Thales Visionix 910EWTX Motion Tracker User Manual IS 900 User Guide v61 RGH

Thales Visionix, Inc. Motion Tracker IS 900 User Guide v61 RGH


Manual Part 2

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Document DescriptionManual Part 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2007-09-04 00:00:00
Date Available2007-09-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-09-04 09:35:45
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Document Lastmod2007-09-04 09:36:00
Document TitleIS-900 User Guide v61 RGH.doc
Document CreatorIS-900 User Guide v61 RGH.doc - Microsoft Word
Document Author: bob_hommel

Alignment Reference Frame Record
This record is sent in response to an A{stationNum}<>
command. It returns 9 ASCII floats that were last set with
the A command. Each float is represented as 7 characters
with 2 digits after the floating point. Units are centimeters.
Record type , '2'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to C.
Sub-Record type, 'A'
OxOyOz - origin coordinates
XxXyXz - vector in the direction of the positive x
YxYyYz - vector in the direction of the positive y
Boresight Reference Angles Record
This record is sent in response to a G{stationNum}
command. It returns 3 ASCII floats that were last set with
the G command. Each float is represented as 7 characters
with 2 digits after the floating point. Units are degrees.
2{stationNum}G{yawref pitchref rollref}<>
Hemisphere Record
Record type , '2'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to
Sub-Record type, 'G'
yawref - azimuth reference angle
pitchref - elevation reference angle
rollref - roll reference angle
This record is sent in response to an H{stationNum}<>
command. It returns 3 ASCII floats that were last set with
the H command. Each float is represented as 7 characters
with 2 digits after the floating point.
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Tip Offset Record
This record is sent in response to an N{stationNum}<>
command. It returns 3 ASCII floats that were last set with
the N command. Each float is represented as 7 characters
with 3 digits after the floating point. Units are centimeters.
2{stationNum}N{Ox Oy Oz}<>
Record type , '2'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to
Sub-Record type, 'N'
Ox – X-direction tip offset
Oy – Y-direction tip offset
Oz – Z-direction tip offset
Position Operational Envelope Record
This record is sent in response to a V{stationNum}<>
command. It returns 6 ASCII floats that were last set with
the V command. Each float is represented as 7 characters
with 2 digits after the floating point. Units are meters.
IS-900 User Guide
Record type , '2'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to
Sub-Record type, 'V'
Xmax – Maximum X-direction value
Ymax – Maximum Y-direction value
Zmax – Maximum Z-direction value
Xmin – Minimum X-direction value
Ymin – Minimum Y-direction value
Zmin – Minimum Z-direction value
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8.5.4. InterSense-specific Records
Manufacturer System Status Record
This record is sent in response to an MS<> command. It
returns a status record specific to the InterSense system.
Record type , '3'
Station number. Always '1'
Sub-Record type, 'S'
Config Hex Char 0
Config Hex Char 1
Config Hex Char 2
To decode each of the Config Hex Characters
Config Hex Char 0
Config Hex Char 1
Config Hex Char 2
Boresight Compatibility Mode (0 = Firmware Version
2.x, 1 = FASTRACK)
Time units (0 = milliseconds, 1 = microseconds)
ReceiverPod LEDs (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
Manufacturer Station Record
This record is sent in response to the Ms{stationNum}<>
command. It returns a station status record specific to the
InterSense system.
IS-900 User Guide
Record type , '3'
Station number. A hexadecimal number up to C.
Sub-Record type, 's'
Config Byte 0
Config Byte 1
Config Byte 2
Page 83 of 159
To decode each of the Config bytes
Config Byte 0
Config Byte 1
Corresponds to the Perceptual Enhancement
Can be 0, 1, or 2. The remaining 2 bits are
reserved for future expansion of this option.
Config Byte 2
Heading Compensation Mode bit 1
Heading Compensation Mode bit 2
Heading compensation bits are translated as:
00 – Compass mode 0 (compass is off)
01 – Compass mode 1 (Partial compass mode)
10 – Compass mode 2 (Full compass mode)
Prediction Interval Record This record is sent in response to Mp{stationNum}<>
command. It returns an ASCII integer for the number of
milliseconds of prediction.
Sensitivity Level Record
Record type , '3'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to C.
Sub-Record type, 'p'
Prediction interval.
This record is sent in response to MQ{station number}<>
command. It returns the current sensitivity settings of a
station. This setting is only relevant when Perceptual
Enhancement level is set to 1 or 2.
3{Station Number}Q{Sensitivity Level}<>
IS-900 User Guide
Record type , '3'
Station Number. A hexadecimal number up to C.
Sub-Record type, 'Q'
Sensitivity level 1 to 5
Page 84 of 159
Genlock Synchronization Record
This record is sent in response to MG<> command. It
returns the current synchronization settings of the system.
31G{State}, {Rate}, {Number of cycles per signal}<>
Record type , '3'
Always 1.
Sub-Record type, 'G'
State, 0 to 3
Strobe rate or Output record rate
Number of computational cycles tracker performs
between sync signals or output records. Multiply
this parameter by Rate to determine the internal
update rate of the tracker.
8.5.5. Records Specific to IS-900 Models
Ultrasonic Timeout Record This record is sent in response to the MU<> command. It
returns an ASCII integer for the number of milliseconds of
the ultrasonic timeout.
Record type , '3'
Station Number. Always 1.
Sub-Record type, 'U'
Ultrasonic timeout value.
Ultrasonic Sensitivity Record
This record is sent in response to the Mg<> command. It
returns an ASCII integer representing current sensitivity
setting of the ultrasonic receivers.
31g{Level }<>
IS-900 User Guide
Record type , '3'
Station Number. Always 1.
Sub-Record type, 'g'
Sensitivity Level.
Page 85 of 159
Fixed PSE Record
This record is sent in response to MCF[Fixed PSE
number]<> command. It returns the current settings of a
single PSE or entire Constellation.
31F{Fixed PSE number}{Fixed PSE record}<>
Tracking Status Record
Record type , '3'
Constellation Number. Always '1'
Sub-Record type, 'M'
Fixed PSE number in ASCII decimal format.
x, y, z components of position vector in 10.4f ASCII
format. Values are in meters.
x, y, z components of normal vector in 7.2f ASCII format
Hardware ID code in ASCII format.
Sent in response to MP<> command. It returns the tracking
status information for all 12 stations. Range measurement is
defined as an ultrasonic signal received by a single URM.
For example, if the system is configured with two URMs and
six ultrasonic beacons (SoniDiscs), 12 range measurements
per cycle could be received.
31P{Tracking state record}<>
Record type, 3'3'
Station Number. Always 1.
Sub-Record type, 'P'
Tracking state identifier for station 1. State can be L
if lost, T for tracking, or X for invalid. Please see
Section 4.2.10 of this manual for complete
Number of range measurements received this cycle.
Number of range measurements rejected.
3+3*N Tracking state identifier for station N.
Update rate per station.
Not used, always blank.
Genlock identifier. Can be G for Genlock on and
synchronized, X if Genlock on but not synchronized, or
blank if Genlock is off.
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9. LCD Status & Settings Screen
(Firmware 4.20 and higher)
The LCD Status and Settings screen provides a simple and convenient way to view and change
most of the tracking parameters, communication protocols, and IS-900 system settings without
the requirement of a dedicated Windows PC running ISDEMO. The LCD panel also provides a
simple way to place the IS-900 in “file transfer” communication mode for installing firmware
There are 7 buttons provided for status/menu navigation: Up, Down, Right, Left, Enter, F2, and
F1 (see Figure 34).
Figure 34 - IS-900 LCD Status & Settings Screen
Command logging indicator is the "C" field. If logging is off, the indicator is blank. If logging is on,
it is "C". If logging is on and the log file has wrapped (overflowed), the indicator is "W".
The “G” indicates GENLOCK is on and an “X” in its place indicates GENLOCK in on, but the
GENLOCK signal is not valid. A blank field indicates that GENLOCK is off. See Appendix X to
learn about GENLOCK.
In display mode, "xx" is the statistic indicated by the "dd" field. The up/down arrows rotate
between the possible statistics.
Statistics - when the field “dd” is replaced by:
Indicates the number of measurements received.
Indicates the number of rejected measurements.
Indicates wireless communication integrity (100% when running wired)*
Indicates an overall measure of tracking quality (nominally > 80%)
*NOTE: If the tracking device is running wired and the CI is less than 100%, then a faulty wire or
connection is probable. Power down and reseat all connections. Contact InterSense if condition
In display mode, the rotating “~o~” located in the upper right corner of the LCD panel is an
indication of IS-900 Processor health operation. If the rotating “~o~” is replaced by an “E”, then
an error has occurred in the IS-900 processor. Not all errors are serious, and can sometimes be
cleared using the LCD menu with no ill effect on the system. The LCD menu will also let you
determine the error code(s) which are referenced in Section 14.
Buttons for display mode:
Transitions to menu mode.
Selects next/previous group of stations for status display.
Switches between measurements received, measurements rejected,
tracking quality, and communication integrity.
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Buttons for menu mode:
Select menu item at cursor or enter changed setting.
Move cursor to another menu item.
Scroll right/left when viewing error message.
Back up to parent menu.
Return to display mode.
Normal Operation (Steady State)
During system start-up, the LCD displays a greeting and draws dots along the bottom row. While
the dots are being drawn, “file transfer” mode can be invoked by pressing the F1 button.
Otherwise, the system begins initializing.
To show progress during initialization, a line of 8 dashes turns into squares from left to right as
each port is initialized.
After initialization, the LCD operates in 2 modes; display and menu. In display mode (Figure 35),
the LCD indicates the tracking status of 4 stations at a time.
Figure 35 - LCD Panel in Normal Display Mode (Tracking One Station)
If the system is running, the station status is displayed and the indicator at the upper right corner
of the display should rotate. A number and a letter along the upper row, starting on the left side
of the LCD panel, represent each tracking station. Pressing the right arrow button (as shown in
Figure 36) will bring the status of the remaining stations into view.
Figure 36 - Status Display of Additional Tracking Stations
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In Figure 35, the “T” indicates that Station 1 (or the Tracker connected into port 1 of the
processor) is tracking. The “T” field next to each station number has different letter values that
“T” = The station is tracking.
“X” = The station status is invalid or wireless channel is off.
“L” = The station is lost.
“ ” = No station is connected or the station state is “off”.
The statistics field below the station status is used to provide quick feedback of tracking
performance for each station. As shown in Figure 35, the “RC” shows that 11 ultrasonic
measurements where received and used during the last measurement cycle of this tracking
Pressing the up/down buttons will cycle through the other statistics displays. Figure 37 shows a
zero value for the “RJ” or rejected measurement field indicating that all ultrasonic measured
values where used (none where rejected) during the last measurement cycle.
Figure 37 - Rejected Measurement Status for Tracking Station 1
The statistical values for “CI” or communication integrity (shown in Figure 38) are represented by
a percentage from 0 to 100%. 100% indicates the station is communicating with no errors or
missing records. For wired tracking stations, this value will always be 100%. If a station is
disconnected, it shows 0%. Anything in between might indicate a poor connection or an
excessive length of cable for a wired tracker, or for a wireless tracker, may indicate a weak signal
or radio frequency interference.
