Thomson >
MARS TE CH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" ATLINKS USA/2583OXXX-A EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9I—I2—5830A Mars‘ech Report No. 23202D 5.8 GHz Call Waitlng Caller ID Digital CordlessTelephone User's Guide We bring guad things (a life. EQUIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION You! memo": mall-mm ls lovm 751 mum (0 (he mum SwlMT-l- Now all: n m mrmlllru mm was 15 and ma mus mu munlons and meTaamscnl MINI-malls «Mum: Talmwml Eqmwflcnl published oy mu l MM“. u. v- l-d‘hhwn Comp-fly on u. bum a mls £1!!me u s um luau-lug mm; mm mlormallerl, nus us number and Ring-l zoo-yams Mattel lk lo. magnum You nuu uuou mm wvvme mus lemM-oflloywl leleohm “1mm m. REN u uselul ln fllIclmlnmg In. mm m Mitzi may cm! (0 you "when. u... .m sun hw- all unusuduulusnnwnu your Inf-phon- lmlleu n mum on all] msu nu mm the am; m ill dew-us twnecw m one In should ml exceed 5 Yo be min at m. m. m swims yw may (when In your lung is mun-mu by Ihe Rm yons'lmld comm ynul laxal wem company A u andjackusaumcumumse l "mu-us 371154le mm mum: l m”... oapplwable m on samuu‘fé'kuumls’lum ”film mm mm“??? and "mun-u “mumm- um produzl u lsmqmdlobewmas! Le “mun. "5060“le max lsuusmnu un See lwslallauonmsllucllms nu Mulls Mom . run mulpmml may m he used on dun wvm mm by u: momma mnnany . pull mmmunmml’mdm,ym mnemblelnuse wwmvglwnum 5.1qu u you?" oMun-yum ohm mm mT'lllwmnuun y“ leoe musl be glvm m m. mum comm, w puns-m dlunrlnecllnrl or you ulsohm "em you: ll": Ilynur Mme has swan wlufl uunu ouulpnummwxom mum IIM,&|S\I£ me hslallallm ol Inls manual We; no usabl- you u-nn numpmerll ll you have wum m m wlll alsuul. umeoulpnnm 1.0mm! ywlelwhme companyoq . uuuuluu mulls z mum'ww” mu ls nlmlmblem Inmmmnuymrmmulepbmmwm mush cwn’mn‘? mmmumumsnmmmummuwumyu uwnu. uuu mun nmvaflaflemlhulnumma mmmmn Wulepvnuvan mar-lydlxwlmwcumaely hasedmmwx “on...“ unlnknz'u-ywmw nusl low-n- nmltyymmsmmavlpomydlmhum ma ywlhonppenumywmlm slluallmlarldlll ml 04 H! mm dwalmlowwnmmnumlommesscl lmhlnfilhpaniulhnyéuifilnga'ndlbg ms " P Tmldlapnomcfl'l mumsmlnumlmmm-lmn um mumnummmnmmuumuuumssuumlmls'tluum mlndm oumsymmsuus Mmmenwuseuvpu‘mmmeol www- u...“ mmmmwwsfimmnnmmmwomfin mu, HEARING Am Comm-mun (HAC) lumumsyuuu "mm slmoslw mungAncmuuNmy us NuMBER s Locum ennui cmwzl amlcwl Rm uwm I5 [OCATED cums calmer scrum ATLINKS USA, lno, lnl was! 103m sum Model zsssem IMlanapuIls. W 15290 lazmw (Rev u DOM [i 0 ms ATLINKS USA Inc 0148 Vladamarkésl o Reglslered Prmled m Chlnz Mm: s) Reglsvaduls) NTRODUCTION —————— CAUTION' When using telephone eoulplncm, (here no haslt surely nslrucdons lhal should always be followed Refer [D the IMPORTANT SAFETY lNSTRUCTlONS plovlded wlth (his produu and says lhem for future reference Vour CaIlellmg Caller ID phone stores and employs speclllc lnformatlonv pruvlueu by your local telephone company. to subscribers ol Caller ID or slmllar taller ldenuflcahon Sen/lees Von! CallWamng Caller ID phone enables you lo l ldennly callers belnre you answer me pnnne ~ Vlew me [me and date oleam Incoming tall - Record up [Cl on Caller ID messages sequonually ~ Know who culled wnlle you were away To gel me mos! lrom your new phone, we suggesl mal you [aka a law mmules rlghl now lo read uuough lhls user‘s gulde. IMPORTANT: ln order m use all ol the lealures or um unu, you 11! I0 ellher [he slandard Name/Number Caller ID Service or Call Wan Servlce. To know who is calling whlle you are nu ma phone, you must subsmhc m Call Wailing Caller [0 Service IMPORTANT Because cordless phunes operate on elerlnl y, you Would have al least one phone in ynur home lhal lsn'l cordless, In (me [he pnwer .n your home goes um. human gzmleh'gllgwu w WARNING:TO ‘ K m mi WWW mm mm W PREVENT FIRE OR VRIAM‘JUSA WARNlNGSll-N ELECTRICAL SHOCK WWW“ S‘f-N Almmcvuu Of AmulNGvnu of lupomur HAZARD. no NOT Wfiim ggégmsmus «Alamglous EXPOSETHIS Mm”; “WM PRODUCT TO RAIN m mm" OR Mo'STURE su Mnkkmc Du BanOM/ am or puuoucr HANDSET AND BASE LAYOUT FCC ID. (5917 _ SXMIA Marslcch chorl No 232021.) EXHIBIT M II BEFORE YOU BEGIN PARTS CHECKLIST Make sure your package includes the items shown here “ r Ll" Lu] / if. , l Ease Mounting Harem Beitctip Handset Linetord bndiet battery TELEPHONE JACK REQUIREMENTS To use lhls phone. you need an RHIC type modular telephone Jack, whlch mlghl look Ilke the one