Telit Cinterion Deutschland XT65 Quadband GSM/GPRS/GPS Module User Manual XT65 XT75 Hardware Interface Overview

Gemalto M2M GmbH Quadband GSM/GPRS/GPS Module XT65 XT75 Hardware Interface Overview

User Manual

s   XT65/XT75 Siemens Cellular EngineVersion: 00.130DocId: XT65_XT75_HO_v00.130Supported Products: XT65, XT75Hardware Interface Overview
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview XT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 2 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarysGeneral NotesProduct is deemed accepted by Recipient and is provided without interface to Recipient´s products. The Productconstitutes pre-release version and code and may be changed substantially before commercial release. TheProduct is provided on an “as is” basis only and may contain deficiencies or inadequacies. The Product is pro-vided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Si-emens further disclaims all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third-party rights. The entire risk arising out of the use orperformance of the Product and documentation remains with Recipient. This Product is not intended for use inlife support appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected toresult in personal injury. Applications incorporating the described product must be designed to be in accordancewith the technical specifications provided in these guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the required proce-dures can result in malfunctions or serious discrepancies in results. Furthermore, all safety instructions regardingthe use of mobile technical systems, including GSM products, which also apply to cellular phones must be fol-lowed. Siemens AG customers using or selling this product for use in any applications do so at their own risk andagree to fully indemnify Siemens for any damages resulting from illegal use or resale. To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law, in no event shall Siemens or its suppliers be liable for any consequential, incidental,direct, indirect, punitive or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of businessprofits, business interruption, loss of business information or data, or other pecuniary loss) arising out the use ofor inability to use the Product, even if Siemens has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Subject tochange without notice at any time.CopyrightTransmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents andcommunication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable forpayment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are re-served.Copyright © Siemens AG 2006Document Name: XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview Version: 00.130Date: 2006-10-12DocId: XT65_XT75_HO_v00.130Status Confidential / PreliminarySupported Products: XT65, XT75
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview Contents  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 3 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary  Contents1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 61.1 Related Documents......................................................................................................................... 61.2 Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 71.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information................................................................................... 101.3.1 Directives and Standards............................................................................................... 101.3.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles ............................................................. 111.3.3 SELV Requirements ...................................................................................................... 121.3.4 Safety Precautions.........................................................................................................122 Product Concept.................................................................................................................................... 142.1 Key Features at a Glance.............................................................................................................. 143 Application Interface ............................................................................................................................. 183.1 Operating Modes........................................................................................................................... 194 GSM Antenna Interface......................................................................................................................... 204.1 Antenna Installation....................................................................................................................... 204.2 Antenna Pad.................................................................................................................................. 214.2.1 Suitable Cable Types..................................................................................................... 224.3 Antenna Connector ....................................................................................................................... 235 GPS Antenna Interface.......................................................................................................................... 275.1 Antenna Installation....................................................................................................................... 275.2 GPS Antenna ................................................................................................................................ 286 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics ................................................................................ 296.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings........................................................................................................... 296.2 Operating Temperatures ............................................................................................................... 306.3 Storage Conditions........................................................................................................................ 316.4 Reliability Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 326.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description ........................................................................................336.6 Power Supply Ratings ................................................................................................................... 437 Mechanics .............................................................................................................................................. 447.1 Mechanical Dimensions of XT65/XT75 ......................................................................................... 447.2 Mounting XT65/XT75 to the Application Platform ......................................................................... 467.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector.......................................................................................... 478 Reference Approval............................................................................................................................... 518.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval ...................................................................................... 518.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations .............................................................................. 529 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 539.1 List of Parts and Accessories........................................................................................................ 539.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment........................................................................... 559.2.1 Fasteners from German Supplier ETTINGER GmbH.................................................... 55
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview List of Tables sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 4 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryTablesTable 1: Directives .................................................................................................................................... 10Table 2: Standards of North American type approval...............................................................................10Table 3: Standards of European type approval ........................................................................................ 10Table 4: Requirements of quality .............................................................................................................. 11Table 5: Overview of operating modes ..................................................................................................... 19Table 6: Return loss in the active band .................................................................................................... 20Table 7: Product specifications of U.FL-R-SMT connector....................................................................... 23Table 8: Material and finish of U.FL-R-SMT connector and recommended plugs.................................... 24Table 9: Ordering information for Hirose U.FL Series .............................................................................. 26Table 10: GPS antenna: Active versus Passive ......................................................................................... 28Table 11: Absolute maximum ratings ......................................................................................................... 29Table 12: Board temperature...................................................................................................................... 30Table 13: Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (without forced air circulation) ........................ 30Table 14: Charging temperature................................................................................................................. 30Table 15: Storage conditions...................................................................................................................... 31Table 16: Summary of reliability test conditions ......................................................................................... 32Table 17: Signal description ....................................................................................................................... 34Table 18: Power supply ratings .................................................................................................................. 43Table 19: Technical specifications of Molex board-to-board connector...................................................... 47Table 20: List of parts and accessories ...................................................................................................... 53Table 21: Molex sales contacts (subject to change)................................................................................... 54Table 22: Hirose sales contacts (subject to change) .................................................................................. 54
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview List of Figures sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 5 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryFiguresFigure 1: GSM antenna connector placement ........................................................................................... 20Figure 2: Figure 41: Restricted area around antenna pad ......................................................................... 21Figure 3: GSM antenna pad placement ..................................................................................................... 22Figure 4: Mechanical dimensions of U.FL-R-SMT connector .................................................................... 23Figure 5: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-040 plug.......................................................................... 24Figure 6: U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-066 plug.......................................................................... 24Figure 7: Specifications of U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) plug................................................................................ 25Figure 8: GPS antenna connector placement............................................................................................ 27Figure 9: GPS antenna pad placement...................................................................................................... 27Figure 10: Pin assignment (component side of XT65/XT75) ....................................................................... 33Figure 11: XT65/XT75– top view ................................................................................................................. 44Figure 12: Dimensions of XT65/XT75 (all dimensions in mm)..................................................................... 45Figure 13: Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application .................................................... 48Figure 14: Molex board-to-board connector 52991-0808 on XT65/XT75 .................................................... 49Figure 15: Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application .................................................... 50Figure 16: Reference equipment for Type Approval .................................................................................... 51
