Thomson >
MARS TECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" ATLINKS USA/25838XXX-A (Base Unit) EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H2-5 838A Marstech Reporl N0. 24005D 5.8 GHZ CallWaiting Caller ID CordlessTeIephone User's Guide 56 We bung gaad things to life pm. .nunmm n applmud lm cawn‘mn n, n. mu wa- mm. anmk and n; ... mnn nzewwhparu n ....1 mm: m; annquulflmmanflmefimmnl mm mlnudurlelewhnnz Yzml nannmm mun-n oyncu | «mm v- m nan-q»...- any... on me mm o: ‘ ...-Ann.” n a land ...non-ng, Jimmy mm mm», us nomw am! nnnyny znnnmnn‘. mm" xnsm on m zqmnmm Van monopo- mmn. pwvlde no nnomnnn mu." mew-me hm‘W v... nm E uselul m dmermmmglm numbEV on Name) you my wnnecl m yam-nun," nmno mu We all annmowmmnn when wulmwnnncnumhnr mun; n .non um rum am m2: mm mm: m. m4; mall “wines mnm nnenn. moms not swam 5 Yobecuum nllmnumhfl m new-my“ my comma lnynuvlmu u Enelmlnen In mzREN. ynn s‘muldmlmyunvlucalxelznhunz mmpanv n on arm ..a my! ... any.“ .ns mummlnl n, m wmxu wllmu and mm“ Hawk mm! meN wnn. “man. we Fall u mlu mdlmulummlxwm own-Ann Awmuhanudwnune mm m mud“ ow .s mun-1nd wum II": mud-m \- ns diner-ed m o, nun-mags m x mm. modular rm vnvx n alxnwnm on. s" nnnn‘mn-n Innslm nun Mom . m numpmmmmav mine-um on Law woe Dlwnlnfl hymzwlenhmewmumv . nn mun submmnmu nhxandlhwvimzwaumwnmbnhl ounyumwnmwhune mum mam you. an = my m chm w-Ilv V014! om .nnpnon-w-npm . n on mun be 3mmlalhemznfiflnemmpanyupnn rm...” dwmnmun nvymn .nupymymm yo." ..., ~ Uvoumumzhusuwallvwn mm mm mm. omn ylwralum wulumml nym. n». nil-mum w alaun mum”. mun vow Izlzphuu mmwflvm a quzllfild ".an 2 mm m! nan-rm. Can-law snomn wu- «mo-nun cm. mu. nn yum n. mm min ...-m nunmnnn. mm. m- mono-.- mum mm nw'v Wu "Mummy «1 nnnnm a mm. may be on...“ Wm", M mmm‘unoex mnam m "momma lelruhrmz Dov-MY may .zmwmwyammomnnmnmmm |,mun-mnmmm M. m wan-WY my van ul 5am .c vary “mm.“ (11 um Wu .nn uDllM-nnilvw mun nn inhuman ,..n m mic-m m mm .. n . mum {MM Mmlsxlon mm m prawn!” m {arm .n snap-n i of by! on PC: n . n. mm mu “non“ (umanvmay mm mam-s .n llx mmurlswlums'wlma, aqmumemy Wailmni .n ”mama my. w. .mm n team-n! n "n mm“ m n; ...,nm m .n. mmbsmvmh Kc ma inn Mandamus mm; mm,“ .n, mm m mm m: m av ptflmnamz ur val" Id-nnum ampmem we yaw-e many m w. w» Mme um mum-gun 4mm .n m-Vlim mmumm mm‘ HEARING Am COMPATIBILITY !HAC! mm pnunesmtmmnflccuawalfismvNnnnqhdMn-(MW us "mm IS memo omns awn wrroM my woman IS mcuzn DMNE mun norm mums USA. Inc. mwm mm s 91 Monelzsxaa lmlunapoll w 45190 16233730 (my DDnmE) mooumm usMn; wrua Tvadumavkks) a) Hegwsmved Prmlzd m Chm: Mavmls) nnomuaats) INTRODUCTION CAUTION Wlmn “on; lelephoneequipm mm an ham “(My lstmflmnx um >huuld alwan be lnllwcd. Rplbr m lhr IMPORTANT 5mm INSTRUCTIONS pmvhhzd wnh mu pmdurl and we men. [or funny: refmnce You Call Wailmg cane: ID phone flares and dwsplnys lpeclfi: mlormuon, prevlded by youv local (eliphana company, lo subscnhm a! Callel ID or slmllav caller idemlllcnlon ssh/mes. Yew Call Wuilmg Callev ID phone snahlss you lo: - IuonMy callers [More you answu in: phoney - Vlrw In: time and data a! each nnconnng call. - Record up m to Calla! u: messaqes uqusnnally. . Know who called wmle you were .way Yo gel the most Imm ynuv new phune, we sngges‘ max you lake 3 law mmules "am now lo read lhmuqh this user's guide IMPORTANT: ln nrdcr m um ..u of me mum anon win you mun mmrrlhe m mum (he xundard Name/Number Caller m Servnu or cm Walung Caller In Some. To knnw whn n mllmp wl‘llb ynn are rm (lm plnnn vnu mm! ‘nmcribu ID Call Walung Caller ID Serving IMPORTANT: Becauw cordIl-ss phom operm on oll-rrrlrh v you mould haw a( lean one pnonn in your home lhdl lvl'l “mum on “w mp pone. in you. home goex cm mama” Maelszsgsszma " WARNINGITO ' ‘ ' ' m " PREVENT FIRE OR VMANEIEISA BACKI Nnusin wAanG mu gum-m,“ SHOCK wnnnwssmn ssnwrumwlmswsms nmnnnvuum HAZARD, DO NOT Amnnnynu or win sznwcwfi m oununzn sums Expusgyms vomcrlnsml mvwmn AcchvArMNE PRODUCT TD RAIN M ”m” m mum on MOISTURE monum wsvnucllnns hIk/(zllbnk indicamr lilk/uflblck humm- cmv , CmVOL l-J bum“ VOL ( “Julio“ fnrnm Imam: "d“ “W“ hndplmmjatk Jul/chin onuon .nnn- hulmn mm | mm “7 "‘ flash/pmghullm ~ (xi! lmmm r paufir lmuon pxge bunnn FCC 1D G9H2-5838A Marslcch Kepml Nov Z4005D EXHIBIT A(l) BEFORE You BEGIN PARTS CHECKLIST Make sure your package Includes rne rlerne shown here U {or M W narlery helm-p Harlem Llneuwd ACpower (nmplflllmlnl bunny rrmyerrur» dour Wallplare TELEPHONE JACK REQUlREMENTS Tu use has phone, you near: an RJMC rype modular relepnone leek, wlneh rmgm look a rhe one plclured here. lns'llled rn Modular your name ll you dan'l have e modular jack,eall your lacel lelcl-lmne phone company ro find out how lo per one lnslillefi, lumr'uk DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEM Vour eoruleaa phone user a orgrral seerrnly sysrem ro proreel agamsl lalxe rlnplnp, unaurlrorrreu mesa. and merges ro your phone lrne. When you place rne hanorel in rhe lane, rhe unil yer‘llies Its securrry code. Aller power ourage or hanery replacemenl, you should place rhe handsel in lhe base lor ahmfl zu seconds lo resel lhe eooe INSTALLATION NOTE- some rarrllosr Idoplwnc; upcralc al Imqlwnclm lhal mny rmlw‘ mun ll rnrc re nlrllrhy TVs mlrrowavc ovl‘m, and Why To lnlrlimiu or- pruvcnl surn l 01 (mm, I)": hmn- or llre tonne.