The Genie a Division of Overhead Door 3153901T Wall mounted wireless remote control transmitter for operation of garage door opener. User Manual

The Genie Company a Division of Overhead Door Corporation Wall mounted wireless remote control transmitter for operation of garage door opener. Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: The Genie a Division of Overhead Door 3153901T Wall mounted wireless remote control transmitter for operation of garage door opener. User Manual
Mirror Download []The Genie a Division of Overhead Door 3153901T Wall mounted wireless remote control transmitter for operation of garage door opener. User Manual
Document ID1948463
Application IDIgFbEem775IzMC1VVL3Crw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize277.63kB (3470408 bits)
Date Submitted2013-04-23 00:00:00
Date Available2013-04-23 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-04-23 09:31:53
Producing SoftwareKONICA MINOLTA bizhub C280
Document Lastmod2013-04-23 09:32:18
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorKMBT_C280

Includes INTELLICODE‘ Remote Control SafeT—Beam' System must be installed to close door.
For use only with residential sectional overhead garage doors.
Homelink" and CarZU" compatible.
To reduce the risk at injury to persons or damage to property ~ Use this opener only with a sectional door.
visit us at
Genie, Gem: lugoJmellimde, $312-me lrmalliG, pammu, Mum ChainMalnd Silennfllx m mgiums vademarks‘l’nbcand Manama: alGMi muss, hm diam Gem! Company
Hamelmk is a registered trademark worm“ unimkmmbgyrmnanyxarw is: registered (lademark army samurai“. om Gem mmmzou. mm
Transmitters comply with all United States and Canadian legal
requirements as at the date of manufacture. No warranty is made that
they comply with all legal requirements of any atherjurisdidinrl rr
transmitters are to be used In another country, the lmporter must
determine (ompllance with any local laws and regulations which may
dlfler from United stares and Canadian requirements priortu use.
Lostransmisores cumplen con todas ias reglamentaziones iegales de los
Estados Unldos y del Canada, en la iecha de labrkacibn. Nlnguna garantia
se do one cumplan con todas las reglamentadones legales de nlnguna
one jurisdiction. 5: los (ransmlsores Se van a utilizai en otro pars. el
importndor debe determiner si cumplen con las raglamentationes y ieyes
locales que puedan ser diierentes a ias reglarnentacinnes de los Estados
Unidos y del Canada, antes de usar los mlsmos.
Les émelteurs sont mnlormesri la re’glementation amériaine er
:anadrenneé commer de leurdate derabncauunnucune garantle
n'esr stipule’e indiquant qu'ils sont conformes ‘a toutes les preyrnptions
)uridiques d’autres autorile's.5'l les émerteurs son! utilises dons d'aulres
pays, i| lncnmbe 'a l'imponateur d'en dérerminer leur Conlarmlté aux lols
et regles locales pouvant dlriérer de relies des Ems-Unis et do Canada
avanr route utilisation desdirs emetreurs,
Sendeger'ate entsprecnen alien gesetzirchen Bestlmmungen .n den
usn und Kanada zum Zeitpunkt der Herslellungwir fibernehmen keine
Gewahrleistung fur dle Einhaltung ailer gesetllichen Bestirnrnungen in
anderen Lindem. Salien Sendegera‘te in anderen LEndem elngeseut
werden, so muss der lmporteur vor dem Gebmucn sinirersrelien. dass die
Sendegerate aucn sokhen iokalen Bestimmungen ennprechen, weiche
Von den Seslimmungen der use und Kanadas abweicnen.
mane a In «infilnailaiumtxttifiiierssi - Tlfiflfimilflém
Amifiieliiila'ikaifizlifi- guess: unimilnaalm . it claims
infinite”rfififilfiéififllflgfim’nfififllw~¥i§fi Wilfl‘afifi
nmfiihfifinififiifl! zfifi~fl1am§lfi§m§mfiififivfl alum
Ifyou are a Home Owner/End User
and need help or have questions:
call 800-354-3643.
Table of Contents
Safety Information
Safety Notifications
Important Safety instructions.
important Installation Instructions...
Required Programming
Overview of Powerhead Control
Travel Limits
Closing Garage Door (DOWN Limits)
Opening Garage Door (UP Limits)
Wall Console Overview
Series iI Wali Consoles With White Buttons. 8
Force Control.
