Telit Cinterion Deutschland ELS61-AUS LTE/WCDMA Module User Manual els61 aus hid

Gemalto M2M GmbH LTE/WCDMA Module els61 aus hid

TempConfidential_QIPELS61-AUS_User Manual

 M2M.GEMALTO.COMCinterion® ELS61-AUSHardware Interface DescriptionVersion: 00.031DocId: ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031
GENERAL NOTE THE USE OF THE PRODUCT INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION (THE "PROD-UCT") IS SUBJECT TO THE RELEASE NOTE PROVIDED TOGETHER WITH PRODUCT. IN ANYEVENT THE PROVISIONS OF THE RELEASE NOTE SHALL PREVAIL. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINSINFORMATION ON GEMALTO M2M PRODUCTS. THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THIS DOCUMENT ARESUBJECT TO CHANGE AT GEMALTO M2M'S DISCRETION. GEMALTO M2M GMBH GRANTS A NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE PRODUCT. THE RECIPIENT SHALL NOT TRANSFER, COPY,MODIFY, TRANSLATE, REVERSE ENGINEER, CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS; DISASSEMBLE ORDECOMPILE THE PRODUCT OR OTHERWISE USE THE PRODUCT EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLYAUTHORIZED. THE PRODUCT AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS ONLYAND MAY CONTAIN DEFICIENCIES OR INADEQUACIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTEDBY APPLICABLE LAW, GEMALTO M2M GMBH DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES.THE RECIPIENT UNDERTAKES FOR AN UNLIMITED PERIOD OF TIME TO OBSERVE SECRECYREGARDING ANY INFORMATION AND DATA PROVIDED TO HIM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DELIV-ERY OF THE PRODUCT. THIS GENERAL NOTE SHALL BE GOVERNED AND CONSTRUEDACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW.CopyrightTransmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its con-tents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will beheld liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model ordesign patent are reserved. Copyright © 2016, Gemalto M2M GmbH, a Gemalto CompanyTrademark NoticeGemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certaincountries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-tion in the United States and/or other countries. All other registered trademarks or trademarks mentionedin this document are property of their respective owners.ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryCinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2Page 2 of 102Document Name: Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Version: 00.031Date: 2016-06-03DocId: ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031Status Confidential / Preliminary
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Contents102ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 3 of 102Contents1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 91.1 Key Features at a Glance .................................................................................. 91.2 ELS61-AUS System Overview......................................................................... 121.3 Circuit Concept ................................................................................................ 132 Interface Characteristics .......................................................................................... 152.1 Application Interface ........................................................................................ 152.1.1 Pad Assignment.................................................................................. 152.1.2 Signal Properties................................................................................. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................ 222.1.3 USB Interface...................................................................................... Reducing Power Consumption............................................ 242.1.4 Serial Interface ASC0 ......................................................................... 252.1.5 Serial Interface ASC1 ......................................................................... 272.1.6 UICC/SIM/USIM Interface................................................................... Enhanced ESD Protection for SIM Interface....................... 312.1.7 RTC Backup........................................................................................ 322.1.8 GPIO Interface .................................................................................... 332.1.9 I2C Interface ........................................................................................ 352.1.10 SPI Interface ....................................................................................... 372.1.11 PWM Interfaces .................................................................................. 382.1.12 Pulse Counter ..................................................................................... 382.1.13 Control Signals.................................................................................... 382.1.13.1 Status LED .......................................................................... 382.1.13.2 Power Indication Circuit ...................................................... 392.1.13.3 Host Wakeup....................................................................... 392.1.13.4 Fast Shutdown .................................................................... 402.2 RF Antenna Interface....................................................................................... 412.2.1 Antenna Interface Specifications ........................................................ 412.2.2 Antenna Installation ............................................................................ 432.2.3 RF Line Routing Design...................................................................... 442.2.3.1 Line Arrangement Examples ............................................... 442.2.3.2 Routing Example................................................................. 492.3 Sample Application .......................................................................................... 502.3.1 Sample Level Conversion Circuit........................................................ 523 Operating Characteristics ........................................................................................ 533.1 Operating Modes ............................................................................................. 533.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios................................................................... 543.2.1 Turn on ELS61-AUS ........................................................................... 543.2.1.1 Connecting ELS61-AUS BATT+ Lines ................................ 543.2.1.2 Switch on ELS61-AUS Using ON Signal............................. 56
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Contents102ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 4 of 1023.2.2 Restart ELS61-AUS ............................................................................ 573.2.2.1 Restart ELS61-AUS via AT+CFUN Command.................... 573.2.2.2 Restart ELS61-AUS Using EMERG_RST........................... 583.2.3 Signal States after Startup .................................................................. 593.2.4 Turn off ELS61-AUS ........................................................................... 603.2.4.1 Switch off ELS61-AUS Using AT Command ....................... 603.2.5 Automatic Shutdown ........................................................................... 613.2.5.1 Thermal Shutdown .............................................................. 613.2.5.2 Undervoltage Shutdown...................................................... 623.2.5.3 Overvoltage Shutdown........................................................ 623.3 Power Saving................................................................................................... 633.3.1 Power Saving while Attached to WCDMA Networks .......................... 633.3.2 Power Saving while Attached to LTE Networks.................................. 643.3.3 Wake-up via RTS0.............................................................................. 653.4 Power Supply................................................................................................... 663.4.1 Power Supply Ratings......................................................................... 663.4.2 Measuring the Supply Voltage (VBATT+)........................................... 683.4.3 Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command ........................................ 683.5 Operating Temperatures.................................................................................. 693.6 Electrostatic Discharge .................................................................................... 703.6.1 ESD Protection for Antenna Interfaces ............................................... 703.7 Blocking against RF on Interface Lines ........................................................... 713.8 Reliability Characteristics................................................................................. 734 Mechanical Dimensions, Mounting and Packaging............................................... 744.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ELS61-AUS........................................................... 744.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform....................................... 764.2.1 SMT PCB Assembly ........................................................................... 764.2.1.1 Land Pattern and Stencil..................................................... 764.2.1.2 Board Level Characterization.............................................. 784.2.2 Moisture Sensitivity Level ................................................................... 784.2.3 Soldering Conditions and Temperature .............................................. 794.2.3.1 Reflow Profile ...................................................................... 794.2.3.2 Maximum Temperature and Duration.................................. 804.2.4 Durability and Mechanical Handling.................................................... 814.2.4.1 Storage Conditions.............................................................. 814.2.4.2 Processing Life.................................................................... 824.2.4.3 Baking ................................................................................. 824.2.4.4 Electrostatic Discharge ....................................................... 824.3 Packaging ........................................................................................................ 834.3.1 Tape and Reel .................................................................................... 834.3.1.1 Orientation........................................................................... 834.3.1.2 Barcode Label ..................................................................... 84
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Contents102ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 5 of 1024.3.2 Shipping Materials .............................................................................. 854.3.2.1 Moisture Barrier Bag ........................................................... 854.3.2.2 Transportation Box .............................................................. 874.3.3 Trays ................................................................................................... 885 Regulatory and Type Approval Information ........................................................... 895.1 Directives and Standards................................................................................. 895.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles ............................................... 925.3 Reference Equipment for Type Approval......................................................... 935.4 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations ................................................. 946 Document Information.............................................................................................. 956.1 Revision History ............................................................................................... 956.2 Related Documents ......................................................................................... 956.3 Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................. 966.4 Safety Precaution Notes .................................................................................. 997 Appendix.................................................................................................................. 1007.1 List of Parts and Accessories......................................................................... 100
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Tables114ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 6 of 102TablesTable 1: Pad assignments............................................................................................  16Table 2: Signal properties ............................................................................................  17Table 3: Absolute maximum ratings.............................................................................  22Table 4: Signals of the SIM interface (SMT application interface) ...............................  29Table 5: GPIO lines and possible alternative assignment............................................  33Table 6: Host wakeup lines..........................................................................................  39Table 7: Return loss in the active band........................................................................  41Table 8: RF Antenna interface UMTS/LTE (at operating temperature range) .............  41Table 9: Overview of operating modes ........................................................................  53Table 10: Signal states...................................................................................................  59Table 11: Temperature dependent behavior..................................................................  61Table 12: Voltage supply ratings....................................................................................  66Table 13: Current consumption ratings (TBD) ...............................................................  67Table 14: Board temperature .........................................................................................  69Table 15: Electrostatic values ........................................................................................  70Table 16: EMI measures on the application interface....................................................  72Table 17: Summary of reliability test conditions.............................................................  73Table 18: Reflow temperature ratings............................................................................  79Table 19: Storage conditions .........................................................................................  81Table 20: Directives .......................................................................................................  89Table 21: Standards of Australian Type Approval..........................................................  89Table 22: Requirements of quality .................................................................................  90Table 23: Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China............................................................................  90Table 24: Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits...............................................................................................................  91Table 25: List of parts and accessories........................................................................  100Table 26: Molex sales contacts (subject to change) ....................................................  101
