Telit Cinterion Deutschland MC55I-W Quadband GSM/GPRS Module User Manual hio

Gemalto M2M GmbH Quadband GSM/GPRS Module hio

08 user guide

MC55i-WVersion: 01.301DocId: MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301Hardware Interface Overview
GENERAL NOTE THE USE OF THE PRODUCT INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION (THE "PROD-UCT") IS SUBJECT TO THE RELEASE NOTE PROVIDED TOGETHER WITH PRODUCT. IN ANYEVENT THE PROVISIONS OF THE RELEASE NOTE SHALL PREVAIL. THIS DOCUMENT CON-TAINS INFORMATION ON CINTERION PRODUCTS. THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THIS DOCUMENTARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT CINTERION'S DISCRETION. CINTERION WIRELESS MODULESGMBH GRANTS A NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE PRODUCT. THE RECIPIENT SHALL NOTTRANSFER, COPY, MODIFY, TRANSLATE, REVERSE ENGINEER, CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS;DISASSEMBLE OR DECOMPILE THE PRODUCT OR OTHERWISE USE THE PRODUCT EXCEPTAS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED. THE PRODUCT AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN"AS IS" BASIS ONLY AND MAY CONTAIN DEFICIENCIES OR INADEQUACIES. TO THE MAXIMUMEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CINTERION WIRELESS MODULES GMBH DIS-CLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES. THE RECIPIENT UNDERTAKES FOR AN UNLIMITEDPERIOD OF TIME TO OBSERVE SECRECY REGARDING ANY INFORMATION AND DATA PRO-VIDED TO HIM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT. THIS GENERAL NOTESHALL BE GOVERNED AND CONSTRUED ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW.CopyrightTransmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its con-tents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders willbe held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility modelor design patent are reserved. Copyright © 2011, Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH Trademark NoticeMicrosoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in theUnited States and/or other countries. All other registered trademarks or trademarks mentioned in thisdocument are property of their respective owners.MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 2 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedMC55-W Hardware Interface Overview2Document Name: MC55-W Hardware Interface OverviewVersion: 01.301Date: 2011-3-8DocId: MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301Status Confidential / ReleasedSupported Products: MC55i-W
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview Contents30MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 3 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedContents1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 61.1 Related documents............................................................................................ 61.2 Terms and Abbreviations................................................................................... 71.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information ..................................................... 101.3.1 Directives and Standards.................................................................... 101.3.2 SAR Requirements Specific to Portable Mobiles................................ 131.3.3 Safety Precautions.............................................................................. 142 Product Concept ....................................................................................................... 152.1 MC55i-W Key Features at a Glance ................................................................ 153 Application Interface................................................................................................. 173.1 Operating Modes ............................................................................................. 184 Antenna Interface...................................................................................................... 195 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics.................................................... 205.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................. 205.2 Operating Temperatures.................................................................................. 215.3 Storage Conditions .......................................................................................... 225.4 Reliability Characteristics................................................................................. 235.5 Electrical Specifications of the Application Interface........................................ 245.6 Power Supply Ratings...................................................................................... 256 Mechanics.................................................................................................................. 266.1 Mechanical Dimensions of MC55i-W............................................................... 266.2 Board-to-Board Connector............................................................................... 276.2.1 Mechanical Dimensions of the Hirose DF12 Connector ..................... 287 Reference Approval .................................................................................................. 297.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval......................................................... 297.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations................................................. 30
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview Tables92MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 4 of 92 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedTablesTable 1: Directives .......................................................................................................  10Table 2: Standards of North American type approval ..................................................  10Table 3: Standards of European type approval............................................................  10Table 4: Requirements of quality .................................................................................  11Table 5: Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China............................................................................  11Table 6: Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits  12Table 7: Overview of operating modes ........................................................................  18Table 8: Return loss.....................................................................................................  19Table 9: Absolute maximum ratings.............................................................................  20Table 10: Board temperature .........................................................................................  21Table 11: Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (w/o forced air circulation)..  21Table 12: Ambient temperature with forced air circulation (air speed 0.9m/s)...............  21Table 13: Storage conditions .........................................................................................  22Table 14: Summary of reliability test conditions.............................................................  23Table 15: Power supply ratings......................................................................................  25Table 16: Ordering information DF12 series..................................................................  27Table 17: Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Hirose DF12C connector....  27
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview Figures92MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 5 of 92 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedFiguresFigure 1: Pin assignment ..............................................................................................  24Figure 2: MC55i-W – top view.......................................................................................  26Figure 3: Hirose DF12C receptacle on MC55i-W..........................................................  27Figure 4: Header Hirose DF12 series............................................................................  27Figure 5: Mechanical dimensions of Hirose DF12 connector........................................  28Figure 6: Reference equipment for approval.................................................................  29
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1 Introduction14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 6 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released1 IntroductionThis document1 describes the hardware of the MC55i-W module that connects to the cellulardevice application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface specifications,electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for in-tegrating further components.1.1 Related documents[1] MC55i-W AT Command Set[2] MC55i-W Release NotesPrior to using the MC55i-W modules or upgrading to a new firmware release, please carefullyread the latest product information.For further information visit the Cinterion Wireless Modules Website:http://www.cinterion.com1. The document is effective only if listed in the appropriate Release Notes as part of the technicaldocumentation delivered with your Cinterion Wireless Modules product.