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1 Introduction  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 6 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1 IntroductionThis document applies to the following Siemens products:• XT65 Module• XT75 ModuleThe document describes the hardware of the XT65 and XT75 modules, both designed to connect to a cellulardevice application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface specifications, electrical andmechanical details and information on the requirements to be considered for integrating further components.The difference between both modules is that the XT75 additionally features EGPRS. Please note that except forEGPRS specific statements, all information provided below applies to both module types. Throughout the document, both modules are generally referred to as XT65/XT75.1.1 Related Documents[1] XT65 AT Command Set 00.130XT75 AT Command Set 00.130[2] XT65/XT75 Release Notes 00.130[3] DSB75 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Siemens Cellular Engines [4] Application Note 02: Audio Interface Design for GSM Applications[5] Application Note 07: Rechargeable Lithium Batteries in GSM Applications [6] Application Note 16: Upgrading Firmware [7] Application Note 17: Over-The-Air Firmware Update [8] Application Note 22: Using TTY / CTM Equipment[9] Application Note 24: Application Developer’s Guide [10] Application Note 26: Power Supply Design for GSM Applications[11] Application Note 32: Integrating USB into GSM Applications[12] Multiplexer User's Guide [13] Multiplex Driver Developer’s Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP [14] Multiplex Driver Installation Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP [15] Remote SAT User's Guide [16] Java User’s Guide [17] Java doc \wtk\doc\html\index.html
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 7 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1.2 Terms and AbbreviationsAbbreviation DescriptionADC Analog-to-Digital ConverterAGC Automatic Gain ControlANSI American National Standards InstituteARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel NumberARP Antenna Reference PointASC0  Asynchronous Controller. Abbreviations used for the serial interface of XT65/XT75B Thermistor ConstantB2B Board-to-board connectorBER Bit Error RateBTS Base Transceiver StationCB or CBM Cell Broadcast MessageCE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolCPU Central Processing UnitCS Coding SchemeCSD Circuit Switched DataCTS Clear to SendDAC Digital-to-Analog ConverterDAI Digital Audio InterfacedBm0 Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-lawDCE Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. Siemens GSM engine)DCS 1800 Digital Cellular System, also referred to as PCNDRX Discontinuous ReceptionDSB Development Support BoxDSP Digital Signal ProcessorDSR Data Set ReadyDTE Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, terminal, printer or, for example, GSM applica-tion)DTR Data Terminal ReadyDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEFR Enhanced Full RateEGSM Enhanced GSMEIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated PowerEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityERP Effective Radiated Power
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 8 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryESD Electrostatic DischargeETS European Telecommunication StandardFCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)FDMA Frequency Division Multiple AccessFR Full RateGMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGPIO General Purpose Input/OutputGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGSM Global Standard for Mobile CommunicationsHiZ High ImpedanceHR Half RateI/O Input/OutputIC Integrated CircuitIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityISO International Standards OrganizationITU International Telecommunications Unionkbps kbits per secondLED Light Emitting DiodeLi-Ion / Li+ Lithium-IonLi battery Rechargeable Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer batteryMbps Mbits per secondMMI Man Machine InterfaceMO Mobile OriginatedMS Mobile Station (GSM engine), also referred to as TEMSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN numberMT Mobile TerminatedNTC Negative Temperature CoefficientOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerPA Power AmplifierPAP Password Authentication ProtocolPBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control ChannelPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCL Power Control LevelPCM Pulse Code ModulationPCN Personal Communications Network, also referred to as DCS 1800PCS Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900PDU Protocol Data UnitAbbreviation Description
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 9 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryPLL Phase Locked LoopPPP Point-to-point protocolPSK Phase Shift KeyingPSU Power Supply UnitR&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal EquipmentRAM Random Access MemoryRF Radio FrequencyRMS Root Mean Square (value)ROM Read-only MemoryRTC Real Time ClockRTS Request to SendRx Receive DirectionSAR Specific Absorption RateSELV Safety Extra Low VoltageSIM Subscriber Identification ModuleSMS Short Message ServiceSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceSRAM Static Random Access MemoryTA Terminal adapter (e.g. GSM engine)TDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTE Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTETx Transmit DirectionUART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitterURC Unsolicited Result CodeUSB Universal Serial BusUSSD Unstructured Supplementary Service DataVSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioPhonebook abbreviationsFD SIM fixdialing phonebookLD SIM last dialing phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialed)MC Mobile Equipment list of unanswered MT calls (missed calls)ME Mobile Equipment phonebookON Own numbers (MSISDNs) stored on SIM or MERC Mobile Equipment list of received callsSM SIM phonebookAbbreviation Description
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 10 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information1.3.1 Directives and StandardsXT65/XT75 is designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below. Please note that the product isstill in a pre-release state and, therefore, type approval and testing procedures have not yet been completed.It is the responsibility of the application manufacturer to ensure compliance of the final product with all provisionsof the applicable directives and standards as well as with the technical specifications provided in the "XT65/XT75Hardware Interface Description".11. Manufacturers of applications which can be used in the US shall ensure that their applications have a PTCRBapproval. For this purpose they can refer to the PTCRB approval of the respective module. Table 1:  Directives99/05/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (in short referred to as R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC).The product is labeled with the CE conformity mark  89/336/EC Directive on electromagnetic compatibility73/23/EC Directive on electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive)95/94/EC Automotive EMC directive2002/95/EC  Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 Jan-uary 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous sub-stances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)Table 2:  Standards of North American type approvalCFR Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22 and Part 24 (Telecommunications, PCS); US Equipment Authorization FCCUL 60 950 Product Safety Certification (Safety requirements) NAPRD.03 V3.6.1  Overview of PCS Type certification review board Mobile Equipment Type Certifica-tion and IMEI controlPCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB)RSS133 (Issue2) Canadian StandardTable 3:  Standards of European type approval3GPP TS 51.010-1 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Mobile Station (MS) con-formance specificationETSI EN 301 511 V9.0.2 Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile sta-tions in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) (GSM 13.11 version 7.0.1 Release 1998)
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 11 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1.3.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobilesMobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM module must be in accor-dance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. This requires the Specific AbsorptionRate (SAR) of portable XT65/XT75 based applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance withnational and/or international regulations. Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are advised to submittheir product for approval if designed for portable use. For European and US markets the relevant directives arementioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not furtherstandards, recommendations or directives are in force outside these areas. Products intended for sale on US marketsES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)from Mobile Telecommunication Equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz Products intended for sale on European marketsEN 50360 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basicrestrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300MHz - 3GHz)IMPORTANT:Manufacturers of portable applications based on XT65/XT75 modules are required to have their final product cer-tified and apply for their own FCC Grant and Industry Canada Certificate related to the specific portable mobile.See also Section 8.2.GCF-CC V3.21.0  Global Certification Forum - Certification CriteriaETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common Technical RequirementsETSI EN 301 489-7 V1.2.1 (2000-09)Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)IEC/EN 60950-1 (2001) Safety of information technology equipment (2000)Table 4:  Requirements of qualityIEC 60068 Environmental testingDIN EN 60529 IP codesTable 3:  Standards of European type approval
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 12 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1.3.3 SELV RequirementsThe power supply connected to the XT65/XT75 module shall be in compliance with the SELV requirementsdefined in EN 60950-1. See also Section 6.1 for further detail.1.3.4 Safety PrecautionsThe following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, service or repairof any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating XT65/XT75. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised toconvey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines intoall manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture and intended use of the product. Siemens AG assumes no liability for customer’s failure tocomply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sen-sitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy. The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on. Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in poten-tially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interfer-ence or danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile when driving a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for speakerphone operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or mobile, park the vehicle. Speakerphones must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or operation can constitute a safety hazard.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 1.3 Regulatory and Type Approval Information sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 13 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryIMPORTANT!Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential communications, for example emer-gency calls. Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength. Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the cellular terminal or mobile.Bear in mind that exposure to excessive levels of noise can cause physical damage to users! With regard to acoustic shock, the cellular application must be designed to avoid unintentional increase of amplification, e.g. for a highly sensitive earpiece. A protection circuit should be implemented in the cellular application.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 2 Product Concept  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 14 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary2 Product Concept2.1 Key Features at a GlanceFeature ImplementationGeneralFrequency bands Quad band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHzGSM class Small MSOutput power (according to Release 99, V5)Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM850Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM900Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1800Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1900XT75 only:Class E2 (+27dBm ± 3dB) for GSM 850 8-PSKClass E2 (+27dBm ± 3dB) for GSM 900 8-PSKClass E2 (+26dBm +3 /-4dB) for GSM 1800 8-PSKClass E2 (+26dBm +3 /-4dB) for GSM 1900 8-PSKThe values stated above are maximum limits. According to Release 99, the max-imum output power in a multislot configuration may be lower. The nominal reduc-tion of maximum output power varies with the number of uplink timeslots used and amounts to 3.0dB for 2Tx, 4.8dB for 3Tx and 6.0dB for 4Tx.Power supply 3.3V to 4.5VAmbient operating temperature according to IEC 60068-2Normal operation: -30°C to +65°CRestricted operation:-30°C / +85°CPhysical Dimensions: 34mm x 59mm x 3.5mmWeight: < 10gRoHS All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS DirectiveGSM / GPRS / EGPRS featuresData transfer GPRS:Multislot Class 12Full PBCCH supportMobile Station Class BCoding Scheme 1 – 4EGPRS (XT75 only):Multislot Class 10Mobile Station Class BModulation and Coding Scheme MCS 1 – 9CSD:V.110, RLP, non-transparent2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4kbpsUSSDPPP-stack for GPRS data transfer