Wireless stations, typically show 90-100% because some records are lost or corrupted due to the
nature of the radio link. Lower percentages can occur when 4 or more radio sets are in range or
if interference from a source like a heavy used wireless LAN is present. If a wireless station
drops below about 50%, the link is assumed down and shows 0% until it is re-established. A
wireless station also shows 0% while it is asleep. When a station drops to 0%, “X” is displayed in
place of “T” or “L” for that station on the LCD.
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Figure 38 - Communication Integrity Status for a Wired Tracking Station 1
The statistical values for “TQ” or tracking quality (shown in Figure 39) are represented by a
percentage from 0 to 100%. 100% means that the station is tracking perfectly and 0% means it is
lost. When an InertiaCube is plugged into a station port, the tracking quality is always 100%
because no ultrasonic measurements are used by 3-DOF devices such as InertiaCubes. For
MicroTrax devices, values anywhere in the range are possible.
This statistic is also available in the output data record item #75 indicating communication
integrity for a station. It ranges from 0 to 100, the same as the LCD value.
Figure 39 - Tracking Quality Status for a Wired Tracking Station 1
With MicroTrax devices, the number of measurements a station receives and the size of the
range errors of each measurement determine tracking quality. A station that receives a
measurement at each microphone in almost every measurement cycle, with an average range
error of less than 1 mm, will indicate 100%. The quality can drop to 0 if the station stops
receiving measurements or range errors get larger than 2 cm. Brisk motions or shock can also
temporarily reduce quality. It is typical to see a figure of 90% or higher for a motionless station
under good conditions with a well-calibrated Constellation. Loss of data from poor
communication integrity will also reduce the tracking quality.
This statistic is also available in the output data record item #40 indicating tracking status for a
station. In this data record, the value is 255 x TQ% (a range of 0 to 255).
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Example of LCD Menu Navigation
As example of a typical use for the LCD panel, here are the steps to find out the current firmware
revision running on the IS-900. Refer to the menu flow chart in the next sectioin to follow the
navigation steps outlined here.
Step 1 – Change to Display mode
When the system is running with one tracker attached
at Port 1, the LCD is in display mode as shown in
Figure 35. The first step is to press the Enter key
which brings the LCD into the top menu of Menu
Step 2 – Scroll down to System Config
Use the down arrow keys to scroll to the system
configuration menu item.
Step 3 – Access the System Config submenu
Use the ENTER key to access the system
configuration submenu.
Step 4 – Access the Information submenu
Press enter to access the information submenu which
displays the current Firmware Revision of the IS-900.
If left alone, the LCD panel will automatically switch back to Display mode or pressing F1 will exit
the Menu mode directly. Pressing F2 will go up a single level in the menu tree.
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IS-900 LCD Menu Flow Chart
Figure 40 illustrates the flow chart for the IS-900 LCD menu.
Station Config.
System Config.
Reset Encoders (reserved)
Exit Menu
Set Group
Set Mode
0. 9,600 Baud
1. 19,200 Baud
2. 38,400 Baud
3. 115,200 Baud
Data Output
Binary Form
Sample Mode
Broadcast On
Broadcast Off
UDP Port
UDP Broadcast
IP Address
UDP Port: xxxx
IP Address
Set Station
XX #
Set Group
XX #
Meas. Received
Meas. Rejected
Comm. Integrity
Tracking Quality
Set Station
Config Station
View Station
0. Low
1. Medium
2. High
3. Max
LED Control
Command Log
0. None
1. Camera
2. Full
Enhancement [X]
0. Off
1. Bias
2. Full
Station On
Station Off
Update Rate
Rev. _____
Enable Log
Disable Log
Rate: xxxx Hz
Save Current
Restore Factory
Restore Saved
Set Config Lock
LED's On
LED's Off
View Errors
Clear Errors
#x xxxxxxH
Genlock Off
0. Off
1. Saved
2. Saved/
Strobe Rate
xxx Hz
Output Rate
xxx Hz
Phase Point
xxx %
LCD menu flow chart for firmware versions 4.20 and greater.
Bold boxes represent decision points.
Figure 40 - IS-900 LCD Menu Flow Chart
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10. Appendix A – Frequently Asked Questions
What is the maximum length of the cable between the IS-900 MicroTrax Tracked
Devices and IS-900 Processor?
The cable between the IS-900 Processor and the MicroTrax Devices has been tested to a length
of 15 m (50 feet). This is the total length of cabling including the Tracker cable and the Tracker
Extension cable.
What is the maximum cable length from the IS-900 Processor to the SoniStrips?
The Processor to SoniStrip Cable, Part No. 078-00088-0030, can run a maximum length of 15
meters (50 ft). The maximum length of the total SoniStrip daisy chain measured from the IS-900
Processor to the end of the SoniStrip chain is 24 meters (80 ft.) without external power boosters.
The IS-900 SimTracker configuration can support a maximum of 12 SoniStrips (36 SoniDiscs) per
system. The IS-900 VETracker configuration can support 84 SoniStrips (252 SoniDiscs) split
between two ports with the use of external power boosters. With the power boosters, the
maximum length of the complete SoniStrip daisy chain measured from the IS-900 Processor to
the end of the SoniStrip chain can be greater than 90 meters (300 ft.). Please consult
InterSense for non-standard configuration support!
See Section 1.8 for full details on cabling.
What is the Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) of each component separately?
Based on supplier data, the MTBF for the IS-900 is estimated at 5 years.
What type of shock can the MicroTrax Tracked Devices sustain?
The individual inertial components in the MicroTrax Devices are designed to withstand a
maximum acceleration of 500 g. Basically this means that a direct impact on the devices is not
recommended and will most likely result in damaging the packaging, ultrasonic components
and/or calibration of the device.
Should your tracking components experience this type of shock, consult InterSense to determine
if repairs or recalibration are needed.
The MicroTrax devices can withstand a higher level of external shock if mounted on rubber, since
the acceleration experienced by the MicroTrax device itself is reduced. Also, InterSense
manufactures hardened tracking devices for industrial environments. Consult InterSense sales if
you require a hardened tracking device.
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What are the PIN assignments on the RS-232 Serial Ports (DB9) on the IS-900
Do you have any advice about working with software packages?
InterSense maintains a full list of supported Third-Party Programs at Please check this web page and then consult
with the software vendor first to determine compatibility.
If the software package is not listed or you have any questions, contact InterSense technical
support at
How do I know whether I have the latest release of ISDEMO?
Check our web site’s Support section. The direct URL is All versions of our product CDs are available
for download. We always post the latest release for you to download.
If my tracker is not working properly, how can I have it examined or repaired?
Please contact InterSense technical support at +1 781-541-7624, or email A support representative will assist you with troubleshooting the
tracker, and if it is determined that there is a hardware problem, can provide a return
authorization number to have it repaired. InterSense has a standard warranty of one year for all
serial-numbered items, which covers defects in materials and workmanship. Physical or electrical
damaged to equipment is not covered, with the exception of damage that is caused by another
InterSense device being properly connected to the damaged device, or in similar instances.
If your device is more than one year old, it can still be repaired by InterSense, but it may incur an
examination fee as well as charges for parts and labor. If you require warranty coverage on a
device or devices beyond one year, InterSense sells extended warranties in one-year increments
– please contact your sales representative for additional information or to purchase such a
warranty extension.
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11. Appendix B – Troubleshooting & Tips
ISDEMO doesn’t work /
can’t connect to IS-900
Most common reasons (not in any order):
1) Connected to wrong COM port plug on the back of the
2) The selected serial port is captured by another program
and can’t be opened by ISDEMO.
3) The RS-232 cable running from the PCTracker Hub to
the computer is not a null modem serial cable (crossed
TX and RX lines).
4) The RS-232 cable running from the IS-900 to the
computer is not a straight-through serial cable.
5) Not using Start Displaying Data (CTRL-D). It may be
necessary to select Stop Displaying Data (CTRL-X)
6) Check the communication settings for proper
configuration with either Serial or Ethernet, depending
on the choice of host communications.
7) If connecting over Ethernet, you may need to save the
settings and power-cycle the IS-900 for them to take
effect. Also, verify that you are using a patch cable if
connected to a hub/switch or a crossover cable if
connected directly to a PC.
8) If connecting over Ethernet, ensure that you are on the
correct subnet. This means that the first three dotted
numbers are the same between the PC and IS-900, and
the subnet mask for the PC’s network card is
ISDEMO is running, but
system does not track
Check for the following:
1) The IS-900 is not plugged in or the host connection is
not plugged in or configured properly. Check all power,
connections and Communication configuration in
2) The SoniStrips are not connected to, or detected by, the
IS-900 (the port they are connected to should have a
corresponding red LED lit to indicate they are
connected – if no red LED is lit, then try powering down
the IS-900, unplugging and replugging the cable, and
turning the IS-900 on again).
3) The SoniStrips may be connected to the processor with
an incorrect cable. The cables used between
SoniStrips and between a SoniStrip and the IS-900
should have 10 pins, and will typically have a blue band
around them. If your cable has 8 pins, it is a tracker
cable and cannot be used with SoniStrips.
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Tracker(s) are lost
Check for the following:
1) A valid constellation for the SoniStrips is loaded.
2) The small microphones on the MicroTrax Device(s) are
covered, upside down or the device is not located under
the SoniStrip constellation.
3) From the main ISDEMO window, run a self test by
selecting menu items “Tools à System Self-Test” and
then from the Tracker Hardware and Configuration Test
window select menu item “Test à Run Tests”. This
creates a window with text information about the
configuration of the system and will report is the IS-900
is communicating correctly to both the SoniStrips and
Tracker(s). This text file can be saved from the same
window using the menu item “File à Save” and sent to
InterSense for technical support
Orientation is drifting
After power down, make sure that MicroTrax Device is
properly plugged in and if running wireless a
communication channel is working.
Specific Troubleshooting Tips for Wireless Devices
ISSUE: The IS-900 Processor reports an X on the LCD for a wireless station
Run self-test using ISDEMO: Select:
Tools→System Self-Test→Test→Run Tests
At the bottom of the test report, check for error or warning messages:
Link down for
station n
Possible Cause
Transmitter is powered off or in sleep
mode or battery is discharged
MicroTrax is not plugged into
Transmitter channel does not match
Base Receiver Module channel
Transmitter is out of range
RF interference from another receiver
transmitter being used with another IS900 system in the area
RF interference from other sources
Link ID for station n
doesn’t match initial
MicroTrax was swapped out with
another unit while IS-900 processor
was on
Wireless link could not be established
when the IS-900 Processor powered
up and the MicroTrax is not the same
IS-900 User Guide
Switch module power on, move
transmitter to wake it up, plug in
charger, respectively
Switch transmitter module off, plug in
MicroTrax, switch back on
In ISDEMO, select
Parameters? Wireless Configuration
to set up radios
Move transmitter and Base Receiver
Module closer together until
connection is reestablished
Check for other receiver or transmitter
in the area that are powered on and
set to the same RF channel.
