Telemotive Controls E13653-P R/C Crane Transmitter User Manual 8
Telemotive Industrial Controls R/C Crane Transmitter 8
FCC ID: GXZE13653-P EXHIBIT D INSTRUCTiON MANUAL A. USER‘S MANUAL The user’s manual for this product has been included as Exhibit D. Section 1 contains statements that warn users against unapproved modifications. Dil) Federal Communications Commission Equipment Approvals Services PO. Box 358315 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5315 _m TELEMOTIVE f 9 telemot' e® (3 mmmmmmmmmmmm Iv F4“: /D. ;;Xt_’£/3f>’$j-P 951) my | m» 888—687—4400 FCC ID: GXZE13653 Table Of Contents Section 1 - Service Information 1—1. Service Information ................................................................................................. 1-1 Section 2 - General System Specification 2—1. System Specifications ........... 2-2 Transmitter Unit Specification. 2-1 2-21 General Specifications, 2-1 22.2 Pendent Specifications. 2—1 22.3 SLTX Specifications... 1 23 Receiver Unit Specifications .................................................................................. 2—1 Section 3 - Radio Controlled Crane Safety 3-1. Introduction. 3-2. General 3—3. Persons Authorized To Operate Radio Controlled Cranes 3-4. Training Checklist For Operators Of Radio Controlled Cranes. 3—5. Operating Area... 3-6. Transmitter Unit. 3-7 Operating The Crane 3-8. Boarding The Crane. 3-9. Crane Repair ......... 3-10. Using The Crane As a Work Platform 3-11. Condition Of The Radio Controlled Crane Section 4 - Installation Information 4—1. Pre-lnstallation Considerations .......................... 4-2. Receiver Unit Mounting Location Considerations. 4—3. Antenna Mounting Considerations 4-4. Line Input Considerations ............ 4—5. Isolation of Output Power and Receiver Unit Power 46. ReceiverMaterial Handling Equipment Interface Considerations. 4—7 Receiver Unit Cabinet Mounting .................................................... Dds) -P 1! 17-9 ................................................................................... A|qwessvmdu| de v w “elnpow mdmo Males g 9-9 ainpow lonuoo 909mm z 249 """" ampow ndo Jansew L249 “suouorumm Buwsdo nun JaAieoea 's-9 "semums uomeles apow mdlno Z'z—g “sfiumas uouMS evoo ssawv L’Z—Q “sfiumes sew/“s IEUJQWI nun Jamwsueu w """""""""" 10mm 0511 um Jamwsueu 919 16/61 Deeds 9 2 9'2 uoswund uouow x11s 91-9 - sn eds 292 U‘JDOU'H uonow wepued v L'9 """"""""" mums males New 919 """ small/ms e|5501 Maumv 21-9 sauna/ms uouna-usnd zileINO L' we ‘suonomlsm fiunaedo uun JemLUSUEJL 'L-9 suogonusm Gunmado - 9 uogoes 99 ................................................................................. A'qwessv mam JSMDd v 9-9 """ elnpow mdmo Kama Jmeoea v as mpow I°JlUOO 602mm Jeweoea s: 94; "'9I“D0W ndo Jsxsew muses}; 22-9 'a|npow JaAqeoaa/Jeua/«uoo dHf‘I L'gg ............. uun Jemeoau 15.9 Siemwsueu xrls 2243 SJaqusum J. mapued L 3-9 nun Jaulwsueu z— 9 "Sleuueuo elqenmv L L-9 "sumo 9940191 9‘ LG umoq JeMOd ouewomv g L—g ...................................... xogmnw v‘ LG Dal) sns mono pelmfiaml—JBM 9” LG " James mexsfis (SINl) peieus eldulnw aluu. Z' L-s ................................................. apoo saw HG L-s .............................................................................. uoueuuwm masks memes 1-9 uogeuuow| masks wanes -9 uogoas (panunuoo) szuaauoa m elem FCC ID: GXZE13553~P Table Of Contents (continued) Section 7 - Switch Configuration Guide 74 Transmitter Configuration Selection 7—1.1 Access Code Switdte 7-12 Automatic Timeout. 7-13 Mode Select and Crane ig 7-2 Receiver Unit Configuration Switches 7-2—1 Master CPU Module ............. 7-22 Interface Control Module 7—2.3 Output Relay Module. 7-24 Power Input Assembly 7-25 Power Supply .............. Section 8 - Troubleshooting 8-1, Troubleshooting...“ 8—2. The Transmitter Un . 83. The Receiver Unit. 8-31. UHF Converter/Receiver Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. 83.2. Receiver Master CPU Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators...“ 8—33. Receiver Interface Control Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. 8-34. Receiver Relay Output Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. 8—3-5 Power Input Assembly ................................................................. Section 9 - Theory of Operation 9-1. Transmitter Unit . 9-2. Receiver Unit. 9-21, UHF Converter/Receiver Module 9—22 Receiver Master CPU Module ..... 9—23. Receiver Interface Control Module 9-24 Receiver Relay Output Module ....... 9-3. Access Code .................................................. 9-4. Time Multiple Shared (TMS) System Software“ 9—5. Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I‘C) 9-6. Power Input Assembly. iii pm) A1 """""""""""" xeuuog 9190 0 | v—s emfiu " 'u.|EJBEIC| Moog ‘uun Jemaoea e- 5 aJnBH smoM emq pue spJoM spec) sseoov ‘es|nd oufis‘ aweu exec] z— 6 eJnfiH ................................. we 159K] mom ‘uun Jamwsuej J. 'L-6 amfiu Joaeomuu empow mdmo Kali-m lemma 10 uouwcn vs emfiu a|npow |onuoo soaps” JaAgaosa JD uonmcn 'g—g amfiu " smesmun ndo Jelsew sigma J0 11098001 243 amfiu “moleagpm e|npow JaAgeoea/Jaue/xuoo an JeAgeoau p uoueao1 L—g SJnSH """""""""""" SQSI’H a|npow mdmo Kama JSAIGOSH ;o uoneacn r; eJnBu p—L" ‘seuoum uouemfiyuoo 9|npow |onuog soapsu JSAIQOSH p uoueoo‘| g— A smfiu "sewn/mg uouemfiguoo ndo JalSEW JeAlaoaa JO uoueooj z— L er‘IBIj """"" seqoums uouemfiuuog uun Jeugusuml JO uoueooj L- L SJr‘IfiH semfiu ;o 13h “ta/9mm 3m 01 NOISNEILXEI xosmnw 'H xgpueddv "HEILLIWSNVHJ. aaads-e aomw L maqnad 9mm 9 xgpueddv uamwswul CEEIdS‘S HOLOW 9/1719 XJ.'IS mm a Xipueddv HELLLIWSNVHJ. aaads-e HOLOW 91m xus mm ‘3 xgpueddv HEILLIWSNVHL CIEEIdS s HOLOW s xrls 9mm 0 xmuaddv (z aaow) HEILLIINSNVELL lNEIClNEId ram 9 XIpueddV GNEId VZMOL El XEPUdeV swwfiegq vxgpueddv S‘OL " """ Sued aJEdS nun JaullUSUEJJ. Xl'IS '|-L‘0L VOL ' ‘ sued QJli‘dS llufl Jamwsueu Wepued 'O L‘OL S'OL ' """"""""""" sued aJEdS nun ENQOQH 6-01- 3—01 ' Mqujesseeu pue Ammassesgq nun JaAgaaea ‘Q-OL Z’OL ' “111133998 DUE fiqu-lesseslfl 1!Ufl leullUSUB-U. l'OI- L-OL " ""1ueujeoe|dsu Mensa Jeugwsum J. ‘g-OL L-OL ' "xueujaomdeu £2195 JaMOd JelSEW 'g-0L L‘Ol— """ 1ualuaoe|dsa empow mdmo Kama VOI— l-OL'” ' zuanueomdaa esnd empow mdmo Kama ‘g—o; L-OL" luemeoeldaa esnd elnpow |onuoo eoepazm 3—0; L- 0L . ................................................... aoueusxugew L-OL aoueuawgew - 0L uonsas (panunuoa) sxuaauoo m emu FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Section 1 Service Information 1-1. Service Information. For questions regarding sen/ice or technical information, contact the Telemotive Field Service Department. For ordenng replacement parts, contact the Telemotive Parts Department. Telephone: (630) 582-1111 Toll Free: (888) 6874400 Website: www.te| Maxtec International Corporation Telemotive Industrial Controls Division 175 Wall Street Glendale Heights, IL 60139—1985 1-2. FCC Information. NOTE: Any modification or changes not expressly approved by Telemotive Industrial Controls could void the user‘s authority to operate this device. FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Section 2 General System Specifications 2—1 System Specifications. Channel Designations: AK1- 439.8 Mhz AK11- 437.8 MHZ AK2~ 439.6 Mhz AK12— 4375 MHz AK3- 4394 Mhz AK13- 437.4 MHZ AK4- 439.2 Mhz AK14— 437.2 MHz AK5- 439.0 Mhz AK15— 437.0 MHZ AK6~ 438.8 Mhz AK16— 436.8 Mhz AK7- 438.6 MHZ AK17— 436.6 MHz AK8- 438.4 Mhz AK18— 436.4 MHz AK9— 4382 Mhz AK19— 436.2 MHz AK10— 4380 Mhz AK20- 436.0 MHz Operating Frequency Tolerance - 0.001%. Twenty available channels, expandable to fifty. Channel Spacing - 200 KHz Modulation - Vlfideband FM Ambient Operating Conditions - -22°F to +158°F (-30°C to +70“C) Humidity - 0 to 95% RH Typical Operating Range - 200 feet Four Transmitter Units (maximum) may operate on the same frequency while in close proximity (not less than six feet) to each otl'rer. 2-2. Transmitter Unit Specifications: 2-2.1 General Specifications Battery Life - 120 Hours (approximate) Battery - 7.5 VDC Alkaline battery pack. Ni—Cads also available. Source Voltage - 7.5 VDC @ 50 mA. 2-2.2 Pendent Specifications Construction - ABS/GE Cycolac, grade "GSM" Weight ~ 2.4 pounds Dimensions - 10.5"L X4.0‘W X 3.25“H The Transmitter Unit complies with FCC Part 15 requirements 2-2.3 SLTX Specifications Construction Frame & Handle: Bdruded 6063T6 ALuminum EndCaps: ABS/GECYCOLAE Grade GSM Weight - 4.5 pounds Dimensions - 7.3'L X 6.6"W X 6.5" H The Transmitter Unit complies with FCC Part 15 requirements 2-3. Receiver Unit Specifications: Line Requirements - 120/240 VAC. 0.2 Amps AC Antenna - 1/4 wave stainless-steel whip; mounted and connected to Receiver Unit using a BNC connector. Sensitivity - Less than 1.0 microvott (12 dB SINAD) Dynamic Range - 80 dB Data Rate — 9600 baud Response Time - 60 milliseconds (typical) Z'Z XDEIS ‘V VWEIN ‘HSA'S X "I..9'LL X M..9'9L ‘ suogsuswgq (awmgxmdde) spunod 0g - lufigaM FCC lD: GXZE13653-P Section 3 Radio Controlled Crane Safety 3-1. Introduction. The safety rules in this section are not intended to replace any rules or regulations or any applicable local, state, or federal governing organizations. The following information is intended to be used with other rules or regulations already in existence, It is important to read all of the safety information contained in this section before operating the Radio Control System. 3-2. General. Radio controlled overhead cranes and other material handling equipment operates in several directions. They are large, bulky pieces of equipment that handle heavy loads efficiently at high speeds. Quite frequently, the equipment is operated in areas where people are working on the floor below. The crane operator must always exercise extreme deution. Workers must constantly be alert to avoid accidents. The followrng rules have been included to show how your careful and thoughtful actions may prevent Injuries, damage to equipment. or even save a life. if radio controlled material handling equipment is operated from the cab, take special care to secure the transmitter. Refer to paragraph titled "Boarding The Crane" for specific safety rules. 3-3. Persons Authorized To Operate Radio Controlled Cranes. Only properly trained mans designated by management should be permitted to operate radio controlled cranes. Radio controlled cranes should not be operated by any person who cannot read or understand signs, notices and operating instructions that pertain to the crane. Radio controlled cranes should not be operated by any person with insufficient eyesight, hearing. Radio controlled cranes should not be operated by any pemon suffering from any disorder, illness or is taking medicatlon that may cause loss of crane control. 34. Training Checklist For Operators Of Radio Controlled Cranes. Anyone being trained to operate a radio controlled crane should possess the following knowledge and skills before operating: Knowledge of hazards pertaining to crane operation. Knowledge of safety rules for radio controlled cranes. Ability to judge dismnce or movlng objects. Knowledge of the radio transmltter. Limit switch test procedure. Where authorized, insb'uctions for plugging crane moflons. Observing crane slgnal lights. Avoid striking any obstructions. Proper clearance of lifts or hooks before moving bridge or trolley. Proper storage space for radio control transmitter when not in use. Transferring radio control transmitter to anotherpersan. “p20; squo sum sq; Aq >pnqs sq p|noo qu; stqM uogeso| e u! s; sue/(us u peo| a slum; JO u“ e anew zou 00 m sq; Jepun psuomsod sq JaAau p|noqs pue 34; sq; Luau; Kama sued Apoq ||e dssx p|noqs mausdo sum sq L usep sue |suuosasd ue ugeuso anew ‘uu e Bumeul 81an "Auenpajfi sfiuus m sugeqo tum; >pE|s aAOLUaH spec] Amnq 10 sq;Bus| |ensnun fiuupuzq Jo; pssn sq pynoqs ssuu Gel pause Jspun s! pee; sq; smsu; pue Awm|s pssomd ‘peol e Buusmq JD Sugsgm uqu ‘IaAP—fl 4° U°!139J!P sq; UUOJ} susoddo JO spgs sq; 0; quus uomsod E moi; pswsdo sq p|nqqs ;s!oq JO sums sq_|_ 1mm; ;0 sun sq; u; psuougsod sq mu p|noqs JOIBJSdO sums sq; ‘speu; Eugsq s! w e uqu “uogssguusd Joswsdns un Mus pus ssodmd sgq; Jo; psufigssp sum 2 Kq spew sq p|noqs sund spgs “Sun fiumew uqu Guyfiuwxs msAst o; pssgz; s! peq sq; uqu p20| sq; JsAo Kmaup Asum; pue sfipqq sq; James WHOM” psuaj ;usu1dgnbs sq; ueq; slow sq“ sqem ;ou oq "Joswsdns sq; 0; spam uods; e pue 4001; am 0; paJSMm sq Klampeww! pxnous peel am ‘plou wu up 3:9qu am ;| uoou aux tum; ssqsug ms; 2 pew sq; Bugsge; Kq ssqu ;s;oq sq; 5a p|ncqs JOIEJQdO suen sq; ‘spem wnngew Sum uqu “ssogAsp BUHEJQ Bunss; uqu pssds "MOI" aux ssn ‘spssds 0M; LBW psddgnbs 514W] Jsugwsueu uo suen sq; 4c «mum sane; mwsdo msu e uqu JO ugqs qoes ;o Buguugfisq sq; IE pass; sq mnous saw-la Kent”; Due 959910 3141 “ssogAsp sAusstd sq o; pspusm! SJE Asql sogAsp 5u_|ddo;s Jeans-en e se pssn sq JsAsu p|noqs ssqsms uwu sql ‘;us;.udgnbs pue puuosmd JO QSJJ Bale ue JQAO szswso sq p|noqs ;sgoq sq; ‘ssqmgms Z'€ uwu Suppsqs uqu sums sq; ;o panes ssqz; mesdo msu e uqu JO mqs qoes ;o fiuyuugfisq am we panama sq famous saunws uwu auw eLLL sumo sq; Buwsdo 1-9 sum sq; Buumsdo Luqq s|dosd pszqoqmeun ;usAst ||!M uognesst sgql “ssn u! ;ou uqu stq; ps32|d sq skews p|noqs qngM ‘uun Jsugwsuex; sq; Jo; “paplAmd sq p|noqs soeds 9521015 smoss v 550 Jsuuusuen sq; um; ‘ssn u; ;ou uqu 'uop,olu sum flue 10; 5:10 10 NO 99mm Allewuemew sq JSAQU p|n0L|s ssqoums JEWUJSUEJL mun Jaugwsue-u. '9'€ ';ugod ,_qougd,, e u; ssA|ssu1sq; uomsod JQASU p|noqs smalsdo _ssod se pea; sum sq; o; ssop SE Kas p|noqs unmade sql ’K|pug|q pawsdo sq JsAsu p|noqs sumo sql 'Bug|p:u;uoo sze Asq; sum sq; Jo MsgA ;ssq sq; Jo; ss/qsswsq; uoggsod ska/we plnoqs SJo;P.Jsdo sumo 'suor;2|n6s1 |esO| ;ssu1 JO ‘spyv; 19s; 9, ;ses| ;e sq p|noqs ss|sge sssql fissq sAow um Joualsdo sumo sq; os suomnnsqo ;o ssJ; sq plnous "919 510015 wewdlnbe use/Net; saisw 1;sz Buguusdo 's-s ‘saxyalq 85pm pm: Wanna 35.104 Bum 10; salnpaowd ‘uoaoadsu.’ vow pa! 61qu Swami/sum" bum/one pue say] JD 19s]: [poq Etudes); fund ems Human: vanal my mom sun 511.013"! facades Juswdlnbg 's.lsdu1nq Isl/01; JO afipyq Bumoeoldde u; uogneg suompuaa Bupusdo lensnun Jo spsun Eumodsy If the crane operator is being helped, the crane should not be moved until the helper signals they are clear of the crane and its load. Runway stops or other When a load is hanging from the crane hook and the crane is being moved, the crane operator should sound all warning devices frequently. Loads should not be carried over workers heads, If a worker is in the path of crane travel, the crane operator should stop the crane and clear the area before proceeding. Runway stops or other cranes should never be bumped into. When moving the crane, the crane operator should be sure that the hook block and attachments or cables will not catch on nearby equipment. Slings, chains, or cables should never be dragged along the floor. Unless required for operator safety, gloves should not be wom when operating the transmitter unit. All loose materials or parts should be removed from the load before starting the lift. The crane operator should always hoist lifts high enough to clear all equipment and workers The crane operator should never allow anyone to ride on the load or hook unless authorized by the supenrisor. When a stationary crane with a hanging load is on the same runway, the crane operator should maintain a safe distance between the two cranes. If power to the crane is removed, the crane operator should turn the transmitter unit OFF and keep it OFF until power is restored. If the crane fails to respond properly, the crane operator should stop operation, tum the transmitter unit OFF and immediately report the condition to their supervisor. Outdoor cranes that are subject to movement by wind should be securely anchored when left unattended. If the crane is equipped with bridge FCC ID: GXZE13653—P brakes, the parking brake should be set immediately. 3-8. Boarding The Crane. The crane should not be boarded without permission of the sugrvisor. The crane operator should turn off the transmitter and take it with them when boarding the crane. if more than one person is on board the crane, one person should be made responsible for ensuring all others are off before retuming the system to operation. 3-9. Crane Repair. Minor repairs include routine maintenance and repairs such as greasing, cleaning and control troubleshooting. All other repairs should be considered major. If the repair crew consists of more than one person, one person should be designated as the repair crew leader with the following responsibilities. If the repair crew consists of only one person, that person has the following responsibilities ‘Waming' signs should be placed on the floor beneath the crane or suspended from the crane. For major repairs, the floor area below the crane should be roped off. When major repairs are to take place, all persons operating other cranes on the same or adjacent runways, if any, must be notified before starting repairs. Notification should include the nature of the repair, safeguards provided, and movement limitations while repairs are in progress. It practirzl, radio controlled cranes that cannot be moved during repairs must be protected against being bumped by other cranes on the runway. Bumpers should be installed on the exposed side or sides of the crane under repair. They should be placed as far away as possible. The location of these bumpers should be shown by red lights placed so that they are clearly visible to other crane operators traveling on the same runway. '(3"!IIO mo 5.1 about: all: smalls Weal/M Buynenbs Jo Eumoealos) sfipyq 10 mutually 165qu pue Wanna ‘aszrow savanna Momma ‘(ms ‘SPNIM always paddy: ‘spueas nave/q) vac/q mu pile ems Sufism m uompuoo sfiuwoum eta apnpuy 0) usuym sq plnoqs nods; v 1369,th Josglusdns em PUB Klempewwy umop mus sq DINOHS sumo sql ‘(smsdo c), swsun sumo sq; sxem xeq; suoggpuoo) psogou sJe suompuoo snouss uqu ‘Josyusdns Jgsq; mou p|noqs 4012.1st sues: sq; ‘Ausdmd pucdssu o; sue; sumo sq; ;| '9UE'3 PalIO-IWOO omeu am 30 uompuoo 'u-s 'HOSMN§d/7$3Hl OJ. GELHOdEH 38 (TIHOHS NOLUGNOO ENVHO 5I-Ll M0758 GflViS SEIIVdQH QI-Ll. JO ANV EMVW OJ. idWHLlV J.ON (TIHOHS HOlVHSdO ENVHO am SNINHVM “pawnssJ s! mom anusq umop psxom pUE usdo s! mums ugem sq] sansus o; KuqusuodssJ $401,21st sumo sq; sq 05,9 p|noqs u ‘uoums mom lxsu sqz a; sumo sq; bug/mu: sJo;sq uomsod Moss E u! ale sumo sq; uo Bupuom |suuos1$d ||e smsus pmqu 10124st sum sq_|_ 'uun Jsmwsuen sq; law sum sq; pJqu p|ncqs JOIEJSdD sumo sq; sum 0; slug tum; psAouJ sq 0; sum sq; Jo; Messsosu s! x! uqu 'uoposs "snedsu sumo“ u! paplAOJd saw us Mono; ‘uuoumd mom Meuogzzs e se pssn sq o; s! sumo sq1 uqu TIMOJIIBId ‘IJOM 9 5V aUNO 91“. Bum '0L'£ sanmp sum sqz fiugzgfiJsus sJo;sq paADLUBJ sq p|ncqs ;usu1dgnbs Jgedsj pue spo: ‘|suu051sd "e ‘psqsgug sJe suedsj uqu V9 's|qgssod JsAsuqu mum sq p|noqs sgeq pie“ "ssumo uo SuppoM JO Sugmeoq uqu pssplaxs sq mnoqs uouneo ‘sAEMerM suzn sums uo pue sqea suam sums u; wnmgunu e w s! mom pesH “suedsj Buunp sums sq; Bug/mu: sm;sq zods sues e o; psAow sq p|noqs spa; pue |suuomsd uv sump 101mm sq; Bumfijsus 310qu psusdo sq ;snu1 mews/mm sues Jo; surmp Jsmod "e ‘pszgfiJsus sump |oauoo sum sq; sAzq o; Messsosu s! 1! y ‘ssuu pusq sq; ca psmoss Msuenbspe sq pmoqs Juswdgnbs pug spa; sq_|_ ‘ssuu pueq Bugsn Aq sum sq; muo perm sq p|noqs wswdgnbs pue S|001 my men Jledal sq; Aq mom sq p|noqs susq flaps psAmddE ‘sumpueq mepums Aq pspszmd mu sesJe u! suop sq 01 5! sum sq; uo mom Jl "SUE!!! 3L“ 91904! 01 9&5 S! I! msn sq: JO Squwqu qu10 sq; leufigs usq J. ‘qowvus ugeuj sq; mu m pue usdo 0; mg sumo sq; pJeoq p|noqs Jspes| sq J. uspesi Mam ”eds: sq; qum ugews: plnoqs Jaugwsuea sq; pue 5:10 pawn; sq pmoqs Jsugmsuau sq; ‘suen am fiugweoq uqu uspee| msn Jgedal sq; ;o |onuoo Jspun sq p|noqs Ballads] Bugsq sum: sq; wag pue 01 suwsd JO sssoov 'ssod.|nd sgq; Jo; pswufigssp UOSJad |eu6gs 9 mm; uogssguusd Suwsosj Jsue K|uo 3312 5qu anmq: 05 p|noqs Asql ‘eaxe pslomssJ sq; Buyslus smsq doxs s1s|dwoo e o; sumo p|noqs ssuan ||v "sKe/wum sscq; uo ssum ;o sumac 0; EMS!" sq pus peumsu! eq 1an sum" EugwEM sfiemuru Jusoelps sq; uo uogmsdo sue): snuuuoo o; Messsosu 59 u uqu ‘sAoqe psquossp 59 go psxomq sq p|noqs Aemum msoefpe sq; 'J[EdGJ Jspun sumo sq; o; usu Aemum e s; stq; uqu slsgxs mngedsa sq; Bug/wow! pjezeq flue Jl ‘pszslduxco SJE sleds: uqu psggou usq; pue psmuy sue suopajsdo Jgsq; ueqM moqe psprmsug Mufinmoq; sq asnm qu J. yous JgedsJ sq; m psuuowg sq 3snLu ‘Aemuru slugs sq; uo sje qu ‘ 5110191st sum "v ‘suoz man pspuxssJ sq; Moqs o; AE/mm ewes sq; uo buns/m1 smzmsdo sum qum 01 s|qgspA Kuesp psoE|d sq zsnw saqsu sz ‘msdwnq ssn ox s|qpssod IOU uqu FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Broken, cracked, or chipped rails on trolley or runway. Condition of limit switches. Condition of electrical and mechanical control. Electrical or mechanical defecs can cause faulty operation. Such as unbidden stopping or starting of any crane motion, warning devices, light, or auxiliary functions. Condifion of gears. Grinding or squealing may show foreign materials in gear teeth or a lack of lubrication. Frequent relay tripping of power circuits. Mechanical pars loosened by vibration {loose rivets, covers, bots, am). Uneven riding Mom wheels). Condition of collector shoes or bars. Candiflon o! waming or signal lights (burned out or broken). 3-5 FCC ID: GXZEI3653~P Section 4 Installation Information 4-1. tions. To ensure reliable and safe operation of the system, the following items must be considered before installing the receiver unit. Pre-Installation Considera- If the Receiver Unit is installed outdoors or in a corrosive environment, the Receiver Unit cabinet must be housed in a protective enclosure. The receiver unit should not be subiected to moisture. CAUTION THE RECEIVER UNIT OR RELAYS ARE NOT RA TED AS EXPLOSION PROOF. THE RECEIVER UNIT MUST NOT BE INSTALLED IN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRON- MENT S UNLESS APPROPRIATE SEC- ONDARY ENCLOSURE MEASURES ARE TAKEN. 4-2. Receiver Unit Mounting Loca- tion Considerations. The receiver unit requires a mounting area or approximately 17" wide by 18" long, and a depth of at least 18" to allow the cabinet door to open. Ensure that the mounting location is as far as possible from exposed trolley wires and sources of elearomagnetic or radiated noise. The mounting surface must be smooth and continuous. Mounting the cabinet on uneven surfaces could cause warping or stress internal components. The Receiver Unit may be mounted in any position. Greatest radio control range is 4-1 obtained when the Receiver Unit is mounted with the antenna pointed snaight up. If possible, avoid installing the Receiver Unit to a surface where high vibration or shock is present. If this cannot be avoided, use appropriate shock mounts. CAUTION IF PERIODIC VIBRATION IS ENCOUNT- ERED, AND SHOCK MOUNTING MUST BE USED, CONSIDER THE MASS OF THE RECENER UNIT AND FREQUENCY OF THE VIBRATION TO AVOID RESONANCE CONSULT FACTORY FOR RECOMMENDATION 4—3. Antenna Mounting Conside- rations. The antenna is mounted by placing it in the antenna socket. If mounting the antenna directty in the antenna socket is not possible, the amenna may be mounted remotely using an optional cable, antenna and antenna mounting bracket. Contact Telemotive for optional antenna information. In either type of installation, the following must be considered: An unobstructed line of sight should be provided between the Receiver Unit and the area where the Transmitter Unit is normally used. The antenna must be a minimum of 6 feet (1.9 M) from equipment power lines. The antenna must not contact equipment chassis, power lines, or structural components during operation, 'peun6guoo sq flew mu; suogdo mdgno snOyEA sq; JO us uuM Jeugweg Msts|dwoo smoosq m 9 pus s smdmp peel KNEW-mm 09W 'pssn am 5512sz JO sweauoo acuepsdmg ufigu J; mus Buyouuow mewoc e ssnea Rem asgou JO swsgsueu suu 96121 spans/m s! summon Rep: mane sq; ssmae pssn sq ox s|npow WOMEN JOSSaJddnS oa [euondo uv '5|(muoo sq; ussmsq uogems! spgAOJd 01 pue ‘s|q!ssod JOU S! Innuoo lusurnuoo mu; smsun a) suosesJ Maps 10; Nesssosu s! sgul ‘uun JsAgsosa sun ;0 sxnmno sq; JO ‘slonuoo qeo sq; Jsuus ussmsq ssuu |onuoo sum em mums Mienuew 0) pasn ss mums msuea V ‘pauL’tSl-I! aq (amowalei ufinmm aiqe wane) mums 13511811 a 12141 pspuswtuoosJ s! x! Wenomun; mews! at S! low-m qeo u ‘suoporulsu! JO; L MS mee dIG ‘S-L uozms 0; Jam; “suogesgmde Jeuujgs JsLno JO nausem Bum um pasn sq m m we sensual oguomsp 52 135 sq flew suomun; 0M J. Was: Sugqoxe| £12!"an [eoguenpaw e ssn asnw 1suBeuJ flung; Jo sum“ 52 Lpns ssogAsq 'p|su pue psssst s! uounq-usnd uun szwsueu sq; suqm sngse Apuo s! smsop New v wsxsks sq; JO 15sJ sq; pue qum uses mm; psm|osg Anew; pus ‘spewoo Mauswom ‘uedo Aneuuou are smdxno Kem ||v "skew sumpsuuszug ngnst mM sluslungnst xusum JO sb‘euon Jaufigu um mopewoo JO xuewdgnbs 01 uonoeuuoo “v 9 SI memos sq; Jo; Suns; LUGlSKS am slusuno usm-u; usmefie pale-rd 01 ‘JSAaMOH "OVA osz ‘V 91 19 ps1eJ ale summon flew mdmo JsAgssaJ IIV "suop, -mspgsu03 soayam ausmdgnbg Buupu2H leuawwuangaoau ”H P? “Supepelug Jo; pspssu se pssn memos Mp usdo Aneuuou om seu nun Jangsssu am ug Ae|su Jsmod 191sz am. '(0»09|.an) awoa mum HEMOd EHJ. OJ. SNIOE) HEMOd SH]. I-LLIM SNOILOBNNOD HHMOd EHl ..NIVHO ASNClu lON OG '51013nPU°° awedas my“ ssmnus JSMOd Jgsu; 01 Bumsuuo: ngnst maxsfis sgm u! sAersu sq: Aq psqouMs Jsmod "v usuuqsueu [anuoo psssstdns Apsdcud E JO fiugpugm NEDUUOSS OVA OZZ 0! OZL su; ssmoe Anoaup ‘sJonnpuoo w 1ss umn 51! Law ‘Deuw eq plnous (O'OQlOLV) Amwassv mdUI JsMOd aql “ulsxsfls sun ya Bung Jnofi [findings 01 pepssu 59 mo 10 paAOLueJ sq flew SJdeun_r 95W “pedwn! (S‘Er‘) ssuu 1ndu1 Kala: 112 um palm S! uun Jemima 9141 U! elnpow 1ndmo use; “ssmnos JaMOd s|dg|nLu LmM swsxsxs a; Eupeuswg Jo; smone sglu, ‘Jsuw uses meg pszalosl pue xuspusdspug Anew; sJE masks Jemaoea HVZ/QLMOL em w sxndzno ||V "JaMOd nun JsAgaoau pue Jsmod mdmo ;o uoge|03| '9-v "suogeumsu! sums u; Alesssosu sq AeLu Jsuompuo: sun v 'ssgou Jouzmunuoo snonug —uoo JO sxusgsuan sAgsssoxs fiugugmuoo ssuu Jsmod 01 uun Js/qsosu sq; fiugpsuuoo pgmv speel OVA ozz - OLL 0; panauuoo Anselm eq Aew sndzno "e ‘fiddns Js/wod uun JQMSOSH sq; um; psxepsg Anew; s! uogoss mums sq; soups ‘pssn sq xsnw JGUMOJSUEJJ ump-ds;s e 10 dn-dsxs e ‘szgnbaJ s; Jsmod OVA ow 4; Jo rams/x [eugwou ;o %oz spasnxs uogegnsp sfiequ sun aquM suogenydde Jog “KIUO OVA on ssn xsnw suun sssql “sBeum Sunmsdc sq; Bumpsds |qu| ou s! stq] ‘suun uogpnpmd Kuea uo ‘smN “sun oVA on pauowuoo pus psuems! ue unou; swede uun JsAgsasa sq] lELll pspuswwoosj sq u; ‘sunssl xssq 10:1 s|npaw mdm JaMOd su1 uo |sqe1 sq; uo psxeoypug SE 10 ‘Jamod zH 09—09 ‘(1eugwou) OVA ozz - 01,1. tum; uouerdo Jo; suogsgAmd Dsuuos 10ng11 seu uun JsAgsoaJ sl.u_ 'suog;mspgsuog mdu| sun ‘r-y 4-7. Receiver Unit Cabinet Moun- ting. Prepare a template or scribe marks directly on the surface for mounting the Receiver Unit cabinet. DfiII four 9/32" holes. Recommended mounting hardware is four - 1/4-20 hex machine screws of appropriate length, and four 1/4—20 x 7/16 "KEPS" or elastic shop nuts Flat washers should be used in front of nuts when the Receiver Unit is mounted to a non structural surface. Mount the Receiver Unit enclosure securely to mounting surface. NOTE Contact Telemotive for information on interfacing systems with high impedance inputs, or questions on interfacing requirements or options. 4-3 FCC ID: GXZE13653-P “r /‘ [Li FCC ID: GXZE‘I 3653-P Section 5 General System Information 5-1. General System Description The Series 10K16/24R Radio Control System provides remote control of overhead cranes using radio signals. This system consists of a portable, hand held battery operated Transmitter Unit and a fixed station Receiver Unit. The system can control up to 24 separate outputs. Both pendent and small lever style transmitter (SLTX) are available for use with the receiver unit. The pendent and small lever (SLTX) unit are functionally equivalent and imercriangeable The fixed station Receiver Unit is divided into seven basic modules. 1) RF UHF Converter/Receiver Module (E10151-X) 2) Master CPU Module (E10153-X) 3) Interface Control Module (E10103—0) 4) Relay Output Modules (E10104—0) 5) Optional RC Snubber Modules (E10106—0) 6) Power Supply Assembly (A101 60-0) 1) Power Supply (M6560) This allows easy modules replacement and diagnostics 5-1.1 Access Code. The system Access Code consists of two bytes (16 bits) This allows more than 65,000 possible addresses to be transmitted at the beginning of each frame. Any transmitted signal with an access code not matching the receiver Access Code is considered invalid. An invalid signal will not be accepted by the receiver 5-1.2 Time Multiple Shared (TMS) System Software. The system software is structured to minimize "on the air' transmission time of any transmitter. This allows for multiple transmitters to share a common frequency. The TMS system is designed so that a 5—1 transmitter will send a signal for a predetermined ON time, and will then tum OFF. The length of the transmitter ON time is called a data burst or packet. The packet length depends on the quantity of data to be sent and the data rate (baud). Once the packet is sent, the transmitter will turn OFF. This allows for other transmitters to time share the same frequency when a transmitter has turned OFF. The OFF period and repetition rate of the ON period are determined by the TMS system software. This allows up to 4 TMS systems to share and have equal access to the same frequency. It also allows for reduced Transmitter Unit power consumption, and extended battery life. Each transmitter, operating on the same frequency, may operate in close proximity (not less than six feet) to each other. 