Telit Cinterion Deutschland PCS3 CDMA 1XRTT MODULE User Manual Rev


User Manual Rev

Hardware Interface Description  PCS3 Version:          01.000-03 Document:      PCS3_HD_v01.000-03
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 2 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface Description   Document Name:  PCS3 Hardware Interface Description Version: 01.000-03 Date: 2013-10-21 Document:  PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Status  Confidential / Preliminary GENERAL NOTE THE USE OF THE PRODUCT INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION (THE "PROD- UCT") IS SUBJECT TO THE RELEASE NOTE PROVIDED TOGETHER WITH PRODUCT. IN ANY EVENT THE PROVISIONS OF THE RELEASE NOTE SHALL PREVAIL. THIS DOCUMENT CON- TAINS INFORMATION ON CINTERION PRODUCTS. THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT CINTERION'S DISCRETION. CINTERION WIRELESS MODULES GMBH GRANTS A NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE PRODUCT. THE RECIPIENT SHALL NOT TRANSFER, COPY, MODIFY, TRANSLATE, REVERSE ENGINEER, CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS; DISASSEMBLE OR DECOMPILE THE PRODUCT OR OTHERWISE USE THE PRODUCT EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED. THE PRODUCT AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS ONLY AND MAY CONTAIN DEFICIENCIES OR INADEQUACIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CINTERION WIRELESS MODULES GMBH DIS- CLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES. THE RECIPIENT UNDERTAKES FOR AN UNLIMITED PERIOD OF TIME TO OBSERVE SECRECY REGARDING ANY INFORMATION AND DATA PRO- VIDED TO HIM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT. THIS GENERAL NOTE SHALL BE GOVERNED AND CONSTRUED ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW. Copyright Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its con- tents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved. Copyright © 2013, Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH Trademark Notice Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. CDMA2000 is a registered certification mark of the Telecommuni- cations Industry Association. All other registered trademarks or trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 3 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface DescriptionContents   Contents 0 Document History ....................................................................................................... 8 1 Introduction  .............................................................................................................. 10 1.1 Related Documents  ......................................................................................... 10 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations  ................................................................................. 10 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information  ..................................................... 13 1.3.1 Directives and Standards  ................................................................... 13 1.3.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles  .................................. 15 1.3.3 SELV Requirements  ........................................................................... 16 1.3.4 Safety Precautions  ............................................................................. 16 2 Product Concept  ....................................................................................................... 18 2.1 Key Features at a Glance  ................................................................................ 18 2.2 PCS3 System Overview  .................................................................................. 20 2.3 Circuit Concept  ................................................................................................ 21 3 Application Interface  ................................................................................................ 22 3.1 Operating Modes  ............................................................................................. 23 3.2 Power Supply  .................................................................................................. 24 3.2.1 Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command  ........................................ 25 3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios  ................................................................ 26 3.3.1 Turn on PCS3  ..................................................................................... 26 3.3.2 Signal States after Startup  .................................................................. 27 3.3.3 Turn off PCS3 Using AT Command  .................................................... 28 3.3.4 Configuring the IGT Line for Use as ON/OFF Switch  ......................... 29 3.3.5 Automatic Shutdown  ........................................................................... 30 Thermal Shutdown  .............................................................. 31 Undervoltage Shutdown  ...................................................... 32 Overvoltage Shutdown  ........................................................ 32 3.3.6 Automatic Reset  ................................................................................. 32 3.3.7     Turn off PCS3 in Case of Emergency..………………………………....33 3.4 Power Saving  .................................................................................................. 34 3.4.1 Power Saving while Attached to CDMA Networks  .............................. 34 3.4.2 Timing of the CTS0 Signal, CDMA  ..................................................... 34 3.4.3 Wake up from or Disabling Power Saving  .......................................... 35 3.5 RTC Backup  .................................................................................................... 36 3.6 USB Interface  .................................................................................................. 37 3.6.1 Reducing Power Consumption  ........................................................... 38 3.7 Serial Interface ASC0  ...................................................................................... 39 3.8 Analog Audio Interface  .................................................................................... 41 3.8.1 Microphone Inputs and Supply  ........................................................... 42 3.8.2 Loudspeaker Output  ........................................................................... 45 3.9 Digital Audio Interface  ..................................................................................... 46 3.9.1 Pulse Code Modulation Interface (PCM)  ............................................ 46
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 4 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface DescriptionContents   3.9.2 Inter I2C Interface   ..............................................................................  48 3.10 Control Signals  ................................................................................................ 50 3.10.1 PWR_IND Signal  ................................................................................ 50 3.10.2 Network Connectivity Status Signals  .................................................. 50 3.10.3 Behavior of the RING0 Line (ASC0 Interface only)  .............................  51 3.10.4 Host Wakeup  ...................................................................................... 51 3.10.5 Low Current Indicator  ......................................................................... 52 3.10.6 RING0 (ASC0), WAKEUP and LCI_IND Startup Behavior  ................. 53 4 Antenna Interfaces  ................................................................................................... 55 4.1 CDMA Antenna Interface  ................................................................................. 55 4.1.1 Antenna Installation  ............................................................................ 56 4.1.2 RF Line Routing Design  ..................................................................... 57 Line Arrangement Examples  ............................................... 57 Routing Example  ................................................................ 59 5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics  .................................................... 62 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings  ............................................................................. 62 5.2 Operating Temperatures  ................................................................................. 63 5.3 Storage Conditions  .......................................................................................... 63 5.4 Reliability Characteristics  ................................................................................ 64 5.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description  ..........................................................  64 5.6 Power Supply Ratings  ..................................................................................... 72 5.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part  .............................................. 73 5.7.1 Setting Audio Parameters by AT Commands  ..................................... 73 5.7.2 Audio Programming Model  ................................................................. 74 5.7.3 Characteristics of Audio Modes  .......................................................... 75 5.7.4 Voiceband Receive Path  .................................................................... 77 5.7.5 Voiceband Transmit Path  ................................................................... 77 5.8 RF Antenna Interface Characteristics  .............................................................. 78 5.9 Electrostatic Discharge .................................................................................... 79 6 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging  ..................................................................... 81 6.1 Mechanical Dimensions of PCS3  .................................................................... 81 6.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application Platform  .................................................  83 6.2.1 SMT PCB Assembly  ........................................................................... 83 Land Pattern and Stencil  ..................................................... 83 Board Level Characterization  .............................................. 85 6.2.2 Moisture Sensitivity Level  ................................................................... 85 6.2.3 Soldering Conditions and Temperature  .............................................. 86 Reflow Profile  ..................................................................... 86 Maximum Temperature and Duration  ..................................  87 6.3 Durability and Mechanical Handling  ................................................... 88 Storage Life  ........................................................................ 88 Processing Life  ................................................................... 88
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 5 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface DescriptionContents    Baking  ................................................................................ 88 Electrostatic Discharge  ....................................................... 88 6.4 Packaging  ....................................................................................................... 89 6.4.1 Tape and Reel  .................................................................................... 89 Orientation  .......................................................................... 89 Barcode Label ..................................................................... 90 6.4.2 Shipping Materials  .............................................................................. 91 Moisture Barrier Bag  ........................................................... 91 Transportation Box  .............................................................. 93 7 Sample Application  .................................................................................................. 94 8 Reference Approval  .................................................................................................. 96 8.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval  .........................................................  96 8.2 Compliance with FCC and IC Rules and Regulations  ..................................... 97 9 Appendix  ................................................................................................................... 98 9.1 List of Parts and Accessories  .......................................................................... 98 9.2 Mounting Advice Sheet  .................................................................................. 100
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 6 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface DescriptionTables   Tables Table 1:  Directives ........................................................................................................ 13 Table 2:  Standards of North American type approval ................................................... 13 Table 3:  Requirements of quality................................................................................... 13 Table 4:  Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China ............................................................................. 14 Table 5:  Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits ................................................................................................................ 14 Table 6:  Overview of operating modes.......................................................................... 23 Table 7:  Signal states. ................................................................................................... 27 Table 8:  Temperature dependent behavior ................................................................... 31 Table 9:  DCE-DTE wiring of ASC0 ................................................................................ 40 Table 10:  Feedback resistor values versus input gain .................................................... 43 Table 11:  Configuration combinations for the PCM interface .......................................... 46 Table 12:  Overview of PCM signal functions ................................................................... 46 Table 13:  Overview of I2C signal functions ...................................................................... 48 Table 14:  Host wakeup lines ........................................................................................... 51 Table 15:  Low current indicator line ................................................................................ 52 Table 16:  Return loss in the active band ......................................................................... 55 Table 17:  Absolute maximum ratings .............................................................................. 62 Table 18:  Board temperature .......................................................................................... 63 Table 19:  Storage conditions ........................................................................................... 63 Table 20:  Summary of reliability test conditions .............................................................. 64 Table 21:  Overview: Pad assignments ............................................................................ 65 Table 22:  Signal description ............................................................................................ 68 Table 23:  Power supply ratings ....................................................................................... 72 Table 24:  Audio parameters adjustable by AT command ............................................... 73 Table 25:  Voiceband characteristics ............................................................................... 75 Table 26:  Voiceband receive path. .................................................................................. 77 Table 27:  Voiceband transmit path.................................................................................. 77 Table 28:  RF Antenna interface CDMA. .......................................................................... 78 Table 29:  Electrostatic values ......................................................................................... 80 Table 30:  Reflow temperature ratings ............................................................................. 87 Table 31:  List of parts and accessories. .......................................................................... 98 Table 32:  Molex sales contacts (subject to change) ....................................................... 99 Table 33:  Hirose sales contacts (subject to change) ....................................................... 99
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 7 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface DescriptionFigures Figures Figure 1:  PCS3 system overview  .................................................................................. 20 Figure 2:  PCS3 block diagram  ....................................................................................... 21 Figure 3:  Decoupling capacitor(s) for BATT+  ................................................................. 24 Figure 4:  Power-on with IGT  ..........................................................................................  26 Figure 5:  Signal states during turn-off procedure  ...........................................................  28 Figure 6:  Timing of IGT if used as ON/OFF switch  ........................................................ 29 Figure 7:  Shutdown by EMERG_OFF signal  ................................................................. 33 Figure 8:  RTC supply variants  ....................................................................................... 36 Figure 9:  USB circuit  ...................................................................................................... 37 Figure 10:  Serial interface ASC0  ..................................................................................... 39 Figure 11:  Structure of Audio Input and Supply  ............................................................... 42 Figure 12:  Single ended microphone connection  .............................................................  44 Figure 13:  Differential microphone connection  ................................................................ 44 Figure 14:  Line input  ........................................................................................................ 45 Figure 15:  Differential loudspeaker connection  ................................................................  45 Figure 16:  Line output connection  ................................................................................... 45 Figure 17:  PCM timing short frame (master/slave, 256, 512 or 2048KHz)  ....................... 47 Figure 18:  PCM timing long frame (master, 128kHz)  ....................................................... 47 Figure 19:  I2C interface timing  ......................................................................................... 49 Figure 20:  Dual microphone design example with I2S interface  ....................................... 49 Figure 21:  PWR_IND signal  ............................................................................................. 50 Figure 22:  LED Circuit (Example).  ................................................................................... 50 Figure 23:  Low current indication timing  .......................................................................... 52 Figure 24:  RING0 (ASC0), WAKEUP and LCI_IND startup behavior  .............................. 53 Figure 25:  Antenna pads  ................................................................................................. 56 Figure 26:  Coated coplanar strip with ground  .................................................................. 57 Figure 27:  Differnetia coated coplanar strip with ground  ................................................. 58 Figure 28:  Routing to application‘s RF connector  ............................................................ 59 Figure 29:  PCS3 evaluation board layer table  ................................................................. 59 Figure 30:  PCS3 bottom view: Pad assignments  ............................................................. 66 Figure 31:  Audio programming model  ............................................................................. 74 Figure 32:  PCS3 – top and bottomview  ........................................................................... 81 Figure 33:  Dimensions of PCS3 (all dimensions in mm)  .................................................. 82 Figure 34:  Land pattern (top view)  ................................................................................... 83 Figure 35:  Recommended design for 110 micron thick stencil (top view)  ........................ 84 Figure 36:  Recommended design for 150 micron thick stencil (top view)  ........................ 84 Figure 37:  Reflow Profile  ................................................................................................. 86 Figure 38:  Carrier tape  .................................................................................................... 89 Figure 39:  Roll direction  ...................................................................................................  89 Figure 40:  Barcode label on tape reel  ..............................................................................  90 Figure 41:  Moisture barrier bag (MBB) with imprint  ......................................................... 91 Figure 42:  Moisture Sensitivity Label  ............................................................................... 92 Figure 43:  Humidity Indicator Card - HIC  .........................................................................  93 Figure 44:  PCS3 sample application  ............................................................................... 95 Figure 45:  Reference equipment for type approval  ..........................................................  96