Contact Reverse Test ,
Optional Programming
Clearing Memon/ for Remotes.
Maintenance and Adjustments
important Safety Instructions
Regular Maintenance"
Corrective Maintenance
Adjustment Guide.
Wiring Diagram
Troubleshooting.. .. 17-18
3 Warranty .
Accessories ..
Safety Information
Effect Prevention
Garage doors are large, heavy obyects that move with the help olr
springs under high tension and electric motors. Sinte moving objects,
AWARNING Keep people clearofopening
Could result while door rs movingt
springs under tension, and electric motors tan cause injuries, your in Death
salety and the safety orothers depend on you reading the information or Serious no not allow Ehlldren to play
in this manual iryou have questionsor do not understand the Inlury with the doorovener
information presented. call your nearest trained door system technician
Do not operate a door that
or visit ourwebsite at www.genle(nmpany.r:am
yarns or one that has a
, , k ' .
The rationing safely alen symbol and Signal words are used hm 9" 5'7””?
throughout this manual to call attention to and identify different levels Awmflmu Tu", OFF Power more
of hazard and special instructions, Could result removing opener cover
In Death
A This is the safety aian symbolihis symbol alerts you to or Serious when replacing (over, make
potential hazards that can kill orhurtyou and others. Injury sure wires are "In pmched or
nearmoving parts.
All safety messages will Iollow the satety alert tymlsoi andthe word ‘
”nANEER',“WAIlNING', or “CAUTION". Opener must be fully
~ DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, i AWARNING m, "MW m remove, mm”
NOT ayorded,wiii result m death orsenous rmury. § Could ,esuk was, a, adj-us, 5pm, 0,
‘ in Death anything to which door spring
- WARMING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, it ~ or Serious parts are fastened, Sutll as,
nor avoided, could result in death or serious injury, imury wood blocks, steel brackets,
tables or other like items.
- cwrlorl indicates a potentially hazardous situation whith, ir Installatiansi repairs and
horavoided, may result in inyury or property damage. adiuslmems must be We
by a trained door system
- The word not: is used to indicate important steps to be followed or gifirxgjfifijf P’DPE' “’°"
important considerations. ’
READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETV, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS lI you have any questions or do not understand an instruc-
tion,call The Genie“ Company or your local Genle‘ Factory Authorized Dealer,
I DO NOT install operator on an improperly balanced door. An improperly balanced door could cause severe injury, Repairs and adjustments
to cables, spring assembly. and other hardware must be made by a trained service person using proper tools and Instructions.
- Remove all ropes, and disable all locks connected to the door before installing operator
I where possible, install the door opener 7 feet or more above the floor. For products having an emergency release, mount the emergency
release within reach, but at least 6 feet above the floor and avoiding contact wrth vehicles to avoid accidental release
- Do NOT connect the operator to the source of power until instructed to do so,
I Locate the wall console button: A) Within sight ofdoor El At a minimum height ofS feet so small children cannot reach it. C) Away from all
moving parts orthe door.
- Install the entrapmentWARNlNG label next to the wall button or console, in a prominent location. install the emergency release tag on,
or next to, the emergency release handle.
- The operator must reverse when the door contacts a i»l/1 inch high object on the floor at the center or the doorway.This is about the size
ale 2“ x 4" board laid flat.
Begin here ONLY AFTER completing assemblyand installatlon ortheopener. Review the Assemblyand Installation posterto ensure ailsteps have
been perrormeo.
Contact your Genie- Professional Dealer ror an installation poster, or if needed, visit wwwgeniecompanyeomto download a PDF file.
Safe-FBeam'lSTB) Nan-Contract
I I I Reversing System
Puts an invisible beam across the door opening.
The door stops and reverses to the full open
position ifarlything passesthrouglr the beam.
LED indicator lights on the powerhead and on
the STBS provide a sell-dlagnuslic code ifan
operational problem exists
Safe-T-Reverse' Contact Reversing System
Automatically stops and reverses a closing door
within rwo seconds of contact with an object.
Watch Dog” Monitoring System
Monitors the SaleT—Eeam" system to ensure
proper functionality and will automatically stop
and reverse a closlrlg door it a problem
is detected.
Manual Emergency Release
Manually releases door rrom door opener. Used
during a power failure or other emergency to
allow manual opening and closing ofdoor.