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 2.1 Key Features at a Glance sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 15 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySMS Point-to-point MT and MOCell broadcastText and PDU modeStorage: SIM card plus 25 SMS locations in mobile equipmentTransmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS. Preferred mode can be user defined.Fax Group 3; Class 1Audio Speech codecs:Half rate HR (ETS 06.20)Full rate FR (ETS 06.10) Enhanced full rate EFR (ETS 06.50/06.60/06.80)Adaptive Multi Rate AMRSpeakerphone operation, echo cancellation, noise suppression, DTMF, 7 ringing tonesGPS FeaturesSupported Protocol NMEA-0183, RTCM v2.2, UBX binary protocolGPS modes GPS, Assisted GPS (AGPS), Differential GSP (DGPS), Satellite Based Augmen-tation Systems (SBAS)Position accuracy 10-15m, with DGPS/SBAS 1-3mStart-up times Hot start < 3.5sWarm start 33s, averageCold start 34s, averageSensitivity Active antenna:Aquisition sensitivity: -141dBmTracking sensitivity: -158dBmAt antenna connector:Aquisition sensitivity: -139dBmTracking sensitivity: -156dBmGeneral Receiver 16 channel, L1 1575.42 MHz, GPS part controlled by GSM baseband controller, Java engine or via application (ASC0)SoftwareAT commands AT-Hayes GSM 07.05 and 07.07, SiemensAT commands for RIL compatibility (NDIS/RIL)MicrosoftTM compatibility RIL / NDIS for Pocket PC and SmartphoneJava platformJDK Version: 1.4.2_09Java Virtual Machine with APIs for AT Parser, Serial Interface, FlashFileSystem and TCP/IP Stack. Major benefits: seamless integration into Java applications, ease of program-ming, no need for application microcontroller, extremely cost-efficient hardware and software design – ideal platform for industrial GSM applications.The memory space available for Java programs is around 1.2 MB in the flash file system and around 400kB RAM. Application code and data share the space in the flash file system and in RAM.Feature Implementation
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 2.1 Key Features at a Glance sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 16 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySIM Application Toolkit SAT Release 99TCP/IP stack Access by AT commandsIP addresses IP version 4Remote SIM Access XT65/XT75 supports Remote SIM Access. RSA enables XT65/XT75 to use a remote SIM card via its serial interface and an external application, in addition to the SIM card locally attached to the dedicated lines of the application interface. The connection between the external application and the remote SIM card can be a Bluetooth wireless link or a serial link. The necessary protocols and procedures are implemented according to the “SIM Access Profile Interoperability Specification of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group”.Firmware update Generic update from host application over ASC0 or USB. Over-the-air (OTA) firmware update is possible via SPI interface.InterfacesSerial interface (ASC0) - 8-wire modem interface with status and control lines, unbalanced, asynchronous- Fixed bit rates: 300 bps to 460,800 bps- Autobauding: 1,200 bps to 460,800 bps- RTS0/CTS0 and XON/XOFF flow control.- Multiplex ability according to GSM 07.10 Multiplexer Protocol.USB Supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) slave interface. I2CI2C bus for 7-bit addressing and transmission rates up to 400kbps. Programma-ble with AT^SSPI command.Alternatively, all pins of the I²C interface are configurable as SPI.SPI Serial Peripheral Interface for transmission rates up to 6.5 Mbps.Programmable with AT^SSPI command. If the SPI is active the I²C interface is not available.Audio 2 analog interfaces (2 microphone inputs and 2 headphone outputs with micro-phone power supply)1 digital interface (PCM)SIM interface Supported SIM cards: 3V, 1.8VAntenna • 50Ohms. External GSM antenna can be connected via antenna connector.• 50Ohms. External GPS antenna can be connected via antenna connector.Module interface 80-pin board-to-board connectorPower on/off, ResetPower on/off Switch-on by hardware pin IGTSwitch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO)Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature and voltage conditions.Reset Orderly shutdown and reset by AT commandEmergency reset by hardware pin EMERG_RST and IGT.Feature Implementation
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 2.1 Key Features at a Glance sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 17 of 58 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySpecial featuresCharging Supports management of rechargeable Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer batter-iesReal time clock Timer functions via AT commandsGPIO 10 I/O pins of the application interface programmable as GPIO. Programming is done via AT commands.Alternatively, GPIO pin10 is configurable as pulse counter.Pulse counter Pulse counter for measuring pulse rates from 0 to 1000 pulses per second.If the pulse counter is active the GPIO10 pin is not available.DAC output Digital-to-Analog Converter which can provide a PWM signal.Phonebook SIM and phoneEvaluation kitDSB75  DSB75 Evaluation Board designed to test and type approve Siemens cellular engines and provide a sample configuration for application engineering.Feature Implementation
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 3 Application Interface  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 18 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary3 Application InterfaceXT65/XT75 is equipped with an 80-pin board-to-board connector that connects to the external application andincorporates several sub-interfaces: power supply, charger interface, SIM interface, serial interface ASC0, serialinterface USB, serial interface I²C/SPI, two analog audio interfaces, digital audio interface (DAI), 10 lines GPIOinterface, as well as status and control lines: IGT, EMERG_RST, PWR_IND, SYNC (for details see Chapter 2and Section 6.5).
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 3.1 Operating Modes sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 19 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary3.1 Operating ModesThe table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes available for the module. Table 5:  Overview of operating modesNormal operation GSM / GPRS SLEEP Various power save modes set with AT+CFUN command. Software is active to minimum extent. If the module was regis-tered to the GSM network in IDLE mode, it is registered and pag-ing with the BTS in SLEEP mode, too. Power saving can be chosen at different levels: The NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode (AT+CFUN=0) disables the AT interface. The CYCLIC SLEEP modes AT+CFUN=7 and 9 alternatingly activate and deactivate the AT interfaces to allow permanent access to all AT com-mands.GSM IDLE Software is active. Once registered to the GSM network, paging with BTS is carried out. The module is ready to send and receive.GSM TALK Connection between two subscribers is in progress. Power con-sumption depends on network coverage individual settings, such as DTX off/on, FR/EFR/HR, hopping sequences, antenna.GPRS IDLEEGPRS IDLEModule is ready for GPRS/EGPRS data transfer, but no data is currently sent or received. Power consumption depends on net-work settings and GPRS/EGPRS configuration (e.g. multislot settings).GPRS DATAEGPRS DATAGPRS/EGPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on network settings (e.g. power control level), uplink / downlink data rates, GPRS configuration (e.g. used multislot set-tings) and reduction of maximum output power. POWER DOWN Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command. Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is not active. Interfaces are not accessible. Operating voltage (connected to BATT+) remains applied.Airplane mode Airplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to log off from the GSM/GPRS network and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio connection.Airplane mode can be controlled by using the AT commands AT^SCFG and AT+CALA:• With AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane/OnStart the module can be configured to enterthe Airplane mode each time when switched on or reset. • The parameter AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane can be used to switch back and forthbetween Normal mode and Airplane mode any time during operation. • Setting an alarm time with AT+CALA followed by AT^SMSO wakes the module up intoAirplane mode at the scheduled time.Charge-only mode Limited operation for battery powered applications. Enables charging while module is detached from GSM network. Limited number of AT commands is accessible. Charge-only mode applies when the charger is connected if the module was powered down with AT^SMSO.Charge mode dur-ing normal opera-tionNormal operation (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS/EGPRS IDLE, GPRS/EGPRS DATA) and charging running in parallel. Charge mode changes to Charge-only mode when the mod-ule is powered down before charging has been completed.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4 GSM Antenna Interface  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 20 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary4 GSM Antenna InterfaceThe GSM interface has an impedance of 50Ω. XT65/XT75 is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at theantenna connector without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power. DC electric strength isgiven (see Table 11).The external antenna must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radiated power, DC-power consumption, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Antenna matching networks are notincluded on the XT65/XT75 PCB and should be placed in the host application. Regarding the return loss XT65/XT75 provides the following values in the active band:4.1 Antenna InstallationTo suit the physical design of individual applications XT65/XT75 offers two alternative approaches to connectingthe antenna: • Recommended approach: U.FL-R-SMT antenna connector from Hirose assembled on the component side ofthe PCB.Figure 1:  GSM antenna connector placementSee Section 4.3 for connector details.• Antenna pad and grounding plane placed on the bottom side. See Section 4.2.The U.FL-R-SMT connector has been chosen as antenna reference point (ARP) for the Siemens referenceequipment submitted to type approve XT65/XT75. All RF data specified throughout this manual are related to theARP. For compliance with the test results of the Siemens type approval you are advised to give priority to theconnector, rather than using the antenna pad.IMPORTANT: Both solutions can only be applied alternatively. This means, whenever an antenna is plugged tothe Hirose connector, the pad must not be used. Vice versa, if the antenna is connected to the pad, then theHirose connector must be left empty.Table 6:  Return loss in the active bandState of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of applicationReceive > 8dB > 12dB Transmit not applicable  > 12dB
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.2 Antenna Pad sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 21 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryFigure 40: Never use antenna connector and antenna pad at the same time4.2 Antenna PadThe antenna can be soldered to the pad, or attached via contact springs. For proper grounding connect theantenna to the ground plane on the bottom of XT65/XT75 which must be connected to the ground plane of theapplication.If you decide to use the antenna pad take into account that the pad has not been intended as antenna referencepoint (ARP) for the Siemens XT65/XT75 type approval. The antenna pad is provided only as an alternative optionwhich can be used, for example, if the recommended Hirose connection does not fit into your antenna design.Please ensure that the antenna pad does not come into contact with the holding device or any other componentsof the host application. It needs to be surrounded by a restricted area filled with air, which must also be reserved0.8mm in height.Figure 2:  Figure 41: Restricted area around antenna padAntenna connected to Hirose connector:  Antenna connected to pad:  Module Antenna or Measurement Equipment 50Ohm 50Ohm U.FL  ZPAD  Module Antenna  50Ohm 50Ohm  U.FL   PAD  Z  PCB U.FL antenna connector RF section Antenna pad Restricted area
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.2 Antenna Pad sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 22 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryAlso, consider that according to the GSM recommendations TS 45.005 and TS 51.010-01 a 50Ω connector ismandatory for type approval measurements. This requires GSM devices with an integral antenna to be tempo-rarily equipped with a suitable connector or a low loss RF cable with adapter. Figure 3:  GSM antenna pad placementNotes on soldering:• To prevent damage to the module and to obtain long-term solder joint properties you are advised to maintainthe standards of good engineering practice for soldering.• Be sure to solder the antenna core to the pad and the shielding of the coax cable to the ground plane of themodule next to the antenna pad. The direction of the cable is not relevant from the electrical point of view.XT65/XT75 material properties:XT65/XT75 PCB:   FR4Antenna pad:  Gold plated pad4.2.1 Suitable Cable TypesFor direct solder attachment, we suggest to use the following cable types:• RG316/U 50Ohm coaxial cable • 1671A 50Ohm coaxial cableSuitable cables are offered, for example, by IMS Connector Systems. For further details and other cable typesplease contact note that the GSM antenna must be isolated for ESD and SAR protection (to withstand a voltage resis-tance up to 8kV air discharge).
