The Genie a Division of Overhead Door TR360 GARAGE DOOR OPENER TRANSMITTER User Manual Full page fax print
The Genie Company a Division of Overhead Door Corporation GARAGE DOOR OPENER TRANSMITTER Full page fax print
3316631029 INTELLICODE'” Universal Conversion Kit Installation and Programming Instructions for use with all brands ofgarage door openers Do not install this system unless all garage door opener safety features are working properly. Garage door openers manufac— tured before 1982 should not be modified or repaired because they do not include all available safety features, PARTS IDENTIFICATION //\\ \\/{> l lnlellrcode Universal Receiver Remote Control Translormer [iii , r r , Pan Head Screw (No, 10 x 1") Insulated Staple 2-Conduclor ere THE TOOLS YOU WILL NEED [ §Izj ——d‘ Slotled Screw Dnver Hammer fillzy Phillips Screw Driver Wr’re Stnppers Thank YOU lor purchasing a GENIE lnielltcoele Universal Conversion Kit, With a GENIL lnte licnde s>stem you can be confident that you're equipping your garage door Upt'llt‘r Will] the best possible defense against the threat of cnde grabbers. [he GENIE lniellicotle Conversion Kit is the ideal upgrade or replacement lor garage door upcners W‘llh intcmal and cxiemal radio systems. The installation process will vary slightly depending upon your openers radio system WHICH DO YOU HAVE, AN INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL RADIO? External Radio Receiver > 4—— Antenna Code Switches (location varies by model) Terminal Strip (location vanes by model) INTERNAL EXTERNAL EXTERNAL RADIOS The appearance ol’ lliC external radio vanes by model. Yours may look like any of these: 2 Have a question? Please call the Customer Service department at 1-800-35~GENIE A WARNING Moving door can cause serious iniury or death. - Do Not install remote unless the door opener's safety reverse system works as required by the door opener‘s manual. ' Walt control must be mounted in sight of door. at least 5 feet above the floor and clear of movtng door parts. - Keep people clear of opening while door lS moving. - Do Not allow children to play with the remote control or door opener. If safety reverse does not work properly: - Close door, then disconnect opener using manual release handle. - Do Not use remote control or door opener. - Refer to Door and Door Opener Owner's Manual before attempting any repairs. Electrical shock can cause serious injury or death. - Power cord must be unplugged before attaching any wires. - Be sure wire ends do not touch each other or other terminals, Il you have any question or if you need a manual. contact the distributor or manutacturer oi the garage door opener, FCC AND [C CERTIFIED Customer Information We've broken the installation process into casy-to—follow steps. If at any time during the installation process you have questions. please call the Customer Service department at l-800-35-GENIE. if you would like to have a GENlE Authorized Dealer install your lntellicode Universal Conversion Kit. you can call (iENlE's dealer referral number at l-BOO-OK-GENIE. FCC and IC CERTlFlED This device complies with FCC Part 15 and R55 210 of industry Canada Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device mttst accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device, ‘ Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Have a question? Please call the Customer Service department at t-BOO»35-GENlE 3 igi Figure 1—1 Figure 1-2 m - UNPLUG garage door opener. (Figure 1-1) m For openers with immaLmdins. - REMOVE batteries from all oiil remote controls. Nuti' If yum iiprilrr is i'quippcil with u wii ‘x‘x keypad Or you ILSL' uthcr urrm dmu’s Sufi! or ii\ a miiii-u'miitv tUIiNUi. riir btlllCY‘Ik’X must be irmm'rdjmni ihrsr darirrr US M”. m For openers with mamaLmdins. ' DISCONNECT iht existing cxlcrnal radio receiver [mm iht‘ garage Liner opencr. (Figure 1-2) Section 2 MOUNTING THE INTELLICODE UNIVERSAL RECEIVER Mounting Hardware Figure 2-1 Figure 2—2 Figure 2—3 - POSITION the Receiver on the ceiling above ilie npener, I-2 (eci in from of ihe mounting hardware. (Figure 2-1) Note“ The Receiver muxt be mounted at least 2 [act tiwayfirmi the garage door oprnci m - MOUNT the Receiver usuig two pan head screws. (Figure 2-2) Note: Do not nuarh (hr Recrivcr to the garage door opeiier‘s mounting hardware. Ariadiing [hr RFL'L’U‘W' iii the nwunliiig bracket m‘ olhrr im’ltli surfacrs could (aiui' iiiti'iji'u'ni’i’ iir grounding, . REMOVE cover by squeezing