Thomson 2-1008B 2.4 GHzCordless Telephone wity Caller Id User Manual
Thomson Inc. 2.4 GHzCordless Telephone wity Caller Id Users Manual
Thomson >
Users Manual
MARS TECH LIMITED EmIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" ATLl'N'KS USA/ZIOOSXXX-B EXHIBIT A FCC ID: GQI—IZ- 1008B Marstech Report NoI 23411D 21008 2.4 GHz Dual Cordless Handset Call Waiting Caller ID Phone System User‘s Guide We bring good things to life. E UH’MENT APPROVAL INFORMATION Vlmv rulepuono oourpmom ls ippmed lor oonnemon tome Poul-c Switched roloomno Nsiwoik and is in oomplionoo wnn pans is and as, FCC miles and Mulauons onu lhaTEcllnil-zl Requllsmenn W'EIepMnETummal Eqvlpnmu Whllthsd by ALTA. | llloalmllon to in. halhkphoflu company On [be oollonr oimis eouiprnemls a label indicaljng, among mhul rnlormorron me us number eno fling-r Eourynlenoe Numhlr (REM lor m eoulomom.Vou mun, upon mum. provioornrs lnlormolion ro your wlophono company. no HEN l: usellll rn ocurnl'mnll the number olawleu Wu may connomo your lolepoone llne Ind rlrll rim oll olrlnse dtvloax rino when your lelepnono numoor ix called. l "mu! (out not Ill) amps, rno sunr omo Est oi all deuce. oonnmooro one Ilne should ml excoeo 6.1‘0 he oomln olmu numoor ofooyioes you may oonnemo your line as omnnrmo oyrrre REM. you should eonuoi your local leIEnhnvle company A plug and 1m ueeo no mnnea rnn oouipnmn ro mu prom-m wirlny and wlophenn mm mun comply with run appiluelc FDC Pm so nrleo and requlmwm Idaplsd by mo mm A comptom whom)!» ooro mo mooulor plug uproviooownnrhoproourznrsoos‘gnooooocoomeaeumacompnlw moo-rlarloor ml is also oomplrom, See innallarmn rnnruoions ior pearls. um. ~ this moment may um o» used on ooin eeryioo pronroeo by me ltltvhnne company, - Paw Ilnes are sulriemo swrelanilr, innumerable, you may mil oooole lo use your lwm lelaphom lquipvnem a you an on a pony line. ctr-or with your InEaI rolopnone company. . Noll“ musr be film lo IM wept-one eomprny upon permzlmll dlmnmxllon Mywvlelephnne lrorn your no. - lryour home he: specially wruo nlarm Equ‘ men! connoneo lo me loleplrone line, ensun inn lrlsullfllon oi llrir prouurn ope: not dlnbln your alarm equipment. ll you haw queslinni lboul wtm will dixabh olorrn uouiprnern, oorrruli your ielepnono company or a quiz]! no innollor. z llnhu oi alum-poor» corral-w Show your oourmnun uuunmoie on your line whom may halm mttfltnhofle Watkins lelephonecnmnanvshall, wim- nmuiuhls, noutyyoolrur romporury mmlnuanoe alien/lee mry b- reouiroomnoro pnornrniou u nor practicable 2nd in. Clrwmiliilm walnut your union. me ulnplrone company AI'LIHKi USA, inc. ‘ln’l Won loaro Slut! Moon zlm lnor.n. Ils, m uzso . a ma m NKS uu, In: our Vudumlrklil an hour-rm Pvlmod in Chm; Mamlkl n- roooul may wrnpounry orewrnirm nervioe immediately In use of m mmpomy disnomwanm, the lrzlopnone oompnrry must (ll promptly notify you ol mar lemporury dittomflllsm; lzl allovo you the oppomrnizy lo comm the suumian; and (3) iniorm you of your right lo onno - oompinim lo inc Commission vumiam to proneoummlonll in Snbpln E anm on, rcc Ruin eno nogulnioru, The uleplme eompony may mm manna in no oornmunrcolions looilnln. oourpnmnl, opmnlons or proaoures manual anion It mulmd Irl mo opemlon oi as purines and rm lmonslnom wim FCC Rules and Raoul-irons. Il‘ mesa d‘lngfls are crooner: ro unoa "it use or pmonnanoo oi youneiephon- oouipmenr, rho mom oompnny molvoyou noeouarle Mm. -n wrnlrro ro allow you ro maintain unlmnuoled some, INTERFERENCE INFORMATION this dw on complies llr Pm |5 oi m. Fcc Rulers. Up x xnhlecnolhe lollowrng Mn commoner (rm-lo ooyroe muy nol clue nor lul rnlerlmnoo: ano 111ml: ooyloe mun mp1 my rnreriorenu roceivoo, lnclurirno rnlorleunce roar may com unoosiroo opemron. no; equlpmenl has om loneo nno louno ta eomply wilh rm Ilm' Clls: E oroirol owroo, pursuomo Pm 15 on». FCC RuleLYh-n 621mm lo provroo rononrlrlu orounlon again" hnmml rulomlrl lnmllollon. m; oouipmern pummel, usux, and cm "dim uolo ireouonry energy mo, (1 nm inn-lied nno uuo m nmrdanct wmr rno rnnnmiono, mny c-uee nnrmlul Imerlenncntn roolo oommu ollonp llwrmr, men is no pruurnee IMI lnreriaroneo wlll Am own . pinlcuI-r inmllnionv Innis eoulomem arree nun n-rmiul inreriennne ro room or lelevlllon rooopuon, whlcfl can bn omrrnrnuo oy lurning rno norpmonr oil no on, (he nur ll cournooo lo lry lo norrm Iht lnlorieronoe by line or man oi the lollcrw no muxumz - Roorlom or locmlho moor’yln anmnno lrllor lome unronno lor rEdlE or reloynlonmol rr 'rooorvlny' lho rrnorlorenul - Eoorlmr or roloure mo more a mo in rolion onween in. lolooommumrlom m pmen aim we no emanrln. . Connwtlhemlevnmmunlulinm ooulprn-m mm on ornler oo o olroulloiirerenr lrom inn lo wnlm me reourylno onlmu i: oonnmeo. inn-n memresdn rm 0 mlnne me lrnntnonoe, pl so oonsulr your uoaler or on oxporionooo mlioneloynron rmnrei-n ior ldflhloml luqqmons. Also, lno rooml communroollonl commi-ion no: prepared n helmul Dnokm. 'NowTo loornrfy ono Rawlvo RadiofW lnlerierenoo Problemxffllls oooloel is avalllbls lrorn liro li.s. Goyernmem aninp owlcewwrinpron, 0.0. 20401 Please specily nook numoor Mme-003454 when oroerlma cop as. FCC RF RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENT no, wulnmam camplm wiln FCC Er roolnlon oxpoxun limits set lonn lonn uncorrlrolleo errylronmom mio poulpmern should he rnmlleo m4 opemeo with a mlnlnurn dlslancs oi zli c-mrmowu bnwoerl the radiant ono your oooyrms (ionsmillw rnuor not be comm-o oropecam in ooniumion wlln any oinor anlenno or Hamming, FM woywom oper-rion, lhli none has been ruled eno mums lire FCC RF lxpnnlre quioelinu when used wllh in hell orpplloo wiln lnu prooun. use or other mum“ may non ensure oompl u wnh rcc RF axposure guidellmr HEARlNG Am COMPATIBILI'I'Y HAC Thlt mlelzlmne syfltm masts FCC flawlvds lov Ruling Aid Compvllhillty. us NUMBER ls LDCAYED oumz miller EormM ml NUMBER ls LOCAYED owns CAEIMEY scrum om mullnnmninmlnz vnizxculnmnu WARNINGzTO Pmm WWNIN WE PREVENT FIRE OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK “Emmy” ni HAZARD, DO NOT Tziymgmxafi EXPOSE THlS PRODUCT TD lulu “WWW“ on MOISTURE. INTRODUCTION cillmoN: wnon lulu“ lolr-pnnne romp-mu more an hale ufely inuruorlomn-ur should ulw-yxbu rollo-reo Eermn the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS prvvlded wllh urn moo-or owl m- lln-ln i... fimm: {den-me torlomumions on widtwng me cf Duel coulis Namelrelepnone symmms wElEm w ln mo 1.4 all: lroquenry mnoo mo in "Mlle lo oomerroorul audits: lelepnonoownm lilo base I! oonneoreo lo eloorlorrl Wu! ano . lolepfnne inky you an plow n Mylooorreo oorolen nandsel anymore eleclrlo-l mar p avail-ole Funny-s: . 