Telit Cinterion Deutschland AC65 Quad Band GSM Module User Manual AC65 AC75

Gemalto M2M GmbH Quad Band GSM Module AC65 AC75

User Manual

 Hardware Interface Description AC65/AC75 Siemens Cellular Engines   Version: 00.372 DocID: AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372 s
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 2 of 118  2006-08-03     Document Name:  AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description   Version:  00.372   Date:  August 03, 2006   DocId:  AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372   Status:  Confidential / Preliminary        General note Product is deemed accepted by Recipient and is provided without interface to Recipient´s products. The Product constitutes pre-release version and code and may be changed substantially before commercial release. The Product is provided on an “as is” basis only and may contain deficiencies or inadequacies. The Product is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Siemens further disclaims all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third-party rights. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the Product and documentation remains with Recipient. This Product is not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Applications incorporating the described product must be designed to be in accordance with the technical specifications provided in these guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the required procedures can result in malfunctions or serious discrepancies in results. Furthermore, all safety instructions regarding the use of mobile technical systems, including GSM products, which also apply to cellular phones must be followed. Siemens AG customers using or selling this product for use in any applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Siemens for any damages resulting from illegal use or resale. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Siemens or its suppliers be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, punitive or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or data, or other pecuniary loss) arising out the use of or inability to use the Product, even if Siemens has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Subject to change without notice at any time.   Copyright Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved.  Copyright © Siemens AG 2006
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 3 of 118  2006-08-03 Contents 0 Document History .........................................................................................................7 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................9 1.1 Related Documents ...............................................................................................9 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations.....................................................................................10 1.3 Type Approval......................................................................................................13 1.3.1 SAR Requirements Specific to Portable Mobiles...................................15 1.4 Safety Precautions...............................................................................................16 2 Product Concept .........................................................................................................18 2.1 Key Features at a Glance ....................................................................................18 2.2 AC65/AC75 System Overview.............................................................................21 2.3 Circuit Concept ....................................................................................................22 3 Application Interface...................................................................................................23 3.1 Operating Modes .................................................................................................24 3.2 Power Supply.......................................................................................................26 3.2.1 Minimizing Power Losses ......................................................................26 3.2.2 Measuring the Supply Voltage VBATT+ ....................................................27 3.2.3 Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command ...........................................27 3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios ....................................................................28 3.3.1 Turn on AC65/AC75...............................................................................28 Turn on AC65/AC75 Using Ignition Line IGT .........................................28 Configuring the IGT Line for Use as ON/OFF Switch ............................31 Turn on AC65/AC75 Using the VCHARGE Signal.................................32 Reset AC65/AC75 via AT+CFUN Command.........................................32 Reset or Turn off AC65/AC75 in Case of Emergency............................33 Using EMERG_RST to Reset Application(s) or External Device(s).......33 3.3.2 Signal States after Startup.....................................................................34 3.3.3 Turn off AC65/AC75...............................................................................36 Turn off AC65/AC75 Using AT Command .............................................36 Leakage Current in Power-Down Mode.................................................37 Turn on/off AC65/AC75 Applications with Integrated USB ....................38 3.3.4 Automatic Shutdown ..............................................................................39 Thermal Shutdown.................................................................................39 Deferred Shutdown at Extreme Temperature Conditions ......................40 Monitoring the Board Temperature of AC65/AC75 ................................40 Undervoltage Shutdown if Battery NTC is Present ................................40 Undervoltage Shutdown if no Battery NTC is Present ...........................41 Overvoltage Shutdown...........................................................................41 3.4 Automatic EGPRS/GPRS Multislot Class Change ..............................................42 3.5 Charging Control..................................................................................................43 3.5.1 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................43 3.5.2 Software Requirements .........................................................................43 3.5.3 Battery Pack Requirements ...................................................................44 3.5.4 Charger Requirements...........................................................................45 3.5.5 Implemented Charging Technique.........................................................46 3.5.6 Operating Modes during Charging.........................................................47 3.6 Power Saving.......................................................................................................49 3.6.1 Network Dependency of SLEEP Modes ................................................49 3.6.2 Timing of the CTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 7..........................50 3.6.3 Timing of the RTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 9..........................50 3.7 Summary of State Transitions (Except SLEEP Mode).........................................51
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 4 of 118  2006-08-03 3.8 RTC Backup ........................................................................................................52 3.9 SIM Interface .......................................................................................................53 3.9.1 Installation Advice..................................................................................54 3.10 Serial Interface ASC0 ..........................................................................................55 3.11 Serial Interface ASC1 ..........................................................................................57 3.12 USB Interface ......................................................................................................58 3.13 I2C Interface .........................................................................................................59 3.14 SPI Interface ........................................................................................................61 3.15 Audio Interfaces...................................................................................................63 3.15.1 Speech Processing................................................................................64 3.15.2 Microphone Circuit.................................................................................64 Single-ended Microphone Input.............................................................65 Differential Microphone Input.................................................................66 Line Input Configuration with OpAmp ....................................................67 3.15.3 Loudspeaker Circuit...............................................................................68 3.15.4 Digital Audio Interface (DAI) ..................................................................69 Master Mode..........................................................................................70 Slave Mode............................................................................................72 3.16 GPIO Interface.....................................................................................................74 3.16.1 Using the GPIO10 Pin as Pulse Counter ...............................................74 3.17 Control Signals ....................................................................................................75 3.17.1 Synchronization Signal ..........................................................................75 3.17.2 Using the SYNC Pin to Control a Status LED........................................76 3.17.3 Behavior of the RING0 Line (ASC0 Interface only)................................77 3.17.4 PWR_IND Signal ...................................................................................77 4 Antenna Interface........................................................................................................78 4.1 Antenna Diagnostic..............................................................................................79 4.2 Antenna Connector..............................................................................................80 5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics......................................................82 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................82 5.2 Operating Temperatures......................................................................................83 5.3 Storage Conditions ..............................................................................................84 5.4 Reliability Characteristics.....................................................................................85 5.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description...............................................................86 5.6 Power Supply Ratings .........................................................................................93 5.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part..................................................96 5.7.1 Setting Audio Parameters by AT Commands ........................................96 5.7.2 Audio Programming Model ....................................................................97 5.7.3 Characteristics of Audio Modes .............................................................98 5.7.4 Voiceband Receive Path........................................................................99 5.7.5 Voiceband Transmit Path.....................................................................100 5.8 Air Interface .......................................................................................................101 5.9 Electrostatic Discharge ......................................................................................102 6 Mechanics..................................................................................................................103 6.1 Mechanical Dimensions of AC65/AC75.............................................................103 6.2 Mounting AC65/AC75 to the Application Platform .............................................105 6.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector ..............................................................106 7 Sample Application...................................................................................................109 8 Reference Approval ..................................................................................................111 8.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval...........................................................111 8.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations...................................................112
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 5 of 118  2006-08-03 9 Appendix....................................................................................................................113 9.1 List of Parts and Accessories ............................................................................113 9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment ...............................................115 9.2.1 Fasteners from German Supplier ETTINGER GmbH ..........................115   Tables  Table 1: Directives..................................................................................................................13 Table 2: Standards of North American type approval ............................................................ 13 Table 3: Standards of European type approval...................................................................... 14 Table 4: Requirements of quality............................................................................................ 14 Table 5: Overview of operating modes................................................................................... 24 Table 6: Signal states.............................................................................................................34 Table 7: Temperature dependent behavior ............................................................................ 40 Table 8: Specifications of battery packs suitable for use with AC65/AC75 ............................ 45 Table 9: AT commands available in Charge-only mode......................................................... 47 Table 10: Comparison Charge-only and Charge mode.......................................................... 48 Table 11: State transitions of AC65/AC75 (except SLEEP mode) .........................................51 Table 12: Signals of the SIM interface (board-to-board connector) ....................................... 53 Table 13: DCE-DTE wiring of ASC0....................................................................................... 56 Table 14: DCE-DTE wiring of ASC1....................................................................................... 57 Table 15: Configuration combinations for the PCM interface................................................. 69 Table 16: Overview of DAI pin functions ................................................................................70 Table 17: Return loss in the active band ................................................................................78 Table 18: Values of the AT^SAD parameter <diag> and their meaning................................. 79 Table 19: Product specifications of Rosenberger SMP connector ......................................... 80 Table 20: Absolute maximum ratings ..................................................................................... 82 Table 21: Board temperature ................................................................................................. 83 Table 22: Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (without forced air circulation) .... 83 Table 23: Charging temperature ............................................................................................ 83 Table 24: Storage conditions.................................................................................................. 84 Table 25: Summary of reliability test conditions ..................................................................... 85 Table 26: Signal description...................................................................................................87 Table 27: Power supply ratings .............................................................................................. 93 Table 28: Current consumption during Tx burst for GSM 850MHz and GSM 900MHz..........94 Table 29: Current consumption during Tx burst for GSM 1800MHz and GSM 1900MHz......95 Table 30: Audio parameters adjustable by AT command ...................................................... 96 Table 31: Voiceband characteristics (typical).........................................................................98 Table 32: Voiceband receive path..........................................................................................99 Table 33: Voiceband transmit path....................................................................................... 100 Table 34: Air Interface ..........................................................................................................101 Table 35: Measured electrostatic values..............................................................................102 Table 36: Technical specifications of Molex board-to-board connector ...............................106 Table 37: List of parts and accessories................................................................................113 Table 38: Molex sales contacts (subject to change) ............................................................114
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 6 of 118  2006-08-03 Figures  Figure 1: AC65/AC75 system overview.................................................................................. 21 Figure 2: AC65/AC75 block diagram...................................................................................... 22 Figure 3: Power supply limits during transmit burst................................................................ 27 Figure 4: Position of the reference points BATT+ and GND .................................................. 27 Figure 5: Power-on with operating voltage at BATT+ applied before activating IGT.............. 29 Figure 6: Power-on with IGT held low before switching on operating voltage at BATT+ .......30 Figure 7: Timing of IGT if used as ON/OFF switch ................................................................ 31 Figure 8: Signal states during turn-off procedure ...................................................................37 Figure 9: Battery pack circuit diagram....................................................................................44 Figure 10: Power saving and paging...................................................................................... 49 Figure 11: Timing of CTSx signal (if CFUN= 7)......................................................................50 Figure 12: Timing of RTSx signal (if CFUN = 9).....................................................................50 Figure 13: RTC supply from capacitor.................................................................................... 52 Figure 14: RTC supply from rechargeable battery .................................................................52 Figure 15: RTC supply from non-chargeable battery .............................................................52 Figure 16: Serial interface ASC0............................................................................................ 55 Figure 17: Serial interface ASC1............................................................................................ 57 Figure 18: USB circuit ............................................................................................................58 Figure 19: I2C interface connected to VCC of application .....................................................59 Figure 20: I2C interface connected to VEXT line of AC65/AC75 ........................................... 60 Figure 21: SPI interface..........................................................................................................61 Figure 22: Characteristics of SPI modes................................................................................ 62 Figure 23: Audio block diagram.............................................................................................. 63 Figure 24: Single ended microphone input............................................................................. 65 Figure 25: Differential microphone input ................................................................................66 Figure 26: Line input configuration with OpAmp .................................................................... 67 Figure 27: Differential loudspeaker configuration...................................................................68 Figure 28: Master PCM interface Application......................................................................... 70 Figure 29: Master PCM timing, short frame selected .............................................................71 Figure 30: Master PCM timing, long frame selected ..............................................................71 Figure 31: Slave PCM interface application ........................................................................... 72 Figure 32: Slave PCM timing, short frame selected ...............................................................73 Figure 33: Slave PCM timing, long frame selected ................................................................73 Figure 34: SYNC signal during transmit burst ........................................................................ 75 Figure 35: LED Circuit (Example)...........................................................................................76 Figure 36: Incoming voice/fax/data call .................................................................................. 77 Figure 37: URC transmission ................................................................................................. 77 Figure 38: Resistor measurement used for antenna detection .............................................. 79 Figure 39: Datasheet of Rosenberger SMP MIL-Std 348-A connector ..................................81 Figure 40: Pin assignment (component side of AC65/AC75)................................................. 86 Figure 41: Audio programming model .................................................................................... 97 Figure 42: AC65/AC75 – top view ........................................................................................ 103 Figure 43: Dimensions of AC65/AC75 ................................................................................. 104 Figure 44: Molex board-to-board connector 52991-0808 on AC65/AC75............................ 107 Figure 45: Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application ............................108 Figure 46: AC65/AC75 sample application for Java............................................................. 110 Figure 47: Reference equipment for Type Approval ............................................................ 111
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 7 of 118  2006-08-03 0 Document History Preceding document: "AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.251 New document: "AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.372  Chapter  What is new Throughout document Added new product: AC65 module 1  Added AC65 and general statement on difference between AC65 and AC75. 1.3  Updated list of standards. 1.3.1  Every portable mobile shall have an FCC Grant and IC Certificate of its own. 1.4  Added note on audio safety precautions. 3.5, 9  Removed all information related to specific types of batteries and specific vendors. 3.9  Removed note on required restart of module after removing and reinserting a SIM card during operation. 3.12  Removed section describing USB modem installation. For installation details see [11].  Corrected description of master PCM timing with long or short frame selected.  Updated timing for slave mode of PCM interface (Figure 32 and Figure 33). 5.1  Added remark on SELV compliance. 5.5  Table 26: Modified RTC input voltage values (RTC Backup VDDLP). 5.6  Table 27: Different current consumption depending on whether autobauding enabled / disabled. 8.2  Added FCC and IC identifiers for AC65. Changed notes on mobile and fixed devices, added note on portable mobiles.  9.1  Added AC65 incl. Siemens ordering numbers.  Preceding document: "AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.202 New document: "AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.251  Chapter  What is new Corrected description of deferred shutdown. to Alert URCs for undervoltage and overvoltage do not need to enabled by the user. 3.5.3 Added overdischarge release voltage 2.6V 9.1  Specified Siemens ordering numbers for AC75.  Preceding document: "AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.020 New document: "AC75 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.202  Chapter  What is new 3.3.2  New chapter: Signal States after Startup.  More detailed description of IGT timing depending on Power-down or Charge-only mode. Added further details on timing after power-up. Added alert message “SHUTDOWN after Illegal PowerUp”