sides. (Figure 2—3) ,- Note: Do not iriiiiivc {hr (irriiil board. KW Pan Head Screw (No. 10 x 1") Have a question? Please call the Customer Service department at 1~800~35~GENIE CONNECTING THE RECEIVER TO THE GARAGE DOOR OPENER Sectio 3 Figure 3-3 Striped Wire / w— White Wire From the Wall Button Figure }—4 m 0 CUT enough Wire to run from the garage door opener terminal strip to the Receiver. Where To Find The Tmninal Strip: The location of the terminal strip varies from model to model. It may be located on the bath, from or sides of the opener or undemeath the light lt'ns. lb'ou cannot locate the terminal stnp, please refer to the Owners Manual ofyaur opener or (ontaet the manufactuirr of the opener: m - REMOVE 1/2" of insulation from the garage door opener end of the wire. (Figure 341) - REMOVE 1/4” oI insulation Irom the Receiver end of the wire. (Figure 3-2) ' ROUTE wire from Receiver to garage door opener terminal strip making sure the wire is clear of all moving parts of the door and door hardware. - STAPLE wire in place. Note: Drive stapltsjttsl tight enough to hold the wire. Staples driven too tightly (an short cirtuit the wiring. Step 3 At the receiver. - CONNECT the STRIPED Wire to terminal 2 on the Receiver. (Figure 3-3) ' CONNECT the WHITE Wire to terminal 3 on the Receiver. (Do not tighten screw yet. Another wire will be added later) (Figure 3-3) At the garage door opener. 0 CONNECT the WHITE Wire to one of the wall button terminals. (Figure 3-4) 0 CONNECT the STRIPED Wire to the other wall button terminal (Figure 3-4) How To Identify The Wall Button Terminals: During the installation proress you will need to lotate where the wall button is wired to the garage door opener terminal strip. In most cases the wall button is connected to two terminals. You (an identify these terminals in several ways: - Identify the markings on or near the terminal strip. 0 Use your garage door opener Owner's Manual. . MR ' Contact the manufacturer ofyour garage door opener. l / ~ Follow the wiiesfmm the wall button to the terminal insulated Staple strip on the garage door opener ? Please call the Customer Service department at 0-35-GENIE Section 4 CONNECTING THE RECEIVER TO THE TRANSFORMER Figure 4-3 Figure 4—4 ~ CUT enough wire tn run from Receiver m wall outlet. 0 REMOVE 1/2” ul insulation from the transformer end of the wire. (Figure 4-1) - REMOVE 1/4” of insulation from the Receiver end of the wire. (Figure 4—2) m - ROUTE wire lrom Receiver to a wall outlet. making sure Wire is clear ol’ all moving parts OI the door and (lam hardware. ' STAPLE wire in place. Nlllt’f Drive AlapIt’UitSI light mutigh to hold the Witt. Staples driven too tightly (an short (in uii the wiring. At the Receiver. . CONNECT the S'I'RIPED Wire in terminal 1. (Figure 43) - CONNECT the WHITE Wire to terminal }. Now tighten the screw. (Figure 43) At the transformer. - CONNECT the STRIPED Wire to either terminal. (Figure 4-4) - CONNECT the WHITE Wire [0 the other terminal. (Figure 4-4) Nutr. it does not matter which wire is mnnertrd m which terminal. m 0 PLUG IN the garage dour opener. - PLUG IN the lntellieode transformer. (Figure 44) W Your lntellicode system is now ready to program. Insulated Staple 5 Have a question? Please call the Customer Service department at 1-800-35-GENIE PROGRAMMING THE INTELLICODE SYSTEM Section 5 Figure 5—1 m ' LOCATE the Receiver Learn Corie Button. (Figure 5-1) m - PRESS and RELEASE the Learn Code Button and the Radio Signal Indicator will hlink m ' PRESS lltt‘ remote control button once and the Radio Signal Indicator Will light (ontinttousl). 0 PRESS the remote control button again and the Radio Signal Indicator Will go ottt Note: You must perform Steps 2 and 3 within 30 month. ljtlu’ Radio Signal Imlit‘ator begins to blink rapidly (about 4 times per second) you must repeat Steps 2 and 3. Note: I] the Radio Signal Indicator does not respond correctly during any part 0] the programming processor, (hula wtringfioin Rou'ivt'r to transjfomtet: ml 0 TEST the rcmote control by presstng the remote control hutton once to start the garage door opener and a second titiie to stop the garage door Opener. Note: Ijgamge door opener does not work, l"llt’(ll wtringjmm Receiver to garage llUUI' Upt‘lil'lf You must perform Steps 2 through 4 for each remote control, wireless keypad or other access device. The lnteIIicode Universal Receiver can be programmed to accept a maximum of 7 lntellicode remote controls. wireless keypad or