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Figures114ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 7 of 102FiguresFigure 1: ELS61-AUS system overview ........................................................................  12Figure 2: ELS61-AUS block diagram ............................................................................  13Figure 3: ELS61-AUS RF section block diagram ..........................................................  14Figure 4: Numbering plan for connecting pads (bottom view).......................................  15Figure 5: USB circuit .....................................................................................................  23Figure 6: Serial interface ASC0.....................................................................................  25Figure 7: ASC0 startup behavior...................................................................................  26Figure 8: Serial interface ASC1.....................................................................................  27Figure 9: ASC1 startup behavior...................................................................................  28Figure 10: External UICC/SIM/USIM card holder circuit .................................................  30Figure 11: SIM interface - enhanced ESD protection......................................................  31Figure 12: RTC supply variants.......................................................................................  32Figure 13: GPIO startup behavior ...................................................................................  34Figure 14: I2C interface connected to V180 ....................................................................  35Figure 15: I2C startup behavior .......................................................................................  36Figure 16: Characteristics of SPI modes.........................................................................  37Figure 17: Status signaling with LED driver ....................................................................  38Figure 18: Power indication circuit ..................................................................................  39Figure 19: Fast shutdown timing .....................................................................................  40Figure 20: Antenna pads (bottom view) ..........................................................................  43Figure 21: Embedded Stripline with 65µm prepreg (1080) and 710µm core ..................  44Figure 22: Micro-Stripline on 1.0mm standard FR4 2-layer PCB - example 1 ................  45Figure 23: Micro-Stripline on 1.0mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 2............................  46Figure 24: Micro-Stripline on 1.5mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 1............................  47Figure 25: Micro-Stripline on 1.5mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 2............................  48Figure 26: Routing to application‘s RF connector - top view...........................................  49Figure 27: Schematic diagram of ELS61-AUS sample application .................................  51Figure 28: Sample level conversion circuit......................................................................  52Figure 29: Sample circuit for applying power using an external µC ................................  55Figure 30: Sample circuit for applying power using an external voltage supervisory circuit..............................................................................................................  55Figure 31: ON circuit options...........................................................................................  56Figure 32: ON timing .......................................................................................................  57Figure 33: Emergency restart timing ...............................................................................  58Figure 34: Switch off behavior.........................................................................................  60Figure 35: Power saving and paging in WCDMA networks.............................................  63Figure 36: Power saving and paging in LTE networks....................................................  64Figure 37: Wake-up via RTS0.........................................................................................  65Figure 38: Position of reference points BATT+ and GND ...............................................  68Figure 39: ESD protection for RF antenna interface .......................................................  70Figure 40: EMI circuits.....................................................................................................  71Figure 41: ELS61-AUS– top and bottom view.................................................................  74Figure 42: Dimensions of ELS61-AUS (all dimensions in mm) .......................................  75Figure 43: Land pattern (top view) ..................................................................................  76Figure 44: Recommended design for 110µm micron thick stencil (top view)..................  77Figure 45: Recommended design for 150µm micron thick stencil (top view)..................  77Figure 46: Reflow Profile.................................................................................................  79Figure 47: Carrier tape ....................................................................................................  83Figure 48: Reel direction .................................................................................................  83Figure 49: Barcode label on tape reel .............................................................................  84
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description Figures114ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 8 of 102Figure 50: Moisture barrier bag (MBB) with imprint.........................................................  85Figure 51: Moisture Sensitivity Label ..............................................................................  86Figure 52: Humidity Indicator Card - HIC ........................................................................  87Figure 53: Tray dimensions.............................................................................................  88Figure 54: Reference equipment for Type Approval .......................................................  93
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1 Introduction14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 9 of 1021 IntroductionThis document1 describes the hardware of the Cinterion® ELS61-AUS module. It helps you quickly retrieve interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for integrating further components.1.1 Key Features at a Glance1.  The document is effective only if listed in the appropriate Release Notes as part of the technical docu-mentation delivered with your Gemalto M2M product.Feature ImplementationGeneralFrequency bands UMTS/HSPA+: Triple band, 850 (BdV) / 900 (BdVIII) / 2100 MHz (BdI)LTE: Quad band, 700 (Bd28) / 900 (Bd8) / 850 (Bd5) / 1800MHz (Bd3)Output power (according to Release 99)Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 2100,WCDMA FDD BdIClass 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 900, WCDMA FDD BdVClass 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 850, WCDMA FDD BdVIIIOutput power (according to Release 8)Class 3 (+23dBm ±2dB) for LTE 700, LTE FDD Bd28Class 3 (+23dBm ±2dB) for LTE 900, LTE FDD Bd8Class 3 (+23dBm ±2dB) for LTE 850, LTE FDD Bd5Class 3 (+23dBm ±2dB) for LTE 1800, LTE FDD Bd3Power supply 3.0V to 4.5VOperating temperature (board temperature)Normal operation: -30°C to +85°CExtended operation: -40°C to +90°CPhysical Dimensions: 27.6mm x 25.4mm x 2.2mmWeight: approx. 3.5gRoHS All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS DirectiveLTE features3GPP Release 9 UE CAT 1 supportedDL 10.2Mbps, UL 5.2MbpsHSPA features3GPP Release 8 DL 7.2Mbps, UL 5.7MbpsHSDPA Cat.8 / HSUPA Cat.6 data ratesCompressed mode (CM) supported according to 3GPP TS25.212UMTS features3GPP Release 4 PS data rate – 384 kbps DL / 384 kbps ULCS data rate – 64 kbps DL / 64 kbps UL
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1.1 Key Features at a Glance14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 10 of 102SMS Point-to-point MT and MOCell broadcastText and PDU modeStorage: SIM card plus SMS locations in mobile equipmentSoftwareAT commands Hayes 3GPP TS 27.007, TS 27.005, Gemalto M2MAT commands for RIL compatibility Java™ Open Platform Java™ Open Platform with • Java™ profile IMP-NG & CLDC 1.1 HI• Secure data transmission via HTTPS/SSL• Multi-threading programming and multi-application executionMajor benefits: seamless integration into Java applications, ease of pro-gramming, no need for application microcontroller, extremely cost-efficient hardware and software design – ideal platform for industrial applications.The memory space available for Java programs is around 30MB in the flash file system and around 18MB RAM. Application code and data share the space in the flash file system and in RAM.Microsoft™ compatibility RIL for Pocket PC and Smartphone SIM Application Toolkit SAT letter classes b, c, e; with BIPFirmware update Generic update from host application over ASC0 or USB modem. InterfacesModule interface Surface mount device with solderable connection pads (SMT application interface). Land grid array (LGA) technology ensures high solder joint reli-ability and allows the use of an optional module mounting socket.For more information on how to integrate SMT modules see also [3]. This application note comprises chapters on module mounting and application layout issues as well as on additional SMT application development equip-ment.USB USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbit/s) device interface, Full Speed (12Mbit/s)compliant2 serial interfaces  ASC0 (shared with GPIO lines):• 8-wire modem interface with status and control lines, unbalanced, asyn-chronous• Adjustable baud rates: 1,200bps to 921,600bps• Autobauding: 1,200bps to 230,400bps• Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control.ASC1 (shared with GPIO lines):• 4-wire, unbalanced asynchronous interface• Adjustable baud rates: 1,200bps to 921,60bps• Autobauding: 1,200bps to 230,400bps• Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware flow controlUICC interface Supported SIM/USIM cards: 3V, 1.8V Feature Implementation
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1.1 Key Features at a Glance14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 11 of 102GPIO interface 22 GPIO lines comprising: 13 lines shared with ASC0, ASC1 and SPI lines, with network status indica-tion, PWM functionality, fast shutdown and pulse counter9 GPIO lines not sharedI2C interface Supports I2C serial interfaceSPI interface Serial peripheral interface, shared with GPIO linesAntenna interface pads 50Ω. UMTS/LTE main antenna, LTE Rx Diversity antennaPower on/off, ResetPower on/off Switch-on by hardware signal ONSwitch-off by AT command Switch off by hardware signal FST_SHDN instead of AT commandAutomatic switch-off in case of critical temperature or voltage conditions Reset Orderly shutdown and reset by AT commandEmergency reset by hardware signal EMERG_RSTSpecial featuresReal time clock Timer functions via AT commandsEvaluation kitEvaluation module ELS61-AUS module soldered onto a dedicated PCB that can be connected to an adapter in order to be mounted onto the DSB75.DSB75 DSB75 Development Support Board designed to test and type approve Gemalto M2M modules and provide a sample configuration for application engineering. A special adapter is required to connect the ELS61-AUS eval-uation module to the DSB75.Feature Implementation
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1.2 ELS61-AUS System Overview14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 12 of 1021.2 ELS61-AUS System OverviewFigure 1:  ELS61-AUS system overviewGPIO interfaceI2CUSBASC0 linesASC1/SPICONTROLRTCPOWERRx diversity antenna(LTE)ModuleSIM interface(with SIM detection)SIM cardApplicationPower supplyBackup supplyEmergency resetONSerial interface/SPI interfaceSerial modem interface linesI2CGPIO3445291112USBRx diversity1Status LED1DAC (PWM) PWM2Fast shutdown Fast shutdown11COUNTER Pulse counter1ASC0 linesSerial modem interface lines/SPI interface4Main antenna (UMTS/LTE)Main antenna1
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1.3 Circuit Concept14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 13 of 1021.3 Circuit ConceptFigure 2 and Figure 3 show block diagrams of the ELS61-AUS module and illustrate the major functional components:Figure 2:  ELS61-AUS block diagramSD1 SD2SD2 LDOsPMULDOsONReset_BBSD3I2CDATI2CCLKUSBGPIOSIMCCINLPDDR2SDRAMFLASHVDDVDDADQ0 ~ ADQ15DDR_CA_0~DDR_CA_9DDR_DQ_0~DDR_DQ_15ControlControlCCINSIMGPIOASC0USBI2CON circuitONEMERG_RSTBATT+BBBATT+RFRX/TXRF controlV180Baseband controller and Power management
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description1.3 Circuit Concept14ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 14 of 102Figure 3:  ELS61-AUS RF section block diagramLTE / UMTSRF transceiverSKY77622SKY13525SKY13525Band3 SAW FilterBand8 SAW FilterBand5 SAW FilterBand28 SAW FilterDiversity AntennaBand1 DuplexerBand8 DuplexerBand5 DuplexerAntennaCouplerB1_OUTB8_OUTB5_OUT4G_HB_IN2G/3G_HB_IN4G_LB_IN2G/3G_LB_INTQ_HTP_HTQ_LTP_LRX_H3RX_H3XRX_L2RX_L2XRX_L1RX_L1XRD_M2RD_L4RD_L3RD_L2TRX1TRX4TRX6TRX1TRX6TRX4TRX5PA DCDCSKY87000BATT+RFFBR_RF2 MAIN_FWDMIPI26MHzRX/TXBATT+BBV180RF controlRD_H3XRD_L4XRD_L3XRD_L2XBand3 DuplexerRX_M2RX_M2X TRX5B3_OUTBand28A DuplexerBand28B DuplexerRX_L4RX_L4XRX_L3RX_L3XTRX2TRX3B13_OUTB17_OUT
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2 Interface Characteristics52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 15 of 1022 Interface CharacteristicsELS61-AUS is equipped with an SMT application interface that connects to the external appli-cation. The SMT application interface incorporates the various application interfaces as well as the RF antenna interface. 2.1 Application Interface2.1.1 Pad Assignment The SMT application interface on the ELS61-AUS provides connecting pads to integrate themodule into external applications. Figure 4 shows the connecting pads’ numbering plan, thEfollowing Table 1 lists the pads’ assignments.Figure 4:  Numbering plan for connecting pads (bottom view) Supply pads: BATT+Control padsGND padsASC0 pads Combined GPIO/ASC1/SPI padsSIM padsI2C padsSupply pads: OtherCombined GPIO/Control pads(LED, PWM, COUNTER, FST_SHDN)USB padsGPIO pads2182172162152142132122112102092082072062052042032022013332313029282726252423222120535455565758596061626364656622322422522622722822923023123223323423523623723823924067 68 69 70 71 72 7374 75 76 77 78 79 8093 94 95 96 97 98 99100 101 102 103 104 105 10685 8689 9081 8287 8891 9283 84243244241242222221220219252245250251249248247246RF antenna padsDo not use Not connectedReservedCombined GPIO/ASC0/SPI padsADC pad
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 16 of 102Signal pads that are not used should not be connected to an external application.Please note that the reference voltages listed in Table 2 are the values measured directly onthe ELS61-AUS module. They do not apply to the accessories connected. Table 1:  Pad assignments Pad no. Signal name Pad no. Signal name Pad no. Signal name201 Not connected 24 GPIO22 235 USB_DN202 Not connected 25 GPIO21 236 Not connected203 GND 26 GPIO23 237 Not connected204 BATT+BB 27 I2CDAT 238 GND205 GND 28 I2CCLK 239 GPIO5/LED206 ADC1 29 GPIO17/TXD1/MISO 240 GPIO6/PWM2207 ON 30 GPIO16/RXD1/MOSI 241 GPIO7/PWM1208 GND 31 GPIO18/RTS1 242 GPIO8/COUNTER209 V180 32 GPIO19/CTS1/SPI_CS 53 BATT+RF210 RXD0 33 EMERG_RST 54 GND211 CTS0 221 GPIO12 55 GND212 TXD0 222 GPIO11 56 ANT_DRX213 GPIO24/RING0 223 GND 57 GND214 RTS0 224 Not connected 58 GND215 VDDLP 225 GND 59 ANT_MAIN216 CCRST 226 Not connected 60 GND217 CCIN 227 GND 61 GND218 CCIO 228 Not connected 62 GND219 GPIO14 229 GPIO4/FST_SHDN 63 GND220 GPIO13 230 GPIO3/DSR0/SPI_CLK 64 GND20 CCVCC 231 GPIO2/DCD0 65 Not connected21 CCCLK 232 GPIO1/DTR0 66 Not connected22 VCORE 233 VUSB 243 Not connected23 GPIO20 234 USB_DP 244 GPIO15Centrally located pads67 Not connected 83 GND 99 GND68 Not connected 84 GND 100 GND69 Not connected 85 GND 101 GND70 Not connected 86 GND 102 GND71 Not connected 87 Not connected 103 GND72 Not connected 88 GND 104 Not connected73 Not connected 89 GND 105 Not connected74 Do not use 90 GND 106 Not connected75 Do not use 91 Not connected 245 GND76 Not connected 92 GND 246 Not connected77 Not connected 93 GND 247 Not connected78 Not connected 94 GND 248 Not connected79 Not connected 95 GND 249 Not connected80 Not connected 96 GND 250 GND81 GND 97 GND 251 GND82 GND 98 GND 252 GND
