Thomson 2-1008A 2.4GHz SINGLE LINE SPREAD SPECTRUM User Manual manual
Thomson >
Specific Absorption Rate compliance 10! body-wom operalions is restricled I0 belkclips, holsters or similar accessories that have no metallic component in the assembly and mus\ provide at least 07cm separauon between the device, including its antenna and the user's body. 21008A - SHEET SAR Date: 07 Aug 2003 FCC ID' GQHZ-lUOsA Marswcll Repon NOZBHZD EXHIBIT A“) (Revised) 21008 2.4 GHz Dual Cordless Handset CaIIWaiting Caller ID Phone System User’s Guide We bring good things to life. EQUIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION m, manhunt my..." .5 .p lwema- mmmmm mu Swmndhlam Network am Is In (mm-am mm fisc'vim ss. F c m6 and uhucm mflIMYumNE-I mmmmls ler'demmkvmmal [qu‘pmem pmllsmd | Mffimmmml'flmcflvwm On me mum a ms mm m n hbel mm“; am an, lrlovrmum Ihe us mmw ma ngfl Equvflwwe mm. 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HEARING AID CoMPATIquTV (HAC) FCC RF RADIATION EXPOSURE SIATmENV Imwucuon HANDSET LAVDUT . BASE LAVOUT HANDSET CHARGE CRADLE LAvouT PAnrs CHECKLIST . TELEPHONE JACK REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION . INSTALLATION GUIDELINES INSTALLING THE PHONE . Commune m: AC (acumen) POWER CONNECTING THETELEPHONE LINE . INSTALLING THE HANDSET BATTERV NNN WALL MOUNTING THE BASE . 12 PROGRAMMING mE'I'ELEmoNE . 13 STANDBY SCREEN N . 13 PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS . 13 LANGUAGE L HANDSET NAME AREA CODE RINGERTONE . TONE/PULSE .. INK ucmmm. ruasu AM) wow RISKC‘ELEE‘RICSNDCK no mm wnmm m HEADwnHm w WARNINGzTO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. DO NOT ExPOsE THIS PRODUCT To RAIN OR MOISTURE. lRIANELE Is A REGISYRAYIGN .. DE»REGI5TRATION GLOBAL DE-REGISTRATION. DEFALILT SETTING TELEPHONE OVERATION CHARGE INDICATOR MAKING CALLS . ANSWERING CALLS CALLTIMER. Aura STANDBY. RINGER ON/OFF FLASH/CALL WAITING LAST NUMBER REDIAL . EXIT . PAGE HANDSET Tu HANDSE‘T PAGING ,. 20 PAEING FROM THE BASE/GROUP PAGE . MUTE .. TEMPORARV TONE DIALING . RECEIVERVOLUME CONTROL. ImEAcoM OPERATION .. MAKING AN INTERCOM CALL RECEIVING AN INTERCOM CMJ. ADVANCED ImERcoM FEATURES“ RECEIVING AN INcoMING TELEPHONE CALL DURING AN INTERCOM CALL ., m ExcLAMAIImI CAUTION LAU'ION IowzmcEInE IAIAmLE Is A WARNING $IGN manna Ion or IMmAIAm INSTRUCTIONS ACCOMPANYING mE mom NOV Km 00va Im saw no usEII SEWIGAEII PARTS INSID€ REFER sEIwIcmc. Io manna; swat PiRSOMNEI. SEI MARKING on eonom I BACK or vacuum UsiNG INTERCOM wrm EXTERNALTELEPHQNE CALLS . TWO-WAY CALLING , THREE-WM CALLING TRANSIERRING EXTERNAL CALLS To OYHER HANDSHS MEMORV. STORlNG A NAME AND NUMBER IN MEMORV STORING A REnlAL NUMBER INsErmNG A PAUSE IN THE DIAuNG Sequmcs (or A 3mm NUMBER) REVIEWlNG RECORDS SYORED IN MEMORV CHANGING RECORDS STORED IN MEMORV DELETING RECORDS mRED IN MEMDRV DIALING A NLIMBER EROM MEMoR CNAlN DIALlNG FROM MEMORVI CALLER ID (CID) . CID ERROR CODES. RECEIVING CID RECORDS STORING CID RECORDS (IN CALLER |D Mammy) REVIEWING CID RECORDS STORING CID RECDRDS IN INTERNAL MEMDRV DIALING A CID NUMBER. DELETING A CID RECORD DELErlNG ALL CID REcDRns GHANGING YHE BArrm . BAnERv SAFETY PREcAImONs. BELT cup AND Ofllomu HEADsEr CONNECTING YHE Bin CLIP CONNEanG AN OPTIONAL HEADsEI YO THE HANDsEr DISPLAV MESSAGES . HAMDsEI‘ SOUND SIGNALS . TROUBLEanmmG GulDE GmERAL PRODucr CARE CAUSES or POOR RECEvvloN . SEvacE . INDEX . LIMIIED WARNANW Accessouv Dunn Foam SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FCC RF RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENT This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth tor an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with a mininum distance 0120 centimeters between the radiator and your bodyfl'his transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter? INTRODUCTION CAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety mm uuinns nuu should always be (allowed. Refer to lhc [MPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided wuh [h is produrl and save them rm ruuue reference. Congratulations on purchasing the GE Dual Cordless HandselTelephone SySIEthIS system operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range, and is unique to conventional cordless telephones, When the base is connected to electrical power and a telephone line, you can place a fully-ieatured cordless handset anywhere electrica| power is available. Features: ~ 24 GHz digital technology Handset to handset Intercom 2-way and 3-way Conlerence/CallTransier Call Waiting