Telsey Srl TELSEY3070B Set Top Box User Manual

Telsey Srl Set Top Box


Users Manual-1

Download: Telsey Srl TELSEY3070B Set Top Box User Manual
Mirror Download []Telsey Srl TELSEY3070B Set Top Box User Manual
Document ID2327714
Application IDUpgdwftyXggdBTkzj6QYNA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual-1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize407.54kB (5094226 bits)
Date Submitted2014-07-17 00:00:00
Date Available2014-07-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-06-12 09:22:18
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 8.71
Document Lastmod2014-06-12 09:22:18
Document TitleUser Manual.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: acer

Gtouv OF
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Installation Guide
Internet Connection
TV Connections
(Cable ‘3 m mdudbd]
HDM‘ Cable
(LEA Cable
Any ofme above name: can be used,
m mn nen your GLBoxH D Mm m a TV
RJAS Cable
«m» (9))—
6|? lanD
Mme mrmmauan m ‘lnlemet
Innallamon Gulde" :edmn
Vldeo Settlngs
To access the Seldp screen, press and hotd the [SE’UH button
for 5 Secortds On the [\nserl PW Code] screen enter P‘N CODE
HDMI 8. Component: To eonheetthe box tothe TV set you may
aettyate the requtred echheettcth type by seteettrtg [Yes] next to
each type
Video Fnlmat: Choose the dcstmd rcso‘utton
Aspect Ratio: choose the requtred Aspect Ratto The
recommended stze ts 4 3
Standard: \Aost TV sets support the NTSC standard, ttyourrv
does not Sdpport NTSC‘ you may seteet PAL
Use the arrow keys to seteet [SAVE com and press [OK]
Use the arrow keys to sdcct [REBCO‘H and press [OK]
Internet Installatlon Gut
Vour CLBQXHD 400 can be Connected to the mtemet m three ways P‘ease choose the most
apprpphate optroh petow, and proceed to the tndtcated page
Elliomwo Internet Modem! Cable Modem \nternet
n .
b. t a
RJ 45 Cable ‘9
connect the GLEUXHD 400 to ypur modem vta R145 cabte t More detatls m Network settmgs
Glaomm tntemetModem/CapteModem Werner
_‘,_ Router
.tt' ‘
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arrest:qu I; ‘ ‘s
connect the GLBoxHD 400 to your router vta M45 cabte t More detatts m Network Sullngx.
GEBDMEW WIVQ} fl VWeless Ruuler t
a a a —
(onnett (he GLanHD 40a to ynurwtrelex: mlemat‘ More detatts m Wren Semngx
Network Settings
Step1 fir
[0 access the setu ' reen, press and ho[d the [Sr [ UP] button
[or 5 5 ends On the [[neert PW Code] screen enter PW com
Step2 max A“
For automatrc network setup rt rs recommended to setect
[DHCP] trnder [[P rnode[ rr yotr wrsh to enter the network
rnrorrnatron rnantreHy you must Use the [Statrd Under [[P
moder Use arrow keys to serect desrred herd and remove
exrstrnq rrrformatrorr by usrnq the [DEM key Repeat steps to
modrfy rnrormatron rrr remarnrnq nerds
Use the arrow keys to serect [SAVE carer] and [Hess [0k]
Use the arrow keys to scram [REBDGT] and press [OK]
W FI Settings at.“ M
Tu access the setup screerr press and hate the [SETUP] button
for 5 secunds On I re Muse” PW Cudej screen enter PW L‘DDI:
max k,
ro rrrd a Wr+r network, sereo: [Wrekr Networks Scan] Uerng the
arrows on the ngrt srde or the herd navrgate through the ssrr)
rrst Se‘ecl your network, go :o the [Password] rero and enter
your Wr+r password Se[ect [Connect to] to [rnk the st {ext-H)
400 to your v +r network and press [OK]
USU thC arrow kuys to scram [SAVE CONF] afld press [OK]