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 8 of 101 2013-10-21PVS8 Hardware Interface Description0 Document History PVS8 Hardware Interface Description0 Document History PVS8 Hardware Interface Description0 Document History                                                   0 Document History New document: "PCS3 Hardware Interface Description" Version 01.000-03 Chapter What is new --  Initial document  release 
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 9 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1 Introduction 1 Introduction The document1 describes the hardware of the PCS3 module, designed to connect to a cellular device application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for in- tegrating further components. 1.1 Related Documents [1] PCS3 AT Command Set [2] PCS3 Release Notes [3]  DSB75 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Cinterion Wireless Modules [4]  Application Note 48: SMT Module Integration [5]  Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, April 27, 2000 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation Description ANSI  American National Standards Institute AMR Adaptive Multi-rate ARP Antenna Reference Point BB Baseband BC Band Class BEP Bit Error Probability BTS  Base Transceiver Station CB or CBM  Cell Broadcast Message CDMA  Code Division Multiple Access CE  Conformité Européene (European Conformity) CS Coding Scheme CS Circuit Switched CSD  Circuit Switched Data CTM Cellular Text Modem DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter DCS Digital Cellular System DL Download DRX Discontinuous Reception DSB Development Support Board 1. The document is effective only if listed in the appropriate Release Notes as part of the technical documentation delivered with your Cinterion Wireless Modules product.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 10 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.2 Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation Description DSP Digital Signal Processor DTMF  Dual Tone Multi Frequency DTX Discontinuous Transmission EFR Enhanced Full Rate EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ERP  Effective Radiated Power ESD Electrostatic Discharge ETSI  European Telecommunications Standards Institute EVRC  Enhanced Variable Rate Codec FCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) FDD  Frequency Division Duplex FDMA  Frequency Division Multiple Access FL Forward Link FR Full Rate GPS Global Positioning System HiZ High Impedance HR Half Rate I/O  Input / Output IF Intermediate Frequency IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity ISO  International Standards Organization ITU International Telecommunications Union kbps Kbit  per second LED Light Emitting Diode LGA Land Grid Array MBB Moisture barrier bag Mbps Mbit  per second MCS  Modulation and Coding Scheme MO Mobile Originated MS  Mobile Station, also referred to as TE MSL  Moisture Sensitivity Level MT Mobile Terminated NB Narrow Band NMEA  National Marine Electronics Association
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 11 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.2 Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation Description NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient PBCCH  Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel PCB Printed Circuit Board PCL Power Control Level PCM  Pulse Code Modulation PCS  Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900 PD  Pull Down resistor (appr. 100k) PDU  Protocol Data Unit PS Packet Switched PU  Pull Up resistor (appr. 100k) QAM  Quadrature  Amplitude Modulation RF Radio Frequency RL Reverse Link ROPR  Radio Output Power Reduction RTC  Real Time Clock Rx Receive Direction SAR Specific Absorption Rate SCI Slot Cycle Index SELV  Safety Extra Low Voltage SLIC  Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SMPL  Sudden Momentary Power Loss SMD Surface Mount Device SMS  Short Message Service SMT Surface Mount Technology SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio SRAM  Static Random Access Memory SRB Signaling Radio Bearer SUPL  Secure User Plane Location TDMA  Time Division Multiple Access TE Terminal Equipment TPC  Transmit Power Control TTFF Time To First Fix TX Transmit Direction UL Upload URC  Unsolicited Result Code USB  Universal Serial Bus
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 12 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information 1.3.1 Directives and Standards PCS3 has been designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below. It is the responsibility of the application manufacturer to ensure compliance of the final product with all provisions of the applicable directives and standards as well as with the technical spec- ifications provided in the "PCS3 Hardware Interface Description".1 Table 1:  Directives 2002/95/EC  Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain haz- ardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Table 2:  Standards of North American type approval CFR Title 47  Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22, Part 24 and Part 27; US Equipment Authorization FCC OET Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-01)  Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio- frequency Electromagnetic Fields UL 60 950-1  Product Safety Certification (Safety requirements) NAPRD.03 V5.11  Overview of PCS Type certification review board Mobile Equipment Type Certification and IMEI control PCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB) RSS132, RSS133, RSS139  Canadian Standard Table 3:  Requirements of quality IEC 60068  Environmental testing DIN EN 60529  IP codes 1. Manufacturers of applications which can be used in the US shall ensure that their applications have a PTCRB approval. For this purpose they can refer to the PTCRB approval of the respective module.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 13 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information Table 4:  Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China SJ/T 11363-2006  “Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information Products” (2006-06). SJ/T 11364-2006  “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products” (2006-06). According to the “Chinese Administration on the Control of Pollution caused by Electronic Information Products” (ACPEIP) the EPUP, i.e., Environmental Protection Use Period, of this product is 20 years as per the symbol shown here, unless otherwise marked. The EPUP is valid only as long as the product is operated within the operating limits described in the Cinterion Hardware Interface Description. Please see Table 5 for an overview of toxic or hazardous substances or ele- ments that might be contained in product parts in concentrations above the limits defined by SJ/T 11363-2006. Table 5:  Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits 
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 14 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information 1.3.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles Mobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a CDMA mod- ule must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. This requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable PCS3 based applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international regulations. Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For US markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations or directives are in force outside these areas. Products intended for sale on US markets ES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile telecommunication equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of portable applications based on PCS3 modules are required to have their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant and Industry Canada Certificate related to the specific portable mobile.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 15 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information 1.3.3 SELV Requirements The power supply connected to the PCS3 module shall be in compliance with the SELV re- quirements defined in EN 60950-1. 1.3.4 Safety Precautions The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating PCS3. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Fail- ure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and in- tended use of the product. Cinterion Wireless Modules assumes no liability for customer’s failure to comply with these precautions.  When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guide- lines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy. The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufac- ture of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on.  Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it can- not be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.  Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electri- cal equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.  Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.  Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile when driv- ing a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for speakerphone operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the vehicle. Speakerphones must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or opera- tion can constitute a safety hazard.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 16 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information  IMPORTANT! Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential com- munications, for example emergency calls. Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength. Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.  Bear in mind that exposure to excessive levels of noise can cause physical damage to users! With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid unintentional increase of amplification, e.g. for a highly sensitive earpiece. A pro- tection circuit should be implemented in the cellular application.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 17 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description2 Product Concept 2 Product Concept 2.1 Key Features at a Glance Feature Implementation General Frequency bands  CDMA: Dual band (BC0/BC1/BC10), 800/1900MHz Power supply  3.3V < VBATT+ < 4.2V Operating temperature (board temperature)  Normal operation: -30°C to +85°C Restricted operation: -40°C to +95°C Physical  Dimensions: 33mm x 29mm x 2mm Weight: approx. 4g RoHS  All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS Directive CDMA features 3GPP2 CDMA2000  1xRTT Advanced data rates:FL max. 307.2kbps, RL max. 307.2kbps SMS  Point-to-point MT and MO Cell broadcast Text and PDU mode General  Power saving modes Software AT commands  Hayes, 3GPP TS 27.007 and 27.005, and proprietary Cinterion Wireless Modules commands as well as provider specific CDMA commands Audio  Audio speech codecs 3GPP2: EVRC, EVRC-B (4GV-NB), QCELP, AMR-NB Speakerphone operation, echo cancellation, noise suppression, 6 ringing tones, TTY support Software update  Generic firmware update from host application over ASC0 or USB
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 18 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description2.1 Key Features at a Glance Feature Implementation Interfaces Module interface  Surface mount device with solderable connection pads (SMT application interface). Land grid array (LGA) technology ensures high solder joint reliability and provides the possibility to use an optional module mounting socket. For more information on how to integrate SMT modules see also [4]. This application note comprises chapters on module mounting and application layout issues as well as on additional SMT application development equipment. Antenna  50Ohms. CDMA main antenna USB  USB 2.0  Full Speed (12Mbit/s) device interface Serial interface  ASC0: • 8-wire modem interface with status and control lines, unbalanced,asynchronous • Adjustable baud rates from 1,200bps up to 921,600bps • Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control Status  Signal line to indicate network connectivity state Audio  1 analog interface with microphone feeding 1 digital interface: PCM  Power on/off, Reset Power on/off  Switch-on by hardware signal IGT Switch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO) Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature or voltage conditionsReset  Orderly shutdown and reset by AT command Emergency-off  Emergency-off by hardware signal EMERG_OFF if IGT is not active Special Features Phonebook Phone TTY/CTM support  TTY only Antenna  SAIC (Single Antenna Interference Cancellation) / DARP (Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance) Rx diversity (receiver type 3i - 16-QAM) Over-the-air provisioning  Verizon specific OTASP (Over-the-Air Service Provisioning) and OTAPA (Over-the-Air Parameter Administration) Evaluation kit Evaluation module  PCS3 module soldered onto a dedicated PCB that can be connected to an adapter in order to be mounted onto the DSB75. DSB75  DSB75 Development Support Board designed to test and type approve Cinterion Wireless Modules and provide a sample configuration for appli- cation engineering. A special adapter is required to connect the PCS3 evaluation module to the DSB75.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 19 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description2.2 PCS3 System Overview Modem Interface Host Wakeup Power for Application (VEXT) Power Indication (PWR_IND) Low current indication 2.2 PCS3 System Overview Application CDMA Module USB     Serial ASC0 Wake- up Analog audio Digital audio Power supply LCI IGT, RTC  Emergency Off Net state/ status or PSU Host Application Controller PCM or  I2C Codec Application On/Off   Figure 1:  PCS3 system overview                             CDMAMainAntenna
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 20 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description2.2 PCS3 System Overview   2.3 Circuit Concept Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the PCS3 module and  illustrates the major functional com- ponents: Baseband block: • CDMA controller/transceiver/power supply • NOR Flash/pSRAM memory with multiplexed address data bus • Audio codec • Application interface (SMT with connecting pads) RF section: • RF transceiver • RF power amplifier/frontend • RF filter • Antenna pad    Figure 2:  PCS3 block diagram        Interface (USB, UART, I2C, CSIM)156 pad LGABATT+BATT+_CDMABC1 PAPRX_MB2TX_MB1DiplexerBC1Duplexer64Mb pSRAM 128Mb NOR flash memoryMCP MemoryEBI1QSC1105JTAGBC0, BC10PABC0, BC10DuplexerPRX_LB1TX_LB1GPIOCDMA2000 BC0, BC10BC0, BC10  TX: 817-849 MHzBC0, BC10  RX: 862-894 MHzCDMA2000 BC1TX: 1850-1910 MHzRX: 1930-1990 MHzAnalog Audio Interface(MICP, MICN, EPP, EPN)ADCx_inDigital Audio InterfaceVEXTIGT, EMERG_OFFPWR_IND, STATUSTo PATo QSC1105 Digtal CoreTo QSC1105 RX ADC, RF1To Memory, QSC1105 digital P1, VEXT,To QSC1105 digital P419.2MHzXtal2.85V1.8V2.2V1.3VTo QSC1105 RF2To QSC1105 TX, RX ADCTo QSC1105 digital P322
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 21 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3 Application Interface 3 Application Interface PCS3 is equipped with an SMT application interface that connects to the external application. The host interface incorporates several sub-interfaces described in the following sections: • Operating modes - see Section 3.1 • Power supply  - see Section 3.2 • RTC backup - see Section 3.5 • Serial interface USB - see Section 3.6 • Serial interface ASC0 - Section 3.7 • Analog audio interface - see Section 3.8 • Digital audio interface (PCM) - see Section 3.9 • Status and control lines: IGT, EMERG_OFF, PWR_IND, STATUS - see Table 22
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 22 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.1 Operating Modes 3.1 Operating Modes The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the following chapters. Table 6:  Overview of operating modes Mode Function Normal operation  CDMA SLEEP  Power saving set automatically when no call is in progress and the USB connection is suspended by host or not present and no active commu- nication via ASC0. CDMA IDLE  Power saving disabled (see [1]: AT^SCFG "MEopMode/ PwrSave",<PwrSaveMode>) or an USB connection not suspended, but no call in progress. CDMA TALK/ CDMA DATA  CDMA data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net- work settings and data transfer rate. Power Down  Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command. Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is not active. Interfaces are not accessible. Operating volt- age (connected to BATT+) remains applied. Airplane mode  Airplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to log off from the CDMA network and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio con- nection. Airplane mode can be controlled by AT command (see [1]).
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 23 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Supply 3.2 Power Supply PCS3 needs to be connected to a power supply at the SMT application interface - 6 lines each BATT+ and GND. There are three separate voltage domains for BATT+: • BATT+_CDMA with 2 lines for the first power amplifier supply • BATT+_CDMA with 2 lines for the second power amplifier supply • BATT+ with 2 lines for the general power management. The main power supply from an external application has to be a single voltage source and has to be expanded to three sub paths (star structure). Capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the BATT+ pads. Figure 3 shows two sample circuits (minimum requirement and recommended alternative) for decoupling capacitors for BATT+. Module SMT interface BATT+ BATT+_CDMA BATT+_CDMA2 2 2  Decoupling capacitor BATT+ GND Minimum requirement + e.g. 100…220µF Ultra-low ESR Module SMT interface BATT+ 2 BATT+_CDMA 2 BATT+_CDMA 2 Recommended alternative 3x Decoupling capacitors e.g. 47µF X5R MLCC BATT+ GND Figure 3:  Decoupling capacitor(s) for BATT+ In addition, the VDDLP signal on the SMT application interface may be connected to an exter- nal capacitor or a battery to backup the RTC (see Section 3.5). The power supply of PCS3 must be able to provide the peak current during the uplink transmis- sion. All key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power management IC. It provides the following features: • Stabilizes the supply voltages for the baseband using switching regulators and low drop lin- ear voltage regulators. • Switches the module's power voltages for the power-up and -down procedures. • Delivers, across the VEXT line, a regulated voltage for an external application. This voltage is not available in Power-down mode and can be reduced via AT command to save power (see Table 22: VEXT).
