Telit Communications S p A ZE51 WIRELESS MODULE 2.4GHZ ZE51 User Manual manual

Telit Communications S.p.A. WIRELESS MODULE 2.4GHZ ZE51 manual


ZE51/61-2.4 RF Module User Guide
1VV0300868 Rev.4 – 31/03/2011
ZE51/61-2.4 RF module User Guide
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CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 6
I.1. AIM OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
I.2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
I.3. DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
I.4. GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II. REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 9
II.1. REGULATIONS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
II.2. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
II.3. SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
II.4. TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER III. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................... 14
III.1. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
III.2. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
III.3. DC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
III.4. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
III.5. DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
III.6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .................................................................................................................................................................... 21
III.7. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER IV. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 23
IV.1. PIN-OUT OF THE SMD MODULE .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
IV.2. PIN-OUT OF THE DIP MODULE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
IV.3. CORRESPONDENCE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
IV.4. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGNALS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER V. PROCESS INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 28
V.1. DELIVERY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
V.2. STORAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
V.3. SOLDERING PAD PATTERN ............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
V.4. SOLDER PASTE COMPOSITION (ROHS PROCESS) ........................................................................................................................................... 31
V.5. PLACEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
V.6. SOLDERING PROFILE (ROHS PROCESS) ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER VI. BOARD MOUNTING RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................... 34
VI.1. ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
VI.2. POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING ON ZE51/61-2.4 MODULE ............................................................................................................................... 35
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VI.3. RF LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36
VI.4. ANTENNA CONNECTION ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS ............................................................................................................................. 37
VI.5. ZE51/61-2.4 INTERFACING : ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38
CHAPTER VII. ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS....................................................................................... 41
VII.1. ANTENNA RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
VII.2. ANTENNA MATCHING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
VII.3. ANTENNA TYPES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
VII.4. EXTERNAL ANTENNA .................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
VII.5. EMBEDDABLE ANTENNAS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 45
CHAPTER VIII. ANNEXES ....................................................................................................................... 47
VIII.1. EXAMPLES OF PROPAGATION ATTENUATION ............................................................................................................................................... 47
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I.1. Aim of the Document
The aim of this document is to present the features and the application of the ZE51/61-2.4 radio module. After the
introduction, the characteristics of the ZE51/61-2.4 radio module will be described within the following distinct
- Requirements
- General Characteristics
- Technical description
- Process information
- Board Mounting Recommendations
- Antenna Considerations
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I.2. Reference documents
[1] IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006 Wireless MAC and PHY Specifications for Low Rate - WPANs
[2] ERC Rec 70-03 ERC Recommendation for SRD, June 2009
[3] EN 300 328-1 V1.7.1 (Europe) ETSI Standards for SRD , October 2006
[4] EN 300 440-1 V1.4.1 (Europe) ETSI Standards for SRD , March 2009
[5] 2002/95/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, 27 January
[6] CFR47 Part 15 (US) FCC Standards for SRD
[7] ARIB STD-T66 (Japan) ARIB Standards for SRD
[8] Z-One Pro Protocol Stack User
[9] 2006/771/EC Harmonization of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices
[10] 2009/381/EC Amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonization of the radio
spectrum for use by short-range devices
[11] SR Manager Tool User Guide 1vv0300899
[12] ZigBee PRO Democase Getting
Started 1vv0300901
[13] ZigBee PRO Democase User Guide 1vv0300900
I.3. Document change log
ISSUE # 0 11/05/10 First Release
ISSUE # 1 28/07/10 Added ZE61-2.4
ISSUE # 2 04/02/11 Updated regulation requirements and schematics in VI.5
ISSUE # 3 14/03/11 Added link for ZE51 USB dongle drivers, info regarding CC debugger.