Use the arrow keys to Serect [REBOOTJ and press [or<[
To access the saw screen press and mm the [SETUP] button
for cunds On the [tnsert P]N Code] screen enter PW UCDE
Step2 max K
Se]eu] the [Ves] optton rn urder to upgrade your ELButh 400
firmware automattcaHy Atter reboottnq, the GLBuxHD 4UU th
uonneut to the LiLBuxHD servers and upgrade automattcaHy
Jse the arrow keys to se]ect [SAW CONs] and press [UK]
Jse the arrow keys to se]ect [REBUDT] and press [UK]
Reset max .‘
To access the settrp screen, press and hate the [SETUP] button
for 5 Seconds On the [Msert PW Code] 3'. eerr et‘te] PW CODE
To return your GLBoxHD 400 backto rts factory semngs‘ se]ect
the [Factory Reset] and se]ect the [Reset] key
setect [OK] ‘0 rettrrn "79 CLBOXHD 400 hack to the Vafi'nry mm ..
rtetautt settrnqs The box M] then reboot
Extended Warr ty
G] BUXHI) 400 romes thh a Unaryear m2]\\t[€r[]trer"‘ warrant
Customers maychonselo purrhzsean adertronateneor tureyear
daleo] use Jurrhasescan bemadebyconlacltng Cttstome s4
artrng [ram the date or t’rrst use
artanlywtmthO days 0] the rrrst
‘ S
?‘ 3“Q3\
G e d'installation
Connexion Internet
Connexions TV
use EYHERMEY new a» 1
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S \J
n m b
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W 2 lnteme‘
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< 6 B
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GL'loxHD ‘
\ mm
Tau: le: cab‘es (menus pew/em élre unhxéx Plus d‘mfovmauons dans \a Semen
pom mn nedev vane GLBoxHD am a we TV, "Guide d’ins‘allalion d'lnlernel"
Pour accéder a \'écran (1e conflguralwon‘ appuye/ sur ‘6 bouton
[SHUP] pendant b secondes Sur Vécran [msert PW Codel
entrex‘ecode 250052
Etape 2
HDMI at campasanls: Pour commenter \e homer 'a \a lé‘éwswon‘
vous pouvez aclwer \e type de connexwon reams en
sé‘cwomavl Wes] a cétc’ dc cheque typc
Format vidéo: \m vous pouvcz chem \a resomuon dcm'c
Aspect ratio: Sur cot com vous pouvcz chem ‘0 rain) d'accCs
reqms La [awe recommandée 3514 a
Nnnne: La p‘upart des lé‘e’wseurs supportem \a norms NTSC. 9‘
volre [é‘e’vwseur n‘esl pas Nrsc, vous pouvez sé‘ecuonner \a
norms m
Etape 3
Sé‘ecuornez [SAVE CONF] am \es fléches smvn as [UK]
Etape 4
Sé‘ecuornez [REBOOT] even was Héches sum de [OK]
GUIde d Installatlon d'lnternet
Votre GLBOX‘ {D 400 peul étre Connecté é Hmemet de [rows man‘éres Chows‘ssez \‘Opuon \a 3qu
appropflée pour vous ckdessous et aHez mrememem a \a page mdwque’e
1 Internet Modem/Cable Modem mternek
(annenaz \a GLBoxHD 4m) : vane modem Even ‘2 can R1745 \ Pam pm :12 délafl: Hm \a gammy Pavaméuex véxeau,
2 GLaomym \memet Modem/ Came Modem ‘memm
}_,_ Romer 7
m45mblé44 |—I |—_‘§
(onnemz \a GLBoxHD 400 a v0": muleurwa un cam: R145 \Pouv pm: as dflalk hm \a xecmn Pavaméve; veseau
ELBOXEwo Wuve\ess > a VWeless Ruuler
a a a
Cunnetlez \a GLBameao a vane (unnexmn mkemek 3mm \ Pam pm: as dékafl: \Ixez \a :etlmn Parzm'etves Wm
Pa métres resea
Pour acce’der a \‘e’cran de configuranon, apuuyEI sur ‘9 Danton
[SHUP] pendant b secondes Sur Vécran [mserl MN CodeL
entrez‘ecode 250052
Ekape 2
Pour \a connguranon automauque an re’seau, n est
recommends de sé‘echonner sous Mode w Vopuon DHCP s‘
vous souhawte/ entrer \es miormahons réseau manueHemenL
vous deve/ uhhser \e [Slam] Sous [U‘ Mode] Uuhse/ ‘65
touches He'che'es pour sé‘echonner \e champ de’swre’ el
supprwner \es mformahons esttantes 9F utflsanl \a louche