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 24 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.2 Power Supply 3.2.1  Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command To monitor the supply voltage you can use the AT^SBV command which returns the averaged value related to BATT+ and GND at the SMT application interface. The module continuously measures the voltage at intervals depending on the operating mode of the RF interface. The duration of measuring ranges from 0.5s in TALK/DATA mode to 50s when PCS3 is in Limited Service (deregistered). The displayed voltage (in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT^SBV command was executed.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 25 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios In general, be sure not to turn on PCS3 while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage and tem- perature stated in Section 6.1. PCS3 would immediately switch off after having started and de- tected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause permanent damage to the module. 3.3.1 Turn on PCS3 When the PCS3 module is in Power-down mode, it can be started to Normal mode by driving the IGT (ignition) line to ground. it is recommended to use an open drain/collector driver to avoid current flowing into this signal line. Pulling this signal low triggers a power-on sequence. To turn on PCS3 IGT has to be kept active at least 100ms. After turning on PCS3 IGT should be set inactive to prevent the module from turning on again after a shut down by AT command or EMERG_OFF. For details on signal states during startup see also Section 3.3.2 and Section 3.10.6. IGT Power supply active Module Firmware start up, command interface initialization Function active 0ms ~28ms  ~5s BATT+ IGT PWR_IND >100ms VEXT EMERG_OFF ASC0 CTS0 USB* Initial state Initial state Undefined state Intermediate state Intermediate state * USB interface may take up to 5s to reach its active state (typ. 4s) Figure 4:  Power-on with IGT Note: After power up IGT should remain high. Also note that with a USB connection the USB host may take more than 5 seconds to set up the virtual COM port connection. After startup or mode change the following URCs sent to every port able to receive AT com- mands indicating the module’s ready state: • "^SYSSTART" indicates that the module has entered Normal mode. • "^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE" indicates that the module has entered Airplane mode. These URCs notify the external application that the first AT command can be sent to the mod- ule. If these URCs are not used to detect then the only way of checking the module’s ready state is polling. To do so, try to send characters (e.g. “at”) until the module is responding.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 26 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3.2 Signal States after Startup Table 7 describes the various states each interface signal passes through after startup and dur- ing operation. Signals are in an initial state while the module is initializing. Once the startup initialization has completed, i.e. when the software is running, all signals are in defined state. The state of sev- eral signals will change again once the respective interface is activated or configured by AT command (for more information see also Section 3.10.6). Table 7:  Signal states Signal name Power on reset Duration appr. 150msStartup phase Duration appr. 4s State after first firmware initialization After 4-4.5s RXD0 PD  PU  O, H TXD0 PD  PD  I, PD CTS0 PD  PU  O, L RTS0 PD  PD  I, PD DTR0 PD  PU  I, PU DCD0 PD  PU1 O, H DSR0 PU  PU  O, L RING0 PU  PU  O, H WAKEUP PD  PD  PD LCI_IND PD  PD  PD PWR_IND  O, L  O, L  O, L STATUS PD  PD  PD PCM PD  PD  PD 1. No external pull down allowed during this phase. L = Low level H = High level I = Input O = Output PD = Pull down resistor with appr. 100k PD(…k) = Pull down resistor with ...k PU = Pull up resistor with appr. 100k PU(…k) = Pull up resistor with ...k
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 27 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3.3 Turn off PCS3 Using AT Command The best and safest approach to powering down PCS3 is to issue the AT^SMSO command. This procedure lets PCS3 log off from the network and allows the software to enter into a secure state and safe data before disconnecting the power supply. The mode is referred to as Power Down mode. In this mode, only the RTC stays active. After sending AT^SMSO do not enter any other AT commands. To verify that the module turned off it is possible to monitor the PWR_IND signal. A high state of the PWR_IND signal line definitely indicates that the module is switched off. Be sure not to disconnect the supply voltage VBATT+  before the module has been switched off and the PWR_IND signal has gone high. Otherwise you run the risk of losing data. While PCS3 is in Power-down mode the application interface is switched off and must not be fed from any other source. Therefore, your application must be designed to avoid any current flow into any digital signal lines of the application interface, especially of the serial interfaces. No special care is required for the USB interface which is protected from reverse current. Power down PWR_IND BATT+ See note 1 VEXT 0.5ms See note 2 approx. 12ms Digital outputs Reset State Digital inputs driven by application Figure 5:  Signal states during turn-off procedure Note 1: The power supply voltage (BATT+) may be disconnected resp. switched off only after having reached Power Down mode as indicated by the PWR_IND signal going high. Note 2: Depending on capacitance load from host application. Note 3: After module shutdown by means of AT command, please allow for a time period of at least 1s before restarting the module.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 28 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3.4 Configuring the IGT Line for Use as ON/OFF Switch The IGT line can be configured for use in two different switching modes: You can set the IGT line to switch on the module only, or to switch it on and off. The switching mode is determined by the parameter "MEShutdown/OnIgnition" of the AT^SCFG command. This approach is use- ful for application manufacturers who wish to have an ON/OFF switch installed on the host de- vice. By factory default, the ON/OFF switch mode of IGT is disabled: at^scfg=meshutdown/onignition ^SCFG: "MEShutdown/OnIgnition","off" OK # Query the current status of IGT. # IGT can be used only to switch on PCS3. IGT works as described in Section 3.3.1. To configure IGT for use as ON/OFF switch: at^scfg=meshutdown/onignition ^SCFG: "MEShutdown/OnIgnition","on" OK # Enable the ON/OFF switch mode of IGT. # IGT can be used to switch on and off PCS3. We strongly recommend taking great care before changing the switching mode of the IGT line. To ensure that the IGT line works properly as ON/OFF switch it is of vital importance that the following conditions are met. Switch-on condition: If the PCS3 is off, the IGT line must be asserted for at least 100ms before being released. Switch-off condition: If the PCS3 is on, the IGT line must be asserted for at least 2.1s before being released. The module switches off after the line is released. The switch-off routine is identical with the procedure initiated by AT^SMSO, i.e. the software performs an orderly shutdown as described in Section 3.3.3. Before switching off the module wait at least 5 seconds after startup.  Figure 6:  Timing of IGT if used as ON/OFF switch
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 29 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3.5 Automatic Shutdown Automatic shutdown takes effect if: • The PCS3 board is exceeding the critical limits of overtemperature or undertemperature • Undervoltage or overvoltage is detected The automatic shutdown procedure is equivalent to the power down initiated with the AT^SMSO command, i.e. PCS3 logs off from the network and the software enters a secure state avoiding loss of data. Alert messages transmitted before the device switches off are implemented as Unsolicited Re- sult Codes (URCs). The presentation of the temperature URCs can be enabled or disabled with the AT commands AT^SCTM. The URC presentation mode varies with the condition, please see Section to Section for details. For further instructions on AT commands refer to [1].
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 30 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios  Thermal Shutdown The board temperature is constantly monitored by an internal NTC resistor located on the PCB. The values detected by the NTC resistor are measured directly on the board and therefore, are not fully identical with the ambient temperature. Each time the board temperature goes out of range or back to normal, PCS3 instantly displays an alert (if enabled). • URCs indicating the level "1" or "-1" allow the user to take appropriate precautions, such as protecting the module from exposure to extreme conditions. The presentation of the URCs depends on the settings selected with the AT^SCTM write command: AT^SCTM=1: Presentation of URCs is always enabled. AT^SCTM=0 (default): Presentation of URCs is enabled during the 15 second guard period after start-up of PCS3. After expiry of the 15 second guard period, the presentation will be disabled, i.e. no URCs with alert levels "1" or ''-1" will be generated. • URCs indicating the level "2" or "-2" are instantly followed by an orderly shutdown. The pre- sentation of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the factory setting AT^SCTM=0 was never changed. The maximum temperature ratings are stated in Section 6.2. Refer to Table 8 for the associated URCs. Table 8:  Temperature dependent behavior Sending temperature alert (15sec after PCS3 start-up, otherwise only if URC presentation enabled) ^SCTM_B: 1  Caution: Board close to over temperature limit, i.e., board is 5°C below over temperature limit. ^SCTM_B: -1  Caution: Board close to under temperature limit, i.e., board is 5°C above under- temperature limit. ^SCTM_B:     0  Board back to uncritical temperature range, i.e., board is 6°C below its over- or above its under temperature limit. Automatic shutdown (URC appears no matter whether or not presentation was enabled) ^SCTM_B:  2  Alert: Board equal or beyond over temperature limit. PCS3 switches off. ^SCTM_B:  -2  Alert: Board equal or below under temperature limit. PCS3 switches off. The AT^SCTM command can also be used to check the present status of the board. Depending on the selected mode, the read command returns the current board temperature in degrees Celsius or only a value that indicates whether the board is within the safe or critical temperature range. See [1] for further instructions.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 31 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios  Under voltage Shutdown If the measured battery voltage is no more sufficient to set up a call the following URC will be presented: ^SBC: Under voltage. The URC indicates that the module is close to the under voltage threshold. If under voltage persists the module keeps sending the URC several times before switching off automatically. This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically when fault conditions occur.  Over voltage Shutdown The overvoltage shutdown threshold is 100mV above the maximum supply voltage VBATT+ specified in Table 22. When the supply voltage approaches the overvoltage shutdown threshold the module will send the following URC: ^SBC: Overvoltage warning This alert is sent once. When the overvoltage shutdown threshold is exceeded the module will send the following URC ^SBC: Overvoltage shutdown before it shuts down cleanly: This type of URC does not need to be activated by the user. It will be output automatically when fault conditions occur. Keep in mind that several PCS3 components are directly linked to BATT+ and, therefore, the supply voltage remains applied at major parts of PCS3, even if the module is switched off. Especially the power amplifier is very sensitive to high voltage and might even be destroyed. 3.3.6 Automatic Reset An automatic reset takes effect if • A sudden momentary power loss (SMPL) occurs - e.g., a very brief battery disconnect - and the power returns within 2 seconds. The SMPL feature ensures that if VBATT+ drops out-of-range (< 2.55V nominal) and then re- turns into range within 2 seconds, the power-on sequence is executed and the module switches on again. Thus the SMPL feature achieves immediate and automatic recovery from momentary power loss such as a brief battery disconnect. To employ the SMPL feature the VDDLP line has to supplied for at least 2 seconds after a possible power loss (e.g., by connecting a 10µF capacitor).
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 32 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios 3.3.7 Turn off PCS3 in Case of Emergency Caution: Use the EMERG_OFF line only when, due to serious problems, the software is not responding for more than 5 seconds. Pulling the EMERG_OFF line causes the loss of all information stored in the volatile memory. Therefore, this procedure is intended only for use in case of emergency, e.g. if PCS3 does not respond, if reset or shutdown via AT command fails. The EMERG_OFF line is available on the application interface and can be used to switch off the module. To control the EMERG_OFF line it is recommended to use an open drain / collector driver. To switch off, the EMERG_OFF line must be pulled to ground for longer than 40ms. After the 40ms and an additional delay period of 500ms the module shuts down as shown in Figure 7. BATT+ Shut Down PWR_IND EMERG_OFF >40ms VEXT  40ms  500ms Figure 7:  Shutdown by EMERG_OFF signal Please note that the power supply voltage (BATT+) may be disconnected resp. switched off only after having reached Shut Down as indicated by the PWR_IND signal going high. The power supply has to be available (again) before the module is restarted.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 33 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.4 Power Saving 3.4 Power Saving PCS3 is able to reduce its functionality to a minimum (during the so-called SLEEP mode) in order to minimize its current consumption. The following sections explain the module’s CTS0 behavior and also mention how to wake up from or disable the so-called SLEEP mode. The implementation of the USB host interface also influences the module’s power saving behavior and therefore its current consumption. For more information see Section 3.6. Note. The module’s SLEEP mode current consumption can be reduced significantly (0.8mA) by enabling the VEXT power save mode. Hence, it is recommended to enable power saving on VEXT if at all possible. For more information see Table 22: VEXT. Another feature influencing the current consumption is the configuration of the GNSS antenna interface. For details see Section 6.9. 3.4.1 Power Saving while Attached to CDMA Networks The so-called slotted paging in CDMA is similar to the WCDMA paging timing cycles for power saving. During normal CDMA operation, i.e., the module is connected to a CDMA network, the duration of a power saving period varies. It may be calculated using the following formula: T=2i   * 1.28s (16 slots of 80ms) The slot cycle index i is determined by the CDMA network and can be an integer between -4 to 7 inclusive. The typical value is 2. Therefore, the typical power saving period would be (22)*1.28s = 5.12s. 3.4.2 Timing of the CTS0 Signal, CDMA As long as PCS3 is operated via the ASC0 interface and not in power saving mode, the CTS0 line is always active. This means that while attached to a network the CTS0 signal will be tem poraly active during each paging. After a concluding activity on the serial interface ASC0 - and depending on the module’s other activities - it takes by default 5 seconds before CTS0 goes inactive (again) and power saving starts. The 5 second delay period can be configured using the AT^SCFG parameter "MEop- Mode/PwrSave", <PwrSaveDelay> (see [1]). With regard to programming or using timeouts, the UART must take the varying CTS0 inactivity periods into account. Note: Hardware handshaking is mandatory if employing PCS3’s ASC0 interface with enabled power saving. Thus AT commands are only recognized by the module while CTS0 is active.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 34 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.4 Power Saving 3.4.3 Wake up from or Disabling Power Saving The RTS0 line can be used to wake up the module from its power saving SLEEP mode. RTS0 activation (high to low transition) may be employed to cut short pauses between listening to paging messages. Following an RTS toggle the module will return to SLEEP mode 5 seconds after the last character was sent over the interface. This default delay period can be configured using the AT^SCFG parameter "MEopMode/PwrSave", <PwrSaveDelay>. If not regularly woken up from power saving (through network requirements or by means of RTS toggling as described above), the power saving timeout recommended for the AT^SCFG parameter "MEopMode/PwrSave", <PwrSaveTimeout> ensures that the  module regularly wakes up from its power saving state (SLEEP mode). It is recommended to configure a regular module wake up, especially if the radio interface is switched off (Airplane mode) and the mod- ule is connected via serial interface (i.e., AT^SDPORT=2) to an external application without di- rect access to its RTS0 line (e.g., an application using standard Windows/Linux serial device drivers). The AT^SCFG parameter "MEopMode/PwrSave", <PwrSaveMode> can be used to disable power saving completely, i.e., the module will no longer enter SLEEP mode but remain in IDLE mode instead. Please note that if this setting is used to avoid implementing hardware hand- shaking on ASC0, it is mandatory to have RTS0 pulled down or left open (an internal pull down is available). For more information on power saving and the appropriate AT^SCFG parameters to configure the power save behavior see [1].