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.2 Terms and Abbreviations14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 7 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released1.2 Terms and AbbreviationsAbbreviation DescriptionADC Analog-to-Digital ConverterAFC Automatic Frequency ControlAGC Automatic Gain ControlANSI American National Standards InstituteARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberARP Antenna Reference PointASC0 / ASC1 Asynchronous Serial Controller. Abbreviations used for first and second serial inter-face of MC55i-WASIC Application Specific Integrated CircuitB Thermistor ConstantB2B Board-to-board connectorBER Bit Error RateBTS Base Transceiver StationCB or CBM Cell Broadcast MessageCE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolCPU Central Processing UnitCS Coding SchemeCSD Circuit Switched DataCTS Clear to SendDAC Digital-to-Analog ConverterDAI Digital Audio InterfacedBm0 Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-lawDCE Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. GSM module)DCS 1800 Digital Cellular System, also referred to as PCNDRX Discontinuous ReceptionDSB Development Support BoxDSP Digital Signal ProcessorDSR Data Set ReadyDTE Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, terminal, printer or, for example, GSM application)DTR Data Terminal ReadyDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEFR Enhanced Full RateEGSM Enhanced GSM
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.2 Terms and Abbreviations14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 8 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityESD Electrostatic DischargeETS European Telecommunication StandardFCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)FDMA Frequency Division Multiple AccessFR Full RateGMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGSM Global Standard for Mobile CommunicationsHiZ High ImpedanceHR Half RateI/O Input/OutputIC Integrated CircuitIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityISO International Standards OrganizationITU International Telecommunications Unionkbps kbits per secondLED Light Emitting DiodeLi-Ion Lithium-IonMbps Mbits per secondMMI Man Machine InterfaceMO Mobile OriginatedMS Mobile Station (GSM module), also referred to as TEMSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN numberMT Mobile TerminatedMTTF Mean time to failureNTC Negative Temperature CoefficientOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerPA Power AmplifierPAP Password Authentication ProtocolPBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control ChannelPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCL Power Control LevelPCM Pulse Code ModulationPCN Personal Communications Network, also referred to as DCS 1800PCS Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900Abbreviation Description
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.2 Terms and Abbreviations14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 9 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedPDU Protocol Data UnitPLL Phase Locked LoopPPP Point-to-point protocolPSU Power Supply UnitR&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal EquipmentRAM Random Access MemoryRF Radio FrequencyRMS Root Mean Square (value)ROM Read-only MemoryRTC Real Time ClockRx Receive DirectionSAR Specific Absorption RateSELV Safety Extra Low VoltageSIM card Subscriber Identification Module card; specifies a UICC with SIM applicationSMS Short Message ServiceSRAM Static Random Access MemoryTA Terminal adapter (e.g. GSM module)TDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTE Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTETx Transmit DirectionUART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitterUICC USIM Integrated Circuit CardUMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications SystemURC Unsolicited Result CodeUSIM UMTS Subscriber Identification ModuleUSSD Unstructured Supplementary Service DataVSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioPhonebook abbreviationsFD SIM fixdialing phonebookLD SIM last dialling phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialled)MC Mobile Equipment list of unanswered MT calls (missed calls)ME Mobile Equipment phonebookON Own numbers (MSISDNs) stored on SIM or MERC Mobile Equipment list of received callsSM SIM phonebookAbbreviation Description
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 10 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information1.3.1 Directives and StandardsMC55i-W has been designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below. It is theresponsibility of the application manufacturer to ensure compliance of the final product with allprovisions of the applicable directives and standards as well as with the technical specificationsprovided in the "MC55i-W Hardware Interface Description".22. Manufacturers of applications which can be used in the US shall ensure that their applications have aPTCRB approval. For this purpose they can refer to the PTCRB approval of the respective module. Table 1:  Directives99/05/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (in short referred to as R&TTE Direc-tive 1999/5/EC).The product is labeled with the CE conformity mark 2002/95/EC  Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equip-ment (RoHS)Table 2:  Standards of North American type approvalCFR Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22 and Part 24 (Telecommunications, PCS); US Equipment Authorization FCCUL 60 950 Product Safety Certification (Safety requirements)NAPRD.03 V5.4 Overview of PCS Type certification review board Mobile Equipment Type Certification and IMEI controlPCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB)RSS132 (Issue2)RSS133 (Issue5) Canadian StandardTable 3:  Standards of European type approval3GPP TS 51.010-1 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Mobile Station (MS) conformance specificationETSI EN 301 511 V9.0.2 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essen-tial requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) (GSM 13.11 version 7.0.1 Release 1998)GCF-CC V3.40 Global Certification Forum - Certification CriteriaETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Elec-tro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and ser-vices; Part 1: Common Technical Requirements