other access devices at a time. m ' REPLACE receiver cover. Note: ijott hair removed the light lens oi the garage door opener during the installation process it (an be replaced at this time, m 0 TEST safety reverse system oiyour door opener. See Door Opener Owner's Manual If safety reverse does not work properly: - Close doorftheti disconnect opener using manual release handle. - Do Not use remote control or door opener. ° Refer to Door and Door Opener Owner's Manual before attempting any repairs, Have a question? Please call the Customer Service departmental 1-800-35-GENIE 7 Section 6 DISABLING THE OLD RADIO SYSTEM Irigttre 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY YOU MUST NOW DISABLE THE OLD RADIO SYSTEM. - THROW AWAY all old remote controls. wireless keypad and other access dcvtces. Make sure battery has been removed, For garage door openers with maladies. - CUT OFF antenna. (Figure (7-1) How To Loans The Antenna, Most antennas are thin plt’L’t'S of wire hanging from the front, bath or bottom of the opener In some instances the antenna IS a thin strip of metal. It you are unable to locate the antenna, refer to your Openers Owner’s Manual or contort the nlatlufiit‘luti‘t ofyour garage door opener: It is essential that you also change the code settings in case someone may have copied your code. ' CHANGE code settings. (Figure 6-2) How To Change Code Settings. The lot’ation of the (ode switthes vant’sfrom model to model. The code switehes can be found on nearly an)v part of a garagt door opener including the bath and side panels or under the light lens, Code switches are generally a long narrow row of numbered “switches" similar to thost within your remote (antral. The code is created by using a unique tontbination of up and down switches and duplicating those within the) remote control To change this (ode you simply need to change the combination of up and down swttt'hes in the garage door opener: Instead of SWIltllt’S some garage door openers had a series of numbered holes with a small strand of metal or wirr running arross the hole called "punch nuts", The code was treated by breaking the strand in a number ofthr holes. These punth out settings were then dupliratt’d within the remote tantrolt To change the rode you Simply break one or two additional punch outs in the garage door opener: Some garage door openers have no code switches or punch outs. Ifyou are unable to locate the settings or tannot thange tht’m. refer to your Opt‘nt’r's Owner's Manual or contaet the or rnanttjacturt'r ofyour opener m For garage door openers with enemaLmdins. - REMOVE existing radio receiver. (Figure 6—3) - THROW AWAY existing external radio receiver. Have a question? Please call the Customer Service dep tat 1-800-35-GENIE VISOR CLIP INSTALLATION Section 7 m ' TURN Remote (ontml tlpildc dunn. ll'igttte 7—1) x Visor Clip m - ATTACH \i»or Clip to Rt‘ntolt‘ Control, (Figure T-ll - SLlDE \'tstn' Clip into bark of GM unttl |t snaps into plflu‘. Pigurc 7—1 TIPS FOR USING YOUR REMOTE CONTROL Section 8 - I’OlNT remote fonrml directly at the door when pl‘CSbll‘lg the button Aott‘ ”If [Itltll' wt” tttttomttlitrtlly stop ttt thr (an oftltt' 0pm or (Itht' (tilt: ' DO NOT Ictnt' tour rt‘lllOlL‘ control in m ttnlot‘kcd (ttr REPLACING THE BA'I'I'ERY Battery replacement Qnttr Remote Control is batter} powered). 0 Gently PUSH straight IN on lab as shown. (Figure 0- I I ° Lsc hull point pen. corn or small sat-“driver ' litttttry mm snaps open - INSTALL new battery in same posttlon. use QEVEHEADK Al}, 12 Volt (ltglncr type). Battery - PRESS tm hatter) (over until it snaps L‘loscd. \ é Figure 0-1 IN CASE OF LOST OR STOLLEN INTELLICODE REMOTE CONTROL Section 10 lI your rrmotc control is lost or stolen, you need to prcvent that remote control It'om operating ynttr garage door opener. - REMOVE lntcllicnde receiver cover. - PRESS and HOLD Icam code button nntil radio signal tndit‘ator goes out This“ will take about 10 seconds. All truess device codes are now erased from lntclltcorle memory. - RE-PROGRAM all remote controls and access devtces. Sec Section 5‘ Have a question? Please call the Customer Service department at 1-800—35-GENIE 9 Customer Service 1-800—35-GENIE GEfilEt IN TELHCODEW The (yEXIE Company, 22790 Lake Park Blvd , Alliance. Ohio 44601 ©1996 The Genie C0 GTNIF and Intellicode are trademarks of The Genie Company Save these instructions. $316651029 Pnntctl m the USA.
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