pictured here, installed In Modular your home. ll you don't have a modular Jack, call your local idem-om phone company to llnd out how to get one installed linejult INSTALLATION NOTE: some cordless telephones operate at lrequeneies that may tause rnterlerenee to nearby TVs ntierewave ovens, and chs, To rnlntnuae Or prevent such interference, the base of the Cordless Ielephone shuuld not be placed near or on top are TV, microwave ovens. or VCR Ilsuch interference eonrrnues, move the tordless telephone [arlher away from these appliancre Cert n othercomrnunica ions devices may also use the 5.8 GHz frequency for anon. and. it not pmperly sei, these devlces rnay truertere with eaeh other anti/n your new telephone, "you are toncemed widt interference, please refer to the owner's manual for these devitfi on how to properly set channels to avoid rrtterrerence Typrcai deviues that may use the 5.x GHrireotrency for communiration include wrreless audro/video senders. wireless eonrputer netwurks, rnulti—handsei comlles telephone systems, and some long range coldles telephone systems IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFORMATION . Never install telephone wiring during a Ilghlnlng storm ~ Never rnstail telephone Jacks in wet loeetrons unless the yeah rs speerlrealiy designed ior wet locallons, ~ Never touch non-insulated telephone Wires oi terminals, unless the telephone line has been disconnected at me leotk interface. ~ Use caution when rnstallrng or modifying telephone lines . Temporarlly disconnecl any equipment connected to me phone such as taxes, other phones, or modems IMPORTANT INSTALLATION GUIDELINES t install telephone near troth a telephone (mduIarUaok and an electrical power outlet ~ Avold sources ol noise, such as a wrndow by a busy street and elecmcal noise, such motors. rnrcrowave ovens, and fluorescent lrghtlng. - Avoid heat sources, such as heatrng alr duets, heating appliances, radiators. and direct sunlrght. . Avold areas or excessive moisture or extremely Inw temperature. ~ Avord dusty locatrons r Avord other cofdlsss telephones or personal computers. INSTALLING THE PHONE ”Fl Choose me best locatlnn to install your cordless telephone Your cordless telephone should be placed on a level suriace, such as a desk or tabletop. or you may mount it On a wall. A wall mounting pedestal is padtaged wrth your phone NOTE For desktop charging an or flow the handset may he rhnrged faring up INSTALLING THE BATTERY PACK 1. Remove the battery compartment door on the hadt of the handset 2, insert the battery paclt. 3 Plug the battery pack oord rnto the Jads (lnslde the compartmentl 4. Replace the eornpanment door CONNECTING THE TELEPHONE LINE 1 Plug the telephone line cord rnto theTEL LVNEJack on the leads of the base and rnto a nrodularyaeit. 2 Set the RINGER swttch (on the handset) to ON and place the handset in the cradle on the base CONNECTING THE AC (ELECTRICAL) POWER 1, Plug the power supply rnto the power Jam on me badt ol the ease arld lnlo an elemical outlet. 2. Place the handset in the ease cradle The marge/tn use lndlcalor turns on, verllylng the battery rs charglng. Aliawtlr. phone to charge lot 12 hours prior to first use. ll you don't properly drarae the phone, battery performance is onntpre ed. CAUTlON: Use only the ATLINKS USA, Inc. 5 250] power supply that same with this uml. Using other power supplies may damage the unit NOTE : The phone is shipped in Tone Dialing Mode tron. the lnznuhcluter WALL MOUNTING NOTE: For best results. charge the phone on r "a! surface before you mount it on the wall. 14 Turn the base Over, and align the tour sluts on the bottom of me base wllh [he loui Labs on the pedestal 2 Insert the taps into the slots and push upwards untll the pedestal snaps securely lnm place. 