The Coleman 5326 Remote Control Transmitter User Manual
The Coleman Company Inc. Remote Control Transmitter
User Manual
tn nu n. 14 -| n: i- -I u: I- .a >. n: nu '.: |.u .| How to Use and Enjoy Your Coleman” REMOTE CONTROL BATTERY LANTERN Profitez au maximum de votre LANTERNE COLEMAN“ A PILEs ET TELEOOMMANDE 1"",“1 4D RUGGED REMOTE CONTROL ROBUSTE LANTERNE A 4 FILES « D» ET TELEOOMMANDE Model 5326 RC Series Modéle de la série 5326 RC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE HEMDTE CUNTHOL Carefully read all instructions before use and save for future reference. . Install 2 AAA alkaline batteries in the transmitter. Preset the rotary switch on the lantern to “REMOTE CONTROL" mode; the LED indicator light on the lantern will turn on. Press the button to turn the lantern on/ofl. The green LED indicator light on the transmitter will turn on each time the button is pressed. . To manually operate the lantern, turn the rotary switch to the setting of your choice, other than "REMOTE CONTROL". nris dot/ice complies wrih Pattie oi the FCC Rules Operation is suitiect to the ioilorninp two cottollionsi (1) This device may not cause nanntut interterenoe, and at this deinco must accopt any intortorerrce received. including inerioronoe that may cause unoeslred opelation. ill-mi :0htnoos or rriodihcations to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible lor compliance could win the users authority to operate this equipment. new This equipment has been tested and tcund to comply with the limits iora alas: a digital device. pnrsmm to Part 15 ot the FCC Rules. these limits are designed to provide rcasonaote protection against narrntui interterenoe in a residential installation. this equip» merit penerates, uses and ran radiate radio ireouency enervy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtut intorlerence to radio communications however. there is no guarantee that iiimrierence will not occur in a particular installation. it this equipment does cause harrnlut interier- ence to radio or television reception. which can he determined by tuminp the equipment on and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interlorence by one or more oi the lollowinq measures: . Reonent or relocate the receiving antenna, . increase the separation ltetweon equipment and receiver, - connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit drhereirt tmm that which the recerver is needed - Consult the timer or an experienced radiorrv lechniu‘an ior ltetp. MODE D’EMPL 01 DE LA réLémMMAmiE Lisez ces instructions et gardez-les pour les consulter au besoin. . Ptacez 2 piles alcalines « AAA » oans I'emetteur. . Préreglez l’interrupteur rotatit de la Ianterne a télécommanoe (« REMOTE CONTROL »); Ie voyant a DEL de la lanteme s’allumerat . Pressez Ie bouton tie I'émetteur pour allumer/e’teindre la lanterne. Le voyant a DEL vert s’allumera a cheque fois que vous oressez Ie houton. . Pour utiliser manuellement Ia lanterns, réglez I'interrupteur rotatii a toute position autre qua télécom mande (« REMOTE CONTROL»). cet appaioit so eontonno aux nonries or serum;- do it pariie is de la rec, L'utilisation est assoiertio aux depx conditions suiwantes: (1) not apparoit ne don pas oattser oe orpiiiiilage preiiidiciaoie, et 12) cot apparoit doit acceptor time interterence recite. rnenie si cello- ct risque d‘entralner un ronctionnement inopportun. Marilee-thorn: Toiis ohanoernents ou modaications apportes. ouels qu‘ils soioirt, n'etant pas expressornent appmiires par la pant responsaole de la contonniie nsouont, poor l'ufllisatelir, o‘annuler son droit d'utitiser I‘apparell. tier-arm: Cot appareit a are soumis not use d'usape ei se coidonne aux Iimites etahties pour I‘awarail nume’rioue de these a. con— tonnerneni a ta panic LE on reptenrent rec. oes limttes ont pour out do proouror one protection iaisonnaote contre ie orourttape prero- dioiaole dans un ininieuhte d'haohaiion. cot appareil prodnil, utilise et neut emettre des treqnenoes radioelecinoues; s'il nest pas insratie et employe contoimenlern aux instructions preconisoes, it pout oattser dos parasites nuisant aux radioeornnuinlcations ti n'existc toutetois pas de oaiantieassurarit hue le orouiraoe ire pienire pas place dens ceriains imrneuoles Si t'apperoit no cuiso pas de parasites mesons a la reoemion des radiocommiinications on dee signaiix de derision - ce out part eoe etaiiti en la netiant hots tension puts sous tension - i'ritiiisatour pout eseayerde redhiercet eiai de chose an adovlam one on phisieurs dos niesuros suivarnos: . chanper ronentao'on on reinptaoeinerrt tie I'antehne ee reception; qnmlter t'e'cart entre t'apparoit oi te réwmeur: rancher t-appareit snr iin circuit oillerent de cohri sttr tequei est orancne le receptenr; w enfin cprisulter lc detaitlani ou hien iin specialise en radio ettéleflsion chew/mane. T0 INSTALL OR REPLACE BATTERIES Your new lantern operates on 4 “D" cell batteries. For longest Iile, use alkaline batteries. 