2.4 GHZ oioirnl ioarnoloov . Han-1m lo nunom lnreroom . 2~wlv uno annoy Cormorant/coll lrnnsler . callWanrno mo caller ID componole . TonllPulsE Dialing - uo no 50 Name zoo Number Memory FCC m: GOHz-IOOSB leslech Repon No. an ID EXHIBlT A('I ) his (Elephant hn been designed lo Malmplnh use, now, you ran mach imull pmermal mom qulow by taking a low mlmflat in lead mu lnmuclmn MINE IBlenMneIs a mulu'hmciion omdun lmuse whh Calm-hing and Caller ID sen/us muons Ylom yourloulbelephm maul/v Val" Cllllr ID Cnll W: phon- llm wn tn: - View me naml an ielepnene umber an alley itallwamnq cine: my mule you we on me anon- - leenuly callers neloreveu nnxwer lhc mom . view me time and dale ale-ch incoming calL . Record win on Clller ID mesudei tsunamullv. - Know who called While you Are on lhc other line or when you wen ewsv- . Semen unwemco callt, eliminaw neuumem 1mm lnnnylng cells, arln gen plowed belove answmfl n all wman: Beanie midis: phones Opel-[e on «muslin you would have a: lean mm phnml 1" youl Mnmlmlnnlmmllcm.1n(mdlhc pm. m youl minc- Ken; eu- lMPORTANT: [n 0rd" in me ill 0! ins leamrcs onnn islspnons you must mum. - w m n-pmm mm mil-inc 1mm your Iocll iuluninin comm, me u we Nunn/Numnu Clllci (D Sari/ice lo know who n mun, Anon nu, nnons ”up and cm Wnun, culsr ID Service u) know «ha in culling wnlle you an.» on (he phone. HANDSET LAYOUT MEM baton d“Ti-J ExlT mm... MUTE/pron“ bill-m lulmll/mlm bum)" uni/amid euunn tut/ml lun in dcwm RIDMI. mu "m1 hum HASH/DELETE on.“ PAGE/INT MUM HINGE! mum “Mlle bullim Wm“ BASE LAYOUT a.“ nun.“ In ”xv-n: Indium nap union/mm HANDSET CHARGE CRADLE LAYOUT PARTS CHECKLIST M-ke suic ywv omega includes me item; shown View. Bell dip; Mum-m AC pm «on, my.“ a... cam TELEPHONE JACK REQUIREMEN'IS Yo Mu "H5 pnovu, vou man In NJflC vae medal" phone lelephon ark whim might law like Wu one Modal. g planned hen, in vow homn. I0 you dofl'l telepho— nm c modular look, call my local Dhnnl cinnoeny lo llnnjldl nnd mu howio an on. insulted INSTALLATION msrAumou Nam Some wmlm telephone owns n immunities mu may mm: lmerle‘n-nu- m mmwe nnuom. own and vein To nunlnun in nmni xix): minim“ (he [use 01 IM wfdlcn mlephnm- mm W be puma new in an In]? if n Tv. mum-m own, an VCR inocn inlrr’cwuw l nnllnm "lave lbwcfldkm newline linlwlmy fmmllvnc wow, Cumlnulmr oummunlullnm mm mm use (he m cm frequency for mmnunlenlon and mm pmprdy in. um (11'va may innmm mu. m, Mimi mad/or yml' xww telephone mien (IL-ma llm may we "in z 4 cm [mucky [w commnnk-‘llon lnclude‘lmlfll “Idle/video mm“, «diam clim'mlef mm, mulll‘handsm “new lnlcphflm mm. no 1071140 ‘lllly: main“ lelrphnm: Ayn-m. - Never inslell Magnum wmnq during a ignininn slonn - Never lnmll lulepnone Jam in wm localioni unlm lhc mil in specifically derignud [0er locations. «venom non-lmul-led Telephone wim Di miminalx, unless we ulenhone II"! no. boon disconncned auhe nmwmk ‘muvfine. - Usc cluunn when Imnlling n! modilvlng mleyhnne Hun. . Temporarily disconneoi any wulpmsm oonnmed in ms onune wdi as lam, omer phones, or mod-ma INSTALLATION GulDEuNEs Insull mentions near mm a lelcnhnne lmeaul-rl 1m and an cleaneal power cum - Avoid manual and. ass wmdewby - nusy nmi. and electrical not“, sum mum, micnmwe ovens, and Hum" igminn. . Avmd neanouwax, inch as hailing an ducts, mung applianm, admins, and an!“ twilight. - Avoid eve-s oi mice-clue momum M exlmmtlv Ii1w wmvbmwe. ~ Avoid may Iocanom. - Avoid omei oonum mentionus or manual wmnnlem INSTALLING THE PHONE cmm the Des! loudonto inn-ll your base and "muse! ell-me cudlcyeur nan ind nandsn amen cradle should he nlooed on a Iwei inflame men at a desk in “hie cop, orynu may man!“ In hlse im a well, CONNECHNG THE AC (ELECTRICAL) POWER |. On me bale, vluq one end loa was: simply cord into (M power izdl on ma back 0! the bass meme other and into an elmricai outlet. cums Um minim» ATLINKS USA [M pdm'lmnply 525m (win-oi m 5 2512 (bl-ck) inn tame vrmn x 00m wwer wpplkx miy 2. Hug me handset engine cudlo inio in electrical omisl. more: The charge indicator on me new and the chll’ge lmflcalor on me mind)“ chngc more Iurvls ml ro ("dune Ihl: nenasui ballery is rharglng CONNECTING THE TELEPHONE LINE On Me oase. plug in. one end 0! rue ielepnon. cord iriio rho pm on lho li-dr omie base and iiie oinerend who a modular wall prion iiidr INSTALLlNG THE HANDSET BAmml Nam You innu onim-i—i rho handset [finely Me... ine l Push down on rlra lop ollhe banery companmtm nwev (locaiod on me oadr oi eedlr hindsell and runomha cover. 2 Lm rhe banerv puck and oorinesl ll-s plug 101m iadr irmde ihe oompanrnorii, Nam lr n impair-iii in miunain rne pouniy (black and red wins) lo lhewck imu-irrrierompu. mm bflmll mule lllllnzllun 3 Close xhe banerv companrnenr by pushing me wvnl up until u snaps lmn glues. a filmlhe hanulm inlho ehargrng cradles. Allwd handle“ to mam- liar u hours prior lo rim n“. ll you don'l properly enargs rm hands-rs, bunny parlpnnsiiea is enmpromind. NOTE: lune balmy la nor properly lnslallod iir (ha nandsm whhoul plugged lha blfl-ry. "no BAWER " shows in \\ PRESS DOWN ~ wulz dimlay if“! place his "MY “D handsets in die charging cradles, WALL MOUNTING THE BASE NOTE: Fm hen neon-r. lure the bax- on 1 lb! “an-law durllg lnllm durgmg Mcmyw hing ii nnrne wail Yum in. me over. 1. z. Ariadr lho wall mourning oadesliil by ind inseiung rooms on me ripen eflgs onrie pedoeial imolhe slms on ihe lower ponloii onhe buuom ollha base. lnon push down and manure pedeiral inni nlaee. slip ma mwmlng holes (on rho oadr olrha pedeslall over me wall plate oasis and slide ihe unii down imo pllue. lWall plale nor includedl PROGRAMMING THE TELEPHONE STANDBY SCREEN Yne hand!“ displays the handset number 1nd user name USER NAME HANDSET x PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS there an eighl programmable menu: available: language. handset Name, Area Code, nrnparTorr-,ronelPulse, neginrnloii, Deregisrrarlori, and nelson smurrg. LANGUAGE I Make sun vow phone It OFF [not in lalk mode). 2 Plan (ht MUYElumqlum Mon lo 90 lo the SET LANGUAGE menu. 1 Ilsa lhe mum to". pad on the Mud!" (n ulm ENG, ZFRA. 3557. or Inn "is nid/ vol (un at dawn imam! lumen w scroll lo the flash” I-nnuags. (English I) in. dolaiili selling). «. rigs ll. lam/program liuiron lo save your talman.