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 8 of 118  2006-08-03 Chapter  What is new  New chapter: Configuring the IGT Line for Use as ON/OFF Switch  Revised Table 7: Temperature dependent behavior., Changed description.  Added new section. 3.4  Minor text change., 3.5.6, 3.7 To change from Charge-only mode to Normal mode the IGT line must be pulled low for at least 1s and then released. High state of IGT lets AC75 enter Normal mode. 3.5.6, 3.7  Added transition from Charge-only to Normal mode by switching off Airplane mode. 3.6  Added chapter on power saving. 3.12  AC75 does not support generic USB 2.0 High Speed hubs.  Added remarks on VMIC behaviour.  Replaced remark on VMIC behaviour. 3.15.4  Added Table 15: Configuration combinations for the PCM interface 5.1  New maximum values for voltage at analog pins with VMIC on/off. 5.2  Specified operating board temperature. Table 22: Temperature specified for charging is battery temperature (not ambient) 5.5  Specified internal pull-down resistors 330kΩ at TXD0, RXD0, TXD1, RXD1. Changed all  VIHmin values from 2.0 to 2.15V. Corrected overview table: USB_DP was listed in wrong row. 5.7  New chapter: Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part  7  Modified description for Java “System.out” in sample application. 9  New datasheet for recommended VARTA PoLiFlex® Lithium polymer battery.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 9 of 118  2006-08-03 1 Introduction This document applies to the following Siemens products: • AC65 Module • AC75 Module  The document describes the hardware of the AC65 and the AC75, both designed to connect to a cellular device application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for integrating further components.  The difference between both modules is that AC75 additionally features EGPRS. Please note that except for EGPRS specific statements, all information provided below applies to both module types.   Throughout the document, both modules are generally referred to as AC65/AC75.   1.1 Related Documents [1]  AC65 AT Command Set 00.372   AC75 AT Command Set 00.372 [2]  AC65/AC75 Release Notes 00.372 [3]  DSB75 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Siemens Cellular Engines [4]  Application Note 02: Audio Interface Design for GSM Applications (AC65, AC75) [5]  Application Note 07: Rechargeable Lithium Batteries in GSM Applications [6]  Application Note 16: Upgrading Firmware on MC75, TC6x, AC65, AC75 [7]  Application Note 17: Over-The-Air Firmware Update for TC65, AC65, AC75 [8]  Application Note 22: Using TTY / CTM Equipment [9]  Application Note 26: Power Supply Design for GSM Applications [10]  Application Note 24: Application Developer’s Guide [11]  Application Note 32: Integrating USB into MC75, TC6x, AC65, AC75 Applications [12]  Multiplexer User's Guide [13]  Multiplex Driver Developer’s Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP  [14]  Multiplex Driver Installation Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP [15]  Remote SAT User’s Guide for MC75, TC6x, AC65, AC75 [16]  Java User’s Guide for TC65, AC65, AC75 [17]  Java doc \wtk\doc\html\index.html
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 10 of 118  2006-08-03 1.2  Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation  Description ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter AGC  Automatic Gain Control ANSI  American National Standards Institute ARFCN  Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number ARP  Antenna Reference Point ASC0 / ASC1  Asynchronous Controller. Abbreviations used for first and second serial interface of AC65/AC75 B Thermistor Constant B2B Board-to-board connector BER  Bit Error Rate BTS  Base Transceiver Station CB or CBM  Cell Broadcast Message CE  Conformité Européene (European Conformity) CHAP  Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CPU  Central Processing Unit CS Coding Scheme CSD  Circuit Switched Data CTS  Clear to Send DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter DAI  Digital Audio Interface dBm0  Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-law DCE  Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. Siemens GSM engine) DCS 1800  Digital Cellular System, also referred to as PCN DRX Discontinuous Reception DSB  Development Support Box DSP  Digital Signal Processor DSR  Data Set Ready DTE  Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, terminal, printer or, for example, GSM application) DTR  Data Terminal Ready DTX Discontinuous Transmission EFR  Enhanced Full Rate EGSM Enhanced GSM EIRP  Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ERP  Effective Radiated Power
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 11 of 118  2006-08-03 Abbreviation  Description ESD Electrostatic Discharge ETS  European Telecommunication Standard FCC  Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) FDMA  Frequency Division Multiple Access FR Full Rate GMSK  Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying GPIO  General Purpose Input/Output GPRS  General Packet Radio Service GSM  Global Standard for Mobile Communications HiZ High Impedance HR Half Rate I/O Input/Output IC Integrated Circuit IMEI  International Mobile Equipment Identity ISO  International Standards Organization ITU  International Telecommunications Union kbps  kbits per second LED  Light Emitting Diode Li-Ion / Li+  Lithium-Ion Li battery  Rechargeable Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery Mbps  Mbits per second MMI  Man Machine Interface MO Mobile Originated MS  Mobile Station (GSM engine), also referred to as TE MSISDN  Mobile Station International ISDN number MT Mobile Terminated NTC  Negative Temperature Coefficient OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer PA Power Amplifier PAP  Password Authentication Protocol PBCCH  Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel PCB  Printed Circuit Board PCL  Power Control Level PCM  Pulse Code Modulation PCN  Personal Communications Network, also referred to as DCS 1800 PCS  Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900 PDU  Protocol Data Unit PLL  Phase Locked Loop
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 12 of 118  2006-08-03 Abbreviation  Description PPP Point-to-point protocol PSK  Phase Shift Keying PSU  Power Supply Unit R&TTE  Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment RAM  Random Access Memory RF Radio Frequency RMS  Root Mean Square (value) ROM Read-only Memory RTC  Real Time Clock RTS  Request to Send Rx Receive Direction SAR  Specific Absorption Rate SELV  Safety Extra Low Voltage SIM  Subscriber Identification Module SMS  Short Message Service SPI  Serial Peripheral Interface SRAM  Static Random Access Memory TA  Terminal adapter (e.g. GSM engine) TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TE  Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTE Tx Transmit Direction UART  Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter URC  Unsolicited Result Code USB  Universal Serial Bus USSD  Unstructured Supplementary Service Data VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Phonebook abbreviations FD  SIM fixdialing phonebook LD  SIM last dialing phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialed) MC  Mobile Equipment list of unanswered MT calls (missed calls) ME  Mobile Equipment phonebook ON  Own numbers (MSISDNs) stored on SIM or ME RC  Mobile Equipment list of received calls SM SIM phonebook
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 13 of 118  2006-08-03 1.3 Type Approval AC65/AC75 is designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below. Please note that the product is still in a pre-release state and, therefore, type approval and testing procedures have not yet been completed.  Table 1: Directives 99/05/EC  Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (in short referred to as R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC). The product is labeled with the CE conformity mark   89/336/EC  Directive on electromagnetic compatibility 73/23/EC  Directive on electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive) 95/94/EC  Automotive EMC directive 2002/95/EC   Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)  Table 2: Standards of North American type approval CFR Title 47  Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22 and Part 24 (Telecommuni-cations, PCS); US Equipment Authorization FCC UL 60 950  Product Safety Certification (Safety requirements)  NAPRD.03 V3.6.1  Overview of PCS Type certification review board Mobile Equipment Type Certification and IMEI control PCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB) RSS133 (Issue2)  Canadian Standard
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 14 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 3: Standards of European type approval 3GPP TS 51.010-1  Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification ETSI EN 301 511 V9.0.2 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) (GSM 13.11 version 7.0.1 Release 1998) GCF-CC V3.21.0  Global Certification Forum - Certification Criteria ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common Technical Requirements ETSI EN 301 489-7 V1.2.1 (2000-09) Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS) IEC/EN 60950-1 (2001) Safety of information technology equipment (2000)  Table 4: Requirements of quality IEC 60068  Environmental testing DIN EN 60529  IP codes
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 15 of 118  2006-08-03 1.3.1  SAR Requirements Specific to Portable Mobiles Mobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM module must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. This requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable AC65/AC75 based applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international regulations.   Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For European and US markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations or directives are in force outside these areas.    Products intended for sale on US markets ES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from Mobile Telecommunication Equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz   Products intended for sale on European markets EN 50360  Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300MHz - 3GHz)  IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of portable applications based on AC65/AC75 modules are required to have their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant and IC Certificate related to the specific portable mobile. See also Chapter 8.2.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 16 of 118  2006-08-03 1.4 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating AC65/AC75. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Siemens AG assumes no liability for customer’s failure to comply with these precautions.    When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.   The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on.      Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.    Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.    Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.     Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile when driving a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for speakerphone operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the vehicle.   Speakerphones must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or operation can constitute a safety hazard.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 17 of 118  2006-08-03 SOS IMPORTANT! Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.   Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength.   Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.  Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the cellular terminal or mobile.    Bear in mind that exposure to excessive levels of noise can cause physical damage to users! With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid unintentional increase of amplification, e.g. for a highly sensitive earpiece. A protection circuit should be implemented in the cellular application.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 18 of 118  2006-08-03 2 Product Concept 2.1  Key Features at a Glance Feature  Implementation General Frequency bands  Quad band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz GSM class  Small MS Output power (according to  Release 99, V5) Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM850 Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM900 Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1800 Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1900  AC75 only: Class E2 (+27dBm ± 3dB) for GSM 850 8-PSK Class E2 (+27dBm ± 3dB) for GSM 900 8-PSK Class E2 (+26dBm +3 /-4dB) for GSM 1800 8-PSK Class E2 (+26dBm +3 /-4dB) for GSM 1900 8-PSK  The values stated above are maximum limits. According to Release 99, Version 5, the maximum output power in a multislot configuration may be lower. The nominal reduction of maximum output power varies with the number of uplink timeslots used and amounts to 3.0dB for 2Tx, 4.8dB for 3Tx and 6.0dB for 4Tx.  Power supply  3.3V to 4.5V Ambient operating temperature according to IEC 60068-2 Normal operation  -30°C to +75°C Restricted operation  -30°C / +85°C Physical Dimensions: 33.9mm x 55mm x max. 4mm Weight:   approx. 8.5g RoHS  All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS Directive GSM / GPRS / EGPRS features Data transfer  GPRS •  Multislot Class 12 •  Full PBCCH support •  Mobile Station Class B •  Coding Scheme 1 – 4  EGPRS (AC75 only) •  Multislot Class 10 •  Mobile Station Class B •  Modulation and Coding Scheme MCS 1 – 9
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 19 of 118  2006-08-03 Feature  Implementation CSD •  V.110, RLP, non-transparent •  2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4kbps • USSD  PPP-stack for GPRS data transfer SMS  •  Point-to-point MT and MO • Cell broadcast •  Text and PDU mode •  Storage: SIM card plus 25 SMS locations in mobile equipment•  Transmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS. Preferred mode can be user defined. Fax  Group 3; Class 1 Audio Speech codecs: •  Half rate HR (ETS 06.20) •  Full rate FR (ETS 06.10)  •  Enhanced full rate EFR (ETS 06.50/06.60/06.80) •  Adaptive Multi Rate AMR Speakerphone operation (VDA), echo cancellation, noise suppression, DTMF, 7 ringing tones Software AT commands  AT-Hayes GSM 07.05 and 07.07, Siemens AT commands for RIL compatibility (NDIS/RIL) MicrosoftTM compatibility  RIL / NDIS for Pocket PC and Smartphone Java platform JDK Version: 1.4.2_09 Java Virtual Machine with APIs for AT Parser, Serial Interface, FlashFileSystem and TCP/IP Stack.  Major benefits: seamless integration into Java applications, ease of programming, no need for application microcontroller, extremely cost-efficient hardware and software design – ideal platform for industrial GSM applications. The memory space available for Java programs is around 1.7 MB in the flash file system and around 400k RAM. Application code and data share the space in the flash file system and in RAM. SIM Application Toolkit  SAT Release 99 TCP/IP stack  Access by AT commands IP addresses  IP version 6 Remote SIM Access  AC65/AC75 supports Remote SIM Access. RSA enables AC65/AC75 to use a remote SIM card via its serial interface and an external application, in addition to the SIM card locally attached to the dedicated lines of the application interface. The connection between the external application and the remote SIM card can be a Bluetooth wireless link or a serial link.  The necessary protocols and procedures are implemented according to the “SIM Access Profile Interoperability Specification of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group”.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 20 of 118  2006-08-03 Feature  Implementation Firmware update  Generic update from host application over ASC0, ASC1 or USB. Over-the-air (OTA) firmware update is possible via SPI interface. Interfaces 2 serial interfaces   ASC0: •  8-wire modem interface with status and control lines, unbalanced, asynchronous •  Fixed bit rates: 300 bps to 460,800 bps •  Autobauding: 1,200 bps to 460,800 bps •  RTS0/CTS0 and XON/XOFF flow control. •  Multiplex ability according to GSM 07.10 Multiplexer Protocol.  ASC1: •  4-wire, unbalanced asynchronous interface •  Fixed bit rates: 300 bps to 460,800 bps •  RTS1/CTS1 and software XON/XOFF flow control  USB  Supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) slave interface.  I2C I2C bus for 7-bit addressing and transmission rates up to 400kbps. Programmable with AT^SSPI command. Alternatively, all pins of the I²C interface are configurable as SPI. SPI  Serial Peripheral Interface for transmission rates up to 6.5 Mbps. Programmable with AT^SSPI command.  If the SPI is active the I²C interface is not available. Audio  •  2 analog interfaces (2 microphone inputs and 2 headphone outputs with microphone power supply) •  1 digital interface (PCM) SIM interface  Supported SIM cards: 3V, 1.8V Antenna  •  50Ohms. External antenna can be connected via antenna connector. • Antenna diagnostic Module interface  80-pin board-to-board connector Power on/off, Reset Power on/off  •  Switch-on by hardware pin IGT •  Switch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO) •  Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature and voltage conditions. Reset  •  Orderly shutdown and reset by AT command •  Emergency reset by hardware pin EMERG_RST and IGT. Special features Charging  Supports management of rechargeable Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer batteries Real time clock  Timer functions via AT commands
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 21 of 118  2006-08-03 Feature  Implementation GPIO  10 I/O pins of the application interface programmable as GPIO.  Programming is done via AT commands. Alternatively, GPIO pin10 is configurable as pulse counter. Pulse counter  Pulse counter for measuring pulse rates from 0 to 1000 pulses per second. If the pulse counter is active the GPIO10 pin is not available. DAC output  Digital-to-Analog Converter which can provide a PWM signal. Phonebook  SIM and phone Evaluation kit DSB75   DSB75 Evaluation Board designed to test and type approve Siemens cellular engines and provide a sample configuration for application engineering.   2.2  AC65/AC75 System Overview User ApplicationAC65 / AC75Application InterfaceChargerCharging circuitUARTAntennaInterfaceSPIUSBDACUSB HostASC0(modem) ASC1 SIM Digital Audio Charge PowerSupplyI2C Slave9 x GPIO Analog Audio1xGPIOPulse CounterAntennaDiagnosticI2CHeadphones or HeadsetsSIM cardSPI SlaveAudio Codec Figure 1: AC65/AC75 system overview
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 22 of 118  2006-08-03 2.3 Circuit Concept Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the AC65/AC75 module and illustrates the major functional components:   Baseband block: •  Digital baseband processor with DSP •  Analog processor with power supply unit (PSU) •  Flash / SRAM (stacked) •  Application interface (board-to-board connector) • Antenna diagnostic  RF section: • RF transceiver •  RF power amplifier •  RF front end • Antenna connector  Digital BasebandProcesser with DSPBATT+GNDIGTEMERG_RSTASC(0)5SIM InterfaceCCINCCRSTCCIOCCCLKCCVCCD(0:15)A(0:24)RD; WR; CS; WAITRF Control BusInterfaceRF -  BasebandNTCBATT_TEMPVDDLPSYNCTransceiverRF PowerAmplifierSRAMFlash6588AC65/AC75I / Q4Audio analogDAC_OUT10USBGPIO310I2C/SPISPI22VEXTISENSEVSENSEVCHARGECHARGEGATE3RESETBATTYPETEMP2REFCHGASC(1)426MHzFront EndDAI7PWR_INDMeasuringNetwork32.768kHz26MHzRTCApplication Interface (80 pin)RF-PartAnalogControllerwith PSUResetAntennaDiagnosticADC Figure 2: AC65/AC75 block diagram
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 23 of 118  2006-08-03 3 Application Interface AC65/AC75 is equipped with an 80-pin board-to-board connector that connects to the external application. The host interface incorporates several sub-interfaces described in the following chapters:  •  Power supply  - see Chapter 3.1 •  Charger interface – see Chapter 3.5 •  SIM interface - see Chapter 3.9 •  Serial interface ASC0 - see Chapter 3.10 •  Serial interface ASC1 - see Chapter 3.11 •  Serial interface USB - see Chapter 3.12 •  Serial interface I²C/SPI - see Chapter 3.13 and 3.14 •  Two analog audio interfaces - see Chapter 3.15 •  Digital audio interface (DAI) - see Chapter 3.15 and 3.15.4 •  10 lines GPIO interface – see Chapter 3.16  •  Status and control lines: IGT, EMERG_RST, PWR_IND, SYNC - see Table 26
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 24 of 118  2006-08-03 3.1 Operating Modes The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the following chapters.  Table 5: Overview of operating modes GSM / GPRS SLEEP  Various  power  save  modes  set  with  AT+CFUN command.  Software is active to minimum extent. If the module was registered to the GSM network in IDLE mode, it is registered and paging with the BTS in SLEEP mode, too. Power saving can be chosen at different levels: The NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=0) disables the AT interface. The CYCLIC SLEEP modes AT+CFUN=7 and 9 alternatingly activate and deactivate the AT interfaces to allow permanent access to all AT commands.  GSM IDLE  Software is active. Once registered to the GSM network, paging with BTS is carried out. The module is ready to send and receive.  GSM TALK  Connection between two subscribers is in progress. Power consumption depends on network coverage individual settings, such as DTX off/on, FR/EFR/HR, hopping sequences, antenna.  GPRS IDLE EGPRS IDLE Module is ready for GPRS/EGPRS data transfer, but no data is currently sent or received. Power consumption depends on network settings and GPRS/EGPRS configuration (e.g. multislot settings).  Normal operation GPRS DATA EGPRS DATA GPRS/EGPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on network settings (e.g. power control level), uplink / downlink data rates, GPRS configuration (e.g. used multislot settings) and reduction of maximum output power.   POWER DOWN  Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command.  Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is not active. Interfaces are not accessible. Operating voltage (connected to BATT+) remains applied.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 25 of 118  2006-08-03 Airplane mode  Airplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to log off from the GSM/GPRS network and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio connection. Airplane mode can be controlled by using the AT commands AT^SCFG and AT+CALA: • With AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane/OnStart the module can be configured to enter the Airplane mode each time when switched on or reset.  • The parameter AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane can be used to switch back and forth between Normal mode and Airplane mode any time during operation.  •  Setting an alarm time with AT+CALA followed by AT^SMSO wakes the module up into Airplane mode at the scheduled time.  Charge-only mode  Limited operation for battery powered applications. Enables charging while module is detached from GSM network. Limited number of AT commands is accessible. Charge-only mode applies when the charger is connected if the module was powered down with AT^SMSO.  Charge mode during normal operation Normal operation (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS/EGPRS IDLE, GPRS/EGPRS DATA) and charging running in parallel. Charge mode changes to Charge-only mode when the module is powered down before charging has been completed.   See Table 11 for the various options proceeding from one mode to another.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 26 of 118  2006-08-03 3.2 Power Supply AC65/AC75 needs to be connected to a power supply at the B2B connector (5 pins each BATT+ and GND).   The power supply of AC65/AC75 has to be a single voltage source at BATT+. It must be able to provide the peak current during the uplink transmission.   All the key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power management section of the analog controller. This IC provides the following features: • Stabilizes the supply voltages for the GSM baseband using low drop linear voltage regulators. •  Switches the module's power voltages for the power-up and -down procedures. •  Delivers, across the VEXT pin, a regulated voltage for an external application. This voltage is not available in Power-down mode. •  SIM switch to provide SIM power supply.  3.2.1  Minimizing Power Losses When designing the power supply for your application please pay specific attention to power losses. Ensure that the input voltage VBATT+ never drops below 3.3V on the AC65/AC75 board, not even in a transmit burst where current consumption can rise to typical peaks of 2A. It should be noted that AC65/AC75 switches off when exceeding these limits. Any voltage drops that may occur in a transmit burst should not exceed 400mV.  The measurement network monitors outburst and inburst values. The drop is the difference of both values. The maximum drop (Dmax) since the last start of the module will be saved. In IDLE and SLEEP mode, the module switches off if the minimum battery voltage (Vbattmin) is reached.  Example:  VImin = 3.3V Dmax = 0.4V  Vbattmin = VImin + Dmax Vbattmin = 3.3V + 0.4V = 3.7V  The best approach to reducing voltage drops is to use a board-to-board connection as recommended, and a low impedance power source. The resistance of the power supply lines on the host board and of a battery pack should also be considered.  Note:  If the application design requires an adapter cable between both board-to-board connectors, use a flex cable as short as possible in order to minimize power losses.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 27 of 118  2006-08-03 Example:  If the length of the flex cable reaches the maximum length of 100mm, this connection may cause, for example, a resistance of 30m in the BATT+ line and 30m in the GND line. As a result, a 2A transmit burst would add up to a total voltage drop of 120mV. Plus, if a battery pack is involved, further losses may occur due to the resistance across the battery lines and the internal resistance of the battery including its protection circuit.             Figure 3: Power supply limits during transmit burst 3.2.2  Measuring the Supply Voltage VBATT+ The reference points for measuring the supply voltage VBATT+ on the module are BATT+ and GND, both accessible at a capacitor located close to the board-to-board connector of the module.                   Figure 4: Position of the reference points BATT+ and GND 3.2.3  Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command To monitor the supply voltage you can also use the AT^SBV command which returns the value related to the reference points BATT+ and GND.   The module continuously measures the voltage at intervals depending on the operating mode of the RF interface. The duration of measuring ranges from 0.5s in TALK/DATA mode to 50s when AC65/AC75 is in IDLE mode or Limited Service (deregistered). The displayed voltage (in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT^SBV command was executed. Reference point  BATT+ Reference point GND