and Caller ID Compatible Tone/Pulse Dialing Up to 50 Name and Number Memory Dialing This telephone has been designed to be simple to use, however. you can reach its lull potential more quickly by taking a few minutes to read this Instruction BookThis telephone is a multilunction product lor use with Call Waiting and Caller ID services available from your local telephone company, or Your Caller ID c-llWahing phone allows you to: ~ View the name and telephone number of a caller (CallWaiting Caller ID) while you are on the phone. - Identify callers before you answer the phone, - Wew the lime and date of each incoming call. - Record up to 40 Caller ID messages sequentially, - Know who called while you are on the other line or when you were away, ~ Screen unwanted calls, eliminate harassment from annoying calls, or to get prepared belore answering a call, IMPORTANT: Because tordless phones openle on electricity, you should have alleasl one phone in your home that isn't cordless, in case the power in your home goes Ollll IMPORTANT: In order m use all of (he features of this ltlcphone. you must subscribe to two separate services available from your local Iclephone company: rhe nanclard Name/Number Caller ID Service m know who is calling when rhe phone rings and Call Wailing Caller in Service it) know who is calling while you are on the phone. Specific Absorption Rate compllalIr/c for bodyrwom operations is restricted to belt—clips, holsters or similar accessories that lave no metallic component in the assembly and must provide at least 0.7cm separation between the deVIcet including its antenna and lhc usefs body. HANDSET LAYOUT MEM human dislflfly MUI'E/pfuyxm bullion fmmzl/mnference bullon talk/callback bnlmn dd/vol (up or down REDIAL button arrow) buttons FLASH/DELETE buunn PAGE/INT human RINGER hunon wane hullon lplm buunn INSTALLATIO “— INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones opel arc al fl'eqilencms that may cause interference to ltcarby TVs, microwave ovens, and vcm. To minimize 01 pl event such Interference, the base ofthe cordless telepllonc should not he placrd near or on lop ot'a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. llsurlr inlet [trance (onllltlles, mow the rolrllcss lelephone farther away from these appliances. German other communications (Invites may also list the 2.4 Gflz frcqucncy for communication, and, rf not properly set, these devtces may illtrrfcre widl each other and/or your new telephone. Typlull devices that may use the 2.4 GH7 ftequeml hr (onlntunimdolt mctuae wireless audio/video sends ,w|lc|ess compult’l networks, mum-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long- range culdlcss telephone systems. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm, Never install telephonejacks in wet locations unless thejack is specifically designed for wet locations. Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. Temporarily disconnect any equipment connected to the phone such as taxes, other phones, or modems. INSTALLATION GUIDELLNES ~ Install telephone near both a telephone (modular)jack and an electrical power outlet, ~ Avoid sources 0! noise, such as a window by a busy street. and electrical noise. such motors, microwave ovens, and fluorescent lighting. ~ Avoid heat sources, such as heating air ducts, heating appliances, radiators, and direct sunlight. ~ Avoid areas of excessive moisture or extremely low temperature. - Avoid dusty locations. - Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers. 10 SERVICE ——____._ Il trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact customer service at 1-800-448-0329. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved. This product may be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by ATLINKS USA, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain serwce, refer to the warranty included in this guide or call customer service at 1-800-448-0325. Or refer inquiries to: ATLINKS USA. Inc. Manager. Consumer Relations P 0 Box 1976 Indianapolis, W 46206 Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference orjot down the date this product was purchased or received as a gilt. This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period, Purchase date ____—___, Name ol store 39
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.1 Linearized : No Page Count : 11 Create Date : Fri Aug 08 15:32:29 2003. Producer : Pixel Translations (PIXPDF Ver.1.38) Creator : C:SCANDALLSCANDALL.EXEEXIF Metadata provided by