Added in Annex paragraph regarding Conformity Assessment Issues
FCC/IC and Declaration of conformity
ISSUE # 4 31/03/11 Added text regarding Conformity Assessment Issues FCC/IC
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I.4. Glossary
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
BER Bit Error Rate
Bits/s Bits per second (1000 bits/s = 1Kbps = 1Kbaud)
CER Character Error Rate
CEPT European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
Chips Chip or chip sequence refers to a spreading-code used to transform the original
data to DSSS
dBm Power level in decibel milliwatt (10 log (P/1mW))
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
EPROM Electrical Programmable Read Only Memory
ERC European Radiocommunications Committee
ETR ETSI Technical Report
ETSI European Telecommunication Standard Institute
FCC Federal Communications Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
KB 1024 bytes (1 byte = 8 bits)
kbps kilobits/s
LBT Listen Before Talk
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
MAC Medium Access Control
MHz Mega Hertz (1 MHz = 1000 kHz)
Mchip/s Mega chips per second (A measure of the speed with which chips are generated
in DSSS)
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PER Packet Error Rate
PHY Physical Layer
NRZ Non return to Zero
RF Radio Frequency
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
RSSI Receive Strength Signal Indicator
Rx Reception
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRD Short Range Device
SMD Surface Mounted Device
Tx Transmission
Via Metal Hole on a printed circuit board
WPANs Wireless Personal Area Networks
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II.1. Regulations requirements
The ZE51/61-2.4 module is a [1],[2],[6],[7] compliant multi channel radio modem in the 2.4GHz band (unlicensed
frequency band).
Europe Regulation:
The “ERC recommendation 70-03” [2] describes the limits band in the 2.4GHz license free band, in terms of bandwidth,
maximum power, duty cycle, channel spacing and type of application. It gives the following limitations:
Class Frequency
band Maximum radiated power Channel
spacing Duty cycle Notes
Annex 1h
Short range
2400 – 2483.5
MHz 10 mW e.i.r.p.
No channel
Annex 3a
(Wideband Data
2400 – 2483.5
100 mW e.i.r.p. and 100
mW/100 kHz e.i.r.p. density
applies when frequency
hopping modulation is used,
10 mW/MHz e.i.r.p. density
applies when other types of
modulation are used.(*)(**)
No channel
For wide band
modulations other than
FHSS, the maximum
e.i.r.p. density is limited
to 10 mW/MHz
(*)Compliant to the EU Commission Decision [9], [10]. Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference
that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonized standards adopted under
Directive 1999/5/EC must be used.
(**) For IEEE802.15.4 DSSS modulation used by ZigBee, the modulated signal is spread over 2MHz. So, the
maximum radiated power is 20mW.
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Restrictions for non specific SR devices Annex 1h 2400-2483.5MHz:
Country Restriction Reason/Remark
Norway Implemented
This subsection does not apply for the
geographical area within a radius of 20 km
from the centre of Ny-Ålesund
Federation Bluetooth
Ukraine Limited implementation e.i.r.p. 100 mW
Restrictions for Wideband Data Transmission systems Annex 3a 2400-2483.5MHz:
Country Restriction Reason/Remark
Outdoor use limited to 10
mW e.i.r.p. within the
band 2454-2483.5 MHz
Military Radiolocation use. Reforming of
the 2.4 GHz band has been ongoing in
recent years to allow current relaxed
regulation. Full implementation planned
For private use, a general authorisation is
required if WAS/RLAN’s are used outside
own premises. For public use, a general
authorization is required
Ukraine Limited Implemented
e.i.r.p. 100 mW with built-in antenna with
amplification factor up to 6 dBi
Norway Implemented
This subsection does not apply for the
geographical area within a radius of 20 km
from the centre of Ny-Ålesund
1. SRD with FHSS modulation
1.1. Maximum 2.5 mW e.i.r.p.
1.2. Maximum 100 mW e.i.r.p. Permitted for
use SRD for
outdoor applications without restriction on
installation height
only for purposes of gathering telemetry
information for
automated monitoring and resources
accounting systems.
Permitted to use SRD for other purposes for
outdoor applications only when the installation
height is not exceeding 10 m above the ground
1.3.Maximum 100 mW e.i.r.p. Indoor
2. SRD with DSSS and other than FHSS
2.1. Maximum mean e.i.r.p. density is 2
mW/MHz. Maximum
100 mW e.i.r.p.
2.2. Maximum mean e.i.r.p. density is 20
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mW/MHz. Maximum
100 mW e.i.r.p. Permitted to use SRD for
outdoor applications
only for purposes of gathering telemetry
information for
automated monitoring and resources
accounting systems or
security systems.
2.3. Maximum mean e.i.r.p. density is 10
mW/MHz. Maximum
100 mW e.i.r.p. Indoor applications
For the complete document please refer to [2] and EU Commission Decision [9], [10].