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.3 Antenna Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 23 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary4.3 Antenna Connector For GSM and GPS, XT65/XT75 uses an ultra-miniature SMT antenna connector supplied from Hirose Ltd. Theproduct name is:•U.FL-R-SMTThe position of the antenna connector on the XT65/XT75 board can be seen in Section 4.1.Figure 4:  Mechanical dimensions of U.FL-R-SMT connector Table 7:  Product specifications of U.FL-R-SMT connectorItem Specification ConditionsRatingsNominal impedance 50ΩOperating temp:-40°C to + 90°COperating humidity: max. 90%Rated frequency DC to 3GHzMechanical characteristicsFemale contact holding force 0.15N min Measured with a ; 0.475 pin gaugeRepetitive operation Contact resistance:Center 25mΩ Outside 15mΩ30 cycles of insertion and disen-gagementVibration No momentary disconnections of 1µs;No damage, cracks and looseness of partsFrequency of 10 to 100Hz, single amplitude of 1.5mm, acceleration of 59m/s2, for 5 cycles in the direction of each of the 3 axesShock No momentary disconnections of 1µs.No damage, cracks and looseness of parts.Acceleration of 735m/s2, 11ms duration for 6 cycles in the direc-tion of each of the 3 axesEnvironmental characteristicsHumidity resistance No damage, cracks and looseness of parts.Insulation resistance: 100MΩ min. at high humidity500MΩ min. when dryExposure to 40°C, humidity of 95% for a total of 96 hours
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.3 Antenna Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 24 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryMating plugs and cables can be chosen from the Hirose U.FL Series. Examples are shown below and listed inTable 19. For latest product information please contact your Hirose dealer or visit the Hirose home page, forexample Figure 5:  U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-040 plugFigure 6:  U.FL-R-SMT connector with U.FL-LP-066 plugTemperature cycle No damage, cracks and looseness of parts.Contact resistance:Center 25mΩ Outside 15mΩTemperature: +40°C → 5 to 35°C → +90°C → 5 to 35°CTime: 30min → within 5min → 30min within 5minSalt spray test No excessive corrosion 48 hours continuous exposure to 5% salt waterTable 8:  Material and finish of U.FL-R-SMT connector and recommended plugsPart Material FinishShell Phosphor bronze Silver platingMale center contact  Brass Gold platingFemale center contact  Phosphor bronze Gold platingInsulator Plug:  PBTReceptacle: LCPBlackBeigeTable 7:  Product specifications of U.FL-R-SMT connectorItem Specification Conditions
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.3 Antenna Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 25 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryIn addition to the connectors illustrated above, the U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) version is offered as an extremely spacesaving solution. This plug is intended for use with extra fine cable (up to ;0.81mm) and minimizes the matingheight to 2mm. See Figure 46 which shows the Hirose datasheet.Figure 7:  Specifications of U.FL-LP-(V)-040(01) plug
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 4.3 Antenna Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 26 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryTable 9:  Ordering information for Hirose U.FL SeriesItem Part number  HRS numberConnector on XT65/XT75 U.FL-R-SMT  CL331-0471-0-10Right-angle plug shell for ;0.81mm cableU.FL-LP-040 CL331-0451-2Right-angle plug for ;0.81mm cableU.FL-LP(V)-040 (01) CL331-053-8-01Right-angle plug for ; 1.13mm cableU.FL-LP-068 CL331-0452-5Right-angle plug for ; 1.32mm cableU.FL-LP-066 CL331-0452-5Extraction jig E.FL-LP-N CL331-04441-9
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 5 GPS Antenna Interface  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 27 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary5 GPS Antenna InterfaceIn order to receive satellite signals an additional GPS antenna must be connected to the GPS part of the XT65/XT75 module. 5.1 Antenna InstallationTo suit the physical design of individual applications XT65/XT75 offers two alternative approaches to connectingthe antenna: • Recommended approach: U.FL-R-SMT antenna connector from Hirose assembled on the component side ofthe PCB. The GPS antenna connector is the same as for the GSM antenna connector. For details see Section5.3.Figure 8:  GPS antenna connector placement• Antenna pad and grounding plane placed on the bottom side of the PCB. For some notes on soldering theantenna to the pad see Section 5.2. Figure 9:  GPS antenna pad placementNote that it is not possible to employ both alternatives at the same time.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 5.2 GPS Antenna sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 28 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary5.2 GPS AntennaIt is possible to connect active or passive GPS antennas. In either case they must have 50 Ohm impedance. Theapplication should be designed in a way to achieve a minimum of 6dB decoupling between the GSM/DCS/PCSantenna path and the GPS antenna path. Please note that the GPS antenna must be isolated for ESD protection(to withstand a voltage resistance up to 8kV air discharge).Active versus Passive AntennasPassive antennas contain only the radiating element, e.g. the ceramic patch or the quadrifilar dipole structure.Sometimes they also contain a passive matching network to match the electrical connection to 50 Ohms imped-ance. Note: Passive antenna need not have a DC connection to ground.Active antennas have an integrated low-noise amplifier (in some cases an additional GPS band pass filter). Thisis beneficial in two respects: First, the losses of the cable do no longer influence the overall noise figure of theGPS receiver system. Secondly, even the receiver noise figure can be higher without sacrificing performance.Active antennas need a power supply that will contribute to GPS system power consumption, typically in theregion of 5 to 20 mA. The supply voltage is fed to the antenna through the coaxial RF cable. Inside the antenna, the DC component on the inner conductor will be separated from the RF signal and routedto the supply pin of the LNA.The use of an active antenna is always advisable, if the RF-cable length between receiver and antenna exceedsabout 10 cm.Note: If you are not an expert in RF designs, you should implement an active antenna setup and place theantenna away from any emitting circuits.Table 10:  GPS antenna: Active versus PassiveActive Antenna  Passive Antenna Active antenna connected to the GPS module.  Passive patch antennas or quadrifilar dipole antennas con-nected with a microcoax to the GPS module• A wide range of active patch or quadrifilardipole antennas is available in the market.They differ in size, sensitivity, selectivity andpower consumption • Less sensitive to jamming than a passiveantenna, as the placement of the activeantenna is usually some distance away ofother noise or signal radiating devices. • Needs more power than a passive antenna • Easier and less sensitive to jamming. • More freedom to place the antenna11. Some cars for instance have a metallic coating on the windshield. GPS reception may not be possible in such a car. There is usually a small section, typically behind the rear view mirror without the coating for mobile phone and GPS antennas. The antenna has to be placed with optimal sky visibility. An external antenna (e.g. with a magnetic base) is easier to use and usually allows a better positioning.• Passive patch antennas or helical antennas are avail-able in different form factors and sensitivity • Antenna must be connected with a low insertion lossline to the GPS module to ensure a good GPS sensitiv-ity. • The PCB design with a passive antenna must considerthe sensitivity of the GPS antenna to other radiating cir-cuits or general signal jamming. • Due to the proximity of the GPS antenna to other elec-tronic circuits, in-band jamming may become a criticalissue. • Only suitable for RF experts! • Needs more experience in RF design. • Requires more effort to optimise the circuit design tominimize jamming into the antenna and the antennasignal routing.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 29 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics6.1 Absolute Maximum RatingsThe absolute maximum ratings stated in Table 11 are stress ratings under any conditions. Stresses beyond anyof these limits will cause permanent damage to XT65/XT75. The power supply connected to the XT65/XT75 module shall be compliant with the SELV requirements definedin EN60950. Above all, the peak current of the power supply shall be limited according to Table 11.Table 11:  Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Min Max UnitPeak current of power supply 3.2 ASupply voltage BATT+ -0.3 5.5 VVoltage at digital pins in POWER DOWN mode -0.3 0.3  VVoltage at digital pins in normal operation  -0.3 3.05or VEXT+0.3VVoltage at analog pins in POWER DOWN mode -0.3 0.3 VVoltage at analog pins, VMIC on11. For normal operation the voltage at analog pins with VMIC on should be within the range of 0V to 2.4V and with VMIC off within the range of -0.25V to 0.25V.-0.3 2.75 VVoltage at analog pins, VMIC off1-0.3 0.3 VVoltage at VCHARGE pin -0.3 5.5 VVoltage at CHARGEGATE pin -0.3 5.5 VVUSB_IN -0.3 5.5 VUSB_DP, USB_DN -0.3 3.5 VVSENSE 5.5 VISENSE 5.5 VPWR_IND -0.3 510 VVDDLP -0.3 5.5 VGSM antenna -36 36 VGPS antenna -0.3 VBATT++0.3 V