¥w will hut I bonfimmlorl role. Nam mu iln. Exrr udirrni emu lo kuLp lhr pruvlmls a-ning Ind mum lo Kile standby xreen HANDSBT NAME 1 Press me MUTE/program bunch lo go lo the HANDSEY NAME menu. 2 Use lle much-lone pad no war a name (no lo 15 maraeleisl More than oile larder ls nor-ed irieadi ollha numberka For example, lo mar Bill Smiili, FMS IM 2 key lwico lor rhe Mar 5. Frees mo 4 kw : (inlet lor the loner l. Frau rm 5 lray a llmn lorllio lad-rt, Preemie Ekzy alimea term-mom letter L and prmllre llrey io inserl - ipaoa onween rho firm and her name. Press lle 7 key a lime: lor rho led-r 5; mass lln 5 key m lor lhe lwoi M; mu me 4 key 3 limes lor llre leder I; pm- rm 3 lroy lor the lenerl; ma: ma 4 key lwleo lor rho leuar N. NOTE: "you mllkc mun. rm uni deim/ilurh humor in Influpaw and doll one chArxu—r Jul rim a. Pres: me MIJTEIpwglim ounon io save your namevou will hear a conllrmaliori um. AREA CODE L Press iris MUTE/program buuon lo polo me SET AREA cons momlne delaull l: --» z. UmmO'olldl-lone nad ro mar yoiir sdigu and code 3. Pie-win Murapiogmm lumen lo save your murmvou will heara wnfilmmon lone. NOTE Puss rne Exrr hlmwl nntc io keep irle [imbue ulllng and mum to me “and . RINGER TONE You may amuse from six dfl'emnl finger lOHBs. |. Make sure the ringer is lumod Am. See Rings ONO" section. 2. Plus the MUTE/program built!" to gem SET RINGERYDNE menu. 3. "we delauh riwsf mne ls “no riflgel [one |. . Usflflnmmfil-finflt pad lo order a llmermne numlrer ll lnmuglr s), or use Ihe (id/vol lup ordown mow] bimonm scmlltolhe desired mum will ham sample ohhe ringer lone vdii selaa 5. Press ine MUTE/[immm when in save your Eelminn.Vou will hear a donlirmailon lone, Norm: Pm rn. EXIT puuon onre in keep inn PMloin mung nnd “(Inn in (he umarr, men. TONE/PULSE Mosi mlepnom tynems use tom dialing, however, some mly sirll use puln di Jhrs rvxlem is preeel lo nine dialing. Dupemmg an your sewimlype, see rho ‘ng mode ie inflows: |. Pressure MUrEloiograrn nullori lo go io SETTDNEIPULSE "mm. 1. lug delaiih dialing mode is eel «none. 3. me me loumono padlo seloei | lormNE dialing or; for PULSE dialing, or uselho old/vol (up and down arrowl lumon lo lcmll ie ITONE or ZPULSE dialing. 4 Press me MU'E/nrowam lmomo save your eelmion You Will hears ooiillrmmion lone. NOTE M5 inc Exrr hair-m nncv: all law. (he luvlnmn will"; and] mini. us me xlnndhyum Ilvw Iven'l surewnldr dialing svsrem you halls, seuht lolophone ro lone dialing and rnalra a iasi ull. Ilma all donors rne selling is roireci. lirna call does nnl runnecl mlholelephone Io wlw dialing. REGls'mA-non This seriing may lie made wdh rho handsets onlyyour dual handrers are ple- ieginorod and ready lo me. It is nor rerommendedrrrar handset oe Nnimmd agoin unlnss alieoluiery nmmry. 1. ii necessary, press ine MUYE/pmgram oinlon lo go lo me nsclsllilmoll menthe damn is 2 N0. 1. Use me Marlene pad lo relem | lor ves or 2 lor N0 Or use the mdmol (up and down mow) human lo enroll lo l YES or 2 N0. 1 ii you soled lves. pm: lhe MUYE/pmgrlm ounon lo aorillrm your nlmien. HOLD BASE PAGE WAIT FOR SEEP ahorm in me dlsnlnv. 4 Putt Ind hold in. page lamp» on me oars urilr umll yw heera long lone ai rho anndear mossy x nzclsvrnm shows in tho htndsu dunlav. where x is me mam mmle will hear a unflfimmmn lone, NUI‘E: Pm me Exrr ounon pm in 19»le wrin- hating and lwuru in irm xlnndir/ men Or pig. and hold me EXIT himon lo mum iii usndoy mode NOTE: Arrer you R‘Nel . unir, HANDSET NAME mu unrnmurioiiiy um; in iiweliaiarunrl [limrlpnym io emu inrirandu-i inna- lor rim iniininodrin. vIcM Med (0 HANDSET NAME kale" oiinn manual, DE-RscmlszN This mini; may be made with me hlmwu Wm Domain/mien unwell Mlfimlhn. Dullw mt do-rwisllilion omens. leap rho lam near ire am. i, ll neeuury, arm irle MUN/program liiinon lo golp iris nenEGls‘mAllaN manumo delaiiu rs 2 Mo. 2. Ua-lhoioiiarlom pad Io eeleial lor vEs orz loi N0. eruxe ihoold/vol (up and down arrowl honor-lo mall lo was or 2 No, WARNING; h n ma (awn-mended irur i. handler hr- de-mgmened urilrm ulldulnluly new” ore-one, am a llindmu ri «swim-ind. inai halldwl‘s lelevhenc fcmmelum‘ol oe used uniii ine hulldm lxrereglxuzlvd a Selwl No, ll you do nolwam io doregleloi, a, ll you selen lvzs, pres- llr- MUTE/program MM" and Move NEAnm mist dliplm lor z aaoorlds, men 00eran ivEs 1 NO appears in [NB dleoley. Nom- Paws ii» Exrr Inmull mam ro keep me mwwx scum; .nd morn lo me uandoy mean 5, Press llr- much-voile padlo eel-cl WES nr 2 No, or use in. aid/vol (up and down arrowl hullon lo lcvoll io lvzs or 2 NO. a ll you ulenvfs, pioesllla nuns/program mum lo confirm. anaemia shows rri lire display lollowod lay o confirm ionsi'hen NANDSETX KREGIS‘I’ERED thaws in lhl dan-y io confirm lho hundm is doregisleied. NOTE: Wllcll Von cumplem irie oniigiuuii mu. HANDsET NEEns ItbGlSTR/l'l'lON rpm rn rhe dhphy Tu IN. ht meson yAm nun. regiurr rru- hall-bu GLOBAL DE-REclsrRA'noN "one or more handsou lmoinea Ion, you should die-regisrer all lands“: (a mum prop-r ayuem operailon. Follow ins moi oelamro dorooieier horn namsell n ma rarria ilme. WARNING: lr o nos mmndfld rrur . hanmel bu eeregereress unlmi absolutely mammary bmux‘ mum . hanorer Is smogbrerers. rnur hanoe-r‘s relephore lsarures rannor be um um" she herrooer ls mmghlefud s Press «no holdrhe pege bsmon on rhe [use umll rhe IN USE/PAGE rnssroeror on she bsse flames z. Preo: ano hnld lhe rugs bunon onshe has again umll shs IN USE/PAGE rnomor on me beso lush-e madly. 1 Plan and leluflsc m0 pan! mm on me he” am All hill-1m an 6'- mantel“ and HANDSET NEEDS REMANON thaws in me dlwlbv. DEFAULT SETTING As on bmmo limlllar w‘ h rhis syeism, you any prelerso usrshs rysserrr's orrornrl seurngs, Follow she mm below so resum so she lmory uelouls smingt. |. Press rho Mulflpmgram honors so so some DEFAULI sszG menu The oelaurs ssmng is 2 No. 7 Use rhcsouenrune pass so also lvzs nr 2 No, or use she old/vol (up or down mow) bunnnru move she oursorso | yes or 2 NO, NUIEfllyos-(hnnse “WS'AII me sailings!" she nmgnlmmnhle mmlu a": launled lo imory omurr mum, 3. Press shr MUTE/progrunr bunon so uyeyourselecsion. NOTE: l’rv“ mm 5er key (mm so we rho pal/mm wllhm rno rorurn in ms: xl‘lhdiy some TELEPHONE OPERATTON CHARGE INDICATOR When she merge nolcasor rs lil, rho henoses I: corressly besieo rn rho creole Ind rs merging. MAKING CALLS | Plus up she hensms, and ere-s rhe ullr/ullbank button. Linen lor a dial lone z. Dlll she number you wlnnn call, or dial me number hrsr lhen pm: she and eallhedr brnron. 