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 35 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.5 RTC Backup SMT interface 3.5 RTC Backup The internal Real Time Clock of PCS3 is supplied from a separate voltage regulator in the pow- er supply component which is also active when PCS3 is in Power Down mode and BATT+ is available. In addition, you can use the VDDLP line on the SMT interface to backup the RTC from an ex- ternal capacitor or a battery (rechargeable or non-chargeable). The capacitor is charged from the internal LDO of PCS3. If the voltage supply at BATT+ is disconnected the RTC can be pow- ered by the capacitor. The size of the capacitor determines the duration of buffering when no voltage is applied to PCS3, i.e. the greater the capacitor the longer PCS3 will save the date and time. It limits the output current of an empty capacitor or battery. Figure 8 show various sample configurations. Module  Non chargeable battery BATT+ Chargeable battery Capacitor 3.2V LDO 0.8k 1k VDDLP  or or Processor and power management RTC GND Figure 8:  RTC supply variants
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 36 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.6 USB Interface 3.6 USB Interface PCS3 supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) compliant. The USB interface is primarily intended for use as command and data interface and for downloading firmware. The external application is responsible for supplying the VUSB_IN line. This line is used for ca- ble detection only. The USB part (driver and transceiver) is supplied by means of BATT+. This is because PCS3 is designed as a self-powered device compliant with the “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0”1. Module USB part1) VREG (3.8V) lin. reg. SMT BATT+ GND VBUS DP DN Detection only RS RS VUSB_IN USB_DP2) USB_DN2) Host wakeup RING0 WAKEUP 1) All serial (including RS)and pull-up resistors for data lines are implemented. 2) The USB interface is operated in Full Speed (12Mbit/s), it is recommended to take special care routing the data lines USB_DP and USB_DN. Application layout should in this case implement a differential impedance of 90Ohm for proper signal integrity. Figure 9:  USB circuit To properly connect the module's USB interface to the external application, a USB 2.0 compat- ible connector and cable or hardware design is required. For more information on the USB re- lated electrical signals see Table 22. 1.  The specification is ready for download on
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 37 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.6 USB Interface 3.6.1 Reducing Power Consumption While a USB connection is active, the module will never switch into SLEEP Mode. Only if the USB interface is in Suspended state or Detached (i.e., VUSB_IN = 0) is the module able to switch into SLEEP mode thereby saving power. There are two possibilities to enable power re- duction mechanisms: • Recommended implementation of USB Suspend/Resume/Remote Wakeup: The USB host should be able to bring its USB interface into the Suspended state as described in the “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0“1. For this functionality to work, the VUSB_IN line should always be kept enabled. On incoming calls and other events PCS3 will then generate a Remote Wakeup request to resume the USB host controller. See also [5] (USB Specification Revision 2.0, Section 10.2.7, p.282): "If USB System wishes to place the bus in the Suspended state, it commands the Host Con- troller to stop all bus traffic, including SOFs. This causes all USB devices to enter the Sus- pended state. In this state, the USB System may enable the Host Controller to respond to bus wakeup events. This allows the Host Controller to respond to bus wakeup signaling to restart the host system." • Implementation for legacy USB applications not supporting USB Suspend/Resume: As an alternative to the regular USB suspend and resume mechanism it is possible to employ the RING0 or WAKEUP line to wake up the host application in case of incoming calls or  events signalized by URCs while the USB interface is in Detached state (i.e., VUSB_IN = 0). Every wakeup event will force a new USB enumeration. Therefore, the external application has to carefully consider the enumeration timings to avoid loosing any signalled events. For details on this host wakeup functionality see Section 3.10.4. 1. The specification is ready for download on
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 38 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.7 Serial Interface ASC0 3.7 Serial Interface ASC0 PCS3 offers an 8-wire unbalanced, asynchronous modem interface ASC0 conforming to ITU- T V.24 protocol DCE signalling. The electrical characteristics do not comply with ITU-T V.28. The significant levels are 0V (for low data bit or active state) and 1.8V (for high data bit or in- active state). For electrical characteristics please refer to Table 22. For an illustration of the in- terface line’s startup behavior see Section 3.10.6. PCS3 is designed for use as a DCE. Based on the conventions for DCE-DTE connections it communicates with the customer application (DTE) using the following signals: • Port TXD @ application sends data to the module’s TXD0 signal line • Port RXD @ application receives data from the module’s RXD0 signal line  Figure 10:  Serial interface ASC0 Features: • Includes the data lines TXD0 and RXD0, the status lines RTS0 and CTS0 and, in addition, the modem control lines DTR0, DSR0, DCD0 and RING0. • ASC0 is designed for controlling voice calls, transferring data and for controlling the module with AT commands. • Full multiplexing capability allows the interface to be partitioned into virtual channels. • The RING0 signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result Code). It can also be used to send pulses to the host application, for example to wake up the application from power saving state. See [1] for details on how to configure the RING0 line by AT^SCFG. • Configured for 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. • ASC0 can be operated at fixed bit rates from 9600bps up to 921600bps. • Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware flow control. • Wake up from SLEEP mode by RTS0 activation (high to low transition). Note. If the ASC0 serial interface is the application’s only interface, it is suggested to connect test points on the USB signal lines as a potential tracing possibility.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 39 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.7 Serial Interface ASC0 Table 9:  DCE-DTE wiring of ASC0 V.24 circuit DCE DTE Line function Signal direction Line function Signal direction 103 TXD0  Input  TXD  Output 104 RXD0  Output  RXD  Input 105 RTS0  Input  RTS  Output 106 CTS0  Output  CTS  Input 108/2 DTR0  Input  DTR  Output 107 DSR0  Output  DSR  Input 109 DCD0  Output  DCD  Input 125 RING0  Output  RING  Input
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 40 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.8 Analog Audio Interface 3.8 Analog Audio Interface PCS3 has an analog audio interface with a balanced analog microphone input and a balanced analog earpiece output. A supply voltage and an analog ground connection are provided at dedicated lines. PCS3 offers eight audio modes which can be selected with the AT^SNFS command. The elec- trical characteristics of the voiceband part vary with the audio mode. For example, sending and receiving amplification, sidetone paths, noise suppression etc. depend on the selected mode and can in parts be altered with AT commands (except for mode 1). Please refer to Section 6.7 for specifications of the audio interface and an overview of the audio parameters. Detailed instructions on using AT commands are presented in [1]. Table 25 sum- marizes the characteristics of the various audio modes and shows what parameters are sup- ported in each mode. When shipped from factory, all audio parameters of PCS3 are set to audio mode 1. This is the default configuration optimized for the Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0 handset and used for type approving the Cinterion Wireless Modules reference configuration. Audio mode 1 has fix pa- rameters which cannot be modified. To adjust the settings of the Votronic handset simply change to another audio mode.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 41 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.8 Analog Audio Interface 3.8.1 Microphone Inputs and Supply The differential microphone inputs MICP and MICN present variable impedances depending on the gain. The microphone inputs must be decoupled by capacitors Ck (typical 1µF). The in- put stage uses a differential operational amplifier circuit with programmable resistors in the in- put and the feedback path. The detailed structure of this stage and the following uplink path is shown in Figure 11. The input can be controlled by the AT command AT^SNFI. Command pa- rameters with their effect are mentioned in the figure and marked in <red>. More information about audio AT commands can be found in Section 6.7 and [1]. Module Rs  VMIC Ck MICN   <micAmp1> 0dBm  or 24dBm VMIC AGND - A  PCM X Ck MICP Rs  AGND           AGND D <micTxVol> GND GND Line leading burst current GND V Noise Application GND Connection Resistance  Figure 11:  Structure of Audio Input and Supply
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 42 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.8 Analog Audio Interface MICP leads the signal via to the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier which is then connected via to AGND. The gain of the input stage can be programmed by the parameter <micAmp1>, A gain stage follows that can be set to 0dB or 24dB using <micAmp1>. If 24dB is spec- ified, the common mode rejection ratio is reduced accordingly. Finally, the uplink gain can be scaled in the PCM path by the <micTxVol> parameter. It is recommended to use the AGND line for grounding the microphone circuit. AGND provides for the same module ground potential the analog circuits of the module refer to. AGND must not be connected to the system GND anywhere. Otherwise high burst peak currents may flow across AGND causing humming in the uplink audio signal. A regulated power supply for electret microphones is available at VMIC. The voltage at VMIC is rated at 1.8V at 3mA and is available while audio is active (e.g., during a call).