“ relepnonc rhoulo nor hr» pl IIleI Oran rap OI a TV, llllcmwavc ovens, ol vclr lrauan rnlerlerence rurrrlnrrrrs, rnnyr» lhv rOIdII-sx lclcplmnc fallllel away lranr Ihosn appllanres On our. nlhrl (Olnlllunlcmlon‘ (in 5 may also mo llw 5 14 Glh flvqunnry (nr ullllmunlmllon. and, rrnnr pmp vw, these ram-es may lrllcflcrc wlllr (nth arm. and/u! yuurvluw mk-phmw: "you me cun;(-ln(\| wllh mr (cm-um. pleae relorre llwnwm-r' nrral luI I‘ll-w duv », rm haw lo pmpefly m rhanm-k m avnld mulrh-mnm Typrml dwlmlhfl rmyrru» rho 5 ll GI I: Vlwhwrvry fur(mrlmumrm|nn l"r|llth’wl1\"c\\ audlu/vldL-O vandals lulu-It“ (Dmpumr nclwmk‘, mulrl ha. ldyel males mluplmm which“, and wllm lun lee culdlese lulephmw sysrems INSTALLATION IMPORTANT INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ' Avoid sources a! noise and heal, sud’l as ”101015, flumescem lighting, mmlowave ovens. neaung appllances and oireer sunlighl. - Ayala areas ul Excessive dusI. moisrure and law remperalure - Ayolo orlrer cordless Ielephnnei or personal mmmners ~ Neyerrnsrell lelephane wrnnp pump a lrplrrmno smml. . Never rnsrell lelephpne jacks in wer Incallons unless llre leer ls specifically desrgneo lor ml localluns - Never roudr nomlnsularerl relephpne wrres ol rerminals. unlosslherelephone line has been orseonneoreo al llre nerwark lrrrerIaee. . Use eaurron when rnsrallmq or moorlylng relepnane llnes INSTALLlNG THE PHONE l Choose an area near an alacIl‘lceI ourler and a relepnone wall jack (RJHC), and place youreordlesslelepnone on a level sunaee, sun as a desklop or rehlarop, or you may maunr rl on llre well. 1 lnsrall lhe nanoser hanerv CAUTION To red rh k en file or wrmml e only 145 hlr— ls ronrperlole wllh llllI NOTE» lel ml rurrrrerr llre lranuser barrery be-film rho NOTE: Inna Imnmul hallcry pmk rs nor nerallou or properly 10mm ml lnsrue lhz‘ hnIIcrv Lolflpflrllnvlll, I“? hands“ Illrph'lys “NO IM7TER)’,“ whml (he, halltlwr ls on no. haw "Milo - Plug llre henery pack cald inlo the lack locared lrlside rne pallery companmenl, then place rhe hanery pack rnsrae the hellery eompanmenl - Pur llre hmery compenmem duur lraok an. 3 Plug one end 0! llre lelephone llne card inro lheTEL LlNE law on me laadr ol rhe base and llre olher end rnlo a modular luck. 4 Ser rhe RINGER swrrcn (on llre handsel) lo ON 5 Plug lhe Ac power convarrer rnlo lhe eleclllcil ourler end rhe DC eonnecror lnlo rhe jArJr on lhe haul ol lhe base. 5 Place lhe handser in rhe pese ereoIeJhe sharpenn use lndwalor mm; on, yerrlyrng rhe hanery u chargrnp 7. Allow llre phone ro ararpe lor 12 hours prlor ro liru use. ll you oon-l properly charge the phone, oaherv performance rs eompromrseo, CAUTION: Uxt only lhe ATLINKS USA, Im 52529 (gray) Or szsul (blarkl power- Ionvel'mr lhm Lmnc wlrh llrn unll Uslngolhvr nuwur rmworwr; may rlnrnnpr- rho rrnlr NOTE : Thu phone K rhrpped rn rnnn rllr'lllng mrldt: from rho llvlmlhtllll‘rr WALL MOUNTING NOTE For hrs! msulls. thargr- lne [phone on a llar (urhcv More you rnnunr u on llre wall 1 sllp the mounring holes (on rhe back ol rhe nasal ouerlhe wall plale posls. and slide Ilre unrr down inlo place. |Wall plere no eluuod l 2 Place rhe lranrlsel on lhe base eraole. SET UP There are lour proprammaple menus ayarlaple- Language, Area Code, nganolla, ano Default Selllng During programming, you may press lne flesh/prop burrorr al any lrme lo 90 lo llre nexr opliun.Tc exil lne menu, keep llre preyrous sewing and rerum (a rlre sranrloy maoe, press rhe “nxll bullml DISPLAY LANGUAGE 1. Press the llashlprog bullon umrl >1ENGZFRA JESP shuws rn lhe orsplay. TENG is lhe oeleulr. 2. Use rrre CIDVGL l— or pl punon all me mum-tulle pad on me handseno enrer vnur seleerlcrn 3. Press hash/prop apern lo save LOCAL AREA CODE 1, Press rhe, «ash/prop bullun unrll AREA mus , , eshows rn lhe dlsplav , ~ lr rhe uelaull. 2 Use lhe louunane pad on llre handset lo efller your lhree urgll area code. 3. Press fiashlprog again lo save NOTE: “you make a misrake press ihe dcl/cliari huiiori K) claw a wlang iiuirrhcr RINGER TONE l Press rhe ilashlprog oulrcn unlil iilNGEliroh/E r lsnowr ln ihe display. 