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 11 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedETSI EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Elec-tro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and ser-vices; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)EN 60950-1:2006 Safety of information technology equipmentTable 4:  Requirements of qualityIEC 60068 Environmental testingDIN EN 60529 IP codesTable 5:  Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of ChinaSJ/T 11363-2006  “Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Sub-stances in Electronic Information Products” (2006-06).SJ/T 11364-2006 “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products” (2006-06).According to the “Chinese Administration on the Control of Pollution caused by Electronic Information Products” (ACPEIP) the EPUP, i.e., Environmental Protection Use Period, of this product is 20 years as per the symbol shown here, unless otherwise marked. The EPUP is valid only as long as the product is operated within the operating limits described in the Cin-terion Wireless Modules Hardware Interface Description.Please see Table 6 for an overview of toxic or hazardous substances or elements that might be contained in product parts in concentrations above the limits defined by SJ/T 11363-2006. Table 3:  Standards of European type approval
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 12 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedTable 6:  Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 13 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released1.3.2 SAR Requirements Specific to Portable MobilesMobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM modulemust be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. Thisrequires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable MC55i-W based applications to beevaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international regulations. Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers areadvised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For European and USmarkets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturerof the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations or directivesare in force outside these areas. Products intended for sale on US marketsES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs) from Mobile Telecommunication Equipment(MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz Products intended for sale on European markets EN 50360:  Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phoneswith the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electro-magnetic fields (300MHz - 3GHz)
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information14MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 14 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released1.3.3 Safety PrecautionsThe following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage,service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating MC55i-W. Manufacturers of thecellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operatingpersonnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Fail-ure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and in-tended use of the product. Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH assumes no liability for customerfailure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guide-lines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy. The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufac-turer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on. Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it can-not be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electri-cal equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile when driv-ing a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for handsfree operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the vehicle. Handsfree devices must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or oper-ation can constitute a safety hazard.IMPORTANT!Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential commu-nications, for example emergency calls. Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength. Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialling etc.). You may need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the cellular termi-nal or mobile. SOS
