Thermor >
User Manual
2 NATIONAL a GEOGRAPHIC Touch Screen Home Weather Station Wlth PC Software Instruction Manna! Monitor. A. mst-npmmm rum-mum B. muoorTunp-nmn cm: Humidw c. Whmherancul D. Wampum.- E. when! r. wmuswed a want Mn H. mm! L 11m 1. Manny m m L. nauinmmmledcvuckm L wm Spam sensor 2. Wm Dimcfion Samar 3. Raln 55mm 4. mm Tammy m 6mm mm: W; wmhsr mum mth‘des a mum screen murmur. z lrznsmxuer, wmn mnemion mm. wmd spud sensor, rain gauge sensm, uss cable and pc sufiware an CD—RDM u Smlwupwwdwtbfl mspwismm 1, On ma edge of mu wmd dmnqn sensor th (N), East (5). Scum (5; am Wm (w) m nbelw accordmgiy. The Samar has to be adjusted so that (he dnscmns on (he umr are an mg in [he cannot direction (Le. the N has (a be pmnlmg Narlh; E has to m pmrmng East, am). 2. The wmd weed sensor wim has m be infirm mm m phone lack on ma wmd amnion sensor roamed undnmeam ms ssnfior (sea amgmn s). 3. The wmd dunno» sensor wlre has m m mew: inm the pnonenck an the mnsnnuen lanenea WIND (an magmm 7». 4. men (he mm was sensor we anm me mnmimr. labewad mm (see diagmm 7». murmur: Make sure an campmnzs are warkmq mum nehm permanently mwnnng (he sensors. 1.2 mung m- 5mm: 1.9 smirq 14) the Merlin" and nr-nernimr L insert batteries into the [midi screen rnnnirer first no net much the screen at this time 2, lnsen batteries mm the transmitter next. the red LEI) light mates in the Middlo til the tmnsrnitter Will mm in her 4 semnes 3, The lrarvsmlttei wil send a trensni'esien signal and start the radio conrrel deck (9) signal. 4. ii the itcc signal is deeeeted correctly. their the LED light wll ilzsh 5 times indicating no: signal rm been iound. 5. ii the RCC signal is riot detected the transmitter will stop ncc mention within one nurture and resume in normal mode. ii. ll no RCC signal is uetecteu iii the rhitiai setup, the transmitter Will try mice every hour we get iin RCC signal until a signal is received. onee (M transmitter retail/es the RCC signal It Will tririsiriit the {anal to the nrnriiier. an the rneniter the REC icen will he displayed, ii the monitor finesn‘t receive the REC signiil or ieses the srgiml the RCC icon will not be d'splayed. ME: During RCC reteption the tmnmiitter will not send n data linnsmlsslnn m the mnitov, RCC reception will occur during the first 5 minutes alter power in. Worm": when hut inst-ling the device it can take up to iz hrs fur the hcc srgnal m be detected. You can set the time and date manually (or ihe inst tirne Oi Vail until the list signal is received. !A Radio (Jeweled flunk (51°C) The atomic clock has the host accurate time Within the centrnent. the unit receives the tlrrie signal tmiisniitted by the Natmnz! institute of Steneenis enu Techneiogy (NIST) which is regulated by 3 atomm clocks and in average deviates less than | sznofld in 3qu years. hisi trensrnns the tiriie signal iwwva. earnei eentinueiisly from Part callins. (25107260 the signal can be ismwed in the use and Western Canada, however some enrirenrrrentel eiteeis may efieet the transmitting distance. For more hiieniietien p'lau sen LS inwmnmeflul MW” Eflem mn nu melee: newces, me mew; emmy may be enema by, nu: no! Imuxed m. me renew-m. meretere far nest accuracy awn me Vofiowing mamas . Long tmnsmlulng menace Nesrby mnumams and valleys Among mu buridmgs Near rsuwny. h-gn wmge came etc Near freeway, mm. are Near wnslrucficn sixe meme mncrele buildings Neal eleuricaw appnemee Bad weemer lnsxde nun/mg vehicles Neemy memuac structures 2.0 Mum]! muck seam | much the we semen on me memmv. + and A Imtmns mu sun (9 flash. 