Check for and turn off possible 2.4
GHz sources such as WLANs,
cordless phones, Bluetooth devices
Reset IS-900 Processor (if using
anonymous mode) or select
Parameters? Wireless Configuration
in ISDEMO to set up radios (if using
normal mode)
Reset IS-900 Processor (if using
anonymous mode) or select
Parameters? Wireless Configuration
Page 96 of 159
unit on the station port the last time the
system was used
Interference from a transmitter being
used with another IS-900 system
Channels for
stations n and m
are both set to x
Link ID for stations
n and m are both x
Receivers are set to the same channel
MicroTrax units are not compatible
with each other
in ISDEMO to set up radios (if using
normal mode)
Check for transmitter in the area that
is powered on and set to the same
In ISDEMO, select
Parameters? Wireless Configuration
to set up radios
Contact InterSense
ISSUE: The Base Receiver Module Connection LED intermittently turns on and off
while using the system.
⇒ Try moving the Base Receiver Module to a different location, either further away from
other Base Receiver Modules or away from any large metal structures and/or closer
to the tracking area.
ISSUE: The Transmitter Module does not last more than 6 hours on a single
⇒ Make sure the charge light is off before you start to use the device to get the full
charge time.
If the device is over a year old and you have been using it regularly, it may be time to
replace the battery. Contact InterSense on how to return the device for the battery
If the device is fully charged but only lasts a short time (less than 5 hours) there may be
a hardware failure. Contact InterSense on how to return the device for service. If you
suspect a hardware failure, do not continue to use the device - it could damage the
battery and cause a danger. See Battery Warnings at the beginning of this manual.
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12. Appendix C - Health & Safety Warnings with Tracker
Use Guidelines
Most of the side effects described in this section usually only occur when a tracking device, like
an IS-900, is used with personal displays or 3D glasses. The symptoms listed below usually
are referred to as “Simulator Sickness”.
Read and follow the user instructions.
Before using the IS-900, read and follow the user instructions. Also fully read
any 3 party software or HMD instructions. In exceptional circumstances,
failure to read and follow the user instructions could result in possible side
effects that may lead to accidental injury during or after use.
For use only by persons 15 years of age or older. This system should not be
used by:
Persons under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Pregnant women.
Persons suffering from a heart condition
Persons with a history of epilepsy.
Take frequent breaks.
It is recommended that the IS-900 should not be used for more than one hour
at a time in visually immersive applications. After an hour, you should take a
15-minute rest break before re-use regardless of how you feel. If you feel
uncomfortable at any time, stop using immediately.
Rest after using.
Rest for at least 15 minutes after using the IS-900 even if you feel fine and
have experienced none of the symptoms described below. If you have
experienced any undesirable effects or symptoms, rest until they are
completely gone. Do not walk, drive, ride a bike or operate equipment until you
have rested, otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others.
Epilepsy and seizures.
A very small part of the population has a condition that may result in epileptic
seizures or loss of consciousness. If you or anyone in your family has epilepsy
or has experienced seizures or loss of consciousness, do not use PCTracker
without first consulting your physician. Persons who have not experienced
seizures or loss of consciousness may still have an epileptic condition. We
recommend that a non-user is always present when the PCTracker is being
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Additional possible risks of harm.
While tracking technology has been used for many years, the range of sensors
that are used to calculate positional and angular data continues to develop.
Over the last twenty years as considerable amount of research has been
conducted into possible side effects induced in users of real time computing
systems that include various types of tracking sensors. This research has
reported the symptoms described below from some users of these systems.
The IS-900 is designed using the latest sensor technologies and we believe
that the possibility of such symptoms occurring is minimized. However, it is
not possible to design for the individual characteristics of each user and it is
possible that users will experience one or more of the side effects described
below. Historic research shows that the effects or symptoms ordinarily occur
during and immediately after use and should diminish quickly once the user
stops using the system.
We want you to make an informed and responsible choice about using the IS900. Accordingly, we warn you that even if you read and follow the User
Instructions, you may experience one or more of the following effects or
symptoms when using an IS-900 with a personal display: eye strain, altered
vision, eye or muscle twitching, headaches, neck and shoulder strain, nausea
and vomiting, disorientation, dizziness, impaired balance and stability,
drowsiness, fainting, fatigue, sweating, extreme paleness, impaired hand-eye
or other co-ordination.
Each effect or symptom, if it occurs, should be temporary and may last from a
few minutes to 30 minutes.
Tracker Use Guidelines
Keep the IS-900 MicroTrax tracking devices still for the first 10
seconds after starting your application software.
It is recommended, though not required, that you wait for the
MicroTrax devices to warm up (it achieves optimal performance after
warming up for at least 15-20 minutes).
The IS-900 system is tuned for normal head & hand motion. Avoid
shaking/vibration. Remember, this precision instrument uses angular
rate sensors, which sense smooth, regular movement very well.
If you keep these guidelines in mind, your IS-900 system will deliver superb
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13. Appendix D– Care & Maintenance
Care and Cleaning
When not in use, always return your IS900 wireless devices (Wand and Wireless Transmitter) to
InterSense’s MicroTrax Docking Station or individual charger. The first step to keeping the IS-900
clean is to keep dirt and dust from accumulating. Try to keep the area around the system clear
and clean. Open ports in the rear of the base unit can quickly accumulate dust and dirt that can
affect their functioning.
Recommended cleaning materials are the same as those for computers. Antistatic cloths, which
not only clean the components, but also reduce static electricity, should always be used.
Cleaning solutions should be applied to the cloth and not directly on any part of the system
Phone & email support
Any questions regarding the care and maintenance of your IS-900 system can be handled by
phone (781) 541-7624 (Toll Free in the US 888-359-8478 x624) or by email Please see the Support page at for the
technical support contact information.
Returns to InterSense
If you need to return a component to InterSense for replacement or repair, contact InterSense
prior to shipment to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number. When calling, please look on the
back of IS-900 Processor to provide the serial number and the serial number of any devices you
need to return to help us complete the RA process.
When shipping use the following address:
InterSense, Inc.
36 Crosby Drive
Suite 150
Bedford, MA 01730
RA # ___________________
Please note that InterSense will not be responsible for materials returned without an RMA
number clearly marked on the outside of the shipping package.
Read the Warnings and Precautionary Statements at the beginning of the manual regarding the
Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries.
Electrical power
IS-900 MicroTrax Charging Station: Input 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz; Output +5VDC, 2.5A
There are no user replaceable fuses in either the Wireless Transmitter Module or Receiver Base
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14. Appendix E – ISDEMO Reference
For ISDEMO Versions 4.1710 and above.
ISDEMO is a tool to help you test, diagnose and configure your system. With ISDEMO, it is
possible to test all the features of the tracker. Use it also to set and save tracker configurations.
Software included with your tracking device consists of the following:
Win32 version for use with Windows2000/NT/XP or VISTA.
ISDEMO provides a convenient graphical interface that can configure most of the tracker
parameters. It does not directly support some features. Sending single line commands through
the serial port or via the ISDEMO Command prompt can configure these features. See the
section titled “Interface Communication Protocol” for descriptions of all the available commands.
Getting Started
Install the InterSense product CD on your machine. It will automatically create a directory in y our
hard drive called “InterSense.”
The first screen you will see is the hardware selection window. This program creates a different
interface depending on the tracker model selected.
Select IS-900 Series interface and click Accept to begin. Use the Detect option from this
first screen to detect serial communication port and baud rate parameters only if you
have trouble setting them manually.
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The DLL Compatible interface can be used for all InterSense trackers when isense.dll is
installed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory of a Windows PC. For set-up and
configuration of the IS-900, it is recommended to use the IS-900 Series interface, as
some of the interactive controls through the isense.dll interface are inactive in ISDEMO.
However, the DLL Compatible option can be useful to test that the IS-900 system is
properly interfacing to the isense.dll for verification of an end-user application.
Note: You must select either IS-900 or DLL Compatible (if the isense.dll is installed), or
ISDEMO will not be able to correctly configure your tracker.
If you have an InterSense RF analyzer accessory, you can launch the user interface
from this first screen by selecting Wireless? RF Scope on the menu bar. See section
14.8 for details.
ISDEMO: Main window
ISDEMO has six primary menus in its main window:
The following sections will walk you through all the menu options.
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File Options
The File menu (shown above) provides you with the following options:
Select Hardware Device
System Initialization window (also seen at initial start-up) is
shown when Select Hardware Device is selected. Use this
window to select or detect the tracker model connected to your
Configuration Lock
Configuration lock commands are used to prevent
unintentional changes to tracker configurations being saved to
permanent memory. They disable of enable the ^K command
and the W command.
Save Current Settings
Sends ^K command to the tracker. This saves the current
settings to nonvolatile memory in the tracker base unit. The
next time the tracker is turned on these settings will be
Load Power Up Settings
Sends ^Y commands to the tracker. This restores the
firmware to the power up condition. All changes made to the
settings since power up or last ^K command are lost.
Load and Save Factory Settings
Sends W command to the tracker. This restores the system
settings to the factory defaults.
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Communications Options
This menu allows the communications port and the baud rate of the computer ISDEMO
is running on to be set to match the settings of the tracker. The default settings are
COM port 1, with a rate of 115,200 baud.
Communications Setup
The IS-900 allows both Serial communications as well as
Ethernet communications. The Ethernet interface is used as a
command interface with exactly the same InterSense
command protocol used for the serial port.
communications interface is available as a view port while the
host application is communicating through the other interface.
Using ISDEMO on one port while communicating tracking data
through the second allows performance of basic diagnostics or
system configuration while the host application is live.
Selecting the Communication Setup menu option brings up of
the following configuration window.
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Ethernet Configuration
Ethernet is supported with IS-900 firmware version 4.20 and higher. Ethernet is disabled
by default. An IP address must be configured using the serial port to enable the
Ethernet option. Refer to Section 4.2 to set an IP address for your IS-900 tracker. Two
Ethernet interface paths are available - a command interface and a UDP broadcast
interface. TCP is used in this case with socket port 5005. Only a single client at a time
can connect via the command interface.
Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the IS-900 in the Server IP Address
box, and leave the Network Port set at 5005. After typing the
Server IP Address, you must hit enter while the cursor is still in
the box, or the program will ignore the change.
Network Port
This setting must be 5005 for TCP.
Serial Configuration
Default settings are for the serial port set to COM 1 with a baud rate of 115,200.
Serial Port
Choose the RS232 port the tracker is connected to.
Baud Rate
Choose the communications speed the tracker is connected
ISDEMO attempts to connect to the IS-900 Processor using
the selected communication parameters.
Exits the screen saving the current selected communication
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Detect RS232 Settings
When chosen, this option will automatically detect the port and
the baud rate being used. The program attempts to establish
communication by sending the S command (status record
request) and waiting for a response for 2 seconds. If the
status record is not received within that time the program tries
again with the different communication parameters.
Parameter Options
Parameters menu allows access to the tracker configuration controls.
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Tracker System Parameters
Output Mode
Polled or Continuous. In Polled mode, data records are sent
out only in response to a P command.