1 is me delauIL 2 Use ihe CID VOL I» or el hunon or ihe iouch—lone pad on ihe hundsei io scroll lo 7, 7, or: a. Press hash/proo lo save DEEADLT SETTING 1 Press ihe lluhlprog pullon uniil DEFAULT > No shows in lhe dlsplevi N0 is ihe delauli 2, Use ihe ClD-VOL (7 or e) oullon on me handsel ro scroll Io YES or No. 3 Press llashlproplo save Vou will heara conlirmaiion ione CORDLESS PHONE BAsIcs CHARGE/ IN USE INDICATOR The phone is ON when ihe indicaror on ihe handsei and ihe diargenn use indicalor on the pass islithe handsel and case indicalorsllash when you receive a call. ANSWERING A CALL l When ihe phone rings. pick up lha handser and press the lam/callback huiion, 2, When finished, press ihe Ialklcallback human or place ihe handsai on ihe oase cradle ia hang up MAKING A CALL 1 Pick up ihe handse' and press ihe lalkleallhaok buiion, Wan lor ihe dial lonerhe call limer srans counlinp minuies and seconds in ihe display, 1. Dial a relephene number 3. When finlshed, press The Talk/Callback hlmon agaln or place the hands“ on tile base cradle Io hang up. PRE-DIALINC 1 Male sure ihe phone is OFF lnol lnTALK model 2, Dial a ielcpnpne numoer (ihe number you dial shows rrr ine display). NOTE: "you make, a niisialre dmling rlie nuniher, uy‘ IN: del/l han honor. in haulispare and erase ihe wmng number. and enier ihe col-red numhr-i 3. Press ihe rallilcallpadi pinion on rhe handser,Ihe numoer aurornailcally dials and ihe call iirner slans counlinp ihe mipuies and seconds in me display. a When linisncd. press ihe rallr/callhadr huucn again to hang up ( NOTE 1 Van nny mltm up iii 32 ylml I dlglu ) REDIAL While rhe phone is ON linl‘ALK model, press ihe redial ounon ro redial ihe lasi numher you dialed (up lo 32 digllsl OR. While lhe phone Is OFF |ln siandhy model. press ihe redial Dunn" and ihen lhe lalk/ callhadi bullon In redial lno lasr number, FLASH Use ihe flash/Drag bunon io acllvaie cuslom calling semioes such as call wailing, which are availaole ihmupn your local phone company, TIP: Dill iisc lhi- hulk/callback billion In atlhldte Luslurrr calling services such CHANNEL BUTTON While ralking on ihc phone ll may be necessary lor ou Io manually change rhe channel lo improve recepuen and reduce noise or slallc on me line, Press and release ihe deI/chan ouiiori io move io ihe nexl clear drannel EXIT Press ihe ‘exll ouilon lo cancel any command you iniiiaied FINDING THE HANDSET Thls fearing helvs locale a mlsplacnd handsel. Press lhc pape bullon on ihe hase.Ihe handsel oeeps coniinuously lor aheul z minuies uniil you press iha ialli/callhaok billion on ihe handsei or his page hunon on ihe lease NOT llo mayrrlllnag hehaniherwhenilroiingcr on RINGER SWITCH sel ihe FINGER swirch on rhe handseI io choose lhe ling level oi rhe handsel.Vou may mouse on or OFF, VOLUME When ihe phone ls on (lrlTALK model press In. CID-VOL l» or sr oulion Io adiusl lhc lisieriino level choose from lour volume seninps. Vol 1 is ihe lowesi volume and VOL 4 is ihe ohesl volume. MUTE Use mule during a phone conversaliun lo spnk pllvalzlv and olHlne wirh a mud puny. I. Press iha niura ouuon. MUTE shows in ihe display. The pany on ihe reispnona Will nor heir you. 2 Press ihe muie hunch when finished CALLER ID gCIDl This unii receives and displays inlormaiion iranaminad by your local phone company I niorniaiion can includc lhe phone number. dale, and lime; or the name, phonc number, dale, and lime.The unil can slore up in 40 calls lor larar review Tlrue Dare Number of all: mean. 1/3/30 on M 0 317-555-1234 FRED PAGE Caller ID pliruie nuurper Caflcr ID name CALL WAITING CALLER ID Prcwdcd you subscribe io Call Wailrnp Caller ID service Irom your phone company, you are able io see who Is calling while you are on ihe phone whcn you hearine call wailing laeep.The caller idcnlificaiion inlormaiiori appears in rne display ahcr you near lhe lone, When you hear me call wailing been in ihe haiidser receiver, press ihe llasn/prop ouuon lo pui ihe aurrenr call on hold and answer rhe Inmmlng call IMPORTANT: In order lo um uiiu's Caller ID learuri-s. you niusr iuoiri-ine (I) either inc sinndard Name/Number Cans-I ID Sewire or Call Warring Caller “J Source. In kmrw whn is (aflmfl wllllc yini are on (hr pholic. ynii innrl subscribe lo Call Walling ("allei ID Sandie RECEIVING AND STORING CID RECORDS When you receive a call, ihe inlcrmarion is nansrniired by (h: phone company In your Caller ID lelephone heeween ihe firsl and second ring. When lne memory is lull. a new call auromal‘ically replaces rhe oldesi call in memnry. NEWappaars in rhe display lor calls received lhar have nor been reviewed, ( NOTE. ) herlr wulr yirur local phone roirrpariy regarding nanre service availahil REVIEWING CID RECORDS As calls are received and siored, rhe display Is updared in lel you know how many calls have been received. - Press lhe CID-VOL H m scroll lhrouoh lhe call records lrom rho mosl reooni io ihe oldesi, - Press me (mum l») to scroll rhrouph me call records horn ine oldesriorhe newesr TRANSFERRING CALLER ID RECORDS lN MEMORY Make sure the phone is OFF tin standby mode), . Press the CID~VOL t- or +] button to scroll to the desired caller to. a Press the memory button. me.