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.2 Operating Temperatures sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 30 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6.2 Operating TemperaturesTable 12:  Board temperatureParameter Min Typ Max UnitAutomatic shutdown1Temperature measured on XT65/XT75 boardTemperature measured at battery NTC1. Due to temperature measurement uncertainty, a tolerance on the stated shutdown thresholds may occur. The possible deviation is in the range of ± 3°C at the overtemperature limit and ± 5°C at the undertem-perature limit.-30-20------>+80+60°CTable 13:  Ambient temperature according to IEC 60068-2 (without forced air circulation)Parameter Min Typ Max UnitOperating temperature range -30 +25 +65 °CRestricted operation (with VBATT ≤ 3,8V) +70 °CRestricted operation11. Restricted operation allows normal mode speech calls or data transmission for limited time until automatic thermal shutdown takes effect. For operating the XT75/65 above an expected ambient temperatures of 75°C please contact Siemens Application Engineering. The duration of emergency calls is unlimited be-cause automatic thermal shutdown is deferred until hang up. --- +70 to+85°CTable 14:  Charging temperatureParameter Min Typ Max UnitBattery temperature for software controlled fast charging (measured at battery NTC)0 --- +45 °C
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.3 Storage Conditions sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 31 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6.3 Storage ConditionsThe conditions stated below are only valid for modules in their original packed state in weather protected, non-temperature-controlled storage locations. Normal storage time under these conditions is 12 months maximum.Table 15:  Storage conditionsType Condition Unit ReferenceAir temperature: LowHigh-40+85°C ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-1 AbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 BbHumidity relative: LowHighCondens.1090 at 30°C90-100 at 30°C% ---ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-56 CbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-30 DbAir pressure:   LowHigh70106kPa IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Movement of surrounding air 1.0 m/s IEC TR 60271-3-1: 1K4Water: rain, dripping, icing and frostingNot allowed --- ---Radiation:   SolarHeat1120600W/m2ETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 BbETS 300 019-2-1: T1.2, IEC 68-2-2 BbChemically active substances Not recom-mendedIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1C1LMechanically active substances Not recom-mendedIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1S1Vibration sinusoidal:DisplacementAccelerationFrequency range1.552-9   9-200mmm/s2HzIEC TR 60271-3-1: 1M2Shocks:Shock spectrumDurationAccelerationsemi-sinusoidal150msm/s2IEC 68-2-27 Ea
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.4 Reliability Characteristics sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 32 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6.4 Reliability CharacteristicsThe test conditions stated below are an extract of the complete test specifications.Table 16:  Summary of reliability test conditionsType of test Conditions StandardVibration  Frequency range: 10-20Hz; acceleration: 3.1mm amplitudeFrequency range: 20-500Hz; acceleration: 5gDuration: 2h per axis = 10 cycles; 3 axesDIN IEC 68-2-6Shock half-sinus Acceleration: 500gShock duration: 1msec1 shock per axis6 positions (± x, y and z)DIN IEC 68-2-27Dry heat Temperature: +70 ±2×CTest duration: 16hHumidity in the test chamber: < 50%EN 60068-2-2 Bb ETS 300 019-2-7Temperature change (shock)Low temperature: -40×C ±2×CHigh temperature: +85×C ±2×CChangeover time: < 30s (dual chamber system)Test duration: 1hNumber of repetitions: 100DIN IEC 68-2-14 NaETS 300 019-2-7Damp heat cyclic High temperature: +55×C ±2×CLow temperature: +25×C ±2×CHumidity: 93% ±3%Number of repetitions:  6Test duration: 12h + 12hDIN IEC 68-2-30 DbETS 300 019-2-5Cold (constant exposure)Temperature: -40 ±2×CTest duration: 16hDIN IEC 68-2-1
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 33 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal DescriptionThe Molex board-to-board connector on XT65/XT75 is an 80-pin double-row receptacle. The position of theboard-to-board connector can be seen in Figure 11 that shows the top view of XT65/XT75.Figure 10:  Pin assignment (component side of XT65/XT75)1GND GND 802 ADC1_IN DAC_OUT 793ADC2_IN PWR_IND 784GND Do not use 775GPIO10 GPIO9 766GPIO8 SPICS 757SPIDI GPIO4 748GPIO7 GPIO3 739GPIO6 GPIO2 7210 GPIO5 GPIO1 7111 I2CCLK_SPICLK I2CDAT_SPIDO 7012 VUSB_IN USB_DP 6913 DAI5 USB_DN 6814 ISENSE VSENSE 6715 DAI6 VMIC 6616 CCCLK EPN2 6517 CCVCC EPP2 6418 CCIO EPP1 6319 CCRST EPN1 6220 CCIN MICN2 6121 CCGND MICP2 6022 DAI4 MICP1 5923 DAI3 MICN1 5824 DAI2 AGND 5725 DAI1 IGT 5626 DAI0 EMERG_RST 5527 BATT_TEMP DCD0 5428 SYNC not connected 5329 not connected CTS0 5230 RXD0 Pull up 5131 Pull up DTR0 5032 TXD0 RTS0 4933 VDDLP DSR0 4834 VCHARGE RING0 4735 CHARGEGATE VEXT 4636 GND BATT+ 4537 GND BATT+ 4438 GND BATT+ 4339 GND BATT+ 4240 GND BATT+ 41
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 34 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryPlease note that the reference voltages listed in Table 17 are the values measured directly on the XT65/XT75module. They do not apply to the accessories connected.Table 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level CommentPower supplyBATT+ I VI = 3.3V to 4.5VVItyp = 3.8VI ≈ 2A, during Tx burst n Tx = n x  577µs peak current every 4.616msFive pins of BATT+ and GND must be connected in parallel for supply purposes because higher peak currents may occur.Power supplyGND Ground Application GroundCharge InterfaceVCHARGE I VImin = 3.1 VVImax = 5.25VThis line signalizes to the proces-sor that the charger is connected.If unused keep pin open.BATT_TEMP I Connect NTC with RNTC ≈ 10kΩ @ 25°C to ground. Battery temperature measurement via NTC resistance.NTC should be installed inside or near battery pack to enable proper charging and deliver temperature values.If unused keep pin open.ISENSE I VImax = 4.65VΔVImax to VBATT+ = +0.3V at normal conditionConnect ISENSE directly at the shunt for current measurement.If unused connect pin to VSENSE.VSENSE I VImax = 4.5V VSENSE must be directly con-nected to BATT+ at battery con-nector or external power supply.CHARGEGATE O VImax = 5.5VIImax = 0.6mA (for fast charging)Control line to the gate of charge FETIf unused keep pin open.External supply voltageVEXT O Normal mode:VOmin  = 2.75VVOtyp = 2.93VVOmax = 3.05VIOmax = -50mACload,max,extern = 1µFVEXT may be used for application circuits, for example to supply power for an I2C.If unused keep pin open.Not available in Power-down mode. The external digital logic must not cause any spikes or glitches on voltage VEXT.