2. Press the + human inrymrdesvred [me me. 0 far GM'M me zone, | [or Gan me mne. 4 for GMT ume zone. 3. Ynuch me WE semen (0 Confirm. 4. Fulhw Slaps 273 to set 12/24 mode. lmur and mwmles. "we: Tune zone can be adjusted up to 012 and -|2. 3.0 mlemu Sailing 1. Touch me DATE sacuon on me rmnnm. o and ~ hmlons w||| mm m flash 2. Touch me ’ er — buttons to shvfl between «mm "me. me wuh yea: and date mm flay of m weak. manna mswnnvm msvmumvor mam 3, Tuuch me DATE seem“ to mnfilm. , m A mums mu start to "am. 4, 1mm me ¢ or , beams in elm between my—mnmh larmfit Elm mum-day format s. Yeuch rm DATE semen w confirm 5. Repeat steps 4-5 to sex the year. mum, day. alarm hour. nan" mute. Tuuch ONIOFF m enable or dwsauwe me time alarm. 4.0 Moon-mm 1. mm» me moon TEMPERATURE semen, -r m1 - bumms wm sun to flash. 2. Touch me . or - humans 10 change me mmuremem from Cdsius m Fanmm and vlce versa 3 Teuch the INDOOR TEMPERATuRE sacllrm to mrmmr, 4 l Indoor Tamar-mu Allml The rndadr temperature and hlgh alanrr mall {Hl AL) wlll sun (D llaslr as well as ma v 2nd- butmfls. Yuuch {he a a [mum to cnange the value. mar ma ON/OFF bmmn m enanle of drralrlrr ma alarm. Touch the moon rewmmne sacnan re eunlrnn, Follmv step 5 m m rlre lndncr rarnperamre law alarm (L0 AI.) 4,2 lndoor- rump-ram" Max/Mm 7. Once the (emasmlurc alarm; am set. the maxlrnum lndovr temnerature le be uselnyen. a. To reser me mximum ramparanne rouen and hold the flashing maximum value to: 3 seconds. rlre value ma man to ma armam readmg. 3. men (he INDOOR TEMPERATWE sacnan m confirm. lnfcllmw 51995 89 to lean mlmmum musings. suave 5 0 Owner Templrlulro Tauclr me OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE semen 2. Touch me 1 of n rr n [0 slrrfr herween me lndncr nennremure. wrndclrlll readlng, and dew nmm rendlng. 3 Procedures and setmgs are slmllar to me lrrdonr Temperarme. Fallow sleps in mums 4.0 n: 4.2 w set 'C/'F, H and w alarms lor lndoor temperature, mnaenill and dew mm, and lo dear llle mnxlmum and mllllmum readlnga 101 all 3 measurements. an lndonr Humility 1 Touch me INDOOR HIJMIDITV seendn z Proceflmus and seltvlgs are Slmllar to me hdunr Temperature, Fallow slaps rn szlzlluns 4.0 m 4 2 to set Nl and Lo alarms nnd m c'ear the mammal" and mlmmum rendmga. 1.0 madam Hunlrlty 1 Touch ma ouwoou HUMIDITY secnan. z, Pmceduies and sellwlgs ara srnnlar rd lne lrrdanr lemaaranrnr. (Felllm SIEFS ln sectnns 4 0 m 4,2) to Sal Hl and La alarms and [a clear the maximum ramps. 8. 0 Wind Spud Touch the WIND SVEED 59cm". ¢ and [minus W0 start to flash, z Touch rne e er mums «n swllch natwean wrnd speed and mnd gusl, 3, When on wind speed unrclr me WIND 59:50 secu’ull rd confirm 4 Touch the r Dr ~ Mums (D select the MM speed lneasulemant value m Krlnrnerers per hour (km/h). mrles per hour lnrpn). nrerers per saeand (m/s), knols (knots), barman lbw. Taucll (he wwu spam settle" lo confilm. 