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 43 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.8 Analog Audio Interface The following figures show possible microphone and line connections. 470 VMIC 2k2  2k2 5k6 + 10µF 1µF 1µF MICP MICN Module AGND Figure 12:  Single ended microphone connection The configuration shown in Figure 12 is suitable for short distances between microphone and module. A typical electric microphone has a metal case connected to its ground pad. Since this is routed directly to AGND, electro static discharges applied to the microphone will be easily led away. It is recommended to use an additional RC-filter for VMIC (for example 470 Ohm and 10µF as shown in the figure) in case a high microphone gain is necessary. If the microphone lines are longer, use the configuration shown in Figure 13. It is recommended to use an additional RC-filter for VMIC (for example 1kOhm, 10µF and 1kOhm as shown in the figure) in case a high microphone gain is necessary. 1k  VMIC 1k 1µF MICP + 10µF MICN Module 1µF 1k 1k AGND Figure 13:  Differential microphone connection
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 44 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.8 Analog Audio Interface Line output device 100nF MICP ~ -1  MICN Module 100nF Figure 14:  Line input Using the line input configuration the output level of the ground related balanced source should be as high as possible to achieve the best SNR. Since the input impedance of PCS3 is quite high at low gains, the coupling capacitances may be smaller. 3.8.2 Loudspeaker Output PCS3 provides a differential loudspeaker output EPP/EPN. If it is used as line output, the ap- plication should provide a capacitor decoupled differential input to eliminate humming. A single ended connection to a speaker or a line input is strongly not recommended. The following figures show the typical output configurations. EPP Module EPN Figure 15:  Differential loudspeaker connection Module EPP + _ EPN Figure 16:  Line output connection
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 45 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.9 Digital Audio Interface 3.9 Digital Audio Interface PCS3 supports a digital audio interface that can be employed either as pulse code modulation (see Section 3.9.1) or as inter IC sound interface (see Section 3.9.2). Operation of these inter- face variants is mutually exclusive. 3.9.1 Pulse Code Modulation Interface (PCM) PCS3’s PCM interface can be used to connect audio devices capable of pulse code modula- tion. The PCM functionality allows the use of a codec like the Freescale MC145483. Using the AT^SAIC command you can activate and configure the PCM interface (see [1]). The PCM interface supports the following modes: • Master mode, slave mode • Short frame synchronization • 256kHz, 512kHz and 2048kHz bit clock • Additional master mode with 128kHz, long frame synchronization For the PCM interface configuration the parameters <clock>, <mode> <frame_mode> and <ext_clk_mode> of the AT^SAIC command can be configured. The following table lists possi- ble combinations: Table 11:  Configuration combinations for the PCM interface Configuration <clock> <mode> <frame_mode> <ext_clk_mode> Master, 128kHz, long frame  0  0  1  0 or 1 Master, 256kHz, short frame  1  0  0  0 or 1 Master, 512kHz, short frame  2  0  0  0 or 1 Master, 2048kHz, short frame  3  0  0  0 or 1 Slave, 256kHz, short frame  1  1  0  1 Slave, 512kHz, short frame  2  1  0  1 Slave, 2048kHz, short frame  3  1  0  1 In slave mode <clock> must be set according the source clock frequency. Being in master mode clock and frame synchronization signals may be permanently switched on by <ext_clk_mode> parameter. These signals may be used for clocking digital audio periphery outside a call. Table 12 lists the available PCM interface signals. Table 12:  Overview of PCM signal functions Signal name on SMT application interface Signal configuration inactive1 Signal direction: Master Signal direction: Slave Description PCM_OUT PD  O  O  PCM Data from PCS3 to external codec PCM_IN PD  I  I  PCM Data from external codec to PCS3
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 46 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.9 Digital Audio Interface   125 µs    MSB 14 13 12 2 1 LSB MSBMSB 14 13 12 2 1 LSB MSBTable 12:  Overview of PCM signal functions Signal name on SMT application interface Signal configuration inactive1 Signal direction: Master Signal direction: Slave Description PCM_FSC PD  O  I  Frame synchronization signal to/from external codec PCM_CLK PD  O  I  Bit clock to/from external codec 1. Inactive means no call, no tone generation and no external clock mode. PD = Pull down The timing of a PCM short frame is shown in Figure 17. The timing for master and slave mode is identical, except for the PCM_FSC and PCM_CLK signal direction (see Table 12). PCM_CLK PCM_FSC PCM_OUT PCM_IN Figure 17:  PCM timing short frame (External codec 2048KHz) The timing of a PCM long frame for the additional 128kHz master mode is shown in Figure 18. PCM_CLK PCM_FSC PCM_OUT PCM_IN 1 LSB 1  LSB MSB MSB 14 13  8  7 14 13  8  7 2 1 LSB 2 1 LSB MSB 14 MSB 14 Figure 18:  PCM timing long frame (master, 128kHz) Please note that PCM data is always formatted as 16-bit uncompressed two’s complement. Al- so, all PCM data and frame synchronization signals are written to the PCM bus on the rising clock edge and read on the falling edge.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 47 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.9 Digital Audio Interface 3.9.2 I2C Interface  PCS3’s I2C compatible interface for FM radio support and Camera  I2C_SDA and I2C_SCL: I2C control bus Serial data line of the I2C bus (I2C_SDA) – the standard required pull-up resistor is placed on the QSC device side; a pull-up resistor is not required in the camera module. Serial clock line of the I2C bus (I2C_SCL) – the standard required pull-up resistor is placed on the QSC device side; a pull-up resistor is not required in the camera module.  The I2C interface features and limitation: Two-wire bus for inter-IC communication     Support for external devices fabricated using any process (1.8 V only)   Support for external functions such as camera sensors, microcontrollers, FM radio ICs, LCD driver, stereo DAC, and keyboard interface   Two operating modes with different transfer rates    Standard-mode: up to ~100 kbps    Fast-mode: up to ~400 kbps   The controller functions only as an I2C master, not a slave Table 13 lists the available I2C interface signals. Table 13:  Overview of I2C signal functions Signal name Alternate name Signal configuration inactive1 I/O Description I2CDAT I2CDAT PD I/O SerialdatalineoftheI2Cbus I2CCLK  2CCLK  PD I/O SerialclocklineoftheI2Cbus 1. Inactive means no call, no tone generation and no external clock mode. PD = Pull down  
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 48 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.10 Control Signals SMT interface 3.10 Control Signals 3.10.1 PWR_IND Signal PWR_IND notifies the on/off state of the module. High state of PWR_IND indicates that the module is switched off. The state of PWR_IND immediately changes to low when IGT is pulled low. For state detection an external pull-up resistor is required. Module e.g. BATT+ Power supply On/Off  PWR_IND (open drain driver) Figure 21:  PWR_IND signal 3.10.2 Network Connectivity Status Signals The STATUS line serves to indicate the module’s network connectivity state and can be used to control an externally connected LED as shown in Figure 22. To operate the LED a buffer, e.g. a transistor or gate, must be included in the external application. VCC LED STATUS 0 = LED off 1 = LED on GND Figure 22:  LED Circuit (Example) For electrical characteristics of the STATUS line see Table 22. The network connectivity signal function is volatile and has to be activated after module startup with AT^SLED. For details on the command as well as status and mode indications through blinking intervals see [1].
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 49 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.10 Control Signals 3.10.3 Behavior of the RING0 Line (ASC0 Interface only) The RING0 line is available on the first serial interface ASC0 (see also Section 3.7). The signal serves to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs (Unsolicited Result Code). Although not mandatory for use in a host application, it is strongly suggested that you connect the RING0 line to an interrupt line of your application. In this case, the application can be de- signed to receive an interrupt when a falling edge on RING0 occurs. This solution is most ef- fective, particularly, for waking up an application from power saving. Note that if the RING0 line is not wired, the application would be required to permanently poll the data and status lines of the serial interface at the expense of a higher current consumption. Therefore, utilizing the RING0 line provides an option to significantly reduce the overall current consumption of your application. The RING0 line behavior and usage can be configured by AT command. For details see [1]: AT^SCFG. 3.10.4 Host Wakeup If no call, data or message transfer is in progress, the host may shut down its own USB inter- face to save power. If a call or other request (URC) arrives, the host can be notified of this event and be woken up again by a state transition of either the RING0 or the WAKEUP line. This func- tionality should only be used with legacy USB applications not supporting the recommended USB suspend and resume mechanism as described in in the “Universal Serial Bus Specifica- tion Revision 2.0“1 (see also Section 3.6.1). The behaviour of these RING0 or WAKEUP lines as host wakeup line has to be enabled and configured by AT command (see [1]: AT^SCFG). Possible states are listed in Table 14. Please note that it is not possible to use both lines in parallel. The WAKEUP signal just inverts the RING0 signal in order to meet different application needs. Table 14:  Host wakeup lines Signal I/O Description RING0 O Inactive to active low transition: 0 = The host shall wake up 1 = No wake up request WAKEUP O Inactive to active high transition: 0 = No wake up request 1 = The host shall wake up 1. The specification is ready for download on
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 50 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.10 Control Signals  3.10.5 Low Current Indicator A low current indication is optionally available over the LC_IND line. By default, low current in- dication is disabled. For the LC_IND signal to work as a low current indicator the feature has to be enabled by AT command (see [1]: AT^SCFG: MEopMode/PowerMgmt/LCI). If enabled, the LC_IND signal is high when the module is sleeping. During its sleep the module will for the most part be slow clocked with 32kHz RTC. Table 15:  Low current indicator line Signal I/O/P Description LC_IND  O  Inactive to active high transition: 0 = High current consumption The module draws its power via BATT+ 1 = Low current consumption (only reached during SLEEP mode) The module draws only a low current via BATT+ LC_IND 1 0 t IBATT+ tLC ILCpk (typ. 150mA) ILCmax <100mA tLCpk<100µs tLCru>  t 300µs Figure 23:  Low current indication timing tLC  Time for the IBATT+ current consumption: ILCmax<100mA. tLCpk  Max. time duration for the inrush current peak at the end of the low current period. tLCru  When the LC_IND signal becomes inactive (low) the current ramps up to the maximum low current value within tLCru. ILCpk  When the module turns from sleep to normal operation some internal supply voltages will be switched on. That causes a small inrush current peak. ILCmax  During the low current period tLC the current consumption does not exceed the ILCmax value.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 51 of 101 2013-10-21PCS3 Hardware Interface Description3.10 Control Signals SDPORT=4 0 ms appr. 34ms (depends on BATT+ capacitors appr. 1.5s appr. 4.0s...4.5s 3.10.6 RING0 (ASC0), WAKEUP and LCI_IND Startup Behavior Table 24 shows the startup behavior of the control lines described in the above sections.Power startup undefined  ASC0 set up (by firmware) 1st  init (power on reset) 2nd  init (startup phase) ASC0 ready (by firmware) URC Wake up signalling Firmware start „SYSSTART“ Sleep mode CTS0 RXD0 RING0 1) 1)  „keep“ DSR0 DCD0 TXD0 RTS0 DTR0 WAKEUP 1)  1) „keep“ 2) LCI_IND 0.6ms 0.6ms  t 151ms 2.6ms 100ms 1) undefined (port not supplied) Pull up (appr. 100k)
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 52 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description5 Antenna Interfaces Configuration Wakeup State RING0 WAKEUP AT^SCFG="URC/Ringline","local" (P) low (active) low (PD) "asc0" low (active) low (PD) "off" high low (PD) "wakeup" high high (active)Configuration Wakeup Active Time for RING0, WAKEUP AT^SCFG="URC/Ringline/ActiveTime","0" 4.6ms-9ms "1"  (P) 100ms "2" 1s "keep" keeps active until 1st time enter sleep modePull down (appr. 100k)iven high driven low  dashed line:  lternative funtion 1) (P) Power up default value 2)    If needed: During runtime the LCI feature has to be enabled by AT^SCFG="MEopMode/PowerMgmt/LCI","enabled"  Figure 24:  RING0 (ASC0), WAKEUP and LCI_IND startup behavior 4 Antenna  Interfaces The PCS3 only CDMA main Antenna, PCS3 didn’t have GPS fora GNSS receiver 5.1 CDMA Antenna Interface The PCS3 CDMA antenna interface comprises a main CDMA antenna as well as an optional CDMA Rx diversity antenna to improve signal reliability and quality1. The interface has an impedance of 50ohm PCS3 is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at the antenna interface without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power. The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radiation power, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Matching networks are not included on the PCS3 PCB and should be placed in the host application, if the antenna does not have an impedance of 50ohm Regarding the return loss PCS3 provides the following values in the active band: Table 16:  Return loss in the active band State of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of application Receive > 8dB  > 12dB Transmit not applicable  > 12dB Idle < 5dB  not applicable 1. By delivery default the optional CDMA Rx diversity antenna is configured as available for the module. To avoid negative side effects and performance degradation it is recommended to disable the diversity an- tenna path if - the host application does not support a diversity antenna - the host application includes a diversity antenna - but a network simulator is used for development   and performance tests. Please refer to [1] for details on how to configure antenna settings.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 53 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description5.1 CDMA Antenna Interface 5.1.1 Antenna Installation The antenna is connected by soldering the antenna pads and their neighboring ground pads directly to the application’s PCB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P             BATT  N          BATT  M             L GND             K ANTCDMA         J GND        H         G    nc   F GND         E     nc          D GND  nc          C              B BATT+ _CDMA            A  BATT+_CDMA  nc    GND nc GND    Figure 25:  Antenna pads The distance between the antenna pads and their neighboring GND pads has been optimized for best possible impedance. To prevent mismatch, special attention should be paid to these pads on the application’ PCB. The wiring of the antenna connection, starting from the antenna pad to the application’s anten- na should result in a 50    line impedance. Line width and distance to the GND plane need to be optimized with regard to the PCB’s layer stack. Some examples are given in Section 5.1.2. To prevent receiver desensitization due to interferences generated by fast transients like high speed clocks on the external application PCB, it is recommended to realize the antenna con- nection line using embedded Stripline rather than Micro-Stripline technology. Please see Sec- tion 5.1.2 for examples of how to design the antenna connection in order to achieve the required 50    line impedance. For type approval purposes, the use of a 50 coaxial antenna connector (U.FL-R-SMT) might be necessary. In this case the U.FL-R-SMT connector should be placed as close as possible to PCS3‘s antenna pad.