The 2.4 Ghz band is a harmonized band in most of Europe. So the product must be declared in compliance with
the harmonized ETSI standards EN 300 440 (Class 1h) or EN 300 228 (Class 3a).
Finally, the module complies with the new European Directive 2002/95/EC concerning the Restrictive Usage of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
USA Regulation:
In the United States the FCC is responsible for the regulation of all RF devices. Our module intended for
unlicensed operation is regulated by CFR 47, Part 15 [6].
The 2.4 GHz band used for unlicensed radio equipment is regulated by section 15.247.
Japan regulation
In Japan the unlicensed use of short range devices in the 2.4 GHz ISM band is regulated by the ARIB standard
STD-T66 [7].
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II.2. Functional Requirements
The ZE51/61-2.4 module is a complete solution from serial interface to RF interface. The ZE51/61-2.4 module has
a digital part and a RF part.
The digital part has the following functionalities:
- Communication interface
- I/O management
- Micro controller with embedded software
The RF part has the following functionalities:
- 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver
- Half Duplex bi-directional link
- RF front-end component with low noise Rx amplification and Tx power amplification (ZE61-2.4 module
II.3. Software
The ZE51/61-2.4 module is provided pre-flashed with Telit in-house ZigBee® PRO stack. Please refer to ZigBee
PRO Protocol Stack User Guide [8] for detail information.
In case the customer needs to develop his own software, different tools are available:
8051 compiler from IAR :
CC debugger:
The technical support for these tools will be done by the providing company.
All necessary drivers for ZE51-2.4 Usb dongle can be found under the following link:
A complete correspondence table of the connections between the CC2530 and the pin out of the module, as well
as the connections to the included STM M24C64 EEPROM can be found in chapter IV.3.
In case, the customer wants to test the RF performances of the module, Telit can provide its own
proprietary test software that is available in the download zone together with description of all the
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II.4. Temperature Requirements
Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Temperature - 40 25 + 85 °C
Relative humidity @ 25°C 20 75 %
Temperature - 40 25 + 85 °C
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III.1. Mechanical Characteristics
Size : Rectangular 26 x 15 mm
Height : 3 mm
Weight : 1,7 g
PCB thickness: 0.8 mm
Cover : Dimensions : 21 x 14 x 2.2mm
Thickness : 200µm
Components : All SMD components, on one side of the PCB.
Connectors : The terminals allowing conveying I/O signals are half-moons located around.
Mounting : SMD
Half moons on the 4 external sides
Number of pins : 30
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III.2. Mechanical dimensions
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III.3. DC Characteristics
Characteristics ZE51 Min. Typ. Max.
Power Supply
(VDD): +2.0V +3.0V +3.6V
Consumption @ 3.0V and
Transmission : 35mA
Reception : 26mA
Stand-by (32.768 khz On) : 2µA
Sleep (wake up on
interruption) : 1µA
I/O low level : GND - 0.9 V
I/O high level : VDD - 0.7V - VDD
Characteristics ZE61 Min. Typ. Max.
Power Supply
(VDD): +2.0V +3.0V +3.6V
Consumption @ 3.0V and
Transmission : 150mA
Reception : 31mA
Stand-by (32.768 khz On) : 2,5µA
Sleep (wake up on
interruption) : 1,5µA
I/O low level : GND - 0.9 V
I/O high level : VDD - 0.7V - VDD
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III.4. Functional characteristics
Frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz
Channel spacing 5 MHz
Channel number 16
Channel 11 (2405MHz) Channel 26 (2480MHz)
Technology DSSS
Modulation O-QPSK with half sine pulse shaping
Radio bit rate 250 kbps
Transmit chip rate 2 Mchip/s
Transmission ZE51 Min. Typ. Max.
Output Power +4dBm ± 1 dB on the whole band
(selectable by software )
2nd harmonic
rd harmonic
-53 dBc
-47 dBc
Spurious emission
30 - 1000 MHz
1 - 12.75 GHz
1.8 - 1.9 GHz
5.15 - 5.3 GHz
-36 dBm
-30 dBm
-47 dBm
-47 dBm
(required by [3], [4],
Error Vector Magnitude
(EVM) 5% 15%
Transmission ZE61 Min. Typ. Max.