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 28 of 118  2006-08-03 3.3  Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios In general, be sure not to turn on AC65/AC75 while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage and temperature stated in Chapter 5.1. AC65/AC75 would immediately switch off after having started and detected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause permanent damage to the module.  3.3.1  Turn on AC65/AC75 AC65/AC75 can be started in a variety of ways as described in the following sections: •  Hardware driven start-up by IGT line: starts Normal mode or Airplane mode (see Section •  Software controlled reset by AT+CFUN command: starts Normal mode or Airplane mode (see Section •  Hardware driven start-up by VCHARGE line: starts charging algorithm and Charge-only mode (see Section •  Wake-up from Power-down mode by using RTC interrupt: starts Airplane mode  The option whether to start into Normal mode or Airplane mode depends on the settings made with the AT^SCFG command or AT+CALA. With AT+CALA, followed by AT^SMSO the module can be configured to restart into Airplane mode at a scheduled alarm time. Switching back and forth between Normal mode and Airplane mode is possible any time during operation by using the AT^SCFG command.   After startup or mode change the following URCs indicate the module’s ready state: •  “SYSSTART” indicates that the module has entered Normal mode. •  “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” indicates that the module has entered Airplane mode. •  “^SYSSTART CHARGE ONLY MODE” indicates that the module has entered the Charge-only mode. These URCs are indicated only if the module is set to a fixed bit rate, i.e. they do not appear if autobauding is enabled (AT+IPR0).  Detailed explanations on AT^SCFG, AT+CFUN, AT+CALA, Airplane mode and AT+IPR can be found in [1].  Turn on AC65/AC75 Using Ignition Line IGT When AC65/AC75 is in Power-down mode or Charge-only mode, it can be started to Normal mode or Airplane mode by driving the IGT (ignition) line to ground. This must be accomplished with an open drain/collector driver to avoid current flowing into this pin.  The module will start up when both of the following two conditions are met:  •  The supply voltage applied at BATT+ must be in the operating range.  •  The IGT line needs to be driven low for at least 400ms in Power-down mode or at least 2s in Charge-only mode. When released IGT goes high and causes the module to start.  Considering different strategies of host application design the figures below show two approaches to meet this requirement: The example in Figure 5 assumes that IGT is activated after BATT+ has already been applied. The example in Figure 6 assumes that IGT is held low before BATT+ is switched on. In either case, to power on the module, ensure that low state of IGT takes at least 400ms (Power-down mode) or 2s (Charge-only mode) from the moment the voltage at BATT+ is available. For Charge-only mode see also Chapter 3.5.6.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 29 of 118  2006-08-03 Assertion of CTS indicates that the module is ready to receive data from the host application. In addition, if configured to a fixed bit rate (AT+IPR0), the module will send the URC “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” which notifies the host application that the first AT command can be sent to the module. The duration until this URC is output varies with the SIM card and may take a couple of seconds.   Please note that no “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” URC will be generated if autobauding (AT+IPR=0) is enabled.   To allow the application to detect the ready state of the module we recommend using hardware flow control which can be set with AT\Q or AT+ICF (see [1] for details). The default setting of AC65/AC75 is AT\Q0 (no flow control) which shall be altered to AT\Q3 (RTS/CTS handshake). If the application design does not integrate RTS/CTS lines the host application shall wait at least for the “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” URC. However, if the URCs are neither used (due to autobauding) then the only way of checking the module’s ready state is polling. To do so, try to send characters (e.g. “at”) until the module is responding.  See also Chapter 3.3.2 “Signal States after Startup”  EMERG_RSTVEXTTXD0/TXD1/RTS0/RST1/DTR0 (driven by the application)CTS0/CTS1/DSR0/DCD0ca. 500 msInterface pinsUndefined DefinedPWR_INDt  =  400msmin>120msBATT+IGTHiZ Figure 5: Power-on with operating voltage at BATT+ applied before activating IGT
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 30 of 118  2006-08-03 EMERG_RSTPWR_INDt  =  400msmin>120msBATT+IGTHiZVEXTTXD0/TXD1/RTS0/RST1/DTR0 (driven by the application)CTS0/CTS1/DSR0/DCD0Interface pinsUndefined Definedca. 500 ms Figure 6: Power-on with IGT held low before switching on operating voltage at BATT+  If the IGT line is driven low for less than 400ms the module will, instead of starting up, send only the alert message “SHUTDOWN after Illegal PowerUp” to the host application. The alert message appears on the serial interfaces ASC0 and ASC1 at a fixed bit rate of 115200bps. If other fixed bit rates or autobauding are set, the URC delivers only undefined characters. The message will not be indicated on the USB interface.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 31 of 118  2006-08-03  Configuring the IGT Line for Use as ON/OFF Switch The IGT line can be configured for use in two different switching modes: You can set the IGT line to switch on the module only, or to switch it on and off. The switching mode is determined by the parameter “MEShutdown/OnIgnition” of the AT^SCFG command. This approach is useful for application manufacturers who wish to have an ON/OFF switch installed on the host device.   By factory default, the ON/OFF switch mode of IGT is disabled: at^scfg=meshutdown/onignition ^SCFG: "MEShutdown/OnIgnition","off"  OK # Query the current status of IGT. # IGT can be used only to switch on AC65/AC75. IGT works as described in Section  To configure IGT for use as ON/OFF switch:  at^scfg=meshutdown/onignition,on ^SCFG: "MEShutdown/OnIgnition","on"  OK # Enable the ON/OFF switch mode of IGT. # IGT can be used to switch on and off AC65/AC75.   We strongly recommend taking great care before changing the switching mode of the IGT line. To ensure that the IGT line works properly as ON/OFF switch it is of vital importance that the following conditions are met. Switch-on condition:  If the AC65/AC75 is off, the IGT line must be asserted for at least 400ms before being released. The module switches on after 400ms. Switch-off condition:  If the AC65/AC75 is on, the IGT line must be asserted for at least 1s before being released. The module switches off after the line is released.     The switch-off routine is identical with the procedure initiated by AT^SMSO, i.e. the software performs an orderly shutdown as described in Section     Before switching off the module wait at least 2 seconds after startup.                           ON                              OFF ~~~~|________|~~~~~~~~~~~~~|________|~~~~ |      0.4s    |     2s       |   1s        |  Figure 7: Timing of IGT if used as ON/OFF switch
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 32 of 118  2006-08-03  Turn on AC65/AC75 Using the VCHARGE Signal As detailed in Section 3.5.6, the charging adapter can be connected regardless of the module’s operating mode. If the charger is connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit and the module’s VCHARGE pin while AC65/AC75 is off, and the battery voltage is above the undervoltage lockout threshold, processor controlled fast charging starts (see Section 3.5.5). AC65/AC75 enters a restricted mode, referred to as Charge-only mode where only the charging algorithm will be launched. During the Charge-only mode AC65/AC75 is neither logged on to the GSM network nor are the serial interfaces fully accessible. To switch from Charge-only mode to Normal mode the ignition line (IGT) must be pulled low for at least 2 seconds. When released, the IGT line goes high and causes the module to enter the Normal mode. See also Section 3.5.6.  Reset AC65/AC75 via AT+CFUN Command To reset and restart the AC65/AC75 module use the command AT+CFUN. You can enter AT+CFUN=,1 or AT+CFUN=x,1, where x may be in the range from 0 to 9. See [1] for details.   If configured to a fix baud rate (AT+IPR0), the module will send the URC “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” to notify that it is ready to operate. If autobauding is enabled (AT+IPR=0) there will be no notification. To register to the network SIM PIN authentication is necessary after restart.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 33 of 118  2006-08-03  Reset or Turn off AC65/AC75 in Case of Emergency Caution: Use the EMERG_RST pin only when, due to serious problems, the software is not responding for more than 5 seconds. Pulling the EMERG_RST pin causes the loss of all information stored in the volatile memory. Therefore, this procedure is intended only for use in case of emergency, e.g. if AC65/AC75 does not respond, if reset or shutdown via AT command fails.  The EMERG_RST signal is available on the application interface. To control the EMERG_RST line it is recommended to use an open drain / collector driver.   The EMERG_RST line can be used to switch off or to reset the module. In any case the EMERG_RST line must be pulled to ground for ≥10ms. Then, after releasing the EMERG_RST line the module restarts if IGT is held low for at least 400ms. Otherwise, if IGT is not low the module switches off. In this case, it can be restarted any time as described in Section  After hardware driven restart, notification via “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE” URC is the same as in case of restart by IGT or AT command. To register to the network SIM PIN authentication is necessary after restart.  Using EMERG_RST to Reset Application(s) or External Device(s) When the module starts up, while IGT is held low for 400ms, the EMERG_RST signal goes low for 120ms as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. During this 120ms period, EMERG_RST becomes an output which can be used to reset application(s) or external device(s) connected to the module.  After the 120ms period, i.e. during operation of the module, the EMERG_RST is an input.  Specifications of the input and output mode of EMERG_RST can be found in Table 26.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 34 of 118  2006-08-03 3.3.2  Signal States after Startup Table 6 describes the various states each interface pin passes through after startup and during operation.   As shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 the pins are in undefined state while the module is initializing. Once the startup initialization has completed, i.e. when CTS is high and the software is running, all pins are in defined state. The state of several pins will change again once the respective interface is activated or configured by AT command. Table 6: Signal states Active state after configuration by AT command Signal name  Undefined state during startup Defined state after initialization  GPIO  SPI  I2C  DAI SYNC   L  O      CCIN  I, PU(100k)  I, PU(100k)         CCRST  L  O      CCIO  L  O      CCCLK  L  O      CCVCC  L  2.9V      RXD0  I, PU  O      TXD0  I, PU  I, PD(330k)         CTS0  L  O      RTS0  I, PU  I, PD(330k)         DTR0  I, PU  I      DCD0  L  O      DSR0  L  O      RING0  I, PU  O      RXD1  H  O      TXD1  I, PD(330k)  I, PD(330k)         CTS1  L  O      RTS1  I, PD(330k)  I, PD(330k)         SPIDI  I Tristate  I Tristate  SPICS  I Tristate  O Tristate  I2CDAT_SPIDO  I O   O IO  I2CCLK_SPICLK  I O   O O  GPIO1 I, PU  Tristate  IO    GPIO2 I, PU  Tristate  IO    GPIO3 I, PU  Tristate  IO    GPIO4 I, PD  Tristate  IO    GPIO5 L  Tristate  IO    GPIO6 I  Tristate  IO    GPIO7 I, PU  Tristate  IO    GPIO8 L  Tristate  IO    GPIO9 I  Tristate  IO    GPIO10 I  Tristate  IO    DAC_OUT L  O      DAI0  I  Tristate     O DAI1  I  Tristate     I DAI2  I  Tristate     O DAI3  I  Tristate     O DAI4  I  Tristate     I DAI5  I  Tristate     I DAI6  I  Tristate     I For abbreviations, see below.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 35 of 118  2006-08-03 Abbreviations used in Table 6:  L = Low output level H = High output level I = Input O = Output PD = Pull down with min +15µA and max. +100µA PD(…k) = Fix pull down resistor PU = Pull up with min -15µA and max. -100µA PU(…k) = Fix pull up resistor
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 36 of 118  2006-08-03 3.3.3  Turn off AC65/AC75 AC65/AC75 can be turned off as follows: •  Normal shutdown: Software controlled by AT^SMSO command •  Automatic shutdown: Takes effect if board or battery temperature is out of range or if undervoltage or overvoltage conditions occur.  Turn off AC65/AC75 Using AT Command The best and safest approach to powering down AC65/AC75 is to issue the AT^SMSO command. This procedure lets AC65/AC75 log off from the network and allows the software to enter into a secure state and safe data before disconnecting the power supply. The mode is referred to as Power-down mode. In this mode, only the RTC stays active.  Before switching off the device sends the following response:     ^SMSO: MS OFF    OK   ^SHUTDOWN  After sending AT^SMSO do not enter any other AT commands. There are two ways to verify when the module turns off:  •  Wait for the URC “^SHUTDOWN”. It indicates that data have been stored non-volatile and the module turns off in less than 1 second. •  Also, you can monitor the PWR_IND pin. High state of PWR_IND definitely indicates that the module is switched off.  Be sure not to disconnect the supply voltage VBATT+ before the URC “^SHUTDOWN” has been issued and the PWR_IND signal has gone high. Otherwise you run the risk of losing data. Signal states during turn-off are shown in Figure 8.  While AC65/AC75 is in Power-down mode the application interface is switched off and must not be fed from any other source. Therefore, your application must be designed to avoid any current flow into any digital pins of the application interface, especially of the serial interfaces. No special care is required for the USB interface which is protected from reverse current.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 37 of 118  2006-08-03 VEXT See note 1TXD0/TXD1/RTS0/RTS1/DTR0 (driven by the application)Interface pinsUndefinedDefinedPWR_INDCTS0/CTS1/DSR0/DTR0 Figure 8: Signal states during turn-off procedure  Note 1: Depending on capacitance load from host application  Leakage Current in Power-Down Mode The leakage current in Power-down mode varies depending on the following conditions: •  If the supply voltage at BATT+ was disconnected and then applied again without starting up the AC65/AC75 module, the leakage current ranges between 90µA and 100µA.  •  If the AC65/AC75 module is started and afterwards powered down with AT^SMSO, then the leakage current is only 50µA.   Therefore, in order to minimize the leakage current take care to start up the module at least once before it is powered down.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 38 of 118  2006-08-03  Turn on/off AC65/AC75 Applications with Integrated USB In a Windows environment, the USB COM port emulation causes the USB port of AC65/AC75 to appear as a virtual COM port (VCOM port). The VCOM port emulation is only present when Windows can communicate with the module, and is lost when the module shuts down.  Therefore, the host application or Terminal program must be disconnected from the USB VCOM port each time the module is restarted.  Restart after shutdown with AT^SMSO: After entering the power-down command AT^SMSO on one of the interfaces (ASC0, ASC1, USB) the host application or Terminal program used on the USB VCOM port must be closed before the module is restarted by activating the IGT line.  Software reset with AT+CFUN=x,1: Likewise, when using the reset command AT+CFUN=x,1 on one of the interfaces (ASC0, ASC1, USB) ensure that the host application or Terminal program on the USB VCOM port be closed down before the module restarts.  Note that if AT+CFUN=x,1 is entered on the USB interface the application or Terminal program on the USB VCOM port must be closed immediately after the response OK is returned.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 39 of 118  2006-08-03 3.3.4 Automatic Shutdown Automatic shutdown takes effect if: •  the AC65/AC75 board is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature •  the battery is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature •  undervoltage or overvoltage is detected See Charge-only mode described in Section 3.5.6 for exceptions.   The automatic shutdown procedure is equivalent to the Power-down initiated with the AT^SMSO command, i.e. AC65/AC75 logs off from the network and the software enters a secure state avoiding loss of data.   Alert messages transmitted before the device switches off are implemented as Unsolicited Result Codes (URCs). The URC presentation mode varies with the condition, please see Chapters to for details. For further instructions on AT commands refer to [1]. Thermal Shutdown The board temperature is constantly monitored by an internal NTC resistor located on the PCB. The NTC that detects the battery temperature must be part of the battery pack circuit as described in 3.5.3 The values detected by either NTC resistor are measured directly on the board or the battery and therefore, are not fully identical with the ambient temperature.   Each time the board or battery temperature goes out of range or back to normal, AC65/AC75 instantly displays an alert (if enabled). •  URCs indicating the level "1" or "-1" allow the user to take appropriate precautions, such as protecting the module from exposure to extreme conditions. The presentation of the URCs depends on the settings selected with the AT^SCTM write command:     AT^SCTM=1: Presentation of URCs is always enabled.      AT^SCTM=0 (default): Presentation of URCs is enabled for 15 seconds time after start-up of AC65/AC75. After 15 seconds operation, the presentation will be disabled, i.e. no alert messages can be generated.  •  URCs indicating the level "2" or "-2" are instantly followed by an orderly shutdown. The presentation of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the factory setting AT^SCTM=0 was never changed.  The maximum temperature ratings are stated in Chapter 5.2. Refer to Table 7 for the associated URCs.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 40 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 7: Temperature dependent behavior Sending temperature alert (2min after AC65/AC75 start-up, otherwise only if URC presentation enabled) ^SCTM_A:  1  Caution: Battery close to overtemperature limit. ^SCTM_B:  1  Caution: Bboard close to overtemperature limit. ^SCTM_A:  -1  Caution: Battery close to undertemperature limit. ^SCTM_B:  -1  Caution: Board close to undertemperature limit. ^SCTM_A: 0  Battery back to uncritical temperature range. ^SCTM_B: 0  Board back to uncritical temperature range. Automatic shutdown (URC appears no matter whether or not presentation was enabled) ^SCTM_A:  2  Alert: Battery equal or beyond overtemperature limit. AC65/AC75 switches off. ^SCTM_B:  2  Alert: Board equal or beyond overtemperature limit. AC65/AC75 switches off. ^SCTM_A:  -2  Alert: Battery equal or below undertemperature limit. AC65/AC75 switches off. ^SCTM_B:  -2  Alert: Board equal or below undertemperature limit. AC65/AC75 switches off.  Deferred Shutdown at Extreme Temperature Conditions In the following cases, shutdown will be deferred if a critical temperature limit is exceeded: •  while an emergency call is in progress •  during a two minute guard period after power-up. This guard period has been introduced in order to allow the user to make an emergency call. The start of an emergency call extends the guard period until the end of the call. Any other network activity may be terminated by shutdown upon expiry of the guard time. The guard period starts again when the module registers to the GSM network the first time after power-up.  If the temperature is still out of range after the guard period expires or the call ends, the module switches off immediately (without another alert message).  CAUTION! Automatic shutdown is a safety feature intended to prevent damage to the module. Extended usage of the deferred shutdown functionality may result in damage to the module, and possibly other severe consequences.  Monitoring the Board Temperature of AC65/AC75 The AT^SCTM command can also be used to check the present status of the board. Depending on the selected mode, the read command returns the current board temperature in degrees Celsius or only a value that indicates whether the board is within the safe or critical temperature range. See [1] for further instructions.  Undervoltage Shutdown if Battery NTC is Present In applications where the module’s charging technique is used and an NTC is connected to the BATT_TEMP terminal, the software constantly monitors the applied voltage. If the measured battery voltage is no more sufficient to set up a call the following URC will be presented:    ^SBC:  Undervoltage.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 41 of 118  2006-08-03 The message will be reported, for example, when you attempt to make a call while the voltage is close to the shutdown threshold of 3.2V and further power loss is caused during the transmit burst. In IDLE mode, the shutdown threshold is the sum of the module’s minimum supply voltage (3.2V) and the value of the maximum voltage drop resulting from earlier calls. This means that in IDLE mode the actual shutdown threshold may be higher than 3.2V. Therefore, to properly calculate the actual shutdown threshold application manufacturers are advised to measure the maximum voltage drops that may occur during transmit bursts.  To remind you that the battery needs to be charged soon, the URC appears several times before the module switches off.   This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically when fault conditions occur.  Undervoltage Shutdown if no Battery NTC is Present The undervoltage protection is also effective in applications, where no NTC connects to the BATT_TEMP terminal. Thus, you can take advantage of this feature even though the application handles the charging process or AC65/AC75 is fed by a fixed supply voltage.   Whenever the supply voltage falls below the value of 3.2V the URC    ^SBC:  Undervoltage appears several times before the module switches off.  This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically when fault conditions occur. Overvoltage Shutdown The overvoltage shutdown threshold is 100mV above the maximum supply voltage VBATT+ specified in Table 27.   When the supply voltage approaches the overvoltage shutdown threshold the module will send the URC    ^SBC:  Overvoltage warning. This alert is sent once.  When the overvoltage shutdown threshold is exceeded the module will send the URC   ^SBC:  Overvoltage shutdown, before it shuts down cleanly.  This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically when fault conditions occur.  Keep in mind that several AC65/AC75 components are directly linked to BATT+ and, therefore, the supply voltage remains applied at major parts of AC65/AC75, even if the module is switched off. Especially the power amplifier is very sensitive to high voltage and might even be destroyed.