‘ . Press a number key to . at to store the number in that memory |ocalion.You will hear a confirmation tone. NOTE: It it important that you tor mat the taller ID records correctly uetore stnrlng in rtlernorv. it is not possible to re-l’urmat raller ID records stored ltt mommy To REPLACE AN OLD MEMORY WITH A NEW CID RECORD: t. Repeat steps I through 3 inTranslerrtng Caller lD Records in Memory. Altar entering the memory loeatien, REPLACE MEltrorshews in the display. 2. Press the memory button again, and the new cu) record replacas the old memory in that locationNou will hear a confirmation tone. DELETrNG THE CURRENT CID RECORD 1. Make sure the phone is OFF lnot inTALK medal. 2. Use the CID~VOL t» or ti button to scroll to the desired record, 3. Frost dot/chanrho diaplay snows DELETE CALL to? 4. Press (tel/chart again to erase the record and the next Caller ID record shows in tho display. You will hear a oohrirmation tone DELETING ALL CID RECORDS 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK model, 2, Use the CID»VOL l» or 0] button to display any Caller ID record. 3. Press and held the del/ohan outton until DELETEALmhowa in the display, 4. Press del/cl'larl again to erase all records. You will hear a confirmation lone.The display shows N0 CALLS, DIALING A CALLER ID NUMBER 1. Make sure the phone is OFF [not inTALK mode), 2. Use the CIDvVOL t- or 4] button to display the desired record, 3. Press talk/callbackae number dials automatlcally. CHANGING THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FORMAT The lormat button lots you change the format of the displayed telephone number. The available formats are as follows. elephone number, 3rdi9i| area code + 7rdigit telephone number. long distance code "1" t 3rdigit area code t 7-digit telephone number. 1. Use the CIDvVOL t- or +] button to scroll to the number you want to call pack. 1. Press talk/callbackThe number dials automatically. NOTE: If the telephone number cannot be dialed. press the format button to adjust the number, and try again, MEMORY Store up to ten 24-digit ifs—character numbers in memory for quidt dialing This memory loature is in addition to the CID memory log. wtlidt stores up to 40 CID records STORING A NAME AND NUMBER IN MEMORY 1. Make sure the phone is OFF inol lnTALK model. 2. Press the memory button. 3. Press tho desired memory location (0 through Si or use ClDrVDL H or ,) to scroll to the desired memory location. NOTE: If the memory lotation is occupied, the memory location number and us contents Show in the dltplay. 4. Press the memory button again.The display shows ENTER NAME. ( NOTE: ltyou don't want to enter the name. step step 5. ) 5 Use me much—lune pee on me nandsei ro tnlsrrne name lup re |5 maraciersl and press me memory bunnn ro says. More rlran one lener ls srored rn eaoi ol rrie numoer keys For example, re enrerme name Erll Sm'lrh, pressure 2 key rwroe lerrne loner B, Press are 4 key 3 limes lor inn lener I Press me 5 key 3 umes lor lne leuer L Wan lor one second Presslhe 5 key mm more second lener L Press rlre 1 key ro rnsen a space perwean me I. and me 3, Press llre 7 key 4 limes for me leuer 5; press me 5 key once (or llre lener M; press ilre 4 key airmes ror rrie leper l, press urea key for me lenerr; press me 4 key noise ror rne lerrer H. o, Press the memnry bulmn lo save rhe name The display shows ENTERTEL NUMBR 7 Use rho loum'lone pad I0 enrer lhb wlephnne number ya“ want to stars (up (a u morrsr. a Press memory agaln m smre rlre numuewou wlII near a confirmarion lone, NOTE lryrnr nmkr‘ ;\ mmske press rne del/(han omron re lea-kspare and ems iln» wrung rlrarerier (I) m numeerrs) CHANGING A STORED NUMEER 1, Repeat steps 1 Inmugh 7 ln Srorlnq a Name and Number m Mammy. 7 Press the memory bullpn, and “REPLACE MEMO?" shows in lhe dlsplav a Press rne memory hullorr ro srore rne numoer you will hear a conlinnarion lone STORING A REDIAL NUMBER 1 Repear sreps i Ihrough s in Slonng e Name and Number in Memory 2. Press rlre redial bunon 3 Press the memory human (0 slure Ine number You will hear a canmmarinn (one, To raplaoe an old number wlrh 3 nm redial number: r. Repeal leDs l mrougn 6 in Siorinp a Name und Numper in Memory 2. Press lhe remal bunnn. 