[DH] pour emrer we nouveHe adresse \P manueHemem
Re‘pe‘le/ \es e‘lapes pour mod‘fier \es wrormauons dens \es
champs reslants
Ekape 3
Sé‘echonne/ [SAVF CONF] avec ‘95 Héches suMl (is [OK]
Etape 4
Sé‘ecuonnez [REBOUT] avec \es Hm smvn [19 [UK]
Parametresw Fl m
Etape 1
30w atcederé Ve'tran de conflgurauon, appuyez sur \e boulun l
[ :IUP] pendant 5 secundes Sur \‘e‘cran [\nserl PW Codel
enlrez‘e code 250052
E‘ape 2
2our ham/er km (éSPad WVFM sé‘echmmez [W‘an Nstworks
Scan] Nawguer \a hste SS‘D en um 53th b5 fléches sn' ‘9 cm?
[1'0“ de votre éman UH? ‘ms an? vous aVPZ sé‘echo‘mé VON?
réseau, enuez vmre mm de passe dens ‘9 Champs appmpné
Sé‘echmmez [Connect m] not“ (5“?! Q \a GLBOXHD 400 e!
appuyev [OK]
mm H
Etape 3
Sé‘ecummez [SAVE CDNF] even ‘95 Hémes sum 59 [OK]
E‘ape 4
Sé‘ecmnnez [REBOOTJ ever; was fléches sum! de [on
F‘mtr acce’der a \e’ctan de caniguratton arpuyez sur ‘5 banter
[SETUP] p am 5 seconde bur ]écran [\nsett PW Code],
emrez ‘5 code 250052
Etapez 6|.qu K,
Sé]EC']Om]EZ \‘ophon [Yes] pour mettre e jou] votre CLBQXHD
400 r‘trmware automamuemem Apr'e: ]e rede‘marrege votre
CLBoxHD auu 2e convecters au serveur et se mettra a pm
Etape 3
se’]ectomtez ]sA\/[ cow] avec ]es Hemes sumt de ]0t<]
Etape 4
Se’]ec:]onnez [REBCUT] avec \es HECWES SUMI [16 [OK]
Relnltla Ise m, .‘
2m” acce’der ‘e ]'écran de cant‘tgtttattan, appuyez SM ]e nottton
[‘EZTUP] pendant 5 secondes Sm \‘éman [htsert PW Code],
entrez ‘9 Cod? 250052
Eiape 2
3our rétmttahser votte GLBOXHD ‘a 565 parameves d'usme
sé]ect]onnez ]e [Factory Reset] e: sé]ecttonnez ]a touche
[Reset] sur votre té]e’commande
E‘ape 3
semtamtez [OK] pour te‘tmttehser votte LQLanHD ‘a $95
param‘ettea d‘ttsme p6] detaut Le hotte tede‘marrere
atttomat quemen'
Exte Ion de garantle
Les chums pcuvcm chotstr d‘ac “(or un mu dcux arts dc qaranttc suppbmuma ~ dams \cs 90 pure
swam \a date an ]a prcmtm Luhsauun VLS achats puuvcm {:trc cffuctud mactam mtru
Samoa 2 ]a chemckz
Cue 4-: LIL-aid
gym 4.; MI
was; 44 «ll-43‘
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L: 4):}; 9 GLBOXHD 400 JLAS‘ Limb" 93$.- “ “=33 “3%
.m A J5.“ w fin w j ..~u:..v
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m w: 5 u [SETUP] g1: Semp m u M uh m
seas in 9 250052 m on” Jan 4: J as aw“ u [Insert PW Code]
”A 4.1.}
gm ‘_ 40:44 BOX k a”): gut 3‘, :Componenr J HDMI
.J JLu U aha“ ad ‘rfi » J‘J )3 [Yes]
max .9.
‘ r ”A: Resoluhon pa. .5‘)‘ :Video Format
*5 4“ A; .555.-
‘—‘\-.I r4 3 JAM—1:: ‘— ‘5 ):)-A3 =‘—-,-‘ Lu Ami ab. :Aspect Ralio
)iw mgr 2‘3 NTSC .1 m L my rsk—xm’i )3. :standard
9.5.;34 pAL 31mm 1“ Jpruu NTSCL-éJz-gai’
allox ‘ ‘ M... 41;}
#0:»! b [OK] uAS J Am) [SAVE com .ri ,u Arrow Keys j mm u
H“? “33*
9:145 L [OK] 4K , a”), [REEOOT] m) ,u Arrow Keys J
“m H); a La y,“
‘ GEBOXEm Internet Modem/ Cable Modem mternek
I RJ 45 Cable - ' Q
k: RJ-AE .L‘SL: U GLchHD 400
1 Graomm Roma \ntemet Modem/ Came Modem Mamet
Q , . 7
b _ A I un- -
;J4sfiablrl_‘4 |—l |-_‘§
gm \ 9.5 4..., Ag. (‘93.; Rome” RJ-45 ms ; u GLBuxHD 400
1" \nternel
GEBOX'L-J‘OO WIVQ} fl VWeless Ruuler r
, a a a —

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Title                           : User Manual.pdf
Creator                         : acer
Author                          : acer
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FCC ID Filing: A2L-TELSEY3070B

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