Output Power +19dBm ± 1 dB on the whole band
(selectable by software )
2nd harmonic
rd harmonic
-61 dBc
-63 dBc
Spurious emission
30 - 1000 MHz
1 - 12.75 GHz
1.8 - 1.9 GHz
5.15 - 5.3 GHz
-36 dBm
-30 dBm
-47 dBm
-47 dBm
(required by [3], [4],
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[6], [7])
Error Vector Magnitude
(EVM) 5% 15%
Reception ZE51 Min. Typ. Max.
Sensitivity for PER=1% - -96 dBm
under 50 Ohms -97 dBm
Saturation for PER=1% -3 dBm
under 50 Ohms
- -
Adjacent channel
rejection + 5 MHz
channel spacing
- 38 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ + 5 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Adjacent channel
rejection - 5 MHz
channel spacing
- 32 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ - 5 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Alternate channel
rejection + 10 MHz
channel spacing
- 44 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ + 10 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Alternate channel
rejection - 10 MHz
channel spacing
- 43 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ - 10 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
@ ±5MHz
@ ±10MHz
- 46 dBm
- 39 dBm
- 39 dBm
- 29 dBm
Wanted signal 3 dB above the sensitivity level, CW jammer,
for CER = 1%.
(Maximum values according to EN 300 440 class 2)
LO leakage - - -47 dBm
Spurious emission
in 30 MHz - 12.75 GHz - - -47 dBm
(required by [3], [4],
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Reception ZE61 Min. Typ. Max.
Sensitivity for PER=1% - -99 dBm
under 50 Ohms -100dBm
Saturation for PER=1% -3 dBm
under 50 Ohms
- -
Adjacent channel
rejection + 5 MHz
channel spacing
- 33 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ + 5 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Adjacent channel
rejection - 5 MHz
channel spacing
- 33 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ - 5 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Alternate channel
rejection + 10 MHz
channel spacing
- 50 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ + 10 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
Alternate channel
rejection - 10 MHz
channel spacing
- 50 dB -
Wanted signal @ -82 dBm, adjacent modulated channel @ - 10 MHz,
for CER = 1 %.
@ ±5MHz
@ ±10MHz
- 35 dBm
- 31 dBm
- 30 dBm
- 30 dBm
Wanted signal 3 dB above the sensitivity level, CW jammer,
for CER = 1%.
(Maximum values according to EN 300 440 class 2)
LO leakage - - -47 dBm
Spurious emission
in 30 MHz - 12.75 GHz - - -47 dBm
(required by [3], [4],
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III.5. Digital Characteristics
Microcontroller 8051 core
Memory 256KB Flash, 8KB SRAM,
Peripheral memory 8 KB EEPROM
Serial link* Managed by application.
Full Duplex, from 1200 to 115200 bps
7 or 8 bits, with or without parity, 1 or 2 stop bits
Protocol Type : RS-232, TTL level
Flow control* Managed by application.
None, Software (Xon/Xoff) or Hardware (RTS/CTS)
Other Ultra low power voltage detector and µC supervisory circuit
Specific signals Serial : Tx, Rx, RTS, CTS
Inputs : Reset, Stand-By, Prog
I/O : 7 I/O (among those 5 analog inputs with 7 to 12 bits resolution)
Flashing Through serial
Through the air : DOTA (Download Over The Air) functionality
Point-to-point stack for test purpose available in download zone
ZigBee Pro stack from Telit
*: In ZigBee Democase :115.200 bps,8 bits, without parity, 1 stop bit, No flow control
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III.6. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Voltage applied to VDD -0.3V to +3.9V
Voltage applied to any digital pin -0.3V to VDD+0.3V, max 3.9 V
Input RF level 10 dBm
Voltage applied to VDD -0.3V to +3.6V
Voltage applied to any digital pin -0.3V to VDD+0.3V, max 3.6 V
Input RF level 10 dBm
It must be noted that due to some components, ZE51/ZE61 module is
an ESD sensitive device. Therefore, ESD handling precautions should
be carefully observed.
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III.7. Ordering information
The following equipments can be ordered:
- The SMD version
- The DIP interface version
- The USB dongle
- The Demo Case
The versions below are considered standard and should be readily available. For other versions, please contact
Telit. Please make sure to give the complete part number when ordering.
