux 1) may be used to externally enable Hoist 1 and/or Trolley 1 controls When the rotary swrtch rs in the H2, Output 2 (Aux 2) Will pull-m automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbutton swrlches are pressed, The Output 2 (Aux 2) may be used to externally enable Hoist 2 and/or Trolley 2 controls 67 1)! is) APPENDIX F PAGE 68 10K12 7 MOTOR Z-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The lOKlZ System has been expanded to pmvrde seven (7) motor control using extemal select relays. The 3 auxiliary functions of the lOklZ have been reconfigured to provide this extended type or control The standard pendent transmitter has been equipped with 3 two position rotary switches to act as motor select control inputs. Using these rotary sWitches the transmitter may control up to seven molors Fig 411 shows the front panel control on the new transmitter. If the rotary switches are in the OFF position the aux function relays will not close when the hoist or trolley pushbutton switches are pressed. Note however that the motor control relay outputs WI“ still close in the normal manner. Ifa rotary sWitch is in the ON position then the selected aux function relay will close whenever the hoist or trolley pushbimoii swnches are pressed, Thus the aux functions may be used to select Hoist nw Trolley «i Hoist itlll Trolley a: Hoist till/Trolley as The Bridge pushbuttons are not affected by this arrangement and no aux functions will pull in when the bridge push buttons are pressed. In addition the time-out disable feature which previously required a special CPU/ROM is now dip switch selectable. (See Section 2 2) 68 0°. ONIOFF FlGl NOTE: The Latch function for Aux 2 & Aux 3 and Auto-Alarm function for Au 1 should be disabled as these functions will interfere with the operation of the motor select control function. These switches are located on the Output Module. FCC 1D: GXZE'I 3653-M-T APPENDIX F PAGE 69 SECTION 2.0 SWITCH SETTING SECTION 2.1 OUTPUT MODULE Dip Switch 2~3 should be set to the OFF position SWITCH Z O 1 -:l ti -3 OFF ON Dip Switches 3-1 & 3-2 should be set to Ihe OFF posmon swngn 3 O 1 Ell. -:-' -:~ DFFO (See Section 51 and Section 5.4 of the manual for a descripiion of these functions. ) (Also see Section 7—4 for the configuring of Jumper 15) SECTION 2.2 TRANSMITTER MODULE When sw3-8 is set to OFF then the transmitter times-out in the normal manner 8 7 6 5 63 21 ”F I ON TIME OUT SELECT When sw3-8 is set to ON then the transmitter Will NOT time-out OFF ON TIME OUT SELECT 69 APPENDIX G PAGE 70 Aggendix G 10K12 2-BOX MONORAIL SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The 10K12 system has been expanded to include 2-box control of monorail cranes. The 2-box monorail differs from the standard multibox by requiring the transmission of a control function to initiate the transfer of control from one transmitter to the other transmitter, commonly referred to as the A or B box Unlike the standard miiltrbox systems, Simply tuming 011 a transrrutter Will not imtiate the transfer Once the transfer ha been made the relinquishing transmitter can no longer gain control of the receiver until the other now controlling transmitter initiates a transfer back The only time this is not true is when the receiver has just been powered up, At this time the receiver does not know which transmitter requires control and will latch on to the first transmitter to transrmt an On command. Afier tlns initial setup transfer can only be made With a deliberately transmitted command During the transfer the receiver is disabled Therefore once the transfer has been made the new controlling transmitter must re-enable the receiver by pressrng the ON button. The transfer box control function is available as an output, The output of the transfer command will remain ON as an output until the key is released The releasing of the key mitiates the transfer to the other transmitter box Outputs 11 and 12 have been reconfigured to provtde information as to which box (A or B) has current control and may be used to drive an external display to indicate which box has control. 70 I A BOX 5 BOX START=BOX TRANSFER ||*||~l“u Ime f” “Jim °II5U= DUTPUT TERMINALS FCC ID: GXZE13653»M—T APPENDIX H PAGE 71 Appendix H 10K12 SLTX 3/415 MOTOR Z-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The lOKl2 family of transmitters has been expanded to include a new 3/4/5 motor 2— speed lever handled belly box transmitter. The new transmitter are functionally interchangeable with the lOKlZ z—speed pendent transmitter. The two speed lever swttches add a new level of controllability to the family of 10K transmitters Figure 1 shows the top panel layout of the new transmitter. In addition to the standard key functions, a KEY SWlTCl-l has been added to improve transmitter security. An ACCESS CODE PLUG is optionally available to externally set the lower 8 bits of the 16 bit access code . r—gfit Lfi. Access cool m: m. Figure 1 Options described in appendices B and E of tlus manual are still available in the SLTX transmitter. New options have been added. 1) A key switch has been added for better transmitter security 2) The time-out disable feature is dip swnch selectable 3] For Mode 3 operation the auxiliary crane select outputs may be set to standard or inverted by dip Switch. 