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 42 of 118  2006-08-03 3.4  Automatic EGPRS/GPRS Multislot Class Change Temperature control is also effective for operation in EGPRS Multislot Class 10 (AC75 only), GPRS Multislot Class 10 and GPRS Multislot Class 12. If the board temperature rises close to the limit specified for normal operation1 while data are transmitted over EGPRS or GPRS, the module automatically reverts •  from EGPRS Multislot Class 10 (2Tx slots) to EGPRS Multislot Class 8 (1Tx), •  from GPRS Multislot Class 12 (4Tx slots) to GPRS Multislot Class 8 (1Tx), •  from GPRS Multislot Class 10 (2Tx slots) to GPRS Multislot Class 8 (1Tx)  This reduces the power consumption and, consequently, causes the board’s temperature to decrease. Once the temperature drops by 5 degrees, AC65/AC75 returns to the higher Multislot Class. If the temperature stays at the critical level or even continues to rise, AC65/AC75 will not switch back to the higher class.   After a transition from EGPRS Multislot Class 10 to EGPRS Multislot Class 8 a possible switchback to EGPRS Multislot Class 10 is blocked for one minute. The same applies when a transition occurs from GPRS Multislot Class 12 or 10 to GPRS Multislot Class 8.   Please note that there is not one single cause of switching over to a lower Multislot Class. Rather it is the result of an interaction of several factors, such as the board temperature that depends largely on the ambient temperature, the operating mode and the transmit power. Furthermore, take into account that there is a delay until the network proceeds to a lower or, accordingly, higher Multislot Class. The delay time is network dependent. In extreme cases, if it takes too much time for the network and the temperature cannot drop due to this delay, the module may even switch off as described in Section                                                      1   See Chapter 5.2 for temperature limits.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 43 of 118  2006-08-03 3.5 Charging Control AC65/AC75 integrates a charging management for rechargeable Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer batteries. You can skip this chapter if charging is not your concern, or if you are not using the implemented charging algorithm.  The following sections contain an overview of charging and battery specifications. Please refer to [4] for greater detail, especially regarding requirements for batteries and chargers, appropriate charging circuits, recommended batteries and an analysis of operational issues typical of battery powered GSM/GPRS applications.  3.5.1 Hardware Requirements AC65/AC75 has no on-board charging circuit. To benefit from the implemented charging management you are required to install a charging circuit within your application according to the Figure 46.   3.5.2 Software Requirements Use the command AT^SBC, parameter <current>, to enter the current consumption of the host application. This information enables the AC65/AC75 module to correctly determine the end of charging and terminate charging automatically when the battery is fully charged. If the <current> value is inaccurate and the application draws a current higher than the final charge current, either charging will not be terminated or the battery fails to reach its maximum voltage. Therefore, the termination condition is defined as: current consumption dependent on the operating mode of the ME plus current consumption of the external application. If used the current flowing over the VEXT pin of the application interface must be added, too.   The parameter <current> is volatile, meaning that the factory default (0mA) is restored each time the module is powered down or reset. Therefore, for better control of charging, it is recommended to enter the value every time the module is started.  See [1] for details on AT^SBC.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 44 of 118  2006-08-03 3.5.3  Battery Pack Requirements The charging algorithm has been optimized for rechargeable Lithium batteries that meet the characteristics listed below and in Table 8. It is recommended that the battery pack you want to integrate into your AC65/AC75 application is compliant with these specifications. This ensures reliable operation, proper charging and, particularly, allows you to monitor the battery capacity using the AT^SBC command. Failure to comply with these specifications might cause AT^SBC to deliver incorrect battery capacity values.   •  Li-Ion or Lithium Polymer battery pack specified for a maximum charging voltage of 4.2V and a recommended capacity of 1000 to 1200mAh.  •  Since charging and discharging largely depend on the battery temperature, the battery pack should include an NTC resistor. If the NTC is not inside the battery it must be in thermal contact with the battery. The NTC resistor must be connected between BATT_TEMP and GND.  The B value of the NTC should be in the range: 10kΩ +5% @ 25°C, B25/85 = 3423K to B =3435K ± 3% (alternatively acceptable: 10kΩ +2% @ 25°C, B25/50 = 3370K +3%). Please note that the NTC is indispensable for proper charging, i.e. the charging process will not start if no NTC is present. •  Ensure that the pack incorporates a protection circuit capable of detecting overvoltage (protection against overcharging), undervoltage (protection against deep discharging) and overcurrent. Due to the discharge current profile typical of GSM applications, the circuit must be insensitive to pulsed current. •  On the AC65/AC75 module, a built-in measuring circuit constantly monitors the supply voltage. In the event of undervoltage, it causes AC65/AC75 to power down. Undervoltage thresholds are specific to the battery pack and must be evaluated for the intended model. When you evaluate undervoltage thresholds, consider both the current consumption of AC65/AC75 and of the application circuit.  •  The internal resistance of the battery and the protection should be as low as possible. It is recommended not to exceed 150m, even in extreme conditions at low temperature. The battery cell must be insensitive to rupture, fire and gassing under extreme conditions of temperature and charging (voltage, current). •  The battery pack must be protected from reverse pole connection. For example, the casing should be designed to prevent the user from mounting the battery in reverse orientation. •  It is recommended that the battery pack be approved to satisfy the requirements of CE conformity.  Figure 9 shows the circuit diagram of a typical battery pack design that includes the protection elements described above.          Figure 9: Battery pack circuit diagram  to BATT_TEMP to GNDNTCPolyfuseϑProtection Circuit+-Battery cellto BATT+
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 45 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 8: Specifications of battery packs suitable for use with AC65/AC75 Battery type  Rechargeable Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery Nominal voltage  3.6V / 3.7V Capacity  Recommended: 1000mAh to 1200mAh Minimum: 500mAh NTC 10k ± 5% @ 25°C approx. 5k @ 45°C approx. 26.2k @ 0°C B value range: B (25/85)=3423K to B =3435K ± 3% Overcharge detection voltage  4.325 ± 0.025V Overdischarge detection voltage  2.5V Overdischarge release voltage  2.6V Overcurrent detection  3 ± 0.5A Overcurrent detection delay time  4 ~ 16ms Short detection delay time  50µs Internal resistance  <130m Note: A maximum internal resistance of 150m should not be exceeded even after 500 cycles and under extreme conditions.   3.5.4 Charger Requirements For using the implemented charging algorithm and the reference charging circuit recommended in [4] and in Figure 46, the charger has to meet the following requirements: Output voltage:   5.2Volts ±0.2V (stabilized voltage) Output current:   500mA     Chargers with a higher output current are acceptable, but please consider that only 500mA will be applied when a 0.3Ohms shunt resistor is connected between VSENSE and ISENSE. See [4] for further details.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 46 of 118  2006-08-03 3.5.5  Implemented Charging Technique If all requirements listed above are met (appropriate external charging circuit of application, battery pack, charger, AT^SBC settings) then charging is enabled in various stages depending on the battery condition:  Trickle charging: •  Trickle charge current flows over the VCHARGE line. •  Trickle charging is done when a charger is present (connected to VCHARGE) and the battery is deeply discharged or has undervoltage. If deeply discharged (Deep Discharge Lockout at VBATT+= <2.5V) the battery is charged with 5mA, in case of undervoltage (Undervoltage Lockout at VBATT+= 2.5…3.2V) it is charged with 30mA.  Software controlled charging: •  Controlled over the CHARGEGATE. •  Temperature conditions: 0°C to 45°C •  Software controlled charging is done when the charger is present (connected to VCHARGE) and the battery voltage is at least above the undervoltage threshold. Software controlled charging passes the following stages: -  Power ramp: Depending on the discharge level of the battery (i.e. the measured battery voltage VBATT+) the software adjusts the maximum charge current for charging the battery. The duration of power ramp charging is very short (less than 30 seconds). -  Fast charging: Battery is charged with constant current (approx. 500mA) until the battery voltage reaches 4.2V (approx. 80% of the battery capacity).  -  Top-up charging: The battery is charged with constant voltage of 4.2V at stepwise reducing charge current until full battery capacity is reached.   Duration of charging: •  AC65/AC75 provides two charging timers: a software controlled timer set to 4 hours and a hardware controlled timer set to 4.66 hours. -  The duration of software controlled charging depends on the battery capacity and the level of discharge. Normally, charging stops when the battery is fully charged or, at the latest, when the software timer expires after 4 hours. -  The hardware timer is provided to prevent runaway charging and to stop charging if the software is not responding. The hardware timer will start each time the charger is plugged to the VCHARGE line.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 47 of 118  2006-08-03 3.5.6  Operating Modes during Charging Of course, the battery can be charged regardless of the engine's operating mode. When the GSM module is in Normal mode (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS IDLE or GPRS DATA mode), it remains operational while charging is in progress (provided that sufficient voltage is applied). The charging process during the Normal mode is referred to as Charge mode.   If the charger is connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit and the module’s VCHARGE pin while AC65/AC75 is in Power-down mode, AC65/AC75 goes into Charge-only mode.   While the charger remains connected it is not possible to switch the module off by using the AT^SMSO command or the automatic shutdown mechanism. Instead the following applies: •  If the module is in Normal mode and the charger is connected (Charge mode) the AT^SMSO command causes the module to shut down shortly and then start into the Charge-only mode. •  In Charge-only mode the AT^SMSO command is not usable.  •  In Charge-only mode the module neither switches off when the battery or the module exceeds the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature.  In these cases you can only switch the module off by disconnecting the charger.  To proceed from Charge-only mode to another operating mode you have the following options, provided that the battery voltage is at least above the undervoltage threshold. •  To switch from Charge-only mode to Normal mode you have two ways:  -  Hardware driven: The ignition line (IGT) must be pulled low for at least 2 seconds. When released, the IGT line goes high and causes the module to enter the Normal mode. -  AT command driven: Set the command AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane,off (please do so although the current status of Airplane mode is already “off”). The module will enter the Normal mode, indicated by the “^SYSSTART” URC. • To switch from Charge-only mode to Airplane mode set the command AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane,on. The mode is indicated by the URC “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE”. • If AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane/OnStart,on is set, driving the ignition line (IGT) activates the Airplane mode. The mode is indicated by the URC “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE”.  Table 9: AT commands available in Charge-only mode AT command  Use AT+CALA  Set alarm time, configure Airplane mode. AT+CCLK  Set date and time of RTC. AT^SBC  Query status of charger connection.  AT^SBV  Monitor supply voltage. AT^SCTM  Query temperature range, enable/disable URCs to report critical temperature ranges AT^SCFG  Enable/disable parameters MEopMode/Airplane or MEopMode/Airplane/OnStart
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 48 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 10: Comparison Charge-only and Charge mode  How to activate mode  Description of mode Charge mode Connect charger to charger input of host application charging circuit and module’s VCHARGE pin while AC65/AC75 is •  operating, e.g. in IDLE or TALK mode •  in SLEEP mode •  Battery can be charged while GSM module remains operational and registered to the GSM network. •  In IDLE and TALK mode, the serial interfaces are accessible. All AT commands can be used to full extent. NOTE: If the module operates at maximum power level (PCL5) and GPRS Class 12 at the same time the current consumption is higher than the current supplied by the charger. Charge-only mode Connect charger to charger input of host application charging circuit and module’s VCHARGE pin while AC65/AC75 is •  in Power-down mode •  in Normal mode: Connect charger to the VCHARGE pin, then enter AT^SMSO.  NOTE: While trickle charging is in progress, be sure that the host application is switched off. If the application is fed from the trickle charge current the module might be prevented from proceeding to software controlled charging since the current would not be sufficient.  •  Battery can be charged while GSM engine is deregistered from GSM network. • Charging runs smoothly due to constant current consumption. •  The AT interface is accessible and allows to use the commands listed below.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 49 of 118  2006-08-03 3.6 Power Saving Intended for power saving, SLEEP mode reduces the functionality of the AC65/AC75 to a minimum and thus minimizes the current consumption. Settings can be made using the AT+CFUN command. For details see [1]. SLEEP mode falls in two categories: •  NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode: AT+CFUN = 0 •  CYCLIC SLEEP modes, AT+CFUN = 7 or 9.  The functionality level AT+CFUN=1 is where power saving is switched off. This is the default after startup.  NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode permanently blocks the serial interface. The benefit of the CYCLIC SLEEP mode is that the serial interface remains accessible and that, in intermittent wake-up periods, characters can be sent or received without terminating the selected mode. This allows the AC65/AC75 to wake up for the duration of an event and, afterwards, to resume power saving. Please refer to [1] for a summary of all SLEEP modes and the different ways of waking up the module.  For CYCLIC SLEEP mode both the AC65/AC75 and the application must be configured to use hardware flow control. This is necessary since the CTSx signal is set/reset every 0.9-2.7 seconds in order to indicate to the application when the UART is active. Please refer to [1] for details on how to configure hardware flow control for the AC65/AC75.  Note: Although not explicitly stated, all explanations given in this section refer equally to ASC0 and ASC1, and accordingly to CTS0 and CTS1 or RTS0 and RTS1.  3.6.1  Network Dependency of SLEEP Modes The power saving possibilities of SLEEP modes depend on the network the module is registered in. The paging timing cycle varies with the base station. The duration of a paging interval can be calculated from the following formula:   t = 4.615 ms (TDMA frame duration) * 51 (number of frames) * DRX value.   DRX (Discontinuous Reception) is a value from 2 to 9, resulting in paging intervals from  0.47-2.12 seconds. The DRX value of the base station is assigned by the network operator.   In the pauses between listening to paging messages, the module resumes power saving, as shown in Figure 10.    Figure 10: Power saving and paging The varying pauses explain the different potential for power saving. The longer the pause the less power is consumed. 0.47-2.12 s 0.47-2.12 s 0.47-2.12 sPaging Paging Paging PagingPower Saving Power Saving Power Saving
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 50 of 118  2006-08-03 3.6.2  Timing of the CTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 7 Figure 11 illustrates the CTSx signal timing in CYCLIC SLEEP mode 7 (CFUN=7).    Figure 11: Timing of CTSx signal (if CFUN= 7) With regard to programming or using timeouts, the UART must take the varying CTS inactivity periods into account.  3.6.3  Timing of the RTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 9 In SLEEP mode 9 the falling edge of RTSx can be used to temporarily wake up the ME. In this case the activity time is at least the time set with AT^SCFG="PowerSaver/Mode9/ Timeout",<psm9to> (default 2 seconds). RTSx has to be asserted for at least a dedicated debounce time in order to wake up the ME. The debounce time specifies the minimum time period an RTSx signal has to remain asserted for the signal to be recognized as wake up signal and being processed. The debounce time is defined as 8*4.615 ms (TDMA frame duration) and is used to prevent bouncing or other fluctuations from being recognized as signals. Toggling RTSx while the ME is awake has no effect on the AT interface state, the regular hardware flow control via CTS/RTS is unaffected by this RTSx behaviour.  Figure 12: Timing of RTSx signal (if CFUN = 9)  2 sCTSxAT interface disabled1  characterstLast characterBeginning of power saving0.9...2.7 s0.9...2.7 sAT interface enabled2 sCTSxAT interface disabledWake up of MEAT interface enabledRTSxDebounce Time37 msPower saving
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s   AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 51 of 118  2006-08-03 3.7  Summary of State Transitions (Except SLEEP Mode) Table 11: State transitions of AC65/AC75 (except SLEEP mode) The table shows how to proceed from one mode to another (grey column = present mode, white columns = intended modes)  Further mode ÎÎÎ Present mode POWER DOWN  Normal mode**) Charge-only mode*) Airplane mode POWER DOWN mode  --- If AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane/OnStart,off: IGT >400 ms at low level, then release IGT Connect charger to VCHARGE  If AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane/OnStart,on: IGT >400 ms at low level, then release IGT. Regardless of AT^SCFG configuration: scheduled wake-up set with AT+CALA. Normal mode**)  AT^SMSO  ---  AT^SMSO if charger is connected AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane,on. If AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane/OnStart,on: AT+CFUN=x,1  or EMERG_RST + IGT >400 ms. Charge-only mode *)  Disconnect charger  Hardware driven: If AT^SCFG= MeOpMode/Airplane/OnStart,off: IGT >2s at low level, then release IGT AT command driven: AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/Airplane,off --- AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane,on. If AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane/OnStart,on: IGT >2s at low level Airplane mode  AT^SMSO  AT^SCFG=MeOpMode/ Airplane,off AT^SMSO if charger is connected ---  *) See Section 3.5.6 for details on the charging mode        **) Normal mode covers TALK, DATA, GPRS/EGPRS, IDLE and SLEEP modes
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 52 of 118  2006-08-03 3.8 RTC Backup The internal Real Time Clock of AC65/AC75 is supplied from a separate voltage regulator in the analog controller which is also active when AC65/AC75 is in POWER DOWN status. An alarm function is provided to wake up AC65/AC75 to Airplane mode without logging on to the GSM network.   In addition, you can use the VDDLP pin on the board-to-board connector to backup the RTC from an external capacitor or a battery (rechargeable or non-chargeable). The capacitor is charged by the BATT+ line of AC65/AC75. If the voltage supply at BATT+ is disconnected the RTC can be powered by the capacitor. The size of the capacitor determines the duration of buffering when no voltage is applied to AC65/AC75, i.e. the larger the capacitor the longer AC65/AC75 will save the date and time.   A serial 1k resistor placed on the board next to VDDLP limits the charge current of an empty capacitor or battery.   The following figures show various sample configurations. Please refer to Table 26 for the parameters required.    Baseband processor RTC PSU+BATT+ 1kB2BVDDLP Figure 13: RTC supply from capacitor   RTC +BATT+ 1kB2BVDDLPBaseband processor PSU Figure 14: RTC supply from rechargeable battery   RTC ++BATT+ 1kVDDLPB2BBaseband processor PSU Figure 15: RTC supply from non-chargeable battery
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 53 of 118  2006-08-03 3.9 SIM Interface The baseband processor has an integrated SIM interface compatible with the ISO 7816 IC Card standard. This is wired to the host interface (board-to-board connector) in order to be connected to an external SIM card holder. Six pins on the board-to-board connector are reserved for the SIM interface.   The SIM interface supports 3V and 1.8V SIM cards. Please refer to Table 26 for electrical specifications of the SIM interface lines depending on whether a 3V or 1.8V SIM card is used.  The CCIN pin serves to detect whether a tray (with SIM card) is present in the card holder. Using the CCIN pin is mandatory for compliance with the GSM 11.11 recommendation if the mechanical design of the host application allows the user to remove the SIM card during operation. To take advantage of this feature, an appropriate SIM card detect switch is required on the card holder. For example, this is true for the model supplied by Molex, which has been tested to operate with AC65/AC75 and is part of the Siemens reference equipment submitted for type approval. See Chapter 8 for Molex ordering numbers.  Table 12: Signals of the SIM interface (board-to-board connector) Signal  Description CCGND  Separate ground connection for SIM card to improve EMC.  Be sure to use this ground line for the SIM interface rather than any other ground pin or plane on the module. A design example for grounding the SIM interface is shown in Figure 46. CCCLK  Chipcard clock, various clock rates can be set in the baseband processor. CCVCC  SIM supply voltage. CCIO  Serial data line, input and output. CCRST  Chipcard reset, provided by baseband processor. CCIN  Input on the baseband processor for detecting a SIM card tray in the holder. If the SIM is removed during operation the SIM interface is shut down immediately to prevent destruction of the SIM. The CCIN pin is active low. The CCIN pin is mandatory for applications that allow the user to remove the SIM card during operation.  The CCIN pin is solely intended for use with a SIM card. It must not be used for any other purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the type approval of AC65/AC75.   Note: No guarantee can be given, nor any liability accepted, if loss of data is encountered after removing the SIM card during operation.    Also, no guarantee can be given for properly initializing any SIM card that the user inserts after having removed a SIM card during operation.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 54 of 118  2006-08-03 3.9.1 Installation Advice The total cable length between the board-to-board connector pins on AC65/AC75 and the pins of the external SIM card holder must not exceed 100mm in order to meet the specifications of 3GPP TS 51.010-1 and to satisfy the requirements of EMC compliance.  To avoid possible cross-talk from the CCCLK signal to the CCIO signal be careful that both lines are not placed closely next to each other. A useful approach is using the CCGND line to shield the CCIO line from the CCCLK line.  To meet EMC requirements it is strongly recommended to add several capacitors as shown in Figure 46. Take care to place the capacitors close to the SIM card holder.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 55 of 118  2006-08-03 3.10  Serial Interface ASC0 AC65/AC75 offers an 8-wire unbalanced, asynchronous modem interface ASC0 conforming to ITU-T V.24 protocol DCE signalling. The electrical characteristics do not comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or active state) and 2.9V (for high data bit or inactive state). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 26.  AC65/AC75 is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connections it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals: •  Port TXD @ application sends data to the module’s TXD0 signal line •  Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s RXD0 signal line  Figure 16: Serial interface ASC0 Features •  Includes the data lines TXD0 and RXD0, the status lines RTS0 and CTS0 and, in addition, the modem control lines DTR0, DSR0, DCD0 and RING0.  •  ASC0 is primarily designed for controlling voice calls, transferring CSD, fax and GPRS data and for controlling the GSM engine with AT commands.  •  Full Multiplex capability allows the interface to be partitioned into three virtual channels, yet with CSD and fax services only available on the first logical channel. Please note that when the ASC0 interface runs in Multiplex mode, ASC1 cannot be used. For more details on Multiplex mode see [10]. •  The DTR0 signal will only be polled once per second from the internal firmware of AC65/AC75.  •  The RING0 signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result Code). It can also be used to send pulses to the host application, for example to wake up the application from power saving state. See [1] for details on how to configure the RING0 line by AT^SCFG. •  By default, configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The setting can be changed using the AT command AT+ICF and, if required, AT^STPB. For details see [1]. •  ASC0 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 300 bps to 460,800 bps. •  Autobauding supports bit rates from 1,200 to 460,800 bps.  •  Autobauding is not compatible with multiplex mode. •  Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control and XON/XOFF software flow control. TXD0RXD0RTS0DCD0CTS0DTR0DSR0RING0TXDRXDRTSDCDCTSDTRDSRRINGGSM Module (DCE) Application (DTE)