3. When finiihm‘l, pm; "0 ulrlnllhlrk buuan so hung up. ANSWERING CAu_s |, When she phons vlnqi, was up rhe henom, rno press ihe ulklullblds bunon. 2 when finished, puss ulls/ullbads so hung up. N01! mus. rne nsnoser vnlumc by pressing rho ore/vol lnp or own snowy bur-on airing u can CALL TIMER Ahu you pressrhe sall/ullbeor bslmn orrlhe handwuln bu' ' eels rimer shows on ihe useoley lm‘l counts she lenglh ol rrme ol she cell in minute: eno sewndx, PRE-DIALING |. Makewnlht phon or; (nos in rolls mooel, z, Emerrhereieonons number you mm in ullTfit selephone number shows in me hansssel ouplsry, a. Pmesshb mllslcallbad bussorr on she hen-sees, end she numher ausomsucally ouls, NOTE. you may miter up so 32 pmdlzl dims NOTE: «you min (0 delrle the groom number you enreroo. Wu- llhe mssl-l/ nuns human urnn lll oi rne dlglli m mo, AUTO STANDBY ll wu plaee she mom in me creole whlle she hsrusser is ohrho hook lourrng a call), she call <8 amamaliullv olsoenneosed. RINGER ON/ OFF Tn. handset nnoer loggle bunon rs preseuo on. H. ”m no w” |. Plus the ringer hull ll me handset and RINGER warm in she display sllsho ongrnal ringer soiling is HI). /"1' m, a, we; 1 Use IN mum—(one pad (a salon m or sue the And/vol (up or down WNW) human lo “M IHI ZLO or SOFF n. rreusne ringer brnron us me will selooslorr, or press sne Exrrksy so main rbs urrglnel mung. Now; when nu lmndws is w! ro RlNcER ore. (he "an! oil Ito" ossprsys rnnlllmumlv unrrl rherloger rs romon r... FLASH/ CALL WAITING llyou suhsonbe so me camhined Caliwrillno allev I) servioo lrom yoslvloczl selephone oompany, you wlll reoeive Caller ID rnlbrmnlon (il milablei on C|ll Wlmml calls. Dunno a phone rah, you wrll burn been in rnoicaie unosner call is wanrng on she line and Collar ID lnlormosion lor she waning all shows on me ham orsplay. ~ lb conned so she minim osll, prm she Illsh bunon onlhe hsndssv. and your orlglnol sell is put on holo. . lb swiun between rhsrwo anIsr press me hash bunon. m: Dm'l was me talk/fallback burron or. me some hen-fies ro acmzm . Wm)!“ calling woe. lch is all no, or yrlu'll hang up um phone LAST NUMBER REDlAL Yb gulesly rsolsl she less number you oisleo; | Press the lalls/callbadl blman. 2. Plus! the REDIAL mn. m. 3. Pro" she RENAL bunon hm, rhen press she ulk/ullhlds bunon ll you gel a busy signal suo worn so keep dlulllm me number, press she REDIAI. when so muddy redial she number Ex1T lelM Exrr bulxonro ax" a menu loner-on rno rehurn so she nan-soy soreen. PAGE rhe page lberure helps you looms mrsplaoeo honoseJo mo and meme peg-r, all honours mussbsrogmereo hrnrurhenoses is nos reglssereo, lollow she rnssrunrorrs rnrhe heglssrnion session olmil mlmlal. HANDsET T0 HANDsET PAGlNG Dual handle“ am vupcmwly named as “mam 1 and Handset 2. 1, Make sure rho phone rs orr Um lnsalk model. 2. Press and release me PAGE/INT bunbn on e hsnober. PAGING EerNslom shows in me oieplay. 3. USE The mum-Ma pad lo emu me "and”! number you wml to page. 0. To camel TM wage, press 1h. EXIT human, 01 pres: Ihn NEE/INT hunch Ov you may we“ lilldclllhads on Iht "calving handnh PAclNc FROM THE BASE/ GROUP PAGE Ute me bamnlv lo page hflh leglsttnd Muslim mmu same time. |. le TM 9193 Dunn" on the bats. Bolts nan-1m: beep lot two minute-s and PAGING FROM BASE thaws on Old! thwl's dlinlay. 2. Tu cancel lht pact, plans (710 page blllton 00th base, 0! pm“ me mllsl ullblfls billion on saith “Mm MUTE In have a prlvlle, aHJine BMWHUOH, nu lhl MUIE lemouhe puny on (In xelephons line calmnl hear you. bur you srn nesrurerrr. | Press (ho MUTE/pmqrum humane handset fllsplay shows MllTE ON, 2, Press me MUTE/pmqnm humus I0 uncut and Mum in wul ohms sorrysrsnlon TEMPORARY TONE DlALlNc Ihis leesun ls uselul nnly il you hrye pulse olellno ssrysoexernoorary lone Dsullng en-lilos pulse lrm-ryl wvlee bhuhe users so «cum lunch-lune services oneress lry henlrs, man and oornpanses. m Fol example, when you cell your bank you mw need us enrer your bank aocouns number. resnporsnly swiuhing ro Touuslons rnooo allows you no seno your number. s. Dial sherelephone number, enss wail lor she lirre ro mnrrern. 1. When your ash is answereo, press rhu - lone brnson on me hsruess rorroh-rone poo so semporsrily chino- lrorn PULSE dinllw lomNE dllling. (I. Fallow (he automated inswfllofls 10 wt m0 Information you need. 4. Han] up the handsel, and ill. phone flumnlnally le'umsln PULSG Irmarv] oislinu mooe. RECEIVER VOLUME OONTROL When mt mom is ON (in ulk mode) you may sorusr she meiveryolurno by pressing she aid/ms sup or down almw) unwflhere urelour volume was so moose horn. When she m xlmum or in um yolurns leyel I! reaohusl, rhe ohune beeps rwios. VOL 1 is rrrin urn uno VOL l mlxlmllm INTERCOM OPERATION The imeroorn leisur- shows you so have s eonversasson w‘nh anurner reorsseress h-noser wnnour ry g up rise relephone line. And srnoe she relepnons lsne is nor In use, you may sun receive inebrnlno cells. MAKrNc AN INTERCOM CALL 1, Mike sum The phone I: OFF (M lnltlk mode). 2. Press the PAGE/INT blmon on Iht hindsm. a. Uselhcloudnom pao so eel-x she hammyeu wani so plqu. NOTE: To sanoor pagev. one, (hr: rAcE/lm- b-ulnn lgam or the 5er human on (In; nor-urn, berm 4 Wen lorrhe person ll she reoewrng hencseno preosshe pagmm bunon. Nam ls nu» waiving humus onus rlul Inswcl rnrbsn mu vluim. rho lull-mom all u immmmly umlcd Tho mwnlllnfi lumlml moneys N0 ANSWER 5. when finished, press ihu Exlr burlon or PAGE/INT bunon on enher nonosn so oeeoivare lbs lmmm. REcElvmc AN INTERCOM CALL When you reserve an rmeroom call. your nudist heepuo answer rho all brass me PAGE/INI bunoo ursellrlsallbeor busson. ADVANCED INTERCOM FEATURES RECEIVING AN INCOMLNC TELEPHONE CALL DuRLNc AN INTERCOM CALL li you receive a ulepnone ealr dullng en mmcom earl,rne rrneroorn call 5 immeorarery rerrninareu and born mean one Eirner nenom urer may west Ihelakk/Dallhadl ounon ro ammrlhe call. UsINO INTERCOM wm-I EXTERNAL TELEPHONE CALLS During e leleonone or", you may use are inueroomrpagrng lunninn ro page anorner mom and have an olnrne. Drrsze lrwo-wuvl rrrlerwm oorryerrauon. Voo may also have a rnrewray romersaoon berween rne exrernal caller am we nanosere, or you may rrenslor lne exlemal rerepnone call lo anornor nanusm. NUTE: Mon- ym. mrr-roarn/pagr nnmlmr mime ynu 1mm Alrflde unerno. you mm la mar», a may or a rm-eway wmenmlnm. TWO-WAY CALLING r. During an exremal or man rne PAGE/IN" hrnlon, ane uselneroumaone pad lo enrerlne Mndwx n mbar lr or zlyoowenr recall, NOTE: 1ne nmh‘lng namiee prereea rne PACE/INT miner. m Am rne inrunxml rnll. Dom Inlmxml Mrs Hwy 5me owner, Tne alum-I urrer wlII nor lira. rm him-(um oomemuon. 