9.1 Wind Spud Alarm s. The wlml spaed and nlglr alarm icon on Au wlII sun m «ash as well as me + anal - muons. e. lmcn tlla f or - mum to change the value, much we ON/OFF butler! lo enahln or dlsaxrl- the alarm. Tauch me WlND SPEED sacmn m confllm 7. The wind dlllecllon mm and (he r and - muons wlll sun to lush, Touch zlrn 4 or- hulmna lo sel m doslred wllld direction alarm. Touch the oN/OFF 17mm to enable or drsanla ma alarm 3. Touch uie WIND SPEED secrian m confilml s.2 wrna Speed Meal 9 Once we wlm speed 1nd direction alarms are set, the maximum wrna soeeu will as displayed To reser me mlelrlum wlrla soeea much am) hold me flashing iilaxlmum value tor 3 seems, the value will reser so me curvent mama; so Touch rlre wwn sam- secmn (o conlum. 9.0 mil 1. Touch the RAIN section. + anu - humans will sun to flash. 2 Touch the e or e muons w swrrcli ‘oexween Th, 24h, week. month and low! remix“. 3, Touch the RAIN sectiun ro cunfmn 4. Touch me a or e muons io selecx the rain measuremenr value m mm m males 5. Touch the RAIN sectinn m confirm 9.1 mil Aim 6. The rain and hlgh alarm rcun {HI AL) wrll snn us flash as well as [he s and « humans, 7. Twch the r or - mum Io change the value touch me ONIOFF human to enaule er usable [ha alarm Tnuch ihe RAIN secllnn to confirm. 9.2 Rah wax 5. Once ma ranr alarrn IS sel. llia maxlmum rain Wl“ us dsplzyed. To reset lrrc maximum rain much and ham the flashing maximum value lar 3 seconds, the valve will reset to his eurrenl reaulne. 9. Touch (he RAIN sectiuli to confirm. luxouch and hold clus rlAlN moon (a nasal rha rainfall value to o lor in, 24“. week. rnorlrlr and soul ralnfall. |0.0 Ar Plum |. Touch the PRESSURE secriorl. a and — humans will sun re flzsll. 2. Touch (lie + or — buttons ro swrreil between amluxe pressure silo relarlue air pressure. 3. Touch (he PRESSURE section In confirm, 4. Touch the + or- hullons w selecl rhe pressure measuremenr value in hemoposcals (hm), inches or merculy (lan). or rnzihrneurs of mercury [mHg] Touch rhe PRESSURE secrron To confirm. non: ll relaslve all pressure is seleerea, m M“ flash arrer pressure measuremenr value is selected. To change ilu value or relanve arr pressure, much rhe » or - humus and much (he Passsuns secxlon to confirm. 10.1 Nr measure Alarm s. The air pressure high alarm icon on AL) wlll sun in flash as well as rhe r and - humans. 6. Touch the . or — butmn ro change rhe value, much the ON/OFF mm To enable or disable ihe alarm. Touch the VRESSURE secuon Ta conhlm. 7. Foilvw step 5 m ser me sir oressuro law alarm am AM to; Air menus Max/Ml» 5 (me me air pressure alarms are ser. rne maleum an pressure wul ire disglayed. ro reser (he maunrurn air plessure Touch and halo sire llashrrrg maximum value car 3 seconds. We value wlII reset m the nuns"! leanllxg 9. Touch The PRESSURE seem)" In mnfirm lli mfwrmr sreps 5-9 for mrmmum rsamngs. ms Nom- orr Anselm Ind Rel-rive Arr Fm: Absobuto as pressure memes rrre «spray of me rrue measured zir pressure of rhe curmnl rune m4 locilmn, Relznvs arr pressure rs rhe one value that rs ca‘cukaled back re see mew from the ion! apspwure arr pressure and an rhus be rake" as a relevance rer weamercnnniuofl and wearher deveroprnerrr For the enrire counrry. R can be mammed lo represenr your rem surrounarrrgs. Srrrce rrre relauve arr pressure rs 31m rhe urre vauue given by varrpus media sources, users can ser rrre relerrve arr pressure of rhe weather sreuan lo rhrs value rp represenr readmgs for mew area. | 1 .o weemer Fem: 1. Touch rhe WEATHER mscnsr sacmm e and v buttons will srarr to Wash. 2. Touch rhe e or - perms re search belwem Sunny. Pumy Grundy, (Jenny and Remy rams. 3. Touch rlre WEATHER FORECAST seeriorr we confirm. 