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 17 of 1022.1.2 Signal PropertiesTable 2:  Signal propertiesFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level CommentPower supplyBATT+BBBATT+RFIWCDMA activated:VImax = 4.5VVInorm = 4.0VVImin = 3.0V during Transmit active.Imax = 700mA during TxLTE activated:VImax = 4.5VVInorm = 4.0VVImin = 3.0V during Transmit active.Lines of BATT+ and GND must be connected in parallel for supply pur-poses because higher peak currents may occur.Minimum voltage must not fall below 3.0V includ-ing drop, ripple, spikes and not rise above 4.5V.BATT+BB and BATT+RF require an ultra low ESR capacitor:BATT+BB --> 50µF BATT+RF --> 150µF If using Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors (MLCC) please take DC-bias into account. Power supplyGND Ground Application GroundExternal supply voltage V180 O Normal operation:VOnorm = 1.80V ±3%IOmax = -10mASLEEP mode Operation:VOSleep = 1.80V ±5%IOmax = -10mACLmax = 2µFV180 should be used to supply level shifters at the interfaces or to supply external application cir-cuits.VCORE and V180 may be used for the power indication circuit.V180 is sensitive to back powering. While not used VImax must be <0.2V.If unused keep lines open.VCORE O VOnorm = 1.2VIOmax = -10mACLmax = 100nFSLEEP mode Operation:VOSleep = 0.90V...1.2V ±4%IOmax = -10mAIgnition ON I VIHmax = 5V tolerantVIHmin = 1.3VVILmax = 0.5VSlew rate <= 1msON ___|~~~~ This signal switches the module on, and is rising edge sensitive triggered.Emer-gency restartEMERG_RST I RI ≈ 1kΩ, CI ≈ 1nFVOHmax = VDDLP maxVIHmin = 1.35VVILmax = 0.3V at ~200µA~~|___|~~ low impulse width > 10msThis line must be driven low by an open drain or open collector driver con-nected to GND.If unused keep line open.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 18 of 102Fast shutdownFST_SHDN I VILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.30V VIHmax = 1.85V~~|___|~~ low impulse width > 10msThis line must be driven low.If unused keep line open.Note that the fast shut-down line is originally available as GPIO line. If configured as fast shut-down, the GPIO line is assigned as follows:GPIO4 --> FST_SHDNRTC backupVDDLP I/O VOnorm = 1.8V IOmax = -25mAVImax = 1.9VVImin = 1.0VIItyp < 1µAIt is recommended to use a serial resistor between VDDLP and a possible capacitor.If unused keep line open.USB VUSB_IN I VImin = 3VVImax = 5.25VActive and suspend current: Imax < 100µAAll electrical characteris-tics according to USB Implementers' Forum, USB 2.0 Specification.If unused keep lines open.USB_DN I/O Full and high speed signal characteris-tics according USB 2.0 Specification.USB_DPSerial Interface ASC0RXD0 O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep lines open.Note that some ASC0 lines are originally avail-able as GPIO lines. If configured as ASC0 lines, the GPIO lines are assigned as follows:GPIO1 --> DTR0GPIO2 --> DCD0GPIO3 --> DSR0GPIO24 --> RING0The DSR0 line is also shared with the SPI inter-face‘s SPI_CLK signal.CTS0 ODSR0 ODCD0 ORING0 OTXD0 I VILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.30V VIHmax = 1.85VRTS0 I Pull down resistor activeVILmax = 0.35V at > 50µAVIHmin = 1.30V at < 240µAVIHmax = 1.85V at < 240µADTR0 I Pull up resistor activeVILmax = 0.35V at < -200µAVIHmin = 1.30V at > -50µAVIHmax = 1.85VTable 2:  Signal propertiesFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 19 of 102Serial Interface ASC1RXD1 O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VVILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.30V VIHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep line open.Note that the ASC1 inter-face lines are originally available as GPIO lines. If configured as ASC1 lines, the GPIO lines are assigned as follows:GPIO16 --> RXD1GPIO17 --> TXD1GPIO18 --> RTS1GPIO19 --> CTS1TXD1 IRTS1 ICTS1 OSIM card detectionCCIN I RI ≈ 110kΩVIHmin = 1.45V at I = 15µA, VIHmax= 1.9VVILmax = 0.3VCCIN = High, SIM card inserted. For details please refer to Section 2.1.6.If unused keep line open.3V SIM Card Inter-faceCCRST O VOLmax = 0.30V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 2.45V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 2.90VMaximum cable length or copper track to SIM card holder should not exceed 100mm.CCIO I/O VILmax = 0.50VVIHmin = 2.05VVIHmax = 2.90VVOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 2.50V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 2.90VCCCLK O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 2.40V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 2.90VCCVCC O VOmin = 2.80V VOtyp = 2.85VVOmax = 2.90VIOmax = -30mATable 2:  Signal propertiesFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 20 of 1021.8V SIM Card  Inter-faceCCRST O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.45V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.90VMaximum cable length or copper track to SIM card holder should not exceed 100mm.CCIO I/O VILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.25VVIHmax = 1.85VVOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.50V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VCCCLK O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.50V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VCCVCC O VOmin = 1.75V VOtyp = 1.80VVOmax = 1.85VIOmax = -30mAI2C I2CCLK IO Open drain IOVOLmin = 0.35V at I = -3mAVOHmax = 1.85VR external pull up min = 560ΩVILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.3VVIHmax = 1.85VAccording to the I2C Bus Specification Version 2.1 for the fast mode a rise time of max. 300ns is per-mitted. There is also a maximum VOL=0.4V at 3mA specified.The value of the pull-up depends on the capaci-tive load of the whole sys-tem (I2C Slave + lines). The maximum sink cur-rent of I2CDAT and I2CCLK is 4mA.If lines are unused keep lines open.I2CDAT IOSPI SPI_CLK O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VVILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.30V VIHmax = 1.85VIf lines are unused keep lines open.Note that the SPI inter-face lines are originally available as GPIO lines. If configured as SPI lines, the GPIO lines are assigned as follows: GPIO3 --> SPI_CLKGPIO16 --> MOSIGPIO17 --> MISOGPIO19 --> SPI_CSMOSI OMISO ISPI_CS OTable 2:  Signal propertiesFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 21 of 102GPIO interfaceGPIO1-GPIO3 IO VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VVILmax = 0.35VVIHmin = 1.30V VIHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep line open.Please note that most GPIO lines can be config-ured by AT command for alternative functions: GPIO1-GPIO3: ASC0 control lines DTR0, DCD0 and DSR0GPIO4: Fast shutdownGPIO5: Status LED lineGPIO6/GPIO7: PWMGPIO8: Pulse CounterGPIO16-GPIO19: ASC1 or SPIGPIO24: ASC0 control line RING0GPIO4 IOGPIO5 IOGPIO6 IOGPIO7 IOGPIO8 IOGPIO11-GPIO15IOGPIO16-GPIO19IOGPIO20-GPIO23IOGPIO24 IOStatus LED LED O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep line open.Note that the LED line is originally available as GPIO line. If configured as LED line, the GPIO line is assigned as fol-lows: GPIO5 --> LEDPWM PWM1 O VOLmax = 0.25V at I = 1mAVOHmin = 1.55V at I = -1mAVOHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep lines open.Note that the PWM lines are originally available as GPIO lines. If configured as PWM lines, the GPIO lines are assigned as fol-lows: GPIO7 --> PWM1GPIO6 --> PWM2PWM2 OPulse counterCOUNTER I Internal up resistor activeVILmax = 0.35V at < -200µAVIHmin = 1.30V at > -50µAVIHmax = 1.85VIf unused keep line open.Note that the COUNTER line is originally available as GPIO line. If config-ured as COUNTER line, the GPIO line is assigned as follows: GPIO8 --> COUNTERADC (Analog-to-Digital Con-verter)ADC1 I RI = 1MΩVI = 0V ... 1.2V (valid range)VIH max = 1.2VResolution 1024 stepsTolerance 0.3%ADC can be used as input for external mea-surements.If unused keep line open.Table 2:  Signal propertiesFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 22 of 1022.1.2.1 Absolute Maximum RatingsThe absolute maximum ratings stated in Table 3 are stress ratings under any conditions. Stresses beyond any of these limits will cause permanent damage to ELS61-AUS. Table 3:  Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Min Max UnitSupply voltage BATT+BB, BATT+RF -0.5 +5.5 VVoltage at all digital lines in Power Down mode -0.3 +0.3 VVoltage at digital lines in normal operation  -0.2 V180 + 0.2 VVoltage at SIM/USIM interface, CCVCC in normal operation -0.5 +3.3 VVDDLP input voltage -0.15 2.0 VVoltage at ADC line in normal operation 0 1.2 VVoltage at analog lines in Power Down mode -0.3 +0.3 VV180 in normal operation +1.7 +1.9 VCurrent at V180 in normal operation -50 mAVCORE in normal operation +0.85 +1.25 VCurrent at VCORE in normal operation -50 mA
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 23 of 1022.1.3 USB InterfaceELS61-AUS supports a USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbit/s) device interface that is Full Speed (12Mbit/s) compliant. The USB interface is primarily intended for use as command and data in-terface and for downloading firmware. The external application is responsible for supplying the VUSB_IN line. This line is used for ca-ble detection only. The USB part (driver and transceiver) is supplied by means of BATT+. This is because ELS61-AUS is designed as a self-powered device compliant with the “Universal Se-rial Bus Specification Revision 2.0”1.Figure 5:  USB circuitTo properly connect the module's USB interface to the external application, a USB 2.0 compat-ible connector and cable or hardware design is required. For more information on the USB re-lated signals see Table 2. Furthermore, the USB modem driver distributed with ELS61-AUS needs to be installed.1.  The specification is ready for download on (3V075)BATT+USB_DP2)lin. reg.GNDModuleDetection only VUSB_INUSB part1)RING0Host wakeup1) All  serial (including RS) and pull-up resistors for data lines are implemented.USB_DN2)2) If the USB interface is operated in High Speed mode  (480MHz), it is recommended to take special care routing the data lines USB_DP and USB_DN. Application layout should in this case implement a differential impedance of 90 ohms for proper signal integrity.RSRSSMT
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 24 of 1022.1.3.1 Reducing Power ConsumptionWhile a USB connection is active, the module will never switch into SLEEP mode. Only if theUSB interface is in Suspended state or Detached (i.e., VUSB_IN = 0) is the module able toswitch into SLEEP mode thereby saving power. There are two possibilities to enable power re-duction mechanisms:• Recommended implementation of USB Suspend/Resume/Remote Wakeup:The USB host should be able to bring its USB interface into the Suspended state asdescribed in the “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0“1. For this functionality towork, the VUSB_IN line should always be kept enabled. On incoming calls and other eventsELS61-AUS will then generate a Remote Wakeup request to resume the USB host control-ler.See also [5] (USB Specification Revision 2.0, Section 10.2.7, p.282):"If USB System wishes to place the bus in the Suspended state, it commands the Host Con-troller to stop all bus traffic, including SOFs. This causes all USB devices to enter the Sus-pended state. In this state, the USB System may enable the Host Controller to respond tobus wakeup events. This allows the Host Controller to respond to bus wakeup signaling torestart the host system."• Implementation for legacy USB applications not supporting USB Suspend/Resume:As an alternative to the regular USB suspend and resume mechanism it is possible toemploy the RING0 line to wake up the host application in case of incoming calls or eventssignalized by URCs while the USB interface is in Detached state (i.e., VUSB_IN = 0). Everywakeup event will force a new USB enumeration. Therefore, the external application has tocarefully consider the enumeration timings to avoid loosing any signalled events. For detailson this host wakeup functionality see Section To prevent existing data call con-nections from being disconnected while the USB interface is in detached state (i.e., VUS-B_IN=0) it is possible to call AT&D0, thus ignoring the status of the DTR line (see also [1]).1.  The specification is ready for download on
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 25 of 1022.1.4 Serial Interface ASC0ELS61-AUS offers an 8-wire unbalanced, asynchronous modem interface ASC0 conforming to ITU-T V.24 protocol DCE signalling. The electrical characteristics do not comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or active state) and 1.8V (for high data bit or inactive state). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 2. For an illustration of the interface line’s startup behavior see Figure 7.ELS61-AUS is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connec-tions it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals:• Port TXD @ application sends data to the module’s TXD0 signal line• Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s RXD0 signal lineFigure 6:  Serial interface ASC0Features:• Includes the data lines TXD0 and RXD0, the status lines RTS0 and CTS0 and, in addition,the modem control lines DTR0, DSR0, DCD0 and RING0.• The RING0 signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (UnsolicitedResult Code). It can also be used to send pulses to the host application, for example towake up the application from power saving state. • Configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. • ASC0 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 1,200bps up to 921,600bps.• Autobauding supports bit rates from 1,200bps up to 230,400bps.• Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control. The hardware hand shake line RTS0 has aninternal pull down resistor causing a low level signal, if the line is not used and open.Although hardware flow control is recommended, this allows communication by using onlyRXD and TXD lines.• Wake up from SLEEP mode by RTS0 activation (high to low transition; see Section 3.3.3).Note: The ASC0 modem control lines DTR0, DCD0, DSR0 and RING0 are originally available as GPIO lines. If configured as ASC0 lines, these GPIO lines are assigned as follows: GPIO1 --> DTR0, GPIO2 --> DCD0, GPIO3 --> DSR0 and GPIO24 --> RING0. Also, DSR0 is shared with the SPI_CLK line of the SPI interface and may be configured as such. Configura-tion is done by AT command (see [1]). The configuration is non-volatile and becomes active after a module restart.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 26 of 102The following figure shows the startup behavior of the asynchronous serial interface ASC0.For pull-up and pull-down values see Table 10.Figure 7:  ASC0 startup behaviorNotes: During startup the DTR0 signal is driven active low for 500µs. It is recommended to provide a470Ω serial resistor for the DTR0 line to prevent shorts.No data must be sent over the ASC0 interface before the interface is active and ready to re-ceive data (see Section 3.2.1). An external pull down to ground on the DCD0 line during the startup phase activates a specialmode for ELS61-AUS. In this special mode the AT command interface is not available and themodule may therefore no longer behave as expected.TXD0RXD0RTS0CTS0DTR0/GPIO1DSR0/GPIO3DCD0/GPIO2RING0/GPIO24ONEMERG_RSTPUPDPDPDPDPUPDPUPower supply activeStart upFirmware initializationCommand interface initializationInterface activeResetstateV180VCOREPDPUPUPUPDPDPD
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 27 of 1022.1.5 Serial Interface ASC1Four ELS61-AUS GPIO lines can be configured as ASC1 interface signals to provide a 4-wire unbalanced, asynchronous modem interface ASC1 conforming to ITU-T V.24 protocol DCE signalling. The electrical characteristics do not comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or active state) and 1.8V (for high data bit or inactive state). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 2. For an illustration of the interface line’s startup behavior see Figure 9. The ASC1 interface lines are originally available as GPIO lines. If configured as ASC1 lines, the GPIO lines are assigned as follows: GPIO16 --> RXD1, GPIO17 --> TXD1, GPIO18 --> RTS1 and GPIO19 --> CTS1. Configuration is done by AT command (see [1]: AT^SCFG). The configuration is non-volatile and becomes active after a module restart.ELS61-AUS is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connec-tions it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals:• Port TXD @ application sends data to module’s TXD1 signal line• Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s RXD1 signal lineFigure 8:  Serial interface ASC1Features• Includes only the data lines TXD1 and RXD1 plus RTS1 and CTS1 for hardware hand-shake. • On ASC1 no RING line is available.• Configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 or 2 stop bits.• ASC1 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 1,200 bps to 921,600 bps. • Autobauding supports bit rates from 1,200bps up to 230,400bps. • Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware flow. The hardware hand shake line RTS0 has an internalpull down resistor causing a low level signal, if the line is not used and open. Although hard-ware flow control is recommended, this allows communication by using only RXD and TXDlines.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 28 of 102The following figure shows the startup behavior of the asynchronous serial interface ASC1.*) For pull-down values see Table 10.Figure 9:  ASC1 startup behaviorTXD1/GPIO17RXD1/GPIO16RTS1/GPIO18CTS1/GPIO19ONEMERG_RSTPDPDPDPDPower supply activeStart upFirmware initializationCommand interface initializationInterface activeResetstateV180VCOREPD