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview2 Product Concept16MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 15 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released2 Product Concept2.1 MC55i-W Key Features at a GlanceFeature ImplementationGeneralFrequency bands Quad band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHzGSM class Small MSOutput power (according to Release 99, V5) Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM850Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM900Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1800Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1900Power supply 3.3V < VBATT+ < 4.8VOperating temperature (board temperature) Normal operation:  -30°C to +85°CRestricted operation: -40°C to -30°C and +85°C to +90°CPhysical Dimensions: 32.5mm x 35mm x max. 3.1mmWeight: approx. 6gRoHS All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS DirectiveGSM / GPRS featuresData transfer GPRS:• Multislot Class 10• Full PBCCH support• Mobile Station Class B• Coding Scheme 1 – 4CSD:• V.110, RLP, non-transparent• 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4kbps•USSDPPP-stack for GPRS data transferSMS Point-to-point MT and MOCell broadcastText and PDU modeStorage: SIM card plus 25 SMS locations in mobile equipmentTransmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS. Preferred mode can be user defined.Fax Group 3; Class 2Audio Speech codecs: • Half Rate (ETS 06.20)• Full Rate (ETS 06.10)• Enhanced Full Rate (ETS 06.50 / 06.60 / 06.80)• Adaptive Multi Rate AMRHandsfree operation, echo cancellation, noise reduction, 7 different ringing tones / melodies
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview2.1 MC55i-W Key Features at a Glance16MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 16 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / ReleasedSoftwareAT commands Hayes 3GPP TS 27.007, TS 27.005, Cinterion Wireless ModulesAT commands for RIL compatibilitySIM Application Toolkit Supports SAT class 3, GSM 11.14 Release 99, support of letter class “c”TCP/IP stack Protocols: TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3Access by AT commandsFirmware update Windows executable for update over serial interface ASC0Interfaces2 serial interfaces  ASC0:• 8-wire modem interface with status and control lines, unbalanced, asyn-chronous• Fixed bit rates: 300bps to 230,000bps• Autobauding: 1,200bps to 230,000bps• Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware handshake and software XON/XOFFflow control.• Multiplex ability according to GSM 07.10 Multiplexer Protocol.ASC1:• 4-wire, unbalanced asynchronous interface• Fixed bit rates: 300bps to 230,000bps• Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware handshake and software XON/XOFFflow controlAudio 1 analog interface1 digital interface (PCM) SIM interface Supported SIM cards: 3V, 1.8VExternal SIM card reader has to be connected via interface connector (note that card reader is not part of MC55i-W)Antenna 50. External antenna can be connected via antenna connector or solder-able pad.Module interface 50-pin board-to-board connectorPower on/off, ResetPower on/off Switch-on by hardware pin IGTSwitch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO)Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature and voltage conditionsReset Orderly shutdown and reset by AT commandSpecial featuresReal time clock Timer functions via AT commandsPhonebook SIM and phoneTTY/CTM support Integrated CTM modemEvaluation kitDSB75  DSB75 Evaluation board designed to test and type approve Cinterion Wire-less Module and provide a sample configuration for application engineer-ing. A special adapter is required to connect the module to the DSB75.Feature Implementation
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview3 Application Interface18MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 17 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released3 Application InterfaceMC55i-W is equipped with a 50-pin board-to-board connector that connects to the external ap-plication. The host interface incorporates several sub-interfaces: power supply, SIM interface,serial interface ASC0, serial interface ASC1, analog audio interface, and DAI/PCM interface(for details see Chapter 2 and Section 5.5).
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview3.1 Operating Modes18MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 18 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released3.1 Operating ModesThe table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the followingsections. Table 7:  Overview of operating modesMode FunctionNormal operation GSM / GPRS SLEEP Various powersave modes set with AT+CFUN command. Software is active to minimum extent. If the module was reg-istered to the GSM network in IDLE mode, it is registered and paging with the BTS in SLEEP mode, too. Power saving can be chosen at different levels: The NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=0) disables the AT interface. The CYCLIC SLEEP modes AT+CFUN= 7 and 9 alternatingly activate and deacti-vate the AT interfaces to allow permanent access to all AT commands.GSM IDLE Software is active. Once registered to the GSM network, pag-ing with BTS is carried out. The module is ready to send and receive.GSM TALK Connection between two subscribers is in progress. Power consumption depends on network coverage individual set-tings, such as DTX off/on, FR/EFR/HR, hopping sequences, antenna.GPRS IDLE Module is ready for GPRS data transfer, but no data is cur-rently sent or received. Power consumption depends on net-work settings and GPRS configuration (e.g. multislot settings).GPRS DATA GPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on network settings (e.g. power control level), uplink / down-link data rates and GPRS configuration (e.g. used multislot settings).Power Down Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command. Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is not active. Interfaces are not accessi-ble. Operating voltage (connected to BATT+) remains applied.Alarm mode Restricted operation launched by RTC alert function while the module is in Power Down mode. Module will not be registered to GSM network. Limited number of AT commands is accessible.