51.3 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C). The master CPU Module communicates with the Receiver Interface Control Module via an inter- integrated Circuit bus (lie). The IZC bus IS the two-line synchronous serial data system that allows twoway communication between the Master CPU Module and the Interface Control Module . 5-1.4 MultiBox Control Systems. An advanced feature of the 10K16/24R is the implementation of Multibox . With multlbox up to 4 transmitters may access a single receiver. Only one transmitter may control a receiver at a given time, Access is on a first come first serve basis. Once a transmitter has gained control, no other transmitter may access the receiver until the controlling transmitter relinquishes control by transmitting a OFF command to the receiver or the receiver times out due to transmitter inactivity. The first transmitter to send an ON command after the receiver has been released will then gain control of the receiver. Z'S "suogsmA Buwono; aux u; sstuoo Jaugwsuea ems x4|_'|s aq_|_ namwsuen sup Lam; psAouJaJ Kusea sq Raul lplLMA a|qE|[E/\E s; Bnld apoa ssaooe me my“ Jeugwsuzq e Aneuoudo wgsoufiegp 19; can Buyouuow flea/Manes v (L Mynoes |euoggppe Jo; qauMs Kay v (9 wndmo Ken-u n! amvsm Amman-u! 0: pas" Haunts uounq-usnd (swa) 11°38 Muefima (s lawns uouhq—usnd sac/N0 UV (iv an; emu; ‘uomppe U| sasgou xnz pue sham; xnv Jo uomales all; 101 1mm mamas mu» m: suogaun; Mzguxne Jo; sauna/ms 91660! Manamow [momma (z "luauoo uogoux Jo; moms uogov Jaha‘l paws m mode-s museums (l :a.|e Jemmsuen JGAS‘I sq; m empeauqrzm eql 351911!W5UP~U. XL'IS Z'Z'S “SIG-WOO mlas New 5 Due sardine Memxne ou my“ pasds c Joww L (9 want»: KHz/Kant»; put mo“ line/45.1014 10; was Mew puv sun-13m Mlqllxn! 7 law needs 5 ‘Joww 91: (z sundzno mum-e 9 1° 1» um needs a ‘Jomw s: (I. swam EugMono; aw, u! semen Jamwsuen apfis mapued an; "sagsouszgp 10; CIEI'I fiuuouuow ewe/Mama v (9 ‘qndzno K2|a1 ne ems": Mawmeww! 0; pasn mums uounq-usnd (swa)d°15 50085191113 (9 1mm uounq-usnd ddOINO w (v we may ‘uomppe U| ssgoq xnz pun sfiallwl Xne jO mamas aux 1°; Hams lamps New vu: suogwun; Memxne Jo; sauaums 915501 Manama" leuonoalm-Qs (2 101mm uogow Jo; saqauMS ucmnq-usnd paeds-c uoswauma (l JSJE Bmwsuea xuepuad an; m amaze; Jolem aLLL mangmsuul zuapuad rz-g "Jammsuan ems (xms) JaAa1 e pue Jamwsuen suns luepuad v “ape 1geAe axe memwsuan JO sad/0, muss "plau pueq pue ‘alqeuod ‘mfiiamufiu we suun Jaulwsuau. etu. suun Jamwsueu 7-9 home; am 12 papqaseJd sue ssaul almado ueo masks am LDNM uo ZHW est» pue user use/m -eq sepuanbau an emanate flue/w axe man J. slat-NEH!) a"WEE/W L'l'S "sflex uoppun; xne Jamwsuan am 6u1|550Mq 550 JO NO palmm sq m Demfiuum at: KEN-l 9 DUB z ‘I- sandmo Memxnv smfhno bellow-l 91-9 mo sum auswoxne moqum smells/m 05|e aJe uun Jemmsuan pue nun JeAgaoeu em JO suogmnfiguoo 'popad (nun JaAgeoSJ sq; Jo;se;nugu1 ZL Malengmdde pue Jemmsuen 9m 10; samugw 9L Iqaxengmdde) pepuawa ue Jo; peugwsuen JO paAgaoaJ ale spuewwoo cu 44 550 nun Jemmsuml em JO uun Jammy sq; sum; almea; UMOp Jamod v umoq JaMOd onewomv 91:9 “sessajppe apes ssasoe JO dncuB sgq) JD Jeqluslu xsmp an; 01 19s aq )snu1 ngoJJMs 3003 SSEIOOV MEI/“3038 Gui “pefiueua 34 Wu p|nous pue home; am Aq paufigsse ale sassaippe aseq J. sessaJppe emmssuao v ;0 met; e um; pepa|es sq xsnlu sapoo sseooe Jammsum) "v “KE|ds;p xqfiu |eu191xe ue amp 0; pssn aq flew samsop Ame; aseql ' xoq eAgwe au; ;0 Sug/(egdsgp sq; Jo; a|qeueAe s! samsop mama Aalai v uuM (0-L9L0L3) alnpcw 1ndmo lemds v 'e|npow ndo Jewew JaAgaoau aux uo e|qezoa|as qowns dgp s! (VL) JaAgaoaJ a pawn a; pemone smugwsueu, jO 1911an 914 J. 1) 3 motor, 3 speed with 4 or 6 auxiliary outputs 2) 3-5 motor, 3 speed with 4 auxiliary outputs and rotary select for hoist/aux hoist and trolley/aux trolley. 3) 3—5 motor 5-speed with 4 auxiliary outputs and rotary select outputs for hoist/aux hoist and trolley/aux trolley. In addition to the various versions of transmitters each transmitter may be configured via internal dip switches to provide output closures tailored to many standard crane controls and configurations The Transmitter Units are frequency modulated, low power, and certified under part 15 of FCC miles and regulations. Neither the transmitter nor the operator requires a license. The Transmitter Unit uses crystal controlled oscillators to set the operating frequency. The Transmitter Unit antenna is builtin 5-3. The Receiver Unit. The fixed station Receiver Unit is divided into seven basic modules. 1) RF UHF Converter/Receiver Module (E10151-X) 2) Master CPU Module (E10153—X) 3) Interface Control Module (E10103-0) 4) Relay Output Modules (510104-0) 5) Optional RC Snubber Modules (E101 06-0) 6) Power Supply Assembly (A10160-0) 7) Power Supply (A5656-0) 56.1 UHF Converter! Receiver Module. This module ls a dual conversion receiver operating in the 436.0 to 439.8 MHz band. The module is a vvideband digital receiver working at 9600 baud and is specifically designed for TMS transmission. The received signal is dual superheterodyne converted to the 10.7 MHz intemediate frequency range. It is then demodulated to recover the audio, and then signal conditioned to recover the digital data. 5-32 Receiver Master CPU Module. The Receiver Master CPU Module receives the recovered data from the UHF Converter/Receiver Module. It tests for errors in the data stream before FCC ID: GXZE13653—P sending the decoded output information to the Interface Control Module. The system Access Code switches for the receiver are located on this module. They must match the Access Code of the companion Transmitter Unit to correctly receive data. Some System Configuration Switches are also present on this module. 5-3.3 Receiver Interface Control Module. The Interface Control Module receives command and control data, via the Fe serial data link., from the Master CPU Module. Data is tested and then sent to the Relay Output Modules. Two Safety Relays are used to disable the outputs if the slave microcomputer detects a problem or fails. These are the Security Relay (K2) and the Main Control Relay (K1). The MCR relay (K1) drives the Master Power Relay. The Master Power Relay is located in the Receiver Enclosure. This module also provides additional control functions such as Auto-Alarm and Latched Auxiliary functions by the setting of a dip switches. The Interface Control Module holds fuses for power protection to the Receiver RF module, the Master CPU Module, the digital circuitry of the Interface Control Module and the Relay Output Modules 5-3.4 Receiver Relay Output Modules. The Receiver Relay Output Modules plug into the Receiver Interface Control Module, and contain eighth (8) Electro-mechaniml Relays per module. Each output is individually fused, and is suppressed with an MOV . An optional RC snubber network is available. Each module can provide eight (8) outputs of ON/OFF control. The left most module (A Module) may be configured to provide an Auto Alarm function which automatically tums ON the Alan-n F8 (Ade) for approximately five seconds when the system is tumed ON. Three (3) additional functions Awdfl Aux#2 and Awdr3) may be configured as latched outputs. These may be toggled ON and OFF by the pressing 5-3 named mdzno pue mdu; em 10; smwauuoo pue Mow) Jessmddns 96mm wags-um; e ‘(JeMod 1ndu; am Eulllouuoo Jo; asst-1191 a 1mm) Jaxealq unmp 315de z e sugemoo os|e u 'a|oq Bununmu uar Jamal em 146an mums uun lemma am 0: pepunmfi S! flawsssv mdul Jamaal auu. 'P@IIElSU! sq osre ;snuJ pea| punmfi ewedes e ‘papunmfi S! sun [annau am lpllJM 01 aanmnns ewes em 01 papuncufi you 51 sgsseua uun JQMQOGE sq; ;| 91.1213 am 3121341012141 sauu |mumo masn sq; um; paue|osg sq mu 1&qu JO Rem spea-l est-ml ‘Jauuo;sue.u JaMOd sun 01 Kmaflp 51406 spea| ;o Jged amedas 9 [mm panM sq lsnw K|qwasse sgm Jo; fiddns 9141 30" OVA OLL pauompuoo DUE 9312105! ue Luau; amnedo uun ISMGDSH sq; mu; pepuem 4110031 5! 1! ‘sunsau )ssq Jod ‘qnpow ;ndU| JeMOd am uo |aqex sq; uo paleogpug se 10 named zH 0909 (|eu!\uou) OVA ozz - 0L L um; axejedo flew nun sgLLL "nun ISMSOQH sq; swede 01 pajgnbeu JGMOd an.“ saangnsgp pue 510mm A|qwassv mdw JaMOd aul 'A|qt.uassv 3ndU| JaMOd 9 '9—9 naugmsuen 9141 uo saqoums mafia; paxegaosse new ;0 FCC ID: GXZE13653—P Section 6 Operating Instructions 6-1. Transmitter Unit Operating Instructions. 6-1.1 Push-Button Switches Power ONIOFF Switch The transmitter is tumed ON by pressing the ON/OFF push-button switch. The transmitter 15 turned OFF by pressing the ON/OFF push—button switch again. Emergency Stop (EMS) Switch. For all Transmitter Unit configurations. there is a push-button switch marked EMS. When pressed, all equipment movement imme diately stops. After the EMS push button is pressed, only the ALARM (Aux.#4) function can be transmitted, if JU2 is set accordingly on the Interface Control Module. Reset the system for normal operation by tuming the transmitter OFF then ON again. NOTE The ALARM command has a special jumper provision located on the Interface Control Module (JU2) allowing the ALARM on the Relay Output Module to be either enabled or disabled during an EMS shutdown (See Section 7-2.2 for more information on the setup of this jumper) 6-1.2 Auxiliary Toggle Switches Auxiliary function 18-2, 38-4 and 5&6 are bidir- ectional, switch pairs ordered as follows. For the 10K24 1) Aux 1 & Aux 2 2) Aux 3 & Aux 4 and 10K16 Extended Mode 3) Aux 5 & Aux 6 6-1 For Aux 5 & Aux 6 Mode to be available the receiver needs k) be a 10K24R to be able to output the additional output functions. 6-1.3 Rotary Select Switch The rotary select switch is used to route the trolley and hoist motion control switches to the hoist/aux—hoist and trolley/aux-trolley receiver outputs in mode 1 and to generate the select outputs in mode 2. (See Section 7 and Appendix B and Appendix C for more information on these modes) 6-1.4 Motion Function Pendent Push-buttons Switches. To activate transmitter motor functions, press and hold the push button that corresponds to the desired motion. To activate the 2nd, or 3rd speed function press the motion control switch a little further to energize additional speeds. The 2nd, and 3rd speed detente can be clearty felt for each desired speed. 6-1.5 Motion Function Lever Switches. To activate transmitter motion functions, push or pull the lever that corresponds to the desired motion. To activate the 2nd, or 3rd, (or 4th and 5th) speed function push or pull the motion lever control switch a little further to actuate the additional speeds. Functions are configured to have lockouts between motion directions. This prevents two opposing motions from being active simultaneously. 39mm dIG asam 40 uoneool 9u1 smous Z—A ejnfiu pue L'L aJnfiu “apoo ssaoov mansAs 9m19s suogms HOHMS 959141”? 145001414. Palaqel SHOWS law seumws dIC| uomsod 9 cm uzewoo uun Jeweoaa aux U! alnpow ndo Jawew JeAgeoea pue uun Jammsuau 9m meg zpawasajd IE-IGUBS 5UIM0II0J 914i. nun Jangtusueu aJeds 9m 10 9903 ssaoov 9m mew 01 apoo ssaoov uun J9A19093 9m 95u2L|o ‘pasn s; uun JGWLUSUBLL sleds 2 1| nun Jamwsum J. ejeds pawusgsep B LNM pasn new JO ‘Messsoeu M91n|osqe ssa|un pafiueuo 9q zou p|nous pue Nope; 90.41 19 195 51 apes) ssaoav emu '(sms‘ums) apoo ssaoov Bumas uoguzjado xoqmnw u! paAgaoax sq ueo mu; sewwsuau jO Jaqumu 9m 5193 (HMS (t ‘san map Ozl em uo ass 0; smsdxa fldO Jasew am s9|npow 1c Jaqwnu at.» gas GMS (z apoo sseooe Jamaal eta mas ems puv LMS (L 9.12 s9uu9p1n6 uun J9A59cxaj 9m 911169qu 01 p96ueuo 9a Aem 12141 591mm names seq a|npow ndo Jalsew elu. a"WOW [MO 19139"! VC'S “19A19091 91.11 10 uouunfiguoo 91.11 Jane 01 pefiueLp sq flew 121g sauna/ms |ouuoo 9Iqm9|9s1o Jaqujnu E seq uun JanpeoaJ 9u_j_ 'suouom1su| Bugmado uun JQAQBOBH '99 WM"; 9141 ug smeuene 9q mm suogwnfiuuoc wow 0 xlpuaddv a xwuaddv L uouoes flame/[Elle Anuauna sepow 3:10ng am no uogeuuqu! 19mm; Jo; suogoas Buy/40110; at” 995) 2—9 ‘sumuoa sum uomuma 10 uogaalas 9141 WlIV HMS “smut" S’VMS “uogmnfiuuoo auzx: 9141 o; bugpjoooe dn1as 941 o; sienna pue sxsum wepueJ. pue Memxnv w uonaauss am smonv rwms qfinwm L-ms suogeoudde |cu1uoo QUEJO uowwoo 1sou1 01 p91depe 9q flew pue suonEJnSuuoo 1nd1no peugepald snoyEA 01 uun Jeugmsum J. 9m $199 17mg 'sau=n!MS uoumlas apow mdmo Z'z-s (apes 539309 911; flames uo uoyeuuqul wow 10; L'9-9 names ass) EMS LMS JQMQOEH LMS ZMS JGWWWEJL sale evfs apes llfilH M07 sseaav "Alesssoau A|91n|osqe ssa|un p9fiueqo 9q 1ou p|noqs pue None; 9111 1a 195 s! epoo ssamv 9Lu_ ‘9poo 559009 Jamuxsuen eta 5195 ZMS pue LMS Bumas uouMs apoa ssasov I-‘Z'S "sSumas uouMs lewazm uun Jamwsueu 7-9 9121 191591 e 13 sauseu am 9141 ‘mep Buuuwsuen sq £11!me Jemlusuan 9141 usuM ‘sme1s uogssgmsuan asp saw/mid os|e 031 sq J. "CIE'I aux memumm mu mm 10mm! am ‘OGA g‘g uem ssa| s; afieuon Maueq |e1o1m 530 p9u.|n1 s! Jamwsuzn 9m ;| 'uogss1u1suen ou uwm 91215 9|pg ue smous 9121 useu MO|S v '|9ued tum; uun Jaugwsueu 91.11 uo p91unmu c|§r| ue Kq p9m1gucw s! 9&3qu Manes "JOIBOWUI 031 nun Jamwsueu 91:9 NOTE Set switch stations using a ball-point pen or similar tool. Do not use a pencil. The Access Code, as listed on the serial number label, is in standard decimal form. The Access Code, as used on the transmitter and receiver, is in binary code (ones and zeros or on and off), The label on the top of the Tiansmitter Unit is a direct (or one to one) representation of the Access Code switch position settings. Note the switch marked "A" on the label is SW2 in the transmitter or SW7 in the receiver. The switch marked "B" on the label is SW1 in the transmitter and SWB in the receiver. MultiBox Settings (SW9,SW10) These switches configure the Receiver to Standard or Mutibox Systems sws is set at the factory and should not be changed unless the receiver unit is being upgraded to MultiBox and a Display Output Module is being added. If no Display Output Module is being added then the Switch settings should not be changed (See Appendix H for more information on installing the MultiBox Display Module.) SW10 is set at the factory and should not be changed unless the receiver unit is being upgraded to MultiBox. Then the receiver must be set to the maximum number of transmitters that the receiver is to service. (See section 7-2.1 orAppendix H for the setting these switches) 6-32 Interface Control Module The Interface Control Module has several switches that may be changed to re-configure the receiver unit FCC lD: GXZE136534’ SW3—1 through SW3-3 sets the board address of the module This is factory selected and should not be changed. SW2 configures selected outputs to operate in special predefined manner. Selectable options are 1) SW2-1 Sets Auto Alarm to be Enabled or Disabled When enabled an ON command transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver will turn Aux 4 ON for the durafion of the ON transmission. 