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 56 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 13: DCE-DTE wiring of ASC0 DCE  DTE V.24 circuit  Pin function  Signal direction  Pin function  Signal direction 103 TXD0  Input  TXD  Output 104 RXD0  Output  RXD  Input 105 RTS0  Input  RTS  Output 106 CTS0  Output  CTS  Input 108/2 DTR0  Input  DTR  Output 107 DSR0  Output  DSR  Input 109 DCD0  Output  DCD  Input 125 RING0  Output  RING  Input
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 57 of 118  2006-08-03 3.11  Serial Interface ASC1 The ASC1 interface is available as a 4-wire unbalanced, asynchronous modem interface ASC1 conforming to ITU-T V.24 protocol DCE signalling. The electrical characteristics do not comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or active state) and 2.9V (for high data bit or inactive state). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 26.  AC65/AC75 is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connections it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals: •  Port TXD @ application sends data to module’s TXD1 signal line •  Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s RXD1 signal line   Figure 17: Serial interface ASC1  Features •  Includes only the data lines TXD1 and RXD1 plus RTS1 and CTS1 for hardware handshake.  •  On ASC1 no RING line is available. The indication of URCs on the second interface depends on the settings made with the AT^SCFG command. For details refer to [1]. •  Configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 or 2 stop bits. •  ASC1 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 300 bps to 460,800 bps. Autobauding is not supported on ASC1. •  Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware flow control and XON/XOFF software flow control.  Table 14: DCE-DTE wiring of ASC1 DCE  DTE V.24 circuit  Pin function  Signal direction  Pin function  Signal direction 103 TXD1  Input  TXD  Output 104 RXD1  Output  RXD  Input 105 RTS1  Input  RTS  Output 106 CTS1  Output  CTS  Input  TXD1RXD1RTS1CTS1TXDRXDRTSCTSGSM Module (DCE) Application (DTE)
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 58 of 118  2006-08-03 3.12 USB Interface AC65/AC75 supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) device interface. It can be operated on a USB 2.0 Full Speed or High Speed root hub (a PC host), but not on a generic USB 2.0 High Speed hub which translates High Speed (480 Mbit/s/) to Full Speed (12 Mbit/s).  The USB port has different functions depending on whether or not Java is running. Under Java, the lines may be used for debugging purposes (see [16] for further detail). If Java is not used, the USB interface is available as a command and data interface and for downloading firmware.  The USB I/O-pins are capable of driving the signal at min 3.0V. They are 5V I/O compliant.  The USB host is responsible for supplying, across the VUSB_IN line, power to the module’s USB interface, but not to other AC65/AC75 interfaces. This is because AC65/AC75 is designed as a self-powered device compliant with the “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0”2.  MCU USBTransceiverlin.RegulatorPSUBaseband controller GSM  moduleHost22Ohms22Ohms1.5kOhmsUSB_DPUSB_DNVUSB_IN5V3.2VD+D-VBUSGND80 pole board-to-board connector Figure 18: USB circuit  To properly connect the module’s USB interface to the host a USB 2.0 compatible connector is required. For more information on how to install a USB modem driver and on how to integrate USB into AC65/AC75 applications see [11].                                                   2   The specification is ready for download on
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 59 of 118  2006-08-03 3.13 I2C Interface I2C is a serial, 8-bit oriented data transfer bus for bit rates up to 400kbps in Fast mode. It consists of two lines, the serial data line I2CDAT and the serial clock line I2CCLK.   The AC65/AC75 module acts as a single master device, e.g. the clock I2CCLK is driven by module. I2CDAT is a bi-directional line.  Each device connected to the bus is software addressable by a unique 7-bit address, and simple master/slave relationships exist at all times. The module operates as master-transmitter or as master-receiver. The customer application transmits or receives data only on request of the module.   To configure and activate the I2C bus use the AT^SSPI command. If the I2C bus is active the two lines I2CCLK and I2DAT are locked for use as SPI lines. Vice versa, the activation of the SPI locks both lines for I2C. Detailed information on the AT^SSPI command as well explanations on the protocol and syntax required for data transmission can be found in [1].  The I2C interface can be powered from an external supply or via the VEXT line of AC65/AC75. If connected to the VEXT line the I2C interface will be properly shut down when the module enters the Power-down mode. If you prefer to connect the I2C interface to an external power supply, take care that VCC of the application is in the range of VVEXT and that the interface is shut down when the PWR_IND signal goes high. See figures below as well as Section 7 and Figure 46.  In the application I2CDAT and I2CCLK lines need to be connected to a positive supply voltage via a pull-up resistor.   For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 26.  GSM moduleI2CDATI2CCLKGNDI2CDATI2CCLKGNDApplicationVCCRpRpwVEXT Figure 19: I2C interface connected to VCC of application
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 60 of 118  2006-08-03 GSM moduleI2CDATI2CCLKGNDI2CDATI2CCLKGNDApplicationVEXTRpRp Figure 20: I2C interface connected to VEXT line of AC65/AC75   Note: Good care should be taken when creating the PCB layout of the host application: The traces of I2CCLK and I2CDAT should be equal in length and as short as possible.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 61 of 118  2006-08-03 3.14 SPI Interface The SPI (serial peripheral interface) is a synchronous serial interface for control and data transfer between the AC65/AC75 module and the connected application. Only one application can be connected to the module’s SPI. The interface supports transmission rates up to 6.5Mbit/s. It consists of four lines, the two data lines SPIDI/SPIDO, the clock line SPICLK and the chip select line SPICS.   The AC65/AC75 module acts as a single master device, e.g. the clock SPICLK is driven by module. Whenever the SPICS pin is in a low state, the SPI bus is activated and data can be transferred from the module and vice versa. The SPI interface uses two independent lines for data input (SPIDI) and data output (SPIDO).   GSM module ApplicationSPICLK SPICLKSPICS SPICSSPIDOSPIDI SPIDISPIDO Figure 21: SPI interface  To configure and activate the SPI bus use the AT^SSPI command. If the SPI bus is active the two lines I2CCLK and I2DAT are locked for use as I2C lines. Detailed information on the AT^SSPI command as well explanations on the SPI modes required for data transmission can be found in [1].  In general, SPI supports four operation modes. The modes are different in clock phase and clock polarity. The module’s SPI mode can be configured by using the AT command AT^SSPI. Make sure the module and the connected slave device works with the same SPI mode.  Figure 22 shows the characteristics of the four SPI modes. The SPI modes 0 and 3 are the most common used modes.   For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 26.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 62 of 118  2006-08-03 SPI MODE 0 SPI MODE 1SPI MODE 2 SPI MODE 3Clock phaseClock polaritySPICSSPIDOSPICLKSPIDISPICSSPIDOSPICLKSPIDISPICSSPIDOSPICLKSPIDISPICSSPIDOSPICLKSPIDISample SampleSample Sample Figure 22: Characteristics of SPI modes
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 63 of 118  2006-08-03 3.15 Audio Interfaces AC65/AC75 comprises three audio interfaces available on the board-to-board connector:  •  Two analog audio interfaces, both with balanced or single-ended inputs/outputs. •  Serial digital audio interface (DAI) designed for PCM (Pulse Code Modulation).  This means you can connect up to three different audio devices, although only one interface can be operated at a time. Using the AT^SAIC command you can easily switch back and forth.    Analog switch Digital Audio Interface Air InterfaceDSP MUX MUXD AMICN2 MICP2 MICN1 MICP1 DAI6 DAI5 DAI4 DAI3 DAI2 AGND DAI0 DAI1 DA EPP2 EPN2 EPP1 EPN1 VMIC MUX  Figure 23: Audio block diagram To suit different types of accessories the audio interfaces can be configured for different audio modes via the AT^SNFS command. The electrical characteristics of the voiceband part vary with the audio mode. For example, sending and receiving amplification, sidetone paths, noise suppression etc. depend on the selected mode and can be altered with AT commands (except for mode 1).  Both analog audio interfaces can be used to connect headsets with microphones or speakerphones. Headsets can be operated in audio mode 3, speakerphones in audio mode 2. Audio mode 5 can be used for direct access to the speech coder without signal pre or post processing.  When shipped from factory, all audio parameters of AC65/AC75 are set to interface 1 and audio mode 1. This is the default configuration optimized for the Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0 handset and used for type approving the Siemens reference configuration. Audio mode 1 has fix parameters which cannot be modified. To adjust the settings of the Votronic handset simply change to another audio mode.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 64 of 118  2006-08-03 3.15.1 Speech Processing The speech samples from the ADC or DAI are handled by the DSP of the baseband controller to calculate e.g. amplifications, sidetone, echo cancellation or noise suppression depending on the configuration of the active audio mode. These processed samples are passed to the speech encoder. Received samples from the speech decoder are passed to the DAC or DAI after post processing (frequency response correction, adding sidetone etc.).  Full rate, half rate, enhanced full rate, adaptive multi rate (AMR), speech and channel encoding including voice activity detection (VAD) and discontinuous transmission (DTX) and digital GMSK modulation are also performed on the GSM baseband processor.  3.15.2 Microphone Circuit AC65/AC75 has two identical analog microphone inputs. There is no on-board microphone supply circuit, except for the internal voltage supply VMIC and the dedicated audio ground line AGND. Both lines are well suited to feed a balanced audio application or a single-ended audio application.   The AGND line on the AC65/AC75 board is especially provided to achieve best grounding conditions for your audio application. As there is less current flowing than through other GND lines of the module or the application, this solution will avoid hum and buzz problems.   While AC65/AC75 is in Power-down mode, the input voltage at any MIC pin must not exceed ±0.3V relative to AGND (see also Chapter 5.1). In any other operating state the voltage applied to any MIC pin must be in the range of +2.7V to -0.3V, otherwise undervoltage shutdown may be caused.  If VMIC is used to generate the MICP-pin bias voltage as shown in the following examples consider that VMIC is switched off (0V) outside a call. Audio signals applied to MICP in this case must not fall below -0.3V.   If higher input levels are used especially in the line input configuration the signal level must be limited to 600mVpp outside a call, or AT^SNFM=,1 should be used to switch on VMIC permanently.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 65 of 118  2006-08-03 Single-ended Microphone Input Figure 24 as well as Figure 46 show an example of how to integrate a single-ended microphone input.   GSM moduleRBVBiasCKAGNDMICNxMICPxVMICRARACFRVMICRA = typ. 2k RB = typ. 5k RVMIC = typ. 470Ohm  Ck = typ. 100nF CF = typ. 22µF  VMIC = typ. 2.5V  Vbias = 1.0V … 1.6V, typ. 1.5V Figure 24: Single ended microphone input    RA has to be chosen so that the DC voltage across the microphone falls into the bias voltage range of 1.0V to 1.6V and the microphone feeding current meets its specification.  The MICNx input is automatically self biased to the MICPx DC level. It is AC coupled via CK to a resistive divider which is used to optimize supply noise cancellation by the differential microphone amplifier in the module.   The VMIC voltage should be filtered if gains larger than 20dB are used. The filter can be attached as a simple first order RC-network (RVMIC and CF).  This circuit is well suited if the distance between microphone and module is kept short. Due to good grounding the microphone can be easily ESD protected as its housing usually connects to the negative terminal.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 66 of 118  2006-08-03  Differential Microphone Input Figure 25 shows a differential solution for connecting an electret microphone.   GSM moduleRARAVBias CKAGNDMICNxMICPxVMICCFRVMIC RA = typ. 1k RVMIC = 470Ohm  CK = typ. 100nF CF = typ. 22µF  VMIC = typ. 2.5V  Vbias = 1.0V … 1.6V, typ. 1.5V Figure 25: Differential microphone input    The advantage of this circuit is that it can be used if the application involves longer lines between microphone and module.  While VMIC is switched off, the input voltage at any MIC pin should not exceed ±0.25V relative to AGND (see also Chapter 5.1). In this case no bias voltage has to be supplied from the customer circuit to the MIC pin and any signal voltage should be smaller than Vpp = 0.5V.  VMIC can be used to generate the MICP-pin bias voltage as shown below. In this case the bias voltage is only applied if VMIC is switched on.  Only if VMIC is switched on, can the voltage applied to any MIC pin be in the range of 2.4V to 0V. If these limits are exceeded undervoltage shutdown may be caused.  Consider that the maximum full scale input voltage is Vpp = 1.6V.  The behavior of VMIC can be controlled with the parameter micVccCtl of the AT command AT^SNFM (see [1]): •  micVccCtl=2 (default). VMIC is controlled automatically by the module. VMIC is always switched on while the internal audio circuits of the module are active (e.g., during a call). VMIC can be used as indicator for active audio in the module. •  micVccCtl=1. VMIC is switched on continuously. This setting can be used to supply the microphone in order to use the signal in other customer circuits as well. However, this setting leads to a higher current consumption in SLEEP modes. •  micVccCtl=0. VMIC is permanently switched off.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 67 of 118  2006-08-03  Line Input Configuration with OpAmp Figure 26 shows an example of how to connect an opamp into the microphone circuit.  GSM moduleRAVBiasCKAGNDMICNxMICPxVMICRACK~RVMICCF RA = typ. 47k RVMIC = 470Ohm  Ck = typ. 100nF CF = typ. 22µF  VMIC = typ. 2.5V  Vbias = typ. ½ VMIC = 1.25V Figure 26: Line input configuration with OpAmp     The AC source (e.g. an opamp) and its reference potential have to be AC coupled to the MICPx resp. MICNx input terminals. The voltage divider between VMIC and AGND is necessary to bias the input amplifier. MICNx is automatically self biased to the MICPx DC level.   The VMIC voltage should be filtered if gains larger than 20dB are used. The filter can be attached as a simple first order RC-network (RVMIC and CF). If a high input level and a lower gain are applied the filter is not necessary.  Consider that if VMIC is switched off, the signal voltage should be limited to Vpp = 0.5V and any bias voltage must not be applied. Otherwise VMIC can be switched on permanently by using AT^SNFM=,1. In this case the current consumption in SLEEP modes is higher.  If desired, MICNx via CK can also be connected to the inverse output of the AC source instead of connecting it to the reference potential for differential line input.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 68 of 118  2006-08-03 3.15.3 Loudspeaker Circuit The GSM module comprises two analog speaker outputs: EP1 and EP2. Output EP1 is able to drive a load of 8Ohms while the output EP2 can drive a load of 32Ohms. Each interface can be connected in differential and in single ended configuration. Figure 27 shows an example of a differential loudspeaker configuration.   GSM moduleAGNDEPNxEPPx  Figure 27: Differential loudspeaker configuration Loudspeaker impedance  EPP1/EPN1 ZL = typ. 8Ohm  EPP2/EPN2 ZL = typ. 32Ohm
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 69 of 118  2006-08-03 3.15.4  Digital Audio Interface (DAI) The DAI can be used to connect audio devices capable of PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) or for type approval. The following chapters describe the PCM interface functionality.  The PCM functionality allows the use of a codec like for example the MC145483. This codec replaces the analog audio inputs and outputs during a call, if digital audio is selected by AT^SAIC.  The PCM interface is configurable with the AT^SAIC command (see [1]) and supports the following features: -  Master and slave mode -  Short frame and long frame synchronization -  256 kHz or 512 kHz bit clock frequency  For the PCM interface configuration the parameters <clock>, <mode> and <framemode> of the AT^SAIC command are used. The following table lists possible combinations:  Table 15: Configuration combinations for the PCM interface Configuration  <clock>  <mode>  <framemode> Master, 256kHz, short frame  0  0  0 Master, 256kHz, long frame  0  0  1 Master, 512kHz, short frame  1  0  0 Master, 512kHz, long frame  1  0  1 Slave, 256kHz, short frame  0 or 13 1  0 Slave, 256kHz, long frame  0 or 1  1  1 Slave, 512kHz, short frame  0 or 1  1  0 Slave, 512kHz, long frame  0 or 1  1  1  In all configurations the PCM interface has the following common features: -  16 Bit linear  -  8 kHz sample rate -  the most significant bit MSB is transferred first -  125 µs frame duration -  common frame sync signal for transmit and receive                                                   3   In slave mode the BCLKIN signal is directly used for data shifting. Therefore, the clock frequency setting is not evaluated and may be either 0 or 1.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 70 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 16 shows the assignment of the DAI0…6 pins to the PCM interface signals. To avoid hardware conflicts different pins are used as inputs and outputs for frame sync and clock signals in master or slave operation. The table shows also which pin is used for master or slave. The data pins (TXDAI and RXDAI) however are used in both modes. Unused inputs have to be tied to GND, unused outputs must be left open.  Table 16: Overview of DAI pin functions Signal name on  B2B connector Function for PCM Interface  Input/Output DAI0 TXDAI Master/Slave O DAI1 RXDAI Master/Slave I DAI2  FS (Frame sync)  Master  O DAI3 BITCLK Master O DAI4 FSIN Slave I DAI5 BCLKIN Slave I DAI6 nc   I Master Mode To clock input and output PCM samples the PCM interface delivers a bit clock (BITCLK) which is synchronous to the GSM system clock. The frequency of the bit clock is 256kHz or 512kHz. Any edge of this clock deviates less than ±100ns (Jitter) from an ideal 256-kHz clock respective 512-kHz-clock.   The frame sync signal (FS) has a frequency of 8 kHz and is high for one BITCLK period before the data transmission starts if short frame is configured. If long frame is selected the frame sync signal (FS) is high during the whole transfer of the 16 data bits. Each frame has a duration of 125µs and contains 32 respectively 64 clock cycles.  BITCLKFSTXDAIRXDAIbitclkframe syncTX_dataRX_dataCodecPCM interface ofthe GSM module Figure 28: Master PCM interface Application
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 71 of 118  2006-08-03 The timing of a PCM short frame is shown in Figure 29. The 16-bit TXDAI and RXDAI data are transferred simultaneously in both directions during the first 16 clock cycles after the frame sync pulse. The duration of a frame sync pulse is one BITCLK period, starting at the rising edge of BITCLK. TXDAI data is shifted out at the next rising edge of BITCLK. RXDAI data (i.e. data transmitted from the host application to the module’s RXDAI line) is sampled at the falling edge of BITCLK.   BITCLKTXDAIRXDAIFSMSBMSBLSBLSB14 1314 1311121222MSBMSB125 µs Figure 29: Master PCM timing, short frame selected  The timing of a PCM long frame is shown in Figure 30. The 16-bit TXDAI and RXDAI data are transferred simultaneously in both directions while the frame sync pulse FS is high. For this reason the duration of a frame sync pulse is 16 BITCLK periods, starting at the rising edge of BITCLK. TXDAI data is shifted out at the same rising edge of BITCLK. RXDAI data (i.e. data transmitted from the host application to the module’s RXDAI line) is sampled at the falling edge of BITCLK.  BITCLKTXDAIRXDAIFSMSBMSBLSBLSB14 1314 1311121222MSBMSB125 µs Figure 30: Master PCM timing, long frame selected
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 72 of 118  2006-08-03 Slave Mode In slave mode the PCM interface is controlled by an external bit clock and an external frame sync signal applied to the BCLKIN and FSIN pins and delivered either by the connected codec or another source. The bit clock frequency has to be in the range of 256kHz  -125ppm to 512kHz +125ppm.  Data transfer starts at the falling edge of FSIN if the short frame format is selected, and at the rising edge of FSIN if long frame format is selected. With this edge control the frame sync signal is independent of the frame sync pulse length.  TXDAI data is shifted out at the rising edge of BCLKIN. RXDAI data (i.e. data transmitted from the host application to the module’s RXDAI line) is sampled at the falling edge of BCLKIN.  The deviation of the external frame rate from the internal frame rate must not exceed ±125ppm. The internal frame rate of nominal 8kHz is synchronized to the GSM network.  The difference between the internal and the external frame rate is equalized by doubling or skipping samples. This happens for example every second, if the difference is 125ppm. The resulting distortion can be neglected in speech signals.  The pins BITCLK and FS remain low in slave mode.  Figure 31 shows the typical slave configuration. The external codec delivers the bit clock and the frame sync signal. If the codec itself is not able to run in master mode as for example the MC145483, a third party has to generate the clock and the frame sync signal.  BCLKINFSINTXDAIRXDAIbitclkFrame SyncTX_dataRX_dataCODECAC75 Figure 31: Slave PCM interface application  The following figures show the slave short and long frame timings. Because these are edge controlled, frame sync signals may deviate from the ideal form as shown with the dotted lines.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 73 of 118  2006-08-03 BCLKINTXDAIRXDAIFSINMSBMSBLSBLSB14 1314 1311121222MSB125 µsMSB Figure 32: Slave PCM timing, short frame selected   MSBBCLKINTXDAIRXDAIFSINMSBMSBLSBLSB14 1314 1311121222MSB125 µs Figure 33: Slave PCM timing, long frame selected
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 74 of 118  2006-08-03 3.16 GPIO Interface The AC65/AC75 has 10 GPIOs for external hardware devices. Each GPIO can be configured for use as input or output. All settings are AT command controlled.   The GIPO related AT commands are the following: AT^SPIO, AT^SCPIN, AT^SCPOL, AT^SCPORT, AT^SDPORT, AT^SGIO, AT^SSIO. A detailed description can be found in [1].   3.16.1  Using the GPIO10 Pin as Pulse Counter The GPIO10 pin can be assigned two different functions selectable by AT command:  •  The AT^SCPIN command configures the pin for use as GPIO.  •  With AT^SCCNT and AT^SSCNT the pin can be configured and operated as pulse counter.   Both functions exclude each other. The pulse counter disables the GPIO functionality, and vice versa, the GPIO functionality disables the pulse counter. Detailed AT command descriptions can be found in [1].  The pulse counter is designed to measure signals from 0 to 1000 pulses per second. It can be operated either in Limit counter mode or Start-Stop mode. Depending on the selected mode the counted value is either the number of pulses or the time (in milliseconds) taken to generate a number of pulses specified with AT^SCCNT.  In Limit counter mode, the displayed measurement result (URC “^SSCNT: <count>”) implies an inaccuracy <5ms. In Start-Stop mode, you can achieve 100% accuracy if you take care that no pulses are transmitted before starting the pulse counter (AT^SSCNT=0 or 1) and after closing the pulse counter (AT^SSCNT=3).