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview4 Antenna Interface19MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 19 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released4 Antenna InterfaceThe RF interface has an impedance of 50. MC55i-W is capable of sustaining a total mismatchat the antenna connector or pad without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RFpower. The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radi-ated power, DC-power consumption and harmonic suppression. Matching networks are not in-cluded on the MC55i-W PCB and should be placed in the host application. Regarding the return loss MC55i-W provides the following values:The connection of the antenna or other equipment must be decoupled from DC voltage. Thisis necessary because the antenna connector is DC coupled to ground via an inductor for ESDprotection.Table 8:  Return lossState of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of applicationReceive > 8dB > 12dB Transmit not applicable  > 12dB Idle < 5dB  not applicable
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 20 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings for supply voltage and voltages on digital and analog pins of MC55i-W are listed in Table 9. Exceeding these values will cause permanent damage to MC55i-W.Table 9:  Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Min Max UnitSupply voltage BATT+ -0.3 +6.0 VVoltage at digital pins in normal operation -0.3 +3.3 VVoltage at all digital pins in Power Down mode -0.3 +0.3 VVoltage at SIM interface, CCVCC 1.8V in normal Operation -0.3 +2.2 VVoltage at SIM interface, CCVCC 2.85V in normal Operation -0.3 +3.3 VVoltage at analogue pins in normal operation -0.3 +3.0 VVoltage at analogue pins in Power Down mode -0.3 +0.3 VVDDLP -0.3 +2.5 V
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5.2 Operating Temperatures25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 21 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5.2 Operating TemperaturesPlease note that the module’s lifetime, i.e., the MTTF (mean time to failure) may be reduced, ifoperated outside the restriced temperature range. A special URC reports whether the moduleenters or leaves the restriced temperature range (see [1]; AT^SCTM).Note that within the specified operating temperature ranges the board temperature may varyto a great extent depending on operating mode, used frequency band, radio output power andcurrent supply voltage. When data are transmitted over GPRS the quad band module variant automatically reverts toa lower Multislot Class if the temperature rises to the limit specified for normal operation and,vice versa, returns to the higher Multislot Class if the temperature is back to normal.  Table 10:  Board temperatureParameter Min Typ Max UnitNormal operation -30 +25 +85 °CRestricted operation -40 to -30 +85 to +90 °CAutomatic shutdown1Temperature measured on MC55i-W board1. Due to temperature measurement uncertainty, a tolerance of ±3°C on the thresholds may occur.<-40 --- >+90 °CTable 11:  Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (w/o forced air circulation)Parameter Min Typ Max UnitGSM Call @ max. RF-Power  -40 +75 °CGPRS Class 8 @ max. RF-Power -40 +75 °CGPRS Class 10 @ max. RF-Power (quad band only) -40 +60 °CTable 12:  Ambient temperature with forced air circulation (air speed 0.9m/s)Parameter Min Typ Max UnitGSM Call @ max. RF-Power  -40 +80 °CGPRS Class 8 @ max. RF-Power -40 +80 °CGPRS Class 10 @ max. RF-Power (quad band only) -40 +70 °C
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5.3 Storage Conditions25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 22 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5.3 Storage ConditionsThe conditions stated below are only valid for modules in their original packed state in weatherprotected, non-temperature-controlled storage locations. Normal storage time under theseconditions is 12 months maximum.Table 13:  Storage conditionsType Condition Unit ReferenceAir temperature: LowHigh -40+85 °C ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-1 AbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbHumidity relative: LowHighCondens.1090 at 30°C90-100 at 30°C%---ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-56 CbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-30 DbAir pressure:  LowHigh 70106 kPa IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Movement of surrounding air 1.0 m/s IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Water:rain, dripping, icing and frosting Not allowed --- ---Radiation:  SolarHeat 1120600 W/m2ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbChemically active substances Not recom-mended IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1C1LMechanically active substances Not recom-mended IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1S1Vibration sinusoidal:DisplacementAccelerationFrequency range1.552-9   9-200mmm/s2HzIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1M2Shocks:Shock spectrumDurationAccelerationsemi-sinusoidal150 msm/s2IEC 60068-2-27 Ea