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 29 of 1022.1.6 UICC/SIM/USIM InterfaceELS61-AUS has an integrated UICC/SIM/USIM interface compatible with the 3GPP 31.102 and ETSI 102 221. This is wired to the host interface in order to be connected to an external SIM card holder. Five pads on the SMT application interface are reserved for the SIM interface. The UICC/SIM/USIM interface supports 3V and 1.8V SIM cards. Please refer to Table 2 for electrical specifications of the UICC/SIM/USIM interface lines depending on whether a 3V or 1.8V SIM card is used.The CCIN signal serves to detect whether a tray (with SIM card) is present in the card holder. To take advantage of this feature, an appropriate SIM card detect switch is required on the card holder. For example, this is true for the model supplied by Molex, which has been tested to op-erate with ELS61-AUS and is part of the Gemalto M2M reference equipment submitted for type approval. See Section 7.1 for Molex ordering numbers.Note [1]: No guarantee can be given, nor any liability accepted, if loss of data is encountered after removing the SIM card during operation. Also, no guarantee can be given for properly initializing any SIM card that the user inserts after having removed the SIM card during operation. In this case, the application must restart ELS61-AUS.Note [2]: On the evaluation board, the CCIN signal is inverted, thus the CCIN signal is by default high and will change to a low level if a SIM card is inserted. Table 4:  Signals of the SIM interface (SMT application interface)Signal DescriptionGND Separate ground connection for SIM card to improve EMC.CCCLK Chipcard clockCCVCC SIM supply voltage.CCIO Serial data line, input and output.CCRST Chipcard resetCCIN Input on the baseband processor for detecting a SIM card tray in the holder. If the SIM is removed during operation the SIM interface is shut down immediately to prevent destruc-tion of the SIM. The CCIN signal is by default low and will change to high level if a SIM card is inserted.The CCIN signal is mandatory for applications that allow the user to remove the SIM card during operation. The CCIN signal is solely intended for use with a SIM card. It must not be used for any other purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the type approval of ELS61-AUS.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 30 of 102The figure below shows a circuit to connect an external SIM card holder.Figure 10:  External UICC/SIM/USIM card holder circuitThe total cable length between the SMT application interface pads on ELS61-AUS and the pads of the external SIM card holder must not exceed 100mm in order to meet the specifica-tions of 3GPP TS 51.010-1 and to satisfy the requirements of EMC compliance.To avoid possible cross-talk from the CCCLK signal to the CCIO signal be careful that both lines are not placed closely next to each other. A useful approach is using a GND line to shield the CCIO line from the CCCLK line.An example for an optimized ESD protection for the SIM interface is shown in Section
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 31 of 1022.1.6.1 Enhanced ESD Protection for SIM InterfaceTo optimize ESD protection for the SIM interface it is possible to add ESD diodes to the SIM interface lines as shown in the example given in Figure 11.The example was designed to meet ESD protection according ETSI EN 301 489-1/7: Contact discharge: ± 4kV, air discharge: ± 8kV.Figure 11:  SIM interface - enhanced ESD protectionCCRSTCCCLKCCIOCCVCCCCIN GND123654SIM_RSTSIM_CLKSIM_IOSIM_VCCSIM_DETModule
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 32 of 1022.1.7 RTC BackupThe internal Real Time Clock of ELS61-AUS is supplied from a separate voltage regulator inthe power supply component which is also active when ELS61-AUS is in Power Down modeand BATT+ is available. An alarm function is provided that allows to wake up ELS61-AUS with-out logging on to the UMTS network. In addition, you can use the VDDLP pad to backup the RTC from an external capacitor. Thecapacitor is charged from the internal LDO of ELS61-AUS. If the voltage supply at BATT+ isdisconnected the RTC can be powered by the capacitor. The size of the capacitor determinesthe duration of buffering when no voltage is applied to ELS61-AUS, i.e. the greater the capac-itor the longer ELS61-AUS will save the date and time. The RTC can also be supplied from anexternal battery (rechargeable or non-chargeable). In this case the electrical specification ofthe VDDLP pad (see Section 2.1.2) has to be taken in to account.Figure 12 shows an RTC backup configuration. A serial 1kΩ resistor has to be placed on theapplication next to VDDLP. It limits the input current of an empty capacitor or battery.Figure 12:  RTC supply variantsCapacitorVDDLPGSM processor and power managementLRTCRTCApplication interfaceBATT+Module1kGND
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 33 of 1022.1.8 GPIO InterfaceELS61-AUS offers a GPIO interface with 22 GPIO lines. The GPIO lines are shared with otherinterfaces or functions: Fast shutdown (see Section, status LED (see Section2.1.13.1), the PWM functionality (see Section 2.1.11), an pulse counter (see Section 2.1.12),ASC0 (see Section 2.1.4), ASC1 (see Section 2.1.5), an SPI interface (see Section 2.1.10). The following table shows the configuration variants for the GPIO pads. All variants are mutu-ally exclusive, i.e. a pad configured for instance as Status LED is locked for alternative usage.After startup, the above mentioned alternative GPIO line assignments can be con-figured using AT commands (see [1]). The configuration is non-volatile and available after mod-ule restart.Table 5:  GPIO lines and possible alternative assignmentGPIO Fast Shutdown Status LED PWM Pulse Counter ASC0 ASC1 SPIGPIO1 DTR0GPIO2 DCD0GPIO3 DSR0 SPI_CLKGPIO4 FST_SHDNGPIO5 Status LEDGPIO6 PWM2GPIO7 PWM1GPIO8 COUNTERGPIO11GPIO12GPIO13GPIO14GPIO15GPIO16 RXD1 MOSIGPIO17 TXD1 MISOGPIO18 RTS1GPIO19 CTS1 SPI_CSGPIO20GPIO21GPIO22GPIO23GPIO24 RING0
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 34 of 102The following figure shows the startup behavior of the GPIO interface. With an active state ofthe ASC0 interface (i.e. CTS0 is at low level) the initialization of the GPIO interface lines is alsofinished.*) For pull down values see Table 10.Figure 13:  GPIO startup behaviorGPIO1 - 8 PDCTS0ONEMERG_RSTPower supply activeStart upFirmware initializationCommand interface initializationInterface activeResetstateV180VCOREGPIO11 - 24 PD
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 35 of 1022.1.9 I2C InterfaceI2C is a serial, 8-bit oriented data transfer bus for bit rates up to 400kbps in Fast mode. It con-sists of two lines, the serial data line I2CDAT and the serial clock line I2CCLK. The module actsas a single master device, e.g. the clock I2CCLK is driven by the module. I2CDAT is a bi-direc-tional line. Each device connected to the bus is software addressable by a unique 7-bit ad-dress, and simple master/slave relationships exist at all times. The module operates as master-transmitter or as master-receiver. The customer application transmits or receives data only onrequest of the module.To configure and activate the I2C bus use the AT^SSPI command. Detailed information on theAT^SSPI command as well explanations on the protocol and syntax required for data transmis-sion can be found in [1].The I2C interface can be powered via the V180 line of ELS61-AUS. If connected to the V180line, the I2C interface will properly shut down when the module enters the Power Down mode.In the application I2CDAT and I2CCLK lines need to be connected to a positive supply voltagevia a pull-up resistor. For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 2.Figure 14:  I2C interface connected to V180Note: Good care should be taken when creating the PCB layout of the host application: Thetraces of I2CCLK and I2CDAT should be equal in length and as short as possible.I2CCLKI2CDATGNDI2CCLKI2CDATGNDModule ApplicationV180R pull upR pull upR pull upR pull up
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 36 of 102The following figure shows the startup behavior of the I2C interface. With an active state of theASC0 interface (i.e. CTS0 is at low level) the initialization of the I2C interface is also finished.Figure 15:  I2C startup behaviorI2CCLKI2CDATOpen DrainOpen Drain(external pull up)(external pull up)CTSxONEMERG_RSTPower supply activeStart upFirmware initializationCommand interface initializationInterface activeResetstateV180VCORE
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 37 of 1022.1.10 SPI InterfaceFour ELS61-AUS GPIO interface lines can be configured as Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).The SPI is a synchronous serial interface for control and data transfer between ELS61-AUSand the external application. Only one application can be connected to the SPI and the inter-face supports only master mode. The transmission rates are up to 6.5Mbit/s. The SPI interfacecomprises the two data lines MOSI and MISO, the clock line SPI_CLK a well as the chip selectline SPI_CS.The four GPIO lines can be configured as SPI interface signals as follows: GPIO3 --> SPI_CLK, GPIO16 --> MOSI, GPIO17 --> MISO and GPIO19 --> SPI_CS. The configuration is done by AT command (see [1]). It is non-volatile and becomes active after a module restart.The GPIO lines are also shared with the ASC1 signal lines and the ASC0 modem status signal line DSR0.To configure and activate the SPI interface use the AT^SSPI command. Detailed informationon the AT^SSPI command as well explanations on the SPI modes required for data transmis-sion can be found in [1].In general, SPI supports four operation modes. The modes are different in clock phase andclock polarity. The module’s SPI mode can be configured by using the AT command AT^SSPI.Make sure the module and the connected slave device works with the same SPI mode.Figure 16 shows the characteristics of the four SPI modes. The SPI modes 0 and 3 are the mostcommon used modes. For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 2.Figure 16:  Characteristics of SPI modesSPI MODE 0 SPI MODE 1SPI MODE 2 SPI MODE 3Clock phaseClock polaritySPI_CSMOSISPI_CLKMISOSPI_CSMOSISPI_CLKMISOSPI_CSMOSISPI_CLKMISOSPI_CSMOSISPI_CLKMISOSample SampleSample Sample
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 38 of 1022.1.11 PWM InterfacesThe GPIO6 and GPIO7 interface lines can be configured as Pulse Width Modulation interfacelines PWM1 and PWM2. The PWM interface lines can be used, for example, to connect buzz-ers. The PWM1 line is shared with GPIO7 and the PWM2 line is shared with GPIO6 (for GPIOssee Section 2.1.8). GPIO and PWM functionality are mutually exclusive.The startup behavior of the lines is shown in Figure Pulse CounterThe GPIO8 line can be configured as pulse counter line COUNTER. The pulse counter inter-face can be used, for example, as a clock (for GPIOs see Section 2.1.8).2.1.13 Control Signals2.1.13.1 Status LEDThe GPIO5 interface line can be configured to drive a status LED that indicates different oper-ating modes of the module (for GPIOs see Section 2.1.8). GPIO and LED functionality are mu-tually exclusive.To take advantage of this function connect an LED to the GPIO5/LED line as shown in Figure17.Figure 17:  Status signaling with LED driverVCCGPIO5/LEDLEDGNDGNDR1R2R3
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 39 of 1022.1.13.2 Power Indication CircuitIn Power Down mode the maximum voltage at any digital or analog interface line must not ex-ceed +0.3V (see also Section Exceeding this limit for any length of time might causepermanent damage to the module. It is therefore recommended to implement a power indication signal that reports the module’spower state and shows whether it is active or in Power Down mode. While the module is inPower Down mode all signals with a high level from an external application need to be set tolow state or high impedance state. The sample power indication circuit illustrated in Figure 18denotes the module’s active state with a low signal and the module’s Power Down mode witha high signal or high impedance state.Figure 18:  Power indication circuit2.1.13.3 Host WakeupIf no call, data or message transfer is in progress, the host may shut down its own USB inter-face to save power. If a call or other request (URC’s, messages) arrives, the host can be noti-fied of these events and be woken up again by a state transition of the ASC0 interface‘s RING0line. This functionality should only be used with legacy USB applications not supporting the rec-ommended USB suspend and resume mechanism as described in [5] (see also Section more information on how to configure the RING0 line by AT^SCFG command see [1].Possible RING0 line states are listed in Table 6.Table 6:  Host wakeup linesSignal I/O DescriptionRING0 O Inactive to active low transition:0 = The host shall wake up1 = No wake up request 22k10k100k100k4.7kV180VCOREPower indicationExternal power supply
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.1 Application Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 40 of 1022.1.13.4 Fast ShutdownThe GPIO4 interface line can be configured as fast shutdown signal line FST_SHDN. The con-figured FST_SHDN line is an active low control signal and must be applied for at least 10 mil-liseconds. If unused this line can be left open because of a configured internal pull-up resistor. Before setting the FST_SHDN line to low, the ON signal should be set to low (see Figure 19). Otherwise there might be back powering at the ON line in Power Down mode.By default, the fast shutdown feature is disabled. It has to be enabled using the AT commandAT^SCFG "MEShutdown/Fso". For details see [1].If enabled, a low impulse >10 milliseconds on the FST_SHDN line starts the fast shutdown. The fast shutdown procedure still finishes any data activities on the module's flash file system, thus ensuring data integrity, but will no longer deregister gracefully from the network, thus saving the time required for network deregistration.Figure 19:  Fast shutdown timingPlease note that if enabled, the normal software controlled shutdown using AT^SMSO will alsobe a fast shutdown, i.e., without network deregistration. However, in this case no URCs includ-ing shutdown URCs will be provided by the AT^SMSO command.BATT+VCOREV180VDDLPFast shut down procedure Power downEMERG_RSTONGPIO4/FST_SHDN
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 41 of 1022.2 RF Antenna InterfaceThe ELS61-AUS UMT/LTE antenna interface comprises a UMTS/LTE main antenna as well as a UMTS/LTE Rx diversity antenna to improve signal reliability and quality1. The RF interface has an impedance of 50Ω. ELS61-AUS is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at the antenna line without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power.The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radi-ated power, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Antenna matching networks are not included on the ELS61-AUS module and should be placed in the host application if the an-tenna does not have an impedance of 50Ω.Regarding the return loss ELS61-AUS provides the following values in the active band:2.2.1 Antenna Interface Specifications1.  By delivery default the LTE Rx diversity antenna is configured as available for the module since its usageis mandatory for LTE. Please refer to [1] for details on how to configure antenna settings.Table 7:  Return loss in the active bandState of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of applicationReceive > 8dB > 12dBTransmit not applicable  > 12dBTable 8:  RF Antenna interface UMTS/LTE (at operating temperature range1)Parameter Conditions Min. Typical Max. UnitLTE connectivity2Band 3, 5, 8, 28LTE 700 Band 28 -98.5 dBmLTE 850 Band 5 -98 dBmLTE 900 Band 8 -97 dBmLTE 1800 Band 3 -97 dBmLTE 700 Band 28 +22.5 dBmLTE 850 Band 5 +22.5 dBmLTE 900 Band 8 +22.5 dBmLTE 1800 Band 3 +22.5 dBmUMTS/HSPA connectivity2Band I, V, VIIIReceiver Input Sensitivity @ ARPUMTS 2100 Band I -106.7 dBmUMTS 850 Band V -104.7 dBmUMTS 900 Band VIII -103.7 dBm
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 42 of 102RF Power @ ARP with 50Ω LoadUMTS 2100 Band I +23.5 dBmUMTS 850 Band V +23.5 dBmUMTS 900 Band VIII +23.5 dBm1. No active power reduction implemented- any deviations are hardware related.2. Applies also to UMTS/LTE Rx diversity antenna.Table 8:  RF Antenna interface UMTS/LTE (at operating temperature range1)Parameter Conditions Min. Typical Max. Unit
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 43 of 1022.2.2 Antenna InstallationThe antenna is connected by soldering the antenna pad (ANT_MAIN or ANT_DRX) and its neighboring ground pads (GND) directly to the application’s PCB. The antenna pads are the antenna reference points (ARP) for ELS61-AUS. All RF data specified throughout this docu-ment is related to the ARP.Figure 20:  Antenna pads (bottom view)The distance between the antenna pad and its neighboring GND pads has been optimized for best possible impedance. To prevent mismatch, special attention should be paid to these pads on the application‘s PCB.The wiring of the antenna connection, starting from the antenna pad to the application‘s anten-na should result in a 50Ω line impedance. Line width and distance to the GND plane needs to be optimized with regard to the PCB’s layer stack. Some examples are given in Section 2.2.3.To prevent receiver desensitization due to interferences generated by fast transients like high speed clocks on the external application PCB, it is recommended to realize the antenna con-nection line using embedded Stripline rather than Micro-Stripline technology. Please see Sec-tion for examples of how to design the antenna connection in order to achieve the required 50Ω line impedance.For type approval purposes, the use of a 50Ω coaxial antenna connector (U.FL-R-SMT) might be necessary. In this case the U.FL-R-SMT connector should be placed as close as possible to ELS61-AUS‘s antenna pad. 2182172162152142132122112102092082072062052042032022013332313029282726252423222120535455565758596061626364656622322422522622722822923023123223323423523623723823924067 68 69 70 71 72 7374 75 76 77 78 79 8093 94 95 96 97 98 99100 101 102 103 104 105 10685 8689 9081 8287 8891 9283 842432442412422222212202192522452502512492482472462728236237GNDGNDANT_MAINGNDANT_DRX
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 44 of 1022.2.3 RF Line Routing Design2.2.3.1 Line Arrangement ExamplesSeveral dedicated tools are available to calculate line arrangements for specific applicationsand PCB materials - for example from (commercial software)or  from  (free software).Embedded StriplineThis figure below shows a line arrangement example for embedded stripline with 65µm FR4 prepreg (type: 1080) and 710µm FR4 core (4-layer PCB).Figure 21:  Embedded Stripline with 65µm prepreg (1080) and 710µm core