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 75 of 118  2006-08-03 3.17 Control Signals 3.17.1 Synchronization Signal The synchronization signal serves to indicate growing power consumption during the transmit burst. The signal is generated by the SYNC pin. Please note that this pin can adopt three different operating modes which you can select by using the AT^SSYNC command: the mode AT^SSYNC=0 described below, and the two LED modes AT^SSYNC=1 or AT^SSYNC=2 described in [1] and Section 3.17.2.  The first function (factory default AT^SSYNC=0) is recommended if you want your application to use the synchronization signal for better power supply control. Your platform design must be such that the incoming signal accommodates sufficient power supply to the AC65/AC75 module if required. This can be achieved by lowering the current drawn from other components installed in your application.   The timing of the synchronization signal is shown below. High level of the SYNC pin indicates increased power consumption during transmission.  Figure 34: SYNC signal during transmit burst  *)  The duration of the SYNC signal is always equal, no matter whether the traffic or the access burst are active.  Transmit burst1 Tx   577 µs every 4.616 ms2 Tx 1154 µs every 4.616 msSYNC signal*)t = 180 sµ
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 76 of 118  2006-08-03 3.17.2  Using the SYNC Pin to Control a Status LED  As an alternative to generating the synchronization signal, the SYNC pin can be configured to drive a status LED that indicates different operating modes of the AC65/AC75 module. To take advantage of this function the LED mode must be activated with the AT^SSYNC command and the LED must be connected to the host application. The connected LED can be operated in two different display modes (AT^SSYNC=1 or AT^SSYNC=2). For details please refer to [1].  Especially in the development and test phase of an application, system integrators are advised to use the LED mode of the SYNC pin in order to evaluate their product design and identify the source of errors.  To operate the LED a buffer, e.g. a transistor or gate, must be included in your application. A sample circuit is shown in Figure 35. Power consumption in the LED mode is the same as for the synchronization signal mode. For details see Table 26, SYNC pin.            Figure 35: LED Circuit (Example)
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 77 of 118  2006-08-03 1sRING0URC3.17.3  Behavior of the RING0 Line (ASC0 Interface only) The RING0 line is available on the first serial interface ASC0 (see also Chapter 3.10). The signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result Code).  Although not mandatory for use in a host application, it is strongly suggested that you connect the RING0 line to an interrupt line of your application. In this case, the application can be designed to receive an interrupt when a falling edge on RING0 occurs. This solution is most effective, particularly, for waking up an application from power saving. Note that if the RING0 line is not wired, the application would be required to permanently poll the data and status lines of the serial interface at the expense of a higher current consumption. Therefore, utilizing the RING0 line provides an option to significantly reduce the overall current consumption of your application.   The behavior of the RING0 line varies with the type of event: •  When a voice/fax/data call comes in the RING0 line goes low for 1s and high for another 4s. Every 5 seconds the ring string is generated and sent over the /RXD0 line.  If there is a call in progress and call waiting is activated for a connected handset or handsfree device, the RING0 line switches to ground in order to generate acoustic signals that indicate the waiting call. Figure 36: Incoming voice/fax/data call  •  All other types of Unsolicited Result Codes (URCs) also cause the RING0 line to go low, however for 1 second only.    Figure 37: URC transmission   3.17.4 PWR_IND Signal PWR_IND notifies the on/off state of the module. High state of PWR_IND indicates that the module is switched off. The state of PWR_IND immediately changes to low when IGT is pulled low. For state detection an external pull-up resistor is required.   4sRING04s1s 1s 1sRing stringRing stringRing string
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 78 of 118  2006-08-03 4 Antenna Interface The RF interface has an impedance of 50. AC65/AC75 is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at the antenna connector without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power.  The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radiated power, DC-power consumption, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Antenna matching networks are not included on the AC65/AC75 PCB and should be placed in the host application.   Regarding the return loss AC65/AC75 provides the following values in the active band: Table 17: Return loss in the active band State of module  Return loss of module  Recommended return loss of application Receive > 8dB  > 12dB  Transmit   not applicable   > 12dB
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 79 of 118  2006-08-03 4.1 Antenna Diagnostic The antenna diagnostic allows the customer to check the presence and the connection status of the antenna by using the AT^SAD command. A description of the AT^SAD command can be found in [1].   To properly detect the antenna and verify its connection status the antenna feed point must have a DC resistance RANT of 9kΩ (±3kΩ). Any lower or higher resistance from 1kΩ to 6kΩ or 12kΩ to 40k gives an undefined result.  A positive or negative voltage drop (referred to as Vdisturb) on the ground line may occur without having any impact on the measuring procedure and the measuring result. A peak deviation (Vdisturb ) of ≤ 0.8V from ground is acceptable.  Vdisturb   (peak) = ± 0.8V (maximum); fdisturb  = 0Hz … 5kHz Waveform: DC, sinus, square-pulse, peak-pulse (width = 100µs) Rdisturb = 5             Figure 38: Resistor measurement used for antenna detection  Table 18: Values of the AT^SAD parameter <diag> and their meaning Antenna connection status indicated by AT^SAD  <diag>  Equivalent ranges Normal operation, antenna connected (resistance at feed point as required) <diag>=0  RANT = 6kΩ…12kΩ Antenna connector short-circuited to GND  <diag>=1  RANT = 0...1kΩ Antenna connector is short-circuited to the supply voltage of the host application, for example the vehicle’s on-board power supply voltage <diag>=2 max. 36V Antenna not properly connected, or resistance at antenna feed point wrong or not present <diag>=3  RANT = 40kΩ...Ω  Antenna connectorAC759k±3kExternal antennaVdisturb5 Ohm
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 80 of 118  2006-08-03 4.2 Antenna Connector AC65/AC75 uses a subminiature coaxial antenna connector type SMP MIL-Std 348-A supplied from Rosenberger.   Table 19: Product specifications of Rosenberger SMP connector Item  Specification  Conditions Material and finish Center contact  Brass 0.8 µm gold plating over 2-4 µm NiP plating  Outer contact  Brass 0.8 µm gold plating over 2-4 µm NiP plating  Dielectric PTFE   Electrical ratings Nominal Impedance  50 Ω  Operating frequency  DC – 2 GHz   VSWR  1.10  DC to 2 GHz Insertion loss  ≤ 0.1 dB x √ f/GHz   Center contact resistance  max. 6 mΩ  Outer contact resistance  max. 2 mΩ  Insulation resistance  5 GΩ  Working voltage  335 V rms  at sea level Dielectric withstanding voltage  500 V rms  at sea level Mechanical ratings Durability  30 mating cycles   Engagement force  20-35 N   Disengagement force  30-50 N   Center contact captivation  Axial retention force 7 N min.   Environmental ratings Operating temperature   -65°C to +155°C   Manufacturer     Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. POB 1260 D-84526 Tittmoning
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 81 of 118  2006-08-03   Figure 39: Datasheet of Rosenberger SMP MIL-Std 348-A connector
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 82 of 118  2006-08-03 5  Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics 5.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings The absolute maximum ratings stated in Table 20 are stress ratings under any conditions. Stresses beyond any of these limits will cause permanent damage to AC65/AC75. The power supply shall be compliant with the SELV safety standard defined in EN60950. The supply voltage must be limited according to Table 20. Table 20: Absolute maximum ratings Parameter  Min  Max  Unit Supply voltage BATT+  -0.3  5.5  V Voltage at digital pins in POWER DOWN mode  -0.3  0.3   V Voltage at digital pins in normal operation   -0.3  3.05 or VEXT+0.3 V Voltage at analog pins in POWER DOWN mode  -0.3  0.3  V Voltage at analog pins, VMIC on4 -0.3 2.75 V Voltage at analog pins, VMIC off4 -0.3 0.3 V Voltage at VCHARGE pin  -0.3  5.5  V Voltage at CHARGEGATE pin  -0.3  5.5  V VUSB_IN -0.3 5.5 V USB_DP, USB_DN  -0.3  3.5  V VSENSE  5.5 V ISENSE  5.5 V PWR_IND -0.3 10 V VDDLP -0.3 5.5 V                                                    4   For normal operation the voltage at analog pins with VMIC on should be within the range of 0V to 2.4V and with VMIC off within the range of -0.25V to 0.25V.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 83 of 118  2006-08-03 5.2 Operating Temperatures Table 21: Board temperature Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit Operating temperature range  -30    +85 °C Automatic shutdown5   Temperature measured on AC65/AC75 board   Temperature measured at battery NTC  -30 -20  --- ---  +90 +60  °C  Table 22: Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (without forced air circulation) Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit Operating temperature range  -30  +25  +75 °C Restricted operation6  --- +75 to +85 °C  Table 23: Charging temperature Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit Battery temperature for software controlled fast charging (measured at battery NTC) 0 --- +45 °C   Note:  •  See Chapter 3.3.4 for further information about the NTCs for on-board and battery temperature measurement, automatic thermal shutdown and alert messages. •  When data are transmitted over EGPRS or GPRS the AC65/AC75 automatically reverts to a lower Multislot Class if the temperature increases to the limit specified for normal operation and, vice versa, returns to the higher Multislot Class if the temperature is back to normal. For details see Chapter 3.4 “Automatic EGPRS/GPRS Multislot Class Change”.                                                   5  Due to temperature measurement uncertainty, a tolerance on the stated shutdown thresholds may occur. The possible deviation is in the range of ± 3°C at the overtemperature limit and ± 5°C at the undertemperature limit. 6  Restricted operation allows normal mode speech calls or data transmission for limited time until automatic thermal shutdown takes effect. The duration of emergency calls is unlimited because automatic thermal shutdown is deferred until hang up.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 84 of 118  2006-08-03 5.3 Storage Conditions The conditions stated below are only valid for modules in their original packed state in weather protected, non-temperature-controlled storage locations. Normal storage time under these conditions is 12 months maximum.  Table 24: Storage conditions Type  Condition  Unit  Reference Air temperature:  Low   High -40 +85 °C  ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-1 Ab ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 Bb Humidity relative:  Low   High   Condens. 10 90 at 30°C 90-100 at 30°C % --- ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-56 CbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-30 DbAir pressure:    Low   High 70 106 kPa  IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4 IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4 Movement of surrounding air  1.0  m/s  IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4 Water: rain, dripping, icing and frosting Not allowed  ---  --- Radiation:  Solar   Heat 1120 600 W/m2  ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 Bb ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 Bb Chemically active substances  Not recommended   IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1C1L Mechanically active substances  Not recommended   IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1S1 Vibration sinusoidal:  Displacement  Acceleration  Frequency range  1.5 5 2-9   9-200  mm m/s2 Hz IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1M2 Shocks:  Shock spectrum  Duration  Acceleration  semi-sinusoidal1 50   ms m/s2 IEC 68-2-27 Ea
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 85 of 118  2006-08-03 5.4 Reliability Characteristics The test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications.   Table 25: Summary of reliability test conditions Type of test  Conditions  Standard Vibration  Frequency range: 10-20Hz; acceleration: 3.1mm amplitude Frequency range: 20-500Hz; acceleration: 5g Duration: 2h per axis = 10 cycles; 3 axes  DIN IEC 68-2-6 Shock half-sinus  Acceleration: 500g Shock duration: 1msec 1 shock per axis 6 positions (± x, y and z)  DIN IEC 68-2-27 Dry heat  Temperature: +70 ±2°C Test duration: 16h Humidity in the test chamber: < 50%  EN 60068-2-2 Bb  ETS 300 019-2-7 Temperature change (shock) Low temperature: -40°C ±2°C High temperature: +85°C ±2°C Changeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system) Test duration: 1h Number of repetitions: 100  DIN IEC 68-2-14 Na  ETS 300 019-2-7 Damp heat cyclic  High temperature: +55°C ±2°C Low temperature: +25°C ±2°C Humidity: 93% ±3% Number of repetitions:  6 Test duration: 12h + 12h  DIN IEC 68-2-30 Db  ETS 300 019-2-5 Cold (constant exposure) Temperature: -40 ±2°C Test duration: 16h  DIN IEC 68-2-1
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 86 of 118  2006-08-03 5.5  Pin Assignment and Signal Description The Molex board-to-board connector on AC65/AC75 is an 80-pin double-row receptacle. The names and the positions of the pins can be seen from Figure 1 which shows the top view of AC65/AC75.   1  GND  GND  80 2  Not connected  DAC_OUT 79 3  Not connected PWR_IND  78 4  GND  Do not use 77 5  GPIO10  GPIO9  76 6  GPIO8  SPICS  75 7  SPIDI  GPIO4 74 8  GPIO7  GPIO3  73 9  GPIO6  GPIO2  72 10  GPIO5  GPIO1  71 11  I2CCLK_SPICLK  I2CDAT_SPIDO  70 12  VUSB_IN  USB_DP  69 13  DAI5  USB_DN  68 14  ISENSE  VSENSE  67 15  DAI6  VMIC  66 16  CCCLK  EPN2  65 17  CCVCC  EPP2  64 18  CCIO  EPP1  63 19  CCRST  EPN1  62 20  CCIN  MICN2  61 21  CCGND  MICP2  60 22  DAI4  MICP1  59 23  DAI3  MICN1  58 24  DAI2  AGND  57 25  DAI1  IGT  56 26  DAI0  EMERG_RST  55 27  BATT_TEMP  DCD0  54 28  SYNC  CTS1  53 29  RXD1  CTS0  52 30  RXD0  RTS1  51 31  TXD1  DTR0  50 32  TXD0  RTS0  49 33  VDDLP  DSR0  48 34  VCHARGE  RING0  47 35  CHARGEGATE  VEXT  46 36  GND  BATT+  45 37  GND  BATT+  44 38  GND  BATT+  43 39  GND  BATT+  42 40  GND  BATT+  41    Figure 40: Pin assignment (component side of AC65/AC75)
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 87 of 118  2006-08-03 Please note that the reference voltages listed in Table 26 are the values measured directly on the AC65/AC75 module. They do not apply to the accessories connected.  Table 26: Signal description Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment VImax = 4.5V VItyp = 3.8V VImin = 3.3V during Tx burst on board  I  2A, during Tx burst           Power supply BATT+ I n Tx = n x  577µs peak current every 4.616ms Five pins of BATT+ and GND must be connected in parallel for supply purposes because higher peak currents may occur. Minimum voltage must not fall below 3.3V including drop, ripple, spikes.  Power supply GND  Ground  Application Ground VCHARGE I VImin = 1.015 * VBATT+ VImax = 5.45V This line signalizes to the processor that the charger is connected. If unused keep pin open. BATT_TEMP I Connect NTC with RNTC  10kΩ @ 25°C to ground. See Section 3.5.3 for B value of NTC.  Battery temperature measurement via NTC resistance. NTC should be installed inside or near battery pack to enable proper charging and deliver temperature values. If unused keep pin open. ISENSE I VImax = 4.65V  ∆VImax to VBATT+ = +0.3V at normal condition ISENSE is required for measuring the charge current. For this purpose, a shunt resistor for current measurement needs to be connected between ISENSE and VSENSE. If unused connect pin to VSENSE. VSENSE I VImax = 4.5V  VSENSE must be directly connected to BATT+ at battery connector or external power supply. Charge  Interface CHARGEGATE O VOmax = 5.5V IOmax = 0.6mA Control line to the gate of charge FET If unused keep pin open. External supply voltage VEXT O Normal mode: VOmin  = 2.75V VOtyp = 2.93V VOmax = 3.05V IOmax = -50mA   VEXT may be used for application circuits, for example to supply power for an I2C  If unused keep pin open. Not available in Power-down mode. The external digital logic must not cause any spikes or glitches on voltage VEXT.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 88 of 118  2006-08-03 Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment Power indicator PWR_IND O VIHmax = 10V VOLmax = 0.4V at Imax = 2mA PWR_IND (Power Indicator) notifies the module’s on/off state.  PWR_IND is an open collector that needs to be connected to an external pull-up resistor. Low state of the open collector indicates that the module is on. Vice versa, high level notifies the Power-down mode. Therefore, the pin may be used to enable external voltage regulators which supply an external logic for communication with the module, e.g. level converters.   Ignition IGT  I Internal pull-up: RI  30kΩ, CI  10nF  VILmax = 0.8V at Imax = -150µA VOHmax = 4.5V (VBATT+) ON ~~~|____|~~~  Active Low ≥ 400ms  This signal switches the mobile on. This line must be driven low by an open drain or open collector driver.   Emergency reset  I  Internal pull-up: RI  5kΩ VILmax = 0.2V at Imax = -0.5mA VOHmin = 1.75V VOHmax = 3.05V  Signal    ~~~|______|~~~ Pull down ≥ 10ms   Reset or turn-off in case of emergency: Pull down and release EMERG_RST. Then, activating IGT for 400ms will reset AC65/AC75. If IGT is not activated for 400ms, AC65/AC75 switches off. Data stored in the volatile memory will be lost. For orderly software controlled reset rather use the AT+CFUN command (e.g. AT+CFUN=x,1).  This line must be driven by open drain or open collector. If unused keep pin open.   Power-on reset EMERG_RST O  Internal pull-up: RI  5kΩ VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.75V VOHmax = 3.05V  Reset signal driven by the module: VEXTEMRG_RSTappr. 120ms (see also Figure 5 and Figure 6)  Reset signal driven by the module which can be used to reset any application or device connected to the module. Only effective for 120ms during the assertion of IGT when the module is about to start.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 89 of 118  2006-08-03 Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment VOLmax = 0.3V at I = 0.1mA VOHmin = 2.3V at I = -0.1mA VOHmax = 3.05V                Synchroni-zation SYNC  O n Tx = n x 577µs impulse each 4.616ms, with 180µs forward time.  There are two alternative options for using the SYNC pin: a) Indicating increased current consumption during uplink transmission burst. Note that the timing of the signal is different during handover.  b) Driving a status LED to indicate different operating modes of AC65/AC75. The LED must be installed in the host application. To select a) or b) use the AT^SSYNC command. If unused keep pin open.  