(output record)
Data Format
(F command) Numbers are returned in ASCII format. Each
number has 7 ASCII characters: a sign, 3 digits, a decimal
point, and 2 more digits.
(f command) Floats are sent as 4 bytes of IEEE 32-bit floats.
This can increase the data throughput by minimizing the size
of the record.
IS-900 User Guide
(MG command) Off, Automatic (not supported), External
(manual, supply strobe rate), Internal (supply output record
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Sync Rate
Value in Hertz used with Genlock enabled.
Sync Phase
Please see section 15 for complete details.
SoniDisc LEDs
(ML command) Enable and disable the SoniStrip LEDs.
Ultrasonic Volume
Sets the volume of the SoniDiscs (ultrasonic emitters).
Ranges between 0 (off) and 3 (maximum volume).
Station and Sensor Parameters
The window shown below lists each station to be configured. A “Station” is a position
and/or orientation-sensing unit. IS-900 Series trackers can support up to 7 stations (the
8th port being reserved for SoniStrips).
Before data is displayed in this list, ISDEMO attempts to receive the configuration data
from the tracker. If this fails for any reason, an error message is displayed and data in
the list may not be reliable.
Double clicking on the Station line or selecting the Change button will bring up the
Station Configuration window where changes can be made.
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Station Configuration window
Station ON/OFF
When a station is ON a data record will be sent for it, even if
there is no hardware connected to the base unit.
Perceptual Enhancement Level
In order to provide the best performance for a large range of
applications, three levels of perceptual enhancement are
available. None of the modes introduce any additional latency.
Mode 0 provides the best accuracy. The inertial tracker uses
gyros to measure angular rotation rates for computing the
sensor’s orientation. To compensate for the drift, tracker uses
accelerometers and an ultrasonic range measurement system
to measure the actual physical position and orientation of the
sensor. That data is then used to compute the necessary
correction. In Mode 0 correction adjustments are made
immediately, no jitter reduction algorithms are used. This
results in most accurate output (not recommended for head
tracking) with lower RMS error. Use this mode for accuracy
testing or for any application that requires best accuracy.
Mode 1 provides accuracy similar to that of mode 0, with an
addition of a jitter reduction algorithm. This algorithm reduces
the accuracy by only a small amount and does not add any
latency to the measurements. Mode 1 is recommended for
augmented reality applications (i.e. overlaying or mixing both
virtual and real objects in a visualization system.)
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Mode 2 is recommended for use with HMD or other immersive
applications. The drift correction adjustments are made
smoothly and only while the sensor is moving, so as to be
transparent to the user.
Sensitivity Level
This setting is only used when Perceptual Enhancement Level
is set to 2. It controls the minimum angular rotation rate
picked up by the MicroTrax inertial components. Default is
level 3. Increasing sensitivity does not increase latency during
normal movements. It may result in some small residual
movements for a couple of seconds after the sensor has
stopped. If your application requires sensitivity greater than
the maximum provided by this control, you must use
Perceptual Enhancement level 0 or 1 instead.
Prediction Value
IS-900 can predict motion up to 50 ms into the future, which
compensates for graphics rendering delays and further
contributes to eliminating simulator lag.
Tip Offset
Defines a set of position offsets, so a different point can be
tracked. Offsets are measured in the body coordinate frame of
the MicroTrax station and are entered in centimeters.
Sensor Rotation
Sets the boresight reference angles in degrees for the
specified station.
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Wireless Configuration window
The window shown below lists the wireless status and configuration for each processor
Port of the IS-900 Processor.
Configured Channel
The channel that the connected receiver is configured to. No two
receivers can be configured to the same channel.
Reported Channel
The channel that the connected receiver is currently on.
Configured Link ID
The link ID that assigned to the receiver. Each wireless tracker has a
link ID associated with it when it is shipped. This 5 digit number can be
found on a label on your device.
Reported Link ID
The link ID that is currently associated to the receiver.
Port status. Any ports with a status of “no receiver” do not have
receivers and cannot be configured
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Normal Mode
Use normal mode to set radios to desired channels and station IDs. Only stations with
the specified IDs are connected to. Select a port with a receiver connected and click
In the Port Settings dialog box, enter the channel (0-15) and station ID to use for that
port. Each port must be assigned its own channel. To maximize performance, it is
recommended that active channels be separated by one unused channel. It is possible
to use adjacent channels, but interference may occur under some circumstances.
The link ID is the 5 digit number on a label affixed to the exterior of each tracked device.
If the ID cannot be read from the label, run level 3 self test to determine the ID (see
section 14.6).
Click Clear to remove settings from a port. Click Apply to dismiss the dialog box. Repeat
as needed to configure additional ports.
When done, click Apply configure radios. The operation may take about a minute to
complete. If successful, status for each configured port should be “ok.” If the status is
“station not found,” verify that link IDs are correct and devices are on and in range.
Select Search? RF Search to reapply configuration.
Once configured, stations will connect automatically and do not have to be on and in
range during system initialization.
Anonymous Mode
In anonymous mode, stations are connected to if they are on the same channel as a
receiver regardless of their ID. This allows a station to be swapped out with another
station set to the same channel without reconfiguration (however system reset is
It is recommended that normal mode be used in most situations. This is especially true if
the IS-900 is operating in the vicinity of wireless InertiaCubes or other IS-900 systems
with wireless MicroTrax devices in use. In anonymous mode, the IS-900 may mistakenly
connect to these other nearby devices.
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Display Options
Start (and Stop) Displaying Data
To display position and orientation data being received from
the tracker, use the Start Displaying Data option in the Display
menu or press Ctrl-D. ISDEMO first attempts to establish
communication and get all configuration information necessary
to correctly interpret and display incoming data. If it fails to
receive a reply to any of the status record requests it will still
go into the display mode, but there may be no data to display
or it may not be able to display the data correctly. If such
errors are detected, stop the display by selecting Stop
Displaying Data option in the Display menu or pressing Ctrl-X
and check the connection.
Station Number
Allows the user to choose which station is to be displayed in
the main window of ISDEMO. Ctrl-Fx, where x represents the
station number, can also be used to switch stations. For
example, to switch to station 2, use Ctrl-F2.
Display Text
When this option is selected all status and some of the data
records are displayed in text format in the sensor display area.
To prevent graphics updates from taking over most of the
processor time, no more than 20 data records per second are
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Please note that whenever your tracker is in continuous mode, records are displayed in
the text window even when the display is off.
Tool Options
Constellation™ Tool
IS-900 User Guide
This tool provides a graphical representation of the tracked
area. All tracked devices are shown. The Constellation Tool
is extremely useful when first installing the IS-900 system.
See Section 10.7 of the manual for more information.
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Tracking Statistics
This option is used to display tracking status information for all
stations. G = Genlock indicator. It appears in the right lower
corner of the display if GENLOCK feature is on and working
properly. If the “G” is replaced with an “X”, this indicates the
GENLOCK feature in on, but a valid signal is not being
detected. See Appendix F for details about GENLOCK.
Row 1 (Stn) lists station numbers.
Row 2 (Status) displays the tracking status. Stations display
T when tracking position, and L (Lost) when position tracking
is not possible. If a station configuration is invalid or hardware
is not connected, X is displayed.
Row 3 (Meas) displays the number of range measurements
received by each station during the last cycle. A range
measurement is defined as an ultrasonic signal received by a
single microphone.
Row 4 (Rej) displays the number or range measurements
rejected by the system. This number should normally be zero.
Measurements can be rejected for one of the following
SoniDisc configuration (Constellation) is inaccurate
Ultrasonic interference or reflections are creating false
measurements. Try increasing ultrasonic timeout. See
MU command in section 6.2.1.
Extremely fast movements can sometimes cause some
measurements to be rejected.
Row 5 (TQ) displays the tracking quality of the station as a
percentage. It is a measure of the number of measurements a
station receives and the size of the range errors of the
measurements. 100% means that the station is tracking
perfectly and 0% means it is lost. To activate TQ display, rightclick and select option to enable.
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Row 6 (CI) displays the communication integrity of the station
as a percentage.
100% means that the station is
communicating perfectly and 0% means that it is not
communicating at all. To activate CI display, right-click and
select option to enable.
System Information
This window provides a summary of the InterSense tracker
system configuration.
System Self-Test
There are three levels of tests supported for this release.
Level 1
Designed to detect and display information on all the
connected hardware and compare it to the user configuration
to evaluate it for errors.
This tool is designed for
troubleshooting the system when hardware failure is
Level 2
Displays the current Communication status, Tracking quality
and URM noise for all active stations. Communications
Status for wired stations should always show 100%. If a
station is disconnected, it shows 0%. Anything in between
might indicate a poor connection or an excessive length of
cable. Wireless stations, on the other hand, typically show
less than 100% because some records are lost or corrupted
due to the nature of the radio link. Tracking quality is a
measure of the number of measurements a station receives
and the size of the range errors of the measurements. 100%
means that the station is tracking perfectly and 0% means it is
lost. URM noise is measured by suspending the firing of
beacons for a period of time and counting the number of
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detections at each microphone. Under good conditions, the
percentage is 0% or close to it.
IMU stands for Inertial Measurement Unit, also called
InertiaCube. URS stands for Ultrasonic Ranging System and
includes interface board, microphones, and transmitters
Level 3
Searches for wireless stations and displays wireless receiver
and station configuration. Please note that the search
operation can take a minute or so to complete. This tool is
useful for identifying a wireless device if its ID is unknown. The
ID is needed to use the ISDEMO Wireless Configuration Tool.
Wireless receivers are listed with their respective port
numbers and channel settings plus a field that indicates
the type of control (active or manual). MicroTrax receivers
have active control, which means channel settings and station
pairings can be changed using the Wireless Configuration
Tool. Previous-generation receivers have manual control via a
mechanical channel switch. Wireless stations that were
detected during the search are listed with their respective IDs
and channel settings. If the station is paired with a receiver, its
port and slot number is also shown. The search operation can
only detect stations that are powered on and in range. Since
the search operation scans through all available channels, be
aware that it may temporarily interfere with other InterSense
trackers if they are in range.
Self test reports generated here can be saved to the disk using the Save to a File option
in the File menu.
Send the reports to InterSense technical support
( for analysis and help with troubleshooting.
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Test procedure may generate warning and errors that are displayed at the end of the
report. If errors are detected, corresponding error records are also generated and can
be displayed in the Error Report tool.
Log Files
The system log file can be retrieved and viewed with the
Log? Get System Log File option on the System Self Test
The command logging function can also accessed from this
screen with the Log? Command Log menu.
Error Report
System errors are logged by the tracker and displayed on the
base unit LCD. If software error reporting is enabled, error
messages are sent out the serial port and can be displayed by
ISDEMO. This tool is designed to display InterSense-specific
error messages and ignores standard Fastrak errors.
See Section 14.6.1 for a list of errors and their meanings.
Save to File
Save contents of the window to a text file.
Get From Tracker
Requests a full list of currently stored error codes and displays
Clear All Lists
Sends command to the tracker to clear the error list and
erases the contents of the window.