4. Touch me + or - buttons rp ser me preswve rhresherrx tram N has Tau-h rhe warmer FDNECAST secrmrr to confirm s. renew srep 4 re ser rhe srorm rhreshuld irerrr 3»; WI. NOTE The pressure rheeshew arrry dismays m m. Note! w h?- serrsrrmry sewing fer weerher (crepe-mg: The mm pressure sensrrruery can be ser re eeir rrre users rearrremerrr in! weather remasrurg 1mm 24 hPa. For areas rlrer expenence irequenr changes m air pressure Much does rrur necessariry renecr 2 change m rne wearner) rerunres a mgher hPa serrrrrg Unwanted to an sree where me air pressure rs stagnant. Mrs-rung; rr a mgner th vziue rs eerecree. a erggzr change m arr pressure 15 rreeeea re change rrre Wearhw lurecasl locus. Peru-mph rr 2 we is sereerep, men rrrere rrrrrsr be a ran er use rrr arr pressure or at rm: 2 ma balms me wearrrer slatlnn mu regrsrer rrrrs as a ehanpe rn weathnru Nmes to 51mm Ihreshmd semng m sremr mreshum means rhe wearher reruns (ram and clouds) wrll hegrn re flash imitatmg a dramzhc change m pressure, mam; a storm. Smlar re "re genenr "P3 sereirrurry Al is possible an muss! the smrm rrrreshpm sensrrurry km sea We. 5p, rr rer examle a We ls Selected‘ rhe arr pressure has re Change by a h‘Pa nelwe srprm mresrrerrs rs leached and me wearher mans wru srarr flashing. |z.o Memory L Touch rlre MEMORY sscrrprr re eerware (he hrsmry data arspray, e and - purrens wru surr re flash. 2. Touch rhe ~ burrorr to raggre rhe me and wesrner hrsrery pare em The rusmry am war he dlsp‘nyed m an rhe correspomng secrrcrre (Le rrrdeer remp, rrruepr hurmdlly, outdnur law, era} the cmespundmg [me Is mswayed m the «me sezlmn area. Ihe msmry data saving marvel can aniy be changgd usmg ma pc 5uVlware mat comes Wllh ms mam the damn hsmry data szvmg lune mtervzl rs preset m an mmutes. 3 Touch Me MEMORY seclmn again. the ward QEAR wm Be mspizyod. Touch and hula [Ive MEMORY tron m clear we mumory. |s.o (m Var wzmnty n this meant! proves to up defnchve m malenal or mrkmamnin mum one year 01 purmass, phase mum n to ma awress below. || mu be reamed m rammed wkhnul mm upan mm»: of me um prepaid wim 55,00 to com handllng, packagmg m valurn poswge. Please wnclude ywr iull Hams, address, uayzim phone number or email adults; manner m. ”5975 Leslie 5mm Newmarm. on L“ em moo-35741520 wmvxlmrmorrlnfiwm Station météorologiqua pour la maison é écran tactile avec lcgiciel pour PC Mode d’emplol Mommr : A Tempirawre ct mum mum-m a r'mpiuwm o! humane axumum C. Panlom mmrdoolallu n. mum hwy-"Amu- z. Tana-nu huromémqm r. vmn du mu 6. Drum“ du m: u. Mama. I. man J. Mental" X. Date L. Hofloge mum |. mwpwrhmmwwm Z. CIW Mr It dlncuofl flu vent 3. Camur vlwbméldque 4. Mus-“mew Mew Lo Avlnl a. comm-oer cam mun" me‘xémolnglque wmprend u:- mar-item a écra» mm, un transmlteur. un cupteur pour we means" an um, un cameur pwr Ia mesa! du wen, u» nmvmeue, Am cfinla use a: nu mm! pour vc sur cu—xomv u mu- m place. an mph-4m pmth mm at u mm m MK I. Sur 10 hard (in capleur pm" la mum du venl. m mm (N). I'zst (a la m (s) a: mm (W) sont Klanlrfiés. Ls camour dmt one mgxe as man a ce qu: Ies mrechons sur la camsur nomlem mans la home mam m le N dart pflmler vers le mm. E aw mnmr ms I'esl. etc.) 2. Le cable du captuur pom Ia mess/e du vm dull we mssre daus h puss zesevhonme sur m capleur pour la mrectwn m vent sxmae sous xe cameur. (er magma-me 6). 