SmanSet'“ Elearonlc Programming
Easily adlust the programming to set limits
and program new remotes.
Automatic Lighting System
Two bulb llghting system supplies lightfor safer
evening exits and entries. Turns 0N when door is
activated and automatically turns OFF4 minutes
iihe SareT-Eeam‘ has no eriect onthe donrduring an opening cycle,
2, lithe Safe-T—Bearn' detects an obstruction when trying to close the
door, itwill not allowthe doorto close.
3.When the garage door is closing, ifSafeaT-Eeam' is interrupted lay
a person or obstacle, the garage door will stop its downward travel
and reverse automatically to its lully opened position.
4, lrthe sale-reeam' System fails, loses poweror is Installed
improperly, press and hold the wall console “open/close” button
unril the door reaches its rully closed position, ll you release the
“open/dose” button on the wall eonsole during theelosing
movement, the door will reverse automatieally to its fullysopened
INTELLICODE' Access security System
An encryption system that enhances the security
orthe door opener by continuously changing
the access code each time the remote is used,
The door opener responds to each new code
only oncerAn access code copied from a
working system andtriedagain,wlll not control
the door opener.
Wall Console
Operates door opener from inside garage
The wall console has an indicalor light wltlr:
Open/Close, Su resLock’“, and independent
light control buttons.
(a Home Llnl(and CarZU'compatible. Refer to the
neu’eis'sr'suffil‘a‘é programming lnstructionsonpageli.
NOTE: Usethis manual UNLYaftercompleting assembly
and installation ofopener. Review Assembly/Installation
Poster Checkthatall steps have been completed.
Contact your Genle' Professional Dealer for an
Assembly/Installation Instructions poster, if needed,
Vou can also go to to
download a printable file.
Required Programming
NOTE: Before you begin progmmming, check to make sure there are
no objects in the gamge door opening.
Now that your Genie garage door opener is installed, you will want to
program the opener so that the door opens and closes properly and
all remote devices operate correctlytThe followmg steps guide you
through setting your opener so it functions properly for you,
The followmg information will take you through programming your
opener’s functional settings ior use,
There are only 1 “required“ programming processes you will need to
follow to set up your garage door opener for operation:
Term Definitions:
Travel Limits programming allows you to set how far your door
travels up oi down in opening and closing your garage door
Remote Programming synchronizes your remote control devices
(remotes, wall console, and keypad) with the powerhead.
Force control refers to how much power is needed to move [open/
close) your particular door and does NOT require programming.
This section describes the programming runttions on the powerhead
of the opener. Use the following information to familiarize yourself with
the buttons, LED indicators and products used to program functions.
Powerheati: There are 3 programming buttons and 2 LED lights on
the powerhead. Each of the buttons is used to enter and complete
Ihe setup programmingrhe LED lights indicate status ora function
change by illuminating ON, OFF, or ON FLASHING in one ofthree
diflerent colors: blue, red or purple.
There are 3 programs (The “Factory Set” program is unlikely to
need changes.)
1. DoorTravel Limits Program
— This program is used to set how faryour doortravels up
and down.
2. Remote Programs (Default menu)
— These show you howto program your remote: to synch with
additional remote control devices, wall consoles, keypads, and
the powernead,
3. Door Force Program (Factory Set)
— This program is only used iornninor adjustments undercertain
tircu instances.
MUTE: The 3 programming buttons are for programming DNLX These
buttons should NOT be used to operate the opener once the Required
Programming section has been successiully completed.
Located on bottom of Powerhead.
LoNoLED Omriavei
Indicator Button
aouno LED
lndicaior clunrraveiaunon
Enters into and selects programming menus.
v Multirfunttlon;move doorduring programming
‘ and advance through menus
Required Programming
3 Release down arrow billion H and the long LED will begin flashing
- Make sure doorway is in View and clear cl obstacles and
people to avoid injury or damage to property.
- D0 NOToperate this unit from wall console befcie LIMITS
are set. Severe damage to the openercan occur:
- The shuttle MUST be engaged to carriage BEFORE setting limits.
See lnsrallation PosterUf provided) or call Custnmer Service at
LEGO-BSGENlE or visii www.9enietompanyicom
NOTE: If bullet has NflTbeen engaged to (arriage, do so now.