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Data Capture/Playback Utility
ISDEMO has the ability to write the data it receives from the
tracker to a file. To utilize this feature you must first specify
the name and location of the output file. To start data
collection, select Record. Data can be Saved as is, or in an
ASCII or Binary Flat File. When the Flat File option is
selected, only tracker data is saved, one line per update cycle.
To import data to Excel or Matlab the output format must be
set to ASCII or the ASCII Flat File option must be used.
Previously recorded data can be displayed through ISDEMO
by selecting Play. Playback option will only work on files
saved with the Save as is option.
Send Command String
IS-900 User Guide
Allows single line commands to be sent to the tracker. This
tool is provided to allow control over the tracker parameters
not supported in the ISDEMO menus and dialogs or on the
LCD button panel. For instance, this function can be used for
test and debug purposes. Type in the command and press
Enter or Return. The  pair is automatically added to
the end of the line before it is written to the serial port. See
Section 4—Interface Communications Protocol for the
complete list of all available commands.
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Configuration Script Tool
This utility provides complete control over the tracker
parameters, including support for multiple configurations.
Contents of the display area of the window can be edited
directly, like in any text editor.
Load from File
Opens a file selection dialog box. Configuration file must be a
plain text file.
Save to File
Used to save contents of the window to a text file.
Retrieve from Tracker F5
Queries the tracker for all possible configuration parameters,
converts them to commands and displays the results in the
window. This can then be saved to a file.
Send to Tracker
Sends all interface commands in the display area to the
tracker. CR LF pair is automatically added to each line.
Remote Diagnostics
This feature of ISDEMO is designed to improve technical
support by allowing an InterSense engineer to diagnose a
tracker remotely, eliminating the need for the customer to
spend a significant amount of time on the phone.
To use this feature the tracker has to be connected to a PC
with a working connection to the Internet. Firewall introduces
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some difficulty, but it should still work. An InterSense technical
support engineer will walk you through the required procedure.
When connected, ISDEMO becomes a relay, passing serial
port data to a remote host. Commands sent from the remote
host are also relayed to the tracker. InterSense engineers at
the remote computer can run diagnostics software as if the
tracker was connected to that computer directly.
There are two ways of connecting to the remote host.
ISDEMO can listen to the connection requests on the specified
port, or it can try to connect itself. The first method is
preferred as it makes it easier for the InterSense engineer to
reconnect if connection is lost for any reason. For this to work
the PC can’t be behind a firewall (proxy) and InterSense
engineer must know its IP address. To diagnose the tracker
with this method do the following:
1. Make sure that ISDEMO can communicate with the
2. Open the Remote Diagnostics tool.
3. Write down the IP address displayed in Local Info line.
4. Make sure protocol selection is set to TCP, port to
5001. If this is not possible, notify InterSense.
5. Click on Listen button and confirm by reading the
6. Call InterSense or send email containing the IP
address and port number.
If your PC is behind a firewall, ISDEMO will need to connect
via the second method. To connect in this way, follow these
1. Make sure that ISDEMO can communicate with the
2. Open the Remote Diagnostics tool.
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3. Call or email InterSense to obtain the Server IP
4. Make sure that protocol selection is set to TCP and
port to 5001. If this port is not available, other numbers
can be used, provided that InterSense engineer is
5. Enter IP Address and click on Connect button.
6. Watch the message area of the window for status
7. If connection is lost prematurely, try to reconnect.
For unattended operation or if link is intermittent, please make
sure that Reconnect Automatically option is selected.
It is desirable to have the InterSense technician on the phone
during the diagnostics session, as he or she might have
questions about the physical configuration and position of the
tracker. If this is not convenient, a simple chat client is build
into the program. It allows one-line messages to be sent to
and from the remote host. Messages are displayed in the text
window. To send a message, open Send Message control in
the Commands menu.
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System Errors
Some basic system errors and their meanings are listed in the table below.
Math exception
SOS out of range - check PSE
Inconsistent PSE position or
obtuse PSE angle
URM start/read failed
IMU start/read failed
IMU read timed out
IMU NVRAM read failed
Invalid sensor data or bad IMU
calibration - if persists contact
Poor/invalid Constellation or
microphone configuration.
Check beacon normal vectors.
No MicroTrax device connected
to this port
Failed reading sensor EPROM
IMU get config failed
IO Card
Can't select IMU channels
Fatal IMU IO board failure
IO Card
Bad IO board status
Failed to produce Alignment
Reference Frame matrix
SoniDisc Hardware ID out of
Too few SoniDiscs to track
Joystick Joystick start/read failed
Joystick get info failed
Wireless Link ID for stations are both…
Wireless Channels for stations are both...
Wireless Mixed radio types not supported
Likely communication error.
Likely communication error.
Failure while reading calibration
data from MicroTrax device
Driver level error. Occurs during
IO Board initialization.
IMU read error.
Hardware problem, contact
Hardware problem, run level 1
self-test for details and contact
Invalid parameters specified in
“A” command
SoniDisc hardware ID is invalid.
Minimum of 3 SoniDisks required.
Likely communication error.
Duplicate station ID encountered.
Stations are set to same channel.
Older radio sets cannot be used
in combination with MicroTrax.
Standard Fastrak error codes
Field missing, command is invalid.
Parameter is not a numeric value, command is invalid.
Parameter value is out of range, command is invalid.
Not configured (not used by InterSense).
Buffer limit exceeded (not used by InterSense).
Invalid command parameter.
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Constellation Configuration Tool
Constellation Configuration tool is used to configure and manage the Constellation of
SoniDiscs. This is the most important part of tracker configuration, as it has a direct
effect on quality of tracking.
IS-900 models contain an ultrasonic subsystem that includes SoniDiscs (Ultrasonic
Transponder Beacons) and Microphones (URMs). To generalize the interface protocol
and configuration tools for these tracker models, InterSense uses the term: PSE Position Sensing Element.
A PSE may be Mobile or Fixed. Mobile PSEs are assigned to the stations and their
movements are tracked by the system. Fixed PSEs form a CONSTELLATION that is
used as a reference for tracking. In the case of IS-900 tracking systems, Microphones
are mobile and SoniDiscs are fixed.
General Guidelines
The position of a SoniDisc is defined as the coordinates of the center of the grill covering
the speaker. All values are entered in meters. The coordinates of the SoniDiscs are
entered in a user-defined, locally leveled coordinate frame. The coordinate system is
right-handed with X pointing forward, Y to the right and Z pointing down (see Section
3.1 for details on the InterSense standard coordinate system). Position data for all
stations is computed relative to that coordinate system.
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Mobile PSE configuration is stored in the EPROM of each station and is configured
automatically without user input.
Constellation, however, is custom for each
installation and must be configured before the system can be used.
SoniDiscs are available in several types of protective housings, including SoniPods,
SoniFrames, SoniWings, and SoniStrips. This Section will focus on the most common
form—SoniStrips. For more information about the other SoniDisc housing styles, see
their appropriate supplemental manual.
For best performance it is generally
recommended that SoniStrips be installed in a regular grid over the tracked area. The
total distance from a SoniDisc in the Constellation to a tracked station should not exceed
3.05 meter (10 feet) to guarantee good signal detection (4.0 meter with +15 VDC
external power boosters).
IS-900 default configuration does not contain a Constellation, so it is up to the user to
configure it. The system is shipped with a packing list containing the part numbers of the
included SoniStrips. These part numbers and corresponding SoniDisc Hardware IDs are
used in the Constellation tool to identify the SoniStrips.
To operate, the system needs to know the position and orientation of each of the
SoniDiscs in the Constellation with high degree of accuracy (2 to 3 mm positional
accuracy and at least 5 degrees for the normal vectors of each SoniDisc in the
Constellation). A high accuracy device, like a total station (also known as a Theadolite
with absolute position measuring capabilities), will be required to measure the positions
of the SoniDiscs and enter them into the system configuration. The importance of the
quality of this data can’t be overstated, as the system cannot track better than its
configuration would allow.
A unit normal vector, as shown in the figure above, defines the orientation of a SoniDisc.
The default assumption is that the Constellation is installed horizontally over the tracked
area, so the normal vector points straight down with unit normal vector coordinates of
0,0,1. Entering the correct normal vector for each SoniStrip is important. The normal
vector information is used by the IS-900 tracking algorithm to correctly schedule the
polling of SoniDiscs.
File Menu
IS-900 User Guide
Opens a file selection dialog. Select a configuration file and
click OK. The file is read in and Constellation contained in it
replaces the currently displayed configuration.
Currently displayed Constellation is saved to a file previously
selected with the Open or Save As commands.
Save As
Opens a file selection dialog. Current Constellation is
written to the selected file, previous contents are overwritten.
Page 125 of 159
Constellation Menu
Retrieve from Tracker
ISDEMO requests the current Constellation from the IS-900
base unit and displays the received configuration. Any
configuration displayed prior to this command is replaced.
Send To Tracker
Currently displayed configuration is sent to the tracker. This
command is used to apply custom configuration once data
entry has been completed. Please note that Constellation
editing is done off line, so this step is required.
Display Full List
Displayed window contains the entire Constellation, one
SoniDisc per line. Selecting Change item under the Edit menu
or double-clicking on a line opens the SoniStrip Properties
window, where position and orientation data can be edited.
You can also use this window to selectively delete SoniDiscs.
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Grid Menu
SoniDiscs in pre-calibrated configurations such as the
SoniWing, SoniFrame, and L-Frame can be added to the
Constellation with this feature. By selecting one of the three
choices, ISDEMO will prompt the user to enter information
about the hardware in use. After selecting the proper settings
for the hardware you intend to use, ISDEMO will add the
associated SoniDiscs to the Constellation.
This feature is designed for the IS-1200 and should not be
used with the IS-900.
Edit Menu
Select All
This action will select all the SoniStrips and corresponding
SoniDiscs. Use to perform additional “right mouse click”
operations on the entire SoniStrip Constellation.
Center Tracker
The display origin of the Constellation, Tool is moved so that
station currently selected for display in the main window of
ISDEMO is displayed in the center of the screen.
Undo Center Tracker The effects of Center Tracker command are removed and
display origin is aligned with the origin of the coordinate
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Define Coordinate System
Used to specify the exact location of your origin when using a
total station to measure the exact XYZ locations of your
Move Coordinate System
Used to move the origin of the coordinate system to a new
location. After this menu item is selected, left-click in the
display area and while holding the button down, move the
mouse. The coordinate system will then move with the
mouse. Release the mouse button when satisfied with the
location. Positions of the SoniStrips are recalculated for the
new coordinate system and redrawn. This command has the
same effect as selecting all SoniStrips and moving them to a
new location relative to the origin. To apply the changes use
Send To Tracker item in the Constellation menu.
Rotate Coordinate System
Used to rotate the coordinate system. After this menu item is
selected, left-click in the display area and while holding the
button down, move the mouse up or down. The coordinate
system will rotate in the clock-wise or counter clock-wise
direction. Release the mouse button when satisfied with the
new orientation. Positions of the SoniStrips are recalculated
for the new coordinate system. To apply the changes use
Send To Tracker item in the Constellation menu.