3 sup the mounting holes ton the em ol the base and pedestal) ever the wall plate posts. and slide the unit down rnto place (Wall plate not rntludedl NOTE: "desired, gather the extra telephone line and power supply cord together. rasten with a wire tie. and store inside the wall mounting pedestal SET UP There are tour programmable menus available, Language, Area Code. SetionelPulse, and Delault Setting. DISPLAY LANGUAGE ll Press the program button untrr lENGUSH ZFRA SESP shows tn the olspray, lENGL/SH rs the delaurt settrng 2 Use the CID r or - button or the touch-tone pad on the handset to enter your selectron 3 Press program agarn to save LOCAL AREA CODE 1 Press the program button unttr SETAREA cones A »smws m the orspray. - - -rs the oereult selling 2 Use the touch-tone pad on the handset to enter your three orgrt area code. 3 Press program agarn to save TONE/ PULSE DIALING 1 Press the program button untrl set TONE/PULSE tron/f ZPULSE shows In the orspray, tron/z ls the oetault settrng z Use the CID « or - button or the touch-tone pact on the handset to scroll to ITONE or ZPULSE 3 Press program to save DEFAULT SETTING | Press the program button untrl DEFAULT SETTING’ IVES 2N0 shows tn the drsplay 2th rs the oeIault settrng, 2 Use the CID ‘ or - button or the touch-tone pad on the handset to scroll to WES or 2m) 3 Press program to save CORDLESS PHONE BASICS ___.__.__._-—-———— IN USE INDICATOR The phone ls ON when the rrtdlcator on the handset and the charger In use lndlcator on the Insets lit,The handset and base lnolcatots flash when you recelve a call. RECEIVING A CALL Press theIAtK button to answer a Call MAKING A CALL l. Press theTALK button. and then dlal the number OR 2 Press the TALK button agarn or place the handset tn the cradle to hang up. REDIAL Whrle the phone rs on (tnTALK model, press the reoral button to redral the last number you oraleo (up to 32 orgrtsl II you get a busy srgnal, and want to keep dralrng the number,Jusl press redral agarn (you don‘t have to turn the phone on and bark onl, FLASH Use the trash button to actrvate custom callmg sertrrees sum as cell warring or call transler, whroh are available through your local phone company TIP: Don‘t use the TALK button to actlvate custom tallmg servrces such as call 1 waltrng, or you‘ll hang up the phone, TEMPORARY TONE DIALING thrs reature rs useful only rl you use pulse oraling servroe.1emporary tone oialrng enables pulse [rotary] sertrree phone users to access touur-tone sertrrees otfereo by banks. credit earo compahres. etc. For example, when you call your bank you may need to enter your account number. Using the temporary tone reature allows you to temporarrly swrtch to touoh tone mode so you can enter and send your number. |. Oral the telephone number and Wart lor the Irne to connect 2 When your call rs answered, press the 'lone button on your handset number pad to temporanly change lrorn pulse durlrng to tone oralrng 3 Follow the automateo rnstrtrcttons to get the rnlormatron you neea 4 hang up the handset and the phone automatreally returns to pulse trotaryl dralrng rnooe. CANCEL Press the ‘YONUEXIT button to cancel any command you rnrtrated, FINDING THE HANDSET Thrs leature helps to locate a mrsplaceo handset Press the PAGE button on the base The handset beeps contmuously for about 2 mrhutes or uhtrl you press theTALK button on the handset or the page button on the base. Glow: You may srrlr page the handset when the rlngcr rs otr ) RINGER SWITCH The RINGER swttoh must be on lor the handset to rmg durrng rncorrtrng calls, VOLUME When the phone is on lrh TALK model press the r or , button to adjust the rrstenrng level, Dhoose Irom tour volume settrhgs, MUTE Use mute durrng a phone conversatron to speak prlvately and oll-lrne wrth a thrro party 1. Press the mute button, MUTE shows In the orsplay and the hanoset rhdreator bllnkthe party on the telephone wlll not hear you, 2. Press the MUIE button when Irnrshed. CALLER ID FEATURES Ihrs unrt recall/es ano dlsplays rhlormatron transmrtreo by your local phone company this lnlormatrorr mn rncluoe the phone number, date, and trme. or the name, phone number, «are, and tlmetne unllcan store up to to calls tor later revrew Ttrrre Date Number of It 70:88 PM 10/20 nerr “u " U ' 317-555-1234 FRED PAGE Caller ID phone number Caller ID name CALL WAITING CALLER ID Protrrded you subset—roe to Call War ng Caller ll) service Irom your phone company, you are able to see who ls callth when you hear the call waltrng beep.Ihe caller roentrlrcatron rhlormatron appears rn the display alter you hear the tone ~ Press the llash button to put the current cell on hold so you can answer the lncomrng Call, IMPORTANT: In order to user unrt's Caller ID features, you must tubstrrbe to either are standard Name/Number Caller ID seryrte or Call Wuitlng Caller ID seryrce, To kan who rs calling wrrrte yuu are on the phone, you