71 ( See section 2.0 for new dip switch settings.) SECTION 1.1 OPERATING FEATURES The SLTX operates very similarly to the standard pendent transmitter Turning the key switch ON will enable power to the transmitter but not start the receiver. To enable the receiver and begin operation the ON/OFF button must be pressed. Once enabled pressing the ON /0FF button will transmit an OFF command to the receiver and rum power OFF to the transmitter. After the transmitter ltas (1!de OFF pressing the ON/OFF button again will return power to the transmitter and transmitter an ON command to the receiver. in standard configuration if the transmitter has been inactive for more the approximately 15 min the transmitter will shut off power to itself to conserve battery life. The transrmtter may be restored to power by the following procedures. 1) Turning to key switch ofl‘. waiting 30 see. and then turning it on. 2) Pressing the ON/OFF button. 3) Pressing the EMS button. Each of these actions will produce a different result. Turning the key switch OFF and ON Will restore power to the transmitter but not transmit an ON command. To enable the receiver the ON/OFF button must be pressed Pressing the ON/OFF button will restore power to the transmitter AND transmit 3 ON command to the receiver. APPENDIX H PAGE 72 Pressing the EMS button will restore power to the transmitter and transmit an EMS command to the receiverr II the automatic time-out feature is not desired it may be disabled by setting swttch 3-8 to the ON position ( See section 2 0 ) With the time—out feature disabled the transmitter will remain enabled until manually turned off, The enhanced Mode 3 operation is as follows For the standard mode. When the rotary switch is in H1. Output 3 (Aux i) will pull-in automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbuttons switches are pressed The Output 3 (Aux l) rriay be used to externally enable Holst 1 and/or Trolley 1 controls When the rotary swttch ts in H2, Output 2 (Aux 2) will pull-in automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbutton swttches are pressed. The Output 2 (Aux 1) may be used to externally enable Hoist 2 and/or Trolley 2 controls. When the rotary switch is in B, Output 2 & Output 3 { Auxl&Aux 2) will pull-tn automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbutton switches are pressed This allows Tandem operation of two hoists or trolleys This is the same as described the appendixE For the inverted mode the outputs are the inverse of the standard mode and used for deselecting a hoist or trolley When the rotary switch is in H1. Output 2 (Aux 2) will pull-tn automatically whenever the Trolley or Hmsr pushhuttons swrtehes are pressed The Output 2 (Aux 2) may be used to externally disable Hoist 2 and/or Trolley 2 controls. When the rotary switch is in H2. Output 3 (Aux ]) will pull-in automatically whenever the Trolley or Hoist pushbutton 72 switches are pressed The Output 3 (Aux 1) may be used to externally disable Hoist 1 and/or Trolley 1 controls. When the rotary swttch is in B, Output 2 St Output 3 ( Aux1&Aux 2) are open Neither hoists or trolleys are disabled and tandem operation of two hoists or trolleys is available for cranes that require his type of output v SECTION 2.0 SWITCH SETTINGS The ACCESS CODE SWITCHES (SWl & SW2 ) and CONFIGURATION SWITCH (SW4) are set as described is appendices B and E, SECTION 2.1 MODE 3 ENHANCEMENT The mode 3 modification adds an extra dip swttch setting to SW4. For standard aux crane select outputs SW4.4 should be OFF. SW4 87655321 Illlllll For inverted aux crane select outputs SW4 4 should be ON SW4 87654321 ll Hill OFF ON OFF ON FCC ID: GXZE13653-M-T APPENDIX H PAGE 73 SECTION 2.2 TIME-OUT SEITINGS The new selectable feature controlling automatic time-out shutdown has been added using SW} When time—out is disabled the transmitter remains active and must be manually shutdown SW3 8 7 6 5 lo 3 2 1 fig OFF ON TIME OUT SELECT When sw3-8 is set to OFF then the transmitter times-out in the normal manner SW3 87655321 imam TIME OUT SELECT OFF ON 73 When sw3-8 ts set to ON then the transmitter mil NOT time-out. SECTION 3.1 Battery Replacement To replace a battery perform the following procedure. 1) First turn the key switch OFF. 2) Place the transmitter on it lefi side so that the right side is up The right side is the battery door and is hinged. 3) Loosen the three captive screws with knurled head on the right side of the transmitter case. 4) Swmg the right side out and note the postuott and orientation of the battery. 5)Remove the old battery and replace with a fresh battery. 6) Close the battery door and retighten the three captive screws. 01 In} APPENDIX H PAGE 74 SECTION 4.1 Small Lever Transmitter Unit Spare Parts. Pan Number A231 -204 A232-X A234-2 A235-0 A1 0685-1 A226D-0 A2261 -X E1 0501 -X H633-0 H634-0 HESS-D HGSB-O H2055-3 MP1 35-1 MPSSO-O MP632-0 MP681 -0 MP21 61 -X N1 01 70-X N1 01 71 -X 5763-1 01 WA4645-0 WA¢647-X Description ASSY,KEYSWITCH & CABLE. TX ASSY TOGGLE SWITCH A CABLE, TX ASSY, LED WICONNECTOR ASSY, ROTARY SWITCH & CABLE, TX ASSY BATTERY CONTACT BOARD ENDCAP ASSY, BATTERY SIDE ENDCAP ASSY, ANTENNA SIDE 10KSLTX CPU MODULE BOOT, TOGGLE, RED BOOT. PUSHBUTTON. GREY BOOT, PUSHBUTTON, RED BOOT, TOGGLE, GREY LENS, LED KNOB/KEY ASSY. MOLDED KNOB, CYLINDER 5/8 DIA. KNOB, SQUARE 5/8 SQ. KNOB, SPHERICAL 3/4 DIAA TOP PANEL EXTRUSION 10KSLTX LABEL TX FUNCTIONS, WRITE-IN LABEL TX FUNCTIONS MOTION SWITCH. 5 SPEED STEPPED RECEPTACLE, CODE PLUG CODE PLUG ENGRAVED WITH ACCESS CODE 74
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:01 15:56:54 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 54283.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:01 15:57:28-04:00 Page Count : 82EXIF Metadata provided by