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Display Menu
Start Displaying Data
Turns the display on. Configured stations are displayed in
green when tracking, or in red if lost. When display is on,
SoniDiscs in the Constellation are displayed in green when
they are used for tracking or in red, if range measurements
received are rejected by the tracker. During normal operation
SoniDiscs should never appear red. If they do, Constellation
must be examined for configuration errors. Tracker will only
query the SoniDiscs in the immediate vicinity of a station, all
others are ignored and will be drawn in white.
Stop Displaying Data Turns the display off. Constellation editor commands can
only be used when display is off.
Zoom In/Out
Changes the scale factor of the display. Current zoom setting
is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Current Station
Changes which station ISDEMO will show as the primary
station. Certain functions, such as center tracker (discussed
under the TOOLS tab) will depend on which station is the
current primary station.
Display Options
Hardware IDs of the SoniDiscs and ultrasonic range
measurements can optionally be displayed along with the
positions of the configured stations.
In most cases a Constellation is installed horizontally over
the tracked area, so XY view is the default. In other cases, XZ
and YZ views can be used. The coordinate system is righthanded with X forward, Y to the right and Z pointing down.
IS-900 User Guide
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Using the Constellation Graphical Interface to manually configure a Constellation
By “right-clicking” your mouse in the constellation window, a list of options to manually
configure your constellation appears.
Use your mouse to select which
SoniStrip/SoniDiscs you would like to manipulate.
Removes selected (highlighted in yellow) SoniStrips or
SoniDiscs from the Constellation.
Inserting SoniStrips
1. Right-click in the Constellation Tool window at the position
where the new SoniStrip is to be placed.
2. Select Insert Rev3 SoniStrip item. Rev1 and Rev2 SoniStrips
are not used with IS-900 SimTracker or VETracker processor
configurations. A window listing available SoniStrip options is
displayed. Select one and click OK. The new SoniStrip will
appear in the display area. It is also removed from the list of
available SoniStrip options.
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3. Using the mouse move the newly added SoniStrip to the
desired position.
Moving SoniStrips
IS-900 User Guide
SoniStrip position and orientation can be changed using the
mouse or by using the commands available on the right-click
menu. To move with the mouse, select the SoniStrip and
drag. Multiple SoniStrips can be selected and moved by
keeping the Ctrl or Shift keys pressed while selecting and
dragging. To rotate a SoniStrip using the mouse, select one of
the SoniDiscs and without releasing the left mouse button,
move the mouse up or down. The SoniStrip will rotate about
the selected SoniDisc. If more than one SoniDisc is selected,
the whole SoniStrip is moved with the mouse.
Page 131 of 159
Move SoniStrips (right-click menu)
All selected SoniStrips are moved by the specified distance in
X, Y and Z dimension. All values are entered in meters.
Line-up SoniStrips (right-click menu)
This tool changes the orientation of all selected SoniStrips to
match one of them. The selection window displays a list of all
the currently selected SoniStrips. Choose one and click OK.
All selected SoniStrips become parallel. This is useful when
configuring a Constellation installed on a regular grid, such
as a drop ceiling.
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Set X/Y/Z Spacing (right-click menu)
This tool applies a set spacing to the group of selected
SoniStrips. Value is entered in meters. The order of the
SoniStrips is preserved. For example, when setting up a grid
attached to a drop ceiling with 2 foot tiles, enter 0.6096 and
click Apply.
Light Up SoniDisc (right-click menu)
This option is extremely helpful in diagnosing potential cabling
and/or configuration problems. By selecting a single SoniDisc
and then choosing this option, the blue LED for the selected
SoniDisc is turned on for a few seconds. Use this visual
confirmation to check that the SoniDisc is connected properly,
and that its location in the constellation is consistent with its
location in the physical world.
IS-900 User Guide
A more precise way to move or rotate a SoniStrip is to use the
Properties Window, which is opened by double-clicking on a
SoniStrip or selecting Properties in the right-click menu. The
properties window lists positions and normal vectors of the 3
SoniDiscs that belong to the SoniStrip. To move or rotate a
SoniStrip, change the position values for one of the SoniDiscs.
You’ll notice that Apply button becomes active and the
Hardware IDs of the other 2 SoniDiscs are grayed out and
corresponding position fields are disabled. By clicking the
Apply button, a dialog box is displayed that allows the action
that is to be performed next to be selected. First option
(default) will move the entire SoniStrip to the new location
without changing its orientation. Alternatively, the SoniStrip
can be rotated about one of the remaining SoniDiscs. The
rotation algorithm uses the selected SoniDisc as the pivot
point and computes the line from that point to the new location
of the SoniDisc that had the position data changed. The
SoniStrip is then rotated to correspond to that line. Actions
can be cancelled at any time.
Page 133 of 159
Tools Menu
Constellation 3D
IS-900 User Guide
This tool gives a three dimensional view of the constellation,
as well as all tracked devices. Each SoniDisc is drawn with a
normal vector and beacon ID number. Use the slide bars to
zoom in and rotate the constellation.
Page 134 of 159
The Constellation 3D tool also includes a three dimensional
performance tool. This feature will allow and end user to ‘see’
the ultrasonic signal strength under a constellation. For more
information on this tool click on ‘About’.
Tracking Report
Information is gathered about all PSEs. A history of when
stations become ‘lost’ and then reacquire is also recorded at
the bottom of the file. This report is helpful when a PSE
hardware failure is suspected. The Tracking report file can be
saved as a text file and e-mailed to InterSense technical
support for review.
SoniRail Fit Report
Useful to estimate the overall accuracy in calibration of a
constellation file which uses SoniRails. The positions and
distances between three SoniDiscs on one SoniRail are
Inaccuracies in the calibration of the SoniDiscs will affect the
overall accuracy of the IS-900 system.
Using a Microscribe is an extremely accurate way to measure
the positions of your SonisDiscs. First, Set up and initialize
the Microscribe. Plug the microscribe into COM1 of your PC.
In the main window os ISDEMO, change the communications
parameters to COM2. This frees up the resources on the PC
to use the Microscribe. Next use the right-click insert function
of ISDEMO Constellation Tool. Select a SoniDisc you would
like to map by highlighting it. Move the pointed end of the
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Microscribe to be directly in front of the center of the SoniDisc
you are mapping. Use the Microscribe foot petal to record the
position. ISDEMO will move the SoniDisc to the proper
location. You will then need to configure the normal vectors of
the SoniDisc using the right-click properties feature.
Target Aiming Demo
IS-900 User Guide
Designed to show the accuracy and repeatability of the
tracking system. When the zero point of a station is pointing at
a SoniDisc, the color will change. Targets can be added to the
constellation as phantom SoniDiscs with Station ID’s less than
Page 136 of 159
RF Scope
RF Scope is a tool that uses an InterSense RF analyzer accessory to scan the 2.4 GHz
frequency range and display detected signal strength. This is useful to characterize your RF
environment , determine if sources of interference exist and identify channels to use with your
wireless MicroTrax devices to best avoid those sources of interference.
The center frequencies InterSense uses for the 16 available channels range from 2405-2480
MHz in 5 MHz increments as shown in Figure 41. There is a 9 MHz overall spread in each
channel, causing frequency overlap, which is the primary reason why it is recommended that
adjacent channels are not used, if possible.
The frequency spread for each channel results in an overall frequency range from 2400-2483
MHz. Since the radio hardware is limited to 2405-2480 MHz, only half of the range can be
scanned for channels 0 and 15.
frequency (GHz)
ch9 ch10 ch11 ch12 ch13 ch14 ch15
Figure 41 - Frequency Range for Each of the 16 Channels
To use RF Scope you must have an InterSense RF analyzer accessory (or an InertiaCube
wireless receiver) connected to your Windows PC. The InterSense interface DLL, isense.dll,
version 3.90 or later, must also be properly installed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory of
your Windows PC.
Launch RF Scope from the ISDEMO start-up screen by selecting Wireless? RF Scope from the
menu bar. The RF Scope display will appear and connect to the RF analyzer. If RF Scope fails to
connect, please check the connection to the RF analyzer and verify that the correct version of
isense.dll is installed.
To start and stop the display, select the respective option from the Display menu. The display
represents the detected signal strength in two different charts.
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The upper chart indicates the signal strength in dB at 1 MHz increments across the frequency
range (in green). It also shows the maximum signal level detected in each of 16 bins
corresponding to the available wireless channels (in red). The yellow lines are a visual aid that
jump up to the current levels if higher than the lines and then slowly drift down.
The lower chart is a spectrogram or time-frequency plot that displays the average signal level
corresponding to each of the 16 channels versus time.
To evaluate the background RF environment, RF Scope should be used with any other wireless
InterSense equipment powered off. Ideally, the display should indicate a very quiet environment.
Some sporadic activity typically has little effect on wireless MicroTrax communication. However,
sustained activity lasting one second or more can interfere with communication and degrade
tracking performance.
If interference is detected, first try to identify the source and eliminate it if possible. Wireless
LANs, cordless phones and Bluetooth devices are examples of wireless equipment that operate
in the 2.4 GHz range. Try to turn such equipment off or move the wireless components away from
the IS-900.
Once sources of interference have been minimized, set the wireless MicroTrax devices to
channels that exhibit the least interference using the Wireless Configuration tool in ISDEMO (see
section 14.4) to configure the MicroTrax radios.
IS-900 User Guide
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15. Appendix F – GENLOCK Synchronization
GENLOCK synchronization is used to guarantee constant latency between the sampling of the
motion tracking sensor and the current image on the display device. Any change in the amount
of latency between these two events appears as jitter in orientation when the head is rotating.
For typical head rotation rates of 300 degrees/sec, a timing difference of 6.7 milliseconds will
result in orientation jitter of 2 degrees, which can be highly disturbing to the user.
On an IS-900 series product operating with no synchronization, the tracker will update at about
180 Hz, corresponding to a 5.6 ms period. Since the 180 Hz update rate of the tracker is
asynchronous with the update rate of the computer graphics rendering and display cycle, the
latency will vary by up to 5.6 ms from cycle to cycle, and thus GENLOCK synchronization is
essential if smooth response is desired during periods of moderately fast head rotation.
scan out
Figure 42 – Timing Diagram: IS-900 Interfaced to PC with 60 Hz Display Refresh
Figure 42 illustrates the timing relationship of the tracking loop to the rendering loop with
GENLOCK in effect. The vertical lines at multiples of 16.7 milliseconds represent the vertical
sync pulses stripped from the 60 Hz VGA monitor cable. The tracker automatically determines
the frequency of the GENLOCK synchronization signal and then decides upon a tracking loop
update rate which is the highest multiple of this frequency that it can consistently maintain. In the
example in the diagram, the tracker has decided to do 3 internal updates per display refresh
However, ONLY ONCE per display refresh cycle is data output across the serial or Ethernet port
to the host. This point, by default, is at the end of the last update cycle in the field, labeled 6 in
Figure 42. Using this point (or point 5) provides the lowest possible end-to-end latency, only 1
1/3 video fields in this example. So, if the total time to transmit the data across the
communication port plus the time to process and render the display is not guaranteed less than
16.7 ms on every single cycle, there will be cycles when the rendering does not complete for the
next scan out, resulting in a disturbing glitch in the image.