3. Le céble flu cameur m, I: durecwn flu vent dml éue Insele cans 13 ans! te-évhomque du (ransmenem portant ‘a menhon [WIND]. (Vw magvamme n 4. mséru Ie (fime du pwuwométre dam ra pus» du transmemm pmam ea mummn mm]. mm magmmme 7) lMPOlTANT: Assum-vous Que tomes les gums fonmonnem wrrectemenl mm (I'inslaller défimlwemenl les captews, L2 mun-m an mum |.3 Me an plans (in monimur at an lmmmwr | Tom d’abnrdn llLSélez res piles dans le nwnilsur i écun licllle. Ne muchez pas 2 l'ecmn a as stalk-14:1. Ellsullz, inserel {as was dens is Iransmelteun LE Vvyznt DEL mug: sllué au mllleu an trarvsmensur s'zllumsva pendant a seams Le lransmsneur envsrra un slgnai dc Irarwmssmn at menu En mumbe \! Slgnal hotel's my mama radlopllulee (m Sl la signal amine m demclé czmectemenn alms le voynnl DEL algnmm 5 m lndnuzn! cum I: signal huraim de l‘horhge rzdlwllomc 2 m deluxe, 5. Si is signal houive n'esl pas defiant, [e tnrlsmeuanr Stowe” Ia mcenlim flu signal hora‘lre de Thorkzge fadiopllnlse an dedans d'une mlnute e! reprendm an mods normal. 5. s. aucun wul mum n'est dexecm ununnl Ia mlse en pm InltulE‘ la mnsmmeur 3553-313, 1 (owes lg; Mum, de (ecewlr le signal Imlalre [us‘qu'i ca qu'il (E receive, Des qua la mnsmuneur Wit le Signal home. W emem I! signal an monileur. Sur Ie manluun I‘lmne du signal hamre an I'hmoge udlopllnkée Sela “fiche. Si 1! mommur lle meow p85 19 signal homlre w Mid IE slgml haul/e, rlcm (in signal Ilomm de l'mloge uu'mpilocee ne sen pm mm, Maui: Pendam la mapxion du signal heralre u; l'nmluge (ldlnwlomel Ie unmmmeur u'arwerra pas ls; donuées (mnsmiszs an momeul. La (éceplion du slgnal Mralre amputee durera pendam les 5 premieres mlmmes flprés in "use sous vensmn. eww MPGRTANT: 12 hemes pewem Awe uecessalms pom ln déxecmm du slgnal hnralle lnrsque vmls lnsflllez I'apmrel gnu! h plemém fols. 1.4 new udloplloue L'MIMQA ammique est l‘henne la plus pléErSE qul 5m! Sm ls canmsm. Cet appalled now! Is slgnal Muile [mnsmls par la Mammal Insulin: 0! Standards and Technology (ler), requel est Iggulé par 3 Imvluges alumlwes El nul (79le an moymne a» moms d'une seconde en 3000 an; Le msr tram! In slgnal holwe lwwvs) e'mis SUI une hAquence we so KHz en mntlnu demls Fm calms an Calvrado. Ce slgnal peut ewe lecu awx ElmsUnis at an &nzda cunnnemal (Poul-st), cependant Certalnes influences envimmememales peuvelll aflecter Ia alsum a» mnsm'ssmn. Pnur nlus d'mfmrmtinns. rélémz-vws in sun lnlemet mm boomer nisl gnv/timefreq/ 1.5 [Mum "Minn-mum!“ mrh lineman Ave: nous Ms appawls sans ill. 13 cavamé dc rsmw mt awe affectée w mals n'es! 9:5 hmvtée a ce qui sum don: Dem plus as wéclsmn. swrez les situalkms sun/antes : - Longue mslance de tlmsmwssmn Montagnes e! vailées avmsmames t A proxnmike dc hauls
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