2 When irnrsneo, press rne Exrr moon er PAGE/WT bum“) eml lne rrnereom eall, rerurn le lire (Elk mode, and reeume your nrlgIMI luepnone oonuerranon. THREE-WAY CALuNc |. During In enamel cal), mess the PAGE/INT key LINE ON HOLD EXTENSIOM7 mom or rne display 2. Llae rnelouranene per: lo uleel Nandsen or Handm Moe wrrl neer | paging (one and PAGING snowr rn rne any n hindset‘s elapray, NOTE: FACING TROM xhrwlx rn rne display or. Ihe rewlvlng lumlxl'l anrr rrre mum/ms hindxel muses rm PACE/INT m Ialk/cleIr-rk burmn ro answer me lnIerLom a. wnen lne receiving honorel cnnmxu, pm: lbe oonferemellormar blame» on Me orrgrnaxlnu namaeuo eonrerenee willr lne renewing homer and me exlemal caller. CONFERENCE arrows in rne displnv on Me originallng nno reoeryirro nanosm TRANSFERRING ExTERNAL CALLS TO OTHER HANDSIZ‘IS Dunn; In menial all, you my Hinder The meme) all to irmher hfl‘dm, |. PrHs lha PAGE/WT MM on 1h! originating new"! to put an annual all on hold, and Then pig! 1M ram-"g handset, z. Userne loudnone pee on me nanosello seleer Ramon or Ham! z.vou will near a pining lone. PAGING snrwrs on rne orrgrnalinp nanoua's olaplay. anu PAGING FROM snow: on me Tweivllu nanosele display, 3 Women rere "fl honor-l connects, pm; tMllIll/callhadl bullon on me orrprnarino nenoael lelrenalerlno ull -oa- e. Pnulhsulklcallhddl brnlon on The Miglnfllw nanumlu uanalerl can, ll lne receiving nanorel does nu ammrwmrm W secorm, lne onprnalirrg handset rlnqs budl mu allnllvx CALLEACK. lllne am no nanoeen not: not amwev wirnrn zll noon-1s, The call is nulomelloalry dropped. MEMORY You mly mire liny 15-mantler names and melon lelepnene number: in Me nanom memory. STORING A NAME AND NUMBER IN MEMORY |, Makt Sure the phone is OFF (not Mr li'k mean). 2. Pms lne MEM key ro replay SELECT MEMORY man. 3. Pros: rne desired memory loomion bunon lul llrreuyn 5:1) or umno ole/vol lur: or down arrow) burlon lo wall lo oeeireo ln. memory leeanon. NOTE: Ir me «my Ioclllnrr n occupitdr rne rnemoryroeanon number Ind Menard mm ml rereeneno numhl‘rlmpelrm IMmspl-y Irrne memory Nae-um e amply. EMmeppe-ra m rlre dupily 4, Pres: rne MEM keyrne airplay mow» ENTER NAME. 5 use lne rourmooe pee lo mm a mmeluplolsonarmml. Murernonone MIDI la norm in oral oi rne number keys. For mrnple, lo enler Bill 3mm), press we 2 keyrwroelormeleuers,Preaalneekeyaluneelorlnalelrermmrneskey: Irmet lor lne Mm L Plus me E kw J lrmea lorlne mend mm L and pres: lne lLeylornrerlerpaeebmeenlnerrmurul-enernerreealnenuytllmnlor lne lerrar s: weer rm 5 key onoe lorlno Terrier Mr prm me A key him“ (or me roller I; prm Me a key (or me unerT; press The a key rwree Ler lne loner k. a. Prm lne MEM key ro confirm end aeye lne reeoru.rne display shows ENTER TEL NUMBR, 7, Use The rouen-rone pad ro enrrr ln- wept-one number we lo 20 claim. including pauaes) ano pms lne MEM key eearn lo eayerne record The unn beeps ro eonllrm. Now The worm Im-u muses as daily; flr epans m r)» dilllrlg qucnce 3, To enler unorner name and number rn a oilierenr memory Ioaarron, mum ro are» 2 and repeer lne process. STORING THE LAST NUMBER DIALED |. Make sure the phone It 0" (Am inlalk made), 1 Press rne MEM by To fluplay SELECT MEMORY 01-50, a Pren a memory loearlon key (M507 lo slore e redial pnone numlser rn lnrn memory localion, or arm ere/vol (up one oown arrow) bunon re mull To Me oerireo memory lee-non. a. ermine MEM key ano ENTER NAME shows on (In orepray. 5. Use Me rouen-lone pad lo enler lhe name. and men punme MEM burlen ag ’ and ENTERTEL NUMBR snows on morsplay. 6. Frame molar brnron lo ursplaylne reerel number. 7 Pymme MEM lrey agulnm oonlirm. NOTE Ir rm red Worm in ery INSFRI’ING A PAUSE IN Tl-LE DIAuNc. SEQUENCE (OE A STORED NUMBER) Preemie k buuon on Me nenoeel'r room-lone Dad ro lnren a delay in dialing sequence wnen a pause ls "Bede-110 wan ler e dill lune llor example, ener you dial sioran (mlside line, or rowairior a oompurer aoraess rooe.) Each pause eounn or In! dlgfl rn me orarrng sequenoe. REVIEWING RECORDS STORED IN MEMORY 1. Make sun The vhont is OFF (M rnlalk mode]. 2. Prison» MEM key in ereplay sELECT MEMonm-Eo. 3. Press rne cldNol iup or am mow] launonr to sum" lhe rucnlds, or use llre naneeefs rouonaene pro lo emer me memory localion number, CHANGING REOORDS STORED IN MEMORY Eollow rne procedure ior snoring Names nno Numbers in Memory, exeeol Tsvlace a slum releplrone number wnn a movie. DELEI'ING RECORDS STORED IN MEMORY |, MIITE sure (he phnrle is OFF (m1 intllk mode) 2, Press rne MEM keyle erspley SELECT MEMORY M50 3 Preaelhe rid/vol (up or down arml bunon lo serorr lo the reeoro you wanna oeleee oruae rne moon-lone Pad ro emerlne fleslred memory lo ' e. Prussme PUSH/DELETE mnoolo markmn rewro ior oelelionThe display Shaw: DELETE? s. Prmlhe FLASH/BELIEVE bums" lo oelerelne record. DELETED mom in Me erspley NUI’E: um drm'rwxll «a (haven or ack- reeom, amply m ore EXIT balm“, or'ill re. one mum-e In em me raw-T Mn mnmallally DIALING A NUMBER FROM MEMORY 1. Mike sun the nhnne is ON (in talk model by Dressing lhu mlk/callhadl hlmlzn. Z Plan the MEM key to drsulay memo '~ —. A Userneloudr lone paero emerlne memory lrx=nron number. The number dials auromarreally, —0R~ I. Make sure lne phone is OFF lnel in ullr model. 2. Premne MEM key ro dhnllv SELECT MEMORY lN-En, 1 PIES! rne memory lee-non iorlne phone number you were lo oral, or use lne ole/vol iup or down arrow) burlon re uroll lo TM number you warn lo dial. 4. Pro“ lne lelk/callbaek bellon.Tne number olale lrnomnmlly. CHAIN DIALING FROM MEMORY U“ this feature in mike Dalll Much require l uquencu Di numbers, such an n “HIM curd numb" used ior I lrwuumlv tilled Ionn dinim number. "is inllnwlnn example shows howvw can “Dream pan oi (ha dlaling vellum“ and me mam dialing lo make I call lhmuqh 1 long dlmnoe nil/ice: Tn. Number For Mommy locaoon Long Dru-nee Aeeea- Number 7 Aulnorixanorr Coo. s Eraguenrry e no ion! olsrano- numb-r a l. M a sum lire phone I: ON iin ulk mod.) by ermine rne lalk/ullbxk bunon. 