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By choosing to have the data port output occur at one of the earlier numbered phase points, there
is a bit more latency, but also more slack to allow for an occasional rendering cycle that just
slightly exceeds the allotted 16.7 ms.
Figure 43 illustrates the tracker set up to output data at phase point # 3. The timing slack has
absorbed this anomaly so that the image is still rendered with the same 1 2/3 frame latency as
the frames before it, resulting in no visual glitch. Of course, if there are several frames in a row
that run longer than 16.7 ms, the system will eventually drop a frame, resulting in a jarring
transition to 2 2/3 frame latency. To prevent this, the user must insure that the average frame
rate before attempting synchronization is ALWAYS above 60 Hz, so that once the
synchronization is enabled, the frame rate will be fixed at 60 Hz with no annoying shifts.
As a precaution, if the frame rate of the rendering engine drops below 60 Hz, the software driver
that is reading data from the tracker should always check to make sure that it is reading the latest
available data record. After reading a complete record, check to see if there are any further bytes
in the receive buffer, and if so wait for there to be a complete record and read it in replacing the
just read record. If this is implemented in the software driver, multiple data records could become
queued up in the ‘receive’ buffer, resulting in extra latency.
Display scan out
Figure 43 - Timing Diagram: IS-900 Adjusted with Proper Phase for 60 Hz Display Refresh
The second reason why it may be desirable to adjust the output record transmission to an earlier
phase point is to allow for serial port transmission time. In the diagrams above, the slant of the
arrow pointing up from the tracking loop to the rendering loop represents the delay of transmitting
the results from the tracker to the host. If you use binary data mode, and set up the IS-900 to
only transmit 6 bytes of data (3 Euler angles plus 3 position values) using the command
O1,2,4<>, then the total number of bytes per record will be 29 which corresponds to 290 bits. At
a baud rate of 115,200 bits/sec, this record will take about 2.7 ms to transmit. Thus, the tightest
timing loop illustrated in the first diagram above can be achieved if the rendering time is always
less than (16.7 ms – 2.5 ms) = 14.2 ms, but it should probably not be attempted with any longer
output data record format or slower baud rate.
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Configuring the IS-900 for GENLOCK
The default operation of the tracker is free run. That is, the tracker performs updates
and, in continuous mode, outputs data records as rapidly as it can. GENLOCK
operation causes the tracker to synchronize updates and data record output to an
external sync signal or to an internal clock. When external GENLOCK is enabled and a
valid sync signal is provided, it may take several seconds to stabilize tracking. If a valid
signal not present, the tracker will wait an extra period for the signal, dropping the
update rate to half the sync rate. Details are discussed below.
Connecting Sync Signal
The external sync signal for GENLOCK on an IS-900 is on the back panel of the
processor shown in Figure 44.
Figure 44 - Back Panel of IS-900, SYNC IN is External GENLOCK Input
Connect the sync signal to the BNC connector labeled SYNC IN on the back of the IS900 Processor. The input interface setting for SYNC IN is controlled by software and
access is provided via command or the LCD menu. This setting is saved with the rest of
the user settings.
Command: MGS[source]<>
source 1 TTL
Default is TTL. If source is omitted, the current setting is returned (31GS{source}<>).
From the LCD menu, GENLOCK source is selected by choosing: System config →
GENLOCK → Source (TTL and NTSC options only).
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Enabling GENLOCK via Command
Send the C command to the tracker to place it in continuous mode. If the tracker is used
in polled mode, its internal updates will be synchronized to the sync signal but data
record output will not.
Send the InterSense-specific GENLOCK command to the tracker.
State 0
Genlock off (free run)
Reserved—has no effect on the GENLOCK state.
Use external sync, strobe rate specified by rate parameter
Use internal sync, output data records at frequency
specified by rate parameter.
For state 2, the sync strobe rate in hertz. For state 3, the
data record output rate in hertz. 30 Hz minimum in either
Current settings of state and rate are reported if the command is issued without
parameters (or invalid ones).
The Fastrak command y{state}<> is not recognized by the IS-900, but has the
equivalent function the MG command with state equal to 0 or 1. If the Fastrak y{state}<>
command is used in your code, remember to manually configure GENLOCK via the LCD
menu to the settings required by the application.
ISDEMO can be used to send the GENLOCK command using the Send Command
String option. GENLOCK settings can be saved to the tracker using ISDEMO, using the
^K command or using the LCD (if equipped).
Enabling GENLOCK via LCD Menu
Select Communication→Data Output→Sample Mode→Continuous to place the tracker
in continuous mode. If the tracker is used in polled mode, its internal updates will be
synchronized to the sync signal but data record output will not.
Select System Config→GENLOCK→State and then one of the following choices.
IS-900 User Guide
Use external sync (select strobe rate in 5 Hz increments
using arrow buttons, then press the enter button)
Use internal sync (select data record output rate in 5 Hz
increments using arrows buttons, then press the enter
Page 142 of 159
Verifying Synchronization
To verify GENLOCK is working with the IS-900, check the GENLOCK indicator in the
lower-right corner of the LCD on the front panel of the processor. When GENLOCK is
on and stable, the indicator displays “G”, otherwise the indicator displays an “X”
indicating GENLOCK is enabled but the processor is not synchronized. If “G” or “X” is
not displayed, then GENLOCK is off.
Using CrystalEyes™
To configure an IS-900 for use with CrystalEyes™, set the sync signal type to TTL and
send the command MG2,120 or MG2,60 to the tracker (assuming the video refresh rate
is 60 Hz or 120 Hz per eye). Connect the external sync signal used for the
CrystalEyes™ IR emitter to the SYNC IN on the back panel of the IS-900 Processor.
Adjusting Phase Point
A data record is output once per sync period when the tracker is in continuous mode.
The phase point is the time within the sync period at which a data record is transmitted
and is adjustable for internal and external GENLOCK. The phase point is specified as a
percentage of the sync period. 0% (the default) instructs the tracker to output a data
record as soon as possible after the sync period begins. 100% delays the output of a
record as much as possible before the next sync period begins. To adjust phase point
via command:
Increase/decrease to next/preceding phase point
Set phase point to percentage specified by p (0 to 100)
The current phase point is reported if the command is issued without parameters (or
invalid ones). The tracker will accept the first form of the command only after GENLOCK
is established. With the second form of the command, the tracker will match the
specified phase point as best it can, but typically with far less resolution than 1/100th of
the sync period.
To set the phase point via the LCD menu, select System Config→Genlock→Phase→Set
and change the value with the arrow buttons, then press the enter button. To increase
or decrease to the next or previous phase point, select System
Config→Genlock→Phase→Increase or →Decrease.
Adjust the phase to the latest point in the cycle (for minimum latency) such that the
system still behaves smoothly during head rotation (no render cycles last beyond the
deadline for the next scan out).
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16. Appendix G – Developers Instructions
For InterSense SDK Version 3.58 or higher.
This document describes the interface to be used by the application software to initialize
and retrieve data from the InterSense devices using the ISENSE.DLL. This dynamic link
library is provided to simplify communications with all models of InterSense tracking
devices, including IS-300, IS-600, IS-900, InertiaCube2 and all versions of InterTrax. It
can detect, configure, and get data from up to 8 trackers. The DLL maintains
compatibility with existing devices, and makes the applications forward compatible with
all future InterSense products.
Sample Program
The DLL is distributed with sample programs written in C and Visual Basic to
demonstrate usage. It includes a header file with data structure definitions and function
prototypes. Most of the API description below can also be obtained from the header file.
Main loop of the program. All API calls are made from here.
Header file containing function prototypes and definitions, some of which
are only applicable to InterSense Professional Series devices and are not
used with InterTrax. This file should not be modified.
DLL import procedures. This file is included instead of an import library to
provide compatibility with all compilers, not just the VC++ 6.0.
The InterSense DLL. This file should be placed in the Windows system
directory, or in the working directory of the application.
IS-900 User Guide
Shared object import procedures for Mac OS X, not used in any other
Page 144 of 159
The API provides an extensive set of functions that can read and set tracker
configuration, but in its simplest form can be limited to just 4 calls, as shown below:
void main()
handle = ISD_OpenTracker( NULL, 0, FALSE, FALSE );
if( handle > 0 )
printf( "\n
printf( "Tracker not found. Press any key to exit" );
Z \n" );
while( !kbhit() )
if( handle > 0 )
ISD_GetData( handle, &data );
printf( "%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f
data.Station[0].Position[2] );
ISD_GetCommInfo( handle, &tracker );
printf( "%5.2fKbps %d Records/s \r",
tracker.KBitsPerSec, tracker.RecordsPerSec );
Sleep( 6 );
ISD_CloseTracker( handle );
IS-900 User Guide
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ISD_OpenTracker( HWND hParent,
DWORD commPort,
Bool infoScreen,
Bool verbose )
Handle to the parent window. This parameter is optional and should
only be used if information screen or tracker configuration tools are to
be used when available in the future releases. All included sample
programs pass NULL.
If this parameter is a number other than 0, program will try to locate
an InterSense tracker on the specified RS232 port. Otherwise it looks
for USB device, then for serial port device on all ports at all baud
rates. Most applications should pass 0 for maximum flexibility. If you
have more than one InterSense device and would like to have a
specific tracker, connected to a known port, initialized first, then enter
the port number instead of 0.
infoScreen This feature has not been implemented. Its purpose is to display an
information window to show the tracker detection progress and
results. Currently DLL writes only to Windows console. Most
applications should pass FALSE.
Pass TRUE if you would like a more detailed report of the DLL activity.
Messages are printed to Windows console.
ISD_CloseTracker( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle )
This function call de-initializes the tracker, closes communications port and frees
the resources associated with this tracker. If 0 is passed, all currently open trackers
are closed. When last tracker is closed, program frees the DLL. Returns FALSE if
failed for any reason.
IS-900 User Guide
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Page 146 of 159
ISD_GetTrackerConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
BOOL verbose )
Get general tracker information, such as type, model, port, etc. Also retrieves
Genlock synchronization configuration, if available. See
ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE structure definition for complete list of items.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE. See
isense.h for structure definition.
ISD_SetTrackerConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
Bool verbose )
When used with IS Precision Series (IS-300, IS-600, and IS-900) tracking
devices this function call will set ultrasonic and synchronization parameters, all
other fields in the ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE structure are for information
purposes only.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE. See isense.h
for structure definition.
Get RecordsPerSec and KBitsPerSec without requesting Genlock and other
settings from the tracker. Use this instead of ISD_GetTrackerConfig to prevent
your program from stalling while waiting for the tracker response. This call is
used to obtain data rate information.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE. See isense.h
for structure definition.
IS-900 User Guide
Page 147 of 159
ISD_SetStationConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
BOOL verbose )
Configure station as specified in the ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE structure. Before
this function is called, all elements of the structure must be assigned valid values.
General procedure for changing any setting is to first retrieve current
configuration, make the change, and then apply them. Calling
ISD_GetStationConfig is important because you only want to change some of
the settings, leaving the rest unchanged.
This function is ignored if used with InterTrax products. IS-900, IS-600, IS-300
and InertiaCube2 allows the AngleFormat, Compass prediction,
enhancement, and sensitivity parameters fields to be changed.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE. See
isense.h for structure definition.