RTC backup  VDDLP  I/O  RI  1k  VOmax = 4.5V VBATT+ = 4.3V: VO = 3.2V at IO = -500µA  VBATT+ = 0V: VI = 2.4V…4.5V at Imax = 25µA   If unused keep pin open. ASC0 Serial interface RXD0 TXD0 CTS0 RTS0 DTR0 DCD0 DSR0 RING0 O I O I I O O O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V  VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V  Internal pull-down at TXD0: RI =330kΩ Internal pull-down at RTS0: RI =330kΩ  Serial interface for AT commands or data stream. If lines are unused keep pins open.  ASC1 Serial interface RXD1 TXD1 CTS1 RTS1  O I O I  VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V  Internal pull-down at TXD1: RI =330kΩ Internal pull-down at RTS1: RI =330kΩ  4-wire serial interface for AT commands or data stream. If lines are unused keep pins open.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 90 of 118  2006-08-03 Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment CCIN I RI  100kΩ VILmax = 0.6V at I = -25µA VIHmin = 2.1V at I = -10µA VOmax = 3.05V CCRST O RO  47Ω  VOLmax = 0.25V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 2.95V CCIO I/O RI  4.7kΩ VILmax = 0.75V VILmin = -0.3V VIHmin = 2.1V VIHmax = CCVCCmin + 0.3V = 3.05V  RO  100Ω VOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 2.95V CCCLK O RO  100Ω VOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 2.95V CCVCC O VOmin = 2.75V VOtyp = 2.85V VOmax = 2.95V IOmax = -20mA SIM interface specified for use with 3V SIM card CCGND  Ground CCIN = Low, SIM card holder closed  Maximum cable length or copper track 100mm to SIM card holder.   All signals of SIM interface are protected against ESD with a special diode array.  Usage of CCGND is mandatory.  CCIN I RI  100kΩ VILmax = 0.6V at I = -25µA VIHmin = 2.1V at I = -10µA VOmax = 3.05V CCRST O RO  47Ω  VOLmax = 0.25V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 1.90V CCIO I/O RI  4.7kΩ VILmax = 0.45V VIHmin = 1.35V VIHmax = CCVCCmin + 0.3V = 2.00V  RO  100Ω VOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 1.90V CCCLK O RO  100Ω VOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mA VOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 1.90V CCVCC O VOmin = 1.70V,  VOtyp = 1.80V VOmax = 1.90V IOmax = -20mA SIM interface specified for use with 1.8V SIM card CCGND  Ground CCIN = Low, SIM card holder closed  Maximum cable length or copper track 100mm to SIM card holder.   All signals of SIM interface are protected against ESD with a special diode array.  Usage of CCGND is mandatory. SPI Serial Peripheral Interface SPIDI I2CDAT_SPIDO I2CCLK_SPICLK SPICS  I O O O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V,  VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V  If the Serial Peripheral Interface is active the I2C interface is not available.   If lines are unused keep pins open.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 91 of 118  2006-08-03 Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment I2CCLK _SPICLK  O  VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V I2C interface is only available if the two pins are not used as SPI interface.  I2C interface  I2CDAT_SPIDO I/O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V I2CDAT is configured as Open Drain and needs a pull-up resistor in the host application. According to the I2C Bus Specification Version 2.1 for the fast mode a rise time of max. 300ns is permitted. There is also a maximum VOL=0.4V at 3mA specified.  The value of the pull-up depends on the capacitive load of the whole system (I2C Slave + lines). The maximum sink current of I2CDAT and I2CCLK is 4mA. If lines are unused keep pins open.  VUSB_IN I VINmin = 4.0V VINmax = 5.25V USB_DN I/O USB    USB_DP I/O Differential Output Crossover voltage Range  VCRSmin = 1.5V, VCRSmax = 2.0V  Line to GND: VOHmax = 3.6V VOHtyp = 3.2V VOHmin = 3.0V at I=-0.5mA VOLmax = 0.2V at I=2mA VIHmin = 2.24V VILmax = 0.96V Driver Output Resistance  Ztyp = 32Ohm  Pullup at USB_DP Rtyp=1.5kOhm  All electrical characteristics according to USB Implementers’ Forum, USB 2.0 Full Speed Specification.  Without Java: USB port Under Java: Debug interface for development purposes. If lines are unused keep pins open. GPIO1 I/O GPIO2 I/O GPIO3 I/O GPIO4 I/O GPIO5 I/O GPIO6 I/O GPIO7 I/O GPIO8 I/O GPIO9 I/O General Purpose Input/Output GPIO10 I/O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V,  VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V     Pulse counter:                        pulse ~|________|~~~~~~~~~~~~~|________|~~~   |  450µs   |    450µs   |  Slew rate  1µs Pulse rate: max. 1000 pulses per second  All pins which are configured as input must be connected to a pull-up or pull-down resistor.If lines are unused (not configured) keep pins open.     Alternatively, the GPIO10 pin can be configured as a pulse counter for pulse rates from 0 to 1000 pulses per second.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 92 of 118  2006-08-03 Function  Signal name  IO  Signal form and level  Comment Digital Analog  Converter  DAC_OUT O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V PWM signal which can be smoothed by an external filter.Use the AT^SWDAC command to open and configure the DAC_OUT output.  DAI0  O DAI1  I DAI2  O DAI3  O DAI4  I DAI5 I Digital Audio interface DAI6 I VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mA VOHmax = 3.05V  VILmax = 0.8V VIHmin = 2.15V VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05V  See Table 16 for details. If unused keep pins open.  VMIC O VOmin = 2.4V VOtyp = 2.5V VOmax = 2.6V Imax = 2mA Microphone supply for customer feeding circuits EPP2 O EPN2 O 3.0Vpp differential typical @ 0dBm0 4.2Vpp differential maximal @ 3.14dBm0 Measurement conditions: Audio mode: 6 Outstep 3 No load Minimum differential resp. single ended load 27Ohms The audio output can directly operate a 32-Ohm-loudspeaker. If unused keep pins open. EPP1 O EPN1 O 4.2Vpp (differential) typical @ 0dBm0 6.0Vpp differential maximal @ 3.14dBm0 Measurement conditions: Audio mode: 5 Outstep 4  No load  Minimum differential resp. single ended load 7.5Ohms The audio output can directly operate an 8-Ohm-loudspeaker. If unused keep pins open. MICP1 I MICN1 I Full Scale Input Voltage  1.6Vpp 0dBm0 Input Voltage  1.1Vpp At MICN1, apply external bias from 1.0V to 1.6V. Measurement conditions: Audio mode: 5 Balanced or single ended microphone or line input with external feeding circuit (using VMIC and AGND). If unused keep pins open. MICP2 I MICN2 I Full Scale Input Voltage  1.6Vpp 0dBm0 Input Voltage  1.1Vpp At MICN2, apply external bias from 1.0V to 1.6V. Measurement conditions: Audio mode: 6 Balanced or single ended microphone or line input with external feeding circuit (using VMIC and AGND). If unused keep pins open. Analog Audio interface AGND    Analog Ground  GND level for external audio circuits
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary   s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 93 of 118  2006-08-03 5.6  Power Supply Ratings Table 27: Power supply ratings Parameter  Description  Conditions  Min Typ  Max  UnitSupply voltage  Directly measured at reference point TP BATT+ and TP GND, see chapter 3.2.2 Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple, spikes. 3.3 3.8  4.5  V Voltage drop during transmit burst Normal condition, power control level for Pout max    400 mV BATT+  Voltage ripple  Normal condition, power control level for Pout max @ f<200kHz @ f>200kHz      50 2   mV mV IVDDLP  RTC Backup  @ BATT+  = 0V    25    µA OFF State  supply current  POWER DOWN mode7  50 100 µA SLEEP mode  @ DRX = 9    3.7 9   mA SLEEP mode  @ DRX = 5    4.6 9   mA SLEEP mode  @ DRX = 2    7.0 9   mA IBATT+ Average standby supply current8 IDLE mode   @ DRX = 2    28 10   mA                                                       7   Measured after module INIT (switch ON the module and following switch OFF); applied voltage on BATT+ (w/o INIT) show increased POWER DOWN supply current. 8   Additional conditions:    -  SLEEP and IDLE mode measurements started 5 minutes after switching ON the module or after mode transition    -  Averaging times: SLEEP mode - 3 minutes; IDLE mode - 1.5 minutes   -  Communication tester settings: no neighbor cells, no cell reselection   -  USB interface disabled 9   Stated value applies to operation without autobauding (AT+IPR0). 10  Stated value applies to operation without autobauding (AT+IPR0). If autobauding is enabled (AT+IPR=0) average current consumption in IDLE mode is up to 43mA.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s   AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 94 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 28: Current consumption during Tx burst for GSM 850MHz and GSM 900MHz Mode  GSM call  GPRS  Class 8 GPRS Class10  GPRS Class 12  EGPRS  Class 8 EGPRS Class 10 Timeslot configuration 1Tx / 1Rx  1Tx / 4Rx  2Tx / 3Rx  4Tx / 1Rx  1Tx / 4Rx 2Tx / 3Rx RF power nominal  2W (33dBm) 2W (33dBm) 2W (33dBm) 1W (30dBm) 1W (30dBm) 0.5W (27dBm) 0.5W (27dBm) 0.5W (27dBm) 0.25W (24dBm) Radio output power reduction with AT^SCFG, parameter <ropr> <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1  <ropr> = 2 or 3  <ropr> = 1  <ropr> = 2 or 3  <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1 or 2  <ropr> = 3  Current characteristics    Burst current @ 50 antenna (typ.) 1.75A 1.75A 1.75A 1.48A 1.26A 1.1A  1.4A peak 1.2A plateau 1.4A peak 1.2A plateau 1.1A peak 1.0A plateau Burst current @ total mismatch 3.2A 3.2A 3.2A 2.7A 2.3A 1.9A 1.8A peak 1.5A plateau 1.8A peak 1.5A plateau 1.4A peak 1.2A plateau Average current @ 50 antenna (typ.) 330mA 360mA 540mA 475mA 680mA 600mA 370mA 450mA 400mA Average current @ total mismatch 510mA 540mA 905mA 780mA 1200mA 1000mA 395mA 525mA 450mA AT parameters are given in brackets <...> and marked italic. Statements on EGPRS apply to AC75 only.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s   AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 95 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 29: Current consumption during Tx burst for GSM 1800MHz and GSM 1900MHz Mode  GSM call  GPRS  Class 8  GPRS Class10  GPRS Class 12  EGPRS  Class 8  EGPRS Class 10 Timeslot configuration  1Tx / 1Rx  1Tx / 4Rx  2Tx / 3Rx  4Tx / 1Rx  1Tx / 4Rx  2Tx / 3Rx RF power nominal  1W (30dBm) 1W (30dBm) 1W (30dBm) 0.5W (27dBm) 0.5W (27dBm) 0.25W (24dBm) 0.4W (26dBm) 0.4W (26dBm) 0.2W (23dBm) Radio output power reduction with AT^SCFG, parameter <ropr> <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1  <ropr> = 2 or 3  <ropr> = 1  <ropr> = 2 or 3  <ropr> = 1 ... 3  <ropr> = 1 or 2  <ropr> = 3  Current characteristics    Burst current @ 50 antenna (typ.) 1.3A 1.3A 1.3A 1.1A 0.95A 0.85A 1.0A peak 0.9A plateau 1.0A peak 0.9A plateau 0.9A peak 0.75A plateau Burst current @ total mismatch 2.2A 2.2A 2.2A 1.75A 1.5A 1.25A 1.3A peak 1.0A plateau 1.3A peak 1.0A plateau 1.1A peak 0.95A plateau Average current @ 50 antenna (typ.) 295mA 330mA 430mA 380mA 520mA 470mA 360mA 445mA 420mA Average current @ total mismatch 360mA 395mA 650mA 540mA 800mA 670mA 410mA 545mA 470mA  AT parameters are given in brackets <...> and marked italic. Statements on EGPRS apply to AC75 only.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 96 of 118  2006-08-03 5.7  Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part 5.7.1  Setting Audio Parameters by AT Commands The audio modes 2 to 6 can be adjusted according to the parameters listed below. Each audio mode is assigned a separate set of parameters. Table 30: Audio parameters adjustable by AT command Parameter  Influence to  Range  Gain range  Calculation inBbcGain MICP/MICN analogue amplifier gain of baseband controller before ADC 0...7 0...42dB  6dB steps inCalibrate  Digital attenuation of input signal after ADC 0...32767 -...0dB  20 * log (inCalibrate/32768)  outBbcGain EPP/EPN analogue output gain of baseband controller after DAC 0...3 0...-18dB 6dB steps outCalibrate[n] n = 0...4 Digital attenuation of output signal after speech decoder, before summation of sidetone and DAC Present for each volume step[n] 0...32767 -...+6dB  20 * log (2 * outCalibrate[n]/ 32768)   sideTone  Digital attenuation of sidetone Is corrected internally by outBbcGain to obtain a constant sidetone independent of output volume 0...32767 -...0dB  20 * log (sideTone/ 32768)    Note: The parameters outCalibrate and sideTone accept also values from 32768 to 65535. These values are internally truncated to 32767.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 97 of 118  2006-08-03 5.7.2  Audio Programming Model The audio programming model shows how the signal path can be influenced by varying the AT command parameters. The parameters inBbcGain and inCalibrate can be set with AT^SNFI. All the other parameters are adjusted with AT^SNFO.   Figure 41: Audio programming model  <mic>MicrophonefeedingADSpeechcoder<sideTone>MIC1MIC2ADSpeechdecoderTXDDAIRXDDAI8OhmsEP1EP232 OhmsGSM module<ep>VMIC<io><inBbcGain> <inCalibrate><outCalibrate [n]><outBbcGain>AT parameters are given in brackets <...> and marked red and italic.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 98 of 118  2006-08-03 5.7.3  Characteristics of Audio Modes The electrical characteristics of the voiceband part depend on the current audio mode set with the AT^SNFS command. All values are noted for default gains e.g. all parameters of AT^SNFI and AT^SNFO are left unchanged. Table 31: Voiceband characteristics (typical) Audio mode no. AT^SNFS= 1 (Default settings, not adjustable)  2  3  4  5  6 Name  Default Handset Basic Handsfree Headset User Handset Plain  Codec 1 Plain  Codec 2 Purpose  DSB with Votronic handset Siemens Car Kit Portable Siemens Headset DSB with individual handset Direct access to speech coder Direct access to speech coder Gain setting via AT command. Defaults: inBbcGain outBbcGain Fix  5 (30dB) 1 (-6dB) Adjustable  2 (12dB) 2 (-12dB) Adjustable  5 (30dB) 1 (-6dB) Adjustable  5 (30dB) 1 (-6dB) Adjustable  0 (0dB) 0 (0dB) Adjustable  0 (0dB) 0 (0dB) Default audio interface 1 2 2 1 1 2 11 Power supply VMIC  ON ON  ON ON ON ON Sidetone  Fix --- Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Volume control  Fix Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable  Adjustable Echo control        Echo canceller  ON ON ON ON OFF OFF Loss controller idle/full attenuation 3dB / 6dB  4dB / 50dB  9dB / 18dB  3dB / 6dB  OFF  OFF Comfort noise generator ON ON ON ON OFF OFF Non linear processor  ON ON ON ON OFF OFF MIC input signal for 0dBm0  -10dBm0 f=1024 Hz  18mV 5.8mV  ---12 95mV  ---12 14mV  18mV 5.8mV  400mV 126mV  400mV 126mV EP output signal in mV rms. @ 0dBm0, 1024 Hz, no load (default gain) / @ 3.14 dBm0 475mV 70mV default @ max volume 270mV default @ max volume475mV default @ max volume 1.47V    Vpp = 6.2 V 1.47V Sidetone gain at default settings 21.9dB - dB  10.0dB  21.9dB  - dB   - dB   NOTE: With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid sending false AT commands that might increase amplification, e.g. for a highly sensitive earpiece. A protection circuit should be implemented in the cellular application.                                                  11  Audio mode 5 and 6 are identical. AT^SAIC can be used to switch mode 5 to the second interface. Audio mode 6 is therefore kept mainly for compatibility to earlier Siemens GSM products. 12  In audio modes with an active loss controller a continuous sine signal is attenuated by the idle attenuation after a few seconds. All input voltages are noted for the idle attenuation. If the idle attenuation is higher than 3 dB, 0dBm0 cannot be reached without clipping. In this case only the value for -10dBm0 is noted.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 99 of 118  2006-08-03 5.7.4  Voiceband Receive Path Test conditions: •  The values specified below were tested to 1kHz with default audio mode settings, unless otherwise stated.  •  Default audio mode settings are: mode=5 for EPP1 to EPN1 and mode=6 for EPP2 to EPN2, inBbcGain=0, inCalibrate=32767, outBbcGain=0, OutCalibrate=16384 (volume=4) or OutCalibrate=11585 (volume=3), sideTone=0.  Table 32: Voiceband receive path Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit  Test condition / remark Maximum differential output voltage (peak to peak) EPP1 to EPN1  6.0 6.2  V V 8 ,  no load, Audio Mode 5, Volume 4 @ 3.14 dBm0 (Full Scale) Batt+ = 3.6V Maximum differential output voltage (peak to peak) EPP2 to EPN2  4.0 4.2  V V 32 , no load Audio Mode 6, Volume 313 @ 3.14 dBm0 (Full Scale) Nominal differential output voltage (peak to peak) EPP1 to EPN1  4.2 4.3  V V 8 ,  no load, Audio Mode 5, Volume 4 @ 0 dBm0 (Nominal level) Nominal differential output voltage (peak to peak) EPP1 to EPN1  2.8 2.9  V V 32 , no load Audio Mode 6, Volume 313 @ 0 dBm0 (Nominal level) Output bias voltage    Batt+/2    V  from EPP1 or EPN1 to AGND Output bias voltage    1.2    V  from EPP2 or EPN2 to AGND Differential output gain settings (gs) at 6dB stages (outBbcGain)  -18    0  dB  Set with AT^SNFO Fine scaling by DSP (outCalibrate) -    0  dB  Set with AT^SNFO Differential output load resistance 7.5 8      From EPP1 to EPN1 Differential output load resistance 27 32     From EPP2 to EPN2 Single ended output load resistance 7.5 8      From EPP1 or EPN1 to AGND Single ended output load resistance 27 32     From EPP2 or EPN2 to AGND Absolute gain error  -0.1    0.1  dB  outBbcGain=2 Idle channel noise14    -83 -75 dBm0p outBbcGain=2 Signal to noise and distortion15 47   dB outBbcGain=2                                                  13  Full scale of EPP2/EPN2 is lower than full scale of EPP1/EPN1 but the default gain is the same. 3.14dBm0 will lead to clipping if the default gain is used. 14  The idle channel noise was measured with digital zero signal fed to decoder. This can be realized by setting outCalibrate and sideTone to 0 during a call. 15  The test signal is a 1 kHz, 0 dbm0 sine wave.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 100 of 118  2006-08-03 Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit  Test condition / remark Frequency Response16 0Hz - 100Hz 200Hz 300Hz - 3350Hz 3400Hz 4000Hz 4400Hz    -0.2      -1.1  -0.7 -39   -34  0.1   -75  dB   gs = gain setting  5.7.5  Voiceband Transmit Path Test conditions: •  The values specified below were tested to 1kHz and default settings of audio modes, unless otherwise stated.  •  Parameter setup: Audio mode=5 for MICP1 to MICN1 and 6 for MICP2 to MICN2, inBbcGain=0, inCalibrate=32767, outBbcGain=0, OutCalibrate=16384, sideTone=0  Table 33: Voiceband transmit path Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit  Test condition / Remark Full scale input voltage (peak to peak) for 3.14dBm0 MICP1 to MICN1 or AGND, MICP2 to MICN2 or AGND  1.6  V  MICPx must be biased with 1.25V (VMIC/2) Nominal input voltage (peak to peak) for 0dBm0 MICP1 to MICN1 or AGND, MICP2 to MICN2 or AGND  1.1  V  MICPx must be biased with 1.25V (VMIC/2) Input amplifier gain in 6dB steps (inBbcGain) 0    42  dB  Set with AT^SNFI Fine scaling by DSP (inCalibrate)  -    0  dB  Set with AT^SNFI Microphone supply voltage VMIC   2.4  2.5  2.6  V   VMIC current      2  mA   Idle channel noise    -82  -76  dBm0p   Signal to noise and distortion  70  77    dB   Frequency response16 0Hz - 100Hz 200Hz 300Hz - 3350Hz 3400Hz 4000Hz 4400Hz    -0.2      -1.1  -0.7 -39   -34  0.1   -75  dB                                                    16  This is the frequency response from a highpass and lowpass filter combination in the DAC of the baseband chip set. If the PCM interface is used, this filter is not involved in the audio path. Audio mode 1 to 4 incorporate additional frequency response correction filters in the digital signal processing unit and are adjusted to their dedicated audio devices (see Table 31).