2)_SW2-2 Sets EMS Alarm to be Enabled or Disabled When enabled the pressing of the EMS button or when the Master CPU Module detecs a system en'or the F8 (AUX#4) will automatically tum ONA 3)SWZ—3 Temporarily disables contact monitoring of the MCR relay output in emergency situations. 4) SW2-6,SW2-7,SW2-8 Three addifional functions (Aux1,, Aux2 and Aux3) may be configured as latched outputs. These outputs may be toggled ON and OFF by pressing the respective 5) SWZ-B Enables or Disables the latching feature for AUX 1 6) SW2-7 Enables or Disables the latching feature for AUX 2 7) SW2-8 Enables or Disables the latching feature for AUX 3 (See section 7-22 for setting this switch) 8) JU2 Enables or Disables the K8 relay on output module A to make the Alarm Output available during an EMS shutdown condition. “JaMOd mane pue mdug aux Jo; swpauuoo pue Mow) Jessmddns efialm wagsuen e ‘(Jamod mdu! am Bullionuoo Jo; asea|aJ 2 Law) Jaxeajq 14me aiadmv z e sugemoo os|e 1| 'a|ou Sununow ua| JQMO| sq; qsncuq; launes nun lemma am 0: pepunmfi 31, fimwessv indun de all ‘panmsm sq osm 1snw pew punmfi awedas e 'pepuncu5 S! auu |annau am 140qu 0; alumnus ewes em a; papunms you 5; sgsseqo uun Jamaoaa au; JI auras aux swede 12141 sauu yonuoo sJasn sq; tum; pawns; sq xou flew Jo flew spas: asatu 'Jauuo;.sue.n Jemod sq; o; [imam Bugofi spam ;0 Jged awedes E Law panM sq xsmu Mqluesse 5114) Jo; Mddns Stu "Gull OVA OLL PGUONDUOO DUE DGIBIOS! us LUCA; swede uun Jamaoaa an; seq; pepueluumoan s! u ‘sunsau Lseq 101] -e|npow mdm JaMOd sq: uo |aq2| 6L“ uo pemgpu! se Jo ‘Jemod ZH 0909 (mum) OVA ozz - OLL we); amado Aem nun sgql nun Jalqaoau eta made o: {394an and sq; samquzsgp pue smnuoo Amwessv mdu1 Jamed eql News 13531 sq; meaueq Jaxean 14me am uo pezunouj JeAa| 9535191 pal eta Bugusnd Aq paAomeJ sn JSMOd 'u! ABM am ||e ‘quesse mdU| Jamod am uo pawnow ‘Jaxemq unmp am Bugusnd Kq uun JaAgaoau au; 0; paudde s! JaMDd A|qwassv1ndu| Jamod Fit-9 (09014113) a|npow quqnus momau Q—a elqepEJBdn p|ag e 146an enema/x5 s! uogsseJddns asgou |euomppv '/\0|N a Law pessalddns asgou pua pesn; Auenpwpu! s! A219; use; ‘spnuoo |zu1a1xa mums oz slime; |esgueqaew fiber?) 8 59"! a|npow mdzno KEIGH all]. ampow mdzno Kala}! S'S‘Q FCC ID: GXZEI 3653-P SECTION 7 SWITCH CONFIGURATION GUIDE 7-1 Transmitter Switch Configuration Selection. The transmitter comes in the standard configuration. All special functions are disabled. To enable the alternate functions the following switch setting may be made. Refer to Figure 7-1 for Switch location. E10881-0 sm ' IIlIIllllllllfl ‘ . SW1 SW2 ‘Illllllllllllll 'fl|lll|lll|]|l Tsm”. WM Figure 7-1. Location of Transmitter Unit Configuration Switches. 7-1.1 Access Code Switches SW1,SW2 Sets the transmitter Access Code, The Access Code is set at the factory and should not be changed unless absolutely necessary. Note that SWZ and SW1 on the Transmitter CPU module correspond to SW? and SWB on the Receiver Master CPU Module respectively. Access Low High Code Byte Byte Transmitter SVV2 SW1 Receiver SW7 SW8 7-1.2 Automatic Time-out SW3 Selects or de-selects Automatic Time-out transmitter shutdown SW3-8 set to OFF enables the Automatic Time-out feature SW3—8 set to ON disables the Automatic Time-out feature When Automatic Time-out is turned OFF then transmitter will not automatically shut OFF after 15 Min. 7-1.3 Mode Select/Configuration Switch SW4 on the Transmitter CPU Module is divided into 2 banks. Bank1 SW4-1 through SWM: Controls the enabling and disabling of dual and tandem hoists and trolleys as well as the method by which dual hoists and trolleys are controlled or selected. Bank 2 Selects the different type of common predefined crane control . NOTE: A complete description of these modes are available in Appendix B and Appendix C More configurations will be available in the future. fir Z'l ' |m1uos sum: pauuaszd uotumoo JO adh luejaggp am males e-vMS uBnonu WMS ‘apoo ssesav SLR p uq zueaggufigs ISOUJ sq; o; SpuodSaJ-JDO 9 uonexs ‘(ampow {1.5319qu Z xueg -5UEJ.L em uo LMS) 8 Ms W wenmufils lSEaI am a; spuodsauoo L ucneqs ‘(a|npow ndO A'IIIO WWSUEJJXJ'IS Jamwsue.‘ J. sq; uo EMS) LMS Immedsm aw u! enema/w A'puasajd 5151111 awn elnpow ndo szwsuau am uo LMS pus ZMS 0! puodsauoo anpow ndo msew wow plenum am Ja/qeoaa sq; uo ems pue LMS mm ezoN mm; papa/m! s; auuado mdmo 193138 3“NO NO 01195 HMS Messaoau 'apou1 A|e1n|osqe sse|un paBueLp aq zou p|nous pumas e u! made “153110 pue Nome; sq; as 195 s! apes sseaov mu mews anus :HO 0; 33s HMS SSWHMS apes sseoov EMS LMS 'uugs13nugpa|as sum 3 apow =HMS . ‘Kauon pue zsloq saqoums uogmnfiuuoo ndo Jassew ' ~ . _ Memxne aux ;o zuapuadepun A|axa|dluoo ”New” p “092001 a 1' amBH azejado Ae||on pue zsgoq ugew aql mums mamas sq; jo uoggsod sq), eudssp palqesgp 912 smcnno wapue; ”e ‘apow sgu), u| "smear/u; mu 5! sAamul pue ssgoH 1010131100 wspuu N0 0: ias e—vMS 'a|qz|geAe s! sflauml pus szsgoH 4010111103 manual 550 0; ass HMS SAGII‘ML PUP 515K”! 10 lemon unapuu swaps-3p JO swaps iS-VMS 'a|qe|gene mu 5! m ‘ ‘ ‘. E 0 (31mm amawooouam Emma-m Kane-u. puooss NO 0; ass HMS ‘uKfi~———l “ensue/m 5! Reno“. puooas 550 0: 19s z-rMS ‘alnDOIN ndo JQISEW SSl-IfillMS SICIWJQIQs Kano; J. puoaas Jssn ||e p uouesm 9141 smoqs Z‘L eJnSH swaps-3p 10 males Iz-VMS '9|nP°W ndO Jensew Iv'Z‘L NO Z 9P°W Slum N0 03 335 L‘vMS :Mo|aq papgAOJd N0 l spew sum; 550 0: las HMS me sauoums ssam Jo; suogdo uouamfiuuoo Z 990W 10 l GDOIN spams 1L-7Ms "nun JeAieoeu em U! pamm salmws l xuea uonemsuuoo pue spawn [EJSASS we 35041 'suogun5guoo VMS qualms nun WNW}! 'Z'L 533135 1.03133 f vomoo SCION ENWO '7Ms A’q pamalas sadA'; anal: pue N0 sapoul at" ;o uolssnaslp aaelduloa e 550 fig i H H H EH lo; 3 xmuaddvpue gxgpuaddvaes I. z s , s 9 1. s SW9 configures the number of module the Master CPU module expects to see on the IZC buss. Two configurations are possible. 1) Std system 16124 outputs 2) Std system with multibox display module ON OFF g .:|_ NUMBER 1 i:- or moouuas 1 0 SW9 SWITCH SETTING CONFIGURATION SW 9-1 SW9-2 ON OFF std system (16/24) ON ON std system ‘ * with MUL TIBOX DISPLA Y MODULE 7-3 FCC ID: GXZE13653~P SETflNG MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRANSMITTERS Switches 10-1110-2 sets the maximum number of transmitters that an access the receiver v The switch settings are binary 001° 11 for 1 to 4 transmitters. ON — OFF “WWW MAXIMUM BOXES ENABLED 1 — 0 SW1 0 SWITCH MAXIMUM ACCESS SE1'I1NG BOXES CODE SW10—2 SW10-1 OFF OFF 1 BASE ADDRESS OFF ON 2 BASE ADDRESS +1 ON OFF 3 BASE ADDRESS +2 ON ON 4 BASE ADDRESS +3 NOTE: Selected transmitters must have consecutive addresses beginning from the base address NOTE: More information on Multibox is available in Appendix H ‘uogmado 5:10 DUE NO Nauawow 10; o 0: ass “uoumado 550 pue N0 PGLFREI 10} L 0) IFS ‘puewxuoo 550 pue NO Mmuawow e se swede o; zgpmv SMO||E JO 550 DUE No palm?! pue pa|550l eq 01 atan smouv rates tame-l ‘(sw z bcmxnv L'ZMS “uowado ddO pue NO Amusumw 10; o 01 198 ‘uonaledo 5:10 pus NO puma] 10; L 0: tas puzwwoo 550 pue NO Newswom e se almado 01 ”WW SMDIIE JO ado pue NO Palm-BI pue 961650; sq 01 WW smonv "wales 149151 191) L Meumnv s-zms ‘pasn 3°N S'ZMS ‘pasn WN V'ZMS alqesmoz L 01138 a|q=uecuo 01338 ‘sasodJnd ogsousegp Jo; pssn Kmewyd s; u Wmaa lemme Jetsam eta w Buyouuouu was an semesm - ammo wallow sow e-zMS WHV'IV SWE 3NE“? N 103198 WEVTV SW! mesa: W 0 01 135 71 Gunpow fldO Jaxsew sq; Aq pemauefi s! puewwos swa |ew91ug ue JO passaxd s! mes uounq-qsnd swa Jeupwsuea am. new (agengcudde) spuooas am 10; puawwoo wavw ue p uogmsuafi oueumne ue smouv "(ex ‘v xnv) wales uuevv swa z-zMS WHV'IV 01"? am!“ 01 L cuss WHV'IV can! aWES!” 03 0 01395 "puemwoo egfifio) Nexuewow em 01 puodseu mM (sx‘v xnv) uumv 135 Wu uauM ‘Jamwsuea eta U! uounq -usnd ddO/NO 9141 JG Suessard at» M mums Menu 5; JeAgaoal am uauM (elengmdde) spuooes mg m; pueunuoo wavjv ue ;o uogateuafi ogeumne ue mow ‘(sx ‘v xnv) wares “new omv l'ZMS 'suogpun4 IOJlUw 1nd1no meweue [euoudo sass qozgms sgq J. blows mas uonound lusts/is ZMS ‘spuuoo |2Luev|eq pazuasald s! uoqwun; sgmesgpug pue JOIOO ‘Jequmu Joxeogpm ‘smmgpug sq; p uogxmm sq; sepngJd z-g aJnBH ‘Bugooqsemnon U! Pl? 0! SJOIEOPU! 5914 empow 5M. "momgpm smas pue sysouBegq a|npow ndO ISISBIN lemmas z's-s ‘9IHPOW WOO 39W! at]; "0 (731 Jouuow Jamod pus asn; laMod xoaqo FCC ID: GXZE13653-P 8-3.3. Receiver Interface Control Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. The Receiver Interface Control Module has lndicators to aid in troubleshooting. Figure 8-3 provides the location of the indicators, Indicator number, color and lndicators function is presented below. E10103—0 INTERFACE CONTROL MODULE D516 o o usls as 0812 5510 w! “5170 o o o o 0000 Figure 8-3. Receiver Interface Control Module Indicators 051 (Green) - Monitors the 12 DC power 034 (Yellow) _ Monitors closure of the supply to control relay coils of the Relay Secu - Rela 0 “pm K2. Output Module via The Security Relay K1. nty y ( ) The Secufity Relay controls the 12 VDC If 12 VDC relay coil power is present when power to the MCR relay (K2), and the power LED is illuminated. LED is off if 12 VDC lothe coils ofthe control relays (K1 through power is not present K8) on the Relay Output Modules. The LED will be illuminated when the Security Relay D32 (Green) - Monitors +5 VDC regulated has been enabled by an ON command voltage (normally ON). received from the Transmitter Unit LED will extinguish when an OFF command is If the LED is not illuminated, the +5 VDC is transmitted, or an EMS condition is present. not present. Check connectors. the +5 VDC regulator, or for shorts on the board. D85 (Yellow) ‘ Monitors the AC bias pump line forthe Security Relay (K2). Check Power fuse and Power ”WW LED LED will flash only when the Receiver Output 0" the 1"??ch 00m, WU"! Module has been enabled by an ON 053 (Red) - Monitors closure of the MCR “mm“ relay (K1)- The Security Relay Is enabled by an AC LED will be illuminated when the MCR relay signal generated by the gave microcomputer, has been enabled by an ON command The ac signal is capacitively isolated from the received from the Transmitter Unit. LED will slave microcomputer to help prevent the extinguish, when an OFF command has been Security Relay from being latched ON if the transmitted, an EMS condition is present, or gave microcomputer fai|5_ LED will not be SW" is 59110 0~ illuminated when an OFF command has been sent or an EMS condition is present. 8-3 ‘9IHP0W [013003 Nat-Bu” all! "0 057 JOLIUOW lemod pue asn; JEMOd ”33113 ‘szomuuoo neat/3 wasaJd mu 8! 30A ZL+ a!“ Wullllfllll wu 5! 037 a“HI 'sa|npow lemma flamed m4; A|ddns Jemd sq; m uomod 30A ZL 91“ SJ°¥U°W ' (119319) 9180 'aAn:a;ap sq flew wouda JO mug Jandwoo ongu! am am! zumsuoo e 19 saqseu (131 am ;| ‘Joxemfiaa 362ml! museum 9 Aq Jo meoq am uo suoqs Aq DGSHED 9°! F’IHm 9M. WWI 001 Kmmd S! cm 9+ aux ‘Kuumsuos paleumm!!! S! CEI‘I u “Auedmd Suppcw! mu 5! Jamdwoo sq; ‘A|snonuguoc Suguseu s! 031 am y mausfis amp tum; panama: JO 01 peudde 5! Jemd 119th MUEJUGUJOLU awuwnn! II!M CEI'I ELLL “(£0 Alleluia") Jams: GoplmeM am Slouuow - (938) Elsa 1m) may hunoas an M W! ov an swuuow - (mane/u MSG ‘wazsfis an u! FWD 5! ssaxppe pmoq pauoou! u: g ‘Msnon wuoo pateuwnu! an use! pun asa 'pa)dnuoo uaaq seq an oz! 6141 uo map Bummm am ‘pateuwnu! 612 men PUB 680 um u ‘PBDGWD ueaq seq mus Buyouuow pmuoo e ‘paxeugumm ale ELSCI Due LLSG moq u ‘Jamdwooonm! SAEIS Stu Kq panewp S! epou! smug; e usuM 10 peuuusuea 5! puewmoo swg ue uaum palean aq new uompuoo swa uv “mega U! S1. uorupuoo SW; at!» uaum Msnonuguoo psmugumm pus pemmsuea S! puemum swa ue ueuM useu mM as"! "(550 Autumn) uompuoo swa Slouuow - (pea) use 7‘8 uoua fiuuouuom pauco HOW E 900199 empow [onuco meyem all) M NO CIH'I ‘(_-|=!o Nleuuou) mu; mumuoa aaw smuuow - (pas) msu page u! 5! Guns swg ue uaqM Msnonuguoo autumn!!! qu m use pus use “nun Jawwsuml eta Luau pe/qaoa! fiugaq S! puewwoo ddO ue uauM useu mm 031 “(5:10 Aneuuom nompuoa swa 10 £0 swallow (pea) use 'an oz| sq; uo paumoo Bug/mu Jone amp finance!!! ma 01 anp wage U! S! ems swa ue uaqM K|snonuguoo eleugumm Luca "w! QLSCI PUB 680 “QIIJUJSUER 9111 “1°13 ”Alma! Bum S! puewum No US US!!!“ useg mm a?! "(5:10 Mme") uompuoo SWEI 10 N0 Slouuow - (pea) 550 SM all a!!! uo ssalppe am 2 93109199 seu alnpcw ndo JSISEW a!!! 4! NO GB'I '(:HO Aneuuou) SSS-Jpn! pmoq pea - (mu) 9st Nun-32 an oz! reuuou SMDuS (Sumseu) NO 031 'aAgae mu 5! an 3:1 J! B0 S! CEFI ~an map “was all swallow - (MOIIaA) LSCI "apoux swg me u! suozuas ussq seq puewwoo 550 ue ueuM peqeugumm aq mu mm can Stu. “sum Jamdwoocuow ems em 1! NO mutual 6qu Luau HOW am waAeud d|au oz Jsmdulooonglu GAEIS em LUOJ; pawns! Mampedea s! |eu5gs av aql ‘Jamdwooomgtu SAE|S sq; Aq pamJauefi leufigs av ue Aq palqeue S! (w!) KRIS}! muoo Jetsew a!!! 'puewwoo No we Aq peneua ueaq seq ajnpow |onuoo aoeyexw lemma eta usuM Aluo uSEu mm 031 (n!) max! lunuoo mass!!! at!» m! euu dwnd sen: ov mallow - (mouaA) 980 8-3.4. Receiver Relay Output Module Diagnostic and Status Indicators. This module has indicators to aid in trouble shooting. Figure 8-4 provides the location ol‘ the indicators. Indicator number, color and indicators function is presented below. 510mm m 0 RELAY OUTPUT MODULE 8-4. Location of Relay Output Module Indicators. 