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 35 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryPower indicatorPWR_IND O VIHmax = 10VVOLmax = 0.4V at Imax = 2mAPWR_IND (Power Indicator) noti-fies the module’s on/off state. PWR_IND is an open collector that needs to be connected to an external pull-up resistor. Low state of the open collector indicates that the module is on. Vice versa, high level notifies the Power-down mode.Therefore, the pin may be used to enable external voltage regulators which supply an external logic for communication with the module, e.g. level converters.Ignition IGT I Internal pull-up: RI ≈ 30kΩ, CI ≈ 10nF VILmax = 0.8V at Imax = -150µAVOHmax = VBATT+ON ~~~|____|~~~  Active Low ≥ 300ms This signal switches the mobile on.This line must be driven low by an open drain or open collector driver.Emer-gency resetEMERG_RST I Internal pull-up: RI ≈ 5kΩVILmax = 0.2V at Imax = -0.5mAVOHmin = 1.75VVOHmax = 3.05VSignal    ~~~|______|~~~ Pull down ≥ 10msReset or shut down in case of emergency: Pull down and release EMERG_RST. Then, activating IGT for 400ms will reset XT65/XT75. If IGT is not activated for 400ms, XT65/XT75 switches off.Data stored in the volatile memory will be lost. For orderly software controlled reset rather use the AT+CFUN command (e.g. AT+CFUN=x,1). This line must be driven by open drain or open collector.If unused keep pin open.Power-on resetO Internal pull-up: RI ≈ 5kΩVOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 1.75VVOHmax = 3.05VReset signal driven by the module:Reset signal driven by the module which can be used to reset any application or device connected to the module. Only effective for 120ms during the assertion of IGT when the module is about to start. Table 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level CommentVEXTEMRG_RSTappr. 120ms
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 36 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySyn-chroni-zationSYNC O VOLmax = 0.3V at I = 0.1mAVOHmin = 2.3V at I = -0.1mAVOHmax = 3.05Vn Tx = n x 577µs impulse each 4.616ms, with 180µs forward time.There are two alternative options for using the SYNC pin:a) Indicating increased current consumption during uplink trans-mission burst. Note that the timing of the signal is different during handover. b) Driving a status LED to indicate different operating modes of XT65/XT75. The LED must be installed in the host application.To select a) or b) use the AT^SSYNC command.If unused keep pin open.RTC backupVDDLP I/O RI ≈ 1kΩ VOmax = 4.5VVBATT+ = 4.2V:VO = 3.3V at IO = -500µA VBATT+ = 0V:VI = 2.4V…4.5V at Imax = 25µA If unused keep pin open.ASC0Serial interfaceRXD0 O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VVILmax = 0.8VVIHmin = 2.15V VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05VSerial interface for AT commands or data stream.If lines are unused keep pins open.TXD0 ICTS0 ORTS0 IDTR0 IDCD0 ODSR0 ORING0 OTable 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 37 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySIM interface specified for use with 3V SIM cardCCIN I RI ≈ 100kΩVILmax = 0.6V at I = -25µAVIHmin = 2.1V at I = -10µAVOmax = 3.05VCCIN = Low, SIM card holder closedMaximum cable length or copper track 100mm to SIM card holder. All signals of SIM interface are protected against ESD with a spe-cial diode array.Usage of CCGND is mandatory. CCRST O RO ≈ 47ΩVOLmax = 0.25V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 2.95VCCIO I/O RI ≈ 4.7kΩVILmax = 0.75VVILmin = -0.3VVIHmin = 2.1VVIHmax = CCVCCmin + 0.3V = 3.05V RO ≈ 100ΩVOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 2.95VCCCLK O RO ≈ 100ΩVOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 2.5V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 2.95VCCVCC O VOmin = 2.75VVOtyp = 2.85VVOmax = 2.95VIOmax = -20mACCGND GroundTable 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 38 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySIM interface specified for use with 1.8V SIM cardCCIN I RI ≈ 100kΩVILmax = 0.6V at I = -25µAVIHmin = 2.1V at I = -10µAVOmax = 3.05VCCIN = Low, SIM card holder closedMaximum cable length or copper track 100mm to SIM card holder. All signals of SIM interface are protected against ESD with a spe-cial diode array.Usage of CCGND is mandatory.CCRST O RO ≈ 47Ω VOLmax = 0.25V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 1.90VCCIO I/O RI ≈ 4.7kΩVILmax = 0.45VVIHmin = 1.35VVIHmax = CCVCCmin + 0.3V = 2.00V RO ≈ 100ΩVOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 1.90VCCCLK O RO ≈ 100ΩVOLmax = 0.3V at I = +1mAVOHmin = 1.45V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 1.90VCCVCC O VOmin = 1.70V, VOtyp = 1.80VVOmax = 1.90VIOmax = -20mACCGND GroundI2C inter-faceI2CCLK _SPICLKOVOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VI2C interface is only available if the two pins are not used as SPI inter-face.I2CDAT is configured as Open Drain and needs a pull-up resistor in the host application.According to the I2C Bus Specifi-cation Version 2.1 for the fast mode a rise time of max. 300ns is permitted. There is also a maxi-mum VOL=0.4V at 3mA specified. The value of the pull-up depends on the capacitive load of the whole system (I2C Slave + lines). The maximum sink current of I2CDAT and I2CCLK is 4mA.If lines are unused keep pins open.I2CDAT_SPIDO I/O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mA VILmax = 0.8VVIHmin = 2.15VVIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05VTable 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 39 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminarySPISerial Periph-eral Inter-faceSPIDI I VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VVILmax = 0.8VVIHmin = 2.15V, VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05VIf the Serial Peripheral Interface is active the I2C interface is not avail-able. If lines are unused keep pins open.I2CDAT_SPIDO OI2CCLK_SPICLK OSPICS OUSB VUSB_IN I VINmin = 4.0VVINmax = 5.25VAll electrical characteristics according to USB Implementers’ Forum, USB 2.0 Full Speed Spec-ification.Without Java: USB portUnder Java: Debug interface for development purposes.If lines are unused keep pins open.USB_DN I/O Differential Output Crossover volt-age Range VCRSmin = 1.5V, VCRSmax = 2.0VDriver Output Resistance ZDRVtyp = 32OhmUSB_DP I/ODigital Audio interfaceDAI0 (USC0) I/O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VVILmax = 0.8VVIHmin = 2.15VVIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05VDAI0…DAI6 are configurable as PCM interfaceDAI1 (USC1) I/ODAI2 (USC2) I/ODAI3 (USC3) I/ODAI4 (USC4) I/ODAI5 (USC5) I/ODAI6 (USC6) I/OGeneral Purpose Input/Out-putGPIO1 I/O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VVILmax = 0.8VVIHmin = 2.15V, VIHmax = VEXTmin + 0.3V = 3.05VAll pins which are configured as input must be connected to a pull-up or pull-down resistor.If lines are unused (not config-ured) keep pins open.Alternatively, the GPIO10 pin can be configured as a pulse counter for pulse rates from 0 to 1000 pulses per second.GPIO2 I/OGPIO3 I/OGPIO4 I/OGPIO5 I/OGPIO6 I/OGPIO7 I/OGPIO8 I/OGPIO9 I/OGPIO10 I/OTable 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 40 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryAnalog Digital  ConverterADC1_IN I Input voltage:  VImin = 0V, VImax = 2.4VRi ≈ 750kOhms Measurement inter-val: 100ms - 30s selectable by AT commandSensitivity, accuracy: 2400 steps (1step = 1mv)Cut-off frequency: 30 HzUnderflow: ≥ -25mVOverflow: ≥ +2425 mVAccuracy: ± 0.5mVLinear error: ± 0.5mVTemperature error: ± 0.5mVBurst error: ± 0.5mVInputs used for measuring exter-nal voltages. In the range of 0mV to 2400mV. Use the command AT^SRADC to select analog inputs ADC1_IN or ADC2_IN, to set the measurement mode and read out the results. The values are indicated in mV.ADC1_IN and ADC2_IN are inter-nally multiplexed through analog switch.Important:For restrictions during SLEEP mode see 1.ADC2_IN IDigital Analog  ConverterDAC_OUT O VOLmax = 0.2V at I = 2mAVOHmin = 2.55V at I = -0.5mAVOHmax = 3.05VPWM signal which can be smoothed by an external filter.Use the AT^SWDAC command to open and configure the DAC_OUT output.Table 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 41 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryAnalog Audio interfaceVMIC O VOmin = 2.4VVOtyp = 2.5VVOmax = 2.6VImax = 2mAMicrophone supply for customer feeding circuitsEPP2 O 3.0Vpp differential typical @ 0dBm04.2Vpp differential maximal @ 3.14dBm0Measurement conditions:Audio mode: 6Outstep 3No loadMinimum differential resp. single ended load 27OhmsThe audio output can directly operate a 32-Ohm-loudspeaker.If unused keep pins open.EPN2 OEPP1 O 4.2Vpp (differential) typical @ 0dBm06.0Vpp differential maximal @ 3.14dBm0Measurement conditions:Audio mode: 5Outstep 4 No loadMinimum differential resp. single ended load 7.5OhmsThe audio output can directly operate an 8-Ohm-loudspeaker.If unused keep pins open.EPN1 OMICP1 I Differential Line Input Configuration. Apply external bias of 1.5V at MICN1Full Scale Input Voltage: 1.6 Vpp0dBm0 Input Voltage: 1.1 VppMeasurement conditions:Audio mode: 5^SNFI: 0,32767 => PGA = 0dBRi = 100 kOhm (typical)Balanced or single ended micro-phone or line input with external feeding circuit (using VMIC and AGND).If unused keep pins open.MICN1 IMICP2 I Differential Line Input Configuration. Apply external bias of 1.5V at MICN2Full Scale Input Voltage1.6 Vpp0dBm0 Input Voltage1.1 VppMeasurement conditions:Audio mode: 6^SNFI: 0,32767 => PGA = 0dBRi = 100 kOhm (typical)Balanced or single ended micro-phone or line input with external feeding circuit (using VMIC and AGND) and accessory detection circuit.If unused keep pins open.MICN2 IAGND Analog Ground GND level for external audio cir-cuitsTable 17:  Signal descriptionFunction Signal name IO Signal form and level Comment