Equipment and Part Number
SMD Version
ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA (With Integrated Antenna) ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-WA (Without Integrated Antenna)
DIP Version
ZE51/61-2.4/DIP-IA (With Integrated Antenna) ZE51/61-2.4/DIP-WA (Without Integrated Antenna)
USB Dongle
Demo Case
D ZE51/61 DEMO
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IV.1. Pin-out of the SMD Module
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Pin Pin name Pin type Signal level Function
J30 GND Gnd RF Ground connection for external antenna
J29 Ext_Antenna RF RF I/O connection to external antenna
J28 GND Gnd RF Ground connection for external antenna
J27 GND Gnd Ground
J26 GND Gnd Ground
J25 VDD Power Digital and Radio part power supply pin
J24 CTS I TTL Clear To Send
J23 RESET I TTL µC reset ( Active low with internal pull-up )
J22 RTS O TTL Request To Send
J21 RXD I TTL RxD UART – Serial Data Reception
J20 GND Gnd Ground
J19 TXD O TTL TxD UART – Serial Data Transmission
J18 STAND_BY I TTL Standby ( Active high with internal pull-down )
J17 GND Gnd Ground
J16 PROG I TTL Signal for serial µC flashing ( Active high with internal
pull-down )
J15 GND Gnd Ground
J14 DEBUG_D I/O TTL Debug data.
J13 GND Gnd Ground
J12 GND Gnd Ground
J11 GND Gnd Ground
J10 DEBUG_C I/O TTL Debug clock
J7 IO7_A I/O analog ADC - Analog Input N°7 (Digital I/O capability)
J6 IO6_A I/O analog ADC - Analog Input N°6 (Digital I/O capability)
J5 IO5_A I/O analog ADC - Analog Input N°5 (Digital I/O capability)
J4 IO4_A I/O analog ADC - Analog Input N°4 (Digital I/O capability)
J3 IO3_A I/O analog ADC - Analog Input N°3 (Digital I/O capability)
J2 IO2_P I/O TTL Digital I/O N°2 with 20mA sink/source capability
J1 IO1_P I/O TTL Digital I/O N°1 with 20mA sink/source capability
NOTE: reserved pins must not be connected
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IV.2. Pin-out of the DIP Module
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IV.3. Correspondence
Pin-Out correspondence between ZE51/61-2.4/DIP, ZE51/61-2.4/SMD and CC2530 SOC.
Pin-out ZE51/61-2.4/SMD
Pin-out CC2530 SOC
Pin-out Comments
Pin n° Pin n° Pin name Pin n° Pin name
J1 1 Not connected
J1 3 J5 IO5_A 15 P0_4
J1 4 J9 reserved 38 P1_6
J1 5 J2 IO2_P 9 P1_1
J1 6 J1 IO1_P 11 P1_0
J1 7 J4 IO4_A 16 P0_3
J1 8 J3 IO3_A 17 P0_2
J2 11 J16 PROG 36 P2_0
J2 12 J22 RTS 7 P1_3
J2 13 J24 CTS 8 P1_2
J2 14 J23 Reset 20 Reset_N
J2 15 J21 RxD 6 P1_4
J2 16 J19 TxD 5 P1_5
J2 17 J18 STAND_BY 37 P1_7
J2 18 J22 RTS 7 P1_3
J2 19 J6 IO6_A 14 P0_5
J4 Connector for debugging and programmation
J4 1 J14 Debug D 35 P2_1
J4 2 J10 Debug C 34 P2_2
J4 3 J23 Reset 20 Reset_N
Eeprom connections
SCL I2C Eeprom U1
(Not Mounted)
J7 IO7_A 13 P0_6
SDA J8 reserved 12 P0_7
RF connection
J3 or
J5 :
SMA connector
for RF I/O
J29 Ext_Antenna
(Unbalanced RF )
Connection to 50 Ohm antenna
ANT1 Not mounted A small chip Antenna “FR05-
S1-N-0-001 from Fractus can
be tested
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IV.4. Description of the Signals
Reset External hardware reset of the radio module.
Active on low state.
TXD, RXD Serial link signals, format NRZ/TTL:
TXD is for outgoing data. RXD is for incoming data.
The ‘1’ is represented by a high state.
CTS Incoming signal. Indicates whether the module can send serial
data to user (Active, on low state) or not (inactive, on high state).
RTS Outgoing signal. Indicates whether the user can transmit serial
data (active, on low state) or not (inactive, on high state).