must str ‘trthe to Cart Warrtng Caller ID Seryrte. RECEIVING AND STORING CID RECORDS When you recerve a call. the rhlormatron rs transmrttea by the phone company to your Caller ID telephone between the Irrst arro seeontr rrng When the memory rs lull, a new call eutomatrcarly replaces the oroest earl tn memory. NEW appears in the orsplay for calls reoerveu that have not been reurewed ( NOTE: Check with your Incal phone company regard-hp name sernte avallahlllty ) REVtEWtNG CID RECORDS As calls are recelved and stored. the display is updated to let you know how many calls have been received. ~ Press the CID - button to scroll through the Call records Irom the most recent lo the oldest. ~ Press the cm s button to scroll through me call records From the oldest to the newest. DELETING THE CURRENT CID RECORD 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 2. Use the GD 0 or - button to scroll to the desired record. 3, Press delete. Trve dlsplay shows DELETE CALL 111.7 4 Press delete again to erase the record and the next Caller ID record shows in the display Vou will hear a confirmation tone. DELETiNc ALL CID RECORDS I. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK model. 2. Use the cu: e or . button to display any Caller ID record. 3. Press and mm the delete button until DELETE ALL?shows tn me display 4 Press delete again to erase all records. You will hear a confirmation tone. The dlsplay shows N0 CALL S. DlALlNG A CALLER ID NUMBER 1 Make sure the phone Is OFF (not lnTALK mode). 2 Use the CID t or - button to display the desired record, 3, Press YALK/CALLBACKJ’he number dials automatically. CHANGING THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FORMAT The FORMAT button lets you change the lorrnat of the displayed telephone number The available formats are as lollows, 1-dlgit 7-digtt telephone number. 10-digit 3-dtgtt area code + 7-otgit telephone number. untiglt long distance code"1” r 3-digll area code s 7-dtgit telephone number. 1. Use the cm s or - button to scroll to the number you want to call back. 2, PressrALK/CALLEACMhe number dials automatically. NOTE: it the telephone number cannot be dialed, press the FORMAT button to adjust the number. and try again. MEMORY Store up to ten 24 igit numbers ln memory for quiet dialing.This memory feature is In addition to the CID memory log, whlch stores up to 40 cm records. STORING A NAME AND NUMBER IN MEMORY 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 2. Press the mem button. 3. Press the desired memory location (0 through 9l. NOTE: if the memory location is occupied. the memory location number and its contents show in the display. 4. Press the mem button again.The dlsplay shows ENTER NAME. ( NOTE If you don't want to enter the name, slop step 5 > 5. Use the touch-lone pad on the hanuset to enter the name (up to 15 characters} and press the memory button to save. More than one letter is stored in each or the number lteys. For example, to enter the name Bill Smith, press the 2 key twtce tor the tenet B. Press the 4 key 3 times tor the letter I. Press the 5 key 3 times for the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times (or the second letter L. and wait 1 second for the cursor to automatlcally move to the next posttion. Press the 1 key to insert a space between the L and the 5. Press the 7 key 4 times for the letter S: press the e ltey once for the leber M; press the 4 key 3 times tor me letter I: press the 3 key tor the letterr; press the 4 key twice for the letter H. NOTE Thc cursor auromancally moves ro lhe next posnlon when anorher rnber key pressed 5 Press the mem punch to save the name The drsplay shows ENTER NUMBER, 7 Use the touch-tone pad to enter the telephone number you wznl lo store (up to 24 dlglls) a Press mem agarn to slore the number. You wlll hear a cohllrmatron tone CHANGING A STORED NUMBER Follow me procedure tor Slorlng a Name ano Number m Memory. except replace lhe old number wflh a new number STORING A REDIAL NUMBER 1 Repeat steps l through 6 ln Slorrng a Name and Number ln Memnry. 2 Press lhe recllal bum)" 3 Pvess the mem bullon lo Slnre lhe number.Vou wlII hear a cunflrmallun (one. Tl) replace an old redral numberwllh a new redlal number: l Repeat steps | rhrough s In storlng a Name and Number In Memory 2 Press lhe redlal hullon 3 Press the mem hullon, and REPLACE MEMO7 shows lnlhe dlsplay. 