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.5 Pin Assignment and Signal Description sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 42 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary1. Restrictions during SLEEP mode:During SLEEP Mode the ADC is shut down temporarily (per default). Please make sure that during SLEEP Mode shutdown the ADCx_IN input voltage does not exceed ±0.3V. The input current (reverse feeding) may reach 3mA! If SLEEP Mode is activated there are three protection possibilities:- Use an RC combination for current limitation. Advantages: Lowest current consumption at SLEEP Mode, small component count, high input resistanceDisadvantages: Lower input resistance at Sleep Mode (100k only).- Use the AT^SNFM=,1 command to enable the ADC supply continuously .Advantages: No additional component components needed.Disadvantages: Higher current consumption in SLEEP (about 2mA)- Detect presence of VMIC-voltage. If VMIC is off, make sure that ADCx_IN input voltages does not exceed ±0.3VAdvantages: Lowest current, high input resistance.Disadvantages: Effort for SLEEP Mode (VMIC) detection.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 6.6 Power Supply Ratings sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 43 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary6.6 Power Supply RatingsTable 18:  Power supply ratingsParameter Description Conditions Min Typ Max UnitBATT+ Supply voltage Directly measured at reference point TP BATT+ and TP GND.Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple, spikes.3.3 3.8 4.5 VVoltage drop during transmit burstNormal condition, power control level for Pout max400 mVVoltage ripple Normal condition, power control level for Pout max@ f<200kHz@ f>200kHz502mVmVIVDDLP OFF State supply currentRTC Backup @ BATT+  = 0V 40 µAIBATT+ POWER DOWN mode11. Measured after module INIT (switch ON the module and following switch OFF); applied voltage on BATT+ (w/o INIT) show increased POWER DOWN supply current.60 120 µAAverage standby supply current2(GPS off)2. Additional conditions: - SLEEP and IDLE mode measurements started 5 minutes after switching ON the module or after mode transition - Averaging times: SLEEP mode - 3 minutes; IDLE mode - 1.5 minutes- Communication tester settings: no neighbor cells, no cell reselection- USB interface disabledSLEEP mode @ DRX = 9 3.733. Stated value applies to operation without autobauding (AT+IPR≠0).mASLEEP mode @ DRX = 5 4.63mASLEEP mode @ DRX = 2 7.03mAIDLE mode  @ DRX = 2 2844. Stated value applies to operation without autobauding (AT+IPR≠0). If autobauding is enabled (AT+IPR=0) aver-age current consumption in IDLE mode is up to 43mA.mAAverage supply cur-rent for GPS part(GSM in IDLE mode, w/o active GPS antenna)Satellite acquisition (no position found) 68 mATracking mode55. 1 fix/s, tracking on 6 channels, depends on FXN configuration settings70 mASleep state 32 mAShut down mode 28 mA
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7 Mechanics  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 44 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary7 Mechanics7.1 Mechanical Dimensions of XT65/XT75Figure 11 shows the top view of XT65/XT75 and provides an overview of the board's mechanical dimensions.For further details see Figure 12. Length: 55.00mmWidth: 33.90mmHeight: 3.15mmFigure 11:  XT65/XT75– top viewPin1Pin80
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.1 Mechanical Dimensions of XT65/XT75 sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 45 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryFigure 12:  Dimensions of XT65/XT75 (all dimensions in mm)
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.2 Mounting XT65/XT75 to the Application Platform sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 46 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary7.2 Mounting XT65/XT75 to the Application PlatformThere are many ways to properly install XT65/XT75 in the host device. An efficient approach is to mount theXT65/XT75 PCB to a frame, plate, rack or chassis. Fasteners can be M2 screws plus suitable washers, circuit board spacers, or customized screws, clamps, orbrackets. In addition, the board-to-board connection can also be utilized to achieve better support. To help youfind appropriate spacers a list of selected screws and distance sleeves for 3mm stacking height can be found inSection 9.2.When using the two small holes take care that the screws are inserted with the screw head on the bottom of theXT65/XT75 PCB. Screws for the large holes can be inserted from top or bottom. For proper grounding it is strongly recommended to use large ground plane on the bottom of board in addition tothe five GND pins of the board-to-board connector. The ground plane may also be used to attach cooling ele-ments, e.g. a heat sink or thermally conductive tape. Please take care that attached cooling elements do nottouch the antenna pads on the module’s bottom side, as this may lead a short-circuit. To prevent mechanical damage, be careful not to force, bend or twist the module. Be sure it is positioned flatagainst the host device.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 47 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary7.3 Board-to-Board Application ConnectorThis section provides the specifications of the 80-pin board-to-board connector used to connect XT65/XT75 tothe external application. Connector mounted on the XT65/XT75 module:Type: 52991-0808 SlimStack Receptacle 80 pins, 0.50mm pitch, for stacking heights from 3.0 to 4.0mm,see Figure 14 for details.Supplier: Molex, http// Table 19:  Technical specifications of Molex board-to-board connectorParameter Specification (80-pin B2B connector)ElectricalNumber of Contacts 80Contact spacing 0.5mm (.020")Voltage 50VRated current 0.5A max per contactContact resistance 50mΩ max per contactInsulation resistance > 100MΩDielectric Withstanding Voltage 500V AC (for 1 minute)PhysicalInsulator material (housing) White glass-filled LCP plastic, flammability UL 94V 0Contact material Plating: Gold over nickelInsertion force 1st < 74.4NInsertion force 30th < 65.6NWithdrawal force 1st > 10.8NMaximum connection cycles 30 (@ 70mΩ max per contact)
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 48 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryMating connector types for the customer's application offered by Molex:Figure 13:  Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application• 53748-0808 SlimStack Plug, 3mm stacking height, see Figure 15 for details.• 53916-0808 SlimStack Plug, 4mm stacking height
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 49 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryFigure 14:  Molex board-to-board connector 52991-0808 on XT65/XT75
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 7.3 Board-to-Board Application Connector sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 50 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryFigure 15:  Mating board-to-board connector 53748-0808 on application