IO I/O, configurable as input or as output.
(Available upon request only)
STAND_BY Indicates to the module to switch to pre-selected low-power mode.
(Available upon request)
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V.1. Delivery
ZE51/61-2.4/SMD modules are delivered in plastic tray packaging, each tray including 50 units. The dimensions of
the tray are the following: 329 mm x 176 mm x 5.6 mm. Each unit is placed in a 26.6 mm x 16 mm location. An
empty tray weights 45 g and a loaded tray weights around 130 g.
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V.2. Storage
The optimal storage environment for ZE51/61-2.4/SMD modules should be dust free, dry and the temperature
should be included between -40°C and +85°C.
In case of a reflow soldering process, tiny radio modules must be submitted to a drying bake at +60°C during 24
hours. The drying bake must be used prior to the reflow soldering process in order to prevent a popcorn effect.
After being submitted to the drying bake, tiny modules must be soldered on host boards within 168 hours.
Also, it must be noted that due to some components, ZE51/61-2.4/SMD modules are ESD sensitive device.
Therefore, ESD handling precautions should be carefully observed.
V.3. Soldering pad pattern
The surface finished on the printed circuit board pads should be made of Nickel/Gold surface.
The recommended soldering pad layout on the host board for the ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-WA, is shown in the diagram
All dimensions in mm
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The recommended soldering pad layout on the host board for the ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA, is shown in the diagram
All dimensions in mm
Neither via-holes nor wires are allowed on the PCB upper layer in area occupied by the module.
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V.4. Solder paste composition (RoHS process)
ZE51/61-2.4/SMD module is designed for surface mounting using half-moon solder joints (see diagram below). For
proper module assembly, solder paste must be printed on the target surface of the host board. The solder paste
should be eutectic and made of 95.5% of SN, 4% of Ag and 0.5% of Cu. The recommended solder paste height is
180 μm .
The following diagram shows mounting characteristics for tiny integration on host PCB:
V.5. Placement
The ZE51/61-2.4/SMD module can be automatically placed on host boards by pick-and-place machines like any
integrated circuit.
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V.6. Soldering profile (RoHS process)
It must be noted that ZE51/61-2.4/SMD module should not be allowed to be hanging upside down during the reflow
operation. This means that the module has to be assembled on the side of the printed circuit board that is soldered
The recommendation for lead-free solder reflow in IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D Standard should be followed.
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The barcode label located on the module shield is able to withstand the reflow temperature.
It must also be noted that if the host board is submitted to a wave
soldering after the reflow operation, a solder mask must be used in
order to protect the tiny radio module’s metal shield from being in
contact with the solder wave.
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VI.1. Electrical environment
The best performances of the ZE51/61-2.4 module are obtained in a “clean noise” environment. Some basic
recommendations must be followed:
Noisy electronic components (serial RS232, DC-DC Converter, Display, Ram, bus ,...) must be placed as
far as possible from the ZE51/61-2.4 module.
Switching components circuits (especially RS-232/TTL interface circuit power supply) must be decoupled
with a 100 µF tantalum capacitor. And the decoupling capacitor must be as close as possible to the noisy
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VI.2. Power supply decoupling on ZE51/61-2.4 module
The power supply of ZE51/61-2.4 module must be nearby decoupled. A LC filter must be placed as close as
possible to the radio module power supply pin, VDD .
Symbols Reference Value Manufacturer
L1 LQH31MN1R0K03 1µH Murata
C1 GRM31CF51A226ZE01 22µF Murata
C2 Ceramic CMS 25V 100nF Multiple
C1 C2
Power Supply
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VI.3. RF layout considerations
Basic recommendations must be followed to achieve a good RF layout :
It is recommended to fill all unused PCB area around the module with ground plane, except in case of
integrated antenna (no ground plane must be placed in front of the antenna and on the bottom side).
The radio module ground pin must be connected to solid ground plane.
If the ground plane is on the bottom side, a via (Metal hole) must be used in front of each ground pad.
Especially J28 and J30 (RF Gnd) pins should be grounded via several holes to be located right next to
the pins thus minimizing inductance and preventing mismatch and losses.