1c With lantern oft, turn upside down and unscrew base by rotating counterclockwise. TO INSTALL OR REPLACE BATTERIES (CanL) 2. Install 4 batteries in the correct orientation as shown on the battery housing. ‘ ‘ Always be careful that all 4 batteries are installed correctly. (See Fig. t.) @ 3. Replace base by screwing clockwise until hand tight, Check that base is 7 securely installed in closed position. @ MISE EN PLACE OD BEMPLACEMENT DES FILES Votre nouvelle lanterne Coleman‘3 est alimentée par 8 piles «D», Conseillées. Ies piles alcalines procurent I'autonomie la plus Iongue. £7 . Mettez la lanteme éteinte sens dessus dessous, tournez Ia base en sens . antihoraire pour la devisser. FW‘ 1 . Plaoez Ies 4 piles en Ies orientant exactement tel qu'indiqué dans Ie Iogement des piles. Veillez a be que Ies piles soient correctement installées (Fig. 1). . Revissez la base en la Iournant en sens horaire, a la main. Assurez—vous que la base soil surementfennee. TO CHANGE FLUORESCENI TUBE NOTE: This lantern uses a 7-watt Fluorescent U-Tube (Coleman replacement part #53304307C). 1. With lantern in normal upright position, remove top cover and globe by rotating counterclockwise. (See Fig. 2.) . Pull the two small tube holder labs outward away from the fluorescent tube. (See Fig. 3.) Then putl bulb from socket. . Install new tube and push tabs inward to lock tube in place. . Assemble globe and top cover by rotating clockwise until hand tight. Check that globe is securely fastened to lantern before transporting. HEMPLACEMENT DU TUBE FLUORESCENT REMAROUE: Cette lanterne utilise un tube fluo en U de 7 watts (piece Coleman n" 533ooo7c). 1. La lanteme étant en position de lonctionnement. otez Ie couvercle du haut et le globe en Ies tournant en sens antihoraire. (Fig, 2) 2. Tirez les deux petites pattes d’imrnobilisation du tube fluorescent vers I‘extérieur. (Fig. 3). Sonez alors I‘ampoule de sa douille. 3. Mettez le tube lluo neul en place et poussez Ies paftes vers I’lntérieur pour I’immobiliser. 4. Replacez Ie globe et Ie couvercle du hauf en Ies tournant en sens horaire, a la main. Assurez—vous que Ie globe soit surement immobilise avanl de transporter Ia lanteme. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW . Operating time for this lantern depends on whether it is run continuously or intermittently. Intermittent operation extends the battery life. . In cold temperatures, the fluorescent tube is more difficult to light and may be dim until it warms up. Below 20'F (-7'C), the bulb may not light. . When the fluorescent tube does not light to full brilliance, batteries should be replaced, II this is not done and lantern is used. the tube will become blackened. . Do not leave discharged batteries in the lantern for an extended period of time as this could permanently damage the lantern. . To clean the outside of the lantern and globe, use only a damp cloth and mild dishwashing liquid. Avoid excessive water and strong cleaner which can damage lantern. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW (Cont. ) 6. For repair service, call 1-800-8356278 TOLL FREE in the United States or 1-800-387-6161 in Canada for location of your nearest service center. If the lantern must be returned to service center, attach to product your name, address, and a description of problem and mail to service center prepaid. (Do not ship product with batteries loaded.) BEMSEIGNEMENTS ESSENTIELS 1. L’autonumie d’un jeu de piles neuves depend du mode d’utilisation (continu an intermittent) de la lanterns. Le tonctionnement intermittent prolonge l’autonomie. . Par temps troid, Ie lube fluorescent s‘allume plus difiicilement et peut sembler laible jusqu’a ce qu’il rechaufle. Ilse peut qu’il ne s’allume pas au-dessous de 20 'F (-7 'C). . Les piles devraient etre changees Iorsque Ie tube fluorescent ne loumit plus Ie llux Iumineux optimal. Si vous ne le taites pas et utilisez la lanterne. le tube noircira. . Ne Iaissez pas de piles épuise’es dans la Ianterne pendant de longues duress, vous risqueriez d’endommager irremediablement la Ianterne. . N‘utilisez qu‘un Iinge humide et du detergent a vaisselle doux pour nettoyer l‘exterieur et Ie globe. Une quantité excessive d'eau et un produit abrasit risqueraient d’abimer Ia Ianterne. . En cas de panne, composez SANS FRAIS D’INTERURBAIN Ie 1 800 835-3278 aux Etats-Unis ou le 1 800 387—6161 au Canada, pour obtenir I’adresse du plus proche centre de reparation. Si vous devez y envoyer Ia Ianlerne, veuillez y joindre vos nom, adresse et une description de la panne; relirez les piles puis postez le colis au centre de reparation en port paye. (N’expédiez pas une Ianterne contenant des piles.) PARTS LIST 1. 5326A1141 Globe & Top Cover 2. 5326A1011 Base 3. 5330—0070 7-walt Fluorescent Tube 4. 5326-1201 Remote Control Transmitter (2 AAA Batteries not included) NOMENCLATURE 1. 5326A1141 Globe et couvercle du haut 2. 53261“ 011 Base 3. 5330-0070 Iube fluorescent de 7 watts 4. 5326-1201 Emetteur de la telecommande (2 piles « AAA » requises (non incluses) COLEMAN“? BATTERY LANTERN 5 Year Limited Warranty The Coleman Company, Inc. (“Coleman”) warrants that tor a period at live years item the date oi purchase, this product will he tree from detects in material and workmanship. Coleman, at its option, will repair or replace this product or any component at the product Iound to be defective during the warranty period. Replacement will be made with a new or remanutactured product or component. If the product Is no longer available. replacement may he made with a similar prod- uct oi equal or greater value. No warranty is provided ior batteries and Iightbuibs. This is your exclusive wananty. This warranty is valid Ior file original retail purchaser from the date of initial retail purchase and is not transferable. Keep the original sales receipt. Prool oi purchase is required to obtain war- ranty pertormanoe, Coleman dealers, service centers or retail stores selling Coleman products do not have the right to alter, modity or in any way change the terms and conditions at this warranty. This wananiy does not cover normal wear or parts or damage resulting from any oi the lollow- ing: negligent use or misuse of the product, use on improper voltage or current, use at non- Coleman accessories or parts. use contrary to the operating instructions or iailure to iotlow mainmnance instructions. commercial, in profit or non-pmlit instructional or renal applications. disassemhly. repair or alteration by anyone other than DpIeman or an authorized service center. Further, the warmnty does not cover Acts of God, such as lire, llood, hurricanes and tornadoes. OOLEIAAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOTI ANY INCIDENTAL OR OONSEUUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE MEAEN OF ANY EXPTIESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ON FITNESS FOR A PAN'ITIXILAN PURPOSE IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE ABOVE WARRANTY. SOME STATES, PNOYINDES ON JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL ON CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES ON LIMITA- TIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SD TN! ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. TNIS WMI'IANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. AND YOU MAY ALSO HAllE OTHER RIGHTS TNAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE ON PNOVINCE TO PNOVIIIOE. Not: In Olrtaln Warranty Service Take the product to an authorized Coleman service center Von can find the nearest authorized Coleman service center by calling 1-800-835-3278 or TDD 316~832-8707. It a service center is not conveniently located, attach a tag to the product that includes your name, address. daydme telephone number and description oi the problem. Include a copy of the original sales receipt. Carefully package the product and send either by UPS or Parcel Post INSURED with shipping and insurance prepaid to: ‘ For products purchased in the United States: ghmggfifizmfingsxfimited The Coleman Companyv Inc» 5975 rarooume st 3600 North Hydraulic M' . 