3 Press the memory button. and “REPLACE MEMO?“ shows ln [he dlsplay 4. Press rne memory nunon apaln rc replape me old numoer wrrn me new number. you will near a conrirmarion rone DIALING A STORED NUMBER 1 Make sure (he nhone is ON by pressing Ihe rilk/callhack burrurl 2. Press lhe memory hulton, 1 Press (he memory Iccallon (0—9).Tne number dials auromallcallyr . op . 1. Make sure Iha phonz is OFF (no! inTALK mode) 2, Press ins memory ounon. 3. Use me CID—VOL (v or e) hunon Io Scroll lo Ihn number you wunI Ia dial 4 Press lalk/callbadd The number dlils automallcally, INSERTING A PAUSE IN THE DIALING SEQUENCE OF A STORED NUMBER lr a pause rs needed ro weir lor e diel or amen roris, press me or pause purion lo rnsen a delay in diairng sequence or e srored number iror example, mar you dial 9 ior an ouiside line, or [0 wall ior a compurer access lone) pause snows ln rne drspley as a P, and each pause eounrs as one diglr in me dialing sequence REVIEWING AND DELETING STORED NUMBERS 1 To review flared numbers, press {he memory bimbo, and use me CID-VOL l» Or r) ounen ro scroll lo lne memory \pca|lpn. or press lne eoriespondlno numper key ior a deslud memory locarion Ill-9), 24 When rlie dera shows in me display, press rhe dellcnan ounon.'rlie display snows DELETE? 3 Press dcl/oheri again ro delere rlie dera.rlie display shows DELETED, CHAIN DIALING FROM MEMORY Us: rmsreerure (L) make aallswlrim reouirs a sequence olnumoers, sum as calling 5er cells re a rreduenrly called lonp disranee number. zaen pan el (he seouenee ls dialed lrom memory rne loilowlng Example shows you nowio use main dlaling ro make a call rhrougn a long disranee seryrce The Numoer Fur Merrirrry Ipeaoon Leno drsranoe aeoess number 7 Aurnonzarron code a Freqimrmy called long dislenoe numoer 9 1. Make sure rne plrone rs on (inTALK model 7, Press memory and men press 7. 3 When you near me access lone, press memory and men press ll. 4 AI me nexr access lone, press memory and rnen s “P: Wzm ror rlre cranes; ropes bcfork- pmssmg rlu» m'xr rru-rnor y burn)". or yuul call nugrn nor go inrouplr HEADSET AND BELT CLIP OPERATION CONNECTlNG AN OPTIONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSET For hands free operaliun: r. Remove lhe ruooer eap covering lne neadsei rarsr. 1,Connecrlhe neadser ro lira needserrsdr on (he hindsu1.The handsm receiver is dlsahled when rhe headsel is connecled. Hemmer lark Nr-sdw plug a. Adjusl rlre headser ro resr oomrorraoly on run or your head and over vnur ear Move me microphone ro approximarely rwo lo xhree lnenesrrom your mouth. Shh fwhllrlip 4. Press rlie ralk/calloedr hmmn ori rhe nandsel ro answer a call or rrlakr: cells wrlli llie neadser. 5,111 rerurn ro normal cperarion, unplug rhe headser rrom rlre jadr ATTACIIING TIIE BELT CLIP To anecri me he" clip, insen ihe sides uHhv pelr clip inro rlie slols on each side or rlie handsel, Snap rim and; or lne pelr clip rnro plane CHANGING Tl-IE BATTERY Make sum the relepnune ll OFF (rial MTALK mods) [more you replacs ballervr |. Rzmove lne hanery companmonl door. 2 Dlsconnectme cord arrest-ed lo rlie bellery paok end remove llie banery peek lrom rne nandsel. 3 lnserr me new banery podi and oonneer die cord ro rhe jnok inxiue rne heuery cnmpanmenll 4. Eur rhe ballerv companmenr door haur on. 5 Place nandser in die pese io charge. Allow ilrr hundxu emery lo pnrpnly enam- llirr lzlrounr pieru nui In. prior... yun lnsull . rim purely peck. wri- do no properly mere-lire phnnl,h ny plflarrrurlu will lie comprnrrllufl. CAUTION: “l'rr rerlrrrn mo mk orrlm nr ppmllml lnrirry. use only rne omiery lrsred rilre Insuuulnlr nook NOTE , Irrlrn liendm balu’ly prick u nor inrmllerl m- pr uporly mnnocrm lnsldc me nurery comparrmonr. rhe lronrl. r ursplays “N0 runner.