031 through use (Rena - Monitors the state of control voltage to the coils K1 through K8 {normally OFF). F1 through F8 provide a fused link to the output control lines. If the relay appears to be working but no output voltage is present at the output connector check the appropriate fuse. 8-5 FCC ID: GXZE13653-P The Receiver Relay Output Modules may be tested, using a Transmitter Unit without starting crane controls by setting SW1 on the Interface Control Module to 0 (OFF). This allows testing and analyze the system without causing movement of the crane, Setting SW1 to 0 (OFF) on the Interface Control Module, removes power to the Master Control Relay (K9) and the Master Power Relay mounted in the cabinet of the Receiver Unit. Setting SW1 to 1 (ON) retums the output module to normal operating mode. 8-35. Power Input Assembly The Power Input Assembly controls and dis- tributes the power required to operate the Receiver Unit, This unit may operate from 110 » 220 VAC (nominal) 50-60 Hz power, or as indicated on the label on the Power Input Module. For best results, it is recommended that the Receiver Unit operate from an isolated and conditioned 110 VAC line. The supply for this assembly must be wired with a separate pair of leads going directly to the power transformer. These Leads may or may not be isolated from the users control lines that operate the crane. if the Receiver Unit chassis is not grounded to the same structure to which the neutral line is grounded, a separate ground lead must also be installed. The Power input Assembly is grounded to the Receiver Unit cabinet through the lower left mounting hole. It also contains a 2 Ampere circuit breaker (with a release for controlling the input power), a transient voltage suppresser (MOV), and connectors for the input and output power. [it zx) FCC lD: GXZE13653~P Section 9 Theory of Operation 9-1 The Transmitter Unit. A block diagram of the transmitter unit is presented in figure 9-1 The ON/OFF switch toggles the transmitter from the OFF state to the ON state or from the ON state to the OFF state. When the transmitter is initially turned ON, it automatically transmits to the receiver an ON command frame that last approximately five seconds before enten'ng the quiescent ON state. When the transmitter is turned OFF, it automatically transmits an OFF command frame for approximately five seconds before turning the transmitter power OFF. wsmrsrlwmcstz mun Bmtmss um BATTINY nowEa Figure 9-1. Transnitter Unit, Block Diagram While in the quiescent ON state, the transmitter periodically scans the control switdwes looking for a closure. if no closure is detected, it continues scan. ning. If a switch closure is detected, the transmitter sends a specially coded data frame that tells the receiver which switch or combination of switches has 9-1 been closed. Besides command or control data, the transmitted frame will aiways include a unique 18 bit Access Code and an a bit CRC code for error detection. A serial data output from the microcomputer provides a serial digital signal that serves as modulation information, EMPTY DATA mME SWC “L5 «as: access comm m: was two: you new film I“ nn um HOLD DATA FRAME fig , svuc ms: nu“ access with car. on: cons um um um we win mun CWMANDWORD FRAME ! E | 1 l I 3 mm sass entrant twain cons an: mm M: unit ml mm m svuc nu: SINGLE DATA WORD FRAME on: ma “cm; Access carnal. um Wot cm! I'll: mm mm m .,. m m Figure 9~2. Data Frame, Sync Pulse, Access Code Words, and Data Words. svnc use The serial data output feeds an oscillator/modulator that produces an FM FSK modulated signal in the 16.148 to 16.259 MHz frequency range. Frequency modulation is accomplished using a varactor diode in the oscillator tank circuit The modulated signal is amplified and the frequency multiplied 27 times through three triplers to produce a signal in the 436.0 to 439.8 MHz range. The Transmitter CPU Module is the controller, which reads the front panel switches, internal Access Code switches. and the configuration switches. This a!!! ‘atnpow ndo Jetsam am “Gunpow lemma usuamoo dHn am 0! uousaxmd 1!me nous 10! sasn! splou osre elnpow muoo aoeuswn atu ‘sfielaj mdxno momma!!! {meals at.“ 01 amp |m1uoo mesa! 35011! sq), mdmo mm ems aux mus U! S! uompuoo swa ou pus puewmoo NO pamusuau e Aq pe|qeue s! meoq am uauM ‘axnpouj aux go smas pue 1nd1no luaum aux saxepdn pue ‘uomap Jone pue Luns>peLp am suuopad ‘epoo sserpv an; sxpaLp ‘an gz| 914; mm; amp seAgaoaJ Jamdwooongw 9AE|S aLLL 'XU!I FWD [Eyes Dal a!!! a!!! alnpow ndo Jansew a!!! won map youuoo pue pueLouoo saAgaoaJ Lpgw ‘Jamdwoowogw aAE|s pJeoq-un ue seq a|npow |onuoo aoeyem QLLL 'a|npow IO-WOO aowam mmau S'Z'G ‘Ewp aAgaoaJ Amos a) nun Jamwsuax J. unluedwoo em JD apco sseoov em umeuj ;snu.1 empow ndo JSISEW sq; uo apoo ssacov 514 J. 'a|npou1 sgq; uo pawns! 919 ISMGOQJ am 1059me uogamfiuuoo masks pue epoo ssaoov masks aul 'peJea|o ea ||!M empow JaAfioeu/ lauaAuoo a!!! 01 was mp 1nd1no aux ‘spuooas g'o A|a3emgxmdde Jo; empow JaAgaoau/Jauamoo dHfl SLR mm; paAgaoaJ ueaq seq asap mum!!! 41 em!) 40 Doped pexu 2 Jo; empow Innuoo ensues!!! am on was Due met! S! as?!) J0 swan poofi $2! an indmo am we flunuuuoo unmet!!! DJ. 'P°PJBOS!D sq u!M mum; aux ‘peldrwoo useq seu even pameoal eta W141 913°!PU! S153! asst-u w flue J! ‘epoo sseoov Due 9 can “fined ‘wuuw emu; Jadmd apnrw! map em uo 51591. “alnpow lonuoo eoeusxm am 0! uonBuUOW! Wino paprmp eta puss pue sloua Jo; u ‘3331 ‘a|npow JangaoaallavaAuog an sq; mm; euap peJeroaJ aux GMBOBJ 0! S! alnpow ndo Jasew a!!! J0 xsex Newyd mu. 'a|npow “do BISEW Jammy Z'Z'G ueugwsuan aux smmpow o; pesn |eu6gs |onuoo sq; 53199"an umuM findmo mm a eonpmd 0! 511mm Bugssaomd |eu6gs 145mm; sassed mdzno 10133330 aql JODSlep eumerenb pue Jegudwe 5" JSLROUE 0! mu ZHW [0L alocHno; e ufinmul passed 09141 DUE ‘Paljfldwe 714W [0L 01 maximum 9! IEU5!S Z'6 am ‘Jaxgu! sup, U| ‘Jaxguu puooes sq; m Jagudwe pue mug 51 xszg am uBncuu; 5906 ueuz |eu5ps SN]. ‘ZHIN Lv pue gov uaaweq leu6!s mmno ue sacnpmd LIDNM ‘Jaxgu: mu am spaa; uau: Jegndwe dB 9“! W014 mdzno ‘1991IdUJB is U? 0) USN} PUB Jopa|esa|d e qfinmm 05 euuaaue sq; mm; sqeufiys ‘sunmp ue 0! 00A 09 w 1nd1no ue wmmqnfia! pJeoq uo ue seq a|npou1 a!!! map leufim sun Jame! 0! peuoumuoo mums uau; pue 'o;pne 3L“ JGAOOSJ o; pammpowep ueLn S! 1! ‘sfiuw buenbeu swam-lax!!! ZHW £0! sq! 0! pave/moo aquozauaLuedns pm: 5! |eu6gs palqsoa: Gnu. suozsswsuan SWJ. 10! psufimn magmas S! pus pneq 0096 15 Suppom JeMGOQJ pump pueqapw! e S! ernpow Stu. ‘pueq ZHIN a'eev ox 0'9ev em U! Eugaedo JaAgaoaJ uomaAuoo new 2 s! a|npow sgu J. '3I“P°IN JQAEWHIJWQAUOO sun b'Z‘6 “A|qLuessv A|ddns [Mod (9 sa|npow mdzno [Meg emu; JO OML (v alnpow |°nuoo meyaw (s ‘alnpow ndomsew (a 'alnpow lama/Jemima dHn (L a sq; m slsgsuoc uun JENGOGH sq! nun Jsmwsuml em uo papaps puewwoo 8L“ 0; Bugpuodsauoo amsop memos e apmmd pue t|eu615 am uo map uuoyad pue new» items pemwsuaa an; weave Wu! 591th males ale nun lemma sq; unggM pezeazr] swamp; sampow asam p uogdposep v ‘efi amfiu u! pawaseJd s! nun JGMSOQJ at.“ 40 UJEJBEHD 3p0|q v 1!un Mme?! 'Z'G "SpJDM asap pue ‘spJOM apoo ssasov ELI] ‘asmd oufls em ‘euxeu map am augap 19mm; 2-9 SJHSH “uq dcus e pue uq Muted euo m!!! aep NED Kq pennant)! W: was auo seu mom asp uoezl ‘wuuo; mom map wepuexs em 0; Bungcooe pazguemo suq jig/No m eouenbas e pue ‘asmd aufis 5 Jo mgsuoa map |e_uas m 3mm; v “uogmado (SIN.L) paJeqs 9|du|nLu awn snoucuLpu/(se SugpngJd 330 pue NO a|npou.! jg Jamulsuzn am swm zeta mums a|qeue unusual; a sapgAmd as“; u ‘uompps U| "puooas Jad S'llq 0096 la QIHDOIU zit! SUI fiq pawwsueu s! ‘mep puss m 3mm; 2 owl pave/«um ‘uoneuuow! digital circuitry of the Interface Control Module and the Relay Output Modules. Two Safety Relays are used to disable the amputs if the slave microcomputer detects a problem or fails. These are the Security Relay (K2) and the Main Control Relay (K1) The Main Control Relay is also called the MCR relay. Each relay is enabled by a separate AC signal generated by the slave microcomputer. The ac signal sources are capacitively isolated from the slave microcomputer to help prevent the MCR and Security Relays from being latched ON if the slave microcomputer fails. If the slave microcomputer fails to generate these signals, the security relay (K2) will open and remove power from the MCR relay (K1). This will remove the 12 VDC, switched by K2, from the coils of the EMR relay so they cannot turn ON. The MR relay (K1) output drives the Master Power Relay. This drives the main line contactor that controls the three phase power to the crane. When the system first receives an ON command, the output of the MCR (K1) is first contact monitored. If there is a voltage, an EMS condition occurs and the system will not start, If there is no voltage, the K1 relay is energized, switching power to the Master Power Relay. This is located on the Receiver Enclosure. 9-2-4 Receiver Relay Output Modules. The Receiver Relay Output Modules plugs into the Receiver Interface Control Module, and contains eighth (B) EIectro—medwanical Relays per module. Each output is individually fused, and is suppressed with an MOV. An optional RC snubber network is also available. Each module can provide eight (8) outputs of ON/OFF control. The left most module may be configured as an Auto Alarm function automatically turns ON the Alarm (k8 relay) for approximately five seconds when the system is turned ON. Three (3) additional functions (Awdfi, Aux#2 and Aux#3) may be configured as latched outputs. These may be toggled ON and OFF by the pressing of their associated toggle switd'tes on the transmitter. 9-3 FCC ID: GXZE13653-P m. m aim-mm.- Wu“ mm flfivcl‘mss ownns ins mus: moo MWULI _ um mm comm ms mu um um Bums MW mus-mm «Us Laos - COMIOL a mat uuvs lsuvs USER CONTROLS leuv “was Figure 9-3. Receiver Unit, Block Diagram 9-3. Access Code. The system Access Code consists of two bytes transmitted at the beginning of each frame. The Access Code identifies the transmitted signal to the receiver as valid. Any received signal not matching the receiver Access Code is considered invalid. Invalid signals rejeaed for lacking an Access Code include: random noise, adjacent channel trans- missions, or a Transmitter Unit set to an Access Code that does not match the Receiver Unit Access Code. 9-4 Time Multiple Shared System Software. The system software is structured to minimize “on the air' transmission time of any transmitter. This allows for multiple transmitters to share a common frequency. The TMS system is designed so that a transmitterwill send a signal fora predetermined ON (TMS) 'a|npow [sauna scepalm em Aq pass; 5! 13m pJOM uogoemp June ans mus 2 sq pm sq au_|_ 031 agsousegp swa am we onsoufielp um am am Sums 501 SM skidsm ll ‘uoumnfiuuoo ssaJpPE Diem lufiu 9m uses wu seu alnpow nd:) 163sz 914! 22m a"WOW “313qu mueml em sllal EBB mm mm 9141. “Euwexsaz JO; NO pue 550 pawn: sq 0; Jamwsuan eta samba! pue 3:10 mm 0; ainpcw lonuoo 909mm! aux SIIGI OSIE UMOWIl-ls SWE au.L ‘semunu 9L 10; Dahlaaal ueeq seu uogssgwsuen cu y no tum a; sa|npotumd1no aux sue; Beu umopmus moaum an“ was/(s sq; m umpmus e asnea mm DJOM |oauoo am yo 56214 991141 asaul fieu sSaJppE meoq peq a pure ‘Beu umop anus edm swa ue ‘Beu umopmus mo-ewu an axe pequusuan osue ‘spuemmm pamwsuau swg pue dle/NO 901 SU!Ell-I00 [MOM IOJJUOO aLU. 'SPUELUIU00 mmno eta summon {MOM Even atLL “WM 512!) e pue mom mum e Aq 99mm; am aluM/ssempe ue LmM zuas s! xualufias ewpnnmm e “mam -5es smms em Jeuv samwasse easyelumndmo JaAqasGJ at.» K) ems an; sways; mom snags auu mom smms sq; turns] 0; egnpotu pessaJppe an; sue; ‘aJKq pea/ssajppe smels e um ‘wswses smas e Kq pamno; ‘mamSas pueunuoo au_|_ 'a|npow ndo Jersew em a: wmal plnous l! uoaeuuow! W335 JO Gd!“ WLIM 9!an 99553-3999 am SIB! 9M pueLuwoo GILL “mom puewums aux amaom ||!M mu; agnpom em sappap ssaJppe puetuujoo aul ‘pr puewumo e pue an newM/sssmpe“ puzwwoo a Law sugfiaq swag uses ;0 wamfias mg au_|_ ‘Jnaoo a; uoumgunwwoo Elep [russaaons Jo; .,paBpa|M0u we" sq lsmu mom meg w" (eAElS) Buwaoal am we» (MDV) liq nefipewompeu ue sinew 15mm 11 ‘chM amp uq zq5ga ue sumsuau (JelSElu a peueo) Japues E mm m afipawouspe mugu e s! 919141 ‘suq map maps am sepgssa “lust.“ 0) uauym JO saquasse wepawymdzno JaAgaoaJ eta Luau pesJ sq ||!M smOM Jo DJOM Simona; am JameuM semen uq alumna-m 311.1. mm Glynn/peel ‘Lne ue pus ssaippe uq L 2 WM sulfieq ‘szuewfies s cm! pepwn ‘awzu use; ‘elnpow lonuoo asepawr em 01 was Bum 1nd1no uq 9 uses Jo; sum}; sun 5! menu ‘spmM 9 go if semen 6 JO 2 w swsuoo venue; map anu. ‘ err-pow IOJJUOD eoeuauu aux pue empow ndo Jawew em uaawaq uogeogunwwco Rem-ow smoue mu: mas/(s amp [euas snoquLpuAs auuw sq; s! an oz] eql “wuuofl ma 3,1 vs mm a nfilum h—=f nun (mom 3603 Viva ZDVSSIW VLVG 97/91 17-5 amSH u! pawssmd s! lsuuo; map Qz| SLLL ‘(OZD an 1411010 panBmUI-Jaml ue am elnpow IOJWOO 392ml JeAseoeu sq: 1m samgunwwoo a|npow ndz) mew Jamaoaa 314 J. 13,0 sna mono paumfiaaul-mm 9-6 mg; Maueq pspua1xa puE ‘uondwnsuoo Jemd uun Jemmsuml peonpaj Jo; smoue 0512 x] “flouanbau ewes sq; o; sseooe |enbe aAeu pue smug o; sumsfls SINJ. v a; dn smone 5qu ammuos wezsfis syn sq; liq peuguuelep ale musd N0 auuo anal uonnadal cue pouad 5:10 aql 3:10 pawn; seq Jsugwsuea e ueqM Muenbau ewes 91.11 aJeus sum 01 SIGNLUSUEJI 131410 10; smone SML 3:10 W"! II?“ 1311ngan 6m ‘IUQS s! mused 9m souo ‘(anq) axe; asp em pue dues sq 0; map JO Muuenb au; uo spuedap mfiue| amped aql taped JD xsjnq amp e panea 5; amp NO Jsmwsuau SLR JO LRBUGI al-LL 3:10 mm Hal-D II!M DUE ‘SUJD 9-6 Power Input Assembly. The Power Input Assembly controls and distributes the power required to operate the Receiver Unit. This unit may operate from 110 - 220 VAC (nominal) 50-60 Hz power. or as indicated on the label on the Power Input Module. For best results, it is recom- mended that the Receiver Unit operate from an isolated and conditioned 110 VAC line. The supply for this assembly must be wired with a separate pair of leads going directly to the power transformer. These Leads may or may not be iso- lated from the users control lines that operate the crane. If the Receiver Unit chassis is not grounded to the same structure to which the neutral line is grounded, a separate ground lead must also be installed. The Power Input Assembly is grounded to the Receiver Unit cabinet through the lower left mounting hole. It also contains a 2 Ampere circuit breaker (with a release for controlling the input power), a transient voltage suppresser (MOV), and connectors for the input and output power 9-5 FCC ID: GXZEI 3155343 FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Section 10 Maintenance 10-1. Maintenance. NOTE: Do not attempt to desolder or solder any piece parts mounted on any module within the system. Return defective assemblies or parts ,which are removable without soldering, to TelemotivnaI for replacement or repair. 10-2. interface Control Module Fuse Replacement. The Interface Control Module also holds fuses for power to the UHF Converter! Receiver Module, the Master CPU Module, the Interface Control Modules digital circuitry and the Relay Output Modules. Fuse F1 is located on the Interface Control Module. Replace only with a 1 Ampere, 250 Volt slow blow type. F2 through F4, are located on the Interface Control Module. Replace these fuses only with ,3 Ampere, 250 Volt slow blow type. 10-3. Relay Output Module Fuse Replacement. Fuses, F1 through F8, are located next to their corresponding output relays on the Relay Output Module Replace these fuses only with 10 Ampere, 250 Volt slow blow type, The Receiver Unit is protected by a 2 Ampere circuit breaker, if either the circuit breaker or a fuse is open. it is possible a malfunction exists either in the receiver unit or the material 10-1 handling equipment. If either protection device opens, it is recommended trouble- shooting procedures be performed to determine the cause of the open. Reset the circuit breaker by simply pushing the black reset button in. 10-4. Relay Output Module Replacement. If a relays K1 through K8 is defective it may be replaced by removing the defective Relay Output Module and replacing it with a working module 10-5. Master Power Relay Replacement. The Master Power Relay may be removed from the Receiver Unit as required. Replace relay with a normally open DPST, 110 VAC, 25 A (Telemotive part number K2111-2). 