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 54 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description5.1 CDMA Antenna Interface 5.1.2 RF Line Routing Design  Line Arrangement Examples Several dedicated tools are available to calculate line arrangements for specific applications and PCB materials - for example from (commercial software) or from (free software). Coated coplanar strips with ground This section gives two line arrangement examples for differential coated coplanar strip with ground       Figure 26:  coatedcoplanarstripwithground
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 55 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description5.1 CDMA Antenna Interface DifferentialcoatedcoplanarstripswithgroundThis section gives two line arrangement examples for differential coated coplanar strip with ground         Figure 27: differentialcoatedcoplanarstripwithground
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 56 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description5.1 CDMA Antenna Interface  Routing Example Interface to RF Connector Figure 28 shows a sample connection of a module‘s antenna pad at the bottom layer of the module PCB with an application PCB‘s coaxial antenna connector. Line impedance depends on line width, but also on other PCB characteristics like dielectric, height and layer gap. The sample stripline width of 0.33mm is recommended for an application with a PCB layer stack resembling the one of the PCS3 evaluation board shown in Figure 29. For different layer stacks the stripline width will have to be adapted accordingly. G N D e.g. ANT_ MAIN G N D Stripline (50Ohm) on top layer of evaluation board from antenna pad to module edge Width = 0.33 mm Ground connection Edge of module PCB 50Ohm micro stripline G N D  G N D E.g., U.FL antenna connector Figure 28:  Routing to application‘s RF connector  Figure 29:  PCS3 evaluation board layer table 
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 57 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics6 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings The absolute maximum ratings stated in Table 17 are stress ratings under any conditions. Stresses beyond any of these limits will cause permanent damage to PCS3. Table 17:  Absolute maximum ratings Parameter Min Max Unit Supply voltage BATT+  -0.5  +4.2  V Voltage at all digital lines in POWER DOWN mode  -0.3  +0.3  V Voltage at digital lines in normal operation  -0.3  +2.1  V Voltage at analog audio lines in normal operation (VMIC=on)  -0.3 +1.8 V Voltage at analog audio lines during audio off mode (VMIC=off)  -0.3 +0.3 V VDDLP input voltage  -0.3  +3.5  V Microphone supply (VMIC) maximum current to GND  3 mA VEXT maximum current shorted to GND  -300 mA VUSB_IN, USB_DN, USB_DP  -0.3  5.75  V Voltage at PWR_IND line  -0.5  5.5  V PWR_IND input current if PWR_IND= low  2 mA Voltage at following signals: IGT, EMERG_OFF  -0.5  VBATT+  V
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 58 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.2 Operating Temperatures 6.2 Operating Temperatures Table 18:  Board temperature Parameter Min Typ Max UnitOperating temperature range  -30 +25 +85 °C Restricted temperature range1 -40  +95 °C Automatic shutdown2 Temperature measured on PCS3 board  <-40  --- >+95 °C 1. Restricted operation allows normal mode speech calls or data transmission for limited time until au- tomatic thermal shutdown takes effect. Within the restricted temperature range (outside the operating temperature range) the specified electrical characteristics may be in- or decreased. 2. Due to temperature measurement uncertainty, a tolerance on the stated shutdown thresholds may occur. The possible deviation is in the range of ± 2°C at the overtemperature and undertemperature limit. 6.3 Storage Conditions The conditions stated below are only valid for modules in their original packed state in weather protected, non-temperature-controlled storage locations. Normal storage time under these conditions is 12 months maximum. Table 19:  Storage conditions Type Condition Unit Reference Air temperature: Low High  -25 +40  °C IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A Humidity relative: Low High  10 90 at 40°C  % IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A Air pressure:  Low  70  kPa  IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4 High 106  IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Movement of surrounding air  1.0  m/s  IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4 Water: rain, dripping, icing and frosting  Not allowed  ---  --- Radiation: Solar  1120  W/m2ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 Bb Heat 600  ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 60068-2-2 BbChemically active substances  Not recom- mended IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1C1L Mechanically active sub- stances  Not recom- mended IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1S1 Vibration sinusoidal:  1.5  mm IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1M2 Displacement Acceleration 5  m/s2 Frequency range  2-9   9-200 HzShocks:  semi-sinusoidal msIEC 60068-2-27 Ea Shock spectrum Duration 1 Acceleration 50 m/s2
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 59 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.4 Reliability Characteristics 6.4 Reliability Characteristics The test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications. Table 20:  Summary of reliability test conditions Type of test Conditions Standard Vibration  Frequency range: 10-20Hz; acceleration: 5g Frequency range: 20-500Hz; acceleration: 20g Duration: 20h per axis; 3 axes DIN IEC 60068-2-61 Shock half-sinus  Acceleration: 500g Shock duration: 1msec 1 shock per axis 6 positions (± x, y and z) DIN IEC 60068-2-27 Dry heat  Temperature: +70 ±2×C Test duration: 16h Humidity in the test chamber: < 50% EN 60068-2-2 Bb ETS 300 019-2-7 Temperature change (shock)  Low temperature: -40×C ±2×C High temperature: +85×C ±2×C Changeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system) Test duration: 1h Number of repetitions: 100 DIN IEC 60068-2-14 Na ETS 300 019-2-7 Damp heat cyclic  High temperature: +55×C ±2×C Low temperature: +25×C ±2×C Humidity: 93% ±3% Number of repetitions:  6 Test duration: 12h + 12h DIN IEC 60068-2-30 Db ETS 300 019-2-5 Cold (constant exposure)  Temperature: -40 ±2×C Test duration: 16h  DIN IEC 60068-2-1 1. For reliability tests in the frequency range 20-500Hz the Standard’s acceleration reference value was inc- reased to 20g. 6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description The SMT application interface on the PCS3 provides connecting pads to integrate the module into external applications. The following Table 21 lists the pads’ assignments, Figure 32 (bot- tom view) and Figure 33 (top view) show the connecting pads’ numbering plan. Please note that a number of connecting pads are marked as reserved for future use (rfu) or ground (GND) and further qualified as either (dnu), (GND) or (nc): • Pads marked "rfu" and qualified as "dnu" (do not use) may be soldered but should not be connected to an external application. • Pads marked "rfu" and qualified as "GND" (ground) are assigned to ground with PCS3 mod- ules, but may have different assignments with future Cinterion products using the same pad layout. • Pads marked "GND" and qualified as "nc" (not connected) are internally not connected with PCS3 modules but may be soldered and arbitrarily be connected to external ground. Because with surface mount modules the heat is transported through the solder pads to the external application’s PCB, it is generally recommended to solder all pads.  
PCS3_HD_v01.000-03 Confidential / Preliminary Page 60 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description Table 21:  Overview: Pad assignments Pad No. Signal Name Pad No. Signal Name PadNo. Signal Name A4  BATT+ CDMA2 E2  GND L2 GNDA5  GND E3 GND L3 GNDA6  GND E4 GND L4 GNDA7  nc E5 GND L5 ncA8  GND E12 nc L6 ncA9  GND E13 nc L7 ncA10  GND E14 nc L8 ncA11  GND E15 EPP( voice&data variant  only)L9  nc A12  nc   E16 EPN( voice&data variant  only)    L10  nc 13  GND F1 GND L11 ncB3  BATT+ CDMA F2 GND L12 ncB4  GND F3 GND L13 ncB5  GND F4 GND L14 CCRST(option CSIM) B6  GND F13 nc L15 CCCLK(option CSIM) B7  GND F14 I2CCLK L16 IGTB8  GND F15 I2CDAT M2 GNDB9  GND F16 GPIO10 M3 GNDB10  GND G1 GND M4 PWR IND B11  GND G2 GND M5 VEXTB12  GND G3 GND M6 GNDB13  GND G4 nc M7 PCM_IN( voice&data  variant only)   B14  STATUS G13 nc M8 PCM_CLK( voice&data  variant  only)  C2  GND G14 GPIO7 M9 PCM_FSC( voice&data  variant   only) C3  GND G15 GPIO8 M10 PCM_OUT( voice&data variant  only) C4  GND G16 GPIO9 M11 ncC5  GND H1 GND M12 ADC2 IN C6  GND H2 GND M13 ADC1 IN C7  GND H3 GND M14 CCIN(option CSIM) C8  GND H4 GND M15 VDDLPC9  GND H13 nc N3 ncC10  GND H14 GPIO4 N4 ncC11  GND H15 GPIO5 N5 VUSB IN C12  nc H16 GPIO6 N6 ncC13  nc J1 GND N7 ncC14  VMIC J2 GND N8 CTS0C15  AGND J3 GND N9 DCD0D1  GND J4 GND N10 RTS0D2  GND J13 nc N11 GNDD3  GND J14 GPIO1 N12 ncD4  GND J15 GPIO2 N13 BATT+D5  nc J16 GPIO3 N14 EMERG OFF D6  GND K1 ANT CDMA P4 USB DPD7  GND K2 GND P5 USB DND8  GND K3 GND P6 ncD9  GND K4 GND P7 ncD10  GND K5 GND P8 DTR0D11  GND K12 nc P9 DSR0D12  GND K13  nc P10 RING0D13  GND K14 CCIO(option CSIM)P11 RXD0D14  GND K15 CCVCC(option CSIM)P12 TXD0D15  MICP K16 nc P13 BATT+D16  MICN L1 GNDE1  nc
 6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description PCS3_HD_v01.000Confidential / Preliminary  Page 61 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description Figure 32:  PCS3 bottom view: Pad assignments
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 68 of 101 2013-10-21Please note that the reference voltages listed in Table 22 are the values measured directly on the PCS3 module. They do not apply to the accessories connected. Table 22:  Signal description Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment Power supply BATT+_CDMA BATT+_CDMA I  VImax = 4.2V VInorm = 3.8V VImin = 3.3V during Tx burst on board Imax    800mA, during Tx burst Lines of BATT+ and GND must be connected in paral- lel for supply purposes because higher peak cur- rents may occur. Minimum voltage must not fall below 3.3V including drop, ripple, spikes. BATT+ I VImax = 4.2V VInorm = 3.8V VImin = 3.3V during Tx burst on board Imax = 250mA Power supply GND  Ground Application Ground External supply voltage VEXT O CLmax = 1µF High power mode: VO = 1.80V   +1% -5% IOmax = -50mA Power save mode: VO = 1.80V   +2% -5% IOmax = -10mA VEXT may be used for application circuits. Not available in Power down mode. If unused keep line open and enable power save mode via AT^SCFG= "MEopMode/PowerMgmt/ VEXT", "low" (see [1]) The external digital logic must not cause any spikes or glitches on voltage VEXT. Ignition IGT  I RPU    160k  , CI    1nF VOHmax=1.85V  VIHmax =2.2V VIHmin = 1.17V VILmax = 300mV Low impulse width > 100ms This signal switches the module ON. It is recommended to drive this line low by an open drain or open collector driver connected to GND. Emer- gency Off  EMERG_OFF I  RPU    160k  , CI    1nF VOHmax=1.85V  VIHmax =2.2V VIHmin = 1.17V VILmax = 300mV ~~|  |~~   low impulse width > 40msIt is recommended to drive this line low by an open drain or open collector driver connected to GND. If unused keep line open.
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 69 of 101 2013-10-21Table 22:  Signal description Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment RTC Back up  VDDLP O VOmax  = 3.20V while BATT+ =>3.3V RI = 1.8k  If unused keep line open. To employ the SMPL fea- ture the VDDLP line has to supplied for at least 2 sec- onds after a possible power loss (e.g., by connecting a 10µF capacitor). See also Section 3.3.6. I  VI = 1.5V…3.25V at Imax= 10µA while BATT+ = 0V Connectiv- ity Status  STATUS O VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V Status signalling e.g. with ext. LED circuit Serial Modem Interface ASC0 RXD0 O VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V If unused keep line open. CTS0 O DSR0 O DCD0 O RING0 O TXD0 I VILmax = 0.6V at 30µA VIHmin = 1.20V at -30µA VIHmax = 2V RTS0 I DTR0 I Analog Audio interface VMIC O VOtyp = 1.8V Imax = 3 mA  Microphone supply for cus- tomer feeding circuits. If unused keep line open. EPP O Differential, Minimum load resistance 32  typ. 5.0Vpp at no load PCM level = +3dBm0, 1.02kHz sine wave Balanced output for ear- phone or balance output for line out. See also Section 6.7.4. If unused keep line open. EPN O MICP I ZItyp = 94k   @ 0dB gain ZItyp = 5.8k   @ 30dB gain Vinmax = 2.57Vpp (for 3dBm0 @ 0dB gain) Balanced differential micro- phone with external feeding circuit (using VMIC and AGND) or balanced differ- ential line input. See also Section 6.7.4. Use coupling capacitors.  If unused keep lines open. MICN I AGND  Analog ground  GND level for external audio circuits
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 70 of 101 2013-10-21Table 22:  Signal description Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) PCM_IN I VILmax = 0.6V at 30µA VIHmin = 1.20V at -30µA VIHmax = 2V VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V In Master mode PCM_FSC and PCM_CLK are output signals1. In Slave mode PCM_FSC and PCM_CLK are input signals. See also Section 3.9.1. If unused keep line open. PCM_CLK I/O PCM_FSC I/O PCM_OUT O Inter IC interface (I2C) I2CDAT  O  VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V I2CCLK O Power Indicator  PWR_IND O VIHmax = 5.5V VOLmax = 0.4V at Imax = 2mA PWR_IND (Power Indica- tor) notifies the module’s on/off state. PWR_IND is an open col- lector that needs to be con- nected to an external pull- up resistor. Low state of the open collector indicates that the module is on. Vice versa, high level notifies the power-down mode. Therefore, the signal may be used to enable external voltage regulators which supply an external logic for communication with the module, e.g. level convert- ers. USB VUSB_IN I VINmin = 3.0V VINmax = 5.25V Active current IItyp = 105µA (max 130µA) Suspend current IItyp = 135µA (max 200µA) If the USB interface is not used please connect this line to GND. USB_DN I/O All electrical characteristics according to USB Implementers’ Forum, USB 2.0 Full Speed Specification. If lines are unused keep lines open. USB only support Full Speed mode operation requires a differential impedance of 90ohm  USB_DP I/O Host wakeup WAKEUP O VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V Can be used as a host wakeup line similar to RING0 (see Section 3.10.4)1.