StationID Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
ISD_GetStationConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
Bool verbose )
Fills the ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE structure with current settings.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE. See isense.h
for structure definition.
StationID Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
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Get data from all configured stations. Data is places in the
ISD_TRACKER_DATA_TYPE structure. Orientation array may contain Euler angles
or Quaternions, depending on the settings of the AngleFormat field of the
ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE structure. TimeStamp is only available if requested by
setting TimeStamped field to TRUE. Returns FALSE if failed for any reason.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a structure of type ISD_TRACKER_DATA_TYPE. See isense.h
for structure definition. The structure is designed to accommodate
InterSense Professional Series devices that support multiple sensors.
In the case of the InterTrax series trackers, the only data available is
Euler angles in the first element of the Station array. Orientation data
order is Yaw, Pitch, and Roll.
ISD_SendScript( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
char *command )
Send a configuration script to the tracker. Script must consist of valid commands
as described in the interface protocol. Commands in the script should be
terminated by the New Line character '\n'. Line Feed character '\r' is added by
the function and is not required.
Should only be used with IS Precision Series tracking devices, except
InertiaCube2, not valid and will be ignored if used with InterTrax.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a string containing the command script.
ISD_NumOpenTrackers( WORD *count )
Number of currently opened trackers is stored in the parameter passed to this function.
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ISD_BoresightReferenced( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
float yaw,
float pitch,
float roll )
Boresight station using specific reference angles. This is useful when you need to
apply a specific offset to system output. For example, if a sensor is mounted at 40
degrees relative to the HMD, you can enter 0, 40, 0 to get the system to output
zero when HMD is horizontal.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
Pointer to a string containing the command script.
stationID Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
yaw, pitch, and roll
Boresight reference angles.
ISD_Boresight ( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
Bool set )
Boresight, or unboresight a station. If 'set' is TRUE, all angles are reset to zero.
Otherwise, all boresight settings are cleared, including those set by
ISD_ResetHeading and ISD_BoresightReferenced
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
stationID Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
or FALSE, to set to clear boresight.
ISD_ResetHeading( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID )
Reset heading to zero.
Handle to the tracking device. This is the handle returned by
stationID Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
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Data Structures
typedef struct
float LibVersion;
DWORD TrackerType;
DWORD TrackerModel;
DWORD RecordsPerSec;
float KBitsPerSec;
DWORD SyncState;
float SyncRate;
DWORD SyncPhase;
DWORD Interface;
DWORD UltTimeout;
DWORD UltVolume;
DWORD dwReserved4;
float fReserved1;
float fReserved2;
float fReserved3;
float fReserved4;
InterSense Library version.
One of the values defined in ISD_SYSTEM_TYPE
One of the values defined in ISD_SYSTEM_MODEL
Number of the hardware port the tracker is connected to. Starts with 1.
Communications statistics.
Communications statistics.
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Applies to IS-X Series devices only. Can be one of 4 values:
0 - OFF, system is in free run
1 – Unknown State
2 - ON, hardware genlock frequency is specified by the user
3 - ON, no hardware signal, lock to the user specified frequency
Sync frequency - number of hardware sync signals per second, or, if SyncState
is 3 - data record output frequency.
The time within the sync period at which a data record is transmitted. The phase
point is specified as a percentage of the sync period. 0% (the default) instructs
the tracker to output a data record as soon as possible after the sync period
begins. 100% delays the output of a record as much as possible before the next
sync period begins.
Hardware interface type, as defined in ISD_INTERFACE_TYPE.
IS-900 only, ultrasonic timeout (sampling rate).
IS-900 only, ultrasonic speaker volume.
IS-900 only, blue led on the SoniDiscs enable flag.
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This data structure is used to get and set station configuration.
typedef struct
A unique number identifying a station. It is the same as that passed to the
ISD_SetStationState and ISD_GetStationState functions and can be 1 to
TRUE if on, FALSE if off. InertiaCube2 is considered to be a tracking system
consisting of one station, which cannot be turned off, so this field will always be
Only available for IS-X Series devices and InertiaCube2. For all others this
setting is always 2. This controls the state of the compass component of the
InertiaCube. Compass is only used when station is configured for GEOS or Dual
modes, in Fusion mode compass readings are not used, regardless of this
setting. When station is configured for full compass mode, the readings
produced by the magnetometers inside the InertiaCube are used as absolute
reference orientation for yaw. Compass can be affected by metallic objects and
electronic equipment in close proximity to the InertiaCube. When station is
configured for partial compass mode, magnetometer readings are used to reduce
IS-900 User Guide
Page 153 of 159
drift and maintain stability, but not as an absolute measurement system. In this
mode system is much less susceptible to magnetic interference, but heading drift
will accumulate. If compass is off, no heading compensation is applied. Older
versions of tracker firmware supported only 0 and 1, which stood for ON or
OFF. Please use the new notation. This API will correctly interpret the settings.
InertiaCube associated with this station. If no InertiaCube is assigned, this
number is -1. Otherwise, it is a positive number 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
Only relevant for IS-300 and IS-600 Series devices. For IS-900 systems, it is
always the same as the station number, for InterTrax and InertiaCube2 it’s
always 1.
In order to provide the best performance for a large range of various applications,
three levels of perceptual enhancement are available. None of the modes introduces
any additional latency. The InterTrax is restricted to Mode 2.
Mode 0 provides the best accuracy. The inertial tracker uses gyros to measure
angular rotation rates for computing the sensor’s orientation. To compensate for the
gyroscopic drift, depending on the configuration, the tracker may use
accelerometers, magnetometers or SoniDiscs to measure the actual physical
orientation of the sensor. That data is then used to compute the necessary
correction. In Mode 0 correction adjustments are made immediately, no jitter
reduction algorithms are used. This results in somewhat jumpy output (not
recommended for head tracking) but with lower RMS error. Use this mode for
accuracy testing or for any application that requires best accuracy.
Mode 1 provides accuracy similar to that of mode 0, with an addition of a jitter
reduction algorithm. This algorithm reduces the accuracy by only a small amount and
does not add any latency to the measurements. Mode 1 is recommended for
augmented reality applications (i.e. overlaying or mixing both virtual and real objects
in a visualization system.)
Mode 2 is recommended for use with HMD or other immersive applications. The
drift correction adjustments are made smoothly and only while the sensor is
moving, so as to be transparent to the user.
This setting is only used when Perceptual Enhancement Level is set to 1 or 2. It
controls the minimum angular rotation rate picked up by the InertiaCube. Default
is level 3. Increasing sensitivity does not increase latency during normal
movements. It may, however, result in some small residual movements for a
couple of seconds after the sensor has stopped. If your application requires
sensitivity greater than maximum provided by this control, you must use
Perceptual Enhancement level 0. For InterTrax this value is fixed to default and
can’t be changed.
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Inertial sensors can predict motion up to 50 ms into the future, which
compensates for graphics rendering delays and further contributes to eliminating
simulator lag. Supported by IS-300, IS-600, IS-900 and InertiaCube2. Not
available for the InterTrax.
ISD_EULER or ISD_QUATERNION. The Euler angles are defined as rotations
about Z, then Y, then X in body frame. Angles are returned in degrees. Default is
TRUE if time stamp is requested, default is FALSE.
TRUE if button and joystick data is requested, default is FALSE.
TRUE if raw encoder data is requested, default is FALSE.
Coordinate frame in which position and orientation data is reported. Can be
ISD_DEFAULT_FRAME or ISD_VSET_FRAME. Second is used for camera tracker
only. Default is ISD_DEFAULT_FRAME.
Offset of the reported position from the physical point being tracked. This is only
applicable to system capable of tracking position.
TRUE to get computed FOV, aperture, etc. default is FALSE.
TRUE to get values from auxiliary inputs connected to the I C port in the MicroTrax
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This data structure is used to return current data for a station, including position,
orientation, time stamp, button and analog channel state. It is passed to ISD_GetData
typedef struct
typedef struct
Tracking status byte. Available only with IS-900 firmware versions 4.13 and
higher, and isense.dll versions 3.54 and higher. It is a value from 0 to 255 that
represents tracking quality.
TRUE if this is new data. Every time ISD_GetData is called this flag is reset.
Communication integrity of wireless link.
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Orientation in Euler or Quaternion form, depending on the setting of
AngleFormat in ISD_STATION_INFO_TYPE structure. Euler angles are returned
in degrees.
Station position in meters.
Only if requested, in seconds.
Only if requested.
Only if requested. Current hardware is limited to 10 channels, only 2 are used.
The only device using this is the IS-900 wand that has a built-in analog joystick.
Channel 1 is x-axis rotation, channel 2 is y-axis rotation. Values are from 0 to
255, with 127 representing the center.
Only if requested.
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17. Appendix H – Interface Protocol Commands –
Quick Reference
For further detail, see:
Section 8.2 Standard Fastrak™ Interface Commands, pages 61-69.
Section 8.3 Fastrak™ Commands Implemented for Compatibility, page 69.
Section 8.4 InterSense specific Commands, pages 69-77.
Data Record Request
Output mode
C, c
Alignment Reference Frame
Reset Alignment Reference Frame
Boresight Reference Angles
G{stationNum},[yawref, pitchref, rollref]<>
Boresight Compatibility Mode
(Fastrak compatibility mode)
(Version 2.x compatibility mode)
(Fastrak compatibility mode)
(Version 2.x compatibility mode)
Heading Boresight
(Version 2.x compatibility mode)
(Fastrak compatibility mode)
Heading Unboresight
(Version 2.x compatibility mode)
(Fastrak compatibility mode)
Switch to Fastrak Compatible mode.
Switch to Version 2.x Compatible mode.
Set Serial Communication Parameters
System Record Request
Station Status
Output Units Control
Set units to inches.
Set units to centimeters.
System control
Save current settings to non-volatile memory.
Restore factory default settings.
Restart the firmware to the power up condition.
Suspend data transmission.
Resume data transmission.
Output record mode
Put in ASCII output mode.
Put in Binary output mode.
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Output record list settings
Define Tip Offsets
N{stationNum},[Ox, Oy, Oz]<>
Position Operational Envelope
Time Units
Set Current Time to Zero
Ethernet Communication Parameters
InterSense System Status Record Request
Tracking Status Record Request
Genlock Synchronization
MG[State, Rate]<>
Genlock Phase
Configuration Lock
SoniStrip LED Control
Error reporting
Command Logging
InterSense Station Status Record Request
Prediction Interval
Perceptual Enhancement Level
Compass Heading Correction
Rotational Sensitivity Level
MQ{stationNum},[Sensitivity Level]<>
Associate Fixed PSE with a Constellation
MCF[FPSE number], [xp, yp, zp, xn, yn, zn, IDcode]<>
Disassociate Fixed PSE from Constellation
MCf[Fixed PSE number, IDcode]<>
Clear All Fixed PSEs (Constellation)
Apply New Configuration
Cancel Configuration Session
IS-900 User Guide
Sets to milliseconds.
Sets to microseconds.
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Title                           : IS-900 User Guide v61 RGH.doc
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