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 101 of 118  2006-08-03 5.8 Air Interface Test conditions: All measurements have been performed at Tamb= 25°C, VBATT+ nom = 4.0V. The reference points used on AC65/AC75 are the BATT+ and GND contacts (test points are shown in Figure 4). Table 34: Air Interface Parameter  Min  Typ  Max  Unit GSM 850  824   849 MHz E-GSM 900  880   915 MHz GSM 1800  1710   1785 MHz Frequency range Uplink (MS → BTS) GSM 1900  1850   1910 MHz GSM 850  869   894 MHz E-GSM 900  925   960 MHz GSM 1800  1805   1880 MHz Frequency range Downlink (BTS → MS) GSM 1900  1930   1990 MHz GSM 850  31 33 35 dBm E-GSM 90017 31 33 35 dBm GSM 180018 28 30 32 dBm RF power @ ARP with 50 load GSM 1900  28 30 32 dBm GSM 850  124   E-GSM 900  174   GSM 1800  374   Number of carriers GSM 1900  299   GSM 850  45  MHz E-GSM 900  45  MHz GSM 1800  95  MHz Duplex spacing GSM 1900  80  MHz Carrier spacing   200  kHz Multiplex, Duplex  TDMA / FDMA, FDD Time slots per TDMA frame    8     Frame duration   4.615  ms Time slot duration    577    µs Modulation GMSK GSM 850  -102  -108    dBm E-GSM 900  -102  -108    dBm GSM 1800  -102  -107    dBm Receiver input sensitivity @ ARP BER Class II < 2.4% (static input level) GSM 1900  -102  -107    dBm                                                  17  Power control level PCL 5 18  Power control level PCL 0
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 102 of 118  2006-08-03 5.9 Electrostatic Discharge The GSM engine is not protected against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) in general. Consequently, it is subject to ESD handling precautions that typically apply to ESD sensitive components. Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout the processing, handling and operation of any application that incorporates a AC65/AC75 module.  Special ESD protection provided on AC65/AC75: Antenna interface: one spark discharge line (spark gap) SIM interface: clamp diodes for protection against overvoltage.  The remaining ports of AC65/AC75 are not accessible to the user of the final product (since they are installed within the device) and therefore, are only protected according to the “Human Body Model” requirements.  AC65/AC75 has been tested according to the EN 61000-4-2 standard. The measured values can be gathered from the following table.  Table 35: Measured electrostatic values Specification / Requirements  Contact discharge  Air discharge ETSI EN 301 489-7 ESD at SIM port  ± 4kV  ± 8kV ESD at antenna port  ± 4kV  ± 8kV Human Body Model (Test conditions: 1.5kΩ, 100pF) ESD at all other interfaces  ± 1kV  ± 1kV    Note:  Please note that the values may vary with the individual application design. For example, it matters whether or not the application platform is grounded over external devices like a computer or other equipment, such as the Siemens reference application described in Chapter 8.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 103 of 118  2006-08-03 6 Mechanics 6.1  Mechanical Dimensions of AC65/AC75 Figure 42 shows the top view of AC65/AC75 and provides an overview of the board's mechanical dimensions. For further details see Figure 43.   Length: 55.00mm Width:   33.90mm Height:     3.15mm    Figure 42: AC65/AC75 – top view    Pin 80 Pin 1
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s   AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 104 of 118  2006-08-03  All dimensions in mm Figure 43: Dimensions of AC65/AC75
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 105 of 118  2006-08-03 6.2  Mounting AC65/AC75 to the Application Platform There are many ways to properly install AC65/AC75 in the host device. An efficient approach is to mount the AC65/AC75 PCB to a frame, plate, rack or chassis.   Fasteners can be M2 screws plus suitable washers, circuit board spacers, or customized screws, clamps, or brackets. In addition, the board-to-board connection can also be utilized to achieve better support. To help you find appropriate spacers a list of selected screws and distance sleeves for 3mm stacking height can be found in Chapter 9.2.  When using the two small holes take care that the screws are inserted with the screw head on the bottom of the AC65/AC75 PCB. Screws for the large holes can be inserted from top or bottom.   For proper grounding it is strongly recommended to use large ground plane on the bottom of board in addition to the five GND pins of the board-to-board connector. The ground plane may also be used to attach cooling elements, e.g. a heat sink or thermally conductive tape.   To prevent mechanical damage, be careful not to force, bend or twist the module. Be sure it is positioned flat against the host device.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 106 of 118  2006-08-03 6.3  Board-to-Board Application Connector This section provides the specifications of the 80-pin board-to-board connector used to connect AC65/AC75 to the external application.   Connector mounted on the AC65/AC75 module: Type:  52991-0808 SlimStack Receptacle    80 pins, 0.50mm pitch,   for stacking heights from 3.0 to 4.0mm,   see Figure 44 for details. Supplier: Molex    Table 36: Technical specifications of Molex board-to-board connector Parameter  Specification (80-pin B2B connector) Electrical   Number of Contacts  80 Contact spacing  0.5mm (.020") Voltage 50V Rated current  0.5A max per contact Contact resistance  50m max per contact Insulation resistance  > 100M Dielectric Withstanding Voltage  500V AC (for 1 minute) Physical   Insulator material (housing)  White glass-filled LCP plastic, flammability UL 94V 0 Contact material  Plating: Gold over nickel Insertion force 1st < 74.4N Insertion force 30th < 65.6N Withdrawal force 1st > 10.8N Maximum connection cycles  30 (@ 70m max per contact)    Mating connector types for the customer's application offered by Molex:  •  53748-0808 SlimStack Plug, 3mm stacking height, see Figure 45 for details.  •  53916-0808 SlimStack Plug, 4mm stacking height
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 107 of 118  2006-08-03   Figure 44: Molex board-to-board connector 52991-0808 on AC65/AC75
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 108 of 118  2006-08-03   Figure 45: Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 109 of 118  2006-08-03 7 Sample Application Figure 46 shows a typical example of how to integrate a AC65/AC75 module with a Java application. Usage of the various host interfaces depends on the desired features of the application.   Audio interface 1 demonstrates the balanced connection of microphone and earpiece. This solution is particularly well suited for internal transducers. Audio interface 2 uses an unbalanced microphone and earpiece connection typically found in headset applications.  The charging circuit is optimized for the charging stages (trickle charging and software controlled charging) as well as the battery and charger specifications described in Chapter 3.5.   The PWR_IND line is an open collector that needs an external pull-up resistor which connects to the voltage supply VCC µC of the microcontroller. Low state of the open collector pulls the PWR_IND signal low and indicates that the AC65/AC75 module is active, high level notifies the Power-down mode.  If the module is in Power-down mode avoid current flowing from any other source into the module circuit, for example reverse current from high state external control lines. Therefore, the controlling application must be designed to prevent reverse flow.   If the I2C bus is active the two lines I2CCLK and I2DAT are locked for use as SPI lines. Vice versa, the activation of the SPI locks both lines for I2C. Settings for either interface are made by using the AT^SSPI command.   The internal pull-up resistors (Rp) of the I2C interface can be connected to an external power supply or to the VEXT line of AC65/AC75. The advantage of using VEXT is that when the module enters the Power-down mode, the I2CI interface is shut down as well. If you prefer to connect the resistors to an external power supply, take care that the interface is shut down when the PWR_IND signal goes high in Power-down mode.   The interfaces ASC0, ASC1 and USB have different functions depending on whether or not Java is running. Without Java, all of them are used as AT interfaces. When a Java application is started, ASC0 and ASC1 can be used for CommConnection or/and System.out, and the USB lines can be used for debugging or System.out.  The EMC measures are best practice recommendations. In fact, an adequate EMC strategy for an individual application is very much determined by the overall layout and, especially, the position of components. For example, mounting the internal acoustic transducers directly on the PCB eliminates the need to use the ferrite beads shown in the sample schematic. However, when connecting cables to the module’s interfaces it is strongly recommended to add appropriate ferrite beads for reducing RF radiation.  Disclaimer No warranty, either stated or implied, is provided on the sample schematic diagram shown in Figure 46 and the information detailed in this section. As functionality and compliance with national regulations depend to a great amount on the used electronic components and the individual application layout manufacturers are required to ensure adequate design and operating safeguards for their products using AC65/AC75 modules.
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s   AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 110 of 118  2006-08-03  Figure 46: AC65/AC75 sample application for Java
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 111 of 118  2006-08-03 8 Reference Approval 8.1  Reference Equipment for Type Approval The Siemens reference setup submitted to type approve AC65/AC75 consists of the following components: •  Siemens AC65/AC75 cellular engine •  Development Support Box DSB75 •  SIM card reader integrated on DSB75 •  U.FL-R-SMT antenna connector and U.FL-LP antenna cable •  Handset type Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0 • Li-Ion battery •  PC as MMI    PC Power supply SIMRS-232 DSB75HandsetLi-Ion battery GSM module Flex cable100mm Antenna or 50 Ω cable to system simulator Antenna Figure 47: Reference equipment for Type Approval
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 112 of 118  2006-08-03 8.2  Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations  The FCC Equipment Authorization Certification for the Siemens reference application described in Chapter 8.1 will be registered under the following identifiers:  FCC identifier QIPAC65  IC: 267W-AC65   granted to Siemens AG  and   FCC identifier QIPAC75  IC: 267W-AC75   granted to Siemens AG.   Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating AC65/AC75 modules are authorized to use the FCC Grants and IC Certificates of the AC65/AC75 modules for their own final products according to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, the FCC label of the module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating “Contains FCC ID QIP AC65” resp. “Contains FCC ID QIPAC75”.  IMPORTANT:  Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating AC65/AC75 modules are required to have their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant and IC Certificate related to the specific portable mobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable mobiles (see Chapter 1.3.1 for detail).  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  If the final product is not approved for use in U.S. territories the application manufacturer shall take care that the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands be deactivated and that band settings be inaccessible to end users. If these demands are not met (e.g. if the AT interface is accessible to end users), it is the responsibility of the application manufacturer to always ensure that the application be FCC approved regardless of the country it is marketed in. The frequency bands can be set using the command    AT^SCFG="Radio/Band"[,<rbp>][, <rba>].  A detailed command description can be found in [1].
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 113 of 118  2006-08-03 9 Appendix 9.1  List of Parts and Accessories Table 37: List of parts and accessories Description  Supplier  Ordering information AC65  Siemens  Standard module (Siemens IMEI) Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8335-A100  Customer IMEI mode: Siemens Ordering number: L36880-N8336-A100  AC75  Siemens  Standard module (Siemens IMEI) Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8330-A100  Customer IMEI mode: Siemens Ordering number: L36880-N8331-A100  Siemens Car Kit Portable  Siemens  Siemens ordering number: L36880-N3015-A117 DSB75 Support Box  Siemens  Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8811-A100 Votronic Handset  VOTRONIC  Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0 VOTRONIC  Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft für elektronische Geräte mbH Saarbrücker Str. 8 66386 St. Ingbert Germany Phone:   +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-0 Fax:   +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-88 e-mail:  SIM card holder incl. push button ejector and slide-in tray Molex  Ordering numbers:  91228   91236 Sales contacts are listed in Table 38. Board-to-board connector  Molex  Sales contacts are listed in Table 38. SMP Rosenberger antenna connector Hirose  Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. POB 1260 84526 Tittmoning Germany
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 114 of 118  2006-08-03 Table 38: Molex sales contacts (subject to change) Molex For further information please click: Molex Deutschland GmbH Felix-Wankel-Str. 11 4078 Heilbronn-Biberach Germany Phone: +49-7066-9555 0 Fax: +49-7066-9555 29 Email:   American Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A. Phone:   +1-800-78MOLEX Fax:   +1-630-969-1352   Molex China Distributors Beijing,  Room 1319, Tower B, COFCO Plaza No. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei Street, 100005 Beijing P.R. China Phone:   +86-10-6526-9628  Phone:   +86-10-6526-9728  Phone:   +86-10-6526-9731  Fax:   +86-10-6526-9730  Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd. Jurong, Singapore Phone: +65-268-6868 Fax: +65-265-6044 Molex Japan Co. Ltd. Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan  Phone: +81-462-65-2324 Fax: +81-462-65-2366
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 115 of 118  2006-08-03 9.2  Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment This section provides a list of suppliers and manufacturers offering fasteners and fixings for electronic equipment and PCB mounting. The content of this section is designed to offer basic guidance to various mounting solutions with no warranty on the accuracy and sufficiency of the information supplied. Please note that the list remains preliminary although it is going to be updated in later versions of this document.   9.2.1  Fasteners from German Supplier ETTINGER GmbH Sales contact:  ETTINGER GmbH   Phone:   +4981 04 66 23 – 0   Fax:    +4981 04 66 23 – 0  The following tables contain only article numbers and basic parameters of the listed components. For further detail and ordering information please contact Ettinger GmbH.   Please note that some of the listed screws, spacers and nuts are delivered with the DSB75 Support Board. See comments below.  Article number: 05.71.038  Spacer - Aluminum / Wall thickness = 0.8mm  Length 3.0mm Material AlMgSi-0,5 For internal diameter  M2=2.0-2.3  Internal diameter  d = 2.4mm External diameter  4.0mm Vogt AG No.  x40030080.10
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 116 of 118  2006-08-03  Article number: 07.51.403  Insulating Spacer for M2 Self-gripping  *) Length 3.0mm Material Polyamide 6.6 Surface Black Internal diameter  2.2mm External diameter  4.0mm Flammability rating  UL94-HB    *)  2 spacers are delivered with DSB75 Support Board   Article number: 05.11.209   Threaded Stud M2.5 - M2 Type E / External thread at both ends Length 3.0mm Material  Stainless steel X12CrMoS17 Thread 1 / Length  M2.5 / 6.0mm Thread 2 / Length  M2 / 8.0mm Width across flats  5  Recess yes Type  External / External
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 117 of 118  2006-08-03  Article number: 01.14.131  Screw M2  *) DIN 84 - ISO 1207 Length 8.0mm Material Steel 4.8 Surface Zinced A2K Thread   M2  Head diameter  D = 3.8mm Head height  1.30mm Type  Slotted cheese head screw    *) 2 screws are delivered with DSB75 Support Board   Article number: 01.14.141  Screw M2 DIN 84 - ISO 1207 Length 10.0mm Material Steel 4.8 Surface Zinced A2K Thread   M2  Head diameter  D = 3.8mm Head height  1.30mm Type  Slotted cheese head screw
AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description Confidential / Preliminary  s AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372  Page 118 of 118  2006-08-03  Article number: 02.10.011  Hexagon Nut  *) DIN 934 - ISO 4032 Material Steel 4.8 Surface Zinced A2K Thread   M2  Wrench size / Ø  4 Thickness / L  1.6mm Type  Nut DIN/UNC, DIN934    *) 2 nuts are delivered with DSB75 Support Board

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