See page 16,
NOTE: Before sem'ng limits confirm wall console red indicator light
(or backlight) is ON. lfnot Illuminated, check for correct wiring or the
SureLork switch may be activated
Closing Garage Door (Down Limits)
Lift the dour open by hand until the bullet engages the carriage
on the rail.
NOTE: Vou navel!) secondsfo execute each step. if you seeiwo
solid red or flashing LEDs an the inemead you have run out of
time and must go back to the beginning of the 515p and start oven You
can restart as many rimes as necessary to complete each step.
2 seconds
(continued next page)
Required Programming
5 Press and release the Program-Set hflflnn (both LED: flash blue 8 Press and hold the up armw hullnn (+) unm door is fully open,
than miaase. Watch carriage as it approathes ihe powerhead
to avoid Contact with the pawerhgad
The DOWN (Biased) limii is prngrnmmad.
Opening Garage Door (Up Limits)
NOTE: Beginmng wrrh garage door closed is recommendsd but not
Press and reinasa the ngra
and go off).
The UP (npeni limit is programmed.
Required Programming
This opener has‘a serial mlflffigfgfiggm
number sticker in which ~ lzav mnzsi
the serial numbers begin
with in or higher,
Wall consoles from other manufarturers may not walk with openers
ofthese serial number groups. Use only the wall console provided with
this unit. Each wall console has three buttons.
In your carton you will find one ofthe following
wall consoles:
Indicator Light
Large white button will display Red when wall console is properly
Wired and Sure-Lock" is OFF. When Sure-Lock" is on, this light is art
Open/close Button
Use this button to open or close garage door. When SurerLock‘“ is
ONrthe Open/Close button will CLOSE the door only.
MUTE: Constant button pressure in the CLOSE mode will override
5TB fault in the powerhead and close door.
Independent Light Control Button
Use this button to turn powerhead lights 0N. Powerhead lighting will
remain ON until this button is pressed again or a doorattion has been
MUTE: If opener has a Motion Detector sensor, it will keep powerhe
lights ON as long as motion is detected.
Sure-Look” Button
When Sure—Lock” is ON, the powerhead cannot be activated by the
wall console or a remote.
- Press and release (or until red light goes off) to activate Sure-Lock”.
- Press and release to turn Sure-LockW OFF.
noon/close mu
Opens and closes doarirom inside garage.
Initiator Uni“
4m indicator bazkllghtls on.
rWhen Sureiodr" Ls
0N,the indicator light is orr
tn ntmerhlslfl
siirmckw sum
, lOCK disables connotx alter
door is completely closed
. UNLOCK alwws mnlrols to
work normally.
lnflenendailt LEM Control Emil
Controlsdooropenerlights iron. lnsidegarage.
‘ Required Programming
This control is factory programmed and automatically sets Itself
when you use the Wall Console to open and close the garage door
forthe first timE.The door MUST complete a full (ycle from open
to close and close to open before it is fully set.
NOTE: Force controls DO NOT require programming.
They are factory set and rarely require adjustments,
Makrng adjustments to this setting is covered in ”Maintenance &
Adjustments" Section or this manual (pages 1748).
10 Open and close yourgarage door us 9 the Wall Console
ape close butt»
NOTE: Uslng these functions for the first time automatically sets the
Force needed to open and close your garage door.
NOTE: The leit and Force settlngs MUST BE COMPLETED before
performing the Contact Reverse Test.
11 Open the garage door uslng the Open-close button on the
Wall Console.
12 Lay a Z” x 4" board flat under the center ofthe door open
13 Closethe garage door using the Open-Close button on the
Wall Console.
When the door contazts the board, lt Should stop and reverse dire:
tion wlrhin 2 seconds to the fully OPEN posltion. Red LED lights on the
powerhead wtll begun to flash wlth the reversal ofthe door.The next
:yde will (learthe lights,
lf the door stops before contactlng the board or if it does not reverse
direcuon to fully open after contact with the board, It may be due to
lmproperly set DOWN limits.
Repeat the Setting the Down Limit steps 1-5 to make certain the door
is closlng tight to the floor,
Repeat step 10 to set force limlts,
Then repeat the WALL CONSOLE/Contad Reverse Test, Steps 1143,
Repeat this process as needed untll door passes the Contact Reverse
Test. For further help, refer to MAINTENANCE and ADJUSTMENTSv

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