“ whrln rhi- narnlrer n on me rune tndle. BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - Do nor ourn disassemble, murilalo, or puncrure. ere orrier banerles or lhls type, rokrc marerrels could he released wnron cln cause iniury - To reduce lhe risk or lire or personal iriiury, use only me oanerv listed m lhe User's Guide. - keep ornenes our or me learn oi mrldren, . Remove oadsrirs il sroririp oyer an days. NOTE: The RBRC seal cm lhe llnlrely used in your ATIJNKS USA, lm. ploduar lndlcnu‘s nm on are pair pallllg in a prugmm lo lollccr aml recyck Nickel Cadmium hallrnm mrnugnoul rho Unllcd Srores Pleasi- ml! 1—50“ x BA’TFERV for inlm'nmhun or a non you! local rl-nyl-lmgrr-num DISPLAY MESSAGES the lollowmg messages snow Ihe slalus ollne phone or help you ser up and use your pnona. INCOMPLEIE Caller lrrlorrnalron ls Inlenupled during vansmissinn or DAIA lhe phone line is excessively nulsvy ENTER NAME Prompl lellrng you in enler a name lor une ol me in memory locauons. DELETE ALL7 Prompr asking il you wani lo elue all Caller ID recoros. DELETE CALL ln7 mept asking ll you wonl lo erase the currenl Caller ln record that IS shown on me display DELETED Promprconllrming a CID record is erased. name: Prompr asking ll you wanl lo erase one olllre lo numbers soared in lhe phone‘s ourgorng memory. END 0; LIST lndrcales lnere rs no addhional inlonnalion in me Caller In memory log. nEw lndlcales call or cells have nol oean raylewad. unxwown Yne incnmmg call is from an area nol serviced by Caller ID or uAMEchLLEnl callar lrllorrnarlon n nor sent NUMBER PAGING Someone is pa "ng ihe handsal lrom lhe base BLOCKED CALI. caller lnlormalion rs bloored lrom rransmrssron, BLOCKED Caller name and number is olodceo lrom lransmlssion. NAME/NUMBER REv‘l‘ Repeal call message, lnclloares ihal a new call from rne some number was received more lhan cube, no DATA No Caller ln mlormallon was received EMPTY lndlcalea a memorylocarlon ls yacanl no CALLS lndlcales no cells have been received MESSAGE lnurcalaa a message is available WAITING OUT of RANGE iiandsea rs loo lar ayvay lrom lna base Mover closer lo ihe oasa. Low sAl'rERv lnorcares lna handsel ballery ls low and needs charprno. UNABLETO DIAL ln les mo CID or memory conienis cannol be dialed UNABLETO stall: PRESSYALK KEV lndlcaies lhe cm number is a Direoiory ulsl Number mom and cannoi be lormaned. lndreales lhe ballery ls nor lnsralled or properly connecaed lnsloe ihe banary companmenl. HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS lndicsles ins CID or memory conierus cannoi be siored, NO mmzkv Signal Meaning A long warbllng lone lwuh nngeronl Three shon beeps lseveral lrmasl One oeep every 7 seconds signals an lncomrng call Page signal Low barlery warning TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS CALLER ID SoLunoNs Nu diEDlflV . Fully marge lror l2 hours) or replace lhe ballervs - ll you are using AC leleclrrcall power, make sure ihal ihe unii ls conneaed lo a non- swuored eleoirloal ouilel Unplug ihe Al: power convener lrorn rhe unn and plug il oadr rn. - To see caller lD inlormarlon in your display, you "11151 be subscribed lo Caller ID service rhrough your locol lelephone company Caller ID incomplela ' Th: um! displays lhls message if it damn: anvlhing mher dzka message lhan valid Caller ID inlmmaimn dunng the silent Wrmd xker mu filsl ring "no message indicacas lna prsaanoe ol noise on rhe line TELEPHONE SOLUTIONS No d'lal (one - Ched< or repeal lnslallallon sleps - Make sure lne base power cord is connecreo lo a working oleenical ouller - Make sure ihe rolephone line card is connecieo in ma base unu and ihe modular phone iack’ - Drsconnecl lne bass lrom lrle wall phone lack and oonnecl znamsr phone lo the same yadc ll (here is no dial rona on rhe second phone, rhe problem mlghr tie your wrr‘lng or local serviee - The handsel mrgnl be oul ol range or lna base Move closer lo lne base . Make sureihe namely is properly prlarged (for lz hauls). - Ensure lhe bauery park is inslalleo sorreclly rhe nanosel oeep when you pressed lne talklcallbauk bunon7 nld rhe in use rndlcalor come on7The bonery may need lo ba charged. Dial lone is OK, bur can-l dial oul - Make sure lne landpulsc selling is programmed correcrly Handsel does nol rlng - Make sure rhe FINGER swoch on me nanosel ls lumed lo on - roll may have roo many enenilon phones on your IlnesTrV unplugging some ononas . See solulloni lol ~llo olal mnef‘ charge/in use rnoloaror on ma bare llasnei - Provided your phone company ollers voica messaging service and you subscribe lo ll, ine chargenn use rndlcalor on lhe bare llaehsr when ma phone ls nor in use lo indieale more is a message walling. ll nops lluenlng aller ihe message has been reviewed. Phone won'l dial our wun pulse semen - Make surelhe phone rsln pulse dlallrlends Von experience sialic. nolse. pr ladlno m and our - Change channels - The nanosel maybe our ol range Moye clnxev lo lhe base - Relocalslhe one a charge ihe banery. - Make sure base ls nor plugged lnlo an elem-cal ouller wrlh anolnar household appliance. unu beeps a Place handsel in base cradle for 20 seconds lo reser ihe securlry eode ll lhal doean'l work, charge lha bauery lor 12 hours - Seesolullonslor‘Nofliullunef’ ' Replace me hullerv. Memory dialing - Make aura you correcrly program lne memory locailon keys, - Make