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5.4 Reliability Characteristics25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 23 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5.4 Reliability CharacteristicsThe test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications. Table 14:  Summary of reliability test conditionsType of test Conditions StandardVibration Frequency range: 10-20 Hz; acceleration: 3.1mm amplitudeFrequency range: 20-500 Hz; acceleration: 5gDuration: 2h per axis = 10 cycles; 3 axesDIN IEC 60068-2-6Shock half-sinus Acceleration: 500gShock duration: 1msec1 shock per axis6 positions (± x, y and z)DIN IEC 60068-2-27Dry heat Temperature: +70 ±2°CTest duration: 16 hHumidity in the test chamber: < 50%EN 60068-2-2 Bb ETS 300019-2-7Temperature change (shock) Low temperature: -40°C ±2°CHigh temperature: +85°C ±2°CChangeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system)Test duration: 1 hNumber of repetitions: 100DIN IEC 60068-2-14 NaETS 300019-2-7Damp heat cyclic High temperature: +55°C ±2°CLow temperature: +25°C ±2°CHumidity: 93% ±3%Number of repetitions:  6Test duration: 12h + 12hDIN IEC 60068-2-30 DbETS 300019-2-5Cold (constant exposure) Temperature: -40 ±2°CTest duration: 16 h DIN IEC 60068-2-1
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5.5 Electrical Specifications of the Application Interface25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 24 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5.5 Electrical Specifications of the Application InterfaceThe Hirose DF12C board-to-board connector on MC55i-W is a 50-pin double-row receptacle.The names and the positions of the pins can be seen from Figure 2 which shows the top viewof MC55i-W.Figure 1:  Pin assignment 1 CCCLK Not connected 502 CCVCC Not connected 493 CCIO EPP 484 CCRST EPN 475 CCIN VMICN 466 CCGND VMICP 457RXDDAI MICP 448TFSDAI MICN 439SCLK AGND 4210 TXDDAI IGT 4111 RFSDAI EMERG_RST 4012 Do not use DCD0 3913 STATUS CTS1 3814 RXD1 CTS0 3715 RXD0 RTS1 3616 TXD1 DTR0 3517 TXD0 RTS0 3418 VDDLP DSR0 3319 Not connected RING0 3220 Not connected VDD 3121 GND BATT+ 3022 GND BATT+ 2923 GND BATT+ 2824 GND BATT+ 2725 GND BATT+ 26
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview5.6 Power Supply Ratings25MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 25 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released5.6 Power Supply RatingsTable 15:  Power supply ratingsDescription Conditions Min Typ Max UnitBATT+ Supply voltage Directly measured at module.Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple and spikes.3.3 4.0 4.8 VMaximum allowed voltage drop during transmit burstNormal condition, power control level for Pout max400 mVVoltage ripple Normal condition, power control level for Pout max@ f<250kHz@ f>250kHz 10530mVppIVDDLP OFF state supply current RTC backup @ BATT+ = 0V 6.0 µAIBATT+11. With an impedance of ZLOAD=50Ohm at the antenna connector. OFF state supply current POWER DOWN mode 45 µAAverage supply current SLEEP mode2 @ DRX = 92. ASC0, ASC1 inactiveMeasurements start 6 minutes after switching on the module, Averaging times: SLEEP mode - 3 minutes; transfer modes - 1.5 minutes,Communication tester settings: no neighbour cells, no cell reselection etc., RMC (Reference Measurement Channel)1.3 mASLEEP mode2 @ DRX = 5 1.6 mASLEEP mode2 @ DRX = 2 2.2 mAIDLE mode2 @ DRX = 2 9.5 mAVoice call GSM850/900, PCL=5 180 mAGPRS data transfer GSM850/900 PCL=5, (1Tx/ 4Rx) 170 mAGPRS data transfer GSM850/900 PCL=5, (2Tx/ 3Rx) 310 mAVoice call GSM1800/1900, PCL=0 135 mAGPRS data transferGSM1800/1900 PCL=0, (1Tx/ 4Rx) 130 mAGPRS data transfer GSM1800/1900 PCL=0, (2Tx/ 3Rx) 230 mAVoice call GSM850, PCL=5 1.35 1.383APeak current during GSM transmission burstVoice call GSM900, PCL=5 1.30 1.3533. At total mismatch.AVoice call GSM1800, PCL=0 0.95 0.983AVoice call GSM1900, PCL=0 0.89 0.923A