0 Press the mem button agaln to replace the old redial number with tne new redlal number Von wlII hear a conrlrmarlon (one. DIALING A STORED NUMBER l Make sure the phone ls on by pressmg theTALK/CALLEACk button. 2 Press the mem button. 3 Press the memory locatlonln-el.1he number olals auromallcally. . op . l Make sure rne phone rs on: (nnl lnTALk mode). 2. Press the mem button. 3 Use rhe cm s or - bullon ro scroll lo scroll to lhe number you want to dral. 4 PressTALK/CALLBACK The number drals auromalrcally. INSERTING A PAUSE IN THE DIALING SEQUENCE OE A STORED NUMBER Press lhe l PAUSE button Iwo hrnes I0 rnsen a delay m the dlallng sequence when a pause ls needed to wall lor a oral rcne llor example after you oral 9 lor an oulslde lme. or to wall lor a computer access tone). PAUSE shows on the drsplay as a R Each pause counts as one olgll lrl lhe drallng sequence. REVIEWING AND DELETING STORED NUMBERS 1 lo renew stored numbers use the cm r or - button to scroll to the memory local-en. or press the correspondan number key lor a deslred memory location lo-sl. 2 When the data shows tn the orsplay, press the delete bunonJhe olsplay shows DELETE’ 3 Press delete agaln to delete the (meme display shows DELETED. CHAIN DIALING FROM MEMORY Use lhls leature to make calls wnlch requrre a sequence ol numbers, such as calllng card calls to a lrequently called long distance number. Each pan ol the sequence rs dlnlefl from memoryThe lollowrng example shows yuu how to use chaln diallng to make a call through a long dlslarlce serurce: The Number For Memory Iocatron Long orsrance access number 7 Aulhovllallon code Frequently calleo long drstance number 9 l Make sure the phone IS on (lrlTALK model 2. Press mem and rnen press 7 3. When you hear the access tone. press mem and men press a 4 At the nexl access lone, press mem and then 9 T Men for rhe access tones belore presxlng rlre nexl memory bullon or your call mlghr not go through HEADSET AND BELT CLLP OPERATION CONNECTING AN OPTIONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSET For hands lree cunversaliun, connect rhe headset (opllonal) re the HEADSET yack as shown. The handset receiver and mlcrdphone are dlszhled when lhe headsel Is connecled Headset jatk Aoyusr the lueaoset to rest commrlably on top ol your head and over your ear Move rhe microphone to appruxlmalely 2 rd 1 mrhes lrorn your month. A Press lheTALKICALLBACK button to answer or plaoe a call wmle usmg rhe headset. Headset plug Slob ror bell dip CONNECTING THE BELT CLIP There are we slots. one on each side of the handset ~ Allacn the belt Cllp by msertmg rhe sldes ol the hell chp mto the slots. Snap lhe ends ol the bell cllp rnlo place. CHANGING THE BATTERY __.._.._——- Make sure the telephone is OFF (not lnTALK model belore you replace ballery. l. Remove the batrery compartmenr door 2. Dlsconnefl me cord anachco lo the ballery pack and remove the battery pour lrorn the handset. 3. lnserl the new battery pack and connect the cord lnlo lhe Jadl rnsloe the handset. 4 Put the battery compartment door back on 5. Place handset tn the base to charge. Nva the honorelballery lo properly chargeflor lz hauls) prmrtrr llrsl use or when you metal 1 m battery pulllelm do run properly Wignmphnm. ballery Mumlm- wlll In oomnlsed CAUTION To reduce lhe k or foe or personal ln)ury use only the bullery llsred rhe nslmtl n book BATTERY SAEETY PRECAUTIONS ~ Do not burn. orsassernble. mutrlate, or puncture lrke other barter-es ol lhrs type. loxrc materlels could be released wnrcn can cause lnjuly ~ To reduce the risk ol lrre or personal lrgury. use only the battery hsteo m the User’s Gulder ~ Keep belleries out ol lhe reach ol chlldren ~ Remove bauerres ll slorlng over an days. NOTE: The RBRC seal on the ballery used m your ATLlNKS USA, lnc producl illdlcates lhat w: are partlrrpa 5 ln a program In collect and l'etycle Nrckel Cadm m batrerles rlrroughout lhe Unlted states Please call I 3008 BATTERY lor mlormatron or conlacl your local retyclmg center DISPLAY MESSAGES The lollowtng messages show the status ol the phone or help you set up and use your phone INCOMPLETE Caller tnlortnatton ts tnterrupted durtng transmisston or DATA the phone ts excesswely notsy. ENTER MAME Prompt telltng you to enter a name lot one at the to memory Iocallons