10-5 Transmitter Battery Replace- ment. Transmitter Unit is powered by a 7.5 VDC battery pack (T elemotive part number BT10KP70). Alkaline type batteries are recom- mended, although rechargeable Ni—Cad batteries are available. Replace discharged batteries as follows: Open the battery com- partment door by rotating the door latch clockwise or counter clockwise to "open" position. Remove the door. Install new battery pack, Ensure battery pack is completely positioned in its holder, and that the latch is locked forward over the battery pack. Replace the door. While firmly holding the door closed, rotate the door latch p( u) Z'OL ‘IEAOUJEJ go JapJD aSJaAaJ u; a|qwassv 'a|npow sq; Buynoas smans (9) xgs am pue ‘sapgnfi plea Buumas smams (2) 0M; aux erwa} ueq_|_ ‘fiunqwasse 3559 01 spee] am Kmuepx eswuamo JO 5a) ‘ampow aseuazw Jemaoea sq; BunguJaJ 41 ')no mans a|npouJ eu; und pue qz-n 5u1>p0| asea|éJ “axnpcw 1ndmo JaAgaoea sq; BugAuwaJ ;| “ampow am Guymes Slnu (v) me; am erweJ ‘Klddns JaMOd am JO ‘a|npow ndg Ja/«gaoag am 5UMOUJSJ u ‘empow em Buynoas smu (Who; aux ueql mouoq euuelue Lucu; Jopsuuoo QNS em erweJ ‘peruJeJ Suleq s! empow JeAle’JeH/JSHQAUDQ 51-40 em ;| mopeuuoo ||e QAOUJSH 'A|qu.|asseaa pue A|qwassesgq nun JBAEDOGH 13-0; usmwsuen sq; u! sued e|qeaowas cu am maul 'K|qwasse-au pue A|q -ujassesgq uun Jamwsuu J. 1-0; ‘uomsod “312mln am 01 aswaomexunoo Jo asgmpop FCC ID: GXZE13653-P 10-9. Receiver Unit Replacement Parts. Part Number Description 10K16124RSPK-0 Spare parts kit, consisting of the following spare modules. E10151-X UHF Converter/Receiver Module (Specify channel 1?) E10153-16 Receiver CPU Module E10103—0 Receiver Interface Control Module E10104—0 Receiver Relay Output Module A5656-0 Power Supply - 25 w, 12 VDC A1 0160-0 Power Input Assembly F2708-D Fuse - 10 A, 250 V, 5x20 mm SLO—BLO F2708-1 Fuse — 1.0 A, 250 V, 5x20 mm SLO—BLO F2708-3 Fuse — 0,3 A, 250 V, 5x20 mrn SLO—BLO K1301-0 Output Relays K1 through K10 -12 VDC coil. Normally open SPST 16 A, 250 VAC cannot. Coil rating of 12 VDC. K2111-2 Master Relay - Normally open DPST, 110 VAC, 25 A4 K1000—0 Relay - Normally open SPST 5 A, 250 VAC. Coil rating of 12 VDC. E2028-2 Remote Antenna Kit. TS1060<8 Terminal Strip, 8 circuits, Plug-In W1096-2 Jumper, Insulated, 2 circuits. W1098—4 Jumper, insulated, 4 circuits. E10106-0 RC Snubber Module E1 0161-0 MultiBox Display Module OPTIONAL E1067o-1 Reohargable battery Charger E2028-2 Remote External Antenna Kit 10-3 [Niel ..tseM. mums IUEPUBd ‘woa .JSEEI‘. ‘mesmepued woos “lanes“ ‘uouMs 1u2pued ‘woa “WON" “Hows warmed “1009 may“ mums warmed “woe ..pmsu “mm zuepued ‘wog 4491, ‘mes wepuad docs “sums“ ‘mes wzpuad ‘1008 ...UMOCI mums xuepued 1°09 ..dn.. mums weaned woos quassv aseo wouoa uuemaomdau fiqwassv aseo do J. mausoetdag (leuoudo) 1954qu News pea—w lencl (leuondo) PEO'N ‘Meuea (mums) auumuv ‘Maueg empow ndo Jawwsueu (# lauueuo weds) alnpow it! Jemwsuzu ma “ma “an ‘qoux 30 must) ‘LGdS ‘9|5501 ‘umws va’ 1st ‘mezou ‘uozws 19613me ‘Ag heads a ‘uounq-usnd ‘uowvs pea ‘Mmuewow ‘ds ‘uounwsnd mm 3118 “Mauawow as ‘uounq-usnd ‘uouMs A|qwassv moo Mauea mafia uuM Klqulassv JGPIOH Manes Klqmassv dens Japlnous uouduosaa OZ" L190 km 6 L' “90 de 8 L' “90 I-dIN L L" lLSO l-dW 9 I-' lLBO Id“ S I: tL90 LdW V Ir“ LL90 ldlfl E “190 ldIN Z 111.90 Ile I; l' LLSO ldW 91990 IV 98990 la 0' l-L90 L3 l'dMO ua O'dMO us 0‘ 1890 LE X'9990 [3 W990 MIN 0’ WO ls 0'070 15 8-680 lS 3-920 IS 0’920 ls 0'6990 IV 0'0L90 IrV O'SLSO ldIN JaqumN ued "sued wawaomdaa uun JaullUSUB-U. warmed '0l‘0L FCC ID: GXZE13653—P 10-11. SLTX Transmitter Unit Replacement Parts. Part Number Description A231-204 ASSY,KEYSWITCH & CABLE, TX A232-X ASSY TOGGLE SWITCH & CABLE, TX A234-2 ASSY, LED W/CONNECTOFI A235-0 ASSY, ROTARY SWITCH & CABLE, TX A10685-1 ASSY BATTERY CONTACT BOARD A2260-0 ENDCAP ASSY. BATTERY SIDE A2261-X ENDCAP ASSY, ANTENNA SIDE E10601-X 10KSLTX CPU MODULE H633-0 BOOT, TOGGLE, RED H634-0 BOOT, PUSHBUTI’ON, GRAY H635-O BOOT, PUSHBUTTON, RED H638~0 BOOT, TOGGLE, GRAY H2055-3 LENS, LED MP135-1 KNOB/KEY ASSY, MOLDED MF630—0 KNOB, CYLINDER 5/8 DIA. MF632-0 KNOB, SQUARE 5/8 SQ. MF681-0 KNOB, SPHERICAL 3/4 DIA. MP2161-X TOP PANEL EXTRUSION IOKSLTX N1017D—X LABEL TX FUNCTIONS, WRITE-IN N10171-X LABEL TX FUNCTIONS 5763-101 MOTION SWITCH, 5 SPEED STEPPED WA4645-0 RECEPTACLE, CODE PLUG WA4647-X CODE PLUG ENGRAVED WITH ACCESS CODE BT1OKP-0 BATTERY, ALKALINE (STANDARD) BT10KP-1 BATTERY, Ni-Cad (OPTIONAL) 10-5 m a r‘ FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Appendix B 10K24 PENDENT TRAN SMITTERS (MODE 1 CONFIGURATION) SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The lOKPLUS PENDENT TRANSMITTERS (wnh zflended crane control options) is a new enhancement to the Telemotxve IOKPLUS line of products It adds to the lineup the abilities to select between a number of popular crane control configurations with the simple changing of a dip switch setting. This will in many uses eliminates the need for the addition of external hardware Two versions of the lOKPLUS pendent transmitter are available. A 16/13 OUTPUT TRANSMITTER (10K240M03P4) A 24 OUTPUT TRANSMITTER (10K240M03P5) 1 0:21.05 mm: 16 (18 ou'rms (IOKZAOHOBPJ) 16 ov'rtm‘s 16 24 24 001mm cumin 0mm RECEIVER RECEIVER RECEIVER (1nx15m0312: Huntsman} (lunlolunz) 24 cut-ms (10K240H0325) Chart] SECTION 1.1 THE 16/18 OUTPUT TRANSMITTER The 10K16/ 18 three speed transmitter comes with the followmg swttch hardware 1) Three hi-diretticnal 34peed pushbutlon switches 2) Three mnmentary, 3-position ( center OFF ) tog]: switches. Five/Six independent bidirectional functions are available for a total of 16/18 output controls, The Lmnslmtter is able to control THREE (3-SPEED)* MOTION CONTROLS and FOUR/SIX" AUXILIARIES Available motion functions are Haist Trolley Bridge AUX] AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 AUX 5” AUX 6“ " NOTE THIS IS FOR THE STANDARD CON- FIGURATION ONLY, IN CERTAIN 017 THE OPTIONAL CRANE CONTROL CONFIGURATIONS THE BOIST,TROLLEY AND BRIDGE MAY OPERATE AS z-SPEED CONTROLS ' ‘NOTE NOTE TO HAVE SIX INDEPENDENT BI— DIRECTIONAL FUNCTIONS WITH 18 OUTPUTS (AUXSAUXG) REQUIRES A 24 OUTPUT RECEIVER QI‘IESGMB mu S! New mfim mew flu (9 "3593 MINI“! “1011911 3111 swung (5 “191413801 am Human sq] JO saApzq om am Sumoq mans 3 9m ammau (y NEH]. ‘1 new. tutu; panwpsmonmfigum 1mm 9mm [anemic enema/m sin JO qarqm ssoqa mun make: 5; 1101;on [ox-mm sum: pmpuvus am mm mm uonemfigum 2 II “popaeu 5! nuts!“ PEN-WIS up Help Jame uugemfig moo [onuoo 0mm sum 9 g augmmap uam "polysarp s! uogzexedo wspim J! pm; alqemamz s! ism”! xmz ue mleum smuuewp mg Wow 171411710 ya all: 105 (s '[ 113V]. mm; pal-[sap s; sucpzmflgnoo [ammo sums smegma 9111 Jo qomm asoqa "papaau s; uorsma pmpuzxs am Imp xaqw uopmnSguoo [uuuoa sum: 9 x 731mm mdmo 91/91 am 105 (Z ' [spom mama 7z 2 m [apoul undano 31/91 9 5; xsuuumn am ”mew amused (I 111115 HILLIWSNVXJ. EH]. fimNhflfifls 51110138 NOILVHHEHJNOD 0381510 my. mama WWII“? 34 plnoqs sdals Buy/none; 7m Human am amSgum o_]_ HZLLIWSNVU JHL flNRIIIDHNOQ Z HOUSES ‘uodrhs mum; 10} £101.72; aql 17811103 '=|qm_ms mddu snormmflgum alqeulmz aqua auou n 'x=urmsuen all! amfiuuoo m z nouns 0: Mid syn-moo sum max woddns mq suonunflguuo alqmme mu m 113qu mammal! 0! Bums-rm “mm 7: 9m m} z crmw. we unsusum mdmo 81/9! 2 m; I crmw. 01 05 510mm aulm mm uoddns mu saop mnflmfiguoo Sm H flessaoou an: sdaxs mnemflguoo mqulg cu slonuoa amen moA suoddns uogemfiguoo sun 51 WNW W mfvz w 171 5mm ass) W311; m palnfly'uoa 11111an sq: pun P91?" WWW? "01 punfim—xnytmm pamflgfuua 1003311] 3111 law/same; puma-um; 3111 ”unusual-1 am In mums dxp 8 K4 P3319??? sq Am mantle]. uonexedow pear: mu up 1211: suopmndde 10:1 uauymsuen 3m u! was Ch? 9 £41 mums—w sq Km Kanml xnv mnemwu 01mm momuddews (Xenon. mv 7? bum. mm mm.) / (ISM-1 xnv 73mm “Mummy 8 (e Mano”. xnv nst W) m (z (5911011 "WSW-I "mm m (1 am suomelss Ksnou/ lsgoH alqgssod sent; emu umms Jumps Ammo: am JD asn an Aq [anal xnv/lsmH xnv sup JO/puz Annoxl ugew/ LsyoH mew sq] aumdn 01 moms sq Km wad "0:1"qu Kama/A101! mu. S’IOELNOC) 031.15“! SV “W140 AVW (190188 (INV ATI’IOHL‘ISKOH m SNOllVHIIDHNOD 108.1.N03 MED WNOIMO NIVJHI) m “7th nouvuflsm ‘NOD MVGNVLS 3131 80! SI SIB]. MON 1; smvrnxnv v PIKE 35mm £a||o.|_|_ my 5311011 mum won mv m0]; "WW are suomun; “(mom GI‘IEIPAV smvmxnv anon pm; S’IOMNOO nouow «ands—c) muomamu lemma 0) ant; SI munnsmul "mm but» lwu-od—t all0 (s “sauna/us afifio; ( 510 Rum ) 1105150111 “Llama-now on; (1 “llamas nounqqsnd padS-s momma WILL (I ‘ammpmq tpzws fiupnono; am ‘mm settles launusum Mm vz smcmor mu HZLLLLWSNVHJ. mane DZ 311]. TI NOIIDEIS FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Thxee mp switch“ should be visible. To dc-selecl the swund {mug (SW1,SW2,SW4) SET SW4-2 to ON 8 7 6 5 I. 3 2 1 Do NOT CHANGE sw1 OR swz. THEY _ CONTROL THE TRANSMITTER ACCESS : CODE AND ARE SET To MATCH THE ‘” ' RECEIVER AT THE FACTORY AND SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED. 6) [mm SW4. It closest to the (up lefi edge ofthe main digital board. To lie-select the tandem hgist SET sw4-3 to ON SW4 8 7 6 5 k 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 l. 3 2 1 — OFF °FF BMW? % on ON CRANE mom; Egg?" SELECT To dc-sclectfllctzndem hoist andlhesecond [IDHCV NOT DEFINED SET sw4-z and 4-3 to ON 8 7 6 5 lo 3 2 1 “NOTE: MODE SELECT SWITCH : OFF DEFINED FROM 24 OUTPUT TRANSMITTER ONLY ON NOT DEFINED SECTION 2.1 CONFIGURING THE 16/18 TRANSMITTER “ M 2) Go to TABLE 1 CONTROL 3) Set crane wnu'ol select SWilChfi CONFIGURATION SW4—5 to SW4-8 according to the 2) Go m TABLE 2 Configm'au'on Type Switch Select 3) Set cmne comm] select swncha section of TABLE 1 SWA-5 to SW4-8 awarding to the 4) Replace cover and screw Configufilion Type Switch Selecl savior: of TABLE 2 4) Replace bottom cover and screws SECTION 2.2 CON‘FIGURING THE 14 OUTPUT TRANSMITTER 1) To dmlect tandem or the second Holley make the followmg dip swnch senings FCC ID: GXZE13653—P Appendix C 10K24 PENDENT TRANSMITTER (MODE 2 CONFIGURATION ) SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The IOKPLUS line of crane controls has been mended to include the option (MODE 2 ) of having a set of decoded relay outputs to select HOlST / TROLLEY AUX HOI ST (AUX TROLLEY TANDEM HOIST/ AUX HOIST TANDEM] TROLLEY / AUX TROLLEY When MODE 2 is selected, four relay outputs are used to select which of the external controls will be enabled when the corresponding transmitter functions are activated Them are Hoist Select Aux Hoist Select Trolley Select Aux Trolley Select These outputs come from the third ("C") output module. Bridge requires no select function. A transmitter maybe configured to operate in the standard ( MODE 1 ) with Hoist , Trolley, Aux Hoist and Aux Trolley being driven by separate relay output banks or the decoded output ( MODE 2 )with hoist/trolley and aux hoist/aux trolley sharing a common relay output bank and are activated externally by four select relay outputs. The choice of mode is made by the setting of 3 internal dip switch contact on the transmitter CPU module. (See Section 2) In either mode the Rotary Select Switch on the transmitter front panel is used to determine whether the transmitter’s hula or trolley pushbuttons controls will be routed to the hoist/trolley or aux hoist/aux trolley outputs. . The multi-crme contml types described in appendix B are still available and may be selected as describe in the setup procedure In addition to the new mode feature. the time-out disable feature which previously required a special ROM is now dip switch selectable, (See Section 21) NOTE: This requires the latest transmitter digital motherboards Older transmitters may not have the necessary selection switch and will still require a special ROM a an m {— ua: smug IV (- m xsxou m as 1— m; sauna zv «mammiv «mmmp‘ Q—mxmmba Imsv zmsv 5:va vmtsv I—I SCRIHSO’I) AV’ITH mrmow 11161110 om uaqm maid sx NOLLIIH animus sq mm 130135 ISM-I mv "am ‘zn unused 133m Asmou Jo Nouns lSVEl AH'T‘IOM on is s; mums 10mm “0mm; 5mm 9m mm an "aim 321519": mm was knell xnv we posse!!! nouvusuo 1.5108 5; NOJJJ‘IS moa 1901-1 m NOLLOG an 131014 XflV tic/(NV mnoxu xnv z'rl nouns on: mm! TV on mains a mans EV 1mm vv Imgv zmvsv Emu! rmsv I.J 533115012) AV’IEI}! THIGOW 111411110 passam S! nouns LSElM AH’I’IOZLL 1° NOLUIH lSVEI AH'I‘IOHJ. av." ueqm ezyfixaua mm 139135 buou mm pessmd 5! NOLLHS NAAOCI LSIOH 1° NOLLHH cm lSlOH SKQIIDIL WGP'NJ. PU? 519!0H “199391 10 sq: uoqm azfijsua mm mpg 1sgoH mm In uoglsod Kanml my pun 15mg xnv 10 5311011 pm; ISIOH [onuoo 01 ms 5; qoums lamps uonamg 5mm am new 01 Jsupnsuen am mom: mums maps Smog sq J. NOLLVH'EldO NOLLVHIMID 1510]! HO/GNV AI’I’IOHL IT! NOlJJElS lD’J'IElS NOIDNHJ I'I NOIJDJS SECTION 1.1.3 TANDEM HOIS'I‘S AND/OR TROLLEY OPERATION When the rotary function selector switch is set to position 8, then both Hoist Select and Aux Horst OUTPUT MODULE RELAY CLOSURES FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Select will be energize when the HOIST UP BUTTON or HOIST DOWN BUTTON is pressed and both Trolley Select and Aux Trolley Select will energize when the TROLLEY EAST BUTTON or TROLLEY WEST BUTTON is pressed cdmrouxzmm cammmm c: Aux unin- mm c1 mrsf smcr ncmuw smc'l‘ok sun-cu SECTION 2.0 SWITCH SETTINGS Two switches on the TRANSMITTER CPU MODULE. are involved in selling up the transmitter in this appendix SW3 87655321 TIME OUT SELECT Nm‘nmmm Swrtch 4-1 new switches the transmitter between conventional output configuration as describe in Appendix B and the new decoded output configuration. Switch 4 contacts 2 to 8 provides the same function as in Appendix Br SW4 87654321 MIME ON CRANE MOD E CONTOL‘ S E LE CT SELECT won [lands t whim um mm mm mum "mm“ mm:- m 3M"! wu km scanning-mu Jame ‘spnoqaalrwm lung“) nugmsnu; mm mp mgnbu aunt“) in], znon DE'BS .I.I'l0 EWIL LZE‘IS9LG 1mm 10h! mm null-Isms am "all: N0 0: us sq rm: mm 103135 mo ENIJ. lZEfiS9L8 13mm lumen em 11! arm-mp magnum; at]; new [1110 o; m s; Hus uaqM NOIJADDSZG 108LN03 EMS HDJJMS Z'Z NOLIDHS 27 14011335 11 XICINIJJV M 038111352“! m (DIV 360W “mum All IWVS Ell”. mvwzm H W Z'PMS 110 NOILDNIM 3111 133135 10313S [ 101N00 300W anvao "° WHERE :I:I0 I 3 E 7 S 9 L 8 mogunSynos it!» 9mm (1 mom m “1 mp unimo mm mus-1mm am am N0 m w s! l-vms mm l0313S 103138 ‘IOLNOO 300W BNVHO WWW LZE‘IS9L8 "nonunflunoa (I 11mm) all: 0! mp unduw mm mums-rm an "flu 110 m m t! I-vms "aim N0 :I:IO NOLLdIHDSHfl 10311403 PMS [ID-HMS I'Z NON-335 FCC ID: GXZE13653-P TABLE 1(a) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K16-TYPE 0 STANDARD CONFIQQRA TION: ALL MOTIONS ( hoist, trolley, bridge) D|R1 DIRZ AA BA BB A3 B3 B7 A2 82 Bé A1 B1 BS 3RDZND1ST 1ST 2ND3RD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings Stu—5 to SWI—S are defined as follows SWIM SETTINGS: TYPE 5514-8 8914-7 SEN—6 SWA-S 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF 87654'321 OFF ON CONTOL SELECT SELECT CRANE i MODE GHNHHHIDN 103135 101N00 ENVHO 133135 300" N0 JdO lZE'IS9L8 NO 1.10 330 5:10 I E—Vfls S-PHS L-'HS E—VHS EEK-I 55911121.