Example of GND layout Top View (with and without integrated antenna)
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VI.4. Antenna connection on Printed Circuit Boards
Special care must be taken when connecting an antenna or a connector to the module. The RF output impedance
is 50 ohms, so the strip between the pad and the antenna or connector must be 50 ohms following the tables
below. Ground lines should be connected to the ground plane with as many vias as possible, but not too close to
the signal line.
PCB material PCB thickness H (mm) Coplanar line W (mm) Coplanar line G (mm)
FR4 0.8 1 0.3
1.6 1 0.2
Table 1 : Values for double face PCB with ground plane around and under coplanar wave guide (recommended)
PCB material PCB thickness H (mm) Coplanar line W (mm) Coplanar line G (mm)
FR4 0.8 1 0.22
1.6 1 0.23
Table 2 : Values for simple face PCB with ground plane around coplanar wave guide
(not recommended)
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VI.5. ZE51/61-2.4 interfacing :
Example of a full RS-232 connection between a PC or an Automat (PLC) and ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-WA
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Example of a minimum PC connection with ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA .
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Example for sensor connection with ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA.
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VII.1. Antenna recommendations
ZE51/61-2.4 performances when used in a product are strongly dependent on the antenna type and its location.
Particular cautions are required on the following points:
Use a good and efficient antenna designed for the 2.4 GHz band.
Antenna must be fixed in such a location that electronic noise cannot affect the performances. (Outside
location is ideal if available).
Antenna directivity must be low (Omni directional antenna is usually the best choice).
Recommended antenna specifications:
Frequency Band : 2440MHz +/- 100MHz
Radiation Pattern : Omni directional
Nominal Impedance: 50
VSWR: 1.5:1 max.
Gain: 0dBi
Polarization: Vertical
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VII.2. Antenna matching
Impedance matching can be required to deliver the maximum possible power from the module to the antenna and
vice versa. This is typically accomplished by inserting a matching network into a circuit between the source and the
This matching network must be established as close as possible to the ZE51/61 module. Here after an example of
matching network between a ZE51/61-2.4 module and an antenna.
Symbols Reference Package Value Comments
L1 Coil 0603 or
These values should be measured and
optimized with a Network Analyzer. If no
impedance matching is necessary,
replace L1 by a 0 Ohm resistor, and let
C1 and C2 not mounted.
C1, C2 Capacitor 0603 or
0402 -
Track 1,
Track 2 Coplanar Waveguide
Track 1 length (as short as possible)
Track 2 length (as short as possible)
Ideally, ground vias and the RF output Via will have :
drill of 0,35 mm
pad of 0,75 mm
Coaxial cable Pad:
Hot point: 2*2mm
Ground pad:2*4mm
Or a specific SMA connector can be used.
See the layouts §VI.3 to have an idea of the antenna matching implantation :
Antenna connection via a SMA connector (Top View)
J29 RF
Input/Output L1
Track 1 Track 2
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VII.3. Antenna types
The following are the antenna examples that may be suitable for ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-WA applications. We
distinguish two types of antenna:
External antenna (antenna is mounted outside of the device)
Embeddable antenna (antenna is integrated inside the device)
VII.4. External antenna
External antenna is recommended when the range performance is primordial. For example, for base stations and
access points, where a better antenna gain may be required.
¼ Wave Monopole antenna:
The ¼ Wave antenna is 3 cm long @ 2.4 Ghz. Shorter compensated antennas could be used as long as they are
adapted to 2.4 GHz frequency.
Best range may be achieved if the ¼ Wave antenna is placed perpendicular in the middle of a solid ground plane
measuring at least 5 cm radius. In this case, the antenna should be connected to the module via some 50 ohm
characteristic impedance coaxial cable.
The metallic plane must be ideally under the antenna (balanced radiation). Never
short-circuit the hot and cold pins!
The installation directives are the following:
Solder the coaxial cable on the hot and ground pad antenna (of the ZE51/61-2.4 module.)
Fix the antenna on a metallic plane or on a metallic box with the metallic screw provided with the antenna.
If the ZE51/61-2.4 module is integrated in a plastic box, use a metal tape (copper) glued on the plastic
side under the antenna.
Coaxial hot and ground soldered
on the ZE51 RF output
Ground plane
connected to coaxial
¼ Wave Antenna,
connected to hot point.
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Half Wave Dipole antenna:
The ½ Wave Dipole antenna is around 6 cm long. In a ½ Wave Dipole antenna the metallic plane is replaced by a
second ¼ Wave antenna balancing the radiation.