sure you lollow lrla proper dillirlg sequence. - You mun reprogram numbers uuo memory aller a power oulage or oanery replacemenll Our or range . Move closer lo rhe pase - Rsser lhe pallery. Unplug The pauery and plug il in again arler fiw: aecouds. - Resellh- power supply. Unplug lhe supply and plug il in again arler five seconds CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION . Aluminum siding. - Toll packing on insularion - Healing duels and panel meral conslrucrion can shield radio signals. - you're loo close lo appliances such as microwaves, sloyes. Commuters, elc. . Almospnenc condmuns, such as sllong slorrns . Base is inslalled in lne pasemenr erlower lloor pllhe house. . Base is plugged inlo an Ac ouller iiinlu orher elerrronic devices - Eapy moniior is using rne Same lreguency . liandsel panery is low . You're our ol range orrne oaae. GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To keep your releplione wnrklng and loplring good. loIluw rhese guidelines. . Ayoid pulling lne phone near healing appliances and devlces lhal generare eleclrlcal noise llor example, molors or fluorescenr lampsl. ~ DO NOT expose lo direa sunlighl or moislure . Ayoid dropping and olher rough "ealmemm lha phone . clean wilh a soil clolh - Never use a slrong cleaning aganl or abrasive powder pecaueolhiswlll damage rlie linish ~ Relain lue original Dackaglng in Case you need ro shiprhe phone al a laler dare. SERVICE ll irouole is experienced wiln lhis eo pmenr, lor repair or wananly inlprmalion, please Conlacl cusmmer Eewlc: M I-BDMALGZZS ll lhe equlnmerll is Causing harm lo rnelelephone neruork, inelelephone company may reduasllhar you diaconnecl lne equnpmtnl ml The problem ls resulvud. rhis producl may be serviced only by me manulaclurer or us eurhorired service agenls cnanges or mod-hearious nor expressly approyed pyATLlNKs USA. In: could yoid rho uszl's aurnoury ro operare rhis produel For lnslruumns on how rd Oblalrl seryice. relar lo rho warranlyincluded minis guide or cell cusrorner seryice al LBW-4434329 0T mlerlnnulrlss Tor ATLINKS USA, Inc. Manager, Consumer Relarions P D BDx l976 lndianapolis. W 46205 Anach your sales receipr lo lue poollel lor lumre relarenoa or lol dawn llre dale «nil produel was purrhased or reeeiyed as a nl‘LThIS inlorrnarion will be valuable ll soryiee should be reouircd during The warranry period. Purchase dale Name ohlore INTERFERENCE INFORMATION This devlce Camplles wllh Pan l5 0' the FCC Rules Operatmn ls subject 11) The lOIIowlrlg [we condlnons: llllhls device may nu! Cause harm'ullrller'ererlce;ar1d(2l This device musl accepr any inlerlerenoe received, including inlarleranee lhal may cause undesired operariuu This euulpmern has been lesled and iound lo comply wuh lhe limila lor a class B digiral device, pursuanl lo Parl15 or 1he FCC Rulesrhese limils are designed in provide reasonable proleciion againsr harmlul iurellerenee in a residential luslollalion. Thls equlpmenl generales. nut, and can radiile radio fienuenflv energy and. if m)! iusralled and used in accordance wirn rne inslruelions. may cause nannlul inrerlarenca ro radio aprnrnuniealions. However, «here is no guaranlea lnal mlerlerence will nor occur in a pan-cular Installation llrhis oouipmeni does cause harmlul mlerlarencalo radio orlaleyinon receDIioni which can lac delennined by iorrung rhc couipmanr on and on. ma user is encouraged ro rry lo correct ihe inierlerencc by one or more ol ihe rollowmg measures - Reorienr ul reloeale lhe recoiyiug anrenna llhal la, rhe anrenna lor radio or lolevisleu lhai is 'recalving" me lurerlereueel ' Reorlenl or relocate and Increase (he separallon hmwezn Ihe |elecommunlcallons eouipnienl and reeeiinng anlenna. - Connecl rheleleoommuulcallons aqulpmem mlo an curler on a circuil diiieraul lrorn llial m which ihe receiving anrenna is couuecled. ll ruesa measures do nor eliminale rue inrerleieuce. please eonsull your dealer or an experlanczd radiohelev lecunician lor addilional suggeslions. Also, rlie Federal Communicalions Commission has prepared a helplul pookler, “HDwTD ldemny and Resolve Radio/Iv lnrerlerenee Problems."Thlx poollel is auailaple horn rho Urs. Geyernmenl Priming unice.Wesnmglon. ac. 20402. Please speeily siocl number ammo-muse when ordering cDuizs LIMITED WARRANTY When your weperny covers: . De'ens in melerials nrworkmanshlp. VDT how long All“ your much-u: - One year, from dale oi purelrase. (The warrimv period lor renral unus beglns wirn lhe lirsl renlal or 45 days lrorri dale or shipmenl lo rue renral urm, urnicneyer comes first.) Whit we wi do: . Pym/ids you wrrh a new or, ar our pplion, a ralurpiahed unicrne