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 45 of 102Micro-StriplineThis section gives two line arrangement examples for micro-stripline. • Micro-Stripline on 1.0mm Standard FR4 2-Layer PCBThe following two figures show examples with different values for D1 (ground strip separa-tion).Figure 22:  Micro-Stripline on 1.0mm standard FR4 2-layer PCB - example 1Antenna lineGround lineGround lineApplication board
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 46 of 102Figure 23:  Micro-Stripline on 1.0mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 2Antenna lineGround lineGround lineApplication board
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 47 of 102• Micro-Stripline on 1.5mm Standard FR4 2-Layer PCBThe following two figures show examples with different values for D1 (ground strip separa-tion).Figure 24:  Micro-Stripline on 1.5mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 1Antenna lineGround lineGround lineApplication board
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 48 of 102Figure 25:  Micro-Stripline on 1.5mm Standard FR4 PCB - example 2Antenna lineGround lineGround lineApplication board
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.2 RF Antenna Interface52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 49 of 1022.2.3.2 Routing ExampleInterface to RF ConnectorFigure 26 shows the connection of the module‘s antenna pad with an application PCB‘s coaxial antenna connector. Please note that the ELS61-AUS bottom plane appears mirrored, since it is viewed from ELS61-AUS top side. By definition the top of customer's board shall mate with the bottom of the ELS61-AUS module.Figure 26:  Routing to application‘s RF connector - top view
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.3 Sample Application52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 50 of 1022.3 Sample ApplicationFigure 27 shows a typical example of how to integrate a ELS61-AUS module with an applica-tion. Usage of the various host interfaces depends on the desired features of the application.Because of the very low power consumption design, current flowing from any other source intothe module circuit must be avoided, for example reverse current from high state external controllines. Therefore, the controlling application must be designed to prevent reverse current flow.Otherwise there is the risk of undefined states of the module during startup and shutdown oreven of damaging the module.Because of the high RF field density inside the module, it cannot be guaranteed that no selfinterference might occur, depending on frequency and the applications grounding concept. Thepotential interferers may be minimized by placing small capacitors (47pF) at suspected lines(e.g. RXD0, VDDLP, and ON). While developing SMT applications it is strongly recommended to provide test pointsfor certain signals, i.e., lines to and from the module - for debug and/or test purposes.The SMT application should allow for an easy access to these signals. For details onhow to implement test points see [3].The EMC measures are best practice recommendations. In fact, an adequate EMC strategy foran individual application is very much determined by the overall layout and, especially, the po-sition of components.  Depending on the micro controller used by an external application ELS61-AUS‘s digital input and output lines may require level conversion. Section 2.3.1 shows a possible sample level conversion circuit.Note: ELS61-AUS is not intended for use with cables longer than 3m.DisclaimerNo warranty, either stated or implied, is provided on the sample schematic diagram shown inFigure 27 and the information detailed in this section. As functionality and compliance with na-tional regulations depend to a great amount on the used electronic components and the indi-vidual application layout manufacturers are required to ensure adequate design and operatingsafeguards for their products using ELS61-AUS modules.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.3 Sample Application52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 51 of 102Figure 27:  Schematic diagram of ELS61-AUS sample applicationVCOREV180ASC0 (including GPIO1...GPIO3 for DSR0, DTR0, DCD0 and GPIO24 for RING0)/SPI_CLK (for DSR0)GPIO16...GPIO19/ASC1/SPI84CCVCCCCIOCCCLKCCINCCRSTSIMV180220nF 1nFI2CCLKI2CDAT2.2kV180GPIO4 (FST_SHDN) GPIO5 (Status LED)GPIO6 (PWM)GPIO7 (PWM)GPIO8 (COUNTER)GPIO11...GPIO15LEDGNDGNDGNDANT_MAINBATT+RFPower supplyMain antennaELS6xAll SIM components should be close to card holder. Keep SIM wires low capacitive.*10pF *10pF* add optional 10pF for SIM protection against RF  (internal Antenna)50µF,Low ESR! 33pFBlocking**Blocking**Blocking**PWR_INDBATT+BB53204GPIO20...GPIO234Blocking**100k4.7k100k22k2.2k3USB150µF,Low ESR!33pFGNDGNDANT_DRXDiversity antennaONEMERG_RSTRESETVDDLP100kVDDLPBlocking** = For more details see Section 3.7For switch on circuit see Section
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description2.3 Sample Application52ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 52 of 1022.3.1 Sample Level Conversion CircuitDepending on the micro controller used by an external application ELS61-AUS‘s digital input and output lines (i.e., ASC0, ASC1 and GPIO lines) may require level conversion. The following Figure 28 shows a sample circuit with recommended level shifters for an external application‘s micro controller (with VLOGIC between 3.0V...3.6V). The level shifters can be used for digital input and output lines with VOHmax=1.85V or VIHmax =1.85V.Figure 28:  Sample level conversion circuit5V tolerarant5V tolerarantLow level inputLow level inputLow level inputVCC5V tolerantVCCE.g.,74VHC1GT50E.g.,NC7WZ1674LVC2G34External applicationMicro controllerVLOGIC(3.0V...3.6V)Input lines,e.g., µRXD, µCTSOutput lines,e.g., µTXD, µRTSV180 (1.8V)Digital output lines,e.g., RXDx, CTSxWireless moduleDigital input lines,e.g., TXDx, RTSx
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3 Operating Characteristics73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 53 of 1023 Operating Characteristics3.1 Operating ModesThe table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to throughout the document.Table 9:  Overview of operating modesMode FunctionNormal operationUMTS / HSPA / LTE SLEEPPower saving set automatically when no call is in progress and the USB connection is suspended by host or not present and no active commu-nication via ASC0. UMTS / HSPA / LTE IDLEPower saving disabled or an USB connection not suspended, but no call in progress.UMTS DATA UMTS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-work settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.HSPA DATA HSPA data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-work settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.LTE DATA LTE data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on network settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.Power DownNormal shutdown after sending the power down command. Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is not active. Interfaces are not accessible. Operat-ing voltage remains applied.Airplane modeAirplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to log off from the network and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio connection.Airplane mode can be controlled by AT command (see [1]).
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 54 of 1023.2 Power Up/Power Down ScenariosIn general, be sure not to turn on ELS61-AUS while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage and temperature stated in Section ELS61-AUS immediately switches off after having start-ed and detected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause permanent damage to the module. 3.2.1 Turn on ELS61-AUSELS61-AUS can be turned on as described in the following sections:• Connecting the operating voltage BATT+ (see Section• Hardware driven switch on by ON line: Starts Normal mode (see Section startup or restart, the module will send the URC ^SYSSTART that notifies the host appli-cation that the first AT command can be sent to the module (see also [1]). Connecting ELS61-AUS BATT+ LinesFigure 29 and Figure 30 show sample external application circuits that allow to connect (andalso to temporarily disconnect) the module‘s BATT+ lines from the external application‘s powersupply. Figure 29 illustrates the application of power employing an externally controlled microcontrol-ler. Figure 30 as an alternative shows the power application with an external voltage supervi-sory circuit instead of a microcontroller. The voltage supervisory circuit ensures that the poweris disconnected and applied again depending on given thresholds.The transistor T2 mentioned in Figure 29 and Figure 30 should have an RDS_ON value < 50mΩin order to minimize voltage drops. Such circuits could be useful to maximize power savings for battery driven applications or tocompletely switch off and restart the module after a firmware update.After connecting the BATT+ lines the module can then be (re-)started as described in Section3.2.1.2 and Section 3.2.2.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 55 of 102Figure 29:  Sample circuit for applying power using an external µCFigure 30:  Sample circuit for applying power using an external voltage supervisory circuit3.8VModulePlace C2-C5 close to moduleµcontrollerENABLEVBATTVBATT_INC1100nFC2 47µF,X5RC3 47µF,X5RC4 47µF,X5RC5 47µF,X5RC6 47µF,X5RR1100kR2100kR3100kR610kT1T2IRML6401BC847TBD.ON threshold: 2940mVNotes:OFF threshold: 2800mVplace capacitors closeto module pads3.8V_IN VBATTModuleC1 100nFC2 47uFC3 47uFC4 47uFC5 47uFC6 47uFC7 1µFGND 32ROUT 1TIME 5INVREFIC1R33,3kR5100kR6100kT1FDV302PT2IRML6401NCP303LSN28T1G
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 56 of 1023.2.1.2 Switch on ELS61-AUS Using ON SignalWhen the operating voltage BATT+ is applied, ELS61-AUS can be switched on by means of theON signal. The ON signal is an edge triggered signal and only allows the input voltage level of the VDDLPsignal. The module starts into normal mode on detecting the rising edge of the ON signal.The following Figure 31 shows recommendations for possible switch-on circuits.Figure 31:  ON circuit optionsIt is recommended to set a serial 1kOhm resistor between the ON circuit and the external ca-pacitor or battery at the VDDLP power supply (i.e., RTC backup circuit). This serial resistor pro-tection is necessary in case the capacitor or battery has low power (is empty). With Option 2 the typical resistor values are: R1 = 150k and R2 = 22k. But the resistor valuesdepend on the current gain from the employed PNP resistor.VDDLPON1k+R1R2Option 1 Option 2RTC backup
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 57 of 102Please note that the ON signal is an edge triggered signal. This implies that a milli-second highpulse on the signal line suffices to almost immediately switch on the module, as shown in Fig-ure 32. After module startup the ON signal should always be set to low to prevent possible backpowering at this pad.Figure 32:  ON timing3.2.2 Restart ELS61-AUS After startup ELS61-AUS can be re-started as described in the following sections:• Software controlled reset by AT+CFUN command: Starts Normal mode (see Section3.2.2.1).• Hardware controlled reset by EMERG_RST line: Starts Normal mode (see Section Restart ELS61-AUS via AT+CFUN CommandTo reset and restart the ELS61-AUS module use the command AT+CFUN. See [1] for details. BATT+ONEMERG_RSTV180VCOREVDDLPRising edge only starts up the module>100ms
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 58 of 1023.2.2.2 Restart ELS61-AUS Using EMERG_RSTThe EMERG_RST signal is internally connected to the central baseband processor. A low levelfor more than 10ms sets the processor and with it all the other signal pads to their respectivereset state. The reset state is described in Section 3.2.3 as well as in the figures showing thestartup behavior of an interface. After releasing the EMERG-RST line, i.e., with a change of the signal level from low to high,the module restarts. The other signals continue from their reset state as if the module wasswitched on by the ON signal.Figure 33:  Emergency restart timingIt is recommended to control this EMERG_RST line with an open collector transistor or an opendrain field-effect transistor.Caution: Use the EMERG_RST line only when, due to serious problems, the software is notresponding for more than 5 seconds. Pulling the EMERG_RST line causes the loss of all infor-mation stored in the volatile memory. Therefore, this procedure is intended only for use in caseof emergency, e.g. if ELS61-AUS does not respond, if reset or shutdown via AT command fails.BATT+ONEMERG_RSTVCOREV180VDDLP>10msSystem startedSystem started againResetstateIgnition
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 59 of 1023.2.3 Signal States after StartupTable 10 lists the states each interface signal passes through during reset phase and the firstfirmware initialization. For further firmware startup initializations the values may differ becauseof different GPIO line configurations.The reset state is reached with the rising edge of the EMERG_RST signal - either after a normal module startup (see Section or after a reset (see Section After the reset state has been reached the firmware initialization state begins. The firmware initialization is complet-ed as soon as the ASC0 interface lines CTS0, DSR0 and RING0 as well as the ASC1 interface line CTS1 have turned low (see Section 2.1.4 and Section 2.1.5). Now, the module is ready to receive and transmit data.Abbreviations used in above Table 10: Table 10:  Signal statesSignal name Reset state First start up configurationCCIO L O / LCCRST L O / LCCCLK L O / LCCIN T / 100k PD I / 100k PURXD0 T / PU O / HTXD0 T / PD ICTS0 T / PU O / HRTS0 T / PU I / PDGPIO1 T / PD T / PDGPIO2 T / PD T / PDGPIO3 T / PD T / PDGPIO4  T / PD T / PDGPIO5 T / PD T / PDGPIO6 T / PD T / PDGPIO7 T / PD T / PDGPIO8 T / PD T / PDGPIO11-GPIO15 T / PD T / PDGPIO16  T / PD T / PDGPIO17 T / PD T / PDGPIO18 T / PD T / PDGPIO19  T / PD T / PDGPIO20 T / PD T / PDGPIO21 T / PD T / PDGPIO22  T / PD T / PDGPIO23  T / PD T / PDGPIO24  T / PD T / PDI2CCLK T T / ODI2CDAT  T  T / ODL = Low levelH = High levelT = TristateI = InputO = OutputOD = Open DrainPD = Pull down, 200µA at 1.9VPU = Pull up, -240µA at 0V
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 60 of 1023.2.4 Turn off ELS61-AUSTo switch the module off the following procedures may be used: •Software controlled shutdown procedure: Software controlled by sending an AT commandover the serial application interface. See Section•Hardware controlled shutdown procedure: Hardware controlled by disconnecting the mod-ule‘s power supply lines BATT+ (see Section•Automatic shutdown (software controlled): See Section 3.2.5- Takes effect if ELS61-AUS board temperature or voltage levels exceed a critical limit. Switch off ELS61-AUS Using AT CommandThe best and safest approach to powering down ELS61-AUS is to issue the appropriate ATcommand. This procedure lets ELS61-AUS log off from the network and allows the software toenter into a secure state and safe data before disconnecting the power supply. The mode isreferred to as Power Down mode. In this mode, only the RTC stays active.After sendingAT^SMSO command DO NOT enter any other AT commands. To verify that the module isturned off it is allowed to monitor the PWR_IND signal (see Section Note that a highstate of the PWR_IND signal line indicates that the module is switched off. Be sure not to disconnect the operating voltage VBATT+ before V180 pad has gone low. Other-wise you run the risk of losing data. The system power down procedure may take up to a fewseconds.While ELS61-AUS is in Power Down mode the application interface is switched off and mustnot be fed from any other voltage source. Therefore, your application must be designed toavoid any current flow into any digital pads of the application interface. Figure 34:  Switch off behaviorBATT+VCOREV180VDDLPAT^SMSO System power down procedure Power downEMERG_RSTON