DELETE ALL? Prompl asktng tr you want to erase all Caller lD records. DELETE cALL lm Prompt asklng tr you want to erase the current Caller ID record that ts shown on the dtsplay. DELETED Prompt conrtrmtng a ctb record ts erased. DELETE7 Prompt asktng tl you want to erase one or the to numbers stored tn the phone's outgotng memory. END or: my lndtcates there ts no aodtttonal tnlcrmatton tn the Caller lD memory log NEW lndtcates call or calls have not been revtewed. UNKNOWN The tncomtng call ts lrorn an area not servtceo by Caller ID or NAME/CALLER/ caller tnlormatton ts not sent, NUMBER PAGING Someone ts pagtng the handset lrom the base. BLOCKED CALL caller lnlormatton ts blocked lrom uansrntssloh. BLOCKED Caller name and number ls blooreo lrom transmlsston. NAME/NUMBER REPT Repeat call message. lndtcates that a new call lrottt the sante number was recetvecl more than once. N0 bATA No Caller ID tnlormatton was renewed. EMPTY lndtcates a memory locatton ts vacant NO CALLS lndtcates no calls have been renewed. cALL WAITING lndtcates a call ts watttng on the ltne. MESSAGE lnotcates a message ts ayatlable WAITING HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS Stgttal Meanmg Along warbltng tone lwtlh rtnger onl Stgnals an thoomtng call Three snon beeps Page stgnat (several ttmesl One beep every 7 seconds Low battery warntng TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS CALLER ID SOLUTlONs No Dtsplay ~ ls battery lully marged? Charge the banery Tor 12 hours or replace the battery. Make sure the bauery ts properly tnstalled and connected. ~ lt you are ustng Ac (etectrtcal) power, make sure that the untt ts connected to a non~swllched electrtcal outlet Dtsconhect the unit from the plug and plug it tn agatn - Are you subscrtbed to Caller ID serytce lrom your local telephone company? Caller ID tncomplete . The untt dtsplays thts message tl tt detects artythtng other data message than vattd Caller ID tnrormatton during the stlent pertod alter the ltrst rtng.Thts message tnotcates the presence or notse on the ltne. TELEPHONE SOLUTIONS No that lone ~ Check lnslallallon A ls the base power cord connected to a worktng electrtcal 0ullel’7 7 ls the telephone ltne cord connected to the base untt and the wall phone Jack7 ~ Dtscortnect the base ltom the wall phone Jack and connect another phone to the same Jack lt there ts no dtal tone on the second phone, the problem mtght be your wtrtng or local senttce. ~ The handset mlght be out or range or the base Move closer to the base . Make sure the bauery ts properly charged (lot |2 hours). . Ensure the battery padk ts tnstalled correctly ~ Dld the handset beep when you pressed the talk/callback button? Dtd the tn use tndtcator come on7The battery may need to be charged. Dtal tone ts OK, but can't dtal out r Make sure the tone/pulse setttng ts programmed correctly Handset does not rtng ~ Make sure the RINGER mum on the handset ts turned to ON ~ Vuu may have too many extenston phones on your lthe Try unplugglng some phones ~ See solutions lot "No dtal tone." Charge/In Use lndlcator on the base llashes ~ Provlded your phone company otters votce messagtng servtce and you subscrtbe to tt. the dtargelln use tndtcator on the base llashes when the phone ts not tn use to tndtcate there ts a message watttng lt stops llashtng alter the message has been reviewed Phone dtals tn pulse wuh tone servtce - Make sure the PHONE ls lrlTONE dtaltng mode Phone won‘t dtal out with pulse servtce . Make sure the PHONE ts in PULSE dtaltng mode Vou Bxperlence stattc. notse. or ladtng tn and out ~ Change mannels ~ The handset maybe out at range. Move closer to the base ‘ Relocate Ihe base. - Charge the battery ~ Make sure base ts not plugged tnto an electrtcal outlet Wllh another household appliance. untt beeps ~ Place handset. In base Cradle tor 20 seconds To reset the securlly Code. If lhal doesn't work. charge the battery tor 12 hours ~ Clean the chargtng contacts on the handset and base wtth a soft cloth or an eraser ~ See soluttons tor "No dtal tone ' - Replace the battery. Memory Dtaltng ~ Did you program the memory locatton keys correctly? . Dtd you follow the proper dlaltng sequence7 - Make sure the tone/pulse setltng ts programmed correctly. - Dtd you reprogram numbers tnto memory alter a power outage or battery replacement7 CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION r Alumtnutn stdtng - Fall badttng on tnsulatton, ~ heattng ducts and other metal consuuctton can shteld Iadlo stgnals ~ You're too close to appltances such as mtcrowaves. stoves, computers, etc. . Atmosphertc condttlohs, such as strong storms ~ Base ts tnstalled in the basement or lower floor or the house. - Base ts plugged tnto an AC outlet wtth other electrontc devtces - Baby monttor ts ustng the same lteouency. - handset battery ts low. ~ You’re out of range or the base GENERAL PRODUCT CARE ____.