exchange unn is under warranly lor In: remainder of die original producrs warramy period. How you gel service: - Properly padl your unir. Include any caoles, era. whioi wen: originally ploy-lied wirli rne produci.We recommend using rne original canon and padring rnarerials - "Proolol pulmase inrlie larm pl a Hill or sale or raeeiprad irryolea which is evidence rhar lhe producl is wilhln me warraury period, muar be preaenled 1p oplain warraury service." For raulal llrms. prool or llrsr renral ls also required. Also orlnl your name and address aud a descripliorl oflhe defect. Send uia slendard UPS or he eguiualeur lo: ATLINKs usA, lue. do Thomson 11711 B Alameda Au SoeorroJoilas 73927 . Pay any charges oilled ro you by me Exoiiange Cenrar lor seryice nor covered by (he warranly. . Insure your shipmenl lor ll"! or damage ATLlNKS aeeeprs no lialuliry in case or damage or loss, . A new or relurpislied uuil will be shipped lo you lreighr prepaid w1iel your warmly rim nolaoyer: . ouslomer insrrucrion. (rour Owner's Manual preyides informarion regarding operalmg lrlslrucllnns and user cherIs. Any addnienal inlormauon, should be oolaincd Ironi your dcalcrl . Irisldllallan and selup service adjuslmenli. - Galleries. - Damageirom misuse or ueglecl. - Producls whioi have been married or incorporared iriro orner producls . Producls purchased or serviced oulside lhe USA, ~ ACIs efrialure, such as bur nol limired X0 lighluing damage. Product Registration: ~ Please complele and mail rhe Fromm Regisnanion Card packed wnh your unlL lr will make ll easier to canlau vml should I! ever In necessary The remm or the card It nor required lor warranly coverage. laiieu olWauar-tiu - THEWARRANTV STATED ABOVE lSTllE GNU/WARRANTY APPLICABLETDTHIS PRODUCT ALL OTHERWARRANTlEs, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED llNCLUDlNG ALL lMPLlEDWARRANTlES UF MERCHANTABILITV OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREEy DlsCLAlMED N0 VERBAL on WRl‘l’TEN lNFORMATION GlVEN By ATLINKS USA, lNC., ITS AGENTS. on EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTV OR in ANVWAV lNCREASETHE SCOPE OETRlswrlRRANw . REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDERTHISWARRANTV ISTHE ExcluslvE REMEDY OFTHE CONSUMER, ATLINKS USA, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR lNClDEN‘TAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROMTNE USE OETlllS PRODUCT OR ARlslNG OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANV EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTV ONTHlS PRODUC'TTHIS DISCLAIMER OEWARRANTIES AND LIMrTEDWARRANTV ARE GOVERNED BVTHE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF lNDlANAi EXCEPTTOTHE EXTENT PROHIBITED RV APPLICABLE LAW, ANY lM PLlEDWARRANTv OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ONTHIS PRODUCT IS LlMlTEDToTHE APPLICABLEWARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE How sma law relates (a this wamulv: - Some states do not allow the exclusion nor limitation ol incidemal cur consequential damages, or limilalinns on how long an implied warrantv lasts so [he abuvo limliaiions or exclusions may not apply m yclus - This warroruy gives you specific legal riglus, and you also may have ouror rioms that Va'v horn stale [0 slate If you pumhusod your product outside m USA: ~ This warrsruy does noi apply. Col-“act your dealer for warranty inlormaiiorlv ACCESSORY ORDER FORM nzscnlrnnn MunEL mi. PREP an mm 5in clip 51m (gray) $162! (bills) “as "and“! 51m (wniul 5-an lhllckl was iluplao- nm hmsry 5-250 5-75“ $14.55 Pow" cnmmev 5451! (ulfll 515m [la nlll $15.51! To order, call FWD-338413” "or accessmies only] or complete lhis order lurms Fnl Andi! uni unions Vour oumpluie charge cam uumuor, us expiratlan dam and your signalure are necessary In | pracess all charge card orders | Cupv your mmplete aclxwrli number from yourvlsAcaru. I ICEDDZDEEDEED My card urn-res. III] | Copy your oomnlets accnuni number from your um can or Dist-run. I EEEDDIDDIDDID l Couy me numb" nbovs your name on ll’lE M- -r cm, I ICED My can! sxoirss: ' DID Authorized Signature ‘rrlux u. whim-unna- will-mum" | Total Merchandise Sales Tax l u......r.,,.u,..y "rum“,uuro...““our. | “moon-mo... ilu win or llnlu Call a mrmuurlruhly Mun o lcunlrltl mum-ai- lull-[W Whnu - Shippmngandling Total Amoum Enclose Mail oroor him and monay oldev or filed (in us. culvencvl moo, paylbln loTthson In: mom. Mnil ordnvnlp|mnum no. mm union-7mm; Noms “armor Apt cily _____sme ZIP uoyii o Phone Numbsrl lt— PI-lse maka sun that this lnrm has boon fillld out completely CUSTOMER: cur ALONG DOYTED LINE, ><
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