“ mats SMGTTO; SE peuuap an s—ms 0: s—ms sburnes (mums 3.79135” qozzus 3d“ uoymnfigfuog UHEUNZLSL lSLUNZUHE 58 LE lV 98 Zfl ZV L9 E9 EV 88 78 7V ZHIG LHIU SNOIJOW 77V -"IOH.lNOD 7VN0113£IHIG HUM GJHJS Z manor monaalas edfil lemma ammo (‘DI H’ISIVL FCC ID: GXZE13653-P TABLE 1(c) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K16-TYPE 2 2 SPEED, z WINDINGS: ALL MOTIQNQ D|R1 D|R2 Ah BL BB A3 B3 B7 A2 82 56 A1 B1 BS 3RDZND1ST 1ST 2ND3RD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings SUM—5 to Sill—B are defined as follows SWITCH SETTINGS: TYPE 3574-8 sm-v SKA-6 sm-s 2 OFF OFF ON OFF 87655321 HM? fi' if: CRANE MODE CO NTOL SELECT S ELECT mum! LON 103138 l03133 “IOLNOO 300W BNVHO N" ' MW iiO Lzsvsvzs NO NO 330 3.50 E S—VHS S—IHS L-HAS 8-7“ 1am. ismzm mus SMOTT“);r 9? Fauna: ale s—ms 0: s—vns sfiumnes qanms maps qwmg 31141 uaywnsyuog UHEGNZLSL lSlUNZDHE 59 lG lV 9G ZS ZV L9 E8 EV 88 79 VV ZHU Lam flmanTfifiymEfimfimfiv “s yam-915101 mozmps adu [0111103 ammo (pH HTHVL FCC ID: GXZE13653»P TABLE 1(e) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K16-TYPE 4 DEMEQ.‘ 2 SPEED 2 WINDINQS &r fiOIST: SID BRIDGE AND TflOQEY DIR1 DIRZ DIR1 DIRZ Bl» AL B8 BB A3 B7 82 A2 56 B1 A1 BS aannn 1ST 157 ZNDBRD 3RDZND1ST 151 ZNBBRD Configuration Type Switch Select.- Switch settings sm-s to sac—e are defined as follows SWITCH SETTINGS: TYPE SN4—B SIM-7 SH4-6 Sill—5 4 OFF ON OFF OFF 876510321 OFF ON CONTOL SELECT SELECT CRANE | MODE NOT DEFINED (KENHHC! LON 103139 193133 10mm 3qow 3nvao N0 :|:|0 l Z 5 ‘I S 9 L 8 NO 3.10 No 330 5 9-H“ 9-HIS L-VHS B-NAS 3am saunas mus SMOIIOJ S? peunsp ale e—ms 0: s—ms sfiunnas mums 3.13133 qozgmg adq uoymnsyuog DUEUNZ 151 lSL UNZUHE UHEDNZ 1.5L lSl UNZUHE 59 w la 99 zv za LEI EV 59 as vv 79 am Lam mm mm 1277717211 GNV 2790133 mi“ 515701! 10 IGNIM Z (IZEIJS Z: I HH’PJ m—MXOI 3101193135 adK‘L [0111103 9118.13 (DI H’IHVL FCC ID: GXZE13653-P TABLE 1(g) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K16-TYPE 6 P&H HOIST: 2 §PEED 2 WINDING HOIQTAND TROLLEY: DIR1 DIR2 DIR1 DIR2 BA BB AL BB B7 A3 BZ 56 A2 B1 BS A1 3RD2ND1ST WSTZNDBRD 3RDZND1ST 1ST2NDSRD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings SKA-5 to SWl-S are deflned as follows SWITCH SEng: TYPE sm-s Sill-7 SW4-G SKI—5 5 OFF ON ON OFF 87654321 CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT FCC 101 GXZE13653~P TABLE 2(a) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K24-TYPE 0 STANDARD QQNFIQQRA TION: ALL MQTIONS ( hoist, trolley, bridge) DIR1 D|R2 AL BL BS [L [8 A3 BB B7 C3 C7 A2 B2 Bé C2 C6 A1 B1 BS C1 C5 BRD 2ND 1ST 1ST 2NI33RD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings sun-5 to sure are defined as follows SWITCH SETTDVGS: TYPE 5974-8 SH4-7 SKA—6 slid—5 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF 8765b321 OFF on CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NOTDmNED . MODE SELECT 133115 (“ION ° mmamn t. 10 3139 133133 “IOLNOO 300W 3NVHO lZE'IS9LB N0 3510 1.30 1:10 I E-VHS 9—PMS L-VHS a—ms EEK-L =sswznas mus SHOTTOJ SE paw-Inez: 8:9 s-ms on s-ms sin-wuss mums 3.7an yams 3:14; uoyzunfiy‘uog GHEUNZ lSL lSL UNZUHE S] l] 59 LG W 93 Z] 99 ZS ZV 1.3 E] L9 E8 EV B] 73 BE! ‘78 ‘7V ZHIU LHIG SN'OITLOW 77V T70211N63 "IVNOMfima Hum (Ends z m-mm zuopoalas adfil 10111103 ammo (102 EI’IHVL FCC ID: GXZE13653-P TABLE 2(c) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K24-TYPE 2 2 SPEED, z MNDmGs: ALL Mongus DIR1 D|R2 Al. BL BB [4 C8 A3 BB B7 [3 E7 A2 BZ Bé E2 [6 A1 B1 BS [1 E5 3RDZND1ST 1ST ZND 3RD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings SH4~5 to Sin-8 are defined as follows SWITCH SETTINGS: TYPE svu—s sun-7 sm—s SWI-S 2 OFF OFF ON OFF 8 7 6 5 l. 3 2 1 7 OFF on CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT QTDmNED . MODE SELECT lDE’IESICIOW . “NI-130110!“ ' 103135 193133 1011100 saow ammo NO 550 “- I. Z E ‘I S 9 L 8 NO NO 330 1.30 E S-VHS B—VHS L-VHS 8—MAS HM tsmzms mus guano; SE Fauna: 6:9 a-ms 0: s—ms 551113295 11:11:45 maps qaqmg ad“ uoymnsyuog CHE EINZ lSL lSL UNZ ERIE 53 l] SE! M W 9] Z] 99 ZS ZV L) E] LE E9 EV 83 ‘IJ 89 ‘79 ‘IV ZHIU tall] SNOII W 77V 5S70H1N03 Of) V m-mm 3101133135 adfil [0111103 3113.13 (P)Z EI’IHVL FCC ID: GXZE1 3653-13 TABLE 2(e) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K24-TYPE 4 DEMEG: 2 SPEED 2 WINDINQ§ for HQI§ T: SID BRIDGE AND TROLLEY DIR1 DIRZ DIR1 DIRZ BA [4 AL BB [8 33 [3 A3 B7 C7 82 C2 A2 86 [6 B1 C1 A1 BS [5 annznn 1ST 1ST2NDERD BRDZND1ST 1ST2NDSRD Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings sm-s to SEN-8 are deflned as follows SWITCH Ems: TYPE SWIG-E SWI—‘l SWA—G SW4-5 4 OFF ON 0“ OFF 8 7 6 5 lo 3 2 1 \ OFF ON CRANE I MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NOTDEFINED O MODESELECT mm mow . (Emma ION 133135 mans 1011400 aaow auvuo , "° HBIHH qu L I E ‘i S 9 L 8 NO 530 NO £130 5 S-PMS Q-bfls L—VMS B—DHS Ed“ saunas sums SMOHOJ s: paunap ex? a-ms on s-ms sfiurnas umms 393135; 149qu ad“ uoymnsyuog uusunusx 151 unzuas (mum: 151 lSlUNZUHE 53 58 ”7 L] 1-9 93 99 ZV Z] 29 1.3 1.9 EV E3 E8 83 99 ‘7V 7] 79 ZHlU lalU ZHIU tall] 2377031 fiNF 3790139 m3 u‘SWH 10! ONIGNIM z 051315” Z-‘TLSIOH Hem m—rzxm mumps adKL [0111103 was) (Dz H’IHVL FCC ID: GXZE13653~P TABLE 2(g) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K24-TYPE 6 P&HH01ST: 2 P ED 2 WINDING HOISTAND TR LEY: STDBRIQQE D|R1 DIRZ UIR‘I DIRZ Bk BB [4 C8 B3 B7 [3 C7 52 86 E2 [6 B1 BS [1 E5 BRDZNDIST 1stz~uann 3annu157 157mm Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settlngs swa—s to 5914-8 are defined as follows SWITCH SEMGS: TYPE SWAG-9 SW4—7 SKA-G Sw4-5 6 OFF ON ON OFF 8 7 6 5 A 3 2 1 CRANE MODE comm. SELECT SELECT Nmnmm 0 MODESELECT NOIlVHflDIdNOQ SIHL NI HTHV’IIVAV LON SI KETTOHJ. 2? lSIOH WEIGNVL = ELLON IDT‘IEIS IGOW o GHNmG LON 193138 1331 35 "I OLNOO 300" BMW!) IZE‘IS9L8 N0 NO NO 130 L S-'HS S-PHS L-VMS B-VHS 35m. =smzm ”If-HS mono; SE Peugev an? s-ms 0: s-ms 5611173365 qmms wasps qmmg ad“ uoymnsyuog DUEUNZ 15A 151 flNlENE UHEBNZ 13 lSl IJNZUHE MUN! 15] 15; UNZEIHE W D S] 58 LE ZV Z] 93 9B Z9 EV E] L3 L9 59 W ‘IJ 83 89 79 ZHIEI tam MIG L8H] ZHIEI LHIEI 51901219 iiZS (A? 19107? 0334s «13333 W?“ S13 Tlfifil 3? I#.lSIUH ENIGNIM ZGHHEZ Hfll W112“ zuogaalag aXm [0111103 9119.13 “DZ H’IHVL FCC ID: GXZE13653-P TABLE 2(i) Crane Control Type Selection: 10K24-TYPE 8 PQH: 2 SPEED 2 WINDING HOISTS, with CREEP SPEED HOIST #2 with STD BRIDGE Q TROLLEYS DIR1 DIRZ IJ|R1 DIRZ DIR1 DIRZ BA EL Ah BS [8 83 C3 A3 B7 E7 52 C2 A2 36 [6 B1 (1 A1 85 E5 annzumsr |sr znuaan Emma 51 151mm 31mm: 151' ($7 zunsan Configuration Type Switch Select: Switch settings SVN-S to SW4—8 are defined as follows SWITCH SETTRVGS.‘ TYPE Sill—8 SH4~7 SYN-6 ENG-5 9 ON OFF OFF OFF 87655321 CRANE MODE CONTOL SELECT SELECT NngmNgn a MODESELECT NOTE : TANDEM HOIST & TROLLEY IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS CONFIGURATION FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Appendix D 10K16 SLTX 3 MOTOR 3-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW New options have been added. The 10K family of transmitters has been 1) A key switch has been added for better expanded to include a new 3 motor S-speed transmitter security lever handled belly box transmitter. The new 2) The ume—out disable feature is dip switch transmitter is functionally interchangeable with selectable. the 10106 3-spwd pendent transmitter. The three speed lever switches add a new level of oontrollability to the family of IOK transmitters Figure l shows the top panel layout of the new transmitter. In addition to the standard key functions, a KEY SWITCH has been added to rmprove transmitter security, An ACCESS CODE PLUG is optionally available to externally set the lower 8 bits of the 16 hit access code . Figure 1 Options described in appendix B of this manual are still available in the SLTX transmitter. NOTE: For Aux 5 & Aux 6 to be active a “C" output module must be added to the system and the system configured as a l0K24 receiver ( See section 2.0 for new dip watch settings.) SECTION 1.1 OPERATING FEATURES The SLTX operates very similarly to the standard pendent transmitter. Turning the key switch ON will enable power to the transmitter but not start the receiver. To enable the receiver and begin operation the ON/OFF himon must be pressed Once enabled pressing the ON /0FF button wrll transmit an OFF command to the receiver and turn power OFF to the transmitter Alter the transmitter has turned OFF pressing the ON/OFF button again will return power to the transmitter and transmit an ON command to the receiver. In standard configuration if the transmitter has been inactive for more the approximately 15 min the transmitter will shut 03 power to itselfto conserve battery life. The transmitter may be restored to power by the following procedures 1) Turning to key switch of, waiting 30 sec. and then turning it on. 2) Pressmg the ON/OFF button. 3) Presnng the EMS button. Each of these actions will produce a difierent result. Turning the key switch OFF and ON will restore power to the transmitter but not transmit an ON command. To enable the receiver the ON/OFF button must be pressed. m w) ‘smams aAndm 931m am nalqfipax put mop Snueq am 95013 (9 ‘flsueq rpm; 2 1mm welds: pm: mum mo am swam; ufiaueq 9111 p uoumuspo pue uomsod 31.11 31m: pug 1m) apys win an Sums (v “aw; Jeannine-n 9m I“ apps “(flu am no pm palm")! mum mans made: am an uasooq (g ‘pefium s; pus mop Amulet) am 5! sms ms? nu. ‘dn 5! ems will 91:1 Mn vs =ms U?! SJ! no 1°an 9-0 mu (3 1-10 wows m am tum 1mm “ampsooxd fingmouo; am unwed fianeq e enema: 01 “Humid?“ mum 1's NOLLDIIS 1ng ION mm mm em Liam NO 01 19: s; s—gms uaqm SAAS 103135 mo ENIJ. £2 QEEQEQQH lZE'IS9LB 13mm [zuuou 9111 m mo-saum Hummer; flnvamuomessm-Emsmqm EMS 133138 mo ENIJ. 3: WW LZE'IS9L8 EMS Sum pappe we; seq lilo-amp spummne Sumonuoo gamma; swamps mu mu g sanrpuadde s! pnquasap Se 13s an: (gyms) HOLT/AS NOLLVHIIDIiNOD Pm?( ZAAS 7? IMS) Sill-{OMS 30:03 SSHDDV (“LL SDNILKIS HJHMS 07 NOHDJS 1me am 01 pmmmloa swg me musuen plm wunusvmn an on Jamd 9101591 mm uounq swg am fiugssmd ”lemma: sin 01 pumas NO 2 mnsum CLNV Jauuusuen mp 01 named 3101531 “gm uounq i—IO/NO sq] Supssaxd FCC ID: GXZE13653—P Appendix E 10K24 SLTX 3/4/5 MOTOR 3-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The 10K family of transmitters has been expanded to include a new 3/4/5 motor 3-speed lever handled belly box transrmtter. The new transmitter are functionally interchangeable with the 10K24 3—speed pendent transmitter. The three smd lever switches add a new level of controllability to the family of 10K transmitters Figure 1 shows the top panel layout of the new transmitter. In addition to the standard key functions, a KEY SWITCH has been added to improve transmitter seatrity. An ACCESS CODE PLUG is optionally awilable to externally set the lower 8 bits ofthe 16 bit access code . A r‘ KW ‘ ‘u LT ‘ . . i o o . ol : wxz figs M Mz l m'fi'sv mus'r Figure 1 Options described in appendices B and D of this manual are still available in the SLTX transmitter, New options have been added. 1) A key switch has been added for better transmitter security 2) The time-out disable feature is dip switch selectable. 3) For Mode 2 operation the auxiliary crane select outputs may be set to standard or inverted by dip switch. ( See section 2.0 for new dip switch settings.) SECTION Ll OPERATING FEATURES The SLTX operates very similarly to the standard pendent transnutter. Turning the key switch ON will enable power to the transmitter but not start the receiver To enable the receiver and begin operation the ON/OFF button must be pressed. Once enabled pressing the ON [OFF button will transmit an OFF command to rhe receiver and turn power OFF to the transmitter. Alter the transmitter has turned OFF pressing the ON/OFF button again will return power to the transnutter and transmitter an ON command to the receiver. In standard configuiation if the transmitter has been inactive for more the approximately 15 min. the transmitter will shut off power to itselfto conserve battery life. The transmitter may be restored to power by the following procedures. 1) Turning to key switch 03, waiting 30 sec. and then turning it on. 2) Pressing the ON/OFF button. 3) Pressing the EMS button. Each of these actions will produce a dilIerent result. Turning the key switch OFF and ON will restore power to the transmitter but not transmit an ON command. To enable the receiver the ON/OFF button must be pressed. Pressing the ONIOFF button will restore powertothetransmitter ANDtransmit aON command to the receiver, [M iii J "mans nudes soup am ualqfigax pun xoop baueq sip amp (9 3031190; “sex; 2 1mm amides mm 5:9qu p10 am 3mm; $19qu am y: uonmusuo pm; nomsod am no“ we mo ms m5}: am flaws (r ‘aseo Hum-150m em Jo ems mill 9111 “0 mm mm mm smsms mpdm any; am mm (C ‘pcfilmx S; We mop mum am S! ans “flu Mu. “dn Sit ms "(in all“! 12m OS ems LP! SJ! uo 1mm 9m mld (Z 330 1mm Ks)! an tum 15x15 (1 ‘smpgooxd fiuwonoj 9m uuoyad Klaueq e fields: 01 mama-Ida! Llama rs 14011335 mo—aum LON mm Jaumxsuen sin Ham NO 01195 51 3-945 11on EMS 1.03135 lflO EWLL 33 WW t Z E ‘f S 9 L 8 murmur [mmuu am In mo-saum mum-wen 9mua‘11i'10011935! B‘SMS‘IM EMS 103135 mo emu. 33 WW lZE‘IS9L8 MAS 3mm paw» uaaq 9mm u/mpmqs pllB mo-aurp memo)“ finmunuoa 591mm; swamps man mu NOHD’EI’IEIS LIIO'CIWH. Z'Z HOUSES NO sq PFWIS farms Sludmo wales alien me pans/“11mg MAS If, WWI LZE‘IS9L8 5:10 9‘1 PMS p'yms smdmo mops sumo xne pmmms mg WAS WW“ 1 Z E V S 9 L 8 ‘vms 018mm “owns dwamuespvwonwyrpowzapomm mawaomm z mow rz nouns m a mmusdds S! Pom-Imp se m 318 (ms) Helms Monmounoo we ( ms 79 ms) sansums 3003 ssaoov m ssmuas mums 01 NOLDZS Xenon 1.0 15qu w Sumlasap JD} posn pm: apom pmptms am Jo 951mm; am am smdmo am spoux paumug an 105 q xwuaddz an poqposap se sums am 53121st waxsfis am 3pm]: pmplms up 103 same; 52 s! uopmadn Z spew psauequs emu wAgmx 9m 01 puzunnm gwg In muslmn pm; mumsmm sq) o: Jamod excl»! [HM uoxmq swg sq] fingsssu FCC ID: GXZE13653-F Appendix F 10K24 SLTX 3/4/5 MOTOR S-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVEW The 10K family of transmitters has been expanded to include a new 3/4/5 motor S-speed lever handled belly box transmitter, The five spwd lever switches add a new level of controllabilrty to the family of 10K transmitters Figure 1 shows the top panel Iath of the new transmitter. In addition to the standard key functions, a KEY SWITCH has been added to improve transmitter security, An ACCESS CODE PLUG is optionally available to externally setthe lower 8 bits (film 16 bit awess code, c o 0@ L—LL \¥/ o‘. oi oi A; A /K i ‘1/ T Y oi oi oi Figure 1 New options have been added I) 5-speed switches provide improved speed control. 