__—.—-—-——- To keep your telephone working and looking good, iollow these guidelines ~ Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or lluorescent lamps) ~ Do NOT ekpose to direct sunlight or moisture ~ Avoid dropping and other rough treatment to the phone. ~ Clean with a solt cloth - Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this WIlI damage the tinish - Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date. SERVICE ll trouble is experlenced wtih this equipment, ror repair or warranty irtlormatlon, please contact customer servlce at moo-aortas It the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equlpment until the problem is resolved This product may be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents Changes or modifications not expressly approved by ATLINKS USA, Inc, could void the user‘s authority to operate U1IS product For instructions on now to obtain service. reler to the warranty included in this guide or call customer service at 141004454329 Or refer inquiries to. ATLINKS USA, Inc Manager. Consumer Relations P 0 Box 1976 lndianapolls, IN 45206 Attach your sales receipt to the booklet tor tuture reference or JD! down the date this product was purchased or received as a gIIL This inlormation thI be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period. Purchase date Name of slots __—__—__ INTERFERENCE INFORMATION This device complies with Pan 15 or the rCC Rules Operawn is subiect to the lollowvtg two conditions. tllThis device may not cause hannlul interierence, and (lehis device must accept any interlerenee received, including interlerence that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and round to comply with the IImII-S lora Class a digital device, pursuant to Part l5 at the FCC Rulesrhese Ilrrllts are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmlul iriterterenee in a residential installation, This equipment generates. uses. and can radiate radio lreouency energy and, l not installed and used In accordance wllh the lnS‘fufltonS, may cause harmlul interference to radio communications However, there ls no guarantee that interference wrll not occur in a particular installation ll tnts equipment doas cause harmtul Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interlerence by one or more or the tollowrng measures: ‘ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for radio or television that is "recetvlng" the interference). a Reonent or relocate and increase the separation between the telecomrwnlcallons equlpmenl and receiving antenna. ~ Connect the telecommunicaiioivs equipment into an outlet on a circuit dillerent lrom mat to which the recoivmg antenna is comected. ll these measures do not eliminate the inlerlerence. please consult your dealer or an experienced radloltelevlslort technician tor additional suggestions, Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared a helptul booklet "l—lowTo Identify and Resolve Radiorw lnterlerence Problems“ This booklet is available «mm the U 5. Government Printing orlice,Washington, 0.0 20:02. Please spectly stock number act-0004103454 when ordering copies. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment, This equipment should be installed and operated with a mininum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter." LIMITED WARRANTY What your warranty covers: , Detects in materials or workmanship For how long alter your purchase: one year. trorn date or purchase. (The warranty period tor rental units begins With the first rental or 45 days rrorn date or shipment to the rental nrrn. whichever comes first.) What we will do: ~ Provide you with a new or. at our option, a returbished unitThe exchange unit ls under warranty tor the remainder of the original product's wananty period How you