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.5 Pad Assignment and Signal Description PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 71 of 101 2013-10-21Table 22:  Signal description Function Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment Low Current Indication LC_IND O VOLmax = 0.45V at I = 2mA VOHmin = 1.35V at I = -2mA VOHmax = 1.85V If the function is enabled (see Section 3.10.5)1. I  VIHmax = 2V RPD= appr. 100kOhm If the function is disabled (see Section 3.10.5)1. 1. Signal state if not configured: I, PD (appr. 100k)
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 72 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.6 Power Supply Ratings 6.6 Power Supply Ratings Table 23:  Power supply ratings Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit BATT+ Supply voltage  Directly measured at Module. Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple, spikes 3.3 3.8 4.2 V Maximum allowed voltage drop dur- ing transmit burstNormal condition, power control level for Pout max  400 mV Voltage ripple  Normal condition, power control level for Pout max @ f <= 250 kHz @ f >   250 kHz    20 16 mVpp mVpp IVDDLP @ 3V  OFF State supply current  RTC backup @ BATT+ = 0V  4.0  µA IBATT+ 1 OFF State supply current  POWER DOWN  39  µA Average CDMA supply current  SLEEP2 (USB Suspend or Disconnected and no communication via ASC0) @ SCI=0 8  mA SLEEP2 (USB Suspend or Disconnected and no communication via ASC0) @ SCI=2 8  mA SLEEP2 (USB Suspend or Disconnected and no communication via ASC0) @ SCI=7 8  mA1xRTT Data transfer BC0 @ +24dBm  450  mA 1xRTT Data transfer BC1 @ +24dBm  500  mA  1xRTT Data transfer BC10 @ +24dBm  460  mA IVUSB_IN  USB suspend and active ratings are mentioned in Table 22: VUSB_IN. 1. With an impedance of ZLOAD=50Ohm at the antenna connector. 2. Average time for SLEEP mode: 5min
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 73 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband Part 6.7.1 Setting Audio Parameters by AT Commands Audio mode 1 is the basic audio mode optimized for the Votronic reference handset (see Sec- tion 10.1). The default parameters are determined for type approval and are not adjustable with AT commands. The audio modes 2 to 8 can be temporarily adjusted according to the AT command parameters listed in the table below. The audio parameters are set with the AT commands AT^SNFI as well as AT^SNFO and stored volatile for the current audio mode (see [1]). For a model of how the parameters influence the audio signal path see Section 6.7.2. Table 24:  Audio parameters adjustable by AT command Parameter Influence to Range Gain range Calculation AT^SNFI= micAmp1  MICP/MICN second analog ampli- fier gain of before ADC  0,1  0 or 24dB  micTxVol  Digital gain of input signal after ADC 0, 1...65535 Mute, -84...+12dB  20 * log (micTxVol/ 16384) AT^SNFO= cdcRxGain  Analog gain of output signal after summation of sidetone  0...63 -57...+6dB 1dB steps rxVol  Digital Volume of output signal after speech decoder, before summation of sidetone and DAC 0, 1…41  Mute, -48...+12dB  1.5dB steps stGain  Digital attenuation of sidetone  0, 1...65535 Mute, -96...0dB  20 * log (stGain/ 16384) -12
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 74 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband PartEcho canceller,Noise suppressonwith one or two Micro- phonesFilter flat gain=0dB 6.7.2 Audio Programming Model The audio programming model shows how the signal path can be influenced by varying AT command parameters: AT^SNFI allows to  set the parameters <micAmp1>, and<mic TxVol>, whereas the parameters <cdcRxGain>, <stGain> and <rxVol> can be adjusted with AT^SNFO. For more information on the AT commands and parameters see Section 6.7.1 and [1]. If the digital audio interface (PCM) is selected, the parameters <micAmp1>, and <cdcRxGain> have no influence; because they are not involved in the signal paths.(PCS3 didn’t support I2S) Application Digital logical channels: gain=0dB <io> gain=0dB Aux MIC Main MIC Speaker Codec I2S right channel I2S left channel / PCM mono 4    PCM mono I2S left channel 4 PCM / I2S Interface I2S Interface  1   3  2   <micTxVol> Speech coder VMIC Codec MIC Microphone feeding EP <micAmp1>    A D <cdcRxGain> D gain=0dB PCM 1 3 2 <stGain> 3    2 <rxVol> Filter Speech coder 32 Ohms A flat gain=0dB Module Red: Audio mode parameters adjustable by AT commands Orange: Selectable Audio Mode Parameter -  on request adjustable by Cinterion Figure 34:  Audio programming model
 6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband PartPCS3_HD_v01.000Confidential / Preliminary Page 75 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description 6.7.3 Characteristics of Audio Modes The electrical characteristics of the voiceband part depend on the current audio mode set with AT command. All values are noted for default gains, e.g. the default parameters are left unchanged. Table 25:  Voiceband characteristics Audio mode no. AT^SNFS= 11 2 3 4 5 6 Name Default Handset Router User Handset Headset Speaker phone Transparent Purpose  DSB with Votronic handset  Analog phone interface Mono Headset  Handheld speakerphone Direct access to speech coder TX-Filters Adjusted Flat Adjusted Flat Flat Flat RX-Filters  Adjusted to fit artificial ear type 3.2 low leakage Flat Adjusted to fit artificial ear type 3.2 low leakage 800Hz   800Hz   Flat Default SNFI Parameters <micAmp1> <txVol>  0 (0dB) 0x23FD (-5dB)   0 (0dB) 0x4000 (0dB)   0 (0dB) 0x23FD (-5dB)   1 (24dB) 0x4000 (0dB)   1 (24dB) 0xB461(9dB)   0 (0dB) 0x4000 (0dB)  Default SNFO Parameters<cdcRxGain> <rxVol> <stGain> 0x2861 (-4dB) 33 (0dB) 0x261F (-16.5dB)  0x2000 (-6dB) 33 (0dB) 0x0000 (mute) 0x2861 (-4dB) 33 (0dB) 0x261F (-16.5dB)  0x2000 (-6dB) 33 (0dB) 0x1000 (-24dB)  0x6570 (4dB) 33 (0dB) 0x0000 (mute)  0x4000 (0dB) 33 (0dB) 0x0000 (mute)  Echo canceller mode  VOC_EC_ESEC VOC_EC_ESEC VOC_EC_ESEC  VOC_EC_HEADSET VOC_EC_SPEAKER VOC_EC_OFF Noise Supersession  VOC_NS_ON VOC_NS_OFF VOC_NS_ON VOC_NS_ON VOC_NS_ON VOC_NS_FF Tx codec gain  0x4000 (0dB)  0x4000 (0dB)  0x4000 (0dB)  0x4000 (0dB)  0x4000 (0dB)  0x4000 (0dB)
 6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband PartPCS3_HD_v01.000Confidential / Preliminary Page 76 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description Table 25:  Voiceband characteristics Audio mode no. AT^SNFS= 11 2 3 4 5 6 MIC input signal for 0dBm0, 2 f = 1024 Hz  15mV   650mV   15mV   12mV   5mV   420mV  EP output signal in mV rms. @ 0dBm0, 1024 Hz, no load (default gain) / @ 3.14 dBm0   465mV 2.1Vpp    512mV 2.1Vpp   465mV 2.1Vpp    370mV 1.6Vpp    1485mV 5.7Vpp   1290mV 5.5Vpp Sidetone gain at default settings   -16.5dB    0dB    -16.5dB    -24dB    0dB   0dB Digital audio characteristics (PCM) Uplink gain at 1024Hz  14602(-1dBm) 16384(0dBm) 14602(-1dBm) 16384(0dBm) 16384(0dBm) 16384(0dBm) Downlink gain at 1024Hz  25 33 25 32 32 33 Sidetone gain  5514(-21.5dBm) 0  5514(-21.5dBm) 12288(-15dBm) 0  0 1. Fixed audio mode. Values cannot be adapted. 2. All values measured before the noise reduction attenuates the sine wave after a few seconds. n.a. = not applicable Note: With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid sending false AT commands that might increase amplification, e.g. for a highly sensitive earpiece. A protection circuit should be implemented in the cellular application.
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.7 Electrical Characteristics of the Voiceband PartPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 77 of 101 2013-10-216.7.4 Voiceband Receive Path Test conditions: • The values specified below were tested to 1024Hz using AT^SNFO=57,33,0 in audio mode 6 during a voice call unless otherwise stated. Table 26:  Voiceband receive path Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test condition / remark Maximum differential output voltage  4.5  V  32  , (peak to peak)  5.0 V No load,EPP to EPN  @ 3.14dBm0 (Full Scale) Nominal differential output voltage  3.1  V  32  , (peak to peak)  3.4 V No load,EPP to EPN  @ 0dBm0 (Nominal level) Output bias voltage  1.5  V  From EPP or EPN to GND Differential output load resistance  16    6.7.5 Voiceband Transmit Path Test conditions: • The values specified below were tested to 1024Hz using AT^SNFI=0,16,16384 in audio mode 6 during a voice call unless otherwise stated. Table 27:  Voiceband transmit path Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test condition / Remark Full scale input voltage (peak to peak) for 3.14dBm0 MICP to MICN 2.57  V Balanced Nominal input voltage (rms) for 0dBm0 MICP to MICN 0.64  V Balanced Input amplifier 1 gain (micAmp1)  0  24  dB  Set with AT^SNFI Fine scaling by DSP (micTxVol)  -84  12 dB Set with AT^SNFI Microphone supply voltage VMIC  1.8  V No load Microphone supply voltage VMIC  1.8   V @ 3mA
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 78 of 101 2013-10-21 6.8 RF Antenna Interface Characteristics Table 28:  RF Antenna interface CDMA Parameter Conditions Min. Typical Max. Unit CDMA connectivity  BC0, BC1,BC10 Receiver Input Sensitivity @  CDMA BC0   -108.5   -110    dBm ARP 1xRTTCDMA BC1   -107.5   -108.5    dBm 1xRTT CDMA BC10       1xRTT  -108.5   -110    dBm RF Power@ ARP with  CDMA BC0 +21 +21  +24 +24  +25 +25   dBm 50Ohm Load 1xRTT CDMA BC1        1xRTT   +21 +21  +24 +24  +25 +25   dBm CDMA BC10  +21 +21  +24 +24  +25 +25   dBm 
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 79 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description6.10 Electrostatic Discharge 6.9 Electrostatic Discharge The module is not protected against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) in general. Consequently, it is subject to ESD handling precautions that typically apply to ESD sensitive components. Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout the processing, handling and operation of any application that incorporates a PCS3 module. Special ESD protection provided on PCS3: All antenna interfaces: Inductor/capacitor BATT+: Inductor/capacitor The remaining interfaces of PCS3 are not accessible to the user of the final product (since they are installed within the device) and are therefore only protected according to the JEDEC JESD22-A114D requirements. PCS3 has been tested according to the following standards. Electrostatic values can be gath- ered from the following table. Table 31:  Electrostatic values Specification / Requirements Contact discharge Air discharge JEDEC JESD22-A114D All SMT interfaces  ± 1kV Human Body Model  n.a. ETSI EN 301 489-1/7 All antenna interfaces (CDMA/GNSS)  ± 4kV  ± 8kV BATT+  ± 4kV  ± 8kV Note: Please note that the values may vary with the individual application design. For example, it matters whether or not the application platform is grounded over external devices like a com- puter or other equipment, such as the Cinterion Wireless Modules reference application de- scribed in Chapter 9.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 80 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging 7 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging 7.1 Mechanical Dimensions of PCS3 Figure 35 shows a 3D view1 of PCS3 and provides an overview of the board's mechanical di- mensions. For further details see Figure 36. Length: 33mm Width: 29mm Height: 2mm Top view Bottom view Figure 35:  PCS3 – top and bottom view 1. The coloring of the 3D view does not reflect the module’s real color.
PCS3 Hardware Interface Description    7.1 Mechanical Dimensions of PCS3    Position marker Internal use; Not to be soldered Figure 36:  Dimensions of PCS3 (all dimensions in mm) PCS3_HD_v01.000  Page 82 of 101  2013-10-21 Confidential / Preliminary
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 83 of 101 2013-10-217.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application Platform This section describes how to mount PCS3 onto the PCBs (=printed circuit boards), including land pattern and stencil design, board-level characterization, soldering conditions, durability and mechanical handling. For more information on issues related to SMT module integration see also [4]. Note: All SMT module pads need to be soldered to the application’s PCB. Not only must all sup- ply pads and signals be connected appropriately, but all pads denoted as “Do not use“ will also have to be soldered (but not electrically connected) in order to ensure the best possible me- chanical stability. 7.2.1 SMT PCB Assembly  Land Pattern and Stencil The land pattern and stencil design as shown below is based on Cinterion characterizations for lead-free solder paste on a four-layer test PCB and a 110 respectively 150 micron-thick stencil. The land pattern given in Figure 37 reflects the module‘s pad layout, including signal pads and ground pads (for pad assignment see Section 6.5). Besides these pads there are ground areas on the module's bottom side that must not be soldered, e.g., the position marker. To prevent short circuits, it has to be ensured that there are no wires on the external application side that may connect to these module ground areas. Figure 37:  Land pattern (top view)
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 84 of 101 2013-10-21The stencil design illustrated in Figure 38 and Figure 39 is recommended by Cinterion as a re- sult of extensive tests with Cinterion Daisy Chain modules. Figure 38:  Recommended design for 110 micron thick stencil (top view) Figure 39:  Recommended design for 150 micron thick stencil (top view)
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 85 of 101 2013-10-21 Board Level Characterization Board level characterization issues should also be taken into account if devising an SMT pro- cess. Characterization tests should attempt to optimize the SMT process with regard to board level reliability. This can be done by performing the following physical tests on sample boards: Peel test, bend test, tensile pull test, drop shock test and temperature cycling. Sample surface mount checks are described in [4]. It is recommended to characterize land patterns before an actual PCB production, taking individual processes, materials, equipment, stencil design, and reflow profile into account. For land and stencil pattern design recommendations see also Section Optimizing the solder stencil pattern design and print process is necessary to ensure print uniformity, to decrease sol- der voids, and to increase board level reliability. Daisy chain modules for SMT characterization are available on request. For details refer to [4]. Generally, solder paste manufacturer recommendations for screen printing process parameters and reflow profile conditions should be followed. Maximum ratings are described in Section 7.2.3. 7.2.2 Moisture Sensitivity Level PCS3 comprises components that are susceptible to damage induced by absorbed moisture. Cinterion’s PCS3 module complies with the latest revision of the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020  standard for moisture sensitive surface mount devices and is classified as MSL 4. For additional MSL (=moisture sensitivity level) related information see Section 7.2.4 and Sec- tion 7.3.2.