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 61 of 1023.2.5 Automatic ShutdownAutomatic shutdown takes effect if the following event occurs:• ELS61-AUS board is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature(see Section• Undervoltage or overvoltage is detected (see Section and Section automatic shutdown procedure is equivalent to the power-down initiated with an AT com-mand, i.e. ELS61-AUS logs off from the network and the software enters a secure state avoid-ing loss of data. Thermal ShutdownThe board temperature is constantly monitored by an internal NTC resistor located on the PCB.The values detected by the NTC resistor are measured directly on the board and therefore, arenot fully identical with the ambient temperature. Each time the board temperature goes out of range or back to normal, ELS61-AUS instantlydisplays an alert (if enabled).• URCs indicating the level "1" or "-1" allow the user to take appropriate precautions, such asprotecting the module from exposure to extreme conditions. The presentation of the URCsdepends on the settings selected with the AT^SCTM write command (for details see [1]):AT^SCTM=1: Presentation of URCs is always enabled. AT^SCTM=0 (default): Presentation of URCs is enabled during the 2 minute guard periodafter start-up of ELS61-AUS. After expiry of the 2 minute guard period, the presentation ofURCs will be disabled, i.e. no URCs with alert levels "1" or ''-1" will be generated.• URCs indicating the level "2" or "-2" are instantly followed by an orderly shutdown. The pre-sentation of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the factorysetting AT^SCTM=0 was never changed.The maximum temperature ratings are stated in Section 3.5. Refer to Table 11 for the associ-ated URCs. Table 11:  Temperature dependent behaviorSending temperature alert (2min after ELS61-AUS start-up, otherwise only if URC presentation enabled)^SCTM_B: 1 Board close to overtemperature limit.^SCTM_B: -1 Board close to undertemperature limit.^SCTM_B: 0 Board back to non-critical temperature range.Automatic shutdown (URC appears no matter whether or not presentation was enabled)^SCTM_B:  2 Alert: Board equal or beyond overtemperature limit. ELS61-AUS switches off.^SCTM_B:  -2 Alert: Board equal or below undertemperature limit. ELS61-AUS switches off.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 62 of 1023.2.5.2 Undervoltage ShutdownThe undervoltage shutdown threshold is the specified minimum supply voltage VBATT+ given inTable 2. When the average supply voltage measured by ELS61-AUS approaches the under-voltage shutdown threshold (i.e., 0.05V offset) the module will send the following URC: ^SBC: Undervoltage WarningThe undervoltage warning is sent only once - until the next time the module is close to the un-dervoltage shutdown threshold. If the voltage continues to drop below the specified undervoltage shutdown threshold, the mod-ule will send the following URC:^SBC: Undervoltage ShutdownThis alert is sent only once before the module shuts down cleanly without sending any furthermessages.This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically whenfault conditions occur.Note: For battery powered applications it is strongly recommended to implement a BATT+ con-necting circuit as described in Section in order to not only be able save power, but alsoto restart the module after an undervoltage shutdown where the battery is deeply discharged.Also note that the undervoltage threshold is calculated for max. 400mV voltage drops duringtransmit burst. Power supply sources for external applications should be designed to tolerate400mV voltage drops without crossing the lower limit of 3.0 V. For external applications oper-ating at the limit of the allowed tolerance the default undervoltage threshold may be adaptedby subtracting an offset. For details see [1]: AT^SCFG= "MEShutdown/sVsup/threshold". Overvoltage ShutdownThe overvoltage shutdown threshold is the specified maximum supply voltage VBATT+ given inTable 2. When the average supply voltage measured by ELS61-AUS approaches the overvolt-age shutdown threshold (i.e., 0.05V offset) the module will send the following URC:^SBC: Overvoltage WarningThe overvoltage warning is sent only once - until the next time the module is close to the over-voltage shutdown threshold. If the voltage continues to rise above the specified overvoltage shutdown threshold, the modulewill send the following URC:^SBC: Overvoltage ShutdownThis alert is sent only once before the module shuts down cleanly without sending any furthermessages.This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically whenfault conditions occur.Keep in mind that several ELS61-AUS components are directly linked to BATT+ and, therefore,the supply voltage remains applied at major parts of ELS61-AUS. Especially the power ampli-fier linked to BATT+RF is very sensitive to high voltage and might even be destroyed.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power Saving73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 63 of 1023.3 Power SavingELS61-AUS can be configured to control power consumption:• Using the AT command AT^SPOW it is possible to specify a so-called power saving modefor the module (<mode> = 2; for details on the command see [1]). The module‘s UART inter-faces (ASC0 and ASC1) are then deactivated and will only periodically be activated to beable to listen to network paging messages as described in Section 3.3.1 and Section 3.3.2.See Section 3.3.3 for a description on how to immediately wake up ELS61-AUS again usingRTS0.Please note that the AT^SPOW setting has no effect on the USB interface. As long as theUSB connection is active, the module will not change into its SLEEP state to reduce its func-tionality to a minimum and thus minimizing its current consumption. To enable switchinginto SLEEP mode, the USB connection must therefore either not be present at all or theUSB host must bring its USB interface into Suspend state. Also, VUSB_IN should alwaysbe kept enabled for this functionality. See “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0”1for a description of the Suspend state. 3.3.1 Power Saving while Attached to WCDMA NetworksThe power saving possibilities while attached to a WCDMA network depend on the paging tim-ing cycle of the base station. During normal WCDMA operation, i.e., the module is connected to a WCDMA network, the duration of a power saving period varies. It may be calculated using the following formula:t = 2DRX value * 10 ms (WCDMA frame duration). DRX (Discontinuous Reception) in WCDMA networks is a value between 6 and 9, thus result-ing in power saving intervals between 0.64 and 5.12 seconds. The DRX value of the base sta-tion is assigned by the WCDMA network operator. In the pauses between listening to paging messages, the module resumes power saving, as shown in Figure 35. Figure 35:  Power saving and paging in WCDMA networksThe varying pauses explain the different potential for power saving. The longer the pause the less power is consumed.1.  The specification is ready for download on
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power Saving73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 64 of 102Generally, power saving depends on the module’s application scenario and may differ from the above mentioned normal operation. The power saving interval may be shorter than 0.64 sec-onds or longer than 5.12 seconds.3.3.2 Power Saving while Attached to LTE NetworksThe power saving possibilities while attached to an LTE network depend on the paging timing cycle of the base station. During normal LTE operation, i.e., the module is connected to an LTE network, the duration of a power saving period varies. It may be calculated using the following formula:t = DRX Cycle Value * 10 ms DRX cycle value in LTE networks is any of the four values: 32, 64, 128 and 256, thus resulting in power saving intervals between 0.32 and 2.56 seconds. The DRX cycle value of the base station is assigned by the LTE network operator. In the pauses between listening to paging messages, the module resumes power saving, as shown in Figure 36. Figure 36:  Power saving and paging in LTE networksThe varying pauses explain the different potential for power saving. The longer the pause the less power is consumed.Generally, power saving depends on the module’s application scenario and may differ from the above mentioned normal operation. The power saving interval may be shorter than 0.32 sec-onds or longer than 2.56 seconds.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power Saving73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 65 of 1023.3.3 Wake-up via RTS0RTS0 can be used to wake up ELS61-AUS from SLEEP mode configured with AT^SPOW. Assertion of RTS0 (i.e., toggle from inactive high to active low) serves as wake up event, thus allowing an external application to almost immediately terminate power saving. After RTS0 assertion, the CTS0 line signals module wake up, i.e., readiness of the AT command interface. It is therefore recommended to enable RTS/CTS flow control (default setting). Figure 37 shows the described RTS0 wake up mechanism. Figure 37:  Wake-up via RTS0RTS0CTS0TXD0RXD0AT commandReply URCRTS assertion (falling edge)Wake up from SLEEP mode Return to SLEEP modeRTS back
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.4 Power Supply73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 66 of 1023.4 Power SupplyELS61-AUS needs to be connected to a power supply at the SMT application interface - 2 lines BATT+, and GND. There are two separate voltage domains for BATT+:•BATT+BB with a line mainly for the baseband power supply.•BATT+RF with a line for the UMTS/LTE power amplifier supply.Please note that throughout the document BATT+ refers to both voltage domains and power supply lines - BATT+BB and BATT+RF.The power supply of ELS61-AUS has to be a single voltage source at BATT+BB and BATT+RF. It must be able to provide the peak current during the uplink transmission. All the key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power management section of the analog controller. This IC provides the following features:• Stabilizes the supply voltages for the baseband using low drop linear voltage regulators anda DC-DC step down switching regulator.• Switches the module's power voltages for the power-up and -down procedures.• SIM switch to provide SIM power supply.3.4.1 Power Supply RatingsTable 12 and Table 18 assemble various voltage supply and current consumption ratings of the module. Table 12:  Voltage supply ratingsDescription Conditions Min Typ Max UnitBATT+ Supply voltage  Directly measured at Module.Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple, spikes3.0 4.5 VMaximum allowed voltage drop during transmit burst Normal condition, power control level for Pout max400 mVVoltage ripple  Normal condition, power control level for Pout max@ f <= 250 kHz@ f >   250 kHz12090mVppmVpp
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.4 Power Supply73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 67 of 102Table 13:  Current consumption ratings (TBD)Description Conditions Typical rating UnitIVDDLP @ 1.8V OFF State supply current RTC backup @ BATT+ = 0V 1.8 µAIBATT+1(i.e., sum ofBATT+BB and BATT+RF) 1. With an impedance of ZLOAD=50Ω at the antenna connector.OFF State supply current Power Down µAAverage UMTS supply currentData transfer @ maximum PoutSLEEP2 @ DRX=9(UART deactivated)2. Measurements start 6 minutes after switching ON the module; Averaging times: SLEEP mode - 3 minutes, transfer modes - 1.5 minutesCommunication tester settings: no neighbour cells, no cell reselection etc., RMC (reference measurementchannel)USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mASLEEP2 @ DRX=8(UART deactivated)USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mASLEEP2 @ DRX=6(UART deactivated)USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mAIDLE @ DRX=6(UART active, but no communication) USB disconnected mAUSB active mAUMTS Data transfer Band I; +23dBm mAUMTS Data transfer Band V; +23dBm mAUMTS Data transfer Band VIII; +23dBm mAHSPA Data transfer Band I; +23dBm mAHSPA Data transfer Band V; +23dBm mAHSPA Data transfer Band VIII; +23dBm mAAverage LTE sup-ply currentData transfer @ maximum PoutSLEEP2 @ “Paging Occasions“ = 256USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mASLEEP2 @ “Paging Occasions“ = 128USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mASLEEP2 @ “Paging Occasions“ = 64USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mASLEEP2 @ “Paging Occasions“ = 32USB disconnected mAUSB suspended mAIDLE @ DRX=6(UART active, but no communication) USB disconnected mAUSB active mALTE Data transfer Band 3 @ 50 Ohm mA@ total mismatch mALTE Data transfer Band 5 mALTE Data transfer Band 8 mALTE Data transfer Band 28 mA
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.4 Power Supply73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 68 of 1023.4.2 Measuring the Supply Voltage (VBATT+)To measure the supply voltage VBATT+ it is possible to define two reference points GND and BATT+. GND should be the module’s shielding, while BATT+ should be a test pad on the ex-ternal application the module is mounted on. The external BATT+ reference point has to be connected to and positioned close to the SMT application interface’s BATT+ pads 53 (BATT+RF) or 204 (BATT+BB) as shown in Figure 38.Figure 38:  Position of reference points BATT+ and GND3.4.3 Monitoring Power Supply by AT CommandTo monitor the supply voltage you can also use the AT^SBV command which returns the value related to the reference points BATT+ and GND. The module continuously measures the voltage at intervals depending on the operating mode of the RF interface. The duration of measuring ranges from 0.5 seconds in TALK/DATA mode to 50 seconds when ELS61-AUS is in IDLE mode or Limited Service (deregistered). The dis-played voltage (in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT^SBV com-mand was executed. If the measured voltage drops below or rises above the voltage shutdown thresholds, the mod-ule will send an "^SBC" URC and shut down (for details see Section 3.2.5).Reference point GND:Module shieldingReference point BATT+:External test pad connected to and positioned closely to BATT+ pad 53 or 204. External application
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.5 Operating Temperatures73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 69 of 1023.5 Operating TemperaturesPlease note that the module’s lifetime, i.e., the MTTF (mean time to failure) may be reduced, if operated outside the extended temperature range. See also Section 3.2.5 for information about the NTC for on-board temperature measurement,automatic thermal shutdown and alert messages.Note: Within the specified operating temperature ranges the board temperature may vary to agreat extent depending on operating mode, used frequency band, radio output power and cur-rent supply voltage. For more information regarding the module’s thermal behavior please refer to [4].Table 14:  Board temperatureParameter Min Typ Max UnitNormal operation -30 +25 +85 °CExtended operation11. Extended operation allows normal mode speech calls or data transmission for limited time until automatic thermal shutdown takes effect. Within the extended temperature range (outside the normal operating temperature range) the specified electrical characteristics may be in- or decreased.-40 +90 °CAutomatic shutdown2Temperature measured on ELS61-AUSboard2. Due to temperature measurement uncertainty, a tolerance of ±3°C on the thresholds may occur.<-40 --- >+90 °C
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.6 Electrostatic Discharge73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 70 of 1023.6 Electrostatic DischargeThe module is not protected against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) in general. Consequently,it is subject to ESD handling precautions that typically apply to ESD sensitive components.Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout the processing,handling and operation of any application that incorporates a ELS61-AUS module.An example for an enhanced ESD protection for the SIM interface is given in Section has been tested according to group standard ETSI EN 301 489-1 (see Table 22) andtest standard EN 61000-4-2. Electrostatic values can be gathered from the following table.Note: The values may vary with the individual application design. For example, it matterswhether or not the application platform is grounded over external devices like a computer orother equipment, such as the Gemalto reference application described in Chapter ESD Protection for Antenna InterfacesThe following Figure 39 shows how to implement an external ESD protection for the RF anten-na interfaces (ANT_MAIN and ANT_DRX) with either a T pad or PI pad attenuator circuit (for RF line routing design see also Section 2.2.3).Figure 39:  ESD protection for RF antenna interfaceRecommended inductor types for the above sample circuits: Size 0402 SMD from Panasonic ELJRF series (22nH and 18nH inductors) or Murata LQW15AN18NJ00 (18nH inductors only).Table 15:  Electrostatic valuesSpecification/Requirements Contact discharge Air dischargeEN 61000-4-2Antenna interfaces ±1kV n.a.Antenna interfaces with ESD pro-tection (see Section 3.6.1)±4kV ±8kVBATT+ ±4kV ±8kVJEDEC JESD22-A114D (Human Body Model, Test conditions: 1.5 kΩ, 100 pF)All other interfaces ±1kV n.a.Main/Diversity Antenna18pF22nHANT_MAIN/ANT_DRX(Pad 59/56)18pFT pad attenuator circuitMain/Diversity Antenna18nHANT_MAIN/ANT_DRX(Pad 59/56)4.7pFPI pad attenuator circuit18nH
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.7 Blocking against RF on Interface Lines73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 71 of 1023.7 Blocking against RF on Interface LinesTo reduce EMI issues there are serial resistors, or capacitors to GND, implemented on themodule for the ignition, emergency restart, and SIM interface lines (cp. Section 2.3). However,all other signal lines have no EMI measures on the module and there are no blocking measuresat the module’s interface to an external application. Dependent on the specific application design, it might be useful to implement further EMI mea-sures on some signal lines at the interface between module and application. These measuresare described below.There are five possible variants of EMI measures (A-E) that may be implemented betweenmodule and external application depending on the signal line (see Figure 40 and Table 16). Payattention not to exceed the maximum input voltages and prevent voltage overshots if using in-ductive EMC measures.The maximum value of the serial resistor should be lower than 1kΩ on the signal line. The max-imum value of the capacitor should be lower than 50pF on the signal line. Please observe theelectrical specification of the module‘s SMT application interface and the external application‘sinterface.Figure 40:  EMI circuitsNote: In case the application uses an internal RF antenna that is implemented close to theELS61-AUS module, Gemalto strongly recommends sufficient EMI measures, e.g. of type B orC, for each digital input or output.CGNDSMTRApplicationEMI measures ASMTRApplicationEMI measures CCGNDSMTLApplicationEMI measures ECGNDSMT ApplicationEMI measures BSMTLApplicationEMI measures D