get serv'tu: . Properly paok your unit, include any cables. etcti which were originally provided with the product,We recommend using the original canon and padting materials “Prool of purchase in the lorm or a bill at sale or receipted invoice which is evidence that the product is Within the warranty period, must be presented to obtain warranty Sen/Ice." For rental lirms. prool ol lirst rental is also required Also print your name and address and a description of the detect Send via standard uPs or its equivalent to: ATLINKS USA, Inc. cInThomwn 11721 a Alameda Ave. Soon-roman 79927 Pay any onarges billed to you by the Exchange Center tor service not covered by the warranty. - Insure your shipment tor loss or damage ATLINKS accepts no liability in case or damage or loss. - A new or relurbished unit will be shipped to you lreight prepatd. What your warranty does riotoover: ~ Customer instruction. titourOwner's Manual provides inlormation regarding operating instructions and user controls Any additional inlormation, should tie obtained from your dealer.) r Installation and setup service adjustments ~ Batterles. ~ Damage lrorn misuse or neglect. Products which have been modified or incorporated into other products. . Products purdiaseo or serwcod outside the USA. A Acts or nature, such as but not limited to lightning damage Product Registratton: r Please complete and mail the Product Reglslratton Card packed With your unit it will make it easier to contact you should it ever be necessary The return or the card is not required lor warranty coverage Limitation omen-my: ~ THE WARRANTV STATED ABOVE lsTHE ONLV WARRANTV APPLICABLETOTHIS PRODUCT ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITV OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE} ARE HEREBV DlScLAlMED. NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BV ATLINKS USA, INC.. ITS AGENTS, UR EMPLDVEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTV OR IN ANY WAY INCREASETHE SCOPE OFTHISWARRANTV ~ REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDERTHISWARRANTV ISTHE EXCLUSIVE REMEDV DFTHE CONSUMER. ATLINKS USA, lNC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROMTHE USE OFTHIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANV EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTV ON THIS PRODUCT THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTV ARE GOVERNED BYTHE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, EXCEPTTOTHE EXTENT PROHIBITED BV APPLICABLE LAW, ANV IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ONTHIS PRODUCT IS LIMITEDTOTHE APPLICABLE WARRANTV PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. How suta I-iw males to this warranty: a Some states do not allow the excluslon nor limitation ol incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or excluslons may not apply to you. - This warranty gives you specilic legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary lrom state to state It you purchased your product outside die USA: ~ This warranty does not apply Contact your dealer lor warranty inlormation «r § ACCESSORY ORDER FORM DESCRIPTNH MODEM“), ”WP QTY. TOIAL Behclip Headset Repmmnmmry mm mly To order. call 14004314115 (hr accessories orny) or complete [ms order (mm. For men can vllflllies Vour complete charge nerd number us explrallcn am am! your srgmrure are necessary to process an charge card orders Cupy your complete account number lrom your VISA card EEEDEEDEEDEED My card exprres [ED] Copy your complete accoum number Irom your Mlslev on M nimm. [EDIDIDDID copy me numhev aooye ynur name an me mam cud. [DID My card exprres [DID Authorlzed Signature Wm“ m mum to charm wnnwl mfioer Total Mefmandlse. . Sa‘es Tax we an wine by law In cnllecnm imprint am In Imam Immfllul m. cum]. all! rmmyu, which n mam-main Is n-zrrg sunl- uswlsA r. Mum llama Dix-m! mum, Mm uflu 11 mar mm b- in; My any. vb can or can. All mnwies an mfiefi m wilhhililvaum app|icl wlmll yup . sup-yang mu. Shippmg/Handling” 3 55.00 Mall order lurm and money omer or check (m u s currency} mm payable loThnmsan la Tom Amount Enausem mum Mail Mn nepanmun m nu ma nor-ks, PM151W|§ NameA ,*_._._.__f AddYeSS/ Apl any {isms up Dzyume Phone Nun-hm )__._.__7 we.“ mm sumthat this him I!“ been filled out cumplately.
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