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview6 Mechanics28MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 26 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released6 MechanicsThe following sections describe the mechanical dimensions of MC55i-W and give recommen-dations for integrating MC55i-W into the host application. 6.1 Mechanical Dimensions of MC55i-WFigure 2 shows the top view on MC55i-W and provides an overview of the mechanical dimen-sions of the board. Length: 35mm Width: 32.5mm Height: 3.1mm (including board-to-board connector), 2.9mm (excluding connector)Weight: 6gFigure 2:  MC55i-W – top view Pin 1Pin 50
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview6.2 Board-to-Board Connector28MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 27 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released6.2 Board-to-Board ConnectorThis section provides specifications for the 50-pin board-to-board connector which serves asphysical interface to the host application. The receptacle assembled on the MC55i-W PCB istype Hirose DF12C. Mating headers from Hirose are available in different stacking heights. Note: The headers listed above are without boss and metal fitting. Please contact Hirose fordetails on other types of mating headers. Asterixed HRS numbers denote different types ofpackaging. Figure 3:  Hirose DF12C receptacle on MC55i-W Figure 4:  Header Hirose DF12 seriesTable 16:  Ordering information DF12 seriesItem Part number  Stacking height (mm) HRS numberReceptacle on MC55i-W DF12C(3.0)-50DS-0.5V(81) 3 - 5 537-0694-9-81Headers DF12 series DF12E(3.0)-50DP-0.5V(81)DF12E(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(81)DF12E(4.0)-50DP-0.5V(81)DF12E(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(81)**537-0534-2-**537-0559-3-**537-0584-0-**Table 17:  Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Hirose DF12C connectorParameter Specification (50 pin board-to-board connector)Number of contacts 50Quantity delivered 2000 connectors per tape & reelVoltage 50VRated current 0.3A max per contactResistance 0.05  per contactDielectric withstanding voltage 500V RMS minOperating temperature -45°C...+125°CContact material phosphor bronze  (surface: gold plated)Insulator material PA , beige naturalStacking height 3.0 mm ; 3.5 mm ; 4.0 mm ; 5.0 mmInsertion force 21.8NWithdrawal force 1st 10NWithdrawal force  50th 10NMaximum connection cycles 50
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview6.2 Board-to-Board Connector28MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 28 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released6.2.1 Mechanical Dimensions of the Hirose DF12 ConnectorFigure 5:  Mechanical dimensions of Hirose DF12 connector
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview7 Reference Approval30MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 29 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released7 Reference Approval7.1 Reference Equipment for Type ApprovalThe Cinterion Wireless Modules reference setup submitted to type approve MC55i-W consistsof the following components:Figure 6:  Reference equipment for approval            Antenna GSM Antenna with  1m cable  ASC0 PC  Powersupply          GSM / GPRS / UMTSBase Station DSB75  Audio Test System Handset ASC1 SIM Card SMA  Audio        Module     ModuleModule extern with flexible cable and 50-to-80 adapter to DSB75
MC55i-W Hardware Interface Overview7.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations30MC55i-W_HIO_v01.301 Page 30 of 30 2011-3-8Confidential / Released7.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and RegulationsThe Equipment Authorization Certification for the Cinterion Wireless Modules reference appli-cation described in Section 7.1 will be registered under the following identifiers:FCC Identifier: QIPMC55I-WIndustry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-MC55IWGranted to Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbHManufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating MC55i-W modules are authorized touse the FCC Grants and Industry Canada Certificates of the MC55i-W modules for their ownfinal products according to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, the FCClabel of the module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second labelstating "Contains FCC ID QIPMC55I-W", and accordingly "Contains IC 7830A-MC55IW".IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating MC55i-W modules are required to havetheir final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant and Industry Canada Certificaterelated to the specific portable mobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for por-table mobiles (see Section 1.3.2 for detail).Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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