Half wave monopole antenna typically offers a ground-independent design with favorable gain, excellent radiation
pattern. It has a high impedance and requires an impedance-matching circuit (See paragraph IX.3)
It is recommended to place the ½ wave dipole antenna away from all metallic
object, which will detuned it.
Particularity it is not recommended to place this type of antenna directly on a
metallic box, but the antenna can be deported away through a 50 Ohm coaxial
1/2 wave antenna
Core linked to hot point
Coaxial hot and ground
plug on the tiny RF
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VII.5. Embeddable antennas
In this section you will find antennas designed to be directly attached to ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-WA module, inside the
product casing. These antennas are only used in application where security, cosmetics, size or environmental
issues make an external antenna impractical. This type of antenna is used when the integration factor becomes
primordial (for mobile and handheld devices) to the range performances.
The basic recommendations are:
The radio module must not be placed in a metallic casing or close to metallic devices.
The internal antenna must be far from noisy electronic.
Ceramic antenna:
Ceramic antenna is a SMD component to be mounted directly on the PCB. It is designed so that it resonates and
be 50 Ohms at the desired frequency. But we recommended to place an impedance-matching circuit (See
paragraph VII.2).
The place under and around the ceramic antenna must be free of any track or ground plane. (refer to the antenna
constructor requirements). It usually has a hemispherical radiation pattern has described below.
Miniaturized antenna:
This type of antenna features a through-hole feedline to directly attach it to the PCB. This antenna acts like a ¼
wave antenna so that a minimum ground plane is required.
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ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA: Integrated antenna:
ZE51/61-2.4 module is available with an integrated chip antenna, allowing very compact integration for small space
Radiation Pattern of ZE51-2.4/DIP board
It is very important to avoid ground plane around and below the antenna, so ZE51/61-2.4/SMD-IA must be
implemented as described in paragraph VI.3 and schematics VI.5.
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VIII.1. Declaration of Conformity
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VIII.2. Conformity Assessment Issues FCC/IC
Modules ZE51/61 are FCC/IC approved as modules to be installed in other devices. If the final product after
integration is intended for portable use, a new application and FCC/IC is required.
FCC Notice
The FCC notifies users that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by
Telit Communications S.P.A. may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Wireless notice:
This product emits radio frequency energy, but the radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio
frequency exposure limits. This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits forth for an uncontrolled
environment. Nevertheless, the device should be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact with
the antenna during normal operation is minimized.
IC Notice
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003, RSS-Gen and RSS-210.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003, CNR-Gen et CNR-210 du
This radio transmitter ID: 5131A-ZE51 has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types
listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated.
Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are
strictly prohibited for use with this device.
Le présent émetteur radio ID: 5131A-ZE51 a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types
d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type
d'antenne. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué,
sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
Fractus Micro Reach Xtend
Chip antenna
Taoglas Dipole Stub
Antenna gain 2 dBi 5 dBi
Antenna impedance 50 50
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Wireless notice
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
Label recommendations
If neither FCC ID nor IC ID is visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the
device into which the module is installed will display a label referring to the enclosed module by labelling the host
device in this manner: “Contains FCC ID: RI7ZE51 and IC ID: 5131A -ZE51”
VIII.3. Examples of propagation attenuation
Factor 433 MHz 868 MHz 2.4 GHz
Attenuation Attenuation Attenuation
Open office 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB
Window < 1 dB 1 – 2 dB 3 dB
Thin wall (plaster) 3 dB 3 – 4 dB 5 – 8 dB
Medium wall (wood) 4 – 6 dB 5 – 8 dB 10 – 12 dB
Thick wall (concrete) 5 – 8 dB 9 – 11 dB 15 – 20 dB
Armoured wall (reinforced concrete) 10 – 12 dB 12 – 15 dB 20 – 25 dB
Floor or ceiling 5 – 8 dB 9 – 11 dB 15 – 20 dB
Armoured floor or ceiling 10 – 12 dB 12 – 15 dB 20 – 25 dB
Rain and/or Fog 20 – 25 dB 25 – 30 dB ?? *
* = Attenuations increase along with the frequency. In some cases, it
is therefore difficult to determine loss and attenuation value.
Note = The table above is only indicative. The real values will depend on
the installation environment itself.

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