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.7 Blocking against RF on Interface Lines73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 72 of 102The following table lists for each signal line at the module‘s SMT application interface the EMImeasures that may be implemented.Table 16:  EMI measures on the application interfaceSignal name EMI measures RemarkABCDECCIN x xCCRST x The external capacitor should be not higher than 10pF. The value of the capacitor depends on the external application.CCIO xCCCLK xRXD0 xxxxxTXD0 xxxxxCTS0 xxxxxRTS0 xxxxxGPIO1/DTR0 xxxxxGPIO2/DCD0 xxxxxGPIO3/DSR0/SPI_CLKxxxxxGPIO4/FST_SHDN xxxxxGPIO5/LED xxxxxGPIO6/PWM2 xxxxxGPIO7/PWM1 xxxxxGPIO8/COUNTER xxxxxGPIO11-GPIO15 xxxxxGPIO16/RXD1/MOSIxxxxxGPIO17/TXD1/MISOxxxxxGPIO18/RTS1 xxxxxGPIO19/CTS1/SPI_CSxxxxxGPIO20 xxxxxGPIO21 xxxxxGPIO22 xxxxxGPIO23 xxxxxGPIO24/RING0 xxxxxI2CDAT  x x The rising signal edge is reduced with an additional capacitor.I2CCLK x xV180 x x xVCORE x x xBATT+RF (pad 53) x x Measures required if BATT+RF is close to internal RF antenna -e.g., 39pF blocking capacitor to groundBATT+BB (pad 204) x x
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description3.8 Reliability Characteristics73ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 73 of 1023.8 Reliability CharacteristicsThe test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications. Table 17:  Summary of reliability test conditionsType of test Conditions StandardVibration Frequency range: 10-20Hz; acceleration: 5gFrequency range: 20-500Hz; acceleration: 20gDuration: 20h per axis; 3 axesDIN IEC 60068-2-611. For reliability tests in the frequency range 20-500Hz the Standard’s acceleration reference value was increased to 20g.Shock half-sinus Acceleration: 500gShock duration: 1ms1 shock per axis6 positions (± x, y and z)DIN IEC 60068-2-27Dry heat Temperature: +70 ±2°CTest duration: 16hHumidity in the test chamber: < 50%EN 60068-2-2 Bb ETS 300 019-2-7Temperature change (shock)Low temperature: -40°C ±2°CHigh temperature: +85°C ±2°CChangeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system)Test duration: 1hNumber of repetitions: 100DIN IEC 60068-2-14 NaETS 300 019-2-7Damp heat cyclic High temperature: +55°C ±2°CLow temperature: +25°C ±2°CHumidity: 93% ±3%Number of repetitions:  6Test duration: 12h + 12hDIN IEC 60068-2-30 DbETS 300 019-2-5Cold (constant exposure)Temperature: -40 ±2°CTest duration: 16hDIN IEC 60068-2-1
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4 Mechanical Dimensions, Mounting and Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 74 of 1024 Mechanical Dimensions, Mounting and Packaging4.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ELS61-AUSFigure 41 shows the top and bottom view of ELS61-AUS and provides an overview of the board's mechanical dimensions. For further details see Figure 42. Figure 41:  ELS61-AUS– top and bottom viewProduct labelTop viewBottom view
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ELS61-AUS88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 75 of 102Figure 42:  Dimensions of ELS61-AUS (all dimensions in mm)
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 76 of 1024.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application PlatformThis section describes how to mount ELS61-AUS onto the PCBs, including land pattern and stencil design, board-level characterization, soldering conditions, durability and mechanical handling. For more information on issues related to SMT module integration see also [3].Note: To avoid short circuits between signal tracks on an external application's PCB and vari-ous markings at the bottom side of the module, it is recommended not to route the signal tracks on the top layer of an external PCB directly under the module, or at least to ensure that signal track routes are sufficiently covered with solder resist.4.2.1 SMT PCB Assembly4.2.1.1 Land Pattern and StencilThe land pattern and stencil design as shown below is based on Gemalto characterizations for lead-free solder paste on a four-layer test PCB and a respectively 110 micron and 150 micron thick stencil. The land pattern given in Figure 43 reflects the module‘s pad layout, including signal pads and ground pads (for pad assignment see Section 2.1.1).Figure 43:  Land pattern (top view)The stencil design illustrated in Figure 44 and Figure 45 is recommended by Gemalto M2M as a result of extensive tests with Gemalto M2M Daisy Chain modules. The central ground pads are primarily intended for stabilizing purposes, and may show some more voids than the application interface pads at the module's rim. This is acceptable, since they are electrically irrelevant.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 77 of 102Figure 44:  Recommended design for 110µm micron thick stencil (top view)Figure 45:  Recommended design for 150µm micron thick stencil (top view)
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 78 of 1024.2.1.2 Board Level CharacterizationBoard level characterization issues should also be taken into account if devising an SMT pro-cess.Characterization tests should attempt to optimize the SMT process with regard to board level reliability. This can be done by performing the following physical tests on sample boards: Peel test, bend test, tensile pull test, drop shock test and temperature cycling. Sample surface mount checks are described in [3].It is recommended to characterize land patterns before an actual PCB production, taking indi-vidual processes, materials, equipment, stencil design, and reflow profile into account. For land and stencil pattern design recommendations see also Section Optimizing the solder stencil pattern design and print process is necessary to ensure print uniformity, to decrease sol-der voids, and to increase board level reliability.Daisy chain modules for SMT characterization are available on request. For details refer to [3].Generally, solder paste manufacturer recommendations for screen printing process parame-ters and reflow profile conditions should be followed. Maximum ratings are described in Section Moisture Sensitivity LevelELS61-AUS comprises components that are susceptible to damage induced by absorbed moisture.Gemalto M2M’s ELS61-AUS module complies with the latest revision of the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Standard for moisture sensitive surface mount devices and is classified as MSL 4.For additional moisture sensitivity level (MSL) related information see Section 4.2.4 and Sec-tion 4.3.2.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 79 of 1024.2.3 Soldering Conditions and Temperature4.2.3.1 Reflow ProfileFigure 46:  Reflow Profile Table 18:  Reflow temperature ratings1 1. Please note that the reflow profile features and ratings listed above are based on the joint industry stan-dard IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1, and are as such meant as a general guideline. For more information on reflow profiles and their optimization please refer to [3].Profile Feature Pb-Free AssemblyPreheat & SoakTemperature Minimum (TSmin)Temperature Maximum (TSmax)Time (tSmin to tSmax) (tS)150°C200°C60-120 secondsAverage ramp up rate (TL to TP) 3K/second max.Liquidous temperature (TL)Time at liquidous (tL)217°C60-90 secondsPeak package body temperature (TP)245°C +0/-5°CTime (tP) within 5 °C of the peak package body temperature (TP)30 seconds max.Average ramp-down rate (TP to TL) 3 K/second max.Time 25°C to maximum temperature 8 minutes max.TLTPtPtLtS Preheatt to maximum TimeTemperatureTSminTSmax
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 80 of 1024.2.3.2 Maximum Temperature and DurationThe following limits are recommended for the SMT board-level soldering process to attach the module:• A maximum module temperature of 240°C. This specifies the temperature as measured atthe module’s top side.• A maximum duration of 15 seconds at this temperature.Please note that while the solder paste manufacturers' recommendations for best temperature and duration for solder reflow should generally be followed, the limits listed above must not be exceeded.ELS61-AUS is specified for one soldering cycle only. Once ELS61-AUS is removed from the application, the module will very likely be destroyed and cannot be soldered onto another ap-plication.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 81 of 1024.2.4 Durability and Mechanical Handling4.2.4.1 Storage ConditionsELS61-AUS modules, as delivered in tape and reel carriers, must be stored in sealed, moisture barrier anti-static bags. The conditions stated below are only valid for modules in their original packed state in weather protected, non-temperature-controlled storage locations. Normal stor-age time under these conditions is 12 months maximum.Table 19:  Storage conditionsType Condition Unit ReferenceAir temperature: LowHigh-25+40°C IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033AHumidity relative: LowHigh1090 at 40°C%IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033AAir pressure:   LowHigh70106kPa IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Movement of surrounding air 1.0 m/s IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Water: rain, dripping, icing and frostingNot allowed --- ---Radiation:   SolarHeat1120600W/m2ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbChemically active substances Not recommendedIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1C1LMechanically active substances Not recommendedIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1S1Vibration sinusoidal:DisplacementAccelerationFrequency range1.552-9   9-200mmm/s2HzIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1M2Shocks:Shock spectrumDurationAccelerationsemi-sinusoidal150msm/s2IEC 60068-2-27 Ea
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.2 Mounting ELS61-AUS onto the Application Platform88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 82 of 1024.2.4.2 Processing LifeELS61-AUS must be soldered to an application within 72 hours after opening the moisture bar-rier bag (MBB) it was stored in.As specified in the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 Standard, the manufacturing site processing the modules should have ambient temperatures below 30°C and a relative humidity below 60%. BakingBaking conditions are specified on the moisture sensitivity label attached to each MBB (see Figure 51 for details):• It is not necessary to bake ELS61-AUS, if the conditions specified in Section andSection were not exceeded.• It is necessary to bake ELS61-AUS, if any condition specified in Section and Section4.2.4.2 was exceeded.If baking is necessary, the modules must be put into trays that can be baked to at least 125°C. Devices should not be baked in tape and reel carriers at any temperature. Electrostatic DischargeElectrostatic discharge (ESD) may lead to irreversable damage for the module. It is therefore advisable to develop measures and methods to counter ESD and to use these to control the electrostatic environment at manufacturing sites.Please refer to Section 3.6 for further information on electrostatic discharge.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 83 of 1024.3 Packaging4.3.1 Tape and ReelThe single-feed tape carrier for ELS61-AUS is illustrated in Figure 47. The figure also shows the proper part orientation. The tape width is 44mm and the ELS61-AUS modules are placed on the tape with a 32-mm pitch. The reels are 330mm in diameter with a core diameter of 100mm. Each reel contains 500 modules. OrientationFigure 47:  Carrier tapeFigure 48:  Reel direction44mm330mmReel direction of the completely equipped tape Direction into SMD machineView directionPad 1Pad 1
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 84 of 1024.3.1.2 Barcode LabelA barcode label provides detailed information on the tape and its contents. It is attached to the reel. Figure 49:  Barcode label on tape reelBarcode label
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 85 of 1024.3.2 Shipping MaterialsELS61-AUS is distributed in tape and reel carriers. The tape and reel carriers used to distribute ELS61-AUS are packed as described below, including the following required shipping materi-als:• Moisture barrier bag, including desiccant and humidity indicator card• Transportation box4.3.2.1 Moisture Barrier BagThe tape reels are stored inside a moisture barrier bag (MBB), together with a humidity indica-tor card and desiccant pouches - see Figure 50. The bag is ESD protected and delimits mois-ture transmission. It is vacuum-sealed and should be handled carefully to avoid puncturing or tearing. The bag protects the ELS61-AUS modules from moisture exposure. It should not be opened until the devices are ready to be soldered onto the application. Figure 50:  Moisture barrier bag (MBB) with imprintThe label shown in Figure 51 summarizes requirements regarding moisture sensitivity, includ-ing shelf life and baking requirements. It is attached to the outside of the moisture barrier bag.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 86 of 102Figure 51:  Moisture Sensitivity Label
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 87 of 102MBBs contain one or more desiccant pouches to absorb moisture that may be in the bag. The humidity indicator card described below should be used to determine whether the enclosed components have absorbed an excessive amount of moisture. The desiccant pouches should not be baked or reused once removed from the MBB.The humidity indicator card is a moisture indicator and is included in the MBB to show the ap-proximate relative humidity level within the bag. Sample humidity cards are shown in Figure 52. If the components have been exposed to moisture above the recommended limits, the units will have to be rebaked.Figure 52:  Humidity Indicator Card - HICA baking is required if the humidity indicator inside the bag indicates 10% RH or more. Transportation BoxTape and reel carriers are distributed in a box, marked with a barcode label for identification purposes. A box contains two reels with 500 modules each.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description4.3 Packaging88ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 88 of 1024.3.3 TraysIf small module quantities are required, e.g., for test and evaluation purposes, ELS61-AUS may be distributed in trays (for dimensions see Figure 53). The small quantity trays are an alterna-tive to the single-feed tape carriers normally used. However, the trays are not designed for ma-chine processing. They contain modules to be (hand) soldered onto an external application (for information on hand soldering see [4]).Trays are packed and shipped in the same way as tape carriers, including a moisture barrier bag with desiccant and humidity indicator card as well as a transportation box (see also Section 4.3.2).Figure 53:  Tray dimensions