2) A key switch has been added for better transmitter security 3) The time-out disable feature is dip switch selectable. 4) The auxiliary crane select outputs may be set to standard or invertedby dip switch. ( See section 2.0 for new dip switch settings.) SECTION 1.1 OPERATE“; FEATURES The SLTX operates very similarly to the standard pendent transmitter. Turning the key switch ON will enable power to the transmitter but not start the receiver. To enable the receiver and begin operation the ON/OFF button must be pressed. Once enabled pressing the ON IOFF button will transmit an OFF command to the receiver and mm power OFF to the transmitter. Afier the transmitter has turned OFF press’ng the ONIOFF button again will return power to the transmitter and transmit an ON conunand to the receiver. In standard configuration it“ the transmitter has been inactive for more than approximately 15 min, the transmitterwill shut ofl‘power to itself to conserve battery life. The transmitter may be restored to power by the following procedures. 1) Turning to key switch oft", waiting 30 sec and then turning it on. 2) Pressing the ON/OFF button. 3) Pressmg the EMS button. Each of these actions will produce a different results Turning the key switch OFF and ON will restore power to the transmitter but not transmit an ON command , To enable the remiver the ON/OFF button must be pressed Pressmg the ON/OFF button will restore power to the transmitter AND transmit in ON command to the receiver, Pressing the EMS button will restore power to the transmitter and transmit an EMS command to the receiver. pl 4!) 1-10 sq vmous ”ms sundmo wales 31:81? me wrpmm 105 PMS ”II“ LZE'IS9L8 sflmuas qaums sumac; am Kq pouaAu] m pmpmns 0] 1:5 aq 5m mama maps xne mu 511131110 131135 XflV Z'Z MOLLDSIS N0 5:10 NO 9‘] pmoqs E'VMS 11qu penssp mu 5; Kano: J. an/Kauoxl pun 8101-1 xnvflswx-x Jo unmade "mun a] LZEYS9L8 i-[O sq PI'W‘IS {WAS 5911011. mV/“Ilo-‘l P“? lSWH xnv/xsmH JO uonuado unpuu 10:1 7 AAS llE’lS9L8 saunas “sums flH'IIAOHOJ at“ &q pelqzsxp m payqeua sq Kern 31“)st maplm G'LL 131135 WIRINVL I‘Z NOLIJEIS GHDNVHC) 33 JON Cl'IflOHS GNV “M3333 EIHJ. HDLVW Cl 135 ENV ( ZMS U IMS) sen-mums ElClOC) SSEDDV a‘Ll. SON'IJLEIS HDLIMS 0‘2 NOILDCIS * ‘mdmo JO adA] sgqj 31me m1: sauem m; aqume s; Manon 10 mm! mm 5° nomads mm mm pom-mp m Manon m gsgoq mmaN “do an; 51)ng ‘a am 11; s; qmng 5mm am new “slonuoo I isnoxl m/pue I 1510“ 3mm meme 01 pm sq Km! 83 an. vesmd am filmy/As uaunqqsnd mop; m Aauou mu Imuaqm Klmpmmne “!'ll’"d mm 83 ‘zn em in 51 mm mm: am new slonuoo z hut-u. 10/9“? z ism-I ems“) imam 01 pesn sq mam LL) mdmo mu ‘pessaxd am ssqmyms suonnqqsnd ugoH JO Kauml sq] Jamaqm Annuzumlmz [lg-[Ind "BM 1.3 ‘111 am 11! S! “cums 5mm am new bum: JO usyoq s fiurpetassp m; pom pmz 9pm“ pmpmns om 1° osmAug am am swims sq; apoul pawn; 9m mg “Manon 10 515qu 0M) ;0 uouendo mpuel smone gm passed an ssqsums uuunqqsnd ism-1 JD knoll 9111 “mam Kimmom “rand mm Laws ‘3 9m n! S! Imp-ts 5mm 7m new “510mm z bum. “WW 1 m0}! elm Knit-113m 01pm sq Kenn L3 1nd1no mu ‘pessaxd axe swqoums ununqqmd 3101-1 10 Kano”, mu JaAauaqm innumvme m—lrnd mm L3 mime ‘zn 9m U! S! “1’le Ame: am new ‘slonuoo l 5911011 xo/pue 1 1510}; 9mm: Anvumxa 0! pm sq Am 81) xndmo sq; ‘posssld an: soqaums mounqqsnd lst m £31101; sin Januaqm Kneenvmomz m-nnd mm so mdano ‘m all! m S! mums mm: 9111 new ‘apom mourns em 103 gang smdmo wales sum Rm 591ml mV/bIlML pm 15!0H xnvnmfl a|qesgp m amen: 01 pain in Am mums maps Ame; sq] none-mic 1010111 g pm: 17 mg 876 51.321 ‘Illllfiflfl ”F 1 on SW4 For inverted aux crane select outputs SW4.4 should be ON SECTION 2.3 TIME-OUT FEATURE The new selectable features controlling automatic time-out has been added using SW} 87655321 555555 TIME OUT SELECT SW 3 When sw3-8 is set to OFF then the transmirter times-out in the normal manner 8765fo321 WWW fiff TIME OUT SELECT SW 3 When sw3-8 is set to ON then the transmitter Will NOT time-out. When sw3-8 is set to OFF and SW3-7 is ON then the transmitter battery saver team is disabled. The transmitter times-out in the normal manner but does not tum OFF FCC ID: GXZE13653—P SECTION 3.1 Battery Replacement To replace a battery perform the following procedure. I) First mm the key switch OFF. 2) Place the transmitter on it's lefl side so that the right srde is up. The right side is the battery door and is hinged 3) Loosen the three captive screws with knurled heads on the right side of the transmitter mse. 4) Swing the right side out and note the position and orientation of the battery. 5)Rernove the old battery and replace with a fresh battery. 6) Close the battery door and retighten the three captive screws. SECTION 4.0 Interface Diagrams ms men contains those diagrams required for reference purposes during uwbleshooting and maintenance. 115 VAC 230 VAC I I 1 I 1 | MASTER RELAY -:._?.-.|_.| 41 'HR' E I I | L TD wsmnsn l mm LINE . CDNTACTDR cuncun # z : 5°“ "L FEVER figfififis mmcarzs ms INN- CUSTDI‘ER I “gun’s-Vt (RETURN | BLDEK .I13 cuNTAcTDR , mm mm. mNTACT numm> . 1" mm cuIL m” J maven ARC SUPPREssuR AJ14 _...___- IN PARALLEL : Mt! A! 1— sex: # K" . + —n—- | Aux: mmmrzs INDICATES TERMINAL RELAY Aux? ancx 4:4 CENTM?" 1" | IN mum W1“ 1 sum RECEVER maven mm. I names mm 0mm) mm: mm (sumo 1 BRIDGE END SFD mums: awn syn nuns: REFER TU $14. a ur a MAXTEC INTERNATIDNAL telemotive cunpumun 6470 V. Certtnnd Si. Chlnofl, llhnuls 60635' 312-889-1448 FAXI 312—790-9740 TELDO 210017le LR SERIES 10K24 STANDARD FIVE SPEED INTERFACE VITH SLTX LEVER SVITCH TRANSMITTER "m lame/24 m L.L. um Hm—fl" film"! "IVNUILVNEELNI 2131wi 35111185 81 "ENVd HZAIZJB! HEAGJH DEW umva N] N! LQVLNDZI "1“ ”3117! mm man 331va $3.1”le HF— it)! “333731“?‘333 mm mm “31951312 aumvmu: etr m1: ammo mu: film!“ smnmé w}? 96/LE/ 9 31m ‘fldS I'LLEATHDHJ. 115 HJ.) IGTHJHJ. (Ids rm: Afl'lflal [Ids ENE A3'ITEIUJ. a'am A3'1'HJHJ. rum 13m]. 11:15 mvasm m "M 1,1 ' Had I is A; LS/flz/E _-l HELLINSNVHL HOLIAS 213A3'I XJJS HlIM EJVAEIELNI 033d3 3AIJ UHVUNVLS 72>")! 831838 an MAG/LIME 0613.1 WLS-fstfl rxu mx—eee—an: ~§|Z9l19 Ml «mum $5 mum-ma 'A M79 Nuuvauaano GAE]. 0 [119191 : (alumna mum: mm mm AV'EH 835V” —-r —m - GI lSVMNDS ME! 9519” flflfl Manual) gm “awn-nu [J]. CIT"! (mus) "1M. MASTER Rsuw m. ' ®+ mum-res mmcnas TERMINAL cus-rmen “LUCK J13 BDNTACTEIR 1“ mm tall. VlTH RECEIVER ARC suppstsun TD $353“ IN PARALLEL 0.115 TELEWTIVI mnurm RECEIVER PANEL # KI! CONTACT MDNITEIR) + —{ T— IN‘DICATES INDICATES U“? mmm RELAY urns“; up nLucK 4“ CONTACT IN IN RADID RAND RECEIVER RECEIVER HDIST DWN PM HUIST END SFD MOIST QRD SPD HDIST 4TH SPD. HDXST 5TH SP'D» HST/TEL SELECT 1h? HST/TEL SELECT ll MAXTEC INTERNATIEINAL telemotive curePanmN 6470 Vr Corflnnd St. Cl'dcnoq, mud: mess-3124994449 FAX: 312-794-9741) TELEXI Elihu/INN“! LR —- SERIES 10K24 STANDARD FIVE SPEED INTERFACE _- WITH SLTX LEVER SWITCH TRANSMITTER “m 10K 16/24 m— _m L. MW— Mm FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Appendix G 10K16 7 MOTOR 3-SPEED TRANSMITTER SECTION 1.0 OVERVEW The lOKPLUS/ 16 System has be expanded to provided seven (7) motor control us'ng external select relays. Three (3) of the auxiliary firnouans of the lOKl6 have been reconfigured to provide this extended type of control. The standard pendent transmitter has been equipped with 3-two position rotary switches to act as motor select control inputs. Using these rotary watches the transmitter may control up to seven motors. Fig #1 shows the front panel control on the new transmitter. The auxiliary select functions are designed to pull ll‘l whenever a thl or trolley pushbunon sthch is pressed according to the following convention, lfa rotary switch is in the OFF position then the auxiliary fimctlon relay will not close when the hoist or trolley pushbutton switches are premed. Ifa rotary switch ls in the ON position then the selected auxiliary function relay will close whenever the hoist or trolley pushbutton switches are pressed. Note however that the motor control relay outputs will still close in the numtal manner regardless of the auxiliary rotary select positions. Thus the three auxiliary functions may be used to select Hoist fll/l Trolley #1 Hoist Isl/I Trolley #2 Hoist #3/fl'rolley $13 The Bridge pushlrunons are not affected by this arrangement and no auxiliary functions wrll pull in when the bridge pushbuttous are pressed. In addition the time—out disable feature which previously required a special CPU/ROM is now dip switch selectable, (See Section 2 2) ONIOFF fil— FIG] N0 :I:IO 1.33138 mo ElWIl IZE‘IS9L8 “mo-sum lON I|!M Jsugmsmm am Help No 01 19s s; s—sms new N0 :H0 Jaumu 103135 lI‘IO ENIl LZE'IS9L8 {Buuou em “I “lo-mun Humming =m new 550 o: m s! s-ems “311m mavsm/znavm MID-EN“. Z'Z'Z NOILD’JS '1 311m “1 mallow 59 ms llamas am “was K4 pawns sq Am PM ememm m I SI’IHVJ. m Psqwsw worm-39m much-w Ni “V nopemfiguoo pmpuels alt! S! snu. "El xmuaddvp (en gnaw. in 0 mm 52 pamflguoo same: MINISTER “LI. nouvurmmnoo mum) I'Z'Z nouns mums IDLIMS umuwsm; z'z NOLLDJS ( "one“; sumo uoudump B 10; [mum Sfl'ld'XOI “113° S'L flows 335 ) “NO as s; alnpom ”spam! lndJllo am no L—I llamas A fill-mm: mu 5! mnlv-omv ( savanna; am Jo ucudump e 10; mm smcmm “11.10 241, uonoos SSS ) EEO 03 m 3] le'ls S‘I 7? P“! “31?“5 dlfl DNILLEIS HDJJMS ZI'IIIGOW JDVJHHLNII mane I'Z NOILDflS 11131555 mom muses 9m _;0 uouexsdo am 13933 mm sflumes qaums mono; aql SDNIILHS HDHMS O'Z HOUSES 'a|npow asxpuul Jndmo am no pawnol an; saqaum ass-LL ‘uogaunj [0.1mm mops Jolom aq; JO uomuado sq; 1mm 9,131.13)“; mm snow-m; 0mu m palquw aq plnnqs 1 xnv Jo; uoynnn; g xnv 29 z xnv m) "093!an lim'l mu. =310N FCC ID: GXZE13653-P Appendix H MULTIBOX EXTENSION TO THE 10K16/24 SECTION 1.0 OVERVIEW The 10K16/24R line of crane controls has been extended to include Multibox . With multibox up to 4 transmitters may access a single receiver . Only one transmitter may control a receiver at a given time. Access is on a first come first serve basis. Once a transnuuer has gained control, no other transmitter may access the receiver until the controlling transmitter relinquishes control by transmitting a OFF conunand to the receiver or the receiver times out due to transmitter inacuvityr The first transmitter to send an ON command alter the receiver has been released will then gain control of the receiver. The number of transmitters allowed to control a receiver (1-4) is dip swrtch selectable on the Receiver Master CPU Module. To display the active box with externally mounted lights (ie the transmitter in control of the receiver) , a special Output Module with 4 relay closures is also available. This module will provide relay closures to drive the external light display. A new Receiver Master CPU Module and Software may be necessary to implement multibox. Additional dip switches SWII) have been added to the module to provide selectable option control for mnltihox as well as future enhancements. SECTION 2.0 DISPLAY MODULE The display module is intended to be mounted over the system power supply For systems shipped with this option this is where it will be found. For those who wish to add this module to there wstem an upgrade kit is available. To mount the module in a existing multibox system the followrng procedure should be followed. SECTION 2.2.1 DISPLAY MODULE MOUNTHVG AND INSTALLATION 1) Turn systempowerOFF! 2) From the display kit locate the 4-2" stand-OHS In the 10K16/24R enclosure locate the 4 $66 ESNA nuts that hold the power supply to the enclosure. Remove the ESNA nuts and one at a time replace with the 2-3/8" stand-offs Make sure the standard-oil's are tightened firmly. 3) Place the display module onto the 4 stand-oil‘s. Orient the module so the output connector T'Bl is facing down. 4) Locate the #6 Keps nut from the kit and place on the upper right hand corner stand-OE and tighten firmly. Fasten the remaining stand-055 using 3 ofthe 4—#6 ESNA nuts Tighten fimily 5) Locate the power cable from the kit and connect the read wire to the +12VDC output ofthe power Simply Connect the black wrre to the ground output of the power supply. 6) Connect the other end of the power cable to the power input of the display board (53). 7) Locate the data cable from the kit. Connect one end off the cable to the last output module's data connection (19). Connect the other end of the data cable to the data input connector of the display board. (ll) 8) Reset SW9 on the Master CPU module to the new number ofoutput modules in the sysmm. N0 N0 Z'I [III I"! DNUJJS HOLIMS [ms 0 [- sa'muovuo -:1 l uaawnu _|: II! 3 1:1 v :I:lo No ssampe all-pom 1:1qu men mum 196 sq pmoqs ll ‘ampmu aqua ssxppe am sws slflpflw fluidsm am no ms saunas mums ms amuow AV’IdSIG M NOILOCIS csuppn ma all: mm; Bummfloq flsmpp: Mymasnoa um asnm snmmsmm pamps iEILON E+ SSERIGGV 35V! ? N0 N0 1+ SSIRKIGV SSVfl E 510 N0 1+ SSTHIKIV HSVH 2 N0 M0 SSHGGV 35“! I MO 110 [mm-01 31102) SEXOE Still-1.18 SSIDDV XVW HDLIMS' MMS 0 — Iv 051mm; -:| ssxoa wnnmm _|:: n: HBHHHB flit)“ NO summsmm v 011101110: 00 mums! 53011135 ‘F’lFMS GILL mussel sq) smae um mm sxauyuzsuzn m mum-1 umuxmml am 19s z-om-m scrim/AS SQHJJJWSNVHJ. so uaawnn wnmwi [rs NOIDIS as" smug Jo} aussax am memos “sums pesnun suoudu Walsh las 01 ms:- em 11mg pun 01mg saqoums NOWDSZG ”IOHNOD “MS P“ (HMS Hall/“S Z'S NOLIDEIS SK V738 1041/20 I 11111“ 371100” 1 VTJSIG' * «um-mashing N0 N0 rust mashing NO NO Z-6/l/lt-6 smamo douaawml swims mums ms 0 L sa'maow do -'_'I l- uaawnn _|: I: Z III 9 :HO NO "empomflerdswxoq 2 Jo uomppe mu m mime 7: / 91 9 mm; unmammo 52 um: mam an on ampom 1ndmo [euopyppe us go 1901191 01 sq ppm/n uogdaaxa Arno mu ‘plau sin 0! 903mm sq mu mums P“? have; em 12 us s; [mums gnu KlwnuoN NOILIIHDSEIG ”IOHLNOI) MAS mums rs NOLLDEIS P93“ 1°“ Arman“! 5! HMS ‘15‘EMS mogdo umsfls snow pile sfilmlzs mum"! ass 01 pm S! OIMS myths WalsKs am at gas 01 5139de mm sq] smpmu mm 10 Ecru-mu 3m m 01 mm 5! ms mums ‘xoqumm m; mum: am dn Snows m mummy am 31000” m1) msvw 3111 BO Maud-ts Mu. SDNZLLLZIS EDI-[MS 0? 14011335 1qu mmod ugd v apgAmd 3m 1mm uoummo spun sq {new 3 o] g smdu] Kama 17 01 I ma 11135314131 17 01 I smdmo [wax Time s 5! OVAozI se mums umunwi ‘sdm xusmpueau; [emalxa amp 0) paufimp s; ampoux Keldsgp mu AV’IJSIG TVNHHLX’EI OJ. NOHD’EINNOC) 1,011.00 J’IDGOW AV'IJSIG Z'Z'Z NOIJDEIS “sassaxppe 3pm ssaaaem dmuS sun JO mmam lwl 9m 01 195 sq 15m” SEEHOJJAAS 3003 SSEIDDV HEIAIEDER! a'-LL 931mm) 3‘1 10“ Film“? pue $1019?! ND 511 Pguflgsse am sasuxpps asaql sassalp'pe aAunaasuoo g go mq a max; W195 sq 15“!!! 9pm sssooe sanguiswn "v
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