2. Free: rn- MEM key, ano rn-n pron 07. a When you nrarrhu aeoeee ronr, Wm rne MEM key, and men ere" us A Ar rlre nexl aeeeaa rone, Dust lne MEM kw am) men as. CALLER ID CID Caller in lch) r a aaryroa ayerlebla lronr your local lelepnone oompany Eor calm in lo work on r eyelern, you mlm ruhreribo ro caller lD uNleeJo receive Caller rD lnlormanon Tor e Callwaiung cell, you rnner sunuribe re rne eomorneo cell wainnq Caller ID mice. Thruelopnone ryelem receive- no oiepleya cm inlormmlon lrerrarn’rnell Irv MT local lelepnone companyrni; inlormarion may lneluoe lire onone number, date end “me: or me name, pnona number, and date end rlrne. firearm aural-waned Numeerormulurmnao 4. . . . 5153‘“ llA/LE‘l i‘r’r’r‘°‘““DI El‘I-IEEMSE'l PETERCHAN Cdln‘s mm: Canon oner- number CID ERROR CODES Venom CaIIDrID error messages may appeal I“ ma drsplay. Rshrlo Inc Display Manager seaion olmi: Unv’s Gulde In! more inlorrnalion. RECEIVING CID RECORDS When you moervc - cell, Ihe Caller ID Inlomminn ls uansmlmd betwmme Ilm uno recono 7";ng Caller ID information appeauon me oirolay wnrlorbe phone rim, grying you n marine ru munllorlho lnlormrrion and decide whmtler or not Io amwer In all. STORING CID RECORDS (IN CALLER ID MEMORY) ll you are nor ar nome orcannolanawcr, your leleonone's caller ID mDva states In. one Iorlhe 40 non rmnlcallr wu recrlveo aoyou can so. who called wn you wen unmiluhle.When me Ilsmll n leash/ed, me oloeu Caller ID record llsl call) is eulomrlioally flamed You may reyrew In. nor-a minimum)" or any rime. Cells reeelveo arr-re your IasI review snow a: NEW in me ureolayl REVIEWING CID RECORDS Al “II: are unalvbd Ind slaved. me dIiDIhy ls unlinked Io mm kww how many cell; have been ImlvidJO scroll CID NOOMI: I. Mike smith. phone I: OFF (not In "III mode), 2 Pratt the Did/vol (down arrow] human lo lav/Mme new“! CID recent 3 Pmss (In Cid/WI (up arrow! button in WWW Ihe olden (JD Imld first As you revlew all) records, the dlsplav show: you IMIOIIowIM InIomlabon lor em. cell; - Yhnelenhom number ulme celur. Is not Wopuny ~ In. number ol In. cell, wiln revere ro rho order roeeiyee. “12122322“ . In. lme elrno cell-r, vI Inn reinoe I: evrllrbl- In your no», piuwed In. balmy, ~ Time mo oemne all we: rscelvad. "M0 EATIERV“ . NEW eman lor all all; rner hm not been nlevmuxly reyrewea Wm I" d P'fly . REP’T mom in the aeolwlora calllrm has nor been previously . ma 7:3. Ir rmwerl lrom Illa nine number momn-n once. Nor cncrk win. your Iml plume company reg-rel», name mire nhlI-hIIIIy STORING CID RECORDs IN INTERNAL MEMORY You may nllo store CID rnlormnlon in the phone‘s Immal Mammy/Null may Iml Nlonrm CID recon" Stored In memorv. 1! [Kev-J“ rlre CID Infilrmllm Irvm lulunullully eerng rlelerol, you my wink (<7:le II In Ihc pnonc‘s mcmrny Now II n lmponlm run you rormsr CID recoroc mrmlly heme new; In lnInmal mnmm y I. Make aurelhe pnou Ir Orr (no: in bulk mm]. 2. Use In. sill/vol lup oroowrr mow) lruuun w scroll oome ueeireo ch record a. Preu Ihe MEM key lo euolsy SELECT MEMORV own. 4 Use lhuouchrlom; oaolo mar - memmy lucaliou number (Int Examplt, press in re more me record memory locnlrun one). NOTE: lllho mummy lee-ml xofulpicd REPLACE Mmmn dlsplxym. mu you me. mnflrm replacement bypmxlng IM MEM Immm NOTE: I‘m no Exrr Mum" enm re keep rnn Worm selling mc mum in rne on. mam DIALlNc A Cl'D NUMBER While vevltwmn CID moons, you mky diIIIhB pin-u number mowing III In! ditflav. r. Maks me no phone n OFF lnor in ulk rnolle), 2 Miss cidNoI luo or down arrow) hullorr umil Ihe desired ch recnro shown in me orwlay NOTE: DWI", on (u) how Ihe lnecmlng ullel'a pm mmlba n rormmeo men II n max-Mil, mu (e) wlnum-r n. nor yDn pmly ylvmvgmmnmd yeur ml om eode mm Inc set no mcnui yco may men ro colon um larmu urn-e maxim"; nlkr'x med nnone number More meklng Ihe tall Available Iormms lncluoe. Number oi diam Exolanrlion Examnln Eleven dink! long Irllnu Dude 'I ' Fifi-888413“ d-d iI erce coo- fon dicks 317-888-8838 H g releonone number. Swen alum 7-dinII releonone number, muses 3, ll Inc number Does nm am is cnown, ores: Ihs lormrr/eenlerene- buoen. Rm" if necessary, umil Ihe corrcer numb“ of din show In me oisolsy. 4. Pure me mlklcrllbaok [when on me handsem’hc number ululc oulonubeally NOTE: Ir lIu- Iele none mnnlw IxLDerlnd. mrh no number m I nlmrfield m in alphzhcnml cl. me. In. nomocr neIdi ymwlll hurl" errmumu and inc numbelr n “ml-1mm NOTE: n th. balmy cndlu. DELEI'INO A CID RECORD M-ku sure Ihe plume is OFF Inn! in lalk model. . nee me ddlvDI (up or own armw) human or disnlaylh. CID reoore you wan: lo delue. Pies: Inc FLASWDELEYE ouoenxne eisoley snows DELEIE CALL ID7 . Plus the FLASH/DELETE buoon ro er-rerne Iccnvd showing rri Ihe display. Illa orenlay snow. DELETED. Nam MKIM Exrr mm mum m nm onnlny mufle DELmNG ALL CID RECORDS L Mlk! sure we Menu is OFF IIw| In Ialk modtl 2. Duck. c'ldNDl iuo or own. allow] ham or wall In my ab reooru. 1. Pics: ind hold the FLASH/DELETE ounon unril DELETE ALU snow; in on display. 4. Flu: FLASH/DELETE bumm re crerr III DI the currrnr cm moraine alsoloy snows DELETED followed by no CALLS NorflthIheExlleyofl Inc mndmmmm mrncroneoymoec CHANGING THE BATTERY CAUTION: Tr. mdulx- the rule Mrlrv m MI injury ml; unly rnc hemwy 5.2545 mu neompnron wlIh (Mo um. I. Make aurnnueluono e la or; (rm lMlIk rnouel belora you mleDe hungry, 2. Eemmllla hmerv companmem noverl 34 Disconflm in. cold named lolnr Emery paek [mm me look insioemo bonery oompmmenl eno nmoye lire bmry and Iron me nanoael. 