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5 Regulatory and Type Approval Information94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 89 of 1025 Regulatory and Type Approval Information5.1 Directives and StandardsELS61-AUS is designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below.It is the responsibility of the application manufacturer to ensure compliance of the final product with all provisions of the applicable directives and standards as well as with the technical spec-ifications provided in the "ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description”.1Table 21:  Standards of Australian Type Approval1.  Manufacturers of applications which can be used in the US shall ensure that their applications have aPTCRB approval. For this purpose they can refer to the PTCRB approval of the respective module. Table 20:  Directives1999/05/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (in short referred to as R&TTE Direc-tive 1999/5/EC).The product is labeled with the CE conformity mark 2002/95/EC (RoHS 1)2011/65/EC (RoHS 2)Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 (and revised on 8 June 2011) on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)GCF-CC v.3.61  Global Certification Forum - Certification CriteriaNAPRD.03 Version 5.28  Overview of PCS Type certification review board Mobile Equipment TypeCertification and IMEI controlPCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB)FCC Certification (CFR 47 Part 15, 22, and 24) Federal Communication Commission Certification Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 47 PART 15 - RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICESPART 22 - PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICESPART 24 - PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICESEN 301 511 V9.0.2  Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS1800 Bands covering essen-tial requirements under article 3(2) of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5EC)EN 301 908-1 V5.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Base Stations (BS), Repeaters and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third-Generation cellular networks; Part 1: Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, intro-duction and common requirements, covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE DirectiveEN 301 908-2 V5.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Base Stations (BS), Repeaters and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third-Generation cellular networks; Part 2: Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) (UE) covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5.1 Directives and Standards94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 90 of 102EN 301 908-13 v5.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Base Stations (BS), Repeaters and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third-Generation cellular networks; Part 13: Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) (UE) covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE DirectiveEN 301 489-01 V1.9.1  Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirementsEN 301 489-07 V1.3.1  Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 24: Specific conditions for IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA) for Mobile and portable (UE) radio and ancillary equipment3GPP TS 51.010-1 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Release 9); Mobile Station (MS) conformance specificationRCM (Regulatory Compli-ance Mark) Certification AS/NZS 60950.1:2011 + Amdt: 2012 Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirement AS/CA S042.1-2011 Telecommunications Technical Standards (Require-ments for Connection to an Air Interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 1: General -AS/CA S042.1: 2010) 2011- Part 3: GSM Customer Equipment — AS/ACIF S042.3:2005) 2005- Part 4: IMT- 2000 Customer Equipment – AS/CA S042.4:2010) 2011PTCRB RFT 077 AT-Command Test Specification Covering PTCRB RFT 77Table 22:  Requirements of qualityIEC 60068 Environmental testingDIN EN 60529 IP codesTable 23:  Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of ChinaSJ/T 11363-2006  “Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Sub-stances in Electronic Information Products” (2006-06).SJ/T 11364-2006 “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products” (2006-06).According to the “Chinese Administration on the Control of Pollution caused by Electronic Information Products” (ACPEIP) the EPUP, i.e., Environmental Protection Use Period, of this product is 20 years as per the symbol shown here, unless otherwise marked. The EPUP is valid only as long as the product is operated within the operating limits described in the Gemalto M2M Hardware Interface Description.Please see Table 24 for an overview of toxic or hazardous substances or elements that might be contained in product parts in concentrations above the limits defined by SJ/T 11363-2006.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5.1 Directives and Standards94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 91 of 102Table 24:  Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 92 of 1025.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobilesMobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a UMTS mod-ule must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. This requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable ELS61-AUS based applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international regulations. Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For Australian-markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations or directives are in force outside these areas. Products intended for sale on Australian markets: Devices in close proximity to the human earDevice 20cm or less form the human bodyDevices more than 20cm from the human bodyPlease note that SAR requirements are specific only for portable devices and not for mobile devices as defined below:• Portable device:A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radi-ating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user.• Mobile device:A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than fixedlocations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structure(s) and thebody of the user or nearby persons. In this context, the term ''fixed location'' means that thedevice is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to anotherlocation.EN 62209-1/IEC 62209-1Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures — Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)EN 62209-2/IEC 62209-2Human exposure to radio frequency fields from handheld and body-mounted wireless communication devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures — Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)AS 2772.2 Australian Standard Radiofrequency radiation Part 2: Princi-ples and methods of measurement – 300 kHz to 100 GHz.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5.3 Reference Equipment for Type Approval94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 93 of 1025.3 Reference Equipment for Type ApprovalThe Gemalto M2M reference setup submitted to type approve ELS61-AUS (including a special approval adapter for the DSB75) is shown in the following figure1:Figure 54:  Reference equipment for Type Approval1.  For RF performance tests a mini-SMT/U.FL to SMA adapter with attached 6dB coaxial attenuator is cho-sen to connect the evaluation module directly to the UMTS test equipment instead of employing the SMAantenna connectors on the ELS61-AUS-DSB75 adapter as shown in Figure 54. The following productsare recommended: Hirose SMA-Jack/U.FL-Plug conversion adapter HRMJ-U.FLP(40)(for details see or Weinschel Fixed Coaxial Attenuator Model 3T/4T (for details see i n  AntennaASC0PCPower Suppl yLTE / UMTSBase StationDSB75ASC1USBApproval adapter for DSB75SMAUSBSIM CardSMASMARx diversity AntennaEvaluation moduleELS61 Evaluation moduleELS61Top viewBottom view
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description5.4 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations94ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 94 of 1025.4 Compliance with FCC Rules and RegulationsThe Equipment Authorization Certification for the Gemalto M2M reference application de-scribed in Section 5.3 will be registered under the following identifiers:FCC Identifier: QIPELS61-AUSGranted to Gemalto M2M GmbH Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating ELS61-AUS modules are authorized to use the FCC Grants of the ELS61-AUS modules for their own final products according to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, an FCC label of the module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating "Contains FCC ID: QIPELS61-AUS”. The integration is limited to fixed or mobile categorized host devices, where a separation distance between the antenna and any person of min. 20cm can be assured during normal operating conditions. For mobile and fixed operation configurations the antenna gain, including cable loss, must not exceed the limit 2.15 dBi for 700MHz, 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2100MHz.IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating ELS61-AUS modules are required to have their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant related to the specific portable mobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable mobiles (see Section 5.2 for detail).Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description6 Document Information99ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 95 of 1026 Document Information6.1 Revision HistoryNew document: "Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.0316.2 Related Documents[1] ELS61-AUS AT Command Set[2] ELS61-AUS Release Note[3] Application Note 48: SMT Module Integration[4] Application Note 40: Thermal Solutions[5] Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, April 27, 2000Chapter What is new-- Initial document setup.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description6.3 Terms and Abbreviations99ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 96 of 1026.3 Terms and AbbreviationsAbbreviation DescriptionADC Analog-to-digital converterAGC Automatic Gain ControlANSI American National Standards InstituteARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberARP Antenna Reference PointASC0/ASC1 Asynchronous Controller. Abbreviations used for first and second serial interface of ELS61-AUSB Thermistor ConstantBER Bit Error RateBIP Bearer Independent ProtocolBTS Base Transceiver StationCB or CBM Cell Broadcast MessageCE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolCPU Central Processing UnitCS Coding SchemeCSD Circuit Switched DataCTS Clear to SendDAC Digital-to-Analog ConverterdBm0 Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-lawDCE Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. Gemalto M2M module)DRX Discontinuous ReceptionDSB Development Support BoxDSP Digital Signal ProcessorDSR Data Set ReadyDTR Data Terminal ReadyDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEFR Enhanced Full RateEIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated PowerEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityERP Effective Radiated PowerESD Electrostatic DischargeETS European Telecommunication StandardFCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description6.3 Terms and Abbreviations99ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 97 of 102FR Full RateGMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGPIO General Purpose Input/OutputHiZ High ImpedanceHR Half RateI/O Input/OutputIC Integrated CircuitIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityISO International Standards OrganizationITU International Telecommunications Unionkbps kbits per secondLED Light Emitting DiodeLi-Ion/Li+ Lithium-IonLi battery Rechargeable Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer batteryLPM Link Power ManagementMbps Mbits per secondMMI Man Machine InterfaceMO Mobile OriginatedMS Mobile Station ( module), also referred to as TEMSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN numberMT Mobile TerminatedNTC Negative Temperature CoefficientOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerPA Power AmplifierPAP Password Authentication ProtocolPBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control ChannelPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCL Power Control LevelPDU Protocol Data UnitPLL Phase Locked LoopPPP Point-to-point protocolPSK Phase Shift KeyingPSU Power Supply UnitPWM Pulse Width ModulationR&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal EquipmentRAM Random Access MemoryRF Radio FrequencyAbbreviation Description
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description6.3 Terms and Abbreviations99ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 98 of 102RLS Radio Link StabilityRMS Root Mean Square (value)RoHS Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. ROM Read-only MemoryRTC Real Time ClockRTS Request to SendRx Receive DirectionSAR Specific Absorption RateSAW Surface Accoustic WaveSELV Safety Extra Low VoltageSIM Subscriber Identification ModuleSMD Surface Mount DeviceSMS Short Message ServiceSMT Surface Mount TechnologySPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceSRAM Static Random Access MemoryTA Terminal adapter (e.g.  module)TDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTE Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTETLS Transport Layer SecurityTx Transmit DirectionUART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitterURC Unsolicited Result CodeUSSD Unstructured Supplementary Service DataVSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioAbbreviation Description
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description6.4 Safety Precaution Notes99ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 99 of 1026.4 Safety Precaution NotesThe following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating ELS61-AUS. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and oper-ating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Gemalto M2M assumes no liability for customer’s failure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guide-lines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy. The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hear-ing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufac-turer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on. Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it can-not be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any elec-trical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile when driv-ing a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for speakerphone operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the vehicle. Speakerphones must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or opera-tion can constitute a safety hazard.IMPORTANT!Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential com-munications, for example emergency calls. Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength. Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the cellular termi-nal or mobile.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description7 Appendix101ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 100 of 1027 Appendix7.1 List of Parts and AccessoriesTable 25:  List of parts and accessoriesDescription Supplier Ordering informationELS61-AUS Gemalto M2M Standard module Gemalto M2M IMEI:Packaging unit (ordering) number: L30960-N4460-A100Module label number: S30960-S4460-A100-111. Note: At the discretion of Gemalto M2M, module label information can either be laser engraved on the module’s shielding or be printed on a label adhered to the module’s shielding. ELS61-AUS Evaluation ModuleGemalto M2M Ordering number: L30960-N4461-A100 (ELS61-AUS)DSB75 Evaluation Kit Gemalto M2M Ordering number: L36880-N8811-A100DSB MiniCompact Evaluation BoardGemalto M2M Ordering number: L30960-N0030-A100Starter Kit B80 Gemalto M2M Ordering Number L30960-N0040-A100Multi-Adapter R1 for mount-ing ELS61-AUS evaluation modules onto DSB75Gemalto M2M Ordering number: L30960-N0010-A100Approval adapter for mount-ing ELS61-AUS evaluation modules onto DSB75Gemalto M2M Ordering number: L30960-N2301-A100SIM card holder incl. push button ejector and slide-in trayMolex Ordering numbers:  91228 91236Sales contacts are listed in Table 26.
Cinterion® ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description7.1 List of Parts and Accessories101ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03Confidential / PreliminaryPage 101 of 102Table 26:  Molex sales contacts (subject to change)MolexFor further information please click:http://www.molex.comMolex Deutschland GmbHOtto-Hahn-Str. 1b69190 WalldorfGermanyPhone: +49-6227-3091-0Fax: +49-6227-3091-8100Email:  mxgermany@molex.comAmerican HeadquartersLisle, Illinois 60532U.S.A.Phone: +1-800-78MOLEXFax: +1-630-969-1352Molex China DistributorsBeijing, Room 1311, Tower B, COFCO PlazaNo. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei Street, 100005BeijingP.R. ChinaPhone:  +86-10-6526-9628 Fax:  +86-10-6526-9730Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd.110, International RoadJurong Town, Singapore 629174Phone:  +65-6-268-6868Fax: +65-6-265-6044Molex Japan Co. Ltd.1-5-4 Fukami-Higashi,Yamato-City,Kanagawa, 242-8585 JapanPhone:  +81-46-265-2325Fax: +81-46-265-2365
102 M2M.GEMALTO.COMAbout GemaltoGemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO) is the world leader in digital security with 2015 annualrevenues of €3.1 billion and blue-chip customers in over 180 countries. Our 14,000+ employees operate out of 118 offices, 45 personalization and data centers, and 27 research and software development centers located in 49 countries. We are at the heart of the rapidly evolving digital society. Billions of people worldwide increasinglywant the freedom to communicate, travel, shop, bank, entertain and work - anytime, everywhere - in ways that are enjoyable and safe. Gemalto delivers on their expanding needs for personalmobile services, payment security, authenticated cloud access, identity and privacy protection,eHealthcare and eGovernment efficiency, convenient ticketing and dependable machine-to-machine (M2M) applications.Gemalto develops secure embedded software and secure products which we design and personalize. Our platforms and services manage these secure products, the confidential data they contain and the trusted end-user services they enable. Our innovations enable our clients to offertrusted and convenient digital services to billions of individuals.Gemalto thrives with the growing number of people using its solutions to interact with the digitaland wireless world.For more information please,, or Follow@gemaltom2m on twitter.Gemalto M2M GmbHWerinherstrasse 8181541 MunichGermany© Gemalto 2016. All rights reserved. Gemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certain countries. April 2013

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