Thermor 270NC 433 MHz Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer User Manual

Thermor Ltd. 433 MHz Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer

User Manual

Download: Thermor 270NC 433 MHz Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer User Manual
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Document ID1013598
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize20.68kB (258504 bits)
Date Submitted2008-10-10 00:00:00
Date Available2008-10-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-04-09 15:07:04
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Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorTOSHIBA e-STUDIO351c

namow smor/cwmr a disarm :
Mull“ Thrmmr
Instruction Manual
I. mnnwrlm
B. NWT-mm"
l. Baum
2. I‘m/mum
3. “Ballet!
4. mm
Man You M
m smp meant
l. lnsert hameries arm the monitor first. The indoor (Empemwre reading
will be dlspkwbd and dashes l—e" will "lash fur tlte oumwr
temnemwre. The rnanlwr is now wail ng for me remore sensor
registration SlQHBL
zr lnsert hameries “mm the remote salmr. Within lwr mrmtes alter
installing the batteries, (he toned minim! [Empelanlm w! tre
dlsplayed on rne mcmmr, pmwded it e withln (he (lansmis'nn renge
u) man
Ta troubleshoot, pies; the user button a! any true ml ycurdlsplay wlII
show nestles a You call else "like tum that the remote senser ls In
direct llne to me rrrenttet lr the outdoor temperzlure cannnl be received,
cheek tlre fullwing‘
l. The tllstenee between the murmur a! remote whim shuuld be at least
0.9 tn L2 metres (3 (u 4 feet) away lmnr any lrrterlenng strulees
such as cnmputer Hummus er TV sets.
1mm placmg the murmur ante at tn the lmmedlate waxlmrty of metal
mndtrw frames.
3. Usmg utlrer electrleel pratluets sum as headphones or spezkzls
aperetrrrg an the same slgnal fteqlmlcy (433 MHz) my prevent
eurreet slgnal trensrnlssrtrn anu reeeptren
4. nelglreeurs “slug electrrcel names nmrzllllg on tlre 433MH1 srgnel
lrequency call also cause lmer'ererlcev
The maximum transmission range rs 30 merres (ma feel} mm the
(Emma serrsdr to me marrrrur (in epen wade). unwever. rrrrs depends on
me smmundmg Envlmnmenl and rnrenererrce revels. The remperanrre
sunzl travels m a straight me hum me lemme sensor to me mummy.
The srgrrel wru ner curve around an omen If mr receplnm rs passrme.
despxe me observztlon of rhese factors. reszt zl umts. To run (hl um
plus: an smp Prdcearrre.
m d ms mdmr ar outdoor tamsramms are zlnvu or Dehw ma
range. ”NI" or 10" ml be asplayed m ms smear nerd.
3.0 Maxrmum and Murrmrrm Tawny-mm"
|. Press me MAX/MIN button once to dspray the maximum readrrrgs.
Press ms Max/m bum" sgzrrr In drsphy rue mmlmum rezdrrrgs.
2.10 near on memory. press and hold the MAX/MIN hmlnn when the
max/min remwatum rs drsnlayea. Dem so wru clear we record cf the
snow. field.
447 ‘C/‘F witcmbh
Press the 'ch button to laws nemesn 0 am ‘r
5.0 timing Registration Emu" Mnnirar and “mm Samar
Press me held me In huuan for rrrree seconds m dear all we and
urrre rer (he (musrms n between me menimr and remote serum. Te
re-reglster me (ransmrsmn berweerr (ha manner arr/J rembu sensor,
follaw me snaps m Setup Procedure.
ao Cm of VourThemomeur
c Avoid exposing me mermmerer to extreme temperatures. water or
severe shack.
. Avoid Amucxwlm any canoswe mareraats such as alcuhol. creamng
agents or perfume,
. Do rm when are xhemomerer m messnre (we. shock, dust,
rempmmre or humidity. Any or (hese consumers may shnrren me We
at me thermometer
- Do rm umper warn any or me inremal cwwems 01 [hrs
(hemmmuer. This will ward me waflanly and may cause damage,