4 lnunlira new buns-y pick and reconnecl rive baneiv plug, 5. Pull Iho balmy eomoerrmenr cover had on. 5, Place hlnflsel in me me oI nanour Mai Ink etc-roe creole m mnvge. ll you own mavgt N we hnndm bmcry properly (lor |6 noun) whanyou flu! m uo Inc onone and/DI wnenyoo inmll a new Merv week In. umcry e Inna-mm oerlermenou will be Domplomindv BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - DD rm burn, oincrcmble. mulllrle or nnncInul llke olher Izmeriea ol mil rm, roxic mnenels could be releeroo which can cruae lniIIIy. . Knp Mar eeoul ollnn 1M ol onllorerr, - Remove Danni“ “storing wet aways. Emery cvmp-rnnem Denny one am“, «mmnmmlnn Nine The, RBRC “I cm The balmy mm In yum ATLINKS usA, Im- meme lnrlnmmrnn we we p-nlcrpalmg In a mom-m m miller! mu rcrycn Nidlel Cadmium bum-nm Allmugmm rnc Umu-o since Plum all I muse-null In. Inlomnllun m mnm ycmr loom Iuydlng mull-l BELT CLIP AND OmONAL HEADSET CONNECTING THE BELT CLIP 1. To AM no beltclip. ineen me alrm 01 lire hell cup luro lire than on om clue ol the nandm Z. snap the ands ollhs hall dip lIIlo plluv CONNECTING AN OPTIONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSET Eam narrow can be used will. arr oou‘onal headsel handslm oneramonl Bdldjp Slol for M rap sun [at leI an, L Connenl Ina hndssl or me nerorel leer on The sroe olllre hanmll’hl ban-1m rlxe r em micrnunona e o air-bled when Ihe findsel IS conneoleo. Adjusl we headset m rest comlonauly on lop ol your mo and over your ear. Mm me mrcmpnorn Io appmxlmaflMy Iwo Io three anal-s Iwm your moolll. Piece the lalll/ullbbdk buuon lo answer a call or make culls uxiw me neaowl A To mum w normrl butane". unolug rm nee-1m Irom me not. "mo-Ilsa "more no. DISPLAY MESSAGES The following messages Show: lhe tmns olllre phone. prlwidos caller ID iniurmarion, or helps you in up and ure your phone. INCOMPLETE om cln rniorrneuon ls inlerrnmed during irensnrireion or lhe phone line is eeoeasluely noisy, NAMSET mile: Prompt lelllrrg you lo enler lhe user name lor lhe replalered hendsel. ENYEIt mm: Prompnelling you lo ernera name in one or rlre 50 memory Ioclnons. lINE IN use Displays on hmdm willie lhe lrne is in nu. (MTER'EL numsll Prompt leiilng you m enler e talsnhnne numher in one oi llle so memory location). mama Prompt selling it you weni to erase all CID renown mire CALI. ID? Prompt ealring ll you wanna erere rhe CID record alarming on lhe display. 0mm Prompi ealrlrrg Ilvw wxnl lo new one oilhe so records none in rhe phones memory. END or Llsv Iridium lhal rhere u no eddillonei iniormerion in CID memory. nzw lnmealea call or calls which heye nor oeen reviewed UNKNOWN cmzh lndioelee lnodming call is lrom an area nol eewiced oy cm orrhe cm inlormelion whs nol rem. DE~IEGISVEFL lndrceles handm is deroghlering lmm lire aysiern. Hhunssv NEEDS indie-loo you mun regrsler e non-regislered REGISTRAYIOM handser prior lo use sumims lndrcaree handut is searching ior lhe hese. our or RANGE lndicelae handeel lured ler ewey from lhe be“ More cIMnr re lho om. mslms or Someone pierced lhe page/rm eunon on lhe HGNG more hose or hendm awaken rem/lam Indiana: rho person rs ilrng 1mm . number which is oiodled horn transmission, usw indlcelea e repeal cell mmsge. lndicalea e new eeii lroln lhe lame number Wu received more rhen once. no arms indicalealhere are no cm rooords in memory. no DATA lndicelos no CID rniorrneliun vm rooelved. you are nor subs bed lo cm service, or CID saryioe is not working. NEW CALL xx xx represenrs rne nurnoerei nee cm mmrds nor mvlzwod. Low emery lndreeres rhe oallery needs re he married. mNG mswecs lndreaur CID record is ironl I long diseanoe call. No BATTER Indlcatn are battery is nol properly HANDSEI‘ SOUND Slam“; tmhlled oriho nanoeerwilhoui ry. signer Along werhiing lone iwirh ringer oni signeia en ncernrng eail Thru snon peeps Page signer One shon beep loyery 7 aesondsi Lem hanery wernlrle TROUBLESHommc GUIDE TELEPHONE SOLUTIONS No urel urn. e Check or repeal lnslaiiauon sreoa- Make new lhe base pomroord is oorrneeled lo a walking eiecrncei erniel. Make sure lire lslephune line cord is conneeaed lolhs hose and rile wall lode ~ connecr a her phone lo rile nine ink il ltdohsn‘lwcm, rile proolenr nugnl ire yolnwi ng or local service. ~ the handsel may ire our of range oirhe oaae Move clnszflolh- hase - Make sure lire oallsry is properly olrerged (for in hours). - Make rurelhe hanery packirn lire hendael) is properly insialled. . The handser should heep when you press rho lallrieeiioaclr bunon. and me charge indicaror on me hase should b= “(when lire handsel reels in lhe cradle. ll nol,rhe lrellury may need lo be rlrrarged. - Place handsel in man;- oredle lur al leaslzo seconds lo rusel rne unri nial lone is OK, our can '| dial our - Meke sure thaTONE/PULSE dieling mode ie sol lo lhe aype ol phone service you are subscribed tor Honda-i doee nol ring . Make sure in. nendaer ringer sol-were awirrh is no on, - 1he handael lney be our or range oilhe hese. Move clouer lo lire base - You rney nave loo many menslon plioner on your line fry unplugging some eeranlron phener. . cheek lor o dial ron ch experienoe alehc, noise, or raping rr end our - rile hendsel may In our oi range or lhe ire Move closer he be . Meke sure halo la nul pinngcd inlo en eieelricei oullel wilir enolhor household apnlioncee ll necessary, reiocaie lho ban ~ Charge lhe hollery iler is hounL uni! beam - clean lhe merging mum on (he cordleee hendaei and one drerge uedle wirh a soil cloth or an eraser, r See lolullons ior 'Nd dial lone ' on prevreuo page, - Replace rhe blntrv» Memory nieiirlg doesn'l work . Did you program in. memory lecerron koyr correeriyi . Did you loiluw proper die sequence? Unll lock: up end no eemrrlenlcelion heiwoen lire hese end cordleu hendr-l . unplug rhe power rupply lronr lhe leelneal duller and in. one or rile ham hemeue the hendeel balmy Wa ran seconds end plug ins power supply hack inro rhe ese end elmrrcei cull-L Reconnecl the papery end oharge her is hours. cherge indicalor on lire sare Fleahes ~ Plowdvd your phem company oilerr voice meaaaging eewrce and you auorcrrhero ll, lire charge indioalor err rhe In liasires when lire phone ls nor in use is indi mere is a message welling It‘s slope lleshing ahorrhe measeg- hea been ruvlmd. CALLER ID SOLUTIONS No Dllpllv - charge lire hallery lior is hourai, Dr ieplm rhe banana - Make sure lire unir ie cairn-cred no a non-ewirrhed eleclricai ouilei, Disconnecl lire power sup l irorn me base and reconnoel ll, teller ID Ermr Message - The unir diaplayslhis message ii ideiecla anvthlng olher rilan yelld Czller ID lrrlorrnerion during the silenl period eiler lire firsr ring This messege lndicaies rhe presence ol norae on rhe line No Cellar ID - you rnual be sueecrroed lorhe slang rd Mamemumher Caller ID service lmm your lueal reiephone camnany to receive ch lniormalion. Bin-mu H— ll you expedurlu any olrheioiiowing prooleors, euen ailer marrying rhe hallery. you mry need ro replace rhe hauery padr. - snonrriilrmr - Pooraoundguelrry ~ Limileerange - Chime lndicsmr rerle rolurn on GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To HEW vow unit walking Ind locum good, (allow lhBE guldalines. . Amid dropping rho herrdeer, as well as omer rough ireanlemm rhe phone - cleen rho phone wirh a son cloth. . Never use slroeg cleaning egenls, painrrhinner bizswo ponder, eloohol. or inner dtnmical preduco lo eieenrhe unn. nelng so will damage rhe hni , ~ min Ins engilw winging |l| use you new to ship “ll? phone at a liter dale - Periodlnally clan lhe deals. cnmaL‘ts on tha haircut Ind bass with a clean owl alum. CAUSES OF P0011 RECElrrLON e Alumrrlum siting. ' Foil basking on insulation. . Healing duds end olher metal commune lhei oen shield r signals. ' You ‘m loo Mm apli’lmees and! as mimmaves, strives, computers, etc ' Aunoqzhelll: conditions. such as slmng finrms. ~ Else is installsd m lhe nastmsnt in low" "no! a! the house - aase is plugged rnro Ac puller wlth olhee eieclronie deyrces. 