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 8 Reference Approval  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 51 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary8 Reference Approval8.1 Reference Equipment for Type ApprovalThe Siemens reference setup submitted to type approve XT65/XT75 consists of the following components:• Siemens XT65/XT75 cellular engine• Development Support Box DSB75• SIM card reader integrated on DSB75• U.FL-R-SMT antenna connector and U.FL-LP antenna cable• Handset type Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0• Li-Ion battery• PC as MMIFigure 16:  Reference equipment for Type Approval PC Power supply SIMRS-232 DSB75HandsetLi-Ion battery GSM moduleFlex cable 100mm Antenna or 50 Ω cable to system simulator Antenna
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 8.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 52 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary8.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations The Equipment Authorization Certification for the Siemens reference application described in Section 8.1 will beregistered under the following identifiers:FCC Identifier: QIPXT65Industry Canada Certification Number: 267W-XT65Granted to Siemens AGFCC Identifier QIPXT75Industry Canada Certification Number: 267W-XT75Granted to Siemens AG Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating XT65/XT75 modules are authorized to use the FCCGrants and Industry Canada Certificates of the XT65/XT75 modules for their own final products according to theconditions referenced in these documents. In this case, the FCC label of the module shall be visible from theoutside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating "Contains FCC ID QIP XT65" resp. "Contains FCCID QIP XT75".IMPORTANT:Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating XT65/XT75 modules are required to have their final productcertified and apply for their own FCC Grant and Industry Canada Certificate related to the specific portablemobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable mobiles (see Section 1.3.2 for detail).Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.If the final product is not approved for use in U.S. territories the application manufacturer shall take care that the850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands be deactivated and that band settings be inaccessible to end users. Ifthese demands are not met (e.g. if the AT interface is accessible to end users), it is the responsibility of the appli-cation manufacturer to always ensure that the application be FCC approved regardless of the country it is mar-keted in. The frequency bands can be set using the command AT^SCFG="Radio/Band"[,<rbp>][, <rba>]. A detailed command description can be found in [1].
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9 Appendix  sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 53 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary9Appendix9.1 List of Parts and AccessoriesTable 20:  List of parts and accessoriesDescription Supplier Ordering informationXT65 Siemens Standard module (Siemens IMEI)Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8835-A100Customer IMEI mode:Siemens Ordering number: L36880-N8836-A100XT75 Siemens Standard module (Siemens IMEI)Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8830-A100Customer IMEI mode:Siemens Ordering number: L36880-N8831-A100Siemens Car Kit Portable Siemens Siemens ordering number: L36880-N3015-A117DSB75 Support Box Siemens Siemens ordering number: L36880-N8811-A100Votronic Handset VOTRONIC Votronic HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0VOTRONIC Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft für elek-tronische Geräte mbHSaarbrücker Str. 866386 St. IngbertGermanyPhone:  +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-0Fax:  +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-88e-mail:  contact@votronic.comSIM card holder incl. push button ejector and slide-in trayMolex Ordering numbers:  91228 91236Sales contacts are listed in Table 21.Board-to-board connector Molex Sales contacts are listed in Table 21.
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9.1 List of Parts and Accessories sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 54 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryTable 21:  Molex sales contacts (subject to change)MolexFor further information please click:http://www.molex.comMolex Deutschland GmbHFelix-Wankel-Str. 114078 Heilbronn-BiberachGermanyPhone: +49-7066-9555 0Fax: +49-7066-9555 29Email:  mxgermany@molex.comAmerican HeadquartersLisle, Illinois 60532U.S.A.Phone:  +1-800-78MOLEXFax:  +1-630-969-1352Molex China DistributorsBeijing, Room 1319, Tower B, COFCO PlazaNo. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei Street, 100005BeijingP.R. ChinaPhone:  +86-10-6526-9628 Phone:  +86-10-6526-9728 Phone:  +86-10-6526-9731 Fax:  +86-10-6526-9730Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd.Jurong, SingaporePhone:  +65-268-6868Fax: +65-265-6044Molex Japan Co. Ltd.Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan Phone:  +81-462-65-2324Fax: +81-462-65-2366Table 22:  Hirose sales contacts (subject to change)Hirose Ltd.For further information please click: http://www.hirose.comHirose Electric (U.S.A.) Inc2688 Westhills CourtSimi Valley, CA 93065U.S.A.Phone: +1-805-522-7958Fax: +1-805-522-3217Hirose Electric GmbHZeppelinstrasse 4273760 OstfildernKemnat 4GermanyPhone:  +49-711-4560-021Fax  +49-711-4560-729E-mail  info@hirose.deHirose Electric UK, LtdCrownhill Business Centre22 Vincent Avenue, CrownhillMilton Keynes, MK8 OABGreat BritainPhone:  +44-1908-305400Fax: +44-1908-305401Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.5-23, Osaki 5 Chome, Shinagawa-KuTokyo 141JapanPhone: +81-03-3491-9741Fax: +81-03-3493-2933Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. European BranchFirst class Building 4FBeechavenue 461119PV Schiphol-RijkNetherlandsPhone: +31-20-6557-460Fax: +31-20-6557-469
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 55 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / Preliminary9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic EquipmentThis section provides a list of suppliers and manufacturers offering fasteners and fixings for electronic equipmentand PCB mounting. The content of this section is designed to offer basic guidance to various mounting solutionswith no warranty on the accuracy and sufficiency of the information supplied. Please note that the list remainspreliminary although it is going to be updated in later versions of this document.9.2.1 Fasteners from German Supplier ETTINGER GmbHSales contact:ETTINGER GmbH +4981 04 66 23 – 0Fax:  +4981 04 66 23 – 0The following tables contain only article numbers and basic parameters of the listed components. For furtherdetail and ordering information please contact Ettinger GmbH. Please note that some of the listed screws, spacers and nuts are delivered with the DSB75 Support Board. Seecomments below.Article number: 05.71.038 Spacer - Aluminum /Wall thickness = 0.8mmLength 3.0mmMaterial AlMgSi-0,5For internal diameter M2=2.0-2.3 Internal diameter d = 2.4mmExternal diameter 4.0mmVogt AG No. x40030080.10
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 56 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryArticle number: 07.51.403 Insulating Spacer for M2Self-gripping1Length 3.0mmMaterial Polyamide 6.6Surface BlackInternal diameter 2.2mmExternal diameter 4.0mmFlammability rating UL94-HB1. 2 spacers are delivered with DSB75 Support BoardArticle number: 05.11.209 Threaded Stud M2.5 - M2 Type E /External thread at both endsLength 3.0mmMaterial Stainless steel X12CrMoS17Thread 1 / Length M2.5 / 6.0mmThread 2 / Length M2 / 8.0mmWidth across flats 5 Recess yesType External / External
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 57 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryArticle number: 01.14.131 Screw M21 DIN 84 - ISO 1207Length 8.0mmMaterial Steel 4.8Surface Zinced A2KThread M2 Head diameter D = 3.8mmHead height 1.30mmType Slotted cheese head screw1. 2 screws are delivered with DSB75 Support BoardArticle number: 01.14.141 Screw M2DIN 84 - ISO 1207Length 10.0mmMaterial Steel 4.8Surface Zinced A2KThread M2 Head diameter D = 3.8mmHead height 1.30mmType Slotted cheese head screw
XT65/XT75 Hardware Interface Overview 9.2 Fasteners and Fixings for Electronic Equipment sXT65_XT75_HO_v00.130 Page 58 of 67 2006-10-12Confidential / PreliminaryArticle number: 02.10.011 Hexagon Nut1DIN 934 - ISO 4032Material Steel 4.8Surface Zinced A2KThread M2 Wrench size / ;4Thickness / L 1.6mmType Nut DIN/UNC, DIN9341. 2 nuts are delivered with DSB75 Support Board

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