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 86 of 101 2013-10-217.2.3 Soldering Conditions and Temperature  Reflow Profile  Figure 40:  Reflow Profile
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 87 of 101 2013-10-21Table 31:  Reflow temperature ratings Profile Feature Pb-Free Assembly Preheat & Soak Temperature Minimum (TSmin) Temperature Maximum (TSmax) Time (tSmin to tSmax) (tS) 150°C 200°C 60-120 seconds Average ramp up rate (TSmax   to TP)  3K/second max. Liquidous temperature (TL) Time at liquidous (tL)  217°C 60-90 seconds Peak package body temperature (TP)  245°C +0/-5°C Time (tP) within 5 °C of the peak package body temperature (TP)  30 seconds max. Average ramp-down rate (TP to TSmax)  6 K/second max. Time 25°C to maximum temperature  8 minutes max.  Maximum Temperature and Duration The following limits are recommended for the SMT board-level soldering process to attach the module: • A maximum module temperature of 245°C. This specifies the temperature as measured at the module’s top side. • A maximum duration of 30 seconds at this temperature. Please note that while the solder paste manufacturers' recommendations for best temperature and duration for solder reflow should generally be followed, the limits listed above must not be exceeded. PCS3 is specified for one soldering cycle only. Once PCS3 is removed from the application, the module will very likely be destroyed and cannot be soldered onto another application.
 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.2 Mounting PCS3 onto the Application PlatformPCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 88 of 101 2013-10-217.2.4 Durability and Mechanical Handling  Storage Life PCS3 modules, as delivered in tape and reel carriers, must be stored in sealed, moisture barrier anti-static bags. The shelf life in a sealed moisture bag is an estimated 12 month. However, such a life span requires a non-condensing atmospheric environment, ambient temperatures below 40°C and a relative humidity below 90%. Additional storage conditions are listed in Table 24.  Processing Life PCS3 must be soldered to an application within 72 hours after opening the MBB (=moisture barrier bag) it was stored in. As specified in the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 Standard, the manufacturing site processing the modules should have ambient temperatures below 30°C and a relative humidity below 60%.  Baking Baking conditions are specified on the moisture sensitivity label attached to each MBB (see Figure 45 for details): • It is not necessary to bake PCS3, if the conditions specified in Section and Section were not exceeded. • It is necessary to bake PCS3, if any condition specified in Section and Section was exceeded. If baking is necessary, the modules must be put into trays that can be baked to at least 125°C. Devices should not be baked in tape and reel carriers at any temperature.  Electrostatic Discharge ESD (=electrostatic discharge) may lead to irreversible damage for the module. It is therefore advisable to develop measures and methods to counter ESD and to use these to control the electrostatic environment at manufacturing sites. Please refer to Section 5.9 for further information on electrostatic discharge.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 89 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.3 Packaging 7.3 Packaging 7.3.1 Tape and Reel The single-feed tape carrier for PCS3 is illustrated in Figure 41. The figure also shows the prop- er part orientation. The tape width is 44mm and the PCS3 modules are placed on the tape with a 40mm pitch. The reels are 330mm in diameter with 100mm hubs. Each reel contains 500 modules.  Orientation Figure 41:  Carrier tape  Figure 42:  Roll direction
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 90 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.3 Packaging  Barcode Label A barcode label provides detailed information on the tape and its contents. It is attached to the reel. Barcode label Figure 43:  Barcode label on tape reel
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 91 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.3 Packaging 7.3.2 Shipping Materials PCS3 is distributed in tape and reel carriers. The tape and reel carriers used to distribute PCS3 are packed as described below, including the following required shipping materials: • Moisture barrier bag, including desiccant and humidity indicator card • Transportation bag  Moisture Barrier Bag The tape reels are stored inside an MBB (=moisture barrier bag), together with a humidity indi- cator card and desiccant pouches - see Figure 44. The bag is ESD protected and delimits mois- ture transmission. It is vacuum-sealed and should be handled carefully to avoid puncturing or tearing. The bag protects the PCS3 modules from moisture exposure. It should not be opened until the devices are ready to be soldered onto the application.  Figure 44:  Moisture barrier bag (MBB) with imprint The label shown in Figure 45 summarizes requirements regarding moisture sensitivity, includ- ing shelf life and baking requirements. It is attached to the outside of the moisture barrier bag.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 92 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.3 Packaging  Figure 45:  Moisture Sensitivity Label
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 93 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description7.3 Packaging MBBs contain one or more desiccant pouches to absorb moisture that may be in the bag. The humidity indicator card described below should be used to determine whether the enclosed components have absorbed an excessive amount of moisture. The desiccant pouches should not be baked or reused once removed from the MBB. The humidity indicator card is a moisture indicator and is included in the MBB to show the ap- proximate relative humidity level within the bag. Sample humidity cards are shown in Figure 46. If the components have been exposed to moisture above the recommended limits, the units will have to be rebaked.  Figure 46:  Humidity Indicator Card - HIC A baking is required if the humidity indicator inside the bag indicates 10% RH or more.  Transportation Box Tape and reel carriers are distributed in a box, marked with a barcode label for identification purposes. A box contains 2 reels with 500 modules each.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 94 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description8 Sample Application 8 Sample Application Figure 47 shows a typical example of how to integrate an PCS3 module with an application. The audio interface demonstrates the balanced connection of microphone and earpiece. This solution is particularly well suited for internal transducers. The PWR_IND line is an open collector that needs an external pull-up resistor which connects to the voltage supply VCC µC of the microcontroller. Low state of the open collector pulls the PWR_IND signal low and indicates that the PCS3 module is active, high level notifies the Pow- er-down mode. If the module is in Power-down mode avoid current flowing from any other source into the mod- ule circuit, for example reverse current from high state external control lines. Therefore, the controlling application must be designed to prevent reverse flow. If an external level controller is required, this can be done by using for example a 5V I/O tolerant buffer/driver like a "74AVC4T245" with OE (Output Enable) controlled by PWR_IND. While developing SMT applications it is strongly recommended to provide test points for certain signals resp. lines to and from the module - for debug and/or test purposes. The SMT application should allow for an easy access to these signals. For details on how to implement test points see [4]. The EMC measures are best practice recommendations. In fact, an adequate EMC strategy for an individual application is very much determined by the overall layout and, especially, the po- sition of components. Disclaimer: No warranty, either stated or implied, is provided on the sample schematic diagram shown in Figure 47 and the information detailed in this section. As functionality and compliance with na- tional regulations depend to a great amount on the used electronic components and the indi- vidual application layout manufacturers are required to ensure adequate design and operating safeguards for their products using PCS3 modules.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 95 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description9 Reference Approval U ra n us9 Reference Approval 9.1  Reference Equipment for Type Approval The Cinterion Wireless Modules reference setup submitted to type approve PCS3 is shown in Figure 48. The module (i.e., the evaluation module) is connected to the DSB75 by means of a flex cable and a special DSB75 adapter. The CDMA test equipment is connected via edge mount SMA connectors soldered to the module’s antenna pads.( (Only Main Antenna of PCS3, Didn’t  have GPS) For ESD tests and evaluation purposes, it is also possible connect the module to the CDMA test equipment through an SMA-to-Hirose-U.FL antenna cable and the SMA antenna connectors of the DSB75 adapter. A further option is to mount the evaluation module directly onto the DSB75 adapter’s 80-pin board-to-board connector and to connect the test equipment as shown below. Aud io te st  equ ipm  ent De tail:  Vo tro nic han dse t E dg e  m o u nt  S  M A  c  on n ec to r s m an ua lly  so ld ered  to  an ten na  pa  ds P CS3  eva lua tion m o dule S ta n da rd 80 polig Flex  PCS3 evaluation m odu le US B D S  B 7  5  a d  a p t e r CO M 1 (ASC 0) GNS S test  eq uipm  en t GN S S AN T 3 CD M A test  eq uipm  en t CDM A  D rx C D M A  M a in US B ca ble AN T 2 AN T 1 Au dio A udio DSB7 5 Pow e r GN D Po w er PC  supp ly RS 2 32 cab le Figure 48:  Reference equipment for type approval
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 96 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description10 Appendix 9.2  Compliance with FCC and IC Rules and Regulations The Equipment Authorization Certification for the Cinterion Wireless Modules reference appli- cation described in Section 9.1 will be registered under the following identifiers: FCC Identifier QIPPCS3 Industry Canada Certification Number: 7830A-PCS3 Granted to Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating PCS3 modules are authorized to use the FCC Grants and Industry Canada Certificates of the PCS3 modules for their own final prod- ucts according to the conditions referenced in these documents. In this case, the FCC label of the module shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating "Contains FCC ID QIPPCS3" and accordingly “Contains IC 7830A-PCS3“. The integration is limited to fixed or mobile categorised host devices, where a separation distance between the antenna and any person of min. 20cm can be assured during normal operating conditions. For mobile and fixed operation configurations the antenna gain, including cable loss, must not ex- ceed the limits 9.0 dBi (BC0), 9.0 dBi (BC10) and 7.5 dBi (BC1). IMPORTANT: Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating PCS3 modules are required to have their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant and Industry Canada Certificate relat- ed to the specific portable mobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable mobiles (see Section 1.3.1 for detail). Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Note-1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inter- ference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre- quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Note-2: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause interference, and  (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 97 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description10 Appendix  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:  (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et  (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement."  CAN ICES-3(B)/ NMB-3(B) 10 Appendix 10.1 List of Parts and Accessories Table 32:  List of parts and accessories Description Supplier Ordering information PCS3 Cinterion Standard module Cinterion Wireless Modules IMEI: Ordering number: L30960-N2650-A280 PCS3 Evaluation Module  Cinterion  Ordering number: L30960-N2651-TBD. DSB75 Support Box  Cinterion  Ordering number: L36880-N8811-A100 DSB75 adapter for mounting the PCS3 evaluation module  Cinterion  Ordering number: L30960-N2301-A100 Votronic Handset  VOTRONIC  Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0 VOTRONIC Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft für elek- tronische Geräte mbH Saarbrücker Str. 8 66386 St. Ingbert Germany Phone:  +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-0 Fax:  +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-88 Email: U.FL antenna connector  Hirose or Molex Sales contacts are listed in Table 34 and Table 35.
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 98 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description10.1 List of Parts and Accessories Table 33:  Molex sales contacts (subject to change) Molex For further information please click: Molex Deutschland GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 1b 69190 Walldorf Germany Phone: +49-6227-3091-0 Fax: +49-6227-3091-8100 Email: mxgermany@molex.comAmerican Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A. Phone: +1-800-78MOLEX Fax: +1-630-969-1352 Molex China Distributors Beijing, Room 1311, Tower B, COFCO Plaza No. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei Street, 100005 Beijing P.R. China Phone: +86-10-6526-9628 Fax: +86-10-6526-9730 Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd. 110, International Road Jurong Town, Singapore 629174 Phone: +65-6-268-6868 Fax: +65-6-265-6044 Molex Japan Co. Ltd. 1-5-4 Fukami-Higashi, Yamato-City, Kanagawa, 242-8585 Japan Phone: +81-46-265-2325Fax: +81-46-265-2365 Table 34:  Hirose sales contacts (subject to change) Hirose Ltd. For further information please click: Hirose Electric (U.S.A.) Inc 2688 Westhills Court Simi Valley, CA 93065 U.S.A. Phone: +1-805-522-7958 Fax: +1-805-522-3217 Hirose Electric Europe B.V. German Branch: Herzog-Carl-Strasse 4 73760 Ostfildern Germany Phone: +49-711-456002-1Fax: +49-711-456002-299 Hirose Electric Europe B.V. UK Branch: First Floor, St. Andrews House, Caldecotte Lake Business Park, Milton Keynes MK7 8LE Great Britain Phone: +44-1908-369060 Fax: +44-1908-369078 Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. 5-23, Osaki 5 Chome, Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo 141 Japan Phone: +81-03-3491-9741 Fax: +81-03-3493-2933 Hirose Electric Europe B.V. Hogehillweg 8 1101 CC Amsterdam Z-O Netherlands Phone: +31-20-6557-460 Fax: +31-20-6557-469
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 99 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description10.2 Mounting Advice Sheet 10.2 Mounting Advice Sheet To prevent mechanical damage, be careful not to force, bend or twist the module. Be sure it is soldered flat against the host device (see also Section 7.2). The advice sheet on the next page shows a number of examples for the kind of bending that may lead to mechanical damage of the module (the module as part of an external application is integrated into a housing).
PCS3_HD_v01.000 Confidential / Preliminary Page 100 of 101 2013-10-21 PCS3 Hardware Interface Description10.2 Mounting Advice Sheet 

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