7 a spec nations
Tempunlun Mwsuflnq mm
4an to arc with are nemuiion
-A"F'o ms; with 0,2'Fresaluflon
Ramona Selim! 40°C to WCwnllv we resulullrm
aw Ia IAV’F with 0.2=F lssulunml
Wk‘llm lunarlss recammendod}
m Maya wan-Ky
11 ms pmducc [um/es m be defective In matenal or workmanship Within
five years of vumhase. please relum i! in me address new |! Will be
repaired or raphcsd wnmm chaiw upml meipt oi «in mm pmpm with
$5.00 to covet shvopvlng and handling. Pius; lnclude your full name.
may“; and gramme phone numbur or am» mums.
Themm Lw
16975 Lesiie 5mm
Newmarkex, ON Lav 9A!
9.0 FCC smemem
ogeiaiion is sumecx m me following Ma con ans: in mi: mice may
not cause ane’ferEllCEi and (27 this device must weep: any inurterence,
inducing inxerfevenee um may cause mama operation of (he device.
Thermomam sans m
Mode d’cmplol
L TIMI”. man--
a TIM-mm
|. 3mm“:
1. mummy/nun
3. mm
4, garland-mm
Am 6! mun-nu
| .o mand- aim-mu. :
1 Premieremeul, inseuz res Mas dam Ie manluur. L3 lecture de la
mmpérame inxéneure 9:1: afficm mes mm ‘ “ clvgnmmm
en aneme de la lecmre de la xernpevmre exlélleum. Le "mm"
est maintenant en meme du 919ml d‘enuglstumem pour le canteur
a distance
2. Insérex les niles dans le capteuv a distance. En dedans as qnnu
mmms, apres I'mstaHalmn 625 uses. Ii uempémme Exténeure exacte
sum amcnas sur le mmm pnurvue “wane me a I'mténeur as h
puma as tunermssm.
z.a manna“
Pour réglev w wobbme. apuuyez wt 19 mm dB mmamm [ma]
5 wui moment. V009 Carin ammw fies mats ‘ -" at Inn assurez-vuus
que le capteur a distance at an 1am mm am Is mnmteur. s, mus He
revevel pas la mum as Ia oamuémm mama. vénlmz .
|. La dustanoe enue le momeur e: la camur a dummy em me
au moins a» 0,5 a 1.2 meme (3 a » mus) loln as was suuvces
d‘merféreme comma dls monlteurs d'omnamr w 455 poms de
z. Emez de Mater le moniteur sun on a woxwmihé immduli de chasm
de fenéwes méuwuues.
3. L'utmsannn o'amres appamwis électnques cumme Ie camut a
Moment: uu des mut-parleurs lonwonnam sur la mélm Manama (1s
signal (433 mm peuvent empécher m (rinsrw‘ssion comma du slgna!
e! 13 mcepuun.
4. us vmslns utilisznt ass appamls électriques rmmnnanx sur la mirm
mquama as sum de “3 MHz neuvant aussw causer do
La sumac do usnsmnssnn mamma‘e esl dz 30 "was 0 00 Wasp flu
capteur a distance au mommur (dens u.» 25pm 1m). Ceuenflam. ash
demand du Men enwmmflnt a des mveaux anmemum Le 99m
de la tempéralurs so dopvacu en Igne mm flu cameur a msum au
mommy. Le signal! we mmoume 933 Am omen s, zlrcuns vicapmn um
possible bier! que ces lemurs smom adequats. tomes res um; davmnt
am rémmalisécs. Pm mum-um I'uniti, mm was vifiur a I-
m dwr-um.
Run-wt: si les (emvémules mmneurs on exmneure W"! m-dessus
cu awaessous de \a gimme de mssum, “Hr ou ‘Lo' Sela effiche dans we
champ adéqnai,
3.0 Tompéflwm maximal! at mmimau
n Apnuyez um leis sur Ie mm [MAX/MIN] pour affichev les relieves
Appuyez dc muvezu sur lg mm" (mu/m1 pow mom has
velwés "mm.
L Paw vistrh mémmrs, appuyez su’ te hwmn [nu/mm a; (enable
meme hrsque h temperamle maxinmlmmimale m mam. ||
mecca renregusuemm du champ us Ia (emnératum amuse.
4.0 smm'c I‘F
Appuyez sur Ie home“ rem pourbasculel mm C a F.
5.0 Manual 115 I‘unuglnmment mm 19 mommr
at bumrlm
Appuyez sul 
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Producer                        : MFPImgLib V1.0
Create Date                     : 2008:04:09 15:07:04+08:00
Creator                         : TOSHIBA e-STUDIO351c
Page Count                      : 10
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FCC ID Filing: VX5270NC

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