0 Baby monitor ls using the same frequency. ~ Handset battery Is low. ' Vol: 'm mo! range ollho base. SERVICE —_—__ lfimuole is expeilancod wllh lhis equipmmt. vol repair ormrramy iiiiormaiiorr, olme oomaol ousiomor soryico iii ism-cums. ii the equipmanl is causing harm lo ihe leiophone leurk, rhereiephoos oompariy may requesr riroi you dlmnmmc oouipmenr unul rhe prouiem rs ralulvodi rhrr produur may be sery rriy hylha manuiacruier or irs aulmrlud service agents. charms ur modlnoairuns nor exprmly appioved WATLINKS usA I» could void ihe user’s euihol-iv N opumeilrir pmdui-i. Fm irrsrrucirohe on howlo ooraiu servloo. relerio inewerrarr oi i-mmm. oi refer rrrourrresio- ATLINKS USA, irro. Marraper, Consimm minions P 0 Box 1975 lrrdlauapo rs, IN news Auadr your sales reeerprro me oookmlorluiure reiererroe or jot oowu ihe dale ims pmflunlms puvd'lntsd or received as a orhfhrs irrlormuilori will Invaluable ii seryroe should no vsquimd durrno rhe werraiiiy period. Purohase doi Name ol siure LIMITED WARRANTY whit vnui mmnlv emrs: - neiem in inai s or workmanship For irow lung slur your within: ~ 0m vuv, irom dare o! ourohrso (the waiiumy dod lor renal uniis begm: wrih lira hm romai or G day; irom om ol rhiprneruio rue reruai firm, whiolroyormmes hisri wuss M will die . Provide you wrirr a new or, si our opiioii. a i-mmirhod uniLThe exchmgo unri ls under warmmv ior ihs romainoei oi ihe original prooun ‘s warmly period. llini you on um: ~ Pioperiy put your unir. iniiuoe airy clblel, m, wirioh were originally wwidsd ruiih rho oioduer We recommend usiiro Illa oriprnai am and orolrriio maierials. ~ "Piool oi pnmhm in m lorm ol a hill oi sale or roeeipioo lmoioo whioh is eyideiiee rhoi iiro wnduu is wilhiii rue mlnmv poilod musi lro mm m ooiain warmmv oeryroe. We! mml rim». prooioi first reurai I! also roouimd. Also pmrr your wine and mm and a omnpriorr oHM om Semi yia srarrdaro UPS or IE wiiyoioiu ro; AYLINKS USA Inc- m1 inomioir "Hi 5 Alameda Avni Sooorronxas 79927 s Ply any charge: miled is you uyihe biohuuos c-nier ior soivroo ooi ooysrao By his wlliamv. - Irinm your ehi oi damroo or Ion ~ A nm or reiuroisheo unli will In xhippsfl to you luinhl pup-id. Whal your vnmmy dim rm win . Cusroruer imiruciloii. [Your Owner '5 Manual orwloei inlormairrurr wgllqu ooersiirio insirueiiorr- and our eoiihoir. Any adduiouoi irrioimnion, rhuuio be poi-ineo irom your dnler.) ~ Irlnlllalllzn and shop uivioe adiurimems. . nodules, ~ Damage irom mlluu or neglect, . Prooum which hm bean modified or incorporated iiiio urhor proousir. . Fromm [Midland cl seryioeo osmrdoihe USA. . Acir ol nsiuro, mm at iiui nor iinuiod ru iiphinlrip arm-go. Pmdun Iqmrltlon: - mare coinpieis and mail ilre Product Reglslrulion Card patted Will. your will ii will malie is srrlei ro column you should li mi be neomuyihe mum oi lire cam is uoi ioouiiod ior mummy ooyoiooe. Liirrluilori oiwariaiu . - we WARRANTV smm Axovz isms ONLVWARRANW AwLiCAuLe to this PRODUCY. ALL OYNER wmnmnss. EXPRESS OR IMPlIED IINCLIJDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES or MERCHANYABIUW DR FIl’NESS FOR A PAlmcuLAn PURPOSE) ARE llzllzllv niscLAiMEn. N0 VERBAL onwamm iNronMAnoN GIVEN av AYLINKS USA. INC., lls AGENTS, oil EMPLOYEES SHALL cums A GUARANW oil IN ANVWAV INCREASETNE scope OFTNIS WAllnAlirv. - harm on llmAcmmr AS PROVIDED UNDERmISWARRANW is me EXCLUSIVE REMEDY onus consuum A'lINKS USA. INC. SHMI. Nor a: LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGiS ilEsumllG FROM m: USE OFTMIS PRODUCT OR Alllsms our or Am BREACN or ANY EXPRESS on immEDWAllllAmv mums Phonucmuis DISCLAIMER or WARRANTIES AND LiMllzo WARRANTV ARE caveman minis mm or me STATE or INDIANA Exczwromz serNr PROHIBITED B'V APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTV or MERCHANYABIUTV on FITNESS FOR A PARYICULAR PURPOSE cllmiis Piloiiim is LIMIYEDTOTHE APPUCABLE WAliliAmv PERIOD SET roam Asovz. sul lor loss or annoys. AiLiNKs ammo uo llsnllhy in can wmmm- cumulus um um. }< How am- llll' mliln in this vim-my: . Some smesdo m liuw mo uxolueiorr rror lim‘hnlon ol lmidenul or oorrseouomrol damages, or Ilmlmxons on how long an implied won-my loss: so iii. Ibume Iimilallom or exclusions may nor apply ro you n this warrrriry give: you specific legal rrohu, and you also may hnvn orher irohrs rharvary irom flaw ro siaoo. ilyuu pnmased your produn ouirioe ihe USA: . This werranry dose nor apply Couraor your ouslorlor wAi-lamv iulorrnariorr. ACCESSORY ORDER FORM [ nmhimnli rms' rm. W'Al Al: minimum $2!!! aiirciip “35 ileum “S nepiaes-rerri mum nude-y 5-25“ $10.15 To order, call Hanan-0376 lfuracnessnries milv) or complain iliis nrder formi rui irsonrariiyaieiissus Vol” oompieia marge aid numb-r. u; "Mullen daie ano your signaiure are mmil’V ro prooess all ulrsro. card orders Cow your oomplere mum numuer irom yourvlsllearo I—IILIILI— My oaro expires; if Copy your oomrrieis lwuunl nurrruer irom your lam Callinlliwwll III I FIIIIIIII Copy ihe number above your iraina on me In" Fall. I L My card expires. I TI Aulhovimfl sigumun M- urmurs-i. ruins-i rinse Ynlal Mara-end Sales 1- w...»- rrrir. uo.mnu.ur.iuuri.aum.iioi .. , rims-m “do! ukl Inn I‘ m I! mil irririuorirnriou ass-is iii-rm .i rims-i r- N-"m rm ii moire-iii u irisu-u ii irru runners-u iii our at“ Al llxnwi-l ir- r-liun M vii relies-rm riiirirras Winnie-hi Snippl’ng/Handlinn" & loiai Amouhl Enclnnd . Mail order iomr me! money order or moi on us wrmrayi nude plylhlflo Ihnmsnn io: nr-sri Md ammonia-in irom-m hmmismm Myriam—— Addnss ADL ury siais ZIP n-yrim- Phone Numb-II l Finn "uh irri- ih-l ihh form ha. hm- mm m comm-my.
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