0 la . wrcnrra, Ks 67219 ciffié‘avl "° DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. II you have any questions regarding this warranty please call FOOD—$542” or TDD 3138328707. ©2004 The Coleman Company. inc. All rights reserved. Coleman® and are registered trademarks of The Coleman Company, Inc. FCC ID: N80 5326 LANTERNE COLEMAN” A PILES Garantle Ilmttee no 5 ans The Coleman Companyl Inc, <~ Coleman »lqarantitceta|1icle oontre, tout vice as maiériau et de lahrication pendant une periode ue Cine (5) ans eouranis a compter de la date de I'aclrat. Coleman se reserve Ie oroit de chorslr entre reparer ou remplacer eet article on iouie piece de celui—ci dent Ia delectuosite a éié constatee au cours oe la periooe oe garantie, Le remplace- merit se Iera au moyen d'un produit nevi ou remarrulacture ou bien d’une piece neuve ou remanuiaciuree. Si I'ariicle n'esI plus disoonible‘ iI sera remplace par un article semblahle, de valeur eoale ou superleure, La presente constitue votre garaniie exclusives Gene uarantie n’esi valahle que pour I'acheteur an défiil original a panir de la date de I’achai au detail initial et eIle n’est pas transierable. Veuillez conserver Ie requ d'actrat original. La preuve d'achat est exigée pour tout service couvert par la garaniie. Les concessionnaires Coleman, les oerrlres de service ei ies detaillants uui vendent lies articles Coleman n'ont pas Ie drolt d'aiierer, de modilier ou lie changer d‘une maniere ouelconoue les modalnés de cette gamnfie. Cetie oararnie ne oolrvre pas I'usure normale des pieces ni I’enoommagement attribuable a la negligence. l’utilisation abusive cie I'am‘cle, Ie branchement snr un circuit lie tension ou ooulant inapproprie, Ie non-respect du mode d‘ernploi, Ie demontage, reparan‘on ou I’alteration par quiconaue, saui Coleman an un centre as service Coleman aore Cette oamntie ne couvre pas non plus les cas de Iorce maieure cornrne incendies, inondations. ouragans ei iornades. COLEMAN DEBLIIIE YDUTE RESPIHISABIUTE Ell GAS IE DIIMMABES ACCESWIRES GU INIII» RECTS RESULTAIIT IIIJ non-nzseecr DE TOUTE EARAIITIE DU CONDI'HOII EXPLICIT! 0U IMPLICITE. SAUF DANS LA MESUI'IE IIITERDIT E PAR LA LEGISLATION PERTIIIEIITE. TOUTE GARAII'IIE IMPLIIPITE DE llUAlITE COMEHCIALE OU D'APPLIBA'HDOI A [III USAGE PARTIC- ULIEII EST LIMITEE A LA DUREE DE (A EARAIITIE DU CONDITION CHIESSUS. GEHTAIHS ETATS ET EEI'fl'AIIIES PRWIIICH DU JURIDICYIDIIS INTERDISHIT B‘EXCLUHE DU DE [IM- ITEII LES DUMMABES MSSDIRES DU IIIDII'IEITI'S. I'IU Iii PERME'ITENT PAS LA LIMITA- TION DE [A IZUREE I'I’APPLIGATIOII DE LA EARAIITIE IMI’IJIH'I'EV DE §DNTE QUE IIUUS POU- VEl IIE PAS EI'IIE ASSUJEITI AUX LIMITES 0I.I EXCLUSIONS ENOlICEES GI-DESSUSA EEITE GMMITIE VOUS WIFEIIE DES IIIII'II'I'S JIIIIIIm'IUl PREGIS ET vous POUIlEl AVOIII n‘AUTHES DRDITS, CES DRDITS VARIANT D‘UII E'I’AT (Ill II'UIIE PROVle A L’AUTIIE. CommonI uhlonir Io service pri’rrru par la uaramie Apporta I’article a nu Centre lie service agree Coleman, Pour obtenir I'adresse du plus procne Centre de service anree Coleman, appelu Ie 1 i300 3353278 on Is ATS 316-832-8707 aux flats-Unis et Ie I 800 387-SI61 au Canada, S'il n'y a pas de centre de servlee facile d‘aeces, Iixez une etiquette sur I'al‘Iicle précisant votre nom. voire amuse, votre numéro de telephone le iour et la description lie Ia déIecIuosité, Veuillez inclure une copie ou requ u‘acnat original. Emballez soiqneusernent I'article et expediez Ie colis — aver: VALEUR DECLAREE — par UPS on par la poste en port el assurance paves a: Produits achetés aux Stats-Unis: Produ'ns acnetes an Canafla: The Coleman Company, Inc. Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited 3§001N°m| HYdIWIIC 5975 Falboume SI, lehlta. K8 67219 Mississauga (Ontario) L5H 3V8 ME RETOURNEZ PAS CE PRODUIT AU LIEU D‘ACHAT. SI vous avez toute question quam a same garantle. veuilla oomposer la 1 800 835-327 on Is ATS “9832-8707 aux EIaIs~Urlis ei Ie I 800 387-6161 all Canada. ©2004 The Cu man Company, Inco Tous droits réservés. Coleman® et sont dos marques deposees lie The Coleman Company, Inc, FCC "3; N30 5325
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Creator : Canon Create Date : 2005:01:24 12:06:17Z Modify Date : 2005:01:25 15:17:47+08:00 Page Count : 6 Creation Date : 2005:01:24 12:06:17Z Producer : Mod Date : 2005:01:25 15:17:47+08:00 Metadata Date : 2005:01:25 15:17:47+08:00EXIF Metadata provided by